Category Archives: Brenda Hoffman

Get Out of Your Own Way…You can access anything you need or want…Your dreams are meant to become a reality. Allow that to be.

Dear Ones,

You have completed so many phases of this transition. Yet, you hesitate to move forward with an important step.

You are no longer of 3D, nor is your earth. You are in a different place in a different time than when you were of 3D. But you wait for the permission to move beyond clearing, to live within your inner power.

Even though such is probably to be expected, given you were so enmeshed in 3D limitations, that is no longer your life.

You can access anything you need or want. For both your needs and wants are important pieces of your new transition journey.

You are no longer clearing or climbing a 3D mountain to your new being. You are your new being. So it is time to enjoy new you in ways you never before thought possible.

Even though you had 3D dreams of this and that, you believed those dreams would never be actualized, for you were merely a 3D being needing help with your life – help that the Universes might provide if you chanted the right phrases or prayed to the right gods.

Such is no longer true. In truth, it never was. In 3D, you were similar to Clark Kent with hidden powers accessible after removing your business suit to become Superman.

The difference between Superman and you in your 3D life was that you never dared remove your business suit. Such was so for several reasons, not the least of which was you needed to be in disguise while of 3D. A disguise that became such an important part of your earth existence you were afraid to remove it.

Your current identity fears are displayed internally in so many ways. “What if I really only am Clark Kent with or without the suit?” “What if I have no more power than I did five years ago?” “What if this dream of what could be, is only possible if…?”

So you continue to hide from the world and, most importantly, from yourself.

Remove your invisible cloak. Claim your new being.

To do so, you need to believe in yourself. You have the inner power and the skills. Your dreams are meant to become a reality. Allow that to be. And then, get out of your own way.

Many of you continue to dampen down your power to fit a “normal” life. You are no longer 3D normal, and these are not 3D normal times. You have initiated a new life in a new world.

Claim yourself. The self that you prepared for eons. The self you needed to hide from the 3D world. The self that the new world and you need to explore. Not only to further shift earth from fear to love but to create a joyful life for yourself.

You are not second or third best. You are the star of you. Your creations will shift your being and the earth. The time to create is now.

There are no more fear mountains to climb. This is not the time to ponder.

Claim your full being. Not necessarily with fireworks or diatribes, but with the self-assurance that you are beyond ready.

The ability to shift from fear to love is within your being. Display, parade, declare or do what you wish to live in the love you have worked so long to create. That time is now. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page (, and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

You are a unique being and no longer fit within spiritual activities designed for all.

Dear Ones,

Many of you have mistaken our words. Believing you have to be different instead of looking within to determine how and why you are different.

Acting silly because it’s fun is different than being silly because you feel you must. Again, shoulds from your society or the Universes are not your path. Shoulds are no more.

Even though you have heard that last statement over and over, most of you applied it to your social milieu. Shoulds also apply to concepts many tout as Universal truths, including meditation, foods, and other forms of connecting with the Universes.

You do not require lessons or shoulds to connect with the Universes. In truth, you never did. But because your 3D fear society was so burdensome, many attempted to lighten that burden with techniques that could connect you to your higher self or the Universes. In fact, techniques that were likely valuable when you initiated your transition.

Those techniques are no longer valid. Just as Ouija boards were once popular, but are no more for the information obtained from Ouija boards is limited and burdensome.

The veils have lifted for you.

What feels comfortable? That is your only guide.

If someone tells you that you must do this to connect to the spiritual realms or yourself, please review that information within your being. If it feels exciting to do so, that is part of your new path. But if it does not, realize that such actions might be perfect for the person suggesting them, but not you. You are a unique being and no longer fit within spiritual activities designed for all.

If a friend or significant other pushes you to try this or that, you might feel guilty for not doing so or wishing to do so. Stop the guilt.

Again, if that spiritual action is appropriate for you, you will complete that action or at least complete as much as feels right. You are no longer part of the group process that was once 3D.

Many connecting with the spiritual realms tout this or that cure – an action that might work wonderfully for them, but not necessarily for you. Listen to your heart, your inner being before taking the time and perhaps financial resources to explore those options.

There is nothing wrong with providing spiritual guidance. The difficulty is when you return to the 3D belief that someone is more wise or skilled than you. Those skills you admire might be important for your role  – or not. Or skills you can obtain without their input. Maybe those skills are unnecessary flim-flam. Or skills necessary for your next step forward. Only you know – not your friends or family.

So do not feel the need to jump from this program to that or, more importantly, feel guilty that you do not. Perhaps those techniques will hinder your personal evolution – or not. Only you know. And the part of you that knows is within.

You no longer need to ask the Universes or humans if they think you need to do something. They are not you and never will be. You are you – with the most appropriate guidance within.

Perhaps you feel a need to pray to the Universes, humans, or others to assist you in a forward movement. That is far different than waiting until they approve for you to do so – forcing you to take this step or meditate in this way – before you are allowed to actualize your dream.

You are the CEO of you. Others can provide information and input, but you and only you make the final decision regarding the correct application of any information from humans, the Universes, or others.

You are you – not to be divided, reported, or directed by anyone but you. Allow that to be. And allow yourself to extinguish any guilt others might apply to encourage you to read this or do that if you wish to be a true earth angel. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page (, and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

Everyone Now of Earth Is an Earth Angel

Dear Ones,

Many of you recently experienced numerous emotional ups and downs. Emotional upheavals that were once an accepted part of your 3D world. Now, the least little blip on your comfort screen creates panic.

Because of your new being, uncomfortable moments have become much more dramatic.

You no longer expect to be uncomfortable. An indication of how much you have shifted in a very short time. 

Perhaps you are wondering how you will circumvent these emotional pieces. You will not do so, for the world is shifting to love and contentment – something you have already achieved.

Micro to macro. First, you shifted to peace and contentment. That energy is now spreading throughout the globe to create a new essence of being. A love vibe that others are quickly accepting.

But you do not necessarily feel such is so, for you are surrounded by media reports and gossip about how terrible everything is. Such information is merely the last gasps of 3D fear. It is almost like an uncomfortable beauty treatment. Even though you know the treatment will be uncomfortable, the expected rewards are worth it.

So it is this last gasp of fear appears painful for those of you who have completed the “treatment.” 

You do not understand why others need to experience fear or pain because you completed that treatment months, even years ago. And memories of that 3D pain are fading just as we, of the Universes, prophesized.

You cannot imagine why anyone selects pain or fear when comfort, love, and peace are so readily accessible.

There is nothing you need to do or say, for others must complete the same actions you did, even though you have difficulties remembering why or how you did so.

Perhaps you remember that time as extremely difficult, but you no longer feel the pain you felt when you were in your dark night of the soul.

Allow others to evolve as and when they wish. Those who are doing so are not your responsibility. Shining your love, peace, and comfort is your role. To move beyond that shining role by trying to make the lives of others more comfortable is to reduce your light dramatically.

Even though it might not seem as if shining your light of joy and comfort is that important or difficult, trust us, it is. Your role is much larger than you now understand.

If others are uncomfortable, should you not walk them through their discomfort or provide resources to do so? Only if doing so is your burning desire. Which, of course, means doing so is one of your new you roles.

If you merely wish anger, pain, and fear would disappear, eliminating the pain of others is not one of your roles and never will be.

You are part of the whole. But just as you cannot read for another, so they never need to learn how to read, you cannot assume the pain of others. They have to throw off their cloaks of pain, just as you once did.

Nothing is ever solved by taking on another’s pain. Each of you decided before birth what you wanted to explore in this earth life. Assuming others are not as strong or capable as you in whatever transition stage you are in is to return to 3D caretaking. 

All humans of the earth at this time are earth angels – with much greater strength than any previous human grouping.

Even those fully mired in anger and pain are earth angels. Allow them to spew their rage and anger. They studied fear in as much depth as you studied love flitting throughout the Universes, frequencies, and dimensions preparing for this life.

There are no slackers or slow learners on earth at this time. Everyone is successfully playing their role. Even if you disagree with them, they are as powerful as you.

Does that mean those who oppose your views, your need for peace and joy, are similar to the devils you claimed in your 3D religious lore? Not at all. They are merely counterpoints encouraging all to move to peace and joy.

If there were nothing to push against, many humans would dilly-dally through their transition – stopping as soon as something became difficult. The counterpoints are forcing many to work through their fear and anger issues. Something most, if not all of you reading this, have completed.

Do not allow those enmeshed in fear, rage, and disbelief in the good of human/universal kind to push you from your radiant energy of comfort and love. Your role is to shine your light brightly so those who wish to transition beyond 3D fear know there is a more joyful life. All they need do to live that joyful life is to throw off their mantles of 3D fear. Something you cannot and should not try to do for them.

Earth angels all, with different roles and awakening times. You have awakened. Allow others the freedom to do the same when or if they wish.

Your role is to shine your love light brightly enough for others to come in out of the cold. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page (, and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

You are now shining from the inside-out instead of the outside-in…In 3D, you performed. In your new world, you exist…You are the new model. You are the shimmering, shining example of what is possible, even expected of every being entering earth from now on.

Dear Ones,

Your need to be the shining light of your environments, friends, and family was important in 3D but is no longer. You are now shining from the inside-out instead of the outside-in.

Most of your 3D life was thinking or stating, “Look at me, aren’t I special?”

Perhaps you object to that last thought. Believing you are shy or introverted, so you never tried to grab attention. We beg to differ. Even if you were an introvert, you required approval from family, teachers, friends, lovers, co-workers, and supervisors.

Three-D society is based on outer approval. “Am I my parents’ favorite?” “Do the neighborhood kids like me?” “Am I lovable?” “Does my supervisor like me enough to promote me?” “Do my kids even like me?” And on and on throughout your 3D life.

Thoughts that encouraged you to be who others needed you to be, whether you were an introvert or extrovert. The 3D social spectrum needed affirmation from others in ways you probably have difficulties remembering now that you are in the midst of your new you transition.

In 3D, you performed. In your new world, you exist.

It no longer matters how popular you were or are. You are on a unique path in a unique time. Others you once performed for are not that important to you. And those concerned about how little you are now adding to their lives are likely moving to new relationships.

There is no need for you to perform – doing so will confuse others. Just as you are discovering new you, so are they. In that discovery process, all of you are developing an honesty antenna.

The old social games are outdated. The new social game is honesty. “Who are you?” is becoming as important to others as it is to you.

The new interactions you find interesting enough to maintain are based on your inner-truth instead of inner-shoulds.

Because of your 3D need to be loved, respected, and accepted by others, you jumped through emotional hoops that may or may not have been who you wanted to be. Those hoops have been removed so your interests, needs, and companions are no longer forged by your need to belong.

The 3D social games are over.

Some might play those 3D games for a while because doing so is expected or comfortable. Even so, those of you enmeshed in your new being will no longer be interested. Much as an older sibling is not interested in their younger sibling’s toys.

The need to please is over.

Your new need is to honor your feelings, your being.

We, of the Universes, have previously discussed your 3D need to please others. But when we did so, you were not necessarily aware of how many of your daily actions were dedicated to ensuring others loved or respected you. Now that those heavy 3D burdens are lifting, you are discovering how different you are from who you once thought you were.

Even the new segments you added to your former 3D being were selected to highlight who you truly are instead of changing you.

The uniqueness you enhanced by adventures throughout the Universes for eons is finally shining brightly in this new world.

New you is your truth, not society’s truth as happened in 3D.

For most of you, it does not matter if this or that person cares for you. It is a revelation as surprising to you as those you once catered to hoping they would accept you in whatever form you needed.

Catering to anyone is becoming almost abhorrent to you forerunners. In your workplace, you did this and this because you needed or wanted the job. Now that you have had downtime to review your needs, you are finding it difficult to jump through those hoops. You want the freedom to be. Such is difficult, if not impossible, in a 3D environment.

So it is you are saying goodbye to conformity – as much as you dare – and hello to the creativity of freedom.

Of course, our flippant remarks do not pay your rent nor buy your food. But as you claim your new being, you will discover you do not care as much as you once did to conform or perform.

You are not a trained seal as 3D society encouraged, even forced you to be. In 3D, you’re born. You attend school. You work. You create love relationships that most often produce children who you hope care enough about you to care for you in old age. And then you die. All the while depending on others to love, entertain, pay for your life, and care for you.

Even though not everyone creates that 3D life model, it is the goal of 3D children.

The new developing you is more like, “This is who I am and what I’m interested in. I hope I find someone with similar interests because that would make my life more fun. But if I don’t, it doesn’t matter because my days are filled with my interests.”

You are the new model. You are the shimmering, shining example of what is possible, even expected of every being entering earth from now on.

You are new, as are your expectations and those who wish to transition. No longer is there a need to say this or that to attract others, whether it be playmates, employers, lovers, or even your children.

You are you in all your new glory, never again to return to pleasing others as you have done for 3D earth eons. You are free, and so is everyone. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page (, and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

Stop. Rest. Play. And push your easy button daily.

Dear Ones,

You probably want everything wonderful to appear in an instant, as is true in your fairy tales. You are of the “McDonalds’ generations,” so you want your life to be on speed steroids – especially your transition.

But because you are not seeing or sensing new reactions every second of every day, you believe your transition is happening at a “snail’s pace.”

Nothing could be further from the truth. For if you transitioned any faster than has been true to date, your physical being would explode.

As your wait for completion or a different phase, sometimes it seems overwhelming and not a little frightening. “Am I transitioning?” “Why can he do that, and I can’t?” “What’s wrong with me?”

Your transition fears are merely a continuation of those 3D fears of not being good enough or smart enough.

You forget that you are on a unique path with a unique tapestry thread to complete. That you are not supposed to be like anyone. That you are evolving as rapidly as your physical being allows.

Even though you increase your transition speed daily, you will never transition at warp speed, for your current physical body is not designed to withstand that type of pressure or speed.

You are in a modified human body that increases your transition speed, but not at a pace beyond what your human body is designed to withstand.

Some of you are beginning to remember your Universal being that zipped here and there without concern or harm. So your dreams might be about flying beyond the ethers or interacting with others you never met while of the earth.

Such dreams are your internal being shifting to a new Universal level. Even though all Universal humans will eventually zip here and there physically, dimensionally, and within more frequencies than you can imagine, such physical adventures are for future earth generations.

Your skills in this life are more mental and heart-focused.

Even though humans will not travel without a spacecraft in this lifetime, you will likely do so in your meditative, dream state, or focused thoughts whenever you wish – unless your new being is not interested in doing so.

You have already had more than enough physical adventures for one earth life. Even though you might create the equations necessary for future humans to travel without space vehicles to different dimensions and frequencies, it is unlikely human beings will be physically strong enough to do so for the next few generations.

Think of this time as the beginning of the European Renaissance. Even though much happened throughout that historical period, the generations living within the Renaissance built upon the knowledge of their generational forerunners.

Your physical shifts are about awakening new you – adding segments, mining those segments for skills, and further developing the skills you achieved through eons of preparation for this New Earth time.

You do not have time in this life to create individual forays into the beyond without a vehicle. But your yearning to do so will push future generations to create those skills.

For now, your need to visit other times, dimensions, and frequencies will be fulfilled through your dream, meditative, and interest times. There is nothing you need do other than want such to be possible.

It is time to push the easy button. If you are not successful in doing so, ask yourself why. Maybe such flitting is not what you need now. Perhaps, it never will be.

This is similar to when you wished with all your heart that a popular cheerleader or quarterback was interested in you – as so many of you hoped in your earlier years – only to discover that the adult you were no longer interested in that person or anyone like them.

You are like a child in a candy store. “I want to do that, feel that, and experience that.” Only to discover that certain skills are not interesting to you now or perhaps ever.

Allow yourself to float into your new skills instead of attempting to push into them. Or to insist you must have the same skills as others only to discover you are not interested in those skills.

Push the easy button to discover yourself. You have been pushing the difficult, uphill fear button for earth eons.

Stop. Rest. Play. And push your easy button daily. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page (, and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

Your need to rest and sleep allows you to add certain dimensions to your being that would not be possible if you maintained your former 3D schedule…Now that you have crossed the Rubicon of self-love, you will experience new friends and community needs. As well as a disinterest in pleasing anyone but yourself…You are a shining beacon of selfhood that cannot be diminished no matter what others wish or demand.

Dear Ones,

Even though you likely do not feel as if you are a new being, we, of the Universes, disagree.

The thoughts and actions you are discovering are more notable than you yet realize. Your need to rest and sleep allows you to add certain dimensions to your being that would not be possible if you maintained your former 3D schedule.

Many of you declare that your current activities do not allow you to focus on either rest or sleep. We beg to differ. For just as your body insists you rest when you are ill, so too is it now insisting you rest or sleep more deeply than before. 

Perhaps you have noted how different your dreams seem to be. They are more like a storyboard of past interactions than a review of the day’s events. You are addressing pieces of your 3D being that no longer fit within your new being. In a sense, visiting your personal museum to review your past actions. And at the same time, closing the door on those actions or interactions. Saying goodbye to 3D you and those who assisted you in your 3D exploration. 

Those in your current dreams have interacted with you in numerous 3D lives – somewhat like an acting company. In your rest or dream state, you are thanking them for their input while informing them that you are disbanding your 3D acting company. That you are moving onto new experiences with different beings.

You are reading scripts and determining which of the beings you interacted with between 3D lives will best fit the roles of your new acting company.

Some of those from your 3D past will, of course, be perfect for your new company, but very few. So you are experiencing a long good-bye for it is unlikely that any two of you will again be in the same acting company.

Your new acting companions are slowly arriving. Or, if you prefer, auditioning for your new acting company. 

Perhaps that last thought seems too formal, for are you not going to flit from action to action, person to person? Indeed you are. That is why you are busy disbanding your former acting company and auditioning new members.

Some of your new company will surprise you, for even though they intrigue you, they do not seem to have interests similar to yours. You might be selecting them because they activate a latent talent or a talent you prepared for before this earth life.

You are like salmon swimming upstream. There are no barriers you will not cross to complete your task.

So you must allow yourself the freedom to add and subtract beings and activities as the push to do so is activated. There are no answers anyone can provide for you. As you open yourself to the new, you are your own guru.

Many will wish to know how you achieved your new self-hood in this supposed chaotic world and to emulate you because you feel comfortable with yourself.

Unlike what was true in 3D, there are no courses in new you self-hood. Three-D life had a basic formula created by those in power, whether within 3D families or the greater community.

Your new you formula only exists within your being, for you charted it before you entered the earth in this lifetime. Perhaps some of your childhood interests or elements of those interests will now come to fruition. For those childhood interests were more entwined with Universal skills than was true as you aged in 3D.

Your early 3D childhood was more Universally based than any time since. So do not be afraid to look silly or be surprised if you act a bit childish. For that self-awareness, that self-regard is your shining light.

Many of you assumed you would naturally produce a halo or a golden physical feature indicating to others you were a bright light of love. Instead, your bright light is more action-oriented, for your light is your freedom to be in whatever that dictates.

Once you truly love yourself, there is no need to perform for others.

Even though you have always been the lead actor/director of your 3D acting company, that company was one of shoulds and have tos, of fitting within 3D social mores.

Now that you have crossed the Rubicon of self-love, you will experience new friends and community needs. As well as a disinterest in pleasing anyone but yourself.

You will gravitate to those who have similar self-love beacons and interests.

You are gently disbanding your 3D acting company through your dream and rest states. So someone you have not interacted with for a very long time might pop into your thought processes. Instead of wishing to connect with them, you will likely think or dream of them fondly and send them on their way.

At the same time, you might discover that someone you have never interacted with before seems intriguing or otherwise draws you to them.

You are a new being in a new world honing your new you interests and talents – something no one can do for you or even point you in the right direction. For your direction is within you and only you.

As you display your new interests and talents, not everything will immediately make sense. But each new action or thought is an important puzzle piece to new you. 

Like salmon swimming upstream, you can no longer ignore the direction or interests you have waited for eons to display. This earth life is similar to claiming an Olympic gold medal.

Of course, you will progress in your future Universal lives. But in this special gold medal time on earth, you are daring to be new you in all your glory, despite naysayers and others who negate your interests and skills.

You are a shining beacon of selfhood that cannot be diminished no matter what others wish or demand. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page (, and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

In 3D, once you negated someone for whatever reason, that tie most often remained broken. You are discovering what once was is no more. So it is, you might return to friends you thought you would never interact with again – or not.

Dear Ones,

Your need to be right is popping up in the most unusual places. You have worked diligently for months or even decades to create a special light. Even so, others are pooh-poohing the results of those difficult transition tasks. As if your beliefs and actions have little value.

So it is many of you are confused about your current beliefs and actions. Were those actions valid or merely an unrealistic dream state with little value or need?

Perhaps those actions include ignoring friends or other parts of your world that seem unpleasant. Even though you wish to feel you are one with all, the decisions and actions of others feel wrong. How can that be if you are moving to love and away from fear?

You are most comfortable in a world of consensus – not necessarily of the entire globe, but within your friendships, communities, families, and countries. What is occurring is a division of 3D consensus and the creation of new concepts you are not yet comfortable with.

How can you ever be one with others who do not believe or act as you do? Yet, some of those you have written off are returning to your circle in ways you did not expect.

This is a confusing time.

Your new world is no longer linear. 

Circular is your new action word – and soon-to-be, belief. Even though that which was is no more, this new is different than you expected.

In 3D, once you negated someone for whatever reason, that tie most often remained broken. You are discovering what once was is no more. So it is, you might return to friends you thought you would never interact with again – or not.

Your new world has very few clear divisions. The deciding factors of yesterday are no more. Your actions and beliefs change daily. So it is, you are flitting from belief to belief, action to action, and thought to thought.

In 3D, clear-cut delineations were necessary to promote community thought. You are in a new place in a new time, discovering that nothing is clear regarding who you are or what you believe.

That last concept is frightening because you are not used to the freedom of thought and action while of the earth. You are now exploring new frequencies, dimensions, beliefs, and actions in Universal terms – as has been true since you were conceived eons ago. But when you were of 3D earth, you limited your thoughts and actions to fit within the accepted parameters established by others to create a 3D cohesiveness.

That 3D cohesiveness no longer exists.

So it is you are now exploring options you explored while not of the earth. As you do so, you are discovering new possibilities, and for now, new fears. It is as if your personal world is exploding with ideas, actions, and interactions.

Yet, your 3D world seems the same. You continue to be angry at some actions of others. But that anger is dissipating as you move into new places and worlds. And as you do so, you surprise yourself with new thoughts, dreams, actions, and needs.

Your need to be at one with others is no longer that important. Yet, your days and thoughts are full. Even though there is no longer enough time in your day to do all you wish, you do not seem to be doing that much.

Your new world is topsy-turvy. What once gave you joy likely does not any longer. What was once boring likely is no longer. And those you decided you no longer wished to interact with seem to have changed – or not.

It is almost as if you have become what many label a “walk-in.” You are a completely new being, learning more about yourself daily. Many of those new pieces are confusing, for they feel right, even though they are counterintuitive to your former logic.

“This isn’t who I am, is it?” seems to be part of your new being.

Adding and subtracting activities and thoughts – second by second. “Who am I?” was your refrain after you left 3D. A refrain that is becoming louder and louder.

You are surprised but not displeased with your new being. For you are likely calmer and more peaceful in your actions and thoughts.

That which once frightened you seems to be further away, including people, places, and things. You are more comfortable letting others fret and become angry, for you no longer feel much need to do so. You find yourself ignoring uncomfortable pieces and perhaps encouraging your loved ones to do the same. There is little need for you to jump into any angry conversation or action. You are more comfortable doing not much of anything than forcing yourself to be something, as was true in 3D.

“This is who I am, and I don’t feel much need to project anything else.” A new refrain that is surprising you as much as anyone.

When you are bored, you act upon it. And when you are excited, you do the same. All your 3D stops are being removed. And as that is happening, you question yourself. Not because you are uncomfortable, but because new you is different than 3D you – or how you expected to be in this new world.

You assumed flitting from interest to interest meant you would join a creative group here and a community group there. Instead, you are discovering you feel like doing less than before your transition. Everything seems like too much, likely including your job, cooking, driving here and there, or meeting friends. As if your world has stopped, instead of revving up to a new level.

You are exploring and flitting from place to place – either within yourself or physically. Just not as you expected. In the future, your flitting might be more outward than inward, as is true now. But it does not matter. There are no rules. Just as there are no Universal rules of what you need to explore when you are not of 3D earth.

Allow yourself to float, act, talk, and be, just as you allow an infant to do so as they explore their new world. You are doing the same in a new Universal being while of the new earth. The earth you helped shift from fear to personal freedom in joy and love.

So it is you are creating a new Universal being while of the earth in this lifetime. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page (, and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

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Pulling Up Your Significant Other

Dear Ones,

Likely, your significant other is not at the same frequency or emotional place as you for several reasons, including their need to help you understand how far you have evolved. They are not you, yet they encouraged you to become new you. 

Perhaps that last statement seems convoluted, for you do not yet understand their role in supporting you. Part of that role was encouraging you to caretake them emotionally until you understood that some of those interactions were not healthy.

So it is you are aware of their supposed failings. Yet, they created those issues to help you move further into your new you role. In a sense, they gave you a leg up to the higher levels of your being. 

It is now your turn to pull them up when they are ready to shift beyond 3D or 4D.

If you feel content despite misgivings about your partner’s caretaker roles or other interactions that indicate they are not yet functioning at the 5D level, there is a reason you are with them.

You two created an agreement that you would move up the frequency ladder with their help. And once you achieved a certain level, your energy would help them achieve the same or something similar.

There are no accidents.

It is likely your partner has somewhat different interests than you and always has. Despite that difference, their being comforts you in ways you cannot describe.

You two were meant to help one another – likely, because of an agreement before birth in this lifetime. And after many interactions in other times and places.

You agreed to evolve more rapidly than them with their support. And they agreed to wait until you felt emotionally strong enough to support them once they were ready to move beyond 3D.

Many of you are now discovering your partner is changing rapidly.

Do you remember when you first discovered that former friends and relatives were irritating or no longer interesting enough to interact with? And how often, we, of the Universes, had to support you as you tested and were often frightened by those new feelings? So it is now for your significant other.

Your significant other does not understand why the waves of love they once felt for a certain friend or relative no longer happen. Or that they are irritated by that friend or relative. Change is almost always uncomfortable for humans – and most definitely for 3D humans. So your partner fears that a certain person no longer loves them.

Of course, you, the more advanced partner, know that the individual or individuals in question likely never created a true emotional bond with your significant other. Such was also true for you, as you discovered some time ago.

Once the 3D niceness, caretaking, and pretenses were removed from those relationships, some of your previous interactions held little for you. So it is now for your significant other. The difference is you only had us, of the Universes, to fret to, for it initially felt so wrong for you to disconnect from those you once cared for or loved.

So it is now for your significant other. 

Your role in this piece of their transition is to love them, which is their step up to the next transition level. They are not alone, for you are with them. Just as they once performed the same role for you.

By providing love for your significant other, you are doing more for this global transition than you thought possible. Your significant other will encourage others to jump to the next frequency level. Or to remain where they are and find another 3D being to replace your significant other.

So it will go until the earth is much more heavily populated with those beyond 3D than those who refuse to step up to the next level. 

This transition is no longer a game. It is a life-changing time for all as those once close to you either evolve or remain where they are in 3D. Something you experienced time and again throughout your transition. The same is now likely happening to your significant other.

If you continue to be content and peaceful with your significant other relationship, you will offer them the step up you two agreed upon before birth in this lifetime. 

Your significant other also achieved skill after skill preparing for this particular life. It was merely a coin toss as to which of you two would transition first. Your significant other is now likely indicating they are ready for you to pull them up to the next step.

Even though some of you might eventually flit to different relationships, now all is as it should be, including your relationship with your significant other. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page (, and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

New You Development is Subtle and Gentle

New You Development is Subtle and Gentle

Dear Ones,

You have a need to be perfect, to be immediately clear of all impediments to new you.

Becoming new you is a process, not an overnight activity.

You will clear or shift when you need to do so. Even though a toddler wants to be as skilled as their older sibling, such is impossible until they develop the necessary skills. Or, it may never be possible because the toddler and their older sibling are different entities.

Many of your new skills need to be developed further before they can be actualized.

Do you remember having interests as a child that evolved into adult 3D interests or your career? So it is now. Each interest might seem minimal until it is attached to a new skill set or idea.

Allow yourself to flow into your new you without fear, shoulds, or have tos.

Even though you might revert to 3D fears or compulsions because that is your former comfort zone, you have completed the difficult work of exiting your 3D being. Just as many 3D infants, toddlers, and young children reverted to their Universal knowledge through invisible friends and other indicators until they became so enmeshed in 3D life they forgot their Universal accesses.

The reverse is now happening to you. You are rapidly forgetting or ignoring your 3D knowingness. As you do so, some pieces might come to the surface, just as the wind might create choppy lake waves.

If choppy waves arrive for you, address them as you wish, knowing your waves will soon be light and airy again.

You no longer require an earth life to explore a specific fear as you did in 3D. This is a new world. And in this new world, you address, function, react to or create as you wish. Do you wish to address the choppy waves? Do so. Do you wish to wait until the waves recede? Do so. Do you wish to ignore the choppy waves and continue moving forward? Do so.

This is not your parents’ world. You are a new being in a new world. Exploring this and creating that – when you wish. Even though you are an infant new being learning new skills, this is not months or years-long process.

You are a wondrous being in a new world. Skills will become apparent when you are ready to use them, just as answers will become apparent when you are ready to access them.

As you flit from one interest to another, you will automatically achieve the skills you want when you need them.

Universal skills are about ease and grace. Three-D skills are based on fear and punishment.

Likely, you repeated a 3D fear in 3D life after life to ensure you were no longer tied to that fear. Think of yourself now as a honey bee flitting from interest to interest, gathering sweet honey here and there.

Many of you claim that you remain in your cocoon. We, of the Universes, beg to differ.

Even though it appears as if nothing much has changed in your life, you have not been in a cocoon for several weeks. Think back to those pieces that indicated something was changing. Perhaps a new memory, a fogginess of being, interacting with new people or animals, or finding little need to do what you once found productive.

Thousands of little pieces that indicate you are no longer in a cocoon state. What you have not acknowledged is you are in the midst of a new norm, despite a disinterest in leaving your home, community, or any indicator you have created to believe you remain in a cocoon.

You are in a new place, expanding your horizons. Perhaps not as you once did in 3D, but most certainly as a new being.

Even though an infant smiling or picking up a rattle is considered growth, you admonish yourself despite your amazing growth the past few weeks. Some of you are merely creating or utilizing less visible skills. 

You still measure your growth in 3D terms – loud and brash. New you is subtle and gentle. So it is new you has arrived in ways best for your peace and contentment.

Will your current life change? Most decidedly so. Just as a 3D newborn becomes a toddler, teen, and adult. 

The difference is, your new you expansion is soft and gentle, just as is true for Universal life. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page (, and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

You might not feel a need to do or be anything now or forever, other than laying in a hammock reading a book. That is not sinful or wrong. It is merely you. Know that whatever feels right in your heart is your role.

Dear Ones,

Most of you are afraid of the impending doom images that play in your mind. “If this happens, surely that more terrible thing will happen.” Yet, the next day, you likely have a different image tickling your mind and imploding your being with fear.

Those fear factors are merely carry-overs from your 3D doom and gloom that played out in 3D life after 3D life. Three-D memories not only coming to the forefront for clearing but memories fighting to remain part of your being.

You did such an amazing job of fitting within the 3D boxes of fear that were your 3D lives that you are having difficulties discarding those boxes. What you have not yet accepted, despite your inner-knowingness, is that you are in a different world.

It is as if after being hungry in your childhood, you continue to worry you will not have enough food despite inheriting millions of dollars.

This is a new world and a new day. Claim yourself – as well as your inner and outer riches.

You might be fearful, but those fear pieces will drop away if you allow them to. 

Stop holding onto fear.

Fear that is merely the ghost of your 3D past.

Granted, not everyone is allowing themselves to move into this new world. Such is neither here nor there for you are a forerunner. You helped create this new world. Now allow yourself to live in it.

No harm will come to you unless you want it to.

You are free and safe. You are a new being in a new world. 

You might not feel a need to do or be anything now or forever, other than laying in a hammock reading a book. That is not sinful or wrong. It is merely you. Know that whatever feels right in your heart is your role.

No longer do shoulds and fear rule your life as has been true for eons. And no longer are you in competition with anyone. You are you.

The most confusing pieces for you now are your interactions with others who live in the 3D realm of shoulds and have tos. Even though the number of 3D inhabitants is reduced daily, you forerunners have lived in 3D most of your current life. So you easily slip into your fear or even anger based on fears that this or that will happen because it has been so for eons. 

The difference now is if you do slip into 3D, your discomfort will force you out of that box almost immediately. When you first initiated your transition, it was much easier to be of 3D than was true of the evolving elements of new you. You had to work to create space for your new you elements.

Now that new you is fully formed, you question your power and readiness to accept that power. You feel like you must have at least one more hoop to jump through before you can be new you.

You are complete. You are whole. Even though you will mature within your new being, you have all the elements necessary to follow your heart instead of your fearful mind.

Perhaps it will help you better understand that last thought if you imagine initiating your transition as a single cell. During this evolutionary process, you became an embryo, and finally, a fully formed infant recently birthed. That recently birthed infant is new you adjusting to your new life and skillset. 

You are discovering your new skills in a new world. And as you do so, you discount those 3D skills and interests that no longer serve you – the you of yesterday.

This is your new dawn.

Perhaps you feel silly, unworthy, or afraid of your new life. For it does not yet resonate as did your 3D life filled with shoulds, have tos, and much fear of “What if this happens?”

Your new world is about, “When should I create this or experience that?” Without guilt or fear of repercussions. 

It is time to acknowledge to yourself and the world that you are not who you were. And a large part of that acknowledgment is the word, “No.”

“No, I don’t want to do that.” “No, I’m not afraid that will happen.” “No, my life is no longer designed to serve you.”

It is time to add a new yes. “Yes, all is wonderfully well in my world because I’m in control of what I want to experience – quiet, party-time, contentment, activity, or nothing.” 

There are no social rules or dictates from others that will satisfy you in your new world. “This is what I want, and I will focus on that need or want until it materializes.” Just as an infant learns to cry when it is hungry or needs a diaper change – until it gathers enough skills to feed and clothe itself.

The difference is new you does not require years or necessarily, even months to mature. You are new you in all your glory. It is time for you to accept that fact, that truth.

Just as a baby cannot return to the womb no matter how much they might want to, you cannot return to 3D without an immediate physical or emotional reminder that you are no longer of 3D.

You have been birthed into new you with all the wonderful peace, contentment, and creativity that entails. You merely need to accept that fact – as well as physical or emotional discomfort if you try to solve issues with your mind instead of your heart.

Allow yourself to grow. Negate those thoughts that make you uncomfortable or fearful. That part of your earth life is over. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Or subscribe via

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

Forerunner… You are a unique being with unique needs. You are no longer a world savior. That phase was completed when you helped shift earth from 3D to 5D and beyond. You are now a personal savior – of yourself…You are no longer a caretaker for anyone other than you… You are new beings in a new world learning to follow your inner voice of love instead of your outer-directed 3D voice of fear.

Your Intellect is Limited to Earth Experiences

Dear Ones,

Even though your need to be right is a topic we, of the Universes, have touched upon before, the recent energies have encouraged some forerunners to dig deeper into their 3D rightness.

All issues – both old and new – are now up for review and discussion. Even so, some of you have continued your 3D beliefs in your new life.

There is no wrong or right – only what you need at any moment. Others with differing opinions might be in a different phase or helping you recognize your new you needs.

Sometimes, you cannot sense your needs without pushback from someone with an opposite or even similar view. Have you ever felt the need to experience something until you did and then realized that is not who you are or wish to be? So it is now. Many of you are pining for something you think you want because of the actions of those with opposing views. Such dreams are a reaction instead of a new you action. “We all need to do this to counter that terrible action.”

Even though you might feel as if you want to be part of that counteraction, please pause a moment to ensure such is true. In the current chaos, there are likely many issues that upset you. Not because those issues are your new you piece, but because you want a loving world. What is now being displayed often seems the opposite of that wish.

You are a unique being with unique needs. You are no longer a world savior. That phase was completed when you helped shift earth from 3D to 5D and beyond. 

You are now a personal savior – of yourself.

So review your current needs to determine if what you pine for is from your inner-being or merely a continuation of 3D shoulds. For have you not always pined for peace on earth, including all the elements necessary for that to happen? 

Even though you might wish to help create peace on the earth, such a dream is only effective if you initiate peace within you. You are no longer a caretaker for anyone other than you.

For the eons you have been of the earth, the most likely person you ignored, did not trust, or did not even like, was you.

Your new you role is much larger than you realize. For if you and millions of others listen to your inner voices, there will be more peace on the earth than you can now imagine.

Fear is only possible if you do not trust or like yourself. So job one for new you is to listen to your heart. Not your fear. Not what others want, or you think need, but your heart. Your heart, your inner voice, will not lead you astray.

Until you listen to your inner-being, you will continue to live in fear, even rage, about how terrible the earth is for this person, that country, or that group.

Your inner voice is your new voice of reason.

Your logic and intellect are only as correct as your book learning or personal fear experiences. Logic and intellect are limited to what you and others have experienced while of the earth and how those experiences were shared.

Your inner voice is your Universal knowledge plus all related experiences. It is wider, deeper, and not fear-based because those Universal elements are love.

Of course, that last statement seems a bit woo-woo. But, know that your inner voice is much wiser and more personalized than has ever been true of your earth logic.

The entirety of your earth logic is based on fear. “If I do this, that won’t happen.” Your inner voice is love. “If I do this, I will add to or complete my personal role in assisting the shift from fear to love.”

It is time to listen to your inner voice, not because you have to, but because by doing so, you will shift from fear to love.

The 3D version is that shifts only happen en masse. And since there has never been a global consensus of earth beings, the hope of a loving and peaceful earth never happens. So this new earth role that you are now ushering in is about changing yourself, and by doing so, you will do more for group consensus than any movement, political party, or discussion ever created in 3D.

Three-D was about talk and the hope that others experienced the same sensations as you. And underlying every action was the subtle wondering if others of that group were telling the truth or were as committed as you.

Now that millions are beginning to listen to their inner voice, truth or commitment will not be a concern. For when awakened group participants are no longer interested, they will move on. Just as you might flit from interest to interest based on your inner voice of rightness, instead of financial needs or popularity. 

So it is communities of like-minded people will form until peace on earth is a given. Not because a group has decided that such should be true, but because competition, outer-directed power, and greed will not be interesting to those participating. And those who wish to experience those aforementioned 3D sensations will find others like them.

Do you realize how uncomfortable a 3D human would feel in a community without fear or power struggles?

You are new beings in a new world learning to follow your inner voice of love instead of your outer-directed 3D voice of fear. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Or subscribe via

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

Allow yourself and others the freedom to be, which is now a unique journey for all forerunners.

Dear Ones,

We, of the Universes, wish to address your fear of being yourself. Even though we addressed this issue on several occasions, today’s discussion is a bit different. You bravely transitioned through every phase until now despite your fears, but this current step seems beyond reach for many of you.

You might feel as if this step is a step too far. You understand 3D even if you do not wish to be part of it. This current stage is similar to offering you the option to remain a child or accepting yourself as a young adult. Given those same options as a 3D human, many of you would have remained a child even though you admired those older than you. Childhood was the known.

That is not to say those cocooning must exit their cocoon now. But instead, that they will exit automatically whether they now wish to or not.

You have choices, but remaining incognito is not one of them. Imagine that you have been inducted into a military unit, and even though you do not necessarily wish to be part of it, you are. To survive or thrive, you must participate. So it is for you now.

Remaining in a cocoon of sameness is similar to the limbo between heaven and hell some religions feature.

You will leave or have left your cocoon. That statement is not a threat but a reality. Just as you could not physically remain a child forever.

Your cocoon stage may last for weeks or months, but it will end. An ending that will be an explosion of ideas and needs.

In 3D, you could not stop your physical being, thoughts, and actions from changing. And you cannot do so now. So you will cocoon until you no longer want to, until doing so feels like a prison, until you cannot stand it anymore, just as was true for you in puberty.

And just as was true in puberty, not all of you will break out of your cocoon at the same time. Most infants develop in a similar timeframe. It is not until puberty that the physical shifts are spread out for months or years instead of weeks, as is true for most infants.

So it is with cocooning. Instead of breaking out of your cocoon stage within days of one another, you will do so within weeks or months.

If you are no longer in a cocoon, that is delightful. And if you remain in your cocoon, that is also delightful for you will soon no longer wish to or be able to remain so.

Those of you in a cocoon stage need to develop this or that before you emerge. You are or were in a cocoon to prepare for your unique and colorful exit when the time is right for you.

In your prior transition phases, you shifted en masse. Such is no longer true. Your cocoon length is about preparation for your unique role instead of shifting the earth as was previously true for you and all forerunners.

Allow yourself to be without jealousy, wishful thinking, or wondering what is wrong with you. It will happen when it is right for you – not for your friends, family, neighbors, or the Universes. You are on a personal time clock instead of the general time clock you have adhered to since you initiated this transition.

In truth, you are closer to the singular 3D lives, universal dimensional hops, and frequency changes you experienced in previous lives to prepare for your role in this transition.

Until now, it has been a group effort and progression. It is no longer. So do not berate yourself or anyone for the actions they have or have not taken.

Allow yourself and others the freedom to be, which is now a unique journey for all forerunners.

You know who and what you are – and most importantly, what you need. Allow yourself to act accordingly. No one and nothing knows more than you about you. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Or subscribe via

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

You are you and no one else. So there is no right action that anyone has taken or will take that is the same as yours…Your new world word is freedom. Freedom to choose. Freedom to not choose. The freedom to be.

Dear Ones,

Likely, you have a need to be different – and yet the same. You want to return to your normal life – the life you knew before COVID. But doing so does not seem to spark your interest. As if you are a five-year-old attempting to be interested in a rattle.

Even though we, of the Universes, have discussed this topic previously, now that it is becoming part of your being, you are questioning your sanity, life, and relationships.

The difference between reading about disease and having it is two different layers of understanding. If your friend is ill, you are likely sympathetic and caring. But if you have the same illness, such as the flu, you are not necessarily thinking or caring about others, for you are focusing on you.

So it is now. Reading about ending your cocoon stage with new interests and actions is far different than experiencing it. Some of you may even worry that you have lost your mind. And, of course, you have.

For your new world is about accepting your heart instead of your mind as your operational focus. That is not to say you and others will no longer be interested in learning, but that you will unite that learning with a heart focus. Just as before, you once united your learning about the pain or fear of others with your heart feelings.

Your mind or intellect most often directed your 3D actions and thoughts. Now that you are beginning to direct your actions with your heart, it feels wrong somehow. And so you return to, “Did I do this right?” “Why am I doing this?” “What will others think?” Not because you do not know the answer, but because you do not yet trust that answer.

Logic remains important, but logic is no longer key as it was in 3D. You are now focusing on heart issues and concerns. Neither of which necessarily have a logical base.

So you might do or say something that surprises you as well as others. Actions that almost seem counterintuitive. For 3D, counterintuitive was to be ignored, wrong, denied, and ridiculed. Counterintuitive meant you had no basis for your decision – options were just selected randomly.

The new meaning of counterintuitive is that you are basing your decisions on logic instead of your heart.

Perhaps you will continue to rely on logic for a short time, perhaps not. But please be aware that logic is no longer logical. For you can only live in fear if logic is your deciding factor. Logic allows you to be wrong. If you were only smarter, wiser, younger, wealthier, older, a different race, had a different sexual preference, etc., you would know how to respond. Logic is an allusive target with no basis in your reality other than you could be wrong – and you often based your 3D guilt on believing that you were.

Decisions based on your heart/intuitive messages cannot be wrong, for those decisions are based on your current needs and interests. So it is the fears and guilt of yesterday will fade as you implement your new directives from within instead of outside of yourself.

Logic was vital in the past, given that you did not trust your inner voice and you had no other instructions other than the history built by your friends, family, and community. “If I do this, my life will be wonderful because that is what happened to others.” Logic is created on the history of what was instead of an inner-knowing of what is.

No longer will you fit within a cookie-cutter/logic life. Just as a caterpillar has few options for movement, so too did you when you were of 3D.

Now that your world has exploded – and exploded is the correct word – into millions of options, you no longer need to use logic or to qualify your actions with “That’s what everyone does.” It is almost like your teen years when you argued with your parents that you should be able to do this because everyone did it, even though your parents saw the larger picture of what those actions might lead to in the future.

You are you and no one else. So there is no right action that anyone has taken or will take that is the same as yours.

