Can you feel it? Like a revving engine sending vibrations through the air, making your chest throb with its lovely bass sound…it is coming! Do not be alarmed or frightened, dear child, it will not hurt you. The strength and power of this incoming shift within a shift is cause for celebration. Some of you may not think of these shifts as fun, but this one may prove to be very different from the last few. It is time to get out your building blocks in preparation of building your castles! Yes, dreams do come true! ~ Creator
Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner
Ashian: Greetings and blessings to all who resonate with these words.We wish to bring forth a transmission of love, of freedom, of acknowledgement of your Divine power.
It’s already within you. The 5D crystalline consciousness is already within you. It starts with you. You are the seed. You are the germination. You are the fulfillment of the Mother’s plan for Gaia.
You are already there in the fulfillment of the Mother’s Divine Plan.
What you observe is a direct reflection of your inner journey.
Dear Jennifer, you have spoken of the process of death and grief with your Father’s transition; with him, a part of you died, too.
Every death that you experience on the Earth plane changes you. It offers you the opportunity to expand beyond that part of who you were, and make new space for who you are becoming. It is a part of the cycle of the renewal of humanity, and never has this process been more rich, more ripe, more blessed than in this Now.
As each of you strips away all that no longer serves you, in terms of labels, identities, attachments, belongings, relationships, locations… you dissolve the 3D matrix within you.
As the 3D matrix within is dissolved, the 5D matrix emerges from within. Your dual torus spin intensifies within, carrying out a very subtle, delicate clearing pattern, to assist you as you emerge into your 5D self.
Caterpillars have the luxury of a cocoon in which to transform: you are transforming in real time, in real life.
You transform as you work, sleep, breathe, eat, love, commute, blow up…and calm down. It is a constant process now.
As the process deepens within you, you begin to witness the signs of it externally: the 5D becomes visible around you. First it is seen in tiny fragments, and as you increase your ability to hold the higher vibration, to hold your truth, to be in peace with all that flows around you, you will effortlessly maintain that vibration around you.
But here is the caveat! This cannot be done through effort. This is a process of deep surrender to the perfection of all that is, to your life, to your character, to the life and characters around you…to the perfection of the Divine Mother’s tapestry of life.
Acceptance of What Is opens the door to surrender, to trusting the higher plan, the higher plane. When you open into acceptance and surrender, you move into compassion which is an aspect of Divine Love. It is a finer vibration of love that embodies the 5D codes.
So welcome your life! Use the moments of joy to notice and nurture peace within; use the moments of friction to notice and nurture acceptance and compassion within. The raging storm is as perfect as the balmy breeze.
Jennifer: Goodness, you were on a roll there. I didn’t get a word in! I love it, that’s really helpful.
A: We are delighted to be of assistance to you all. You are bright, shining stars, each and EVERY one of you. We applaud you in this unprecedented time. We are with you all, call on us if we may be of comfort and support.
Divine Mother: My beloved sparks of eternal creation, I am over-joyed to be here with you in this moment.
You realise there isn’t one thought that I am unaware of, much less the energy ~ from anger and despair to joy and hope ~ that is embedded in your prayers/conversations/rants with me! I am here…with you…in every now moment. I am present…always.
What you experience as the vapours of hope, the frustration, anxiety and despair, are actually the flames that are burning off the 3D. It is pure energy, unbridled energy, focused on leaving behind the old. Believe it or not, your emotions are burning away the 3D dross.
You have come so far. You think that you cannot take any more. You think your patience has been exhausted time and again. You are the strongest of the strong. Now is the Present: you are in the unveiling, the revealing. Surely you are starting to see it now?
Jennifer: Hello! I don’t normally interrupt your channels, but …! So many people write to me about their exhaustion, with lives in free fall, overwhelmed by emotions of pain, feeling unable to move, and confused. What can you say that’s practical, helpful, not just ‘cheering on the troops?’
Divine Mother: Your honesty creates freedom. How many of those who write to you are willing to express their honesty? How many are willing to speak their truth to those around them ~ and in this case, I do not mean world truths. I mean Personal Truths. How many of you are creating uncertainty, anxiety, fear, rage and helplessness as a way of avoiding difficult conversations?
J: It’s like you know me!
DM: I may! I may just know you all. And I would very gently share this with you: most of you have new layers to explore.
By this I mean, you cannot bring anything with you into your crystalline reality that is not aligned with your highest truth. You do not have to be perfect. You do, however, have to take actions and move towards your highest visions. You are seldom as powerless as you make yourselves out to be.
Sometimes, you are looking for the path, thinking ‘I will do/say/be X when I see the pathway through.’
This is 3D thinking: first solution, then action.
It’s the other way: Take action. Then the pathway will be revealed.
As you leave behind the 3D remnants of your identities and lives, you move into your creative divine force.
Pathways are not created for you, they are created by you; by your actions. By your thoughts on the subject, by your words.
You are no longer spiritual children. You are masters. In Mastery you step forward; you do not need to see the path, you trust the journey.
Each one of you has a direct connection to the Divine within you. It’s your imagination. It’s your intuition. It is the subtle signs that reveal themselves right in front of you, nudging you to take the next step and the next.
By all means, get support by talking to others who are like-minded. However, talk is not a substitute for action when you know that action must be taken. This is your moment to truly hone your skills, to trust your intuition and to follow through.
J: I hate to say it, but that really applies in my life. I totally get what you’re saying. It’s easier to moan about how hard it is rather than take courageous action aligned with what I know to be true. It’s because it’s so scary to move outside the comfort zones we created when we ‘jumped ship’ on the 3D.
DM: It is. But you cannot take anything of the old with you. It will slow you down and injure you much more if you try to bring it with you: it is like building a 5D mansion on the foundation of a 3D ruin.
Yes, you are being purged of everything that no longer serves you. Yes, it is deeply painful, uncomfortable, even disorientating.
I gently suggest you face that pain, discomfort and disorientation.
You can’t outrun it.
No solar flash will dissolve it for you.
You are called to take action. You are called to live in complete alignment with your Personal Truth.
Following your intuition, wherever it takes you, is standing in your mastery. It is not just claiming your ascension, but embodying your ascended, 5D self. Ascension isn’t just physical; it’s a mindset, it’s a strength of character, it’s a commitment to exploring and expressing the Divine within in all its guises … not just the aspects that you like.
Ascension is an unflinching commitment to the Truth of You; Your Personal Truth.
Your life so far has prepared you for your life now, your Divine knowing of You…now.
You are never alone. We are always with you, seen and unseen. Ask for our help, allow us to work with you as you move through these last vapours of the old world programming within.
Ashian: Greetings to all who resonate with these words.
Jennifer: Indeed…
A: We sense you are unimpressed…!
J: You could say that. I don’t want to … oh sod it! What the heck is going on with the energies? I thought it would get easier after the inner death, as you so eloquently termed it.
It’s not. It’s harder. It’s as though our soul essence is being squeezed in a long, protracted inner death. Of course, that’s not everyone. I speak only for the people who are struggling as I am.
A: Blessings to you dear ones. Take a moment to breathe. You are not alone, nor are you lost, nor did you turn a wrong corner or make a mistake.
This is indeed an ‘Inner Squeeze’. Those of you who experienced the inner death last week are now going through your metamorphosis period. As many of you will be aware, your DNA is linked to your Akashic records: every lifetime is encoded in your DNA, so that you will feel ‘pulled’ towards living out your karmic and dharmic paths in each lifetime. It is your DNA that guides you and creates the mental, emotional and physical templates that structure your lives.
Those of you who died to the karmic wheel you embarked upon, as star seeds and light workers, are now experiencing the effect and affect of your DNA being purged of all old information. Your karma has come to resolution, so balance has been experienced and the ‘ledger’, so to speak, is zeroed out. You can no longer continue with the old templates and structures in place, as they do not reflect the truth of you.
You are being updated on every level.
That is not simply a spiritual process. It is mental, emotional and physical. You are experiencing this, are you not?
J: Actually, yes. I’m having a lot of changes on all levels right now. So you might be right.
A: We might be!
J: Funny man!
A: We try! Humour matters. It creates ease where there is awkwardness and discomfort. Do not underestimate the power of laughter in any form.
To return to our – possibly right! – point, star seeds and light workers are up-leveling massively. You are stepping into new lives. Big changes will occur for many of you over the next 3 – 6 months in terms of work, home, family, relationships.
You cannot up-level and expect everything to stay the same. Some elements will remain in your lives, other aspects of your lives must be left behind, because they are not in complete alignment with your truth, your essence, your mission, your vibration.
Indeed, you already know much of what does not align with you. You have heard and felt the nudging of Spirit, the daydreams and ideas, the ‘what-ifs’… those are your signs.
Where you are free and open to follow these nudges, you will experience flow. Where you are not, where you resist, the energy will eject you from the aspect/s of your life that are no longer aligned with your resonance.
J: Great. I mean, I’m all for seeing life as a great adventure rather than a steady decline into old age and death (oops, that’s a bit bleak, sorry). However, we aren’t islands. We have families, responsibilities … many of us can’t just up and go, in whatever aspect of life. What say you in your infinite wisdom?
A: You are feisty today!
J: I may be! I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m not the only one here negotiating difficult changes, with people who have no desire to change.
A: That may well be your finest indication of a required change. There is no getting through the next year without massive change.
Those who resist will have a much harder time on all levels. Those of you who are eager for the flow are the way showers; you are modeling the movement of change. Every community, every family has way showers, people who have always trodden the path less traveled; that will never be more pronounced than in the coming year.
What we would suggest to enhance your comfort is to take time to really tune into the silence within, and allow Truth to bubble up. Notice what dreams come, images… words … song lines … poems … colours … feelings … emerge from within.
Then take time to sit with these insights, this collage from your Higher Self. Allow yourself to feel deeper into the essence of each morsel of inner truth. Ask for synchronicity, for signs and symbols to reassure you of the truth you already know in your heart. You know your path.
Then ask for assistance in implementing these changes: speak with those you trust first. Those in fear will counsel the status quo, but that is not your path. Your path dissolves the status quo.
Trust that you are guided and protected in all ways.
J: I shall try.
A: Ascending to crystalline bodies, from 3D to 5D, is not easy. It was never advertised as being easy. But if you are here now, then you’ve got this. Trust the labour pains of your Aquarian birthing. It will not last too much longer.
J: Thank you. I shall keep you posted!
A: We look forward to it. We are here in service to you all.
My beloved sparks of light, aspects of the Divine Self in form, I greet you with great joy and celebration. You have turned the tide. The apex of the storm has passed. Now, let us unpack that statement a little more.
I do not mean that in the morning everything is different. Every jewel you have ever discovered within yourself was the result of a dark night of the soul. You had to burn off the ideas of the ego-mind to arrive at a spiritual truth.
You know that all Divine gifts arrive wrapped in a challenge: so too, the Golden Age. The energy of your triumph is here. The dark has been defeated, they cannot win.
You have been overshadowed for your entire life; your psychic, mental, emotional and physical energy was sucked from you. You wonder why you feel tired, lethargic, uninspired, even helpless and hopeless: this was one of the great reasons.
You are now overlit. The negative forces are vanquished. You will feel the lightness begin to rise within. You will feel a sense of freedom and flow that is unexpected: the gentle emergence of hopefulness and optimism.
For decades, people spoke of a pole flip: that shift has occurred, but it wasn’t from North to South – it was from negative polarisation to positive polarisation.
Your dedication to dissolving the darkness in your own life ~ to understanding the challenges you experienced were the keys to unlocking the exact wisdom and insight you required ~ is now being rewarded.
The time of those who place greed above people is over. This dawning is not just the new lunar year, nor the new solar year, but it is the dawn of a new age: the Golden Age.
You, my precious army of Light workers, will be amazed at how your efforts and projects will begin to succeed almost miraculously, with minimal effort, in a way you have never known before.
You Light workers will bear witness to how easy and graceful life can be. You have done the inner work, so your energy clearly matches the higher vibrations of the light. You are in the flow. You are the flow. This is Your Time.
And so I must also return you to the packaging of this Golden gift ~ the outer wrapping of challenges. Light workers have been dedicated and determined in dealing with their challenges, in healing every wound and healing their broken hearts with love and compassion for all.
Those who have not yet done the work must first deal with their challenges, their blind spots, their biases and their emotional wounds; all in order to reveal the great treasures inside and outside them. This is why so many Light workers have incarnated as great listeners, as teachers, as healers ~ even if this is not how you see yourself, you might have glimpsed the healing impact you have , because others have noted it ~ and now they will seek you out.
Every community has Light workers who incarnated within it for this moment; every family has ‘an odd ball’ who incarnated for this moment. You are my embodiments, shining my love for all to feel.
Call on me, whenever you feel overwhelmed or confused. You have been here for me, your work has created this great new dawn.
I am always here for You.
For Light workers, the unwrapping of the Golden Age, the grounding and manifesting of its energies will have some challenges, but you are and you have more than enough to succeed in this moment.
For those beloved aspects of me who came here with the agreement to only awaken in this now moment, there is a lot to assimilate. Their challenges are many, their learning curve is exceptionally steep.
My love is here to guide you all, assisting in every moment. Remember to call upon me:
I Am You and You Are Me. We are One.
Note: I want to draw your attention to a post from Narendra Mishra, The Divine Mother is Real, that shows how the Golden Age is manifesting now.
The ‘curtain’ between the spiritual world and the physical world is exceptionally thin, and those of us who have eyes to see will, indeed, see. The post is an invitation to us all. Trust the miracles that will become much more frequent. Trust your divinity. In previous ages we were told the ‘Gods’ walked among us, now not only are they walking among us now, they are inviting us to realise our divinity, to realise we are God, and to release that divine spark within.
Jennifer Crokaert ~ St Germaine: The Lovers’ Archetype
Jennifer invited me to share my thoughts on the New Dawn in relationships. As you and Gaia enter the final throes of birthing the Golden Age, you will experience constriction in every area of your life where you are resisting the changes that need to evolve through you. It cannot be otherwise. How can you expand if you are contracted, if your energy is held back, if you are living with someone with whom you are not aligned?
You are moving into the age of expansion, so any area of your life where you are living in a contracted state will become intolerable, because you will be forced to change if you have not do so voluntarily. Nowhere is this more scary than in your intimate relationship; if you have had the courage to sense the lack of alignment, to honour that discord and to speak it, I salute you. You are a bold and free thinker indeed. You have the passion of the Lovers.
If you feel something is not right, if you are holding back because you yearn for something deeper, truer, more aligned with who you are, I salute you, because you are on your path. It is path of exploration, bring curiosity to your path’s evolution, for this will allow more creative expression to flow through your intimate relationships.
You have been, for the most part, clearing karmic relationships. As the karmic cycles move into completion, those relationships are no longer required. They no longer have the energy or the spark to keep them going. You will know if your karma is done and the relationship no longer serves both of your highest good when there is no spark, no reason to stay together beyond excuses like ‘the children,’ ‘the house,’ ‘the finances,’ ‘the friends,’ what ‘the others’ will say…
You have chosen, at a soul level, to enter a relationship that ends at this time, knowing all the ways that it would impact your life in advance. Be gentle with yourself, with those around you, have courage. You are worthy of a life of expansion and fulfillment.
Now, to the uplifting news! The Lovers’ archetype is sweeping your planet, bringing through a fresh, vibrant, passionate energy which will only grow and expand. These new relationships, or enriched relationships ~ for not all relationships will end, many will be renewed and rejuvenated ~ are more alive, vibrant and fulfilling.
The energy of birth and rejuvenation flooding Gaia is bringing passion and light to an aspect of life that was once ruled by duty, commerce and contract; yet another aspect of the inverted matrix. With aligned energies come aligned relationships: the imaginings of a deeper love that you have cherished in your heart were the murmurings of your Higher Self reminding of you of how a fulfilled relationship would feel for you.
You are worthy of being loved, valued, prized, beheld… Along with the great changes you will see in every aspect of human life, you will see a renaissance of love, not guided by form or duty, but as an expanded, enhanced expression of who you Are.
Consider the energy of the sun, the energy of creation, the energy of the Divine Mother Father One. It is a wildly expansive, tender, nourishing, supportive, creative, healing, sacred energy that uplifts and inspires; it is the energy of transformation. By tapping into this energy in your life, regardless of whether or not you are in a relationship, you can align with the Lovers’ Archetype energy that is flooding Gaia now. Let it flood you, too: be swept up in the dynamism and vibrancy of this creative energy of Love.
Ashian: Greetings and blessings to all who resonate with these words.
Jennifer: Hello! How are you? Actually, are you ever anything other than ‘good!’
A: Hello dear hearts! Indeed we exist on a spectrum of ‘good,’ as you call it. We are continually aligned to our inner source, our lived experience of Divine Love, and this is unchanging for us. What changes is what ‘flavour’ of love that we experience in different moments, for we too are going through an expansion process, moving into higher vibrations and experiences of love, just like you.
J: What is that like? Is your crew, your family, all over the place, like we are on Gaia? Is there division? Or is there just more and more peace? How do you experience Ascension?
A: We are not ridding ourselves of negative karma and simultaneously ridding ourselves of a dark, inverted matrix, so it is easier! It is more like the expanding sense of excitement that children experience before Christmas, combined with deeper experiences of Divine love, synchronicity, peace, inspiration, creativity…
J: So almost the opposite of us at present!
A: Yes and no. You are invited to move into those vibrations whenever they come to mind, you are invited to place your focus on any positive vibration in any moment, regardless of what is happening around you.
J: Oh! I have an example of that! I was on the wrong end of another woman’s road rage the other day; I wondered what I had done to co-create the event, even as I felt my ‘righteous’ anger rising within me. I chose to leave go the ideas of ‘my attraction’ or her ‘error,’ and I focused on sending her love and light ~ with a big dose of Violet Flame energy! She instantly calmed down.
A: You are living in unsettled times; the woman in question is not actually prone to such outbursts and found herself confused by how she had acted. But the energy of change is whooshing through every structure, every thought, every relationship, every pattern of behaviour, every cell… It is… unsettling. There is a feeling, a lived knowingness, that all is not how it has always been, even if one can’t put their finger on what exactly is different, if they have not been paying attention.
This gnawing, unsettled, slightly detached current of emotion runs through every aspect of life at present. It has to be so. It is like tilling the soil before planting seeds: the old must be turned over, displaced, so that energy ~ light, air, water ~ can move through it. You are in preparation for a great and, dare we say, dramatic ’tilling.’
J: Oh dear… don’t say dramatic! I mean, it’s great because we are looking forward to ‘the changeover,’ but I can already feel people seizing up, tensing, worrying what ‘dramatic’ will actually mean for them in their lives.
A: Do you think we use this word carelessly?
J: ehhh… now that you say it, no. I see where you are going with this.
A: Yes! We are care-full in what we convey, because we understand the importance of words and vibrations. We use the word dramatic, to prepare, to remind, light workers and love holders to expect the unexpected, to be surprised, to be taken off guard and to feel thrown. We understand that our words cannot prevent those experiences, but they can prepare you for those experiences.
How many of you resonating with these words have a personal ‘Vibrational First Aid Kit?’ Do you know what are the thoughts that always uplift you? The two activities that invariably make you feel better? The friend who helps you see the bigger perspective, thereby raising you out of feelings of victimhood and overwhelm? The rituals that ease your soul? The meal that nourishes your heart and your body?
This is what we suggest you begin compiling for yourself, a Vibrational First Aid Kit, so you have tried and tested remedies for stress, soul weariness, shock and burn-out at your fingertips.
We use the word dramatic so you are prepared, not scared. In all of this, you are never alone, for we are wrapping each of you in our love, we are beaming our love into every structure, every rivet, every pore… There has never been more love flooding your planet than there is now, but from us and ~ more importantly ~ from you because you are the authors of this play, whether you realise it or not. So own your power, dream your creations, and find what uplifts you most.
J: Yes, that is an excellent point.
A: Thank you!
J: Ha! Seriously, thank you. I think I need to reflect a little more on what I chose to put in mine, because I get the feeling from what you say, you want us to have these supports at the front of our mind, so we can remember them as and when we need them, rather than spending a few days flailing around, feeling lost and depressed, for whatever reason.
A: Yes! That is exactly it. We embrace you all in our love.
Jennifer: Welcome Divine Mother. I wanted to ask you about an unusual occurrence that I experienced last night.
Divine Mother: Welcome and blessings to you all, it is a joy to have the opportunity to connect with each one of you. When you open to my words, my vibration, and allow that energy flow through you, you flood your nervous system with my vibrations of peace, love and gentleness.
J: That was lovely, I had not thought of it like that before: when we read a channel, we are inviting that being not only to share their wisdom and insight, but the healing of their vibration.
DM: Yes! That is why we value the opportunities offered by meditation, by heart-felt conversations with us (or prayer, if you prefer that) or through channels, whether they are music, art, dance, words…
Now, you wished to discuss what happened last night, and it is important, so let us begin.
J: Yes, I was lying awake in the middle of the night, wondering what I should do next with my life as we go through this great transition. What is my highest calling? What practical steps should I take now? Where am I resisting these? I think you know those answers better than I do!
In the flurry of thoughts, I realised with clarity that all I need do is raise my vibration. I was gifted a Prife wand, and the feeling I have after using that is like the rise in vibration after a deep meditation. As I thought about that vibration, I felt the energies about me change, as though energy streamers were circling through and around me, relaxing me, expanding me. I became aware of an intense physical sensation (pain would be too strong a word) in the area described as the High Heart chakra, about 4 inches (8 cm) above the Heart chakra.
The energy concentrated there, as if it were drilling, for a long time. It was intense, but my body was so relaxed, I didn’t resist it. After a very long time, the ‘drilling’ sensation reached my back. Having been awake for hours, I soon fell asleep. Care to comment?!
DM: I would be delighted to comment! You, my beloved light workers and love holders, have undertaken to embody love on Gaia in the time of greatest darkness. Part of the distortion of the overarching darkness was a distortion of love.
It was clear that humans are wired for love, a wide, expansive divine love. However, to diminish its potency, love was downgraded to a romantic love that could be short-lived at best, and familial love, for your children, your parents, those close to you. They were distorted by notions of duty, martyrdom, piety and self-sacrfice over milennia, in order to further diminish your Divine Power and creative expression.
The vast expansiveness of Divine Love was watered down so much that the chakra expression of higher, less personalised love, became dormant. As the vibration on Gaia rises rapidly now, that chakra, along with others that are more subtle, are coming back online, re-energised and ready to assist your divine expression as you enter more subtle energies.
As your Ascension moment draws near, your more subtle chakras will become stronger and more powerful, as you access ‘new’ talents, abilities and understandings, all filtered into you through these subtle chakras and anchored within you by these subtle chakras. You see how powerful they are? Why closing down the subtle chakras was so important?
J: I do. So has this only come online now within me? Forgive me, I was hoping it had happened a long time ago ~ says she with no arrogance whatsoever!
DM: Not at all! They have been activated in many, many light workers and love holders. You might like to consider this an upgrade! You are aware of all the third eye / sinus headaches you have been getting, this is the same. A lot of work is carried out when you are sleeping, when you are in expanded states of contentment, bliss, joy ~ another incentive to choose your happiness over obligation and fear! As you take greater leaps of expansion, the reactivation and refinement process goes deeper, so you feel it more. Plus, you are also becoming more sensitive to your own energy fields, increasing how much you perceive as well.
J: Wow! That’s all rather exciting. So, I have to ask, can you tell me anything about solar flashes? Ascension moments? I appreciate dates are a ‘no-go’ on your side…and the word ‘soon’ is a no-go on our side!
DM: Then I revert to our standard response! Time is not the trip-switch; vibration is the trip-switch. Focusing on dates distracts you from the real focus: your inner work. That work need not be heavy. You are invited to create as much peace, happiness, contentment, joy and love in your life as you can possibly squeeze into every hour.
Yes, that is hard. The matrix is formed to keep you small, disempowered and fearful. Becoming optimistic, creating your own moments of happiness…these are acts of revolution. This is how to bring down the system from the inside: you choose love over fear, expansion over contraction, gentleness over pride, anger, stress, impatience…
You are not novices at this. You know what to do. I am just reaffirming your knowing and your commitment. The deeper you go into your own joy, the deeper you go ‘behind enemy lines’ to borrow a war term. And you all know that you are in a war against the darkness right now. It takes courage to move against the crowd, it takes courage to choose the light when everyone else wants to discuss the darkness. I know that. I see each one of you reading these words living courageously every day.
Precisely. You light workers and love holders are doing an astounding service, and very soon you will see this energy rise through every part of your lives; like a pheonix, born anew out of the ashes of seeming failure.
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: Contraction and Expansion
Ashian: Greetings and blessings to all who resonate with this message.
Jennifer: Hello to you too! I hope you don’t mind, but I called on you because I wondered if you could speak on the subject of expansion and contraction.
A: It is always our pleasure to assist the understanding of spiritual truth.
You have been born and raised in a matrix of contraction. Contraction is fear, stress, anxiety, terror, regret… To keep the matrix in place, you have been fed a strict diet of unworthiness, failure, self-denial, false promises and even so-called manifestation tricks. Anything that makes you doubt yourself or feel an iota less than a shining spark of Divine Love is part of the 3D matrix.
Contraction is fuel of the 3D matrix.
You, the light holders and love holders, are moving out of the 3D matrix. Every time you heal an inner wound, every time you accept your mistakes with compassion, every time you choose to be gentle with yourself (harder than being gentle with others for you), you erode the 3D matrix and build the 5D matrix.
Anxious and fearful is not your natural state: you were trained into this way of being.
The 3D is reinforced daily in millions of tiny ways, from interactions with others who are 3D-trained (almost everyone on Gaia) to the institutions that regulate your life: the medical institution, the legal institution, the educational institution, the food and drink institution, the religious institution, the media and social media institution. You will note we have not even mentioned the governmental or the financial institutions, because they are propped up by all the other institutions. So long as you were fearful and constricted, you fueled the 3D.
When you choose trust over fear, peace over stress, patience over rudeness, breath over breathlessness, you erode the distortion and breathe life into Truth.
You are creating the 5D matrix as you crumble the 3D matrix.
Expansion is the fuel of the 5D matrix.
Expansive, peaceful, joyful, loving, trusting: these emotions are your natural state. This is your True Nature. You do not have to train yourself out of the 3D emotions, as ‘training’ is a 3D notion in and of itself, nor do you have to ‘work’ at leaving it go.
Excavating your 5D self is done slowly and patiently, by bringing kindness, compassion and gentleness to yourself every time you bump into fear, anxiety, stress, anger, resentment, jealousy…
There are many therapies that help, and they are most useful. You need to be seen, and by this we do not mean being seen externally, like on social media, that is the negative distortion of seeing, which focuses on the superficial.
Being seen means being beheld. Being seen means loving eyes behold you in your moments of pain and your moments of glory. Being seen recognises you, honours you, the person you are behind the mask.
