Category Archives: Daniel Scranton

Continue to believe in your ability to create that which is unknown, unseen, and unheard of.

Making the Impossible Possible ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the highest opinion of all of you because of your ability to incredible experiences for yourselves that go beyond the expectation of the average person. You who have awakened to your true nature as Source Energy Beings have been able to create impossible possibilities. You have been able to experience miracles in your lives time and time again, and it has been your willingness to be who you really are that has brought you to these wonderful experiences.

You are not just trailblazers and wayshowers. You are also magicians, and you are even capable of creating within the unknown. What brought you to this marvelous position has been your ability to tap in to that which is eternal and infinite inside of you. Now, for most of humanity, that spirit, that sense of the Divine within has been snuffed out. And for many of you, it was certainly on the verge of being snuffed out many times in this incarnation, but you persevered. You got to this point in your evolution, and no one else can take credit for that.

You have made choices that have enabled you to get to this place in your lives that is so far beyond where most of the collective is. And again, you did it with a willingness to look within, rather than rely upon the approval of any other person outside of you. You are making this journey better for yourselves and the rest of humanity, and you are certainly making it a better show for the rest of the galaxy, who is tuning in.

Continue to believe in your ability to create that which is unknown, unseen, and unheard of. Release any idea of an authority outside of you, and we will continue to support you from our lofty perch, and we will continue to be amazed by you every step along the way of this tremendous journey you are all on.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

Watch the Video Here – I’m in It!

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we desire for this transmission to inspire you all to embrace that aspect of yourselves that truly desires to be of service.

Unconditional Service ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are the best beings that you could ever want in your corner because we are far enough away from you vibrationally to hold space for you and close enough to you vibrationally to understand to a certain extent to understand what it is like to be living there on Earth. We also did not have a hand in any of the genetic experimentation that has gone on with you physically. And so, we have no karmic debt in regards to you.

We are cheerleaders and supporters out of a deep sense of compassion and an innate desire to be of service without any attachment whatsoever to what you do or how you do it. We know that you are going to ascend, and we are happy to play our part in that journey. The love that we feel for you is immeasurable, and we know from observing you that you know exactly what we are talking about right now.

We know that you are, for each other at times, exactly what we are for all of you all of the time, and we know that you know how good it feels to support and hold space for another human being. So in this transmission that we are sending through the channel right now, we are including an activation within you that the vast majority of you will receive willingly, and that activation is to know yourselves more as the beings of unconditional service that you really are. Of course, you get that immediate reward when you are of service to another human, but when you are unattached in any way to whether someone is able to receive your offering of service, that’s when you know you have reached that ultimate level of unconditional service.

That’s when you know you are being a conduit for Source and an instrument of the universe, and that’s when you recognize that heaven on Earth is the ultimate creation. It is what you are there to partake in consciously. You want to bring heaven to Earth because it is the ultimate experience to have the choice of not helping and deciding to help anyway. You decide to help, to be of service, when your heart is open, when you recognize that you are blessed, that you are one of the fortunate ones to be able to help others.

And so, we desire for this transmission to inspire you all to embrace that aspect of yourselves that truly desires to be of service. And we invite you to engage in your acts and words of service because of how you feel when you align with that energy and when you fill yourselves up with the highest frequencies available to you. You are the ones who are there to bring more light to the experience on Earth. You are there to be the doorways, the gateways, the portals through which heaven can flow.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Get a Private Session with The Arcturian Council (or any of the other beings I channel) for 50% Off. Enter Discount Code LOVE at Checkout

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

Watch the Video Here – I’m in It!

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About Solstice Energies:This is going to be a very large energetic transmission, and so you are going to want to rest, relax, ground, and hydrate the day of the Solstice and the day after. We would say make sure you’re doing all of those things for the entire week after because we can feel how big the effects are going to be on all of you.

A Solstice Surprise ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have a delightful surprise for you in this transmission. We have been welcoming in energies from the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth dimensions, just as you have been welcoming in energies from all dimensions higher than the fourth, and our purpose at this point in our existence is to help beings like you in the physical dimensions. And so, we have been creating a powerful transmission to send to humanity at the time of your Solstice. This energetic transmission will be separate from the one that you receive from your sun.

This transmission is going to be saturated with the highest frequency energies in the universe, and it is meant to trigger you into remembering your time in the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth dimensions. Some of you already have a sense of who you have been in those realms. Some of you already know yourselves to be angelic or know yourselves to be aspects of your Oversoul, and you can feel more of that Oversoul energy running through you than the average person can.

This transmission will go even further than what you have already been able to uncover about your pasts. You can expect to feel much more Divinity running through you, and you can expect to receive feelings running through you of mastery over the physical realm. You can also expect to feel more whole and complete, not only as the fullness of your higher selves, but also as the fullness of the Oversoul being that you also are at your core.

This is going to be a very large energetic transmission, and so you are going to want to rest, relax, ground, and hydrate the day of the Solstice and the day after. We would say make sure you’re doing all of those things for the entire week after because we can feel how big the effects are going to be on all of you. And we are very excited to see what you will do with your brand new sense of self. You can also expect memories to come to you in the form of dreams that will remind you of who you have been and who you really are.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Timelines for the Solstice ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in the process of exploring the many possibilities that exist for humanity with your upcoming Solstice. You are also exploring these possibilities with your consciousness at night while you are sleeping. You are going down different timelines to see what type of energies would serve you most as an individual.

And whichever timeline you choose for yourself as an individual, there will be a version of the human collective that has also made that choice with you. One of the choices is for the Solstice energies to be about receiving more crystalline energy and creating more of the experience of your light body, which then allows you to hold more of your higher self’s consciousness in your physical form.

