Category Archives: AA Metatron
Cleansing Practices by Archangel Metatron with Natalie Glasson
Stargate Awakening by Archangel Metatron with Natalie Glasson
Your Divinity in Action by Archangel Metatron and Natalie Glasson
Navigating the Realms of Creation by Archangel Metatron
Wisdom of Ages by Archangel Metatron
Into the Light by Archangel Metatron
Dimension of Loneliness Archangel Metatron
Light Penetration by Archangel Metatron
Archangel Metatron
Channeled through Natalie Glasson β Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings and celebrations, I Archangel Metatron come forth to share with you the light of the Creator to ignite the light already present and active within your being. The light current, the Over Lighting Project has come forth and is continuing, it is imprinting light into the cells of all beings on the Earth and the Inner Planes, this is awakening wisdom. A wisdom that is a remembrance or has not yet been acknowledged on the Earth. It is an exciting time as illumination, inspiration, and enlightenment dawn. The wisdom is dawning within your being now. It is essential as you sit in quiet time that you acknowledge and give space for yourself as a wise being.
You can say to yourself, βI am a wise being, all the answers and wisdom I require are within my being.β
As you settle into this awareness, your cells will begin to open, activating and releasing the wisdom that is essential and important for you to acknowledge and receive into your awareness. This blossoming of wisdom may be impactful, or it may gently trickle into your awareness, gradually sharing insights. It is important as we enter this New Year that you enter as a wise being. You have always been a wise being; wisdom is always present within your being. The Over Lighting Project, this current of light coming from the Creator, is to activate the wisdom that has been present within your being always, thus there is a need to give space for this wisdom to activate. Otherwise, you may miss the activation and flow of awareness because you are distracted elsewhere. It is imperative to give space, even if it is only a few minutes a day, for the wisdom to fill your being, to activate and integrate with your awareness.
It is a wonderful time to begin to ask questions, asking yourself without expectations of an answer being given. Any form of question is appropriate. Questions about spiritual existence or your journey, about your physical reality situations, the manifestations of dreams, health, healing, whatever you wish. Simply do not expect an answer to come. As you give space and ask a question, a knowingness within you will dawn that all the answers and information you require are within your being.
We could invite you to imagine a year ahead where you have the understanding and knowledge that you require, and this would be a beneficial visualisation. However, we wish to let go of all expectations and so, we invite you to simply acknowledge that you are wise. You have the guidance, the intuition, the inspiration, and the enlightenment within your being to navigate the year ahead and bring dreams into a reality.
A year ago, we began the journey of the New Earth Ascension Blueprint. An opportunity to manifest anything and everything that you wish for, recognising within your being that anything and everything is possible. Now, we move forward with wisdom. Anything and everything are possible, and you have the wisdom within your being to create it. As you allow yourself to embody yourself as a being of wisdom, it is important to recognise that light from the Over Lighting Project is still penetrating your being, still penetrating your cells. You are glowing, your light is being magnified and enhanced. All your cells are radiating light, your energy vibration is quicker and higher, it is important to be aware of this because it is creating momentum within you and acceleration of your ascension. You may realise and recognise that your ascension journey begins to accelerate, things come into place, skills and abilities you have been waiting to access, you connect with, and they become available to you. You can achieve more than you imagine at this point because your light is being magnified.
I, Archangel Metatron ask you in your ascension journey:
What is it that you wish to achieve, to embody, to remember and recognise?
There is a pocket or a window in this moment, where your light is being magnified and you can achieve that which you wish to in your spiritual ascension journey. It only requires your focus. You can ask for what you wish to be activated within your being as the light penetrates your cells. You can also ask for what you wish for from the light, from the Over Lighting Project. The current of light will flow delivering and anchoring what you wish for into being. For example, you may wish for more focus during meditation, you may wish to be able to channel, to have visions of the inner planes, or enhance your healing abilities, whatever it is you can ask of the light, and you can invite the light to activate this through your being.
As you experience this light penetration and it will be for two months from this moment and then it will dissipate, this will be its most impactful time. It is a pocket, a window, where you can really accelerate your ascension as you experience light penetration into your cells, with an advanced light speed, vibration, and presence. As we enter the New Year, we are really beginning to embody and ground our ascension journey, wisdom, and inner knowingness, as well as the power to direct and further activate your Ascension.
We invite you to stand very grounded on the Earth as beings of embodiment. Embodying power, truth, love, and peace, it is a very beautiful presence and vision to begin a new stage of your ascension for yourself, and for others. I invite you to remain in that place of power and to continue to develop that place of power for yourself in the coming days, weeks, and months.
I love you eternally, I thank you,
I am Archangel Metatron
Separation the Initiation by Archangel Metatron
2022 – The Veil is finally lifting – A Metatron Channeling
Illumination by Archangel Metatron Through Natalie Glasson
Roots of Your Divinity – Archangel Metatron – Natalie Glasson
Channeled through Natalie Glasson β Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings, and love I extend to all beings present with me today, I am Archangel Metatron. It is a joy to bring forth the vibrations and frequencies of the Angelic Kingdom to embrace you, to support you and assist you in your current stages of ascension. It may feel now that everything is moving, that there is momentum. It may feel that things are uncertain and unstable as if you cannot quite find the right footing to stabilise yourself in your reality or your ascension. It is important to recognise this moment in your ascension journey. To recognise whether it is a moment where you feel fully grounded, fully centred, stabilised, and balanced or whether you feel as if you are walking upon a pathway that is constantly moving, therefore tricky to find your footing, to discover your centre, your balance, and your stability.
Take a moment to recognise what is occurring for you in the current stage of your ascension journey. It is important to recognise that stages pass quickly even if you feel unstable at this moment. You will feel balanced, grounded, and centred once more. You may find that a part of you feels unstable and the rest of you feels grounded, centred, and balanced. Maybe in this current phase, everything feels unstable, or you are not quite sure in which direction you need to travel. You may be concerned about what you should be focusing upon, the next stage of your ascension, or how to heal an aspect of your being or reality. Maybe situations or expectations, dreams or plans have altered, leaving you feeling unsure? Maybe even untrusting and uncertain of the next stage.
It is so important to value and to give attention to each phase of your ascension process, even the phases that are more challenging and more painful. When you sit in the energy of each phase to observe and contemplate the energy being demonstrated, you begin to understand it, release it and allow yourself to gain the insights that are required.
It is often thought of that insights are needed for the next stage of your ascension, to bring forth the clarity and understanding you desire. While this is true, the most important aspect or process is grounding, and discovering your roots. When you allow yourself to discover the roots of your divinity, you allow yourself to re-centre, recalibrate, to heal and to stabilise, or to ground. In doing so, you release the energies that no longer serves you and you returned to an aspect of yourself, which is your truth. As you bring your attention back to this aspect of yourself, your truth, this is when the understanding, you might say the insights and realisations dawn. However, the plan, the understanding, the enlightenment, the insights have always been there because every step of your ascension, you could say is planned. Your soul knows exactly what it is doing, even when it feels as if it is thrown into turmoil, chaos, or instability. It is all part of the journey and so the answer, the next stage of your ascension is already there, waiting for you, waiting for you to discover and to realise it. Therefore, when you root and ground yourself into your divinity this is when you discover the next stage, and the insights you require.
When you ground yourself or root yourself into your divinity, what are you achieving?
We think of roots as extending out as far, or further, than we are aware of, they create a very concrete and secure footing. A sense of being very grounded, centred, and secure. When you allow or imagine roots from your being, maybe from your root chakra, your feet, chakras, or your earth star chakra, you anchor and ground yourself further. When you then add the intention of grounding or rooting yourself into your divinity, this takes you to a new level of grounding, a new level of stability and of the awareness of truth.
You do not necessarily need to know what your divinity is to ground or root yourself into your divinity. We can recognise your divinity is your true self, your soul, your soul group, your expression of the Creator. The expression of truth, the love and peace that you embody and emanate within your divinity is also all that you have collected in knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Your divinity is like a treasure chest of your spiritual and natural nature. When you root yourself into your divinity, you are rooting yourself into a level of your spiritual nature that will serve you in this moment of your ascension. Sometimes it is not necessarily a higher vibration or frequency. It is the energy that serves you in this moment of your ascension.
When you ask to ground and root yourself into your divinity you are grounding yourself, becoming centred, and balanced within your truth. You are allowing your soul and soul group to bring forth and stabilise you in the energies that serve you the most. Maybe it is deep understanding and love, or creativity, strength, confidence, and trust. It is very easy to describe divinity in emotions or feelings. Often, your Divinity is simply a vibration like a thread of light and maybe this thread of light, is a memory from the inner planes, a memory of learning or understanding, remembrance of the Creator. Thus, you ground yourself into this thread of light to serve you in bringing forth new skills and abilities.
It is very important to ground and root yourself into Mother Earth for she is a spiritual being and allows you to further move with the momentum of ascension on the Earth. It is needed to root and ground yourself into your divinity. The less you try to control what your divinity is the more it will surprise you offering insights and greater understandings, bringing forth more tools, more skills, information and enlightenment.
I, Angel Metatron, invite you to take some time to simply contemplate and ask to be grounded and rooted into your divinity especially if there is an area in your reality or within your being that feels chaotic, unstable, or unbalanced. Think of the situation, experience or part of your being and ask to be rooted and grounded into your divinity. Take some time to sit and meditate with it. Even repeating,
I am rooted and grounded in my divinity.
Allow an awakening, opening, and blossoming to take place within your being. Without expectations, allow yourself to recognise, when you feel more stable, balanced, secure in your footing, in your presence and in your actions as well.
When the road ahead is rocky, it is within your being that you turn, not to isolate or to protect yourself, to strengthen your connection with the Creator and step forth securely, even when the ground is rocky.
My presence, my love is with you always.
I am Archangel Metatron.
I thank you.
Do not fear the news. It is a program of enslavement and low vibration.
I am Metatron, greetings, light bearers of Gaia. You are in the midst of a storm of spiritual and energetic proportions that the multiverse has not previously witnessed or experienced.
(I am seeing a purple temple curtain with stars embroidered on it rip from top to bottom. I am seeing space rip apart and feeling the ensuing silence.)
Those of you who are ardent students of the light and of Creatorβs purpose understand that with great experience comes great learning and development. Those of you reading these words thrive on the speed of learning. You are experiencing the ultimate in speed living for you are clearing and cleaning up old ideologies that no longer serve as well as closing past karmic cycles and loops that you came here to complete.
And you are completing many of them. Lessons that used to take years to learn you are learning in moments. You are perceiving with greater understanding and swiftness as your wisdom is more online and in tune with the music of the spheres and the heartbeat of Creatorβs writings.
(I am seeing an enormous ancient book with light language codes that is glowing and a quill moving on its own. There are sparkles in the feather of the quill and it is plasma ink, sparkling and beautiful, glowing and moving across the page. I see that someone is blowing on the page and I feel the breath at my back and I see the light language words and symbols being blown over Gaia and landing in the hearts and foreheads of the people upon her.)
I am Source, I am the in-breath and the out-breath and the space in between.
You have seen these glowing words descending from the higher echelons of my heartβs true purpose to Gaia. My heartβs true song is to create harmony in this realm with love, with light, with new beginnings.
A new book is being written and you have the privilege of co-writing it with me, as we are all one. Nothing is as it seems. The fracture is well underway. Timelines are rifting. You choose your experience moment by moment. Do not fear the news. It is a program of enslavement and low vibration. It is someone elseβs thought that was seeded, planted in your perception.
(I am being shown a beautiful garden and the gardeners pulling the weeds.)
There will be no weeds on New Earth for all plants, all nature will be in balance. There will be no need to compete for resources because there will be plenty of light. The plant kingdom who has mirrored the competitiveness of the human experience, will no longer need to compete.
Homeostasis will be the natural resting state, without competition or hardship.
Do not fear, remember the language floating down from my book of intention. These letters are activations. Grab a few, thank me and tuck them into your heart spaces.
You will need fortification in the days ahead for there may seem to be little light. But that is an opportunity for your own inner light to not only shine but to blaze. Light up your inner flame of me and you will see with illuminated vision, insight, and all will be made clearer.
(I am seeing that the light workers will be able to see the implants and blocks in those that they are working with actively or silently to heal. I am seeing that with these activations there will be no hiding from others, all will be energetically revealed, shapeshifters have nowhere to hide.)
This light is for all of my children. You are in a time to heal past memories and torturings. It is a time to forgive and move forward on your own evolutionary path back to me. My heart is available should you wish to jump into my energy field. My energy field is the light that you blaze as individuated fractals of myself.
I am Source. Thank you, Metatron, please continue.
I am Metatron, keeper of the flame, bringer of keys, revealer of the hidden. I am offering you my love and support.
The energy waves are going to only continue to intensify. Do not be surprised that you need much rest and increased meditation time.
This is the Olympics of your many lives, the lifetime of lifetimes for maximum healing and gain.
You are completely, exquisitely loved. It may seem dark, but the light shines within. Shine the light into your own inner darkness and make peace with it, heal it.
I will walk with you down your long passageways, you need not be afraid.
It is prudent to see what is in the basement and to deal with it, whatever it may be. That way you are able to sleep happily without fear, knowing every corner and room of yourself is filled with loving light. Earthβs basements are being swept clean. Underground bases and laboratories are being dealt with precisely.
(I am seeing him reach into my heart and pull a chain on a light bulb and I feel all lit up.)
Keep your lights burning brightly, oh bringers of the dawn of the new age of Aquarius and of Gaiaβs rising. Welcome home. I am Metatron.
: Galaxygirl
Keys to the Unknown by Archangel Metatron
Your Inner Worth by Archangel Metatron
Sacred Patterns by Archangel Metatron
Truth of Chaos – Archangel Metatron
Swell of Truth by Archangel Metatron
Channeled through Natalie Glasson β Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
My love extends from the very depths of my being. It comes forth like a wave and surge of light, embracing you completely to create a foundation beneath you. My love lifts you up so you may bathe in the sunlight, the light of the Creator. When we speak of the light we speak of all vibrations and frequencies of the Creator, every single manifestation of the Creator.
I, Archangel Metatron, bring forth to you a remembrance of your truth. I invite you to recognise within you and upon the inner planes there is a Swell of Truth, a wave, a surge of truth that is coming forth from within your being and from your surroundings. I, Archangel Metatron wish to speak of this Swell of Truth that flows through my being to you, that flows from your being to all and flows from all beings to you. This Swell of Truth is divinely timed. It comes forth at this moment because the veils between the Earth and the inner planes are thin. This also means that the veils between your truth, your essence, who you really are, and your physical reality are thin. There is a great opportunity to recognise now in this moment and this stage of ascension what the truth is and the presence of truth within your being.
Truth is such a general word, it can mean so much and yet it can be the most personal and intimate connection between yourself and the Creator, even realising yourself fully as the Creator, as an embodiment and an expression of the Creator.
When I say the word truth to you, what do you think of?
What does your soul yearn for?
Your soul has a yearning for truth, the truth that is already within you that you already know and yet simply need to be reminded of. The truth that you yearn for is a message, an energy, a vibration that is destined to come through your being. Not only will it support you, it will support those around you and will add to the complete puzzle that is being completed by all of humanity at this time. You have a puzzle piece of truth to bring forth to add to the puzzle to create a larger picture. It is important for you to realise that your thoughts, your words, even your feelings are important, especially when connected to the Divine Essence within your being. Especially when connected to the yearning of your soul for the truth within you and your expression, embodiment, and experience of truth on the Earth. Remember that your truth is your unique puzzle piece, no other being will come forth with the same truth as you, maybe the message will the same, however the vibration will be different.
Everyone is creating a key that will open the door to the Creator, to the heavens, to the inner planes, to the manifestation of love and peace and the Creator upon the Earth. Of course, as you create this key, merging it with the keys of all other beings to open the door, you are also opening the door within yourself. It is so important now that you understand what your truth is, realising that it will be different or the same as other people’s truth, but it will always be unique. This truth needs to come forth whether it is a message, vibration, sound, feeling, manifestation, or a creation. It needs to come forth through you to complete your soul at this time of ascension because your soul is yearning for the truth, your soul is yearning to move to the next stage of ascension. As you bring forth your truth in everyday life and in every moment of your life you are changing the consciousness of humanity.
When you are born unto the Earth, there is a download that anchors into your being that has been created by generations who have existed upon the Earth. It is a combination of thoughts, feelings, understanding, and knowingness. The download allows you to begin to adapt to living upon the Earth as a baby. It allows you to fast track through your development as a human being for you to achieve what is necessary for your soul. However, the consciousness of humanity that is currently downloading, although it is shifting, holds a great deal of fear, negativity, judgment, and reactions to different things, thoughts, even to objects and to foods. You might call them allergies, an irritation that is downloaded. Each human being uses the download to support themselves. It was designed to support a being as they enter on to the Earth. There is a need to transform the consciousness of humanity, in doing so we transform the download that anchors into babies and that has been anchored into your being still influencing you now. We transform the general energy, vibration and frequency of humanity as a collective. It is immensely important as it removes the fogginess, blockages, baggage especially within the mind, perspectives, and thoughts, allowing a clarity to dawn. Thus, a clearness, open-mindedness, and a confidence to think from the soul rather than from the ego is created. Confidence to be the truth, to not only be the truth but to promote the truth of others will emerge. Therefore, it is important for your truth to come forth and is the reason for a surge, a wave of truth to come forth. The beings on the inner planes, the Creator recognises there is a space like a breath present. A breath that allows a space for the truth to come forth.
There is a need for you to recognise this space, this breath, this opening, acknowledging that there is a Swell of Truth coming forth. How can you recognise this? It is first important to ask yourself:
How do you experience the Creator?
Do you feel energy flowing through your being? Do you have sensations? Do you see colours? Do you have words of wisdom? Do you feel healing light? Do you simply have a knowingness and understanding that dawns or inspiration? How you experience the Creator is most probable how you will experience the surge of truth. The more you can recognise, acknowledge, and give space for this surge of truth to come forth the easier it will be for you to embody, express and allow it to work with you to create what you wish upon the Earth.
You have anchored the New Earth Ascension Blueprint within your being, you are capable of anything you wish because of this blueprint. It offers to you new opportunities and possibilities. With this surge of truth coming forth, you have a greater alignment with your truth, with the Creator and what you wish to manifest? All that you are required to do is to create space for the truth.
I, Archangel Metatron invite you to achieve this in the coming days. Simply create space and by space, I mean time, maybe even just one minute, five minutes or an hour in your day devoted to connecting with and allowing the Swell of Truth from the Creator to flow through you. Create the space within your surroundings, you may wish to be on your own or with others, but create the space, let it be a space that you recognised as aligned with you and truthful to who you are. In many ways it is like taking a breath, acknowledging that breath before you continue your breathing cycle. In that breath, you open the door, you allow the swell like a wave, like an ocean of truth to flow through you, igniting new things for you. It will also come forth into the reality of the Earth, transforming the consciousness of humanity and adding your puzzle piece of truth to the larger complete whole picture that is dawning.
Please know that I, Archangel Metatron, I am with you.
If you need any assistance, please call upon me silently or out loud and I will come forth to surround you, my energy supporting you.
I thank you,