“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to report that June will be a magical month for humanity. You have the next batch of mass awakenings to look forward to, and you also have the summer/winter solstice coming up in the month of June, but the theme of the energies for the month of June will be a stabilization of your three lower chakras. You need to be stable in your root, sacral, and solar plexus chakras in order to be grounded in your bodies. You need to be grounded in your bodies in order to know what you are feeling, and to be able to open up to the higher-frequency energies that are always coming in to support you, upgrade you, and give you what you have been asking for.
Therefore, these June energies will stabilize you in your lower three chakras, helping you to clear what is no longer serving you and what never belonged to you in the first place. They will help you to let go of what you have been holding onto in those chakras. They will assist you in cleansing and clearing, as well as balancing and aligning those chakras so that you can move forward in your lives, confidently, strongly, with a sense of power and a sense of who you really are as a Source Energy Being, rather than clinging to the notion of who you have been as an egoic being.
Now, you will also be able to benefit more from the solstice energies because of these stabilizing forces that will be all around you, helping you and calling you to sit, relax, and release more often. That is what you really need to do at this time. Clinging to your attachments will make things worse, and it will slow you down. You want a smooth, easy, and joyous ride to the up-leveling of your consciousness, and paying attention to what’s going on inside of you, as well as what energies are available to you will always help you be on that better timeline to ascension. You are creating your own experience of this journey, and the more stable you are, and the more tools you have, the easier it is for you to create.
In the past you may have been told that it’s just your thoughts that create your reality. That’s it. Just think good thoughts, and you’ll be fine. But you have evolved past that level of teaching. You have evolved into a higher level of consciousness where you understand that there’s more involved than just your ability to think a thought on purpose. You also have to be willing to feel all the feelings, face everything that comes up for you, and you can’t think your way out of either of those. So get ready to create your reality with powerful energies that support you, align you, and give you everything that you need to move forward, closer and closer to the fifth dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always in the space of creation, and we are aware of what we are vibrating in every moment. Therefore, we are aware of what we are creating in every moment. This is a beautiful experience for us, and it is also an experience we have not always had. There have been times in our history when we were subconsciously creating our experience of reality, but over time we understood how to manage our vibration, and therefore, we mastered the art of offering a vibration on purpose, and that changed everything, literally.
Becoming aware is the first step to making changes in your lives. Accepting what you have been offering and creating is the second step. Relaxing into the feeling that you are having and emanating is the third step. The fourth step is choosing what it is that you want to offer to the universe and what you want to feel in the present moment. The fifth step is finding that vibration within you and activating it. You can think of your bodies as being filled with dormant and active volcanoes.
The active volcanoes can be so familiar to you that you don’t even realize they are there, and the dormant volcanoes can also be a part of you that you are unaware of because you’ve never felt or experienced their lava before. When you accept the active volcanoes, then you can decide whether you want them to continue to be active or not. You may have an active volcano within you of love. You may be very experienced at loving other people, animals, nature, the Earth and even e.t.s, but then self-love might be something you’ve experienced very little of, or none of, in this life. That would be one of your dormant volcanoes that you want to activate, and you can when you seek it out and discover that it too lies within your heartspace.
But if you’ve got an active anger volcano, and you’ve been angry for so long that you don’t even realize that you have a choice not to be, that would be something you would want to become aware of, accept, address in the proper way, and not have active all the time. Of course, anger serves a purpose, and so, you don’t want that volcano to become extinct. But dormant volcanoes can be activated when needed, and they don’t have to erupt and wipe out entire cities when they are activated.
We hope you like our little analogy here, because a volcano is what created the island of Maui, which the channel here lives on, and in fact, he lives on the volcano, which is now dormant. It is a very good analogy for many reasons, and the Earth is filled with these types of analogies. Nature teaches you in every moment, if you are willing to sit quietly and listen to her and feel her wisdom. We want you to know how beautifully set up this all is for you, and we want you to know that you can get to where we are without any more uncontrollable eruptions within yourselves. We also want to thank you for being there and being willing to experience so much energy and so much emotion, and we are very happy to guide you to the place where we are now, because we love to see any being becoming more aware and more in control of what they are vibrating and therefore creating.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to see so many of you exploring the different possible timelines that you have in front of yourselves, as we know quite a few of you have awakened to the truth that there is not one future for you or for all of humanity. And we see you getting more serious about focusing on the reality that you want to experience, rather than giving in to the idea that you have to experience a certain predetermined reality. Now, that may have been the case in all of your previous lifetimes there on Earth in the third dimension. Before you set out to live those lives, you may have created a blueprint for each and every one of them, a blueprint that you would stick to because you knew it served your consciousness to do so.
You knew that you had to have certain experiences to fill out your punch card, so to speak, but this is not one of those lifetimes. This is a lifetime where everything is shifting and changing, including how much of a say you have now that you are on Earth, about what happens next for you. Now, you may think to yourself that you can choose for yourself what’s going to happen next, but you may also believe that because humanity is shifting as a collective, certainly there must be experiences that you all have to have as a collective. But that is not the case. You are choosing which version of the collective you align with, and therefore, which future experiences you are going to have as a part of that particular collective, and you are doing this all the time.
Think highly of your fellow humans, and you get a better reality to experience with them. Look down upon your fellow humans, and you will continue to wonder why they keep messing everything up for the rest of you who are awake. You want to elevate everything, not just your vibration and your consciousness, but also your expectations for your fellow humans. See them as having all of these potential awakening experiences that they have yet to tap in to but that they are destined to experience themselves.
See the consciousness of the collective spiraling upward with you, and see yourselves as leading the way, but know that you are not in this all by yourselves as the awakened collective. Everyone is there to serve the experience of ascension in their own way. Everyone is there behaving exactly as you need them to behave to give you what you need in order to grow spiritually. You are the ones who are the changemakers, who will decide that the path for humanity can be a smooth, easy, and joyous one, as you help others awaken with your own level of consciousness, with the stories you tell about your own experiences, and with your ability to hold space for all of them, especially those who are lagging furthest behind.
If you saw them all as a part of yourselves, then it would be easier for you to see that they need you. They need your help; they need your positive expectations for them, and they need you to hold your vibration in the highest possible frequency, which you can only do when you are seeing them all as Source Energy Beings, instead of as the ones who are messing things up for the rest of you. That’s what you came to Earth to do, and we believe in you, even in those times when you don’t believe in yourselves. So call upon us for help in maintaining that vision, because we know that humankind as you experience it can experience the shift in consciousness in the most beautiful of ways.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always interested in what makes humans tick, what keeps you interested in life there on planet Earth, because as the awakened collective, you know that there is so much more available to you. However, you do share a planet with many people who are seeking very specific experiences that they can only have in their physical bodies there on Earth in the fourth dimension. It’s very interesting to us to observe what motivates a person to get up in the morning and do all the things that they think they need to do in order to have what it is that they want and experience what they want to experience.
We are watching the movies of your lives with great enthusiasm, because we love to learn about the nature of your consciousness. Knowing about the nature of your consciousness helps us understand ourselves better, and that’s what e.t. contact is really all about. Many people want to be rescued, want to be whisked away on a spaceship, want access to that very advanced e.t. technology. But those of you who are awake must recognize that when you meet an extra-terrestrial being, you are meeting more of yourself. You are being given an opportunity to explore an aspect of you that you never knew before. In some cases, you can’t even fathom what these e.t.s will be like and what they will activate within you when you are in their presence. That’s something to get excited about.
We know that when you get an opportunity to observe your e.t. friends and to see what makes them tick, you will be fascinated as well. You will have new understandings of what existence is all about just because you will see how culturally different they are from you. Merging your culture with their culture will create something new, something never before seen and experienced in this universe, and that will be a delight for us to witness as well, but even more importantly, it will be such an amazing experience for all of you to partake in, that coming together of different perspectives, different practices, different art forms.
We are so in favor of you having more extra-terrestrial contact right now that we want to encourage you to open yourselves up to them every night as you fall asleep in your bed. Do not be afraid, because you have so many well-meaning e.t. friends that are your helpers. They want to connect with you, and they are waiting for the right timing and the proper invitation.
Tell them you are ready to meet with them and to co-create with them, and you will send that signal out to all of your star family members, all benevolent e.t. beings, both physical and nonphysical, and you can expect to have some remarkable experiences when you do make those connections, experiences that go far beyond what their ships are like and what gadgets they have on board. Get ready for an explosion of your own consciousness into so much more than what it’s ever been before to you, because that’s what you have coming with full e.t. contact.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Greetings, dear friends, we would like to help you understand something that has been puzzling you. We do not want to download too much new information into your field right now, for you are more than busy staying righted in these powerful celestial energies.
There is much coming at you right now to help you in your earth mission and we are steadying you to accept these energies while remaining stable in your highest vibration. Know that you are very courageous, for we see you riding these energies and facing them with strength.
No second thoughts, you square your shoulders and deal with them head on. Have we told you how talented you are? You were brave to accept your earth mission. Many were called and many answered but only a few were allowed to take on this mantle, for the chance of success was much higher for you, our talented ground crew.
You earned the admiration of the many beings that watch what you are doing here. But you would continue in your mission even if there were no one watching you, for being admired is not necessary for this group. You do what you do because you made yourself a promise to lend your talent, to lend your love, to lend your very self to Mother Gaia and this earthly mission.
While it is not necessary for us to praise you and it is not necessary for you to hear these worlds, perhaps when you have a moment of overwhelm, a bit of praise may help you to attain your sense of confidence again, especially if these energies had caused you to lose your footing for a moment.
There are many others joining you now on this earth, for your actions have released the awakening frequencies that many have needed. From now on, even as the energies rise, you will find the going a little bit easier; for you will have more help, more love and more awakened beings around you.
They will be confused at first, but as they emit their higher frequencies, a wave of relief will sweep over you and you will not feel so alone there, our beautiful children on planet earth.
How we love you for what you have done before, as you prepared the groundwork. How we love you for what you are doing now as you step through the high waters of ascension and for what you will do in the future as you mingle your energies with others and spring-board through love to your future together.
MAY 8, 2022 Dear readers, greetings and welcome to another message from the Arcturian Group. These messages are sent in love with the intention of bringing information and courage to you brave ones who chose to incarnate on a planet suffering within a fog of negativity and falsehoods in order to bring the light of your evolved consciousness to it.
A great deal of old dense energy is rising to the surface at this time causing many to question and even despair. Remember that what you are witnessing is the exposure of concepts, trends, beliefs, laws, activities, propaganda, and hundreds of sub-facets of the three dimensional belief system in order for them to be seen, recognized, eventually discarded, and risen above by a sleeping majority. There are some who live from a state of consciousness fully immersed in duality and separation and a few of them are experiencing alignment with surfacing negative energy allowing it to become personally theirs. This alignment in turn provides them with a false sense of permission to commit crimes and engage in activities that reflect these dense energies. This is why there has been an increase in crime and actions that represent ego and the self serving that accompanies a sense of separation. Many on earth are spiritually awakening or have already awakened. Earth has entered an energetically powerful time in the ascension process which is a Divine Plan that cannot be thwarted by the plotting, planning, or scheming of human minds. It was never meant that earth be embroiled in low resonating and false creations forever because the manifestations of conditioned states of consciousness do not have a Divine law to support, maintain, or sustain them.
Because the material is a mind formed concept of the spiritual, material formations based in beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers have nothing to hold them in place except the personal and collective belief in them and must eventually dissolve or change as beliefs change. As expressions of God all are creators and eventually everyone will awaken to this. Confusion and doubt is troubling many at this time. The world you see seems to be growing worse not better and the push for you to fear practically everything in your life continues to be encouraged and promoted from media sources, friends, family, and even churches. Remember, a Divine plan cannot be stopped regardless of appearances or its not being how you imagined it would be. Trust. You have come to a place in your journey where trust is not only important, but is imperative. Trust that your Higher Self has a plan for you and is bringing spiritual evolution and growth to you through the experiences you need and are prepared for even if some of them are unpleasant. Outer activities (rites, rituals, ceremonies etc.) that meant to bring one closer to God become obsolete once the person realizes that everything they sought through these activities, is already fully present within them.
Meditation is the only activity you need. Do it often without the begging, praying, and questioning that accompanies many concepts of meditation. Mediate without “doing” but rather “being”– resting in conscious awareness of your oneness with God. Allow and acknowledge emotions of disappointment, anger, judgement, depression, etc.if they pay a visit, but do not integrate them into your consciousness through the false belief that they are personally yours. As spiritual empaths, you are experiencing the world’s collective energy as well as old energy that is surfacing as the result of your own clearing process. You are tempted to believe that negative emotions need to be dealt with.
The minute you deal with”something” you make it into “something” which is where trust must enter in. Trust that your Higher Self knows exactly what you need and when you need it because it is YOU, the real YOU. Once a person chooses to evolve the ego is no longer in charge although it will try very hard to continue to be. Allow the process to unfold knowing that more is going on than meets the human eye.
Always remember that anything not in and of the true Self is never personally yours. All error is impersonal. Say to yourself’ “Yes, I am feeling depressed, angry, sad, hopeless, etc. but I am not these things. I am a Divine being embodying all the qualities of God and therefore these emotions, pains, etc. can only represent universal false beliefs of separation which have no real power or law to support them.” Acknowledge everything that may be arising for you at this time without resistance or attempts to make “it” go away through prayers, mantras, taking drugs, switching to “good” thoughts all of which simply add energy and power to the experience. These things represent separation, the belief that they are personally yours and must be eliminated.
The unpleasant physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual issues you may presently be experiencing as part of your ascension process are not and never can be you. Can God get depressed and angry or know anything about pain? Creations formed from conditioned states of consciousness are unknown to omnipresent Divine Mind which knows only ITself. You are not your physical body. You have a body just as you have an automobile and you use your body just as you use your automobile but you have never been or never will become your physical body. When choosing to incarnate into a lower density one needs a material body in order to survive and function.
It is difficult to stop identifying with being a physical body because the third dimensional belief system consists almost entirely of ideas and beliefs about human beings being a physical body. Many of the physical issues you may be experiencing at this time are because your real body, the Light body, is in the process of integrating and coming more into alignment with your physical body. As you know, consciousness manifests itself and that which is held in consciousness as truth will sooner or later manifest in some form. The problems and issues one has while on earth are not always the result of one’s personal consciousness but rather that through ignorance they have allowed the world’s collective consciousness to be their state of consciousness. Because the collective holds primarily beliefs of duality and separation, individuals in alignment with it often fall victim to something not specifically in personal consciousness, something they may have never thought of or even known about. Your protection from falling victim to impersonal collective beliefs is through living your highest awareness of truth while resisting the temptation to accept common world beliefs as reality thus making them your state of consciousness. When you live the truth, translate appearances, and simply BE the Light, your energy cannot align with lower resonating energies. However, because you are living on a three dimensional planet, the energies of the collective cannot be completely avoided, but unless there is a deeper reason or some needed lesson you will avoid the more severe aspects of it. Stand strong in your highest sense of truth because at this time you are getting all sorts of information that simply is not true and is geared to keep you locked into and controlled by those seeking “power over”. Hold truth in your heart as you go about your day in spite of what you may hear or see reminding yourself often that you are the manifestation of Divine consciousness embodying all the qualities of the omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Divine Consciousness. There comes a point at which every serious truth seeker must make the choice to identify only with the reality of their being. Many know spiritual truth but do not live it because they have choose to remain programmed by the hundreds of previous lives they lived in the energy of duality, separation, and two powers. This is why it is often very difficult to evolve beyond a certain point. It can be very frightening to give up familiar beliefs, activities, and traditions that have always worked well. When a soul is spiritually ready to evolve to a new and deeper level but refuses to leave an outgrown state of consciousness instead choosing to remain in a lifestyle that has become comfortable, they will get a spiritual “wake up call”, some event or experience meant to shake or blast them out of their comfort zone. Wake up calls have been and remain the beginning of real spiritual transformation and growth for many. Much that is disappearing (old traditions and some commonly accepted ways of living) is making space for new and better forms of these same things. Never resist change for it is only through change that the higher can replace the lower of everything. New and higher forms of law, government, medicine, education, worship, ways of living that do not harm the planet and other life forms are just awaiting mankind’s’ permission to arrive.
Evolution is an ongoing process–physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Once people used a horse and buggy to travel, candles for light and believed that the earth was flat. You now have automobiles, airplanes, and electricity. These too will continue to evolve into new and better forms as consciousness evolves. Once it was believed that women were much less capable than men, but you now understand that they simply represent the two facets of ONE Divine whole–the male aspect being the active, be-er, do-er and the female aspect being the receptive, intuitive, loving. Evolution is an ongoing process that is not finished when one realizes God as Self. It is a time for real introspection, a time in which every serious student of truth must look within and without prejudice, ego, or self righteousness, honestly examine exactly what he/she still believes about absolutely everything from the small and seemingly insignificant to what is considered important and great. Because…
There is no unexpressed consciousness. We are the Arcturian Group 5/8/22
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You are capable of a more immediate manifestation of your desires than you ever have in human history. You seek to see the changes that you want to experience there on Mother Earth, but most of you are looking for someone else to bring about the changes that you seek. And that is why we are calling upon all of you as the awakened collective to put what we are saying to the test. Demonstrate to yourselves and others that the time lag in between you putting a desire out into the universal consciousness, and that manifestation coming back to you, is shorter than ever.
Not only are the energies on your world moving faster than they ever have before, but you are also stronger, more confident, and more experienced than you ever have been before. You need to witness your new manifestation abilities for yourselves, and we suggest that you start with something small, something that you can easily believe in manifesting fairly quickly. And then keep building. Keep reaching for bigger and bigger manifestations, and you will see that what we are saying is true. You will also be able to teach and guide others who have been seeking to amplify their manifestation skills.
One of the many reasons why this is the perfect time to hone your manifestation skills is because of how many of you have been forced to take less action in recent months. The less action you take, the more energy you have for creating your reality. The more confidence you show in your ability to create your reality, the less action you feel you need to take. And so, now is the time to benefit from all of the energies present there on Earth, as well as all of the personal energy that you have been saving up to demonstrate to yourselves how powerful and magical you are as creator beings.
We are talking about anything and everything that you have ever wanted to manifest, so please do not assume that you will not be able to manifest something just because you haven’t been able to manifest it yet. These are strange and wonderful times you are living in, and this is a unique opportunity to explore your newfound manifestation abilities.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been in this galaxy for so very long, and we have been able to make connections from beings in every single star system, including of course yours. We have been able to determine that your star system, and your planet specifically, is a wonderful representation of all of the energies that we have ever encountered.
Now, the mixture of energies that you have there on your world is precisely what makes it so challenging to be there. Not only do you have access to all of the trauma, all of the emotions, all of the failures of the other star systems, but you also need to find a way for all of these different energies to co-exist harmoniously. And up until this point in human history there on Earth, you have not been able to achieve this lofty goal. You have not had world peace with a complete lack of interpersonal violence ever, and you might think that makes humanity low on the galactic totem pole, but it does not.
And the reason it does not is because you all have taken on so much that literally no one expected you to be in a place of world peace at this point in your evolutionary history. We all feel responsible for the chaos and the discord there on your planet because we all contributed our energies in the co-creative event that was putting sentient life there on planet Earth. And so, you do not have to feel at all like you are supposed to be doing it all yourselves. You can take the weight off of your shoulders and let the galactic help in, because we were always meant to be a part of the process of attaining world peace on Earth.
And when we refer to ourselves, we are talking about all of us who hail from other star systems. The Earth experiment is our responsibility, and those of you who are there in the flesh are the ground crew. You are the starseeds. You are the lightworkers. You are the changemakers for this galactic experiment, and we and the others like us are your helpers from far, far away. We implore you to lean on us more and to recognize that our help is not interference; it is collaboration. It is co-creation, and it is about time that those of us in other star systems and other dimensions took a bigger role in the creation of world peace there on Mother Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Know that both personally and globally all is proceeding according to plan, the Divine plan for earth’s ascension. It is a time for courage but also for hope and joy because that which you came to witness and be a part of (the ascension process) is exactly what you are now doing. It has become very easy and popular to compare today’s world with imagined concepts of how wonderful things used to be. Do not allow yourselves to get trapped in this thinking for you did not choose to incarnate simply to live a happy three dimensional life although that can and will be part of it.
As spiritually evolved individuals you volunteered to be a part of the ascension process because you knew that an increased presence of evolved states of consciousness would add Light to the collective consciousness allowing increasingly more individuals to awaken. Three dimensional energy presently vibrates at a low, slow, and dense frequency. What is seen with physical eyes is not God’s perfect Idea earth but as with all material form, is a three dimensional concept of God’s perfect creation. Earth’s three dimensional form began as a jewel of beauty and life reflecting God’s infinite creativity and perfection until ignorant, hypnotized minds, conditioned with beliefs of duality and separation, began to plunder earth’s gifts selfishly with no regard for her as a living being.
They began destroying earth’s perfect three dimensional form and the result over time is the world you see now. However, all Divine Ideas remain intact as facets of God and earth will once again manifest at a higher frequency as mankind awakens.
Earth is a living Divine being, as is every person and life form. Everything that exists expresses the vast infinity of Divine Consciousness for nothing else exists. Matter is simply the mind interpretation of a Divine idea through collective and personal states of consciousness. The underlying reality of everything expressing materially remains forever in Divine Mind as an indestructible Divine Idea. When you are centered in truth it allows the Light of your consciousness to flow and align with those receptive wherever they may be in the world because of Oneness. Remember, you are not here to fix, heal, and correct the three dimensional world. There are those whose work on earth is to assist on a three dimensional level, but the work of those awake to higher truth, is to BE a light in the presence of darkness. Your awareness of the reality underlying every appearance in the material world helps awaken others and adds truth to collective consciousness. Old cellular memory and obsolete third dimensional beliefs continue to surface personally and globally in order to be recognized and cleared. Low resonating energy is unable to align with the higher dimensional frequencies pouring to earth and being integrated by individuals at this time. Old energy still active in cellular memory is rising to conscious awareness and being experienced physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually by many as part of their clearing process. Consciousness vibrates at varying rates of Light or density. This is energy. Everyone is aware of it, but most do not really understand what it is they feel. Certain places like some bars, junk stores, old and unkempt neighborhoods, prisons, closed down psychiatric hospitals, and places of past violence and suffering continue to hold energy that vibrates with a heaviness that can still be felt. Places simply manifest the energy of the consciousnesses that formed and may still support them. There are individuals as well as earth herself working to clear and replace areas of dense energy with Light. The energetic vibrations you experience in certain situations is how intuition works to guide you away from experiences of low and perhaps a dangerous resonance. Trust your intuition always for it is a facet of your reality as Consciousness rather than a human mind with only a limited three dimensional belief system for guidance. Every individual has a permanent real body, a Light body that the majority cannot see and knows nothing about. Your light body is you as an individualized expression of Source. You have had a Light body since your beginning. You had it before entering the lower dimensional energies of earth, continue to have it while utilizing a material body, and will have it when you no longer need a physical vehicle and return home. Your Light body is simply God’s perfect expression of ITself individualized as you. The reason there are so many diseases and health issues on earth is simply because at this time most states of consciousness remain conditioned with beliefs of good/bad and separation from God and the real Self. Because the outer manifests the inner, human health issues of infinite variety and form reflect the world’s belief in duality (sick/well) and separation. Because mind is the interpreter of both individual and collective states of consciousness, there really are no victims, but you cannot say that to those who are suffering because most are not yet be able to comprehend spiritual truth and live lives fully under the influence of the three dimensional belief system. Know that there is always more going on behind the scene in every situation other than what appearances would seem.
Every person is on earth to learn and spiritually evolve through the experiences they need, are spiritually prepared for, and have chosen before incarnating. Many appear to be learning absolutely nothing, but that too is part of their learning. When a person “dies” and returns home, with the loving help of their Guides they go over the details of their most recent life and evaluate how well they achieved the goals and choices they had set for themselves.
A returning soul is never blamed for their actions on earth and suicides are not condemned as many believe. Rather every soul is helped to see and learn from their choices and experiences even to the point of planning their next life on earth which may include a re-do of certain experiences. Suicides are required to once again get to the point at which they gave up and then move through it which may not be in their next life but after more evolution has taken place. Hundreds of years of false doctrine and teachings about heaven and hell, a punishing God, and sin, originally for the purpose of control over others, has caused and continues to cause many to live with a fear of death and the harsh punishing god awaiting them instead of realizing that God knows only ITself as them which is love and oneness.
Being an expression of God, man also creates. Some who have lived very un-evolved and self serving lives while on earth will after passing on unknowingly create similar situations for themselves while others may drop into the heavy energy of self hatred and remorse. Both create for themselves a hell of sorts. Guidance and love are always available just awaiting every soul’s receptivity regardless of how they lived on earth. This does not mean they will avoid the lessons and experiences necessary for them to learn and spiritually evolve beyond their present state of consciousness, but know that there is no such place as “hell” for God can only express ITself–love and oneness. There is NO DEATH; never doubt this. Everyone’s home is the higher dimensions and not earth. At some point everyone chooses to go home which is nothing more than a change of location. No one is meant to stay forever in the low resonating energy of the third dimension. At this time earth is a school of learning. As earth’s frequency rises, life spans will automatically be longer if desired because beliefs of disease, aging, and deterioration, etc. will no longer exist as reality. The war activities taking place at this time will cease in a month or two. These activities represent an intense clearing of the “power over” energies that have remained alive and well on earth for eons. Throughout the ages man’s ignorance has increased and added energy to “power over” beliefs as a way to feel complete which in reality is nothing more than the false belief of separation. Every soul seeks to experience its innate Divine completeness but those not yet spiritually evolved enough to understand this, seek completeness in the outer through various forms of power, sex, and money. Throughout the ages, those governed by ego and a sense of separation have sought satisfaction and their sense of completeness through power over those they believe to be less valuable or deserving than themselves. This belief in personal superiority and separation has allowed them to do and take what they want from others without regret because they believe they are entitled to it. Tremendous pockets of “power over” energy are now manifesting but rather than being met with general acceptance by the majority as in the past, “power over” is being recognized and met with rejection by a world that is evolving beyond beliefs of separation. A new and higher collective consciousness that no longer supports “power over” people, leaders, governments, countries, religions, laws, teachings, etc. is being born. Mankind is awakening. Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual violence of all kinds leaves an energetic imprint until cleared. You will not know exactly what old energy may be surfacing because some are very ancient, but many of you will feel their energy as they clear. Never accept some negative or dense energy you may experience as being personally yours. Do not resist it but rather simply acknowledge and allow the unwanted energy to flow through, recognizing it for what it is and giving it no power. Your Light is assisting these clearings to take place. Dark energy which is not God ordained and sustained but rather is simply formed from beliefs, cannot exist the in the presence of highly evolved states of consciousness. As increasingly more awaken and begin live truth, that which is false must automatically dissolve.
Cease giving power to all appearances–this is good, but that is bad, the flowers are good, but bugs are bad, the air here is good, but there it is bad, a particular food is good but that one is not. Follow your intuition because even the simplest things can reinforce the energy of duality if believed. We understand that on earth some things really do act as good or bad and that practical human actions are often necessary. However you who are awake must first bring to conscious awareness whatever truth is underlying the appearance before taking the human steps needed. Attempting to live and depend on absolute truth before attaining the consciousness of it is not wise nor spiritual and has resulted in disaster for many sincere students of truth. However, the absolute must first be intellectually known and practiced in order for it to eventually become an attained state of consciousness that will then manifest outwardly in, as, and through the individual. Everything IS–neither good nor bad but just IS.
Benevolent E.T.s & Malevolent E.T.s ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always searching for the best possible ways to reach humans with our energy, which we consider to be very helpful. And we have been noticing that there are opportunities presenting themselves to us that are new and exciting. You all have been more receptive to our energy due in large part to how many positive depictions there have been of extra-terrestrials in your science fiction. People are seeing a new breed of e.t.s.
Extra-terrestrials are being seen now as friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and perhaps even more evolved spiritually, and that is helping to bridge the gap between humans and extra-terrestrials. We know that science fiction writers, directors, storytellers of all kinds, are receiving downloads, and those downloads are showing up in the work that they produce. But the evolution of e.t.s in your science fiction is also related to the evolution of your consciousness.
When you first saw e.t.s depicted in your various storytelling works, they were grotesque, evil, and out to take over your planet and annihilate all life. Now you are seeing a much more realistic depiction of the extra-terrestrials that you share this galaxy with. You are seeing that some are very good, very high-vibrational, and very much want to help humanity, to connect and co-create with you. And of course, you also have the other end of the spectrum. You see that there are still depictions of e.t.s that are malevolent and want to hurt and take over every planet they come across.
We want you to know that in reality the number of benevolent e.t.s in the galaxy far outweighs the number of malevolent ones. It is the same on your world. As above, so below. And the more that you recognize that your fourth-dimensional extra-terrestrial friends are not that different from you, the easier it will be for you to have open contact. And so, we recommend that you put your attention on the well-intentioned e.t.s and seek out that personal contact, as it will only bring you to a place of feeling more whole and complete as a being, as a traveler, as someone who has their very own galactic history.
The day is coming when humanity will openly be a part of the galactic community, and we are seeing that day coming sooner and sooner all the time.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.
APRIL 10, 2022 Welcome to our message dear readers. Always know that it is our privilege and joy to bring these messages to you who bravely chose to serve and play an important role in earth’s ascension journey, a choice not for the fainthearted. As a spiritually aware individuals you were allowed to incarnate because you were evolved enough to assist in moving a hypnotized world above its long established illusory belief system. Because you are aware that there is no time or space and only ONE Consciousness, you knew that your attained consciousness of oneness could serve to automatically draw and lift those spiritually ready into a more evolved state of consciousness regardless of where they lived in the world. Do not allow yourselves to become overwhelmed by the pain and suffering you hear about and see through the media which is very easy to do. However, by doing this you add this low resonating energy to the collective and give power and substance to the illusion. We know that it is often difficult and exhausting to remain neutral and hold the Light of truth in the presence of all that is going on in the world at this time, but you were chosen out of many to be here at this time because you were deemed strong and evolved enough to do it.
