You are currently in the process of releasing the old and retrieving any parts of you that were attached to those expired roles and stories. You might imagine it as having had cords with hooks into all kinds of different roles and themes and agreements that are now wrapping up. Slowly but surely over the past two years you have been unhooking from those energies and coming back to a state of neutrality, indicating a state of completion with that particular phase. Since the cords and hooks no longer have any energetic charge, support, or meaning to them, you can simply step over the pile and leave them behind as remnants of the past.
This does not necessarily mean you will leave everyone behind in your dust! Far from it. The profound shifting of relationships that occurs from the release of karma and soul agreements means if you choose to continue forward together it is now by choice and preference rather than duty. This will give all of your connections a much lighter, freer feel.
Allow your endings, understanding that they are making room for profound new beginnings. On a soul level, many of you have been reevaluating what you wish to truly leave behind and what you wish to continue on with. The key here is that what you wish to take with you must shift into sustainability in the energies of the new. It is that shift that will allow much more mastery and empowered creation than ever before, and that is exactly what your soul is so excited to experience and explore.
So call back any energy that you feel you may have left behind in the old, allow it to reintegrate into your body, and turn to embrace where your soul is beckoning you to go. You might think of it like you’ve done every last thing you could possibly do in one stage of a video game, and you are ready to level up. Let the old stories go, for they really don’t have much to offer you anymore, Dear Ones…and allow the next phase to unfold in new and glorious ways that reflect the deep work you have done.
Yesterday we gave the analogy of a department store being an example of unity consciousness, demonstrating how each department supports the needs of the shoppers, and how the shoppers also support the store. We wished to show you how there is room for many different interests and avenues of self expression within the whole.
Continuing along that line, we wish to discuss how as the collective evolves, what the store offers will change. If no one wanted guns or ammunition, that particular department would no longer have the support of the shoppers, so it would make no sense to use up valuable space offering something that no longer had the interest of the people.
If people became more focused on their self expression the store might expand into having more creative departments to meet those needs. You might even find an area spring up dedicated to more conscious pursuits. Imagine an inspirational department with prayer rugs next to divination tools, next to bibles, next to crystals, next to meditation programs, next to sacred art, all nestled in between the cleaning products and personal care aisles!
As your focus and self expression evolves, the department store will need to evolve in order to match the needs of the collective, or it will simply become unsustainable. That is the power of your focus and your preference! Withdrawing your energetic support will simply make what is no longer a match obsolete for you. As more of the collective agrees and meets you in that energetic state, the old will simply disappear from your experiences, with no other work required from you than simply staying true to you and your own energetic preferences.
Do you see? That is the power of the shift – so many focused, loving souls simply honouring themselves and their individual journeys, slowly but surely coming together energetically to create a magnificent wave of change on your planet.
Many of you are aware that you are evolving into unity consciousness, but have a hard time understanding what that will be like. You don’t know how you can accept everything and keep your own unique preferences and personality.
Let us explain it to you in this way ~
Imagine a large department store. It has many different departments meant to meet the needs of many, yet all the departments are part of the greater whole, that of the entire store. There are many different shoppers within the store who are all equally important, freely moving to whichever area they require.
If you have no young children in your life, you would not have a need for the baby department. This does not mean that you feel there should not be a baby department in the store. This does not mean that you would shun or judge the baby shoppers. You would simply allow them to pass you by on their way to their desired department, understanding it meets their needs beautifully.
You completely accept and embrace the fact that all the different areas and all the different people are absolutely perfect as part of the whole of the department store. Further, the entirety of the store supports the whole and the whole supports the entirety of the store. It is all energetically supported.
Do you see? You all bring your unique and wonderful energy to the whole, which is what gives it such depth, support and variety. Unity consciousness does not mean you lose yourself in any way. It simply means you are in complete acceptance of the many different aspects that exist within it, while honouring yourself as a beloved and integral part of both the shift and the planet.
And may we point out that the more you embrace your authenticity, the more you add to the beauty of it all, for there is nothing more glorious to behold than the luminosity of a soul beaming its true energy.
Anchoring gets you and your preferred energetics into your body willingly. So many on the enlightenment journey focus up and out of their bodies. Again we say that you cannot experience embodiment without being in your body!
There are many, many gifts of being in the body. If you are currently experiencing ascension fatigue, can you cast your net wider into a new possibility that being in your body can be a great joy, and not a burden? You get to do that by choosing whatever energy you wish to anchor and embody.
Can you open to the idea of your body and energetics being a joyful expression of self? Rather than dreading energetic intensity and the ascension symptoms it may temporarily cause, can you include a space of wonder for the fact that you are integrating so many higher vibrating energies into your experience?
Can you move into the embodiment of joyful service to yourself and to others through the energy you anchor? Again we point out if you can anchor it you already contain it, so anchoring is moving a step further in your manifestation process.
There are so many new potentials that are ripe for discovery for you, Dear Ones, in this corridor leading up to 2022. Play and explore, and invite lightness back into your journey!
While the Divine Combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, may seem very simple at first glance, it is an intricate system that gives you all of the support and guidance you could possibly need for success on your journey. One interesting aspect that you may not have noticed is it contains a perfect balance between masculine and feminine energies, as well.
Surrender and flow are action oriented. They are expansive and forward moving which makes them masculine. Faith and trust are aspects that involve staying open to receive and are of the realm of connection and intuition, making them more feminine. The masculine leads the feminine and the feminine leads the masculine.
You get the full benefit of the balance that is inherently part of the Divine Combination by employing all of the elements together as a whole system and allowing them to work with and support each other. That is what creates the momentum for you to blaze new trails and make new discoveries, in a way that is energetically viable for you.
It is both simple and complex, which makes it accessible and effective. We refer to it as the higher vibrational operating system because not only does it lead you into those energies, it also sustains you within them. It is profound and beautiful and we highly recommend it.
Pray to remove all obstacles to the Source of Divine Light.
When you pray to remove all obstacles, you are expressing your desire for full communion with God. You are asking for all that is in the way of your connection with the Divine Presence to be removed, so that you can consciously feel your alignment with love.
God is your partner in life. Prayer is the key to remind you of this partnership. Prayer is a deep and powerful action bringing you into the right frame of mind so your life will work for you in happier ways. Prayer is a tool for opening your heart. It brings love into every situation. Love is the greatest healing energy that exists in the world, so it serves you well to bring love into your life in a conscious way through prayer.
True communion with Spirit is a state of enlightenment. It is fully loving, courageous, free, and filled with joy. It is the happy state of knowing that the Divine Presence is always there to turn to so you never feel alone.
When you achieve the conscious awareness of your oneness with God, you will look at life from a state of joy, not fear. You will feel a sense of peace within you. In this state of Divine communion, your true freedom exists.
Pray with your heart, open your mind and be willing for miraculous changes to take place in your life. You were meant to be happy and at peace. You deserve all that is good. Know that you are a beloved child of the Source of all Light.
It is possible to live in love and full communion with God. The Angels are assisting you to make this deep connection at all times. You can call upon their grace to make joy your ever-present reality.
To have more harmony within yourself today, remember this simple suggestion from Archangel Gabriel:
Pray to remove all obstacles to the Source of Divine Light.
If you have been rejected in a relationship that you know you have been loving and appropriate in, and you have been committed to your own growth and evolution, it is not you who has been rejected by the other, it is the new level of growth that would be required of them in order to continue the relationship. They are simply not ready. Let the connection go with as much love, grace, and understanding as possible, for many will surprise you with their growth and be ready to rejoin you further along their journey.
It is very common for people to join paths for a period of growth and experience, and then need to split apart in order to find their own strength, empowerment, or any other expansion that can only be done on their own. Once that is accomplished, often souls will come back together and pick up where they left off. Your unconditional love and inclusion leaves the door open if/when that growth occurs.
We urge you during these times of energetic intensity to avoid absolutes and allow the unfoldment. You will find many surprises along the way. Those you thought would be next to you through the whole journey may suddenly branch out on their own. Others who you may think would never be ready to level up may suddenly experience such a leap of growth they are right back on the path next to you.
And for others, staying separated might best serve the growth and evolution of both people involved. Saying ‘never again’ will close an energetic door and restrict future options, while saying ‘not right now’ will help you move into acceptance and keep you open to future reconnection if the time is right.
A disruption of energy serves to bring clarity — bless it. Dear One,
The Divine Presence is an energy which is omnipotent, everywhere present and has infinite capacity for good. This energy flows through you and surrounds you at all times. There is never a time when you are not a part of this energy flow of God, which is Divine Love. In this you can place your trust.
You can also be assured that regardless of where you are or what the situation is, all energies flow to the highest good for all concerned, at all times.
Practice Just as a storm can clear the air with its cleansing rain, a disruption of energy also serves to bring clarity.
This disruption is a blessing that may come disguised as that which you do not want in your world. Sometimes knowing what you don’t want is the quickest way to knowing what you do want for yourself in all situations. Clarity of mind is necessary in order to bring about that which you would like to see manifested in every area of your life.
Daily life is the cosmic educational system. Every disruption of energy has something to teach. You are here to learn and to grow from your experiences. It’s important to remember that it is possible to learn from Joy as well as pain. This is your choice.
A disruption of the status quo creates change. Though change is often uncomfortable, it is intended to bring you continually closer to God. This is your larger life goal, and it’s helpful to remember this “bigger picture” when changes occur. It is often the energy from a disruptive circumstance that can propel you to your greater good.
Changes are upsetting because you do not know what is coming into your life and this may cause you to feel fearful. But please remember that whatever comes to you can be a significant opportunity for spiritual growth and that you have Angels to walk with you through these changing times.
You can ask for what you want. Claim the greater good that will come from the disruption that has occurred. Ask for the perfect outworking for all concerned in any situation. When you desire that which is for the highest good of all, you set in motion the forces of the universe to support you. All that you need is miraculously provided when you are in alignment with your inner being.
So when upsets happen, bless them. Write them down, place your hand over the writing and imagine brilliant, divine light, which is God’s healing energy, working through the situation. Claim Divine Order and know that God and the Angels are available to assist in a perfect outpouring for your highest good.
Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel for today:
A disruption of energy serves to bring clarity — bless it.
One of the natural benefits of your enlightenment process is the discovery of new gifts opening up for you. You may start seeing energy where you didn’t before or perhaps feeling or knowing things in an enhanced way.
This is the natural deepening of conscious awareness that comes from both your internal shifts and the external shifts of the planet. Your journey will contain light gifts and abilities that continue to emerge and grow. As so many of you have been acutely feeling the challenges of being in accelerated times and energies, discovering and acknowledging these gifts and abilities will feel like a breath of fresh air, and wonderful confirmation that you are, indeed, getting somewhere for all your efforts.
And this is only the beginning! As you move into new, more supportive energies and are more comfortable with your own ability to shift, adapt, and navigate in much more empowered ways, there will be more and more rewards for your dedication and commitment to your growth.
As you step into the energies of 2022, you will start to move beyond the times that required blind faith and trust into the tangible realization that your heart was leading you well all along. And that, Dear Ones, is exactly what you came into the body to experience, and will add exponentially to the joy and wonder of the journey.
As you progress along your enlightenment journey, you may find yourself spontaneously entering a shifted space of flow that we call autopilot. This occurs when you have become non-resistant enough to allow your higher self to take the lead. It is always safe to trust this flow because it is being guided by your own innate wisdom.
This is not acting unconsciously but rather instinctively. This starts to occur because of your heightened level of consciousness. You may even find yourself observing the fact that you are an automatic flow. From that space you recognize you do not need to step in and stop it because you know there is something unfolding for your highest good.
You might even find yourself spontaneously preparing for something that you, on a deeper level, have a knowingness is about to occur. It is being aware of your own guidance system taking the wheel and leading you. In this way, you could consider it precognition.
This is just one of the wonderful and magical traits you may start to experience as you begin to discover the gifts of the energies you are shifting into. Pay attention, Dear Ones, as you may start to simply embody abilities that feel both new and matter-of-fact to you. These are the natural rewards that come from the incredible amount of work you have been doing in your own evolutionary process. Enjoy the fruits of your labour, and have fun playing with the new tools and abilities you may discover.
It is nearly Thanksgiving in the U.S., marking the official beginning of the holiday season. Know that in this unique time of the year, there is an awakening in you of the spirit of Gratitude. It is the true essence of Thanksgiving. When you can immerse yourself in the flow of pure Gratitude, it catalyzes new abundance in every area of your life. Gratitude can provide an energetic containment field for your heart to open into.
It is a true gift for yourself when you live in Gratitude. The power of giving thanks can help to lift you above the appearance of disharmony so that a new life emerges within you, opening doors to amazing possibilities. Your deepest dreams are being awakened and your heart is being offered an opportunity to create manifestation of these Soul’s longings. When you open to these desires that have the potential to fulfill you in massive ways, an energy begins to work in you that you have never experienced.
You are unlocking of the gateway to a new dimension, with thanksgiving as the key.
When you create new attitudes about thanksgiving in your life, it attracts powerful streams of light-filled energy to bless all that is honored in this way. When a blessing of thanksgiving is made in any moment, it confers Divine energy upon the person who sends it, as well as the situation being blessed.
In challenging times, it may seem difficult to find something to feel grateful for. In spite of this, one way to create a positive change in your life is to give thanks for what you have now. You can even give thanks in advance for what you want to create. This allows a shift in your perceptions so that you begin to attract new beneficial energy into your life.
Gratitude is an attitude that can profoundly change your consciousness. When you live your life in thanksgiving, it can affect your being at a biological level, training your mind and body to live in a higher state of health and well-being.
When you find nothing else, you can give thanks for just being alive so your soul will evolve. It is a gift to be in a human body and your body is a miraculous instrument. Consider the fact that you have a heart within you that needs no conscious assistance on your part to continue beating. Remember that you don’t have to tell your digestive system to do its work.
All of these body parts are functioning in a wondrous Divine plan of perfection. When you turn your attention to these systems within your body, when you begin to give thanks for the incredible processes that continue 24 hours a day within you, they will function at a higher level. Your focus of attention with gratitude and blessings will bring more light and strength into your vital organs.
For extra energy, consider filling these organs with a healing color such as pink or green, which brightens them with Divine Light. For fun, you can imagine a smile on a body part, such as your liver or your heart. This will not only bless your organs, it will lighten your mind.
Your Body and Science
Dr. Emoto in Japan proved that beautiful crystalline structures were created when words of Peace and Love were placed on a glass filled with water. Imagine what grateful thoughts and words of kindness can do to your body with its high percentage of water content. Science has also proven that the cells of the body can become healthier when one has thoughts and beliefs that are positive. The subconscious mind hears all the words you say to yourself and interprets them as truth.
Athletes have used creative visualization as a powerful asset in their respective sports. Studies have shown that the mind makes very little differentiation between the act of physical practice and the mental visualization of a highly trained athlete. It is extremely valuable to remember this and apply it to your own bodies.
The act of giving thanks for your wondrous, healthy, strong and flexible body can lead it to respond in positive ways that assist in creating new healthier cells. Your body contains a Divine Blueprint of perfection that can be called forward into present day experience. It begins with giving thanks for your body right now, just the way it is, and adding the ideas of what you would like to create within you.
When you give thanks for your mind that is clear and serene, for a brain that functions with balance and precision, and especially when you give thanks for the Divine Light continually empowering your thinking processes, there is a positive response within you. Your gratitude will bless your mind and allow it to function at a higher level of vibration.
These simple acts not only change your mind, they inspire your emotions to respond with delight. Imagine the idea of delight, and the thought of this, sometimes less than familiar feeling, will spark a new level of inspiration in your being. Your imagination is an influential tool of empowerment, and it can be used for ill or for the good in your life.
Gratitude is the Attitude that will take you into your Heart
Consider the idea that your thoughts are like prayers reaching out into the Universal flow of life. When you use your thoughts consciously, they become prayers that shift your perspective so you can see a greater picture of what is actually going on in your life.
Prayers of gratitude are very powerful, and stimulate an increased flow of spiritual energy into every situation. This force can create miraculous change for good in your life. It may take a little effort to find something to be grateful for when you are feeling down, but prayers of thanksgiving can help create a beautiful shift in your mind when you do so.
It is vitally important for your future to nurture compassion for yourself, the mistakes you made as you were learning about life, and forgiveness for the person you were in the past. Be grateful for all that you have learned and all that you are. This act is a good beginning for a peace-filled and happy future. You can open new doors for tomorrow with your grateful thoughts today.
No matter how it feels, you are never alone. You are here on earth to remember your connection to the Spiritual Presence in your life. You are meant to live a happy, abundant life with deep fulfillment. In order to do this, it is necessary to step out of the challenges life presents and into the flow of God’s love, which will bring you more creative solutions. There is one place where you can always go to feel the power of Divine Love, and that is in your heart.
It does not matter if you see nothing in your life for which to feel grateful, just the act of giving thanks opens a door in your heart that allows Divine Love in.
Here are some possibilities for prayers that may help you to lift your thoughts and connect your heart to the essence of Gratitude. You can choose one or more that resonate with you and use them as a spiritual practice for the day. Masters suggest 21 days of a practice to create a new habit within your brain.
Divine Presence,
I AM grateful for the Beauty and Power of the living Earth that sustains all life and blesses all who are fortunate to live in this beautiful world. I give thanks that all beings are awakening to these gifts.
Thank you for this day. Help me to see the blessings in my life, and learn the lessons given to me to learn. Show me what I need to know in order to grow into a more kind and loving human being, and take care of my responsibilities with Grace and Ease. Help me to share the gifts you have given me in a way that adds more value to the world.
Thank you for helping me move with great Clarity and Certainty. Thank you for inspiring my heart centered action in every area of my life.
I AM grateful for physical, mental and emotional Health and Well-Being. I recognize Wellbeing as my most empowered attribute and it blesses every area of my life.
Thank you for abundant demonstrations in my bank account and the financial ability to save, spend and support others. I AM grateful that my work fulfills me on all levels.
Thank you for my mind that is inspired and creative. Thank you for helping me to be open to new ideas that can bring good into my life. Thank you for my amazing body that is strong and flexible, and for the organs within it that are functioning with perfection. Bless each cell and fiber of my being so that it is filled with your Divine Light.
Thank you for the forgiveness growing in my heart and the compassion within me for the person I am right now. Help me to also have compassion and understanding for others as they walk their own path in life.
I AM thankful for the new awakenings of Love and Abundance all over the world in the hearts of each person embodied at this time. Thank you for helping me to live my life in Harmony and Well Being, and to be a radiant light for Divine Love in the world.
For these and all my blessings, I say, “Thank You God.” and so it is.
May this time of Thanksgiving fill your heart with Gratitude, and bless every area of your life with Love.
During times of energetic acceleration people may find themselves branching off on different paths or moving at different speeds than those they had been sharing their journey with. We urge you not to take this personally!
Think of it this way. Imagine you are on a race track. You are in a Ferrari. A dear one of yours wishes to walk. You are both on the same track, just moving at different speeds based on what your soul needs and what you are ready to experience.
Although you are moving around the track at a very different speed and method, you will still loop around to check in with each other. You might roll down the window and ask if they are ready to ride and if they aren’t you can continue on your merry way. You might be surprised that there are many souls on the planet you know very well and like to check in with periodically.
You aren’t necessarily better than the walker if you are in the Ferrari. It just means you are ready for accelerated growth and the person on foot is embracing the benefits of a slower flow. Both phases serve the participants beautifully. In fact, the walker might be giving you a chance to catch up! Or you might swap places and find yourself on foot one day as the other person jumps in their own car for some laps around the track.
What we want you to understand is if the person rejects getting in the car with you or walking next to you, it doesn’t mean they are rejecting you. They are simply not ready for the pace of the path you are currently on. It is not personal, it is energetic. All is in divine order, and if you can stay open and accepting you leave the door open for re-connection whenever the time may be right for both of you.
There is a vast difference between empowered receiving and being rescued. We realize many of you like to see yourselves as independent, but we caution you to not allow your desire for independence to hold you separate from the whole and the supports that are available to you.
Empowered receiving means you embrace your sovereignty and inherent worthiness and willingly work with the flow of the divine. It is beyond the old fears of owing someone or being beholden to another for what you receive. Nor is it about being weak or incapable. It is, with your wisdom, deciding to work with the system that has always been in place for you. It is never about being a victim, but rather about using your wisdom to allow yourself to be supported by a Source that only serves your growth, wellness, and expansion.
Being willing to receive allows others the joy of service and the opportunity to be the love and an instrument of a universe that adores you. It is about being a willing dance partner with the greater whole, and knowing with your deep faith and trust that it is safe and appropriate to do so. It is understanding that you are all stronger when you work together, and releasing the old idea that it is somehow noble to struggle and go it alone. It is finally deciding to move out of resistance and to use your energy far more efficiently for the greatest good of all, including you.
Do you see? Willingly moving with the greater system of both giving and receiving that is the flow is an empowered act of inclusion and unity consciousness. It is where you were always meant to be.
Trust in yourself, and trust in the Angelic energy working through you.
Dear One,
As the light within you grows stronger and brighter, you will find yourself bringing more wisdom and love to your world. You will begin to trust more deeply in yourself and know you are divinely guided at every moment.
Trust is an energy that grows the more you use it. Like a muscle that strengthens with exercise, so it is with trust. It comes not from the power of your doing, as much as it is an allowing of energy to flow through your being.
Trust comes from a deep level of faith. At the core of your being you know there is a Higher Power at work. You can turn your life over to this Divine Presence and things will begin to move in positive directions. Learn to listen more to your intuition than to what society tells you is true. Learn to listen to the voice of your higher self, which is your connecting link to the Divine Source. Remember that you know, deep within, what is best for you. Your higher self knows the answers to all the questions you ask.
Trust the Angels to help you with this process of connecting to God within you. They are an incredible resource awaiting your invitation. Begin to ask your guardian Angel for help in small ways. Follow the guidance you receive and you will find yourself trusting ever more deeply in this wondrous energy working through you.
You will notice your life becoming simpler, and everyday activities becoming easier, due to an ever-increasing compassion and clarity within, and due to the grace of the Angels. This grace blesses every step you take and every word you say. This grace also becomes stronger the more you allow it to work in your life. It is a gift for you, but first you must ask, and then you need to allow yourself to open and receive the good available to you from your spiritual resources.
These simple acts of trust can transform your world. Remember, your direct link to Divine Grace strengthens when you:
Trust in yourself and trust in the Angelic energy working through you.
There may be times in your life where you know something is good for you, yet you experience resistance to moving in that direction. This is completely normal. It simply means that there is an unhealed part of you that is needing your love and attention before it is willing to cooperate with moving in that direction.
So rather than pushing against your resistance, get curious about it. What is it that is wanting to hold you back from moving forward? Is your inner child or ego afraid it will be left behind? It is an integral part of your team and may simply need to be reassured of that fact. Do you have a fear of experiencing your next highest expression of self? Your expansion always brings more comfort and satisfaction, not less.
Is it fear of the unknown? There are always many wonderful things waiting for you to discover in the realm of potentiality which is just beyond what you can see. Is it fear of success and/or fear of failure? The value is not in the result, it is in the experience. Is it a fear of change? If there are areas of your life that are not satisfactory, it is only through change you can find solutions and better matches.
Dear Ones, the flow will always take you somewhere better, the trick is to get all the parts of you to cooperate and willingly move along with you, and the vast majority of times. whatever is attempting to hold you back is simply looking for your acknowledgement, presence, and reassurance.
Rather than trying to wrestle your resistance to the ground, why not simply guide it forward with love and compassion? If you have the awareness that your resistance is holding you back from expanding in new, more empowered ways, you are more than ready to be your own loving shepherd, guide, and parent, and to follow the beckoning of your soul.
Dear Ones, you are in the process of embodiment ~ the incorporation of more and more of your higher self into your physical body. There is a pervasive belief that your body or your human self is somehow less than your spiritual self. But we ask you, how on earth can you possibly embrace embodiment without accepting your body?
Do you see? It is time to not just make friends with your body, but to honour your body as an essential partner on your journey. True unification happens when you celebrate all the glorious parts of you.
So many of you are in deep resistance to your own bodies. Dear Ones, your bodies are dedicated servants to you. They allow you the wondrous ability to feel, to experience, to love in a tangible way. They have worked tirelessly for you from the moment you have taken your first breath, to provide you the vehicle to be on the planet, learning and growing, and participating in the great shift of the ages.
We urge you to make friends with your bodies! They are an essential member of your team. When was the last time you had true love and appreciation for your body? It is a truly miraculous creation.
If there are parts of your body that are not working well, we encourage you to get into a meditation and have a conversation with your body and/or those specific parts. What do they need from you? What would they like you to know? How can you help them thrive? Your body has an innate intelligence that will never steer you wrong if you allow it to take the lead.
Many of you are incredibly judgmental and rejecting of your bodies. What we wish for you to understand is your body is an integral part of you, and when you are rejecting and speaking abusively to it, you are harming yourself
You are practicing resistance and separation consciousness with yourself, which will create a deep discomfort within you and make it difficult for you to thrive. Your negative self talk is detrimental not just to your body but to any other aspects of yourself that are trying to heal and integrate.
Loving your body and truly acknowledging all it does – thanking it, loving it, nurturing it, listening to its guidance, and embracing it as part of the whole of you during your life expression – will shift you into unity consciousness within yourself and from there you will have finally created the perfect conditions for healing and vibrant health that goes far beyond just the physical.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Embracing Where You Are
October 27, 2021,
Contraction is always a precursor to expansion. We understand contractions can be uncomfortable, but they are designed that way. Why? So you cannot possibly stay in a contracted state.
So if you find yourself in a contracted space, we recommend that you try to stay out of resistance which will only compound your discomfort. This too shall pass! With your faith, trust, and wisdom, try to remember that every phase serves you. Staying open, curious and willing to cast your net wider to include brand new experiences and solutions will keep you poised for even greater movement when the time comes.
There is delicious anticipation to be had in the wait, and great joy to be had in the discoveries you will make when you learn to fully embrace whatever phase you are in.
We are always available to you, to assist, guide, and encourage you forward. You do not need to have the skill of spirit communication in order to receive our help. All that is required is a heartfelt request and a willingness to receive. Then simply allow yourself to be guided and use your conscious awareness to watch for the signs and synchronicities that point the way.
Is it time for you to take the step of actively working with us and beginning to utilize the help that has always been there waiting for you? It would be both an honour and a privilege for us to begin that partnership with you.
You are currently shifting towards the energies of 2022. This is a vast energetic upgrade, a larger shift than you normally experience stepping into a new year. It is so big that you have begun this in earnest since the equinox. The energies you are experiencing, along with your responding releasing and integrating, is allowing you to step up onto a series of platforms, one at a time, that are up-levelling you in preparation of stepping up and into 2022.
For this reason, many of you are in a state of flux, and whenever you are in a state of flux it is not the time to manifest. Anything that would be a match to you today, might not be a true match for you next month. These times allow you to continue to evolve and grow, and to get clarity on who you are now compared to who you used to be and what you would like to create once you arrive in your new destination.
You might think of it like climbing a mountain. You climb and make progress, then you stop and rest to avoid altitude sickness. You know the camp is temporary and designed for you to acclimate before you continue your journey. Isn’t it interesting that so many ascension symptoms are similar to altitude sickness?
As you get closer to the energies of 2022, you will find seeds of ideas starting to drop in ~ new inspirations that are starting to take hold and sprout. You’ll discover new potentials that have become possible due to your latest vantage point and level of attainment. These are little exciting glimpses of what all the hard work you have done has been preparing you for.
So be patient, Dear Ones. Allow the process. Move with the energies and thank them for their wisdom and guidance. Acknowledge how far you’ve come and how profoundly different you are now than you were not that long ago. Listen to your heart that knows that all is unfolding beautifully. And most of all, know these are the exact times your soul could not wait to experience.
The fact that you are getting anxious and excited is letting you know you are preparing to land.
There is much resolution for your past occurring at this time. While it may seem relentless when old memories and hurts come up for examination, there is an energetic dismantling of karmic threads, soul contracts, and past vows or belief systems happening that is indicative of the releasing of old roles that no longer serve you due to your growth and evolution.
This dismantling may be taking place through conscious memories, energy healing work you are drawn to do, or it could be happening organically through the sleep state.
What we wish for you to understand is that if these old painful memories or issues are coming into your awareness, it is not an indicator that you are broken or that any of your previous healing work was not effective. It is an energetic clarification process that requires your awareness on one level or another for release.
It is clearing space for you to embody more of who you truly are, and for you to shift into a new higher vibratory state that is in line with the energies of where you are going.
Evolution is a process, and the depth of the work you are doing could not be done all at once. It would be too overwhelming for you. You are moving at the fastest pace that is sustainable for you. We urge you to remember that during times of energetic intensity.
You are masterfully moving through this great shift of the ages even if it feels messy and challenging for you at times. Trust that you are exactly where you need to be, that you are being guided and loved through it all, and the anxiousness and impatience you feel is part of the excitement of preparing to step fully into the new.
It is very difficult for people to let go of a belief system that they’ve had a strong attachment to when they come to the realization that it hasn’t been valid or been serving them appropriately.
It can come with all of the stages of grief ~ shock, anger, denial, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. The person may feel duped, foolish, or ashamed. They may also be struggling with doubt in themselves and their ability to discern what is true and what is not.
If you’ve believed in something that ended up not being your highest choice, we want you to understand that it is a sure sign of your evolution. It is also a sign that you were invested and that you cared, and those are wonderful traits to have.
Be kind and gentle with yourself. You did the best you could with the information you had, and now you are ready to move forward into more supportive energies. You can trust your soul and your inner wise-one to continue to guide you forward, and that always happens in perfect timing.
Understanding that it can be very difficult for people to back away from belief systems is important. Be kind and gentle with those who are going through that process. Love people enough to give them the space to choose differently without adding to the many challenging emotions they may already be experiencing.
There is always value in experience, and you are all in a process of evolution that involves continually seeking your truth and energetic matches. Sometimes that comes from experiencing what is not a real match first. Your compassion and support is what will allow people the courage to explore and evolve, and that is a beautiful thing, indeed.