Your journey through this life can be viewed as a dance between contraction and expansion. When you move into fear, stress and anxiety, you contract; where you move into kindness, patience, tolerance and compassion, you expand into your soul. You create the 5D matrix.
J: That’s brilliant, thank you. I wanted to add what I’ve noticed: that as I work through my own knots and sticking-points, I find that I can exercise greater love and compassion more in some areas of my life than in others. Excavating our divine essence isn’t a linear process.
A: You are right, you can do lots of work in one area, and it takes a while for that loving self to become the stronger voice inside. One day, you will notice that you are calm in a situation that previously catapulted you into contraction. Then, you will notice expansions of self love in one area extend into other areas of your life over time.
J: Yup! That’s exactly my experience. It’s nice to know that expansions in one area flow into other areas of our lives.
A: One insight heals, it releases an old energy of fear, but it does not only heal that one area of your life; it flows through every untrue distortion you hold as ‘truth’ and softens them so that, eventually, the entire facade of ‘who you thought you should be’ dissolves, and the shining truth of who you are emerges.
Your healing frees you to be yourself, and it also frees humanity from the 3D matrix.
J: Quantum entanglement: Change one thing and you change everything!
A: Precisely. You light workers and love holders are doing an astounding service, and very soon you will see this energy rise through every part of your lives; like a pheonix, born anew out of the ashes of seeming failure.
I am overjoyed to be here with you, to have the opportunity to share with you the love that overflows from my heart to yours with every beat of your heart.
You are constantly in my heart, in my awareness.
Your every decision is known and felt by me.
You are cherished. Your sincerity is seen. Your patience. Your forgiveness. Your compassion. Your love. Your generosity. Your every impulse is seen and loved.
You focus on your fears and your shortcomings. I do not. I know that those fearful thoughts, those regrets, shames and embarrassments are illusions from your past; they reflect moments when you were learning the truth of who you Are.
There was perfection in every distortion.
As you move along the path of heart expansion, you will come to understand this too. You will forgive yourself and others, because you will know the perfection in all things.
I do not judge, because I see a picture so wide, so vast, and so intricate that I know its perfection. That does not mean there is no balance and rebalance. Of course there is, but that rebalancing is the fruit of your Higher Self, gently assisting you in expanding beyond a constricted point of view, beyond a misunderstanding of Truth.
So be gentle with yourselves. Be gentle with others. You are all facing your own unique challenges.
And if I may be so bold as to say, the greatest challenge is not justice. The greatest challenge is compassion. Start with you. How gentle are you with yourself? You have been programmed by a brutal society that is at odds with the infinite compassion felt in each and every human heart.
As you reclaim compassion with your gentle self, you de-program the ‘system,’ you bring light to the darkness of fear. Light is infinitely more powerful than darkness. Darkness does not devour light; it is the light that melts darkness. Open a door into a darkened room and watch the light flood in: the darkness disappears, not the light.
Kindness is a revolutionary act of quantum proportions. The Angelics, the Ascended Masters, the Galactics ~ we can work with kindness. We can use it as a springboard for infinite tiny changes that alter the overall balance of light on Gaia.
Be kind to yourself.
Be kindness to others.
Notice the ripple effect.
As you align with compassion and kindness, you give form to the higher dimensions, you ground them in your body, your home, your neighbourhood, your world.
Kindness is the revolutionary act of quantum proportions, because it is kindness that will bring about Heaven on Earth.
Each one of you the ocean in a drop; you are the Divine that you worship. Why do you treat yourselves so harshly? Why are you so hard on yourself when you are kindness embodied to those around you?
My beloveds, it is time to move beyond this distorted matrix programming. The 5D is about service to others, but those of you reading this are already at the 5D level. The distortion is not balancing service to others with service to self.
When you have service to others without service to yourself, you are creating a distortion. When you have them both, you are in alignment with Divine perfection. It is a process, and learning to love yourself can be as hard a challenge as awakening. Every level, every dimension has its challenges; to allow you to grow, to expand into greater consciousness and to experience the enrichment that comes from going ever deeper into the experience of your innate Divinity.
I would like to make it clear, when I speak of service to your self, I am talking about coming from your heart, from the space of loving kindness. Pushing yourself, powering through and being disciplined are favourite distortions of the mind, the idea of control or ‘power over’ ~ even if it is only power over yourself ~ in the old matrix. ‘New year’s resolutions’ are frequently short-lived, because they are based on reigning yourself in and on changing yourself by force rather than through love and through the wisdom of the heart, through expansion rather than contraction.
This distorted matrix has fallen now. Its shadow is there, and you can attach to it if you chose, but why chose the illusion? Why not choose the new path of manifesting your truth with grace and ease?
You are creating the coding for the 5D and beyond, each one of you. You are creating the Ascension templates. How do you want it to look? You’re creating it now by how you are, how you think, how you act. The Universe is intelligent, awake and aware. It is responding to you in every moment. You are now more free than you have been for millennia of your time to create the world as you want it to be.
It has never been more important than it is now to find your joy, to express your pleasure and your delight, to do small things that uplift you ~ however modest they may be. Choosing anything that is in alignment with your love and your joy is a clear demonstration of balanced 5D energy, and it contributes to the well-being of all.
Now, that doesn’t mean that others won’t be annoyed by your choices: they may well be. They will be annoyed to the degree that they are embedded in their ego, in distortions of service, and in the old matrix. You can choose to respectfully decline to conform to their wishes.
Be YOU. Be free of the chains of fear and the shackles of doubt. Allow yourself to step into the version of You that is bubbling inside you.
One step at a time, one decision at a time… align yourself with love, and you are aligned with the highest good. This isn’t always what makes the people around you happiest, and that’s ok…
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Full Moon Brings New Beginnings and Release
The December 7th/8th Full Moon marks the end of a planetary mini-cycle. 2019 was a significant astrological reset, but astrology is not just one cycle, it is cycles within cycles, and with Venus and Mercury in alignment with the Galactic Centre, we are now receiving Galactic codes from Source, through this full moon, that allow us to release the past and consciously create our future.
Though the Cabal will try to hijack this energy, their efforts will backfire. These energies invite us to release ancient personal and ancestral karma, to free us from all that no longer serves us, and to open the gates for abundance of every kind, from more inspiring work to more rewarding relationships and, of course, greater financial abundance.
The video has a short ‘Executive Summary,’ for those of us who are time-pressed, followed by the full conversation where Narendra explains in detail the impact of this notable full moon. While it is more technical than my understanding stretches to, I found it very insightful and rather exciting to know that we are at an astrological pivot point, as this confirmed what I had got in meditation independently.
Now is the time for us to paint our canvas, to clear the old and dream the new into fruition. Join us!
Jennifer: Hello to you too! I have. For the past six weeks, I have felt as though every week has brought one massive emotional blow after another. Each week I think, ‘well, that must be the final one.’ Each week, I’m wrong!
A: There is no ‘final,’ you know that, Dear One, but there is what you would experience as an ‘easing,’ where it is less about clearing the past, and more about embodying the skills and talents of past lives, combined with your higher dimensional skills and talents. These are the codes, the energetics, the super powers you were all born to share.
You are at the tipping point. Remember, for us, a tipping point is not a date, it’s a vibration. It’s the vibration at which humanity, as a whole, are able to hold the vast increase of light, purge the darkness of the past, and embrace the authenticity of who they truly are.
You light workers, have worked long and hard to reach this point. If it were a battle to take a hill, you are just at the top, about to plant your flag. Don’t give up. The view is one you will never forget. Ever. Legions of souls have wished to be here for these moments: You were chosen.
We know so many light workers are annoyed, exhausted, confused. It was meant to be this way. It cannot be otherwise: you had to reach empty so you could be refilled. What happens here has implications for the entire galaxy and far beyond. It was not an easy choice to come here, and an even harder choice to live with, once you realised what the reality of it was. And yet… against almost insurmountable odds, you have vanquished the forces of darkness.
What now? Endure. Prepare yourself for wonderful surprises. Yes, there is darkness that must emerge, but … your magic is about to be reignited. You are on the brink of embodying superhuman skills and knowingness.
Stories of superhumans, superheroes, they are not fantasy. They are priming you, creating synaptic pathways to access unconscious knowingness, when the moment is right, these pathways will illuminate, and you will remember what you had not realised that you had forgotten.
This is the truth of you: Every single one of you is Extraordinary. Each one of you is a specialist, you each have a unique skill set, and you were paired with the location in which you find yourself.
Do you doubt? Surrender. The more you can surrender, the easier your life will become; if you flow with your life rather than forcing yourself, you will allow the Divine spark within you the space to expand and to recreate your life. If you choose to live out of fear, obligation, anger or resentment, you constrict and limit the flow of the Divine spark within you.
It can be terrifying, as if you are jumping without a safety net. Perhaps people will not understand, they will be annoyed… Explorers are never understood by those who will not leave the shores of comfort.
J: Care to tell us more about superhumans?
A: We would be delighted. A superhuman doesn’t have to climb buildings using three fingers, or fly, or move through walls, or sense danger. Superhuman skills begin subtly enough: the intuition to do this or that, to leave a job or take a trip, to call a person or to avoid a confrontation.
Then, as the neural transmitters get used to expanding into 5D consciousness new skills become apparent. Play with, experiment and integrate these skills. Notice how your super skills are enhanced, upgraded versions of your current skills. Then notice that they progress in jump-steps: expand, integrate, expand, integrate… And then they jump again. You get big leaps at certain vibration thresholds.
J: Ah, I had a lot of those when you were co-existing with me.* For me, they were very hard to integrate: it was disconcerting to have speed I never had before, or to suddenly see energies and beings, or to walk between worlds. They sound cool, but it took me years to integrate those experiences.
A: You were an early explorer! You were on your own. Now, there will be groups and clubs where people can meet and learn, share and support each other through these expansions. Light workers will lead the way because they have come with advanced skills, and the global environment will be increasingly supportive of expansion. It will become the focus of social evolution; people’s skills will be valued and honoured, not mocked or trivialised.
J: That’s good to hear. So will it just be healing skills, artistic skills, intuition…
A: It will be all that and so much more. It will evolve in phases that correspond to individual and collective readiness for each level of remembering. That is what you are doing, remembering the completeness, the immensity, the glory of All That Is expressed through Who You Are. You are the ocean in a drop. There are no limits.
J: Thank you
A: It is always our pleasure and our honour to cheer on our sisters and brothers who have their boots on the ground.
*I spent two weeks where Ashian’s consciousness fused with mine, which I recorded in Living with Ashian. You can download the free ebook at
Greetings beloved children, aspects of my Self, embodiments of the Divine Godhead.
Jennifer has brought a topic she wishes to discuss and it is of great importance. Would you like to share your thoughts?
Jennifer: Oh, I wasn’t expecting to speak. OK… I was doing a deep dive on the energy of the October full moon with Narendra*, and it became obvious from the astrology that we are now in the disclosure period, as everyone says. What was unexpected was both of us had the same physical reactions to that energy as we focused in on it: we both felt as though we would be physically sick.
I’ve heard about disclosure so often, but I’ve never felt it, I’ve never had a physical reaction to it. Can you speak about this please and offer insights for everyone, but particularly empaths and sensitives, for the coming period?
Divine Mother: Thank you for this, for sharing how you felt. The disclosure has been described by many as a ‘gut punch,’ but this does not really explain the energy of it. A gut punch leaves you winded, a little disoriented. What you felt was an energy of such overwhelming evil and pain that you were sick to your stomach.
There will be many who will be spontaneously sick, as the disclosure unfolds. The depth and degree of shock, horror, shame and guilt will be so overwhelming for some that they will choose to exit at that point, without warning, but in alignment with their soul contract.
You have understood so much with your minds, but the information has to travel through your bodies. It can’t be a purely intellectual knowing if it is never to be repeated. The horror of this is shared by everyone on Gaia, whether you came to participate in it, ignore it, clean it up or heal it.
The emotional impact will be a rite of passage for humanity. How well you cope with that, how you process it, how your trust in others and institutions is affected, will be your journey. But be aware, there will be unprecedented grace to assist you, but you have to live it first.
Otherwise, it would be possible to go back, and the soul collective decision to never go back has been made. This ‘awakening’ to the reality of life on Gaia will be as painful as the first realisation of individuality, when your soul individuated from the Divine Cosmic Godhead. It will be an unparalleled shock experienced at all levels.
J: That’s such a grim picture.
Divine Mother: It is the reality you came to assist in transmuting; this is why only the strongest of the strong were allowed to come.
Now to your real question: How to cope?
You have become aware that the waves of disgust, revulsion, agony and despair will ripple across the planet as much of humanity awakens to this information for the first time. It will be hard for even seasoned truthers, but for those who did not suspect such evil is possible, it will almost feel soul-destroying.
Here, I wish to discuss how empaths and sensitives can cope, because they will be processing both their own emotions and waves of dark, heavy emotions from the collective grief. This is also true of most children, teens and starseeds. Their energies will be badly effected.
Two Kinds of Response
The most likely first reaction for many will be the need to find immediate comfort: alcohol, drugs, chocolate, smoking, exercise, food, texting, television ~ wherever your wounding manifests is where you will turn for comfort. There’s nothing wrong with that, you will be in such emotional overload; your most primal wounding is likely to manifest strongly at first.
Then, depending on how integrated you have become through your personal work, you will lift out of these more damaging responses and reach towards healthier ways of dealing with trauma. This can include anything that uplifts your heart and distracts your mind, allowing it to come to a quietness that provides some relief. This can include: walking, drawing, reading, yoga, day dreaming, prayer, gardening, meditation, service to others…
Not all of these will be possible, so you will become inventive, you will discover ways to ease your emotional pain that work for you.
But what is important is the following:
These emotions are coming forward to be expressed and released. That means you feel them and allow them to pass, like waves flowing through you. If you hold on to them, you create a dam which is full of internal pressure and has to explode; that won’t help anyone.
So how do you allow these emotions to flow through you?
Breathe: Your body comes into a stress response when you stop breathing, you create stress hormones as your body works out if it should freeze, fight or fly. Take a moment to take a deep breath. Then another. Then a third deep breath. Three deep breaths will go a long way in reclaiming your body from the trauma response.
Relax your body: Your immediate reaction will be to tense your body, this will create a dam, holding the tension within. If you shrug your shoulders and move in any way you want, you allow the emotions to flow through you without holding them.
Gratitude: In your darkest hours, try to find something, anything, that you are grateful for, because that invokes the light, which then creates alchemy, transmuting darkness into light. And you came to be alchemists.
There are many other things you can and will do. My purpose here is to give you simple basics to fall back on when you need it. Remember, we are always with you; and the more you call upon us, knowing we will help and knowing we will show you we are with you through tiny synchronicities, the greater ease and balance you will feel.
When in doubt, go back to basics: breathe. Just breathe. That will give you the space you need, moment by moment.
Remember that the emotions flowing across the globe at this time are not yours to own, keep or process. They are simply to be noticed and released ~ breathe them out.
Empaths and sensitives have the biggest, most expansive hearts. They are led by their hearts. It is their superpower. Now is the time to take all the skills you have gathered, and use that superpower effectively.
We are always with you: angels, archangels, ascended masters, the divine energy in its myraid forms. Calling upon us, talking to us will bring us to you so we can help you with your burden, help you feel better. You may also invoke the silver ray, which I know you have found to be immensely nourishing, nurturing and healing, Jennifer. But imagining any colour flowing through you will assist you.
J: I have one final tip, what I find very helpful is imagining four huge whales around me, protecting me. As soon as I picture them, I feel as though they take my burdens from me, I feel lighter. You could try this with ascended masters or angels, but I use whales for some unknown reason! I know that sounds nuts, but it’s so nuts you may remember to try it, and you may find it works!
Divine Mother: A wonderful illustration of the creative power each one of you have within to find ways of sharing burdens without inflicting them negatively** on others. You will all find your own unique ways, using the techniques that appeal to you.
There are literally countless beings of light amid you on your planet now, assisting you. There are countless more around and within Gaia, and all are focused on assisting you through this last stage of process, prior to Ascension. You are loved. You are adored.***
*I highly recommend Narendra’s blog on these energies and the stunning cloud images he received as confirmation. We will be posting a YouTube video on this topic in the next few days.
** It’s perfectly natural to discuss this, to cry about this, but not to use it as an excuse to hurt another verbally, emotionally, physically or psychically. In this circumstance, it’s best to protect yourself as best you can.
*** During my spiritual expansion last year, I discovered that adored means loved without beginning or end, it is an expression of love we are unfamiliar with on earth, as almost all love is conditional in some way.
Like many of us, I have followed the increasing interest in silver over the past two years, and the last year particularly. I chose to buy some silver and recently had the idea to take the silver out of the box, leave it in the sun to charge it, and meditate with it.
Over the following two days, I learnt much which I wish to share with you. What surprised me first was when I moved into the meditation, I was shown a serene night-time scene; a full, bright moon reflected on a calm sea and the energy of silver infused everything: the moonlight, the water, the silkiness of the moonbeams sliding across the perfectly still sea.
As I watched the scene unfold, I became aware that silver holds the wisdom of the Divine Feminine, of the emotional and spiritual bodies. In fact, it seemed to me that it flows like liquid silk through All That Is.
Silver has a divine consciousness, just as animals, humans, plants and crystals do. There is an intimate connection between the repression of silver and the repression of humanity, such is its importance on our planet. The repression of silver has been purposefully executed in order to actively de-spiritualise humanity and to stop us accessing our spiritual gifts, abilities and divine creative power.
Strangling silver severed humanity’s connection to our spiritual wisdom. By devaluing silver to such a degree, they effectively choked the silver ray, the silver consciousness that flows through all of us, in order to sever our connection to our divinity, our Higher Self. After all, isn’t it a Silver Cord that connects us to our physical body when we travel etherically?
Then I saw that silver is a part of our physical bodies, a part of our DNA, and I was guided to activate the silver aspect of DNA for all humanity. Sadly, my memory is shockingly bad, and I don’t remember what I was guided to do, so I can’t share it with you.
However, if this is of interest to you, I would suggest you ask to be shown how to do this for yourself and for humanity while in meditation. Trust what you are shown. The more of us who ground this by engaging with the silver ray consciousness, the stronger this energy becomes.
Silver is a powerful healer, and and even more powerful gateway to our spiritual wisdom. The increased awareness of silver’s economic value and worth reflects our ascending consciousness.
A friend pointed out to me that ArchAngel Uriel is the ArchAngel for silver, for time and for the divine masculine, and suggested I ask about this in meditation. What came through amazed me even more: I was shown that Gregorian time as we know it is a complete distortion. It is like a strait jacket. It’s a rigid linear grid, that was constructed over presence, flow and beingness in order to box us in and increase stress.
I was told that we have not yet begun to understand how time has been manipulated and folded in upon itself in order to create false timelines, and to distort astrology (and consequently numerology) in an attempt to prevent us from accessing sacred moments of divine creative potential.
No more! That ‘time’ is done.
‘True time’ was shown to me as a spiral, it expands out through us, almost as though we create it collectively. It is organic, flowing, presence. I saw the spiral flow anticlockwise, and honestly, I haven’t even begun to unpack the information I received in that download because it was so dense and so far above my current pay grade!
The straight jacket, or false matrix, imposed on time was also superimposed over the divine masculine and divine feminine, in order to distort, limit and curtail the expression of masculinity and femininity. The divine masculine and feminine energies are present in both men and women inherently, it is our birth right as pure expressions of the Divine.
However, by segmenting and creating limiting concepts of male and female, they created caricatures of men and women, pitting them against each other in an ongoing struggle to be heard, held and valued ~ strong versus weak, emotional versus rational, flighty versus grounded, the list is endless.
This blocked the organic synergy of every human being; we are divinely created to express the divine feminine and divine masculine within, allowing these to arise harmoniously, in the flow of life, creating harmony and balance.
The distortions of male and female stereotypes created by this segmentation of are visible everywhere, especially in our media. They do not arise when the divine feminine and masculine energies are integrated, grounded and expressed through the heart. This is something we are all learning right now: how to balance gentleness and strength, justice and forgiveness, truth and wisdom…
As we integrate these aspects of our Selves, we evolve our consciousness and embody our Higher Selves more clearly ~ which is a vital part of grounding the Ascension energy prior to ‘the Event.’
Since then, I have ‘stumbled’ on a video about the nature of time, and even found I had a silver tincture in my vitamin storage box! Needless to say, I’m taking it! Our journey with the silver wisdom is only just beginning, and I am a real novice in this area; this is simply how it appears to me right now.
The trifold distortion of the divine masculine and divine feminine energies, the construction of rigid time matrix outside our organic flow and how that strangled our spiritual wisdom is my first experience of connecting with this energy and helping to heal it.
Where are you on your journey with silver? Do share it with us below*, because we are in this together, shedding outdated concepts and sharing light together.
Editor’s note ~ It may have been as far back as twenty ago that I had a dream in which I was given the information that colloidal silver would cure my beloved Siamese cat, Fez. At one in the morning, I fired up the computer and found a colloidal silver generator that did, indeed, lead to her getting off Prednisone to live 3 more years to 18.5.
I put the generator away in a cupboard for years…until early on in that magical year of 2020 when it suddenly seemed like a really good idea to have around. As you can imagine, it needed servicing to get working again. Happily, the fellow who builds the generators was still doing his thing, and he was most helpful in getting my unit all good to go and back to me in short order.
Ever since then, my daughter and I have taken a 2 oz. shot of colloidal silver every morning, and we’ve remained healthy and free of the jabs. If you want information about the generator I use, or the benefits of drinking colloidal silver, send a message through our Contact Us and I’ll be happy to share.
*Go to Jennifer’s site to offer your comments ~
J: Ok! You know that begs the question, are you future versions of us?
A: We thought it might!
J: Nothing like jumping in the deep end!
A: This is not the deep end. This is simply an incremental step, one you are ready for now. You have often wondered, Jennifer, if your reality is a holodeck, a vision board. In many ways, there is a lot of truth to that. It is not as solid as you have been led to believe; it has a great deal more plasticity than you might imagine. There is far more scope for you to create your reality than you have been allowed to believe. Your thoughts are powerful beyond your wildest dreams. That’s why they invented television and radio ‘programs,’ to train your thinking in a way that worked against you rather than for you.
We would suggest that time has a far more present quality than you imagine. Your presence is a focalising energy, it focuses energy and creates matter; it creates reality. As you view your reality differently, you create differently. You regain your power to create, to manifest, to use the divine creative power the Divine granted you with, so that you would know yourselves as sparks of the Divine, so to speak.
J: And this relates to you being us how? Without meaning to be rude.
A: Not yet… Patience, Grasshopper!
You are now actively creating and manifesting collectively in a way that has been unknown to you before. This will bring about great changes that align with your visions, values and beliefs. People of different vibrations will create different realities, and they’ll seem at odds with the realities of other groups. That is as it was meant to be; this is a personal experience. This is you manifesting and creating the truth of your expression freely.
You do not all agree on the ideal expression of your reality. There are different visions for that reality, as different groups choose different values and visions that reflect their reality, but not your reality. It can be painful to see this manifest, to see the pain and disappointment, the wounding that some of your loved ones will chose to create.
These are soul choices. They are choosing to experience pain to transcend physically, because they were unable to process that pain at the mental and emotional levels. So now they choose to live through that pain physically in order that they know it, feel it, live it and – ultimately – come to release it.
As your vibration rises, you are able to process emotions, imbalances and woundings at a more subtle level, before they become manifest physically. Your loved ones may choose to ignore what they cannot see, feel and touch, so they manifest it physically to deal with it in a more concrete way. One path is not better or worse than another, there are simply choices for what you wish to experience, and the level of density through which you wish to experience it.
All choices are welcomed, honoured and valued by the Divine, because they are choices. Therefore, they are the sacred creation of each being. They create the tapestry, the journey of each lifetime.
You will not all agree on each others’ choices. You will each imagine you have the ‘right’ solution for others, until you don’t. While you imagine that you know better, you will face sorrow and regret over the choices and manifestations of others. The pain that this creates is also honoured by all of creation, by the Divine expression as an expression of divinity. Allow it to be ~ the creation, the pain. There is no right or wrong, simply the expansion into different spaces of beingness, in order to expand soul expression.
And then you arrive at the point where there is no sorrow and regret for the choices of others, or even for your own choices. You see it all for what it is; the divine tapestry of experience and expansion…a plasmic flow of creativity. But you can’t ‘jump’ the stages, and you can’t pretend or ignore feelings of sadness.
In the coming times, there will be great expressions of grief, regret, anguish and, for some, sheer agony. As light workers, you will have gone through these emotions many times. You will know that they are painful, and better felt than suppressed. That is the gift you have come to share, your experience of painful emotions. Your knowingness that feeling is better than repressing, that there is light and expansion on the other side of darkness and constriction. This is your gift to humanity at this time.
Yet also be aware, you are creators. You can support others with an open spirit, even while you create your sanctuary within and around you. Falling into despair and grief that isn’t yours is a step on the journey, as is moving past this point, to simply honour the experience of others without being triggered by it yourself.
You are here by choice, as a creation of your divine will. You are here to find joy and beauty even while you behold pain and loss. You are here to consciously create from love, while knowing pain is a reality for others. Falling into the pain of others serves no one, but you can choose to do that, in order to learn physically not to do that!
To the Divine, all is perfect. It is simply a question of your choice, and the constant refinement of your choice of experience. We invite you to anchor all that uplifts you; you may do this by going straight to happiness, or you may choose to have a picture that makes you feel joyful and serves as a bridge to the emotion of happy feelings. Use physical anchors to lift you up ~ this is part of the creating and manifesting your world, your reality, your experience.
We are you. We feel you more intimately than you can imagine, because we see the oneness in all creation. We are not blinded by separateness. We honour your every decision, knowing it is perfect in that now moment.
You are loved. You are beloved.
J: Wow! That was a master class at high speed. Maybe tomorrow we can deal with quantum entanglement!
Jennifer: Greetings! After a rather long … hiatus?
Ashian: Greetings! It is our joy to connect with you all whenever the opportunity arises.
J: Yes, well, uhm…. I’m sorry?!
A: Why apologise, beloved heart? We tell you to follow your heart, your intuition, your guidance. If that does not open space for these communications, it’s because they are not of the right vibration to come through. Now is the moment.
J: ‘the moment’? Should I be alarmed?!
A: No more than normal! We have called out to you because we wish to discuss ‘The Last Goodbye.’
J: Yup ~ first instinct was right: I’m alarmed.
A: You brave light workers, you have been doing the work, there is nothing to fear. Rather, consider this the adrenaline of an athlete just before they compete in the Olympics, having trained for this for their entire career. This is your moment, dearest sisters and brothers of the light.
The suppression of the divine feminine is over. It fell ~ in its most external form ~ with the stated passing of the English queen. Much realignment is now to manifest before you. Yes, it may appear choppy; but that is to give you space in an intense process to move forward, then consolidate, move forward then consolidate.
J: Oh, so the goodbye was to her?
A: Oh No! The goodbye is to you. The old versions of you. You are on the cusp of your evolution, your ascension. We are here to invite you to consciously leave behind the old.
By this we mean tie up loose ends. Are there people you wish to speak with? Apologies you wish to make? Forgiveness that calls out to you, either for yourself or to others? Debts you wish to clear?
Even if it’s not possible physically, set the intention to reach a point of closure and release with all of your past. Say what needs to be said – even if it’s in a letter that’s never posted, the energy will reach the person ~ do what you need to do.
Say Goodbye to the old you. Say Goodbye to your old life. Bless it. Thank it for the richness that brought you to this moment. Everything was and is perfect.
You are invited to release all aspects, all ties, all vows, all debts, all karma…. Ask the Divine Mother to assist you as you prepare to give birth to the new You, the higher vibration of You.
Ask that anything that is still outstanding and requires attention be brought to your attention now. Ask for the wisdom and grace to deal with everything as it unfolds before you.
You chose this path, this ascension path, and we are with you all the way.
Our focus is to help you access the knowingness within you, the power dormant within you, the clarity and insight within. Live from within. Have your centre within, then you can never be led astray.
The realignment this period of time offers you is incomprehensible; sages of generations past have searched for the grace and closure you are being offered at this now moment in your time. When you are in the quietness of your self, your Higher Self can reveal itself, sharing with you insights for growth, expansion and release from the past.
You are so incredibly loved and precious. There is not a single hair on any head that is not known and cherished, so how much more your every dream, your every thought is?
When things you have dreamt of in the past have not worked out, it was not a failure on your part. It was because it was not right for you in that moment. Now you are being offered a blank canvas; as much as you can, avoid dragging the muddy weight of past with you. Let it go. Pray for insight in discerning what to take and what to leave behind.
J: In general, do you feel that we light workers have done ‘enough’?
A: That’s a wide ranging question there! Do you want to ask when ‘soon’ is as well?!
J: Don’t tempt me!
A: Your energy is rising, clarity and truth will emerge with speed.
‘Enough’ is an earth-bound concept, it equates with pass and fail. There is no passing and there is no failure; there is simply the joy of the experience and the journey of evolution you sculpted through the choices you made. We invite you to move into flow, the flow of your life, your heart-knowing, your intuition, your creativity. Let go, as and when you choose, of ideas of ‘enough,’ ‘right and wrong,’ they are a distortion of the sacred masculine energy.
The divine feminine truth that underpins your entire society has been desecrated and demonised for millennia; it is about to burst forth. As you support the feminine within, whether you are male or female, as you nurture yourself and expand compassion into every corner of your life, you assist in the freedom of your sisters and brothers of Gaia.
Over time, through your knowingness, you will find your personal balance with your sacred masculine and sacred feminine energies. You will learn when to yield and when to stand firm; when to incubate and when to create; when to move and when to rest, exploring the interplay between doing and being, divine masculine and divine feminine.
J: Goodness, I did not see that coming!
A: We are pleased! We got to surprise you! So if there was one idea we wish for you to hold on to, it is to explore your intuition, your knowingness, and to take decisions based on that inner voice/knowingness/intuition. It will move you out of your old life, out of the limitations of the past and into the expansion of ascension faster than you can imagine.
J: Oh good: I was worried you’d make it something hard to do!
A: We sense your irony.
J: Said he in a deadpan voice!
A: Smile! You are looking for your intuition to be 100% correct, and for decisions made based upon your intuition to always be ‘right.’ They are always right for you, they are always perfect for you, because they are always revealing your truth to you. Trust that journey, it’s your inner map and compass.
Say goodbye to ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ in your judgements about yourself and your past, and move into an exploration of what brings you light and what makes you feel burdened, heavy and sad. Infuse your life with as much light as you can, and you will bring forth the ascension energies faster than you can imagine: you are that powerful.
J: You’re saying evolution and ascension, as we mature into 5D beings, is about experiencing the journey and the creativity of that journey, as we feel called to explore it. But won’t that make us selfish?
A: Not at all, that’s a common distortion. If everyone followed their light, there would be joy and freedom on your planet, not oppression. Everything that was required would emerge effortlessly.
Your journey and sacrifice is about to yield the fruit you have hoped for and the harvest this year will be glorious, because it will be you, your freedom, your divinity in expression.
We are with you, we love you, call on us if we may assist you.
J: Thanks Ashian. That was jam-packed.
A: Nothing new, you know it already dearest hearts.
J: Oh no! I’ve just seen the word ‘hell’ in hello. I never noticed that before: it’s rather dampened my enthusiasm for the word.
A: Which leads up beautifully on to that which we wish to discuss today. Normal: and New Normal.
J: Yes, I just looked it up. Ordinary, or usual. You are saying ‘expected’…
A: Yes, beloved hearts, we wish you to consider what is ‘normal,’ what is expected of you.
The weight of expectancy is heavy on each of your shoulders. You all have some areas of your life where you are still hooked into what is ‘expected,’ and thereby what you consider to be ‘normal.’ These are shackles, weights, chains that bind you.
The concept of normal, expected, ordinary and usual are limits put upon your true expression, your creativity, your authentic self. How many of you are hiding aspects of yourself, from small to large, because you think that part of you is not what is expected? It’s not ‘normal.’
The concept of the new normal would seem to be a distortion, but we suggest you reclaim the seed of the idea.
There are new horizons within each one of you that wish to be expressed and explored.
You are not the old you, and you can never go back: Rejoice in that alone!
You have been freed. You are free to express, explore, experience. You are divine creators, free… Free… FREE… That is your New Normal. That is your liberation and your truth. You are extraordinary. Extra-ordinary.
Normal was used as a word to tie you to a rock; a hardened version of reality defined through limitation. But these limits are dissolving quickly, and each one of you are gifted a particular set of skills, experiences and expressions through which to birth the new, the extra-ordinary.
You know in your hearts where you yearn to grow and express a greater truth of who you are. That is your gift to Ascension and to humanity: to live and breathe the greater version of you that is waiting to be birthed.
Yes, it may take a little courage, perhaps determination, perhaps flexibility, perhaps single-mindedness. Perhaps you will look self-centred. Rejoice! Why should you be other-centred?
Live your life for you. This is not a lesson that can be truly expressed in the richness of its divine interpretation when the ego runs amok and one is obsessed with 3D gain and power.
Living your life for your Self only becomes a divine principal when it is the Higher Self that is expressing itself: when you are in service to your Higher Self, not your ego mind; to Self, not self; to love, not fear.
So embrace the New Normal. Own it. Live it. Love it. It is the expression of what you have worked so hard to experience and it is here now, waiting for you to express your limitlessness, your truth, your full expression.
J: Goodness, that was a rallying channel! Terrifying and liberating at once!
A: Dear Jennifer, there is nothing to terrify. Only the thought of terror. The anger, outrage and upset that pours from those upset by you expressing your higher truth is nothing but the illusion: it is the old programming running thoughtlessly. If the nay-sayers took a moment to reflect deeply, with a wide, compassionate heart, everyone would see the perfection in expressing truth, undistorted by fear.
Do not live quiet lives of desperation; claim your freedom to be you now.
J: Excellent points. I’ve done a lot of work around letting go what others think, but it still lingers a bit.
A: Lingering is dissolving. It’s historic and past. You light workers are the way showers: hold your light high by living your truth, as much as you can, each day.
J: Thanks Ashian. With gratitude and so much love…
Greetings and blessings to you all. We wish to begin with a question: do you feel stuck? Does nothing feel ‘right’ anymore, yet you don’t know where to go or what to do? These are extremely good signs that you are ~ perhaps to your surprise! ~ in your flow.
Do you see the word ‘low’ in flow? Flow in spiritual terms is not linear, it’s not a smooth arc of ascent or evolution; it goes in jumps, in quantum bursts. When you move into an expansion jump, you feel the rightness of it; an inner knowing of your perfection that is subtle, yet perceptible, especially as you move deeper into the ascension process. Your jumps are a release, a sense of expansion within.
When the river meets the sea and knows itself more deeply; it recognises the ‘is-ness’ within that was always present, but could never have described.
After a while, the sea feels restless too, as though there is more and yet it does not know what; it goes through the ‘low’ of an inner knowing, ‘this is not enough, this is not really me, there is something missing.’
The sea meets the ocean and breathes a huge sigh of relief. It has found its home, or so it thinks. After another while, the ocean begins to feel the low, the restlessness, the vague awareness of something stirring. There are no concepts or words to really capture what is missing, yet it feels an intense sense of dislocation, unease, waiting… but for what? Surely it is everything now, it is the ocean.
One moment, out of nowhere, the ocean expands again, it realises it is all water – even lakes and streams that have never connected with it. There is a deep knowing and a feeling of rightness, aliveness and peace. Surely now, its journey is complete.
The low of flow comes again. The water senses there is more, and yet how could there be? This gnawing feeling continues, vague, uneasy, and yet a part of the truth of water, an expression of its fullness of being. There is more.
One moment, out of nowhere, the water realises it is not water: it is Everything. It is land, trees, fish, elephants, vast grasslands and great desserts. Surely this is it? Until, again, the low of flow comes upon it.
Beautiful heart reading these words, feeling this energy, we gently ask: are you feeling the low? Are you feeling small, trapped, uncomfortable and yet not really knowing why? You are in the low of flow. You are in the chrysalis of your evolution from caterpillar to butterfly.
Jennifer is fond of reminding people that the caterpillar doesn’t grow wings: it melts. Then it is recreated in a new form.
Humanity is melting. Those of you who have been through this process before ~ the lightworkers who came here to consciously hold the energy of this process ~ you know this. You feel it and bump up against it every day, even if you cannot name it.
So, we give you this idea: the low of flow. It is a moment in beingness. It is neither good nor bad, simply an awareness of expansion. It will pass, and you will know when it has passed for you. You will feel alive. You will have knowingness. Love will flow through you with greater softness, energy and delight than you imagined.
Trust your journey. You are doing magnificently. And we love you in every moment, in every stage.
Ashian: We extend our blessings and love to you all. You are in a sacred time. The Lion’s Gate portal is the Galactic new year, it is a reset and an evolution.
The practice of making ‘New Year’s Commitments’ reflects your inner knowing that a New Year marks an evolution of spirit. When living consciously, each New Year is an expression of your soul’s evolution through a cycle of twelve months. This is a mini cycle, a bite-size piece of time that allows you to notice how your journey has deepened and progressed; based on that, you intend for your coming year’s evolution.
New Year’s resolutions are a 3D reflection of that involution ~ reflection on the past and letting it go ~ and evolution ~ looking to the expansions you wish to create and experience. Within then without, creation then surrender. It is a constant cycle.
Your 3D resolutions are often very hard, physical and perhaps naive, because they are divorced from their true power and meaning. Resolutions, in their highest expression, are statements to ground and anchor the expression of You that you wish to harness and experience in the next 12 month cycle.
Rather than ‘I will go to the gym daily,’ perhaps what you are really intuiting is a desire to sense the power and freedom of your body, or to experience self confidence within… the underlying emotional expansion you are seeking will often make itself most obvious in the physical, so you focus on the body (and the gym) instead of the emotional experience (freedom, confidence…) you wish to experience.
What is your deeper wisdom? What is the higher expression of you that is seeking to manifest from within?
As you choose which expressions of self you wish to create and experience, you draw to yourself streamers; timeline energies that bring into your manifest reality all the experiences that will assist you in the manifestation of the ‘next greatest version of you.’
As you progress through your year, you may expand beyond the experiences you chose, or move in a different direction. There is always adaptability in your chosen streamer, or timeline; ‘wriggle room’ you may call it. But when you ~ or the collective ~ expand beyond the in-built wriggle room, you jump timelines, and this brings me to the point you wished to address.
J: It does! I was on holidays and the room I was staying in had two locks and two keys, one in silver colour and one in gold colour. When I entered the room the first time, I noted to the silver key opened the silver lock and the golden key opened the golden lock. So far so good!
I was out all morning on my birthday and when we went back to the room, I went to open the locks. I tried and tried but they didn’t work. Finally, I tried using the silver key in the golden lock and the golden key in the silver lock: it worked. What?!!
Did I jump?
A: Indeed you did! And Happy Birthday, belatedly!
J: Thanks!
A: There are often small, innocuous details that indicate a timeline jump, and this is an excellent example. The human collective is currently jumping many timelines as the energies are assimilated and embodied.
J: Does that mean we are progressing faster than expected?
A: While the outcome was always known, how humanity would choose to live it out would create different timeline opportunities. The projected timelines were based on an ‘average expected rate of expansion,’ and there are different experiences that ‘must happen,’ but the way they happen, the how, the when and the why they happen is different on different timelines.
As a parallel, you are getting everything ready for your son’s new school year; you could have all the uniforms and paraphernalia calmly ready several weeks before he starts back, or you could go in a mad dash on the last day before school starts, creating stress and anxiety in both of you. So it is for humanity as well.
J: Yes, that all makes sense. Thank you.
A: So, to conclude, we wish you all a very joyous New Year. Focus on the experience you wish within, not the ‘things’ you wish to have on the outside.
When you create and intend using the emotions that attract you, you create a positive spin of manifestation and timeline creation. When you look at what you want to achieve, you move from creating with energy to creating with bricks and mortar, which is slower, more dense, and, ultimately, less satisfying journey.
J: Thank you so much, and blessings to you all for your New Year.
Ashian: And blessings to you all. We bring forth so much love for you, to you, through you at this time. There is so much afoot at present, seismic shifts are occurring in every sector of every country and all of it ~ all evidence to the contrary ~ is dancing in alignment with Highest Good of All.
J: That’s wonderful news.
A: It is the greatest blessing to have been granted the honour of embodying at this time, because it took the hardiest, strongest souls to hold the light through such intense darkness.
Now the dawn is emerging, what has been understood to be ‘up’ is found to be ‘down’, what was ‘good’ is ‘bad’, what was ‘wrong’ is ‘right.’ How do you know where to stand? How do you hold your balance when everything is swirling around you and the energies are flying through your body, your emotions and your psyche like a sandstorm?
Back to basics! Centre on your breath. Use your breath as your gateway point to accessing your Higher Self, your intuition, your knowingness.
From that point of stillness, you access your wisdom. You begin to see what is stuck in fear, rejection and greed from what is infused with kindness, compassion, gratitude, generosity and expansion. You will know; and if you don’t know the answer, it’s not yet time.
You brave Light workers, you have all the tools and all the knowingness, which reveals itself as and when it is needed, so as not to overwhelm you.
Notice your inspirations ~ what you, Jennifer, say ‘dropped in’ ~ notice your daydreams. Truth does not shout, only fear shouts because it has nothing else to substantiate it. There is no weight behind it, no resonance of truth within it, no outcome of peace emerging from it.
All the skills you have been practicing for decades, this is their moment. This is YOUR moment, our beloved Sparkles of Light.
You are the blessing.
You inspire others simply by being the way you are. Allow the courage in your Self to expand. Enjoy your ‘you-ness’; the unique divine expression that you are, as you be, say and do YOU.
Jennifer: Greetings! Well, these are turbulent times where the energy appears to be rocketing around – for me at any rate – I wondered what you had to offer as wisdom in these surreal times where everything is changing and nothing is changing fast enough in other regards.
Ashian: Greetings indeed! We greet all who feel these vibrations in love and, most importantly, peace. Yes, there is great transformation afoot, there is a groundswell growing, and change will and must arise as an inevitability. You are truly on the cusp. You will note, we did not say ‘soon.
J: Smart: very smart!
A: That is because, in truth, you are in the firmament. You are in the Ascension. Most of you reading these words will feel the change in energies. Some of you will resonate more with the swirling vibrations of change, others will notice an increased feeling of anticipation and excitement, yet more of you will feel lost, ungrounded and foggy, and some of you will feel numb. Just as there are many colours in the rainbow, all of which are light, there are many vibrations of energy making up the Ascension.
Clearing out the old is the crucial step. One cannot refill any pot, if it is already full. Better yet: empty the pot and place it in the furnace for recycling; then create a new pot, one that is sculpted from your own hands, created through your vision, care and love. You no longer need a pot someone else has created and told you you must use this.
Let your creativity flow. Let your pot reflect you. Let your life, your love, your home, your job… let every aspect of your life reflect the joy of who you are. It doesn’t matter if you have not had the time or even the inclination to discover who you are and what makes you sing in the shower: begin now. Own your own life NOW. Do something, any thing to express YOU in your life today.
You are a spark of the Divine in form. Express your your divine creative power. It can be as small as taking five minutes with a cup of tea, or tidying a single drawer, or it can be as big as researching an alternative career.
J: So, not to be too fussy, but how does this relate to The Change!?
A: You are the change, so Be the change. Every small creative, caring or loving act grounds the new timeline and stabilise the energies. Every small positive action gives the energies of change a creative focus, rather than allowing them run through you, not knowing how to express themselves, creating havoc. Doodle, sing, paint, stare at a wall, smile, offer a hand, shoulder, hug to someone, plant a seed, clean a river…
The knack is to ground these abstract energies in small, practical loving actions. That is alchemy; taking the potential energy and manifesting from it. That is Ascension, it is consciously creating your life, one step at a time, moving into the deeper, sacred spaces of your infinite heart in your own way, in your own time.
Claim this energy. Own the power to manifest it offers you. Own your Transformation on your Gaia. Own this Ascension.
You are assisting the Ascension by simply grounding the energy in small (or large!) actions that uplift you. Your joy then lifts the collective energy even higher: it’s a virtuous circle.
So to conclude…! Energy is infinite and creative. It’s now flooding your planet like never before. Own it by making it personal and doing something small to uplift yourself. Step by step, you will create all that you need, you will heal all that needs to be healed, and you will experience all that your Soul, your Higher Self, wished to experience before you incarnated.
J: So to balance the global topsy turvy, we go small, practical and personal?
A: We couldn’t have put it better! Perhaps next time, we will channel you!