Messages from Ann & the Angels – 10/01/2022 • Living in your own flow

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Each one of you exists in a beautiful stream of energy. The stream is created and updated with every desire you have – with every wish, every intention, and even with each problem you notice. Each situation inspires new desires.
You add a new current to your stream every time you have even the tiniest loving desire. This stream is your flow – your personal guided path to all that you’ve asked for. This stream takes the easiest and most joyful path, much as a physical stream carves its course in a path of least resistance.
The stream adjusts its course often. Perhaps you didn’t feel like leaving the house yesterday, but today you can’t wait to go out. Perhaps you could meet the person of your dreams today if you took that walk you feel like taking. Tomorrow they might go to the grocery store, so the stream might give you a happy urge to run to the store for a container of ice cream. The stream adjusts to changing conditions – both inside of you and in the external world as well. The stream, dear friends, is you – the future you, the energetic template of the best, most loving, most satisfied possible future self. It beckons you forward and readjusts with each choice you make.
Your stream may join with other vibrationally compatible streams and then separate once again. You say that your “paths cross’ and indeed, this is so energetically, even before it is physically made manifest.
When you feel good, you will know you are in your stream, aligned with the happiest possible version of yourself. When you feel bad, you are resisting your stream and the happiest version of yourself.
Say you want a relationship. Simply by having this desire, you have created a stream of energy that already intersects with the energy stream of another who, similarly, is calling for the type of person you truly are. Your streams are guiding you towards the type of relationship you both want. This intersection of energy streams may happen soon in linear time or farther down your path, depending on how consistently you are in your own stream. If you’re happy, you’re aiming straight for each other. If you’re upset, frustrated, lonely, or angry, you’re delaying your own joy. For example, if you want someone fun and exciting but are constantly focused on how dull your life is, you’re not yet a match. If you want someone who finds you wildly attractive, but criticize yourself often, you’re not yet a vibrational match. You must find ways to feel good here and now so can align with the current carrying you to your ideal match. You don’t want to be in a negative current carrying you to a match for that!
Say you want a new job. You have created a stream of energy that merges with the the streams of those who want someone like you for the position. You will both be guided towards a mutually agreeable and perfect situation. You can surrender, trust your feelings, apply only to the jobs that feel right, and bring your authentic self to each interview. The interviewer can trust their feelings about you as well. Here, in this mutually compatible vibration, you have a perfect job situation. Alternately, you can push yourself, ignore your guidance, and find a job that matches your sense of urgency…which is not likely to be as ideal.
The intersection and dance of these streams is unimaginably beautiful. It is as lovely as your central nervous system, as intricate as the dance of the stars, and even more so because it is constantly shifting and changing. This is why your guidance appears in the present moment instead of a five-year plan. This is why you need to trust your feelings about the decisions you make now. This is why mindfulness is so important. When you are in touch with yourself and feeling happy at the moment, you are in the stream, navigating life on the most joyful path.
You will not flow easily with your stream at all times. Sometimes you’re not flowing with it at all. Nonetheless, when you face new challenges or situations you don’t like, you add new desires and, therefore, new currents to your stream. The moment you turn your sights towards your desires and away from the challenge, you hop in the stream, allowing yourself to flow towards even greater love.
Trust your feelings, dear friends. They are your indicators of whether or not you are in a flow towards all that you desire and all that you have already, through your desire, energetically created. Don’t go with “the flow.” Instead, go with your flow. It calls to you via your very own natural impulses and your very own joy
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels