Category Archives: AA Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Moving Towards Your Dreams

August 15, 2021,

We would like to offer you a different perspective on manifestation today. At its core, manifestation is an energetic meld where you incorporate the creation into your own energetics, and it incorporates your energy into itself. It is moving into union.

If you can see it as an energetic shift, you can understand that your grander creations may take more time, where a much smaller manifestation, such as a cup of coffee, would be easier to include into your energetics. This explains why if a person does something once, they can do it again quite easily, because they have already incorporated those energies into their field.

A large manifestation will take on its own unfoldment, and will likely need to be done incrementally. Your acceptance of the process has everything to do with how quickly it will manifest for you, because you most easily shift energies by being in a state of complete acceptance.

Moving into doubt, frustration, or resistance to the process would stall it by moving out of acceptance and trust with the process into denial of the process, which would make the completion of the meld impossible because resistance is “no” energy.

Imagine you and your manifestation running across a field towards each other with open arms. You dictate the forward movement because your free will is paramount. When you are choosing to move forward with your dreams, even if it is only incrementally, you support the forward movement of the meld. When you stop, because you are in charge, all responding movement stops, as well.

So stay open to your dreams, Dear Ones! Understand that all creation is a beautiful mix of energies wanting to swirl and combine in the most wondrous ways. Just like any energetic shift, big changes may take a while to integrate into your reality, and smaller ones might happen with very little effort at all.

Staying open and trusting the process is how you support your success, and if you understand the energetics of the process, you will be able to stay grounded in the anticipation and cooperation of the unfoldment of the creation of your dreams.

Ground any excess energy such as fear, anxiety or anger into the earth, then bring an open heart into the present situation.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel ~ How to Feel Safe in Your Body

August 15, 2021,

Ground any excess energy such as fear, anxiety or anger into the Earth, then bring an open heart into the present situation.

Grounding excess energy means being aware that any time you are feeling anxious, angry, fearful or over-excited, you are experiencing excess energy in your body, which can be consciously redirected. This energy is very potent and can be used in a constructive way.

A metaphor might be useful. In electrical terms, it is necessary to have something called the “ground.” For instance, in a house there is a grounding wire which connects to the earth so electricity flows in the proper circuits. It is similar with your body. You are receiving energy from the Divine Source at all times. There are perfect channels in your body for the energy to flow through.

If you are not grounded, that is, if you are so caught up in your mental activity that you are not consciously aware of your connection to the earth, this energy can flow into channels that may feel uncomfortable. It can then circulate through your nervous system, over-stimulating your mind and causing anxiety and other mental imbalances. When you notice yourself feeling upset and anxious, it is very helpful to remember that you have feet as well as a head.


Your feet are in touch with the earth, a place of bountiful supply and nourishing energy. When you are aware of the earth’s presence, you feel supported and nurtured. You can visualize energy leaving your feet or from the base of your spine like moving beams of light into the earth. This will allow the excess electrical energy in your mind to dissipate.

It is also important to calm your emotional body. Just as the mental body is electric, the emotional body is magnetic. This means that your emotions have the power to attract to you what you are experiencing through the Law of Attraction.

Many times what you attract is the opposite of what you think you want to have in your life. It is important to ground these excess emotions as well. On the electrical beam that grounds into the earth, you can wind a coil for the magnetic energy of your emotions. With your intention, you can send these excess emotions into the earth.

If you have trees, mountains or bodies of water near you, it can be useful to see these as places to ground excess energy. You can visualize light beams radiating from your feet, powerful light cords from the base of your spine, or pillars of light from heaven to earth; whatever image suits you. This is a very simple but powerful tool for you to use.

As you become more aware of this grounding process, you will begin to be more present in the moment. Being present means bringing an open heart to wherever you are and whatever situation is challenging you at the time.

When your heart is open, you are able to make decisions from a place of love and not fear. As more people do this, the consciousness of the whole planet is raised. As more minds are consciously connected to the One Mind, all are blessed and can live more freely in love and peace.

You can be a part of this peace-filled evolution with the choices you make every day. Choose to live in love, not fear. Notice when you are running anxiety or anger through your body and are feeling “over-amped.” Take the time to send this excess energy into the earth with a prayer, asking to experience only love.

Know that all on earth are blessed when one person chooses to open his or her heart in love to another. Know the earth is blessed when you give energy to her, so in turn, all will be blessed as this great planet gives back in sustenance and life.

In these simple ways you can bring peace to the world when you…

Ground any excess energy such as fear, anxiety or anger into the earth, then bring an open heart into the present situation.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Self Empathy

August 9, 2021,

There’s a belief that being hard on yourself is how you become a better person, but in reality it is a perpetuation of the energy that has caused the wounds or behaviours you seek to heal in the first place.

It simply cannot get you where you wish to go, because you cannot abuse or bully yourself into being a happy, thriving human.

So today we ask you this pivotal question: When will you finally turn your beautiful and well-developed empathy towards yourself? The healing path you seek begins from there.

When you add prayer asking for what you want in your life, you allow the grace of the Angels to work for you.

August 8, 2021,

Strengthen your conscious awareness of other states beyond the physical, communicate deeply within yourself and learn to trust in your own answers.

You are here on this planet to develop yourself fully. When the ancient philosophers stated “Know Thyself,” they were talking about the power of Self-awareness. This means not just one’s consciousness of the physical, or even of the mental and emotional selves. To truly know oneself means having real discernment of who you are as a multi-dimensional being.

You have the power within you to know planes of reality beyond the physical world in which you live. In fact, developing an awareness of these other states of consciousness creates a link to the joy and love so many are seeking. The deeper qualities you truly desire in life are beyond the physical plane. They exist in the expanded state of consciousness that is your bond with God, the Source of your very being.

To commune within yourself is to find these qualities. It requires a willingness to see beyond your outer self, and to take the time necessary to create conscious awareness of the love and light within you.


As you sit quietly and breathe balanced breaths deeply and slowly, there are immediate results in mind, body and spirit. Imagine that you are sitting in a pillar of golden light joining Heaven to Earth through you. This allows you to enlarge your consciousness raising your vibrational frequencies to match your dreams. When you add prayer asking for what you want in your life, you allow the grace of the Angels to work for you.

On this free-will plane of existence, you need to ask for their assistance or they will not interfere. This does not necessarily mean a formal prayer. Asking can be as simple as saying the words for the qualities you want in your life, such as Love, Peace and Freedom. Meditating on these qualities can literally change your life and create a more abundant, joy-filled existence. It allows you to tap into your Higher Self and your guardian Angels, so you are communicating with the deepest levels of your being.

From this place, the answers you receive will be from a level of Divine Order, and all that follows will be for the highest good of all concerned. You will receive intuition and know the actions and words that will best assist you with the challenges you face. Once you begin to act on your intuitive guidance, you will start to trust yourself. Life will feel easier. You won’t need to continue looking to others for the answers. With every fiber of your being you will know what is truth in your life.

Trusting in yourself does not mean you are alone, for you are never alone. At all times, you have with you Angels to assist you. Some have been with you for eons of time. Working in harmony with the Light of God, they know you at the deepest level of your Soul. It is comforting to know that you are always wrapped in their wings of pure love and cared for beyond your capacity to understand.

It is this link within the self that most people are seeking. They hunger for knowledge of the love that is within them. It is readily available through prayer and taking time to sit and breathe in a conscious manner. So give yourself the gift of sitting in light and love every day for five minutes. It is a simple thing that will provide you with wondrous joy.

The Angels are ready now to lead you into the light of your true Self. Create a conscious relationship with your Higher Power and find the joy you so desire to have. Ask for assistance from the Angels. Begin to do this every day and miracles will surely occur, for miracles are your birthright and the natural state of your being. Know that you deserve to have your life filled with Love, Joy and Miracles. Learn to communicate within and trust in your own truth. This is the way you will live to your fullest potential and fulfill your highest destiny on Earth.

The Angels love you and bless you with all that is good. Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

Strengthen your conscious awareness of other states beyond the physical, communicate deeply within yourself and learn to trust in your own answers.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Your Growth is Your Service

August 8, 2021,

Dear Ones, in order to truly heal the divisions on your planet, you must also heal the divisions within yourselves. This is why we encourage you so often to love and accept yourselves, to welcome any unhealed aspects of self back into the safety of the whole, to find your way to inner peace through the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, and settle into your true beingness. The energies you hold anchor and support the changes you wish to see on the planet.

This is not to put undue pressure on you, but rather to make you aware of the fact that your growth is your service. Every new discovery, every aha moment, every release creates a ripple across the universe as well as assists your own embodiment process.

Every step you take on your healing journey allows you to stay more balanced, to try new approaches, to have more wisdom, empathy, and understanding for others, to show through your example what is possible, and continues to drive the grand shift you are participating in. No matter how small a step it may have been, it still holds the energy of expansion, growth, and empowered change, which supports both you and the whole.

Again, we say it all begins within. Instead of perpetually berating yourselves, why not approach yourself with the love and kindness that allows all beings to thrive? Instead of troubleshooting yourselves, why not step into simply embracing your true divine nature? Instead of micro-managing yourself, why not give surrender and flow a chance, trusting that if there is anything that needs your attention it will come into your awareness?

You simply cannot move into unity consciousness and practice separation at the same time. Self love, self honour, self empathy, and self acceptance are what will heal your divisions within, which will lay the foundation for the external divisions that are so prevalent on your planet to be beautifully healed, as well.

Holding true to your dreams while leaving room for new information or energy to come in to support your success is key.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Restarting the Dream Machine

August 4, 2021,

Many of you are currently experiencing what we call red light/green light energy. It can seem like you are making actual, tangible progress towards your dreams and then that movement abruptly stops. It can be frustrating for you, to say the least, especially when so many of you have been in what has felt like a long waiting period.

Red light/green light energy is common when you are transitioning from a lull period to an action period. You might visualize giant cogs of a machine that are a little rusty or seized up from lack of use. Sometimes restarting the machine is a little jerky. Holding true to your dreams while leaving room for new information or energy to come in to support your success is key.

Your focus and acceptance that all stages serve you are the grease that prepares you for movement full steam ahead. Does your machine require extra support or maintenance before you can be full steam ahead?

Things are speeding up for you if you are experiencing red light/green light energy. You know this because you can feel the abrupt difference between the energies, where in earlier stages of manifestation things are not as tangible. Also, we remind you that traffic lights only apply when you are in motion, so this is a true sign of overall movement.

Red light/green light energy also serves a purpose of allowing you to continue to evaluate your dream. It gives you an opportunity to get even more clarity about what you would like to create for yourself. The red lights let you see how much you truly want it and to evaluate if it is a true match for you, the green lights allow you to experience the joy and excitement of finally having some forward movement. It lets you to take several steps forward, pause, reevaluate, then move forward again.

Energetic phases are very predictable in many ways. If you understand what is going on, you can stay calm, balanced, and focused on your dreams without causing yourself undo emotional stress. And if you deepen into your knowingness that all stages serve you, you can see this a sign of movement and enjoy this phase of the journey, as well. Stay the course, Dear Ones, towards your truest dreams and all will be well.

Praying for attainment of conscious union with God will increase the level of energy you work with in daily life, generating a high vibrational frequency within your mind, and thus encouraging more positive thinking at all times

August 1, 2021m

You attract to you only that which is in your consciousness.

Your thoughts are magnetic. Even when you are not conscious of what you are thinking, the power of your thoughts affects your life. What you hold in your mind creates a level of consciousness, and this influences that which you experience in your world. So, if you want to change the world you live in, start with your own thoughts and feelings.

There are many levels of consciousness. Total consciousness can be called oneness with the Mind of God. This is the place where the master teachers dwell, and it is a level of awareness that, ultimately, all humans seek to attain. The closer you come to submersion in this Divine Presence, the greater a force for good you are on the planet.

Praying for attainment of conscious union with God will increase the level of energy you work with in daily life, generating a high vibrational frequency within your mind, and thus encouraging more positive thinking at all times. Positive thoughts, when held in conscious awareness, can affect everyone around you in a positive way as well.

Thoughts are “catching.” As all minds are a part of the Mind of God, the minds of all people are linked. Through this link you can spread thoughts of darkness and fear, or thoughts of love and compassion. It is your choice, and it takes moment to moment awareness.

Sometimes it doesn’t seem like you have a choice about the way you are feeling. Yet, whether this darkness is coming from you, or you are being affected by the consciousness of people around you, it is up to you to do what you can to change your thoughts. If you don’t, a downward spiral of energy is created, and more effort is necessary to come back to a loving perspective.


There are some very simple exercises that can be used to shift these thoughts and feelings. First, accept that your thoughts are causing you to suffer. Next, just be willing to change.

Your intention to create change will set that energy into motion. When you know what qualities you want in your world, you create that intention in your consciousness. For instance, is it your intention to live in peace, love and harmony? Or is it your intent to live in struggle, fear or intolerance? When you choose to live in the greater energy frequency of love and acceptance, the universe rejoices and all manner of assistance becomes instantly available to you.

Setting your intention is really a form of prayer, because it is stating what you want. You can ask for these qualities, and also for assistance in receiving them. It matters not to Whom you pray. There is only one God, whose power is available to you when you ask, and when you surrender your personal will to the greater Will.

Changing your world starts within you, in your thoughts and feelings. Hold in your conscious awareness only that which you want to experience throughout your day. You will find yourself attracting more love, harmony and divine order to every area of your life and you will lift not only your own consciousness, but that of the world.

Know that the Angels are guiding and blessing you so that all may be transformed, when you remember:

You attract to you only that which is in your consciousness.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel

Call on us often and picture the wings of Angels enfolding you in Light.

Dear One,

To call on the Angels does not symbolize weakness, it shows strength. It takes great courage to ask for assistance. There is a thought-form in your society that says you must “do it alone” if you are to be considered responsible and mature. This, however, creates a great burden for you in your world because there is so much to deal with in worldly life. It is not easy to live in an Earth body, so assistance is necessary in order to live in a happier, more harmonious way.

You cannot look for answers to life’s challenges in the world around you. The answers and the way through are in the higher frequencies available in the light of Truth and Wisdom. This is the light of God’s love and it is the comfort offered by the Angels. When you ask for assistance, Light and Love flow to you immediately. This expands your conscious awareness so you can see the greater truth in any situation. This receptivity gives you freedom to act in ways that you know are in your highest good.

You are provided with guardian Angels who are with you throughout your life. They are always available for you to call upon, to ask questions of, and to provide the depth of companionship for which your soul longs. Human companions are not capable of giving you the depth, wisdom and strength that the Angels can give you.

If this level of relationship is something you desire, call on your Angelic friends now. There has never been a time when the Angels were so closely available as they are at this time. Presently, the veils are very thin between the worlds.

This means that you can pray and take the time to call in the presence of your guiding Angels and they will be there for you. You can ask for signs of proof. You can ask to bask in their loving light. All this will occur. But your desire for a personal relationship is necessary to bring the Angels into your conscious awareness. This is easy for you to do. Use the power of your imagination and allow your mind to soar in expansive ways.

Release now the burden of having to do it alone. Call on the Angels often. Ask for help in every situation. You will be held in comforting wings of loving light and your way will be cleared.

This is an Angelic promise to you. We love you and bless you always. Remember::

Call on us often and picture the wings of Angels enfolding you in Light.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel

ease up on your expectations of yourself and lovingly redirect into your preferences however many times are necessary without self judgement

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

July 19, 2021

Dear Ones,

You do not need to be absolutely perfect with your spiritual practices in order to create wonderful changes in your life. You don’t need to be in alignment all the time, or beautifully moving with the surrender, faith, flow, trust model of the divine combination 100% of the time.

You just need to choose to be in the energies that can get you where you want to go more often than you are in resistance to your Now moment. Even slightly more opens the door for forward movement to have a chance to occur.

So ease up on your expectations of yourself and lovingly redirect into your preferences however many times are necessary without self judgement and you may very well be surprised by how quickly you can create more movement and ease, because to do so will take you out of resistance to yourselves, as well.

What you consciously add into your present moment will set the stage for your tomorrows. You are your own beautiful cocktail!

July 9, 2021,

Dear Ones, it is really quite simple to shift your energy. If you are seeking to have more of the experience of something, rather than waiting for to show up externally, find ways to incorporate it into your life expression right now, in whatever ways are supported.

You might think of it as a tiny infusion or a microscopic dose. The power is not the size of the element but rather the holding of it, no matter how small. That is because you have switched it from being something you may or may not experience one day into something you already have. It is the planting of the seed meaning you now hold the full potential and it will grow from there. As it grows it will also draw more of the same energy to it.

So if you are seeking the experience of peace, look for ways you can experience peace right now. Breathe deeply. Meditate. Go walk in the beauty of nature. Acknowledge and appreciate the sense of peace that was there for you to find because you made the empowered choice to do so.

If you are looking for love seek out activities that open your heart chakra and acknowledge and appreciate the feeling of love when it flows. Meditate and imagine being the arms of your beloved and recognize that choice has shifted your relationship from being out there one day into happening right now. From there it is only a matter of time until it shows up in your physical reality.

What you consciously add into your present moment will set the stage for your tomorrows. You are your own beautiful cocktail! Add the ingredients that delight you as your own alchemist and the universe will meet those efforts every single time.

from what you would like to exclude into simply choosing what you wish to experience

July 8, 2021,

The key to healing beyond separation is inclusivity. Moving forward in an empowering way is not based on focusing on what you need to eliminate from your experience, but rather by focusing on what you wish to include, all while honouring the free will of others to do the same.

Exclusion is an act of resistance which immediately stalls forward movement, while inclusion creates flow and supports expansion. Your body’s energy will naturally rail against resistance, while it will settle and flow with inclusion. This is exactly how you redirect your path into preference. Resistance is ‘no’ energy while inclusion is ‘yes’ energy. ‘No’ energy doesn’t move while ‘yes’ energy expands and flows.

Again we direct you to the experience of a buffet. You don’t petition to have the foods you don’t care for removed because you realize there are others who may enjoy them very much. Nor do you yell at people who put them on their plate. You simply pass over what you don’t like and fill your plate with the foods you enjoy and respect others in their preferences. The buffet includes many things in order to best serve the whole.

So, if you are feeling triggered or blocked as you consider what you wish to create for yourselves moving forward, we highly recommend that you step back and examine if your resistance practice has become stronger than your acceptance practice. With that new awareness, you can shift your focus from contraction to expansion, from what you would like to exclude into simply choosing what you wish to experience, and you will find the path forward filled with much more comfort and ease.

Embodiment is the shift from doing to being

July 5, 2021,

Embodiment is the shift from doing to being ~

  • It is living the teachings you resonate with.
  • It is being the empowered bringer of energy rather than the disempowered catcher of energy.
  • It is the acceptance of who you really are as well as any phase you may be in.
  • It is embracing your beautiful service as an energetic anchor and pioneer on the planet by being the change.

If you are feeling discomfort for where you are, we wish to point out it is because what is known is not big enough for you anymore.

June 30, 2021,

Dear Ones, the mind is much like a computer. It only knows what it is programmed to know. This is why it isn’t the most ideal tool for manifestation because it is limited in its scope of possibilities.

If you are feeling discomfort for where you are, we wish to point out it is because what is known is not big enough for you anymore. Your discomfort is preparing you to move, to embrace change and expansion, because as human beings if you were cozy and comfortable all the time you would not seek expansion.

Discomfort is not a sign that you are stuck, it is sure sign you have outgrown a layer and are ready for more. It is giving you time to fully detach from the old and be willing to take your next leap forward.

You are up-levelling. You are wishing to start to explore the great unknown, to get curious, to see what else is possible. You are seeking beyond what the brain can fathom. This means shifting into the tool that specializes in moving you into the highest potentials that exist just beyond what you can see.

That tool is your heart because it works in tandem with your soul, which has access to all the information, plans, potentials, and possibilities that you could never imagine through the limited perspective of the mind. And the beautiful thing about heart-centred navigation is that it feels so, so good because it is full of flow, wonder, and magical discovery.

Ask to be a receptacle for pure Light, then allow the empty chalice within you to drink in the sweetness of Divine Love.

June 20, 2021,

Ask to be a receptacle for pure Light, then allow the empty chalice within you to drink in the sweetness of Divine Love.

Dear One,

When you ask to be a receptacle for pure light, you are saying that you have space within you, and that you are willing to fill this space with love and all that which is God. You are saying that you want to be filled with Divine Light, and assist the process of bringing Heaven to Earth.

This is important for everyone, and it does not interfere with other work or with family life. Recognize that your purpose on this planet is to be a bridge between Heaven and Earth, so that all beings may live in greater Harmony, Peace and Love.

This mission requires assistance from all. Each person who turns toward Divine Light assists this purpose and raises the collective consciousness of the planet. The way to bring Peace on Earth is through one person at a time. So always remember how important you are to the evolution of consciousness on the Earth.

Being a receptacle for Divine Light expands your mind and creates new ways of responding to situations in your life. When you become a receptacle for Pure Light you are in prayer for yourself and others. Whenever you pray you open the door for more Light to come through you. Prayer is a great form of purification, and raises your vibrational frequency as well as others through you. The higher your vibration, the more Peace and Love you will feel.


Visualization can greatly assist the process of becoming a Holy Vessel.

Give yourself time to sit quietly, away from the world. Flowers and candles can uplift the energy around you and help you feel more expansive. Take some time to breathe balanced breaths, until you are in a calm and relaxed state.

Pray to the Divine Presence that you may be a receptacle for pure light and then imagine that your body becomes a beautiful golden chalice. See it empty, or only partially filled with Divine Light.

Imagine that you are sitting under a waterfall of God’s Golden Light. This Golden Light has great power and contains both Wisdom and Love.

Imagine that you are drinking in this precious Light, and as it fills up your golden chalice, you are absorbing love and wisdom into every fiber of your being. The more full your vessel becomes, the more loving and blissful you feel.

Make your chalice very large, so your entire energy field is expanded.

Take time every day to sit in Divine Light and Pure Love. Drink in this Light, then let it shine into the world, so all may know the truth of God’s presence. You will find yourself becoming more loving, expansive and clear. Decisions will be easier as you feel connected to a greater Source of Wisdom within your heart.

This simple exercise holds great power, and whenever or wherever it is done, it will allow you to be attuned to your God Source at all times. The more often you do it, the stronger you will become. The greater the level of Strength, Light and Love you are able to hold within you, the easier it will be to serve God and to assist others in their evolution.

You will be one who is a bridge between Heaven and Earth when you remember your inspiration for today:

Ask to be a receptacle for pure Light, then allow the empty chalice within you to drink in the sweetness of Divine Love.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel

You can still love someone and know that it is not in your best interest to be with them at this time. This is not dumb, it is wisdom.

June 20, 2021,

Dear Ones, please do not feel shame if you still feel love for someone who is no longer in close relationship with you. This indicates that you are, in fact, experiencing unconditional love. Love doesn’t just turn off like a faucet. It simply is.

It might help to think of love as being an infinity symbol. When you are in close relationship with another, you are in the centre of the symbol where the lines intersect. But even if you are at opposite ends of the symbol, you are still in an eternal loop of love.

You can still love someone and know that it is not in your best interest to be with them at this time. This is not dumb, it is wisdom. Most of you have been conditioned to think that love is a commodity that should be given or taken away based on a person’s behaviour. But as you evolve you realize it isn’t that simple.

Unconditional love means I love you no matter how you are choosing to express yourself. But you also know, with your wisdom, that sometimes the most loving thing for yourself is to not be in close proximity with that person any more. It doesn’t mean the love ceases to exist. To deny that love would be to deny the love that you are.

You can have love as the constant with the variable being how close you can be and still have it a healthy situation for everyone involved. Accepting that the love is always there, just how it is being supported in its expression can change, will bring you peace with yourself and the situation.

Do you see? Just as you wouldn’t stop loving a passed loved one because you can’t be with them in the physical any longer, you can continue to love the people who have left your life and accept that while your relationship can change, the love can stay the same.

And the beautiful thing is that coming into that space of acceptance with yourself and your capacity to love will free you up to be available for your next great partnership.

To continually discover what your soul wishes to expand into, you must allow it to take the lead. You do this through the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ The Mind and the Soul

June 16, 2021,

We were recently asked, “The thing I can’t get my mind around is where the soul wants to go and where my ego wants to go. How to get them to agree more? How do I know what I desire (ego) is what my soul has planned? How do I know why I have those blocks so I can more easily work within them?

For example, how long do I have to wait for things to flow when I am on a time frame of what someone else wants from me? Like vendors requiring money to do projects and repairs on my property. Why is it really so difficult?” We wish to explore this with you today.

Dear Ones, both the mind and the soul are essential for the experience of the human being. The purpose of the embodiment process you are participating in is to integrate more of the soul into the body – the much talked about spiritual experience in the human body. It might help to think of it as a co-creative partnership rather than a takeover.

The mind is the operating centre of the ego and works in separation. The heart is the operating centre of the soul and works in connection. As enlightening human beings, both are equally important. To try to eradicate one or the other would only put you in resistance to yourself and would create discomfort and deny the meld you are seeking to experience.

So to get the ego on board, it can be helpful to see it as a toddler who is invested in staying the same, doesn’t like change, wants to feel like it is in charge, and wants to be assured it won’t be left behind. Through your higher wisdom you understand you can love that part of you exactly as it is, but you certainly wouldn’t want it to make all the important decisions.

As your own wise one, you wish to guide it forward in the ways that are best for it in ways that make it feel safe and honoured. Reassure your ego that it is an essential part of you that you will always love and need but for now you will be taking care of things and it can focus on having fun or keeping track of your successes.

The ego or the mind likes to control. The soul navigates through flow. To continually discover what your soul wishes to expand into, you must allow it to take the lead. You do this through the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust. When using this system you are always guided to your solutions and your highest outcomes. Your life starts to unfold with greater grace and ease. You work very efficiently with the energies.

You don’t have to look for trouble because if there is something that needs your attention, it will be brought into your awareness, you can deal with it, and then get right back into flow. It is always serving you. You don’t need to know what your blocks are because the flow has the ability to navigate over, around, under, or through any perceived blockage with complete efficiency. It is the the mind wants to know but the heart has the solutions.

You asked why does it need to be difficult? Experiencing things as difficult often indicates a lack of faith or trust, having an attachment to things looking a certain way, trying to micromanage things, or you are settling for much less than what is possible when your soul has a bigger, better plan for you.

Resistance always creates discomfort, where acceptance allows you to drop the rope to what is unwanted and get back into flow. Has your focus become stuck on what is unwanted and frustrating? Gratitude for what is working in your life allows you to experience satisfaction in your now moment.

If you are feeling challenged by things needing to come together within a certain time frame and you don’t see how that can possibly happen, that is when you call on your guides, and surrender into the flow and stay there with you faith and trust.

Trust that the unfoldment is always serving you. It can be helpful to find an statement that soothes you, such as “God is guiding me now” or “It will be interesting to see how this all works out”. Those types of thoughts keep you in your faith and trust and can help keep you out of resistance. They are also solution based rather than problem based.

You can flow within the structure of a deadline. You can also trust if something doesn’t come together as you thought it should have, there is an element of divine timing at work or there is something even better for you that your soul is trying to align you with.

Your soul and your ego are a dynamic duo. They are what are allowing you to experience this incredible time on your planet. Both have jobs and gifts for you – your ego for making sure you are treated how you deserve and to take care of your body and experience individuation, your soul for leading you forward into the expansion and oneness you wish to experience in its desire to anchor higher vibrational energies on earth through the tool of the body.

Every single step of the way serves you, even if you do not understand how at the moment. If you feel stuck, give it Up to your highest self to resolve, drop the rope of resistance, and give the flow a chance to lead you to the solutions that always exist.

Your discomfort is never a punishment or a cross to bear. It is simply an invitation to redirect. If you can’t see how to do that through your vantage point, it is time to allow the higher aspects – your soul, your guides and helpers, or simply Source to take the reins and lead the way.

Recognize your incredible potential to be a diamond. Allow the Angels to assist the process of sanding your rough edges. Know it takes some time, and love yourself for caring enough about your world that you want to be the best you can be.

June 13, 2021,

True Wisdom and Pure Love go hand in hand. You must love all of yourself before Pure Wisdom takes solid root within you.

Dear One,

When you receive pure love from your Divine Source and offer it to yourself, your life will transform. Loving yourself means that you accept yourself as a student of life. You know that you are growing every day, and deep within is the spark of enlightened consciousness that is God.

Focusing on this place of Divine Light will assist it to grow. When the light of Divine love grows, it enlightens your mind and heart so you see your life from a more expanded perspective. This allows you to tap into the graceful flow of the universe and to live in more peace and harmony.

Loving yourself includes being able to see the tricks of ego and the aspects of your personality that could be improved. After you see clearly, bless these parts of yourself. This blessing energy will allow the love of God to flow through you. Your fears will drop away, and you will operate from a loving heart in every moment.

If self-criticism created perfection, you would be perfect by now. It doesn’t work that way, so be kind to yourself. You are in a human body on the earth plane to gain an education. Your soul’s growth is in the direction of perfection, but it’s a process.

You are like a lump of coal becoming a diamond. It does no good to hate the rough form and wish it were a diamond. What it takes is a step-by-step process, with the proper tools, applied with diligence and care.

Recognize your incredible potential to be a diamond. Allow the Angels to assist the process of sanding your rough edges. Know it takes some time, and love yourself for caring enough about your world that you want to be the best you can be.

Be as patient and caring with yourself as you would with a little child. Hold fast to the light of God within you. Ask for assistance from the Angels and trust the process. You are becoming stronger and more beautiful every day. Know you are incredibly loved and you deserve all the good life has to offer.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

True Wisdom and Pure Love go hand in hand. You must love all of yourself before Pure Wisdom takes solid root within you.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel

As more people step forward in their awakening process they will be seeking community.

June 11, 2021,

There is a misconception that those who were drawn into cults were weak-minded. In truth, the vast majority of people who end up in cults are drawn to them because they resonate with the higher principles of service, community, and unity consciousness.

All areas where there have been misuses of power are up for review, and cults are an example of how people gather with the best of intentions to serve the whole only to give their power away to the one. This is particularly difficult to detach from because those involved entered with a true desire to do good and it may involve reevaluating all of their beliefs.

In fact, when it comes to cults it is common that members do a better job of walking their talk than the leader does. It can be hard for them to discern which spiritual beliefs are valid and true and which ones had been twisted and used against them.

As more people step forward in their awakening process they will be seeking community. It is time to create these communities in ways that serve the whole and allow people to serve and express themselves in ways that are safe and empowering.

True leadership will lead people to their own wisdom, and honour them in the expression of it. Individuality will be celebrated as will growth and wellness. People will be not be told what to do but rather guided into connecting and listening with their own wisdom.

If you have been in a cult and have gotten out, we urge you to understand you are not dumb and there is nothing to be ashamed of. It was your goodness that led you there and that goodness is still there within you. You must take time to unpack all of your spiritual beliefs, one by one. With your wisdom you will start to see which are valid and which had been used inappropriately.

This is an opportunity to not throw out your spirituality but rather to hone your discernment. All true spiritual teachings support the empowerment, wellness, and freedom of all involved. Use that template as you unpack your beliefs.

If you love someone who has been in a cult, understand why they found it appealing. It is important not to shame them. Be consistent and loving. It is incredibly difficult for them to rediscover their true identity outside of the cult they were in. It is a process.

  • Encourage them to find their core truths and to explore and express them in ways that aren’t hurtful or disempowering.
  • Let them know they don’t have to give up their spirituality as it is a major part of who they are.
  • Ask them if they were the leader of a group and if they were leading by love what choices they would make and allow them to observe the differences between their choices and how they were treated.

It is there that the contrast will be come clear. Give them the space to figure it out and get that clarity without your interference and judgment.

Understand how difficult it can be to give up an attachment to a dream. They need time to grieve. It is likely they have a strong desire to serve. As they get more clarity, help them figure out how they can honour their desire to serve in healthier ways that serve everyone involved, including them.

And most of all, love them for being the tender, caring souls they are, for that is what they were trying to express all along.

True leaders look to empower others. They are not elitist – they serve the whole, not the one. They lead by example.

June 10, 2021,

Dear Ones, it is conscious leadership you seek as you shift into the new earth. You seek this kind of leadership in your teachers, your spiritual leaders, your inventors, your corporations, your politicians. This is also how you seek to lead yourself.

For the past several years the focus has been on power – what it is, what it isn’t, and how it should be used. There are core traits present in those who will lead consciously and appropriately. Those key traits are truth, transparency, integrity, and trust.

True leaders look to empower others. They are not elitist – they serve the whole, not the one. They lead by example. They support unity consciousness, not separation consciousness. They use wisdom and compassion in their decisions. The are led by what is fair, right, and just.

You are present on the planet as integral supports to the profound shift from 3D to 5D. As you step forward in your own embodiment process, we encourage you to choose to support those who also embody the traits you wish to see more of, consistently and mindfully.

In other words, as you seek to be the change and work hard to put action to your intentions, follow those who also seek to be the change themselves, and express that through their loving and unifying actions.

Your dreams are how your soul beckons you forward. Engage with your life! Trust in your dreams and highest potentials.

Don’t you owe it to yourself to see how big and beautiful your life really wants to be?

June 7, 2021,

It is quite common when human beings suddenly experience forward movement towards their dreams to fall into fear and doubt. We would like to discuss this today.

When you are about to take a big leap or enter a phase of profound expansion, your ego self will often panic. It is the part of you that likes things to stay the same. It can be helpful to think of it as a toddler who doesn’t like sudden change and likes to feel like they are in charge.

If this occurs, all you need to know is the ego self is looking for reassurance that it won’t be left behind. You can simply let it know it is an essential part of you that is honoured and will always go with you. This is, again, getting all the parts of you cooperating and participating with your forward movement, just as you would reintegrate any fragmented aspects of self.

When seen through this new lens of awareness, you can actually see your fear and doubt as proof positive you are onto something. If you were not, the ego would not be making a peep.

There is also a human belief that if you believe too much in your dreams you will somehow jinx them. Dear Ones, you know better than that. Your dreams are how your soul beckons you forward. Engage with your life! Trust in your dreams and highest potentials.

Don’t you owe it to yourself to see how big and beautiful your life really wants to be? We say absolutely! When you whole-heartedly allow the unfoldment to lead you into the discovery of those highest potentials you become a willing dance partner with a universe that adores you.

Do you see? Your full participation has been the magic ingredient all along.

No one else knows more than you what is right for your life. When you are aligned with God and spend quiet time in prayer and meditation, all that you want to know will be there for you.

June 6, 2021,

Be aware that the answers to all you are seeking are within you.

When you are in harmony with your heart’s intelligence, seeking answers to your life’s questions outside yourself will seldom be necessary. This seems impossible to you and yet this is a time when people no longer need an intermediary to be in tune with God, the Source of all Life.

There has been a quickening in the vibrational frequencies on and around planet Earth. Because you are an electrical being, you are very much affected by this increased Light. A higher level of energy enables you to attune yourself to a finer vibration, which allows you to consciously receive the resonance of wisdom and love from the Divine Mind.

Wisdom and love come through your energy field as light energy, which carries with it information allowing you to live more in harmony with the needs of your soul.

This means that as you pray and meditate, you raise your vibration and draw to yourself, like a magnet, a high frequency of light and love-filled energy. As this energy permeates your being, it opens your mind to receive answers to any question you put forth. You have the capacity to be a conduit for information, as well as for the ecstasy of God’s love.

It may not seem possible to receive answers to complicated questions. Yet this is true only when fear and doubt cloud your perception. Pray to receive clearly, and pray to know the truth that is in your highest good. You can ask to know beyond a shadow of a doubt. Then you can follow the “Diamond Covenant of Moses.” This declares that you are willing to do whatever is revealed to you, when you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that which is in your highest good.

This willingness to follow your inner guidance sets up a flow of energy through you, which allows your Higher Self to be attuned to your conscious mind.

When you are in a relaxed and expanded state of being, you have access to all the wisdom of the universe. The Angels are available to flood your mind with love and light if you ask. When your being is filled with love and light, you understand consciously what steps to take in any situation.

This inner knowing may not be immediately apparent to your conscious mind. However, as you go about your day, you will begin to respond to all situations with greater calm and certainty. When you look back, you will see how you just “knew” what to do.


Try writing your question on a piece of paper. Have it with a pen close to you as you meditate, and pray to know the truth beyond a shadow of a doubt. Ask that your Higher Self be in tune with Divine Mind. Now sit, breathe in a rhythmic way, and allow your mind and body to relax. Visualize yourself sitting in a pillar of golden light connecting Heaven and Earth. After sufficient uninterrupted time, you may feel the impulse to write.

While you pray and meditate, you are in an expanded consciousness. From this place all answers are obvious, yet the critical nature of the mind loves to make judgments. Do not read your answer right away. This will defuse your inner critic. After an hour or so, go back and read what you have written. Most likely you will surprise yourself with the simple, practical solutions to your questions. With practice this process becomes easier, as you set up a direct conduit to your higher self, that part of you in touch with the Angelic Dimensions and Divine Guidance.

This is the dawning age of direct guidance and wisdom. You no longer need priests, gurus or those outside yourself to show you what is in your highest good. This does not mean that teachers and role models are not important. It does mean that you do not have to seek outside yourself to find the answers to your most important questions. No one else knows more than you what is right for your life. When you are aligned with God and spend quiet time in prayer and meditation, all that you want to know will be there for you.

So remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

Be aware that the answers to all you are seeking are within you.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel

Flowing forward firmly anchored in the knowingness of who you really are and the broad traits of what you would like to experience will allow you to stay centered and respond on your feet in the ways that honor your truest intentions.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Anchoring Innate Divinity

June 7, 2021,

Fully knowing and accepting who you truly are and trusting your divine capability is an essential step in preparation of super accelerated flow. When the energies start to move very quickly you won’t have a lot of time to sit and figure out what is a true match to you or what your preferences are.

Flowing forward firmly anchored in the knowingness of who you really are and the broad traits of what you would like to experience will allow you to stay centered and respond on your feet in the ways that honor your truest intentions.

The long lull period many of you have experienced over the past year has, in fact, been prep work for the huge leaps many of you are about to take. Trust that you are ready, remember what you know, and enjoy the expansion.