Category Archives: Ascension
Use these frequencies to support your expansion, and remember the collective DNA activation underway.
Our May 15 – 25 Gateway is upon us. Geomagnetic storms are intensifying and more incoming waves are anticipated during this passage.

These are DNA-activating frequencies supporting first Embodiers. They serve as a compliment to the activation of Inner Earth/Lemurian grid
systems and the unlocking of Living Library codes currently being released through the New Earth and Crystalline Grid systems.
There is a lot unfolding in this Now. Make higher Divine choices with the emotional, mental and physical levels, as these incoming waves contain powerful consciousness-shifting plasma. Your DNA will attempt to activate the next level of Embodiment, if you direct it to do so. Use these frequencies to support your expansion, and remember the collective DNA activation underway. We move forward into a new level of Unity with this Gateway. Create balance within to allow this to collectively unfold with ease and grace.
Stay centered, balanced and get out in the fractal expansion of nature to uplevel and expand your fields along with this grid awakening within Gaia. The planetary plates will expand, let us balance them (not limit them) as much as possible. Gatekeepers, connect with the emerging Lemurian levels of peace, harmony and Divine Love. This is US activating our ancient intentions for highest future outcomes; call it forth as a palpable reality for all concerned in this Now.
First embodiers, my heart is with you. Override anxieties or doubts with creativity and deep meditation. Remember embodiment changes everything – personally and collectively. This is our focus this year, let it present with as much ease and grace as possible.
Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service,
at this powerful time mankind is ascending while in physical body.
Arcturian Group Message (4/21/19) | Marilyn Raffaele
Dear ones, we greet you on this religious holiday of Easter being
celebrated in Christian communities the world over in remembrance of the
suffering, death, and resurrection of the master teacher Jeshua.
However, just as with the Christmas story, Easter also holds much deeper
meaning and every human is living the Easter story at some level.
Every individual throughout their many lifetimes has experienced the death of old beliefs and the integration of new ones but always within the third dimensional belief system. This is how evolution happens.
At some point a spiritual completion of sorts is reached and the death of what has become one’s outgrown state of consciousness begins. The soul has reached a place of readiness for new and higher dimensional awareness although usually not consciously aware of it.
Many past lives were short and filled with suffering while others were long and fulfilling but all were necessary in order for the soul to experience and grow from every aspect of three dimensional living and then move on which begins with a growing sense of dissatisfaction with what has previously been comfortable and normal.
Confusion and a sense of loss comes as a person gradually begins to shift out of alignment with some friends, traditional family values, religious doctrine, certain foods, entertainments, work, etc. This is the period in which many make futile attempts to restore that which they feel they are losing, not realizing that their energy is no longer in alignment with these things.
The death throes of one’s old state of consciousness can be painful on one or all levels but is short or long depending upon resistance. This is the period known as the “dark night of the soul”–the part of the Master’s story where he was alone, confused, and praying in the desert with a sense of what was coming.
Change is eventually embraced and understood as being necessary and he/she begins to seek, accept, and practice increasingly higher levels of truth. The length of this phase varies with every individual and often extends through lifetimes. However, there eventually comes the personal resurrection and ascension that births a new state of consciousness. The Easter story is your story.
You have all lived as both genders, all colors, warriors, rich and poor, good and bad, etc. Every lifetime experience has served to develop your intelligence and wisdom so that over time you became a person wise and experienced regarding the best forms of three dimensional living and survival. It was not meant for this to be the final goal, but rather a portion of your journey toward remembering–every experience a step along the way to higher awareness.
Ascension is a process. When a spiritually prepared person becomes comfortable in their three dimensional world believing that they have reached the pinnacle of success and that there is nothing more, this world will often collapse on one or more levels– physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually allowing the first stage of their personal Easter to begin.
For those living fully in the the third dimensional belief system these types of experiences are usually the manifestation of their belief in duality and separation but for the spiritually evolved, they represent the dissolution of the person’s old illusory belief system. Always remember that nothing real can ever be lost but rather only changes form. That which seems to have disappeared will reappear in better and higher form if it is a part of one’s consciousness of wholeness.
The crucifixion of one’s belief system can be an excruciating experience leaving the person with no foundation to depend upon or to look toward for answers and solutions. Friends and family often try to assist during this period but are unable to because the three dimensional tools they offer are not in alignment with the higher frequency process taking place.
After many “failures” to recreate what has been lost with three dimensional solutions, he/she begins to give up and stop resisting which then allows the person to open to the inner guidance that has always been present but ignored. He/she begins to disengage from the false beliefs that created the pain and suffering and enters the tomb to rest and process what has taken place.
A new and higher state of consciousness is born as the individual rises out of his/her personal death and darkness, a consciousness that only those at a similar level of awareness can recognize. As he/she begins incorporating and living from their new awareness, more truth unfolds and they become increasingly enlightened until at a certain point they are ready for ascension out of their old state of consciousness.
On Earth at this time, ascension means the shift of consciousness out of the third dimension and into the fifth, a dimension governed by frequencies of unconditional love and Oneness.
The Christ is already fully present within each and every person but can not be experienced until recognized. Many continue to cry out; “How could a loving God allow this?” God activity cannot be present in a vacuum but must flow through his expressions on Earth. It is the same as having a large bank account that one is totally unaware of and so lives ignorantly in poverty.
Through un-awakened ignorance the third dimensional state of consciousness has created the world of pain, suffering, lack, and limitation that most have come to accept as normal. A world that many continue begging God to change. Divine Consciousness knows nothing about what three dimensional thinking is creating because illusion does not exist in Divine Consciousness. This is why the changes you wish to see, you must create.
The Easter experience is here for all who choose it. Mankind is now in the midst of the suffering, pondering, and dying part in preparation for resurrecting out of the duality and separation that has ruled and governed over hundreds of lifetimes.
Up to now individuals had to physically die in order to ascend to a higher dimension, but at this powerful time mankind is ascending while in physical body. The integration of higher more refined Light energies cannot take place with the old still in place which is why most of you are in the process of clearing old cellular energy and remaining karmic issues at this time.
Arcturian Group wishes to speak of the energy changes taking place on Earth. As the frequencies of Earth become increasingly refined, there comes increasing chaos because when Light flows to that which is dark and heavy, it causes a reaction.
Those continuing to hold tightly to the illusions of old energy are experiencing resistance and fear as they struggle through means that no longer work, to keep the status quo. Everyone, those awake and those who are not, are experiencing the higher frequency energies, but because many do not understand what is going on, they are acting out in ways that make sense to their un-awakened consciousness.
Negative and false beliefs are beginning to be recognized for what they are in the awareness of an increasing number of people starting to realize that they no longer agree with many of the beliefs and laws they previously accepted. People are waking up the world over and starting to question what they have been told which in turn is causing resistance and action on the part of those who thrive from everything remaining in old energy.
Hold to your center, dear ones, holding the Light of truth closely within you at all times. Try not to get overly involved in the negative appearances that confront your awareness every day. Concern and worry over appearances only adds more energy to those very things. Allow false creations to dissolve into the nothingness that they really are which will happen if they are no longer fed.
Much is yet to be revealed. Let trust and truth be your shield and sword always remembering that nothing can make you less than the Divine Being that you are. If someone were to shoot you in the heart, you would continue simply watching the show but from a different seat. You are Divine beings, always have been, and forever will be, for there is nothing else.
This realization is your Easter.
We are the Arcturian Group 4/21/19
I am a receiver of divine transmissions of information and awareness.
Field of Consciousness ~ Peggy Black and the ‘team’
April 14, 2019By The Golden Light Channel
We are here to honor, empower and remind you of your awesome abilities. Our reminders touch your deepest remembrances. You are first and foremost a divine spark of consciousness which has manifested a physical body and form. It is your divine spark and aspect that we continue to trigger by our words and messages.
This 3 D reality is very engaging. It is easy for the physical consciousness to get distracted in the maintenance of your physical life and activities in this dense reality. We observe how easily you can drop into the field of limitation and unconsciousness. There is no judgment regarding this; it is just shared so that you will be more aware and will better understand the power of the energy field of this hologame.
As you know, the physical consciousness has basically been programmed to accept limitations in all its various forms. These limiting programs are built into your learning systems, your religions, even your sciences. So we are here once again to shake this up a bit.
Many things are occurring; there is an energy transmission offering a major shift that is supporting and triggering mass consciousness to awaken to their true power and understanding.
More and more individuals like yourself are beginning to truly understand who you are and how you are a key player in what is being anchored and revealed. When an energy transmission is offered from the galactic realms there is always a need to have receivers that will anchor this new vibration and information.
You are a receiver. Own it and make it your intention to claim this gift each and every day.
Say to yourself as often as you might need to, “I am a receiver of divine transmissions of information and awareness.” Just this statement will trigger your ability. Be aware and pay attention to inspirations and ideas that come to you. Notice when you feel a shift in energy, a rush, a tingle or some other body sensation that is letting you know you have just received an energy download.
You are a part of the wave of awake beings who are aware of the partnership between your physical consciousness and your divine consciousness. It is in this divine partnership that all transformation takes place in this dimension.
When this partnership between the physical self and the divine self is acknowledged and awakened you are powerful beyond measure.
In this awareness you begin to understand the gift of connecting with your heart’s intelligence. It is the human heart that generates the largest electromagnetic field produced by the human body. When you are aware of this gift, you can activate the heart in offering coherent frequencies of gratitude or appreciation. It is these vibrations that carry this encoded emotional information of well-being into the magnetic field of the collective.
It is also important to remember that you create your brainwaves with your every thought and every emotion. You are a vibrational being of energy. You are always interfacing with everything and everyone around you. You are always impacting everything and everyone around you.
You and your consciousness play this very important role in supporting and shifting events in your life and on this planet. We speak this as truth. You might not feel powerful; just realize that this feeling or belief is one of the limitations you have acquired along the way.
The next aspect that we would like to empower and awaken within you is the ability to communicate with your own physical body. Many people do not have the patience to practice this or the belief that this is possible. Realize that every part of your body has its own consciousness. Decide that you are going to expand your relationship with your body. Play with the idea. Imagine or even pretend in the beginning.
It is important that you give yourself time and perhaps a quiet place and approach this practice with compassion and patience. If you practice meditation in some form, this can be a good approach as well. Begin to engage your body and the consciousness of your cells in a mental conversation; offer your gratitude, express a desire to work together in harmony and cooperation.
If your physical body has an area of pain, imagine that your body can share with you what might be needed for the pain to dissipate. It simply might be the awareness of listening to what that area of the body might be holding energetically or emotionally. Perhaps you will feel like making a sound to express any pain or discomfort. Notice any pictures, memories, words, ideas, thoughts that occur as you are in this heartfelt conversation. They may be a key or an answer to your question. You can even sing or hum to your body in a loving manner.
Over time when you practice speaking kindly to your body and listening with compassion, you will begin to see and experience a more cohesive connection with your physical form. Every cell knows how to operate in perfect divine integrity. We assure you that wondrous results will blossom in this relationship. Your health and well-being will improve.
Spiritual adepts thousands of years ago as well as numerous scientists now are becoming aware of the possibility to reprogram your very DNA with light frequencies and/or sound/word vibrations. We realize that this idea might be a bit of stretch in this limited 3D reality. Let us assure you that it is possible to affect your DNA, your cells and your health when you shift your perspective on what you think is possible. Light and sound can and do influence the energy field of the body and the body’s healing process.
We are inviting you to expand and explore your consciousness to encompass awareness of the smallest cell of your physical body out to the vastness of the collective and even beyond to the very stars. We know who you are and we continue to remind you of your magnificence. Invite us as well as other luminous beings to join you as you play in this field of consciousness. the ‘team’
©2019 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.comFREE 88 messages available
Everything vibrates – everything. If you want to draw something into your life all you need to do is match its vibration. If you want more love, be loving. If you want to attract prosperity, entertain thoughts and feelings of being prosperous. If you want better health, feel yourself being healthy.
Randall Monk– The universal laws are your user manual for living an abundant and fulfilling life.
Most people who want to improve their quality of life do so by trial and error until they find the right formula. The majority of people on the planet are not even aware that they have a choice; they don’t know that they can take control of their life and make constructive changes simply by consciously aligning with universal laws.
The Law Of Vibration
This an immutable law. It’s immutable because we can’t change or influence it. However, knowing how it works allows us to use it to our advantage and for the highest good.
At its core everything is pure energy, and everything vibrates;that includes the whole kit and caboodle (as they say), both animate and inanimate objects including, but not limited to, colors, sounds, words, etcetera. As above so below. The cosmos vibrates, the planets in our solar system vibrate, our thoughts vibrate, and we vibrate.
Our individual energy signature (vibration) is established as a result of our thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs.And those will be a high vibration or a low vibration depending on how we feel in the moment. Our vibrations establish a resonance with anything else that has the same frequency. If you want to know the nature of the vibration you’re sending to the universe, notice how you feel. If you feel good, happy, joyful, etcetera, you’re emitting a positive vibration. On the other hand, if you’re feeling sad, depressed, fearful, or negative in some way you’re emitting a low vibration.
Another way to determine the quality of your vibration is to look at the quality of your relationships and circumstances. The quality of your life is a direct result of the quality of your energy signature.
Our vibration affects everything around us including other people, animals, plants, even inanimate objects (inanimate objects are pure energy as well). We, in turn, are affected by the vibration of our environment and what or who is in it as well. It’s an exchange of energy. That is why it’s important that the people we spend most of our time with are supportive and positive thinkers and our living space feels good as well.
You may have had a feeling about a person or place that didn’t feel good or conversely felt great because you were tuned into the vibration of that person or place.
Practical Practices to Align with The Law of Vibration
It’s good to know how the Law of Vibration works because this knowledge makes us aware that all we need to do is maintain the vibration of that which we want to be, do or have in life! I know that’s easier said than done. However, the more we become mindful of our thoughts and feelings, the easier it is to maintain positive life-affirming thoughts which affect our vibration and our life in a positive manner.
You’ve probably heard the phrase “Like attracts like.” That saying refers to the vibration of the person. This is known at the Law of Attraction. For example, if a person has a negative attitude, they are going to draw negative people and unpleasant circumstances into their life. On the other hand, if an individual has a positive outlook on life, they are going to attract positive individuals and circumstances.
Everything vibrates – everything. If you want to draw something into your life all you need to do is match its vibration. If you want more love, be loving. If you want to attract prosperity, entertain thoughts and feelings of being prosperous. If you want better health, feel yourself being healthy.
Since everything vibrates, our thoughts are included. Our thoughts, feelings and emotions carry a specific vibration. The frequency we are vibrating at sends a signal which is returned to us in kind via The Law of Resonance and The Law of Attraction. Like attracts like. Our current circumstances are the result of our previous thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs.
You may be thinking, okay, fine, so how do I change my thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs?
First off, it takes work and commitment. After harboring the same or similar thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs for many years they are not going to change in an instant. However, the more consistently you practice the easier it becomes.
There are a few ways that have been proven to effectively make change: mindfulness, hypnosis, and self-hypnosis are the ones I prefer. These approaches seem to help more people to make the appropriate changes faster and easier. They sure have for me!
It’s imperative that we maintain a high frequency (vibration) throughout our day rather than just once in a while.
May you walk with a smile holding love in your heart.
Be joyful, embrace life and thrive!
With love,
SF Source Timely GuidanceApr 2019
Bursts of higher frequencies are a good thing for clearing of the auric field of the human, as long as it is done in moderation.
By now, there isn’t one person on Earth that has not felt some kind of weird and unexplained physical symptom that makes them feel uncomfortable. Many do not understand why this is occurring, and some go to their doctor to find that there is nothing wrong with them.In turn, doctors are realizing that there seems to be a phenomena of unexplained “psychosomatic” occurrences. There is scientific evidence that something is happening on the planet that is shaking the apple cart up at this time, and this evidence is from a Russian website that tracks the Schumann Resonance.What is the Schumann Resonance?The Schumann Resonance is a global electromagnetic resonance named by physicist Winfried Otto Schumann who predicted it mathematically in 1952.The official description from Wikipedia is…“The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere.”As you can see, the Wikipedia explanation says that we have had a whole lot of lightning lately if you read the charts that I am about to show you.Regardless of whether what is happening on the planet is indeed causing more “lightning” or whether it is causing the equipment to pick up on something else, the scientific evidence proves that something is disturbing or spiking the electromagnetic frequency on the planet.For thousands of year the Schumann resonance has been measured at 7.83 hertz or within shallow spikes of this depending on how many storms are on the planet at the time. A Russian website that can be found HERE is one of the only public sites that releases the daily data on the current Schumann fluctuations. The reasons for this are unclear but seem to point at the control of keeping the data from the public eye. |
A few of the most common symptoms of these spikes in electromagnetic frequency are:Hot flashes — as the body vibrates faster it generates heat Blurred vision Vertigo (dizziness) Irregular or skipped heartbeat Unexplained pains that may linger to be acknowledged or may mysteriously come and go Ringing in one or both ears. High pitched frequencies, harmonic tones, and/or sometimes temporary deafening Mood swings as emotional blocks come up to be resolved Extreme fatigue or extreme energy bursts depending on the kind of frequency experienced at the time and how the individual is dealing with it Increased intuition, a sense of knowing or remembering things that guide you through difficulties, and increased sixth sense abilities (beyond touch, taste, feel, hearing, and sight) Nausea Flu-like symptoms Problems with bowels Extreme hunger or lack of hunger- different then usual Anxiety and increased fight or flight mode in the bodyAs you can see, if some of these negatively affected symptoms persist without the person doing things to help the body acclimate, it certainly could feel like the body would begin to exhibit more evidence of shutting down and may make you feel as if you are dying.In fact, it is purging in order to be able to acclimate, very similar to how it deals with flu or viruses.If a person is completely unconscious and is not a caring, compassionate human, (or is not a souled human at all) then these frequencies will irritate and disturb and will most likely not be integrated. Thus these type of people will stay at a low frequency and will not benefit from the incoming waves of energy.It could even begin to cause their physical body to shut down because it will not be able to stay manifest in harmony with the planet’s frequency. Unfortunately some people are not handling this well physically and we are seeing people “leaving” at this time (dying).There is certainly no judgment in this, as some people did not choose to go through this shift in frequency or simply did not have enough energy left to handle it, and no one ever really “dies” anyway. They simply move to another frequency outside of the constraints of the physical body and go where they need to in order to continue on their journey.How to acclimate the body to accept the higher frequenciesThere are many ways to help yourself adjust to the energies, but here are a few of the most common:▪ Meditation — not the kind of meditation to connect with astral beings or to have out of body experiences. Peace, pause, and breath meditation and focusing on energy flow works best, and open eye meditation is also good. ▪ Grounding, or Earthing — Bare feet on the ground, spending time in nature, sea salt baths, swimming, eating grounding foods. ▪ Asking your higher being (higher self/Source/Guidance team) to assist you in acclimation, especially if you are suffering. ▪ Drink plenty of pure water! No fluoride. ▪ Rest — the body has an uncanny ability to do much of it’s re-setting while it is asleep or lying still. ▪ Loving yourself and caring for the body. ▪ Gentle exercise — moving the energy to release blockages and encourage proper energy flow. ▪ Whole foods — as opposed to processed or GMO foods. ▪ Massage ▪ Spiritual Counsel or Life Coaching with an expert who has an understanding of the cause and holistic treatments ▪ Listen to your body and do what feels right to make it comfortable How to read the Schumann ResonanceThose who are sensitive to energy have been able to correlate when they are feeling something really different, and look up the chart to see if a “wave” is occurring.Here is a screen shot of what the Schumann Resonance looked like from the Russian website on November 9, 2018: |
On the left axis you will see the hertz and on the lower axis you will see the time of day in UTC +7. The top axis shows the date. The green shows what I assume are normal pulses of electromagnetic frequency.A “white out” has been shown to correlate with thousand of people being able to feel the fluctuation in their physical body. the wider the band of the white out, the longer the wave is consistently hitting.The one showed here was a big one, starting around 18:00 on November 8, 2018 and lasting for several hours. It looks as if the spikes were at around 24 hertz. As a side note, at this time I felt extremely sleepy and my eyes started blurring to where I could not read very well on the computer.Here is the same chart with an arrow that shows what the “norm” of 7.83 hertz is: |
Check this chart out from 9/7 through 9/9 of 2018, where we see 9/9 was a doozy! |
I realize these chart screenshots are a bit hard to see. They are for educational purposes only. Please go to the Russian website for a real time chart and better clarity.I do not know the exact amount of time that the Schumann charts have shown these wild fluctuations.If I were to guess, I’d say over the last 40 years, it slowly started to burst more and more, and in the last 6 years has accelerated as if we were traveling down a spiral in frequency and intensity to the end of the spiral, where we were experiencing a node on the spiral in less time and faster as we traveled.I just chose a few random charts that I had saved recently so you could have fresh memory of what you may have been experiencing at that time for comparison.What does it mean?Frequency means how many wave cycles happen in a second. 1 Hz. means 1 cycle per second, 40 Hz. means 40 cycles per second, Amplitude is the size of the vibration, how big the wave is, and the chart shows the frequency variation in Hz and the amplitude using the white color.We can deduce logically that large white color bursts in electromagnetic frequencies and for long periods of time are going to affect our physical bodies!These blasts of energy frequency help humanity to awaken from the spell that a low frequency can keep a person stuck in. We can all think back to a time in our lives where we found ourselves hypnotized through entertainment or even through slaving at a job we hated for the need for money out of survival.Many people, including of course those reading this article, have realized that there is something really wrong with what is occurring on the planet at this time. It is these people who are being affected through waves of energy or vibration, light, and sound that will help them break free of the chaos and unhappiness they may find themselves in.On a “matrix” level, there is 1% of the people on this planet who would like to control the 99% of people on the planet. They do not have the consciousness or ability to move through these up-shifts in frequency like someone who is awake, aware, and has made a conscious choice to not be under the control system.Eventually, those who raise their physical body frequency to their higher consciousness will be able to outwit, outsmart, and outplay those who wish to control them on many levels. New understandings, abilities, and higher dimensional connections will occur to the individuals who are able to adjust.As the frequency continues to blast, rest, then blast, we are slowly (but lately at an accelerated rate) connecting the physical to higher dimensions, densities, and consciousnesses that are beyond those who have controlled humans for a very long time on the planet. The upshifts in frequency also help people to awaken.This article is a simplified explanation of the Schumann Resonance fluctuation showing a correlation with the way the human body has been experiencing this while examining the scientific proof in increase of frequency through charts found on a Russian website. |
How to Light Encode your Creations
Equinox and Becoming the Solar Flash
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
The anticipated positive photonic-encoded plasma waves have arrived. These are Divine light influxes and outpourings which support a new level of Christ consciousness. This is cosmic-level support for our Embodiment, as well as a New Earth Grid amplifier. Because this is Crystalline DNA related, it is a collective activation for both the Ascension-bound and Gaia herself.
Embodiers are having bliss/ecstatic experiences as these influxes intensify. This is a soft, peaceful and joyful sensation of merging with Source. The New Earth crystalline grids flow with the amplification of inner earth/ancient structures. Get out with your gate crystals; your blissy crystalline DNA is just the tonic Gaia needs for Equinox.
Preparation for Equinox
A Divine synchronization of Gateways is upon us. The second waveis already in progress. Let us remember this prepares us for a profound self-realization activation at the end of April (probably during our event weekend … joyful to be in good company!) Yes, we feel the Divinity unfolding already … our Higher levels are taking over the reigns. It just gets better and better.
Equinox is on Wednesday, March 20 at 2:58pm PDT. Equinox is a key moment because of its balancing qualities. We also have a rare Full Moon on Equinox (6:43pm PT) which will make it a very powerful moment for balance and rewriting realities. Use this passage well.
As a new solar cycle begins at Equinox, the fresh revelation and renewal energies amplify. This Embodiment passage calls forth a brand new way of being in the body. A higher level of spirit, completely integrated, unique and creative expression of Source. We stabilize the newly migrated organic timelines and ascended realities with Equinox (call this forth, beloveds). Equilibrium as the cosmic heart emerges through us, Gaia, our SUN and the Stargates. A Divine synchronization; as above, so below. As within, so without.
Becoming the Solar Flash – Since 2015
Many have been witnessing Solar flashing activity – within and without- since mid-2015. As with most Ascension experiences, we get the preview of coming events, then they unfold. All new experiences need to be integrated, then dispersed to the collective, as an act of mercy. It softens psychological, emotional, physical and spiritual distortions to have these new experiences ease their way into the morphogenetic field. Notice how that integration rate has increased through the years; another accelerating side-effect of unity consciousness.
Your first Ascension-column Solar flash encounter is an unmistakable experience. Either you will see the SUN flashing with open-eye vision, or experience the flashing activity when in meditation.
What it is not
This is not the eyes-closed flashing from brain rewiring which affects the optic nerve; that would be subtle compared to the Solar flashing experience. It is not the flashing activity associated with the Galactics, Angelics or Masters in your space or while making adjustments to the body. It is not the flashing of pineal activation, fluttering eyes in the SUN meditation, or flashes which occur as you relax into sleep.
What it is
This is specifically Solar activity, related to the activation of the Solar heart component of the Ascension process. Solaris (the SUN) is becoming more crystalline, Gaia is becoming a Spiritual SUN, and HUmanity is evolving into an Ascended state which is Diamond-Solar in nature, to compliment the rewrite of these realities into the crystalline/Christed platform.
The Solar Cosmic Christ path of Ascension is to be in perfect attunement with organic cosmic law, and that includes the feeling of becoming One with all that is. Our hearts become a Divine reflection of this Christed model. Through the Ascension process, we refine our hearts to do what Solaris and Gaia are doing; become purified conduits of Source consciousness.
One way to experience this is in meditation in darkness (blackout drapes or eye masks enhance the view), a brilliant flashing activity is witnessed. Extremely bright and flickering white-gold-diamond light, paired with the sensation of Divine activation. The experience brings great sensations of bliss, freedom, joy and revelation. The effervescent sensations during the flashing are particularly beautiful, radiating out from the heart … just like Solaris.
This is YOU reactivating the God-Self, Source-as-Self. You are receiving the codes of the Christed state, bit by bit, due to a pure open heart. You reached the necessary level of Light quotient to receive, and that vibrational match allows for you to mirror the Cosmic activity already in progress. Remember this is a merge of Higher and lower self, and our higher levels are quite bright and vibrate much faster. Most of our Higher Levels are deeply involved in this Universal rewrite, and we synchronize with and witness that activity as we ascend.
Another way to experience this is while meditating with the SUN, eyes closed or gazing just below SUN level (staring at the SUN during the day is not recommended.) Many of us have seen the unmistakable flashing with clear skies and no other explanation; the sudden flickering activity that blazes through your Ascension column and touches your heart. Remember it is how it feels that provides the distinction.
Gatekeepers collectively saw the SUN exploding in vision a few years ago. This ongoing activity is a synchronous complimentary exchange of information between the SUN, the cosmic stargate systems, Gaia’s amplifying crystalline core, the New Earth crystalline Grids and our beloved Ascending HUmans in service.
All of this is now collectively accelerated by embodiment phase, which acts like a passcode for quickening. Embodiment changes everything.
The Gatekeeper-Gridworker-Lightworker collective will eventually activate the global consciousness-shifting Solar Flash when cohesive, consistent unity is attained. Perhaps this is why so many experience the flashing, beaming and bliss states during our SUNday Unity Meditations. That cohesive state of peaceful intention – and DNA activation – is opening our internal and external Gateways.
Patience is Mastery, we will have a consensus soon enough. Practice Embodiment and Mastering your own heart’s expansion, and it will greatly affect the acceleration across all realms and expressions of SUN.
Experiencing the flashing: Simple and pure connection
– Connect with Solaris, through your heart, often. Become a fellow star, a SUN of God.
– Consciously open and align your torus fields and Ascension column.
– Spin diamond-pure light through your fields, then add liquid golden-crystalline light.
– Expand. Light up the Christed codes of your DNA.
– Visualize the same for Gaia, and the SUN.
– Feel the Divinity, intensify the Source zero-point which is at your heart center.
– You may go infinite with these light levels. Bridge the worlds, you still affect these realms.
– Command the highest influxes of consciousness-shifting, dimensional-shifting light from Solaris and the cosmic stargates of Ascension, the grandest outpouring of light from Gaia, and the full activation of Divine DNA for all willing hearts to create peace, harmony and Ascension.
– Visualize, feel and command New Earth Now.
– Relax and feel the Oneness of the Solar-Source network connection across the realms. Breathe and meditate in this space.
– Express gratitude and bless this sacred endeavor under all graces and forces of pure Source Consciousness.
– So be it.
Reactivation of the Ancient Sites
For the past few years, Gatekeepers/Gridworkers have been reactivating the ancient sites within Gaia (underground, unexposed structures). These ancient structures were placed in Gaia by us specifically for the Ascension, and guarded by our Galactic levels.
A unified activation will occur with Equinox, and another end of April. These will merge with the New Earth crystalline grid system and create a great outpouring of light from Gaia. That light will activate DNA codes for final stages of Embodiment; a great gift from the living library herself.
Self-realization codes provide sensations of Divinity and Source unlike anything before. And we are just getting started, Beloveds.
Trinity DNA Markers
Trinity DNA codes are being collectively activated, which brings brand new crystalline sensations in the body and Lightbody. Our collective Embodiment calls forth Trinity DNA markers, which are a collective Divine HUMan DNA signature, triggered by Unity Consciousness, Positive Photonic plasma influxes, and Gaia’s light level.
The memory of density drops away. The past seems long gone, disharmonious realities dissolve as old timelines and uncomplimentary akashic drop away. We have been through mourning the old self, losing identity, and finding comfort with the unknown. The Embodiment phase is when the good work really shows. Wonderful is unfolding. We pursue a brand new experience of Source-as-Self, together.
Opportunities for Unification
SUNday March 17 & 24: Global Unity Meditationsat 5:11am, 8:11am, 11:11am & 5;11pm Pacific Daylight time. 33 minute sessions, focused on peace, DNA, crystalline consciousness and Ascension for all concerned. Details and sharing tools HERE
Equinox on March 20 at 2:58pm PT.Equinox is a key moment for influxes and outpourings of new light because of its balancing qualities. We also have a Full Moon on Equinox (6:43pm PT). This is a powerhouse co-creation of the strongest dimensional-shifting, consciousness-raising Christed Lovelight yet. Trust your heart and participate as a willing heart.
This is a profound passage for all of us.
Blessings and gratitude to everyone leveling up in beautiful ways in this Now. Sending Divine LoveLight and strength to all of us for a reality-shifting passage. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service,

Last night i found myself flying while sleeping.It was so intense and vivid that i am totally convinced that i was indeed flying in this other time space reality/dimension called Lucid Dreaming.I felt the breeze of the air on my face and body and i felt the freedom of flying wherever i want to.It felt i was flying for longer than the few hours i was asleep and like every mornings always wake up around 2 or 3am.Call it Ascension symptom or just a habit that is part of me since i’ve been sending out my intention of remembering that i am dreaming while i am dreaming,which also called Lucid Dreaming.So,in a way The Ascension symptom that wakes me up early hours it always serves me in writing down my dreams.This habit of mine lead me also to do my inner work in starting my day in quite meditation only to find out not so long time ago that the best time to create our reality is the early morning hours.It takes about 45′-1 hour to write down my dreams and meditate -always for the highest good for all- and usually after that i go back to bed, unless of course there is an early hour activity to do like a healthy dance celebration, me among 500-700 people dancing ecstatically on house music for about 3-4 hours ,drinking just water or fruit juices and enjoying raw vegan treats, sometimes i am just a dancer in the crowd some others me DJing for the crowd.Sorry for digressing,just using the opportunity to share on how i live currently a high vibrational life style 🙂
So,to come back to me flying!How did i dream about that? well ,i always believed that i can fly!Maybe i was a bird in past life, maybe i was/am an Angel living in costume called human body,maybe i just happen to day dream a lot about being free and flying, maybe i fly too often with aeroplanes,maybe my 24 strand DNA becomes more operational and activating hidden powers in me that i was not aware off(effects of Ascension,going from carbon based to crystalline based cells) maybe i just happen to believe in what i see when monks in Tibet can levitate themselves through intense meditation and like another dream we have in life, this also it starts to become true and maybe maybe it is the total activity of what takes place in my throughts, feelings and emotions, all becoming one and expressing through my dream states before manifesting in my physical reality.Maybe i am just nuts for daring to think and feel like that and maybe too it is also because i eat too many nuts as part of my raw vegan diet that keeps me uplifted and sustained in a high vibrational state 24/7 and yet there is something in me that as i continue speaking of that is rising up and feeling happy and total excitement and eagerness in what is coming in what i am about, we are about to become as i/we learn to guide our thoughts, feelings and emotions with intention to that what we mostly desire:Freedom,Abundance,Prosperity,Peace,Love,Purity,Compassion,Patience,Joy,Trust,Fun,Playfulness,Smooth Ascension,Ease,Grace & Flow the Highest Good For All(me and all of Humanity and Mother Earth including all animal and planet Kingdom,Our Solar System,Galactic Society,Cosmos,All That Is!) to name the top priorities.Am i asking too much?ooooops sorry i forgot seeing all children of the world being fed and being happy, going to bed at night knowing they are goods,i forgot all homeless having shelter and all hungry having more than enough foods forgot all the people that are in prison without reasons coming out and breathing the fresh air of freedom,i forgot all mothers or fathers that raise their children alone being in communities assisted by others with ease and flow,i forgot vehicles that respect mother Earth i forgot clean oceans, rivers and air we breath,i forgot medbeds to heal and rejuvenate all elders that wish to live in 20’s bodies for up to 900 years and anti gravity scooters and Free Energy and Replicators to create homes and anything else we desire in the now.Am i asking too much?how about telekinesis:ability to move objects with the power of my mind and teleportation and telepathy and walking on water!Sananda aka Jesus Christ said:this and more than i did you will do!Ask and it is given right?right!i/we have asked and now i/we receive!
How about meditating with all sisters and brothers and making all this become true for all that live in costumes called human bodies in the now!If there is no time and the time is now, the time is now to make this happen true as we Are God Beings Creators,each and everyone of us!Maybe it is just the time to remember our power of God Beings Creators and start first with the ‘small’ things in our own reality before taking it to the next level.
Does meditation help?does it help spending quietly time to go within, each and every day to feel the joy that one is indeed God in the now,connected and being one with Prime Creator,Mother Father God and supported by Company of Heaven if one remembers to ask for their help in gratitude before going within?Sorry i distress again!And if you like to join us out of free will, here is all information.
And yet all this is one and the same, so while i dream on being free and flying ,maybe one day we will fly together side by side, maybe you will see me flying and you will be inspired to do the same as to what i just shared indeed works in creating my/your reality.If of course you choose to fly,mayb e you choose another quality that i am not aware of :)I expect the unexpected and what an amazing time to live in this costume called human body ladies and gentlemen!
I close this, going to my feelings of flying and freedom while i expect each and everyone of you reading this to surprise us in unexpected ways that you didn’t even dare to imagine or think and feel of.
Maybe time for you to dare?
David Wilcock: Stunning NEW Antarctic SSP Insiders!
When Feeling,Thought & Emotion Become One.
David Wilcock: Ascension Through the Ages
Introduction to Light Language
Light Language is alchemical transmission of information through our voice and/or body.
This video is designed to enlighten light-workers with a powerful Ascension Tool called Language of the Light, that is an innate ability within everyone. You do not have to learn LL. You can simply set a strong intention to let it ‘flow out of you’ and when that happens, you will discover your unique LL. It’s time to utilize Light Language’s healing power to help you move forward in your Ascension journey. This video is designed to help light-workers access a powerful Ascension Tool called Language of the Light, that is an innate ability within everyone. You do not have to learn LL. You can simply set a strong intention to let it ‘flow out of you’ and when that happens, you will discover your unique LL. It’s time to utilize Light Language’s healing power to help you move forward in your Ascension journey. The following topics were covered in the video: * What is LL * Different types/varieties of LL * Why is Light Language so important – the benefits of LL * How do you get started, if you wish to be a LL transmitter for yourself/others. * Demos of 2 different ways to channel/transmit LL. A beloved friend, specializes in healing with Light Language, so check out her YouTube channel: Light Language Life, if you wish to listen to many more powerful transmissions:…
Does The Conscious Mind Knows That It Is Being Stared?Scientific Proof!
Metamorphosis ~ Embrace your Transformation
It is important to learn how to study without emotional attachments of fear and to shift your frequency to neutrality or love in an empowered state to keep from reinforcing the control matrix while uncovering it.
Michelle Walling, CHLC– There is an irony I have struggled with in having a website that uncovers the nature of the control matrix that we exist in. Because we are powerful creators, we create every moment of this matrix by what we focus and intend, and we have been programmed to subconsciously create what we are studying by making it our truth.
It is important to learn how to study without emotional attachments of fear and to shift your frequency to neutrality or love in an empowered state to keep from reinforcing the control matrix while uncovering it.
Part of the black magic of controlling humanity and locking people into a perpetually negative matrix usually begins with school. We are taught subjects that we have to repeat over and over in order to memorize it, and then we are quizzed on how well we have programmed our brain to believe these facts.
The programming is usually reinforced by our parents because they were also brainwashed and mind controlled. Before our modern day schools, even horse and buggy people were brainwashed into divide and conquer by the idea of war, and society made sure to keep lots of people in the saloons and/or churches. Information was disseminated through snail mail and newspapers, and they had a very slim chance of getting information to empower themselves.
Information can be one of the most empowering things to break free of the control matrix. However, black magic programming can also apply to your studies of the dark forces as well. Some say that the dark are supposed to tell us what they are doing openly in compliance with Universal Law because we have free will and shouldn’t be programmed without our consent.
There is some really good information leaked by select cabal members, and there are tons of movies putting out disclosure. By placing the information out there for all to see, we are supposedly giving consent by continuing to live like slaves if we do nothing about it. Of course, most people don’t realize they are looking at the truth right in front of their faces. But even if we do recognize the truth, what if it is allowed to be seen in order to keep us perpetuating what they are doing? We never learned to say NO and shift the energy in order to break the subliminal programming while studying their methods of control and torture.
To truly understand my point is to understand how this inverted matrix copy is being created. Let’s say that half of the population on Earth are Source beings that are creating this inverted matrix reality (mostly subconsciously) through their thoughts, focus, and intentions. Most are riddled in fear and don’t even realize it. In the other half of the population is a small percentage of negative beings.
The rest of “people” NPC’s, or non-player characters, non souled beings, or what Dolores Cannon called backdrop people. They are being controlled by artificial intelligence in order to reinforce and perpetuate the creation of every moment from a lower vibration by programming the Source beings to keep the frequency low. The storyline continues in the matrix as the Source beings have forgotten who they are and that they are creating their own reality.
In every moment we flash in and out of existence several times. When we flash in, we have just re-created our body and our version of the earth matrix based on the last moment plus any new programming that influences us in the now moment. This is the biggest secret of all – We are creating this matrix. The negative beings are not creating anything, they can only copy matrices and influence Source to create based upon negative influence and ignorance.
The system busters are Starseeds who are awakening to who they are as Source, and they came here to re-program the matrix from inside if it. In order to do so, it is important to learn how to be the observer and not focus too much on the dark forces so that you do not attract that into your reality.
There is a sequence of learning that can be followed that involves working on yourself in peaks and rests that allows you to process truth. First you stumble upon a big topic and do all of the research that you can, then you decide that you do not want that in your matrix and you make a declaration to the Universe that you do not consent. Then it is important to process and transmute all of that negative information by taking a break from the information and spending time raising your vibration and focusing on what you do want to create in the New Earth.
In the past, I would get so bogged down in studying the negative control matrix that it lowered my vibration. The irony is that I just wanted people to know what was happening so I would write an article about it (reinforcing it unconsciously). If some would turn their head at the information, I accidentally judged those who were spiritual bypassing this information.
I have learned that if we didn’t have the spiritual bypassers holding the higher frequency for the matrix cleaners to go into the crap and clean it up, we would get stuck in the vibration of perpetuating the exact same matrix as we were studying. I have refrained from to writing about many other darker subjects because we haven’t all learned how to pull out of the vibration from which they were created. There are still so much more dark shenanigans that many Starseeds will never know about. A small percentage of us will be told and we will offset that part of the matrix with out transmutation abilities.
I noticed that when I took a break from my studies and read something I loved like Barbara Marciniak’s Bringers of the Dawn, I was again recharged and empowered. I also would get out in nature or treat myself to a special meal or dessert until I felt better. The shift of the energy is what allowed me to transmute what I had picked up by reading the bad things and then focusing on something empowering and doing something I enjoyed.
When I shifted the energy of what I had been studying by shifting the energy in my body, I did not perpetuate the creation of that topic in my matrix. It is important to create your own little escape while still being fully embodied.
I have also since been able to study the negative control matrix as an observer, which naturally happened after finding myself in and out of the “void”. Once I reached a state of balance in my own energy work, I was “in the world but not of it”. This kept me from taking on the programming of the negative matrix material I was “observing” as I dove in and out of my research.
I continued with the declarations of non consent to what was happening “out there”. Sometimes I do an “erase and rewrite” in my mind when I am thinking about something negative in order to understand it, and I replace it with positive repetitive affirmations of what I do want. I have also opened my heart so that I am recreating my matrix out of a love vibration rather than a fear vibration. The last part of the reprogramming of the matrix involves spending a lot of time now focusing on what I do want in my matrix, and that is how I am contributing to the creation of the New Earth.
Not everyone has a role in studying the matrix in depth, and perception has a lot to do with decoding the matrix. But for those who are curious and question everything, learning how to transmute what you are studying is key. By shifting your energy and taking a break, you do not get caught up in a negative spiral in your own local matrix as well as contribute to the overall matrix creation with all of the other Source creators here.
Sometimes it is even good to take a break of several months if that is what it takes to shift your frequency back into a higher state or dimension. Make sure you reading articles or listening to videos of truth frequency instead of fear based or low vibration. Pay attention to how you are feeling and make adjustments accordingly.
The matrix we see is a holographic illusion and it is as easy to un-create as it was to create it. We are remembering how to do just that, one Starseed at a time. It only takes a small percentage of empowered creator beings in a love vibration to override the majority.
SF Source How to exit the matrixJan 2019
The Embodiment Phase of Ascension
Energy Update

A message came to me from somebody experiencing extreme pain even if they are being told by their doctor they are healthy,please read our Q&A here:
”My name is XXX and I’m looking for healing.My health is very bad. I feel very sick. Traditional doctors can’t find any disease in my body. They tell me that i’m healthy. But i feel these symptoms in my body: pain, temperature, depression, fatigue, anxiety, headaches and much more. I have tried many types of healing, but nothing helped me. Maybe your healing could help me… My financial situation is bad, so volunteering would be the best option of energetic exchange for me.Looking forward to hearing back from you” Nikos:Hello XXX,i just came across your message.You may possibly not be aware of it,i do have a website and on the website you can find very valuable information to assist you in understanding deeper what is occuring to you,which btw is not as bad you imagine,on the contrary it is about taking time to love yourself and be connected with your inner self.All the symptoms that you feel are result of the Ascension process taking within each and every one’s body on the planet right now.The planet itself goes through this Ascension process.What is Ascension?Ascension is the rise of vibration on the planet,it is the influx of Love and Light coming from Divine Source,The All That Is,Mother Father God transforming our carbon based cells to crystalline based cells,transforming our body,mind,spirit complex,having as a result to make more of our ‘junk’ DNA be activated and discover new powers that manifest in our being.Indeed,it is a process that can be painful if one does not do the inner work.Most Doctors have no idea of this.This has not been taught in medical books.This information i am giving you is embeded with Light and Love codes and it is something that i came here on the planet to assist for all my sisters and brothers.Now,how one does go from here in total simplicity:By going within and sitting silently for about 15-20′ each and every day called also meditation.In this blog of mine i share many more ways to ease your Ascension path,to help you smooth any pain and be able to find the joy in the now of the amazing things that are taking place in your body:
If after reading you experience pains you may reach out to me here and we take from there.I wish you all the strength to get there with ease and grace and never forget you are never alone,call upon The Angels to assist you!They are waiting eagerly for you to ask their support.And i do the same for you right now on your behalf.Blessings and Love and Light in Peace and Bliss !
Raising Your Vibrational Frequency For The Highest Good For All.
The Highest Good for All means YOUR HIGHEST GOOD AND THE HIGHEST GOOD OF OTHERS and ALL THAT IS.To help others the best one can do is to remain aligned with the deepest truth, higher self,GOD within to live a life of Love & Joy & with Ease & Grace,in Peace,Bliss,Abundance,Prosperity & Well Being.To gain access to these, one has to make sure to keep their vibrational frequency at high levels 24/7.
When one takes care of raising their own vibrational frequency, one is in service for The Highest Good for All.
‘‘One person connected to divine source is more powerful than millions who are not” -Abraham Hicks-
The intention of this blog is to bring a deep and simple meaning in understanding what Ascension means to each and every one of you and to lead you towards your personal breakthrough living a miraculous life in 5D:To be in the world but not of it.
So here is my perspective expressed in the simplest way i that i suggest to integrate in your daily holistic life style practices:
1.Starting the day with gratitude for living in the now and everything in our life and with Meditation:going within for at least 15-20′ after asking support from company of Heaven and Mother Father God.The purpose of the meditation is to find the sweet spot of feeling truly peace within connected one with The Creator.I meditate 3 – 4 times/day for about 15-20′ or twice when doing longer sessions.
2.Doing some kind of exercise each and every day even for 10′-15′:It can be running,yoga,stretching,pilates,chi gong or a combination of all those always making sure to not exceed more than 50% of our capacity.Less is more.Ascending bodies need more Love and Care,less hard work.The rule of ‘no pain,no gain’ is of 3d and has no meaning here.We don’t need to work hard,we practice with joy being mindfull of how body feels in the now.
3.Dancing and singing is 5th dimensional existence at its purest form.(Ecstatic Dance or Healthy Clubbing Celebration).
4.Laughing:At times and especially when there is some type of frustration or anger appearing it is good to ‘turn the other cheek’ and simply laugh,even if it a little forced.Laughing Yoga is very good for that ,speaking out these loud for about 5′:hahaha hihihi hehehe hohoho houhouhouhou
5.Having a balanced light vegan diet,if possible at 90% raw vegan organic foods,drinking fruit juices and adding super foods such as spirulina,maca,cacao etc.can help the digestive system to work less and therefor more energy remains in the body with result to keep vibrations high all day long with ease.
6.Drinking a lot of water,preferably alcaline by adding 1/4 of bicarbonate of sodium and lemon after each meal.We always bless our water and foods with Gratitude.It changes their vibration.In the end of the day,we eat and drink what we:Pure Love & Light.
7.Walking,preferably in nature and Resting and Sleeping whenever one feels so and especially during the days that huge amounts of energetic upgrades taking place:Also sleeping is the easiest way to release resistance.
8.Grounding :Make direct contact with Mother Earth, bare feet with Gaia every morning first thing after meditation and before taking a shower for a balanced body starting the day.Buy grounding shoes if possible.Grounding our bed is equally very good.