Logic or no other word with a similar meaning can describe your interests or actions. Your new world word is freedom. Freedom to choose. Freedom to not choose. The freedom to be. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Or subscribe via

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

Beyond the Veils

Dear Ones,

We, of the Universes, wish to congratulate all of you for allowing the energies now pummeling the earth to become part of your new being. It is as if you graduated from a university with special honors. For if you are reading this message, you have evolved far beyond the point you anticipated before birth in this earth life. That is not to say those not readily accepting the energies are bad or slow learners. But instead, that they are in a different phase than you. We wish to address your new being instead of encouraging those following to hasten their pace or reduce their fear. Those of you at the forefront are discovering the new thoughts and actions we have addressed several times. But by doing so, you are beginning to feel lonely in new ways. Such is true for those of you in relationships, as well as those in more isolated lifestyles.  This loneliness has little to do with your romantic relationships and everything to do with discovering your Universal family, your beings. Now that you crossed beyond the veils, you are ready to rediscover those you have been interacting with within your dream state, in-between earth lives, and likely, throughout many of your earth lives in various ways. Perhaps you heard or read that you are never alone. Such has always been true. But until now, you were unable to access your special friends, family, and cohorts beyond the veil – except in your dream state. Most of you still believe you cannot do so. We beg to differ. Even though you tend to label any new skill as possible for others but not you, you can access your Universal beings whenever you wish. And when you dare, you will allow your beyond the veil family and friends to project a physical presence.  Most of you do not believe such is possible. That you are not that skilled or spiritually talented. In truth, you merely need to release your disbelief to know you are not alone in your sleep or wake states.  You have no difficulty believing you travel the Universes in your sleep state, yet you cannot imagine you are skilled enough to do the same when you are awake.  It is time to shift your beliefs – both of your skills and your world. Many of you are in awe of those who channel, time travel, or do whatever you feel is a difficult Universal skill. Yet, you wish to do the same. It is time to accept your new being in all its glory. For you are not the you that you believe is true. It is as if you are a new fairy princess believing you are the Cinderella of yesterday. So you continue your Cinderella house cleaning duties while your nasty sisters direct you to do this and that. And all you would have to do is wave your hand, and the tasks you were once responsible for as Cinderella would be completed by your magic skills. Even though your skill level has increased immensely in the past few weeks, you do not believe such is so.
Perhaps you remain in your cocoon state or have a few AHAs, but that is not enough for you to believe you are a Universal being fully able to do what you find interesting – in your wake state. There is little skill difference between your wake and dream states. Of course, many of you will immediately attempt to verify our words and fail. It is not because you are not capable, but that you are not yet ready to do so.  There is nothing you need do now other than be aware of your abilities – all of which will become clear once you truly feel the need to exercise those skills. Cocoon now or slip out of your cocoon. It does not matter for you are on a unique path. But once the loneliness we speak of begins festering in your new being, realize you are fully able to quench that need when you wish with your new skills. And once you do, your friends and family beyond the veil will entice you to new worlds, thoughts, and actions. Some of which will be applied in your current world, while others will be applied in different places and times. You are a new being with new skills, which will be expressed when you need to do so.
Not because of shoulds, but because of loneliness, boredom, and new interests.

So be it. Amen.
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Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

Once you accept your true being, your Universal power, there is no need to fear anything…Any action you take now will be about exploration and fun.

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestry

A summary of Brenda’s May 21, 2021, channeled “Creation Energies” show at

As you move along your unique path, you’re discovering not all are affected the same way by eclipses, super moons, or any energies. Some of you are finding hidden dust bunnies creating sadness or fear. Others, especially those just awakening, will be in full fear. And still, others will feel as if they’re playing a video game they can turn off whenever they wish.  “It’s Their Dark Night of the Soul, Not Yours” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for Life Tapestry’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Many of you are discovering new interests or strengths, not necessarily because you want to, but because circumstances force you to do so.That last statement will frighten many, for 3D fears are highlighted with earth changes. The changes we, of the Universes, speak of have more to do with your perceptions than the 3D promoted fear of change.Many of you respond that buying a home, pregnancy, or a new job is filled with joy. Such was only true in 3D to a certain extent. Even though the event might have been joyous, your 3D world made certain your joy was tinged with fear. “What if I can’t afford the house payments?” “What if I don’t like being a mother or father?” What if, what if, what if.Your new you changes will initially continue your fears because you have been taught to feel or project fear despite the joy attached to an activity. It will take a while for you to fully accept that change has always been part of your Universal life and always will be.Now that you no longer depend on others telling you what you could or should feel, your joys will soon no longer be tinged with fear.Once you accept your true being, your Universal power, there is no need to fear anything. Even though that last statement likely seems too good to be true now, that is how you are evolving.Before your transition, you accepted the fears of your friends, community, and ancestors via your DNA, discussions, or reading materials. Fear touched every aspect of your life – covering your 3D joy with a layer of fear.Once you declare sovereignty over your being, your fears will dissipate, for it will no longer matter what others think of you or the limitations you might have once believed about yourself.You can no longer make mistakes, because you will not be interested in actions that do not expand your being. Even though such was always true, your society trained you to believe otherwise. The difference now is your command of yourself.Perhaps you are contemplating a change of your community, school, or a relationship. In the past, you were trained to believe you might make a mistake, that you did not have all the information, that only those wiser and better than you could provide the assurance you required.New you does not care if an action does not turn out as you originally wished for you will merely flit to a new activity. You are no longer limited in scope or action – something you have never experienced while of the earth.Will you make mistakes? Maybe. But those mistakes will no longer be mistakes but instead learning experiences. For your Universal being is most comfortable flitting from action to action. And reporting the results to any who wishes to know why and what happened.In 3D, your actions were most often based on social shoulds, so you often selected incorrectly to continue the image you wished to project within that society. Perhaps marrying the wrong person or staying in a relationship or job to appease your parents or community. Or having children even though you never pined for children. So many actions performed because of shoulds instead of wants or curiosity.Now that you no longer need to report to anyone in your circle, community, or family – unless you want to – you are free to flit from one activity to another. And you are encouraged to do so by your new segments and interests.You are free to roam, remain stationary, or select or not select.At the beginning of your flitting, you might question your interest or need. But by the time you allow yourself to be fully enmeshed in your new being, you will discover a freedom that is difficult to put into words.There will no longer be that little voice asking you if you made or are making a mistake. Your inner voice will merely rejoice in your new freedoms. For you would not be interested in a particular action unless you were called to do so by your inner voice. Your voice of self-love and action.You are truly new. Allow new you to permeate your decision processes. Then allow yourself to explore without worrying about the outcome – what others will think or that you might fail.Any action you take now will be about exploration and fun. Fear is no longer your primary goal or need. Your exploration of joy is. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Or subscribe via 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

Today is a day of jubilation, for much has been achieved.

Dear Ones,

Today is a day of jubilation, for much has been achieved. In truth, more than you imagined possible before your entry to the earth in this lifetime. 

Such is so because you wish to experience new earth. 

What is not known is how you will react to new you in this new earth. Doing so is more confusing than you anticipated, for 3D behaviors are at times overlapping your new you needs – and all is happening simultaneously.

Of the energy shifts happening this year, the next few weeks will be the most confusing. For you are surrounded by those experiencing their dark night of the soul while attempting to discover and live your joy.

Part of you feels wrong experiencing joy, for those you love are crying out in pain. At the same time, you do not have much interest in those crying out in pain, for your dark night of the soul is in your past. 

You want those you love to snap out of it. What is their problem? Why are they so finicky, bad-tempered, ill at ease, and cantankerous? Why can they not enjoy life?

So it is the two of you are in different places – something you do not wish to prolong. So you push, pull, and drag them into a joy they cannot yet feel. A bit like an older sibling insisting a younger sibling has to have the same skillset.

Those in their dark night of the soul cannot understand you, just as you have difficulties understanding them. It seems as if the gap between you and those you love is too great to ever return to what used to be. Perhaps words are exchanged that are uncomfortable for both. Perhaps there is a physical separation that seems too great to heal.

This is where your joy enters, for you are beginning to process your world through your new capabilities. It is as if one moment you are angry at the one you love only to realize you are expecting too much of them now. The divide between you and those you love will disappear the moment you allow yourself to understand they are no longer you.

In 3D, you expected those you loved to complete you, to be the other half of you. New you fully understands that concept never was possible. That in New Earth, two whole beings create a third entity stronger than either. That another cannot slip within anyone’s being to make them stronger or better.

In 3D, couples most often discovered the skills they were least interested in and allowed their mate to perform that task or knowledge. Such is no longer true. Now that each being is becoming unique, those skills that never held much interest will be eliminated.

You were most often assigned 3D tasks related to your sex, age, race, and community needs. Even though you did not necessarily enjoy those tasks, you fulfilled them because someone had to. Those who shirked their assigned tasks were isolated or demeaned.

Those beyond 3D no longer have assigned tasks, nor will they ever.

Three-D humans are most similar to a caterpillar with limited options of movement. Butterflies travel throughout the world with few limitations.

Males transitioning beyond 3D will likely not have the same interests as was true or expected in 3D, just as will be true for females. So some females might decide to function much as a male did in 3D, or vice versa. There are no rules beyond 3D.

The only new you rule is to be yourself. That does not mean you caretake those during their dark night of the soul. Nor does it mean you will wait for them to push through their dark night.

Your joy, your role, is to follow your interests – even if those you love are not interested in the same areas or actions. Many of you worry that those you love will not shift or not do so in time for you to share the joys of the new earth with them.

Even though such is unlikely given that those you love have started their transition by entering their dark night, it is none of your business if they decide to slow or halt their progress. You cannot live their life for them. Nor can you slow or hasten their progress.

Those you love are not tied to you – even though you might want them to be. They are unique individuals following their unique plans. Something you cannot hasten or slow down.

Any more than a butterfly can encourage a caterpillar to become a butterfly. Even though the butterfly was once a caterpillar, the two no longer interact. They are different. The caterpillar becomes a butterfly because they must due to their inner urgings, not because a butterfly friend or relative tells them to do so.

So it is for you and your loved ones. They will do what they want and need to do regardless of what you wish, say, or do. You are not their keeper, their lion tamer, or their guardian. Those you love will process the inner information they receive, just as you did. And they will act upon that information if and when they please.

You are no longer of 3D, and they are not yet necessarily beyond 3D. It is as if you expect house cats and lions to react the same in a confined area.

Allow your loved ones to shift as they wish. Perhaps the two of you will soon be flitting together in the ethers once again. Perhaps not. That is their choice.

Your choice and only choice is how you wish to adapt to the ethers. That is not to say that your loved ones will never shift, but instead, their timing is their choice, not yours.

Your role is to shine your light, and that is only possible if you follow your interests to find your joy. Stopping or slowing down so you can share your loved one’s misery and fear helps no one – least of all your loved one. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Or subscribe via

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

Let us, of the Universes, begin today’s message with a cheer…You are a Universal being of the earth.

Dear Ones,

Let us, of the Universes, begin today’s message with a cheer. Most of you have moved beyond the need for 3D thoughts or actions. You have internalized the energies that empower you to be you. Even though perhaps not fully, enough of your new personality is shining through to negate who you once were in 3D.

This is a new time in a new age, and you have reacted accordingly. You no longer feel the need to pretend to be someone you are not to placate others or even yourself. You are you in all your glory.

Of course, you expected such to happen. But let us take it one step further. Now that you have claimed most of new you, you will discover everything about you is different. Such is not necessarily new information, but it is key to today’s message for some of you are wondering about your sanity, your hold on reality. 

Those of you who floated about spending more time in the ethers through your dream state or various waking states, including meditation, will discover a need to be more grounded, to be more of the earth.

And those of you who were firmly grounded will discover a need to meditate or participate in a long dream state in whatever form that takes.

This last energy burst has fulfilled your need to be a Universal being of the earth.

Before this last shift, you were of the earth, but neither a Universal being of the earth nor true earth being. You flitted here and there, pretending to be of the earth but escaping to the ethers whenever you could. Or, you denied your Universal being in an attempt to be fully of the earth. 

You can no longer deny who or where you are. You are a Universal being of the earth. Such is so for several reasons – not the least of which you helped earth transition beyond 3D before you did the same for yourself.

Before your transition, you were in hiding. Pretending to be an earth being living in fear while hiding your true Universal being. Some of you pretended to be in full fear. Others adorned yourself with the cloak of Universal savvy without understanding that you were also an earth being. Still, others of you tip-toed into Universal knowledge only to declare that knowledge and your being unworthy of you at this time.

Those disguises are no longer valid. Take off your cloaks of despair, disbelief, shame, unknowingness, or any disguise you created to hide your true being. 

You are a Universal earth being – as you were every time you explored an earth life.

Many of you are in wonderment about the Arcturians, Pleiadians, or beings from other planets you believe are better or wiser than you. Once again, you are giving away your power. All of you reading this channel have inhabited those planets and more. 

You would not be of the earth now if you had only experienced life on the earth or even in the ethers and the earth. In your desire to shift the earth from fear to love, you lived in many environments and planets, or however you wish to label them. You also attended various Universal schools learning all you could about your transition interests.

You have studied your interests for eons. So anything interesting to new you is not new or foreign, even though it may feel as such now.

Many of you are attempting to erase DNA knowledge passed to you by your earth ancestors, believing future knowledge is not accessible. Your 3D ancestral knowledge pales in comparison to your eons of Universal knowledge – including that of the future.

It is time for you to move forward. Forget the feelings, information, and actions of the past. Acknowledge and accept your Universal inner knowingness, that your new interests and actions will display.

Continuing to devote attention to past wrongs or thoughts closes the door to your new being. Past guilts, and actions are of 3D earth. You are a Universal being and always have been, even while attempting to fit within the small parameters of 3D earth.

It is as if you are Superman or Wonder Woman deciding to negate your 3D disguise.

Perhaps your greatest fear is that you will be different – you will be. You can no longer pretend to be Clark Kent or Diana Prince – you are a super person.

Perhaps you wonder if all earth beings have similar superpowers. Most do. Because this is a notable earth transition, the majority of those now of the earth are part of the transition team.

Those not part of the transition team are the original earthlings who chose to experience earth lifetime after lifetime with a few sprinklings of Universal experiences that did not include life on other planets. They are fully earth grounded, which is neither good nor bad, merely their choice – just as you chose to experience earth plus many other venues.

Perhaps an apt analogy would be those of the earth who remain in a small, isolated community their entire lives versus those who leave that community and travel the world. Neither is a better nor worse person, merely a being with different experiences.

The majority of those now of the earth completed experiences from the other places and lands required to shift the earth and its inhabitants from fear to love. A project eons in the making by you and your cohorts. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Or subscribe via

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s n

you are on a unique trajectory that has little to do with others… If you do not feel you are of the 5D or beyond cohort, you might wish to ignore this channel…As you accept that “you are you in all your glory,” you will start youthing in ways you cannot yet imagine.

Your Choir’s Harmony

Dear Ones,

This is not a time to worry about what will happen next or when for you are on a unique trajectory that has little to do with others.

Of course, there will be shifts that affect all or most of those in your cohort, for you are in a similar action zone. Much as puberty affects a certain age grouping and has little to do with those, not of that age.

We, of the Universes, are now going to address those beyond 4D. If you do not feel you are of the 5D or beyond cohort, you might wish to ignore this channel.

Those of you of 5D are youthing. For as you relax and explore your interests, most of your stresses will fade away. Allowing you to be the center of your world for the first time while of the earth.

That last statement might appear self-centered or egotistical. Instead, it is your new reality. For you no longer need to pass your thoughts, interests, or actions through the filter of others or your society. You are you in all your glory.

Perhaps it is difficult for you to understand why such actions will cause you to feel and act more youthful. Once you fully become you, you do not have to waste – and waste is the correct word – energy worrying or even thinking about how this action or that word will impact someone else.

In 3D, you utilized less than half your totality for your earth experiences – so you aged quickly in mind and body. Before claiming your body’s health, you focused on how a situation might impact your life and others. You were not free to explore personal healing options, for what-ifs and what will happen to you and others pushed your self-healing thoughts aside. And the same was true for your emotional and spiritual healing.

Much of your 3D energy was devoted to “how will this play in main street?” Only after processing those thoughts and fears were you able to devote attention to healing. That fearful 3D energy is disappearing or has disappeared.

You are a new being in a new land.

Even though you will remain in earth communities, those communities will encourage, perhaps even demand that you devote as much attention to yourself as you do to the needs or concerns of others.

No longer do you need to ask permission to care for or love yourself. For even though you might not have noted such 3D needs, they permeated your every thought and move.

Even though you have heard the phrase, “We are one,” over and over, it is likely you do not fully understand what that phrase means now. Yes, you are part of the earth community. But that community no longer limits your being. Your new earth community encourages all to be who they are.

In 3D earth, everyone wanted to sing soprano – it was a one-part choir. In 5D and beyond, your choir is full range from the highest to the lowest voices – just as is true for the birds who harmonize outside your windows.

You are part of a beautifully harmonizing choir. To create that choir, each entity must sing their unique musical part.

Your 3D choir was flat and lifeless – as if there was one bird species in your area. Even though that bird species might have a beautiful chirp, the same one-note chirp day after day would become monotonous.

Your new 5D choir has so many more options of joy, sound, and fun.

So it is, “We are one” has a different meaning than believed by most of you. You likely believe that phrase means you will all think and act similarly. The opposite is true.

But then, the new concept for that phrase should not surprise you, for in your new world up has become down, and this way is now that way. This is a new world, and you are a new being in this new world. Nothing is as it was and will never be again.

Allow yourself to accept that and then relax, decompress, or do whatever you need to ensure that you are you. You are not Amy down the street or the president of a corporation you might admire. You are you in all your glory.

As you accept that “you are you in all your glory,” you will start youthing in ways you cannot yet imagine.

You are you. And they are they: no more or no less. You are a new being in a new world. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Or subscribe via

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

You’re a Butterfly, Not a Caterpillar

Dear Ones,

You are not alone. Of course, you have heard that phrase so many times; it holds little meaning for you. But we wish to reiterate that such is true because your next phase might seem lonely.

Even if you have not yet left your cocoon, you have completed your cocoon stage.

This next phase is a bit more complicated. Not because it has to be, but because we, of the Universes, cannot necessarily explain it in 3D terms.

You are starting to fly or flit.

Once you exit your cocoon, if you have not already, you will need to explore your new world. Similar to a caterpillar leaving its cocoon and discovering it can fly with new objectives. The exiting butterfly unfolds its wings and discovers nutrition in new elements, especially flowers. Do you not suppose that butterfly might try several flowering types before it finds its favorite or most easily accessible?

So it is for you. You will likely flit from interest to interest until you find the interest that best sustains your new being. Do not be concerned if that discovery process takes days, weeks, or months. Finding your new you interests is not a race, but instead a dedicated effort to explore your puzzle piece in new dimensions and frequencies.

New you has combined segments from different lifetimes, frequencies, and dimensions. So it is, new you is reaching out to tap this and that interest in the quest of finding a new totality. Just as is true for a butterfly searching for a favorite flower.

Your new world has little to do with your former 3D life. For some, that thought is frightening, for others, exciting.

Such feelings do not matter, for you are not who you were and will never be again.

You have stepped out of your former 3D life into a new world with a new being. Just as the caterpillar and butterfly no longer interact even though they are part of one another, so it will be for you in your new life.

You were once a human interacting and functioning in 3D. You are no longer that human. You evolved into a flying entity that has little to do with 3D. For you transitioned into a Universal being with skills far beyond anything imagined by your 3D being.

In a sense, you have become the alien from outer space you have long discussed and even feared. You are so different as to be labeled a nonhuman, for you have merged your Universal being with your human body.

Eventually, you will not be able to interact with those who remain of 3D, for you will not understand one another. You are no longer alike, except for skin color, as was true in 3D. You are nothing like a 3D human – just as a butterfly is nothing like a caterpillar.

There will be little need for you to interact or even pretend you are comfortable in a 3D world. Any more than a butterfly attempts to crawl on the ground, or a caterpillar flies.

You are different. Allow that to be in all its ramifications. It is almost as if a wall separates you from the 3D world.

For some, that last phrase indicates you will not care about any but those who have transitioned beyond 3D. Such is not true. For you will generate sparkles of joy and fun encouraging those firmly of 3D to move beyond 3D. If such does not interest them, you will flit away.

Throughout your interest-seeking stage, you will flutter past those of 3D trying to attract their attention. But once you establish your primary interest or interests, you will be so enmeshed in your new world as not to care if those of 3D follow.

You are not alone for millions are now awakening. But if your friends and family wish to remain of 3D, you will have less and less interest in them or their needs.

You are flying, ready to encourage those wavering to fly with you. But if they show little interest or need, you will not stop to pull them along, for you are a butterfly, and they are caterpillars.

Such does not mean caterpillars will never transition, but instead that you will have little need to be with them when they do unless they transition within a few days of your interest search.

The schism between you and those who do not wish to transition will become too great.

So it is you will find less and less need to interact with those of 3D and they with you. The earth is becoming two separate planets in one. Those fully of 3D will continue living in fear, and those beyond 3D will be in joy.

This life is the last hurrah for those of 3D, for never again will earth be populated by 3D beings. It is a new world.

This shift is like that of a shift from horse and carriage to airplanes. The only relationship is both are modes of transportation. The earth has become an airplane system as it will be forevermore. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Or subscribe via

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

It is time to return to a bright and shining world…Ignore everyone but yourself. What do you wish to do? When do you wish to do it?

Dear Ones,

We, of the Universes, wish to outline the actions that will likely overtake you the next few days.

You have comfortably cocooned for months. Even though you might have been anxious at first by forced hibernation, you adjusted and are now fairly comfortable living within certain parameters.

Those parameters are expanding for your cocoon stage is over.

Even though some of you will attempt to retain your cocoon status longer, such will not be possible. It is time to come out of your cave. Much as is true for bears and other hibernating entities.

It is time to return to a bright and shining world.

Perhaps you question that last phrase, for your world does not seem bright nor shining. Portrayals by your media and others indicate a heavy, ominous world – not at all as you expected at this time in your transition.

What you cannot yet discern is that the world is much brighter than any visuals. For the media and many leaders are pummeling you with images and other indicators of 3D fear. By doing so, they encourage you to dampen your light.

Ignore everyone but yourself. What do you wish to do? When do you wish to do it?

Your hibernation is over as naturally as is true for a hibernating bear. And just as is true for that bear, you will be a bit sleepy at first, but knowing you need to do something.

Your inner alarm clock has indicated a need to leave your secure cave. Such does not mean you will immediately grasp your new life, but you will know it is time for a change.

Your new life, your new world, is beckoning with stronger energies each moment. Your alarm clock is about to ring.

Those of you awakening to an alarm clock each morning are not necessarily awake at the first sound. Your need to prepare for the day arouses you as you move forward from dressing to attending the activities you planned.

So it is you might feel a bit groggy when your inner alarm clock rings, but you will soon shift into action. For your new you activities are as preplanned as is true for attending classes or your work-a-day world.

When your internal alarm rings, you may wonder what and where for a few moments or even days. You will then automatically move into the pattern of activity you determined prior to your hibernation. Like a butterfly flying from its cocoon. Do you suppose the caterpillar understands that its being will shift from a ground creature to a soaring beauty? How does that butterfly know what it’s supposed to do once it leaves the cocoon? So it is for you. Your awakening was preprogrammed by you, for you.

You may need a few moments or days to clear the sleep from your eyes only to fly into your new world – whatever that means for you.

Perhaps it is interacting with neighbors, creating new structural concepts, or joining a beyond 3D pod of interest. Whatever you decide, you will be shifting from ground creature to a beautiful flying universal entity – the beginnings of implementing your new Universal puzzle piece.

Your hibernation is not over because we, of the Universes, say it is, but because it is time for your inner alarm clock to ring.

Shake off your foggy head and prepare for your new day in a new world. An outer global exploration filled with excitement similar to the excitement you felt your first day of school or a new job – without the expected 3D fear.

Look out, world, here you are! So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Or subscribe via

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

What is interesting to you at this moment – eating, sleeping, resting, jumping, dancing, interacting, creating? Follow your yellow brick road of interests, for that, is the only way you will discover your new skills.

Dear Ones,

Your new life will be different, but not wrong as you are perhaps beginning to believe. For before your recent hibernation, whether self-imposed or not, you had a regimen of activities that mostly felt right. Now that you are exiting your hibernation site, you are discovering new interests from food selections to interactions with others.

What was is no longer.

An equivalent in nature is the caterpillar exiting its cocoon to discover it is no longer a ground creature. 

Who you were is no more. And who you are becoming is still somewhat hazy. Your cocoon stage is starting to irritate a bit. Even though you feel you need to break out of that shell, you have no idea why you wish to, for seemingly not much has changed.

Perhaps you question our reference to a butterfly, for once the butterfly exits its cocoon, it is ready for its new life. Such is not necessarily true for you.

New you is indeed a multifaceted being with new skills and interests. Yet, your physical being is adjusting minute by minute to new thoughts and actions. In a sense, you are evolving from an embryo to adulthood within days or weeks. Even though you might look the same to friends and relatives, your interior is rapidly changing.

Your transition began as a few cells calling you forward to your new being. A new being that has little in common with your original cells. This concept is likely easily understood by those who initiated their transition decades ago but not necessarily so for those who began transitioning a few months ago. 

You are a new adult in a new world. 

It is time to move to your next phase of flying from your cocoon – or in more human terms, testing your new skills. But you can only achieve such if you follow your interests.

What is interesting to you at this moment – eating, sleeping, resting, jumping, dancing, interacting, creating? Follow your yellow brick road of interests, for that, is the only way you will discover your new skills.

The skills required by you in this lifetime have been practiced in bits and pieces throughout your earth lives. It is as if you have twitched your nose numerous lifetimes for unknown reasons only to discover, similar to the US television show Bewitched, you need that skill to evolve into dimension-hopping or whatever skill pieces are yours. Bits and pieces that are finally making sense even though such was not necessarily true when you first activated them in past lives. 

Your personal puzzle pieces fit together, just as is true for the Universal puzzle pieces we described on several occasions. Nothing you experienced before this life was an accident or wrong; it was merely a building block for this time.

It is time to negate any fears, anger, shame, guilt, or angst you created throughout your prior earth lives – for none were accidents or wrong.

Even so, in 3D, you felt a need to punish yourself lifetime after lifetime. Such can be demonstrated by the time and energy required of you in this lifetime to clear those pieces that held you in emotional or physical pain for eons. Your past life slate is clear, not only because this is a new world but also because you completed each action to prepare for this life.

Without each past action, thought, and interaction, you would not be fully prepared for now. Allow yourself to process that for a bit, and then allow yourself to follow your interests minute by minute.

Who are you becoming? Only you know. Whoever that is, it is completely correct for this time. You have worked diligently for eons to be ready to exit your 3D cocoon for this new you of the new earth.

Perhaps you harmed someone in a previous life, and doing so returned them to you in this lifetime. It is no accident that the two of you have found one another. For not only did you complete that interaction during your transition clearing phases, but they have also given you something you require now to complete your Universal puzzle piece.

There are no Universal accidents, merely learning experiences that build upon one another. It is similar to having difficulties learning to read in first grade only to receive a Ph.D. in English Literature as an adult. Those first reading difficulties pushed you to not only master reading but to enjoy doing so.

There are no accidents. You have never been bad or mean, no matter what images you discovered in past life regressions.

Those of you awakened or awakening are leveling the playing field from “you are bad and so am I” to “you are my loving sibling, as I am yours.” Anything you or anyone has done before or during this life is to perfect your puzzle piece – whether that be a 3D or beyond 3D piece. 

There is no longer good nor bad, merely different. If that difference has little to do with your current interests and energies, you will have little to do with them, for you are on a focused mission.

A mission that has little to do with good or bad – and everything to do with shifting the earth to love with your actions and reactions. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Or subscribe via

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link: