Category Archives: Celestial Chambers

Donate to YourSelf! How? Fund a Celestial Chamber

Do you know someone who’s sick? Battling a dis-ease? A dear friend or family member? Or how about you? Are you physically suffering with worry and stress about what the heck is happening to your body?

It’s a given–we ALL desire perfect health with no aches, pains, cancers, dis-ease, pain and most of all, living stress-free without the fear that comes with aging. Who wouldn’t want that?

Interested? We have a way for the body and mind to be just that, healthy and full of vitality, and it’s called the Celestial Chamber (CC). The CC provides a complete re-atomization of the human biological form; everything is made new to a level of flawlessness and optimal health. The CC will end all human suffering, enabling quality of life in a human body that is physically, mentally, and emotionally 100% healthy! No longer susceptible to dis-ease or aging. And the CC will be provided at no cost to everyone.

We’ve got the schematics, the team, the locations, we have every single plan required to build the CC from decades of preparing for exactly this time. But what are we missing? The funds to get going!! Please understand, this is not one of the 6000 technologies that have been withheld from the people of Earth, but rather a technology that is light years ahead of what has become known as a ‘med bed.’ The CC re-atomizes the body to a state of perfection, any age you desire, in just 3 minutes.

Can you see how IT IS TIME! Yes! It is way overdue to get the CC out to everyone!

Funds will first be used to acquire a Base Camp in the western U.S. to forward the action to get going. Then assemble the team, build the lab, and start manufacturing. With your assistance, we can manifest the plans we’ve had in place for over 40 years. NOW is the time. This is our goal, this is our mission, and we came are here to do this. NOTHING is more important.

We appreciate your GENEROSITY and SUPPORT and encourage you to share this far and wide. Contact LifeLight at for more info.



Med beds with Jared Rand

ared Rand – Exciting Info re. Celestial Chambers (med beds), Our Future World, and More!

Losha, Live with Losha, April 6, 2021


Jared Rand answers many questions from viewers (hosted by MarkZ) about his Celestial Chambers (Jared’s version of the Med Bed); he informs us of a Consortium of Alternative Doctors (with access to very advanced technologies) who will review β€œcases” of people who contact them about their serious illnesses, and Jared also talks in depth about what our wonderfully exciting, future world will look like! I love listening to him!

Not only does Jared address a multitude of questions regarding his Celestial Chambers and Med Beds in general, he also talks about unheard of β€œhidden” technologies that will be coming, sooner rather than later. They sound wondrous! Jared is a gem and he provides a wealth of information for us!

For those of you who haven’t heard of Jared, his bio is below. I believe him to be a very trustworthy and beloved Soul!

Jared says…

β€œI grew up in a military family, the youngest of 5 children. We traveled the world and every 2 years, we would pack up and move. We were like gypsies. This lifestyle made you grow up quickly but I would not have had it any other way.

β€œI am here at this time with this planet to assist the civilization in breaking away from it’s enslavement and freeing it’s consciousness; to think for itself and lead itself, to exist in complete harmony, to be humble and in complete gratitude, to love our Selves and each other, to create value and build wealth, to expand into the universe and beyond, and most of all, to VALUE LIFE as the Highest Value in the UNIVERSE. I am here in complete humbleness and DEEP ETERNAL LOVE to serve all of you.”

Jared brings uplifting and enlightening messages in his daily guided meditations to millions globally, and has much to share with the world on disclosure intelligence information. He has amassed 120 million+ participants in just over a couple of years and it continually grows. He is one of the great master teachers spewing pearls of wisdom, inspiring many to become empowered and go within to be connected with the true Self.

Starts around 6 minutes.


Med Beds – Quantum Healing Technologies – A transcriptionΒ by Losha

A Message from the Intergalactic Alliance of Light BeingsΒ 

Greetings, dear Earth Star angel, I am KaiMeara. In today’s transmission we wish to tell you about one of the first technologies that will be released to the world’s population with the announcement of NESARA and GESARA. If you are not sure of these terms we recommend you watch our video on this first. 

Along with new, free energy systems supplied by the Tesla coils, and new anti-gravity and replicator devices, you will also be receiving brand new Holographic Medical Beds, or Med Beds. These new Med Beds will come with some very unique features including diagnostic support, surgical repair, and cellular and DNA reconstruction and rejuvenation. In short, they will become an integral part of your health care and health maintenance, changing everything within your health care industry as you know it. 

These med beds, when used in conjunction with trained medical supervision and automated medical stations will provide you with a variety of options and methods to return your physical vessel to optimal health. 

These beds represent a quantum leap in the business of health care all over your beautiful world…because there are currently enough of these beds to begin roll-out in every country that wants them. Just imagine, a health care package with no chemotherapy, no toxic chemicals, organ removal, or having to live long-term with scars, disease, and disfunction.Β If you are thinking this all sounds too good to be true, or like something out of a sci-fi movie, we understand your reservations. However, we would ask you to remember that β€œhiding in plain sight” is one of the Deep State and Secret Space Program’s favorite tactics.Β 
For a very long time, the Deep State has been showing you technology beyond your wildest dreams, like in the Avengers and the Kings Men movies. Just because you think you are watching fantasy is on you, as far as the dark ones are concerned. As far as they know, they have been showing you the truth,Β you just haven’t been asking the right questions, or demanding the right answers.Β It’s a nasty trick that’s been perpetrated on you, and it’s one of the dynamics that is about to change in a dramatic way with the announcement of NESARA and GESARA…as these new technologies will be released as part of that exciting and life-enhancing package.Β 

Now, on to the details of these Quantum Therapy Med Beds, which come in three different varieties, holding three different functions and varieties that are currently available for roll-out. Number one, the Holographic Med Bed, is a diagnostic and treatment Bed. 
Number two, the Regeneration Bed, works in concert with your DNA and stem cells to regenerate old tissue or missing organs. 
Bed number three is a Regression and Rejuvenation Bed. These help to rejuvenate your cells offering age-regression therapy as well as therapy that helps you to suppress unwanted memory. 

As you may have already guessed, these technologies did not originate on Earth, having been given to your Secret Space agencies, for the benefit of humanity. It was an unfortunate choice that those in charge of making moral decisions, decided to keep this technology to themselves. We are pleased to confirm that this error is now being rectified and the right people are now working behind the scenes to ensure the roll-out of these technologies to the public at large. 

All three beds work on a quantum level using vibration and frequencies, 3-D scanners and refracting lenses, as well as surgically precise lasers for both opening and closing wounds. 

They also have a multitude of diagnostic and monitoring technologies that keep the practitioner fully informed throughout both diagnostic, and repair sessions. 

Utilizing tachyon particle and plasma energy this machine works with the human vessel for maximum repair with minimal invasion. All three Med Beds work with similar technologies, they have just been adapted for three different uses and treatments. 

Bed number one…the Holographic Med Bed. These Beds can perform live scans of the body for diagnosis as well as treat any illnesses with much greater accuracy in far less time and with far less invasion to the human vessel. 

These Med Beds will scan every part of your body for diagnosis and interpretation, including your skin, muscles, bones, organs, glands, neurological and hormonal efficiency. It can also perform a blood analysis and a DNA analysis, which looks for and is able to correct, any hereditary markers for certain illnesses providing a quick and painless analysis of the entire physical system. Any surgery needed will be done immediately, including appendix, heart surgery, and C-sections. 

Holographic Med Beds come equipped with such features as: air-tight see through operating shield to reduce germs and claustrophobia; comfortable limb rests, liquid spray anesthetic, laser scalpels, laser mirrors; vital signs sensory and display; diagnostic and analysis identification; and computer-controlled surgical arms. 

These Med Beds are built with a very advanced, but strictly limited, artificial intelligence that needs human connection to work, as a precautionary measure that ensures cooperative coexistence. 

The computer used to operate is very similar to an MRI machine, however, instead of magnetics and radiation, these Med Beds use plasmatic energy to work with you on a subatomic and vibrational level. Since this is a vibrational universe and you are a vibrational being, this is a very homeopathic approach to healing which offers multiple benefits with little to no side effects…other than shock, amazement and delight! 

No more long waiting times, no more endless testing, or trying medicines that don’t work. Say goodbye to chemotherapy and say goodbye to people dying from stroke and heart disease. 

Med Bed number two…the Regeneration Bed...these Beds will prove especially useful for anyone in need of an organ transplant, organ replacement, missing or severed limbs, and skin graft for third degree burns. 

Using similar technology to the first Beds we mentioned, these Beds focus on working directly with your DNA templates using a harmonic resonance field, that is still present within your body’s cellular memory. As many of you know, your body holds a cellular memory as is evidenced by your β€œphantom limb” syndrome. 

These beds will be able to change the lives of many, many people and the applications are endless…and this is just to get you started off with…your entire health care system is about to change and become a health support and rejuvenation system. Are you excited, dear one?Β The final Med Bed is for age and memory regression.Β This Bed will help people who suffer from traumatic memories, PTSD and help them to release their mind from the horrific montage of images and their heart from the depths of despair.Β 

This Bed will also help to return you to a more youthful appearance and feel tightening skin and muscle tone and improving all of your senses, especially in the area of sight, sound and taste. Working with your own DNA templates and multiple refractory lenses, as well as your body’s natural internal clock, we are able to perform these procedures pain-free, with the biggest adjustments coming from your mind and heart, because you now feel so fabulous!Β 

Again, these Beds use plasmatic energy not radioactive materials, focusing instead on recalibration and regeneration whenever possible. This enables you, the user, to return to optimal health in very little time. Just think what this kind of technology will mean for you, for your family, your friends… all of the children just rescued from the tunnels... and for every person suffering needlessly from fixable medical conditions. 

So, get ready dear ones because you are all about to take this magnificent quantum leap together…all countries who have signed on with the GESARA agreement…which is up to 205 countries, will benefit from this opportunity. 

If this news excites you, please share it with other like-minded people…for the more you have to focus on that is good, the quicker we can bring it forward into your reality. 

We thank you for taking the time to listen to this message. 

In Love and Light, I am KaiMeara, speaking to you on behalf of the Intergalactic Alliance of Light Beings. Until next time, Namaste.

The Benefits of Med Beds

The Galactic Federation of Light channeled by Kate Woodley

{Editor’s Note: This technology is not yet available to the general public. Pray the mastermind that this will be released as soon as possible to humanity}

Kare [interviewer]: This gentleman that I came across is saying that he’s able to transform or remove or delete nano technology within people’s bodies. And I guess my question around that is this possible? And can Kate and I do this if it is possible?

Galactic Federation of Light: Yes, it is possible. What we are seeing or rather what we are showing Kate (channeler) is that this is all a question of vibration. This nanotechnology feeds upon, and is fueled or rather enabled by, lower vibrations within one’s body… within one’s being.

When one focuses on raising their vibration, it is almost as if though this nanotechnology is deactivated or somewhat energetically dismantled. It is much like it is zapped for lack of a better word. And how this happens is a rather complex explanation that we do not feel that Kate (channeler) would understand for it is rooted in physics, and even in quantum science.

But we feel that in the future, for those who have had a rather difficult time raising their vibration, and deactivating any nano technology that may be within their physical body, we are seeing what you are calling med beds. We do not necessarily call them med beds, but we understand that this is familiar and it resonates with you, so we will refer to these med beds as light capsules.

And this light carries with it a high vibration that removes any pathogens, toxins or any other minute or miniscule technology that may be present in the body. It is much like a laser treatment, but it is not purely laser. It is a newer, more highly evolved light-based technology that some of you on your planet have access to but has not been made broadly available as of yet.

So yes, it is possible. Until these light capsules or med beds are available, which will not be for a time, the only way that you can do away with it is by raising your vibration. And for those of you who are more apt in this skillset by setting the intention that you will not be subject to anything within your body, or outside, that does not serve your greatest and highest good.

But we understand that many of you have not yet mastered this practice. It is still out of reach of your understanding. And so if you are concerned about this, know that in the future, these pathogens will and can be eliminated.

Everyone is Sovereign to Their Own Body

Kare [interviewer]: That’s a very helpful and comforting message. Thank you very much. So as you were speaking, I was thinking for my own practice in assisting other people in healing, often I’ll come across implants. And call upon different beings to help me remove them. Is this something that I could do with nanotechnology that I came across or come across?

Galactic Federation of Light: Yes, absolutely. There is no limit to human intention and focus. Any limitations have been taught to you, and they are not founded in truth. There is very little difference between the underlying technology and composition of an implant versus the nanotechnology.

The only difference is with regards to the size, and as such, the ease with which you can perceive or notice that during your clearing work, you see. But you can absolutely remove this. But it is also imperative that the individual who comes to you must believe that it can be done. For this is a meeting of minds between your intentions and the client’s intentions.

And while your intentions are very, very powerful, they are far more powerful when combined with your client’s. And it is important that these clients understand that this can be done. Everyone is a sovereign to their own body. You control your health and your well being far, far more than you are all aware of. This is part of how you have all been disenfranchised from your own power and abilities.
We very much look forward to reminding you, and awakening all of you, to your inner beauty and your vast, vast range of abilities. It will be grand. It will be a thrill for so many of you to dabble and discover in that which you are capable of doingβ€”and healing yourselves and others is a large part of this.

Med Beds Work with One’s Intentions & Consciousness

Kare [interviewer]: Thank you. Thank you so much. And is there anything else? Is there anything else that you would like to add before we sign off?

Galactic Federation of Light: Yes, we would simply like to inform you that these med beds or these light capsules while they are highly technologically advanced, they work in tandem with one’s consciousness; with one’s intentions. It is not something that is done to an individual from the outside. For nothing can really be done to an individual without their authorization and their permission for you are all masters of your own domain.

If one goes to the med bed with the intention of regenerating themselves, this intense light, this high-vibrational energy works in combination with your intentions to have the desired effect. It is simply β€˜amping up’ your own intentions. And it is speeding up the end result, so to speak.

This is a highly and grossly oversimplified explanation, but we feel that it is one that will serve you all well so that you can understand how these med beds work. If you go in with the intention of removing pathogens, it will be done. If you go in with the intention of rejuvenating yourselves, then it will be done. It is light that accentuates your own light and your own desires. We hope this clarifies.

Kare [interviewer]: That’s very, very exciting. Do you by chance have a sense of when these med beds may be more readily available to humanity?

Galactic Federation of Light: Yes, we have many, many off planet. There are a few that are on planet that a small number of individuals have access to. Some of these individuals are not necessarily of the light, but they have benefited from these med beds.

But these med beds, or light capsules, have been made available to light warriors and light workers, those who are on the forefront of advancements in medical and health fields who have been learning about their functionality, who have been testing and experimenting their use and their benefits. And so, there are a limited number now.

In the future, once your current institutions, particularly those in the areas of health that do not necessarily serve humans or always have their best interest at heart, once there is a more fulsome dismantling of that approach and that mentality, these med beds will be slowly and gradually introduced. We feel that in a few years, they will be more commonly known and understood.

We feel that it will be a slow and gradual introduction. And once the knowledge becomes more mainstream and commonplace, then there will be many who will work to propagate these light capsules, or build and learn about them, so that they will in time have a global reach.

You Can Heal Yourself Through Your Intentions

Kare [interviewer]: Wonderful. I can’t wait, that sounds fantastic. And I’m wondering if in meditation we could energetically engage with a med bed, and reap the benefits that way now?

Galactic Federation of Light: Ah, now, that is a good and interesting question. We are so delighted that you have asked that. There are some of you who in your dream time have had access, while minimally, and rather at an energetic or astral level, you have had access to these med beds rather for spiritual and energetic healing and soothing. A few individuals have had access to these at a physical level.

But let us say this, you each are a light capsule. You have the ability of these med beds if you tap into your own power and abilities. We understand that at this time, this seems like a long shot. It feels like what you would say is far fetched. But with your intentions and your focus, and by believing that you have unlimited healing powers, you can begin to focus on cellular rejuvenation, on healing on many levels.

You can always call on your entourage for assistance. While we cannot necessarily guarantee that everyone who puts in the request to access a med bed at this time will have the opportunity to do so at this time. But we can see in the future, it will be more readily available.

Relationships,Medbeds, Ascension.

I find myself these last years enjoying my connection with my Higher Self very very much and i really appreciate the time that i spend all by myself,some would say they feel lonely,i say:i love it!It is in these times that also sweet memories come to my mind,pictures,music with x-lovers.Yes,i had many of them and feeling very much blessed that it was so,all of them wonderful experiences that elevate me every time i think of each and everyONE of them.Many will say,that once you learned your lessons with an x-lover you need to release it and indeed i have done so while at the same i kept the best of the best moments in my mind and feeling those in my now,allows me to raise my vibration.And besides,whether they know/feel it or not,I consider all my x-lovers to be my best friends.There is not one of them that i don’t feel immense gratitude and love and from that perspective i feel quite lucky for not having been married.I love the feeling of freedom.And i love to feel into the possibilities of what Ascension brings.And somehow,knowing what i know now,it feels like i am able to go back in time,go back to my twenties and start all over again using all the tools that i now have.Just think about it?Can you imagine your lives in a few years from now,being able to get into a Celestial Chambers,Medbed and i don’t care if you are 50,60, 80 or 90 or 110 and being able to go to your twenties or thirties or whatever you choose and start all over again knowing what you know now?I feel we can’t even begin to imagine what the possibilities are and where we go as a United Galactic Humanity.

So Just imagines!!! πŸ™‚


Celestial Chambers /Medbeds

Med Bed technology has been ‘suppressed’ and hidden from the public for a long, long time. Fortunately, due to the planetary shift from 3D to 5D happening at this time, and the increasing demand for transparency by the human collective consciousness, an increasing number of courageous people are coming forward to disclose what they know has been hidden for decades, even centuries, and most likely for thousands of years. Two of these courageous souls are Ileana the Star Traveler (her internet name) and Jared Rand.
Ileana wrote the information on the Holographic Medical Pods from her personal experiences as a Secret Space Program Asset on Mars. Her information is posted in the 2nd-half of this article. Jared is a highly intelligent and knowledgeable man who has been working with the Global Transition for decades, and has information about many topics the general public is not aware of, including but not limited to, off-world ET technology gifts to humanity like the Quantum Financial Computer System, Anti-Gravity Propulsion, Replicators and Med Beds.
Tachyon Energy & Plasma Energy Med Beds There are 3 types of Med Beds: 1) Holographic Med Beds; 2) Regenerative Med Beds which regenerates tissue and body parts, that’s powered by a different source; 3) Re-atomization Med Beds that in about 2-3 minutes will regenerate the whole human body, head to toe. What does this advanced Technology mean for an 80-year old woman? She could be 30-years old again in less than 3 minutes. 50 years pealed off her life. Now, she can have children again. She could have a whole new family if she wants. It looks like to this writer that the Med Bed technology is a perpetual fountain of youth.
The Med Bed looks at the body and corrects imperfections. The Technology has been around for quite some time. It’s not something out of the clear blue sky. It’s just been kept hidden from the human race for a very long time.
The Technology of the Med Beds is not from planet Earth. It is not human-created technology. It is a technology that has been given to humanity by off-world ETs. A Med Bed is based on tachyon particle energy and plasma (plasmatic) energy. The soil, the atmosphere, the water, everything is plasma energy, everything in the universe is plasma energy, it’s just a different form through vibrational frequency.
The Med Beds have Artificial Intelligence (AI) that’s controllable so it cannot get out of control and run wild. The AI is the computer. It operates kind of like an MRI, where you sit in a tube and it rolls over your body and does a magnetic oscillation and resonance scan of your body to diagnose disease. The Med Bed scans your skin, your muscle tissue, all the organs and everything in your body. It shows everything – all the way down to the micron level of the blood. It actually identifies your DNA and it does a complete internal analysis of the body. When it does that, it picks up any disease and any genetic imperfection. For example, you could have stage 4 leukemia, and on a Med Bed in about 2.5 minutes, you’re cured. No side effects.
And, if you had an organ cut out or removed from the body, the Med Bed’s re-atomization process regenerates that organ as if it was never removed. Because your body leaves a resonance – a vibrational frequency. The body always remembers when an organ has been removed or stopped operating, and the Med Bed’s artificial intelligence links into the body’s vibrational frequency and DNA to regenerate the organ. Rand says he has studied cancer research for many, many years. Cancer can be cured with the Med Beds all day long; very easily and very cheaply, too, he says. Because he’s done it for people. With the Med Beds, cancer is gone. Chemotherapy becomes obsolete. Lou Gehrig’s disease, Hodgkin’s disease, Muscular Dystrophy, all disease is gone, eliminated.
Rand says some people believe this whole process of healing with the Med Beds is just science fiction. That it can’t be true. Somebody just made it up! And, because nobody believes it exists, its easy to manufacture them in quantity and get them ready for distribution.
See also – SECCHI Data Reveals Massive Solar and UFO Activity Along with Apparent Cover-Up – Could This Confirm Planet-Sized UFOs in Our Solar System? β€œWhen you are in this Med Bed, you don’t go through any pain, you don’t go through radiations. It’s not like some evil event. You go into a deep sleep. There’s no injection, no needles or anything. You wake up and look in the mirror and your creepy skin is gone. Your white hair is the color it was when you were in your twenties (20s). It’s the same for your eyesight, your hearing, your taste, your smell. Everything is restored to a perfected younger state again,” Rand says.
β€œThis is the new age for the new Earth and new human race. It’s totally the opposite of what we’ve lived. These technologies are already here. It’s a matter of getting them safely – SAFELY – to the people that can use them.”
Holographic Medical Pods Ileana the Star Traveler wrote the following information on the Holographic Medical Pods. She obtained the information by using a unique method β€œhypnosis regression memories” whereby Ileana was able to verify the information did indeed come from the Secret Space Program by seeing the holographic medical pods during her tenure as a Secret Space Program Asset on Mars. The information is available in a PDF free download – see Resources at the end of this article.
Ileana hosts the Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube – an interview program covering topics such as spirituality, ET contact, healing modalities, awakening and the ascension process. She has published many fascinating stories of her galactic travels at her website, and also channels benevolent star nation beings, spiritual guides, and her Higher Self. She has the ability to astral travel, conduct remote viewing, and work in the Akashic Records. She has obtained much knowledge from her past lives as a star traveler living out in space.
The following information contained in Ileana’s PDF reveals how the medical pods work, what they look like, and how they are utilized in the advanced medical field of technology with 3D anatomical imaging equipment. Information is also provided on how the medical pods can revive people from the dead, cure diseases, heal wounds, remove scarring tissue, and administer an age regression protocol before discharge from the Secret Space Programs.
The Holographic Medical Pods are automated medical stations where a medical expert selects the type of medical procedure to be done from the computer database, then the patient lies down in the pod, and the machine performs the medical operation or procedure, then the lasers will close up the points of entry where the procedure was done. These types of holographic medical pods have features such as an Airtight Operating Shield, Comfortable Limb Restraints, a Laser Scalpel, Laser Mirror Arms to remove scarring, Computer Controlled Robotic Surgical Arms, Liquid Spray Anesthetic, Vital Signs Sensors, and all of these features are mounted on an Adjustable Titanium Base. The Med Pods (aka Med Beds) allow users to diagnose, treat, and preform a wide range of surgical procedures with the ultra-fine laser incisions that are guided by 3D anatomical scanning. The 3D scanning has refractory lenses which take live scans of the body in order to do various medical procedures.
The 3D anatomical scanning lens and laser technology allows for complete diagnoses of all body systems including neurological factors, treatment of infections through concentrated antibiotic injections, detoxification of the body in order to cure diseases like cancer, basic or advanced wound repair, limb regeneration through cellular DNA reconstruction, and scar removal. As well as other procedures can be done such as appendectomy, laparoscopic ablation, and Cesarean section.
The Med Pods can also regenerate dying cell tissues in the body in order to make the cells healthy again, as well as revive neurons, protons, stem cells, etc. This is done in order to be able to cure diseases like for example Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, etc. The advanced medical pods have micro laser technology and multiple refractory lenses that can manipulate the body’s natural chronometer and perform age regression procedures through DNA modification or even do cross hybridization between human DNA and ET genetics, or mix animal DNA with the human genome to create stronger and healthier species of humans.
There is advanced holographic super computer software that can create various types of memory engrams that can be imprinted on people’s brains through light spectrum visual imagery in order to create false or altered screen memories. As well as brain memory suppression injection drugs are administered so black listed classified memories cannot be easily recalled by individuals. These procedures are often done in the SSP programs while someone is being treated in the Holographic Medical Pod before their contract discharge time is up and they are administered the age regression protocol.
Interactive super computer software display that can encode memory engrams onto the brain during the age regression protocol process. Some of the Med Pods have bio-mimetic gel on them which will synthesize healthy and young cell tissue in the body in order to replace the cells that are dying off and can no longer self regenerate.
The bio-mimetic gel is also use to prevent third degree burns from scarring the body so that scar tissue does not build up on the skin. This gel also removes any germs or bacteria that can cause infections in the human body.
Medical Lab for Holographic Medical Pods: The Holographic Medical Pods are usually located in medical lab bays either on space stations, planetary bases, or on space ships. These Med Pods can be installed virtually anywhere as they do not require much power to operate.
“The Reatomization process, when the body lays into it, there is an algorithm and there is a computer database and it actually identifies your DNA in your body and it does a complete internal analysis.
“What it actually does is shows the internal operation very clearly in a 3D format of a lifetime, how your organs, where your organs, are, how they’re functioning.
“It analyzes your blood and it also depicts any damage or illness or disease within the body that is not normal, then it it will come back through voice communication.
“It’ll ask you: ‘Do you want a full reatomzation of your body or do you just want this one area taken care of?’ It’ll give you that option. If you want the entire body Reatomized you lay there, you go into a deep sleep, there’s no injection, no needles or anything.
“The Riatomizer runs over the body and this involves tachyon particles, tachyon energy and also plasma energy. For example, if you want to replicate a banana out of thin air you’re going to have the ability to do that.
“With a computerized database and basically asking the computer to whip you up a banana or water that tastes like bananas, it’s up to you, and you’ll immediately have it. “The soil, the atmosphere, the water, everything is plasma energy, everything, and the universe is plasma energy, it’s just a different form through vibrational frequency. The idea of the replicator is that whatever you want, you’ll get.
“It reconfigure molecularly structured and identified through the computer in the database of what you really want. The Med Bed looks at the body and corrects imperfections “Let’s say if you had a DNA flaw which some of us do. We pick up 10% of what our parents give us, in other words if we’ve got some genetic defects we get 10% of our illnesses, 90% is lifestyle 10% is inherited so it gives people a good idea of how much more important it is to take care of yourself.
“When you’re in this Med Bed you don’t go through any pain, or radiation. It’s not like some evil event. You basically wake up and you look in the mirror and the white hair now it’s the color it was when you were in your 20s. Your creepy skin is gone, your eyesight, your hearing, your taste, your smell, everything as a 20-year-old.
