Category Archives: AA Gabriel

Divine Order is being in perfect alignment with God on every level of your being.

April 18, 2021,

Trust in the Divine Plan, bless it and bless the Divine Order inherent in every person and every situation.

Dear One,

When you trust in the Divine Plan, you are moving into the Universal Flow of Good. You are acknowledging that there is an underlying energy within all things. This is the energy of God, and it is part of the Divine Plan for all beings to live in Harmony, Love and Abundance. You can trust this.

When you bless the Divine Order inherent in every person and every situation, it increases the spiritual energy flowing through whatever you are focused upon. Blessing brings more love through the energy of Light to the person or situation, which brings an immediate improvement.


Divine Order exists as the underlying truth within all beings and all situations. It is a powerful affirmation for life and can be used as a mantra to remind you of the greater truth within all circumstances. This means repeating the words “divine order” to settle your mind, and to bring you peace. When you don’t know what to do, claim “divine order” and your mind will align with this powerful reality. Divine Order is being in perfect alignment with God on every level of your being. Remembering Divine Order, and proclaiming it, assists the energy around you to fall into perfect alignment.

These very simple steps of trusting, blessing and remembering can bring you peace of mind in upsetting situations. The more often you remember, the stronger you become. Your inner sense of peace will become unshakable because you have aligned yourself with the ultimate truth at all times.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

Trust in the Divine Plan, bless it and bless the Divine Order inherent in every person and every situation.

Are you ready to move beyond the energy of surviving the past into the energy of thriving in the present?-AA Gabriel-

April 18, 2021,

If you have a persistent theme or wound that is coming up for you that you don’t seem to be able to shift, it can be helpful to ask the following:

  • How am I perpetuating the aggravation of this wound?
  • Are you showing up for yourself or are you attempting to sweep your needs under the rug?
  • Are you making poor choices that keep the wound active or are you creating a safe space for healing to occur?
  • Are you pushing against the issue or are you compassionately approaching it from a space of acceptance, healing, and love?
  • What am I yearning for that only I can give myself?

It may be that the one thing you want more than anything is your own love and affection. By denying that, you could be keeping abandonment/worthiness issues active. Love yourself enough to be there for any wounded aspects of self as many times as it takes for them to settle into safe attachment with you as you assume the role of your own guide, parent, and trusted friend.

Am I holding onto victim consciousness/powerlessness? We are not suggesting that you negate what has happened to you in your past. You can absolutely acknowledge that what happened to you was not right or appropriate or deserved and still decide to drop the rope that keeps you tethered to that old story so you can finally embrace the full potential of your Now moment. Is it time to move out of pushing against your past so that healing can truly occur in the present?

Do you identify yourself more through the challenges and/or what’s happened to you or do you identify more with your wholeness and pure potential? Pay attention to what you talk about. If you keep referring back to something in your past, there is something that is still active there that is looking to be acknowledged and soothed by you.

It is absolutely possible to gently and lovingly explore what that is until it receives exactly what it needs from you. Are you ready to move beyond the energy of surviving the past into the energy of thriving in the present?

You are doing such a magnificent job of moving through the rapid shifts you have been experiencing on your planet. Creating the sacred and safe space as the empowered facilitator of your own healing is the final frontier you have entered, and from there all things are possible.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Focus on Consistency

April 11, 2021,

If you were given the most beautiful, tender creature to care for, what elements would it need in order to thrive?

You would provide it shelter (safety), sustenance, love, acceptance, encouragement, guidance, and develop trust through consistency. If you only provided those things some of the time, that being would have trouble relaxing enough to simply flow in its own unfoldment.

If you are having trouble with anxiety or embracing the unfoldment of your own evolution, we encourage you to focus on providing the elements we have mentioned above with a focus on consistency, for it is your consistency with your self care as your own loving guide and parent that allows you to settle into a greater state of peace and acceptance regardless of what is going on around you.

This creates a wonderful space for the discovery of your highest expression of self and everything that then becomes possible from that state of embodiment. Is it time you made the sacred commitment to be consistent with your self love and self care so you can thrive from a space of safe attachment?

Your Safe Space: means stepping back from any situation you know is not safe for you, be it physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. It also means making the sacred commitment to not be abusive towards yourself through your negative self talk or poor choices.-AA Gabriel-

April 11, 2021,

Creating a safe space is essential for your growth and evolution. If you do not have a space of safety created for yourself, any wounded aspects of self will continue to be triggered. You must create still waters so they can settle, and from there they will find the courage to come forward and finally have their needs acknowledged and met.

This means stepping back from any situation you know is not safe for you, be it physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. It also means making the sacred commitment to not be abusive towards yourself through your negative self talk or poor choices.

It is time, Dear Ones. It is time, as your own loving parent and guide, to assume responsibility for creating the environment that will support you in becoming all you can be. This does not mean shunning others, but rather wisely withdrawing from situations that you know are not healthy or empowering, understanding that to do so supports the highest good of all because it is never loving to support another in showing up in a lesser version of themselves, either.

It means allowing your wisdom to take the lead because the foundational work you are doing now will set you up beautifully for the phase of your incarnation you have just entered.

It is time.

What do you need, right now, to love yourself forward?-AA Gabriel-

April 10, 2021,

What do you need, right now, to love yourself forward? Feel into it. You know. Deep inside yourself, you know. We invite you to follow that knowing today and turn it into loving action for yourself. You just might be surprised to discover that’s what you’ve been yearning for all along.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Angels-on-the-Spot

April 8, 2021,

Many of you think you must spend hours in contemplation, prayer, or meditation in order to connect with us, so you put it off until you have more time. Dear Ones, nothing could be further from the truth!

You don’t need a lot of time to connect. Any amount of time you are willing to align with us is adequate. We will gladly work with any window of opportunity you provide, no matter how small it is. In fact, we are very adept at making the most of such opportune moments.

Please don’t deny yourself the love and support that is always available to you because of a misconception about time. Incorporate us into your day, whenever it works for you, and we will joyfully meet you there.

Acceptance-AA Gabriel-

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Acceptance

Dear Ones, acceptance doesn’t mean you are committing to stay in energies that are not your preference. Quite the opposite!

Acceptance means you are choosing to not use your energy to continue to engage with the unwanted through resistance. Acceptance is being willing to keep moving with the flow, embodying your faith and trust, secure in the knowledge it is all serving you in one way or another.

Treat yourself like a tree-Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young-

April 6, 2021,

If things become a little overwhelming, we have some very simple advice for you. Treat yourself like a tree.

Imagine your roots going into the earth below you. Face the sun and absorb the loving sustenance it provides. Hydrate yourself, not just a bit, but to the level you know is for your optimal wellness. Allow the wind to move over you, to caress and cleanse you. You might even want to hug yourself!

These basics will adjust your energy beautifully and provide you everything you need to ground into your Now moment with your ancient wisdom and self care, while embodying the energy of receiving and becoming one with the whole through your beingness. When you don’t know what to do, treat yourself like a tree.

Feeling free to be yourself is the greatest gift you can give.-AA Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel-

April 4, 2021,

Feeling free to be yourself is the greatest gift you can give.

Dear One,

In your heart, you are free. This energy of freedom can be expressed in your daily life as well as kept as a sacred trust within you. This energy is God working through you and encouraging you to let your light shine.

When you are feeling free to be yourself, that is the time your light shines the brightest. That is when you are most relaxed and happy, which is the way your Spirit intended you to live.

When you let your light shine in the world, darkness is illuminated. The parts of society that offer the greatest challenge are the ones needing the most light. Allowing God’s love to pour through you as Divine Light is one of the best ways to create the changes you want in your world. This energy of love-filled light can bring wholeness and healing to any situation.

When you come to this place of light within you, it reminds you of the joyous state of a happy child. You are being encouraged to express this joyous energy in your family and worldly life. It is the spontaneous freedom to speak the truth from your heart with kindness and compassion. It is the enthusiasm to do what you most want to do, knowing that you are divinely inspired in every moment. These are the gifts you are being asked to give to the world.

Experience the freedom of Divine Light at work within you. Feel free to ask for so much love to come through you that you can let it overflow to others. Ask for abundant joy within you so that you can share it. Ask to speak your highest truth with the compassion of the Angels. Ask to know in your heart that which is right for you to do and say in every moment. Ask to be a vehicle for Divine Light moving into the world. Now let it enter into your personal field.

When you allow yourself to receive the gifts that come from your prayers, it gives you perfect freedom of expression while knowing the Divine resources within you at all times.

You are a gift to the world when you express all of the beauty inside you. Share your most sacred self when you feel the guidance to do so. Allow God’s light to shine through you and remember:

Feeling free to be yourself is the greatest gift you can give.

Feeling gives you information-Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ The Presence of Feeling-

April 2, 2021,

Dear Ones, you can’t have presence without being willing to feel. Feeling allows you to have the full experience. Feeling doesn’t need to be overwhelming. If you are uncomfortable with diving into feeling fully, you can slowly enter and explore your feelings, much like you would if you were entering a body of water and you were unsure of the temperature.

Allowing yourself to fully feel is a skill many empaths have shut down due to their sensitivities. It doesn’t need to be overwhelming. Start where you are, right now. Are you warm? Are you cold? Tired or energized? Are you comfortable in your body? From the space of your inner wise one, ask your human self how you are feeling. How about your inner child?

Feeling gives you information. It puts you in your body, with awareness, in the Now moment. You can grow this skill, like any other. And you have worked so hard to have a body and and be present on the planet at this time. Isn’t it time to allow yourself the full experience?

Your presence is a skill just like any other, that you can nurture and grow. Pause. Breathe-Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young-

March 30, 2021,

We spoke yesterday of the importance of presence and how it works as your power centre and a tool for gratitude, flow, and creation. We wish to expand upon that message today.

Many of you have lives that are incredibly busy. You rush from one thing to another, always focusing ahead upon what needs to be done next. If your life has been slowed down by the pandemic, you might be feeling resistant to the Now moment and the changes that have been thrust upon you. Being solely focused on the future (or the past) will take you out of the gift of your present moment.

Your presence allows you to get acquainted with yourself again. It lets you identify who you really are and what your preferences are. This allows you to connect with your pure essence, which is the energetic space you wish to create from. Please hear us when we say you are always creating but your conscious creations are far more satisfying than your unconscious creations can ever be because they are in response to your latest preferences and expression of self.

Your presence is a skill just like any other, that you can nurture and grow. Pause. Breathe. Explore your Now moment for its many gifts and ways it serves you. If you have trouble remembering to be present, you might even set presence alerts on your phone to gently remind you.

So many of you have been conditioned to keep looking into the future for the next great thing. We invite you to dive into the exploration of your Now moment and you might just be surprised at how rich your world has been all along, and once that realization is made you open the door for even greater discoveries.

The more you are aware of your connection to this light, the happier you become.-AA Gabriel-

March 21, 2021,

Dear One,

Your breath is your connection to God. Breathing is the first thing you do when you arrive on the earth, and the last as you depart. Your breath feeds your body and mind the oxygen it needs to exist. Your breath also holds the power to create an expansion in your energy so you can be aware of your link to the Source of all life.

Divine Light is showering upon you at all times and it radiates from within your being to the world around you. This light holds the essence of peace and love. The more you are aware of your connection to this light, the happier you become.

There are times when you may feel alone and in turmoil because of situations in your life. It is at these times that breathing consciously and remembering the light of God will be helpful. When you pray to experience the power of your connection to the Divine Presence, you are opening a door in your mind to allow in more light. The more you open, the more you are flooded with light and love. Remember at these times that your breath is the key to opening this door.


When you breathe in a conscious manner, taking in and releasing balanced breaths, it will compose your energy and allow you to focus on God. Continue to breathe and pray for greater awareness of Divine Presence in your life at all times. Ask to know your oneness with the Divine as you breathe deeply, and anxiety will drop away. It is difficult to be upset when you are breathing deeply and openly.

Part of your anxiousness is caused from breathing very shallow breaths. Your body starts to fear that it won’t receive enough oxygen to live, so taking a few moments to breathe in a conscious way is very reassuring to your body as well as your mind.

As you inhale, imagine you are breathing in the light of God and allowing it to flow into every cell of your being. As you breathe out, imagine that you are releasing everything within you that is not of your highest good. Each breath renews you. As the light creates more clarity and focus, Divine Love brings you peace.

Remember that you are never alone. There are messengers from God in the form of Angels who are available always to bring you peace and guidance. You can call on Divine Light and ask to know personally your guiding Angelic presence. Prayer is always answered. You can ask for what you want to be or to have in your life, knowing that it will manifest in a form that is for your highest good.

You can release to the Angels all that no longer serves you. Then give yourself time to breathe and receive the abundant level of love and wisdom carried by Divine Light.

Your life will change in miraculous ways when you remember:

You are never far from the Light. It is as close as your breath.

Nothing is too large for you to dream to manifest a happier life.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel ~ Planting the Garden of Your Soul

March 14, 2021,

Dear Ones,

Planting the Garden of your Soul invites the Grace of the Angels to work in your daily life. This focused activity demonstrates your desire to co-create what you need to harvest a more bountiful future.

The Equinox is always a moment of Profound Balance — a time to reassess your life and choose anew. You are in the Equinox portal from March 18-21. When you plant clear intentions for your most empowered future, the manifestation of your dreams can become your new reality.

The northern hemisphere will experience the Vernal Equinox on Wednesday, March 20 at 5:37 am EDT, kicking off a season of new birth and renewal. If you are in the southern hemisphere, planting your inner garden now will allow you to create a winter focus that will bloom in its proper time. Equinox is the optimum time to plant your personal garden of powerful intentions within your being. This timely action will bring great rewards as you till the rich and fertile soil of your soul, elevate your thoughts and activate new life within and around you.

The Equinox is always a moment of Profound Balance — a time to reassess your life and choose anew. When you plant clear intentions for your most empowered future, the manifestation of your dreams will become your new reality.

What does it mean to plant the Garden of your Soul?

It is really very simple to plant your personal garden. What are the qualities you most want to see manifest in your life? What are your goals and dreams for a joyous future? What needs have to be met so you feel more fulfilled and happy? These are the seeds to plant within the garden of your being so you can create a new structure for your life.

When you plant the seeds of growth and renewal, it can be a fun, creative and positive way to promote a joyous, abundant life. Consider those things you most want to have thriving in your interior garden. Maybe you would like to plant the fertile seeds that lead to Abundant Prosperity? Perhaps you want to empower the seeds of Harmony in all your relationships? What about planting the seeds for Health and Well-being deeply in your base chakra so they can grow with zest and vibrancy?

The soil of joyous potential exists within you and awaits your attention.

Are you too busy to plant your Soul’s garden?

These vast exalted ideas surprisingly require very little time during your busy life, full of commitments and deadlines. In fact, the small amounts of time you give to planting and nurturing your interior garden will enhance every area of your life with a bountiful return. It is said that when a person takes one step towards the Divine, this Higher Power will take ten steps towards you.

Let your imagination soar as you bring forth those magical qualities in which you wish to live. Nothing is too large for you to dream to manifest a happier life. As you play with this process, you are co-creating a field of unlimited potential within and around you. When you dream big and feel the joy of it, your vibrational frequency will be uplifted and your energy field expands. This allows doors to open that you have not imagined possible. It is your open mind, and a heart unencumbered by doubt and self-criticism, that attracts new growth and evolution into your life.

Planting the Garden of your Soul inspires great support from the seen and unseen world so you can live life in a more inspired way. When you allow yourself to be a part of this co-creation, all your needs can be met with Grace and Ease.

How to plant the Garden of your Soul

Since every new project requires some thought and planning, when you begin your inner garden, make it creative and fun. The visual images that you choose will greatly enhance your ability to manifest them. It could be a beautiful work of art with many colors, magazine pictures or a painting. The shape your interior garden takes might be a pattern, like a spiral, that inspires you. You could decide just to make a list of those qualities of consciousness you want to experience in your life. The action of writing will assist the energy of your garden by taking your dreams from the inner to the outer level.

The Angels of Creativity are available to work with you in this project, and can inspire you so it will be fun. When your inner spirit is stimulated in this way, new life flows into your mind and heart, and you feel uplifted. This increased energy flow attracts more joy and you feel happier, which in turn, brings more creative ideas and a sense of Well-being. Your life will begin to change in surprising ways.

When you see old patterns of thought and action manifesting, and you begin to feel stuck in problematic energies, consider them to be compost for your new inner garden. Ask the Angels working in your life to help you pull these weeds and transmute old ways of behavior with Divine Light. This will help feed the garden of your soul with loving energy. Soon you will see the new sprouts of different ways of being.

Rejoice in this vibrant growth knowing that as you respond differently to old situations, you will receive fresh, positive results in every area of your life. By focusing a little bit every day on what you want to see manifest in your life, you provide a new structure so your interior garden will thrive. Remember that as you plant the seeds of new consciousness into your garden of Pure Potential, you are grounding the Creative Essence into the Earth. Through this action of bringing beautiful qualities of consciousness into your world, you become a bridge from Heaven to Earth.

Bask in the Sunlight of Divine Illumination

The Garden of your Soul has amazing potential to bring you the life you want to experience. Even the willingness to open yourself to new thoughts and behaviors attracts assistance in ways you never knew existed. This beautiful garden thriving within you will become a magnet for your new soul community, as many people are attracted your inner balance and joy. In this way your new growth and the thriving space within you reach out to bless the world. As your garden comes into fruition, you will find your life nourished in bountiful ways.

The company of Heaven awaits you as you begin planting these seeds for your new life. Bask in the sunlight of Divine Illumination. Breathe it in deeply and let it nurture the new growth within you. Know the Angels will joyously assist you in weeding out the old ways that no longer work so your garden will thrive with new life.

You are never alone. You are being guided as you open to a new way of being. Let all the frantic activity in your life drop away as new Balance and divinely inspired action takes root within the garden of your life. This simple process will enrich your life’s purpose, so your next steps become very clear.

There is a flowering of new life beginning within your heart, and new balance flourishing in your life. Allow yourself to be inspired and nourished as you plant the Garden of your Soul. Remember that as you empower these exalted spiritual qualities and plant them into your consciousness, they become living fields of energy that will enhance every area of your life.

As you look at the flowering of Nature around you, it can remind you that the same beautiful new growth is taking place within your very being. You are a precious being, worthy of all you aspire to receive and so manifest. Know deep within your heart that all is well. And so it is.

Trinity of Archangel Healing by Archangel Michael

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings and love, I, Archangel Michael, extend to you now. It is an honor to be in your presence and to bring forth the Angelic vibrations.

Today I bring forth the Angelic vibrations of Archangel Raphael and Archangel Gabriel. We create a trinity, a trio of Archangel light and Archangel healing that we wish to share with you.

As we come forth as three, we wish to instigate and provide to you a healing vibration that supports you in your current stage of existence. We each represent a quality of the Creator,

I, Archangel Michael, represent the Divine Will of the Creator,

Archangel Raphael represents the Divine Awareness of the Creator,

Archangel Gabriel represents the Divine Expression of the Creator.

The New Earth Ascension Blueprint has anchored into your being and the Earth. It continues to be activated, manifesting upon the Earth, creating a new earth, a new world and existence for you to embody and experience.

There are so many changes, shifts and transformations taking place that you may find it confusing, unsettling, and may experience yourself lacking in balance. It may occur to you that everyone around you is changing and you are remaining still or maybe you are changing so much and everyone around you is noticing.

There is so much change occurring on the earth now and especially within your being as the New Earth Ascension Blueprint takes place upon the Earth and becomes more physically manifested for all to experience. As this manifestation takes place you may notice your attention being drawn to focus upon the turmoil, the turmoil in the world and the turmoil occurring within your being.

You may discover that old energies which you have buried, confusion which you have long forgotten or simply feelings of being unsettled, unstable or unbalanced may come to the surface, which you have not recognized nor experienced for a while. The New Earth Ascension Blueprint is bringing everything to the surface which is not of the light and the truth of the Creator.

We are all stepping through a doorway now, a doorway into a new world. It is very much as if we are all packing our holiday bags choosing exactly what we want to take with us into the new world and what we want to leave behind.

It is often what we really want to leave behind and know we need to leave behind that is challenging and sometimes difficult to acknowledge. Many energies will come to the surface to be acknowledged and therefore we, the three Archangels, wish to bring our healing vibrations to you in order to support you in feeling more grounded, settled, able to cope with the changes occurring and the shifts in the reality around you and within you while focusing and allowing yourself to understand things that are the truth and things that are not.

We wish to bring forth a healing vibration, that holds the Divine will, the Divine Awareness, and the Divine Expression of the Creator, promoting these within your being.

As you walk through the door into the new world, it is these three energies you will need.

The Divine Will of the Creator, the Divine Awareness, and the Divine Expression, which you could also translate as intuition, awareness of who you are, and expression wish to integrate into your entire being.

This integration wishes to take place within your physical body, your awareness of your emotions, your thoughts, what you wish to create, and how you are acting and reacting with yourself and others.

Divine Awareness is a recognition of the truth and what is not the truth, what you wish to create in the world and an understanding of the New Earth Ascension Blueprint as it activates further.

Divine Expression is the key purpose for your existence upon the Earth, and the important purpose of the New Earth Ascension Blueprint.

The more you can express the Creator the easier you will find it to exist in the world. The easier you will be able to be fulfilled, complete, successful, to be love and peaceful.

Our three energies act as stabilizers to support you as you enter through the doorway into a new world.

The process of walking through the doorway may take time, it may take months even years.

You are an extremely sensitive being composed of multiple levels and dimensions. Such transitions cannot take place instantly because there is a need for your awareness of everything that is taking place to learn how to exist within your body and the reality being created now.

The new earth I, Archangel Michael, speak of is not that you will leave behind others, you will remain upon the Earth. Instead, your vibration will shift the way you see, sense, and acknowledge yourself, reality, and others, as you transform you will become aware of the new earth.

It is important to be aware that shifts are taking place within your being, allowing new experiences and new people to enter your reality. The New Earth Ascension Blueprint is about the transformation and shifts of the collective as well as the individual. It is about the collective shift into a greater expression of the Divine Will, Divine Awareness, and the Divine Expression of the Creator.

I, Archangel Michael come forth with Archangel Raphael and Archangel Gabriel, we hold our hands out to you, our palms facing to you, and our energy encircling you.

As we surround you I, Archangel Michael begin to express the Divine Will energy of the Creator into your being, Archangel Gabriel expresses the Divine Expression of the Creator and Archangel Raphael expresses the Divine Awareness of the Creator.

These energies extend into your being, you may feel them as warm even hot energies. They are burning up all unneeded energies, dissolving that which is not aligned with the Divine Will, Expression and Awareness of the Creator.

It is as if we are encircling you within a flame, a flame of angelic vibrations and healing. A potent flame which is burning up everything that is confusing to you, everything that is causing you to feel unsettled, unstable, and unbalanced. Everything that is causing you to feel alone, separate, unsure of the world around you, unsure of your own energies, your place, and your purpose in the world. Doubt, judgment is all being dissolved with our Trinity of Archangel Healing.

This energy is immensely powerful, there is simply a need for you to exist within it.

We invite you to exist within this energy over the coming seven days, even if only for a few minutes a day. What you will notice is that you are more aware, that you are able to recognize the Divine Will within your being and outside of you, and able to discover new ways of expressing the Creator through your being.

Your healing is personal to you. Your healing will embed and activate the New Earth Ascension Blueprint even further and even more within your being and reality. Your healing will bond your soul, your soul group and your Divine self-aspects with your current reality, allowing you to experience a greater awareness of the Creator. This healing may be subtle, it may be intense, the more you allow yourself to receive the more you will experience.

Call us forth in your meditation or quiet time. Simply say:

‘I ask Archangel Michael to express the healing vibration of the Divine Will of the Creator.

I ask Archangel Raphael to express the healing vibration of the Divine Awareness of the Creator.

I ask Archangel Gabriel to express the healing vibration of the Divine Expression of the Creator.

And so, it is, I receive and embody with ease and joy.’

Simply allow yourself to receive.

Breathe in deeply as if you are breathing everything that we wish to share with you into your being, imagine yourself like a sponge.

You do not necessarily need to understand, the more you can receive into your energy field and your cells, the easier understanding will flow.

We invite you to experience this over the coming seven days.

We thank you, we are with you always,

I am Archangel Michael

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Navigating Our New Operating System

March 3, 2021,

Shifting out of the mind and into the heart, or out of control into flow as a new operating system can feel very foreign at first. Like any other skill, it improves with practice.

Think of learning how to skate. When you first start trying to move forward it feels very awkward and out of control. You might stumble quite a bit. But with practice you will find your balance and before long you will be gliding along enjoying how much easier and fun your forward movement is.

You might still have the occasional fall but you don’t let that throw you. You simply get back up again because you trust in the skill set you have given yourself. In fact, because of your diligence and practice, it has become very natural for you to glide along gracefully and it brings you a lot of joy and satisfaction.

It is the same with your spiritual pursuits. Be kind and gentle with yourselves when you are learning how to navigate differently, secure in the fact that your continued efforts will bring wonderful results.

Power and Empowerment-Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young-

February 28, 2021,

Power – what it is, what it isn’t, and how it should look moving forward is a prevalent theme on your planet at this time. Many of you have resistance to the word power since it conjures up memories or ideas of the haves and the have-nots, of having power used negatively against you, or even of you having had power and not using it appropriately.

All of those would be expressions of 3D power – power that has been used to control and separate. What you are currently focusing on is the release and deconstruction of the old 3D power structures and shifting into the creation and implementation of new, far more unifying, 5D systems. A word that better describes that goal would be empowerment.

3D power served the one or the few. 5D empowerment serves the whole. One feeds separation, the other connection. You do not need to fear empowerment, for it is conscious forward movement that unifies and supports the growth and expansion of all.

So if you find yourself bristling at the idea of power, you might find it helpful to exchange the word power with the word empowerment to help you explore what else is possible in a new, non-resistant way that much better matches who you really are and the higher vibrational traits you would like to anchor on your planet.

You can love yourself by eating in healthy ways and doing all that you know serves your body, but true loving and honoring begins with your feelings about yourself.-AA Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel-

February 28, 2921,

Dear One,

You are sometimes kinder to total strangers than you are to yourself. You are a magnificent being of light. Honor and remember this, for it is not easy to be in an earth body. There are many demands on you. You can be so involved with day-to-day struggles that you do not feel you have time to remember your spirit. And yet it is the focus on your spirit that will make your earth-walk easier.

Honor yourself with gentleness and love. You are not alone. The Infinite Presence has not placed you onto the earth plane without a way of receiving assistance when you most need it. That is why there are Angels. Angels are messengers from God who are here to assist in making your earthly life more effortless, to bring light into the darkness, and to remind you that you are incredibly loved.

We know of your struggle, and we know that you are making a valiant effort. We bless you and honor you for all that you have done and are doing. But more than that, we honor you for who you are deep inside. We honor that part of you that holds the essence of your soul. We see within you a spark of incredible goodness and love.

This we bless and honor and we urge you to do the same. The more you bless and honor this Divine Light within you, the more it grows. The more this light grows, the more Love you feel and the more energy you have. The more Love you feel within you, the more you want to give to others. In this way the world is served and more Light is brought to your beautiful planet, which is in need of great blessings at this time.

We ask you to be gentle with yourself, to be as kind to yourself as you are to others. Without love and encouragement a little child cannot grow to be a healthy adult. Yet you never outgrow your need for love — and remember, it is important to give yourself this love first, before you can fully give it to others.


How does one love oneself? You can start with the small things. Place your hand on your heart and breathe in Love and Gratitude. Say, “I love you” to yourself whenever you look into a mirror. Remember to give yourself daily acknowledgment for how hard you work, for how much effort you give to another, for how caring you are to your children. For whatever you can think of, acknowledge yourself.

If you cannot think of anything, simply acknowledge yourself for getting through another day on earth and doing the best you can do. As simple as this may seem, it is very powerful.

The most important way you can love and honor yourself is by remembering who you are deep inside — a radiant Spirit of Light growing stronger and more whole every day. This is the truth of you. You can love yourself by eating in healthy ways and doing all that you know serves your body, but true loving and honoring begins with your feelings about yourself. You are here on earth to express the Infinite in form and to learn to be loving, joyful and peaceful.

It does no good to berate yourself because you are not yet perfectly expressing these qualities. You were not given a manual for life on earth, so the only way you can learn is through trial and error, and by often painful experiences which encourage you to grow through the choices you make. Everything you choose and who you are makes a difference on the Earth. Please honor this.

There are many ways you can gently love and honor yourself. We ask you to give yourself kindness and compassion, to do the best you can with all aspects of your life, and to call on a Higher Power to assist you at all times, no matter how mundane the situation.

The Angels are Divine messengers here to help you, bless you and most of all, love you. Receive this love and remember to:

Gently and with love, honor yourself

None of you are going to get it perfect all of the time.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Shifting Out of Regret

February 27, 2021,

The energy of regret is an indicator of growth. It shows that you tried something and have discovered it isn’t a true energetic match to who you really are or who you wish to be.

Some of you experience regret and end up getting stuck there, unable to shift out of the resulting energies of guilt and shame. This actually stalls your own growth and expansion. This amounts to choosing to stay in lower vibrating energies as some form of penance which serves absolutely no one.

If you regret an action, we suggest you apologize in a simple and heartfelt manner, showing that you truly have learned from the experience. Then we encourage you to allow the experience to serve your evolution by moving forward and expressing yourself through your newest level of consciousness.

None of you are going to get it perfect all of the time. That is part of being a human being. You are ever-evolving explorers, trying things, learning, and then trying again. By applying the lessons you have learned through changed choices and behaviours, you are doing exactly what you came into the body to do, and that, Dear Ones, is exactly what is driving the shift of consciousness you are all participating in on your beloved planet.

You are absolutely capable of becoming your own loving guide, parent, and best friend. Treat the parts of you that are unsure or afraid with the love and encouragement you would give a beloved, innocent child.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Replacing Unwanted Habits

February 25, 2021,

Being critical of yourself is a habit that is prevalent in many enlightening human beings. The core of this is wishing to be diligent, to not miss anything that you need to heal or evolve beyond. While the intention is good, you cannot heal or evolve if you are constantly being critical of yourself because your criticism and resistance to self will only keep aggravating the core wound that is looking to be healed.

This is simply a habit, and you can change any unwanted habit by replacing it with one that better serves you. The next time you identify something you feel is less than ideal about yourself, rather than berating yourself or wrestling with it, why not connect with that aspect of self and ask it what it needs? What can you give it right now? Why is it behaving in that way? What did it need before that it never got but you can give it today? How can you love and shepherd those aspects of self forward with your love, acceptance, and guidance? Can you commit to doing that as many times as required so that wounded aspect of self can settle into the experience of safe attachment with you?

You are absolutely capable of becoming your own loving guide, parent, and best friend. Treat the parts of you that are unsure or afraid with the love and encouragement you would give a beloved, innocent child. Your self encouragement will get you so much farther than your self criticism ever could. And the beautiful thing is, once you commit to consistently embracing and reassuring those aspects of self with love, they will all settle in to being one cooperative unit with you which will make your growth and forward movement so much easier. Not only that, it will profoundly shift what you align with because you are guiding yourself forward with the energies of love, compassion, and unity.

What a glorious system!-Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young –

February 22, 2021,

Dear Ones, your spiritual journey is not about reaching the top of the mountain. It is about finding your way back to your true, authentic self, right where you are. It is like an archeological dig that uncovers the treasure of your own beautiful, divine nature.

There is immeasurable joy both within your soul, and throughout the universe, every time you make your way back to the truth of who you are, for it creates expansion for your own journey as well as providing the fuel that drives the shift on your planet. What a glorious system!

Dear Ones, ultimately the guidance you seek is within you if you simply ask to receive it and listen to the direction of your heart.-AA Gabriel through Shelley Young-

February 16, 2021,

So many of you, in your desire to be diligent about the path you are walking, seek the advice of others. We honour you for wanting to make good choices.

If you are seeking advice it is important to always use your discernment as the expert of your own life expression. It may be helpful to ask yourself, is the advice I have received what is best for me or what would be best for the person giving it? Are they living a life that is in resonance with how I would like to live? Are they wise, mindful, and conscious? Is this person my energetic peer? Is their advice focused on the empowerment of everyone involved? Does it feel loving, supportive, and expansive?

Another thing that is helpful to ask yourself is, am I looking for guidance, confirmation, or permission? Guidance is what you seek when you really don’t know how to proceed for your highest result and can help you get clarity on what is the right match for you. Confirmation allows you to affirm your own wisdom and can help you embrace your forward movement more confidently. Permission is looking for validation from others because you are still concerned about what others will think.

Knowing what your motivation is for asking for advice can be helpful. Dear Ones, ultimately the guidance you seek is within you if you simply ask to receive it and listen to the direction of your heart. Confirmation can be found by checking with a trusted source or by simply following the signs and synchronicities that point the way forward. And finally, as sovereign beings you don’t need anyone’s permission but your own to follow whatever path your soul is seeking. So in closing, the best advice is always the advice that helps you be truest to you.