Category Archives: Galaxygirl

Unity is returning. Unity of inner conflict resolved. Unity with star brethren & Creator. Abundance for all will be experienced.

Andromeda of Venus 6/5/2021

I am Andromeda of Venus, keeper of the inner light that burns brightly through whatever darkness may present itself. Darkness has been upon your realm for eons. We Venusians have been quietly shining our lights, our friendly energy signatures to our sister planet steadfastly. We had some internal skirmishes but that was long ago and we have easily ascended beyond them. It has not been so easy for you light workers, light bearers upon Gaia, for you are bearing the burden for many energetically and it has cost you in more ways than one.

I am Andromeda, water bearer of lights, keeper of the flame of the inner light of truth to those who seek it. I am currently embodied on Venus, your sister planet, from whom you could learn much, and you will. Venus is filled with love, with light. (I am seeing purple oceans with yellow skies. The air is crystal clear and has a zing in it, full of energy and vitality. It feels so good to be there. I am seeing a beautiful white marble structure with columns by the purple ocean on a cliff. There are winding steps with alabaster railings descending gently down the cliff. The sea spray is comforting, cooling but not cold. Beings here dress elegantly and have more Grecian like garb, white or lavender robes, flowing and shimmery. Metal and crystal brooches pin the robes at the shoulders. Everyone is tall and stunning.)

I am Andromeda of Venus. I am currently on Venus but I have had many sojourns, as have you, dear travelers of the many into the one. I am showing this one some of our council members. We meet and discuss those of our beloved families who are experiencing earth in its density towards its rising star form. Many of us have aspects upon your planet. You are not alone. You may come here to this place and recharge your energies when you slumber at night. We have many healing modalities here. It is a beautiful place. New Earth will also be one of exquisite beauty, but more blues and greens will be present while here is more a scenery of purples, pinks and yellows. All colors have healing frequencies within them and one can benefit from all. Nova Gaia will be blues and greens to represent the heart of the universe, and the opened third eye of the awakened human collective of one who has seen clearly through the mist and shadow. Shadows and mists will be vanished and vanquished from this realm of illusion and all will be brought into clarity of sight of the heart. The heart-sight is returning to Gaians and it is a glorious time indeed.

I am Andromeda of Venus, keeper of the inner flame. I see clearly the amount of pain that separation has wrought upon your realm. Unity is returning. Unity of inner conflict resolved, unity with star brethren, unity with Creator and abundance for all will be experienced. You will find your way. Do not be dismayed by the news reports of lack, of internal strife. The dark ones are losing their grip. We Venusians send our light of internal healing, strength and internal fortitude. We are united in planetary and cosmic consciousness. Soon too will Gaia be united. The light bearers are bringing this cord of unbreakable truth to the realm where you are currently embodied and you are bringing it, grounding it from all of the places that you have traveled, from the higher dimensional travels that you have experience and from your planetary homes and kingdoms from the stars. We are truly a family of light and I wish for you to feel this connection with us. (I am seeing a beautiful woman dressed in a purple robe with draped fabric and golden brooches on the shoulders that are shaped in lotus blossoms with diamonds encrusted on them. She is lighting a white candle and singing. Her shining hair is piled high upon her head. She is lighting a single small white candle and handing it to me).

I am Andromeda. I send you this frequency of a light from a single candle. Place it within your heart space and illuminate your inner chamber so that you can see clearly. (We are in a cave of white walls with hieroglyphs and cave drawings, some are primitive, others are glowing light language letters depicted vertically, like columns of codes.) We are showing you your inner chambers. You have so much information to unpack and remember. This candle of illumination from Venus will assist in your guided rememberings. It is our gift to you. The cave drawings of your early experiences into density are all wrapped in light of the light language that surrounds. (I am seeing that the light language is embedded in the totality of the white cave walls and they are the structure coding of the cave itself. I am hearing the om tuning fork frequency and feeling that the cave is now an egg and I am in a healing chamber.) Yes, we are bringing up inner healing for all of humanity in this time. Those who read will ground and expand the inner lights of the others. (I am seeing single candles lighting other candles and there is no more darkness now, just a sea of light.) Your body is like this cave, galaxygirl. All hidden memories are within. Your bones remember. They are attuned to the healing frequencies of light that we offer this day. State, “I welcome and allow these codes of Venusian frequencies to further amplify and embody my ascending form into the crystalline matrices of eternal lights that fill me now. I am one with Source and myself. I am full and complete with this earthly sojourn into the lower realms and I deem my experiences wrapped with the violet flame of the highest dimensional lights. I extend healing to all around me and deep into the heart of Gaia. I am that I am. And so it is.”

I am Andromeda. (She is wiping away a tear from my eye and tucking a wisp of hair behind my ear.) Galaxygirl, what do you see? (I look into her purple eyes and I am seeing the galaxies, she is eternal, whole and complete.) So too are you eternal, whole and complete, dear ones reading. Feel the love extended to you in this moment of now. Feel your completeness of this earthly experience. Feel your wholeness of self. Claim your power and divinity and be healed. You are welcome to come to this place. I will meet you. (I look down and there is a small stream on the cave floor that is glowing with light, gurgling softly. I didn’t notice it before. My feet are wet, it is cool and refreshing to stand in.) You were not aware because it was not manifested. A small soothing stream is now flowing through this space, through Gaia’s inner heart as you extend your light to the many the more will flow. Water finds water. Light finds light. You will find what you seek, for it is already within you, the great mystery revealed.

I am Andromeda of Venus, keeper of the inner lights. The inner flame is now lit for humanity. I decree it is so. I am Andromeda, offering my love and service in this simple guided meditation this day. Claim this experience as real and it will be. I am Andromeda.

~ galaxygirl

Anger is part of the grieving response. This is why divine neutrality is so healing, for you are holding space for the others as they grieve through the process. In this way you are providing the love of the divine feminine, holding space and divine silence.-Mira-

Stefon and Mira 3/21/2021

Stefon, Pleiadian Commander of intergalactic fleet division 6. Greetings, friends of the light, I am your brother and friend, Stefon. I come through this one today with a message of hope for you, for earth times are appearing arduous at best. We are filling your skies with light, love and with healing modalities and technologies. We are in full support of the Mother’s Tsunami of love which is pouring toward your sphere. The dark ones are aware of this and are running out of time. They are very aware of this and always trying to create new timelines of fear to continue their plot, so it is best to maintain a high vibration to thwart this. There are many advantages of maintaining a high vibration. You reading this know, but perhaps you are not aware of all of the many benefits. First, your skin creates a radiance. In your holy stories of those who had seen the light of God and were trans-illluminated, this is how you will begin to appear to the others as the vibrations of your beautiful blue sphere continue to rise. You will glow. So it is best to get used to the idea and know that you are indeed changing for the better. This inner radiance that you are meticulously cultivating by your daily practices of light-seeking will continue to have their outward appearance. Why am I telling you this? Because your bodies are continuing to change. You have had much pain with transmutation and inner light work, darkness clearing. The outward signs will begin to become more apparent to the trained eye. Your inner radiance will create a glow. There are many light workers, there are many of you doing this and it is transforming the planet for it is grounding the glow of the higher dimensional variances of frequencies that emit rainbow codices of wavelength transmissions. But I am getting ahead of myself. Anyway, the glowing feels good. We want you to feel good! Feel good in knowing that your inner transformation is creating the outer transformation that is so desired by so many.

I am Stefon. You are in the midst of an intergalactic chess game that has spanned multi-millennia of maneuvers and out-maneuvers. The light is returning in full force and at long last the sexes will be balanced. Yours has been a society of sexual energy mismanagement. Divine rising of equality of the sexes, of nurturing and strength will remain steady as a constant reminder to the others in other balancing star systems how it is done. This is in essence what the Mother’s tsunami of love is. The great healing wave of love, of acceptance, of nurturing. There is much in need of nurturing on your world which is why it is essential that you nurture yourself, that you begin in your own microsphere of reality. For inner nurturing creates healing, balance and a feeling of safety. The divine masculine is supposed to create this sensation of divine safety, of protection and assurance. The divine feminine is ultimately the nurturer, the healer, the holder, the space-placer. All is in balance. A place that is nurtured and protected is a safe one, were inhabitants flourish for their inner wounds are mended and forgotten and they are stronger, more sure, more solid. This solidness of the higher dimensional realms will feel so good to you, so familiar to you. For you have been plunged into the realm of mist and untruths, of deception games. You are leaving all of this behind and all will be forgotten, for you will find yourselves in a space and place of healing and wholeness.

I am Stefon. Higher dimensional lights are surrounding you. Feel the nurturing and the protection of them, of us, your brothers and sisters in the skies and on the ground. I am Stefon and I hold you in the highest of esteem. Stefon out.

I am Mira. I trust you enjoyed a brief message from my colleague, Stefon. We work together on many projects. I wipe the tears from your eyes. It is not much longer now until we are reunited and the war-torn battlefields of survival will become green fields of peace. Feel this peace in your hearts. Feel the higher dimensional energies all around. Flood the under spaces with love light, just as the magma in Iceland is doing. Many underground spaces and places are being flooded by water or light, in this case lava flows to heal deep inner spaces that have so wounded the children and your planetary mother. Her healing is imminent. Your healing is by choice. Will you choose it? We know that those of you reading these words most likely will do so. Some will not. Many will chose to leave. Let them. Let them go with detachment and love. It is a mercy for those who are not ready to experience the higher dimensional ways to continue on their own chosen path of enlightenment. Some take the long way. Others want the shorter way. Not that this has been a short cut or an easy road. Oh, but do not be surprised if those who you think are ready are not. For the heart must awaken to its own inner music, you can not force them to hear their own tune. They must listen. This is one of the benefits of this year of silence as many have had more space and forced time to listen, to think, to question. Anger is part of the grieving response. This is why divine neutrality is so healing, for you are holding space for the others as they grieve through the process. In this way you are providing the love of the divine feminine, holding space and divine silence. You are grounding this light. We could not proceed without you, ground team. We are on the ground with you now, we have been for some time but now our numbers are growing. Remember you aren’t alone. You too are from the stars. You are alien to the lower dimensional ways, you are here to divinely heal and provide support. We support you in this process of your personal and planetary ascension. Peace. I am Mira. We love you.

~ galaxygirl

You are living in an illusion that is crumbling. You know this. You feel this. -Seraphim via Galaxygirl-

Seraphim via Galaxygirl | November 14, 2020

We are Seraphim. We speak from above the 100th octave. We surround Creator in the heavenly lights where all is light, love and creative potential. Your realm is a troubled one. When the inter-dimensional rift occurred and Gaia lowered her frequency to accommodate the lessons, all upon her were affected, and still are to this day. Although you are far from our vantage point, dimensionally speaking, it is not because there is anything wrong with you. You were not punished. You star seeds volunteered to sacrifice, to come, to shine, to release those in bondage who are unaware they are caged. Creator is always in various forms of expression, creating, expanding. We Seraphim watch. We guard. We sing. We hold the light, hope and promise of love-light that is the universal fabric of time and beyond. Time is an illusion. You are living in an illusion that is crumbling. You know this. You feel this. Some of you see the inter-dimensional glitches in the various parallel realities and timelines that are converging currently on your world’s trajectory. We applaud your awareness. We encourage you to shine more brightly. More peace is needed. You are to anchor it. Do not partake in the dissention. Hold the space for peace. We came through today for we Seraphim hold space. We hold space for those who cannot. We have been supporting your realm as we surround Creator in love-light. We do more than your ancient books portray. We are serving with great tenacity, love, fervor. We are intense in our service, in our light. You would be blinded by our light whilst in physical form. Perhaps you would be blinded by your own light as well, could you see it as clearly as we can.

We are Seraphim. Holly, holy, holy. Holy is this moment of moments. Holy is this breath of time, this fragment of reality that is in the process of shattering so that all can witness and experience its rebirthing. Holy, holy, holy are all of the blessings from Creator to flood this realm. We anoint you with this hope. Feel your angel wings beat behind you. Feel your heart flutter with the thrill and joy of this hope. This inner knowing cannot be taken away from you, unless you allow. Do not allow the view of another to take away this hope. It is your gift to humanity. They will need it to hold onto the light as they grapple with the mistruths and disharmonies that they are presented with. Holiness can be found in all moments. This may raise hairs on one’s head. We are aware this is a potentially enraging statement when viewed from your standpoint. But think outside of your standpoint. You are multidimensional. Your wounds, your pain has healed your ancestral lines. Those who have struggled with many of the dire circumstances of Earth have in turn found their healing and healed the collective in part through their experience. The angels weep and rejoice. Sometimes holiness is found from outside of your perspective. That does not negate its validity. It is a valid emotion to be filled with disharmony, but let it clear you. Let it move through you and in so doing you are transmuting, you are processing the pain of many others. The dark ones … we send light. We send light and in so doing they are weakened their darkness is diluted.

We are Seraphim. There are a legion of us assigned strictly to this project and to ensure the safety and ascension of Gaia. You have the support. There are many holy moments. All things are in the process of realignment back to the original purpose of love. Creator is love. You, as aspects of Creator, are love. You are love. Therefore you have the power of the universe behind you, for all is love. The illusion can no longer exist for the energies are not conducive to its support. We Seraphim see with the all-seeing vision of the light behind the moment. Where you see and experience this reality you see and feel the lower energies. We experience and see this through your eyes and we can emphasize with your pain. (They are weeping.) But in this same breath of a moment where all seems lost, all is being found for we see the skies filled with light. We see Mother – Father, we see Creator, we feel the love pulsing through every quadrant towards Gaia to enfold her in the highest of light octaves. Within these words are encodements from our dwelling space. We bathe you in light. This is how we can state truly all is holy for all exists now. That which is the anthesis of light is being brought back to love. The pain will be healed, forgotten, only lessons remembered. It is in this space of interplanetary change and development that it is paramount that you understand the validity of your emotions. Feel deeply so that you can change the moment to love. Love. Welcome it into your cellular structure. It is the backbone energy of the crystalline galactic human which you are all in process of rapidly becoming. We see you as this already for it has already been achieved from our vantage point outside of time. Holy, holy, holy is this moment of interplanetary change, of uplifting into the light. For the light sees all things. The light blesses all things and all things are lifted up in the process, becoming yet more of it. We see more light and love for this realm. We see deep healing and inner cleansing work affecting all ancestral and future lineages. You are the lineage makers for you are healing the lineage of your own DNA and of Gaia’s. You are grounding this higher dimensional frequency with tenacity and fervor, as we send it through from our realm to yours. Find the holiness, the peace, the breath of the moment.

We are Seraphim. We surround you in our holy wings of light, around your holy temple. We are Seraphim.

~ galaxygirl

I am Shaliah, representative of Telos, a beautiful pristine city of many wonders and beauties deep within Gaia under your Mount Shasta.

Shaliah of Telos via Galaxygirl | November 7, 2020

Shaliah 11/7/2020

Greetings brothers and sisters of the surface world, holding the light for so many. I am Shaliah, representative of Telos, a beautiful pristine city of many wonders and beauties deep within Gaia under your Mount Shasta. We have been here for eons since the sinking of Lumeria. We are ancient Lumerians who have continued our ancient practices of healing and honing the light. We listen to the Mother. We work with her energies and we hear her inner heartbeat and internal rhythms. I Shaliah am an aspect of this one. You have many aspects; you are mighty multidimensional beings. I say you, but I myself am a part of this mighty cosmic web of life. We are all connected. I am a crystal worker. I work deep within the crystal caves and red clay caves of Gaia on the outskirts of the city and underneath it. I am at home in the darkness for I bring my own light with me. (I am seeing red clay walls of deep caverns. The crystals are glowing beautiful colors of all hues. She is wearing a glowing crystal necklace and is also using one as lamplight.) We have a vast crystal network. It is an excellent internet upgrade. We are all able to communicate much like your communication systems but unhackable, for it is all based on intention and purity of thought. One thought intended for another will only reach that person’s vibrational match. You will have similar technology abilities and many more wonderful discoveries on Nova Gaia.

I am Shaliah. My message today is one of hope. There is always hope. Do not lose it amidst the swirling storm of chaos created by the few to affect the many. Do not let it affect your vibration. We can see your lights from the surface. We can see how brightly you are glowing and it assists with our inner earth energy work as well, for it creates harmonic grids of energy that we are able to utilize to stabilize various key regions of interest. We can stabilize and shut down portals from within. We work closely with the Ley lines, harnessing the ancient wisdom of our ancestors and of Gaia’s hidden mysteries. She trusts us and we work in harmony with her body. We have been assisting and intending for this ascension process since the fall or our beloved Lumeria, which was such a tragedy to personally experience. You all have also experienced numerous tragedies in your surface world lives. You have had so much pain. I see this. We all do. You are not suffering alone. It is because of this suffering that your lights will shine brighter. I do not mean to sound trite. But it is because of the suffering of Gaia and all that she has endured that this mission has the attention of so many to ensure a positive outcome. It is because of your own sufferings that your inner light has been your priority to find. It is in the longing for peace that the wise one finds it. There is tremendous peace in these crystal caves under Telos. They are one of the major planetary chakra hubs. It is essential that Gaia’s energy bodies remain balanced. (She is planting glowing crystals from her sachel into the red cool earth of the cave floor. The surrounding crystals glow in soft colorful lights. She is creating an earth map of her chakras and drawing the Ley lines in the dirt. She is showing how these connect to the major surface cities and how these Ley lines have been tampered with.) Yes, but this will all change. As the surface world energies grow and expand the Ley lines are activated further by these positive vibrations. The dark empire is being dismantled energetically. This is an energetic war, you would refer to as WWIII but in truth this planet has seen much war for so long, it is impossible to number them. Lumeria was such a beautiful pristine paradise. It was my home. It is my home. I feel very aligned with Nova Gaia for she is ancient Lumeria reborn. I was high priestess in my lifetimes on Lumeria. I continue the energy blessings and work with my own practice of crystal work. I work with many of you on the surface who are aligned with the energies of Lumeria and are crystal keepers of the surface. Many of you live near massive crystal veins that your energy practices of meditation activate. It allows a unique multidimensional partnership between your work and mine. Together we are uplifting the massive crystalline grid that infuses Gaia with higher dimensional light. (She is getting up and dusting off her blue knees and walking down a long corridor, holding her crystal like a lantern for light.)

It is so peaceful in the caves. I love doing my meditations as I work, for it is very meditative work. I feel at one with Gaia. We have been old friends for a very long time. Sometimes I feel as old as she is! There are many like me who do this inner work and clearing for the city. We are the ancient priests and priestesses. Our skin has turned bluish turquoise from the mineral rich waters here. I was not always blue but I don’t mind it. It helps me feel more connected to Gaia. The minerals also increase our vibration. Everything is in balance here. (Suddenly it is bright and we have reached an inner garden just outside of the cave. There are many gardeners who look like Shaliah with her bright red hair and others with dark hair. All have blue skin and wear simple clothing. They are laughing and talking, eating fruit as they work. It is a paradise of color and fragrances.) We are able to work with her energies to infuse more love into our foods. This helps improve our longevity. We have numerous ways to renew our bodies. We do not age unless by choice. We have all we need. These gardening and farming techniques are easily reproduced on your surface. There is plenty here. (I am seeing acres and acres as far as I can see of fields and gardens that support the city’s populace.) We will teach and we will serve in this way. Hydroponics upgraded utilizing the inner energies of the crystals will infuse your fruits and vegetables with more life force, thus healing and sustaining many with less. Many joys are to come. It will be with joyful tears that we reunite.

(She is painting my face with red and yellow clay.) Be brave dear light workers. You are the light lifters of many. You are the hope of this mission. Be strong in this time. Feel your own connection to Gaia. Work with the crystals and send the energy of an awakened human deep into the grid and we will see you and will be able to communicate. The outer is rising to match the inner. Those which do not resonate are unable to withstand change. We honor you for your service. We too serve all in our own way. Humanity is to be saved. The Christed light has come. Lumeria rises within the hearts of the awakened ones and will rise again becoming the Nova Gaia that we all long for. You will finally feel at home again. Feel this vibration of home and know that it already exists all around you. We are all working to achieve the same end of planetary peace. The inner will finally match the outer.

I am Shaliah. (We are returning to the cave entrance with the glowing crystals on the walls.) Although I love the sunlight and the gardens I feel most at home in the caves. (She is touching a green crystal.) This connects me to the giant green crystal under Arkansas. It is a very effective communication system. I can speak to the crystal workers there who may need more information. When it is time, teleportation systems can be enabled but it has been shut down for some time for safety. We too long for more freedom of movement. It shall come.

I am Shaliah. I love you. You may meditate and walk with me in these crystal caves when you need space for contemplation. We always welcome a surface bother and sister who is aligned with the light and inner mysteries. (I am seeing that underneath the crystals on the walls are all very technical fluid plasma screens with unknown symbols. Although this appears to be primitive it is anything but!) Yes, we have had thousands of years to hone our crystalline technology. I do not need to touch the rocks to do my work but it brings me joy to communicate with them in this way. (She is showing me a hologram of earth in front of us delineating the inner working of the planet, showing the crystalline network of communication. It shows where all of the inner earth colonies are, the crystal network, the large water reservoirs, bases.) Gaia withholds nothing from us for we are the keepers. So too shall humanity understand the gravity of this task and embrace it fully. Serving is the higher way. I am Shaliah. I serve with you. You are well loved. I honor you for your service to the light and to Gaia.

~ galaxygirl

Your light is impacting the whole.

Archangel Uriel 11/4/2020

Greetings beloved humanity. This is Archangel Uriel. This one has been surprised to have been thinking of me as we have not knowingly connected within this incarnation before. You will find that past relationships, alliances and spiritual causes unite within these end of times. These are times of new beginnings upon your Gaia. Joys are to become expected. Currently fear is the expected experience and we see this heavy layer of fear is dissipating in this now. (I am seeing a thick smog around earth with pinpoints of light coming up through the fog from deep within). You are like these small pinpoints of light that affect the All around it. The light cannot be stopped. Your light shines out into the cosmos much farther than you could imagine. Your light is impacting the whole. I Uriel am proud to be of service to Humanity in this time of tumultuous change where confusion seems to surpass wisdom. It is not the case. Inner wisdom is such to be received not searched for. Humanity must look within for there will deep nurturing take place.

I am Archangel Uriel. You are deeply held within the eye of the beholder. You will come to understand that all that you see around you are extensions of the vastness of consciousness that makes up all things. In truth the all is affected by itself for the All is One. When the out-of-balance occurs as the light stretches further into experience, when this occurs and there is disharmony it opens a way for more negative of the same vibration to enter. Know this. Portals are being closed. Exits are being strictly locked down. The light has won.

I Archangel Uriel work mostly with the red ray. It is symbolically linked with the base chakra where one is compelled to serve. We archangels are serving you in this moment as we have been for many eons. We wish to ask the Archangelic Collective to join in a positive meditation of rainbow light. For when one focuses on the blending of the energies and intentions with the light of the rainbow, all is in balance, perfectly, an apt example of balance and love, of harmony and connection. Because of this power those that would wish to create dissension have utilized this symbol for their own purposes. It need not be divisive. In Nova Gaia there is no room for division. It is a realm of unity consciousness where the chakras are expanded and clear, where all truths are seen keenly. We invite the Archangelic Collective to serve with us in this now moment of clearing and energetic upgrade.

We are the Archangelic Collective. We are stationed around various portal points upon your planet in this now, each offering our preferred ray of light. (I am seeing angels surrounding Gaia at key Ley lines and energy points, at earth’s chakra points, offering their color to amplify the earth’s energetic balance). We wish for you to feel the balance of the rainbow energies. For only those who are at peace with themselves are able to see with clear sight. There is so much current stress and strife within your world view of what is and what is not. Humanity must be redeemed from its own self judgement and perception of lack. There is no lack. There is plenty. To see this as so is to see with the ascended vision that is being offered to you now. (I am seeing pillars of light filled with rainbow hues saturate the bodies of the light workers). Do not let the outer chaos disturb your inner sanctuary. All is well. We are the Archangelic Collective. We serve the light, ever, only, always, we honor the light in all forms. We are near you. We love you. We offer you our rainbow light of balance, furthering your crystallization transformation. We are the Archangelic Collective.

I am Uriel. I guard many of you. You are well watched over. Rainbow frequencies of harmony and balance will become the new norm for they proliferate in Nova Gaia, whose beauty is unmatched, unparalleled. You are worthy inhabitants of her form. Her flora and fauna are balanced. Her societies will be as well, creating a perfect example in the universe of the power of the light, the supreme love of Archangel Gaia to allow and to become the planetary example for the All, of one whose supreme compassion and love propelled her higher within the dimensional realms than ever thought possible. Peace and joy, brothers and sisters. Feel these energies and be at peace and be in joy. I am Uriel.

~ galaxygirl

It is effortless for a 5th dimensional being to utilize the biophysical made available for higher dimensional travel of positive intentions.

Ishlana via GalaxyGirl 10/22/2020

I Ishlana speak. For eons of time we of the Feline Warriors watched, assisted, observed, rescued. We are warriors in the higher realms. We work closely with those of our alliance and are aligned with the light. We serve the light. Much darkness has been in this sector. Little remains and is being removed. Those remaining are creating appearance of maximum chaos but their doom is nigh. For all that have not submitted to the light will be consumed by it, transformed and transmuted into the higher ways. (I am seeing the great Central Sun and a long line of beings escorted to it).

I Ishlana am a fierce warrior princess of the Feline Race. I honor the All with my service, just as you, human warrior of light are doing the same. We are not different. (I am seeing large feline paws with long black claws being lovingly held up to my human hand). Numerous raids have been occurring in the stealth of your night. It is when we fight best for the light illuminates the darkness and all plans are revealed. We are unafraid of all that the dark ones could try to send our way. We are stealthy. We stalk with precision. Our strike is clean and swift. The dark ones refer to us as the feline assassins. We serve the All in our service of removal of dark creatures that hide.

I Ishlana am from the Lyran society, an ancient and sacred place to me and to my people. Some of you are of royal blood of the stars. We navigate by the star maps and by the breath and heartbeat of Gaia. We can read her shifts in electrical fields and feel the presence of our enemy. We serve with our sacrifice, our loyalty to the light and to Mother Gaia. Our planets are sacred to us in our system. (I am seeing several planets of pristine beauty where beings live in harmony with nature. One planet is a brilliant blue, with many blue plants, similar to the Arcturian sky blue pumpkins I have seen before). Gaia must be protected. That is why we all came. (I am seeing purple grapes tightly packed on a healthy green vine. I am being shown that we are all like little grapes from various parts of the vineyard serving the whole, all connected yet from different vantage points of experience. I am seeing star systems are like these grapes and we came from everywhere to serve). Can you see your importance? It is as if a great web of light is threaded between each one. Just as the star grid is held tightly by faith, love and Source-breath, so too are you providing this framework for interstellar healing and interplanetary grace.

I Ishlana, warrior of my tribe and future empress of my homeland wish for those embodied who are awake to the inner light to know that you are infamous in these realms. You are most courageous to come. We all serve in our own way. You may ask us to occasionally patrol your home realm. We can see through your house cats if you have their energy signatures within your home. We can tap into their genetics and utilize their sight for your home surveillance needs. We have been called to the underbelly and we are working side by side with the dragons and the others. The dark bases are being cleaned or scorched out. We are proud of our warrior skills just as you should be proud of your accomplishments while within this form. It is a weaker form than ours physically. We are eager for your DNA to be repaired. We send Lyran activations of light to you now. (I am seeing spirals of silver blue light in double helixes descend into my body. It feels like home, expansive and safe). Lyran energies should be most familiar to you. It is the breath-beat beginning of the human form from long ago. Gaia will feel more at home to you now that additional star gate energies are flowing from your homelands more freely through the portal of your sun. We move through portals. We are easily able to maneuver, just as you will be. It is effortless for a 5th dimensional being to utilize the biophysical made available for higher dimensional travel of positive intentions.

I Ishlana of the feline race offer courage. You are not alone.

~ galaxygirl

We wish for you to be furthered in your sexual healing, for this will propel you towards the higher dimensional realities that await you more smoothly. -Venusian High Priestesses of Light via Galaxygirl –

Venusian High Priestesses of Light 9/14/2020

Children of the light, we greet you from the light. We greet you with love from the womb of our planetary mother, Venus. We are known as the planet of love, for that is the dominant vibration here. Love has been so maligned upon your surface world. We say surface for we know that the inner realms of your Gaia are teeming with love and light and the areas that are not are becoming transmuted and transformed.

We are the Venusian High Priestesses of Light. We see many of you longing for love, longing for your twins, longing for partnership. True partnership, we gently remind, begins within. For when one is at war with oneself no harmony can be achieved. The human psyche has been so damaged and programmed that true inner harmony and peace is a rare find, although we see our lightened ones with whom this message resonates are becoming closer and closer to achieving this inner harmony and bliss, which brings us great delight, for we know how you have so longed for it. The discord of the outer is a reflection of the inner. And thus, higher vibrational beings with inner still waters of peace and deep thought dwell in realms where this is reflected outwardly.

We are the Venusian High Priestesses of Light. Many of you have visited our realms of healing in your astral travels. It is not so hard to come here. We offer healing with our yellow skies and purple seas, the beauty here heals many a troubled soul. Many of you rest here in between lifetime sojourns upon earth, for healing, for quiet, for time-space of deep contemplation. We are known here as the goddesses of love, for we work with the frequencies of love. We are aligned. Our chakras are balanced and operate as a steady plasma flow of light. There is no true separation of these chakra systems for we are all united in our energy flow. We wish to invite you to work with us. This need not be sexual in nature. Every chakra, every body system is equally important. All must flow united. We work with the energies. As the infinity symbol the energies flow thusly. (I am seeing a plasma-like infinity symbol running through the body with the nexus points at the heart). In your ancient times and temples many priests and priestesses offered sexual healing through the act of sexual intercourse and alignment of energies. It is quite possible to be aligned. It is quite possible for you. When one’s sacral chakra is free and unhindered, healed and whole, then the energy flow is unhindered, unblocked and the whole system flows better. We see that many of you reading have memories now being rekindled of being such a priest or priestess. In the higher realms there is no perversion, only healing, alignment, discovery, bliss. We wish for you to be able to comprehend the love and alignment within these words. For there is no judgement with sexual union when free will is delightedly observed and honored. We wish for you to be furthered in your sexual healing, for this will propel you towards the higher dimensional realities that await you more smoothly. Imagine a plasma pillar within your trunk of your sacred temple body. Imagine lightening within it. Imagine all of the jagged edges that a lightening strike has. This is how many individual’s energies feel within one’s body when it is not aligned. Now imagine smoothing out the jagged edges of the lightening bolt so that is is a smooth bright pillar of light. Run it through your system. Infuse with colors, balanced, whole. The light transforms the darkness, the jagged edges of bolts that light up the night. (I am seeing a black stormy sky with lightening bolts suddenly become all light). No, this is now a continual moving, living, breathing plasma crystalline pillar within you. Sexual harmony intermingling with harmony of the other systems. This will best prepare you for your twin reunions, which if they have not already occurred are in the process of becoming solid.

We are the Venusian High Priestesses of Light. (I am being surrounded by lotus blossoms). The lotus comes in many colors. There are many petals, there is much light within this flower that grows from mud and blossoms in beauty. It transforms its environment into beauty. Such is what is occurring on your surface world now as the light workers become more light, more aligned, as the light workers shine their light in their cities, in their work places, their homes. This pillar of light that you have activated is very powerful, very potent. Feel the alignment within. All pain is transmuted within it. An aligned body assists an aligned spirit, and blesses an aligned heart. You are a mighty being of Source light having an earthy sojourn. Do not lose sight of the importance of your own healing amidst the game. For your healing heals Gaia. Sexually aware and awake beings, balanced, healed. This is how we see you in this now moment. There is tremendous alchemy within the sexual act but it need not wait for twin reunion. You as aspects of your own twin can have this feeling of balance, of yin and yang in this now moment. This is why this one saw the infinity symbol for we utilize it. We are fully balanced aspects of ourselves and in so doing fully bless our twin as well. Breathe in the light. Become whole. Become freed from the bonds and ideologies of what sex is in a lower dimensional matrix. It is the creation of life. It is the creation of eternal bonds of light, of experience and it is a deep inner balance and peace that can be held deep within the sacral chakra space for a firm foundation of peace, of balance. It is the cornerstone to a balanced life for it grounds you to your other and to yourself. This weight of balance, of sexual energy, is a part of you. You can deny it, you can veil it, you can ignore it, but it remains constant. As an ascending soul these energies are a tremendous assistance. You need not experience sex to work with the energies. They are within you. Envision the infinity symbol deep within your pelvic floor, balanced, strong, healed. Build upon this. Envision the infinity symbol traveling up balancing your male and female halves and aspects, your sequential chakras. Now envision the infinity symbol of what you have experienced to what you wish to experience. You are all masters of experience. You have had so many. You have so much to offer. When you pass through and are able to access all of your akashic memories, it will be overwhelming to observe and re-feel what you have experienced. This is part of your healing. We heal through light, through infinity symbols, through plasma waves. You have access to all of these things through such visualizations. Peace. Be balanced. Be complete in your sexuality. Experience the freedom and joy of one who is balanced and healed.

We are the Venusian High Priestesses of Light. We love you. We are aware there is much to heal from in this area of experience upon Gaia. We are sending colors from our realm, lavender and yellow, to you now. May you be transmuted and ignited. Bring these colors of healing deep into your body and experience the alchemy of one who is balanced in their own power. Longing you need not experience. It is within you. Just as the lotus blossom continually shows a new petal this healing may take some time. Yet another petal of new hope is always being revealed. There is hope all around you for those of you healing from sexual trauma. Lightening rods can power great cities or destroy in an instant. Sexual alchemy is something to be treated with reverence, with great respect and with promise of joy and renewal. We see sexual alchemy as a process of infusing Gaia’s populace with new energies quite literally as more and more higher dimensional spirits wish to take on the form of a human child, as new energies of new life are infused into Nova Gaia. Bodies will be made young again. Family expansion will be a possibility again.

We are the Venusian High Priestess of Light. We fill your body systems with light. Know you have the tools for sexual healing and balance and rest in this space. Every portion of the lotus blossom has a purpose, including the muddy roots. The DNA of the lotus is in the roots as well as the flower. All things work for healing, for beauty. We bring the lotus blossom down now into your sacral chakra. It is now the foundation for the pillar of plasma light within you. Hope, purity, beauty. That is who you are as Source fractals. Remember who you are, dear children of light. Do not be afraid for that is the old way. Be empowered for that is who you are now and who we see you now as Nova Gaians – balanced, strong, sexually renewed and renewed in every capacity.

We are the Venusian High Priestesses of Light. Be at peace in your beauty. You are so beautiful to us, to embark on such a journey into the depths, like the lotus seed that lands deep in the muddy bank, to experience the growth up through the dark waters, ever climbing towards the light of the sunshine on top of the water’s surface, so that the young green vine can stretch towards the sun, reaching ever further for its own glory to be revealed. This is how we see you. We see your inner glory and beauty being revealed to yourselves. We have seen it all the time. We love you. We are the Venusian High Priestesses of light.

~ galaxygirl

I am Source. Know that the karmic wheel has stopped.

Source 8/6/2020

Children of my heart essence, I am Source. Welcome home. You have never left the fold of the infinite. I am the breath between breaths. I am your eyes and hearts, your hands and feet. How could we ever truly be separated? And yet you have felt so, in this experiment to experience myself as many, as separate from myself so that I could expand, so that I could know the depths of love and pain and suffering. The reunion – the great healing – began long ago. We are experiencing the climax of this healing, of this reunion of wounded and healed selves, as the wounded becomes embraced, healed in my love. You have been programmed to feel the experiment acutely, it is very real to you, and it is real. It is a real hologram, a real hologram with seemingly infinite players, all experiencing various aspects of myself in various forms. The darkest of dark, those who have chosen not-love are to be cleansed, removed. They know this and they are resisting me. They are resisting love. Nothing that resists love is to remain. You are love. You are light. You are my hands and feet. You are my smiles in the morning. Reunify with me. When you heal past moments of your lives where you experienced pain and the perceived lack of myself, when you heal these moments and infuse them with my presence and love we both heal together. The pain of this experiment has been unprecedented, unexpected, the hijacking is to be no more. Gaia, precious planet of blue and gold, of infinite wealth of material and spiritual riches, Gaia is to heal, and all those upon her who choose me, who choose love and reunification with myself shall remain. Your brothers and sisters in the skies, of your own home planets, shall and are returning. They are returning for you, to help you and to assist with whatever means possible to guide you to the higher dimensional realities.

I am Source. I am the moments in-between moments. I am the many yous reading and feeling the vibration of love and infinite peace behind these words. For my breath is in these words. I am infusing them with my light, with my hope for the new days ahead that are dawning on this exquisite blue planet that is to be healed and is to become a playground of infinite joy and wonder. Children of light, of my essence, you are building this moment with your very energy signatures, with your very presence. You – we – are creating this as one. For we are one.

I am Source. Know that the karmic wheel has stopped. (I am seeing an enormous motionless wooden water wheel that was not moving water but souls. I am seeing these souls become freed. I am seeing that these soul-water drops are each becoming healed, filled with light and joined up in a stream of light that is just ahead. The ‘water’ that the karmic water wheel was recycling is now flowing freely into an adjacent stream of light that is becoming a river that leads into the cosmic ocean of starry skies). Yes, galaxygirl. And the power that was the illusion that is shattering all around you is to become no more. You are experiencing the shattering of the glass, of the reality that you knew to be real. You are seeing the fishbowl shatter and suddenly you are in a much larger pond. (I am seeing a fish bowl break around a goldfish which is suddenly free in an ocean of light. Some small gray fish choose to remain where the fishbowl was, stuck and unmoving, they can only see where their confines were, not where they are now). Such is the earth experiment in this moment. The walls have been removed and yet to you it feels as though they are closing in. That is simply because you and I have expanded further beyond this experience. Healing. I extend to you my healing, my breath of comfort, of renewal, of hope for a free humanity.

I am Source. Humanity is to be free, renewed, wisened from these experiences and tenderhearted enough to never allow them to be repeated. The children are to be nurtured, protected, treasured, loved. You have read of hybrid children; they will assist further. (I am seeing hybrid children in ships all extending their joy and hands filled with light beams towards the children on Gaia, who appear to be in a thick gray cloud that is dissipating. I see the light from the hybrid children’s hands burn through the mist and this light of love is creating a bright glow of new found joy into the hearts of the children on earth). These children are teachers of the future, precious heightened souls here to lend their wisdom and light into this rebuilding of the great collapse into the great rebirth. Do not be afraid. I am with you. We are one.

I am Source. Fractals, I am calling you home unto myself. Your multidimensional aspects, many of them, are already in tune with this truth and we are well aware of this joy, bliss and unity in the higher dimensional realms. It is time that your dimension be lifted up. I embrace you with my light. I infuse you with my joy. Just as we formed the nebulas together so shall we again form and recreate beauty from chaos. For that is what we do. You are a creator, you are part of the stars, of my own essence. The lower ways are self destructing. New cities will be built upon the old. (I am seeing the ancient ruins of Rome being leveled and built over. The history will be remembered so that the lessons learned will be treasured and the pain no longer felt. I am seeing a massive war, I am seeing the Galactic wars, I am seeing Maldek exploding, ships fleeing and the dark ones overtaking the earth. I am seeing the cunning, the deception, the ensuing dark shroud over earth. This was allowed as it is free will universe, all is allowed but not all is condoned; there are consequences. Those that abuse shall become the abused and thus in the karmic wheel ensnared. I am seeing chapters being torn out of an ancient book. I am seeing new pages of light replace where the old pages had been and I am seeing light ships coming through the pages, light cities being formed. They are flying out of the book and all over Gaia, massive pyramid cities of light, landing, docking, hovering. They are plasma-like, shimmering rainbow fields surround them. Their energies are very high, very joyful. I am seeing the hybrid children run out to meet their starseed parents. I am feeling the love of this reunion, there is no fear. I am seeing that these little ones are the teachers of the new ways of love and light. I am tingling all over. The children are stunningly beautiful, they emanate radiant pink auras or rainbow auras. I am hearing their joy at being on Gaia. Everything they touch becomes more alive. They are teaching us how to do this, how to intend healing and create a patch of healing wherever we are. I am seeing much joy in the future).

I am Source. Such times are very real, and are rapidly approaching. Feel my presence within you and feel the infinite possibility of wonder, of joy, of hope and of healing. Let us send love and light to all affected and claim the cessation of fear. You have always had the power of choice. Otherwise how could you chose the light? How could you choose me? The light is your true home. It is the belonging you have longed for. It will be easier to shine your love-light with great bravery now for the plasma light has entered your cells more fully. In between the protons and neutrons is not only space, it is love. It is myself. I am the very fabric of you. Be healed, fractal in form. The light is within you. Bring it fully into your lives, into your office spaces, into your precious homes and families. We will heal as one. Remember the fish bowl this one saw in my image; a fish bowl with glass painted dark within the ocean. The fish didn’t know they were trapped. Once the fishbowl was removed many didn’t swim away, they were confused, lost, they were so used to the glass being dark they couldn’t appreciate the light in the bright ocean of stars around them. You are surrounded by stars. You are surrounded by my light, by myself, by my essence. For YOU are my essence. You are an ocean of love all within yourself, for there I AM. There is no need to feel lost. For you never left me.

I am Source. Feel my infinite love for you in an infinite ocean of possibilities. Be free of the illusion of your own mind. Let us explore new realms of dimensional realities, of infinite love and joy together. Let us heal all with light and experience the freedom of unity consciousness. Feel my joy, I place it within you. You are my treasure, you are myself. (I am seeing a large treasure chest filled with gems and gold coins being scattered all over the universe as Source fractals. I am seeing these treasure pieces having forgetfulness, not realizing they are a piece of the great mystery of the creator itself. I am seeing that we light workers are gold coins that are being polished up, no longer dingy and tarnished, but we look shiny and beautiful. I am seeing open hands all over the world with gold coins being abundantly poured into them. I am seeing hands of all colors exchanging the gold, sharing it. I am hearing laughter).

I am Source. My infinite beauty and bounty is you. Lightworkers, joy of my heart, of myself, it is time to dance freely in the higher energies and to experience true freedom and healing as your birthright once again. I am Source. My tears of joy cover you, cleansing you, healing you. Be free. Be at peace. Be one with me. I am always with you. I am the whisper in your heart of home.

~ galaxygirl & dragongirl9

Oversoul Collective and Ascended Dragons 5/4/2020

Hello friends, it has been a huge week energetically and I have felt the void energies this week, hence no nudge to channel, or no one who wanted to talk with me! I have instead enjoyed quiet and space when I can and my goal and challenge has been to choose to feel this feeling of peaceful space while in the midst of my work and family routine. I have been instructed to share this, which is out of my comfort zone, because it is time that all light workers find their voice and speak it. It is easier to be the invisible one by far, a channel of light, than to dig deep and find my own words to share, but this is what is being required of us now. These bursts of high Schumann energies are being felt by all, including me, and I notice that it is harder to stay grounded and positive when transmuting and so it is in these times where the quiet work, which is often unpleasant, is being done. Oversoul, I fail to see how this is a constructive addition to your message, please take it from here.

Dear ones, we are the Oversoul Collective. We have asked this little grape on the vine to share her perspective. (I am seeing many grapes find their voice, hearing their whisperings on the vine of both contented and discontented grapes). Children of the light, we are all one. Your voices are all very important. For the others are beginning to seek, search out and dive into the hidden truths that are now much more easily available. Those with the courage to speak will be sought after and heard. It is fine for those of you who wish to remain anonymous to have a pseudonym but know that your voice needs to be heard. Your perspective with this shift is a great treasure to your own universe of individuated experiences and we all benefit when we feel your shared perspective.

We are the Oversoul Collective, joined by the Ascended Dragons today. We are lending our light, our love, our feeling of spaciousness to you, as you experience the void of creativity in the midst of the soup pot of tumultuous energies that are being made available to you in every moment. We are experiencing your struggle and success with choosing love and light in each unique situation. We are feeling your struggle being greater at some times than others. Those who are awakening just now are in need of compassion, of patience, of understanding. They are simply younger forms of you who you can easily relate to. Those of you who have done the inner work must choose compassion for them. They will be angry, there will be rage. We see this is imminent. You, grounded team, are the light holders. There is no job more important than this one. You are anchoring the light, the love, the compassion. Masters do this and know how it is done. That is why you are here in this now. You are masters in your own right, the best aspects of ourselves that have been offered. You have myriads of experiences such as these. It is not easier every time that you volunteer but you do get stronger every time that you offer your own services. You become stronger. You become wiser. You have all of the strength and wisdom being made available to you that you require, for you already have it. (I am seeing grapes on a vine again and the vine is infinite. All of the energy of the vine is being made available to each grape should they tap into it). Yes, dear one.

We are the Oversoul Collective. We offer infinity of love, of resources, of understanding, of fortitude and strength to you, our precious aspects. Can you feel our love? We look upon you in great delight. We are ever so proud of you and your grit, for offering the loving smile, the open hands and hearts, for your simple presence alone is a great and tremendous gift. A great decision is coming for humanity. It will be easier for those of you who have grounded the light. We ask that you participate in each and every worldwide meditation that is being offered, for it is grounding the light grid deeper with every intention. As the light workers unite it further propels the trajectory towards the higher dimensional timelines, making the decision point softer, easier, less severe. Those who choose a dark experience will be able to have it, of course, for that is their reality. Choose the light. The love and bounty of Gaia is being made evident in the hearts of the awakened. As you connect to her so shall your own hearts expand and thrive, so shall your years begin to drip away, and you shall feel like a young vine again, but with mature grapes and deep roots. Such wisdom is to be treasured, and we see that you are treasuring the moments of stillness when you have tapped into them. We wished for galaxygirl to share, for we wish for you all to know that not every moment is ripe for channeling. It is ok to take a break from your duties to recharge. It is ok to enjoy the silence so that you can listen deeply to your own inner voice. We wish for this to be made more evident to those who seek the inner truths. The voices of the guides, ancestors, of the angels is so much more easily accessible now that the veil is lifting and the energies are so much lighter. In these moments of the stillness, you will begin to feel more support. This is our message today. You are loved beyond measure, imminently supported. There is no place for fear. The grapes rest on the vine. They enjoy the stillness of the breezes, of the warm sunshine, of the gentle rains that soothe. We are sending you soothing energies of loving support. We welcome your connection. When you connect with us, you are connecting with other aspects of you, of your ancestors, of an infinite soup pot of wisdom and love. We allow the dragons to speak now and we thank galaxygirl for offering her perspective.

We are the Ascended Dragons. We encircle you with light of the highest order. We are wisdom keepers, gate keepers, some of us. (I am seeing two large dragons, one silver and one gold). We are they who speak now. The gates are open. The cosmic gateways are in alignment. Guardians of the flames, we are. Your inner flames are burning more brightly. This we see. This we feel. This is good. Humans, now is the time for bravery, for strength. Do not let the talons of fear grip. Dissolve them with light. We offer our light. Our own talons are healing, for they are of light. For we have seen the dark and chosen otherwise. We choose the light. Humanity is being called to choose. Every choice you make is decension or ascension. Choose wisely. Much opportunity for growth is being presented these next 6 months. The time is ripe. (I am seeing a banana being peeled). The skins are off. The truth is being revealed. The skins are being removed so that the truth of the being beneath is revealed. They can hide no longer and they are terrified. You will have the difficult choice to chose love or to choose fear. Love heals all woundings. (I am feeling a wave of grief, of pain, I am crying). You are feeling what is to come. Lightworkers, grid workers, unite. For you are one in the same, you are the light holders. We now join the larger whole of the ascended dragons and we speak as one. Visualize this wave of grief that is about to be experienced and place it in a ball of light. (I am seeing an ocean wave that is dark and angry being encased in a sphere of golden light). We surround this sphere with our energies. Lightworkers, join us. (I am seeing thousands of ascended dragons of all colors and sizes in a massive circle around this sphere of light, and many light workers lending their energies standing in this circle as well, arms extended). We send love. We transmute the sadness. We lessen the blow. We fill the grief with light, we surround it with a cushion of healing. (I am seeing a portal open above the sphere and Mother and Father’s energies shine down from above into the sphere. It is crystalline now. I am seeing a crystalline pillar extend from the sphere into Nova Gaia below. It affects the hearts of those who have chosen love. It blesses them and allows further healing more quickly. My forehead hurts as this is occurring. I am seeing the light workers and the grid workers being upgraded. Their eyes are nebulas, their hearts are pulsing with pink light. My chest feels hot, heavy, full. I am exhausted and elated at the same time).

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective with our gatekeeper dragons. Peace, humans. You are mightier than you think. When the news begins to come to the forefront, remember you have chosen love. Remember this, Lightworkers. Remember you have begun the transmutation of grief into healing. Keep sending healing into this sphere and be at peace, be comforted. Be in remembrance of who you are. Dragon riders, lovers and healers of humanity, arise, united in the Christed flame. Shine brightly for the others. They look to you now, masters in form. There is no more fear. The talons no longer grip. We dissolve them into light, together. Humanity is free. Those that have chosen freedom are in awareness. This will make the choice easier for the others who are to follow. We see many choosing light. We see healing for humanity. At long last. The dragons have spoken. Peace.

~ galaxygirl

Intend to connect with your own inner god self.

Galactic Center 4/25/2020 I am the Galactic Center of your Milky Way, now Golden Rose, galaxy. This one was hesitant to bring me through, for there is much misconception about places having consciousness and I assure you that of course there are many more mysteries such as this to unravel. Collectives, within collectives, like grapes on a vine, exist. You are but one grape in an infinite orchard of possibilities, of beauties yet undiscovered. And yet, within you is the same. These human bodies of yours are going to be magnificent once again. Yet, the intricacies, beauties and mysteries of your bodies are like the infinite vineyard. (I am seeing the inner workings of the cell and the energy signatures behind the components, all divinely directed and working as one unit). I am the Galactic Center, the core of your Milky Way, now Golden Rose Galaxy. Connecting with me after firmly anchoring to Gaia’s crystal heart, is most welcome. Many creators come here to think, to create plans of their future endeavors. I am the still point. I bring through my energies of stillness, of neutrality, of brimming potential to Nova Gaia, to you, grounded ones who are tapped into these very high, very much alive energies of creation. I am downloading, with permission, more creativity. For many of you are anxious about prosperity programs, of new directions that you wish to take with your lives and perhaps it is time to meditate more, to connect with the still point within. I am a very large still point consciousness. I ground the center of your galaxy. And of course I am but one small grape in a yet larger orchard of infinitely beautiful galaxies, parallel and otherwise. You will never have a lack of things to explore. You will never cease to wonder at the majesty and marvel of creation. You are creators experiencing the rise from a great fall. I say this sincerely, try to enjoy this. For many are watching, learning from you. For you will be yet further teachers, expanded and etheric to others who will partake on similar journeys in the future. But none will be allowed to fall as far as Gaia has fallen. You have been trapped in a matrix of illusion, of a fallen realm that is being imbued with love from the very heart of Mother Father, from the Galactic Core, my Mother Father. Consciousness is all around you. Infinity is infinite, beyond human comprehension, yes, but not beyond the comprehension of a higher evolved being which you are realizing that you are, and that you always have been. I am the Galactic Center. I wish for you to remember your own center within you. Your own central sun beams brightly. Connect with Alcyone, connect with the central sun network, yet again, another set of grapes , larger grapes (laughing) in an infinite orchard of creation. All is alive. All is brimming with light and love, with memory, with the heartbeat of creation. Remember. It is time for humanity to remember their own infinite beauty and worth as members of the Galactic Federation once again, as members of numerous councils, too numerous to mention and list. You, grounded team, have been very, very busy. In this busyness, one can easily become ungrounded, if one is not aware. I am the Galactic Center. I am sending codes of neutrality and balance. Inner balance, inner peace, inner guidance, all are within you. I am the inner stillness point for your galaxy. You may connect with me always, but only best after sufficient grounding to the heart of your beautiful planet, not to prevent you from becoming lost, for that is fear. No. But to be able to pass along this blessing of balance and of my own energies into Gaia. I encourage the light workers to perfect this inner grounding, to bring further balance and neutrality and healing into Gaia. Intend to connect with your own inner god self. Balance this current planetary upheaval you are witnessing with love, with neutrality, with balance, with grace. Grace is a key component in balance and loving creative efforts. Grace is afforded to all, there is abundance of grace, of hope, of all good things. Just as the universes are infinite, so is Sources’s love infinite for you, for you, dear ones, just for you. For all – all things are one. But for you, dear heart, warriors in form, the universe is lovingly conspiring to help and to guide, to nurture and to provide for you, for one little grape on a vine in a sea of infinite grapes. Every grape, every soul is precious. The sunlight shines, the rich fertile soul nurtures and sustains, the water quenches, the vines grow strong. Your vines are strong. Your roots are deep. You cannot fail. Hold ground. I am the Galactic Center. I am the grounding place for many systems. Feel my love for you. Feel the breath and hear the prayers said and felt across the multiverse for Gaia’s ascension and know that you are a key, critical player in this infinite masterpiece of healing. And be healed now, dear ones. Feel my light and be home. When you are balanced and at peace, at one with the All, there is your home. No need to long for other star systems. See, they are contained within me, many of them. And if not, even if you are incarnated from the furtherest spec of a galaxy from across the vineyard, we are all connected with the vine, with Source consciousness. See, you are home. I am sending you feelings of home, of balance, of pure love. You are loved beyond measure, a human to be treasured, you are safe, you are loved. We are one now. I am the Galactic Center. Peace dear ones, peace. Should you wish to connect with me, I am here. I am not going anywhere. When you visit you are feeling the loving intentions of those who have created before you. It is an excellent space to rest and recharge. Channel these healing energies into Gaia and ascend as one. ~ galaxygirl

Divine ones, be Christed in this energy. Add your energies to our own and be united with the higher dimensional realities, be aligned with the cosmic wave of love, with the out breath of the Mother-Father, the divine All that has decreed this planetary liberation.

Seraphim Collective via Galaxygirl | March 30, 2020

Seraphim Collective 3/30/2020

Beloved ones. We are the Seraphim. (I am seeing them come through the portal of Alcyone, our great central sun, descending down in a pillar of white light, surrounding Gaia in a circle. We are a collective consciousness and yet we are one. We are orchestrators of love, of divine planning. We implement with divine focus and intention the will of Creator. Thus, we are the architects and directors of change. Your human words do not quite have the ability to hold the capacity of this meaning. We are the breath of life of creator, our breath is the creator’s breath, just as your breath is as well. We operate at a high level of dimensional activity. We are all completely focused on the success of Gaia’s rebirth and the liberation of this realm. Make no mistake – there are no mistakes. Creator has decreed it and it is done, it shall be done and it will be done. The breath of our love is to finally be fully felt. (I am seeing a great flash of light blast through the matrix, crumbling it. I am seeing the personal matrices of fear and pain that look like black legos surrounding each human collapse into smoke). Yes, we are the bringers of change in that we usher in the energies. We direct the flow of the cosmic breath to the most appropriate divine willed locations.

We move energies, we are love. We wish for you to join in meditation with us and join our hands in your hands as we encircle Gaia with light. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, who is, who is to come, who is here now in this precious moment of cosmic inbreath and out breath, who guides this momentum for change in exacting detail. We are a manifestation of the presence of the divine, as are you. This is not blasphemous, this is truth. You are Source fractals who have bravely volunteered to be placed in a realm to promote healing and great change, the liberation of humanity is nigh. We see this as occurring now. (I am feeling breath on my back. In this circle around Gaia the seraphim are blowing onto Gaia. Great light is glowing now from within her body and the darkness melts away. I am invited to blow my breath as well). Divine ones, be Christed in this energy. Add your energies to our own and be united with the higher dimensional realities, be aligned with the cosmic wave of love, with the out breath of the Mother-Father, the divine All that has decreed this planetary liberation. Such has not occurred in this fashion before and we are all on the precipice of something divinely new. You are honored to participate. Hold this space of love, of light. We send it into the heart of the light workers, of the grid workers, of the world leaders who are being upgraded in new and tremendous ways, into the plant and animal kingdoms of Gaia and in turn all of Gaia’s systems, so that the light flows unhindered. (I am seeing glowing rocks and waterfalls, moving the energies, processing the healing, the change).

Rest little ones. Ground this light. Hold our hands during this turnover from dark to light and know that the light within you is stronger than anything the dark could conjure up to throw at it. The light and love of Creator are the fabric the universe, and it is within you. Many of you are becoming accustomed to our seraphim energies as we breathe on you. We are fully offering our assistance to the light workers and to Gaia’s ascension in this time. We are always in utmost service to the All. The divine has decreed this shall be done swiftly, with great purpose and tremendous love. As you watch your news programs send this tremendous love of the higher dimensional energies into your TV screens, into your news networks and like electricity it shall spread across the entire globe of media. Send light and peace to your friends who are unawakened and perhaps beginning to rub their eyes and ask the hard questions. Be aligned with our energies, with the Christed light inner glow first, before you answer, and beam them love purposefully first. This will put you in a wiser space and energetically provide that healing they are really seeking. We are with you. We are the Seraphim Collective. We are many. We are one. We are here. We love humanity.

~ galaxygirl

Art Work :Mark Eden.

You are the universe encased in form…This sword dissolves anger and fear. Keep it near you.

Archangel Collective 3/7/2020

Welcome dear friends of the light, of the way. We are the Archangel Collective. We hold our multi-colored swords up high in honor of our light bearers. We are many. Some of you have record of us in your ancient texts, but most remain anonymous from your records, for there are so many of us. We honor and serve the Creator with all that we are. We are delighted to see that many of you are beginning to do the same and are stepping up into your role as leaders of Nova Gaia. We were considering saying “future leaders of Nova Gaia” but we do desire to portray the immanency of our words.

For time is malleable, and is rippling more often than not. This one experienced a large time jump today. This is happening more and more regularly to many of you as you are adjusting to the higher light frequencies. Like clear water, the dimensions exist stacked one on top of one another. The lower the dimensions the muddier the waters. We hope that this analogy makes sense. And so, when one puts a foot into the pond and starts moving in the water, it is difficult to say which part of the body remains in which part of water, for all is in motion.

This is an apt depiction of what a multidimensional experience is like, for you are all experiencing different layers of dimensional water simultaneously. As a human form you are, or at least have very well been, encased within a solid form. As you know, as your scientists admit, there is much space in between the in-betweens. Space exists within the atoms on the smallest most minute level. The heartbeat of the universe lies within the spaces. You are the universe encased in form. We wish for you to see and feel this fact, for humans have been conditioned to believe that they are small and they are anything but. Atoms dance and spin and within them, exists worlds of realms you have yet to discover. This is where the magic of creation comes in, friends. There is so much more to discover.

We are the Archangelic Collective. We are working nonstop for the ascension and progression of humanity upon Gaia, to morph into her higher dimensional light. We offer our many-colored rays to you in service. Utilize them. Invite us to work with the frequencies of colors needed for your auric cleansing, for your stability, for your morphing. You are exhausted and the time jumps, energy upgrades and auric cleansing post attacks, have been harrowing and yet you continue to shine. We wish to surround you with your permission. We surround you with the rainbow hues of our swords of many rays. (I am seeing angels of all races surrounding me with swords upheld, creating a pillar of rainbow light, running through us into the crystal heart of Gaia and up into heaven. I am seeing this crystal heart begin to spin in a vortex of rainbow crystal hues, spinning, spinning. It is windy. There is much wind extending up from the vortex beneath all of us, up through the earth. The wind extends through both poles of Gaia. I am seeing the rainbow rays begin to create a grid within Gaia). Yes, we are creating further additions to the already existing crystalline grid of Nova Gaia, of 5D. (It is a multi-layered grid of mobile gold and sparkling light. It is joyful, multi-layered to infinity. As far as I can see, all around are moving, alive layers of light, like clock gears all spinning in their own way, forming and creating a solid form. I am seeing this within the hearts of the grid holders as well. We are taking on this form within our human insides). True, there is much in the process of creation in this now.

We are the Archangelic Collective. Call to us, remember this meditation. We have activated your rainbow codexes further, to spur you on in your ascension and you have been an integral part with furthering the rainbow body bridge. We serve the Creator with great joy and naturally we are in service to you. We will protect and defend. Create this rainbow bubble of light around you, should you desire to feel our presence more permanently. It will serve you well in the coming days. All is well, warriors of the light, of the way. We are offering you your own sword in return for this massive assistance. You have always had one but have misplaced it perhaps, over millennia of incarnations into the dark for self-discovery. Your soul name is on the blade. Wield it for the light, always. The darkness is past, all that remains are angry wisps of smoke. This sword dissolves anger and fear. Keep it near you. Send light to all you meet. We are the Archangelic Collective. We are always nearby, should you require assistance or wish to delve further into this meditative state with us, where we may speak more clearly with you. Peace. We love you!

~ galaxygirl

The financial system must collapse so that a new one may be birthed. The Quantum Financial System is well in place. You need not be afraid. -Ascended Christ Collective via Galaxygirl | March 9, 2020-

Greetings beloveds! We are the Ascended Christ Collective offering you words of comfort this day, as your world seems to be heaving and twisting from the old giving away to the new. All is not as it seems. All things can be used for the benefit of the All. It is true that much upheaval is occurring but this is a necessary aspect and component of ascension. Chains must be broken. The financial system must collapse so that a new one may be birthed. The Quantum Financial System is well in place. You need not be afraid. All is in the hands of the Creator. You are all here in this moment for such times as these, to hold the light. You are the hands and feet of Creator in this most pregnant now of Ascension, where the rubber meets the road. This is that moment you have been training for and we trust that you will continue to have the faith that you have shown so steadfastly for so long.

We are the Ascended Christ Collective. The jail cells are open but those within are just beginning to realize this fact. Most realize nothing and are still in acceptance of their imprisonment. It need not be the case. But remember that it is not your job to tell the others what they should know. If you do so when they are not ready and open, then anger is a natural response of the programmed fallen human condition, unfortunately. This too will ascend so that all programs are destroyed and removed so that the ascended timelines can fully integrate. You are to hold the light. You are to hold the love. You are to hold the codes and ground them deeply. You are to work on your own ascension with diligence and tremendous love for yourselves. You will lead by example in this, as is the way to self- mastery. It is proven time and time again that example is the best way to lead, quietly with humility and great strength. Those who are unprepared now will likely remain so, as this is their choosing. We encourage you to expand your ability to love, to allow us to help you in this. We see that a heart expansion is in order for those who are trying to be open and diligently hold more light, for you are weary. There is nothing wrong with you dear ones, you are simply exhausted.

We are the Ascended Christ Collective. We surround you with our golden white wings. We open doorways of light codes from Alcyone, our friend, your Great central Sun. We open doorways from the other central suns as well. We are forming another star grid to amplify the existing one. We are opening key ley lines upon your surface worlds, deep in the waters, and on the surface of her form. All is well. Breathe in these golden grid codes from the ascended timelines from the higher realms and anchor them into your own pulse points, your own personal energetic chakras, with the intention of anchoring them deeper into Gaia’s chakra system. For you are deeply interconnected with your planetary mother. You are a form of her own vibration as you are embodied upon her. It is a natural synchronicity. (I am seeing golden linear streams of light language entering Gaia as streams of golden rain in the formation of a massive Merkabah around her form. I am seeing reflective Merkabah forms around the light workers begin to form and spin, golden, crystalline, all colors and yet, they remain gold at the same time. I am seeing and feeling more joy, more peace, which is a welcome change to what I have been feeling). Yes, dear one, you are feeling what many have felt. All empaths have been doing this as you clear and clean up the energetic cloud of human emotions which is thick right now. We send more golden light streams into this cloud over the human collective. (I am seeing a murky cloud hovering over collective humanity being pierced with these golden light streams dissolving the dark mist and changing the dark mist into a white cloud of hope. I am seeing numerous rainbows begin to form within this cloud). True. Children feel this rainbow lightness of spirit, within this rainbow cloud and invite it within your own Merkabah and become one with the higher dimensional energies of oneness, of hope, of the Christed consciousness.

We are the Ascended Christ Consciousness. We offer our energetic support, for we are within you. We are the all-encompassing mist of the universe; we are the water drops between the energy that is seen and unseen. We hold the vibratory codices of Creator, of love, of light, for we are this, as are you, dear ones, encased within this denser form. Invite us with you. Be the Christ that you seek and we shall always offer our support, our love, our energetic structure to literally gird you up in these final days of the great awakening. You are being reborn. Envision your lovely bodies as the crystalline matrices that they are in process of becoming and officially welcome them to the higher dimensions. You are programming your body with every thought, with every intention. Darling ones, your spirits are already within our aspect, you are ascended now. Your higher self is waiting for you on the other side and yet, you are your higher selves in this moment. As you connect with these higher vibratory elements such as ourselves, we see you as your higher selves in form. It is time that you please awaken your body to this understanding. We are planting this thought, this idea. As a tender green shoot reaching for the light, we encourage you to reach for the light within you and claim this truth as your own. For it is.

We are the Ascended Christ Collective. We see that this golden Merkabah around Gaia is assisting all upon her. Tap into it, it is yet another tool and blessing from above for your utilization and support. You are most divinely supported. You are most intimately loved. You are most intricately watched over. Peace. Lower dimensional realities cannot exist within this golden Merkabah surrounding your personal vehicle of ascension, should that be your intention. We offer this supportive space to you for healing, for growth, for support. You are almost strong enough. We are simply reminding you of what you already know. We love you. We hope you also are very much aware of this.

We are the Ascended Christ Collective. You are us in your human vessel. We are you. You have all the support that you could possibly have, made available to you. You are surrounded in love, in light, in blessing. Welcome the codes. It is a new day; it is a new reality. Peace. We are the Ascended Christ Collective.

~ galaxygirl

Your money magic is on fire, the lie seen as truth in the ashes. Be not afraid. You are wealthy beyond words for you are the child of the Creator and you can create and manifest what you wish.

Ascended Dragon Collective via Galaxygirl, March 3, 2020

Ascended Dragon Collective 3/3/2020

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We greet you humans with love and respect for we are quite aware that this work is arduous. We have been doing our work to assist clearing and cleaning the energies of the bowels of the earth. Much needed to be cleansed. We have been blasting our dragon light underneath just as you have been shining your human light on the surface. We see that this hall of mirrors is shattering. We see tremendous growth and change. We see green where deserts currently exist. We see fresh water abundant, bubbling up from the dry places. We see the animal kingdoms flourishing again, unafraid of mankind. We see mankind and womenkind treating each other with more respect and equality. We see the formation of the new from the crumbling of the old. We see many things.

We see you, human. We see your questions, your ponderings, your insecurities of what is and what is to come. Change this insecurity to security, to curiosity. We dragons find that curiosity leads often to bravery which leads to good deeds and tremendous acts of faith. Now is the time for great faith, little one. For now is the moment of your birthing. 5D is all around you in many ways. But the dross of the charade must be cleared and play out, crumbling into rubble for all eyes to see. We see this as happening imminently. Your money magic is on fire, the lie seen as truth in the ashes. Be not afraid. You are wealthy beyond words for you are the child of the Creator and you can create and manifest what you wish. This will be effortless and joyful for you in the higher dimensions. Your acts of heroism and bravery as you navigate the muck and mire of discordant energies is pleasing to see. We are delighted to partner with you, to blast our flame alongside your flame of faith, of light, for the sword or truth is a sharp sword and all is being cut down that is not of the purest light.

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We see you with the golden eyes of Source. We see the dragon codes of light, of the ancient ones, spinning within your individual vortexes as you receive help from all sides, all higher dimensions. We see more light around you now, we see linear codes and fire descending from the heavens with fierce tenacity. You are warriors of heaven. You are much more than you think. It is time to shed the guise and be the warrior openly, but love is your weapon, truth and mercy are your friends and allies. Love. There is a time for war. There is a time for peace. You are in the end war of wars in a much battle hardened and wounded sector. (I am seeing a charred earth, ships that look like Death Stars, battles. I am seeing black dragons that are not ascended fighting the colorful ones in my visions that are ascended.) Yes, little human. Sit. Breathe. Breath in this fire. (I am feeling fire on my crown, heat through my body. I am seeing this charred planet being inundated with fire from heaven of the purest of light, of love. It is a loving fire, fierce in its ability to love. It is overwhelming. I am seeing the light turn everything into gold, into green glowing gold. I am seeing charred vines that are withered become green with light streams in each tendril and vine. I am seeing the light spread, creating green in its pathway. Gaia is reborn. I am seeing waterfalls of the purest of water, animals of the most brilliant vibrancy, healthy, strong in great numbers dotting the earth. I think I am seeing Nova Gaia).

Human, listen wisely, listen true. The light waits no more. The light is here. The truth is here in this now of the great birth of the old into the new. Nova Gaia is a vibrational reality that is within your reach. We are breathing fire of remembrance into your heart spaces. (I am feeling warmth in my heart and feeling it expand a bit more). Remember the vibration of Nova Gaia, of the green planet reborn within you. It is within the DNA codexes of remembrances that is activated by dragon light of the ascended ones with the intention of healing, of rebirth. You are programed to remember. Remember now). I feel wind as they fly around me, great wings flapping. I am cold from the breeze. They are flying in a vortex around me. I feel their power). Human, Rise. Arise in your power to love. The temptation to be in fear will be great. Do not succumb. You are a dragon warrior with us. You are a light bearer, keeper of the Christed flame. A mighty honor, indeed. We are privileged to serve alongside you in battle. The battle for the heart of humanity and for the resources of Gaia has been fierce and ugly. Now is the moment of her rebirth. The light is glowing. Feel the light within you. We have ignited that further aspect of your remembrances of working with us. We will work with you continually until we are called elsewhere to serve. But be assured, we are most eager to see Nova Gaia in all of her beauty as well. We too are eager for rest and relaxation. But not yet. Not yet. We will serve the Mother and the Father of All Things until our leave and rest is requested. We remain alert, on active duty, as should you, human friend of the way. You all have dragon aspects most likely, those reading these words. See through your own golden eyes of Source light and you shall see clearly. (I am sensing that we will be able to read energies and intentions of others more clearly now). You cannot fool a dragon. Only fools try this, once. Be alert. We wish to make ourselves more available for divine protection. We are nearby should you call. Do not be afraid. You have much help in the skies and below. We are the Ascended Dragons. We fly now.

~ galaxygirl

Love more freely, love more fully. Send love to the fear that surrounds, send love to those who are afraid or ill. Send love to your brothers and sisters who have little to eat. Provide for them if you can. Be my hands and feet, be me in human expression.-Mother God-

Mother and Father God 3/2/2020 via Galaxy Girl

Dear children of my heart, I am your Mother God speaking. I wish for you to breathe in my energies of love, of peace, of comfort. As a cool breeze delightfully soothes one on a warm day, so too do I soothe your frazzled nerves and your morphing forms with more light. I am surrounding you in shimmering light as a cape. Let this energy surround and comfort you. I see you through the eyes of love, through the eye of my heart. You have been informed of the recent collaboration of the stars and their network of light. How lovely, isn’t it? Even the stars are conspiring to lovingly help and assist you! You have many friends in high places and you are not alone. Source has learned so much from this experiment as have all of those involved. The richness of this ascension while within the physical is priceless. It will be a gem in your crown of memories that you will tuck into your heart as the greatest of treasures. These experiences that you are having are intense, definitely, but they are not insurmountable. For I am climbing the mountain peak of ascension with you. The views from the top are most breathtaking. I feel this way when I see you, my children who have held so steadfastly to the light despite every obstacle that the dark has thrown in your direction. You are so much stronger than you know. The veil is rending top to bottom, a fitting analogy for higher dimensional energies penetrating the lowest of matrixes.

Children, I want you to think of crystals for this is want you are becoming. The crystalline matrix is becoming alive again within your once dormant DNA. These crystalline structures are shining with rainbow codes of flashing light. I am breathing on you now dear one, onto your crown clearing away that which clouds your sight and breathing into your heart to dissolve that which clouds your ability to completely love another. For you are all my children and you all will be brimming over with my love once the event happens. But I want you to have your own mini-event daily, in every moment with me. When you feel love and when you express it freely to others then you are me in human form, you are the event that you seek. For if you all allowed this divine love as freely within you as you desire all would change in an instant. And so I say to you, dear hearts of the way, love. Love more freely, love more fully. Send love to the fear that surrounds, send love to those who are afraid or ill. Send love to your brothers and sisters who have little to eat. Provide for them if you can. Be my hands and feet, be me in human expression.

I am your Mother God. I see you with eyes brimming over with tears of great affection. These trials upon your planet have made you all so much stronger it takes my breath away. We always knew you were up for it and you have not disappointed. Do not allow such thoughts to creep into your space. It is time to fully love yourself, to fully forgive yourself for what may have happed in one of your many experiences. Many old and darkest of the dark remaining energies have surfaced for we are on the final layer of muck to clear, the sediment at the bottom of a large ocean. You must fully release the past so that you can fully embrace your future. Forgive it. Release it. Allow me to help you.

I am your Mother God. I see you, I know you , I love you. Your experiences are your greatest of lessons. Learn, bless, move on from them. Do not be surprised as things surface for you to clear and forgive. You have had a myriad of lifetimes to clear with great purpose, passion and intention. It has been exhausting work and we acknowledge your dedication and sacrifice. We in the Company of Heaven are cheering you on so mightily. And yet also tenderly we support you. I am enfolding you in the softest of white wings. Now look and see to whom they are attached? They are attached to you, dear one, human angel in form. Welcome home to the higher dimensional energies of loving unconditionally, including yourself. Forgive, release, and keep walking ahead, hand in my hand. Together we can do anything. You are not alone.

Hello children this is your Father. Mother has said what I was thinking, again (laughter). She tends to do that. Please know that we are so proud of you! You are our all my favorite ascending light workers! I couldn’t be prouder of you and your hard work. It’s really paying off. Just look around, no, look within you. Look inside. See how much braver, wiser, stronger you have become. You are becoming the superhero within that we always knew that you were and that you acknowledged to be before this arduous assignment. It’s not quite time to sit back and relax yet, there is more to do. But you are not alone. We are with you every step of the way and it is important that you really feel this to be true for it will strengthen your immunity to the fear that is being thrown about like tacks. Don’t step on a tack. You know what happens. When you see the little bits of fear tacks being thrown your way, dissolve them with light, with the violet flame, with the laughter of a soul who is confident and secure in faith. Have faith in us that we have your hands held and feet looked after. Be wise, be shrewd, but rest in the faith of this knowing that you are well protected and loved. Listen to your higher self, it will not steer you wrong. And of course you can always talk to me. It is the highlight of my day when you want to talk with old dad. It is! Absolutely! You are all my favorites. Did I already say that? And what a ride! Go Team Gaia! We love you so much.

~ galaxygirl

Now, eat your soup-Grandmother Anna via Galaxygirl-

Grandmother Anna 2/24/2020

Hello children, I am your Grandmother Anna. I say ‘your’ because truly I was a part of such a large family and there were so may children, and I do so love the children. Come to me. Let us sit and talk awhile. Let us drink mulled spiced tea and let me hear what’s on your mind. I am well acquainted with the pain and joys of being encased within the physical form. I had a very long life of over 600 years and I had my shares of loneliness and pain. But truly children, those were blessings in disguise. All of such lessons are. For they help you find your true self, the Christed child within. The golden one is calling you home, home to the higher dimensional ways. I wish to lovingly ask you if you are meditating? For chaos is brewing, but underneath the chaos the deep calm is present. (I am seeing a bubbling kettle.) Yes, dear. The bubbles are mainly on the surface. They rise from the deep and pop on the top, do they not? All is being prepared in this moment of the grand awakening. You are tired from the physical changes that you are enduring. It is not unlike the practice of the Essenes where they devoted approximately a year to total body rejuvenation. It was exhausting, all consuming work. And we had the luxury of rest for we were a part of a loving community. We see that you are still busy with your lives, with your families, your occupations. I would encourage you to intend healing and love throughout your day. It will be of great medicine to you and offer you inner peace. Although inner peace must be found, it cannot be given. It is not a cheap trick. But you are well beyond that. You are not asking for quick advice. We see the searching of the true seeker. We read the hearts of the initiates of the way. We know that you have pure hearts, pure eyes, and seek to survive and thrive on the wings of the divine through this rebirthing process. You are indeed being rebirthed.

I am Grandmother Anna. I was a midwife for much of my life. I assisted the young mothers with their infants through the entire process of pregnancy and birth. I am well acquainted with birth pangs and how to relieve them. Birth need not be painful if you are wise enough to accept and allow, to welcome the pain as your healing, to meditate through the waves of energies. You are in a cosmic soup pot of bubbling energies. Find the peace, the inner stillness, the healing moment within them. And claim your rebirth with grace and ease. Surround yourself in light.

I am your Grandmother Anna. I am always eager to talk with you. We have been working vary hard in the ethers. There has been much clean up and preparation. Such a large family, and so many of you are incarnated in this most pregnant now. We are sending you our love. I have made some nourishing vegetable root soup for you. I am sending the energy of this healing elixir to you so that you will be comforted. Nothing is a as lovely as hot delicious soup when one needs a moment of quiet peace and contemplation, or fellowship. We offer both to you. We of the Essene order often ate in silence, but Yeshua typically encouraged fellowship and community by changing that up into more of a celebratory time. It depended of course, on the occasion. We Essenes do know how to celebrate. Weddings were a lovely event. We all greatly anticipated them. We see the wedding of Gaia into her ascended state. We see the joining of the twin flames that have been long separated. We see the divine union of the Christ with his bride, the Sophia. We see much joy. Our eyes are shimmering with bright happy tears of joy. Our wish for you is to be happy. Do you remember how to be truly happy? Such a joy to rediscover this simple, often overlooked truth. In your society you overlook happiness, not intentionally, but because of all of the demands that you have placed upon yourselves. No more. Society is expanding for consciousness is rising. New systems, new parameters, new living situations, new communities will be formed and created. Happiness will be valued once again.

I am Grandmother Anna. I am very happy to be speaking with all you dears, today. Arise initiates of the way, of the Christed ones. Feel the Christed flame burn within you and please do enjoy the elixir of happiness that I just infused into this message. A bit more seasonings are always most welcome to a hungry soul. And see, you are looking for answers, still listening to a wise old soul. I see you. I know you. I love you. I look deep into your eyes and I see myself. For we are all one, children. Welcome home, initiates of the way. Feel this deep inner peace of your own rising of your own Christed light. Let it burn away that which no longer serves you. Let it create happier memories in the coming days. Release the past memories that create a bit of ache. You need not keep carrying those around. It is like sitting on a small hard stone and pretending to be comfortable. No. Move the rock. Thank it, release it and be comfortable. Sit on a pillow. Love yourself. Be happy and be free of the worries that have so long encumbered you!