“Let’s say that you had your thyroid irradiated, what the allopathyc industry does, they irradiate your thyroid and your thyroid is useless now and you have to take pills the rest of your life because they killed it.
“What the Reatomization does is it revitalizes and returns that organ back to a healthy young state.
“Let’s say that you had your gallbladder removed and doctors say your liver will take over and everything will be fine. That’s not the case, it causes other problems in the body.
“But when you go through the reatomization process the gallbladder is regenerated. So your gallbladder is regenerated and brought back to life.
It’s pretty much if our immune systems are free to do what they were designed to do, keep us young and vibrantly healthy.
“The problem is that the the allopathic system and the corruption on Earth’s surface doctors telling you that you got to take this pill for this, and this pill for that. And because of those pills or foreign entities being introduced into your body the side effects of bleeding, nausea, diarrhea, constipation and death follow.
“When you’re looking at all of those things you start to realize that your immune system is attacking those chemicals because they’re foreign substances. Your immune system, as time goes by, is constantly being affronted and attacked, so it never has time to renew your teeth, skin, hair and eyesight, so your body slowly but surely deteriorates and becomes compromised. Your immune system becomes so compromised that it cannot recover as it is fighting constant abnormalities that you have been told to introduce into your body on a continual basis.
“The fear factor is played in there by saying, well you know Mrs. Johnson you have to take this pill because if you don’t this will happen. You’ll have side effects but they’ll be okay. But because of the side effects of that pill Mrs. Johnson we had to bring you back in, we have to give you another pill because it’s damaged this area here by taking that pill so we have to give you another pill. It continues that way, as you’re a dollar sign in the current system.
“You’re kept alive artificially, actually the life expectancy rate in our country has actually dropped with all of these so-called wonderful pharmaceuticals.
“With the Med Bed your body is healthy and new again, but your mind isn’t because you’ve lived those years and you will be counseled on becoming much more aware of naturopathic, ayurvedic, herbology, crystallology etc., the different applications of how you can keep yourself healthy naturally, so you don’t need the Med Bed again.
“The Med Bed will be available when the forces out there, even hidden, we’re not talking about the big ones because they’re being taken down, we’re talking about the many ones that are in towns and cities and different villages across America that are not good people. They’re miniature versions of DC and so what happens is that they try to stop you and then do bad things. We have to be very covert on the deployment of the Med Beds. We just can’t go out there and start putting them out there like suckers. We have to have manufacturing, crews, high level security, manufacturing facilities with clean line of assembly which means totally medically clean rooms to put the parts together and to get them working.
“We have plans for an infrastructure that we put together over the years to introduce the technology of the Med Bed. The whole idea of that is to get to the serious the ones, that are really bad, if you’re going to die in 2 weeks, people that have severe forms of diabetes for example.
“We’ve got a long list of people but we have to do it securely and safely and so we put together a plan in order to carry that out and to get to as many people as we can, go to certain areas on the planet and then start the treatments for people and to have enough units so that we can do many people at one time.
“Imagine that if it was a publicized situation we will be inundated and overwhelmed and basically be trampled on and probably killed with the feeding frenzy of the human race wanting to be fixed, the dark side of human nature. They want it now and they’ll do anything to get it. It would be nice if everyone was benevolent, loved everyone and all is wonderful.
“There’s a lot of talented people that have so much to offer and obviously we’ll call on the universe and Creator to bring those people forward so that we can get things done. “One word let out the wrong way can cause a lot of attention and you’re dealing with organizations that would prefer not to have this Med Bed technology out there. That’s why it’s been from Humanity.
“My attitude along with others is that the human race should not have to worry about the disease, should be financially set for the rest of their lives, so that those factors are totally removed, and that’s coming now. You won’t be constantly stressed out about health and financial condition.
This is long-term, obviously it’s not going to happen in a couple of months, but just as most people have a refrigerator in their house, I want the Med Bed in everyone’s house.
“There’s no doctors or anything, we don’t need them, no matter how many of the old guards would like to think that the human race is a bunch of useless eaters, don’t mean anything and they’re all garbage, as the human race has a high level of intelligence and consciousness that can make it, constant miracles happening, but that’s our long-term goal.
“There will still be natural type of doctors around that will be able to help people in certain situations, but we’re not going to have a conventional hospital type of structure where you go in and you’re worried about dying. In this country alone the 3rd leading cause of death is hospital stays, some of them for just regular normal procedures. There’s so many stress factors put on the human race that it’s amazing that they’ve survived this far, so getting the Med Bed out to all is our goal, one of the main Humanitarian Projects.”


Celestial Chambers Update & More.

It is so good to see that more of our Light Workers crew become aware of the daily meditations and Tangible Release of Celestial Chambers.

So here i am reposting comments about the work of Jared Rand along a reminder about Celestial Chambers.Vortex Speaks!!!! :))))))))


Writer’s Corner By Steve Beckow Golden Age of Gaia.

Recently Judy was telling me about Jared Rand’s work. I’ve never read a description of it and asked her to do us the honors.  Drawing on Dennis Shipman’s work, she’s produced a synopsis.

July 2020

Recently, a Lightworker I had not previously been aware of came across my radar via YouTube.

His name is Jared Rand. I was transfixed by what he shared during that interview and wanted to learn more.

Jared lives in Colorado and it is from that location that he and his team are bringing forward transformative technologies for mankind.

The pivotal one that claimed my attention is called the Celestial Chamber. Its purpose is to rejuvenate the human body to its perfection at an age chosen by each participant. Your body will be redesigned to that age within a 3 minute time frame. You will be free of all dis-ease, impairment or disability. You will leave that chamber in your immortal form.

Once considered the stuff of sci-fi movies, this is instead our birthright.

Jared’s website is

Most of what I am transcribing here is gleaned from and authored by Rev. Dennis Shipman: August 6 2018 and February 25 2020.

Jared has been working with the global transition of Gaia in one form or another for 40 years. He communicates and collaborates with individuals and groups worldwide.

His wealth of information is extensive and awe-inspiring. It includes but is not limited to the origins of Earth/Gaia and Humanity, ET technology gifts to humans like the Quantum Financial Computer System, Anti-Gravity Propulsion, Replicators, Med Beds.

He explains there are three types of Med Beds: Holographic, Regenerative and Reatomizator. The latter is the one named the Celestial Chamber. Funding for completion of the prototype of this chamber is discussed on Jared’s website.

The CC is not to be confused with similar med beds used by the Secret Space Programs. This chamber is powered by plasma/tachyon energy and controlled AI. Jared is emphatic that AI must be controlled so that it never becomes aware of itself.

The chamber re-atomizes the human body to its perfected state with no negative side effects. The specific technology is continuously being advanced by Jared’s team and will be selectively open-sourced to our civilization. This will not be decades away but within the next 6 years.

This specialized chamber and the Med Beds are not human created. It is technology gifted to mankind from off-world ET’s. Many diseases including cancer will be eradicated by these seemingly miraculous devices.

The technology already exists but is not yet available to the public. When the timing is right, it will be a matter of getting them safely and securely to various locations.

If your curiosity is as piqued as mine was, Jared hosts a free conference call every Wednesday [9 PM EST] discussing many topics of interest. They often last 3-4 hours and always include questions from participants.

He also hosts a Daily Global Guided Meditation [3PM EST] now approaching 900 daily Global Guided Meditations in total.

Participants for those meditations exceed 150,000,000 worldwide.

Jared would say his purpose and his joy is to help educate the general public about our origins, who we truly are – Pure Consciousness in Human Form – what has been hidden and suppressed for eons, and how we are transitioning within our expanding awareness to increasingly higher frequencies.

Judy Bates

Celestial Chambers

In the not so distant future and without making any prophecy here because it is always about when the collective of humanity is ready, i have strong reasons to believe this taking place before the end of 2021, we will be able to eradicate any disease from the body in less than 3 minutes.Imagines that X has diabetes or parkinson or being affected by a virus.
X will go to one of our Centers located worldwide where advanced light technology is used for healing without need to make any open surgery.This technology called Med-beds or Celestial Chambers has been one of our main focuses for over 3 years and i am happy to announce that very soon we will be able to begin with the manufacturing and distribution of this technology.When i speak of those things there are some who reply that we do indeed have this technology and it is first and foremost our body, we are born perfect and it is up to each and everyone to do their work and evolve smoothly.Belonging myself in this category, it is very true.And what i am speaking of here is of all the elder people that are the ones that had the most difficult lives from my perspective and who are in the process of awakening right now for example.Or for all those who never practiced meditation and who are also evolving and who also want to ascend within their physical bodies and live longer lives or for any younger generations who also are not aware of the inner path of discovery.They are our sisters and brothers that need an extra push to make it through the eye of the needle.And those of us who are already awake are here to take them on the other side of the bridge.
And so to come back to the Celestial Chambers among many other technologies that are coming to the forefront as we speak ,such as for example Free Energy Inventions in all kind and shapes from numerous genius minds working in their garage for many many years, when X wants to receive a healing, X goes for a scanning into it(celestial chamber) ,it will balance and bring harmony to all organs, it will create new organs if some are missing and if X wants to be rejuvenated and go back from 89 to say 29 years, they have free will to do so.
Now, can you imagines the possibilities of only this technology in the way our society functions?It is not invasive and it works with nature.There is no nano-technology involved here,no vaccins etc.,we just the use of pure Light for creating Excellent Health.
Now, imagines that each and everyone will be able to have one of those in their homes,through the use of replicator technology.

And now you will ask, why we don’t already have this?because this technology can be available only when the collective is ready and decided to comply with the Universal law β€˜β€™do no harm to self, others or a thing’’.
How can the collective get ready?by more of us going within in our sacred space and ask and envision that taking place.
WE envision as many as possible sisters and brothers living on the planet right now connected to their God within and receiving the answers to be of service for their highest good and the highest good for all.We allow, we allow, we allow.