December 11, 2020,
We understand you are in intense energetic times and this can be felt in a variety of ways. We wish to offer you some energetic adjustments you can use for common discomforts.
Unbalanced: If you are feeling unbalanced, this can be rectified by simply imagining a beautiful column of light that comes down from the heavens, right over your body, and into the ground below you. This is a very balancing practice that allows you to connect to your homes that exist both above and below the veil. This also allows you to be a supportive bridge of light between the two.
Spacey: If you are feeling dizzy, scattered, or unfocused, we suggest grounding. Get your bare feet onto the earth (or lie on Mother Earth, even better!). If you are not able to do that due to the climate or other restrictions that exist where you live, you can simply imagine yourself standing on the planet and having roots coming from your feet connecting you to the earth. Eating root vegetables, nuts, chocolate, a large meal, or engaging in any activity that is focused on the care and movement of your body can also be helpful.
General energetic discomfort: If you are just feeling uncomfortable with the energies, immersing yourself in salt water can provide a quick and effective energetic cleansing.
Out of alignment: If you feel out of alignment, meditation can be a great help. Or you can simply send your soul into a better alignment with your intention as you are in charge of your energetics.
Resistance: If you are feeling resistant to your now moment surrendering into the flow with the guidance of your angels or whatever higher being you enjoy working with or feel resonance with can bring immediate relief. Making a point to practice gratitude will also bring quick relief as it is impossible to be grateful and resistant at the same time.
Anxiousness: If you are feeling anxiety, presence is the key. We recommend playing a game we call βIn This Right Now Moment.β Consciously look for what is happening right now that is working for you and supporting you. For example, you are warm, you have a roof over your head, there is plenty of air to breathe, etc. Being in the now moment is your power point, Dear Ones. Always remember that.
Collective Energies: If you are feeling highly affected by the energy of the collective, we recommend connecting with your heart centre and allow that energy to expand until it surrounds you completely with beautiful white pearly light. From that point you become the bringer of energy, not the catcher of energy. You can also choose to send love and support to the collective once you have decided to lead from your heart.
Feeling Overwhelmed: If you are feeling overwhelmed it is a sign it is time for you to ask for help and be willing to receive it. It is often difficult for those on the enlightenment journey to receive because it feels much more comfortable for them to give, but it is essential that you embrace being part of the flow of both giving and receiving. Plus it is giving others the joy of being of service to you! Allow yourself to be loved and supported from both sides of the veil.
These are just a few energetic remedies you may find helpful. We encourage you to get curious, experiment, and find what works for you. Of course, any energetic adjustment you make should be approached as a gentle and loving redirection, made from a space of self love, acceptance, and encouragement. What you are doing right now is no small feat, so we urge you to always treat yourselves with the love and understanding you all deserve.