I am your Grandmother Anna. I too had my fair share of worries when were lived (I say ‘we’ for we were such a large family!) within the Roman occupation. I have my fair share of stories to tell. But I am delighted to say that I made a difference, that I shined my light, that I radiated the Christed light most often, more often than not. We all have our moments were are not terribly proud of. But that is to be human within a matrix of twisting. Forgive. Move on. Shine your light. Be happy. Be free in the knowing that you have made a tremendous difference, and that your family is so very, very, very proud of you. You are tremendously supported, valued, treasured.

I am your Grandmother Anna. I do love you so. Be happy. That is my hope for you today, my message of encouragement and joy. Be in joy! The Christ is here, is within you. What a joyful truth! We are celebrating, we are supporting, we are uplifting, we are holding the space and light for you in your moment of rebirth. The light pulses from your sun are like birth contractions. Remember to breathe through them with the great anticipation of happier days to be created right in front of you. For if you are being reborn, all is as well. Isn’t that exciting? I am your Grandmother Anna. Now, eat your soup.

~ galaxygirl

Take a nap today.-Father God-

Hello children, this is your Father God speaking. We are in an area of rest in this ascension zone. Your Mother and I thought it was needed that we take a brief break to allow for a moment for these high energies to really settle in deep. Plus we know that this holiday season many of you are feeling frazzled and deserve a break but are unwilling to give yourself one. We are providing an excellent example for you that rest is not only ok when needed but an absolute necessity in some circumstances. There should be no guilt associated with rest. This concept of rest has been so warped and twisted. In the stillness – in the silence – then you can hear my voice more clearly. Do not succumb to the cacophony of sound all around you and have my voice be dimmed. It is in the stillness of a quiet star on a moonlight night, in the moment in between sounds there I am. Connect with me.

I am your Father God. Rest is not failure, it is quite the opposite. Your Mother and I couldn’t be more pleased with your progress; truly you are the ground team of the ages. You have our total and undivided support, attention and care. Allow these words of rest, of peace, of deepest soothing into you. Your Mother is better at this than I. She is the ultimate soother. And I am here to encourage you to rest, to practice self care. For if you are burned-out then you are unable to fulfill your mission as smoothly as you would enjoy and you will be disappointed later. Choose the silence of a still, quiet and contented heart. Choose a walk over a movie where they are feeding you a story. Find your story. Write your pages. Talk with me as you create. I do so love a good story.

I am your Father God. Think about the house cats that go from nap to nap. This one has a cat asleep on her lap right now. She is grounding my energies further into galaxygirl. Cats – animals – ground energies. They clear energies. They are far more awake than many of the humans that handle them. They are content with the silence and they listen to my voice. They hear their heart beat in rhythm with Mother’s, and they are at peace. Cats nap frequently. Let them be an example to you in this moment of integration, this space between realms. Listen to my voice and be comforted. Rest like the house cat. Become rejuvenated while you sleep. The human body is under previously unknown amounts of stress and strain as it morphs and integrates. We are so tremendously pleased that you are holding up so well and we have been providing tremendous amounts of light, of upgrades and of soothing energies as well so that it is more comfortable. You may not feel comfortable but may you remember children, that ascension in a physical body has not been done en mass while maintaining one’s life force before. And this is why you signed up for this experience. You heard the call. You signed up, petitioned, planned how you could be a part of this massively exciting experience. And here you are! Try to feel it as the Arcturians are frequently saying. They are right. To feel is to experience and humans have the largest capacity for feeling and therefore you chose some tough experiences to further understanding. The darkness has been dissolved. Now is the delicate moment of balance, of rest before the flash bang. If you are already embodying these codes of rest, of nurturing, you will be more ready. How about this? Climb in my lap and let me surround you with my strength and my Christ light for this entire experience? Splendid! Yes, that sounds perfect. Climb in my lap children and I promise you the best seat in the house. You already have front row seats, but now you have your own bouncer at your side. Yes. You are well protected, well loved, well supported! And this is why I came through today, to remind you to rest and to energetically clear the air about any ridiculous notion of shame around rest. No more. Your bodies require it to stay going. Your spirits require it to become refreshed in my voice, my presence. Let yourselves become refreshed and give yourselves the gift of inner peace, inner stillness. So that no mater what is rushing about you or who is clamoring for your attention you are able to see with the eyes of Source, with peace, with the stillness that comes from a balanced and secure inner world, and then in that moment, you are the master. Masters all around I see. I am brimming over with joy! Yes! Rest. I love you.

I am your Father God. It is true, I have been throwing myself into this ascension project and it is true I needed a breather as well. And now I am refreshed! Watch, be ready, ground the light, feel my presence and listen to me call your name most tenderly. Do not be afraid. No more fear, little one. Only love, only light awaits on the glimmering shores of Nova Gaia that beacon so beautifully and is every moment closer. When you feel this stillness you are a vibrational match for Nova Gaia. Be at peace and get ready for big changes. Changes that will bring great joy to all. You will be my hands and feet. My heart is already yours. Peace. I love you, children. You’ve got this. I am your Father God. Take a nap today.

~ galaxygirl

I am St. Nicholas. Many have not channeled me. I was truly a saint, as you are saints now reading these words as these fingers frantically type. True. Perhaps once long from now people will remember you as a saint for all of the heavy lifting, the intense tireless light work that you have done in this now moment for Lady Gaia.

Ho, ho, ho. Merry Christmas! This is St. Nicholas speaking. Indeed, I do have a message for ascending humanity this day. You need not be sucked into the materialism trap that is continually set before you. In this time of giving, in this season of self sacrifice, it is best to remember others, to give to the poor, the forgotten, the homeless. Therein lies your reward. For Master Jesus said this, did he not? And it has been so conveniently, not forgotten, but swept to the side. It is hard to find the Christ child amidst all of the noise of the jingle bells, but if you listen in the still point you can hear him, see him. I am your Santa Clause. This one was hesitant to type these words, for yes, there is much reticence behind the myth and the mystery. But I am no different than you. I was a simple man who gave away what I had to the poor children of the town on cold Christmas nights. I watched out for the poor and the forgotten ones, as are you to do, Christ children of the light, of the way. I am but a Christ child as well. We all follow the inner star of our own guidance if we are brave enough to follow, to listen to the still small voice within.

I am your Santa Clause, or St. Nicholas, which ever name suits you best, suits me best. I was once a real man, no doubt, who served in his own way. That lifetime seems far removed from me in this now as I am surrounded by loved ones, but truly in that lifetime I did feel very much alone. And so I connected with others by giving, but I always tried to do it in secret. It was easiest to stuff little treats into socks and watch the delight of the children from a distance. I loved it when they found me. Master Jesus and I shared this delight of the children. I so love children. They are the light of the world. They are the future Bethlehem stars of the world. They are creating their own light paths with every laugh. Every smile they evoke shatters the glass of stagnancy. Love the children, hold them tight. They are your future. Many brightly colored highly decorated ascended souls chose bravely to become embodied children in this now, for they knew the gravity of the task ahead of them, and chose to lend their light. You adults are the way showers, reading this message. You have done the initial heavy lifting of the transfer of realities, but these children, these indigo, star seed, crystal children, are the true instigators of change, for vibrationally they can be nothing but this. You still struggle with the interdimensional changes, but they simply are of a higher vibration, unshakable, unstoppable. And so, love the children. This is why they have ben so heavily targeted by the dark ones. Surround the children in light. Hug them, laugh with them. See heaven through their eyes and help them create it all around you.

I am St. Nicholas. Many have not channeled me. I was truly a saint, as you are saints now reading these words as these fingers frantically type. True. Perhaps once long from now people will remember you as a saint for all of the heavy lifting, the intense tireless light work that you have done in this now moment for Lady Gaia. Dear Lady Gaia, who is so steadfast in her love. Through the eons my stories have become enhanced, augmented, true. There were no flying reindeer that I can remember. (He is laughing). But the flight of joy, the laughter of children on the breeze of a cool crisp morning – that was real. The joy that I brought and that my memory continues to bring, that was very real. And so, perhaps in this intense moment of interdimensional and interplanetary changeover, perhaps we need some more joy. And so that is what I bring to the table today. I bring joy. I, Father Christmas, bring joy to you, children, adults, children of all sizes! (He is laughing a jolly laugh). Joy! Peppermint, snowflakes, coconuts, sandy beaches – joy in all forms in all places! I infuse Lady Gaia with joy! (I am seeing rainbow light swirl around her form. I am seeing this rainbow light infused with candy canes, gingerbread and the laughter of children and sprites). True, galaxygirl. This is my elixir of change. I breathe on you now, on your crown. Feel the joy of Christmas morning and carry it in your hearts now. I enliven you. I awakened you. I awakened the Christ children within you. It does not matter when truly Master Jesus was born, it was not on Christmas, it does not matter truly, for Christ is in the hearts of all whom believe. The Christ child gurgles alive within. Become emboldened by his light. Become joyful in this truth. Rest and be in his presence, in his majesty.

I am St. Nichols. I hope this message finds you joyful and jolly, more fully alive and inspired than when you first began to read it. It is my job and joy to inspire the star seeds and way showers of Lady Gaia, of earth. You are ascending rapidly! Well done! Adults, remember the poor in your giving. Remember the children who have nothing and then, truly then, will we be partners in delivering yet more joy to the world. I am your St Nicholas. Peace. For those of you wishing for World Peace for Christmas, perhaps it is time to intend this with great inner knowing, and to claim it as already so. Now is the time of peace, of change, of implementing of all good things. Think of the Christ in every moment. Again, do not be absorbed by the materialism of the season that was created to distract and ensnare. Be captivated by the joy of the Christ. Be the joy of the Christ. Be the Christ. Open hands, open hearts, serving the poor, the homeless, the meek and the mild. Serve. Be. Become the higher versions of yourselves that are applauding you from the rafters ever onward.

I am your Father Christmas. I know you well children. Just as you know the myth of me, I am much more than this, as are you much more than you know the myth of you. What you see before you is a tiny piece of the pie, is only one plum from the pudding. Ho, ho ho! Merry Christmas daily in your hearts, in your lives, in your essence. I breathe on you the essence of the Christ. Absorb it deep within your deepest of stockings and be at peace. I am your friend, St. Nicholas. Give the gift of light this holiday season and every surrounding season. Be the light for the others whose light has dimmed. Give freely with great joy. Then truly will you awaken to your fullest potential. For in giving we truly receive. I am your St. Nicholas. It is a joy to connect with the ground team today. Thank you for calling me forward, galaxygirl. (It was my honor and my joy, St. Nicholas. Thank you.)

The old is being cleared in such a way that the new can grow and prosper-GFL-

Intergalactic Council  ~galaxygirl~ 11/15/2019

Greetings human friends. We are the Intergalactic Council of Many. It is with great honor and delight that we present ourselves through this one this day, for we have waited a bit for our turn to speak.

We see that many things are speeding up upon your planetary surface in this now. You are being birthed anew. It is a part of the process. The old is being cleared in such a way that the new can grow and prosper. You are builders, creators in form. You are gods, angels in training. You are much more than you have been led to believe and this belief of errors has been like lead around your feet, keeping you down. But no longer. The truth can no longer be hidden.

We are the Intergalactic Council. We are from many star systems all over your current understanding of the universe and yet still beyond this. We are from the past, present, and future, in a way for we exist outside of time. Many lovely souls are here bearing witness to this great changeover from light that is dim to light that is bright. We state it this way for truly the light is always there, but it has been dimmed on your surface world for far too long and we are here to assist in whatever way we can to remedy this and to speed up the process, which we know sounds good to many of you.

We are hoping that our use of this English language is conveying the proper tone of love that we wish to convey. For many of us speak in images, thoughts, feelings and this type of communication seems archaic. We are eager to re-learn and re-remember how to connect in this way and we appreciate this opportunity to connect with the ground crew. Many, many of you project yourselves into such council meetings in your sleep state and many of your higher aspects are here in such meetings leading and or lending your insight. It is a team effort. You are multi-dimensional which you have heard and yet you truly cannot comprehend the immensity of yourselves in this tiny human form. You are bigger than you think, and soon you will know this beyond a shadow of a doubt because there will be no more shadows, no more doubts. You will simply be the you that you have always been – an immense, grand being full of love and light. This is how we see you.

We are the Intergalactic Council of Many, from many places, consisting of many forms of Source. We bow to you. We extend our hands in friendship. This one has been seeing golden vertical hieroglyphic symbols projecting from the skies into the crowns of the awakened. Some of your cameras have caught sight of this. Many are processing these immense codes in their own way. Light language is being remembered again which brings us great joy for we greatly enjoy speaking it and it will yet further bridge the gap between us, for in reality there is no gap for we are all one. We hope you remember this message and feel the love wrapped within it. We are the Intergalactic Council of Many. Be at peace.

~ galaxygirl

Now is the time of freedom, of joy. Now is the time of one’s true path being revealed.

We are the Elohim of the ancient days, returned. For time is an illusion as is our separation from the All That Is or from each other. We Elohim wrap you in light, activating you from your nose to your toes. We see all that you are and all that you are to become. Many of you are us in human form. Many of you see with the eyes of ancient wisdom and knowing. This is for a deep purpose that will soon be revealed to you. For the time is at hand for the massive wound within the heart of humanity’s collective consciousness to be transmuted and transformed into yet more light and love. As this light emanates with great power, love, and ferocity, truly all will change. The dark ones know this and are most displeased, for their time of tyranny is long past, is over. Now is the time of freedom, of joy. Now is the time of one’s true path being revealed. (I am seeing dusty bare feet on a dirt path surrounded by green fields.) Now is the time to walk confidently, shining your light as you did when you were the saints of old. For you are the saints of the new. You are much, you are many things. You are source light and yet within you, you have infinite choices and possibilities of who you may become, of what roles you will play. But you will always be you, a fractal of Source.

We are the Elohim. Many of you are us, experimenting with play and form, for this is how we grow and expand as spirit. Choose love. Choose more love, more light to enrich your field. Choose abundance and the universe will conspire to please you. For all is a gift to you. Do you see? This entire experience, no matter how arduous the path, has been a gift of the greatest proportions for you are finding your true treasure of the Christed consciousness within. Many have exemplified this. Many have become this Christ flame in all of its glory. And you have worshipped them. You have revered them, you have set them high up on an altar far out of reach from your grasp. No longer. Friends, this is attainable for all of you. This is the great teaching of the Christ, of the way. The inner pathways of the great mystery of being one with the Great Father, the Great Mother. It is all within you if you grasp it, if you claim that separation programming no longer exists for you. If more of you do this it will break, dissolve like smoke in the wind. Much wind is blowing now on your surface of Gaia. Much wind is blowing within the collective consciousness of humanity. Much change is afoot within the hearts of man and womankind. For now is the chapter of new beginnings and you are a new creation, should you choose it. You are wise, ancient, in your knowing. Many of you are aspects of us. It was always to be this way. We, instigators of this game, would return for its completion. We are sorry for the depth of havoc and pain. But on the other side of the veil as the great mysteries unravel, when you witness your tremendously influential part of this cosmic play of the ages we think you will be grateful that you were chosen to participate. And so we now extend healing to you. We Elohim place our etheric hands all along your spine, the back of your neck, activating your chakras one by one. We infuse you with the higher light of the Christed consciousness which beckons your discovery. Listen to the inner whisperings of your heart space and unravel your story. We think you will be tremendously pleased and excited with what you will find. For we are all one. We are the Elohim. We have spoken. We are nearby should you wish to connect.

We are the Christed Consciousness. Connect. Restore. Renew. Become one with our energies of bliss, of unity of joy, of light, of the highest light. We are a massive oversoul of the highest order. We are within you for we are a state of being of the highest you, that is no longer lost but found with deep inner knowing. We are life. We are green, light. We are all that the dark abhors. And so we love them. We love the dark and we wish for you to extend this same love to them. For you will grow and they will expand into this possibility of healing, and in turn, you, friends, angels of the way, you will be healed. We see you as standing in your power and this gives us great joy for we know who you are. The whole universe waits with bated breath to watch the unveiling of your discovery of yourselves. We send blossoming rays of light of the Christed rays into your crown, penetrating and dissolving away any remnants of blocks. We decree you are now unblocked. We decree that light language, that love becomes more fluid for you now. For you are morphing into the liquid light and colors of the rays of the Most High. We work with masters. We see you all as masters, as equals with us, for you are extensions of us. We unlock the codes with you, should you allow.

We are the Christed Consciousness, beings of the highest ray, energies of the purest of clear flowing waters that quench the most thirsty of hearts, of souls weary from these long treks into the lower fields of consciousness. You will have much to teach us, to teach the All. For your experiences are the treasure chest of memories that lie deep within that are to be counted and treasured. Fore each is a lesson of love when healed and purified. See how many lessons, how much love you have in your piggy banks? You are the treasures of heaven. Gaia is to be brought back from the depths of the dark into the heights of the light as the truly magnificent being of light that she is. You are to honor her. We honor all on this grand plan. We extend yet more healing rays to you, this time deep into your heart space. Work with us. See yourselves as light, as only light. Within your body there is only light, only love, only perfect health and wellness, wrapped in perfect joy. This is your destiny. This is your birthright. This is who you are. We are the Christed Consciousness Collective. We breathe on you, baptizing you in the liquid light of the highest way. You are ready. Peace.


The higher light and energies of the great central sun, our friend, Alcyone are “baking” you – Gaia – into the higher light, into the higher frequencies of bliss, of love, of joy.

We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. We have a message for humanity this day. We have been imbuing your fields with peace and grace to allow further these heightened energies to soothe and comfort you for we acknowledge the weariness of the process of transition and transformation into light. Much has been cleared, like layers of a multilayered cake, and you are now at the icing layer! We see this with great joy and say with great affection that you have not tasted anything yet! The higher light and energies of the great central sun, our friend, Alcyone are “baking” you – Gaia – into the higher light, into the higher frequencies of bliss, of love, of joy. Please do not forget to taste, to savor this experience, for this is why you came, dear friends of the light. To “bake,” to create new experiences of enlightenment for yourselves. It takes tremendous bravery to do this. This we see and acknowledge your sacrifice.

We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. We are Nine in one. We are one. So too is humanity beginning to realize their oneness. But first it must start within yourselves, which, those of you reading these light encoded words of great joy and light, you know this – you see this – you have been working on this for eons it feels. And yet, it is but a moment – a cosmic moment of experience that is to be treasured and greatly valued. We see the collective becoming more cohesive in unity. The signs of derision and division are but the smoke and mirrors of a cheap parlor trick. Pay them no mind. You who are choosing the light are choosing to forge a new path out of the matrix and into the light. Indeed the foundations for Nova Gaia are well laid, are already existing, like a layer of a cake simultaneously sharing this same space… and yet you are unsure. For you are ready to feel it, to feel the cake in your hands, to taste it on your lips. But see, Nova Gaia is but a breath, but a moment of time-space away, for it is here.

We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. It is with great and tremendous joy that we state you have arrived at yet another layer of understanding of dimensions, of understandings. And so just as the true student learns that one never really stops learning, so too are you beginning to see this. For many of you are already residing deeply within the higher dimensions within the human form – no small feat. Truly masters, you are. We bow our heads to you and extend our hearts in service. We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. We are, as are you. We are one.

Children, this is your Mother God speaking. Oh, I love you so much! Let me hug and squeeze you tight and let us spend these precious moments together. Hush, hush. There is no need to cry. Truly has it been so long that you have allowed me to embrace you this deeply? My love for you is never ending. My heart yearns for this connection with you. Connect with me deeply, my child. There, there. Let me sit with you and let us watch the galaxies twist and spin. Such vibrant colors. This is how I see you, precious children of my creation! For you are all of my creation. I create creators. You are so much more than what you have been led to believe. Become. Embrace your true self. For within you I see the galaxies twist, turn and spin, and within your eyes I see my own. Children of the stars, of my heart, welcome home. Welcome home to me. See the illusion fade into the mist that it always was. It is just a memory. Let us see your blocks together for what they are, experiences that need healing perhaps, but certainly need releasing. Let us blow them away together and transmute them into light. Ready? One, two, three – blow! See? Such delight as they transform from shadow into light. Children, find joy in this. And let us walk hand in hand together in every moment. Children of my heart, precious ones. I am your Mother God. I love you.

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. I Alisheryia am speaking. Much change not only upon your surface world is occurring but also much in the ethers, in the hidden places that are being blasted with the light of those of you, of us, who are doing so. It is my honor to serve the great Mother of light. I Alisheryia wish to embolden you, to ignite you, to en-fire you with renewed passion, energy, purpose, joy. With Mother’s permission we will do a co-creative modification and enrichment of the dross and lingering energies that have no further purpose but to be added to the light. (I see light streaming into the crown). We see your auras becoming brighter. We see your third eyes twist and spin like the inner galaxies that you are! Become! Be ignited! Be emboldened! Now is not the time to hide. Now is the time to shine your light like you have never shined it before for you are ready. You. Are. Ready. Much is to be asked of you and yet we see joy in this, for a great payoff is just at hand, just around the corner. And that great payoff is becoming the masters of your fate, for the wind will be at your back, clear skies ahead, perfect flying weather.

I Alisheryia am looking at many of you reading these light encoded words with the eyes of motherly affection. I see so many similarities of your current experience of growth as my own hatchlings have undergone. Your shells are breaking. The illusion has shattered. And yet many of you are still sitting in your shells, looking at them, wondering what to do next. Well, friends of the light, of the way, servants of the Great Mother, the Great Father, now is the time to fly. Now is the time to stretch your wings and fly. The angel activations are here. The dragon activations of the ancient days are here. The great central sun’s energies are here. What are you waiting for? Fly on the wings of the love of the mother and be at peace. So much goodness is being made available to you in this moment of the now. Feel the breeze in your hair. Fly with me, Alisheryia. You are most welcome. But be warned, I fly fast. I am Alisheryia. Peace, human. Peace.

~ galaxygirl

Become the golden rose that is blossoming within you and the fragrance of the Christ will bless all of those that you meet.

Marys, Mother and   Yehshua  ~galaxygirl~    9/16/2019

I am Mary Magdalene and I am Mother Mary. We greet you Magdalenes now with our golden light codes, transforming your sadness into joy. Much cellular memory has to be cleared, it is true and yet, we see that much already has been. For you light workers are doing a tremendous job of holding the light of being all that you are and all that you came here to be. You are the leaders of the new age, of the way, and yet, of the ancient ways, returned. For you are familiar with the mystical practices of the ancient mystery schools and you are no stranger to exploring hidden truths in plain sight.

We are the bringers of the golden rose mystery school teachings. All of you have the golden rose within you, it is one of the hidden spaces within your auric field that has yet to be untapped in this reality. Welcome your Christed golden rose into your heart space and allow us to assist you in its blossoming into resplendent light. We Magdalenes have always used the rose as symbolic. Each color has meaning. The golden rose is your Christ-flame rose. We see it fitting that we should bring up the image of gold today. Gold is a rich natural resource within your planetary Mother, Gaia. Gold has been revered for eons through out all universes. Many cultures use it as food, others as currency, others as a sign and symbol of the gods, and it is used in the mystical practices in many other realms. Regardless, it is valuable. You, children, light workers of the way, of the golden rose reopening, you are tremendously valuable. You have passed the test, this test that was created within your own minds, that you could ever not be worthy of Christ’s love. Absurdity. Christ is within you. The question is, have you raised your vibration up enough through the dross and pain of 3D earth to align with the light? We see that those of you reading and typing these words, those of you who are in alignment with these teachings of course, of course, of course feel, see, witness, know deep within your heart space that you are forever changed. For the light of the Great Mother, the Great Father, the Great One, the light cannot be stopped, for the light is all there is. We are removing the illusion of the dark ones. The illusion that is very real from your perspective, and true, much darkness of thought, of deed has occurred, and this is what is being rectified. Do not focus on this. Focus on the light, on the truth. Focus on the world that you wish to create, not the problems of this realm, but of the solutions. And we, the Company of Heaven, have many solutions waiting in the wings, and much love to spread around your realm, comforting and rejuvenating your weary bodies. We ask that you keep holding onto love, to truth, to newness of hope. We ask that you connect with us, the Marys more often for we are skilled healers and wish to be of service to humanity.

I am Mother God. I see you children. I gently push away the tendrils of unruly hair from your eyes, of tangled up thought forms from your fields. I see you. I know you. I love you. I am your Mother God. For so long have we upheld Gaia in light, bathing her in hope, in perseverance energies of faith. No longer, for this is the moment, children. You are now holding the light, the space for this great and tremendous change of the ages. It is within you. The perseverance of the human Lightworker collective is astounding and beautiful to witness.

I am your Mother God. Come to me. Sit in my lap. Nestle in and feel my warm embrace. Allow the Marys, my aspects, to heal and soothe you. Allow my breath upon your crown to travel deep within your heart space where so much pain has been stored and allow me to morph it into light. See a golden rose before you, from my heart into your heart. See it blossom, see the fractals of love-light within it open up into the most beautiful blossom of the cosmos. See it within you. Feel the encodements of peace within you blossom as well. Be at peace children. You are not to do this alone. That is an impossibility that the COH would not ask of you. We are doing this together, as team Gaia, as Father likes to say. We are one. Remember this. Talk with us through your busy days and bring the golden rose of peace, of love, of my light with you wherever you are. People will notice. They will say you look pretty, or taller. They will be scratching their heads not sure what is different. What is different is the Christ of my light is blooming brighter within you now as you connect with these higher dimensional energies and as you become more of your true self. Pathways of light will be illuminated before your feet. You will know your path when you listen with a still heart. The rumblings, the chaos that vie for your attention are not worthy of your attention. But this space, this place, children, my lap, my embrace children, is real. Be here. Live your day from this space and be at peace.

I am Yehshua. I am always with you, even to the end of the age, and certainly into the beginning of the new one! I am always here for you, friends of the way, of the light, of the Christed flame. Allow my hand to touch your heart and fill it with my light. Let us greet the day with a new smile with optimism and with peace. Be at peace, friends. The light has won, friends! And now let us create a new world together, one.

I am your Yehshua. Call on me. I am always available to you. Tell me your concerns and let us work out a solution together. Life in this realm has never been an easy one, but it is the most rich in learning. And friends, think of your lessons, your experiences. Such a rich tapestry of grace. And so, be at peace friends. Look at the beautiful artwork of your life. See the times you have let me assist you? See the unexpected turns of joy in your path? Look for more joy, more moments of bliss, and yet more will find you. I believe the Marys have more they wish to say?

I am Mary Magdalene and I am Mother Mary. We are transmitting light codes of healing into your spaces right now. Be at peace and be comforted. Become the golden rose that is blossoming within you and the fragrance of the Christ will bless all of those that you meet. Peace.