Category Archives: AA Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Energetic Adjustments

December 11, 2020,

We understand you are in intense energetic times and this can be felt in a variety of ways. We wish to offer you some energetic adjustments you can use for common discomforts.

Unbalanced: If you are feeling unbalanced, this can be rectified by simply imagining a beautiful column of light that comes down from the heavens, right over your body, and into the ground below you. This is a very balancing practice that allows you to connect to your homes that exist both above and below the veil. This also allows you to be a supportive bridge of light between the two.

Spacey: If you are feeling dizzy, scattered, or unfocused, we suggest grounding. Get your bare feet onto the earth (or lie on Mother Earth, even better!). If you are not able to do that due to the climate or other restrictions that exist where you live, you can simply imagine yourself standing on the planet and having roots coming from your feet connecting you to the earth. Eating root vegetables, nuts, chocolate, a large meal, or engaging in any activity that is focused on the care and movement of your body can also be helpful.

General energetic discomfort: If you are just feeling uncomfortable with the energies, immersing yourself in salt water can provide a quick and effective energetic cleansing.

Out of alignment: If you feel out of alignment, meditation can be a great help. Or you can simply send your soul into a better alignment with your intention as you are in charge of your energetics.

Resistance: If you are feeling resistant to your now moment surrendering into the flow with the guidance of your angels or whatever higher being you enjoy working with or feel resonance with can bring immediate relief. Making a point to practice gratitude will also bring quick relief as it is impossible to be grateful and resistant at the same time.

Anxiousness: If you are feeling anxiety, presence is the key. We recommend playing a game we call β€œIn This Right Now Moment.” Consciously look for what is happening right now that is working for you and supporting you. For example, you are warm, you have a roof over your head, there is plenty of air to breathe, etc. Being in the now moment is your power point, Dear Ones. Always remember that.

Collective Energies: If you are feeling highly affected by the energy of the collective, we recommend connecting with your heart centre and allow that energy to expand until it surrounds you completely with beautiful white pearly light. From that point you become the bringer of energy, not the catcher of energy. You can also choose to send love and support to the collective once you have decided to lead from your heart.

Feeling Overwhelmed: If you are feeling overwhelmed it is a sign it is time for you to ask for help and be willing to receive it. It is often difficult for those on the enlightenment journey to receive because it feels much more comfortable for them to give, but it is essential that you embrace being part of the flow of both giving and receiving. Plus it is giving others the joy of being of service to you! Allow yourself to be loved and supported from both sides of the veil.

These are just a few energetic remedies you may find helpful. We encourage you to get curious, experiment, and find what works for you. Of course, any energetic adjustment you make should be approached as a gentle and loving redirection, made from a space of self love, acceptance, and encouragement. What you are doing right now is no small feat, so we urge you to always treat yourselves with the love and understanding you all deserve.

You will be in a period of adjustment from now until the end of your year, fine-tuning your energetics in preparation of stepping forward into the new.-AA Gabriel via Shelley Young-

December 10, 2020,

Allow the waves of energy to wash over you, Dear Ones, because they are refining your energy and giving you exactly what you need. You will be in a period of adjustment from now until the end of your year, fine-tuning your energetics in preparation of stepping forward into the new.

Intend to accept these energies joyfully and with grace and ease, and you will be able to navigate these times with greater comfort and gratitude than ever before.

You are ready-AA Gabriel via Shelley Young-

December 9, 2020,

Dear Ones, you know this year has been unlike any other.

Allow your lives to be transformed. Trust the process. Get excited about where you are going and what will naturally open up to you after such a long period of sustained intensity. Know that you have been creating space for the new, and be curious and open to discover what that means.

If you follow your hearts and your dreams and are willing to receive and flow, there is much that can be accomplished as you step into the new, and yes, that means external forward movement after a year that has focused largely on the internal.

You are ready.


You can only move at the speed that is perfect for you.-AA Gabriel via Shelley Young

December 4, 2020,

You can only move at the speed that is perfect for you. Thinking that you’ve got it wrong, that you’ve taken too long, that you should be moving faster, only makes you miss the beauty and wonder of the unfoldment of your soul’s evolution – a divinely intelligent system that is designed to move at the pace that best supports you and allows all the elements to fall into place for your greatest success and growth.

The idea that it can be wrong in any way is not only faulty, it denies the comfort that is available for you through the faith, trust, and acceptance that your now moment is serving you.

So trust, Dear Ones! It is safe to trust in your soul and your journey, even if you don’t know all the details. Honour your divine guidance. Your personal growth, your expansion, your knowledge, your twin flame journey, your spiritual development, your healing, your releasing, your integration of energies – all of it will unfold with divine perfection.

You just need to keep showing up, stay true to your dreams, trust and move with the energies, and accept there is wisdom and purpose to whatever is being supported in any now moment. Harnessing the gifts of both the ebbs and the flows is exactly how you stay in the empowered forward movement you seek.

You are doing a marvelous job!-AA Gabriel through Shelley Young –

November 29, 2020,

There are vast energetic changes occurring to both your bodies (physical and light bodies) and the planet from now until the end of the year. You are receiving downloads of energy which are often delivered/received in a spiraling motion.

The momentum of the collective awakening energy is also moving forward rapidly now which can be experienced as fast forward energy movement combined with waves of ups and downs, yet you may feel like you are not moving at all on a personal level. All of this together can result in many different symptoms!

You may feel buoyed by the energies. You may feel anxiety if you are experiencing accelerated flow. You may feel excitement, even if you don’t know where you are heading because you can sense there are breakthroughs for you waiting on the horizon.

You may feel dizziness, nausea, disorientation, or feeling like the ground is moving underneath you (much like motion sickness due to the spirals and swells of energy), headaches, dehydration, fatigue, exhaustion, brain fog, erratic sleep patterns, and craving certain foods.

You may feel overwhelmed by the combination of it all! If you are especially sensitive, you may feel one thing with an undercurrent of another, or experience your own responses to the energies combined with feeling the energy of the collective.

Dear Ones, what we wish for you to understand is that you are in the final pushes of a completely transformative year that has been designed to deliver you into the energies of the new. This is much like the speeding up of intensity you feel in the last stages of labour. (Have you noticed how many of your ascension symptoms are similar to those of pregnancy?) It is truly remarkable what you are doing! You are birthing both a new you and a new earth. Breathe and stay focused on whatever is required in the present moment.

You are moving through accelerated energies with far greater wisdom and acceptance than ever seen on your planet before, one mindful choice at a time. These are the times that you have been waiting for and what you are going through right now will set you up well to step up and out onto the platform of the next exciting phase of your incarnation that will begin in 2021.

You are doing a marvelous job!

Meeting People Where They Are-Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

November 26, 2020,

Shelley’s Note: This question was just asked again, which led me to this previous daily message. I think it is perfect for the times we are in so I decided to share it again. Happy Thanksgiving!

We were recently asked,”How do I see us all as one when there is so much hurt and harm in the world?” We would like to address this today.

Not long ago we offered a daily message explaining the concept of vibrational layers. We asked you to imagine a building that contained a basement, a main floor, and upper floor, and an attic. The basement, or lowest layer, was a level of vibrational density. It was dark and uncomfortable. The people living there might have a concept of other floors but haven’t yet disengaged from that energy enough to climb up the stairs. You could consider this layer to be 3D.

The people living in the middle floor have a good knowing of both the density of the basement and the existence of a floor above them, and may periodically move between the two. You might consider this to be 4D.

There are other people still who resonate with the upper floor. These are the people who are well on their enlightenment journey. They are practicing far greater awareness and are dedicated to their growth and expansion, and embodying their highest selves. They are in remembrance of their own divine nature. They also have access to the attic, which is where you might find the angelic and masters residing.

All of these different layers exist within the structure of the building, all coexisting on their own levels. They are all part of the whole. So we ask you, if the building caught fire, would you only save certain people based on a certain level of attainment or would you rush to save everyone inside?

You might be surprised to realize your first priority might be to assist those in the basement first, understanding they are in the most danger because they are stuck in a place that is more difficult to get out of. Your instincts show you that you already have unconditional love in your heart and honour the worthiness of even the most challenging aspects of the whole.

This example should allow you to see how many different layers can exist within the entirety of the whole, but also how you can have love and compassion for all aspects of the whole, regardless of what level they are residing in. It allows you to simply see and support people wherever they are, as all are equally precious and valuable.

As you continue to evolve and grow, you won’t need extremes to see this, but will be able to embody that knowingness more and more in your day to day lives, as you will hold your balance, your love, and your mastery with greater consistency.

picture credit

The Portal of Stillness-Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young –

November 26, 2020,

Stillness holds the gifts of alignment, of integration, and is a reset point before movement resumes. It is the pause between the in breath and the out breath, a place of wisdom from where you can consider your next highest choice, a point of balance and potential.

It is a magical, rejuvenative space that is always there for you to access whenever you choose, that acts as a portal to so much more. It is not designed for you to stay there forever, but rather a tool that allows you to connect to the energies of Home in order to receive any assistance you may require for your journey forward.

It is one of the most empowering supports you have as an enlightening human being.

Isn’t it time you provide the safe and nurturing space you need to truly thrive?-AA Gabriel through Shelley Young-

November 19, 2020,

In your dedication to become all you can be, have you fallen into the trap of constantly looking for what is wrong with you? Dear Ones, you cannot berate yourselves into enlightenment. It simply will not work because you cannot grow from a place of resistance to yourself.

Further, any wounded aspects of self will interpret that negative focus as a constant threat of impending rejection or abandonment, which will keep those wounds very active and triggered.

Resistance is a state of contraction, healing is a space of expansion. Self improvement is a wonderful goal but true growth best occurs from a space of safety, acceptance, consistency, unconditional love, and encouragement.

Isn’t it time you provide the safe and nurturing space you need to truly thrive? For that is exactly what creates the perfect environment for growth, healing, and your evolution. And the beautiful thing is, once you have created that within, you will be much better able to provide that loving space for others, as well.

A long period of internal exploration like you have experienced in 2020 will naturally be followed by the external exploration of the new, true potentials that can begin to be discovered due to the energetic spaciousness you have spent the time creating within.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ The Rhythm of the Universe

November 18, 2020,

Many of you become frustrated if you do not see forward movement in your lives. We wish for you to know that growth and expansion is always occurring, and just like the flow, sometimes you will see it as a tangible physical manifestation while other times it will be happening behind the scenes within you.

With your spiritual growth the expansion is internal first, then the resulting external reflection of that work will follow. As with all things in the universe, it is the combination of the two that create sustainable and balanced forward movement.

You can have ease with this process because the rhythm of the universe is very predictable. A long period of internal exploration like you have experienced in 2020 will naturally be followed by the external exploration of the new, true potentials that can begin to be discovered due to the energetic spaciousness you have spent the time creating within.

Do you see? The internal supports the external, the lull supports the flow, and growth and expansion is always occurring because each supports the other in equal measure. It is a glorious dance of love and interconnectedness that will always lead you to your next greatest discovery.

It is a period of profound manifestation that is occurring behind the scenes in preparation of being born into your tangible reality.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Delicious Anticipation

November 12, 2020,

Dear Ones, we would like to invite you to change how you look at being in a space of not knowing or no movement. We would call such a space a pregnant pause.

A pregnant pause is a time when things are in the process of energetically coming together to take on form. It is a period of profound manifestation that is occurring behind the scenes in preparation of being born into your tangible reality.

It is a time that cannot be rushed. It is also a time that does not take one second longer than it has to. It is a process that is divinely timed to assure the success of what is trying to make its way to you.

So what do you do when you are in the pregnant pause? All the things you would do during a pregnancy. Practice good self care. Dream. Learn. Rest. Prepare for the accelerated movement that is sure to follow. Trust the process is one that creates miracles and hold the space with delicious anticipation, wonder, and gratitude for the magic that is working its way to you.

at the point when it becomes clear things cannot stay the same, the path of real change will be embraced.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ The Dark Night of the Soul

November 4, 2020,

A great many enlightening human beings find their way to their spiritual path through the dark night of the soul. The most chaotic, dark places always become too uncomfortable to stay in for a sustained period of time, and when it becomes clear that it is too painful to stay the same, the door opens for great and empowered change.

The dark night of the soul can occur not just for humans but for countries and collectives, as well. While very challenging, such times serve the purpose of being a springboard for profound change and accelerated forward movement. It creates the opportunity for course correction and the discovery of the new. It is at the point when it becomes clear things cannot stay the same, the path of real change will be embraced.

So honour your feelings and centre deep into what you know to be divinely true and right, Dear Ones. Allow your heart and your inner wisdom to beckon you forward by being the change, being the love, being the pioneers, being the anchors of peace you are on the planet to be. It is the collective efforts of those who redirect time and again into who they really are that will create the wave you seek into the new.

Holding Space-Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young –

November 2, 2020,

Dear Ones, there is great power in holding the space. It may feel like you aren’t doing anything but please don’t dismiss it as not having value because it has a stabilizing effect that is awesome to behold.

So we urge you to centre yourself so you can remember what you know. Connect to your innate wisdom. Find your balance. Trust. Anchor the energy of peace and potential, and know that sometimes the most simple acts are the most profound. This is a major aspect of your contribution to the whole and it helps more than you know.

In order to tell if something matches you or not, it is essential that you take the time to know yourselves.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Discerning Truth

November 1, 2020,

Discernment is one of the most important skills you will develop on your spiritual journey, and it is a major energetic theme of 2020.

Dear Ones, there is a part of you that always, always, knows the truth. If you are presented with information, feel into your body. Does it feel empowering or disempowering? Is it honouring your free will and your innate wisdom? Is it designed to separate or unify? Is its energy expansive or contracting? Is it designed to feed fear or love?

In order to tell if something matches you or not, it is essential that you take the time to know yourselves. Connecting with your true divine essence is the key to being able to know your truth and whether something honours that truth or not. Your self awareness is what allows you to feel whether something is supportive or discordant with your energy system.

We encourage you to consider the truth of any information you are presented with but we urge you to remember you are the empowered expert of your own life expression. Connect with your authenticity, your beingness, and allow that energy to lead the way. From that space of alignment you will always recognize what best honours you and your purpose.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Reintegrating the Self

October 23, 2020,

We would like to offer you a healing technique to welcome back any aspects of self that are looking for reintegration.

Imagine you are in a large, domed arena. You are standing in the centre of the arena. There is golden light where you are standing but the edges and the corners of the arena are in darkness.

With your intention, call any aspect of you that is looking for your love, care, and total acceptance to come forward. You might see these aspects as little children. See them tentatively come forward out of the shadows. Turn toward them and welcome them back home into your essence with open arms. Embrace them and feel them settle back into your energetics. Feel how comforted they are to be back home with you!

As you welcome these little parts of you back into your loving care, you realize that even though they were in the shadows, they were never dark themselves. They were always of the light, they just got lost along the way and forgot or didn’t trust that truth. There is great healing when they come back to that realization and wholeness.

Your healing work doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that. Call forth the parts of you that thought it was safer to stay separate and reassure them that you will always honour and take care of them from now on. Let them know how special they are and how happy you are to have them back with you. You might be moved to discover the innocence that is at their core. Tell them they are an essential and valued part of the who you are!

This is a beautiful and joyful reunification process that celebrates the wholeness of who you really are and sets you up to move forward in the most beautiful and complete ways into the next exciting phase of your incarnation.

Co-Creating the New-Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

If you are finding yourself at a point of stagnation or despair over a certain issue in your life, it is important to not fall into a belief that it can never change or that there is no solution. This will keep the door closed to the possibility of forward movement. The truth is your challenges occur for you to gain mastery over certain areas of your life. Therefore, a solution must exist.

What you are experiencing is not that there is no solution, but rather that the solution does not exist within the realm of potential you are aware of. That means you must allow yourself to be guided into the discovery of where the solution does exist. You must be willing to release the habit of continuing to energetically engage with what is not working for you and begin to explore new energies and possibilities.

If you are really caught up in the idea that there can be no solution, it can be helpful to stop and ask, β€œDo I really know everything in the universe? Is it possible there’s a solution I’m not aware of? Who has access to all the information I don’t? What guide do I trust to lead me to the piece I’m missing? Where is my soul trying to lead me?”

If you are stuck it doesn’t mean there is no answer, only that the answer is not within the space of what you are already aware of. Surrender. Flow. Allow yourself to be led. Cast your net wider. Trust the process and your ability to navigate beyond the old into the new. This exploration is all part of your own evolution and how you start to experience your own ability to navigate as an empowered co-creator into the new.

What we wish for you to understand is that you will often experience backward movement as a precursor of a profound surge forward.

October 13, 2020,

We understand it can feel very discouraging when the world seems to be going in a direction that is quite the opposite of the New Earth you wish to create and experience.

What we wish for you to understand is that you will often experience backward movement as a precursor of a profound surge forward. You might think of how pulling the string backwards on a bow is preparation to the accelerated forward movement of the arrow. It seems contrary to pull the arrow in the opposite direction of where you wish it to go, yet the tension created by the backward movement is exactly what creates the build up of energy needed to catapult things forward.

This applies to the times you are in. Keep your eye on the target. Understand the process and believe in where your soul is calling you and what you know to be true. It is the accumulation of the energy from the breakdown of the old that will launch your forward movement into the new. It is from this viewpoint you can keep your balance and see that you are on the cusp of great change.

Gratitude opens the door to feeling God’s Love.

October 11. 2020,

The Gabriel Message Card for this week ~ Gratitude Opens the Door to Feeling God’s Love.

The essential feeling of receiving Divine Love is so inspiring, most of us wish we could feel it all the time. Once we have had that feeling, we may long with every fiber of our being to experience it again, because it is our true state. I have found that when I allow myself to receive this love, it is incredibly nourishing to me on all levels.

The key that Archangel Gabriel suggested in this message really works. When I slow down and move into Gratitude, it feels as though a flood gate opens within me and Divine Love pours in. This love from the Creator of All That Is reminds me of the vast possibilities that are here for me to choose.

You have heard the expression β€œact as if,” as a way to change your patterns of behavior. I have discovered that prayers of Gratitude have the same power. They invite the miraculous flow of Divine Love to act in our lives. These powerful prayer thoughts create higher frequencies in our energy fields and allow us to open into new levels of consciousness in seemingly miraculous ways.

When we are having an experience of darkness, we do not have to proclaim the highest states of what we ultimately desire in order to change our experience. When we choose to find even the smallest things that we can acknowledge as evidence of Truth and Beauty, it can gracefully lift our consciousness and shift our feelings. I usually also add in Ease and Grace as big components of what I intend to experience.

In times of darkness, Gratitude becomes the way back Home. Sometimes it takes special effort. In those times I need to find something in Nature to inspire me. When I look at a gorgeous tree or a bouquet of flowers, I can more easily thank God for the Beauty as well as what is present in and around me.

Imagine deciding to let the Universe show you things that you can be grateful for. Here is a list of what has changed my consciousness in less than one hour.

  • Deeply inspiring music
  • Books that speak to my heart and inspire truth and love
  • Breathing exercises that soothe me
  • Green outside my window and the beauty of the sanctuary I have created for myself
  • A friend that called for a brisk walk in the fresh autumn air
  • People that send me inspiring messages, so I can choose to read that which uplifts me instead of what scares and confuses me.

When I do any of these exercises, within a very short amount of time, I feel completely different than when I first began my day.

We are in a powerfully transformative time in which small efforts to change the way we feel pay big dividends in body, mind and emotional states. We are the Way-showers. We are creating a new life on Earth as we make choices that serve our highest good.

Changes can happen very quickly now in the dimensional timelines we are learning to integrate.

I have found it useful to give thanks before I see the evidence of what it is I prefer to experience. Here is my prayer today for shifting into an attitude of Gratitude.

Divine Presence,

Thank you for the gifts and blessings you constantly shower upon me. I am so grateful for the Creative Solutions you provide in every area of my life. I am thankful for my health, my Well-being and for knowing that you are guiding me into situations that constantly serve my highest good.

I am grateful for the amazing beauty in this world that surrounds me whenever I take the time to truly see it.

Thank you for helping me to remember to slow down to take deep healing breaths. I am very grateful that I don’t have to tell my heart to beat or my body to digest its food. Thank you for all the gifts of this physical body that works for me in miraculous Divine Order. Thank you for more Balance in every area of life.

For all these blessings and the life I have chosen, I give thanks. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel

Dear One,

When you feel God’s love, there is a sense of Peace and Harmony within you. This feeling allows you to step back from the drama in your life, and to let the love of God flow into every situation. When Divine Love is flowing freely through you, miraculous healing occurs.

There is one place where you can always go to feel God’s love, and that is in your heart. Gratitude is the attitude that will take you into your heart. It does not matter if you see nothing in your life for which to feel grateful, just the act of putting your hand on your heart and giving thanks opens a door in your heart to allow God’s love in.

When there’s nothing else, you can give thanks for just being alive. It is a gift to be in a human body, which is a miraculous instrument. You can give thanks that your heart beats, that your breathing occurs and digestive processes continue without your conscious direction.

If your life feels like a constant struggle, you can give thanks for the lessons you are learning. On the other side of the struggle is freedom. You can give thanks in advance for such freedom.

Prayer shifts our perspective so we can see a larger picture of what is actually going on in our lives. Prayers of gratitude are very powerful, and stimulate an increased flow of God’s energy into every situation. This energy can create miraculous change for good. It may take a little effort to find something to be grateful for when you are feeling down, but it will create a beautiful shift in your mind when you do so. This shift is the doorway into a new awareness of the greater truth in your life.

The greater truth is that you are never alone and that you are here on Earth to remember your connection to the Divine Presence in your life. You are meant to live a happy, abundant life with deep fulfillment. In order to do this, it is necessary to step out of the problems life presents and into the flow of God’s love, which will bring Creative Solutions. It is as if you step through a doorway into right action, trust, and loving awareness.

Gratitude is the key that unlocks the door to all you are seeking β€” a simple thing that brings miracles into your life. Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

Gratitude opens the door to feeling God’s Love.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel

The act of surrender is not giving up, it is giving Up.-AA Gabriel-

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Empowered Surrender

October 11, 2020,

The act of surrender is not giving up, it is giving Up.

It is an incredibly empowered act that fully utilizes the assistance that is available to you. What can you hand over today to be resolved by your loving angels, guides, and helpers?

If you pay close attention to your energetics, you will feel a sense of relief the moment you do so. We hope you will hold the space of faith and trust long enough to be led to the solutions you haven’t been able to find for yourself but you know in your heart must exist.

It brings us the greatest joy when you allow us to serve you, and we are always only a heartfelt request away.

The release of fear is a small price to pay for the ecstasy of full merging with the Divine.

October 4, 2020,

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week ~ The release of fear is a small price to pay for the ecstasy of full merging with the Divine.

This is an example of Angelic humor. When Archangel Gabriel suggested that the β€œrelease of fear is a small price to pay,” he was pointing out my old propensity for holding on to what is uncomfortable but familiar. It also is a gentle chiding to help me notice what might be my experience if I were ready to trust enough to release the fear and open up to new possibilities for my life.

For some reason, our culture seems to think that the responsible thing for us to do is to focus on our fears, as if worrying about the future is the preparation we need to make good things happen. We know from the study of magnetism that this attitude is exactly opposite from what is the truth in our lives.

Our spiritual journey is a path of surrendering our thoughts of fear and allowing them to be replaced by the infinitely creative intelligence of the Universe. When we are engrossed in thoughts that are fear-based, it overshadows the possibilities that also exist at the same time.

We live in a field of Pure Potential. There is so much opportunity waiting for us to claim and acknowledge, but we cannot see clearly until we are willing to open the door to the possibilities for Creative Solutions. It becomes simply our focus of attention.

Full merging with the Divine means I align myself with the spaciousness of Infinite Intelligence where miracles occur. To do this, I need to create a dedicated space where I can go to pray and have a quiet time to focus on the spiritual truths that exist beyond appearances. It does not have to be elaborate, but it does require my commitment to take the time to raise my vibrational frequencies so I can begin to see from a heightened perspective.

This meditation time soothes my nervous system; my calm deep breathing centers me, and the Infinite Wisdom within my heart begins to feed me with new ideas and Creative Solutions. I am demonstrating a new willingness to ask for what I truly want to experience and invite the support of those beings of Light who are always with me. This is called prayer. Prayer can help us acknowledge and accept our experience, while creating a focus on new possibilities and miraculous outcomes. Here is my prayer for today:

Divine Presence,

Please release me from this fear that clouds the truth of my being. I am willing to open my mind and trust that I am always divinely inspired and guided in every moment. I am grateful to know that when I open my heart to love, I allow new life to spring from within me, creating new beginnings on every level.

I dedicate to you my talents and abilities that they be used as service for the highest good. I am open to full merging with my most illumined and exalted inner being.

I turn my concerns over to the Angels of Divine Light and trust in this process to bring me the clarity I need to see Creative Solutions in every area of my life. I open the way to receive miracles in my way of thinking, behaving and belief system.

Please help me to remember that I am not alone, that I can dwell in Well-Being, and to allow myself to feel surrounded by Wings of Pure Love always. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel

Dear One,

Having come to a time of decision, you want to make the right one. You know that what you decide will carry on and you are concerned and even fearful of the β€œwhat ifs.” The only way you can truly make decisions that will best serve you now and in your future is to come to a place of peace and calm within. And this means being in harmony with your Higher Self.

It is from this place that you will make decisions that are for the highest good of all concerned. When you bring fear into your decision-making process, it limits you by preventing the full expansiveness of the Divine Mind from working within your conscious mind. It is this merging with God which enables you to feel free, whole and open enough to receive that which is right and true for your life at this time.

No matter how difficult it seems, it is very important that you learn to release the fear that constricts your thinking and actions. Where your attention goes, energy flows. When you focus on the fears, problems and the β€œwhat ifs” of your future life, this focused energy magnifies your fearful state. It becomes ever more powerful and can even take over your world β€” if you allow it to do so. Instead, put your energy into the creation of that wondrous state of being that will best serve you.

The first step in doing this is to breathe deeply and know in your heart that you are being divinely guided at this moment and at every moment in your life. Prayer is also helpful in adjusting your attitude and opening yourself to truth. You can say, β€œI surrender this fear to God, and I allow the Divine Mind to work in all my decisions.”

Even if you still have the feeling of fear in the pit of your stomach, the simple act of praying for release will start you on the path to right action and thoughts that will open you to your highest good. Yet often it takes a short while for the physical body to catch up with the mental processes, so it is important to give yourself sufficient time to come to a point of relaxation and expansion before actually making your decisions.


Take several relaxing, balanced breaths. As you sit in this peaceful moment, allow your exhaled breath to drop heavily like a stone, down below your feet, into the depths of the earth. This will take the frantic energy from your mind and give you greater clarity.

Place your hand on your heart. As you inhale, see yourself expanding with the pure light of God. See it clearing your mind and calming your heart as you connect with your Divine Presence. Now replace the fearful thoughts that so pervade your worldly consciousness with images of what you really want in your personal and professional life β€” images of radiant health, harmony in relationships, abundant cash flow, peace within your heart and on Earth. Allow these images of your greater good to permeate your being. Then give thanks for receiving them into your life.

Because you have been trained to be fearful and to worry, even though it is not productive, it takes practice to release the fear and to merge with your true Divine nature. The Angels are here to help you do this, enfolding you in wings of pure light and guiding your way to peaceful living.

So ask and you will receive. Allow yourself to be open to the Divine Goodness within all things, and be receptive to all the beauty and truth within and around you, so that this good can begin to manifest and work throughout your world. If the bounty of the universe is what you want in your life, all you have to do is to let go of the fear that limits you, and allow the grace of God to work for you. After all:

The release of fear is a small price to pay for the ecstasy of full merging with the Divine.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel

The transformational process you are part of simply cannot be done all at once. It must be done in a series of steps in order to make it sustainable for you.-AA Gabriel-

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ The Shift into 2021

September 20, 2020,

Many of you are feeling frustrated that certain things are not coming together for you. This can make you start to doubt, to have anxiety, or to think you are doing things wrong or are blocked.

What you are trying to manifest for the next phase of your incarnation is not stalled. In most cases, those dreams are simply waiting until you integrate an energetic shift that moves you into alignment with them. We wish to remind you that energetic shifts cannot be rushed, they must occur in their own timing, one divinely guided step at a time.

2020 is a year of flux, of moving between the old and the new. It also contains a series of profound energetic shifts that are designed to prepare you for the creation of the new. You have been receiving these energies throughout the year and they will continue to ramp up until you step into 2021.

Trust there is divine intelligence behind it all. Surrender, faith, flow, and trust are the elements that help you move with and integrate energy with the most efficiency. The transformational process you are part of simply cannot be done all at once. It must be done in a series of steps in order to make it sustainable for you.

As you integrate the rest of the energies that will be made available to you throughout the remainder of 2020, you will start to receive inspirations and discover the seeds of new potentials that give you an idea of where you are going. Hold the core essence of your hopes and dreams and let them bloom and grow from there.

Prioritize whatever is being energetically supported at any given time and focus on remembering what you know. You will have far more clarity when it is all said and done than you would have had at the beginning of this year. This is all setting you up for success in moving forward in the next exciting phase of your incarnation and what your heart wishes to experience and create

It is not about never being out of balance but rather remembering to love yourself back to the truth of your being that matters-AA Gabriel-

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~

September 19, 2020,

What we want you to understand is that every time you shift back into love it creates an energy that serves both you and the planet. This means even your out of balance moments serve the whole because they give you the opportunity to find your way back to your true essence, time and again, which drives the shift and is always a cause of expansion and celebration.

Do you see? It is not about never being out of balance but rather remembering to love yourself back to the truth of your being that matters

Some of you may be feeling very detached and rather emotionally removed. Please don’t let this make you think you have suddenly become a very unkind or uncaring creature! -AA Gabriel-

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ On Feeling Detached

September 15, 2020,

Some of you may be feeling very detached and rather emotionally removed. Please don’t let this make you think you have suddenly become a very unkind or uncaring creature! If you know in your heart that you care deeply about others and your planet and are normally very empathic and energetically sensitive, it can be a sign you are being of a certain kind of service.

Let us reassure you ~ detachment often indicates shifting into a different vibration in order to hold the space and act as a stabilizer, and that role is very important during turbulent times.

Love can be expressed in many different ways, and holding the space is one of them. A parent lovingly staying calm and ensuring safety while a child throws a tantrum is a wonderful example of that. A certain level of detachment is required in order to fulfill that role to the best of their ability. If they lose their balance the situation only accelerates, is prolonged, and opportunities for growth and change can be missed.

If you know your intention is one to assist the whole, trust that whatever is presenting is doing just that. You have spent far too long cultivating your compassion and love to suddenly not care at this point. Trust in who you really are, Dear Ones, and know that the many ways you serve are making a difference.