When you awaken, take a moment to ask yourself this question: “What is one thing I can do today to add more love to the world?” Perhaps you can smile and make eye contact with a stranger. Perhaps you can pray for the world for a minute or two. Perhaps you can hold your cup of tea with reverence and appreciate the miraculous chain of events and people that brought this beverage to your table.
Perhaps you can forgive someone, or be kind to another. Perhaps you can make a choice to be gentler with yourself. There are countless ways, both great and small, to add a little more love to this world, and in so doing, you make the world a better place and feel like you are in a better place within it.
Every time you contribute love in any way – be it thought, word, or deed, you will feel your connection to the Source of all love.
Every time you look at someone or something, including yourself, with appreciation, you feel the appreciation of the Divine looking through your eyes with a reverence for creation.
Every time you speak kindly, you merge with streams of love flowing to your planet and become an ambassador of love and ann architect for a future era of peace.
Each time you choose to add a little more love to the world you connect with the Source of all love, and you will feel more like yourself – the real you – than ever before.
If you make adding a little more love to the world a game or a new habit, you will find your own life improving on a daily basis. Challenge yourself as you go through your day to add a little more love to life. Ask yourself periodically, ” How can I add a little more love to the world right here, right now?” Before you go to bed, acknowledge yourself for all the ways you added a little more love to the world. “I kissed my puppy. I cleaned and organized my junk drawer. I honored my own spirit by ____, and fill in the blanks. I was kind in traffic…”
You would be surprised dear ones to see how much love you truly DO add to the world every day. Some day, from the heavens, you will see this in your life review and you will see also the beautiful heart and light that you brought to life. If you like, by consciously choosing to add a little more love to life on a daily basis, you will see the amazing and powerful soul that you truly are… for there is only one true power. There is only one thing that lasts.
That power, that eternal vibration is, of course, love. See if you can add a little more to life each day and life will reflect that back to you in so many magical and wonderful ways.
God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 04/16/2022 • Receiving love to. give it
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Breathe. Relax for a moment and simply intend to open to our love. For a few minutes, shut your eyes, imagine opening your heart, and intend to receive the steady stream of love and energy we are always flowing to you. If you like, place your palms upward in a comfortable position and imagine that as light and love flow into you, it also streams outward from you into your world, and to all who are in need.
The more you open to receiving, the more love that will flow to you and through you. In your receiving you give. In your giving you receive.
The single best thing you can do for yourselves and your world at this time is to maintain your experience of connection with the Source, through prayer, meditation, attention placed upon what is good and beautiful, acts of kindness, enjoying your lives, laughing, singing, doing what you love, and through the seemingly simple act of breathing and receiving our love.
There are many who are, at this time, experiencing so much pain that they cannot easily find this sense of connection to love. Can you do it on their behalf? For every choice you make affects the whole. Every thought you think empowers a vibration that ripples throughout all of humanity. Ultimately, each soul has the sole responsibility to attune themselves to the vibration of choice, but as you empower the vibrations of love it becomes easier for others to be loving and much more difficult for them to choose hate.
Your every act of kindness empowers the vibrations of kindness, making it easier for others to be kind. Your every act of compassion empowers the vibrations of compassion, making it easier for others to be compassionate. Your every prayer for those lost in darkness, creates a stronger light, that will, eventually illuminate their souls – whether in this life or after it.
Your light may be the turning point for a soul lost in darkness. Your kindness to a stranger may be the thing that keeps them from injuring someone in a traffic accident later that day. Your prayer for someone lost in hatred and darkness may be the ray of light that finally reaches their heart and causes them to burst into a puddle of tears and want to do better. Your compassion for someone you see on the news may be the soothing stream of energy that helps them feel worthy of love and assistance.
Every time you give up a grievance in order to be happy, you elevate yourself and the collective a little higher above the vibration of battle.
Every time you avoid engaging with someone who wants to argue, you elevate yourself and the collective a little higher above the vibrations of battle.
Every time you avoid belittling, second-guessing, or criticizing your own choices you elevate yourself and the collective a little higher above the vibrations of battle.
Each time you stop seeing life as a struggle and simply handle what is at hand, you elevate yourself above the vibrations of battle.
There are countless small, loving, choices you can make throughout the day to be of service to humanity, to support peace, kindness, compassion, and love, and to elevate yourself above the chaotic vibrations that are currently very strong upon your planet earth.
Dear friends, be kind to yourselves. Accept yourselves as you are and then reach for better. Focus as much as possible on things, thoughts, people, and situations, that uplift you. There is much pain, hatred, and suffering in the world, but there is also love, compassion, kindness, and the more you focus on that the more you empower it.
No matter what you witness in the world dear ones, resolve to stay connected to love. When you fall from it, get back up again and focus on something, something, or some thought you can love.
The world needs you now. You are making a difference. Don’t give up on love. It is streaming to you at all times. The moment you open to it in any form – be it appreciation for the song of a bird, the blue sky, or the meal you are eating – you also open and allow it to flow through you into the collective world vibration. You are changing your world, one loving moment at a time.
God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels
Your prayers are working. Your simple acts of kindness are rippling outward. You are changing history. As your earth experiences a chance to go backward into fear and conflict, or forwards into a brighter future, you – with your commitment to love, peace, prayer, and kindness – are part of a rising tide of love. Right now upon your earth, being loving and being at peace is a purpose beyond any personal purpose. It is more important than what you accomplish or whether you accomplish anything at all. Loving is your soul’s career!
This is your chance to shine. With your commitment to being the most loving beings you can be, you are strengthening the field of love around your planet. You are withdrawing energy from the vibrations of war. You are helping to keep the balance upon your earth.
Every time you refuse to be baited into an argument, you choose peace and refuse war. Every time you pray for someone who is spiteful, mean-spirited, or angry, you rise above the vibrations of war into the truth of your love. Every time you choose not to criticize yourselves, you form a peace treaty with your soul. You dear ones, are doing the light work you came to do. Your fifth-dimensional solution (emanating a peaceful and loving energy) is shifting the outcome of your very real 3rd-dimensional world challenges. You are making a difference.
Refuse to bully yourselves into doing things you don’t have the energy or motivation to do right now – far better to nap in peace than labor under duress. Refuse to make war between the various factions within you. Stop arguing with yourself and instead listen to your heart. Sit with us and receive our love regularly, knowing that as you receive you become vibrational doorways for our love to flow into your 3rd-dimensional reality.
If you could see yourselves as we do, you would see “armies of angels,” courageously choosing peace, love, and harmony even while there are those who seek to inspire anger, war, and chaos. You would see your world coming together in an outpouring of compassion for total strangers caught in a conflict that is not one of their own choosing. If you could see yourselves as we do, you would see beautiful, light-filled beings, changing the course of your history.
Destiny is what you create with your vibration in the present moment, and as we read the predominant vibrations emanating from the human race, we see a peaceful, cooperative, and loving destiny for your planet.
Have patience, dear ones. Keep praying. Continue to choose love. Do what you are inspired to do, knowing that every act of kindness counts. You count. You matter. Your every thought, word, and deed sends vibrational ripples out into the cosmos, and together you are creating a much kinder future for yourselves and your earth than that which a sad few would have you believe in.
Your love is a blanket surrounding the lost, lonely, and scared who want to spread their pain. Your love is a warmth melting icy hearts. Your love is an inspiration to others, motivating them to be kinder in their own lives. Your loving actions catalyze others to stand up and do what they can. Your love is a more powerful force than any weapon upon your earth for in love you are channels for the power that creates worlds – and that creative, magnificent power is and always will create, only love.
As the energies of light and “forgetting-light” vie for attention in your world, you feel that tug of war in your bodies, minds, and hearts. So many of you sensitive souls feel the density of the lower vibrational energies tugging at you now, trying to get your attention and convince you that your world is going downhill. It is not.
Thanks to each and every one of you and countless others, your world is moving towards a greater light.
Look for the good and you will see it everywhere. As you notice it and celebrate it, you empower it. As you focus upon it, it flows to you and through you. As you refuse to be drowned in the darkness you witness in this world and instead hold your focus steadfast on the good, you will find that you feel better in body, mind, and soul.
You can find good everywhere, even in the darkest of situations. There is nature in her purity beckoning you to receive the blessings of her beauty and life-affirming chemistry. There are people quietly performing acts of love and service. There are individuals who never thought they’d do anything other than live their daily lives who are stepping into the role of amazing charitable leaders. Strangers are opening their hearts and homes to one another. Caring souls are lovingly guiding the young. Loving caregivers are tending to the babies, the elderly, the disabled, and your furry. Truckers, shippers, stockers, and clerks are quietly keeping economies in motion, while farmers, bats, bees, and so many other beings, ensure that you get a cup of coffee in the morning and food on the table. Even in the midst of bombs and rubble, there are countless souls reaching into their depths to find and bring forth goodness amidst the ashes. Everywhere you look, there is good. Everywhere you look, there is God. In some situations, the good is easy to see. In others, you must look more carefully. Nonetheless, it is always there.
There are, without question atrocities being enacted in your world right now. There are people so possessed by fear and anger that they commit crimes against their own human nature. They seek false power because they have not known the true power of love. They are sad, lost, and lonely and their souls need your prayers.
These are the few, rather than the many. There are far more people doing good upon your earth. There are far more people engaged in acts of kindness right now as we speak, than those engaging in acts of hate.
There is plenty of bad news that makes the news, yet we have good news. Love is winning. Love is the “end game.” Love is what heals hearts, stops wars, and what lifts souls out of the ignorance of hate and darkness which traps them in a cage of their own creation.Love is the only thing that will set you free and help you rise above the tugs and pulls of the various forces vying for your attention. Love is what gives you energy, connects you with guidance, and allows you to enjoy your life while dancing around the density.
When you focus on the good in your world, you focus on God. When you share the good you share God.
One social media post documenting a loving act can inspire thousands. Will you be the one to notice it and share it?
One kind word or deed with a request to “pay it forward” can start a chain of loving gain. Will you be a link in that chain?
One inspiring word to a person who is feeling down-trodden can give them the hope to carry on. Can you be such an influencer of incredible proportions by saying a kind word today?
You, dear ones, by noticing the good within you and around you kindle the light of love upon your planet earth.
Love is winning dear friends. Love is making the lost doubt in their darkness. Love is inspiring those who love to stand up for what they love. Love is creating a global family that is more united, caring, and compassionate than ever before. Look for this love in the smallest of ways. Notice it. Celebrate it. Know that in so doing, you empower it.
Your prayers, your kindness, and your choices to take tender, loving care of yourselves and one another are changing your world and the course of your history.
God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels
Each one of you wants to be a contribution to this earth. Each one of you wants to feel you have purpose and a reason for being. We know that in every moment you have a chance to make your life purposeful, precious, valuable, and impactful beyond words and your human capacity to comprehend.
Suppose everyone in the world was singing a tune or playing an instrument of their choosing. This melody of your song would reflect their emotions, thoughts, and feelings in the moment. Some of you would be playing symphonies of peace, whistling a happy, effervescent tune, or a calming melody. Some of you would be playing upbeat music that makes you want to dance. Some of you would be playing soothing or inspiring rhythms. Some of you would be playing angry discordant beats and blaring, unsettling melodies. Some of you would be playing sad haunting melodies. Others would be playing heart-stopping suspenseful melodies. Imagine for a minute, the absolute din of so many melodies, so many songs being played by the multitude of human hearts. What type of song would you be singing? What type of melody would you hum?
Now imagine that the intensity of your emotion determines the volume of each song. The happier you are, the louder your happy tune. The more peaceful you are, the more compelling your relaxing melody. The angrier you are the more impactful is your discordant melody. Can you imagine? It would be a din unlike any you’ve ever heard before.
Keep in mind that the music is based on your emotional/energetic offering, not your words. So those of you praying for peace, while sitting in fear are still emitting fearful melodies. Those of you fighting for even a good cause, while rooted in anger are still emitting discordant melodies. Those of you who labor in love, peace, compassion, or joy no matter how sad the world situation are emitting beauty and harmony. The words of your prayers do not affect the melody. The emotions beneath the words do. So suppose you pray with disgust for what you witness in the world. Your disgust is sounding the melody. Instead, suppose you have a moment of disgust, and then suddenly you focus on a world at peace, and what it would be like to see people hugging, helping, and laboring in love. Suddenly your discordant note is forgotten and you are playing a beautiful, harmonious composition.
This analogy, dear ones, points to the vibrational reality upon your planet earth, for each one of you IS emitting a silent symphony. As the world angers, the discordant energies stir. As the world prays for peace and gets in touch with their hearts, beautiful waves of energy (which are music to our ears!) begin to soothe and rock the hearts of humanity.
Your melody counts. Your vibrational emission counts. You might be the loving heart that sounds a loving note that helps the symphony of peace rise above the din of war! Your prayers for peace when they come from your love of peace are like beautiful instruments playing in a beautiful symphony.
We, in the heavens, are always playing the melodies of peace, love, hope, inspiration, and bliss. As more and more of you attune to these vibrations, emit these vibrations, and sound these notes, you start to lift the world up into a space where your notes join our own, where you can feel us, perceive us, and work with us as agents of peace upon your planet.
Don’t react, dear ones, to what you see on the news, other than to quickly make a determination that you will sound a note of love, a song of peace, a melody of hope. Join with us and be the changes you wish to see. You ARE making a difference. You are turning the tides. You are preventing what could have been a horrendous time upon your planet earth. Sing your silent soothing lullabies of peaceful frequency to those whose hearts are hurting so much that they create horrendous pain. Emanate your soothing vibrational notes of peace so those who are being hurt will know they deserve love and that love is there for them. Sing, if not with your voice dear ones, with your hearts, and sing the melodies you would wish to hear, to receive, and to participate in because these silent melodies of frequency are very real, and the changes they inspire in yourself, and the world, are very real as well.
We love you. You are coming into a new understanding of reality and your very important place within it. You are stepping into a world where you are the lights, the hopes, the inspirations, and the angels upon your earth. You have purpose dear ones. It is to emit the melodies of love. All else you do is for your own enjoyment. This unity and emanation with love is your most important purpose of all
God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels
So many of you are so very hard on yourselves. We hear your cries. “I want to get moving, but I have no motivation.” “I’m tired.” “Will I ever feel like I have a purpose?” “Is this world ever going to change for the better?”
With all the love in our hearts, we want to reassure you…
You are always motivated to do something, even if that something is to rest.
Of course, many of you are tired. The world is wanting change and resisting change at the very same time. There is a very great love that is washing over your planet in answer to the billions of prayers, but if you resist loving and accepting yourself it will be exhausting. Surrender to your hearts. Surrender to what inspires you in a given moment. Rest when you’re tired. Stop pushing yourselves and be the peace.
Your purpose has nothing to do with what you do and everything to do with how much loving kindness you bring to yourself and life. When you look back at the end of your days some of your proudest moments will be the small ones when you simply surrendered to the beauty of the present moment, when you looked upon yourselves or another with love, when you comforted a stranger, gave yourself grace, or said a simple prayer that came from the depths of your heart. These moments of pure connection have great purpose. In them, you become a conduit for Divine love to flow into this world.
Your world is changing every single day, and it is changing for the better.
Your prayers, your peace, your refusal to battle yourselves or one another are having a huge effect on the outcome of recent world events. You are the catalysts for change on your planet earth. You are refusing to empower the vibration of war. You are removing power from the darkness of misunderstanding, fear, greed, and hatred, by focusing on praying for those lost in darkness, rather than empowering them with hate.
You are making a difference and although we know many of you are disheartened, exhausted, and concerned about the fate of the world, so many of you are stepping up to create the vibrational changes you wish to see made manifest. Every choice to create a little bit more love, a little bit more kindness, a little bit more patience and tolerance toward yourself and your fellow human beings removes power from the vibrations of war and empowers the vibrations of peace.
You are the portals through which Divine light and love flow into your planet and into the hearts of all in need.
You are the “warriors” of peace, standing your ground and refusing to give in to the parasitic energies of hatred that seek to separate you from one another.
You are the angels upon the earth, quietly, gently soothings hearts and souls,.. starting with your own.
You are the ones sending world “leaders” the prayers, love, and peace, they need to make wise, balanced decisions, rather than reacting with haste and hate.
Through your every seemingly simple choice to pray, to avoid battling one another, to avoid hatred, and to focus on being as kind to yourselves and one another as possible, you are turning the tides away from war and towards peace. You are the ones calming the storm. You may never appear in the world’s history books yet you are earning the right to say, “I was part of a global, vibrational movement that prevented a World War III. I was part of the turning of the tides towards peace. I was part of a movement to resist hatred and separation and to starve the parasitic energies that seek to stir up and feed off fear. I was part of a global movement towards greater love. I was the change I wished to see in the world.” Indeed dear ones, you are.
We are eternally grateful for your commitment to the light. It matters now, more than ever before. With every loving choice, waves of peace and love ripple out from your heart into a world in need of these soothing vibrations. A simple choice you make – not to retort or engage with someone disruptive – may be the soothing wave that calms a heart that was about to fire a gun and kill another human being.
A prayer for the light to rise up in the most hurting of hearts may be the wave of light that creates a moment of consciousness that is enough to stop an entire chain of painful events.
You are tipping the balance towards peace and away from war dear ones. You matter. Keep up the prayers. Keep up the simple acts of kindness. Keep avoiding the tendency to hate and battle. It matters more than you will ever know and if you keep it up you’ll never know the pain you missed. Instead, you’ll know only the beauty of a more loving and kind world that you have created.
God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels
As you watch events unfolding on your earth, keep in mind that you have more power to affect change than you might ever realize. You can’t physically stop missiles, or the people who wield them, but you can stop the wars closer to home. You can stop the wars within your own heart and your own mind. You can become ambassadors of peace.
The vibrations of war and peace exist within every human being upon your planet. You make war when you attack another perspective or decide that someone’s perspective has no right to be. You make peace when you walk away or listen with compassion and seek to understand. You make war when you attack and criticize your body in the mirror. You make peace when you are kind and caring to your body. You make war when you belittle or put another person down for not showing up in your life the way you want them to be. You make peace when you learn to live and let live. You make war when you put yourself down. You make peace when you show yourself kindness and compassion.
Each one of you can either empower the vibration of war or be an ambassador of peace. Each one of you can contribute to the solution of a world that seems to be in crisis or you can contribute to the vibrations that fueled the fires of war. Choose peace, dear friends. Choose kindness. Choose compassion. Walk kindly away from those who attack rather than attacking back. If someone crosses your borders, then let your silence be the loudest voice of reason. If someone has done wrong to you then handle the issue as you must, but then, let your compassion for their pain steer you into kinder directions in your own life. If you hate the beliefs of another, please turn the other cheek to love, and therefore empower, the beliefs you can stand behind.
Your peace is needed now. There is not just one man behind this war dear friends. There is a vibration of hatred and fear that has fanned the flames of war in this particular human heart. This vibration has been stirring for some time. This vibration has been empowered by racial hatred, political hatred, hatred for the vaccine, and for those who won’t get it. This vibration has been stirred by all who feel that someone else can do them harm and all those who don’t believe in their own power to choose an empowered vibration.
One man currently stands as a symbol for all who have been possessed by fear, hatred, and the insecurity that says someone or something other than their own God-given power to attune themselves to the vibration of all they desire could rob them of what truly belongs to them. One man, dear friends, stands as a vibrational point of focus for the hatred and fear that has been stirring in the mass consciousness. Pray for him. Pray that his soul is filled with light. Pray that he be released from the possession of this vibration of fear and hatred because there is no greater pain than being possessed and letting your light go out. There is no greater pain than losing the feeling of your connection to the loving source. There is no greater pain than feeling alone and afraid and insecure about all you have held dear. Those in misery do indeed love company, on both a personal and global scale.
Pray dear ones, that this soul, and all souls, who want wars – great and small – have the light of love rise up within them. Pray that they come to know that they too are loved by God as surely as a parent would love their child no matter how far off course they get. Pray for the leaders of this world that they be filled with light, love, wisdom, compassion, and a willingness to dialogue rather than attack.
Then dear ones, pray for the strength inside of yourself to be ambassadors of peace. Pray to be released from the bonds of unforgiveness and hatred toward those who have wronged you. Pray to be released from the need to be “right” rather than to be loving. Pray for the ability to release yourself and others from the bondage of your expectations and instead expect that God loves you enough to bring you what you want in ways beyond your imagination. Dear friends, you can be the peace you wish to see. You can be the ones who turn this very volatile world situation around. You can be the ones whose choice not to engage in anger, judgment, hatred saves lives.
You are that powerful, that important, and you matter. Right now the world needs your peace. With every choice not to engage in hatred, you weaken the vibration of hatred and strengthen the vibration of compassion. With every choice not to attack opposing perspectives but rather to empower your own you empower the vibrations of reason and weaken vibrations of reaction. With every choice to pray for the hateful, hurting souls in the world you bring the Divine light ever closer to your planet earth. You matter dear ones. For the love of your planet and countless lives upon it, to the best of your ability, choose peace.
We love you. We judge none of you. We know you are all doing your best. We are simply asking you to step into a greater power to affect change, right here, right now. Pray dear ones, that all hateful and hurting hearts be healed – the ones of those you love and the hearts of those you can’t stand, for in truth, the more hate, the more hurt, and the more hurt, the more your prayers are needed.
God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels
Imagine yourself in a beautiful place in nature. Perhaps you are in a field of wildflowers with a vast expanse of blue sky overhead. Perhaps you’re taking a morning stroll along a forest path, serenaded by birdsong. Maybe you’re walking slowly along a beach at sunrise, soothed by the gentle, unceasing sounds of the surf and the whoosh of birds overhead. Maybe you’re lying on a picnic blanket under a favorite blossoming tree, or in a garden smelling the herbs and flowers. Perhaps you are standing barefoot in the grass in your yard or a nearby park.
In a moment, shut your eyes and intend to be in this beautiful place. See where you end up. Explore in your imagination. See, smell, sense, feel… imagine. What would the temperature be like? Is it dry, moist, humid, or raining? Is it night, day, sunrise, sunset, or at night with the stars beaming overhead? Explore this beautiful sanctuary in your inner world and allow yourself to feel its welcoming peace.
You might come back and say, “well that was nice, but it wasn’t real.” In real life, I have to pay the bills. In real life, I have to contend with contentious people. In real life, I have to figure out how to plan when the world’s plans are in a state of flux. This is nice, but what purpose does it serve?
In truth, dear ones, the scene exists in your imagination, but the vibration you experienced while imagining it and tuning into it was very real. For just a moment, you created and visited your own personal paradise. For just a few moments, you allowed yourself to experience a higher, peaceful vibration. For a few moments, you were intensely present, enjoying your inner world, and free from concerns. For just a few moments, you were not blocking the love, grace, and guidance that naturally, always want to flow into your life.
If you require some guidance, shut your eyes again and imagine meeting one of your angels in this place. It can be a relative you love and admire, a favorite pet, or you can intend to meet with one of your higher guides or guardian angels. You can ask for Jesus, Buddha, or any of the masters.
See who pops into your mind right now. Shut your eyes. Go to your inner sanctuary and ask this being your question. Wait patiently until they answer you. Don’t worry if you’re making it up or not. Your intent to connect will connect you with this being. Your intent to receive guidance will call forth a response from them. It will be an energetic transmission filtered through your mind and interpreted in words you understand, but it will be a response nonetheless. Try it. Play with it. Go inward now and ask for some guidance. See what you receive in return.
Working with your guides or loved ones in spirit can be this easy. It may take several tries before you relax enough to be playful about it. If you’re not visual in your meditations, then see what you hear, or know, or what words pop in your mind. Trust. Relax. Be easy with this. Your dear ones, guides, and angels are ever-present, and always in connection with you. Your intention to communicate pops in their minds as surely as an incoming text message would get your attention. They love to love you.
Your inner sanctuary is there whenever you need peace, healing, help, or guidance. While the place is in your “imagination” the energy of it is very real, and the rendezvous with your guides is very real. If you approach this very simple exercise playfully and with a spirit of adventure, you will feel our love, our guidance, and our constant presence more and more with each passing day.
We know your earth is turbulent and that you are all in need of extra love these days. We also know that our love, God’s love, is always there for you, always waiting for you to receive, and always stronger than the deepest, darkest, and most confusing moments in your lives. Love awaits dear ones, in every moment. Join us in this exercise and receive, receive, receive. If you only intend one thing, intend to receive our love, and in learning to receive, soon you will begin to believe.
God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels
Given the choice, would you choose war or peace? In truth, you are given this choice countless times a day.
You choose war or peace between your head and your heart. You choose war or peace between your desires and your thoughts about them. You choose war or peace between your thoughts and your actions. You choose war or peace with the people around you in traffic, with the customer service representatives on the phone, and with those who play even more important roles in your life. You can choose war or peace with your computer equipment, with your body, with your food, your finances, or with an ideology. You choose war or peace with those whose behaviors you love and those whose behaviors you abhor. A thousand times a day, or more, you can “go to battle” or you choose to be at peace.
When someone cuts you off in traffic, the choice for peace, compassion, and forgiveness may seem insignificant. Nonetheless, your choice is a vibrational vote which affects the whole. When someone wants to argue, your choice to listen rather than engage may seem difficult, but not a big deal to the human race. In truth, each of these choices is a huge victory for your soul, and for the entire human race. When you look in the mirror and don’t care for the body you see, the choice to be kind to yourself rather than choosing to “attack” yourself with derogatory statements is yet one more vote for peace.
The vibration of war is the same no matter how big or small the battle. The vibration of peace is the same no matter how large or small the choice to stay in your loving center. These vibrations matter. You matter. Your choices matter. A war between nations starts far before the invasions and attacks. It starts with countless souls in a vibration of frustration, anger, victimhood, and unrest. The ripple effect eventually builds momentum and must be out-pictured in the mass consciousness.
Far more beautiful, a sweet ripple of loving peace goes into the mass consciousness every time you choose it. Since peace is a higher vibration than war, it takes far fewer souls in loving peace to affect the whole than the countless souls who must choose anger to create war. You have the advantage when making peaceful and loving choices, dear ones. You matter.
Whenever you try to impose your will upon another, you choose war. Whenever you beat yourself up, criticize your body, or make your own choices wrong, you choose to be at war with yourself.
Conversely, when you choose compassion, for yourself or others; when you live and let live, you are an angel of peace. You never know which one of you might make the vibrational vote that tips the scales of vibration towards an external war or more importantly soothes a vibration of chaos within someone “in power” to create peace. Your “votes” for war or peace, made vibrationally throughout the day, ripple out into the cosmos, joining with other similar vibrations and influencing global events. You are important. Your choices between war or peace, vibrationally speaking, are important. We are not suggesting that you ignore your feelings. We are suggesting that you listen to your feelings, and learn from them – for they are your guidance. When you feel good, you feel God. When you feel anything less, you are, to some degree disconnected from your true loving nature, and the true loving nature of the universe. No matter who or what triggered you into this lower vibration, you get to choose whether you want to dignify the bad feelings with your attention or choose more peaceful thoughts and actions. We urge you to be kind to yourselves – t choose peaceful thoughts and actions when tempted to create battles in your mind or your life. In peace, your soul wins.
You have a phrase on earth that says something or someone “disturbs your peace.” At the very heart of that phrase is an understanding that peace is yours. Peace is the natural state of a soul that is aligned with the love that breathes life into them. Peace is an inside job, and while something might “disturb” your peace, the more you practice being peaceful, the less the outer world will “disturb” you.
Peace comes from knowing you are eternally one with the Source of all Love and you can choose to be a loving being, no matter what anyone else chooses. Peace comes from knowing you are connected to the Source of all Wisdom and you can silence the mind, and feel your way into a solution to all challenges. Peace comes from knowing you have a right granted to you by your creator to be whomever you choose in a given moment and so does everyone else.
Peace comes from releasing your head’s control over your heart and allowing yourself to feel, for your feelings will always guide you. Peace comes from releasing control over others, even if that desire to control comes from loving intent.
Peace, dear ones, comes from your willingness, in the present moment to accept yourself exactly as you are; from your willingness to accept others and life exactly as they are in that moment,. Then from that platform of peace and acceptance, you can lovingly reach for the next best thought, the next best feeling, the next loving action.
Imagine a stream flowing towards the ocean. It wants to flow. It encounters a boulder it cannot move. Should the stream stop and complain about the boulder blocking its flow and thus make war? Or would the stream be better served by relaxing into the present moment with peaceful acceptance? “I accept myself. I want to flow in this direction. I accept that there is a boulder that appears in my way. What next?” You already know the answer. The stream would flow naturally around the boulder and the boulder would stand strong, relaxing to the gentle caress of the stream as both remain true to their nature.
The stream is not resisting itself, nor did it resist the boulder. It is surrendering to a greater wisdom and flow of life that accommodates both. The boulder is not resisting itself, nor is it resisting the stream by complaining about the flow. It simply stands in its essential nature.
In fact, if you look at nature you’ll see signs all around of various animals and plants living true to their essential nature, engaged in a dance of life, which is so precisely, vibrationally coordinated that your greatest computers cannot even come close.
You can end the wars within, by allowing yourself to be yourself. You are who you are… in this moment. You feel what you feel… in this moment. You want what you want… in this moment. Release your need for agreement, surrender, control, and don’t worry about what anyone else is doing. Focus on the reality you wish to experience. Listen to your own feelings. The beautiful Source of life within wants you to be happy, and always wants to guide you to the best, most benevolent version of your dreams. The Source wants to do the same for all souls willing to listen to their own flow.
Don’t resist the boulders of life. Don’t waste your life and your time worrying about what others are doing, or what they think you should do. Trust your own feelings, and to the best of your ability honor them as much as possible. Peace is yours. It has belonged to you all along, and the more you plug into this peace voluntarily, the less anyone or anything external can disturb it.
True Peace comes from the awareness that you are united – never separate – from the Source of all love, all resources, all wisdom, and all guidance. When you experience yourself united with the Source of all love, you lack nothing. You trust life to lead you to all you desire. If one person isn’t giving you what you want, you trust you will be guided to others who will. When you experience yourself united with the Source of all love, you can truly “live and let live” and you can truly experience the “peace that surpasses all understanding.” You have no need to make yourself or anyone else wrong. You have no need to insist others agree with you. You have no need to tear yourself or one another apart. You become a powerful agent of peace.
God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 01/29/2022 • One Soul at a Time
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
While your world focuses on death, we focus on life. When your world focuses on war, we focus on peace. When one of you focuses on hatred, we focus on the love trying to sprout beneath a hardened surface. Eternally, we hold the vision of the life you want to live and the version of earth that you all, mutually, want to create – one of harmony, well-being, kindness, peace, and tolerance.
When you begin to focus as we do, as God does, on what you desire and on what you love, then your growth and expansion upon the earth will be achieved in joy. When you enjoy your life now and look forward to your wonderful future then your life will be filled with joyful anticipation and fulfilled dreams. If, however, you want something but you doubt, resist, or fear “not having” it, you block the flow of life that is attempting to assist.
Look at your world. Nearly everyone wants well-being but a large percentage of the population in the past few years has been focused on sickness. Your pandemic would have been over in months, not years, had the world focus been different. So many expect that there will be increased sickness in winter, and so it is. So many expect relief in spring and so it is.
Nonetheless, one soul at a time the pandemic is ending – not due to a shot, or supplements, or rebellion against it, but rather due to one soul at a time deciding to focus on being well, living life as they choose, and removing their focus from fear. One soul at a time, your world is becoming a better, kinder, more tolerant, and loving place. It doesn’t make the news, but one soul at a time, your world is continuing to evolve towards better.
Dear ones, be one of those souls. Focus on life and living the best you can in each moment. Appreciate a shaft of sunlight filtering through the window and give thanks for life. Breathe in the fresh air on a walk or your back patio and give thanks for life. Drink your morning smoothie, coffee, or tea, inhale its fragrance deeply, feel the comfort of it and give thanks for life. Stretch and give thanks for your body. Look around and give thanks for your home. Appreciate the people in your life.
There will always be sickness on the earth but you can focus on well-being. There will always be those who want to control others but no one can control a free-thinking soul. There will always be those who want war to feel powerful, but there will always be more who ARE powerful in their love for peace. Your world is not ending. It is birthing itself anew. With your focus on the beauty of each moment coupled with your anticipation of a more evolved world, you allow the power that creates universes to run through you and steer you towards that joyous future.
You are the ones who will end the pandemic, one soul at a time. You, dear ones, will prevent war, one peaceful heart at a time. You will create racial tolerance, one act of kindness at a time. You create harmony with the earth, one loving choice at a time. Do as you are inspired. Listen to your body, your mind, and your soul. When you feel like resting, rest and contribute to world peace. When you feel like gathering, enjoy time with family and friends and empower the vibrations of connectedness with others. When you feel like “being a hermit” sit in silence at home and empower the energy of connection with self and the Divine. Do what you love. Focus on what you love. Think thoughts of love and appreciation as often as you can. Comfort and soothe yourselves when you are in need.
One thought, one choice, one act, one soul at a time, you are filling your world and the world at large with the light and the love that creates universes. You, in your simple loving choices, are a powerful force for love. If each of you put a drop of water in a bowl with each kind or loving thought, soon you’d be watering gardens, spilling over into life-giving rivers, and melding into one vast ocean of love. This is what you are doing with your energy… one beautiful soul, one beautiful thought, one act of kindness at a time.
God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels
When you walk past a rose bush, do you admire the rose or complain about the thorns? Typically you’d only notice the thorns if you ran right into them. Most of you would simply be drawn to the beauty of the rose. If you were a gardener pruning the branches, you’d be aware of the thorns, but you wouldn’t curse them for being there. You would instead, cut away the dead wood, trim off the expired flowers, and simply be careful not to catch yourself on a thorn. The beauty of the blossoms would make this extra effort worth your time and energy.
If however, you were pruning weeds in your yard, you might not feel so inclined to dance around a thorny plant. You might instead pull the weed out of your garden and toss it in the compost pile. In the case of the weed that has a purpose in nature, but not so much in your garden, you’d give it a new purpose as fertilizer for the plants you prefer.
So too, people are going to offer you behaviors that – filtered through your conditioning and perspectives – feel like thorns, branches, blossoms, or weeds. Some words and behaviors feel prickly and hurt when you find them jabbing at you because there is something needing attention in you. Some words and behaviors feel supportive, like sturdy branches, because they validate or encourage you. Some words and behaviors are like the dead wood that has no more usefulness in your life and some are like the blossoms that inspire and uplift you. Still others, like the weeds that have their place in the world, may have no place in the garden of your life except to catalyze your growth.
When someone offers you thorns, you have many choices that can help you feel better than the choice to obsess over the experience of being “pricked by the thorn.”
You can look for the blossom. Perhaps these souls are just trying to love themselves. Perhaps they have better qualities that you can admire and focus upon. Perhaps they were just having a bad day. Perhaps you can imagine who they could blossom into. In any case, focusing on the bloom will make you feel oh-so-much better than focusing on the thorns. In fact, some thorny people have so much beauty in them that you choose to dance around the thorns because you feel so inspired by their blossoms. Many of you are in challenging relationships with people you dearly love and would never want to leave, because you chose to learn the power of focusing on the beauty in them and in you, rather than being tugged into focusing on their thorns.
Others have so many thorns and so little bloom that you don’t feel inclined to wait around for the blossom. You can decide simply to leave them to their own growth. Some souls, like the weeds in your garden, don’t have a place in your life at all except to feed the fuel of your future growth. In any case, all have value to you because they are helping you learn more about who you are and what you want in your life.
You are not only allowed but encouraged by the heavens to be honest about who and/or what behaviors you include in your vibrational mix. You can’t always leave a situation or a person but you can remove your focus from that which is unwanted and focus more on that which you desire to see.
You already know that it isn’t your job to make anyone else change so you can feel more comfortable. It is only your task, like the rose, to grow your own blossoms, and like the gardener to decide what belongs in your life.
Would you criticize any part of a rose bush? If not, why criticize another human being, or yourself for that matter? If you were pricked by a rose you wouldn’t go around campaigning and complaining – “Can you imagine that bush! It pricked me! How dare it! It has no right! What a $#!$. I’m going to tell it just how I feel!” You wouldn’t cry and say to yourself, “What did I do to deserve that?” You wouldn’t waste more than a few seconds reacting. You’d more likely say, “Oooh, Ow,” and pull your finger away. You’d focus on the rose, trim the thorns, or walk away.”
Next time someone offers you a thorn – a criticism, judgment, unkindness, etc – say to yourself, “Ooh! Ow!” and pull your focus away. Try instead to put your focus on all the beauty that blossoms inside of them, or shift your focus on something else entirely more pleasing. Don’t waste your time in the analysis of why they acted the way they did. As Jesus said, “Turn the other cheek.” Turn your focus away from thorny behaviors and towards the good in them or in some other aspect of your life. You are in charge of what you tune into, no matter what life offers. And, as we’ve said many times, you will always get more of what you tune into, so choose your tuning wisely.
Right now upon your earth, there are a lot of thorny people with a lot of thorny behaviors. Before judging or labeling them bad and wrong, think about them as little rose bushes. They’re attempting to grow. They’re attempting to protect themselves. They’re attempting to find and express their own truth. Perhaps they’re afraid. Perhaps they’re upset and feel like nobody listens. Perhaps they feel abandoned and don’t realize they’re abandoning their own loving nature by offering their thorns to you and life around them. Perhaps these are just boundaries that don’t yet feel comfortable to them. Perhaps you’re the thorny one?
Everyone on your earth is growing – hopefully past the thorns, towards the light, and into the blossom. Everyone is growing into the fullest, most beautiful expression of themselves, whether fast or slow and whether you can see that blossom yet or not.
So like the gardener who navigates the thorns, trims away the dead wood, composts the weeds, and nurtures the blossoming of his or plants, realize you get to decide what grows in the garden of your life, and you get to decide if you are willing to focus more upon the roses or the thorns that life offers.Your freedom and your happiness reside in knowing you alone have this choice.
God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels
Take heart. Although there are a lot of forces on your planet now vying for your attention, the greatest pull on you is nothing less than the love that lives and breathes within you. This love calls you towards thoughts that feel better. It pulls you to rest when you’re tired, to eat when you’re hungry, to comfort yourself when you feel down, and to celebrate when you feel good. This love inspires you to take the next step towards your dreams when the timing is perfect. It gives you the urge to be somewhere at the perfect time, so you’ll run into someone with whom you’ll have a mutually positive interaction. It guides you to sit quietly and allow healing and rejuvenating energies to flow through you.
This love that breathes the very life into you is always trying to get your attention. This love wants a more incredible life for you than many of you will admit you want for yourself. The Source that lives and breathes – alive in all creation and you – wants you to have the best possible version of what you truly and deeply desire for yourself.
You either block or allow this love to flow into your experience. Like water in the pipes, regulated only by the faucet, this love never stops offering its flow. Like the sunlight that shines unceasingly, whether or not the clouds obscure it, this love never stops offering its life-giving light. Like the notes on the musical scale waiting to be formed into a song that you can play, hum, or sing, this love waits with infinite potential for you to shape it into the loving desires you dream of experiencing.
This love, dear ones, whispers constantly to you in the subtlest of impulses. This love is the guidance that calls you to take a little breather when you aren’t motivated to do anything else. This love is the inspiration that inspires you to enroll in a class you’ve been interested in or to watch a video on a subject that you’ve been curious about. This love is the very force that makes you resist things and situations that will not inspire you and pulls you towards those that will. This love never stops calling you along the path of your greatest joy.
You allow this love to flow and guide you when you listen to your feelings. In each moment you have a choice, whether to change your situation or perspective. When you act in a way that feels instinctively good, you are listening to the beckoning impulses of this love. When you pick up the phone naturally, you are listening to this love. When you decline an invitation or dance around a demand that doesn’t resonate with you, you are listening to this love.
Anytime you do anything that feels right and good to you or adjust your perspective on a situation that does not feel so great until it does, you are allowing this love to guide you.
Anytime you do anything that doesn’t feel right and good to you, without readjusting your perspective in a way that would make it feel right and good, you resist this love.
For example, there are people and situations to whom you are naturally drawn. There are others to whom you are not. There are jobs you love and jobs you’d rather not do. If you have a choice in the 3D world to spend time in situations you love and not in those you don’t, that is wonderful! You can easily listen to the Love within.
However, sometimes you have created a situation you don’t like so much. You are at a job you no longer love. You work with someone you don’t care for. Then, dear ones, when love can’t beckon you away from the situation immediately, it is beckoning you to dream, to imagine better, and to bring as much love as you can into the present situation until you can manifest better. Love might be saying, “Don’t engage with the angry co-worker, if you can avoid it. Don’t take their words personally.” Love might be saying, “Have compassion for the pain that causes them to act out.” Love might whisper, “Look at this job as a stepping stone. Bring your best self to this situation and you will attract better later.”
The Source within you knows when you can change your situation for the better and when you cannot. When you can, you are impulsed to do so. When you cannot, you are impulsed to shift your perspective to one that feels better. Always you are called to a perspective or a situation that will feel better.
Some of you find it easier to listen to the impulses for external change. You want to know what to “do” next, and when you receive the impulse to do something you jump on it. Some of you find it easier to listen to the impulses for internal change. You don’t like how you feel and when offered a different perspective you easily shift. Some of you have a harder time changing the external. Fear of failure or change can stop you. The impulses will keep coming, however, trying to guide you in more gradual ways. Some of you have a harder time trying to change the internal. Fear of vulnerability can make it hard for you to let go of anger, victimization, or martyrdom, but the impulses to feel better will keep coming. Perhaps they will urge you to look away from the upsetting situation and focus on the good in your life. Perhaps they’ll impulse you to take better care of yourself. Perhaps the temptation to say “no” will be stronger than usual.
No matter whether you find it easy or difficult to listen to these loving impulses, they will keep coming dear ones. The source within you will never give up trying to guide you to your dreams along the most joyful path. The Source within will never judge you when you don’t listen. The Source of all Love is that dear ones – loving. patient, kind, and compassionate. This love is unceasing and unconditional.
So when the world around you seems difficult remember this: Love is your constant companion. Love beckons you in every moment. Grace attempts to guide you.
The Source wants your joy, your abundance, your well-being. You are never cut off. You are never abandoned. You are never judged. You are only guided through your very natural loving impulses, and you – only you – get to decide if you listen to these good feeling inspirations, or not.
God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 01/08/2022 • The Freedom to Live & Let Live
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Take a breath and promise yourself that this year you will grant yourself permission to be happy no matter what the world around you is doing. Grant yourself permission to feel free in your spirit no matter the restrictions you witness in your world. Grant yourself permission to know what you know when you know it, no matter who or what is trying to convince you to think as they do. You are uniquely you, and you didn’t come to be or to please anyone else. Neither did anyone else come to earth to be or to please you. There are those with whom you will naturally fit with and those with whom you will not, and this is exactly how your earthly life was designed to be.
Make it OK inside of yourself to be different in your opinions about life situations. Make it OK to be unique in your perspectives about what is right or wrong for you. Make it OK for others to be themselves as well. You didn’t come into this world to create or experience “same-ness.”
Imagine walking into a grocery store and seeing only one fruit, one vegetable, one meat, one milk, and one brand of one of each item. There would be no contrast, no diversity, no choices from which to explore the unique palette that is solely yours. You would be soon bored with your food, bored with your lack of choices, and you would never come to know the full, glorious range of recipes and meals that you could create. You would never know what you like in contrast to what you don’t. There would be no room for creative expression or diverse experience.
Life is like that grocery store. You knew there would be vast diversity of thoughts and opinions and you were excited about that before you were born. You knew that you would walk into this life much as you walk into your grocery stores and have a vast variety to choose from. You would “sample life,” so to speak, and from that exploration, you would come to know better the unique and precious soul that you are.
You knew you would hear a diversity of opinions. You would be presented with a diversity of thoughts on right and wrong, good and bad, healthy and unhealthy… and through your explorations, you would come to know what is good for you, what is right for you, what is healthy for you. Through your explorations of the contrast, you would create new ideas, new recipes, new ways of living in harmony with one another and the planet.
Through your exploration of contrast, you knew you would naturally gravitate towards some people, places, and situations and naturally move away from others… and this is exactly how life was designed to be.
So as your world strives to coerce you into sameness, allow yourself to listen to your own internal compass. In some areas, you will coincide with the opinions being presented to the mass consciousness. In other areas, you will disagree. That is OK. Live and let live. No one can steal your freedom to tune your vibration to any reality you wish to live. No one can control your mind unless you let them. No one can tell you how to feel because that is your right to decide and yours alone.
You are perfect, precious, and unique as you are, even as you expand into greater awareness. We love each and every one of you in your vast diversity of expression, awareness, and opinion, for you all contribute to the beautiful and rich diversity in this tapestry of life.
God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels
We love your celebration of the new year because it is a huge reminder that you can start fresh. You can change old habits. You can create new, more supportive routines. You can clean out your closets – physically and emotionally and point yourselves in new directions.
Of course, you can do that at any time, but when you, collectively as a human race, choose to mark the point of a new beginning, you create a beautiful field of energy. You create a field of hope. You create a field of dreams. You create a field of resolve to be happier, healthier, and better than you were before. On this day you, collectively, as a human race, point yourself in newer, kinder, happier directions.
The question is not, “What will 2022 bring to you” but rather “What ‘you’ will you bring into 2022?” Will you bring the version of you that you want to be into the new year, or the you that you have always been? Will you change your habits one tiny step at a time, or will you do things the way you’ve always done them? Will you try one new and more empowering attitudes, or keep the same ones that bring the same results? Will you choose kinder thoughts that allow a kinder reality to manifest in your life, or will you allow the world to dictate your thoughts to you? In every moment dear ones, there is an opportunity to become more and more of the you that you want to be.
Ask yourself as you go into this new year, “Who do I want to be at the end of the year?” Imagine yourself at the end of the year looking back and feeling proud of the growth you’ve done, proud of how you’ve created a reality you love, proud and happy about the people you’ve attracted into your life, and the situations, beliefs, and attitudes that you released, Imagine how you want to feel. What kind of person do you want to be? Take time to really attune yourself to this beautiful, happy, healthy, empowered version of you a year into your future. You are building an energetic blueprint for your future self. You can tune into this version of yourself at any time.
If you like write a journal entry as if you are writing it from the last day of this year. “Today’s date is 12/31/2022. I am happy, healthy, empowered, kind, compassionate, abundant…. I have created…. I love my life. I love the people in it…” Write down a journal entry for the last day of this year as if it has already happened. Make it the best possible version of yourself that you can imagine. Make it the best possible life that you can truly imagine.
Then dear ones, read that journal entry every day. Imagine it. Imagine you are that person. Step by tiny, little step become that person.
Every breath is new dear ones. In every moment you recreate yourself anew. You may have been doing something a certain way your whole life but right now in this moment, you can choose something different. You may have been thinking a certain way for years, but right here, right now you can choose a thought that makes you happier. You may have had a habit for decades, but right in this very moment, you can take the first tiny step towards a new one.
So as you celebrate your New Year, we celebrate the happiest possible new you that you wish to become! This year, as in every year, anything is possible. Determine now what it is you will create, who you will be, and what your life will look like on the last day of this year. Then every day, focus and feel your way into that reality. Inspiration will come. Guidance will come. And if you are diligent about tuning into the reality and feeling it, no matter what you see or feel in your life now, then dear ones, you will read your journal entry at the end of the year from the vantage point of actually living it.
We wish for you all that you wish for you and so much more. Happy New Year! Happy New You!
God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 12/25/2021 • The Light in Your Heart
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Today, take a moment and tune into the energy on your planet. Can you feel the peace? For just a day so many around the world pause and take time to celebrate a holiday of light, love, and hope for a beautiful future. For a day so many choose to gather with family and friends or to reach out to strangers. For just a day so many, even those of you who are down, lonely, and hurting, reach for a slightly better feeling, if only a warm blanket, a cup of tea, and a good movie.
You are never alone. You are never apart from this light. Angels surround you and the Divine flows within every particle of your being. The light that was born in the manger so many centuries ago came into the world anew when you were born, and indeed when every soul is born. Like the oil in the lamp, you have the miraculous capacity to keep this light burning brightly in your world.
Every time you reach for a better feeling thought you keep your light burning, and you birth light anew. Every time you choose to be kind to yourselves or one another you allow this light to burn brightly within you. Every time you focus on something with love you allow this light to burn bright within you.
So whether you are gathering with family and friends, or sobbing silently with a warm blanket wrapped around yourself for comfort, you are reaching for love. You are birthing this light. You are shining this light into the world – whether you interact with another human being or not.
That babe in the manger was a bright light, unimpeded by doubts, fears, or concerns about what the world would think. That light is born again with every child who comes into this world. That light comes in the form of you, your loved ones, and the ones you can’t love so easily. That light comes in the form of friend or foe; in the form of animals, trees, creeks, rivers, and streams. That light swirls in inclement weather and soothes in the stillness. You, dear ones, get to shape that light with your thoughts, your feelings, your intentions, and most of all your focus.
So today, whether you celebrate Christmas or not, focus for a little while on a world at peace, hearts filled with love, and a population of humanity that embraces diversity as the many flavors and textures of One. Your Presence is the gift, dear ones. You are the lights burning brightly in this world.
Today as in all days we celebrate you. May your hearts be filled with the sweet peace of knowing the light is always within you, in every kind thought, in every soothing or loving word, and every deed authentically infused with love.
Give yourself a little present today too, Sit quietly with us for a few minutes. Open your heart. Breathe, and receive. That light that we all are, wishes to flow within you and be a blessing to the world. Breathe. You just gave the world the Present of your Presence dear ones, and that is the greatest gift of all.
God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels
As you look into your world and witness the turbulence, know that you can be the peace. As you see the storms caused by the clashing forces within human hearts you can be the calm. As you see the illness, you can choose to be carriers of well-being. For in every situation dear ones, there is a stream of great love and grace attempting to carry each individual – and the collective human race – towards the loving realities that you all desire, and in every case, there is either a willingness to focus upon and attune yourself to those realities or a resistance that causes great turbulence within and without.
Much of your world is in a state of inner conflict right now. Never before has there been such strong and passionate desires calling forth greater love, and never before has there been such corresponding resistance.
Human hearts are crying for change… as long as others are the ones who change. Human hearts are calling for unity… as long as others believe the same as they do. Human hearts are calling for well-being… while focused on illness, and the list goes on. In so many cases right now upon your planet earth, you are calling for solutions and a higher vibrational reality, while at the same time focusing on problems and living in a lower vibration.
If you want to be a loving person but spend time hating someone or some group, you feel inner conflict. If instead, you offer yourself compassion and grace until you can do the same for others, you will feel at one with your true, loving nature.
If you want peace but get worked up over disagreements with others, you feel inner conflict. If instead, you remind yourself to live and let live, to change what you can and accept what you can’t then you are well on your way to peace.
If you want kindness, but feel vengeful, you feel inner conflict. If instead, you begin to be kinder to yourself until you can be kind to others, then you are on the road to a kinder reality.
Like a cold front that runs into a wall of warm air, you feel the stirring of opposites within you whenever you call for one thing and yet focus upon another. Conversely, you feel the stable and steady stream of love from the Source when you call for something and focus on it with great love, joy, or anticipation. For example:
If you call for a relationship and focus on it with delicious anticipation you are congruent with your desires and you feel amazing. If you focus on your loneliness, you feel only inner conflict.
If you call for abundance, count your blessings, and appreciate what you have, then you are congruent with your desires and you begin to feel abundant even before the money inevitably arrives.
If you call for health and well-being and focus on the times when you felt well and wonderful, or imagine what you will do when you get to feeling well and wonderful, then you’ll heal and be filled with well-being. If instead you obsess about what is or could happen to your body, you’ll feel a conflict that could even make you sick.
Dear ones, the inner conflicts are becoming more pronounced as your world calls for an ever-increasing flow of loving energy. It is more important than ever before to make sure your thoughts are lined up with the reality you wish to experience. In that reality you will feel peace, joy, love, hope, anticipation, and more! In that reality your manifestations will come far more quickly. However, if you focus on thoughts that oppose your desires, you’ll feel the inner conflict more intensely as well. These storms within lead to the storms in the external world.
If you can’t think of something you desire for yourself or the world with anticipation and joy then shift your focus to something else for the time being. Allow yourself, in any way you can, to focus on any thought that engenders the good feelings of love, anticipation, kindness, joy, appreciation, etc.
In this vibration of joyful, loving, kind expectation, you will transcend the circumstances around you, align with the Divine, and find yourself carried forwards towards a more glorious and loving reality. In so doing, you will weather the storms of life with grace, and build a new and better reality.
God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels
Twinkle twinkle little stars…This is how we see you, dear ones – each one of you with a beautiful heart, a beautiful light, and a beautiful ability to be the light in the darkness. You have the ability to share kindness when others are impatient. You have the ability to offer a warm smile to a stranger. You have the ability to listen to someone who is upset, with compassion and non-judgment. You have the ability to pray for peace in the hearts of those who want war.
Your light is the most precious resource you have. In truth the Light that you are views you as a most precious one within the great Oneness. You can bring this Light into any situation, in even the smallest of ways, and in so doing you become an open window for God’s love to flow into the world.
With a simple kindness, you reveal the heart of God to one in need of believing in something good. With a simple loving word, you allow Divine love to flow through you. With a simple prayer dear ones, you allow the Divine to reach someone through your human presence, who might otherwise not be open to connecting directly. With every simple kind and loving act, you become the hands, the eyes, the mouth, and the heart of God in this world of form.
You can shine your light by picking up a piece of trash and throwing it into the wastebasket. You can lovingly arrange your home. You can bless someone you’d normally curse and ask that they be uplifted. You can put out a little seed for the birds, or donate to a charity you believe in. Whether your deeds are great or small a simple pure act of love, coming from your heart, even if it is a moment of pure admiration for the tree outside your back window, makes you an open conduit for the love that creates worlds to reveal itself in your world…
… and each time you allow this love to flow through you in to your world it is like the most perfect note sounding – a note that will resonate with the truth in all human hearts, and a note that cannot be unsung. It may be your simple kind and loving act that ripples outward vibrationally to touch the heart of one who is about to give up.
Your love and kindness bless others dear ones, but it blesses you first. As you open to allowing the Love that sources you to flow into the world – even in the smallest of ways – it must flow through you. A pure act or thought or deed of love, in the smallest of ways, opens your heart, relaxes your body, changes your chemistry, and helps you feel like the best version of yourself. As you admire that tree outside your window, you bless yourself. As you arrange your dinner table with love and anticipation of sharing a meal with loved ones or simply eating a meal by yourself, you bless yourself. As you allow a person in a hurry to go in front of you in line, you bless yourself. As you honor your own heart and take care of your own needs you bless yourself.
Love need not look a certain way. You will know it when you feel it because it simply feels good. You pet the cat or the dog and admire them and you feel good. You take care of your body and listen to your own heart and you feel good. You sign a card with a greeting that you truly mean and think of the receiver with love and you feel good.
The act does not make the love. The authenticity behind it does. If you give with sincerity that is loving. If you give from duty, that is not. If you compliment someone because the admiration arises naturally within you or the desire to brighten their day, that is love. If you do it to get something in return, that is not. If you feed the birds or the poor because you love to share, that is love. If you do it because “no one else will” that is not loving to yourself or them.
Dear ones, real love arises naturally from within, and if sharing love with others does not arise naturally, it is time to tend to your own light and lovingly care for yourself more. Refill your well, so to speak. Give to yourself first. Rest more. Pay your own bills and put money in your own savings before you share. When you feel it is hard to love others, you are “running on empty” and it is time to love yourself. There is, after all, no greater merit in loving others vs. loving self. In reality, you are simply allowing Divine love to flow into the field in which you all exist, in your world of form. Love is love, dear friends, no matter who it flows to. Start with yourselves. That twinkling star can only shine in the heavens because it has connected with the light within.
You are the twinkling start upon your earth dear ones. Tend to your own light. Love yourself first by caring about your own well-being, your own feelings, your own finances, your own homes, and your own lives. Then from this place of fullness, you will naturally shine the light of love upon other beings and things, allowing yourself to be a conduit for the light that came once upon a time in a manger and burned in the lamp – the light that lives in every human heart, waiting to be born, to be shined in this world.
God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels
A baby in a manger… a flame in the lamp… such small things really. The babe and the lamp were tiny lights in a darkened and chaotic world, a world in which there was political unrest, financial challenges, divisiveness between castes and nations – not unlike your world today. What difference could a baby make? What difference could even a miraculous lamp symbolize? What difference can your kindness to a stranger make, or your anonymous dollar in the charitable donation pot? How does your willingness to be happy regardless of what the world is doing around you shine a light upon this earth?
What difference can you – a single person make in this great big, very chaotic world?
We would answer with great love, “All the difference in the world, dear friends. All the difference in the world.”
You open a door and help someone.For a moment they feel loved. You donate a can to a soup kitchen and feed a homeless person for a day. You let someone get ahead of you in traffic with a prayer and a blessing for all. What difference can these seeming “tiny” acts of love possibly make? Ask yourself this question.
What if you were the one standing in front of a door, with your arms full, or simply having a hard time getting it open, when someone with a warm, loving smile came rushing over to open it for you. What difference would that make in your day, in your heart, and in your life?
What if you were cold and starving and someone you’d never met gave you a warm meal? What difference would that make in your day, your heart, and your life?
What if you were rushing to get somewhere, perhaps not driving as kindly as you normally would and someone waved you forward in front of them with a big smile. What difference would that make?
Dear ones, you know from your own experience that when someone is kind and loving towards you, it does make a difference. It might be the difference between creating a vibrational mess or having your day flow smoothly. It might be the difference between eating a meal or stealing a meal. It might be the difference between arriving at your destination on time or having a traffic accident.
Beyond the initial impact of your kindness, all those affected by the ripple effect must be taken into account as well. You didn’t have an accident and back up traffic for miles. You didn’t steal and cause a police officer to investigate, thus preventing them from stopping a murder. You had a smoothly flowing day and blessed others who were down and in need of love.
One, simple, tiny, act of kindness makes all the difference in the world to those whose lives it has affected. One act of kindness can stop a suicide. One act of kindness can stop recklessness that can change a whole life. One act of kindness can be passed on and on and on… and one act of kindness sends a vibrational wave of love rippling out into a world in need.
Dear ones, at the holidays and in all seasons, remember that even the tiniest acts of love can be a massive and brilliant contribution. Your prayer for all in need might be the warm energy that comforts a single mother who is praying for strength. Your prayer for world leaders might be the one current of energy that touches their hearts and makes them hold back on starting a war. You don’t see the results of your prayers, your small acts of kindness, or your emanations of light, but there are huge and beautiful effects from every act of love.
Don’t underestimate your value upon this earth. Never underestimate your power to do good, to sway the balance of energies towards the light, and in so doing to feel the Love that you are flowing to you, through you, and within you.
Dear ones with every act of love and kindness, you are that tiny babe in the manger, the miracle oil in the lamp, and the light of the Divine here upon your earth. Peace be with you. You are that too…
God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels
Upon your earth, something magical transpires over the holidays. A vast majority of you take time, no matter what is going on upon your planet to love. You take time to love your homes. You take time to share love with those dear to you. Through charitable acts, you share love with those less fortunate and those whom you will never meet. You put on beautiful music, set a festive table, and take time to prepare meals with love. You share of your hearts more easily with one another as you run your errands, and you take the time to focus on the only thing that will matter at the end of your lives, which is Love.
Your planet’s light increases during each holiday season, and has done so for ages… in times of peace and times of war, times of well-being and times of sickness, times of abundance and times of lack. No matter what is going on externally, you take time to focus on love. We have watched throughout the ages as even those in war-torn countries, who had very little to give, would gather up natural materials and make a little decoration, or scrape together a few fresh vegetables from the root cellar and share a big pot of soup.
Dear ones, you are incredibly resilient, resourceful, and always able to find ways to express love no matter how great or how small. The scale of your actions never matters. The energy behind them always does.
So this holiday season make it your resolve to be part of the lights of Season. Light up your world with love. Be kind to strangers in the stores as you run around, or if you don’t, leave a little note of love for those who deliver your wares. Write your cards, if you send them, and then hold them to your heart and say a heartfelt prayer for them before you send. Wrap your presents with love. Pray that the receiver feels your love. Make your meals with love and bless the food before you eat, so that it nourishes and nurtures you. If you put up decorations put up ones you love and donate the rest.
We need your love and light upon the earth dear friends. Whatever you do, do it with love. Even things that don’t seem at all related to “spirituality” are spiritual if done with love. You can choose to be part of a rising tide of love.
You can choose to let your words and deed proclaim, “God is alive. Love is alive. Well-being is alive. Abundance is alive. Peace is alive…. and I know this to be true because these things live in my heart, emanate from my heart, and are indeed the “reason for the season.” For just as love was incarnate in a manger, and the lights miraculously burned in the lamp, Love and miracles await those who are willing to focus upon them.
God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels
Dear ones, give thanks every day – for the breath you breathe, for your beating heart, for the sensitivity that allows you to feel the cozy blankets on your bed, and smell your morning beverage.
Imagine for a moment that you are outside, wrapped in a warm blanket on a cool night, looking at the vast expanse of twinkling stars overhead. Feel the smallness of your physical form, the relative smallness of your planet when compared to the immense reaches of space and the countless galaxies that revolve within it.
Imagine that this very moment the light reaching you from those stars was shined from them thousands of years, sometimes tens of thousands of years in your past! Imagine that the light shining from your sun will reach these stars in thousands to tens of thousands of years. Your universe is that magnificent! It is diverse beyond your wildest dreams and imaginations. There are planets, unlike anything you can imagine. There are species and life forms that defy description in your current languages. There are galaxies of life that exist as well within each tiny cell of your body.
We are working here, with your energy, to give you a sense of the magnitude of creation. Can you imagine the love, the mind, the intelligence that has imagined all this into being? Can you imagine the ultimate sculptor, the artist whose vision never ends, the engineer whose ability to orchestrate details from the interaction of galaxies to the tiniest reactions in your own mitochondria? Can you fathom the love that wanted YOU to exist within these glorious worlds, living within these glorious worlds, created in a body that contains these glorious worlds?
The same Source that dreamed the infinite galaxies into being, dear ones, imagined you. The same Presence that imagined the most beautiful scene you have ever seen in nature, imagined you. The Infinite love and wisdom that coordinates entire universes wants to help coordinate your lives and assist you in achieving your dreams. Can you imagine?
You matter this much. You are loved this much. You are surrounded with so much help and assistance that it would reduce most of you to tears to feel it and yet dear ones so many of you feel alone, scared, frustrated, or angry for one reason and one reason alone. You are not yet aware of the love that breathes life into you, sustains you in every moment, gave you free will, and wants for you whatever loving desire that you want.
Your world looks so chaotic now and indeed, for now, it is. At present, there is clashing between those who want change and those who don’t want to change. There is a clashing between those who want to change one way and those who want to change a different way. There is a clash between those who want to mandate behaviors and those who want the freedom to choose behaviors. Through all of this, however, the love that sources universes – the same love that created that magnificence you see in the night sky – is Sourcing and guiding you.
Take a breath and for a moment imagine you could feel this love permeating your entire being. Breathe and imagine that you can feel this love giving life to your cells, energizing you, lulling you to relax at times, helping you want what is good and pleasurable for yourself. Imagine this love whispering to your heart saying, “I created you. I live within you. I live within all. I want you to have what you want. I want you to know My love. Relax. I will guide you with good feelings. I will help you orchestrate your dreams in harmony with the world, as surely as I orchestrate the stars in the heavens. I love you. I love you. I love you. I have always loved you. I will always love you. Relax into my embrace.”
Dear ones if you could take time each day to simply imagine this love washing into you and through you and whispering this message of love to you then you would tune into the very real vibrational reality in which this love does wash into you and through you and whisper vibrations of love to you.
If you would consider taking a small amount of time regularly to do this exercise, to tune into the immensity of the Love that is there for you, your lives would change. Fear would slowly dissolve. Frustration would melt away. After all, if the Creator of Universes has your back, who could you fear? Why would you find fault with any situation if you feel this sort of love?
Dear ones, when you feel loved by another human being, truly loved, you feel nearly invincible. Can you imagine how you would feel throughout your days if you were to consciously and intentionally tune into the massive Love that creates you, adores you, sustains you, and guides you? We, the angels, are part of this Love. We feel this Love every moment of our existence because we consciously tune into it. It gives us the strength and grace to tune into your upsets and frustrations and fears without sinking into them, but rather with only the intent to lift you.
You are so cherished, dear friends, Cherished. We honor the courage you have to be here during this time of awakening. It isn’t the easiest time on your planet. There are so many disconnected souls spreading the virus of fear. There are so many insisting that their way is the only right way. There are so many more, however, who – like you – are laboring in love to usher in an era of kindness, tolerance, freedom, and openness. You will get there. For now, however, allow us, allow your Source to simply love you into a vibration where you become the invincible creators that you truly are. Receive dear friends. You are all worthy. You are all loved. You are all precious souls adding light and love to a vast and beautiful creation.
God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels
Are you living in the real world? Are you living in the world of love, abundance, peace, joy, and harmony? Are you living in the world where the Source of all love and life wants to fulfill the essence of each and every desire in your heart?
Or are you living in the world created by those who have blocked the flow of love in their world a long time ago? Are you living in a world that you were conditioned to believe is real? Heaven and hell and every world in between exist simultaneously, in every single space and time. These are dimensions of awareness that exist at different frequencies, much as your different television and radio stations. You get to choose which one you attune yourselves to.
In the middle of the Great Depression most would have said the “real world” was a dismal mess. Yet there were many thriving, in their own “realities.” There were many who found opportunities to create work, employ others, and invest when stocks were low. In the middle of the pandemic, billions living in the “real” world agonized because their lives were interrupted, they were isolated, and scared. Yet there were also many of you who were relieved that you finally had time to yourselves, time to rest and time to rethink your lives. There are people at this moment, in war-torn countries, where bombs are going off in the “real” world, and yet they are living in love, laughing with their families, and living in a vibration completely apart from what is going on around them. To them, their world – the world of eternal love – is more real, than the world of war.
You get to choose which “reality” you attune yourself to. You get to choose where you place your focus.
Reality, as we know it, is a world of unbounded, formless, infinite love just waiting to be molded into form with your focus. Reality is an energetic world in which thought creates vibration, vibration attracts what you are tuning into, and what you tune into draws the unseen into form. Our reality is the world in which you are loved beyond measure, a world in which you are guided in each and every moment of your lives, a world in which you are loved beyond measure.
Most people look at what has already been created in your 3D world, and say, “This is the way it is! This is reality! Live with it. Deal with it. You’re fated to it. Put up with it. Try to make the best of it.”
With all the love in our beings, we gently remind you that were not designed to react and survive. You were designed to create and thrive.
So when you look at the 3D world around you, look deeper. When you see the pandemic, the upsets, the frustrations, the restrictions, the blockages, the bickering, etc., look deeper. Most are still trying to “fix” all that exists now, which is – in our reality – what was created in your past. Most are looking at what has already been created and are saying, “This is reality.” However, dear ones, the deeper reality is the unseen, unbounded, formless, infinite love that you are molding with your focus in this very moment! The deeper reality is the well-being that you are collectively calling for. The deeper reality is the freedom that you are calling for. The deeper reality is the harmony you are calling for. This is the reality that you will live to witness coming into form because you are creating it with your faith and your focus here and now.
The hair on your head is real in the world of form. It exists. Nonetheless, there is a deeper and more elegant reality within you. Within you exists the potential to grow the most perfect, healthy hair you could imagine! Depending on your diet, circulation, and especially stress or relaxation exists an invisible world of hair being nurtured and grown or pinched off and restricted. Beyond even that, exists a world of energy that either informs the perfection of your body or is pinched off. Your faith and focus, or your doubt and limiting beliefs control how much that world of energy is allowed to inform and coordinate your cells. The hair you will see on your head next month depends on what goes on inside of you right now. Likewise, the reality you see in your future depends on what is going on inside of you right now!
So if you want well-being, tune into the “loving energetic reality” of well-being by focusing on any good feeling you can. Give thanks for everything you love about your body, every sensory feeling you enjoy, every sight that you love, every smell and taste that you savor, every slight touch of the breeze upon your skin. As you focus on the wonder and the wellness of any part of your body, you start to tune into the “loving energetic reality” of well-being. You allow Love to inform your cells and call them to operate in greater harmony. Any good feeling in your body assists you in allowing every good feeling in your body. People have healed from fatal diseases by choosing to focus on living their lives in joy and enjoying what they can. Next time you don’t feel perfect in your body, do what you need to do to handle the issue, according to your own guidance, then focus on anything and everything else that does feel good. You will heal so much more quickly by tuning in to the “reality” of well-being.
Likewise, if you have frustration with another human being, this may be very real in your world. You may even have just cause. However, you can, if you like, turn your focus to the “reality” of harmony in your life. You can focus on all the wonderful people whom you love and adore. You can focus on your wondrous relationship with your animals. You can focus on all you appreciate about your life and yourself. Soon, in this space of focusing on the things that make you feel good and feeling the “reality” of love in so many other areas of life, you will not find the need to focus on the “reality” of irritation, because you simply prefer to focus on the “reality” that feels better.
There are so many “realities” dear friends. Each of you lives in the same world and yet each of you lives in your own “reality.” Two of you in the exact same place at the exact same time can experience the same human life and have two very different experiences of “reality.” Of course, the deepest version of “reality” is love.
You get to choose what you focus upon. Why not focus on the “reality” of love? If your hair were not healthy you could obsess about it, or you could take care of your body and focus your thoughts on things that uplift, and soon your outer world would reflect the inner. As you focused on loving thoughts your muscles would relax. Increased circulation would flow to the scalp. You would crave healthy foods and movement. The relaxation would assist in creating a wonderful hormonal balance. You might say to us, “but losing hair runs in my family,” and it may well do so, but you, with your focus and habits, can choose to repeat the family genetics or cause new gene expressions!
And you dear ones, can choose to repeat the realities you have been conditioned to create, the ones you focus upon over and over again that you see in your world, or you can create a reality that is far more “real” and eternal – a reality based on love, well-being, harmony, and all that you desire.
No matter what is going on in your 3D “real” world, ocus on the world that is more real. Focus on the love that is offered to you daily in the smallest of pleasures. Focus on the fact that you are a walking miracle – a kingdom of cells that love you and attempt greater order at all times. Focus on the people in your world who are doing good, behaving kindly, and laboring in love. Focus on all that you do right instead of criticizing what you do wrong. You will not be able to maintain this positive, happy, focus at all times but when the “real” 3D world causes you to wobble, align yourself once again with love in the simplest of ways. Hug yourself. Notice something good. Focus on the world in your mind that you are creating. Dream of better.
Reality, dear ones, is unique to each of you. The greater, most “real” world, however, is a world where your thoughts are your power tools, your feelings are your guides, and statistics have no bearing whatsoever on what you choose to create.
God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels