I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
All goes well on earth. Many misconceptions are being righted and many new minds are awakening to the true reality. As this continues those who are more advanced see more of who or what lurks around them and are better able to deal with the darkness which has infested our beautiful planet.
This week’s task is one of partially self enhancement however preparation for the final ascension. We ask you to visualize yourself wrapping energetic tendrils of Light around the 5D grid. If you do not practice this anyhow it is best to begin as this better aligns you with the 5D and casts away that which no longer serves you.
Visualize yourself in your light body, with many cords reaching to the higher vibratory grid. See your friends, your lovers, your family, strangers engaging in this act as well. Strengthening your connection to earth’s grid will help you and others upon earth and will help the earth to continue her ascension as both you and she bring in the higher energies of love.
This is a good practice for daily meditation.
In preparation for Samhaim, this should be continued for a few weeks until All Saints Day comes upon us. Smudging and clearing of homes should help to protect the children during this dark time.
Me: Yes, I saw a black blob squiggle across my lap yesterday, Michael.
Michael: Indeed. Do not attract these things, Sharon but learn how to repel them.
Me: I’m not in my best mood right now and I’m sure the drugs I’m using aren’t helping.
Michael: How can you buoy your mood every day?
Me: Go look at the fall colours. Oh yeah, what was that. Something just moved by my right eye. I see all kinds of movement around here.
Michael: To sit in the beautiful nature and focus on the stunning coloured trees β God gives so much and for so many it goes unseen.
Me: I know; the colours have been phenomenal this year. They’re never lost on me. I love it.
Michael: Anything that buoys your heart, my dear. Anything. You are dealing with others’ perceptions of you again as weak and in need of help and again, you call on what you learned from your parents in order to support you. Thank them again for being controlling, manipulative and for being so condescending. You see these people immediately as they present themselves to you. They are hard to disguise.
Me: I don’t need help. I have all the help I want. Ivo just tells me what the gist of the doctor’s appointment will amount to that day. I’m prepared for everything.
Michael: I stand in awe of his love for you.
Me: So do I! LOL Thank you Michael.
Michael: Adieu Sharon. You are the hands and the mouth I no longer have with the people of earth. I bow in thankfulness for your work.
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
Progress is being made these days. Both sides are well delineated and choices are easier to make. Which do you side with? Good or evil? Do you stand for the progress of humanity into the Light or do you stand for that which has always been on earth and that which the masters have sought to change? It is up to you.
Again this week I ask you to send President Putin your supportive enemies as his country takes on the Deep State. His good work is well noted and the strength of his army is infinite.
I am Archangel Michael. I am your leader. I am your teacher. We are legion.
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
And so Sharon’s venture into the health system continues this week. She’s finding herself extremely fatigued after courses of antibiotics and much traveling back and forth to Ottawa to see specialists. Many of you have asked if you can send her energy and yes, she welcomes this. Sharon has a good team behind her off planet as well. Already they have shown her that there is no cancer that is stronger than the human mind. And so it is.
As for our group work, we ask again that you fill the grids with your loving energy. War is on the horizon or so it appears to be. We remind you that the entire planet is surrounded by an armada of Mother ships and there will be no nuclear war, however there may be a big reveal of these light forces to all upon the planet. We have secured the timelines and success is ours. It is simply a question of your aligning with this success. Connecting with the third fourth and fifth dimensional grids will help in this respect.
I am Archangel Michael. I am your servant. I am your scribe. We are Legion.
Archangel Michael Week 75 Message Angelic Warrior Group September 25, 2022
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
September 24 has come and gone and yet no nuclear disaster befell planet earth. All they have left is chest beating, bravado statements of revenge and retaliation that they cannot make good on. Our forces grow in strength while theirs recede into the darkness.
Do not fear. There is no reason to. Reports are published which often exaggerate the circumstances which may befall you. Remembering that it is all for the common good is often cold comfort, but also remember events of the past and in many cases that they were less disastrous than you were told. You are surviving, perhaps even thriving as the new world lays at your feet to be built. The new will be built from the ashes of the old. There is no reason to worry.
We utilize your light energy to the best of your abilities, we utilize the creative power of your minds in order to create a new world. We whisper into your ears and tell you what to think and you often listen because you realize it is in your own good and for the betterment of life for all.
It is your world. It is your future. For this reason today I ask you to send Vladimir Putin your loving energies. He is doing good work for the planet in fighting the DS and he must continue in his course.
I am Michael. I am your leader. I am your servant. We are legion.
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
I first wish to thank Sharon who is channeling today despite severe illness. Her dedication to this group is groundless and her desire to help the Earth is untarnished.
I will be brief today and ask you again to remain focused with your love on the new King Charles III. King Charles has sealed some deals this past week that will upset many people in days to come and his reign of coming terror must be stopped in time.
Therefore I ask you to help this week.
I am Michael. I am your teacher. I am your patron. We are legion.
I am Archangel Michael with this week’s message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
Here we are again, on that special day in infamy β September 11. It will always hold a special message for people here on earth and that message is this, if they should choose to listen. September 11 was a day designed to suppress the rising of the Christ Consciousness on earth. That is the only goal they have β to keep the Christ Consciousness from coming back to this planet. But it is coming back and it is coming back quickly.
Many of you are already working to embody the Christ within yourselves now. 9/11 was a wake up day for many of you, and having the true events of that day revealed to you continues to wake you up now.
Do you not see the resemblance, the correlation? A wide pole like structure with a plane flying across the top? Does this not resemble a cross to you? Those inside who gave their lives so that others could wake up are indeed martyrs and they should always be remembered for the grand sacrifice of love they gave. This was the second impaling of the Christ. And there will be more attempts that need to be suppressed as you continue to live and to fight for the Light upon earth.
This week’s task will be to send your loving energies to King Charles III who has already publicly aligned with the DS and their reset agenda. Please send your love to him and the DS agenda in order that it may weaken. Charles energy will never meet that of his determined mother and there is no fear that he now will become another weak link in their agenda.
I am Michael. I am your leader. I am your teacher. We are legion.
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group. You have worked hard all your lives to bring the Light to this planet which was formerly a glorious planet, an Eden, of high light. Your cosmic memory retains the knowledge of what this planet once appeared to be and it is a goal you now all strive towards to fulfill β the re-creation of the beautiful gem that she once was. With the balance of the soil comes the balance of the flesh upon it and vice versa. Humans, animals, flora are all working in coordination with each other to create a balanced world. This is a trinity, as you may notice, the three that work in tandem to fulfill God’s promise and express God’s love in the physical life. Now the human has dropped out of the fold. It has walked away in ignorance and with it the balance and beauty of the planet has diminished. She was a sight to behold, indeed, in her heady days, but these will again return as the human works to rejoin the trinity and learns to live in reverence of those it shares the planet with. All comes from the soil, the flesh of the Mother Gaia. The plants grow from her, the cells are created from her and the air is sustained by her. This week’s task will be a bit different for you. I ask you this week to go to a place in nature that appeals to you. Perhaps it’s a city park, or a country road, a conservation area or your favourite lake or river. Go to this place and pay respect to the sustaining nature of the Mother who keeps you here. Pay Gaia your respect and give her your love. As you feed the sustaining energies of your home planet into her grid you re-energize her to keep moving forward through these times that are stressful for her and for you. It is a rejuvenation you can all benefit from. I am Michael. I am your teacher. I am your sage. We are legion. Adonai.
Beloved masters, never forget, your nearest and dearest friend should be yourselfβyour own Soul-consciousness. Within your Sacred Heart center you will find wisdom, compassion, patience, and most important of all, unlimited Sacred Love. From the beginning of the creative experience into density, all human life forms have been subjected to an ongoing, continuous series of revelations. A curious, inquiring mind was a built-in, intrinsic facet of human nature. The Earth is, once again, being prepared for a new, higher-evolutionary species of humanity. All of you, as StarSeed and world-servers, are encoded with Memory Seed Atoms giving you a burning desire to participate in the manifestation of this incredible dream of the future. Your personal goal is to become a Self-directed, Soul-inspired entity in the midst of the chaos and turmoil of the current, Third- / Fourth-Dimensional reality of today.
A new Divine Blueprint filled with advanced creative ideas beyond the wildest dreams of even the most brilliant, advanced minds of today is being beamed down via the powerful Rays of God-consciousness upon Earth and humanity from the Great Central Sun of this Sub-Universe. An advanced Soul, treading the narrow path of ascension, must learn how to absorb and integrate the three major God Rays of the coming Age, THESPIRITUALTRINITY, consisting of: DIVINEWILL/POWER*LOVE/INTUITION*INTELLIGENT,PURPOSEFULACTION.
Why not move into the center of the spiral of ascending consciousness, into the eye of duality and polarity β where all is calm and peaceful β filled with pure cosmic life force substance, Adamantine Particles, just waiting to be molded into your vision of the future? This very moment, as you move into your Sacred Heart Center, you can experience the profound love and compassion of our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator. Please accept this immutable truth: youareatreasuredsonordaughteronanimportantmission, and nothing you can say or do can diminish that love. It is time to dissolve the membranes of Light protecting your Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart which will give you access to the higher frequency Memory Seed Atoms of your Over Soul-Higher Self.
Too many of you are still carrying great burdens from the past. Mistakes you have made in this lifetime, and also many from past conditioning and buried memories of painful events or actions from all your previous lifetimes. Holding onto these memories or carrying the burdensofinequity no longer serves you. It is time for you to allow us to help you heal the painful memories stored within your physical vessel and auric field. Just as we are clearing the distortions of the Third- /Fourth- Dimensional, collective-consciousness belief patterns; thereby bringing those dimensions back into their originally designed spectrum of duality. Fear is a primitive fightorflight emotion, which will hinder the expansion of your consciousness awareness. It is time to clear and reprogram the base, instinctual components of your lower-human nature.
It is important that you understand: even though you no longer remember your past errors or the thoughts and deeds that threw you off balance; until these negative thought forms are acknowledged and transmuted, those energies are still present within your cellular structure waiting to be rectified and returned to harmony within. Through your conscious awareness and by aligning your will with the Will of your Higher Self and our Mother/Father God, all that is not in harmony with the frequencies of the higher Fourth/Fifth Dimensions is roiling up within to be healed and returned to the harmonics of peaceful coexistence, joy, and loving intention. This is the source of so much of the inner turmoil, challenges, and tests that you, the Self-aware seekers of Light, are experiencing.
We have stressed over and over again, one of the greatest challenges, yet one of the most important tasks to be accomplished in order to step onto the spiral of ascension, is to maintain a focusedpointofawareness within your Solar Power Center. In doing so, you will maintain an open passageway into the Sacred Heart; thereby allowing the Creator Light to flow freely to and from you. This, in turn, assists you to enhance and perfect your uniquely beautiful, harmonious SoulSong.
During these wondrous, yet trying, times, you are being given a grand opportunity to tap into the cosmic library, which holds the mysteries of this Sub-Universe. You, the StarSeed Souls, are gradually becoming equipped to tap into those sacred storehouses, Pyramids of Light, where the universal laws and wisdom of the ages are stored. In doing so, you will learn that you can traverse any height, surmount any obstacle, and your path of ascension will be revealed with certainty. You have never lost your divinity or your godly intelligence. It has only been in safe-keeping, awaiting the time when you would, once again, awaken to claim your birthright as a Divine child of our Mother/Father God.
Beloveds, we are asking you to focus on yourselves so you may become clear vessels for the refined frequencies of Light. You have the ability to become a conduit for the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light, which will permeate your physical vessel and flow out into the world of form. However, you must liberate the power of the Sacred Fire from within your physical vessel, the Kundalini Fire stored within your Root Chakra, while drawing forth a new supply via the great Sixth-Dimensional Cities of Light. The breath is the conductor of this vital Life Force energy.
You must learn to use and perfect the perfect rhythm of Sacred Breathing. The Infinity Breath is a vital component of the transformation process. Over the past years, we have added more important elements to the advanced techniques β which you must incorporate in order to develop and claim Self-mastery. It is vital information you are to integrate and then share with those on the Path behind you.
We ask you to envision the Violet Flame radiating up from beneath your feet and completely enfolding you in this vital energy of transmutation, which will speed up the process of transforming all impure substance within and around you, as well as giving you protection from outside, negative influences. As you evolve into a spiritual/human Being, you will become capable of more profound thought and complex concepts. You will also develop a greater capacity for deeper, more intense love.
Remember, in order to manifest your spiritual vision, you must define what you wish to create, and then clearly envision it. First of all, as a conscious cocreator, you should focus on manifesting a refined,evolvedstateofBeing, and a harmonious quality of life. Therefore, you should seek an abundance of love, joy, peace, creativity, good health, compatible satisfying relationships, and so on. Seeking to incorporate the qualities, attributes and virtues of God Consciousness will assure success in creating all the material objects you require to live in comfort. You are learning to become one with the infinite flow of abundance, as you traverse the many levels and Dimensions of Creation. Oneofthemostimportantconceptsthatyoumustacceptasyourtruthisacrystal-clearawarenessthatyouarethecreatoroftherealityinwhichyouwilllivenowandinthefuture.
Many of you ask what your mission is in this lifetime, and we tell you, βYourSoulβsgreatestdesireisthatyoureclaimthemanyFacetsofyourselfsothatyoumay,onceagain,bethewondrousmasterofcocreationthatyouwerewhenyoufirstembodiedwithinthematerialplanes.Theascensionprocessisanon-goingjourney,notadestination.Eachday,endeavortomakethehighestchoicesβstayinthemoment,forthatistheonlytimeyoucanaccessyourGod-powerβnotfocusingonthepastandnotprojectingintothefuturebutseekingyourhighestpotentialineachandeverymoment.Seethechallengesinyourlifeasopportunitiesasyoulearntoletgoofoldself-limitingways.Theseareinalienabletruthsthatyoushouldinstillwithinuntiltheybecomeanintrinsicpartofyourhuman-nature.’
This is a balancing lifetime for you, the StarSeed, whereby you are seeking to bring into harmony all the Facets of your Being. Deep within, you are aware of how important it is for you to honor and integrate your feminine nature, the gentle, intuitive, creative, and inward focused energies, as well as developing and using your masculine attributes. Strive to be strong, yet gentle, outward focused as you tap into the treasure house of wisdom within. Your Divine nature will grow in strength and conscious expression as you learn to draw forth the wisdom of your Sacred Mind, OverLighted with the compassion of your Sacred Heart. You must learn to speak concisely, constructively, and confidently. Know that if you stay centered and focused within your Sacred Heart, the Universe must respond in a positive manner, and your success will be assured.
As you become attuned to the intuition of your Higher Self, you will begin to feel the God Light pulsating within your Sacred Heart, and you will begin to focus on the Spark of Creation within the Sacred Heart Center of every person you meet. It may be dim in many dear Souls, but it is still burning within, or they would not be alive. When you do so, you will automatically strive to practice non-judgment, and you will begin to see the positive nature within everyone.
We ask you to use discernment before taking anyoneβs teachings as your truth. Do not get hung up on theory or complex information. Take only that which resonates deep within, that which is loving, enlightening and expands your awareness. There are many half-truths in the teachings that are now being brought forth to humanity. Remember, you are the one who must create freedom, abundance, and empowerment in your life. No one else can do that for you. Discernment is a vital attribute for those on the path of ascension and enlightenment. Whatever you choose as your truth, you must integrate and apply in your life through focused intention and action. DISCERNMENT/HEART-CENTEREDINTENTION/SOUL-FOCUSEDACTION result in positive manifestation.
No matter what station, circumstances, or level of awareness you assumed for this incarnation, deep within your Soul-self was a burning desire to integrate the multiple-level Facets of your Beingness. However, first they must be healed and harmonized so that they may be filled with the rarified Light of the higher realms. As you allow your Higher-Self to OverLight and guide you, more and more inspired thought will come to you. There are many ways to allow Spirit to manifest through you; just let it happen naturally, dear ones. What makes your heart smile and brings you a deep sense of satisfaction? How do you wish to serve? There are many ways, and you have many talents (more than you will acknowledge) however, the choice is always yours.
The mighty forces of the Angelic Kingdom, as well as a vast number of wondrous Beings of Light, are here to help you move through these times of evolution and great change with ease and grace. However, you must ask for our assistance, for we cannot infringe upon your free will. It is time to reclaim your rightful place as a Master of Light, and remember, as you integrate the knowledge of Spirit and illumined truth, it is vitally important that you to go forth and share your wisdom.
Know that the tests and opportunities before you will bring rewards beyond anything you can imagine, so do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone as you reach for the stars. Accept your cloak of radiant Light, for you have earned it. Follow your own path and do not fear being different from those around you. We will leave you with a few en-Lighten-ing thoughts to assist you to stay focused upon the higher mental plane of awareness, with an overlay of loving intention. YourgoalistobecomeHeart-centeredandSoul-focused.
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
Again, as I said last week, we are at a precipice. We are at a new point in time that can go any number of ways. What you must understand about this process is that there is either a joining together or a breaking apart of groups of people depending on their level of consciousness.
Many who are like minded are joining together, banding together to work to survive. Others who are not believing their eyes and ears are joining together against the side that is trying to survive and supporting those who are trying to kill them. Yes, kill them. There are systems being put in place now by many governments that will further eliminate more people on earth, either those who believe them or those who resist them, they care not which.
Many people will be sacrificing their lives in order that others may learn. That is the whole point of the tragedy of these current times. Remember the soul lives forever and death from the physical is only a transition. You will miss those who left and wish they were still with you, of course, because you love your dear ones, but hold them in high honour as you realize their death is only in vain if you don’t understand the message their soul sought to give you.
Not all will go forward into the fifth dimension. The Plan has changed and many will remain in the lower timelines going forward living with this evil imbalance. Your goal is to try to save them. They need more time to become aware that they’re being lied to, and so now we can give them all the time they need. All souls will be saved on earth, in time.
This week’s task will be one of focusing on the third dimensional grid. Not the fifth dimensional grid as many of you do, but the third dimensional grid. You are still connected to both until you finally leave to go to the fifth dimension. At this time your third dimensional connection will dissolve because you have worked to dissolve it but for now many lightworkers are being sent back into the lower dimensions in order to help to wake up more people. You may realize this, or perhaps not.
When we focus on the third dimensional grid, we empower and strengthen the Light within it. For this reason that is our task this week and I most graciously thank you for your service.
I am Michael. I am the Light. I am the Good. We are Legion.
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
Today we find ourselves at a precipice. As the world changes we are on the edge of what you perceive to be time. This timeline is due to make major changes shortly, changes for the better for all. Although your work will not be done, you have much more manifestation to do as you anchor in more beneficial systems for all, we ask you please to take time to regenerate and refresh yourselves.
Self care is important in all of this and caring for your energy and using defense methods inspired by us of the angelic realm, given to you in love, are requested of you.
For those starseeds who still need to open their third eye, proper energetic maintenance is important. Clearing of the energy field, cutting of cords, neutralization of negative energy and dismissal of negative thinking, giving yourself down time to relax are all important ways to stay centered and focused on our collective goal: winning this battle with darkness for once and for always.
Many of you are showing signs of fatigue, some of you are battling with your own side, some of you are attacking those who are doing their light work while you are not. These are all signs that you are compromised, your mission is compromised and that you must work harder to clear your energy and clear your mind of hatred.
You have come to earth to be a vehicle for the Light as this is your normal frequency. Many of you are turning away and practising thoughts that are not of the Light but of the dark. These must be recognized and dispensed with.
This week it was reported that: βThe surface Lightworker grid has almost collapsed, and the Light forces have activated an emergency backup Light grid for the surface of the planet, about which nothing can be said.β This is correct. This has occurred and now we ask that you fight harder to embody the love of others that inspired you to come to planet earth years ago.
What hateful thoughts have you had this week? What fearful thoughts have you had this week? How can you change these thoughts into thoughts of love?
This week’s target is again the current administration of the United States. As it continues to seek to war with other countries, its war against its own people forges on. Understand that all countries are looking at the success experienced in the United States as a guide to whether they should continue their own campaigns or not. If the States should overthrow their dark leaders, other countries will capitulate as well.
Me: I want to say something as well, Michael.
Michael: Indeed. Go ahead, Sharon.
Me: I’ve learned that the program to create new digital I.D. is being put forward in Canada. In Ontario where I live, the premier has approached the federal government for support because it’s being fought in parliament. Digital I.D. is connected via INTERAC β not your Social Insurance Number, not your OHIP number, not your driver’s license. Your bank account in other words. And digital identity will also reflect your vee status so of course if you’re not fully inoculated you will be cut off from your bank account. This has to be stopped. Just say βnoβ. Do not comply.
If you think they won’t cut people off of their money just think of the trucker protest in Ottawa last winter β they cut them off of their funding via INTERAC. They have started a pattern of cutting off people for non-compliance and opposition already.
AA Michael: A true warrior, Sharon.
Me: Thank you. I have to get this message out. Obviously they’ll take down my website and try to stop me in other ways but I just keep fighting for our collective rights. As someone who’s not even had one vee, I feel that others who have had two or three shots will now join with me on this because they’re fed up.
Yes, fed up of Fed. That’s what I am.
Please share this message. I have a small website up called βufotours.weebly.com.β Yes, a good disguise. LOL And if you want to see the UFO we saw last night and got pictures of it’s on sharonandivo.com / ships and stars. And it’s a good one.
Thank you for this, Michael.
Michael: I am Michael. I am your leader. I am your teacher. We are legion.
Archangel Michael – Week 69 – Angelic Warrior Group
ugust 14, 2022
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
Your time draws near. We are getting close to our first big win. However this will not be our last challenge, not by far. There will be more challenges in future β more changes we need to make to reflect the truth of God’s love for humanity on earth. Many more challenges.
Your world must do an about face. And it starts with the mind. Spend more time learning to accept, spend more time learning to have compassion for others. Do not only focus on your own benefit but ask what would the world look like if all were to benefit. Eliminate within yourself any resistance you may have to seeing others thrive as well, remembering that you are all One with God and when others thrive, so do you. This is true equality, not the disparity that you are taught is your cross to bear now.
We have many still to rescue, those unknown faces that live within the bases, those unknown hearts you have never come to know. There are many on other planets who have been trafficked and many who did not survive who must be mourned by the others. There is much work to do and it must come from the heart now or it will not come at all.
This week we ask you to focus on the administration currently in charge of the United States. If you prefer focus your loving energies upon the administration that currently governs within your own country. If they have capitulated they will appreciate your support, but if they have not they will learn to fear the mind of the human as it is by far stronger than their own. This will lead to further changes in their plans and further capitulation of those already upon the fence. You will be aiding the Light forces in creating change upon planet Earth and we thank you.
I am Michael. I am your leader. I am your brother. We are Legion.
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
I have a message for the Angelic Warrior Group today and that message is one of peace. Again, this week we must focus on peace on earth as those who seek war are beating their war drums again. As you may know this is a repeat of World War 2 where the same parties owned and funded both sides of the war. They simply are trying to declare war against you, the People, and this is where you must stop them. Do not participate and please send your calming energies to China and to the U.S.’s current government. Please also send your loving energies to Nancy Pelosi, not because she is lovable for she is not, but because your love weakens her and weakens her resolve to try to continue this charade they call democracy.
The people are suffering and this path has been chosen by those who are not wise enough yet to see the true reality. With this majority still in compliance around the world, the angelic warriors and all others are on the front lines trying to forge ahead while the back legs are not walking. The world’s population is being stretched out in two camps β diametrically opposed, and this is what the dark ones want for earth β for to continue conflict requires two sides. This is why you all must unify in higher consciousness and what we of the angelic realms have striven to do for so long.
We see a turning point is coming, a point in which there will no longer be doubt and the front legs and the back legs will begin to walk together in unison. The dark ones’ full hand will be revealed, including the aces they have held up their sleeves and in doing this the entire world will become aware, wise to the trickery they have been subjected to.
It will be a tense moment for all as the entirety of what you call life will stand in the balance. It will be a moment where you all will be forced to choose for good or for evil. This moment is coming. I beg you to prepare for it. Know where you stand and stand firm in your conviction.
I am Archangel Michael. I am your teacher, I am your guide, we are Legion.
Just a reminder, folks, there’s a worldwide full moon meditation on August 12 this week which for most of us is on Friday.
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the angelic warrior group.
Again the satanists are forwarding a campaign to start war. You must understand this about them: They need war. Their view on life is to destroy it. If they cannot destroy something or someone, they feel unfulfilled. They are mass killers. They are evil. They are the anti-Christ. Stop waiting for it, it has always been here but now it is revealing itself to you.
As the speaker of the house flies to China to threaten war with America, she will be laughed at. There is a battle going for ownership of Taiwan, which, like the countries with the most gold in the past, has large manufacturing capabilities and the owner of this country and exporter of the microchips they can produce is the forerunner in the battle to overcome ascension and to quell the godliness of humanity.
Yes, you must all understand that if you were not aspects of God none of this would have any meaning for them. To control you is to control God. It will not happen. God is creator of All, He can wipe out any evil with a thought, however they are left here on this planet to teach you of your own heritage and to understand the goodness, the godliness that dwells in each of you.
You need no rescuer, you need no saviour. You are your own saviour if you would only wake up to that truth.
This week we are asking that you target the current American administration, those resident evils that purport to be the leaders of the world when it is obvious they are not. So much must be made obvious to you and you must learn to group with the rest of the world, not become your own isolated unit, but group with the rest of the world in order to defeat evil, wherever it exists and it still exists worldwide.
They cannot tolerate your resistance because they are so much weaker than you are.
We have broken the chains between many of these pockets. We have reduced their strength by removing the players. Now you must realize the truth of what is occurring in your world β and that is you are the power that runs the planet now, not them, not anyone else. It is up to you to save yourselves.
I am Michael. I am your leader, I am your Light, we are Legion.
Sharon : Me: Another note, folks, COBRA is asking people worldwide to meditate with his group. Please see the link in the description called βUrgent Message to the Surface Populationβ: https://2012portal.blogspot.com/
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
As you see, this is week 66 of our group and this is a sign of the group’s strength and power. Sixty-six is a divine number indicating power and this group is growing in strength and fortitude.
This is a reminder to be grateful in life. Your path on earth is not an easy one. You have no idea of the ease of life because many of you don’t remember any lives abroad, you only think all life is as toilsome as your life on earth is. They are not. The secret is gratitude. Being grateful for what you are given, being grateful for what you are shown about yourself and others is all intended to keep you on the easiest path to walk on earth.
Gratitude is your connection to the heavens. It is your call to God, your call to say, βthank you for watching out for me, thank you for loving me.β It is your call to those who can hear you and who will reward you for stepping into your own powers of love.
In this vein, we are asking you to send your loving energy into the grid. It is so important that more people wake up as now new campaigns are being launched in order to make you fear and to keep you sick. Send energy to the grid and know that God is looking out for all. Some do not have the fortitude to carry on past this point; this is a campaign for the strong ones. Some have said, βWe have had enough,β and wish to depart. It is sad for all of you but you must understand that not all souls have your strength of will, not all souls have the wisdom, the power and the love to continue. They are still learning and they are sacrificing themselves so that you can learn to be more powerful.
There is no separation, even after death. We are all One. The separation you know is the separation created by fear. Lose your fear and find connection to the All.
I am Archangel Michael, thanking you, and asking you once again to work with your divine energies to help those upon earth who could not do it.
I am Michael, I am your leader, I am the love of God, I am the power of God, we are all One.
Archangel Michael Through James McConnell: Everything is Changing
I am Archangel Michael. I come to be with you at this time as many things are changing across your world. Not only in the external world, but within your internal world as well.
Everything is in flux. Everything is in motion. And vibration. Vibrational frequency is indeed increasing across the planet which is, in turn, extinguishing the old vibration, the old lower vibration which is bringing about change.
Everything now is about change in your life. Change, because you are moving with that higher vibration, and moving through the attraction process of light attracting light. You are finding that you are no longer comfortable in the older, or the lower, vibration. All of you know this.
You are being attracted into the higher vibration and into like-minded vibrational people. So you may feel at times like an outcast. You may feel at times like you are isolated. Isolated from those of your friends, your family, your loved ones. But this is to be expected. This is part of the change process, part of the transition that you are moving through. And you are all moving through this transition, some having more difficulty than others. But you are moving through it nonetheless.
And none of you, not one of you, needs to feel like you are not doing enough, or you are not doing what you are supposed to do. Because there is no βsupposed to do.β There is just doing. Doing what you feel in the moment, as long as it is following universal laws. And at this point, my friends, you are really not capable of not following universal law.
Certainly there are those in your world that are capable of that, that do not follow the universal law. They follow the law of themselves, of their own ego selves. But you are not following them.
More and more are following you now. You, the expression of collective consciousness that is you. And you are it. You are the collective consciousness. You are creating every expression of life moment to moment. You are creating the New Golden Age of Gaia.
So know that as you move through each day. As you move through each moment in each day that you are creating what is coming beyond this moment, creating the next moment, and the next one, and the next one. And the collective consciousness coming together to bring about the fallβthe fall of the cabal. The fall of the forces of darkness here on this planet.
And yes, there is a battle going on. I, as Archangel Michael, and all of my angels working with me, and all of the Galactics that work along side of me, as well as all of you that are paving the way, showing the way, working together with me, both in your dream state as well as in your conscious state and your unconscious state. We are all working together on this to bring the end of the forces of darkness here on this planet.
And yes, indeed, you are going to see the fall of this cabal. You are going to see more and more signs of this as more and more truth comes forward, and more and more of those bastions of evil are destroyed. Because they cannot exist. Evil cannot exist in the higher vibrational frequency. It is not possible.
Know that you are moving into a new phase now. You have heard this previously, but I am reiterating this now. A new phase of higher vibration is upon you. You will notice it. You will notice it as you are moving through your day. And all of a sudden you feel a sense of bliss come over you, and you have no idea where it came from. It is just there. But you bask in the glory of this higher vibrational bliss. It is there for you. It is there to continue to hold you and bring you higher and higher, again, each and every moment.
For one day you will find that each and every moment of your lives will be in that joy, in that bliss. It is coming. It is destined. It is a part of all of you.
I am Archangel Michael, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness.
And that you continue to be the warriors, the Warriors of Light that move in front of me and all of those that work along side of me.
You move ahead of us and continue to show the way.
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the angelic warrior group.
We are making good progress, the Light is anchored in so many places around this world. It is growing in power. Imagine a jigsaw puzzle with many pieces still missing. It is filled in to 60% of its wholeness. That will give you an idea of what the Light’s efforts are looking like now here on earth. The pieces that remain to be filled in with pieces or more Light, are what remain.
These pieces can be concepts, they can be virtual realities. Such as the reality of truth. The truth does not appear to you in a box. It does not come to you via a sales floor. It comes to you virtually and yet you anchor it. It is the actions you undertake that strengthen this truth within you or weaken them. Strive to undertake the right actions. If it is wrong and you know it to be wrong, then do not do it. If you have found something without asking for it, is it right to have it or should you ask if you can keep it? If you found a ten dollar bill on the street and you knew it fell out of an old woman’s wallet while she fumbled to find her change, would you not return it to her?
All things done in virtue are paid off by God in more good things. When you do a good thing for someone you are rewarded with more good things. When you do things you know to be wrong, you are rewarded with more bad things. It is your choice for you are all One. To hurt another is to ask to be hurt yourself. Choose your path wisely for these are the times that are telling. As many of you know, you reap the reward for your actions almost immediately now, so much so that you can determine something occurring as a consequence of an action you recently undertook. Years ago you could not. Life seemed to be a soup of right and wrong, good and bad, pleasure and pain that had no particular meaning or connection of events. Now you see the connection, now you know why when you experience pain it was you that set that wheel in motion and not even too long ago. Now life makes more sense. This is because of the increase of Light and the increase in the dimensional energies.
Raise yourself up with them. Do not be left behind. To be left behind is to relive the pain you just experienced throughout many lives, lives in which your lessons were unlearned. Learn the lesson now and make the correct changes. When the lesson goes away, it is because you mastered it. It is that simple.
Yes, Sharon is reminding me: To criticize another is to express your own fear. When you see another person driving poorly, you know you have a fear of being in an accident. When you criticize another for making a blunder, you know you have a fear of looking the fool and being judged. When you criticize another for their unhealthy body you know you have a fear of losing health yourself. This is an easy way to determine your fears and an easy way to understand yourself better and to learn to love yourself more. Life is a mirror and what you fear in yourself you criticize others for.
Me: Thanks Michael. It’s true and your energy helped me to see it this way. I’m going to watch very carefully when the critic comes out and yes, I don’t want to be in a car accident.
AAM: As for this week, I have a dual challenge for you all. And I know you’ll do well with it. I would like those who are inclined to to send energies to Sri Lanka and for those who are inclined to send energies to the Russian army. This army, who is doing good work for earth, grows fatigued. Battle weariness will set in for even the most eager warrior and they are experiencing some difficulties with this. They are still located in the Ukraine. There are other Russian forces abroad but they are new forces that have come in.
I am Archangel Michael. I am your servant. We are One. We are Power. We are Legion. Adonai.
I am Archangel Michael with a message to the angelic warriors on planet earth.
For some my message last week was not very well received. I did not say to relinquish your weapons. I did not say that you could not fight.
I said you should not fight. βThou shalt not murderβ is one of the ten commandments and it was this I spoke of. I also told you that a plan is being carried out out of your sight so that you will be liberated in a way that will be made permanent. Earth is a free will zone and you are free to carry weapons if it is your desire to.
I wish to make a point of Sri Lanka. In Sri Lanka this past week thousands of people tore down the presidentβs and the prime ministerβs residences. Three thousand people were arrested.
Politicians stepped to the fore and said that the problems of this country cannot be resolved quickly. It will take time. Yes, youβve all heard that before. It will take time.
This is only an attempt to appease the anger of all Sri Lankans β asking for your patience to keep you waiting, and then saying it will take a long time which indicates that they will attempt to do something about the problem, but they will not.
Me: Like the Tenth of Never, that kind of time.
AA Michael: Yes. Sri Lanka, as are many countries, is under direction of the globalist regime. Destroying the homes of the president and the prime minister will get you nowhere. The president and the prime minister resigned. They will only be replaced by new, yes, you call them puppets if the globalist system is not overturned. The globalists are still in power there. They were creating hunger and poverty in Sri Lanka and this will not abate with a new government as long as it is their government that is in power.
The problem with this government was cited as being βrampant corruption.β All globalist governments are corrupt. This corrupt government is holding debt bail-out talks with the IMF (International Monetary Fund). Who do you think runs the IMF? The globalists do. The hopes the people of Sri Lanka have of securing a better future by destroying homes of their leaders is very remote simply because their government is an arm of the globalist body, as is the IMF.
This is why we keep asking you not to start a civil war. Go peacefully to the fifth dimension and allow all to be left behind you.
The entire financial system of this planet is currently being replaced. Those who have switched to the BRICS gold-backed system are on the new financial system.
Another comment on the IMF bailout: βMany believe the much-anticipated IMF bailout could be delayed due to the political crisis. IMF officials told reporters they were hoping for the situation in Sri Lanka to improve.β Itβs impossible for the situation to improve in Sri Lanka because the IMF are the ones who are causing it. Please open your eyes and see this!
We ask you to continue to open your eyes and see the truth of who is actually running planet earth. Itβs most likely that Sri Lankan officials will simply ask for military lock down and they will get it. This is further control over the people who now would not even have the freedom to move at their leisure.
Most prime ministers and presidents are only spokespeople. They are expendable. When you lash out at them you lash out at the people put in place to take your reaction on the chin. When they are replaced the same circumstances will continue. The system is being taken down at a global level. This is the only way forward.
Yes, it is true. The DS fears you. They have diminished your power throughout the years and only created a system that added to their own. They have used your energy to create this system with. So, the answer is not to be part of the system any longer. Remove yourself in any way that you can.
This does not require violence.
Sharon has had many suggestions on this: Remove your money from the bank. Stop paying them for keeping your credit with the bank. Yes, they have changed the fine print enough to switch the banking situation for you. You owe them, they do not owe you for keeping your money in their banks. Back in the 70βs banks paid a nominal interest charge to you for depositing your money with them. Now you owe them banking fees at the end of the month and no such interest is paid out on most accounts. Yes, you have credit with them, they do not have credit with you.
Stop eating manufactured products and start eating natural food. Grow your own food. Those in warmer climates can eat all year long without ever paying the DS money for their food. Buy from a local farmer instead of buying from the grocery store.
Purchase a house for cash. Do not get a mortgage.
Work on line. Do not hold a normal job.
There are many ways to extricate yourself from their system, but the best way is to understand universal law and to use it. As it has been pointed out by this cosmic team, universal law is being used against you here on earth. It is being used to further enslave you.
Now use it to liberate yourself.
This week we have another project: I ask that you send your positive loving energies to Sri Lanka. As it is expected that repercussions will arise from the actions of this past week, we wish to see this situation improved for the people of this country.
I most graciously thank you.
I am Archangel Michael. I am your leader. I am your servant.
Channel from Archangel Michael about the Lions Gate 8/8. Posted in entirety as that seems to be the best way these days. Enjoy!
Beloved Light Family on Earth, it has been a time of rapid change and transition on the Earth in the last six months! Since the Aquarius Gate in February, you entered into a period of accelerated frequency and personal βexpansionβ. This was felt at the big shifts of the 22nd February and the 22nd March, as well as the Eclipses and the Equinox and the Solstice, and more recently the 6/6/6 and 7/7 Portals.
Each shift has brought you to a higher and finer frequency, so that you are ready to make a quantum βleapβ as you transit the Lions Gate in late July and August. The 8/8 will be a pinnacle moment when you will step forward into the βexpandedβ version of yourself.
Many of you have had this feeling, in the last months, that you are on the threshold of something wonderful and miraculous. Others have felt an intense desire to open up their service to the light and really express the mission of their Soul for the New Earth. Indeed, Beloveds, this is the time when you will be able to spread your βangelic wingsβ as Human Angels and step into this new version of yourself.
At this time, as as so many of you are holding the higher frequencies, the Soul families and tribes are coming together in a significant way. The intense magnetism that is set up by the Soul as it reaches a frequency where it transmits the Divine Feminine energies, means that such Souls are being attracted to each other and are making connections. These connections are becoming Communities that will form the Foundations of the New Earth Sacred Communities of Light on Earth.
The Earth is returning to her original blueprint as a Sacred Planet in the Galaxy, and those who are entering New Earth service are becoming the Sacred Keepers of the New Earth and the Sacred Spaces of the New Earth. You are now connected to your Angelic and Galactic families, to the Christ Consciousness and to Nature and its elemental powers. You are ready to connect together to create communities that will express these connections.
Leadership from the Heart and Soul
Beloved Ones, these New Earth communities will be founded on Love and Compassion, and integrity and clarity. They will be an expression of the βShining Onesβ and the βPure Onesβ of the Christ Consciousness and the Magdalene Avatar line.
They will be an expression of a new form of Leadership on Earth. This will be Leadership from the Heart and Soul. The energies will be inclusive and compassionate, and there will not be judgment and aggression or competition for places and position.
Those who form these communities will focus on their βBeingβ and the Energy of the Community, rather than any expression of Power or Wealth. These communities will be infused by the Divine Feminine energy of Beauty, Harmony and Support, and of sharing with all. There will be balance and flow and abundance, and `a new understanding of how βcommunityβ works when people are not given status through economic success but through their Heart and Soul energy.
Beloved Ones, you will come to honor the path of each one and the place where they are on their journey. You will honour the Young People for their innocence and their strength and their dreams and ambitions. You will teach them to connect with their Angelic and Galactic families and to honor their Spiritual Gifts as they grow to adult life.
You will honor those who are in their mid-life path, where they are mothers and fathers and community leaders who serve through their ability to be loving and compassionate providers for their own families and for the greater family that is their community. Each Man or Woman, whether single or married, whether a biological parent or not, will become a βMotherβ or βFatherβ for those who are vulnerable in their Community. And they will do so with empowered compassion and from the Heart and Soul.
And then you will honor the Wise Men and Women, and the Elders, who hold the wisdom for the communities and contribute the experience of their life path for the greater good. You will come to recognise this part of your life as the most powerful expression of who you are as a Soul.
This is your Golden time in the Golden Age as you step forward to gift to the community all that you have learned and all the you are. You will see yourself as the βCroneβ which actually means βCrownβ or βCrowned Oneβ, crowned with Wisdom and Beauty and Soul Light!
The Lions Gate 2022
Beloved Family of Light, this yearβs Lions Gate will indeed be powerful, and we urge you to come together with your Soul Family and Tribes to celebrate and ground and anchor these new energies.
The keys words are Expansion and Transformation. Becoming All that you can BE at this time and expanding your service to the Divine according to your Soul Blueprint.
The Elohim Angels and the Royal Star Lions will be present to assist you and help you to find your personal power.
The Sirian Star Teachers will also be present to bring the Sirian Star Teachings on Ascension and to help you to remember who you are at this time. Mary Magdalene as the Avatar of the Feminine Christ energy will be with you, as will Yeshua as the Avatar of the Masculine Christ energy. As will many other Angelic Beings and Galactic Beings and Ascended Masters.
It will be a Grand Celebration of Higher Frequency and Love and the New Earth!
We wish you all a wonderful Lions Gate Journey and powerful Creations and Manifestations.
If you would like to know more about the Lions Gate 8/8 and to join a Light Community for the Lions Gate, please consider joining our online webinar series for the Lions Gate. To learn more and book your place please go my website at www.celiafenn.com