Another possibility that you are exploring is greater e.t. contact for all of humanity, not just for yourselves as individuals. There is another possible timeline for you that involves the release of information through a very credible source. We are talking about information that will change the way people look at your governments and also reality itself. You are also contemplating a timeline where there will be discoveries of hard, undeniable physical evidence that extra-terrestrials existed on your planet a long, long time ago. And another possibility exists that there will be evidence found that connects humanity with the time of the dinosaurs.        

And so, as these possibilities are laid out before you in your waking, conscious state, we suggest that you decide which one would be most beneficial to you and the version of reality you want to experience. That being said, it is just a matter of time before all of what we have just laid out for you is experience. But you are the ones creating this experience of your journey through the fourth dimension.

And so, you get to choose the order of these revelations and experiences for you, as an individual. As we said, you are not choosing for the entire collective because each timeline holds within it a different version of the human collective.

There is more than one reality that you have the option of experiencing, and we delight in witnessing you all choosing that you reality that you want to experience more consciously. Whatever you choose, make sure that you spend some time on the Solstice, whenever it is where you are on the planet, opening yourself up to receive the energies that you have summoned and the experiences that you desire.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Get a Private Session with The Arcturian Council (or any of the other beings I channel) for 50% Off. Enter Discount Code LOVE at Checkout

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

Watch the Video Here – I’m in It!

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Feeling the way that you want to feel needs to be your top priority.It needs to be your top priority because of how important it is to feel the way that you want to feel-The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton-

Being Right vs. Feeling Good ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been very interested in noticing how far you will all go in order to protect your sense of being right, or on the right side of an issue. When you attach yourself to an ideology, a political party, some sort of movement that is afoot, you are attaching yourself. And that’s something you always want to be careful about. You always want to allow your mind to expand with the rest of your consciousness. Your mind is not the reason you have consciousness. You have a mind because you are consciousness, and you are expanding.

You want everything that you entertain with that mind of yours to reflect your expansion. And so, you don’t want to attach yourself to a belief system, or a set of beliefs, that limits your ability to see from all angles. You do want to understand where the other side is coming from. You don’t want to just dismiss someone because of their affiliation with a political party, or because they have a different way of looking at something than you do. Be open and allow yourself to also be spontaneous.

When you are locked in to a particular belief system, you lack flexibility. And when you lack flexibility in your thoughts and beliefs, you lack flexibility in your ability to act according to your feeling in the moment. You always want to trust your feelings, which is another reason why you don’t want to stay attached to thoughts. You don’t want to be attached to thoughts that are limiting. And so, we recommend that you spend as little time in your heads as possible, and even less time arguing with people who disagree with the thoughts and beliefs that you are clinging to as right.

Being right will only satisfy you for a moment. Feeling the way that you want to feel needs to be your top priority. It needs to be your top priority because of how important it is to feel the way that you want to feel. It is how you create your reality, and the more time you spend trying to be right, or on the right side of an issue, the more time you are spending pushing against and resisting those who have a different perspective. And that’s when you’re not paying attention to how you feel, and that’s when your feelings start creating a reality that you don’t want to experience.

And then you probably blame those over there for the problem, and that disempowers you. We are here to empower you and to remind you of how silly it is to get attached to a perspective, and then to argue about it with others who are never going to see your side. That’s why we call upon those of you who are awake to be the bigger people, the people we know you can be.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

Watch the Video Here – I’m in It!

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The Most Important Teaching ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very impressed by the acceleration of humanity’s growth, especially when you have so much energy there to sift through. There are more energies being tossed around from other humans, most of whom are using technology to spread that energy around, that whenever we see one of you tuning in to the higher frequency energies, we are extremely impressed. It is a time when it is so important for you all to be going within and accessing your own truths, and it is also a time when those who want to influence, and possibly manipulate you, are getting louder and louder.

So here is what we have noticed happening in the human collective lately. We are noticing a tendency for those of you who are awake to pay more attention to what is happening within you, and we are also noticing that you are not taking a lot of direction from those outside of you. In your recent past, and certainly in your past lives, you were heavily influenced by what your parents, your siblings, your extended family members and your community wanted you to do or not do.

Breaking free from those chains of limitation are a big part of awakening. Being the black sheep in your family is a very good sign that you are awake. Now, many of you understand from experience how challenging it is to be a pioneer, to go against the grain, to say, ‘no thank you’ to something that others just accept as the norm. We are noticing that there is a greater tendency for you all to be guided by how you feel than by what others think, and this is yet another way that you are leading humanity into the fifth dimension.

When you break free from the limitations of what is expected of you, then you can be certain that you are living your own life. When you go with what resonates with you, instead of what those around you are trying to intimidate you into doing, that’s when you know you have a strong intuitive sense. It is so important for you to live your own lives and to be true to yourselves that we believe this is the most important teaching that we could ever deliver to you. The only problem is, you don’t need to hear it from us, and you are demonstrating that.

We don’t even want you to look to us for advice in that way. The best advice we, or anyone else, could possibly give you is to listen to your own heart, your feelings, your gut, and your intuition. This is one of the ways that you can know you are going with the flow. And going with the flow is going with Source. It’s becoming more of who you really are, and it’s what you came here to do. And that is all that we have to offer on that.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Receiving Healing Energy ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are fascinated by humanity in general, but we are most fascinated by your ability to heal. Perhaps this is not something you recognize as one of your strengths. You are amazing receivers of healing energy, and we are talking about your abilities to heal both physically and emotionally, because the two are so closely linked to one another. If there are emotions that you haven’t healed from, they will manifest in your physical bodies.

Now, sometimes your physical bodies can receive the healing they need before you really do the work on the emotional pain that you have been enduring. What then happens is that you will then create another illness or physical malady of some kind.

You continue to do this until you get to the point where what is happening to you physically really gets you in touch with what’s happening emotionally. And then that healing process can begin. Given how much trauma and tragedy there has been on planet Earth, the healing that you have done emotionally is remarkable. A lot of what you’ve experienced there on Earth, we do not have an equivalent for in our star system.

You chose a very challenging place to incarnate, and you did so for many reasons, one of which was specifically to experience that healing. You wanted to know what it would feel like to go from despair to joy.

And we want to help, and so do many other beings in the higher realms. When you ask for healing, those requests are always heard and they are always answered, and we see more and more of you opening up to receive the healing energy.

What we also see more of is a willingness to move through those negative emotions so that you can get to the positive ones. And this is something that makes us feel very happy. We suggest that you take some time to pat yourselves on the back for all of the healing journeys that you have ever been on there on planet Earth. They are many, and they are significant. They are also ongoing, and you will continue to have our support.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

It is time to cease trying to save, heal, or correct the illusions of a three dimensional world and begin living, moving, and having your being in truth until that becomes your attained state of consciousness. This is the only way the the world will be changed, not through prayers for peace.

The Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaele, June 2, 2019

June 2, 2019

Dear readers, we often speak of ascension but our messages are primarily meant to awaken you to the reality of who you are. We seek to help you understand that rather than being simply human physical bodies that must forever struggle for necessities, the reality is that you already embody everything you have ever sought in every lifetime. You are Divine Beings, God in expression, experiencing three dimensional energy.

In the beginning, all were pure spirit, expressions of Source/Divine Consciousness/ God. Over time and as the result of many circumstances and manipulations, the energy became heavy and dense and bodies became physical. Then these dear ones began to lose their way, forgetting who they were and no longer in alignment with higher spiritual energy. This was the beginning of their journey back “home”.

In these present times of intense energetic frequencies, many are suffering from the low resonating actions of un-wakened humans as well as from natural disasters. Know that God does not or could not punish anyone. Could Divine Consciousness punish ITself?

The concept of a God punishing individuals for “sin” is a myth that was created and has been expanded in religions over time for the purpose of control, keeping members “needing” them and in line with whatever man made rules and regulations the particular group espouses.

The majority of today’s religious leaders do not purposely intend to mislead people, although many become lost in the ego gratifications of “power”. They themselves are hypnotized by concepts of good and evil and most believe that they are doing “God’s work” when they preach false concepts about a God of hell and damnation.

Every individual creates their own “hell” both on earth and on the other side from of the contents of their consciousness. Consciousness is the substance of form but the majority as of yet do not understand this and so continue creating from levels of consciousness that embrace duality and separation. The results are not punishments, but simply the creations of the one creating.

This is not to say that the perpetrators of actions intended to hurt others should not be disciplined or even incarcerated as this is still necessary on earth. However, correction needs to be carried out from unconditional love that is geared to the level of understanding (state of consciousness) of the individual being corrected rather than from concepts of revenge that remain the focus of many prison systems and individuals.

Discipline techniques based in revenge will not work in the higher dimensional energy. Examine your personal belief system for hidden concepts of revenge that may still linger in your belief system from this or other lifetimes. These concepts often remain alive and well but often stay deeply submerged until some personal or global issue brings them to the surface.

The majority of those suffering catastrophic events are not being punished, but rather are living and creating from a consciousness of duality and separation. This is not always the case however, as many evolved souls choose to be a part of some “natural disaster” in order to serve. Others choose to clear old energy through these types of experiences, while some simply have this on their “bucket list”. Everyone in these types of situations is learning and incorporating new facets of unconditional love.

Mother earth, Gaia, is not an impersonal piece of dirt to be used and abused by those who stand to benefit financially from her but is a living soul who has chosen to ascend out of the dense third dimensional practices that have almost decimated her body. She is clearing energy that has accumulated for eons and this often takes the form of a “natural disaster”. However, those who do not wish mankind to spiritually evolve have had a hand in some of these events.

It is a time of renewal and the remaking of all things. The energies that created and still support three dimensional concepts of healthcare, government, education, and spirituality, in their present form are dissolving. Rather than seeing change as negative, always remember that nothing real (every facet of Divine Consciousness) can ever disappear, but rather will change form when manifested from higher levels of consciousness.

Never forget that consciousness is the substance of all form. What you see materially is the mind interpretation of an ever present Divine Idea interpreted according to the state of consciousness of the individual or collective. An ordinary car is actually a three dimensional concept of Omnipresence. As mankind evolved, so did the cart, horse, and model T, become airplanes, trains, and technologically evolved cars.

Many, even some who are spiritually aware, still question and ask themselves; “Why did I do this? Why did I choose this person to be my partner?” Why did I not do this, instead of that? Why did I make such a foolish decision?”. These questions are natural for humans because the world in general is ignorant of why people are on earth, and thus continues promoting certain do’s and don’ts, rights and wrongs, as being necessary for happiness.

When a person becomes serious about their spirituality, experiences are no longer random as they are when people are living fully in the third dimensional belief system. Experiences at a certain evolutionary point begin to express one’s spiritual contract–life events the individual is ready for and has chosen to experience while on earth.

Everyone has a spiritual contract, a contract that he/she has put together with the help of guides and teachers consisting of their choice to interact with certain people and to have specific experiences deemed necessary for further spiritual growth or the completion of something.

Contracts can be re-written, avoided, or discarded through free will but most are intuitively guided toward fulfilling the contents of the spiritual contract they incarnated with. Once you understand this, life decisions that you have questioned and felt guilt about no longer seem to be mistakes, but rather steps along the way.

Even those living in the worst of human circumstances are spiritually evolving. Every lifetime is a facet of the evolutionary journey even when to human eyes it looks to be failure. Every person is a Divine Being who has chosen experiences of separation to be the teacher that will lead them into spiritual realization. How long this takes is not important as it is a free will choice and spiritual readiness is determined by the Higher Self.

The density of three dimensional energy serves as a block that keeps most people from remembering why they are on earth. This energetic barrier also prevents the majority from interacting with those of higher dimensional energy (no alignment) resulting in the world of duality and separation that you all know.

There are some who evolve in other ways on other planets without the intensity of three dimensional experiences, but when a person spiritually graduates from lifetimes done in difficult “earth school” he/she becomes a very powerful spiritually awakened being who can no longer be fooled by the illusions of sense and is well prepared to assist others seeking evolution.

There is is no right or wrong, good pictures are just as illusory as bad ones . Evolution is about graduating beyond illusory concepts of good and bad and into the reality of ONE, and that ONE governed by unconditional love and manifesting ITself as wholeness– peace, harmony, abundance, health, and happiness etc.

The utopian world that people seek can never be attained through three dimensional means because a consciousness of duality and separation can only express in forms of good and evil. Peace contracts based in this energy represent a first step, but will never result in permanent peace because good that is created from duality and separation must eventually flip, allowing its opposite to express.

It is time to cease trying to save, heal, or correct the illusions of a three dimensional world and begin living, moving, and having your being in truth until that becomes your attained state of consciousness. This is the only way the the world will be changed, not through prayers for peace.

When you pray to an outside God for something, anything, you are perpetuating and creating from a consciousness of separation– “I don’t have”. Rather let your prayer be a resting in the silent awareness of; “I and the Father are ONE.” and then extending that realization to Gaia and every living thing upon her regardless of outer appearances.

As long as society continues to promote “wars” on drugs, “wars” on cancer, or “wars” on anything, these very things remain empowered and energetically fed which allows them to grow and continue manifesting.

As difficult as it may be, every person at some point must choose to let go of and move beyond all comfortable but erroneous beliefs that have heretofore governed their life. When enough people do this, the world and every living thing on it–the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom, the devic, elemental, nature spirit kingdoms, and every human being will begin to experience themselves as they truly are and will discover that every good they sought throughout lifetimes has always been fully present.

We are the Arcturian Group 6/2/19

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we want to encourage you to look for what it is that you are seeking and to feel for it as a vibration that you can access within you…Looking around for things in your reality that you can do in the present moment that will make you forget all about what you’re trying to create is the way, and it’s also the way to enjoy reality as it presents itself to you in the now moment. And you will always be in the now moment, so you might as well start enjoying it.

Manifesting Big Changes ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Via Daniel Scranton.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been observing all of you who are seeking to make great changes in your lives, and we want to encourage you to look for what it is that you are seeking and to feel for it as a vibration that you can access within you. We know that you have an understanding of the truth that you create your reality, but we also know that so many of you there on Earth are still trying to make those changes that you want to experience in your lives through the use of your minds and by taking actions that you hope will lead to you experiencing those big changes.

We are not here to tell you to stop taking all actions. However, we are here to encourage you to act from a place of inspiration and to do what naturally brings you joy, rather than using action as a means to an end. We want you to discover that everything you seek has a vibration, and we want you to know that if you are taking action from a lower, or different, vibration than that which you wish to create, you are not going to find yourself experiencing that creation. You will instead find yourself experiencing something that feels very similar to the vibration you infused your actions with.

So what are you supposed to do then about creating your reality? Well, if you take the approach that you can shift your vibration in the moment and feel the energy of that creation right there in the room with you, then you can go off and have fun. You don’t have to hold that vibration forevermore. You can be light about it. You can let go of the attachment that you have to that creation that you want to see manifest in front of you, and you can go play.

Go do the things that light you up the most. Go be in a high vibrational state because you have decided that you want to feel good, rather than feeling anxious about whether your creation will ever come to you. You also tend to speculate, wondering how it’s going to come. But these things do not bring you closer to what you want to manifest in your reality.

Looking around for things in your reality that you can do in the present moment that will make you forget all about what you’re trying to create is the way, and it’s also the way to enjoy reality as it presents itself to you in the no moment. And you will always be in the now moment, so you might as well start enjoying it.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

Watch the Video Here – I’m in It!

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How You Become Your Higher Self ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the ability to sense when one of you is making progress on your journey, and we have noticed that the progress that we see lately has more to do with what you are letting go of than it does with what you are accomplishing. We see you letting go of the need to please others, to be right, to have all the answers, and we see you getting more comfortable with who you are right now and with not knowing.

And this is bringing you closer to the harmonious whole that you are becoming. Becoming the truth of who you are is more about stripping away the layers of what you are not and letting go of self-imposed limitations.

It has very little to do with whether you’ve been able to raise your kundalini energy or whether your third eye is open. It has very little to do with whether you are clairaudient or can channel. If you can sit quietly and enjoy a cool breeze on a hot summer day, while being completely present with yourself, your feelings, and whoever you are with, you are in that moment enlightened. You can experience yourselves as your fifth dimensional higher selves at any time.

It’s not as though you need to climb to the top of a very high mountaintop and sit there perched upon the top of that mountain forevermore. You will continue to face challenges, and you will continue to experience aspects of yourselves that you do not want to face and acknowledge. But you will also have those moments of enlightenment as you let go of beliefs, ideas, programming. As you let go of the need to be anywhere, other than where you are, as you let go of the need to be anyone, other than who you are, in those moments, you do become who you want to be and you do have the power to create what you want to create.

And in other moments, you will find yourselves crying in a ball on the floor, and that is all right. In fact, it’s perfect. It’s called being human and feeling what it feels like to be where you are. You’re not going to be there forever, so you might as experience it fully and completely, and you might as well start loving yourselves right now because you will always be in a state of becoming more. That journey is never-ending.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

Watch the Video Here – I’m in It!

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It is simply time for this entire universe to shift

You Are Not Making the Shift Happen ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been noticing how much pressure those of you who are awake put on yourselves. It is a different type of pressure than what most of humanity is experiencing. You have your normal pressures that align you with everyone else, but then you have that extra pressure of feeling as though you are the ones who are making all of this happen. You are the ones who have to right all the wrongs – that is how the story goes within you. You are the ones ensuring that humanity does not have another false start in the ascension process.

We want to take that pressure off of you by letting you know that you are just accessing trauma from past experiences like Atlantis and Lemuria. Everyone who is on the Earth right now was a part of those highly evolved civilizations, and for those of you who are doing the math right now, don’t bother. We could explain it, but that would be an entirely different transmission. Just take our word for it that every human was represented in some way in Atlantis or Lemuria, or you have taken on those memories as your own as you would if you were to walk in to another person’s life.

So given that you are all carrying those traumas within you, it is no surprise whatsoever that you are putting so much pressure on yourselves to carry humanity forward into the fifth dimension. You want not only to let go of that trauma that you experienced when Atlantis fell and when Lemuria fell, but you also want to do everything in your power to make sure humanity does not go through another cataclysmic event like those. What you are doing now will actually be an even greater accomplishment because there are so many in physical form now and because all of humanity is involved in this shift in consciousness.

It isn’t just about one civilization. It’s about all nations across the world, and you are there as the awakened ones, holding the light. You are there making the shift easier on yourselves and others, but you are not there to make it happen, and you are not there to make sure that it is free of any and all cataclysmic events. That’s a decision that you will make as a collective, and you can also rest assured that this is a very natural thing that is happening.

It is simply time for this entire universe to shift. So even though we tell you that humanity and Earth are going to be that first domino that falls and has that ripple effect for the rest of the galaxy and the rest of the universe, we don’t want you to take that on. We don’t want you see that then as your responsibility. You are doing it. It is a guarantee, and what you want to do now is have the best possible experience of it. So that is the challenge in front of you. Everything else is already taken care of.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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stepping into your power and knowing yourselves as Source Energy Beings does not make you then egotistical. It does not make you a narcissist, because you must include all others in that belief as well.

Inspire in Others their Divinity ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to see how many of you are aligning yourselves with the truth of who you really are, and we are witnessing many more of you letting go of the ideas that the ego puts forth about you and your identity. You are of course so much more than just a singular human being living out one lifetime for a set number of years, and many of you have understood from a philosophical standpoint that you are more than just this singular human expression in this lifetime.

But we can actually see how many of you now are tuning in to your multidimensional and multifaceted natures. We also see how many of you are embracing the idea that you are your higher selves now and that you are just stripping away the layers outside of you, the filters that tell you that you are anything less than that full expression of Source Energy in a physical body.

You get to decide what then you do with that knowing. We would suggest that you use it to influence others in a positive way. We always love seeing you empowering each other, reminding each other of who you really are. We love seeing you let go of those ideas that the ego has clung to for so long, and we want you to know that stepping into your power and knowing yourselves as Source Energy Beings does not make you then egotistical. It does not make you a narcissist, because you must include all others in that belief as well.

You must recognize that everyone else is also Source expressing as a physical being, and when you hold that knowing, then this is not just about you being powerful, infinite and eternal. It is also about you letting others know that they are as well. You can and often do lead through your example, and you will find that more opportunities will come your way to express this knowing to others. And we want you to know that the others who you express this truth to will accept it as their own. We know this because we see the readiness in others to accept their true natures, and all of this bodes very well for humanity and the very near future for all of you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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it is going well because of those like you who are willing to do the work on yourselves and who are open to receiving the higher frequency energies that continue to come in from all angles.

How Humanity is Doing ∞The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the ability to sense when the human collective consciousness is making even the slightest bit of progress, and we love giving you these positive progress reports because we know how easy it is to be focused on what is not going well, or what could use improvement there on planet Earth. When we see humanity raising the vibration of your collective consciousness, we want you to know that even if something like that isn’t measureable with any tools that you have there on your world, it is noticeable to us and others.

And we see how far you have come in the past few weeks, due in large part to the energies of the Earth herself. She has been offering you higher frequencies from within, getting more and more of you to anchor yourselves to her.

We also have noticed that there is more letting go of the need for something to happen outside of you amongst those of you who are awake and aware of all of the predictions. We seek to empower you, and when we see you thinking and acting from an empowered place, we know that what we are doing is sinking in, and we also know that you are making the choice in that moment to let go of all of the theories, all of the predictions, and all of the us vs. them blog posts that are out there.

We can sense when you have been redirected to your hearts and when you follow that calling. You can feel the shifts occurring within you. You know how much better you feel than you did five years ago, and you also know that you are also just scratching the surface in terms of what you will be able to feel and how high the energies will be that you will absorb and assimilate.

We are going to continue to invite you to join us in our assessment of how humanity is doing, and we are also going to continue to insist that it is going well because of those like you who are willing to do the work on yourselves and who are open to receiving the higher frequency energies that continue to come in from all angles.

We invite you to take a moment to tune in to the vibration of the human collective consciousness that you are a part of. You don’t just have to take our word for it when we say that the frequency of that vibration is higher than it was just a few weeks ago. You can give yourselves that experience firsthand, and as you continue to connect within and connect to Mother Earth, you will find that the momentum of what has already begun is going to carry you with easy and grace into the next up-leveling of the human collective consciousness.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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The One Percent & the Ninety-Nine Percent ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are continuing our investigation of the various timelines that have been forming in front of the human collective, and we can see how you are bringing yourselves closer and closer to a time of greater prosperity for all. We know that there has been an imbalance of resources on your planet for quite some time. We know about your one percent and your ninety-nine percent, and we know how much you all want to balance things on your world. You want what is fair. You want what is right. You want to be able to live without struggle, and you know that it is possible.

What has been the approach to this imbalance up until now has been to resent the one percent, to hate them, and to want to see very bad things happening in their experience because of the injustices that you are aware of. And you are also coming to realize that there are many other injustices that you will be learning about in the coming years, things that you suspected were true, or that you thought might be rumor or speculation. It is a lot for all of you to handle when you are faced with the truths of the economic imbalance and how it is held in place.

Now, what is going to change? How is it that you will have equality and a fair distribution of your resources? It’s not going to come from taking others down. It’s not going to come from taking away from the one percent more of what they have. This balancing of the scales will come from your acknowledgement that your true power comes from within you. And those of you who know that you create your reality know with every fiber of your being that you can create the reality you want to experience without putting yourself in that upper, upper class of the one percent.

You can create your reality with energy. You can create your reality with vibration, and more and more of you are empowering yourselves to do so. By letting go of the hate, the resentment, the anger, and everything else that you’re holding onto, you will access more of your inner power. You will be able to tap into the realm of infinite possibilities, a realm that you can use to bring you any experience that you want to have.

It is time to unlock all of your powers and to know yourselves as the creators of your reality that you were always born to be in this lifetime. It is time to create balance within yourselves, and when you balance the energies within you, then you know how powerful you are and then you recognize that money and political positioning is not what makes someone powerful. It is you. You are the ones who make yourselves powerful, and we are inviting you to find that power within you right now.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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Those who are clinging to the third-dimensional us-versus-them mentality are getting a lot of the news coverage. They are getting a lot of attention. They want things to go back to the way they were, where there were no conversations about gender, for example. And when you encounter these individuals, realize how hard it is for them to cling to their old and outdated ways, and have compassion for them. You grow so fast in those moments that you let go of the need for anyone else in the collective to be different from who they are, and when you take that growth, you do experience joy and ecstasy.

How You Grow Spiritually ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have enjoyed watching all of you grow so much in these past few months there on Earth, and we know that the growth spurt will continue. You are on an upward spiral, and the energies within the galaxy are supporting this up-leveling of your consciousness. As much as you might get frustrated, and even angry at times, with the lack of progress you see in other humans around you, there are millions of you who are making tremendous progress and doing the lion’s share of the growth for the rest of humanity.

You are bringing the change. You are becoming the version of the collective that you want to experience. You are harmonizing more with Mother Earth. You are receiving more of the higher frequency energies that are coming to you non-stop, and you are examining yourselves and asking yourselves how you can be better, more caring, more compassionate, more loving, more at peace.

That last one is the tricky one because it is so challenging to be at peace when you see so much of what is going on in the world with those who are not taking the growth. Those who are clinging to the third-dimensional us-versus-them mentality are getting a lot of the news coverage. They are getting a lot of attention. They want things to go back to the way they were, where there were no conversations about gender, for example.

And when you encounter these individuals, realize how hard it is for them to cling to their old and outdated ways, and have compassion for them. You grow so fast in those moments that you let go of the need for anyone else in the collective to be different from who they are, and when you take that growth, you do experience joy and ecstasy. You go with the flow. You do what those who are clinging to the third-dimensional reality cannot do. They cannot find it within themselves to let go.

So you let go twice as much, and you receive even more growth, and you carry the consciousness of the collective into the fifth-dimensional frequency. That’s what you do. That’s what being awake for the rest of humanity is all about, and we see you doing it, and we are very proud, happy and excited, and we know it will continue.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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There are new energies available to you, but they’re not going to jump up out of the Earth’s surface and grab you by the ankle. You have to take the time to connect with your beautiful planet and with these energies to feel how much shifting she has been doing for you.

Feel Earth’s Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

It is a beautiful world that you live in, and you are seeing the beauty and the majesty of your world on certain documentaries that have been very popular and well received. Besides being taken with the beauty of your world, we want you to feel more often for the vibration of your Mother, your Earth. You have access to this powerful creator being, this powerful healer, and all of the stability that she provides, and all of that is right underneath your feet at all times.

Even when you experience very cold and unpleasant weather that prevents you from fully enjoying Mother Earth’s essence, you can still tune in. You can still give your attention to her, even during those months where some of you experience bitter cold temperatures.

What we are noticing now is that people who spend time connecting to Mother Earth feel so much better. Those individuals have less ascension symptoms. They are able to access more of the downloads and upgrades, and they generally hold a higher vibration.

Now, we want to invite you to feel for the shifting energies that are present just beneath the surface of Earth at this time. There are new energies available to you, but they’re not going to jump up out of the Earth’s surface and grab you by the ankle. You have to take the time to connect with your beautiful planet and with these energies to feel how much shifting she has been doing for you. Earth will always be slightly ahead of humanity during this time of ascension, and she will always be inviting you into the new energies that she is providing, that she releases from her core and makes available to those of you who are willing to connect with that energy that feels so good.

Remember when you were children and you enjoyed going outside so much. You enjoyed exploring. You had a closer vibration because of how recently you had emerged from the non-physical. Your vibration was closer to the planet’s vibration, in other words, and you can get back to that time. You can get back to your roots, and you can feel the harmony that Earth has struck within herself and is always inviting you to join in on. Now is the time. Get into the habit of feeling for the ever-shifting energies of your planet, and you will usher yourselves in to the fifth dimensional energies much more easily.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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Now is a wonderful time for you to start making plans. Start creating what you want to experience because you have made it through this part of the cycle, and you have come out the other side shiny and new.

Recent Ascension Symptoms ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are satisfied with the way that you all have been handling the changes that you’ve been experiencing that are due to the increase of frequency within the energies you have been receiving lately. We have noticed lots and lots of changes happening from within you, and we have noticed that most of you who are awake recognize the changes as coming from something very good that is happening within you. How can something that is good that is happening within you give you such uncomfortable ascension symptoms? How can something good wreak havoc on your bodies, and in some cases, your lives?

Well, with change, there often does come a certain amount of disruption, and change can be hard, even when it is change for the better. You must have other examples in your lives that you can think back upon to bring this truth home to you. And now that you have received the changes to your energy systems within you, you can rest assured that there will be more to come. But you can also take solace in the fact that it will get easier every time. Every time you have new downloads, upgrades, and activations occurring within you, it will be easier for you to handle those energies.

What we see that is very encouraging to us is the lack of freaking out. Some of you have been experiencing these types of ascension symptoms for decades, and so, you know exactly what you are dealing with. And even though it doesn’t necessarily get easier from the perspective of someone who has been dealing with the same ascension symptoms for decades, now all that is changing. Now you can rest assured that it will get easier because your bodies are adjusting.

Your bodies are making the necessary changes to help you assimilate the higher frequency energies. And so we encourage you to let go of your fears, your worries, your doubts about things ever getting better on the physical level, because they will. And they will because you have listened when beings like us have said you need to ground yourselves, you need to rest, you need to hydrate, and you need to take it easy during those times when the ascension symptoms are hitting you the hardest.

Now is a wonderful time for you to start making plans. Start creating what you want to experience because you have made it through this part of the cycle, and you have come out the other side shiny and new.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

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Now is the perfect time to start growing and evolving without the need to suffer a loss, because you know now how much benefit there is to you when you go within and discover just what a beautiful being of love and light you truly are.

Your Growth & Evolution ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have a certain perspective on the way in which you are all evolving that we would like to share with you. We notice that you tend to make the most progress, in terms of the evolution of your consciousness, when you are faced with adversity or tragedy. We notice that you are more likely to let go and surrender to this very natural process of evolution when things do not go according to plan. When you suffer the loss of a loved one, you are more likely to take an interest in the non-physical. When you have nothing left to lose, you are more likely to go within and find your strength and your power.

The way that you have been taught to live in this world is more about building up walls of protection around yourselves, having financial security, having a support system, rather than being told how powerful and strong you are when you let go of your attachments to the external reality and you look within for what is infinite and eternal. What is infinite and eternal is your true essence. Your soul, the truth of who you are as beings of unconditional love, that is where you want to put your attention. That is where you want to put all of your stock. That is what you want to invest in, and that is the path to true growth and evolution.

But most of you are not pointed in that direction from an early age, and so instead you have to work on building those walls of protection, building that nest egg of security, and finding the tribe to surround yourselves with so that you feel safe and secure. And then when you lose something that you’ve been leaning heavily on, you find that the strength, the power, the security, and the love were within you all along.

Now is the perfect time to start growing and evolving without the need to suffer a loss, because you know now how much benefit there is to you when you go within and discover just what a beautiful being of love and light you truly are. We have also noticed that more of you are doing this, and we are very happy with the results. We know that you are as well.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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You get to that potential by feeling for how magnificent you are, and you can only get to that feeling by dropping the limiting thoughts and beliefs and by being with yourselves. We want you to feel for this potential. We want you to feel for it as an energy because that’s what it is….So here is your invitation. Focus within yourselves and realize that you can unlock this potential at any time. You don’t have to wait for the shift to be completed. You don’t have to wait for anything. In fact, this experience is waiting for you.

The Great Human Potential ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun to explore the hidden human potential that we see inside of you, because we are curious to see which of you is going to tap into that hidden potential and when you are going to do it. This is something that intrigues us very much because we see glimpses of that potential realized by certain humans in moments where you are accessing abilities and aspects of yourselves that cannot be explained in any conventional way. You have within you so much potential, and we are certain that once a few of you begin to realize that full potential, the ripple effect will occur, and we will see hundreds, and then thousands, and then millions of people accessing that potential that lies within you.

Now you must be wondering how to do it. It’s not about what you do. It’s not about you having the right crystals, speaking the right mantras, or going through the proper motions to access the full, beautiful human potential that we see. You get to that potential by feeling for how magnificent you are, and you can only get to that feeling by dropping the limiting thoughts and beliefs and by being with yourselves. We want you to feel for this potential. We want you to feel for it as an energy because that’s what it is.

In the same way that some of you have been able to access your kundalini energy by feeling for it and inviting it up your spine, you can access this potential by acknowledging that it is there and feeling for it. Don’t think of your potential as being limited to your abilities, because it is so much more than that. It is the full merging of the human and the Divine. It is the moment where you know yourself as both simultaneously and you recognize what a powerful gift that is. To be able to have a physical body and to also feel your Divinity fully actualized is the best possible experience you can have in this universe.

So here is your invitation. Focus within yourselves and realize that you can unlock this potential at any time. You don’t have to wait for the shift to be completed. You don’t have to wait for anything. In fact, this experience is waiting for you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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Be the Wayshowers ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are feeling the vibrations that you are offering as individuals, and we can also feel into the overall vibration being offered by the human collective. You are bringing in higher frequency energies, and as individuals, you are affecting the human collective’s overall vibration. You are also taking yourselves to higher levels within the fourth dimension, and in so doing, inviting the rest of humanity to come along for the ride.

Here is what gets in the way, however. When you look at someone else and their words, their actions, their beliefs, and you feel yourself moving into a space of judgment and condemnation, that is the moment when you rescind the invitation. You must let the rest of the collective, and all of the individuals within it, be where they are in order for them to evolve on their own.

You cannot talk someone into being compassionate. You cannot make someone think the way that you think or believe what you believe, and even if you could, doing so would not affect that person’s vibration. You would not be expanding their consciousness in any sort of measurable way.

The best thing that you can do for the rest of humanity is to live your truth. In so doing, you are offering those invitations, you are setting an example, and most importantly, you are staying in that higher vibrational state. And that is what humanity needs more than anything else.

People are changing. They are growing and evolving, and they don’t need to be convinced of anything in order to make those leaps forward. We want you to recognize what your role is there as changemakers and wayshowers. You are not there to poke and prod people into living in a higher vibrational state. You are there to gently offer that invitation so that they may make the choice for themselves to evolve and to join you in a better feeling place.

In the meantime, you may feel alone. You may feel that there aren’t enough people around you who share your vibration and certainly not enough people who share in your beliefs and your outlook on life. And that is simply something for you to have to handle, but it is not a permanent situation that you find yourselves in. As we said, people are growing and evolving, and more of them are waking up every single day. So it is up to you then to make the most of the connections that you do have while you continue to be the ones who are holding space for the rest of humanity to come along for the ride.  

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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individuals who look down upon Mother Nature, Mother Earth, and the animals, represent a darkness that exists within all of you. They are not to be defeated. They are to be forgiven, and when you show compassion and unconditional love to the abuser, as well as the abused, you become a champion of integration, which is what you are there to do and to be.

The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton
Grounding the Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been exploring the different possibilities that are in front of you at this time, and we can see that there are a lot of new timelines popping up and coming available to humanity. And you have access to those timelines now because of the recent energy surges that you’ve received and how well you’ve been assimilating those energies. You are doing a wonderful job of grounding these energies in for yourselves and for the rest of the collective, and you are also working in harmony with all of the awakened beings in the animal collective, as well as the beings who are dwelling in your oceans.

We see that those of you who are awake have an understanding of the power of the other beings you share your planet with and how much they are serving you with their presence. You also have a greater appreciation for the trees, the plants, the flowers, and all life there on Earth because you are more attuned to your feelings. And when you connect with Mother Nature and the animal kingdom, you can feel how much resonance there is.

You can tell that you are meant to work in conjunction with all of these helpers, and they are doing their part in helping to bring in the higher frequency energies, and they are also grounding those energies for humanity and for Mother Earth.

Now, when you recognize that there are others on your world who do not have the same respect for the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, and Mother Earth herself, you can access some very harsh-feeling emotions. And we recommend that you feel those emotions, that you let yourselves realize the truth that you haven’t always been this awakened, not in every lifetime that you’ve ever led.

And so, these individuals who look down upon Mother Nature, Mother Earth, and the animals, represent a darkness that exists within all of you. They are not to be defeated. They are to be forgiven, and when you show compassion and unconditional love to the abuser, as well as the abused, you become a champion of integration, which is what you are there to do and to be.

You do your part by appreciating and loving all of that life that you feel around you, and you also bring about a higher consciousness to the rest of humanity, and you invite them to come with you to this very good feeling place. And that is just one of the ways in which you are being of service to the entire human collective, simply by being there and holding that consciousness, and as you continue to do so, you will be accessing better and better timelines for all of humanity.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

This is why you often find that you are the black sheep in your family. Those of you who are awake are often the only ones who have the beliefs that you do, and it then falls upon you to make peace with the fact that everyone else that you are related to by blood thinks differently. And when you can do that, and you can make peace with the differences between you, then you know that you are becoming more integrating with all of the galactic energies that you have inside of you, and you are moving closer and closer to that fifth dimensional reality where all beings co-exist harmoniously. So keep up the good work.

via Daniel Scranton :Galactic Energies Within You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited about the progress that we see you all making in regards to the accessing of more of your galactic energies. You are all receiving activations all the time to awaken within you those parts of yourselves that are not from Earth, or your solar system. And we can see how these activations are affecting all of you in a positive way. Much of what you are attempting to resolve there on planet Earth at this time is related to those journeys that you have taken through all the different star systems in our galaxy.

And so, by becoming more of the whole you, you are better equipped to handle the challenges you face right now on planet Earth. We see you getting activated and then taking what energies you are accessing from within to the different challenges that you face in your lives. Even though you still have much to resolve there on planet Earth, you are also bringing a lot to the party because of all that you have already experienced in your lifetimes in other parts of the galaxy.

You draw from those Sirian, Andromedan, Pleiadian, Arcturian, and other lifetimes, and when you bring those energies forward, you make it easier for yourselves to reconcile the differences that you have there on your planet. For example, most people are split politically. They either go in all into one political party or all into another, and they see the others who are putting all of their energy into a different political party as the enemy. This is a much more toned down version of the battles that have existed throughout our galaxy for millions and millions of years.

When you recognize that you contain all of those energies inside of you, and you make it your mission to be integrated, then you can be a walking example of what it is like to bring different energies, different beliefs, different star systems, together. And if you can do that, you certainly can resolve the differences between you and the others there on Earth who have very different beliefs.

This is why you often find that you are the black sheep in your family. Those of you who are awake are often the only ones who have the beliefs that you do, and it then falls upon you to make peace with the fact that everyone else that you are related to by blood thinks differently. And when you can do that, and you can make peace with the differences between you, then you know that you are becoming more integrating with all of the galactic energies that you have inside of you, and you are moving closer and closer to that fifth dimensional reality where all beings co-exist harmoniously. So keep up the good work.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

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