9.Sungazing:looking at the sun when it rises and when it sets:it is the best angle and it is the best news and the freshest intel one can get directly from source.Exposing the body in the sun as much as possible equally.
10.Taking a shower,a bath and/or Doing short duration spas 2-3 hours :Sauna,Jacuzzi,Swimming pool.Water is a conductor of Ascension.And of Sea & Sun is one of the best combinations for Raising Your Vibration and this you already know.
11.Going to bed at night always at the same time.It is very much accepted in Reiki cercles that the best time for the body to recover is between 22h-02 am.
12.a.Listen often to Guidance from masters of manifestation such as Abraham Hicks.b.Make a list of affirmations to speak out loudly:I AM LOVE,I AM LIGHT,I AM GOD,I AM ABUNDANCE,I AM PEACE,I AM UNLIMITED,I AM ALL THAT I AM,I AM PROSPERITY,I AM FREEDOM,I AM TRUST etc.c.Making rampages of appreciation:Writing or speaking out gratitude for more than 17”uplifts instanlty.
13.Participate collectively in global meditations and making the commitment to serve for the highest good for all.Our meditations with Jared Rand happen every day at 3PM eastern and we are now at the mark 2,1 million and growing doing this each and every day.It is almost one year and when one participates one can feel instantly the effects in the now.A truly Ascending Experience.
I vividely also suggest our meditations for Christ Light Expansion by Sandra Walter every Sunday at specific times that can be found on her website:
14.Doing any kind of Humanitarian work,volunteering or supporting a charity with a donation,or donating simply at a light worker’s website,or for examle helping/talking to a homeless can greatly help in raising one’s vibration.It is in giving we are receiving.
15.And here is my very own special way to raise vibrations instantly,something i learned from The Pleiadians:spinning 33 around myself looking at my thumb clock wise.When stopping keep looking at the thumb till eyes stabilize.
16.Give Real Hugs of at least 20 seconds as The Mayas do where one can feel the exchange of energy and truly connect.
This list can be completed with your very own ideas, you are a Creator!Have Fun with your Ascension process.Be in Joy and Celebrate New You each and every now in total playfulness.
Et Voila!
Ascension Guidance,Certified Personal Trainer & Holistic Life Coach,DJ & Producer,Channel.
For Workshops & Webinar for Raising Your Vibration please contact me directly at
Donations are Welcome here
Picture credit :Morning Gloryville
Planetary liberation.
Basically there are three phases in the plans of the light forces for planet Earth and its inhabitants:
- Loosening the grip of the dark forces by weakening and eliminating their power structures and technological controls, increasing awareness among the general population and preparing for the Event
- Taking over from the dark forces, kicking off with fundamental changes in governance, finance, media, healthcare and science and bringing Cabal members to justice
- Cleaning up and healing the planet and human beings, revealing the hidden history of Earth, disclosing the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence and bringing people back to full consciousness
We are nearing the end of phase 1 and are getting ready to commence phase 2, which will start at the time of the Event. The Event will be heralded by the Event flash, which is a very powerful energy pulse that will be sent by the Pleroma through the Galactic Central Sun and that everyone will feel to some degree depending on each person’s sensitivity. Upon arrival of this flash on Earth the current financial system will be shut down immediately and mass arrests of all Cabal members worldwide will commence. This will be broadcast live on television for everyone to witness. After the dust of phase 2 has settled and people have come to understand what is going on and why it is happening we will move into phase 3, which is intended to clean up the mess that has been created by the irresponsible and dark rule of the Cabal and to reveal the whole untainted truth to all of humanity. After this phase is completed no intensive assistance from the light forces will be needed anymore and everyone will have the options at their disposal that best fit their individual needs and desires.

What has been accomplished so far.
A lot has been accomplished in the years following the Treaty of Anchara that was concluded in 1994. Although things on Earth got worse initially due to the remaining dark forceswithdrawing from Orion and concentrating their forces in the solar system and around Earth, from the turn of the century onwards the light forces were able to mount a counteroffensive and gradually conquer and clear deep underground and undersea military bases. This was partly done by Earth’s own government officersand soldiers that are aligned with the light forces, partly by the Resistance Movement and partly by humanoids from other star systems. As a result some 500 million physical reptilians were removed from the planet, many human hostages were liberated and taken to Galactic Confederation spheres for recovery and healing and the shelters where the Cabal was planning to hide after fomenting a third world war have been rendered inoperable. Also many smaller bases of the dark forces on moons and asteroids in the solar system have been taken over by the light forces, their technologies that strengthened the veil and pulled in anomalous energy from the surrounding cosmos have been cleared and more human hostages have been liberated.
In 2010 most physical implants that were administered through vaccination programs and that reinforced programming have been removed by the Resistance Movement from the human population by use of a special technology that could be operated from a distance. Plasma implants that suppress higher knowledge have not been fully removed yet, but have been made less effective in their functioning. In subsequent years billions of non-physical reptilians and other negative entities have been removed from the plasma and etheric planes. Mass meditation portal activations done in 2012 have completely erased all negative future timelines so that any plans of the Cabal for global cataclysms stand no chance to come to fruition. Many black operations programs and human cloning laboratories that were operated by the Cabal have been cleared and shut down. Most sensational is that the great majority of gold held in central bank and Cabal vaults has been removed by the Resistance Movement and the Cabal is left with a fiat currency system based on thin air. What is lying in the central bank vaults now are tungsten bars coated with gold. In order to get their hands on some gold the Cabal has set up gold buying shops in every city and town throughout Western countries and intensified gold mining operations.
The inner Earth civilizations have expanded their contacts between themselves, with the Resistance Movement and with benevolent extraterrestrials and have invigorated the Agartha network. On the surface of the planet Event support groups have been formed that will assist in leading developments in the right direction during and immediately after the Event and in calling to life the many humanitarian, environmental, social and cultural projects that will be set up. In early 2015 all physical strangelet and toplet bombs of the Chimera group have been cleared. In 2016 the clearing of all plasma strangelet bombs was completed. Since the solar system outside the area directly surrounding our planet has been cleared of the presence of negative beings the disintegration process of Yaldabaoth has started. The first step was the creation of a tachyon membrane inside the moon orbit by the Pleiadians that effectively cut the head of Yaldabaoth from its tentacles. As a result of the February 26, 2017 mass meditation the tentacles of Yaldabaoth have been fully dissolved and no plasma anomaly could be found anymore outside the area directly above the surface of the planet. Now the head of Yaldabaoth that contains the remaining plasma toplet bombs is being disintegrated. In February 2018 we have entered the termination phase of the planetary liberation; shallow underground military bases are being cleared of Cabal presence and dosed surface operations have also commenced. In the summer of 2018 the funneling of anomalous plasma by the dark forces from the outskirts of the Milky Way through plasma filaments (higher dimensional threads or tunnels) into the implants of beings inside the Solar system has been terminated, effectively closing the tap while the water is being mopped up.

Approaching and reaching the Event.
As the Event is getting closer and closer, the top Cabal members are getting more and more nervous as they are unwilling to surrender to the Light and be held accountable for the horrendous crimes and attrocities they have perpetrated. They are unsuccessfully seeking ways to avoid the inevitable, trying to turn the tide, create chaos, global conflict and destruction, but the large scale actions they plan are stopped every time by the light forces. Only small scale actions that kill or injure a few people here and there come to pass, so expect such unpleasant incidents to keep occurring frequently until the Event. I would advise the Cabal to come to terms with their fate and prepare for it mentally and emotionally instead of wasting more time on delaying further what must and will surely happen.
Once the Event is initiated many people will be shocked and confused with what is happening seemingly out of the blue. At that point the people like us who are in the know need to inform relatives, friends, acquaintances, the general public and people in leadership positionsof what is going on, what is the intention and background of the Event and what is the end goal of it. This will limit the amount of chaos and avoid people freaking out and turning violent. The Event should take place as smoothly as is humanly possible for such a radical happening.
This is what will happen during the Event:
- The immediate termination of the corrupt, debt based financial system (all digital transactions will be blocked, only cash transactions will continue)
- All financial instruments and derivatives worth dozens of times the real economy will be zeroed out
- Mass arrests of all Cabal members worldwide (corrupt bankers, politicians, presidents, officials, negative secret society members, black nobility, Jesuits etcetera)
- The mass arrests will be reported and broadcast live on television and general information about the Cabal and their institutionalized crimes will be distributed
This is what will happen shortly after the Event:
- All off the books shadow accounts will be closed and zeroed out
- Illegal and fraudulent business agreements with the Cabal will be cancelled
- The billion dollar gold bonds that the Asian royal families received in the 1930s in exchange for their physical gold will be submitted to the Federal Reserve Board for the long overdue repayment in physical gold plus interest; as the Federal Reserve and their shareholders will be unable to repay them, it will cause a cascade of bankruptcies of all Cabal controlled banks and financial institutions
- All financial debts public and private will be cancelled in a one time worldwide debt reset
- A new fair and balanced, equity based financial system will be put into operation
- Documentaries, testimonies and evidence will be shown to the public detailing the diverse criminal and evil activities of the Cabal
This is what will happen some time after the Event:
- All armed conflicts will cease as the instigators and financiers have been removed and rebels learn how they have been manipulated
- Multinational corporations will be split up and nationalized
- Cabal members who refuse to accept the Light will be taken to the Galactic Central Sun and have their soul reset, the others will be put on trial in courts of justice and answer for the crimes they committed in a truth and reconciliation process
- New worthy and conscientious leaders will take over the positions of power that used to be filled by Cabal members
- Prosperity funds will be released to all of humanity and assets illegally obtained by the Cabal will be redistributed
- Large scale projects will start to end poverty, stop destruction of nature and the environment, clean up the oceans and improve infrastructure
- Suppressed advanced technologies will be released and made available to be put into mass production, among which free energy devices are the most important
- Suppressed information about the presence of and past contacts with extraterrestrial beings will be disclosed
This is what will happen somewhat longer after the Event:
- Extraterrestrial beings of light will meet face to face with human beings from Earth, first on an individual basis and later on a large scale in public
- Inner Earth humans will contact the surface population and establish official ties
- We will be reunited with our soul family and those of us whose soul doesn’t originate from Earth will be able to return to their home planet
- The ascension plan for planet Earth will be announced and the ascension processwill start
- Humans will be brought to their light chambers on the spheres of the Galactic Confederation to be brought to full consciousness
- Individuals and groups will be healed from the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual damage they have suffered and everyone will be held accountable for their individual role
- The negative people that are not affiliated with the Cabal will be re-educated and trained to live constructive lives
- Earth will be offered the opportunity to join the Galactic Confederation

The world after the Event.
Only by living for some time in real liberty, free from debt, misery, exploitation, manipulation, wars, crime, lies, deceit and high treason, will people realize what a huge difference it makes to have overcome the dark forces. This is the normal way of living, to help and support each and every living being in their pursuit of happiness. The fucked up way of living (if you can call it living at all) that people have experienced before the Event will be gladly forgotten once the truth and reconciliation process has been rounded off. Many wonderful things will happen and everyone will get ample chance to develop their talents and deploy their abilities precisely in line with their deepest desires. As many of us have already acquired very remarkable and unique skills to surmount the setbacks, cope with the perils and bypass the obstacles that were put in our way, our services will be in high demand throughout the entire universe. And space travel will become a normal phenomenon in the near future.
Working weeks will be much less strenuous and will comprise about half of today’s working hours due to introduction of more advanced technologies. The benefits of further automation and robotization will go to the general population and not to any elite. Private life will be easier as well because of the introduction of replicators (a much more advanced version of 3D printers). Costs of products will be significantly lower as a result of free energy and lower taxes. Technologies that pollute the environment will be phased out quite swiftly and replaced by clean production methods and transportation systems. There will be much stronger attention for spiritual development and everything that comes with it, it will become a matter of course to spend time on your spiritual nature. People will become psychic, clairvoyant and sensitive to other people’s feelings; they will also learn to communicate telepathically.
Healthcare will undergo a revolutionary transformation as well, it will be based on energetic healingcomplemented with natural substances that have healing properties instead of operating by use of incisions and putting people on synthetic pharmaceuticals that only combat symptoms. Wholistic traditions that have fallen into oblivion or that have been abandoned in favor of “modern” hobbies and leisure activities will be revived as their true value and beauty is recollected. Architecture will change from a chiefly masculine style of design that emphasizes functionality, clarity and efficiency to a balanced style of design that incorporates feminine aspects like mystique, softness and beauty. Natural architecture takes its shapes from nature, while intuitive architecture uses intuition to combine masculine and feminine qualities in a perfectly balanced way. Industrial design, garden and landscape designs will show a similar development. Handicrafts that produce distinctive products both practical and beautiful at the same time will see a recovery once people don’t need to turn every penny over twice.

Living your wildest dreams.
The road is wide open for everyone to make their dreams come true once the environment has changed from being obstructive to being supportive. Even your wildest dreams will come in reach as light assumes its rule over the planet. Given the fact that love and sex are the strongest forces in nature and are two sides of the same coin, many people will desire to live out their untamed fantasies. I foresee this taking a wide variety of shapes and applications, and it should be intimately connected to intuition. Sex is the second or sacral chakra force, love the fourth or heart chakra force and intuition the sixth or third eye chakra force. All these are feminine forces and intuition will provide the clear perception of what a partner needs and desires beyond what is plainly observable.
A second core instinct of mankind is creativity, any person stripped of life’s burdens and obligations will want to create. Again this is a sacral chakra feminine force, and it drives us to invent, design and build anything tiny to ultra large that we can come up with. Add the love to create things of beauty and add the intuition to create things of practical use and new creations will turn out splendidly.
A third core instinct of humans is self improvement, becoming more skillful (basal chakra), stronger (solar plexus chakra), more communicative (throat chakra) and wiser (crown chakra). These are masculine forces at work that ultimately make gods and goddesses out of ordinary men and women. So it doesn’t matter which part of yourself you want to develop and explore more deeply and it doesn’t matter if you are better than another or not, just follow your inspiration and grow into what you venture into.
The meaning of life is to love and be loved physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, to create marvelous wonders and to be the best you can be in any field of your preference.

It has been a strong Gateway-Full Moon-Timeline Shift passage, which is anchored with our unified Mass Meditations on SUNday.
Blessings Beloveds ~
The photo above is from SUNset tonight in Mount Shasta.
It has been a strong Gateway-Full Moon-Timeline Shift passage, which is anchored with our unified Mass Meditations on SUNday. The blending of the Love of Source, Love of Self, Love of others is strong. This is a collective initiation indeed.
Regardless of what you are going through, the invitation to be part of the higher solution is open to all willing hearts.
The desire to be a conduit for peace and the unfoldment of the miraculous demonstrates integrity and pure intent. When you feel good, you do the good work. When you feel off, you do the good work.
Meditation practice builds spiritual strength, lights up the DNA and clears the energy fields.When we do this collectively, we change realities.
Consistency demonstrates a deep understanding of the larger cosmic perspective. Especially with meditation. The practice of going within to honor Source truly accelerates this Ascension. It also assists with embodiment; the constant state of higher beingness in the physical.
Gratitude flourishes during the holiday season. I find myself weeping with gratitude a lot lately. How blessed we are to have each other, how honored I AM to serve this Light Tribe.
With many personal anniversaries/timeline markers coming up, I see how much has been accomplished with this big Galactic Ascension project. My Gratitude Stream flows far and wide. Such expansive love for all that has occurred in these realms.
I AM deeply grateful for all who take the time to connect with our SUNday global infusions of Love, Peace and Grace every week. You are truly witnessed, cherished and celebrated for this demonstration of unity consciousness.
Infinite Love and gratitude to all of us.Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service,
Meditation takes place at 14h11/17h11 / 20h11 / 02:11 am CET (Monday) ,choose one and sit in silence preferably in nature and go within and feel your connection with our Ascension Grid.