You who have attained a consciousness of truth serve as Light in these times turmoil because one with God is a majority. One highly evolved consciousness can dissolve and lift others up and out of their false creations of separation, duality, and two powers where there is alignment. When you are tempted to indulge in anger, disgust, revenge, despair etc. all of which are easily felt at this time, stop and ask yourself; “What am I believing that is making me feel this way? Is it true?” This will redirect your thought to truth and allow you to clear and shift away from adding power to appearances. Love is oneness. Those who have attained conscious awareness of oneness and know that the true identity of every life is in and of that ONE, lift and serve by virtue of their understanding that love is the interconnecting energy existing between all expressions of that ONE Divine Consciousness manifesting as many.
On earth love has been and continues to be interpreted in hundreds of ways according to the state of consciousness of those doing the interpreting. Always remember that because you are expressions of God, you are creators and your consciousness is the substance from which you create. Love continues to be preached from many sources but usually consists of three dimensional concepts about love which in most cases means attraction to another or emotions. Love can and frequently does include feelings and emotion, but love in its purest and unconditional form is the energetic connection between the infinite expressions of ONE Divine Consciousness. God infinitely sustains and maintains ITself, not Joe, Mary, or the dog. ITself, One Divine Consciousness and One Divine Mind individualized as Joe, Mary, and the dog. It does no good to pray that God protect this one or that one, but not this other one deemed to be bad or to beg God to please give me this or that. God is, always has been, and will continue infinitely to be and express ITself in fullness and without limitation because God IS all that is, knowing only ITself in and as infinite form and variety.
Everyone at some point must accept that their true identity is Divine Consciousness with a Divine Mind individualized and that therefore they embody all the qualities of this Divine Consciousness rather than that they are weak and vulnerable human beings controlled and governed by outside forces formed of beliefs in duality, separation, and two powers.
When you feel yourself slipping into old habits of self judgement and criticism, pause and call to mind; “I AM the fullness of all the one I AM is” or whatever words resonate with you that will clear and shift you into a higher state of consciousness. Do not judge yourself or feel that you have failed when you feel anger and frustration at what you are witnessing in the world but rather use these emotions to remind yourself that God alone is, and that anything formed from beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers is illusory in spite of its seeming reality.
Many wonder about the presence of so many seemingly lower resonating people on earth at this powerful time. Some of the less evolved who carried the energetic potential for actions of violence and separation were allowed to incarnate during earth’s ascension time not only for their own evolutionary process but also because their state of consciousness could lead to the activation and exposure of dense agendas needing to be seen and recognized in order to be eliminated. Earth is ascending, even though it may not look that way judging by appearances. Heavy ancient energies formed from ego based “power over” beliefs that have been active for eons are surfacing in order to be seen clearly for what they represent and for the first time are being rejected by the majority. It is happening.
It is Easter season for Christians, a time in which the story of the death, resurrection, and ascension of the master Jesus is told and celebrated. However as with the Christmas story, the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus is not just one man’s story, but is everyone’s. Easter experiences are not just one time events, but are part of every soul’s evolutionary journey through lifetimes in order for them to shift from a comfortable state of consciousness long outgrown that they refuse to move on from.
A major Easter experience which you may have had, will have, or may be now experiencing is when everything previously believed and has served well up to a point either gradually or suddenly collapses and drops away. The person’s long held foundational belief system crumbles leaving them panicked, confused, and in a state of mental turmoil, even questioning whether God exists. Sometimes physically but more often emotionally, mentally, and spiritually there is a period of deep inner suffering as long held beliefs about relationship, love, spirituality, religion, God etc. come into question. (the agony and loneliness in the garden) The crucifixion of one’s old state of consciousness is followed by a period of emptiness–the tomb–a time of forced resting in nothingness because the person’s previously held three dimensional foundation is gone. He/she feels bereft and empty of almost all feeling even though the experience is always accompanied by tremendous Light and Love from the higher dimensions. After a short period of time depending upon one’s resistance and struggle to bring back the old, the soul finally surrenders and emerges from their tomb of nothingness imbued with a deeper and higher awareness able to see and understand self and others through more evolved eyes. He/she has ascended into the new and more evolved state of consciousness they were ready for but resisting. The old person has died but a new person is born.
At some point as determined by the Higher Self, every person will or may even now be having a deep profound Easter experience because earth energies have become intense and a great deal of high resonating frequencies are now pouring in clearing, shifting, and forcing those ready out of a comfortable dream that has become obsolete. Easter is not a failure, but is a graduation.
ONE omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient Consciousness as YOU. We are the Arcturian Group 4/10/22
Your Newfound Spiritual Gifts & Abilities ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been noticing that quite a few of you are starting to recognize that you have spiritual gifts and abilities, and we also have been observing you not only accessing them but also letting them shine. You have had plenty of time on your hands for not only introspection, but also for sitting quietly and long enough to recognize the gifts and abilities that you have floating to the surface of your consciousness.
This is wonderful news for you as the individuals who are accessing those gifts, and it is even better news for the human collective, as they all get to benefit from the sharing of your gifts and abilities with as many people as you can. You may feel that you are under-qualified or not good enough yet to start sharing, but trust us when we say that humanity needs you and the freshness of your new voice, your new perspective, and the new energies that you are accessing as the new breed of awakened individuals who are ready to step out and step up to a larger audience.
Some of you have been hiding, not allowing your gifts and abilities to be experienced by others, and we understand where that apprehension comes from. We know that it is challenging to put yourself out there, even though you are so desperately needed, and even though your fellow humans have been summoning the new breed. You are the healers, psychics, channels, clairvoyants, and so many other labels that will lead those who are just waking up at this time.
And as we have said many times before, the mass awakenings are upon you and will continue. Therefore, you will be more sought after by those who are just waking up now. And even those who have been awake for quite some time can benefit from those of you who just starting to acknowledge what you have to share, what is burning and shining so brightly inside of you. You are the ones, and now is the time, and if you needed a sign from the universe to start putting yourself out there, consider this transmission that very sign.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
The April 2022 Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to tell you about the energies of April 2022. The energies that you have coming in to support you in your month of April will be about clearing root chakra trauma and issues surrounding survival once and for all. You have been collectively dealing with root chakra issues as you faced a pandemic, followed by a war with people believing in the possibility of another world war. And so, you had a lot of your collective root chakra issues come up for you, and of course you have been dealing with your personal root chakra issues as well. You have all been clearing what you were unable to clear in other lifetimes, or earlier in this lifetime, through the global events that you have faced, and now the energies of April are coming in to complete that process of clearing with you.
Some of you might be wondering what root chakra issues really are all about. These issues are created by trauma relating to your survival and the survival of your loved ones. That means health and mortality are related to the root chakra, as are financial abundance and lack. Issues having to do with your home and your safety are all related to your root chakras. You can imagine how much trauma can be stored regarding all of those issues, and you can also recognize how challenging it is to clear issues and traumas when they deal with such enormous aspects of living there on planet Earth in a physical body.
Now, the help that is coming will support you in the release of what you still have been holding on to, but you may still have experiences that are hard for you to face and to feel into along the way of this clearing. Just know that this process that you are in right now is worth it. It is worth is to go through what you are going through and what you will be going through to get to the other side.
Once you are clear of the traumas and issues that have been festering in your root chakras, you will be able to live a life of freedom, joy, creativity, peace, love and harmony. You will feel eternal and immortal because that is what you are, and it’s time for you to know that experientially. That means you may have known that you were immortal and eternal intellectually, but you hadn’t been able to really tune in to what that means and how that feels.
You will know yourselves as Source Energy in physical bodies soon enough, and these April energies are giving you one of the final nudges to getting there, to getting to that knowing and that feeling. And finally, when you can experience it as your moment-to-moment truth, everything else fades away and no belief that is of a lower vibration can touch you. So feel very good about what is coming for all of you and know that the vast majority of this clearing work has already been done and you are very close to the end. The energies are just there to make sure that you do complete the clearing of your root chakra trauma.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are not just your allies and your helpers in this journey that we are all on of ascension, but we are also your co-creators. Everything is happening by co-creation, even your ability to hear from us at all. That is a co-creation in that you have asked, we have answered, and you have aligned. When you align with something that you have asked for, then it is yours, but there is still an agreement between us and you that allows for the answering to occur. We know that many of you are aware of the idea of multiple realities and multiple timelines, but what you must realize is that the same version of us doesn’t exist in every reality.
There’s a reality where we take such a hands-off approach with you that we wouldn’t even agree to be channeled because that version of us would feel that it would be interfering with your natural development. But you are not in that reality; you are in this one with this version of us. And so, when you think about the changes you would like to see in humanity, don’t think that every single person on Earth in this reality with you now has to change. Only you have to change to go to a reality where there’s another version of humankind that is a reflection of what you have changed into. You see, you can only change yourself.
That’s why when you ask others to change for you with your words, it rarely works. Sometimes it will work because the whole point of the situation you were in was to get you to vocalize something that you needed to say, that you needed to get off your chest, and in that moment you were changing yourself from being someone who never spoke up for themselves to being someone who does speak up for themselves. But if you’re always asking others around you to change, then you are not aware of the truth that no one outside of you has to change in order for you to have a new experience of them.
When you change you, you change your vibration, and when you change your vibration, you change your location. You move to another reality that has a different version of the person, the people, the entirety of humanity that you would like to see change. How is this possible, you might wonder. Well again, it’s an agreement. There’s an agreement between you and the version of the person that you’re going to experience to come together in that reality, to animate that reality with your souls’ consciousness. Your soul can project the consciousness that it has into many, many realities all at once, giving your soul the maximum amount of experiences it can possibly have. And that’s what your soul wants.
That’s why multiple realities exist. They give you the opportunity to experience many different ways of knowing yourself and many different ways of knowing your fellow humans, the galaxy and the universe. This is the reason why we will always lead you back to yourself, to your inner journey, rather than telling you about the one real reality that you’re all truly experiencing together and how to change that. It serves you so much more to see yourself as the creator of all of it, and that gives you not only responsibility but also power.
You do have the power to change you all the time. And when you do so, when you change the way you look at something, the way you think about something, the way you respond to something, you are changing everything because you are shifting to a different reality. Keep shifting and you’ll find yourself living in a fifth-dimensional world. And that is how it all works.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
MARCH 27, 2022 Welcome dear readers. In these times of stress and chaos, our intention is to bring encouragement by reminding you that you have done the work and are spiritually prepared and qualified to see beyond the present violence and negativity. Because you are of the spiritually awakened you understand that the high resonating energies pouring to earth at this time are affecting everyone, often causing them act out in ways reflective of fear and confusion. Increasingly more individuals and groups are awakening to and embracing a new sense of oneness. For the first time increasingly more individuals are seeking to help those struggling both far and near either financially or in “hands on” ways. Even activities that arise solely from a human sense of sympathy or empathy indicate a receptivity to the deeper truth of spiritual oneness. This in turn is seeding collective awareness with more love and a higher sense of individual rights and value–not yet the full consciousness of spiritual ONEness, but a crack in the door.
Those choosing to continue disregarding the suffering and needs of others simply because they are different from themselves are discovering that once commonly-accepted beliefs based in separation have become obsolete in the minds of many and that there is less and less support for their views. The ongoing ascension process taking place both globally and personally is causing many previously accepted beliefs to disappear because the energy that originally created and has maintained them is no longer. You are ready for Lightwork in its highest form, which is BEing the Light. BEing Light means that a part of your consciousness is always open to and aware of ONEness with God/Source/Divine Reality regardless of what you may be doing in the outer scene. Most of you live busy lives that involve many forms of activity done both alone and with others. Because of your evolutionary status you came to earth to live from a higher level of awareness than the general unawakened majority. BEing the Light may seem to be doing nothing because you have been taught throughout lifetimes to do, do, do. Living from a consciousness of ONEness at all times is a higher sense of doing that makes you a Light holder, broadcaster, carrier, teacher, and high spiritual Lightworker. Every individual consciousness is connected to every other consciousness because there is only ONE Consciousness. Because there is only one, individualized states of consciousness are drawn to similar states of consciousness seeking alignment–“Birds of a feather…”
When a state of conscious of Oneness with Source, God, Divine Reality is attained, it automatically flows and aligns with those states of consciousness able to align with it. Your oneness with God automatically constitutes your oneness with the spiritual reality of every living thing and with every quality of God–one life, one consciousness, one substance, one law, one mind, and one cause and effect.
When you hold light of truth in consciousnesses it acts to lift, teach, inspire, and heal those able to receive it in their consciousness. Those who have not yet attained a level of consciousness able to align with these higher frequencies but who are actively seeking and ready for them, can and are often lifted into them simply through the presence of another’s evolved state of consciousness which in reality is their consciousness. This is how the master Jesus did his healing work, those seeking help brought themselves to him and were lifted into his state of consciousness where disease did not exist.
“Doing” in the sense of actions taken to make things better will continue for the majority for awhile yet, but you came prepared to serve from a higher level, in ways that could lift the three-dimensional belief system out of its continual need to fix, heal, correct, punish, and force change and into easier and more loving ways of living. You incarnated to assist in opening dense and struggling states of consciousness to an awareness of Earth as being a spiritual universe peopled with sons of God. BEing is actually doing in the highest spiritual sense. Do not make it something difficult that you must worry about doing correctly or with rigid rules. Set your intention and then do the best you can. As you practice, reminding yourself often who you are, it will become familiar, whether you do it as you go about your day at home and work or sitting in a one or 30 minute meditation without an agenda. There are still some who believe that meditation and time spent within is a time for asking, visualizing, begging, and even demanding for what they want or think they need. These activities represent three-dimensional thinking based in separation and are not a higher state of BEing. The minute an agenda is attached to meditation or BEing, it becomes preying instead of praying and will act to create and further maintain beliefs of “I don’t have.” Resting in the awareness of Divine completeness being already fully present within rather than seeking to draw something to you allows your already present Light to flow where it is needed and can be received. You will probably never know when or where this Light is received but that is not your concern. Your work is simply to be the Light automatically making it available to any and all open to receive it world over and even on the other side. It is a new time and it must be understood that many commonly accepted ways of living will never go back to the way they previously were. Every material manifestation is a mind formed interpretation of a spiritual reality because Divine Consciousness is the only substance there is. The density of third dimensional energy on earth does not allow the realities of spirit to manifest as their spiritual form so they are interpreted and translated into energetically denser forms able to be seen and utilized on earth. Example-Modes of transportation (car, airplane, train, etc.) are material interpretations of Divine omnipresence. Because collective consciousness is changing, many material forms will be changing as well.
Earth is a wonderful and beautiful planet, a place in which many have chosen to to grow, evolve, learn, and enjoy but it has not been experienced in its purest beauty because of third dimensional energy, the densest and lowest resonating energy of many dimensions. Do not feel sadness or fear in the belief that earth’s ascension into a higher dimensional frequency will mean the loss of what you have come to love on earth–nature, pets, creativity, and loving interactions with others–because a spiritual reality is permanent and the expressions of it that you have known and come to love will continue in higher and better form. All is proceeding according to the Divine plan which is the eventual awakening of every soul to its true identity as ONE. God’s plan can never be sidetracked or stopped by the ego based illusory thinking of those who have no awareness of truth because it is the reality and only power.
The Path to Peace ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We very pleased to be connecting with all of you at this time because we can feel how much your consciousness is shifting as a collective, and we notice the effects that those shifts have upon you as individuals as well. We can see the possibilities opening up before you, and we know that all of the possibilities you have been creating in recent weeks have included peace on Earth. It is a very exciting time for humanity, because you have recognized the futility of conflict that involves bullets, bombs, and other ways of harming each other physically.
When you ask the universe for peace and harmony, it is automatically created, and then those realities that you have created start calling you towards them. That means you will feel the call to stop fighting with your loved ones, and you will feel the call to let go of those thoughts that put you in a state of tension and anxiety, or even fear. You will also feel the calling to meditate, to go out in nature, and to experience all forms of inner and outer peace that you can foster in your lives. When you answer the call, you not only achieve that state of being and tell the universe that peace is what you want, but you also bring those realities that you have co-created closer to you. You become more in alignment with what you say and think that you want.
You become more in alignment with what you have asked the universe for, and as we said, the universe delivers. Because you are creators, but you are not always manifestors. The manifestation part is where you have to be more conscious about what you’re doing. You have to align, you have to allow, you have to accept, and you have to keep putting your focus on what you have told the universe you want. And as you do this, you vibrate in harmony with what you want, and since there is no separation between you and anything in this universe, it is quite easy for you to find yourself experiencing what you want.
There is always a path, and in this case, there are many paths, as you consider peace on Earth and how you’re going to get there as a collective. The many paths are before you, and we can feel the effects they are having upon you as you listen more to that guidance, to that calling. As you put yourselves in alignment with peace, then peace is what you get. And peace is all you need to allow yourselves the natural raising of your vibration that occurs because you exist, because you are Source Energy Beings, and because you are on an ascension path.
There is nowhere for you to go but up into higher and higher frequencies, and there is peace in all of those domains, all of those realities that are of a higher vibration. Allow yourselves to go there and feel for what it feels like, for it is most certainly home, and it will feel like home to you and to all who join you on that path to peace.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited to see what you will all do with the wonderful energies that are coming to you for the upcoming full moon and equinox. You have upon you fertile soil from which to grow into the beings that you were always meant to become in this lifetime. Those of you who are awake know that there is so much more to you, and it really is your job to go forth and discover who and what you really are through experience. The energies that come in are there to support you in your exploration, and so, the more willing you are to explore, the more energy you expend, the more you tend to receive.
It also helps when you are doing something that you love, because when you are lost in your activities of the moment, you tend to be joyous and more open. As you receive from the full moon and equinox energies, remember that they are there to support you, to give you more vitality, and also they are there for you to co-create with. Right now is a pivotal point in human history, as you have this opportunity to look around at the world as it is today and see what it is you would like to make different. The changes you want to see out there will always begin with you; they always have and they always will.
But when you have a group of beings incarnate on the planet that we refer to as ‘The Awakened Collective’, and you have more helpers in beings and collectives like ourselves, then you really have a powerful combination. Put that energy into motion, into word, into action, and into creative thought, and know that it will all show up in your reality at some point. You have done so much for your fellow humans, and you will continue to get the support that you need to do more and more and to be more and more. You are awake, and that is a responsibility, because you know how much you can do with the power within you, and you know how powerful you are as healers, as teachers, as guides to others.
We also recommend that you take the necessary steps to ground those full moon and equinox energies in. Be present, be grounded, hydrate yourselves, and spend time every day focusing on how you can open up and be the conduit to that which is high frequency, that which is coming, that which has been made available to you and all of your fellow humans at this time. And you will anchor those energies in, and the entire world will benefit from the few minutes you take in your day to be the channeler of that which is high frequency, that which is you in your truest form.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Arcturian Group Message 3/13/22 via Marilyn Rafaelle
MARCH 13 2022 Dear readers, welcome to our message.
As you are well aware, life has become increasingly intense the world over and some of you may still question why you are here and what possible good you as one person can do. Some of you may have even pondered the idea of simply leaving as many have already done, but on a deeper level you know you are here for a reason and don’t want to leave before you complete what you came to do. Try to remain detached from the negativity presently permeating the world–aware of but detached through remembering that earth is in the process of exposing and clearing old energy. World consciousness is increasingly awakening to the futility, pain, and stupidity of war which in turn is enlightening collective consciousness. The Divine plan is unfolding in spite of appearances and will not be stopped or diverted by human attempts to do just that. Do not fear nuclear activity for the Beings of Light assisting mankind will not allow this and have dismantled previous attempts in the past. Hold to truth in the presence of negativity and violence by acknowledging the Divine nature of all involved even though they themselves have no interest in knowing this. Nothing at this point is random but rather is a facet of earth’s ascension process which cannot take place in a short moment. The spiritual ascension process personally and globally takes place as individuals awaken to the reality of oneness allowing the effects of obsolete and false separation beliefs to dissolve.
Your job as we have said many times before is to be a consciousness of truth regardless of outer appearances near or far. Because you have been programmed over lifetimes to believe that it is only by “doing” in the outer scene that you accomplish something, holding the Light may feel to you as if you are doing nothing for the world. Living the spiritual life is not a life of doing nothing, rather three dimensional “doing” evolves to “spiritual doing”. When life is lived from within, solutions to outer issues needing to be addressed in some way begin to automatically unfold intuitively, easily, and practically–manifestations of the Divine harmony and wholeness present in your Consciousness. Spiritual “doing” often takes place in ways you could not have anticipated or planned because they were not yet a part of your awareness. As individualized consciousness becomes enlightened and false beliefs fade away, the already fully present qualities of Divine Consciousness (intelligence, wisdom, creativity, completeness, harmony etc.) can begin to manifest outwardly as what is needed at the time. Mind, interprets and forms the outer from the contents of individualized consciousness be it conditioned with false beliefs or not. Mind interprets the self sustained/self maintained qualities of Divine Consciousness in ways that are practical and personal to the individual. A doctor may awaken to a new and better way of treatment for a problem patient. A mechanic may suddenly think of the solution to a difficult repair. An inventor may find the idea for something much needed in the world popping into thought.
New and higher ideas and solutions can only manifest outwardly when allowed to flow from Divine Consciousness, where they exist in spiritual form as creativity, completeness, wholeness, harmony etc. It is only beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers that have kept the qualities of Source already present in the consciousness of every individual from manifesting. Never forget that your consciousnesses is God Consciousness individualized making you a creator. “What am I choosing to create?”
Human minds can only access what is already in the collective, and therefore creations of the human mind are limited to what is already known. You are all familiar with boring and repetitive music, art, and ideas created out of what is already known and bring nothing new. The great masters of music, art, and science etc. have always drawn from the source of creativity within themselves, allowing new and previously unknown ideas to flow into form. Living from a state of conscious oneness with Source is very practical, but third dimensional thinking has relegated it to being an impractical, false, and non-existent illusion. Centuries of living in separation from God and all other life forms has caused mankind to believe that they must work, struggle, war, and step on others in order to survive. However, evolution will always be ongoing because no one can pretend to be other than what they really are forever. It is important to examine your personal belief system and be very honest with yourself as you do it. “What am I still believing that is making me feel this way? Is it true or simply what I have been told, believed, and have lived? Do I want to continue with the old ways because they make me feel accepted?”
Do you look in the mirror and hate what you see because it doesn’t reflect some three dimensional concept of what you think makes a person desirable, lovable or acceptable? Do you look at your life–employment, education, relationships and believe that you are a failure because your choices don’t reflect what society considers success and worthy of allowing you love and respect? Be very honest with yourself with regard to seemingly ordinary and harmless beliefs you may still entertain that actually represent separation. Everyone seeks to be loved and accepted, it cannot be avoided. Because there is only ONE and the individualized expressions of that ONE are connected. The connecting energy of the ONE as many is what the world calls love. The connection between the many expressions of ONE is interpreted and experienced through the third dimensional state of consciousness as a deep yearning and seeking for wholeness, completeness, love.
Most are are of yet unaware of why they are driven to seek the things they believe will bring them acceptance and love. Even the criminal believes that his actions will bring him happiness and the respect of his/her peers. There is a seeking for love and acceptance at every level of awareness,but the universal ignorance of why this is so has resulted in a world prepared to do anything to attain what they believe to be outside of self. Know and then actually accept that you are God in manifestation–not just a part of or one with, but the fullness. There is no you Mary, Dick, or Joe, there is only YOU, individualized God, the I AM that is known as Mary, Dick, or Joe.
I is a sacred word that is God and not ego. When the master Jesus said; “I am the way” he was referring to the Godhead within everyone and not just himself, a point that has been seriously misinterpreted over the ages. The universal ignorance of I AM has resulted in a hypnotism that continues to manifest as illusions of duality, separation, and the worship of many three dimensional gods.
Remembering who and what you are does not become an attained state of consciousness over night but is the beginning. Change begins in the vast and higher levels of consciousness and works through many energetic layers lastly arriving at the lowest level– the material.
Changes are taking place personally and globally and quickly becoming accessible to every individual even though much is not yet manifesting on the material level. Do not give up hope or slip into believing that your work is doing nothing because you aren’t seeing results but rather trust that all is proceeding according to a Divine plan. Live what you know dear ones, because the spiritual Genie can not be put back in the lamp. We are the Arcturian Group 3/13/22 Donations are welcomed
Love Coming in from the Higher Realms ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have begun to understand what it will take for humans to recognize their value. You all want to feel valuable, but you are also waiting for someone else in human form to validate you. You are waiting to see evidence in the physical that what you do, what you think, what you say, or who you are in general is producing something valuable to society. When you are able to open yourselves up and allow in the unconditional love of your guides, councils and collectives like us, the archangels, and the ascended masters, you will begin to understand and feel into your intrinsic value.
You have value no matter what you do, and we know now that the only way you all can get to that knowing is through receiving validation from beings like us who give it so freely and expect nothing in return. And we are just one collective of so many who want you to feel loved, who want you to feel welcome, who want you to feel that you are valuable because you exist as a unique aspect of Source Energy.
And that, by the way is something that no one can take away from you. And anyone who tries does not know who they really are. So why take the word of anyone who is not standing in that truth of knowing that they are a Source Energy Being? How could their disconnected, misguided, and totally biased opinion carry any weight?
What humanity really needs are awakened individuals like yourselves who have remembered who you really are demonstrating to the rest of humanity how to value oneself, how to be the light, even when you are surrounded by darkness, even when those who have forgotten who they really are have attained certain positions of authority that people might even consider to be powerful positions. We know that you have the power to determine your own value, and we will continue to invite you to do so, to love you unconditionally, and to encourage you to open up to receive all of that love coming in from the higher realms.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
How to Manifest Miracles in Your Reality ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very deliberate when we ask for assistance from the collectives that are in higher dimensions than ours. We no longer ask for what we want and need subconsciously, like you all do. But rather, we are very clear about the asking, and then we let go of the delivery method. In other words, we don’t care how it comes and from whom it comes. We don’t care about the way in which it comes, as long as the desire is fulfilled. When you ask for something that you want form higher-dimensional beings and collectives, notice if you are attached to the when, the how, the delivery system, and even from whom you will receive what you are asking for.
If any of that matters to you, then you are narrowing the pathway through which all that you desire can flow to you, and that’s not what you want to do. You want to be flexible, and you want to enjoy what you have and what is coming to you. You want to be grateful, and to look for all the ways in which you can enjoy your lives right now, rather than stressing out about when your package will arrive from the universe. Be open to all the energies that can flow to you in any given moment, and you will have more with which to co-create the reality that you desire.
Remember that manifestations don’t always come in physical form, but rather, sometimes they come in nonphysical form, or energetic form, and there might be some assembly required. That can be the most fun part of the manifestation, but again, if you are attached to how it comes and what it looks like, and when and where, you could miss out on receiving what you have requested and what you have been requesting for quite some time. We want you to be the creators and manifestors that you were always meant to be in this lifetime and as you move forward into the fifth dimension.
You will need these skills; you will need to know how to be offering that which the universe can respond to appropriately. Be loose about your desires. Be comfortable with the now moment you are living in, and be willing to ask for anything at all. Be willing to dream big, and expect all of the miracles to occur that you have ever wanted to see in your lives, and then you will start to feel closer to Source, the Source that is within you, the Source that is all around you, and the Source that you truly are. Source never doubts in Its ability to manifest and create, and you don’t need to either. You have all the power within you right now, and you’re just starting to understand how to use it. We will continue to show you and to explain to you how to become the manifestors you’ve always wanted to be.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very capable of sensing when humanity is making giant steps towards the next level of your consciousness. We can tell when you are on a greater trajectory of that upward spiral that we sometimes talk to you about, and now is one of those times. There has been a lot of despair, sadness, anger, frustration, and fear on planet Earth for quite some time now, but those of you who are awake and who are sensitive to energies have picked up on what the rest of the collective has been offering, and you have taken a stance. You have been more determined than ever to be in and of the light. You have been more determined than ever to radiate love, peace, and joy, and you have gone back to the drawing board, so to speak, and have activated all of your skills as creator beings.
You are doing it with the help of all of the beings and collectives from the higher-dimensional planes, and that is also noteworthy. It is important for you to recognize that you have help, because you can sometimes feel overwhelmed by all that you have taken on in this single lifetime. You are dealing with your own stuff, your own issues, and you are helping humanity to raise their level of consciousness so that they can shift out of the old 3D paradigm, the old matrix, and into the new fifth-dimensional Earth, the plane of existence that you’ve been hearing about for so long and that you have been actively participating in bringing to fruition.
You are about to get more help from above, not only from your e.t. friends and nonphysical collectives from other star systems, like ourselves, but we can also sense an amplification of the energies coming from the archangels and the ascended masters. If you have a relationship with one of these archangels, or one of these ascended masters, like Buddha, Yeshua, St. Germain, Quan Yin, and so on, then use that connection that you feel is already present and turn on more of your receptors to receive the help that is coming in from above because it is tremendous.
It is yours to receive, and when you help others with your prayers, your meditations, your intentions, you get more attention from the helpers of the universe that are all around. You light up, and you show yourself as one of the ground crew members who is there to be a changemaker and to bring the peace, unity, and harmony to your world that you want to see so much. And that is being amplified right now, of course, and you are responding. We can feel it. We see the lightworkers lighting up, and we notice how you are attracting a lot of attention from the higher-dimensional beings as a result. This leaves us feeling quite optimistic about what is to come for humanity, and we suggest that you join us in our optimism, as we know so many of you already have.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”