Category Archives: AA Michael
When you enter into the space of your soul as a sanctuary, you recognise all that your soul wishes to share with you – all the gifts, the blessings, the abundance that your soul wishes to share with you.
Sanctuary of the Soul by Archangel Michael
Greetings beloved divine beings of light, I come forth with angelic vibrations and I, Archangel Michael, am present to be of service to you. I wish to speak today of your soul as a sanctuary.
Your soul is your essence. It is your truth. It is your connection with the divine, and your soul or aspects of your soul are embodied within your physical body. Your soul therefore knows everything – it has a greater, larger picture of your divine plan and of the Universe of the Creator. It receives wisdom – knowledge from the Creator – and delivers it, with your consent and your choosing, into your physical body and your awareness.
Within your soul there is a sanctuary. Your soul loves you unconditionally. Your soul wishes to give to you everything that you need and require, and remind you of all that is the Creator. Therefore it is a wonderful practice to recognise your soul as a sanctuary within your being and to retreat to this sanctuary as often as possible. Think of it as a space where you can recognise who you truly are and you can also be who you truly are. There are no limitations or boundaries. There is no judgment. Your soul, as a sanctuary, is a deeply nurturing and nourishing space, as well as enlightening and illuminating.
When you enter into the space of your soul as a sanctuary, you recognise all that your soul wishes to share with you – all the gifts, the blessings, the abundance that your soul wishes to share with you. It becomes a space of great connection and communication, but also a space of deep and absolute receiving and realising you are worthy and deserving. Many shifts can take place within your soul, as a sanctuary, which can eliminate many experiences that are no longer needed in your physical reality.
A wonderful practice is to enter or hold the intention of entering into your soul – the sanctuary of your soul – to breathe in the light. You can imagine it. You can know it. You can connect with it.
As you breathe in the light of your soul, allow that sanctuary to surround you. Let it feel like a space that is devoted only to you, for it is – it is a space that is yours.
You can ask your soul to embrace you, wrapping light around you – qualities, vibrations that your soul believes will assist you, almost like a balm or a soothing cream that is placed all around you and seeps into your being. Each quality, each vibration will serve you and help you connect to the understanding that your soul is your sanctuary, allowing numerous shifts to take place within your being. It means that you can always connect with your soul and receive everything that you need, at any given time.
When you feel emotional, when you feel doubtful or hurt, when you feel confused or ungrounded, you can hold the intention of entering into your sanctuary – the sanctuary of your soul – and ask, as you breathe in the light, ask your soul to embrace you like a balm of light in certain qualities that will assist you…assist you in gaining a greater connection with your soul or resolving issues in your being or your reality.
This is your sacred space. It is within your being. It has so much potential, so much nourishment and a great volume of truth. Allow yourself to really take the benefits – to absorb the benefits and the blessings that your soul wishes to bestow upon you and integrate into your entire being and your entire reality.
When you feel the process is complete, you can ask your soul to integrate this light, the vibrations of your sanctuary, into your physical body – into every cell, into your chakras, into your auric field – so that as you’re walking upon the Earth, as you’re achieving, doing, acting and reacting, you are doing so as the sanctuary of your soul. This becomes a very powerful state of being, of calmness, of truth, of peace, of love, of joy – in truth, of everything that is your soul incarnate upon the Earth.
The more you practice entering into your sanctuary, the more you will embody your soul at a physical level.
I am Archangel Michael. I thank you.
11:11 Planetary Axis Alignment with Patricia Cota-Robles
Creator’s Intentions by Archangel Michael with Natalie Glasson
YOU ARE A “WHITE FIRE SEED ATOM” OF ALL THAT IS AA Michael via Ronna – April 2023
The 40 days after the equinox, which will bring you to the end of April, is a very potent period for manifestation and creation.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ The Moment is Now

The 40 days after the equinox, which will bring you to the end of April, is a very potent period for manifestation and creation.
What dreams have been waiting patiently for you to give yourself permission to recognize and grow, not just for you but for the highest good of all? What have you always wanted, deep in your heart, but never had the courage to see if it could become a reality for you?
Not only is it time to connect with your truest desires, which represent the full and authentic expression of who you really are, it is time to anchor so deeply into your faith and trust that you give them everything they need to open up for the next incredible chapter of your life. All the work that you have been doing has been for the period that you are in right now, Dear Ones.
The moment is now.
We urge you to remember and apply what you know, settle into being your truest you, and allow the unfoldment to lead you from there. It will serve you, and your planet, beautifully.
Create your new life. Create the timeline that you want. And indeed, again, as you create the timeline for yourself, you are in process of creating the timelines for everyone else to become a part of.-Archangel Michael-
by James McConnell
I am Archangel Michael. I come at this time to be with you, in these exciting times that you are in now.
Yes, indeed, you may look at these times and not see them as quite so exciting, or at least not as you would want them to be. But take heed, my friends, those times are coming. Those times that you have been dreaming about, wishing for, are indeed coming.
And they are not far off at all now. We will not say the word ‘soon,’ but know that it is in your proximity now, whatever that might be to you, that term ‘proximity,’ however you would look at that.
It is very close now, very close. Not so much the Solar Flash, although that is indeed approaching as well. But the Great Changeover that you are in process now, the great understanding of the revealing of truth that is coming.
It is coming from so many different directions and different sources are bringing this truth through, whether it is intel sources or spiritual sources, channeling sources, whatever it is, it is all bringing the truth forward. And you are seeing this, each and every day with your physical eyes and your ears. You are hearing this.
True, you cannot believe everything you see and hear, for it is a need for discernment. That is what is called for in these times, to discern what is truth for you, and not truth for you. But what is truth for you is not so much truth for another. So understand that as the timelines continue to shift and change.
And yes, indeed, you are creating your new timeline. You individually are creating a timeline with your words, your thoughts, each and every moment. And when you as individuals are creating the timeline for yourself, you are also in process of creating the greater timeline for the collective consciousness of man.
Yes, there are those that are attempting, and will continue to attempt, to hold you back, but their time is fleeting. They are losing the battle, and have indeed lost the entire war here. The battles may continue, but the war is over. The war between good and evil has indeed been finished. It is in that process now, and there will be certain battles that will continue on.
But you, with your Sword of Truth that each and every one of you have, you can wield that sword. Wield that sword wherever it is needed and bring truth to all those that are ready to receive it. Just raise your figurative sword within you, figurative meaning not a physical sword, of course, but the sword that is mighty within you. And wield it! Wield it to share and strike any other person that is ready for this. Strike them with the truth. Strike them with the Light so that they are then given the experience that you each have had, the awakening experience that you each have had.
For it is destined that so many more will continue to awaken each and every moment moving forward now. And those of the forces of darkness attempt to hold back that, attempt to hold on to the old time-lines, the old ways, the third-dimensional illusion as much as they can. But they cannot any longer. They have indeed been defeated. And it is time for that.
It is time for those of you that have come here, have volunteered to be here, to be a part of this expression and create this expression moving forward. It is time, your time now, your time to begin to experience life more and more as you want to experience it.
But do not wait. Do not wait for The Great Changeover, the Great Solar Flash. Do not wait for it. Create it now in the moments now that you have. Create your new life. Create the timeline that you want. And indeed, again, as you create the timeline for yourself, you are in process of creating the timelines for everyone else to become a part of.
I am Archangel Michael, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you would continue to move forward. Move forward every moment. Do not let yourself slip back. And if you do slip back, then step forward again and again, one foot after another. Continue the journey one step at a time.
Transforming your Cross of Matter into a Pillar of Radiant Light
This week focus on sending Light to the portals over Washington DC, Hollywood and New York City among other your personally prefer- AA Michael-
The Many Facets of Ascension – January 2023
Archangel Michael Group – Week 87 Message

December 25, 2022
Hello everyone. Ivo and I would like to wish everyone a happy holiday season. I believe although more change is in the works for next year that we’ll begin to see some real progress at ground level.
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group. This week’s events in the United States bring the Khazarian mafia front and center in the North American public eye. Many are fooled into thinking that this war between Russia and the Ukraine is about their own politics when in fact the KM use the Ukraine as a base for their operations and homes. Encouraging a war between Russia and the U.S. is exactly what they desired and so now it appears they will have their way.
Mr Putin threatens to take out the KM in the U.S. in the same fashion he did in the Ukraine: through whatever means, even nuclear war. This must not be allowed to happen. The will of the people must be heard and your way of making yourself heard is by sending loving energies in order to quell the tension. There are other solutions that can be affected rather than simply bombing the innocent but your leaders are not as skilled in this diplomacy as they should be.
Please send your energy to the two parties involved and help to raise the mindset of humanity past the level of feeling that war is necessary.
I am Archangel Michael. Together we are the voice of God. We are Legion.
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega
This week’s task is one again of opening the heart and living with heart open all week.
Archangel Michael Group Week 86 Message
Hi folks, Sharon here. Sorry I missed last week but I was in the hospital for 10 days and totally focused on what they were doing with me, as well as being stressed out and exhausted. I was sharing a room with a man, which is totally unheard of, whose family came for get-togethers every night while I was saddled with a commode in my quarters and tied up to an I.V. (intravenous) tree with a bad case of diarrhea from all the fluids they were giving me. Having to use the bathroom within earshot of groups of people was so humiliating for me and I received no sympathy from the staff whatsoever. So it was a difficult situation and I’m glad to be home now. I’ll think twice before I admit myself again. I’ve found there is no humanity in all their medical procedures whatsoever and frankly I despise this 3D system. It lacks compassion.
I would also like to say thank you for your messages of support and caring. Believe me I read them when I was in the hospital just to stay connected to the heart of humanity.
Now on with Archangel Michael’s message.
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group. Sharon is over the worst of her ordeal although she still has appointments and challenges ahead of her in her recovery from cancer. We see this turning for her soon.
This week’s task is one again of opening the heart and living with heart open all week. Keep practicing this important technique as it differentiates you from the system at hand, as described by Sharon here, and sets you apart into a new realm of kindness, love and compassion. In any way, show kindness to others and kindness to yourselves.
I am Archangel Michael. We are One. We are like minded warriors. We are legion.
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega
Send peace to your fellow man.
Archangel Michael Group
Week 85 Message
December 4, 2022
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
For this week, we have an exercise which will anchor a state of mind, not a concept but a state of mind upon the people of earth and by this I mean Peace on Earth. Send peace to your fellow man. For those who are disturbed with fear, for those who are in a hurried pace typical of the holiday season, send them peace and allow them to understand this state within themselves.
I am Michael. I am your leader, I am your friend, we are Legion.
Are You Ready to Be Divinely Inspired? – December 2022
I have released recently the information that many starseeds need to hear: Your highest timeline is now available to you…You are the wayshowers. You are the ones who will anchor to higher timelines first and you will show the way for others.
Archangel Michael Group
Week 84 Message
November 27, 2022
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
I have released recently the information that many starseeds need to hear: Your highest timeline is now available to you.
This week’s exercise will be an attempt to develop that connection as it is you who must go there first. You are the ones capable of reaching the higher timeline and it is possible only through an open heart. The heart is the portal to the 5D and it must be open.
How does one open the heart? By eliminating fear. Focus on my blue sword of flaming power in an attempt to raise your connection to higher realms. Allow yourself life’s pleasantries: a beautiful landscape, some seasonal cheer, everything which you love allow yourself to have. If it makes you happy then allow it. With this you will spread that happiness to others and that is the point – this is why you came to earth.
You are the wayshowers. You are the ones who will anchor to higher timelines first and you will show the way for others.
Allow yourself a rest from our usual proceedings this week and raise your vibration to the 5D level.
I am Michael. I am your guide, I am your host, we are Legion.
Archangel Michael Week 83 Message
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
World activities are such that they are coming to a head. Reveals are being made at an astounding rate. New energies are coming in to strengthen the light and to weaken the darkness on earth.
However the dark still have their cards to play. It was just revealed that the reluctance to delve in more aggressively has to do with bombs that have been planted in major U.S. cities. If you live in such a city, you might consider moving. It matters not whether the city is blue or red, many have been targeted because of their propensity for damage to its citizens.
For this reason then we ask you this week to target those of the darkness, no matter who they might be. It might be someone in your personal community or one of the Bilderberg group or the hidden dark families that give orders at the top. We need to take this menace off the planet and with your help this can be accomplished anonymously by you.
I am Archangel Michael, the archangel of war. We are a group, we are a family, we are legion.
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega
we ask you to infuse the grids with your love – AA Michael via Sharon –
Archangel Michael Group
Week 82 Message
November 13, 2022
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
As play tightens around the world for domination, every corner of this globe is being utilized for war and strife. It is our intention to diffuse these hot spots which have been created, either slowly or in the last few months to retain the ability to scare people and to threaten them with the thing they fear most: a horrible death.
For this reason we ask you to infuse the grids with your love. This helps to reverse the polarities of what they have created and helps to ease the intention of what they are planning. Remember there are more of you and with your positive intentions we can win this.
I am Archangel Michael. I am your leader in Light. I am your soul. We are legion.
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega
Archangel Michael
Week 80 Angelic Warrior Group
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
As events transpire on earth you’ll see that in many cases the event was not as bad as was predicted. You stocked up only to find that many items you need are still on the shelves and available to you. You guarded your money only to find that it remains safe. This is not to say that all is well and all is done – that you are in the golden age – for you are not. But getting to this age has not been as horrific for many of you as was predicted.
We say take predictions with a grain of salt at times as they as often peppered with the emotions of the one who speaks them.
For this week, again, I thank Sharon who is extremely ill today, for her work. I have promised her a miracle and she will receive it. For those of you wishing to participate, please send your loving energies to the group that currently appears to lead the United States in order to weaken their resolve and further collapse their connections. Many are being arrested yet the big day is tomorrow – the day when their witches will seek to do damage upon the populace. Hold your Light, do not let it go and protect yourselves from whatever these minions of the devil may have in store for you.
Remember the following day is All Saints Day. Choose a saint of your choice and pray to him or her, thank them for their service and loving dedication to the people of earth. The following day is All Souls Day, a day to remember your brethren you have not even met yet know from the inner planes.
I am Michael. We are together, we are One, we are Legion.
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega