“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very happy to bring you this transmission about the upcoming March energies that you will experience there on planet Earth. You do have the equinox coming up in three weeks, and those energies will have their own purpose and their own vibration, but the overall month of March is going to be about supporting all of you energetically with what you need to be living your life’s purpose more fully. Therefore, you can expect to feel more supported in the physical realm in your pursuit of that which you know is your calling in this lifetime.
And for those of you who have not yet discovered what your calling is, you will feel more supported and nudged in a particular direction. This means that you will be letting go of the thoughts, the beliefs, and the blockages that prevent you from moving towards that which will ultimately be most satisfying and fulfilling to you while simultaneously being of service to others. You are a part of this giant jigsaw puzzle that is the universe, and finding where you fit in the universe has been a struggle for many of you who are awake spiritually. We’ve noticed this, and so have all the others who support you energetically. Therefore, a decision was made amongst all the beings who are serving you from the higher-dimensional planes to assist you with this most pressing issue of your purpose in this lifetime.
Of course, we also communicate with physical beings like the sun, the Earth, the photon belt, and many other beings throughout the galaxy who are in physical form and who can also support you by holding that space, by sending those energies, and by giving you what you need on the physical level to feel inspired, to move forward in that direction that you know serves the greatest and highest good of all. And of course, you are included in the ‘all.’ And so what you do that is your calling also will support you financially and energetically.
You don’t ever have to feel as though you are making a sacrifice in order to do that which puts you in that state of fulfillment and satisfaction. You only have to be yourself and be yourself fully without fear, without hesitation, and without caring what others will think about you as you move towards the endeavors that call you so strongly. And again, those of you who haven’t felt the call can pay more attention to the nudges and the signs that you see in the month of March, because they will be pulling you in a direction that you will want to move in. Now is the time, and you are ready, and we are very happy for all of you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been able to assist you with the evolution of your consciousness to a certain extent, but we would never take the credit for what you have done with what we have given you. You are the ones who are living the challenging lives that you are. You are the ones facing your financial, health, and relationship issues, and you are the ones who use all that you are given to raise the level of your consciousness to new heights. You are the ones to thank for the progress that is being made in the human collective consciousness, and we know that.
We know the role that you are playing as the awakened ones, and we know that many of you have taken on more than your fair share of the energetic and emotional burden. You are doing clearing work for your genetic line. You are doing clearing work for the area where you live. You are doing clearing work for your past life selves, and you are also the ones who have the ability to handle the karma and trauma from your galactic histories. Therefore, we invite you to celebrate each other. We invite you to see your humans as the heroes for having taken on so much.
Every time you see a person carrying a heavy burden, know that the person is a master. They would have to be in order to create something that would be so hard on them emotionally, physically, psychologically, and energetically. Offering your healing, your love, and your compassion to your fellow humans is much more appropriate than looking at us and the other beings who are helping in the higher realms as the heroes of human struggle.
We can feel into how hard it is there, and that is just one of the reasons why we support you so much in what you are doing. We want you to know that the path ahead for humanity is going to get easier, and that includes your individual paths as well. We will always encourage you to lighten your loads as much as you can because you have already done so much, and it is time to reap the rewards for all of the positive creating you have done for yourselves and for the rest of humanity. This is the time.
This is the ushering in of a new era for all of humanity, and it is the perfect time for you to be letting go of those heavy, burdensome weights that you’ve been carrying around. Now is the time for forgiveness, for compassion, and for surrender, and we know that those of you who are awake have learned enough about life there on Earth to recognize that the time for struggle is over and the time for letting go is upon you. There is nothing left to do. There is nothing left to accomplish, and there is everything to be gained by hanging in there a little longer and letting in all that you have summoned for the good of yourselves and all of humanity.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
February 27, 2022 Welcome dear readers. Know that these messages are brought to you with love and the intention of bringing encouragement, information, and truth to you, the brave ones who chose to be on earth at this time in order to assist mankind’s spiritual evolution through the presence of your light and awareness.
We honor each and every one of you and are fully aware of your frustration with the seeming slowness of change and disturbing situations continually happening the world over. However, know that all this was clear to you before you decided to incarnate and yet you eagerly wanted to be a part of earth’s ascension process. You knew that your light and awareness would be needed and that higher incoming energies would make it the perfect opportunity to clear remaining old energy for yourselves. Know that all is proceeding according to plan in spite of how it may appear when judging by appearances. It is a process and cannot happen overnight. A great deal of old energy is presently clearing from earth herself throughout the world especially in lands that have been inhabited for a very long time. Energies formed from centuries of war, domination, struggle, poverty, and all manner of violence are now rising to the surface in areas desperately in need of cleansing.
Dictators and others in positions of power are beginning to sense that the “power over” they have always enjoyed is weakening leaving them feeling threatened without knowing why. Fear is causing some of them to lash out in ways that represent their state of consciousness. However, these old ways are quickly becoming obsolete because the energies that have maintained and sustained them (belief) is beginning to dissolve and will continue to do so as increasingly more light penetrates collective consciousness. It is a time of mourning for many. A time in which the majority, both the awakened and the un-awakened, are experiencing an unidentified sense of sadness. As the familiar begins to fade away it causes fear of the unknown to those unaware that there are new and better ways coming and so they continue to believe that in spite of how disruptive and painful some of the old ways may of been, they were and are the right ways. Many of you are simply feeling this energy, it is not yours. You will find yourselves increasingly called upon to help those drawn to you with questions and concerns. They recognize your stability in the face of outer appearances and want this for themselves. You will become and many of you already are teachers to those ready for and seeking truth. However, even more important than the outer work is the inner work, your ability to continuously and silently BE the Light that you are for without the inner there can be no outer. You are spiritually ready to resist the temptation to quickly jump in to heal, change, or fix appearances. Those days ended once you understood and accepted that the only reality is that of one omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient God/Source/Creator/Consciousness–period. Once this is understood and accepted, what is there to fix unless the belief in two powers continues?
When you live life from a consciousness no longer cluttered with beliefs of duality and separation, the energy of your enlightened awareness automatically flows wherever you are because it is who you are. Allow your Light to flow to the earth, people and countries, and to all situations without attaching intentions as to how you think they should be. When you acknowledge the Light and perfection already present in and as them, you are working from a higher level, the level of Oneness.
God alone is reality and the forms of good and evil that you witness are false mind translations of the spiritual reality that underlies everything. You cannot make something out of nothing. The mind draws upon and presents personal and collective states of consciousness (consciousness being the substance form) which in the third dimension are usually conditioned by beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers. This is why the very evolved over time have said that the world is an illusion. The world is not an illusion, it is a real, perfect, and spiritual expression of God. Rather, it is mankind’s hypnotism and false beliefs about the world that constitute the illusion. You may say that this is impossible and very impractical in the ordinary world where events of violence and discord take place regularly but this is why you who are awake chose to be on earth at this time. You came in order to seed collective consciousness with truth just as Jesus seeded the collective long ago. Increasingly more truth in the collective, will allow those seeking higher and better ways to access it. This is the only way a sleeping world can rise out of its present density and into the realities of the Universe of God’s creation. We are not saying it is ok to walk down dark alleys in questionable areas. We are not telling you stop locking your door. Living the spiritual life is the practice of walking the “razor’s edge”. Allow your intuition to guide you as you go about your day. Take whatever human footsteps may be necessary and practical but do it with an awareness of truth rather than fear. Living from within may seem difficult if not impossible as you observe personal and global conflict but this is why only those spiritually strong and sufficiently evolved were chosen for the job of bringing Light to an ascending planet. Allow appearances to be what they are without immersing yourself in (aligning with) them. Your job is not the same as those working to make things better through the three dimensional belief system. Your job as Light workers is to be the Light through your realization that God alone is power, not a power over but simply the only power. Allow the words; “I and the Father are one.” to become your state of consciousness, your identity. This is mysticism.
Over the course of hundreds of lifetimes, everyone’s consciousness evolves in stages. First atheism, then into some sort of organized group or belief system, then to metaphysics, and lastly to mysticism or the consciousness of Oneness. Many hesitate to move beyond metaphysics because it offers new, different, and exciting tools that seem to work. However, metaphysics which is based in new ways of changing a bad picture into a good one as well as being able to bring someone closer to God often simply perpetuates the belief in duality and separation. Every person learns and spiritually grows through each stage which is why it is important to simply allow others to be where they are in their belief system. When they are ready for their next stage, their Higher Self will guide them to it and you may be a part of it. Proselytizing is a very ego based activity. Mysticism is an attained consciousness of Oneness which is lived automatically even when ordinary human footsteps must be taken. The world in general does not recognize modern day mystics because they live, work, have families and appear to be like everyone else. In general, the world continues to think of mystics as they have been pictured on holy cards, art work, statues etc.–eyes closed, hands folded, and with a bright light around their head. You who are awake, living in the world but not of it, are today’s mystics. The mystical life is a life of detachment from much that occupies three dimensional thinking and thus those living it are often thought of as being uncaring and cold by those living fully in the three dimensional belief system. Being a modern day mystic never interferes with being loving and warm, but rather embodies the very essence of these things. Mysticism is what you have been preparing for throughout your many lifetimes of spiritual seeking, questioning, study, and practice. As you move deeply into conscious awareness of your Divine Selfhood, many previous ways of solving problems and living life in general, will continue to present themselves to your awareness because you are used to and familiar with them. However, you may quickly discover that ways (actions, words, ideas etc.) that worked well in the past for you no longer work as they once did. This is because you have evolved and are no longer in alignment with them. Never resist anything because resistance only makes that which is resisted into a “something” giving it power and reality. Rather, simply evaluate every situation in the light of your higher awareness–stop, go within, and remind yourself that nothing is power but God and that God is governing ITself as you. THEN take whatever steps you are intuitively guided to take which may appear to be very three dimensional to others. Becoming mystical consciousness is a huge step , one that will take many more years, or even lifetimes for some but you who read and understand these messages are ready. At some point every soul finally realizes that all the “stuff” designed to bring one closer to God, is just “stuff” that will keep you believing that you are separate from God and all God’s expressions. Nothing–no ritual, practice, prayer, class, crystal, oil, mantra, group, guru, or teacher can give you what you already have or make you what you already are. Spiritual tools can assist because they carry their own energy, many being of a high resonance. When you align with the energy of certain crystals or oils etc., you can be temporarily lifted to their level but it will always be temporary because your own state of consciousness is what governs you. Use these things, love them, but never forget that spiritual tools are meant to be helps never meant to become one’s God. To continue depending upon spiritual tools or some person in the belief that you need them is a form of idolatry that will block further evolutionary progress.
It is time and you are ready. We are the Arcturian Group 2/27/22
Create Your Version of the Shift in Consciousness ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in the way that you all seek to experience the shift in consciousness. We are more interested in the type of shift that you want to create than we are in what your beliefs are about the completion of the shift to the fifth dimension. We know that you have heard stories about the shift, different versions of what will happen, what might happen, and what could happen, but we always seek to empower all of you. And so, we are much more interested in what we see you creating and in what we know you truly desire in regards to ascension.
Remember that you are fourth dimensional beings now. You are not there to simply live out a preordained set of circumstances. Your blueprints are gone. It is time for you all to go back to the drawing board so to speak, and create the version of the shift that you would like to see.
All that you put into the human collective consciousness will then affect what others are desiring about the shift, because you are all linked. Many of you wonder what you can do, how you can contribute to humanity and the evolution of the human collective consciousness. Putting your unique version of the shift into the collective consciousness certainly is a contribution and a valuable one.
Please do not believe for a second that you are just one person and that your energy, vibration, and intention is not enough to change what will happen. We know that you are all going to shift in one way or another. No one is doomed. No one is stuck. Those of you who are awake will find a way to become fifth dimensional because you have been desiring that shift in consciousness for long enough.
You get to decide. You get to create timelines, realities, versions of the future that appeal to you most as an individual. And the more inclusive you are of your fellow humans in your version of the shift, the more power there is behind that desire of yours. Dream big. Dream often. And know that nothing is set in stone. There is no one inevitable future. So again, tear up those blueprints, and make today the day that you start fresh with your beautiful and imaginative, creative minds.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased to see how many of you are interested in exploring what you can create with the energies that are upon you now. We know that you are there to explore, to experience, and then to discover what it is that you desire to create, and many of you can feel that desire getting stronger within you during these times you are living in, and that is a good thing. Desire is the spark that ignites the flame, and you can keep the flame burning with your focus, with your breathing, and with your letting go of attachment, or you can see that your desire was not immediately met in the physical with evidence that you have created what you desired, and you can give up all hope. In fact, you can even go into resistance, which pushes that creation of yours further and further away.
We know that you live in a time where what you want can be delivered to you much more quickly than 20 or 30 years ago, and so you have developed an expectation for something closer to instant manifestation when it comes to the big changes you want to see there on the world stage. Now, enough of you realize that you have the ability to change the world in order to do so, but you must encourage each other, rather than getting together and complaining about what’s wrong with the world.
We see more people gathering in resistance than we do gathering for the positive change that they want to see, and that is why those desires take so long to come to fruition. After a while, like a toddler having a temper tantrum, people in resistance who are adults tend to tire themselves out and give up their resistance. They will eventually turn their attention towards something that is positive in their lives. Perhaps they will return to doing the things that they enjoy doing, and then they’ll start to see the changes occurring that they were so adamant about seeing just a few months prior. We would like for you to be able to skip that middle step of resistance and feeling the futility of the resistance and go right to the living of your life in joy as best you can in the moment.
Again, you can always focus on the desired outcome, the new world that you are creating, and visualize it and breathe into it, but if you set up an enemy who is preventing you from living in that world you are creating, and you make that enemy the villain of the people, then you are creating the obstacle yourself. And you don’t need to do that. You don’t need to tell yourself a story that says that it is this person’s fault or this government’s fault. Instead, you need to recognize how brilliant you are, how powerful you are, and focused you can be when there is something that you really care about.
It is important that you live your lives as they are right now, instead of waiting for the new world, the New Earth that you sometimes hear us talking about, because even though these things are coming to you and they are inevitable, you still have a life to live right now. And living in the now is the best place to live; it is the only place to live, in fact. And you can have a desire in the now that is not going to show up right away, and still have faith and still trust that it will show up because you are a powerful creator being who is there to change the world and change it for the better.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Receiving & Working with the 2-22-22 Energies ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to see how many humans are excited about the February 22nd 2022 energies, and we want you all to know that you do get to use them for whatever you are most interested in. We told you about these energies and what they could do for you, but we also want you to know that you get to set your intentions for how to work with the energies and what you want them to do for you and for your fellow humans. We will give you some instructions on how to better receive them right now.
When you sit to receive these beautiful energies, do so with your eyes closed and the palms of your hands facing up. Make yourself as relaxed and comfortable as you can be, and imagine golden white light coming down from the sky upon you. Feel the energies coming in through the crown of your head and falling right into the palms of your hands. Feel for these wonderful energies all around you, and when you feel them running through your body, feel the energies moving all the way down to the souls of your feet.
Once you feel that you have opened up and received the energies of February 22nd 2022, recognize that you then can direct them towards your favorite cause, towards the aspect of life on Earth that is most in need of change from your perspective. Send the energies from your heart center to whatever you would like to see changed on your world today, and know that many other lightworkers around the world are doing the same. You’re always working as a team, and those of you who are there to make a difference know who you are and know when it is a very powerful day to be making those changes.
Now, you also can utilize these energies for making changes in your personal lives, and so, once you have downloaded them, you can focus on the changes you would like to see in whatever you feel is in your life that could use some energetic boosting. You can focus on adding to your life what you would like to add and subtracting from your life what you would like to subtract. You can trust that these energies are happy to work with you in the creation of your reality.
And as awakened souls, you know that you get to work with the energies that are upon you to create your reality at any time, but you also know that there are times when it is more appropriate to focus, to feel, and to direct the energies in a particular place in your lives and in the world. This is one of those times, but the timing is not limited to the day of February 22nd. These energies will be upon you, and you can work with them leading up to the equinox. The equinox energies will start coming in at some point in March, and then you will have those energies supporting you as well. If you do not do the process that we have outlined here on the day of February 22nd, do not worry. Do not feel that you have missed out. The energies are not going anywhere, and they will continue to come in even after the stroke of midnight on your clocks.
You are beautiful co-creators, and you are working with all the energies that you have upon you, and today is a very good day to feel that and acknowledge that, but so is every day. And so, we suggest that you continue to use the process that we have given you to receive and to create and to live happily ever after there on Earth. You are meant to create, and you are meant to receive, and when you are doing both you are truly in the flow and that is a lovely way to live your lives there on Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Are You Better Off Being Awake? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been very interested in how you would handle the transition from being third dimensional beings to being fifth dimensional beings. We knew that many of you would become aware of this shift in consciousness that we are all experiencing, but we did not know whether being awake would benefit you, or whether remaining asleep would be the easier path.
And now that we have been observing those of you who are awake long enough, we can say that it is by a very narrow margin that you are having an easier and more joyous time with the shift. The reason why it is only a very narrow margin is because of the responsibility that you feel and because of the roles that you have taken on.
As empaths and healers, you often take on the issues and energies of those that you are there in service to. As awakened beings who understand that you are shifting your consciousness, you are less likely to drown your emotions with drugs and alcohol. And as beings of service, you often feel as though you should be doing more to assist in the shifting of the collective consciousness.
However, what makes the journey more joyous and easier on you is that you have far less doubt and much more of that sense of knowing about where you are going and what you are doing at this time. You’re less worried about death than the average person who is unawakened.
So you have chosen a slightly more joyous and easier path than most humans, and you could make it much more joyous and easier if you could let go of the guilt that you often feel for not being better at what you do. If you could take some of the pressure off of yourselves, you could have much more fun along the way. If you could practice the mantra of, ‘I’m doing the best that I can’ more often, you could release some of the weight off of your shoulders.
You are there to lead the rest of humanity in this shift in consciousness, but you are also there to enjoy the journey. And so, sometimes that means feeling less responsible and looking for ways that you can experience more of the joy, more of the excitement, and more of the appreciation for this beautiful journey that you are all on together. We know that you sometimes want to put your heads down and forge ahead, and that’s why we will keep encouraging you to sit back, relax, put your feet up, and let some of your helpers do the heavy lifting.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
The Current & Upcoming March Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited to bring you this transmission, because we know how many of you are interested in receiving some good news for a change, and we have noticed that the energies that have been coming in to support all of you and to co-create with you have been incredibly well received. You have gone beyond the expectations of most, and you have enabled the beings who help and support you, like ourselves, to go even further and deeper.
We now have the ability to reach all of you through the crown chakras at any time because of the willingness that you have shown to open up to the higher-frequency energies. This means you can expect more direct communication with those like us, and you can expect more immediate downloads when you are asking for them, and when you are open in your hearts to receiving them.
Your crown chakras are open, but you still have to be able to assimilate the energies that you receive, and that is why you need those hearts of yours to be open. That is why it is so important for you not to interfere by thinking your way out of receiving what you have asked for and what is being freely given by us and the others who help you. This bodes very well for all of you in regards to the upcoming March energies, as well as the equinox energies that are coming your way very shortly.
You are ready for some major changes there in your lives and on planet Earth, and enough of you have surrendered and have accepted the current state of affairs to allow in what you’ve been asking for at this time. And when you ask, you ask for not only yourselves, but for everyone else there on Earth as well, and that amplifies the delivery of all of the energies, as well as increasing the power and strength of those energies. You are making room in your chakras for what you have asked for by letting go of what no longer serves you, and while that has been a painful process for many of you, just keep in mind that whenever you’re going through something, whether it’s a painful emotional experience or a painful body, you are making progress because you are releasing what you are becoming aware of in that moment.
Keep embracing, surrendering, and being willing to feel everything that comes up for you, and you will continue to be the most powerful conduits of energy that Earth has ever seen, and remember also to call upon us directly and to expect that what you ask for is automatically given to you. That will make it easier for you to relax and receive it.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have an efficiency with what we bring through this channel here. We are able to deliver to you so much more than the economy of words that are spoken. There is a need, always, to engage with your minds, but we are reaching out to you and energetically depositing much more into your fields, as you give your attention to what you are receiving. This is a dynamic process, as many of you have noted. We know what you are asking for, and we also know what your higher selves want you to hear. But no matter how you feel about what is being delivered, and what you are able to perceive, you are getting so much more on the energetic level than your minds could possibly imagine.
Now, this is true not only of The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council and the messages we deliver through this channel. This is also true as it relates to your environment. Everything that is in your life and not in your life was carefully selected to give you the greatest possibility of growth and evolution. Every detail of what you are experiencing right now is significant in some way. So you, as your higher self, are delivering to your ego exactly what you need, and sometimes even holding back something that you want, in order to get you to go further with your spiritual evolution.
Now, this can be very frustrating for those of you who have been wanting for years, or even decades, but we want to assure that every time you desire something, you are summoning the energy to create it. It does then become available to you, and in that moment of letting go and letting it in, you experience the opposite of all of the angst and all of the yearning that you have experienced over the time you have spent desiring that thing, that experience, or that person to come into your life.
We invite you to accept the idea that there is so much more that you could be receiving by thinking less and feeling more. We invite you to shut off those fast-moving minds of yours and to get into your bodies and your feelings. Stretch your consciousness out right now, and feel what is available to you. We guarantee you that you will not be disappointed. We know that there is much more for you, as you continue to learn how to receive, and we invite you to start by exploring what else you might be receiving as you read, listen to, or watch this channeling.
We do absolutely know what you are asking for, and we are doing our best, working with your guides and your higher selves, to deliver to you what you have asked for and what you need to continue on in this journey that you are on to becoming your higher self and experiencing the fifth dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Even though nothing appears to be improving in the outer scene, know that increasingly more are awakening each day and beginning to question their beliefs and the systems that hold them in place. The changes that the world continues to hope and pray for can only manifest through the consciousness of the people of earth themselves and not from some far off three dimensional concept of God. Divine Source Consciousness embodies no duality or separation in it, aware only of ITSelf and ITs expressions because that is all that exists. As increasingly more begin to recognize the error of separation, the contents of earth’s collective consciousness will become more enlightened, in turn allowing higher resonating and more evolved ideas to be accessed and acted upon. This is how change will come and this is the work you and all who are awake are doing. Freedom is every individual’s birthright and not something that must be fought for, prayed for, or anything else. Freedom is free and always has been. The poplar saying that freedom is not free is false. However, like the many Divine qualities that remain dormant in the majority, true freedom can only manifest from a consciousness that realizes oneness with Source makes it impossible not to be free. As your personal evolutionary journey draws you more deeply into an understanding of your true self hood, you discover as many already have, that you become increasingly aware of and free from many things that up to now have held you in some form of physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual bondage without your even being aware of it.
Can God be bound by man made rules and beliefs? Could God ever be kept in bondage? Is God subject to the whims and desires, rules and regulations of human minds? A lack of freedom remains very apparent throughout the world because the majority has not yet attained a consciousness of freedom and believe that they are only powerless human beings. The people of earth will continue witness a lack of freedom on earth as long as there remains even one who believes in separation and duality. This is because there is only one consciousness individualized as the many. That one false belief will then manifest in some way because there is no un-manifest consciousness. But remember, your consciousness is the law unto you and not the collective although you will be aware of and continue to experience some of the collective while living on earth.
Every person has choice as to what they accept or reject. Energy is always seeking to align with like energy and the state of your consciousness will attract from the collective those thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that align with your energy. However, thoughts that come floating into your mind are impersonal unless you claim them as yours at which time they then become yours because you have made them a part of your consciousness. Example–A person who continually worries about disease and their health will automatically attract ideas and experiences of disease and heath from the collective. As a person spiritually evolves and their energy becomes more refined, they become more sensitive to the frequencies around them. Many very evolved young people who incarnated specifically to add Light to earth’s ascension process, are having a difficult time now because their energetic sensitivity is causing them to feel the negative and low resonating energies (anger, depression, frustration, low self worth etc.) so apparent on earth at this time. Because they don’t remember who they are or why they came, they believe these feelings, emotions etc. to be theirs personally rather than being external to them. If you have a young person suffering from this, explain to them what is going on, that their sensitivity is allowing them to feel collective energies that are not theirs. Many are beginning to actively protest for personal freedom. Because so many have integrated the higher frequencies that have been pouring to earth for some time, increasingly more are becoming aware of how freedoms on earth have been manipulated. Those who do not yet understand that freedom is already fully present within them by virtue of their oneness with God, will seek it through actions and outer activities that align with their present state of consciousness. You will be seeing increasingly more of this. There is an opening and awakening indicative of evolutionary change taking place that is causing many who never before questioned personal freedom to now question. However you reading these messages already know who you are and that the qualities of Source including freedom are fully present within so for most of you (there will be exceptions) the work of bringing freedom consciousness to the world will take place more on the inner levels rather than an outer. The increase of Light on earth is causing many to awaken and begin attempts to regain the personal freedoms they ignorantly allowed others to take in their lives–freedom to be one’s self in relationships, job, family, and religious affiliations. Permanent freedom can only manifest through consciousness because consciousness is the substance of form which is why third dimensional tools are often ineffective.
True freedom is struggling to be born at this time and every person is sensing it. It is not three dimensional concepts based in ideas of separation that will lift the world out of financial, marital, employment, or religious bondage but rather mankind’s realization of their already present completeness. However, there remain those in the world who use media as well as other forms of communication to keep the majority from realizing innate freedom because once a person, or group realizes true freedom, they are no longer controllable.
Know and actually accept that you are already free dear ones, by virtue of freedom being a Divine birthright available to all. Attaining the consciousness of it begins with knowledge, the understanding that you are already free by virtue of your oneness with Source. Follow this by practicing (bringing to mind) this truth in every situation that arises personally or globally.
Acknowledge that freedom is a Divine law even though the world in general is not experiencing it fully at this time. Gradually a sense of freedom will begin to grow within you in spite of what may be taking place in the outer scene. This will bring with it new feelings of empowerment that begin to dissolve old feelings of victim-hood allowing you to easily say; “Thank you for your opinion, but I am going to do this.” Attaining a consciousness of personal freedom often brings about anger and resistance from those who do not want change and in some cases expect a person to continue doing what they tell them to do as before. Resistance will come from family, religious or social groups, husband/wife, friends, etc. but as long as decisions for personal freedom flow on streams of Love rather than those of anger, resentment, revenge etc., innate freedom will begin to grow and blossom.
Always say, do, and take actions from a place of love even with those who may be angry, demanding, or resentful of the changes you are making for yourself. This never means surrendering to another’s unwanted desires and choices for you but rather means that you firmly and in ways the other person can understand, state your truth from a consciousness aware of the other person’s Divine nature. There will be times when you must simply you “play the game” a bit and there is no harm in this because what is important is what takes place in your consciousness. Always trust your intuition to guide you. Once an individual chooses to open themselves to seeking spiritual truth they are guided in new directions, some of which are not always pleasant. Know that the difficult experiences manifest on all levels for every person once a choice to spiritually evolve has been made. These experiences are are not accidental or a sign of spiritual regression but rather come through an individual’s Higher Self (the Real Self) who knows what lessons the person is prepared for, needs, and is ready to learn.
Individuals frequently choose to incarnate into situations that will re-activate an old energy they may have been actively carrying and suffering with through lifetimes but are now spiritually prepared to clear. For example, a person who has carried and suffered from sexual abuse lifetime after lifetime, will be allowed if spiritually ready, to incarnate into a situation of active sexual abuse in order to personally activate these deeply buried energies, move beyond, clear them, and evolve into a state of consciousness that no longer allows, carries, accepts, or can ever again experience sexual abuse. These dear ones often then become counselors helping others do the same. Human minds can only judge by appearances but remember nothing is as it appears for everything in the third dimension is a material interpretation of a spiritual reality. Spiritual reality underlies all appearances or there would be no outer manifestation.
Trust the process and allow yourselves to let go of the three dimensional “shoulds” and “should nots” you may still hold in consciousness. Be who you are In the freedom of Divine Reality, we are the Arcturian Group 2/13/22
Creating Your Path to the Fifth Dimension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are putting a great deal of emphasis at this time on your free will to choose what you want to create for yourselves, and we want to be very clear about the fact that you do get to choose which reality, or timeline, you find yourselves on. You have more freedom to choose now than ever before because you have already shifted to the fourth dimension, and because if you choose to take part in the shift to the fifth dimension, you will.
And so, now is the time to flex those creative muscles of yours, and demonstrate that you have mastered the use of your free will by creating the remainder of this journey that you are on to 5D exactly as you want it to be. We will sometimes point out a possibility, or a direction that we see you going in, and then we will notice how what we have told you has sparked a lot of that creative energy within you. In other words, no matter what we say as ninth-dimensional beings, you will always be the ones creating your reality.
You will always be the ones choosing from the timelines that you have in front of you. This is your experience, and these are your lives to live. So do not take anything that we are telling you, or anyone else is telling you, about possible futures as something that is set in stone. You are there to create and experience, and everything that you experience is meant to inspire you to create, and that includes our messages to you.
We would much rather see you create what you want to experience and go off and vibrate in harmony with it then to just accept a fate that you do not want to be living, and we know that our cohorts here in the higher-dimensional planes feel the same way. We will talk to you about possibilities and probabilities so that you will broaden your scope in terms of what you believe is possible, but at the end of the day, we want to give all of the power back to you.
And so, that is what we are doing now. We invite you to look around at your world and your personal life and ask yourselves, what is it that you want to experience? What is it that you want to create? And we want to assure you that at this time in human history, the sky really is the limit. Don’t think small or dream small, because there is no need for you to do so, especially not now. Now is the time to spread your wings and soar to the reality that you have created, the reality that you have determined is the best one to be living in.
And those of you who are taking others into consideration when creating that future experience are in those moments co-creating with your fellow humans and drawing upon that same energy that they do. Therefore, now is the time for collaboration and co-creation as well, and everything is more fun when you do it with others. So we invite you to gather together with those high vibrational friends of yours and discuss what it is you want to move towards as you continue this journey you are on to the fifth dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Shifting to 5D & Returning to Source ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very determined to bring you everything that you need through these transmissions, and what you need is always better than what you want, because what you need brings you closer to the ultimate goal of existence, which is to return home to Source. We know what you need, and so does your higher self. Your guides know what you need, and so does your galactic team. All the Ascended Masters and Archangels know what you need.
And as you open yourselves up to receive what is needed and what is being given, that is a much better way to pray than to simply plead for what you want. You do have the ability to tune in to the energies that are being given at all times, and when you do, you get to experience the growth that occurs when you raise your vibration, little by little, and it is the experience of that growth that this journey is all about. Everyone could just skip all of the experiences and go directly back to Source Energy, but then you would just start all over again anyway, because ultimately you do want the experiences. You do not want to take the bullet train to the finish line, no matter what you may think at times to be the case.
You are there to have the experience of being there and the experience of moving through all the experiences and the feelings that ultimately will result in you returning home. But for now, you are making the incremental step to what we call the fifth dimension, which is a higher level of consciousness, and many of you want to just get there too. You want to just get it over with as quickly as possible, but if you miss out on all of the steps, all of the experiences, all of the feelings, then you will have missed out on your purpose for existing there in the first place. Many people wonder what their purpose is, and we tell you that no matter what you are living right now, you are living your purpose. It is your purpose to be there, to have experiences, and to grow from those experiences. It doesn’t have to look any more grandiose than that.
And so, if it doesn’t look like you are doing much or achieving much in your life right now, remember that you are there, you are having experiences, and you are growing. You are in every breath that you take, moving that much closer to Source, and we all do return to Source, of course. It’s the only place to go. Nothing exists outside of Source, and nothing ever could. Remember that this journey is meant to be savored, and that is why we will always teach you to be more present, and all the other great teachers will always tell you about the benefits of being present as well.
It is only in the present moment that you can enjoy the journey, and when you are present, you can feel the little changes that are occurring inside of you that let you know all the time that you are in fact moving closer to Source, to unconditional love, to oneness, to peace. Open yourselves up on a daily basis to receive the help that you need, that will give you more of that experience of movement, that experience of going home to the Love from which you were born.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.
Energies of Awakening We Are About to Send ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are in the process of examining all the various energies that are upon you at this time, and we are sifting through them to see which ones are doing the most good and which ones are not having the desired impact. We know that the shift in consciousness is happening and will be complete at some point, and we also know that the energies upon you are supposed to make that transition easier and more joyous for you, as they also help to awaken those who have been asleep.
The reason why it is so important to get a handle on what these energies are doing and not doing is because we are constantly making decisions as to how best to serve you and help you along your path. We know you are having a rough time of it there, and have been having a rough time, really since you began incarnating on Earth. Certainly there have been times of greater peace and prosperity, and advancement spiritually and technologically, but there have always been those who have been in suffering.
We know that it is important for you all to have your experiences, but we also feel that it’s time for you to start manifesting better experiences and for your challenges to be having to choose between one good experience and another. That’s why we are recalibrating the energies that we are about to send right now. It is because we want to see you enjoying life more, and we want to support you and empower you at all times, and every message that we give you is meant to empower you. Every transmission of energy is meant to empower you. This is why we will never tell you that you are victims of your oppressors.
We also want you to know that those of you who are awake, still benefit from the energies that cause people to awaken, because there are varying levels of being awake. And there’s always a higher level, a higher echelon, for you to reach for and to be supported into, and that’s what we are doing. We cannot force you to do anything; we can’t even force you to receive the energies that we send. But when you decide that you could stand to grow some more and evolve to the next level of your consciousness, then you’ll be supported by the energies that are coming. When you think you have it all figured out, and you are already completely awake, then those energies of awakening do not have the desired effect on you.
Please realize that even when you complete the shift in consciousness to the fifth dimension, you will not be done ascending, evolving and becoming more of who you really are. So that must mean that you have more to do in terms of the evolution of your consciousness right now. Please open yourselves up to the energies we are about to send, for they will be life altering and extremely powerful to those who can receive them.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
The Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaele, Jan. 30, 2022 Welcome dear readers, As you are well aware, the world is presently experiencing a great deal of confusion and stress especially for those who are unaware of the ascension process taking place and many are saying to themselves, ” I don’t want to be here any longer.”
As a result many have left or are choosing to leave and Covid has provided an exit point. You must remember that because of free will every soul chooses on a deeper level whether to leave or stay although very few – or even individuals themselves – realize this.
We spoke in our last message about relationships and the Mystical Marriage. We would like to add that when spiritually prepared, their balancing of male and female energy (the Mystical Marriage) begins automatically and without conscious effort through choices and life lessons whether the person is alone or in a relationship. The type of relationship makes no difference–heterosexual or homosexual. In the third dimension, relationships are often judged as to their rightness, wrongness, correctness, or even “sinfulness” based on how they align with certain religious or universal beliefs about what constitutes a proper or “God” endorsed relationship. There is no such thing as a sinful or wrong relationship if love and respect for both is present. The two major stumbling blocks in every person’s journey out of a three dimensional state of consciousness are relationships, which we have already discussed, and abundance. Mankind has suffered under the burden of lack and limitation for a very long time not realizing that they themselves were continuing to maintain and sustain it through their belief in it. The belief in lack is firmly established in universal collective consciousness and pervades every aspect of life on earth.
You have all experienced forms of lack and limitation especially in earlier lifetimes when extreme lack was accepted as normal. The energy of these experiences has been stored in cellular memory and carried into the consecutive lifetimes of almost everyone making lack the dominant belief system on earth.
Abundance is every person’s natural birthright but because most remain ignorant of their true Self, the world as a whole continues to believe that it must struggle, work hard, steal, beg, and suffer even for the most basic of what may be needed. Lack and limitation on all levels (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) is simply the material manifestation of the belief in duality (have/don’t have) and separation (separation from one’s good and God).
You are ready and prepared to move beyond the firmly established false beliefs that surround lack and limitation by actually accepting that you are in fact a Divine Being, not a limited human being subject to all the good and bad floating in the collective. You are God individualized and therefore embody all that God is and cannot lack simply because the idea of lack does not exist in Self-sustained, Self-maintained Divine Consciousness. If it did, it would be held in place by Divine Law forever, never to be removed. The first step toward moving into a consciousness of abundance is to get the flow going. Donate what you not longer use or need, put something in the tip jar, give your time and energy to someone or something that needs it. When you pay bills, realize that because there is only one, the money is flowing from your right hand to your left through you from an Infinite Source within rather than from your personal three dimensional sense of supply which must always be limited because of the belief in duality whether at present there is a lot or a little. It doesn’t matter the amount, start with one penny if that is what you have. What matters is the consciousness with which the giving of anything flows; “I have because I AM.” As God Beings your resources are unlimited. Observe the infinity of the blades of grass, trees, etc. always multiplying. Multiplication is Divine Law. Consciously acknowledge and begin to express money, goods, time, love, service, creativity, etc. in awareness of your Divine completeness. As we have said many times, Consciousness is the substance of form and if you continually make “I don’t have” your state of consciousness, then mind, which is the interpreter of consciousness will see to it that you manifest exactly that.
Many say they have tried these practices and they don’t work, everything just remains the same. You must remember that in order for any idea on any level to become a manifesting state of consciousness it must first come into one’s awareness, become knowledge and acceptance, and then practiced. This is true of everything whether it be learning to drive a car or attaining the consciousness of a spiritual truth. As a person continues to remember, know, and practice sharing and giving from the realization that it is flowing through them from an unlimited self-sustained, self-maintained Source and not personally from them, it gradually becomes their state of consciousness and what is needed (not just wanted) begins to flow more easily and naturally, and often from where least expected. Remember that as an individualization of Source, God, Divine Consciousness, you are the fullness of God and not just a part. You only believed that you were a limited human being because over the course of living many lifetimes permeated with false beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers you became hypnotized into believing that you were separate, less than, and worthless unless you conformed to specific societal or religious laws and standards of perfection.
The evolutionary process does not take place in one moment, but rather unfolds as each person moves into spiritual readiness for their next step. The old, dense, and obsolete energies that have held you prisoner for so long are now clearing personally and globally and being replaced with higher dimensional frequencies of Light that will allow you to more easily experience reality. As you rest in and trust the truth about yourself and others, fear will begin to drop away, life experiences will seem easier, and you will discover that you have become a teacher, way shower and Light for those still struggling and seeking. Many of you are already there. Yay! We are the Arcturian Group 1/30/22
You Are the Changemakers in this Ascension Process ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been very excited to witness the way that you have all been handling yourselves through this ascension process. We are speaking specifically to those of you who are receiving this transmission, because you are the ones who are awake enough to be dealing with your traumas, your negative emotions, and your heartbreaks in an evolved and mature way. You have all seen the character in the film or television show who handles being rejected, fired, or otherwise hurt in some way by going to the bar and drinking themselves into oblivion. You have seen reflections in these stories of how a lot of people handle their sorrow and discomfort.
And you all have gotten to the point now where you do not look for the nearest escape or numbing agent to try to hide from the feelings and the memories that are so hard to accept and embrace. You are the leaders of this consciousness evolution because you have decided that you want to face that darkness and those demons head on.
Many people wonder what they are supposed to be doing, as if there are actions that could make as big a difference on your world as processing your emotions and dealing with your own stuff. There is no action that gives more to your fellow humans than setting that beautiful example will.
When you communicate, when you meditate, when you take care of yourself and show compassion for others, you can rest assured that you are doing enough to help the entire collective, a collective that has very few examples being shown to it of the right way to deal with something that’s coming up from within. And so, you are the unsung heroes. You are the ones working behind the scenes to contribute something that is invaluable to the entire collective consciousness. You are the ones who are showing the way, and that is enough of a contribution. Anything else that you do is a bonus.
Who you are, and how you be in the world, these are the things that matter. You also allow yourselves to get to the love that is at your core by dealing with that which is heavy, dark, and obscuring that love and light that exists within every single one of you. So you are shining your light, and you are agents of love, and that is the reason why you are wayshowers, lightbringers, and agents of change. This is how it’s done, and you are the ones doing it. Congratulations on your success.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
This One is for All the Truth Seekers ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in witnessing all of you come to the conclusions that you come to about life there on Earth. And so, we notice how you absorb information that comes to you. We notice that most of you are filtering information through your minds, and when you do that, you only let in that which is already a part of your current belief system about the topic in question. That means you do not allow in new information if it contradicts what you already believe to be true. When instead you run information through your body, you can feel whether it resonates with you.
Now, we are going to make this a bit more complex for you by letting you know that all realities are real, and therefore, all truths are true, and you have a future that is best suited for you and that will be most enjoyable to you. It is one of many. In that future that is the best one for you, certain things are true, and certain things are not true. Therefore, you want to be led to that future reality by your feelings, and your feelings are guiding you towards the truths that serve you the most, rather than the truths that validate your pre-existing beliefs. This is why we are telling you that it serves you more to process information through your bodies than through your minds. If something doesn’t feel good to you, then pay it no more attention.
You will be presented with different truths, of course, because you are being presented with different choices for what you are moving towards, which reality you will inhabit next. That is why you always have to encounter the opposite of what you want and the opposite of what you believe. It is so you can make a choice based on the resonance. If you all had to share one reality and only one reality, that would make it a lot easier on the scientists and intellectuals of planet Earth, because then there would only ever be one truth. But since that is not the case, you get to travel to the reality that you want to experience most and that suits you the most, and you do so with your focus as well as your feelings.
What we are telling you in a very convoluted way is that you should focus on the reality you want to experience rather than the one you think you must experience, based on all the evidence. Sometimes you base what you believe to be true on what others believe to be true. You think that if so many people believe in this, then maybe I should look into it, rather than feeling into it and determining for yourself whether it’s a road you really want to go down and a reality you really want to experience. If there were only one reality, then that would limit Source. That would limit how much Source could experience of Itself, and that will never happen. Source will always be infinite and expanding at the same time, which is another concept that boggles the mind.
But if you can feel into the truth of it, then you know that what we are telling you is true for you. And if it is true for you, then you get to choose which aspect of Source you experience next, and you get to choose the one that feels most in harmony with who you are, what you want, and what you want for everyone there on Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Ready for the Highest-Frequency Energies Yet? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are giving you all that we can at all times, because we have to take into account how much you can handle in any given moment there on Earth. You have bodies that are accustomed to a certain frequency and a certain amount of energies coming in, and we have to take all of that into consideration. Now, we do look to those of you who have been doing the work on yourselves, because we know you can handle more. You take better care of yourselves, physically, emotionally, and energetically, which gives you a body that can handle more energy, and especially more high-frequency energies. That is why we often look to you to be the ones who are carrying the torch, so to speak, for humanity.
All that work that you do on yourselves not only benefits you and improves the quality of your life experience, but it also makes you better conduits who are more of service to the collective you are a part of there on planet Earth. You get to anchor in the most recent, highest-frequency energies that we can deliver to you, and that is a privilege and an honor. You are taking humanity to the next level of consciousness, and you are doing so oftentimes without any awareness of your contribution. And that’s one of the reasons why you have us. We can come along and offer you this bit of information that will help you recognize your constant contribution to the human collective.
When you take care of yourselves and you tend to your own gardens, you are better conduits. Eventually, you may even discover that you have the gift of channeling that energy into words, sounds, or light language that you can share with your fellow humans, and then you can see and feel your impact, because they will respond to what you are offering.
When you meditate and drink lots of water, and when you avoid toxins and chemicals as best you can, you become a vessel that is clean, pure, and capable of handling more. When you process your emotions, and you tell people what is on your mind, you clear your mental and emotional bodies, and that also makes you a better vessel for high-frequency energies. When you ground into your bodies and connect with Mother Earth and Mother Nature, you are more equipped to handle what we have to offer.
And when you anchor in high-frequency energies, they automatically become available to everyone because you are a part of a human collective, and you are all connected. Self-care is so important and never has been more important, because you also want to keep up with the current energies that are upon you, and they are coming from all sources, not just us. You are in a constant state of receiving, and when you consciously open up to all that is available, you get to have a joyous ride, and that’s what we want for you, and that’s what everyone in the higher realms wants for you right now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
The New Energies Upon You Right Now ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in how you are handling the latest energies that are upon you there on Earth. You have been experiencing a greater influx of energy that is designed to get you to want to experience unity consciousness. You are living in a time where there is less socializing going on. You have less people gathering together in large groups than you typically have there on Earth and more people in isolation because of the virus. And while these are unfortunate conditions in many ways, they also give you the opportunity to reach out in a different way to your human collective. You realize that when you are in the same room as another person, you don’t have to talk to one another in order to communicate, and you don’t have to touch one another in order to feel the presence of the human that you are sharing space with at that time.
Take this a bit further, and realize that you can feel the energy and the consciousness of all other humans from the privacy of your own home or from your favorite spot in nature where you are sitting. You can connect telepathically with all beings – human, plant, animal, extra-terrestrial. You don’t have to wait until you have someone sitting across from you, looking you in the eye, before you open up to nonverbal communication.
If you reach out to just one human being, and then you ask that person if they could perceive the thoughts you were sending them, that is the fastest way to dismiss all of this. If instead, you recognize that you want to express yourself to the collective, and you send out a message to all of humanity, then you will feel that you have done something to help other people who are feeling isolated or lonely.
There is always this opportunity, of course, but right now the energies are very supportive of unity consciousness. They are very supportive of those who would like to reach out and make contact, and these energies are answering the call, the summoning of so many who would like to feel less alone. People can feel alone even when surrounded by others, but it comes up more at times like these when there are individuals who spend a lot of their time by themselves. Feel for the energies that are around you in order to benefit more from them and so they can inspire you to reach out with your consciousness to all humans or to all beings.
You, of course, can also reach out to specific groups. You can reach out to a country of people who are struggling with something right now, and you can become a more deliberate contributor to the solutions that they seek to their problems. These energies will keep coming, and keep coming, because the need will continue to be there on Earth for quite some time. There is a need for all of you to come together and realize that you are all part of one collective. And we, and others like us, will continue to nudge you in that direction for as long as it takes.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
What Is Newly Available to Humanity Now ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are on the precipice of some new understandings about this universe that we are very excited about. We can feel ourselves expanding into this knowing, and it is a delicious feeling, one that we highly recommend. You can get there yourselves because everything is available to all beings, even if that understanding is different because of your dimension and your ability to grasp concepts with your physical mind. This is why we will always emphasize the feeling over the truth. The truth is a limited perspective. It’s one reality, one way of looking at the totality of creation, but a feeling is expansive and undeniable.
You cannot question whether you felt something, but you can question where a thought comes from. Know that the universe is expanding all the time, and that to keep up with it, you sometimes have to surrender, and you sometimes have to admit that you don’t know everything, and that not everything is meant to be known, not intellectually. But what we are all here to do is to experience Source, and experience is something that you get more of when you let go. When you let go of limiting beliefs, you open so many doorways to so many different realities and experiences.
We invite you to let go, to surrender, to seek out oneness with the universe above all else. We see so many individuals clinging to their truths and living lives of quiet desperation as a result of that clinging. We want to invite you to the expansive experience of tuning in to what’s available right now with your ability to sense, your ability to feel. Think of it as an invitation to more of you. There’s always more of you to explore, just as there will always be more of this universe and Source to explore.
So please don’t think that you have it all figured out or that you know yourself completely, because that is a type of death that you will never experience. You will always experience more, you will always discover more, and you will always realize eventually that there is so much more for you to understand. You are getting there, gradually, and we see that. We notice all the little steps and all the improvements, and we certainly notice the spikes in the vibration of your overall consciousness. But we still see room for more surrendering, more letting go, and more tuning in to the new energies that will always be available to you when you poke your heads out of the little realities that you have felt stuck in and you allow yourselves to become more, to experience more, and to explore more of the infinite and ever-expanding Source Energy that you are, and that you continue to contribute to, with the lives that you live there on Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Begin Now & Enjoy the Rest of the Ride to 5D ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are giving you the best of ourselves at all times. We only want to show up for you as the best of who and what we are, and we know that there are certain limitations built in to our dimension that only allow us to be at a certain frequency, but we accept that, and we consistently reach for that highest frequency that is possible for us. We know that you all can do the same. You can find the highest frequency that is available to you in your dimension, and show up in the world as your best possible self, and you don’t have to do it, but you can do it.
When you do it, you feel better, not just because you’re contributing more to society or to the person you are interacting with, but because being in the highest frequency state possible just does feel better. You will constantly be shown when you are not offering the best possible vibration. Those reflections will get clearer and louder, and you will not be able to ignore them, and that is how it has been set up so that all of you can learn. You learn best by doing, and as you pay attention, you get more of that feedback before it creates something in your life that you do not then want to experience.
You all have your goals; you have the things that you are striving for, and we suggest that you put ‘being the highest-vibrational version of myself’ at the top of your priorities list. Then, you don’t have to figure out what to do in order to be of service. You don’t have to figure out what your calling is, what your purpose is, because as you be that version of yourself that you were always meant to be and that you are destined to be, you are helping. Just being there and offering a high vibration is a tremendous help to your fellow humans. You can join us in our quest to help humanity to heal and to ascend. And more importantly, you can help to be that best version of yourself for yourself.
Then you can really start to enjoy life; you can enjoy the journey, the rest of the ride to the fifth dimension. We want it to be smooth for you. We want it to be easy and filled with exciting opportunities and experiences, but ultimately we know that it is up to you. It is up to you to use your free will to be in the highest-vibrational state you can be in, while still operating in the fourth dimension and waiting for that opportunity to shift to the fifth. And know that it is coming, and you will want to be prepared. You will also be able to help so many others as you begin this practice right now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
JANUARY 16, 2022 Greetings dear readers. In these present times of chaos and seeming negativity it is important to remember that in spite of appearances all is proceeding according to the Divine Plan. You may look out at the world and say to yourself that nothing is changing but understand that before something can manifest materially, the idea and energy of it must be first present in the invisible. Changes that you cannot yet see in the outer are taking form on other levels because so many are now awakening to the deeper truth about themselves and as a result are adding light to collective consciousness. The outer world in time will, can not avoid, manifesting these energies of higher awareness because their essence will be present in the invisible allowing them to then appear in material form. Now is a time for trust, a time to cease judging the world’s evolution according to the three dimensional standards based in old energy that seem to still rule the world. As the substance, energy, and essence of many obsolete beliefs decrease through the spiritual awakening of increasingly more individuals, the energy that originally formed and supports what many still consider to be the right and only way of doing things will no longer exist. Earth is a spiritual universe, peopled with Sons of God. Those who do not know this, create and live out from a very limited three dimensional belief system and experience their good and their bad on the physical/material level, unaware that they are manifestations of God and one with all life. This is the human condition, the illusion of separation that you came to help dissolve by entering into and experiencing these energies yourselves.
As we have said many times, there is no unexpressed consciousness. Divine Consciousness is always expressing ITSelf in infinite form and variety. Individual consciousness (which is the ONE Consciousness individualized) is therefore always in expression as well. Any little bit of false energy you hold in consciousness will express but often in simple unnoticeable ways. If you recognize them, use these experiences as opportunities to examine your belief system and remove that which is false no matter how seemingly unimportant it may seem. When living in a physical body surrounded by energies of duality and separation a person cannot help but absorb some of them. You chose to be on earth at this time not only to add Light to the world’s ascension process, but also to clear remaining accumulated old energy from your own cellular memory. Clearings often involve the physical, emotional, or mental re-experiencing of some old energy as it moves through so do not think that somehow you have spiritually failed or are going backwards if it happens. See these experiences as graduations. Many of you are continuing to clear vows, promises, and oaths from the past, some of which you renewed in succeeding lifetimes because the beliefs involved were still held strongly as truth in your consciousness. Take time to sit quietly and state your intention to specifically clear all old oaths, vows, and promises which when taken with sincerity and intense belief, permeate cellular memory and often take time to fully clear. Most of you had lives in which you sincerely embraced a vow of poverty (find yourself always lacking?) You also willingly took a vow of obedience (find yourself always playing follow the leader, afraid to make choices for yourself?) Lastly there was the vow of chastity. (Still judge sexuality as being of a lower level and not spiritual?) Although participants accepted and entered into these vows with sincerity and a desire to be closer to God, these same vows often represented a source of power and control for churches and those in charge. Sexuality is a sacred facet of every person’s being. The ignorance of third dimensional thinking especially within organized religions have relegated it to being evil, sinful, and a temptation brought about by women. For much of the world sexuality continues to be nothing more than a source of pleasure and a money maker, as well as something to be ignored, hidden and never talked about. In these times of awakening, sexuality is beginning to be seen in a new and higher way but continues to be presented through the media, film, books, etc. in ways that primarily reflect old three dimensional thinking. Sacred sexuality was taught in the ancient mystery schools and high resonating temples as being a path leading to a deeper awareness of one’s innate Divinity. As with all things present in material form, human sexuality flows from a much deeper reality without which the material form would not exist. Divine Consciousness is neither male or female but rather is the totality of both as ONE.
In the duality energy of the third dimension, an individual is either male or female. Physically, emotionally, and mentally the male energy manifests as the active, be-er, do-er while the female energy manifests as the receptive, love, and intuitive. When they come together physically, a child, a new person is created. Every individual and not just some special one or a few, is fully complete embodying all of God’s qualities and not half or just some–ALL. On earth most are raised to emphasize only the qualities of their physical gender and to avoid those of the other, but this is changing. Men are opening themselves to qualities previously considered feminine and women are becoming more willing to experience the masculine energies. This is a sign of spiritual evolution, and not that men and women are becoming weak. At some point in everyone’s spiritual journey, they must acknowledge and then consciously bring their fully present male aspect into alignment with their fully present female aspect allowing a new and higher state of consciousness to be born. This perfect, whole, Divine Self has always been fully present in every person, but has always been unknown and unrecognized by the majority. In spiritual terms, when a person embraces, accepts, and joins his/her male and female aspects allowing it to become their state of consciousness, it is called the Mystical Marriage. Un-awakened minds interpret the Mystical Marriage simply as sex although most suspect that something deeper underlies it. This is not to relegate the human sexuality to being “less than” for it represents the material sense of sacred love and oneness, a physical expression of the mystical reality of individualized completeness. Human sexuality is a pleasurable and enjoyable experience and is likewise sacred when entered into with love and respect. However, because the reality underlying sex is the Mystical Marriage, sacred guidelines do exist. It is never to be forced, made fearful, used as a means to an end, self serving, violent, entered into without love or respect, or considered a “duty”. A consciousness that knows it is whole and complete because it has both male and female qualities rather than just one, lives from a sense of completeness because he/she understands that their masculine aspect (action, initiative, strength, decisiveness) will act to support and balance their feminine aspect ( love, tenderness intuition and sensitivity) while their feminine aspect will love and intuitively assist their masculine actions. Individuals who are spiritually ready to embrace their male or female aspect but resist, will often experience situations that force them to do it. For example a woman who continually looks to a man to make decisions for her may find herself through divorce, death or some other circumstance forced to do these things for herself. A “macho” man may suddenly find himself in a situation where he is the caregiver for a child or parent. Many are now moving into a higher consciousness of sexuality and its deeper significance as being the Mystical Marriage and through this deeper awareness are beginning to accept that they are complete and in need of nothing outside of self/SELF. We are the Arcturian Group 1/16/22