Category Archives: AA Raphael
Trinity of Archangel Healing by Archangel Michael
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings and love, I, Archangel Michael, extend to you now. It is an honor to be in your presence and to bring forth the Angelic vibrations.
Today I bring forth the Angelic vibrations of Archangel Raphael and Archangel Gabriel. We create a trinity, a trio of Archangel light and Archangel healing that we wish to share with you.
As we come forth as three, we wish to instigate and provide to you a healing vibration that supports you in your current stage of existence. We each represent a quality of the Creator,
I, Archangel Michael, represent the Divine Will of the Creator,
Archangel Raphael represents the Divine Awareness of the Creator,
Archangel Gabriel represents the Divine Expression of the Creator.
The New Earth Ascension Blueprint has anchored into your being and the Earth. It continues to be activated, manifesting upon the Earth, creating a new earth, a new world and existence for you to embody and experience.
There are so many changes, shifts and transformations taking place that you may find it confusing, unsettling, and may experience yourself lacking in balance. It may occur to you that everyone around you is changing and you are remaining still or maybe you are changing so much and everyone around you is noticing.
There is so much change occurring on the earth now and especially within your being as the New Earth Ascension Blueprint takes place upon the Earth and becomes more physically manifested for all to experience. As this manifestation takes place you may notice your attention being drawn to focus upon the turmoil, the turmoil in the world and the turmoil occurring within your being.
You may discover that old energies which you have buried, confusion which you have long forgotten or simply feelings of being unsettled, unstable or unbalanced may come to the surface, which you have not recognized nor experienced for a while. The New Earth Ascension Blueprint is bringing everything to the surface which is not of the light and the truth of the Creator.
We are all stepping through a doorway now, a doorway into a new world. It is very much as if we are all packing our holiday bags choosing exactly what we want to take with us into the new world and what we want to leave behind.
It is often what we really want to leave behind and know we need to leave behind that is challenging and sometimes difficult to acknowledge. Many energies will come to the surface to be acknowledged and therefore we, the three Archangels, wish to bring our healing vibrations to you in order to support you in feeling more grounded, settled, able to cope with the changes occurring and the shifts in the reality around you and within you while focusing and allowing yourself to understand things that are the truth and things that are not.
We wish to bring forth a healing vibration, that holds the Divine will, the Divine Awareness, and the Divine Expression of the Creator, promoting these within your being.
As you walk through the door into the new world, it is these three energies you will need.
The Divine Will of the Creator, the Divine Awareness, and the Divine Expression, which you could also translate as intuition, awareness of who you are, and expression wish to integrate into your entire being.
This integration wishes to take place within your physical body, your awareness of your emotions, your thoughts, what you wish to create, and how you are acting and reacting with yourself and others.
Divine Awareness is a recognition of the truth and what is not the truth, what you wish to create in the world and an understanding of the New Earth Ascension Blueprint as it activates further.
Divine Expression is the key purpose for your existence upon the Earth, and the important purpose of the New Earth Ascension Blueprint.
The more you can express the Creator the easier you will find it to exist in the world. The easier you will be able to be fulfilled, complete, successful, to be love and peaceful.
Our three energies act as stabilizers to support you as you enter through the doorway into a new world.
The process of walking through the doorway may take time, it may take months even years.
You are an extremely sensitive being composed of multiple levels and dimensions. Such transitions cannot take place instantly because there is a need for your awareness of everything that is taking place to learn how to exist within your body and the reality being created now.
The new earth I, Archangel Michael, speak of is not that you will leave behind others, you will remain upon the Earth. Instead, your vibration will shift the way you see, sense, and acknowledge yourself, reality, and others, as you transform you will become aware of the new earth.
It is important to be aware that shifts are taking place within your being, allowing new experiences and new people to enter your reality. The New Earth Ascension Blueprint is about the transformation and shifts of the collective as well as the individual. It is about the collective shift into a greater expression of the Divine Will, Divine Awareness, and the Divine Expression of the Creator.
I, Archangel Michael come forth with Archangel Raphael and Archangel Gabriel, we hold our hands out to you, our palms facing to you, and our energy encircling you.
As we surround you I, Archangel Michael begin to express the Divine Will energy of the Creator into your being, Archangel Gabriel expresses the Divine Expression of the Creator and Archangel Raphael expresses the Divine Awareness of the Creator.
These energies extend into your being, you may feel them as warm even hot energies. They are burning up all unneeded energies, dissolving that which is not aligned with the Divine Will, Expression and Awareness of the Creator.
It is as if we are encircling you within a flame, a flame of angelic vibrations and healing. A potent flame which is burning up everything that is confusing to you, everything that is causing you to feel unsettled, unstable, and unbalanced. Everything that is causing you to feel alone, separate, unsure of the world around you, unsure of your own energies, your place, and your purpose in the world. Doubt, judgment is all being dissolved with our Trinity of Archangel Healing.
This energy is immensely powerful, there is simply a need for you to exist within it.
We invite you to exist within this energy over the coming seven days, even if only for a few minutes a day. What you will notice is that you are more aware, that you are able to recognize the Divine Will within your being and outside of you, and able to discover new ways of expressing the Creator through your being.
Your healing is personal to you. Your healing will embed and activate the New Earth Ascension Blueprint even further and even more within your being and reality. Your healing will bond your soul, your soul group and your Divine self-aspects with your current reality, allowing you to experience a greater awareness of the Creator. This healing may be subtle, it may be intense, the more you allow yourself to receive the more you will experience.
Call us forth in your meditation or quiet time. Simply say:
‘I ask Archangel Michael to express the healing vibration of the Divine Will of the Creator.
I ask Archangel Raphael to express the healing vibration of the Divine Awareness of the Creator.
I ask Archangel Gabriel to express the healing vibration of the Divine Expression of the Creator.
And so, it is, I receive and embody with ease and joy.’
Simply allow yourself to receive.
Breathe in deeply as if you are breathing everything that we wish to share with you into your being, imagine yourself like a sponge.
You do not necessarily need to understand, the more you can receive into your energy field and your cells, the easier understanding will flow.
We invite you to experience this over the coming seven days.
We thank you, we are with you always,
I am Archangel Michael
The Presence of Everything by Archangel Raphael
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
I, Archangel Raphael, in loving radiant presence, greet you. May my healing energies awaken your belief in your own healing powers, creating a beautiful dawning of spiritual strength and the creative forces within you. Now is the time to recognise your own radiance, realising what is present for you within your inner radiance. I simply act as a mirror for you to recognise the Creator residing within your physical body; an eternal presence. Everything you see, sense and acknowledge within me, is present within yourself as well.
The Creator begins within each of us
Such a profound statement when you accept its truth, explore it deeply and live from this understanding. When you are unwilling to recognise the Creator within, you are believing that the Creator is initiated through others, whether inner plane light beings or physical people. The Creator is your origin. All openings and awakenings of any form are born from the Creator. The Creator arises from your essence and creates through you. In every form and dimension of your being, the Creator begins within you and all begins. This means you hold all that is the Creator within you. From the birth of the Creator to all creations, from the eternal nature of the Creator to the nothingness of the Creator. The entire journey of the Creator resides within you, whether you are in existence in a physical or light body. Within this realisation you seek the Creator within you rather than outside of yourself. You recognise the power, truth, and radiance you hold within you.
Allow yourself to affirm out loud a few times and then in your mind, ‘The Creator begins within me.’ Allow yourself to acknowledge how this feels for you. What emotions, thoughts or sensations arise from within you? Do you believe the statement to be true or does it feel unreal to you? Exploring this statement supports you in deepening your understanding of the presence of the Creator within you.
Creation is your truth and embodiment
Creation is the formation of energy and light into thought, emotion, physical or anything that can be experienced and embodied. Creation is the awakening of a journey of exploring the Creator’s essence. You could say it is the beginning of an expression of the Creator. If the Creator takes form within you and shapes manifestations/ creations, then the divine mind and divine plan of the Creator are present within you. As well as every journey of creation that you have ever experienced and which every soul has manifested. This is your truth, it is the vibration that pulsates throughout your being, flows through your life and intertwines into everything you create. You are an embodiment of truth and creation, whether you believe it wholeheartedly or not. In fact, you are an embodiment of all truth and creation of the entire universe of the Creator.
If you choose to, you can recognise the entire cosmos in your being
The Creator resides within nature, the universe, the world, life, and the cosmos. All of these are a creation of the Creator. Nothing is separate, everything is existing in oneness and harmony, even when chaos is present. You currently recognise yourself as separate from everything that is the Creator and yet everything resides within you.
There is first a need to recognise that everything holds the energy and essence of the Creator. You may judge something as being negative or positive, even that it is impossible for certain things or experiences to hold the energy of the Creator, however, judgment causes separation and misunderstanding. When you recognise that the energy of the Creator is in constant creation, constant motion, and manifestation, you realise that there is only movement within the energy of the Creator, so nothing stays the same. Transformation and change are a constant in the presence of the Creator.
Secondly, it is powerful to recognise that if everything holds the energy and essence of the Creator then you do too. If everything holds the energy and essence of the Creator, then everything is the Creator and resides within the Creator. Thus, the presence of everything exists within you.
As a being in existence upon the Earth, it can be challenging with the limitations of the mind to recognise the presence of everything. The Creator is eternal, and it can be demanding to contemplate everything simultaneously. It is possible to gain a sense of the presence of everything within you, connecting with the energy, vibrations, and frequency. Thus, you embody the presence of everything and are able to access all you need and require to be of service to yourself and others.
What does it mean to you to embody and align with the presence of everything?
What would it change in your reality and life experiences to embody and align with the presence of everything?
What would you consciously create and be guided to create from the space of embodying and aligning with the presence of everything?
It is important to take some time to contemplate and meditate upon the realisation and acceptance of the presence of everything residing within you. To achieve this, I, Archangel Raphael, invite you to repeat the statement, ‘I Am the Presence of Everything.’ You are stating that the Creator who resides within you and all beings is the presence of everything, all that is the Creator. As you recite the statement either out loud or silently, you allow the energy being created to direct your focus deeper and deeper within, aligning you with the energy, vibration, and frequency of the presence of everything. Thus, your entire being pulsates as the presence of everything, with infinite opportunities to create infinite possibilities.
Everything has already been created and yet it is experienced as if it is fresh and new. This is because of your willingness to be present in that moment with whatever is forming or manifesting. Each time you allow yourself to be present you transform, grow and are different. Thus, each moment is approached and experienced differently. Each moment is unique.
While it can be testing to imagine that all that is the Creator exists within you, it can be challenging to come to terms with the understanding that everything you agree with and disagree with is also present within you. It is powerful to realise your perspective creates your understanding of agreeing and disagreeing. Your thoughts and the thoughts of others can create that which you disagree with. I, Archangel Raphael, invite you to accept that everything is present within you; focus on the truth and inspirational nature of the Creator. If anything, not aligned with the inspirational nature of the Creator arises then simply let it go through your intention. You will be releasing it on behalf of the world and the entire universe of the Creator, which is an amazing service. Let the healing begin.
You may wish to take time to realise and meditate on the embodiment that you have access to everything you need and require; it is all present within you.
To be present in the moment and conscious of what is occurring is a powerful skill.
To be present with all you recognise yourself to be is inspirational.
To be present with everything is your truth.
I, Archangel Raphael, invite you to contemplate, seek and explore the power of everything within you.
In love, healing, and harmony,
Archangel Raphael
This is the year when many of the New Yous are stepping forward fully into your missions, and truly anchoring your real authentic selves into the Nova Earth.
Channeled by Genoveva Coyle.
Greetings dear ones! I AM Raphael, Archangel of the Emerald Ray of Love and Healing, healer and physician in this universe, multiverse, and beyond, in service to the Mother, to you, and to all.
And I step out to talk to you on this day of new beginnings of this wonderful and promising New Year 2019! This is the year when many of the New Yous are stepping forward fully into your missions, and truly anchoring your real authentic selves into the Nova Earth that we are building together at the same time.
Many of you had shed the falsehoods that you had taken upon yourselves in a conscious or in a less conscious way. But nevertheless, a process was needed so that you can properly descend and ultimately assist you as you relate with humanity living in the old third-dimensionality. Some of the baggage you were carrying was needed and carefully planned, and some of it, which you had decided to carry of your own free will, was more than was necessary. But now, though, all of those collective misconstructions are released and completely gone. Some of you had held on and kept a few veils to cover your light and brilliance, and yes, had used millions of reasons and excuses to do so.
When you said “yes” to the Mother just recently, that you wanted to be reborn, and all of you stepped bravely forward and wanted to do so, well, you had agreed to reveal yourselves, and let go of all of these covering veils, and literally, all of the old and heavy, enslaving memories, and programmings. So, with the emergence of the New You, everything of the old is dissolved and gone!
Feel the freedom, feel the lightness and the playfulness of your bodies. Feel the excitement and the exuberance of the New You that is ready to take on the new life, full of promises, and the new world full of possibilities and miracles!
Yes, dear hearts, you do have the memories of the old experiences, but you also have the clear understanding of not wanting to repeat the harsh lessons in an arduous and painful way. The self-judgment of the old you, that belittling of your small and limited selves, is just not possible any longer from where you reside in this New You of yours. Therefore, you would not get dragged into judging others and into the density of the old.
Many of you – the healers and the empaths – will continue to send your compassionate, loving, and healing energies to the ones in need, but from a safe place, without taking into your sacred space their diseases and disturbing energies.
This false grid of being a universal surrogate for the pain and suffering of the entire collective was very sneakily inserted into your cells, so you felt it was of real service to take away everyone’s pain and then to deal with it, to process, heal, and transmute it. This is not part of the New You, and it had never been part of Mother’s Plan, for the Mother never desired, nor expected you to be of service in a way that made you uncomfortable, or worse, caused you pain.
And yes, your physical vessels have always given you clues and cues of where you were stretching and overextending yourselves.
It is time for you [to] start communing and collaborating with your extremely intelligent physical body. And it is your body’s desire that you start listening to its feather-like communication and not waiting until pain and extreme fatigue or lack of stamina is urging you to take corrective actions…the way you feed yourselves, the way you claim and hold onto certain thoughts and beliefs.
Really, all that you do while taking care of yourselves in the physical world and everything that you ingest or place in your body should be done by consulting with your wise physical vessels that have a great desire to assist you in this current journey so that you remain healthy, vibrant, and full of energy and vigor for at least a few hundred years.
Yes, dear ascended ones, there is no need to place any limitations on this new self! Any low vibrational energy foods or beverages, and any harmful supplements or medications should be removed from your environment, and only light and nourishing foods should be eaten, truly as a way of celebrating and grounding yourselves on planet Earth, and not as a way of decreasing your awareness as you have done in the past, by distracting yourselves from the world and from a reality that was not pleasant.
The New You physical body doesn’t need much from the outside world, but mainly that loving and nourishing energy from your soul. And as a result, it will be rewarding you greatly, along with all the other balanced and wise mental, emotional, and energetic bodies, by increasing your awareness and by assisting you in expanding your consciousness further. Endeavor to listen to and tune in with all of them always, before, during, and even after taking any type of action. Love and honor all of yourselves dearly, for you are perfect, and you are special indeed!
I am looking forward to working with you and assist you on this journey! Farewell!
By permission.
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.It Will Be Felt.
Archangelic Tools For Ascension.
ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL: PRACTICE SEEING, HEARING, AND FEELING WITH YOUR HEARTSChanneled by Genoveva Coyle. I come to remove blockages, worries, and fears that stand in front of your further expansion. |
Greetings dearest ones! I AM AA Raphael. I am your brother, Universal physician, and healer to you and all, in service to the Mother, in service to everyone that is calling on me. It is with great pleasure that I am coming here to address thee, to infuse you with my emerald green, with my love and healing energy. It is with great honor that I come to remove blockages, worries, and fears that stand in front of your further expansion. It is my desire and promise to thee, it is my purpose to make this time of accommodation and acquainting with your magnificent ascendant selves more pleasurable, swifter, and more graceful for you all. In the world that you are living in now, a world that has been conditioned to have you and all of humanity take the most arduous path, to work hard in order to survive, and coerced you into giving your power away in so many subtle ways, it is difficult to stay in the higher vibration of the ascendant self at all times. Dear ones, realize that you have always [had] the choice to refuse to participate in the old paradigm of living in limitation and lack. Realize that your task at this time is to understand the tricky and covert ways of some of these challenges that are luring you to take the outdated paths of frustration and dead ends. |
Yes, it requires constant awareness and sharp discrimination to see the challenges, to discern the truth from the twisted false constructs that sometimes appear to be true. Practice seeing, hearing, and feeling with your hearts dear ones! Then, trust the knowing and follow the sweet and quiet voice of your soul that tells you where to go. Whenever you are not feeling quite sure, sit in silence, go deeper and deeper into your soul, and be patient! Just allow the answers to come to thee. Trust the process, for the answers always come to you. Be grateful and acknowledge each and every one of the clues that are meant to guide you and direct you on your missions and paths. Celebrate and enjoy every forward step you take and understand that you all are moving on and along your path at the speed and pace determined by your higher selves, and according to your divine plans. Make it fun and pleasant, make it joyful and uplifting for your master selves and for everyone else in your soul family! This why I am here, dear brothers and sisters, this is why I want to remind you that you are doing a fabulous and extraordinary job! Let me remove any doubts or fears that you might have. Let me bring that knowing and certitude to thee and know that you are in the perfect place and exactly where you need to be at this time. Know that you are cherished and loved, always! Stay with my love and peace! Farewell, By Permission. © 2018 Council of Love, Inc. This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted. |
I bring you today my emerald green elixir to remind you to drink it, to sip it throughout the day, to breath it in, it really matters not how you feel like using it, just use it on a daily basis to refresh yourselves, to detox and to purify your bodies in every moment, so that anything coming your way and which might want to stay will be dissolved and removed gracefully.

Use it daily to refresh yourselves, to detox and to purify your bodies… Channeled by Genoveva Coyle
Greetings my dear ones! I am Raphael, Archangel of love and light, healer and physician in this universe and beyond, in service to the Mother and to you and all that call on me.
I bring you today my emerald green elixir to remind you to drink it, to sip it throughout the day, to breath it in, it really matters not how you feel like using it, just use it on a daily basis to refresh yourselves, to detox and to purify your bodies in every moment, so that anything coming your way and which might want to stay will be dissolved and removed gracefully.
For all you here and beyond reading these messages, the pathfinders and the trailblazers, the ones traveling in the forefront, it takes a great deal of awareness and clarity to move through the chaos and mayhem and at the same time to remain poised and balanced at all times.
Whenever you travel and immerse your sweet selves into the densities of the third and lower third dimensionality you might bring back with thee some energies to transmute and eliminate. Whenever you meet some of the soul families in distress that are being directed to thee for assistance you might capture some of the distressing energies that need to be purified.
And so, you see it is in the nature of the work you have chosen that you might get inadvertently affected and contaminated and that would drag you into the lower vibration and slow you down. You might see yourselves as healers or as physicians that need to wash their hands with water or energetically clear the space between different patients, so you protect others and yourselves.
The only difference is that your “patients” are everywhere you go, at home – your children, parents, partners and spouses, at work with your clients and co-workers, and while shopping and buying your groceries – literally everywhere – even where you are traveling when dreaming, day or night, it matters not.
It has been said that if you are only love and light, that there is no darkness that can affect you. And that is true in the sense that there are none of you who would succumb to your own dark sides, for this is the only aspect of self that can affect thee, any other forces are not going to be able to find their way to you. In this new era and age, on the Nova Earth, it is not permissible and so, rest assured that this is not possible any longer. Period!
But what I am saying to thee is that there are those little and small dense energies – like the small amounts of debris leftover in your fields that can still affect you – enveloping you and having you feel out of sorts or in a less than joyful spirit. Those can and will slow you down, stalling you in your progress.
Dear and brave healers of the souls, warriors of the peace, holders of the love and light, it is the Mother’s desire that you are in joy and peace at all times. It is our wish that you have a light and pleasant journey and that you fill every moment of your day with smiles, laughter, and love for yourselves and for everyone else. Whenever you feel less than bursting into laughter and shedding tears of joy then you need to remember to take in my love emerald elixir and to call on me, for I will gladly come and restore the brightness and your peace of heart.
I am with thee always at your service, always on call.
Until next time, farewell
By Permission.
© 2018 Council of Love, Inc.
This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted.