Category Archives: AA Michael

They say the pen is mightier than the sword, so use your pen. Write your words that cancel out the evil. Write a better script for humanity.-AA Michael-

I am Archangel Michael, highest of the holy legion of angels serving your planet now.

There is concern on earth now for your future. There are several parties vying now for dominance and the chance to finish their agenda or to change the world to another agenda that aligns with the Light and Godโ€™s will for you. You are those who I speak to of this latter group. You are the legions of divine ones who came to earth to help change the fortunes of those living here who were stuck, calling us for help.

You have come to be there for them, to hold Light for them, and to spread the word of the Light among you. You have come to teach those ignorant ones who do not realize and are confused. That is a warrior. You have your jobs to do, and you do them well. You spread the word, you clarify problems, you listen to your leaders, you hold the Light, you gather into groups and work among yourselves to create change and forward progress for your world.

You are the warriors. In what you term modern day style, you use all at your disposal to calm, soothe, inform, prove, and to bring on board those who do not realize, the ignorant ones.

Take each day as it comes. Take each sunrise with new vigor. You are the warrior who is called upon now to revitalize your planet. You are the ones who have lain dormant for so long and who now spring into action.

Hold your swords high. They say the pen is mightier than the sword, so use your pen. Write your words that cancel out the evil. Write a better script for humanity.

We stand with you. We whisper words of help to you. We aid you in your daily battles to fight to focus the Light on the darkness that has prevailed.

You are the warriors. You are the strong ones. You are to be commended for your devotion, your loyalty and your service.

Your world will see a new dawn. And so it is.

I remain,
Archangel Michael

YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega

You might wonder, what the recent global unity mediation has accomplished. It has created a new consciousness within a grid of Light around the Earth. This consciousness is increasing the amount of Light on Earth exponentially.-AA Michael-

Archangel Michael via Asara Adams | April 11, 2020

Archangel Michael:

โ€œGreetings, Beloved Ones.

We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for youโ€ฆ

โ€˜I AM the Resurrection and the Life.โ€™

As our beloved Lord Sananda/Jesus used these words, the resurrection and the life of Source was activated to the highest levels.

He moved through death and then, resurrection.

Dear Ones, the current times have initiated the process of the dying off old paradigms, energies, realities and beliefs.

As you are letting go massive layers of the old third dimensional reality, orchestrated by your Higher Self, you are making space for the resurrection of your true Ascended Self.

Like the Phoenix, rising from the ashes, you will ignite your true inner light and you will spread your wings to soar to new heights, individually and collectively.

As you say the powerful words โ€˜I AM the Resurrection and the Life,โ€™ add anything you wish to create to these words.

So many of you have journeyed through their spiritual awakening on their ownโ€ฆ

Now, a large number of people had a rapid awakening and the coming together in your last global unity meditation not only shifted the energies of the Earth, it ultimately connected all the people who chose to enter the network of Light that has been forged by this meditation.

Now, you are not walking this journey of your ascension on your own anymore.

Now you are experiencing this journey with billions of people.

Now, you are connected with a powerful network of lightworkers that is gaining on momentum with every day that passes.

You might wonder, what the recent global unity mediation has accomplished.

It has created a new consciousness within a grid of Light around the Earth.

This consciousness is increasing the amount of Light on Earth exponentially.

It is bringing in vast amounts of high vibrational frequencies to shift the energies into a higher gear.

It is dissolving the layers of the old Earth and is bringing forth the layers of the New Earth.

Each layer is carefully orchestrated to allow for the ascension of Earth to happen as smooth as possible.

With this new momentum your thoughts, feelings, words and actions are now more powerful than ever.

Be very mindful of them and know that you are the Creator of Your Reality.

Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.

Welcome Home.

We are walking beside you, every step of the way.

Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.

I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.


Thank you, Archangel Michael!


~Asara~ Adams
Founder of The Telos Channel
Trance-channel for
Adama of Telos
Archangel Michael and
The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light


Archangel Michael โ€“ The Tide has Turned

AAM Channelled Gem โ€“ Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Nova Earth is not a place of exclusion. It is a place of inclusion where all the misdeeds, all the mishaps, all the sorrow, all the grief are healed โ€“ and where all are welcomed into the creation and co-creation of a world of love.

At the behest of Archangel Michael, Andrew lovingly shares this beautiful channelled gem from his personal reading with Linda Dillon.

Greetings, I am Michael. โ€ฆ Welcome to you, old friend, new friend. Welcome to this Council and to this Circle of One.

And yes, I come as always as brother, as ally, as friend, but I also come as Archangel of Peace, Warrior of Love โ€“ and it is critically important, in all matters great and small, that the sense of peace, the sense of calm, the sense of centredness and balance not only be maintained, not only be anchored, but expanded and shared throughout the planet.

This is a time of the death of drama. That does not mean, nor has it ever meant to be, that this is the end โ€“ in any way shape or form โ€“ but it is also not the end of what one might think of as personal or global or planetary or Universal challenges. But โ€˜challengesโ€™ when we use that word means growth; it means expansion; it means the anchoring and the living, the engaging, in a higher dimensional reality and in a more fluid interdimensional reality.

Drama is a vibration that in fact freezes and attempts to tether one into the lower vibrations of the old third, and that would be โ€“ in your terms, in terms of your science โ€“ like being jettisoned into outer space and simply attempting to tether yourself on air. It does not work that way in terms of practicality.

The Plan for this Ascension, as has been planned for eons and eons by the Divine Mother, is about being tethered by choice, by free will, by divine authority, on planet, in form, in community, in the unity of heart, of heart intelligence, of heart speaking, of heart listening, and in the sharing in the unity of community.

When we speak of community, as you most recently have experienced, we are not talking about a hierarchy. We do not operate within a hierarchy. The old paradigm of human hierarchies, where some are privileged and some are not, is a misconstruing of uniqueness of individual roles; it is a denial of the supreme authority of each and every being.

So when we speak of unity, we do not speak of โ€˜some in, some out, some guilty, some privileged.โ€™ This is important. All are equally forgiven. All are equally being given the opportunity directly from the Heart of One to be reborn โ€“ and to be reborn into the balance, above-below, within-without, of various bodies and chakras and energy systems.

Nova Earth is not a place of exclusion. It is a place of inclusion where all the misdeeds, all the mishaps, all the sorrow, all the grief are healed โ€“ and where all are welcomed into the creation and co-creation of a world of love.

There is not one beingโ€ฆ well, there are a couple actuallyโ€ฆ but there are no beings upon the planet that do not have the strength to fulfil this mission. And there is no being upon this planet that has not misstepped, or misdirected their divine authority and mission at some point in time, whether it is 10,000 years ago or yesterday.

Hence, those who have been, shall I say, engaged in egregious, offensive behaviours are doing so, yes, out of egoic self-interest and lack of true vision. But they are also doing so that the collective can come together in a level of clarity โ€“ not of jealousy or envy or punishment or guilt โ€“ where the community of Gaia can come together and say, โ€œThis is not what we choose. This is not the way that our community operates,โ€ and then you enfold those into a new realm of being.

Now, there are many upon your planet โ€“ not merely those who have, shall we say, taken โ€˜scenic detours,โ€™ but those who are simply tired, those whose contracts have been completed โ€“ there are many who are coming Home, who are travelling a different trajectory and are choosing to work, to witness, to participate in this rebirth of Nova Gaia from this side.

Is this a reaction of Gaia to rid herself of those that injure her? The answer in fact is โ€œno.โ€ Does it give her relief to see some who have perpetuated wrongdoings, to have them leave the planet? Well, the answer in fact is mixed because, while there is the physical release of someone not completely hammering on you constantly โ€“ and let me be very clear, evil deeds hurt Gaia โ€“ it is not merely those who are polluting or creating climate change, etc.; it is those who behave poorly.

So is she, Gaia, happy when people leave? The answer is โ€œyesโ€ and โ€œnoโ€ because, for those who leave to come Home and have already been in the light, she is happy for them; and for those who have not had the breakthrough to achieve that level of understanding, there is an element of sadness, of grief, of lost opportunity. Gaia has been extraordinarily patient โ€“ as only an Archangel can be! โ€“ because she is fully aware of her role in this unfoldment.

So be very careful, my brother, [brothers and sisters] to make sure that the doorway to inclusiveness is kept open. Yes, poor behaviour โ€“ and that is putting it mildly โ€“ must come to an end. Well, that is already underway, but there has need to be individually, collectively, globally, and certainly universally, always room for forgiveness.

Now you know this. As sacred physician, if someone comes to you filled with dis-ease or injury, that they have crashed their car and they have broken bones, you do not say, โ€œI will not treat you because you were drunk!โ€ Of course not! You heal them, you assist them in the emergent and urgent situation, and then you address the underlying causes.

The addiction to poor behaviour upon this planet, that is usually masked by massive egos, is not truly because people feel superior. It is because in fact they feel inferior; they feel lacking in self-worth and self-love, and therefore are incapable of loving anybody else or acting in ways of love.

So the tide has turned and, yes, it is washing up upon the shores of the Motherโ€™s Gaia many who need triage. But you donโ€™t simply tell them to go back into the ocean and drown; first you aid them and then you allow them to heal. Is this difficult for many? Of course, it is!

But that is also why so many of you who have been engaged previously in the Intergalactic Wars are here on Gaia at this time โ€“ because you know the devastation, the destruction, the hatred that caused and resulted from those wars, and you know how long it took for those wounds of war to heal. But those lessons have been learned, and so there is a collective impetus to not repeat that level of cruelty and judgement, of penalising those.

There is only one planet called Earth โ€“ Archangel Gaia โ€“ and that is the Truth.

Channeled by Linda Dillon
ยฉ2020 Council of Love, Inc.

This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted. [Full terms of copyright at]

sometimes impatience is also a good thing!-AA Michael & AA Gabriel-

When you see the genuine, deep, profound transformation, applaud it, laud it, transmit it across the airwaves. Celebrate it!

A fabulous channelled gem shared by Susan from her personal reading with Linda Dillon.

Archangel Michael: Pay Attention To The Transformation And Celebrate It!

Archangel Michael: Greetings, I am Michael, Archangel of Peace, Warrior of Love, Bringer of News. Welcome, beloved.

Susan: Welcome to you, Michael!

AAM: Sweet angel of light, sweet angel of blue, patience is and has been your standard, your strength, your bedrock โ€“ patience and hope and trust โ€“ and for this as always I commend you, I reinforce you. But, as my beloved sister Gabrielle will say, sometimes impatience is also a good thing!

S: I have enough of that, thatโ€™s true!

AAM: And it is good because what it means is you also see, feel, know, inhabit, embody, welcome the vision, the Plan. And in that impatience, balanced with patience, comes the spur to activity, to engagement with others โ€“ with us โ€“ but I mean with the humans as well.

And so it is this sense of balance, sweet one, and it is this teeter-totter/seesaw effect that you will go from impatience to stillpoint to patience to stillpoint โ€“ but it is not travelling to the end of the seesaw, ever. And I only say this, not because that is what you are doing โ€“ you are in the centre, and it is in the centre of all of this where you anchor and, beloved dear heart, where you belong!

If the centre point, if the lighthouse, if the cell tower, if the beacon of hope is not clearly anchored in the centre, beaming out, providing light and energy and the transmission of love and, yes, patience and impatience, then people do not know in the human realm which direction to move in, how to proceed, where to look. And you provide this, and you provide it in a way of balance, of equilibrium.

You provide it in a way that is not the blinding direct light of a halogen beam, or the dim light of a 20 watt bulb. You do this in the measure, not onlyโ€ฆ let us be very clear about thisโ€ฆ not only in the measure of who you are, but in the measure of how someone else โ€“ yes, this collective you call the humans โ€“ how they need and require it.

So let us explain. Sometimes there is a being, a person, known or unknown, that needs the 125 megawatt bulb and that is exactly what they get from you. And sometimes the same individual, who is tired and weary and feeling exhausted, only wants a 70 watt bulb and that is what you give them. And it is simultaneous!

We want you to understand the magnitude of how you are working on the subtle levels. At the same time as you, as the lighthouse, and many are performing this function, someone else, elsewhere across the planet in India or China or Australia, needs the 1,000 watt bulb and that is what you give themโ€ฆ or the 10 watt bulb, or the flickering candlelight, and that is what you give them!

You are not only demonstrating, beaming, at the rate of who you are; you are transmitting to others at the level that is compatible, acceptable, able to integrate to other people. And that, sweet one, is an enormous gift.

And let us say something further. Sometimesโ€ฆ alright, let us concede โ€“ often! [laughing]โ€ฆ you may feel that a certain situation, environment, collective behaviour, or individual behaviour requires a 1,000 watt bulb. That is your own soul inclination; you would like to beam the light so brightly that it brings into clear focus rigidity, strong relief, to the attention of not only those involved but to everybody.

Now, there are times when that occurs, but by and large, sweet one, the sweetness of your nature โ€“ the bringer of peace; you, the peaceful warrior with me โ€“ brings to the people, to the environment, to the situation, to the behaviour what is not going to cause discomfort, what is not going to cause rebellion, what is not going to cause rejection.

So, sometimesโ€ฆ alright, often!โ€ฆ it is softer than you would think would be useful. But you arenโ€™t doing โ€“ and we arenโ€™t doing โ€“ what we think we want; we are giving what is needed to that individual. Now, does this sometimes create a longer, in your reference, timeline? The answer is โ€œyesโ€.

But when you attack โ€“ because a brilliant light sometimes is viewed as an attack โ€“ so when you attack recalcitrants with the brightest light, for example, then what occurs? The person becomes more recalcitrant, more resistant. So we turn it down in ways that are soft and encouraging and non-threatening, but deeply deeply effective.

Now also at this time โ€“ we are just talking about what you and my blue warriors are doing โ€“ at the same time, do not think that there are not multiple approaches on multiple fronts because, at the same time, bright angel, they are without reserve being penetrated by the Motherโ€™s Tsunami of Love. And that is transforming them right down to the cellular level in a very practical, not merely esoteric, but in a very practical way. And they are seeking kindness and gentleness, and they are exhausted of cruelty and abuse.

At the same time, they are being gifted and penetrated by the Star Beings and their energy of Porlana C. Never has this been stronger upon the planet. So there is a multifaceted approach to this transformation that is well well well underway. And yes, if you think, beloved one, that you are impatient, have a look at me! [Laughter]

But โ€“ now there are some that are receiving that 1,000 watt bulb because the time, yours and ours, for subtlety is over. And in many of these situations, what you will witness is that the individual, many individuals, are simply choosing to leave and that is fine. They are returning home to the light, to the love, to be reintegrated, reflect, work from this side because manyโ€ฆ it is not because they are deficient or recalcitrantโ€ฆ they are simply tired.

So there are those that are returning, and there are those that โ€“ in the bright light being shone either on the individual or the situation or the behaviour, or all of the above โ€“ are truly before your eyes transforming. And this is what we are asking you โ€“ and all of you, by the way โ€“ to truly pay attention to.

Yes, you see the recalcitrants, but also see and witnessโ€ฆ and creditโ€ฆ the transformation where it is obvious โ€“ not make-believe, because many are simply making up stories and it is make-believe transformation, and that is not of truth or peace or anything that is of love. But when you see the genuine, deep, profound transformation, applaud it, laud it, transmit it across the airwaves. Celebrate it!

We have talked to you many times about celebration but one soul, one being, not just those in the public eye โ€“ one being who rises above the pain and suffering โ€“ this is to be celebrated!

Too many upon your planet live in what we can call โ€˜squalorโ€™ โ€“ and we do not simply mean dirty or poverty; we mean emotional, intellectual and, yes, physical squalor โ€“ and this is transforming. And it does transform with the collective and individual actions that are being taken quietly and publicly, it matters not.

In fact, very often the quiet actions, the quiet interactions, are by far the most effective. And it is not that they go unobserved or unnoted; it is just that they are not headline events โ€“ but on our side, they are headline events!

So do not forget, when you see these little shifts and these massive shifts, to celebrate!


Channeled by Linda Dillon
ยฉ2020 Council of Love, Inc.

You are our leaders. We sent earth our best.-AA Michael-

Archangel Michael via Sharon Stewart, March 2nd, 2020

Archangel Michael: Lightworkers Are Here With God

I posted: Lightworkers are here as representatives from the galaxy, not victims of earthโ€™s ignorance.

This is Archangel Michael with a message for the lightworkers, those of you who have descended to earth in this now are the Bearers of Truth, not victims of your circumstances.

Soul connection is required for you to switch over to this new enlightened way of being. Without soul connection you remain what you have learned, a role or roles you are playing. Authenticity is what you seek in yourself โ€“ your own truth, your own inner Light.

This is a journey of courage. The courage to change everything you have learned, everything you thought you knew, everything you believed you were, to stand on new ground, the new ground of truth, the new reality that is coming to your planet now.

We stand behind you as you take steps to change. Change is difficult for those who have been indoctrinated into lies but they are nonetheless important. The energies of renewal support your journey, pushing you on while your soul pulls you towards them. You are the leaders of humanity now, not your presidents, not your social figures โ€“ it is you that hold this responsibility to your people โ€“ it is you that have chosen to do this so long ago.

You have studied, you have prepared and you have incarnated on earth during other lifetimes in order to help to change the course of humanity during those eras. You got a feel for how lower dimensional bodies and minds think and feel, you got practise at feeling the lower energies and acclimating to them. Then you left. You went back to the higher realms, other worlds and other dimensions, where you worked and studied more to prepare for your ultimate challenge โ€“ life on earth at a time of near death of a species.

Yes, your people are demoted to double stranded DNA beings. This is near death for a human as the human body can enact 12 strands of DNA with no difficulty, in fact, blissful joy. You prepared to come here, you prepared to understand what you were to fight, you prepared to be here at this crucial time in the history of the galaxy.

You came to be truth holders. You came to fight the dark. You are powerful beings, moreso than you ever would understand coming from your low frequency perspective, but you are. You are the darlings of the universe right now as you have taken on the fight that so few wanted to. You knew it was important for this planet and for all of humanity โ€“ because we are all One. Humans are one family, one body in a larger body called God. When part of the body is destroyed, then the rest suffers.

It is decreed that you rise from the slumber that others live under. It is decreed.

Change your minds. Question everything you encounter and ask, โ€œIs this loving?โ€ Youโ€™ve been given the wrong impression of what love is by your fearful minds, but love is pure, love is forgiving, love does not attack, love is happiness and acceptance of all.

Your minds have been dominated by evil for so long you donโ€™t remember love. So you donโ€™t remember yourselves. These next few years will be a huge awakening for all of you as you soldier forth into the Light. It is coming. The epiphany is coming. The cleansing of all to a more pure form. When you all remember yourselves again.

We support you in your work to remember yourselves and to change your minds to higher Light. We are all One. We work together as a strong unit against evil, against the dark.

You are our leaders. We sent earth our best.

I remain,
Archangel Michael of the highest Light

YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega

Keepers of the Violet Flame -AA Michael via Ronna Vezane-

Wisdom Teachings From Archangel Michael, March 1, 2020

Beloved masters, humanity is in a cosmic moment of opportunity. The Violet Flame of transformation and purification, through the radiance of beloved Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, under the direction of St. Germain along with his Twin Flame, Lady Portia, Goddess of Justice, is being showered down upon the Earth and humanity to assist in these unprecedented times of evolution and Ascension.

The purifying vibrational patterns of the Violet Flame will greatly increase in strength over the coming years as more and more advanced Souls learn how to harness and project its magical, transformative properties. The Seventh Ray of ceremonial order, freedom, redemption, purification, ritual and organization will be the Over-Lighting Ray for these next 2000 years as the Earth spirals into a closer orbit in relation to the sun of this solar system.

The First Ray of Divine Will / Power / Purpose will be the second most important, active Ray for the next cycle of 2000 years. The Violet Flame of the Seventh Ray will accelerate the transformation process by returning discordant vibrational patterns to neutral Light substance so that, through your loving, conscious intention, you can return to balance and harmony within your physical, emotional, mental and etheric bodies.

Once this is accomplished, you will more easily become true cocreators of beauty, abundance, joy and peaceful coexistence on Earth. You are to seek personal Ascension; however, you must also assist your brothers and sisters and the Earth to evolve and ascend as well.

At the turn of the Twentieth Century, a Divine dispensation was declared, and the Chohan of the Seventh Ray, St. Germain, was allowed to bring forth the mystery teachings of the Seventh Ray / Violet Flame. Before that time, just as with the advanced teachings we are now bringing forth unto the masses, the knowledge of the Violet Flame and its Divine alchemical properties was reserved for the Ascended Masters and their chosen disciples.

Advanced Souls called Chelas were recruited, and the I AM Teachings were conveyed to qualified teachers. Invocations / decrees were taught to the students who expressed an interest. For several years the number of devotees grew; however, they could not keep up the momentum, and interest in decreeing gradually waned until it faded completely from the consciousness of all but a few of the faithful.

What was called decreeing in the past is now called affirmations; however, the results are more dramatic, for you have been given even more advanced Sacred Wisdom teachings. When you have the ability to draw forth (magnetize to you) the Adamantine Particles of Creator Consciousness, of which the Violet Flame is a component, you have at your disposal the full Spectrum of the Light components of manifestation.

When you bring forth a powerful thought form via affirmations and breathe or radiate that thought out into the world of form, you magnetize to you and radiate from you the elements needed to manifest that thought form in its material expression.

The Violet Flame will also accelerate the vibrational frequencies of the components of any discordant patterns of thought so that they can be dislodged and purified by the Sacred Flame. Faith, perseverance and forgiveness of yourself and others are an important part of the accelerated transformational process.

You will be performing a great service if you will make it a practice to consciously see this blessed energy blazing up from beneath your feet around you, and then radiating out in an ever-widening circle. By doing so, you will join other dedicated Souls in helping to lift the consciousness of humanity back into the frequencies of Love/Light. As you draw forth and radiate the Divine Essence of the Creator, you will help spread this wondrous transforming Light, which will facilitate in the healing of the Earth and humanity.

As an aspirant on the Path, greater and greater cosmic truths will be revealed to you. However, you should be aware that the lesser principles of ageless wisdom will constantly be expanded to incorporate the unique rules, laws and truths of the next level of existence, in a never-ending cycle of Ascension in consciousness.

Ascension is mind-expanding, the passing from one state of consciousness to a higher state of Being. We are endeavoring to assist you to gradually expand your awareness to include all humanity, the Earth, the solar system and its workings, the galaxy and even beyond.

You are slowly withdrawing your attention and your energy from your old, dysfunctional Third- / Fourth-Dimensional reality; therefore, it will gradually fade away and cease to exist, for you are no longer feeding it energy. No longer will the focus be upon the little self.

The ultimate goal is to become a galactic Being, and to eventually attain a Universal consciousness.

A Self-master seeks his/her own highest truth and then lives that truth to the best of his/her ability. A master strives to view the world and its great drama from a higher vantage point, so the bigger picture is available. Gradually, time will become malleable, for you will move beyond the linear time/space continuum.

In the not too distant future, your natural way of seeing will become more panoramic, and your peripheral vision will expand to a degree. This phenomenon has already happened to some of the leaders of the Way.

There is great concern that the devastation around the world is accelerating. We acknowledge that this is true, and it will continue for some time as the Earth releases the negative patterns and constrictive energies. Your Earth Mother is striving to repair the damage that has been done to the planet over the eons of time through humanityโ€™s negative thoughts and actions. Humanity is responsible for the present state of the Earth.

It is up to all of you, along with the assistance of the Beings of the Higher Realms, to strive to correct as much of the damage as possible. You are being supplied with the tools and the Sacred Fire energy necessary to accomplish this task; however, you must incorporate and direct the energy appropriately. Your Ascension and the Earthโ€™s Ascension are inexorably tied together, and we are committed to assist you in every way possible.

Dear hearts, we know it is painful to experience or observe as vast populated areas are destroyed and many lives are lost. The closer to home an event happens, the more painful and disconcerting it is. However, if you are to become World Servers, and bearers of the Sacred Fire of transformation โ€“ the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light โ€“ you must rise above what is occurring in your personal arena, your city, even your country.

Yes, we understand that the devastation which is occurring around the world is a travesty: the wildfires, destructive flooding, tornadoes, droughts, and the pain and suffering caused by the ongoing wars that are taking place in many areas around the world.

To become a World Server, you are to continue to strive to make the transformative changes in your personal life that are necessary to return to a Self-masterโ€™s state of balance and harmony within. However, you must also dedicate some of your time and energy to World Service by joining your Soul Group in the Fifth-Dimensional World Server Pyramid where you will affirm, โ€œI ask for my highest good, the most beneficial outcome for all humanity, the Earth and all Creation.โ€

By doing so, you align your will with the Divine Will of our Father/Mother God. Then you are to spend however much time seems appropriate to breathing in light and breathing out love. This is the process that will speed up your ability to access the full Metatronic Light of this Universe, which contains the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light now being made available to those who have stepped onto the path of Ascension.

An explanation about the World Pyramid and its benefits, along with an illustration, also more information on the Violet Flame, as well as many affirmations and exercises can be found in:

Reference & Revelations * Glossary and Illustrations (RV) If you have been following our teachings for some time, you are aware that before you began your journey out into this Sub-Universe, you were given a Divine Mission. That mission included an assortment of tasks or lesser missions, and you were also offered many other opportunities as your expertise in manifestation increased, and you became accustomed to the great diversity in form and expression.

As StarSeed, those of you who answered the clarion call, which ultimately placed you in a physical body on Earth at this time, were taken to a star system in a galaxy that is composed of pure Amethyst Crystalline Energy of the Violet Flame. There in the Celestial Amethyst Hall, from the Amethyst Throne, Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst accepted your vow to become a Keeper of the Violet Flame.

An etheric Amethyst Seed Atom, which contains the vibrational frequencies of the Violet Flame, was placed within your Sacred Heart. The Violet Flame contains the vibrational patterns of the love and compassion of our Mother God, as well as the frequencies of forgiveness and transformation. It also contains Adamantine Particles of Love/Light which are offered as a gift, a Divine dispensation; however, they must be activated by the frequencies of a loving, compassionate heart.

As this powerful Seed Atom is activated, the Facet of your Diamond Core God Cell that carries the vibrational patterns of the Violet Flame will blaze forth into your auric field, and it will enhance the activation of your ascending Body of Light. Refining your Soul Song, harmonizing your etheric Auric Field, and using the Violet Flame are instrumental in the process of Ascension.

The Violet Flame removes discordant vibrational patterns so that you may more quickly expand and grow in radiance. As a Keeper of the Violet Flame, you are also to actively send forth the gift of the Violet Flame to those you are led to assist, as well as out into the world-at-large.

Faithful Ones, the time has come to divulge more of the complex design of the Universe so that you will better understand the magnificence of your home among the stars. No, you do not have one specific home location, for you are a citizen of the Universe.

You, the Star Seed, have helped to create many wondrous planets and galaxies, and that is why you have been given such an important part to play in the future expansion of this Universe. You have often heard the sayings: โ€œAs above, so below,โ€ and โ€œThe microcosm is representative of the Macrocosm.โ€

We have spoken before about the new Golden Galaxy that is in the formative stages; however, we have not elaborated on the Galaxies of the Rays and their function in this Sub-Universe. A Galaxy was created specifically for each of the twelve Rays of God-Consciousness; and although the frequencies and colors of the other eleven Rays are also represented within each galactic structure, the colors and frequencies of each galaxy are predominately those of the Ray it represents.

The galaxy of the Seventh Ray is composed primarily of Amethyst Crystals from the deepest purple to the palest violet. It is the home base of Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and from their Amethyst Throne within the great Celestial Amethyst Hall, they send forth their great Rays of Refracted Creator Light to the multitude of Great Central Suns throughout this Sub-Universe.

These galaxies are the chakra system for this Sub-Universe, and they contain a high concentration of the vibrational frequencies which each Ray represents. These galaxies could be called Universal storehouses of Divine Creator Light. When it is time for a particular Ray to take a predominant role in a particular quadrant of this Sub-Universe, our Father / Mother God radiates a greater amount of that Ray into the Galactic Centers so that the Archangels of that Ray can radiate more of the attributes, qualities and virtues of God-Consciousness to the designated galaxies, solar systems, planets and to you and all sentient Beings.

Beloveds, we know some of the concepts we relay to you can be very confusing. However, as you expand in consciousness and wisdom, your Sacred Mind will open the well-spring of knowledge you have in reserve, and gradually, you will remember and understand. I am with you always.

~ I AM Archangel Michael.

Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included.

And so we ask you, beloveds, are you ready to close the door to the past, and step onto the path which will lead you into a magical world of all possibilities?-AA Michael-

Michael’s Message
  WISDOM TEACHINGS FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL  FEBRUARY, 2020   THROUGH RONNA VEZANE * SACRED SCRIBE A NEW CYCLE OF CREATION IS IN PROGRESS              Beloved masters, the stage is set, and the curtain is about to rise on the new dawn of tomorrow. There are new sacred vortexes of higher consciousness manifesting all over the world, and the Ascension columns of Light from the great Cities of Light in the higher realms are being anchored at an ever-increasing pace. The great infusions of Creator Light are building in strength and momentum, and they are making a greater and greater impact upon the minds of the masses.                Know this, my brave ones, you are in the final stages of a specific unit of time, and you all have been subjected to a unique system of rules. We are repeating and emphasizing this information, for it is vitally important that you understand this concept within the new Universal Laws of the Age of Aquarius.             Total free will was deemed to be a great gift; however, it became a great burden as humanity sank into a broader spectrum of duality, which has resulted in great pain and suffering. There was a non-interference clause written in the rules, and the specified time for this particular phase of Creation had to be played out before our Father/Mother God could declare: โ€œIt is enough. It is time to intercede.  There will be a Divine Dispensation for those who are striving to attain Self-mastery, and the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Angelic Kingdom are authorized to give assistance in whatever way is appropriate within the framework of Cosmic Law. The Law of Grace exists as the higher frequencies of Karmic Law and it will, henceforth, apply to the emerging group of World Servers as well as the aspirants and disciples on the path of Ascension.โ€             You are slowly withdrawing your attention and your energy from your old, dysfunctional Third-  and lower Fourth-Dimensional reality; therefore, it will gradually fade and cease to exist, for you will no longer feed it the energy necessary to sustain it.             As this particular era comes to a close, there will be a new system of rules and laws which will apply to all emerging Spiritual/human Beings. A new expanded cycle of Creation is in progress, and all of you who are striving to attain a unified state of consciousness will be designated as cocreators of the future. As an individualized God Seed Atom of Creator Light, your Divine mission is to expand the borders of manifested God-consciousness. Your goal is to become a master of manifestation โ€“ drawing forth the Essence of Creation, activating it within your Sacred Heart. Then, via specific thoughts from within your Sacred Mind, molding the God Substance into an endless variety of forms. Thus, you will become a true, full-fledged, extension of our Father/Mother God.             You, as individuals, will tap into the appropriate amplified-consciousness White Fire Memory Seed Atoms, which contain the next higher level of your Higher Self Divine Essence that is appropriate for you at this time. This is the Essence of Ascension, and it has been waiting for you ever since you separated from your Divine I AM Presence. These Seed Atoms of God-consciousness contain the wisdom, love, power and inspiration that will assist you through these next tumultuous years of evolutionary change.               Humanity is in the midst of a dramatic change in Memory Seed Atom Life Codes as you, the StarSeed, reawaken your extrasensory abilities. Your sight will expand beyond the ultra-violet spectrum of Light, and your natural way of seeing will become more panoramic as your peripheral vision increases to a degree.              There are minuscule pyramid-shaped crystals of Light within the brain in the area of the pineal gland, which will be activated as you begin to understand and learn how to use sound and color as it was designed to be used in healing; thereby, balancing and harmonizing the auric field and the human body. Your superconscious mind will begin to download more and more wisdom teachings about the workings of the Universe โ€“ the complexity of your true nature โ€“ as well as information about the future of humankind. When your Higher Self determines it is time for your Third Eye to open, it will be as if you have received a surge of Sacred energy in the middle forehead area. These specialized frequencies will also activate the Seed Crystals of Light within the Pineal Gland, which will speed up the process of reclaiming and perfecting your telepathic communication skills.             There will be new information coming forth about molecular genetics, mathematics, music and the importance of sound. You will experience a quickening in the process of downloading the multidimensional aspects of your nature, and the Holy Spirit, the powerful loving essence of our blessed Mother God will initiate a dramatic increase of the vibrational frequencies of Love radiated forth directly from her Sacred Heart Core.          And so we ask you, beloveds, are you ready to close the door to the past, and step onto the path which will lead you into a magical world of all possibilities? The way has been prepared.  All you have to do is agree and the process will be revealed to you, one step at a time.  We are endeavoring to make this transition as easy as possible, for you have suffered enough, and it is time for ease and grace. A grand alliance is being formed โ€” a reunification of magnificent proportions, as we solidify the process of joining together once more in common purpose โ€” both we of the higher realms and you, the earthbound representatives of the Creator. The time of separation is swiftly coming to a close, and paradoxically, those still steeped in the illusion of the Third /Fourth Dimensions are coming together as well. They will be bonded together more and more tightly in their fight to maintain separation through their struggle for dominance and power, fueled by hatred, fear and greed.              Many eons ago, we made each of you a promise as you went your separate way to fulfill your part of the Universal Divine Mission. We promised that we would come together again in a grand reunion when the experiment on planet Earth was drawing to a close.  We promised that even though you would forget your origins as part of the experiment, at the appropriate time we would help you to remember and reclaim your heritage, and we would move forward together, side-by-side and heart-to-heart.  That time is now, beloveds.              We are asking you to make a commitment by becoming a LIGHT BEARER and a WORLDSERVER. In doing so, your awareness and effectiveness will be expanded by leaps and bounds.  Through the dynamics of group meditation within the Fifth-Dimensional World Server Pyramid, you will swiftly become a master of cocreation and an example for those around you. The swiftest way to get the attention of others is by initiating, proving and personifying a beneficial theory.  See yourself creating a firm foundation and establishing a unity with the Earth as you enjoy the richness and beauty she and the first Three Dimensions have to offer.  Access the plethora of positive thought forms stored in the realm of the Fourth Dimension to assist you in building your vision and solidifying your dreams. Then move into your Pyramid of Power in the Fifth Dimension in order to access the Life Force of Creation and thereby infuse your creations with Cosmic Fire.   MESSAGE OF ENCOURAGEMENT FOR THE STARSEED WAYSHOWERS        In past lives and past Ages, this reunion of the Soul and Spirit was a very individualized and personal event, not one experienced by the masses, only by the few. This is no longer true. It is now a time of mass awakening, a time of global, galactic and universal reunion and Ascension into a heightened state of Creator/Spirit-infused consciousness. You now have the potential to connect with the many Facets of your Soul family, your Higher Self, your many OverSouls and your White Fire God Seed Atom (I AM Presence). At a cosmic level, the Supreme Creator is now sending down the radiance of Itself via the Great Central Suns, which is being filtered down upon Earth in great bursts of Living Flame of Life via the Sun of your solar system.             As your radiance expands and grows more powerful and far-reaching, you, along with other Light Workers, will become a unified force that will not be denied โ€“ a force for transformation and change of the highest order. Be bold in your vision; see what is right in your world, thereby reinforcing the Love/Light that dwells within each and every person you meet. Do not focus on the shadows, for wherever you focus your attention that is where your energy will go.              We have told you many times โ€œyour only true enemy is fear.โ€  However, it remains one of your greatest drawbacks on the path of Ascension. Release the fear of the future and of failure.  Strive to stay centered within your Sacred Heart as you radiate Love/Light out into the world of form โ€“ then watch as the miracles unfold. You are masters of manifestation; you have just forgotten. Believe in yourself and cease creating those things that bring you pain, guilt and suffering. Become a cocreator of the Light, peace, balance and harmony once more, and help recapture the pristine beauty of planet Earth, and harmony amongst all sentient Beings.             Through your diligence in studying and perfecting your skills as Self-masters and cocreators, your Soul has gradually been infused with a Divine discontent, which has slowly filtered into your consciousness. You began to turn inward, to tame the ego desire-body and reconnect with the Soul, the OverSoul and multiple Facets of your greater Self. Now you are ready to display and share your wisdom and the โ€œteachings of the New Age of En-lighten-mentโ€ with other dear Souls who are just beginning to awaken. The masses are stirring, and the need for guidance and inspiration will grow and spread rapidly to all people around the world.             We say to you that it is time to begin to listen to your own inner guidance so that you will begin to trust your intuitive powers. Go into your Pyramid of Light in the Fifth Dimension and state your desire to clearly understand how you are to proceed as you strive to fulfill your Divine Mission โ€“ at the appropriate time for your highest good and the greatest good of all. This aligns your will with your OverSoul Higher Self, and it allows us to guide you to the  place where you will be most effective; to the situations which will also help you move along the path of Ascension, with ease and grace, as you go about creating your version of Paradise on Earth.  Allow us to be your guide, and follow that small voice within, which is our way of communicating with you at the present.             As you become more confident with your new wisdom, and you begin to trust your inner knowing, you will find that people will be drawn to you. You have the ability to coordinate and bring together others who are seeking to find their path. You will be guided to help them understand the transformation process all of you are experiencing at one level or another during these times of accelerated transformation.             We assure you that if you will study and integrate the information and tools we have offered over these many past years, and then share your wisdom with those on the path who are also seeking their higher truth, you will find many dear Souls who are anxious and willing to listen to you.  You all have the potential to be healers of Souls, beloveds.  We ask you to radiate the love we send you to those who are still suffering in the pain and illusion of the Third and lower-Fourth Dimensions.             Many of you have agreed to integrate the maximum amount of the higher frequencies of Divine Light from our Father/Mother God, which are now available to you, the StarSeed Wayshowers. We know that, at times, you are experiencing uncomfortable symptoms and mood swings, but this will pass as your physical vessel releases more and more of the impacted or negative energies from within.  As time passes, you will refine the physical vessel as you integrate more of your Divine Self.  It is something that has never been done on Earth before, and we honor you for being among the forerunners of this process. Those of you who are showing the way are making it much easier for those who follow behind you.             Beloved ones, you can help transform your families, your neighborhoods, the cities and countries in which you reside, and ultimately the world. Be bold in your vision; see what is right in your world, thereby reinforcing the Love/Light that dwells within each and every person you meet. Do not focus on the shadows, for wherever you focus your attention that is where your energy will go.             We of the angelic realms are here in great force to help you move through these times of evolution and great change; however, you must ask for our assistance, for we cannot infringe upon your free will. We are asking each of you toreclaim your rightful place as a Master of Light, and remember, as you integrate the knowledge of Spirit and illumined truth, we ask you to go forth and share your wisdom. If you do nothing more than draw forth and integrate your maximum amount of Adamantine Particles of Creator Light, and then radiate a portion out into the world and to humanity, it will be enough.             There has been a Divine Mandate handed down, stating that the reunification process will be activated in the fullest measure in order to accelerate the process of cosmic evolution. This means that boundaries and barriers within the minds and hearts of humanity, as well as all religions, nations, cultures and races will be given the opportunity, or will face the challenge, of letting go of all that is not in harmony with the blending of all Spirit-kind and the Creations of our Father/Mother God.             We stand together in the Realms of Light and we extend our heart and hands to you to draw you within the circle of Cosmic Unity. Will you step forward? We surround and enfold you in an auric field of love and protection.  I AM Archangel Michael.   Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included.  http://www.StarQuestMastery.com โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹   Read Messages Online English: Japanese/ๆ—ฅๆœฌ่ชž  Spanish/Espaรฑol: Swedish/svenska: 

Collective meditation can affect the worldโ€™s situation and outlook.

January 25, 2020 by Steve Beckow

In my reading with him on Jan. 18, 2020, through Linda Dillon, Archangel Michael said that the various meditations by people around the world to bring rain to Australia have, so far, been successful.

We may not have the โ€œformulaโ€ entirely correct โ€“ hence the hail and flooding โ€“ but we have demonstrated and are demonstrating the power of the collective consciousness to address planetary emergencies. For me thatโ€™s huge!

Weโ€™re not finished yet. The bushfires are still burning (see story, below).  Letโ€™s keep meditating to put an end to them (ask for gentle rain!) , now that we know our work is producing results!

Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 18, 2020.

Steve: Have the terrible Australian bushfires been set with malintent?

Archangel Michael: Are these fires, these raging infernos, for a variety of reasons, horrific? Well, that is beyond discussion. Of course they are.

And have some been set with very malign intent? Yes. But the balancing is that there have been global actions involving literally billions of people in their own way, working, praying, meditating for rain.

And this has shown a potential and the result of the collective to heal what has gone wrong or awry with the planet.

Collective meditation can affect the worldโ€™s situation and  outlook.

Gaia will regenerate herself. That is not the issue.

The issue is to understand that the human collective, in a very clear way, is saying โ€œNoโ€ to these atrocities. And in seen and unseen way demonstrations of cooperative unity. Seen and unseen they are correcting this atrocity. So it is saying to Gaia, โ€œWe are going to take care of you.โ€

Steve: Have our mass meditations significantly impacted the collective consciousness?

AAM: Absolutely!

Steve: Do you want to say little bit more on that?

AAM: It is the coming together in heart and mind and spirit, unselfishly, because these actions have not been, by and large, motivated by individual wants or needs. So it is the unselfish coming together for the highest good, not only of these poor kingdoms, the animals, and the planet herself, the trees, the grass, the air which has been severely damaged, to come together to heal.

So what it has done โ€“ these many collective meditations โ€“ is not simply to demonstrate the power of heart intelligence but the power to result in tangible measurable ways how the collective can shift the direction of anything, not just fire but in anything.

Steve: So you are saying that the rains were a result of the various collective meditations?

AAM: That is correct

Steve: Oh, wow, isnโ€™t that spectacular!

Where Are Fires Still Burning in Australia? Map Shows Nearly 100 Blazes in New South Wales, Victoria

 Jenni Fink, Newsweek, 1/24/20

As people mourn the loss of three firefighters in Australia, others in the country continue to battle wildfires in New South Wales and Victoria.

Firefighters have been battling wildfires in Australia for months as a prolonged drought, hot temperatures and strong winds created ideal conditions for flames to spread. Fires have claimed at least 31 lives, destroyed thousands of homes and burned more than 27 million acres of land, twice the size of Maryland.

On Saturday morning local time, 62 bush and grass fires were burning in NSW, a state on the south-eastern side of Australia, according to the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS). They were all listed as โ€œAdviceโ€ alert level fires, meaning there was no immediate danger. Residents in impacted areas were encouraged to remain informed of the situation in case it changed.

new south wales australia wildfire map

Your personal goal is to become a Self-directed, Soul-inspired entity in the midst of the chaos and turmoil of the current, Third- / Fourth-Dimensional reality of today…you are a treasured son or daughter on an important mission. -AA Michael-

Michael’s Message
  WISDOM TEACHINGS FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * JANUARY, 2020 TRANSMITTED THROUGH RONNA * SACRED SCRIBE INTEGRATING YOUR NEW DIVINE BLUEPRINT              Beloved masters, never forget, your nearest and dearest friend should be yourself โ€” your own Soul-consciousness. Within your Sacred Heart center you will find wisdom, compassion, patience, and most important of all, unlimited Sacred Love. From the beginning of the creative experience into density, all human life forms have been subjected to an ongoing, continuous series of revelations. A curious, inquiring mind was a built-in, intrinsic facet of human nature. The Earth is, once again, being prepared for a new, higher-evolutionary species of humanity.  All of you, as StarSeed and world servers, are encoded with Memory Seed Atoms giving you a burning desire to participate in the manifestation of this incredible dream of the future.  Your personal goal is to become a Self-directed, Soul-inspired entity in the midst of the chaos and turmoil of the current, Third- / Fourth-Dimensional reality of today.                       A new Divine Plan filled with advanced creative ideas beyond the wildest dreams of even the most brilliant, advanced minds of today is being beamed down via the powerful Rays of God consciousness upon Earth and humanity from the Great Central Sun of this Sub-universe. An advanced Soul, treading the narrow path of Ascension, must learn how to absorb and integrate the three major God Rays of the coming Age, THE SPIRITUAL TRINITY, consisting of: DIVINE WILL * LOVE/INTUITION * INTELLIGENT, PURPOSEFUL ACTION.              Why not move into the center of the spiral of ascending consciousness, into the eye of duality and polarity, where all is calm and peaceful, filled with pure cosmic life force substance, Adamantine Particles, just waiting to be molded into your vision of the future? This very moment, as you move into your Sacred Heart Center, you can experience the profound love and compassion of our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator. Please accept this immutable truth: you are a treasured son or daughter on an important mission. Nothing you can say or do can diminish that love. It is time to open the brain passages of your mind to the higher frequency codes of your OverSoul/Higher Self.  Too many of you are still carrying great burdens from the past. Mistakes you have made in this lifetime, and also many from past conditioning and buried memories of painful events or actions from all your previous lifetimes. Holding onto these memories or carrying the burdens of inequity no longer serves you. It is time for you to allow us to help you heal the painful memories stored within your physical vessel and auric field โ€“ just as we are clearing the distortions of the Third-/Fourth-Dimensional, collective consciousness belief patterns; thereby, bringing those dimensions back into their originally designed spectrum of duality. Fear is a primitive fight or flight emotion, which will hinder the expansion of your consciousness awareness. It is time to clear and reprogram the base, instinctual components of your lower human nature.   It is important that you understand, even though you no longer remember your past errors or the thoughts and deeds that threw you off balance, until these negative thought forms are acknowledged and transmuted, those energies are still present within your cellular structure waiting to be rectified and returned to harmony within. Through your conscious awareness, and by aligning your will with the Will of your Higher Self and our Mother/Father God, all that is not in harmony with the frequencies of the higher Fourth/Fifth Dimensions is roiling up within to be healed and returned to the harmonics of peaceful coexistence, joy and loving intention. This is the source of so much of the inner turmoil, challenges and tests that you, the Self-aware seekers of Light, are experiencing.             We have stressed over and over again, one of the greatest challenges, yet one of the most important tasks to be accomplished in order to step onto the spiral of Ascension, is to maintain a focused point of awareness within your Solar Power Center. In doing so, you will maintain an open passage into the Sacred Heartโˆ’thereby allowing the Creator Light to flow freely to and from you. This, in turn, assists you to enhance and perfect your uniquely beautiful, harmonious Soul Song.              During these wondrous, yet trying, times, you are being given a grand opportunity to tap into the cosmic library, which holds the mysteries of this Sub-Universe. You, the StarSeed, are gradually becoming equipped to tap into those sacred temples / Pyramids of Light where the universal laws and wisdom of the ages are stored. In doing so, you will learn that you can traverse any height, surmount any obstacle, and your path of Ascension will be revealed with certainty. You have never lost your divinity or your godly intelligence. It has only been in safe-keeping, awaiting the time when you would, once again, awaken to claim your birthright as a Divine child of our Mother/Father God.             Beloveds, we are asking you to focus on yourselves so you may become clear vessels for the refined frequencies of Light. You have the ability to become a conduit for the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light, which will permeate your physical vessel, and flow out into the world of form. However, you must liberate the power of the Sacred Fire from within your physical vessel, the Kundalini Fire stored within your Root Chakra, while drawing forth a new supply via the great Sixth-Dimensional Cities of Light. The breath is the conductor of this vital Life Force energy. You must learn to use and perfect the perfect rhythm of Sacred Breathing. The Infinity Breath is a vital component of the transformation process. Over the past years, we have added more important elements to the advanced techniques which you must incorporate in order to develop and claim Self-mastery โˆ’vital information you are to integrate and then share with those on the Path behind you. We ask you to envision the Violet Flame radiating up from beneath your feet and completely enfolding you in this vital energy of transmutation, which will speed up the process of transforming all impure substance within and around you as well as giving you protection from outside, negative influences. As you evolve into a Spiritual/human Being, you will become capable of more profound thought and complex concepts. You will also develop a greater capacity for deeper love.  When you have integrated the vibrational formula of abundance, and accepted it as your truth, it becomes a part of your Energetic Signature. Thereafter, those frequency patterns of abundance will radiate forth, from the front and back portals of your Solar Power Center in an Infinity sign, thereby creating a constant flow of abundance in all good things. Remember, in order to manifest your spiritual vision, you must define what you wish to create, and then clearly envision it.  First of all, as a conscious cocreator, you should focus on manifesting a refined, evolved state of Being, and a harmonious quality of life. Therefore, you should seek an abundance of love, joy, peace, creativity, good health, compatible satisfying relationships, and so on. Seeking to incorporate the qualities, attributes and virtues of God Consciousness will assure success in creating all the material objects you require to live in comfort. You are learning to become one with the infinite flow of abundance, as you traverse the many levels and Dimensions of Creation.  One of the most important concepts that you must accept as your truth is a crystal clear awareness that you are the creator of the reality in which you will live now and in the future.              Many of you ask what your mission is in this lifetime and, we tell you, your Soulโ€™s greatest desire is that you reclaim the many facets of yourself, and return to being the wondrous master of cocreation that you were when you first embodied in the material planes. The Ascension process is an on-going journey, not a destination. Each day, endeavor to make the highest choices โ€“ stay in the moment, for that is the only time you can access your God power โ€“ not focusing on the past and not projecting into the future, but seeking your highest potential in each and every moment.  See the challenges in your life as opportunities as you learn to let go of old self-limiting ways. These are inalienable truths that you should instill within until they become an intrinsic part of your human-nature.             This is a balancing lifetime for you, the StarSeed, whereby you are seeking to bring into harmony all the facets of your Being. Deep within, you are aware of how important it is for you to honor and integrate your feminine nature, the gentle, intuitive, creative and inward focused energies, as well as developing and using your masculine attributes. Strive to be strong, yet gentle, outward focused as you tap into the treasure house of wisdom within. Your Divine nature will grow in strength and conscious expression as you learn to draw forth the wisdom of your Sacred Mind, OverLighted with the compassion of your Sacred Heart. You must learn to speak concisely, constructively and confidently.  Know that if you stay centered and focused within your Sacred Heart, the Universe must respond in a positive manner and your success will be assured.             As you become attuned to the intuition of your Higher Self, you will begin to feel the God Light pulsating within your Sacred Heart, and you will begin to focus on the Spark of Creation within the Sacred Heart Center of every person you meet.  It may be dim in many dear Souls, but it is still burning within or they would not be alive. When you do so, you will automatically strive to practice non-judgment, and you will begin to see the positive nature within everyone.             We ask you to use discernment before taking anyoneโ€™s teachings as your truth.  Do not get hung up on theory or complex information. Take only that which resonates deep within, that which is loving, enlightening and expands your awareness. There are many half-truths in the teachings that are now being brought forth to humanity. Remember, you are the one who must create freedom, abundance and empowerment in your life. No one else can do that for you. Discernment is a vital attribute for those on the path of Ascension and enlightenment.  Whatever you choose as your truth, you must integrate and apply in your life through focused intention and action. DISCERNMENT / HEART-CENTERED INTENTION / FOCUSED ACTION result in positive manifestation.             No matter what station, circumstances, or level of awareness you assumed for this incarnation, deep within your Soul Self was a burning desire to integrate the multiple-level Facets of your Beingness.  However, first they must be healed and harmonized so that they may be filled with the rarified Light of the higher realms. As you allow your Higher Self to OverLight and guide you, more and more inspired thought will come to you. There are many ways to allow Spirit to manifest through you; just let it happen naturally, dear ones. What makes your heart smile and brings you a deep sense of satisfaction?  How do you wish to serve?  There are many ways, and you have many talents (more than you will acknowledge); however, the choice is always yours.             The mighty forces of the Angelic Kingdom, as well as a vast number of wondrous Beings of Light, are here to help you move through these times of evolution and great change with ease and grace.  However, you must ask for our assistance, for we cannot infringe upon your free will.  It is time to reclaim your rightful place as a Master of Light, and remember, as you integrate the knowledge of Spirit and illumined truth, it is vitally important that you go forth and share your wisdom.             Know that the challenges and opportunities before you will bring rewards beyond anything you can imagine, and so do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone as you reach for the stars.  Accept your cloak of radiant Light, for you have earned it.  Follow your own path.  Do not fear being different from those around you.              We will leave you with a few en-Lighten-ing thoughts to assist you to stay focused upon the higher mental plane of awareness, with an overlay of loving intention. Your goal is to become Heart-centered and Soul-focused:  ^^     The higher mind utilizes the senses of all your multiple-body consciousness in its thinking /analyzing process. ^^         Knowledge, talent and a high intelligence quotient do not create a genius. It takes concentration, courage, perseverance and an on-going drive, along with integrity, to tap into your spiritual genius potential.  Find and pursue your desire for excellence, and strive to live your passion to the very best of your ability.  ^^       Returning to the narrow path of Ascension in consciousness is the beginning of transcending opposites where there is no good or bad, right or wrong, only harmonious personal choices within the accepted spectrum of duality.  As an empowered, functioning Self-master, you will make only the highest and best choices for the benefit of ALL. ^^  FEAR, HATE AND JUDGMENT DIVIDE. LOVE TRANSFORMS AND UNITES. You must learn to rise above the everyday stressful situations so that you may transform moments of discord into hours of serenity.      Call on us and we will guide and assist you in every way possible.  Be bold and steadfast, my brave warriors. Know that I am with you always, and you are profoundly loved. I AM Archangel Michael. *** Transmitted through Ronna Vezane / Sacred Scribe               Dearest friends: As we move more fully into the AGE OF AQUARIUS and the new GALACTIC BLUEPRINT for the Earth and humanity, which is an era of expanded conscious awareness and Self-mastery, we are experiencing more tests, challenges and opportunities. If you have been faithfully following Archangel Michaelโ€™s teachings over the past few years, you are aware that new wisdom teachings are guiding us toward a dramatic new reality. The messages have become increasingly complex, and for most of us, we must study, ponder on, and even reread the messages several times before we begin to get a clear understanding of what is being relayed to us.             If you have read beloved Michaelโ€™s seventh book of wisdom teachings, THE MAGIC & MAJESTY OF ASCENDING HUMANITY, you are aware that he is now gradually relaying some of the advanced teachings from his latest book to the masses via the monthly messages. This book contains many โ€œPearls of Wisdomโ€ from his other six books and the three study manuals that we have been blessed withโ€”along with a clear definition of what our present โ€œRound of Ascensionโ€ entails. The manual is arranged to progressively assist us in understanding the Seven Dimensions which make up our earthly reality, and the progression of Earthโ€™s and humanityโ€™s amazing Ascension process. Also included are a number of incredible illustrations, which greatly help us to understand the complex process we are currently experiencing.             Many will not be ready to study and integrate these teachings, and that is as it should be, for each of you are on your own path, progressing through each new level at your own pace. However, as the old Divine Blueprint is no longer in force, it behooves us to endeavor to understand how best to traverse these rapidly changing times. It will also be of vital importance to integrate at least the basics of the new Divine Blueprint for our Fifth-Dimensional reality. Each Sub-Dimension has it own specific laws and standards. Since we are in the process of accessing New Age Fifth-Dimensional awareness, our leap in Cosmic Consciousness will be much more dramatic and life-changing. Archangel Michael has gifted us with so much incredible information over the last twenty-five years, and it has been my great honor to be the โ€œtransmitterโ€ of this information. I send you all my deepest love, gratitude and angel blessings, Ronna   Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included.  http://www.StarQuestMastery.com โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹   Read Messages Online English: Japanese/ๆ—ฅๆœฌ่ชž  Spanish/Espaรฑol:

Transforming Chaos, Confusion, Conflict, and Negativity -AA Michael via Natalie Glasson.

Channeled through Natalie Glasson  โ€“ Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Continuation of a channeling from the Soul Group Collective Ascension Upgrade for the Earth Workshop by Archangel Michael. The Workshop Audio Recording can be downloaded from the Sacred School of OmNa Shop, under โ€˜Workshop Recordings.โ€™

Greetings, I am Archangel Michael, I come with the grace, love, and truth of the Creator wishing to awaken the same within you. I am known as an Archangel of Protection, Divine Will/Power and the Divine Plan. You may call upon my assistance to protect you which is to maintain your energy field in and as the light of the Creator. You may call upon me to awaken and support your experience of the Divine Will and Power of the Creator, I will support you in being your truth and an expression of the Creator. I, Archangel Michael, will assist you in receiving and enacting the Divine Plan of the Creator in every moment of your existence on the Earth. In doing so you will enhance your trust in yourself, your presence upon the Earth and the Creator. With trust you become a positively impactful and powerful expression of the Creator on the Earth, inspiring and awakening others to be the same. I, Archangel Michael, am present to support you in stepping into the true identity of the Creator that you are.

Many are experiencing chaos, confusion, conflict, and negativity at this moment on the Earth, whether it is within their own beings, between people or in the world. These four energies seem to be igniting and making their presence known. Take a moment to recognise whether you are experiencing chaos, confusion, conflict or negativity within your being, with others and are recognising it in the world around you. Try to understand how it is impacting your being, your relationship with yourself and the Creator. You may be able to recognise the constraints, control, and suffering you are causing to your entire being. Chaos, confusion, conflict, and negativity are being projected into the consciousness of humanity. Even those who are awake and aware of the presence of the Creator within them may find that the energies being projected by those who wish to gain control, are impactful upon their beings. The energy being projected by those who do not understand the light and wish to dampen the divine mind emerging within many upon the Earth can create a powerful shift when approached with divine awareness. The energy ignites any trace of chaos, confusion, conflict or negativity within you, allowing it to rise into your awareness. Thus, you have the opportunity to release it and choose a new vibration of embodiment that empowers your divine truth.

I Archangel Michael, invite you to be aware of the presence of chaos, confusion, conflict or negativity within your being, with others or in the Earth. Do not seek it as this will attract it further, simply observe free from judgment or fear. The energy of chaos, confusion, conflict or negativity requires to be transformed into a new vibration of light to serve you and all.

Imagine if 50% of the population focused upon transforming energies of chaos, confusion, conflict or negativity into new vibrations of light, such a powerful healing wave would be initiated, impacting all.  Imagine if you focused on transforming any chaos, confusion, conflict or negativity you experienced within you and in your everyday life. Imagine the liberation created and the powerful light beacon you would become. You would truly step into your divine presence, as chaos, confusion, conflict, and negativity would no longer have a hold over you. You would instantly transform the energies.

Transforming Chaos, Confusion, Conflict, and Negativity

I, Archangel Michael, wish to share with you some tools to assist you in transforming chaos, confusion, conflict and negativity within your being, life and the world. I wish to share with you energy vibrations that you can call upon, following your inner guidance as to which one would serve your purpose and create the transformation you require. You may wish to use this method:

  1. Recognise the presence of chaos, confusion, conflict or negativity. Which one is present? Where is it present? What is it creating? (It doesnโ€™t matter if you are unable to answer these questions, the simple recognition of the presence of one or more of these energies is enough.)
  2. โ€˜I am ready, willing and open to release and transform the energies that do not serve me/in this relationship/the world in embodying the Creator.โ€™
  3. Allow yourself to be guided to one or more of the energy vibrations, I, Archangel Michael wish to share with you. Each energy vibration is a tool and technique, an energy frequency you can call upon to be anchored and activated. It will create a healing, release and transformation. There is no need to state the transformation or result you wish to create. Liberation from chaos, confusion, conflict, and negativity is the outcome we seek and amplification of light.
  4. Once you have chosen the appropriate energy frequency I provided; it is important to invoke it into embodiment. โ€˜Archangel Michael, I call upon your presence and divine energies to draw close to me. I wish to now activate and anchor Archangel Michaelโ€™s โ€ฆโ€ฆ. (state which frequency) to create liberation, transformation and magnificent light inโ€ฆโ€ฆ. (describe the situation, whether it is within you, with others or in the world.) Thank you.โ€™
  5. Remain in meditation as you receive the energies, I, Archangel Michael may guide or inspire you as to what needs to be achieved or how the energies are working.  Enjoy and trust this process.

You can achieve this practice as many times as you feel guided to and each time you recognise the presence of chaos, confusion, conflict or negativity.

I am present in service with you,

Archangel Michael

Galactic Contact :”44 Delegations have Met so Far” -AA Michael-

Golden Age of Gaia

In my reading with Archangel Michael on Nov. 26 through Linda Dillon, he gave us a very full discussion of the meetings of the delegations. There have been forty-four separate meetings.

Theyโ€™re arranged into what we used to think of as โ€œspecial interest groups.โ€ These groups include astrophysicists, political leaders, spiritual leaders, healers, environmentalists, homemakers, inventors, engineers, communicators, etc.

Theyโ€™re establishing trust and relationship, sharing knowledge, and reaching comfort levels with each other before going public.

Itโ€™s intended that the whole spectrum of groups goes public at the same time in 2020.

Pretty darned exciting! This is what weโ€™ve all been waiting for!

Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Nov. 26, 2019.

Steve Beckow: Can you give us more of the specifics of what was transacted and accomplished by the delegations so far? Iโ€™m looking for a little more detail to be able to talk about this subject.

Archangel Michael: Well, as you know, these are highly protected and confidential. For the majority โ€“ we are willing to talk about this โ€“ of them, think of it as, sort of a, primarily a meet-and-greet.

Now you would think that the delegations first and foremost โ€“ the grander purpose of the delegations, the collective soul purpose of the delegations โ€“ is the benevolent, expansive, cooperative, collegial welcoming and presence of your star family upon the planet. So, that is the starting point.

If, for example โ€“ and I say โ€œexample,โ€ not truth โ€“ if for example, you opened your door to your home and several of your star family stepped in, you would not immediately say to them, โ€œWhere is my replicator?โ€ โ€œCan I have a ride in your ship?โ€ โ€ฆ โ€œGive me, give me, give me, give me.โ€

And, of course, they would not say โ€œhand over your apartment. You take the closet and weโ€™re going to camp out here.โ€ So many of the 44 โ€“ now 44 โ€“ meetings that have taken place have been getting to know you because there is the shock factor.

Now even when you are dealing with โ€“ and we love using the example because they do โ€“ of astrophysicists, for example, even when the most advanced astrophysicist knows there is life on other planets, to have that face-to-face, being-to-being encounter is still somewhat of a shock.

Steve: Iโ€™m sure it is.

AAM: So rather than getting down to brass tacks, as it were, there have been engagements in literally establishing trust and comfort levels. Now on the part of your star family, of course, there is already a great trust and comfort level because they have the advantage of basically not only setting up the meetings but also knowing what those that they choose to pay attention to are really up to. So it is not a completely-level playing field.

So what has been happening in these meetings has been an establishment of mutuality.

So there has been some difference in the meetings. So, for example, with the astrophysicists there have been discussions about certain theorems, equations, information that are being shared. Not in a utilitarian way but in a way of we have learned this and this is our wisdom, our knowledge, our understanding of, for example, black holes. So that would be the type of very gentle approach that we are taking in that.

Now when we meet with, for example, political (small p) individuals, we give them insights around the galactic councils and what those forums look like.

When we have all (because we are in attendance as well. No, not seen but certainly in attendance), when there are meetings say of healers โ€ฆ and this has been an interesting combination because there have been what you think of as esoteric healers, energy healers, world-class surgeons, family physicians โ€ฆ so it has been a cross-section, we share information about the star approach to healing and modalities and approaches that have been proven to work for millenniaโ€ฆ So that has been the exchange.

But also what is being accomplished, for example, is the closer knitting, integration of those who are engaged in what we would call the healing professions.

What has happened and what the star commanders have designed the various meetings is as it were meet-and-greet but also around various areas of interest.

Steve: Now you said there was 44 delegations so far. Are these delegations all organized in the way you just saidโ€ฆ Some are for healers, some are for political people, some are for astrophysicists?

AAM: Yes, thus far, yes.

Steve: Are there any other groupings that you can share with us? Were there spiritual leaders?

AAM: There are spiritual leaders. There are what you can think of as inventors, engineers, the Halions are very engaged in these delegation meetings. Just as the healers of Trelana are very engaged with the healing professions. So, yes, there are various categories.

Steve: Okay, can you give us a few more examples of the various categories?

AAM: One category that you will find quite interesting and perhaps unexpected is what you would think of as homemakers, parents, families. In fact these have been some of the most joyous meetings because there is not so much expectation and there is a greater willingness to engage.

We mean both male and female by the way.โ€ฆ There has been a lively exchange on the meaning of family, how families are constructed, the meaning of lineage and what that implies, approaches to parenting.โ€ฆ So that has been a very lively sector.

There has been another sector that has been interested in water and oceans.

Steve: Wow! And what did the Galactics communicate in that section?

AAM: As you will well no, (or perhaps you do not remember) many of the portals, the landing portals are located in these large bodies of water.

Steve: Like the Gulf of Aden โ€“ that kind of thing?

AAM: Correct. And so there has been discussions about that and how water or an oceanic atmosphere can actually contain and be shielded from a human [inaudible], shall we say.โ€ฆ But the bulk of the discussion has been about climate change and about the cleaning up of everything from the oceans to the mountain streams.

Steve: Any others that stand out?

AAM: Yes there have also beenโ€ฆ Perhaps you do not know this but long ago Gabrielle has told this channel that many of the extinct species will be returning to Earth.

And you have seen here and there sightings of species that have been spotted of late that were believed to be extinct. So there have been meetings around that as well.

So the focus of most of these, aside from just establishing the comfort and trust issues, is also, shall we say, the sharing of good news.

And the quiet, quiet demonstrations (because the point is to build the trust) the quiet demonstrations of how the star beings can, will, are assisting humanity. Not in an intrusive way but in a way that is collegial.

Steve: โ€ฆ And these meetings are ongoing? Itโ€™s not just a one-off, right?

AAM: Oh no, they cannot possibly be a one-off. As we have said now there have been 44 such meetings and three of them have been repeats.

This is about building relationships. You do not ask, for example, a homemaker, a stay-at-home wife, mother from Kansas to go on national TV, โ€œI know about star beingsโ€ without establishing a secure baseline.

Steve: In other words they will go on into the future, ongoingly.

AAM: Oh yes. These areโ€ฆ Think of them as the joint committees to establish what comes next. And it is of such a nature and it is across such a wide bandwidthโ€ฆ And that is another area by the way, is communications and not just Earth communications but interstellar communications and that will be a massive jump for the entire planet.

Steve: Well, Iโ€™m sure. At what point does this go public? What are the criteria?

AAM: Well, the criterion is the political climate, shall we say. Grener has established baselines for the comfort level and the readiness of the various groups because part of this (and it is a massive work-around, as you know) has been to have all the groups come forth at the same time.

Steve: Okayโ€ฆ Wow what an event that would be!

AAM: It will be undeniable and that is the point.

Steve: Is that years away?

AAM: No. The projection, the hope on their part is for this to be most firmly situated so that it can take place in 2020.

Steve: Is anything you have said about it so far, not for publication?

AAM: You may publish it all!

Steve: Wow, thatโ€™s good news Lord!

AAM: It is very exciting because it is truly not just about your star family coming to Earth. It is about the humans who are truly an angelic love race taking their place with their brothers and sisters of the galaxies.

โ€œYou are in a time of individual and collective Ascension that has never occurred upon your planet or elsewhere so many of the historic and accurate understandings with regard to heart openings have shifted, can we say, expanded.โ€ AA Michael

If i was all about my full awakening i would be isolating and locking myself in a life retreat for ever in a monastery or in an ashram meditating,that was the old way of past life times and generations.I am here born in a city and living in cities and all around the planet grounding myself, being human and loving the experience of being in form, even knowing that i am not my body, i love my body , i love matter and matter part of the Mother where the word ‘matter’ comes from, the Mother of all things.Matter is what my eyes can perceive while living this 3dimensional life while awakening my inner eye (3rd eye) to perceive more of the higher dimensions,I know it is not all there and yet it does not stop me from enjoying all there is and all i see, hear, feel, taste and smell!Now many spiritual people will say to me i am not spiritual when i say these things and my answer to all people who like to call them self spiritual is:Ascension is the big elephant with the red nails hiding in plain sight whether you see it or not.I can not only see it, i sense it all the time within my body.Everybody and everything is spiritual and divine, everybody from a priest praying in the church to a lady working in the toilets or a man cleaning the streets, all are spiritual and all in service for the highest good for all.Ascension is not just about awakening the self, it is also about being the open door ,the open space to awaken all sisters and brothers, all souls that came to incarnate in these bodies :7, 8 billion to be precise to live this experience of โ€˜โ€™the time of individual and collective Ascension that has never occurred upon our planet or elsewhere ,so many of the historic and accurate understandings with regard to heart openings have shifted, can we say, expanded โ€˜โ€™ as shared by Archangel Michael.

And i love this gem channeling from Saint Germain also saying that:

The fact that weโ€™ll retain our physical bodies, combined with the mass aspect of Ascension, mean, as St. Germaine reminded us, that โ€œall the rules have changed.โ€

โ€œYou have decided to maintain form. That doesnโ€™t mean weโ€™re going to have you punished by not allowing you access to the 7th. That is the old paradigm. โ€˜You canโ€™t come here, unless you die.โ€™

โ€œWell, thatโ€™s not true! Thatโ€™s what enlightenment and Ascension is about. You can go as far [as you like], you can go and feel and be the Love that is the 7th Christ consciousness. You can have it all and then you pull it into your physical form so that you are a walking, talking, working, creating Christ-conscious Being.โ€ (9)

Feel More Than Fine

Archangel Michael Through Ronna Vezane~ What Are You Doing While Waiting to Ascend?

November 1, 2019,

Beloved masters, as we monitor your progress, measure the โ€œLight Quotientโ€ of your thought patterns, and observe how valiant and stalwart you are in your endeavors to integrate the wondrous energies of Creator-consciousness, we are most gratified, as well as amazed, at your astounding progress.

The maelstrom of negative thought forms that have swirled throughout the three lower astral planes, and which have affected humanity for eons of time, are gradually being replaced by uplifting thought forms of hope, inspiration, joy. This will allow the reality that scarcity is only an imbalanced, negative thought form, which can be replaced with an assurance that abundance is everyoneโ€™s Divine birthright.

All you have to do in order to claim your heritage is to accept as your truth that you are worthy, and then to solidify that reality via your positive thoughts, deeds and actions.

A wondrous new vision, a powerful probable future for humanity and the Earth, is awaiting your entrance into a Fifth-Dimensional environment. It is being strengthened and magnified moment by moment. It is a future whereby all humanity, as well as the mineral, vegetable, animal, human, Devic and Elemental kingdoms will peacefully co-exist on Earth.

Envision an Earth which is pristine in its beauty, and which has sparkling clear water and clean healthy air to breathe. It will be a world of abundance and plenty, whereby no one will suffer from lack of adequate food, shelter or opportunity. It will be a world whereby different races, cultures, beliefs and traditions are honored and respected โ€“ where no one tries to force his/her beliefs on others, or deny others the right to live their own truths and follow their own customs.

As more and more of you slowly withdraw your attention and thoughts from the self-limiting thought patterns of old, they are gradually dissolving and becoming ineffectual. Have we not told you over and over again, โ€œyour thoughts have energy โ€“ positive or negative โ€“ and what you focus on, you magnifyโ€?

Many of you are so caught up in the desire to ascend, and to live in a perceived paradise of the higher dimensions, you are forgetting and neglecting the beauty, joy and the benefits of experiencing the magnificence and wonder of the journey.

Each phase of new awareness or expanded consciousness has its special miracles and benefits, which are to be savored and enjoyed. Each time you release some old self-limiting, painful thought form, habit or discordant energies within, you are transformed, and you remove a small (or large) part of your disguise, which allows you to integrate another Facet of your wondrous God Self.

In doing so, you are gradually creating a new empowered you, and a new reality opens to you whereby you have access to many new concepts, as well as many new talents, and your sensitivity to the exquisite nuances of Spirit miraculously unfolds around you.

Those of you who have followed our teachings over the years are aware that the major theme for the Spirit/human experience on planet Earth has been separation, duality and polarity, with an ultimate goal of returning to balance, harmony and oneness with your multi-dimensional Self, and unity consciousness with ALL.

Each of you fragmented your Divine Self into hundreds of individual Sparks of consciousness as you ventured forth to fulfill the Divine Mandate of the Creator, โ€œGo forth and create new worlds without end in my name.โ€ Along the way many of you forgot that there is a Universal Law that states, โ€œYou must experience that which you have created.โ€

The great multitude of seekers who have moved back onto the path, which leads to harmony and a reunion with Spirit, have primarily done so because each of you were tired of the pain and suffering of the past. And so, your Soul-self finally got your attention so that you were ready to listen to the whisperings of Spirit.

Those of you who have diligently sought your higher truth, and have striven to live and exemplify that truth, are now reaping the rewards. You are learning that you are in control, and you are not being tossed around by the whims of fate. You are not being punished or rewarded by anyone, for you have realized that you are responsible for your thoughts and actions, and you create your own reality โ€“ All of it! โ€“ via the harmonious or discordant frequency patterns you emit.

You have finally realized that you are not surrendering anything, but when you align your will with the Creatorโ€™s Will, you make way for unlimited miracles and possibilities to enter your life.

We have discussed in depth about bringing all the Facets of your multiple chakra system back into harmony, and the importance of integrating and balancing the virtues, qualities and attributes of the Rays of God-Consciousness. If any one Facet of your Being is out of balance, none of the others can function at its maximum potential.

You are meant to be a composite Spiritual/human being with a unified consciousness. In most human beings, the physical senses and desires of the body have overridden the more subtle senses of their spiritual nature.

A person who lives mostly in a mental world is lacking or missing out on the wonders, strength and delight of the heart, refined emotions and the Soul. A person who is driven by his/her emotions is living in an unstable world, which has no foundation or structure, and is susceptible to the emotional highs and lows of everyday occurrences and those around him/her.

A person who has disconnected from Spirit lives a life without hope, and no matter what he/she may attain or accumulate in the physical world, he/she lives an existence that does not sustain the Soul, a life without the luster of lasting, heart-felt gratification. Humanity has focused on the emotions of spirit for thousands of years, and has neglected the science or mental aspects of spirituality.

The Universe and all creation function under the immutable Universal Laws as decreed by the Supreme Creator. Know the laws and live in harmony with them, and you will exist in alignment with Creator Will. As a result, you may be assured that all the beauty, bounty and abundance of the Universe will be yours for the taking.

Returning to harmony and balance within what we call the four lower bodily systems, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, is the next vital step after coming to an understanding about the energies, qualities and attributes of each chakra and how they affect the four bodily systems.

It is imperative that you stimulate and work on your emotional intelligence and your mental intuition. You need to redefine your altered ego-desire body, and re-establish the proper relationship between your ego and your Soul-self.

The ego was designed to function under the direction of the Soul, not the other way around, whereby you are to focus your attention on your inner world of reality instead of the illusion of the outer world. You will no longer look for some event, some person or some thing to give you a momentโ€™s satisfaction or happiness โ€“ things that are usually fleeting, and often fall short of your expectations.

When you turn inward to validate your self-worth and to feed your emotional and spiritual yearnings, you will tap into that wellspring of unlimited sustenance.

Many of you have chosen to experience strong First, Third or Fifth Ray energies, which often lead to a tendency to function almost exclusively within the left (mental) hemisphere of the brain structure, with a linear, outward focused, analytical mind-set. A major focus of your lifeโ€™s lessons is to learn to use the abstract / emotional right brain structure, and to explore and integrate the emotional facets of your nature.

Second Ray people are apt to be more balanced in their bodily nature, whereby they explore and use both the right and left hemispheres of the brain, but this is not always the case. However, those who have chosen to experience and balance the Fourth, Sixth and Seventh Rays during this lifetime are inclined to function mostly within the right brain structure, and they tend to be very emotional in nature. Their world is often perceived as an emotional roller coaster, and it is very difficult to find a balance or to live a harmonious existence.

Your goal is to blend and harmonize the major bodily chakras of your physical beingโ€“ to balance your mental and emotional energy fields and OverLight them with your Spiritual Essence. We will define each category so that you may quickly identify what you need to focus on and rectify.

Mental Body Focus* When the mental body is the major focus, your beliefs, attitudes, and knowledge are derived from text book and historical/traditional facts without the benefit of emotional or spiritual validation. You tend to be very analytical, often rigid, judgmental, and you must maintain intellectual control. You have limited visionary abilities, and you only believe what is tangible and what can be proven scientifically.

Emotional Body Focus* When the emotional body is the driving force within you, you are vulnerable to the strong emotional tide of the mass consciousness and your altered ego. You must examine and discover how your emotions drive and control you through your desires and wants, and you must closely examine your motives.

Mental Body with Spiritual Body Overlight* You have learned to utilize the wisdom of your superconscious mind as you integrate all the attributes, qualities and virtues of your God Ray and Soul Ray, and you have learned to focus on the Still Point of the NOW. You have perfected the process of healing the past, scripting the future, and living in the power of the moment.

Emotional Body with Spiritual Body Overlight* As the mental and emotional bodies are harmonized, you will have learned to rely on your mental intuition as you seek to validate and integrate the higher truths you are accessing in your never-ending quest for en-Lighten-ment. You validate your truths through your heart/Soul monitor, and then you live by those truths to the best of your ability. New expanded thoughts and concepts become the norm.

Emotional/Mental Body Unity = Emotional Iintelligence* The emotional energetics you radiate along with your focused intent are some of the most important components in the creation process. When there is a balance of power between your emotional and mental bodies, you begin the process of understanding yourself, and you learn to identify the driving force behind your actions. You learn to harmonize your will with Godโ€™s Will as you begin to understand the workings of the Universal Laws. The desired mode is emotional detachment, as you move gracefully and surely toward your desired goal.

Spiritual/Mental Body Consciousness* When you begin to use the intelligence of your Soul-Self, you tap into the unlimited possibilities of the Cosmic Stream of Divine Light. You learn how to bypass the distortions of the Third/Fourth Dimensions as you create and use your Pyramid of Power/Light in the Fifth Dimension. That is when the miracles truly begin to happen, and you will know without any doubt that you are partnering with Spirit in all your endeavors.

Spiritual/Emotional Body Consciousness* Love tempers your emotions, and although you still have a human nature, you have learned discernment, and you become detached from all the negative life drama going on around you. You now view the events in your life from a higher vantage point โ€“ that of a Self-master.

Harmonized Spiritual/Mental/Emotional/Physical Consciousness* You derive nurturance from your indwelling Spirit, and from our Father/Mother God via your God Ray. You stop looking outside yourself for validation of your self-worth. You no longer experience the sharp highs and lows as you move into a state of joy or bliss. You learn to live in the world, surrounded by a sphere of higher frequency Love/Light that you have created, as you expand your consciousness to incorporate the great variety of multi-dimensional expressions now available to you.

You are now living in an ascended state of consciousness as you unite with the multiple Facets of your God Self. You move out of a state of becoming into a state of BEING. You have developed clear-seeing and pure intention, and the fog of illusion no longer affects you. You mold and create your greatest visions and desires from the storehouse of Divine unmanifested potential, and you live in harmony with all Creation.

You develop an unerring assurance that you can have or become anything you can envision, if you are willing to put forth the effort to accomplish your goals. You have learned to rely on your angelic helpers, and you gain strength and sustenance from their presence. You will then be seen and defined as a unified, radiant Spiritual Being in Human Form.

Brave hearts, we can offer you tools and knowledge, and we can encourage and inspire you; however, you must be willing to turn the knowledge into wisdom, and take the necessary action to reclaim your Divinity and the glorified state that awaits you. I am your faithful companion on the journey, and you are loved beyond measure.

I AM Archangel Michael.

Meditation Tools from AA Michael.

In a recent channeling from RONNA VEZANE AA Michael invite us to integrate in our meditations some super strong activations ,i am almost at the end of this retreat i created for myself and i can confirm to you that my being has ascended a few frequencies higher thanks to this beautiful gem that is given freely to all of us: When you go into the World Pyramid of Light, which contains a holographic replica of the world, breathe in the Light from the Creator, and breathe out Sacred, unconditional love. This wondrous energy is then filtered or diluted so that it can be received by all who are ready and willing to open their heart center, thereby initiating the process of transformation into a Galactic Spiritual/human Being.ย 

I vividely invite you to read again and create the time for yourself to balance your physical,your mental,your emotional and your etherice body,quite some work here to be and if you are getting into it you will feel the benefit of this :

** MEDITATIONย  LET US BEGIN WITH THE PHYSICAL VESSEL: Go into your personal Pyramid of Light and lie on the crystal table. You might ask for the Ray of health and vitality to radiate forth into your physical vessel, or the Rays of beauty, youthfulness, coordination, strength, power, elegance, clear seeing, clear hearing, flexibility, and any other attributes that come to mind which will enhance your physical well-being. Call on and activate only one or two of each Rayโ€™s energies at one time. ย  Know that your Divine I AM Presence and your OverSoul/Higher Self will monitor the process, and will assure that you integrate only the appropriate amount of these powerful energies, and no more. Your desire should not be for accelerated transformation only, but that the law of ease and grace applies, always. You are to enjoy the process, beloveds. The time of painful lessons, trauma, stress, and failure can be over, if you will allow the process to work for you, by moving out of the realm of cause and effect or karma, and into the higher frequency realms where the Law of Grace applies. ย  NOW FOCUS ON THE EMOTIONAL BODY: As you stand at the head of your crystal table, see your Emotional Body manifest and take form on the table. How does your Emotional Body appear to you? Study it for a moment, and observe the different shades, colors, and shapes that make up your emotional body. You might be surprised at what you see. Whatever you perceive will be valid, and if you keep practicing, your inner senses will sharpen in focus. You might start by asking for the frequencies of the Ray of pure Creator love to pour forth and fill you to overflowing, washing away all senseof inadequacy, guilt, shame, and doubt. Now, in turn, call on the Ray of compassion, the Ray of mercy and forgiveness, the Rays of receptivity, passion, peace, harmony, benevolence, refined intuition, courage, and so on. Then see your emotional body being filled with each of these specific energies as you integrate the maximum amount that is appropriate for you at a particular time. ย  NOW FOCUS ON THE MENTAL BODY: Again, stand at the head of your crystal table, and see your mental body manifest and take form on the table. How does your mental body appear to you? Is it strong and well-defined, or is it muted with muddled and distorted colors? Ask for the Rays of truth, will, valor, wisdom, intelligence, focus, creativity, Divine thought, language/patterns of Light, sacred geometry, discipline, organization, scientific information, order, the Ray of receiving, the Ray of giving/sharing, each in turn, to flow down through the great generator crystal that hangs over the center of the table into your personal Pyramid of Light. ย  Your God Spark โ€“ I AM Presence โ€“ will filter the Essence of each Ray of expression in its purest form into your Etheric Replica. See your Pyramid being filled with the Essence and power of each of these Rays as they permeate everything within. Know that you will bring the gifts of each Ray (the appropriate amount for you) back with you via the column of Light in which you presently reside. ย  YOU MAY ALSO FOCUS ON YOUR ETHERIC BODY: Your Etheric Body contains the blueprint for your Body of Light. The Etheric Body surrounds the physical vessel, and the distortions and imperfections lodged there first before they manifested within the physicalย vessel. Now the process is being reversed. The Essence of perfected Creation of the physical form is stored within the Etheric Body, and you must fill that part of your Being with harmonious Light once more so that it will be accessible to your physical body. ย  What does your Etheric Body look like? Can you see or imagine the dark webs of distorted energy throughout? Are there patches that are denser and darker than others? Where are they? Eventually, this ability will become a natural part of your refined awareness. Your etheric body-elemental consciousness will begin to tell you where your body is out of balance and in the most distress, and where it is likely that you will experience the next health crisis or dis-ease. ย  In addition, while in a Light ALPHA state you may wish to concentrate on the physical body for a week or two as you prepare your body to receive and manifest these powerful energies. If you, in any way, begin to feel disoriented, not grounded or uncomfortable, stop the process for a day or two before continuing. Let Spirit be your guide, and do not pattern your progress or transformation after that of anyone else. You are tapping into your own Divine intelligence, and you are activating your own creative genius. ย  Whenever you wish, you may identify and focus on the colors of the Rays that are being projected to you; however, first, please concentrate on the feeling qualities of each Ray. Your auric field will change each time you integrate another Ray of expression. Henceforth, as you radiate the Love/Light of the Creator, it will take on the magnified qualities of each Ray you have absorbed. In doing so, you will begin to project your own unique Ray of God Lightโ€“your SOUL SONGโ€“your gift to humanity. ย  TRANSMITTED THROUGH RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE EXCERPTED FROM: THE MAGIC & MAJESTY OF ASCENDING HUMANITYยฉ *STAR*QUEST* * RONNA VEZANE * ย 

Full Article here

This day I will not play the game. I will do everything I can to stop playing the game. I will do everything I can to stop the programming, to end it, to raise my vibrations into the higher fourth dimension, and even into the fifth dimension. I will find joy in every moment that I am in.โ€-AA Michael-

ARCHANGEL  MICHAEL   (Channeled by James McConnell)

(Meditation by Archangel Michael):

Now as you are aware of all of your chakra centers, and all are functioning and in alignment, and that you are becoming more and more accustomed to these chakra centers, that they are real.  They are not just a figment of your imagination.  They are energy centersโ€”wheels of energy, wheels of force that operate within you, and are working together with your glandular functions within your body, making everything operate in cohesion with each of the other chakra centers, and all of your bodily functions.

But moving beyond that now, become aware of your sixth chakra, the one in the middle of your forehead, the Third Eye Center, and find your consciousness there within it.  It always helps to align, or to energetically connect your Heart Center, or your High Heart Center, with your third eye, that sixth chakra, and energetically connect them and create a vortex of energy there within your mind.  Visualize it, and your consciousness being pulled into that vortex of energy, so that you are now out in your forehead looking out through that doorway, or that eye in the middle of your forehead, and that, as a doorway into the astral world.

And let yourself move out now through that doorway into the astral realm.  Knowing that you are completely protected by your Tube of Light, by the Violet Flame, by my Blue Sword, Flaming Blue Sword.

Now I would like you to, for a moment, just imagine.  Let yourself go a little bit, here, and imagine that you are in bed.  You are waking up one morning.  As you are waking that morning, you feel something different.  Something is amiss.  Something is different than what normally is.  You have your normal routine.  But this one morning there is somethingโ€”not that it is not right, but it is just different.  You feel a sense of expectation, possibly like youโ€™ve never felt before.  And everything is silent.  Notice how silentโ€”no birds are singing.  There is no sound whatsoever.

You get up from your bed.  You begin your daily routine, whatever that might be.  But as you are going through your routine, again you realize that something is amiss.  Something is not quite the way it has always been.  You canโ€™t quite put your finger on it.  Then you let it go again for a little bit.  You keep going.  Then all of a sudden you get this heightened sense of expectation come over you as if it came out of nowhere.  You know how those times when you feel a sense of bliss come over you, and you wonder where that came from, why all of a sudden are you feeling so joyful, or the opposite even.  Why all of a sudden are you feeling so sad and down.

This time itโ€™s joy, and itโ€™s a heightened sense of joy, matching, or beginning to match those times when youโ€™ve felt a sense of bliss come over you, when you felt one with the world.  You felt one with God and the Universe in that moment.  And in this moment now you begin to feel that again.

This time it is heightened beyond any of the times youโ€™ve felt before.  Whenever you feel youโ€™ve walked within the fifth dimensionโ€”many of you are beginning to speak about that now, that you are beginning to find your steps there in that fifth dimension or high fourth dimension, leaving the third dimension behind.  You are beginning to feel that more and more.

And this one momentโ€”feel it, experience it, as you are walking now in the fifth dimension, all of a sudden, itโ€™s like the world has just fallen away from you.  That is the feeling that you have now.  Everything has just fallen away.  You are now floating on the cloudsโ€”not literally, but figuratively, floating on the clouds, floating in bliss, floating in joy, in oneness.

Everything is right, now.  And in this moment also, whatever you might have been concerned about, worried about, anything, is gone.  Youโ€™re not even thinking about any of your family, your loved ones.  Right now it is just in the moment, right now it is just you, and only you.  Youโ€™re not being selfish, youโ€™re just being you.  You are being the god-source within you at this very moment.

Feel it now, feel that expression.  Feel that wave of energy now come over you.  That wave of love, of consciousness just fill your body.  Again, as if you are walking in the clouds, and every thing is right in your world, now.  You know also in this moment everything will be right from now on in your world.  For duality is being left behind more and more now.

Experience it, now.  Take a moment to feel it, experience it.  And if you wish, look around in this moment and see the world with your new eyes.  How it will change, or how it changes in this moment.

I will not color this for you anymore than I already have.  Just see the world through your new eye, through your fifth-dimensional eye.  All of your senses in that fifth dimension.  See yourself vibrating at the highest level that youโ€™ve ever felt before.

Now allow yourselves to begin to drift back, even though you want to stay in that higher vibration now.  It is time to come back to your physical body.

But know that any time you want to, you can re-establish this same vibration that you felt.  You can be there again any time.  It doesnโ€™t need to be in your dream state.  It can be in your waking conscious state, any time you want.

Come back now into your bodies, into a complete state of consciousness and circulation, fully revitalized and refreshed.

ARCHANGEL  MICHAEL   (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Archangel Michael.  It has been a little bit of time since I have come through this one to speak with you.  But it is an opportunity that I always relish, that I can be amongst my brothers and sisters, be here with you in this fashion.

To be able to share messages, yes.  But to share the truth.  The truth that is all around you.  But yet, in many lose, alludes many of you.

You spoke earlier in your discussion about the game, and how you have been playing this game.  And you have been playing the game for many thousands of years.  Many incarnations you have been playing this game, this game that you created.

You, as the Collective, you created the game.  Because it was necessary to find the difference, to find the separation from the God-Source, so that you could fully understand the connection with the God-Source.  And that is what this game has been all about.

But the game, my friends, as you have developed this game, is coming to an end.  You have played it long enough.  And your question earlier, โ€œwhy do I keep playing the game?โ€  You keep playing it because you donโ€™t know anything else but to play the game.  But many of you have now realized that truly the only way to win the game is to not play it at all.  And that is what you are starting to come to an understanding of.  Why continue to play the game when you donโ€™t have to?

Yes, there are those programmings that you need to continue operate through:  paying your taxes, going to work, earning moneyโ€”all of these things that are part of the programming within the establishment of this game.

But, within your thinking processes, within your imagination processes, you can begin to pull away from the game more and more.  You can be able to think, โ€œI do not need to play this game anymore.  Enough is enough!  And I am not going to play!โ€  And every time you say that within yourself, you separate yourself more and more from the game and from that 3-D illusion.  We know that some of you do not like the term โ€˜illusion.โ€™

But isnโ€™t it an illusion in itself?  Arenโ€™t you binding yourself within that illusion, within that make-believe environment that you have created here.  It is only an illusion if you believe it is an illusion.  If you believe itโ€™s a reality, then it is also that as well.  It is whatever you believe it is.

And if you believe the game is over and you can stop playing it, then all of you as a collectiveโ€”what if you all stopped playing tomorrow?  What if you all said, โ€œenough is enough, Iโ€™m not playing this game anymore!โ€ and all of you, all of the Lightworker Community across the planet, you would create a revolution and an evolution in those moments which would change everything.  But you are unable to do that as a collective because you cannot come together as a collective.

Yes, you have your internet.  This is wonderful for bringing the collective more and more together.  But yet, you cannot reach out to all of your brothers and sisters and say, โ€œletโ€™s stop playing this game.โ€

So what can you do?  You can within yourself each and every morning when you awaken say,  โ€œThis day I will not play the game.  I will do everything I can to stop playing the game.  I will do everything I can to stop the programming, to end it, to raise my vibrations into the higher fourth dimension, and even into the fifth dimension.  I will find joy in every moment that I am in.โ€

And in that respect, if you can do that, if you can be in the NOW moment and find the joy within that moment, my friends, you have stopped playing the game for that moment.  And every single moment that you continue to do that, you are no longer playing the game.  You are no longer in the third dimensional illusion.  You are now operating in the higher vibrations of the fourth and fifth dimension and staying there longer and longer.

So you see, it is all within your own power within you to do this.  Yes, you probably do need to still continue to pay those taxes for now.  You do need to stay within the financial system that you are in for now.  You have to somewhat play the game along the way.  But every time you do as I am suggesting, and find yourself in the very moment, and in that moment find the joy, then you are helping not only yourself, but all of the collective to exit the matrix for good.

Many of you exit the matrix for a time, and then you come back.  And you exit it, and you come back.  Just as Neo and the others in the movie, โ€˜The Matrix,โ€™ exited the matrix and then went back into it, exited the matrix, and went back into it.  And eventually they were able to leave it for good.  That was the ascension, when he was able to raise his hand and stop the bullet, stop the resistance.  He was able to go with it.  He was in that ascension process.  That is akin to your own ascension process now.

Everything that you continue to do from here on in, do it with love.  Do it with light.  Do it in joy.  In the moment.  And before, not too long, you will find that you are no longer having to continue to play the game, that the game is indeed over.  And a new game that you are beginning yourselves as a collective, is starting.  And guess who is creating the rules for this new game?  You are.

All my peace and love be with all of you.  Continue to use all of the tools that are available to you, whether it is Saint Germainโ€™s Violet Flame or my Blue Flame of Truth, or crystals, or whatever it might be, Tube of Light.  Whatever works for you, continue to utilize those tools to continue to raise your vibrations in every moment.

Peace and love be with all of you.

MASTER  ARAMDA   (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Aramda.  I have not been coming through to this group for a bit of time, here.  But the moments arise once again where everything that is happening in your world is happening for a reason.  And all of our ships that are out here, everything that we are doing, we are doing for a reason.  We are doing it to help the process along, your ascension process.  Everything is about your moving forward.  You, as a collective, as the Earth, as Gaia, but not only the earth, but your entire solar system and entire galaxy is moving forward.  Just as the entire galaxy is moving into other areas of the universe constantly moving ahead.

Just as that is happening, you are moving ahead.  All is a process of an energy and a rest, an energy and a rest.  You have rested long enough.  The universe has rested long enough.

You are coming now into that point of energy, that point of energy where the galactic central sun is building up its energy to be able to release that energy through your solar sun to come down to the Earth, to surround or envelop the entire solar system with this new higher energy, this new higher vibratory energy.

You are all in this process now.  You have heard from KaRa.  You have heard from Ashtar and many others that we in our ships are continuing to move forward, move forward with the various programs and projects that we have been working through.

We are coming near to the end of those programs and projects.  There has been one right after another:  Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, D, and so on.  But we are coming to the point where the programs and projects will be coming to an end.  They will end with your ascension:  the ascension of the Earth, who has already done so with Gaia, but the ascension of all the people on the planet as well.  And with that ascension, the solar system ascends.  And with the solar system ascending, the galaxy ascends, and so on.

This is how it all works together.  This is now you are all ONE together, connected with everyone and everything, all of life within the entire galaxy.  And yes, even within the entire universe is all ascending with this process.

So it is far beyond your wildest imagination of how much you, each and every one of you, relate to this entire process where truly all is ONE, and one is the all.

I am Aramda, and I leave you now to continue to ask you, each and every one of you, to continue to hold the intention within you, the intention that very soon we will be meeting with each other.  First, of course, within your dreams, within your meditation states, which has already been happening.  But it will not be that long before you will be looking up into the skies more and more and seeing our ships.  Not only you, those of you, the Lightworker community, but many others will also be doing so as well.  Because disclosure at the highest level cannot be held off much longer.  It is part of the projects and the programs that we have been working on to bring this to you.

Peace and love be with all of you.

I am Aramda.

ONE  WHO  SERVES   (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani, padme, hum;  om, mani, padme, hum, hum, hum.   Greetings to you.   One Who Serves here, Shoshanna is standing by.

Before we go on to question, we just wish to add to Archangel Michaelโ€™s messages speaking about the game.  This is a question for all of you now.  Arenโ€™t you all ready to stop playing this game?  Arenโ€™t you ready to let go and move on?  Are you?  Thatโ€™s your question.  Are you ready?   Hello out there.  Unmute your phones now.

Guests:   Yes, yes!  Oh my gosh, yes!

OWS:   The reason we ask that is because as you say โ€˜yesโ€™ to that, even if you did not answer the affirmative out loud, you answered within yourself.  And in that answering of โ€˜yes,โ€™ you created an intention.  And that intention will now move you forward into exactly that:  to be able to stop playing the game more and more and more.  To be able to exit the matrix more and more, and stay out of the matrix more and more.

And as Archangel Michael said, yes, you do need to continue to play it somewhat, here.  You need to continue your lives, and your lives with your families.  But the more that your intention creates your leaving the game, you and the collective you will more and more leave the game as well.  That is how it is played.  It is played mostly by not playing.

Do you have questions, now, for One Who Serves and Shoshanna?

Guest:   Yes, One Who Serves.  Part of this experience of releasing this third-dimensional reality, it kind of is feeling to me, and my experience with that, is that the ego mind of my 3-D aspect, it seems to me that as I release from 3-D, I am releasing the ego mind which is this 3-D aspect of me.  It almost feels like I am dissolving away, and I have integrated my soul essence into the body, and that is kind of becoming more and more what is controlling, or what is moving me through this experience on the physical plane.  But my question is, is this 3-D aspect of me going to disappear completely?

I have heard from maybe you and other Ascended Masters that in the fifth dimension the ego mind can no longer existโ€”or is it just that it takes a back seat?  Will my 3-D self still exist as an aspect of the expanded self, unity self.

OWS:   You just answered your question.  Yes, your 3-D aspect, or the lower you, as you are saying it, will continue to exist within the higher you.  You can look at it as the lower ego and the higher ego if you wish.  The ego does not disappear.  It continues on with you.  But the lower ego is overcome, if you will, by the higher ego in terms of the higher self within you.  Your 3-D aspect will continue on forever.  There is never a losing of your 3-D aspect.  Your 3-D aspect becomes part of the whole within the whole, you see?  So do not be concerned that you will lose yourself.

Many people across the planet feel that when they go through the death process that they will cease to exist, and there is nothing further from the truth than that.  For in reality, you find your existence even more than what it was before that, because you become part of the whole expression that you are.  So your 3-D aspect will continue.  Each and every one of you will continue.

When you go through the ascension process and you fully ascend, you ascend into your Higher Self.  And you become the fullness of your Higher Self.  Not that you were ever not, but within your mind, within the lower ego self, you were not a part of the Higher Self, you were separate from it.  Never has that been the case, though.  And you are only finding that as you move through the ascension, you are finding the connection once again of your Higher Self, and that Higher Self and you are one.  Your lower 3-D person and your Higher Self are one.  Okay?   Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell)

This is a difficult and complex question.  Can we share our perspective on this with you, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   What we can offer may be difficult to comprehend with the conscious mind that we have in this moment.  What we would tell you is that all dimensions merge into the now moment.  There is no distinction in the now moment of third, fourth, fifth, first, second, twelfth, ninetieth, whatever you perceive as dimensions.  In the now moment, there is complete surrender and complete neutrality to who we are.  There is no question or chaos or misunderstanding of who we are when we are in the now.  It is simply being the being that we are.

I understand that this is a complex thought for all humans.  However, if we can understand that simply existing in the moment, it is the most freeing idea to all beings.  We hope that that makes sense to you.   Namaste.

Guest:   Yes, thank you.  Thank you One Who Serves, and thank you, Shoshanna.  That really helps me a lot.

OWS:   Very good.   Then we think that that question also helped many others as well.  Not only those who are on this phone call, but many who will read this in the times ahead in terms of the thousands, or even millions that will come across these sayings, here, these messages.

Do we have other questions, here?

Guest:   Yes, One Who Serves.

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   It seems like there is hardly a week that goes by when we donโ€™t talk about the movie, โ€˜The Matrix.โ€  So just a couple of days ago there was an article that listed some quotes by the actor, Keanu Reeves who is the lead character in that movie.  I guess I had never really known too much about him.  But I was just really impressed after I read the quotes, and I said to myself, โ€œthat guy really has it together.  He has his head on straight.โ€

And then the next thought in my head was his name.  In the Anunnaki language (please correct me if I am wrong), but โ€œKeโ€ (although โ€˜Keโ€™ is spelled โ€˜Kiโ€™) means โ€˜Earth.โ€™   And then he has the name โ€˜Anuโ€™ which is, for those who donโ€™t know, Anu is the leader of the Anunnaki.  I looked at his name and I thought, โ€œEarth Anu.โ€™  And my question is, is the actor, Keanu Reeves, some sort of an earthly embodiment of Anu?

OWS:   Not quite as you are saying it, but is certainly a Light-warrior that is in the forefront in many respects to bring about the changes that are necessary to help more and more people to [do] exactly that from the movie, and that is to exit the matrix, to exit the third-dimensional illusion, to rise up in vibrations.

And yes, it is true that many times this movie is recommended or something is said about the movie.  Largely it is because we are coming through this one, James, and he has this affinity with this movie.  But it is much more than that because of what this particular movie represents and how we, as the Great White Brotherhood, commissioned this movie to come into existence.  In other words, bringing the ideas to those who wrote the script for the movie.  It is very important.

As to directly your question about the Keanu.  There is a connection, but not quite as you are saying.  He is not the embodiment of Anu, here, as you are wondering.  But there is a longstanding connection, we will say, here, an energetic connection with this whole influence coming from that level.  But we cannot go into anything further on this, because this one is not here to experience this with you.  Okay?  Cannot speak about another, if that one is not here.

Guest:   I see.  Okay, I understand what you are saying.  I understand anyway.  I understand kind of what you are not saying.  So Iโ€™ll just leave it between us and me.  But am I right though, โ€™Kiโ€™ does mean โ€˜Earth,โ€™ right?

OWS:   There is a connection there as well, yes.    Shoshanna, do you have anything you wish to share?

Shoshanna:   We can share on this if you wish, Dear Sister.  May we share?

Guest:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   The one that you speak of chose that name because of the vibration that it offers.

OWS:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   Because of the lineage it offers.  The one you speak of, as the One Who Serves has indicated, is a Light-soldier, a Light-warrior.  He could not possibly have portrayed the one in the sector of entertainment that offered this idea to all of humanity if he was not part of a lineage.

We must also comment on this, that those gods and goddesses that are known by you and by others as the Anunnaki have intertwined their DNA with humans.  And there are many of you that walk the Earth today that have this DNA in their lineage and they can remember, or remember experiences that they had on this planet that is part of the experience of those that you call the Anunnaki.

The one that you refer to as โ€˜Keanuโ€™ is part of that lineage.   Namaste.

Guest:   Okay.  Thank you very much.  That was great information.

OWS:   Do we have further questions, here?

Guest:   Yes, One Who Serves.   I have a question about a dream, because you guys had told me last time that I should try to figure out the meaning of some of these experiences that Iโ€™m having, and sometimes Iโ€™m a little confused on what the meaning might be.  So just to cut it real short, last night in my dream my daughter was in my dream.  She was quite young, and I was kind of a little worried about if she would keep herself safe.  I was telling her she needed to be careful trusting strangers.  I kind of think that part of the dream is just my realistic worry about my daughter being sort of an innocent soul, if you will.

Then the dream went on where my father, who is in the Great Beyond, came to help out with the problems with have here.  He sent out a bunch of snakes to gobble up whatever was a problem.  These snakes had a big fat belly.  But I was concerned because now I had all these snakes all over the place.  And my father is kind of an easy-going guy and wasnโ€™t at all worried about having all these snakes all over the place.

Iโ€™m trying to make out that one, because if snakes are part of the ascension, then I should have been happy to have the snakes here.  I donโ€™t quite understand what this is.  Because I know snakes can indicate the ascension, but I wasnโ€™t real happy having all the snakes around.  Can you give me any?

OWS:   Yes, we can assist with this.  But we will give you a different perspective than maybe you have already had here.

Your daughter in this was not your daughter directly.  It was part of you.  It was the child, we might say, within you, another part of yourself, that innocent part of yourself.

The father was not your father, as you know it, but your Higher Self, the father within you, you see?

And the snakes were representing wisdom.  And the wisdom to move forward now.  The wisdom to move on, you see?  And it also can be akin to the Kundalini energy a well that is in the process of rising during your ascension.

Okay?   Shoshanna, do you have anything to add to this?

Shoshanna:   Well, yes, we can share if you wish us to share.  Do you wish us to share?

Guest:   Yes, of course, yes.

Shoshanna:   We are taking pause to attempt to add to this in a meaningful way.  All that has been given by One Who Serves is so completely accurate.

As we were listening to your recount of your dream, we could understand and feel completely the parts of the dream were parts of you.  And, when you admonish your daughter to be careful, to be safe, or you have the feeling that you must protect her, this is your message to yourself that you are still playing the program of not quite trusting those around you.  You are still in that position, and we do not judge you or blame you in any way for this, but that is your position still on this planet to keep one eye open while you dream.  (Laughter)   So that is how we see you.  And we know that you know this.

The second thing is, as One Who Serves has indicted, that the father within that has sent out these snakes to protect those that need to be protected, is still part of the program of trusting, you see.  And once these snakes were released to protect those who are innocent, they stayed around because there is still part of the program that is fearful, and mistrusting, and not certain that all is well, you see.  So they stuck around.

So we would say that this is a very important dream to examine your ideas of what you can trust and what you cannot trust and it is about your faith that all is well and all is progressing as it should.  No matter who the being is that you are concerned about.  All is progressing.  All is well, all is purposeful.   Namaste.

Guest:   Wow.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Can I just ask one more quick question then?  Because that sprang up a question.  Is that okay?

Shoshanna:   Yes.

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Yes.  Because I have been, before I go to bed (talk about protections), saying I really do not want a visit from such-and-such type of energy or such-and-such person in my dream.  I guess they are not always, but always have a feeling that those are people visiting me in my dreams, or at least some of the time.  So I donโ€™t want those energies in my dreams.  Is that not a good practice to actually sort of dictate not to have those energies in my dreams now?

Shoshanna:   Yes.  May we share first?

OWS:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, this is a tricky universe.

OWS:   (Affirmative)

Shoshanna:   When we say, โ€œwe do not want,โ€ it is exactly what we get.  So we must not say we do not want something, because we will get what we do not want.  It is tricky.  So we must tell you to suggest to yourself that:

(1)  if you do not want something, you will create the very thing that you do not want.

(2)  you may suggest that you have something in the affirmative.  Do you see, so  the energies that you wish to have in your dreams are high vibrations, higher energies, perfection, fifth-dimensional dreams, whatever you would like to suggest to your unconscious mind before you take a rest, before you sleep, must be in the affirmative.  It cannot be in the negative,

Does this make sense to you?

Guest:   Yeah, it does.  I was more putting it around like a protection.  I probably didnโ€™t word it real well.  But even at that, it definitely wasnโ€™t in the affirmative, so I got that, definitely.

Shoshanna:   Yes, that is important.  It is important to protect yourself.  However, it is not about invoking protection, it is knowing protection.   Namaste.

Guest:   Ahh.  Okay.  Thank you, I appreciate that!

OWS:   Very good.  Are there any other questions, here?  Anything further?  Then if there is nothing further, we are ready to release channel.

Do you have anything you wish to share, Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   We wish to share something very important, here.  Those that do not wish to share, it is okay, however there are so many things that enlighten others that help others to understand their own lives when we share.  When we are courageous and brave, and put ourselves on the line and share our experiences or our understandings, there is a spreading of light in that process.  The light spreads, and those that you are connected to, the connection is strengthened.  So you see, it as important to share your hearts and your minds in this process, so that others can be strengthened by that.   Namaste.

OWS:   Yes, and we just add on top of that, whenever you have a question and you do not answer it, someone else may have the exact same question and also is not receiving an answer.  You only receive an answer when you ask a question.

It doesnโ€™t only have to be in this environment, but whenever you have a question, if you do not ask your Higher Self, then you do not receive the answer.

So โ€œask, and ye shall receive.โ€  That is how it works.

Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the One.

Channeled by James McConnell

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authorโ€™s website is clearly stated.

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โ€œBelieving is seeing!โ€

Archangel Michael: On Dealing with Dark Entities

Archangel Michael: On Dealing with Dark Entities

10/12/2019   Sharon: Archangel Michael, something has come to my attention, (I’m smiling I can feel his soothing energy)…. something has come to my attention that needs to be addressed.
On this world, people have the right to be self-governing, they have free will. However at this time, many people are not operating of their own free will – they’re part of the system and their thinking is influenced by it. They are not acting from free will. How much leverage do we as lightworkers have to intervene in their lives?
AA Michael: Thank you Sharon for granting me this opportunity to speak to your people. Yes, your people do have free will, earth was designated a free will zone. However, at this time there are extenuating circumstances, and those are that most people on your planet are negatively oriented as they are possessed by demonics. Partial or fully, they are possessed and not in control of themselves as they would be if they in fact could retain the entirety of their faculties.
Your earth was at one time an Eden, with the earthlings as powerful gods who walked its lands. It was a beautiful planet of such grace and wisdom, and now look what it has become. A world that is in steady decline, a world that has been captured and controlled by beings who mean it only harm.
Those beings, the demonics, the spirits or ghosts, the negative alien races who have invaded and who are continuously attempting to overtake – all of those beings are out of their rightful places and it is up to all of us of the light to put these beings back into their proper place. They are asked to realign with the light and if they refuse. they are sent to the galactic sun, to be reabsorbed and to exist no more.
Any such being found upon your planet will be removed, be it sooner or be it later but it will be removed. This is my charge and I am at your disposal to remove any such being or if there is suspicion of the presence of any such being, call on me and I will be there to help you.
If there is fear of interference with the free will of another, the rule of thumb is this: in the case of demonic possession, full or partial, posession of another spirit or entity, tags and implants, the witness is allowed to remove all such occupations in order to restore the victim to exercising their free will to the best of their ability.
You are not interfering with universal law. You are allowing soul contact therefore universal law, to be re-established within the victim. So you will not experience repercussions for this. Not from the light.
Sharon: Yes, the dark may not be too happy with you. LOL But bring them on, we’ll take care of them too!
AA Michael: Yes, I stood by you the night a full overtake was planned for you.
Sharon: Yes, thank you. I would’ve ended up in the mental institution and filled full of drugs. Or dead.
AA Michael: Your world is led astray. Your medical industry does not understand that the cause of imbalance is negativity. Possession is part of that.
Sharon: So, we’re allowed to intervene if we suspect demonic attachment. If there is no intervention and maybe it’s us that’s influenced, then what?
AA Michael: The soul will protect itself from harm.
Sharon: Because I’ve had people try to cast spells on me to order me to cease and desist because they think I’m dark. LOL
AA Michael: And you will be protected from them.
Sharon: Yes, they had no effect.
AA Michael: You are aware of the work I do, as you work with me at times. This is part of your training as you have always been interested in the dark vs. the light.
Sharon: So I have firsthand experience now, for sure.
AA Michael: We helped you when you did not understand what was happening but now we see you are spreading your wings to help yourself. Using shielding and transmutation of dark energy are the first steps but as you increase in your skills, you will then be able to see the dark ones and be able to learn to fight them off in your physical life.
Sharon: Good! I want to! I’ve seen them astrally. And I’ve seen their ships. Now I want to see everything! I want to see everything they’ve built around our planet. I’ve seen the DUMBs and I want to see everything.
AA Michael: Hold on, my child. Patience. We take these things in small steps. And that has to do with your level of fear. This is also part of your test to the light. We introduce the things you fear into your lives to see how you react – whether you fear still or whether you are no longer fearful. Everyone is tested in this way – daily.
Sharon is not worried about Men in Black, demonics, reptilians … she has seen them in forms other than physical but she understands they are around and attempting to bring her down. She does not fear them.
Sharon: Just give ’em to me! I’ll deal with them! LOL
AA Michael: We will speak in the astral again my dear. You are in need of more coaching.
For all who are listening, understand that your intervention is welcome when there are attachments present. All these negatives must be banished from this planet so it can fluorish again.
You are one of us and you have our powers. Stand in your power and align with the Light. We will prevail.

I bid you adieu,
Archangel Michael


Michael’s Message
WISDOM TEACHINGS FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL ** LM-10-2019 TRANSMITTED THROUGH RONNA VEZANE / SACRED SCRIBE **NEW RAYS OF INDIVIDUALIZED EXPRESSION**   Beloved masters, it is time to release, transmute or upgrade many of the old restricting thought forms and structures that you have accepted as your personal reality. If you will spend some time in meditation and contemplation reviewing the structures you have created in your Third- and Fourth-Dimensional reality, which include mental, emotional, physical, and etheric, as well as some spiritual restrictions, you will quickly determine that it is time to release many of the ties that bind you so that you may move quickly and gracefully into the expanding, empowering world of the higher planes of consciousness.    Many of you feel as though you are in the final stretch of a long, difficult race, and your energy and enthusiasm are lagging. You are growing more and more disenchanted with the glamour of your worldly existence, and the things that used to excite you seem somewhat tarnished and dull. It is because you are shifting in and out of two vastly different realities or several dimensions at once, and your four lower bodily systems (physical, mental, emotional, and etheric) are trying to adjust to and catch up with your Soul/Spiritual Self. This has put much stress and strain on your earthly vessel.   A vast number of you have and are preparing to make a quantum leap into a Fifth-Dimensional consciousness, whereby your old world โ€“ State-of-Being โ€“ is falling away much faster than you can integrate the refined energies/vibrations and concepts of your new, higher frequency existence.  As you become aware of what is taking place, you will not be so stressed out and confused. Please believe us when we say, relief is at hand. One of our greatest desires is to assist you in the process so that your transition can be accomplished with ease and grace. Over these many past years, much of the information, meditations, and exercises we have given you have been about transmuting old negative energy patterns. This process is necessary to make way for the infiltration and integration of the rarified cells of Creator Light โ€“ the higher frequency, powerful new Rays of Individualized Expression from the Supreme Creator.   When you go into the World Pyramid of Light, which contains a holographic replica of the world, breathe in the Light from the Creator, and breathe out Sacred, unconditional love. This wondrous energy is then filtered or diluted so that it can be received by all who are ready and willing to open their heart center, thereby initiating the process of transformation into a Galactic Spiritual/human Being.    When you go into your Personal Pyramid or build a Pyramid for a specific project or task, you open the way for the full force, variety, and spectrum of the new Rays of expression to pour into your temple of Light, which will assist you in your endeavors. You are opening your personal gateway to abundance as you create a sacred space for the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light to join you in the cocreative process. Remember, we have told you many times, you are masters of cocreation โ€“ you have just forgotten. Also remember that abundance comes in a multitude of forms.   The Infinity Breath process is another way of accessing the new energies of Creation. As you ignite the Ascension Chakra located at the top of the spinal column and at the base of the brain, you begin the process of opening the Gateway to Galactic consciousness. This major ignition point is a vital part of the current human evolution process. All of humanity was programmed for this event, and sooner or later, it will take place in each individual Soul on Earth.  As you breathe the Infinity Breath and see it looping down into the Earth and out into the ethers, you are also helping to make this awesome gift available to the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Dimensions, and every Facet of God-Consciousness therein.   Beloveds, we are offering you one more way to access your full Divine potential for this round of Evolution โ€“ the integration of all of your remaining SOUL FRAGMENTS within the multi-levels of the Fourth Dimension โ€“ those Facets of yourself that have been waiting for eons to reconnect with you. We can show you the way, but you must take the steps and move through the process. We promise it will be worth the effort. We extend our hands in comradeship as we blend our Essence with yours. We send you Rays of peace and joy, but most of all, we send you our love. I AM Archangel Michael.    ** MEDITATION  LET US BEGIN WITH THE PHYSICAL VESSEL: Go into your personal Pyramid of Light and lie on the crystal table. You might ask for the Ray of health and vitality to radiate forth into your physical vessel, or the Rays of beauty, youthfulness, coordination, strength, power, elegance, clear seeing, clear hearing, flexibility, and any other attributes that come to mind which will enhance your physical well-being. Call on and activate only one or two of each Rayโ€™s energies at one time.   Know that your Divine I AM Presence and your OverSoul/Higher Self will monitor the process, and will assure that you integrate only the appropriate amount of these powerful energies, and no more. Your desire should not be for accelerated transformation only, but that the law of ease and grace applies, always. You are to enjoy the process, beloveds. The time of painful lessons, trauma, stress, and failure can be over, if you will allow the process to work for you, by moving out of the realm of cause and effect or karma, and into the higher frequency realms where the Law of Grace applies.   NOW FOCUS ON THE EMOTIONAL BODY: As you stand at the head of your crystal table, see your Emotional Body manifest and take form on the table. How does your Emotional Body appear to you? Study it for a moment, and observe the different shades, colors, and shapes that make up your emotional body. You might be surprised at what you see. Whatever you perceive will be valid, and if you keep practicing, your inner senses will sharpen in focus. You might start by asking for the frequencies of the Ray of pure Creator love to pour forth and fill you to overflowing, washing away all senseof inadequacy, guilt, shame, and doubt. Now, in turn, call on the Ray of compassion, the Ray of mercy and forgiveness, the Rays of receptivity, passion, peace, harmony, benevolence, refined intuition, courage, and so on. Then see your emotional body being filled with each of these specific energies as you integrate the maximum amount that is appropriate for you at a particular time.   NOW FOCUS ON THE MENTAL BODY: Again, stand at the head of your crystal table, and see your mental body manifest and take form on the table. How does your mental body appear to you? Is it strong and well-defined, or is it muted with muddled and distorted colors? Ask for the Rays of truth, will, valor, wisdom, intelligence, focus, creativity, Divine thought, language/patterns of Light, sacred geometry, discipline, organization, scientific information, order, the Ray of receiving, the Ray of giving/sharing, each in turn, to flow down through the great generator crystal that hangs over the center of the table into your personal Pyramid of Light.   Your God Spark โ€“ I AM Presence โ€“ will filter the Essence of each Ray of expression in its purest form into your Etheric Replica. See your Pyramid being filled with the Essence and power of each of these Rays as they permeate everything within. Know that you will bring the gifts of each Ray (the appropriate amount for you) back with you via the column of Light in which you presently reside.   YOU MAY ALSO FOCUS ON YOUR ETHERIC BODY: Your Etheric Body contains the blueprint for your Body of Light. The Etheric Body surrounds the physical vessel, and the distortions and imperfections lodged there first before they manifested within the physical vessel. Now the process is being reversed. The Essence of perfected Creation of the physical form is stored within the Etheric Body, and you must fill that part of your Being with harmonious Light once more so that it will be accessible to your physical body.   What does your Etheric Body look like? Can you see or imagine the dark webs of distorted energy throughout? Are there patches that are denser and darker than others? Where are they? Eventually, this ability will become a natural part of your refined awareness. Your etheric body-elemental consciousness will begin to tell you where your body is out of balance and in the most distress, and where it is likely that you will experience the next health crisis or dis-ease.   In addition, while in a Light ALPHA state you may wish to concentrate on the physical body for a week or two as you prepare your body to receive and manifest these powerful energies. If you, in any way, begin to feel disoriented, not grounded or uncomfortable, stop the process for a day or two before continuing. Let Spirit be your guide, and do not pattern your progress or transformation after that of anyone else. You are tapping into your own Divine intelligence, and you are activating your own creative genius.   Whenever you wish, you may identify and focus on the colors of the Rays that are being projected to you; however, first, please concentrate on the feeling qualities of each Ray. Your auric field will change each time you integrate another Ray of expression. Henceforth, as you radiate the Love/Light of the Creator, it will take on the magnified qualities of each Ray you have absorbed. In doing so, you will begin to project your own unique Ray of God Lightโ€“your SOUL SONGโ€“your gift to humanity.   TRANSMITTED THROUGH RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE EXCERPTED FROM: THE MAGIC & MAJESTY OF ASCENDING HUMANITYยฉ *STAR*QUEST* * RONNA VEZANE *   ETHERIC BODY * VEHICLE OF VITAL LIFE-FORCE ENERGY.  ASTRAL BODY * FEELING AND EMOTIONAL ENERGY.  MENTAL BODY * INTELLIGENT ENERGY / WISDOM / WILL POWER.  THE AURIC FIELD IS A FRAGMENT OF YOUR OVERLIGHTING SOUL ESSENCE, WHICH IS YOUR CONNECTION TO THE MANY FACETS OF YOUR OVERSOUL AND YOUR GOD-SEED ATOM.    YOUR AURIC FIELD IS COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING FOUR DISTINCT ELEMENTS:   THE PHYSICAL AURA * THE STATE OF HEALTH AND VITALITY OF THE PHYSICAL VESSEL.    THE ASTRAL AURA * THE EMOTIONAL FIELD, WHICH IS THE DOMINANT AURIC FORCE IN THE UNAWAKENED HUMAN. THE ASTRAL PLANE EMOTIONAL NATURE IS COMPOSED OF THE EGO-DESIRE BODYโ€™S INTERESTS AND AN โ€œI, ME, MYโ€ FOCUS. THE UNIFYING POWER OF LOVE WILL GRADUALLY RAISE THE CONSCIOUSNESS SO THAT THE AURIC FIELD BECOMES BALANCED, HARMONY RETURNS, AND THE FREQUENCY PATTERNS BECOME MORE REFINED.   THE AURIC FIELD OF THE OVERLIGHTING SOUL SELF CONTAINS THE DIVINE BLUEPRINT FOR YOUR ORIGINAL ADAM / EVE KADMON LIGHT BODY.   EMOTIONAL BODY AURIC FIELD: THE UNIFYING POWER OF LOVE WILL GRADUALLY RAISE THE CONSCIOUSNESS SO THAT THE EMOTIONAL BODY AURIC FIELD BECOMES COMPOSED OF THE FREQUENCIES OF COMPASSION AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. THE GOAL OF AN ASPIRANT ON THE PATH IS TO BALANCE AND HARMONIZE THE SEVEN MAJOR CHAKRA CENTERS SO THAT HIS/HER AURA IS RADIATING, VIA THE SOLAR POWER CENTER, A TANGIBLE FORCE FIELD OF PURE LOVE/LIGHT, THEREBY ALLOWING THE LIGHT OF THE SOUL TO SHINE FORTH.                                                             ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* *** A dedicated practice of meditation leads to a habitual state of reflection and contemplation.  Mindful awareness is your first goal in order to gain access to your Soul Self, Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart. You must first become aware of the specific changes that need to be made in order to return to balance and harmony, both within and without.      ***  We encourage you to sit for a while after you have read any new concepts we impart to you. It will take time for the richness of the information to unfold and reveal the wisdom of the higher Cosmic truths that we have conveyed.   ***  Those who still function within the realms of mass consciousness have not fully integrated the totality of their Soul-Seed Atom for this lifetime. The Antakarana is a bridge of mental Light matter, which links the physical personality to the Sacred Triads of the Fifth Dimension, and ultimately with the God-Seed Atom, your I AM Presence within this Sub-Universal experience.   ***  Soul Fragments contain thought forms and energy units of past lives that must be integrated if they are of compatible frequencies, or transmuted and returned to balance and harmony if they are composed of lower frequencies, so they may be easily absorbed into the physical vessel. This cycle of transmutation ends when all Soul Fragments within the Third/Fourth Dimensions are integrated, so that the Soul and the physical personality may fuse into Oneness.   ***  Universal Sacred language, Sacred geometry, numbers, Light, sound and color are all integral Facets of the more advanced wisdom teachings.   My dear Soul companions, I send you my eternal love, angel blessings, and a big hug, Ronna   Transmitted through RONNA VEZANE / SACRED SCRIBE   *STAR*QUEST* *** As transmitter of this article, I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included. .  The messages may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from:

Moving into Enlightenment by Archangel Michael

By Natalie Glasson ~ Sacred School of OmNa

Such a wealth of joy, love and devotion is being channeled into the Earth now, so many loving beings of light wish to be of service to those on the Earth who are willing and wanting to grow spiritually. I am among the many surging the light of the Creator into the Earth, I am Archangel Michael and I honour you now, for you and every person on the Earth are beautiful pearls glistening so brightly. On the Earth now many are seeking to move into enlightenment, to experience the light of the Creator around and within them more fully and to be at one with the Creator. Many people are focusing upon self-discovery, they acknowledge from the beginning of their journey that they are more than they currently realise. To imagine themselves as the Creator may be overwhelming but there is a path to this realisation that begins with the detection of your negative habits whether mental or physical, feeling comfortable in your own energy and understanding the skills that you naturally hold. This path of realisation is also a path to enlightenment. Many people ask me to describe to them the meaning of enlightenment. Of course, there are many opinions on the meaning of enlightenment but my view is that you receive enlightenment through your self-discovery. When you realise in your day that you have been unkind or selfish, that is an aspect of enlightenment. When you then counteract this by expressing love and appreciation then you truly have experience enlightenment because you have learnt a lesson about yourself. You have realised a negative or non-instructive part of yourself and have transformed it into the truth, into love and light. It is at that point of transformation that you are experiencing enlightenment. So we could explain enlightenment as a process of realising, accepting the truth and then manifesting the truth within your reality. Essentially you realise the habit and you realise the truth, you can see them side by side then with your mind you choose which energy is most appropriate, the truth or the habit. This is when your mind becomes an enlightened mind. You will see that you experience moments of enlightenment throughout your day, they are such precious moments. Eventually you will experience numerous moments of enlightenment in your reality and the love or transformational energy will be so powerful that it will overflow into your being and reality, the truth that you are discovering will anchor and you will feel it maintaining your natural balance, raising your energy vibration and enthusing your being with the life force energy of the Creator. You will feel that you are more enlightened than before and this is simply because you are realising the truth of the Creator and your being. So moving into enlightenment is a process or path of realisation, manifestation and transformation while being enlightened is to see, understand and live as the truth of the Creator. In many ways it is all a state of mind, because when the mind is open and free from toxins then the entire being is free to exist as light, love, truth and the presence of the Creator.

When we view you on the Earth we, of course, see you as enlightened beings, then we see puffs of smoke around you, these can be thick or thin in appearance. The puffs of smoke are the illusions, fears and limitations that you hold onto, they are your creation because of your unenlightened mind, understanding of yourself and reality or your unwillingness to realise your truth. I know that all of you would say to me that you are completely willing to realise your truth, to be at one with the Creator and to exist as an enlightened being on the Earth. This is not always true, your soul is willing, but is your mind, your personality or your emotions? Most often it is your mind, the habits and attachments that you hold onto that mean that you are unwilling to become enlightened. You can pray as hard as you like to become enlightened but if your entire being isn’t willing to do so then enlightenment will not truly manifest.

When I say your mind is unwilling I am speaking of your fears and doubts, these need to be recognised, placed alongside the truth and then you must choose which you wish to energise and manifest. Achieving this will allow your prayers to be answered because you are freeing yourself from all limitations and restrictions so that you may transform into your truth with ease. This is something that you can work on in your reality and throughout the day if you allow your mind to be observant of yourself and your thoughts. It can be tiring for your mind but you must enhance your focus of and on yourself, we could describe it as a spiritual awareness.

We see the energy of the Creator within you so strongly and clearly, it is our wish for you to view yourself in this way also. If you could allow your mind to realise the immense light of the Creator that you hold naturally each day then your reality and thought process would change and you would begin to comprehend the wonderful spiritual potentials that are available to you. We, in the Angelic Kingdom constantly, whisper into your ears that there is no need for you to suffer; you are such a beacon of light. We do not mind if you do not notice our words but wish you to know that we are always here to support and love you. We send you a vibration of light that is able to activate your energy and dissolve limitations to view the truth but this activation can only begin when you give your consent because of your free will. Our vibration of activation is akin to an intention, we view you as your truth and so we send this image or vibration of you as your essence to you as a healing, release and activation. At present you may not be able to remember your truth or the essence of your being, we help you by holding an image or vibration of you as your truth. Every moment of the day we send this to you, we speak to you openly telling you how loving, healed and wise you are. It is our constant mission to encourage you to take off your cloak of delusion and the glasses that limit your thoughts and understanding of yourself in order to accept the vibration of yourself which is true.We ask you now to give your consent to accept the vibration that your guides and the Angelic Kingdom send to you, knowing that as you open your mind to acceptance, you are opening your heart and being to receive our vibration of activation.

Sit now for a moment and call your guides and the Angelic Kingdom to surround you, speak with them and say that you are ready to accept yourself as they see you and allow the vibration of light that they view you as to infuse and awaken within your being. This can be very powerful, allow yourself the time and space to experience it fully.

The main obstacle that will hold you back is fear; this is something that the Creator is asking all on the Earth to face up to now. It is time to conquer your fears and to move into enlightenment.
Remember that fear is not true. For every fear, you have or create you can create a positive energy, siltation or experience in your mind. You can then look at them side by side and choose which you wish to energise and manifest. It is this process that allows you to conquer your fears and to move into moments of enlightenment, accepting and experiencing the truth and love of the Creator.

If you wish you can adopt this focus into your reality, let yourself notice how it changes your outlook and the reality you experience.

I am always here to love and protect you if you wish to go forward and accept the challenge of conquering your fears then call upon me to assist, guide and protect you at all times.

With deep and eternal love,

I am Archangel Michael