All posts by Nikos

FEEL MORE THAN FINE Founder ENERGETIC THERAPIST/PERSONAL TRAINER/REIKI THERAPIST AND INSTRUCTOR (Healthcare) Accomplished professional healer and energetic therapist with extensive experience in providing treatment as well as personal training utilising various holistic healing techniques. Commenced medical education but changed track and decided on pursuing an artistic career and became a dancer, a DJ, a restaurateur and model agency business owner; however finally reached the actualisation of self and pursued education in reiki personal training. Expertise in offering therapeutic services for clients by mainly combining music therapy and reiki. Rich experience in establishing and mutually achieving short- and long-term objectives ensuring better post-therapy life for clients. CORE COMPETENCIES ▪ Therapeutic Restoration ▪ Understanding Therapy Techniques ▪ Client Requirement Analysis ▪ Personal Training ▪ Nutritional Planning ▪ Exercise Demonstration ▪ Motivation ▪ Client Health and Safety ▪ Strength, Healing and Conditioning ▪ KEY SKILLS Therapy Intervention – Recognised for hands-on experience in providing therapeutic services to harmonise the body, mind and spirit for overcoming and resolving various conditions/issues of clients including health, money, relations, stress and fear, among others. Expertise in energising clients and helping them activate their inner healing power utilising a combination of techniques such as reiki, qui gong, pilates, yoga, cardio training, dance, tantra and therapeutic music. Client Management – Adept in identifying clients’ dilemma and empathising with their situation by discussing their past experiences and current problems. Significant experience in successfully delivering distance treatment at prearranged times for resolving issues of long distance clients and transporting the vibration energy flow through email and Skype. Program Planning – Outstanding track record of understanding client’s needs and developing detailed programs aimed at achieving defined goals. Skilled in creating structured programs encompassing therapy, exercise, conversation and diet as well as giving guidelines to clients to achieve a peaceful, joyful and abundant life. Interpersonal and Communication – Proactive professional with proficiency in English, French, Spanish, Greek and conversational Dutch and German and the ability to communicate confidently and effectively with clients as well as providing specialist advice and training on energetic therapy for clients from diverse cultures. KEY DELIVERABLES Clearly communicating the program and explaining the process prepared for clients. Undertaking client consultations including medical history and preparing notes. Pre-treatment, ensuring the client is as comfortable as possible either lying on a couch, or seated. Placing hands in a sequence of positions covering the whole body to guide energy and activating the healing process. Treating clients by applying the energetic principles of Reiki as well as performing distance treatment at prearranged times. Adhering to established industry guidelines and providing safe therapeutic recommendations to clients. Planning the routine by comprehending the needs of clients and designing nutrition as well as diet plan for the client, as applicable. Interacting with client and strengthening client relations. Adhering to all personal trainer policies and demonstrating as well as teaching exercises to clients and providing feedback on techniques used. Preparing self for treatment, raising own energy levels and attuning self. Researching, strategising special techniques and increasing knowledge to introduce clients to innovative wellness programs. Constantly motivating clients to achieve maximum gain utilising provided therapy. Maintaining punctuality and preparing for all appointments with clients or professional staff. Attending mandatory and optional staff training classes. Designing rehabilitation program to manage specific physical conditions, injuries, diseases and swiftly responding to emergencies, if any. Handling client grievances and swiftly resolving conflicts by negotiating an amicable settlement. CAREER PROGRESSION Personal Trainer and Energetic Healer Natural Mente Festival,Camping La Playa, Ibiza Jul 2011 – Present Personal Life Coach Feel More Than Fine, Ibiza May 2010 – Present Energetic Healer Consciousness Festival, Rimini Energetic Healer Workshop Interconnectedness, Amsterdam Healing DJ and Therapist Healing, Ibiza Master Reiki Reiki Healer level II Reiki Healer level I International Career DJ and Producer Personal Trainer and CardioFunk Classes Fitness 1st (Passage), Brussels Co-owner Model Agency Pure Star Management Vilnius and Paris Club Manager/Choreographer Cova Santa, Ibiza Restaurant Owner L'empire des sens Professional Dancer Classes of Dance & Cardio Fitness Instructor Fitness 1st, Brussels Commenced career as a professional dancer and simultaneously working as a DJ and music producer. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Certified Energetic Healer & Life Coach Certified Reiki Master Certified Personal Trainer Fitness 1st Belgium June 2013 Dec.2012 Mar 1997 Medical and Physiotherapy Studies University of Brussels, Brussels Oct 1988 – Jun 1993 Graduation High School May 1987 High Level Athletics as sprint runner Sep.1982 – May 1987 PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: 2nd Nov, 1970Nationality: GreekMarital Status: SingleDriving Licence: European Driver’s Licence References available on request

Forerunner…You can rest now. Your global work is complete. It is time to accept and love yourself, knowing that this is a new world of heart. Your battles are over. You have done your job.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you are concerned you are not doing enough. Or that the new earth is not arriving fast enough or at all.

Please stop worrying. Worrying does not increase the speed of the changes, nor does it provide a comfortable life for you or those close to you. All is shifting according to plan – the plan you created with the assistance of beings from multiple universal arenas.

You completed your two major new earth roles – helping the earth shift and allowing yourself to change from an outer-directed to an inner-directed being.

Many of you respond that the daily news is filled with horrors you hoped never to experience in this lifetime. Such is so because the old world is crumbling – but not easily. It is as if the earth is a thick cement wall you must pound over and over again with a giant tool to destroy. The chips in that cement wall are becoming larger chunks, so the pounding is nearly over.

anonymous man standing near window in destroyed house
Photo by Wendelin Jacober on

Agenda items that were acceptable even a few years ago are no longer. The cry of “Where is the heart?” is becoming louder. Extreme financial worth, outer-directed power, and glib talk seem less exciting or even worthwhile. “Where’s the heart?” is becoming the earth’s demand.

Those interested in earth history may respond that similar thoughts were expressed during many wars and other heartless financial, and power-grabbing activities. The difference is those now demanding change are no longer held in tow by an outer-directed society. Similar actions were hinted at by the 1960s flower power movement. In a sense, the 60s were a test of what is happening now. And just as was true 60 years ago, change is inevitable.

But this is no longer a test; this is the new world.

Allow the messiness necessary for the new world to occur – just as it is necessary to destroy an unsafe building before building anew.

The 1960s were a dramatic test for many of you transitioning during the past few decades – the forerunners of the forerunners. Just as those during the 1960s shifted the world, the same is happening now. The difference is it is permanent now. Social mores, playing it safe, and doing what others want is no longer important for most humans.

As a forerunner, your most important role is to relax enough to know that others following you are finalizing what you started.

Because the numbers involved in the 1960s flower power movement were limited, the opening forays of your current transition could not expand. The 1960s numbers were large enough to make a splash, end the Vietnam war, and change some sexual and racial patterns, but not large enough to continue – until now.

This is not a test. Your new reality is what many of you dreamed of and protested for in the 1960s. This heart life is your new world. Perhaps some of you remember how diligently the elders of that time tried to put flower power and all that entailed back into the box. For the most part, they succeeded. Many of you returned to the work world, raised your children, and followed the social rules because those rules were too strong for you to battle on your own.

So it is you re-awakened a few months, years, or decades ago to again lead the charge for the heart. This time, you were so successful, you can finally rest and enjoy an early retirement. For you have been fighting this war since the 1960s either internally or externally – even though most of you decided it was easier to fit in than continue the battle.

Your fitting-in time is over. You completed all you wished to complete for the earth  – allowing you the self-care you have ignored for decades. Because you always felt the need for heart actions within, you waged many small battles that injured you internally –  yet you kept saying this or doing that never completely capitulating.

You can rest now. Your global work is complete. It is time to accept and love yourself, knowing that this is a new world of heart. Your battles are over. You have done your job.

Now rest, recuperate, and when you have the energy to do so, begin observing the new world’s beating heart. A heart that is loud and overwhelming. Not overwhelming to those of you who have pined for it for decades, but for those who wish to remain fully of 3D. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and the source website link:

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel ~ Loving Others in Their Own Chosen Path

Loving others in their own chosen path is setting the energy you want in your world.

Dear One,

When you love others and allow them to follow their own chosen path, it awakens the energy of compassion and acceptance within you. This energy fills your heart and permeates your world. It allows you to receive this same energy from others, which can give you a sense of freedom to be all you can be.

At times the chosen path of others may seem destructive to you, and it is not the energy that you would choose to be around. In these situations, often the most loving thing you can do is allow them to follow their chosen path, and you must give yourself permission to follow the path which is in your highest good. This may even mean never seeing them again.

Set the energy you want in your world by awakening your consciousness to all the good available to you. It’s a matter of choice. Attune yourself to only that which you would have in your life. Release the need to be right. Close your mind to the negative thoughts that threaten your happiness.

Moment to moment, make the choice to live in the Light of Pure Love. As you do, you are being a true bridge from Heaven to Earth.

Making the choice for Love allows you to be in the world but not of the world. When you make the choice to love others as they are, you pave the way for a mass awakening of Love on the planet so all may be free.

Receive Love, give Love and be Love. With this loving energy as your intention, remember your Message from Archangel Gabriel for today:

Loving others in their own chosen path is setting the energy you want in your world.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel

Facts and the deepest truth: Love-The Angels through Ann-

My dear friends, we love you so very much,  There is a great deal of discussion on your planet these days about truth. On a given topic, the word inspires many perspectives in many different people. You have a thirst for truth, and this thirst is one for a deeper Truth – that you live and labor in love, and that all souls, no matter how awkward or misdirected, are also attempting to live and labor in love.  No matter the “facts” of a situation, the love that lives within and beneath all creation is the deepest Truth. It is the Truth worth acknowledging, the Truth worth centering your life around, and the Truth that will keep you in a vibration above all the lower vibrational 3D-“truths” that abound.  Your quest for truth often turns into a search for the facts of a situation. What actually happened? Who did what to whom? What are the “true” motivations of another? What is “real” in your 3D world? How do you prevent a virus from spreading? Which political leader did what, and why? Why do you feel “off” sometimes and like yourself others? Is it your energy? Your digestion? Your argument with the person you’ll never meet in traffic? Why? What happened? What’s the truth here?…  You could spend your life, dear ones, searching for facts. While this is often a worthy quest and we would certainly never make it wrong, there is one Truth that supersedes all others – one Truth that is always worth searching for. Where is love in this situation? How can I see love and be love?  We know you deeply desire – by virtue of your involvement in the physical world  – to search for the facts of a situation. You learn from them. You evolve as a result of wanting to understand your biology, your planet, and your human nature. You find better ways of interacting with one another and the 3D world, as a result of your quest for understanding facts… when you seek those facts with loving intent.  If, however, you seek facts from a fearful or angry intent, then dear ones, no matter where you look, you will find facts to validate your fear, your anger, your suspicions, and all that you resonate with. Far better to seek the facts with loving intent born of a desire to learn, to mprove yourself and your world, and to raise yourself above duality into the Oneness of the love that lives and breathes within you all.  As you seek “truth,” look first at whether or not you are seeking the “Truth” of love. Look at whether or not you intend to see through the loving eyes of the Divine, or to find fault with another. Are you seeking to find the good in a situation, and even if you see the “bad” are you willing to be part of a solution? Is your desire to validate your own fear and anger, or is it to find the facts because you love the world so much you want to improve it? Is your desire to make someone wrong, assassinate someone’s character find fault, blame, etc., or rather to understand the thoughts, feelings, and dynamics that have been in place to create a better world?  When you look at the murderer and search for the facts, are you searching for understanding to help prevent such horrific events in the future of humanity, or are you searching for facts to murder this soul with your own hatred?  Dear ones, we know that as of late, the “Truth” of love we are sharing is sometimes difficult to embrace. You have been taught to hate the hateful. You have been taught to find the facts so you can find the faults, and while this may be necessary to keep your social order, why not find the facts so you can seek the soul, and discover the disconnection so you can help reconnect perhaps even one soul, or a family, community, or even a nation with love?  Certainly, you can look at the “facts” and challenge yourself to stay connected with love. No matter how difficult. It is possible. You have not been trained to do so, but your heart and soul crave this connection with love, no matter the facts of the situation around you.  There are many “truths” in your 3D world, in fact, one truth for every person in every given moment in time. That is approximately 7.8 billion truths multiplied many times in a second for the brain processes “reality” very quickly. There are so many 3D “truths” dear ones. So many facts. So many perspectives. So many interpretations.  Are we saying turn a blind eye to the facts? Not at all. We are saying, however, that when you seek the facts with a desire to see the love beneath it all, then you will find the facts that support love, and be guided to solutions to the situations that have arisen from a disconnection to love.  In the 5D paradigm of reality, always and forever, your energy matters more than your actions. The “Truth” of love that lies within and beneath all 3D facts, truths, and perspectives is the one that will lead you to a life that is born of love, created from love, and lived in love.  So seek the facts, and see the facts, and as you do so, do your best to stay aligned with your deepest Truth which is love.  God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels  

hold an internal focus on your emotional compass. That is our suggestion, our ‘Tip of the Day.’

Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: The Pre-Stages of the Ascension Event

Jennifer: Well, this may come as no surprise to you, but I’ve been avoiding you! A lot.

Ashian: And we thank you for returning ~ if indeed there was anywhere to hide! ~ you were missed by us. Would you care to share?

J: I hate to repeat myself, but here we go…

It’s raw. Life is far too raw at the moment. There’s too much pain in my own life and I know from what I’m being told, many light workers (myself included) are tired, deflated and ~ quite frankly, although I will never quit ~ I have lost sight of the finish line.

In fact, I think I’ve passed several lines I thought were finish lines, and we are still here, holding on, without significant change.

I’m probably not meant to say this but I’m tired and angry. There you go. I said it.

A: And we welcome you with soft, open arms; each one of you who is angry, tired, confused, dejected, unsure, burnt out or fed up. Feel us now wrapping you in our arms…

Close your eyes…

Allow the feeling of our love, our embrace to penetrate your energy field. Love melting into you.

Do you realise how loved you are? How special you are? Do you realise it’s ok to be angry, tired, deflated and a million other emotions? Even all at the same time!

J: Would it be wrong if I said I thought we had to fly the flag for ‘holding the line’?

A: Nothing is ever ‘wrong’. There are only distortions. Understandings that are yet to unfold within you, clarity that is yet to arise.

We have told you before, you are perfect. Even when you are blocked, you are perfect.

Every blockage, every ‘wrong’ thought, every ‘wrong’ emotion you identify brings you closer to freedom. Not because it was ‘wrong’, but because it shows you some aspect of yourself where you have not moved into love, where you are still living with a judgement.

We do not judge you. You are never ‘wrong’. You are always being you. When you can be YOU, gloriously, without fear that you are right or wrong, succeeding or failing, judged or approved… then you have gained another layer of freedom, another layer of mastery.

Holding a human body is a lesson in patience, in compassion with self, in gentleness unfolding from within. We know that. You forget that!

Which is as it should be, the forgetting is the veil through which you are passing. You are remembering unconditional love, and you are integrating that into your lives, your emotions, your DNA… into the fabric of all life, one thought at a time, one healed emotion after another. One loving acceptance after another. No wonder you are tired; you are working so hard.

J: That is reassuring. And yet, when does it end? When is there a sign? I know we harp on about signs and signals, but still, I need to ask for some balloon onto which I can tie my string of hope.

A: Beloved hearts and brave souls, you are the balloons, you are the string.

J: That doesn’t help. It’s poetic, but it doesn’t help. Not one iota.

A: 🙂 The focus of your work, our collaboration, is not to forecast the future, but to develop the skills that allow you to navigate the day-to-day turbulence of life with greater ease and grace. We attempt to provide insights to help you ‘fast track’ your evolution, to facilitate the alignment between your personality and your higher self, your higher wisdom or consciousness. We do not ‘do’ dates!

J: Nice side shuffle there lads!

A: Or was it a direct alignment!? The truth of that resonated, did it not?

J: It did. Darn it!

A: So, in that vein, would you like the Cheat Sheet? The last line of the last page in The Handbook of Life?

J: I know what you’re going to say, but go on then…!

A: In the end, as in the beginning, there is only Love.

Expanding into that love, believing yourselves worthy of giving and receiving love, is the journey of lifetimes. The veil of forgetting is thick. But the veil is lifting, it has been almost fully removed ~ in great part ~ due to the diligent emotional healing of lightworkers over the past seven decades.

We have said many times that ‘soon’ is a vibration, a frequency that you are approaching; it is not a date. That vibration, that frequency, where humanity as a whole is able to behold the love that they are, and accept that love within, is almost upon you.

J: Are you referring to what I’ve heard called ‘The Event’?

A: Yes, the Ascension Event. But don’t focus on the external event for the globe. Try to keep your focus on your internal emotional compass ~ when it is pointing to joy, love, peace, forgiveness, rest, acceptance, gentleness, kindness, patience… then you are already in the pre-stages of that Ascension Event.

Remember, time is not linear. You can be in a moment that is asynchronous with the rest of your brothers and sisters on the planet. You can be in the pre-stages of the Ascension Event, even while those around you are not.

So hold an internal focus on your emotional compass. That is our suggestion, our ‘Tip of the Day.’

When you are exhausted, tired, annoyed, raw or just about to give up, consider that it as an alarm bell from the Universe. Love yourself. Do anything that will bring you back into joy, peace and happiness again. Return to your true north, your happiness, your bliss, our love.

J: I have to say, I had no idea where you would go today, but that was a gem. Thank you so much Ashian and crew <3

A: It is always our pleasure, our honour, our joy to join with you all.

you are disassociating more and more with the physical body as you know it now. Your physical body is becoming lighter and lighter.

Sananda Through James McConnell: Allow the Process

I am Sananda. I come at this time to be with you in these special times that you are in. These times of great change that is coming based on the energies that are coming into the planet. And we know that many of you have been feeling these greater higher energies coming in and having an effect on you.

In the past, these effects would have wrecked havoc with your central nervous system. But not any longer. For most of you are able to withstand or take these energies in because you have been acclimating to these energies. And you can take more and more stronger levels of these energies coming in and be able to work with the energies, and know that the energies, although very strong, and even may bring some difficult times as far as your physical body is concerned, but you know that it is something that will pass. And it always passes. So know that each time as these energies become stronger, and stronger, and stronger.

And again, you have been acclimating more and more to these energies, so they are not able to have the effect that they once did or that they are having on many, many more people across the planet that are experiencing dizziness, are experiencing a sense of not belonging within their body. Even those of you may be feeling that particular expression now. Not being out of your body, but your body being somewhat foreign to you. You will experience this more and more if you have not already. Somewhat of feeling of disassociation.

Because you are disassociating more and more with the physical body as you know it now. Your physical body is becoming lighter and lighter. And therefore, you will not feel the denseness within that physical body as much as you did in the past. And this will become stronger and stronger, but the effects of this will become lesser and lesser. So allow for the process to continue to happen just as it needs to. Just as it needs to for each and every one of you as an individual.

Wherever you are in the moment, this is how you will be affected by these energies. Some will feel it again as dizziness. Some will feel it as disassociation. Some will feel it as their heart is racing. And other different kinds of symptoms as well that many of you have been feeling over a period of time here and there. Not all of the time certainly, because you would not be able to handle that. But here and there, different times of the day, of the week, of the month you are feeling this.

And it is also associated with the planet, and the stars, and the way they are aligning at this point. So you are feeling this expression at various levels because of all that is happening, both outside of yourself, and certainly within yourself as well. All of this is a part of the process, or a part of the plan, as you are saying.

And yes, indeed, the plan is your plan, or you are a part of the greater plan here. But there is certainly a greater plan at work. Way beyond your individual conscious knowing at this point. But it is coming together more and more, and you are beginning to find that, as you use the term ‘connecting the dots.’ And many of you are beginning to do that more and more based on those things you are hearing and seeing. But even more importantly, those things that you are feeling within yourself. The knowing that comes over you, and various points within your body express this knowing, that it is indeed a knowing. So again, allow the process to continue to evolve within you. And it is an evolvement, and even a revolution within you that is happening. The revolution is not just happening outside of yourself—it is happening within.

And the heart expression within you, your higher heart, is beginning more and more to feel all of this. And you are hearing more and more of those wee whispers within you, telling you to do this, to do that. And when you have those whispers, when you have those deep feelings, or those deep knowings within you, trust it! Trust that you are being guided by your team.

And yes, each and every one of you have a Team, a Spiritual Team of Guides that are working with you, from your Higher God-Self to your Twin Flame, to those that are here to work with you, various teammates, you might call them. And they are all here working together to bring this entire process about. Not only for you as an individual, but as a collective you throughout the planet.

And just let it continue on. And do not, in any way begin to feel like you are being forsaken, or that everything you have been hearing is not true, that you are indeed headed toward disaster, and all of these things that your cabal, the dark forces, want to foster upon you. That is in the past. That is their old programming that they continue to work on continuing to bring fear every opportunity they can. Because that is all they know to be able to stay in control.

But the more you realize you are not to be controlled, that you are free, and that you will not comply, you can say no to anything that they come forward with, and many of you are, all of you are now, as we find it that are on this call, and all that will resonate to these words. You are free beings! Let yourself be free, and know that you are free from now and forevermore. Never to be put in this position again to be controlled, unless you allow yourself for it to happen.

I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you would continue to follow along the path that is before you. Because this path that you are on is taking you forward into the higher extremities, the higher dimensions that are available to you even now in this moment.

**Channel: James McConnell

How you feel is your soul giving you a resounding yes or a resounding no as an opportunity to consciously redirect your flow.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Fleeting vs. Repeating Thoughts

Dear Ones, your discomfort is always a redirectional tool. You may find that if your thoughts begin to repeatedly go in a certain direction, you start to feel worse and worse.

It is not necessarily the thoughts themselves that are creating the discomfort. If you had that thought once or twice and allowed it to go on its way, you likely wouldn’t feel much at all. Your discomfort is due to holding onto those thoughts which gives them an opportunity to start to build momentum and point you in a direction where you don’t really want to go. Your entire being is trying to get your attention to redirect and will get louder and louder until you listen.

Do you see? Thoughts are just thoughts when they are fleeting. Repeated thoughts place you on a path of creation. Whether that path is in line with what you truly want and deserve or not dictates the amount of ease or distress the thoughts bring. How you feel is your soul giving you a resounding yes or a resounding no as an opportunity to consciously redirect your flow.

The good news is, with your awareness you can easily choose a new direction whenever you want! It is no different than turning on your television and discovering it is on a show that is dark and depressing. You don’t have to sit there and watch the show and you certainly don’t need to watch the whole season. You can simply change the channel until you find something that is much lighter and uplifting.

If you can start to see your discomfort as your soul saying, no, not this way, you can quickly and easily open up to the discovery of an entirely new line of potential that is a much better match to your truest desires, thanks to the feedback of how you feel.

Be in joy every moment. That is the mantra you need to continue to go forward with now.

Saint Germain: All is Happening in Divine Timing

I am Saint Germain. I come at this time to be with you, to continue to express with you, to continue to bring this entire program forward.

And indeed, this is a program. A program that we, those of us, the Ascended Ones, those of the Galactics, all that have been working with this group, and with all of you that are raising your consciousness across the planet. Sometimes unconsciously, but more and more now consciously, it is all happening as it needs to.

All is happening in what we call God’s time, divine timing. And know that everything is indeed in divine timing here. Maybe not your timing, but it is divine. And it is part of the Great Plan that has been in the works for a long, long time.

And it is coming closer and closer now to fruition, at least this part of the plan, this part of the plan that has the Light overtaking the darkness here on this planet, just as it has done many other times in many other situations, many other planet systems, galaxies. This has been done many times, but not as it is being done here on this planet with your evolutionary process here together as a collective consciousness.

You are all bringing this forward as you have other times before. This time is special. This time you are indeed taking your physical forms through this ascension, which has never been done before with an entire planet ascending along with the people that are occupying the planet. So know that these are special moments that you are in now, even though it does not appear to be at times, or feel like it at times.

Even though the expressions of the third-dimensional illusion overtake you with fear at different times, just let it be, let it be what it is in the moment, and you will continue to find that you are rising higher and higher in expression. You are rising higher and higher in consciousness, in vibration.

Again, even if it is not consciously, unconsciously the energies that are coming into the planet are raising your consciousness, raising your vibration, bringing your DNA processes higher and higher again, just as they once were. Everything is working toward the raising of consciousness across the planet.

You are right now in the midst of this Great Change-Over that is happening. So look for a transition. And a transition, indeed, you are going through at this point. And everything, everything, is leading to the higher expression of consciousness within each and every one of you.

Even the aches and pains that you have will begin to fall away more and more, especially as you ask for it. As you ask for assistance, it will be there.

Because your belief system is changing as well. And as you believe, so shall ye see. That is the promise. More and more consciousness rising, vibration rising, and so is your belief process in the ensuing development.

So again, allow everything to play out. Play out as a show, or as a movie, as you call it. And know that this movie is moving ahead very rapidly. Rapidly toward its conclusion. Will it be today? Maybe. Will it be tomorrow? Possibly. Will it be next week? Who knows? Only the Great Central Source of this universe, the God Source, Prime Creator knows when this shall be.

But in the process that you are all in, continue to raise your vibration consciously at every moment that it comes to you, every moment that you think of it. Think: raising consciousness. Being of gratitude will raise your consciousness. Seeing the beauty all around you will raise your consciousness. Vibrating your chakras will raise your consciousness. Being in the moment, being in joy in the moment will raise your consciousness. No matter what it is that you are doing, if you are finding joy in that moment, as long as it is not hurting anyone else, then you are raising your consciousness.

Be in joy every moment. That is the mantra you need to continue to go forward with now. Be in joy in every moment. You will find before not too long, as more and more of you are doing exactly that, it will indeed bring on the Great Change-Over, the Solar Flash, The Event. And ascension, just as it is assured at this point, will come more and more to a conclusion.

I am Saint Germain. I leave you now in peace and love. And that you would continue to raise your vibration in every opportunity that you have. For that is what this entire change-over, this entire transition is all about now, raising consciousness and vibration.

Peace and love to all of you.

The Next Moment of Mass Awakenings ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Note from Nikos : sometimes channeled messages don’t resonate 100% with me in the use of some words…there is a difference between being an empath and being compassionate…compassionate is about sending love to all others from a place of detachement, empathy there is no detachement. If you know this, then you know what to do when reading this message. Much Love and Gratitude always.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are absolutely aware of how many souls choose to awaken there on Earth in every single one of your days. We know that it may seem shocking to some of you to learn that when a soul awakens is a choice, but souls like to have all kinds of experiences, and certain experiences can only be had while be in the state of being asleep. They are all awakening in their own ways and for their own reasons, and sometimes one of you gets to feel that satisfaction of being a part of their awakening. You will have more people to talk to about the things that matter most to you as you continue on there with your experience of ascending through the fourth dimension to the fifth.

You have all been very patient, and the next batch of mass awakenings is coming soon. So you will have more people to talk to and play with in the very near future. At the rate souls have been awakening there on Earth, we see a mass awakening occurring in the month of June. This mass awakening of souls will enable humankind to access more of the energies that are upon you at all times. You will be getting help from your newly awakened cohorts there on Earth; they will be anchoring in the higher-frequency energies with you. And you all will be assisting those who are still asleep by planting seeds and by supporting them as they awaken.

Again, these awakenings are planned by their souls, so you can facilitate the process and feel that you are spreading that which you want to spread to your fellow humans, but ultimately you must be patient and allow for those seeds to sprout. And most importantly is the support that you will bring to them, the healing, the comfort, and the confirmation that what they are experiencing is real, beneficial, and that you have been through it yourselves. You know what they have to expect and can help them with your knowledge, your wisdom, your experience, and your compassion.

Being empaths and being sensitive ones, as you are, has never been more important there on Earth than it is right now. You can relax when one of your family members is not yet awake, and you can connect with that person on the topics you are able to connect with them on, as you wait for their souls, their true selves, to decide to have their awakening. And then of course they will know that you are the one to talk to about it, because you’ve always been into that sort of stuff. Again, everyone gets to awaken in their own way and in the perfect timing, and it all supports the ascension of humanity’s collective consciousness, which of course we and so many others are in support of all the time.

We love you, and we want you to feel that, and we want you to feel how much support you have coming from us when you are supporting others in their awakening experiences and in the aftermath that can be a bit challenging for someone who is newly awake. Trust that you are right where you need to be and  that you will be there for everyone who has ever been in your life in the next moment of mass awakenings.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Discomfort simply has information for you.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Managing Discomfort with Mindfulness

Dear Ones, it is okay to feel discomfort. It doesn’t mean that you are failing, or not evolved enough, or have lost your way or your abilities. Discomfort simply has information for you. Often you will resist feeling your discomfort, but your resistance to explore the discomfort is what perpetuates it, as resistance itself creates discomfort.

Is your discomfort simply trying to get you to redirect? If so, you may wish to employ surrender and flow, ask your guides and helpers for guidance, or simply get curious about what other avenues or approaches you can take. Is your discomfort an appropriate response to something that is happening to you? If so, it is time to offer comfort and understanding to yourself. Is your discomfort simply trying to get you to use your tools? If so, it is time to remember and apply what you know.

Your discomfort may also just be trying to make you aware that something is not an energetic match for you. It is common for human beings to outgrow situations and connections as they continue to shift and evolve on their journey. Your discomfort may be making you aware of the fact that something that once was a match is no longer in resonance with you.

This is not to suggest that you throw in the towel at the first sign of discomfort! Far from it. There is much to be learned from taking the time to explore what is going on in the situation and making decisions from a space of wisdom and knowledge.

With the fast moving intense energies many of you are experiencing, there are often pockets of discomfort that will be experienced. You may just be in the throes of an energetic download, or old emotions may be coming up for release.

If that is the case, your discomfort will be temporary and is simply a calling to prioritize good self care. True transformation can often come with waves of discomfort before the new is fully birthed. But if you have a consistent discomfort with a certain situation that persists and doesn’t seem to be getting you anywhere, it may be time to explore whether it is time to shift how you interact with that situation or whether it is simply a sign to move on.

upset ethnic woman embracing knees on bed
Photo by Alex Green on

All of this is completely normal and part of the awakening process on your planet. We understand it can seem daunting and confusing at times, but we wish to remind you that your own evolution is always serving you and preparing you for your next great adventure. Being consciously aware and taking the time to explore what your discomfort is trying to tell you will always help you make your wisest choice, one now moment at a time.

The 5 Steps to Creating Your Reality ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

brown mountain covered with clouds

Photo by Nick Wehrli on

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are always in the space of creation, and we are aware of what we are vibrating in every moment. Therefore, we are aware of what we are creating in every moment. This is a beautiful experience for us, and it is also an experience we have not always had. There have been times in our history when we were subconsciously creating our experience of reality, but over time we understood how to manage our vibration, and therefore, we mastered the art of offering a vibration on purpose, and that changed everything, literally.

Becoming aware is the first step to making changes in your lives. Accepting what you have been offering and creating is the second step. Relaxing into the feeling that you are having and emanating is the third step. The fourth step is choosing what it is that you want to offer to the universe and what you want to feel in the present moment. The fifth step is finding that vibration within you and activating it. You can think of your bodies as being filled with dormant and active volcanoes.

The active volcanoes can be so familiar to you that you don’t even realize they are there, and the dormant volcanoes can also be a part of you that you are unaware of because you’ve never felt or experienced their lava before. When you accept the active volcanoes, then you can decide whether you want them to continue to be active or not. You may have an active volcano within you of love. You may be very experienced at loving other people, animals, nature, the Earth and even e.t.s, but then self-love might be something you’ve experienced very little of, or none of, in this life. That would be one of your dormant volcanoes that you want to activate, and you can when you seek it out and discover that it too lies within your heartspace.

But if you’ve got an active anger volcano, and you’ve been angry for so long that you don’t even realize that you have a choice not to be, that would be something you would want to become aware of, accept, address in the proper way, and not have active all the time. Of course, anger serves a purpose, and so, you don’t want that volcano to become extinct. But dormant volcanoes can be activated when needed, and they don’t have to erupt and wipe out entire cities when they are activated.

We hope you like our little analogy here, because a volcano is what created the island of Maui, which the channel here lives on, and in fact, he lives on the volcano, which is now dormant. It is a very good analogy for many reasons, and the Earth is filled with these types of analogies. Nature teaches you in every moment, if you are willing to sit quietly and listen to her and feel her wisdom. We want you to know how beautifully set up this all is for you, and we want you to know that you can get to where we are without any more uncontrollable eruptions within yourselves. We also want to thank you for being there and being willing to experience so much energy and so much emotion, and we are very happy to guide you to the place where we are now, because we love to see any being becoming more aware and more in control of what they are vibrating and therefore creating.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Before you do anything other than that which feels comfortable, joyful, or self-loving, ask your inner being if you really wish to do it or is it a habit?…Allow yourself to shift from world caretaker to self-caretaker.

Dear Ones,

You may surprise yourself with your new needs.

You have likely been a caretaker for most of your 3D earth lives. Not because you were destined to do so, but because you knew subconsciously you would be of the earth at this time. So you practiced your earth-saving/humanity-saving skills for multiple lives before this earth life.

You have always known you were different.

You tried to explore that difference in multiple ways, most often involving caretaking. Perhaps activities within religious orders, attempting to save someone via an abusive relationship or becoming the neighborhood center for problem-solving, a shoulder to cry on.

You are now discovering new freedoms of asking for help, caretaking yourself, and knowing that others are as capable as you.

The first segment of this message indicated you needed to care for others because you were somehow stronger or better than others. Let us, of the Universes, help you dismiss that concept for everyone now of the earth is an earth angel with unique roles to play. Roles that were rehearsed during their earthly lives.

Your forerunner’s role was to herd humanity into a new age. That age has arrived, so your need to caretake, reassure, please, forgive and forget is over. You completed your forerunner role. Now is your personal time.

The same is not necessarily true for those following you, as those following are less enmeshed in self-care roles.

Self-care is your key role now. Self-care that gives you joy and what you need to feel comfortable within your world. Does that include dismissing a pesky friend who returns again and again to self-defeating behaviors despite your ongoing concern? Or does that involve isolating yourself from it all? Such is your quandary now as you pine for peace. A life that no longer includes taking care of others.

Many respond that you must take care of others. There is a difference between taking care of someone and encouraging them to be themselves. Caretaking is a 3D function with limited results. Encouraging others to be all they can be in whatever format is “teaching them to fish.”

So it is now – encourage others only IF YOU FEEL THE INNER NEED.

You no longer need to worry about others “making it” for every earth being has been exposed to and internalized those energies they wish to enhance their life. It is not your role to caretake them with expectations they will use the skills you provide.

What should you do about someone who is mentally unstable or too young to be independent? It is again not your role to take care of them. A statement that seems heartless. What you continue to ignore is that you have completed your 3D caretaking role, as well as helping shift earth beyond 3D.

It is time for you to rest and do what you wish. Those following you have different roles than you, roles that may include caretaking others you once felt responsible for. It is as if you are the grandparent and your child is responsible for caretaking their child. As a grandparent, you can interact with your grandchild when you feel the urge to do so – every day, a few days a year, or never. Even though that child is not your responsibility, that does not mean you love your grandchild less; you merely have a different role than is true for that child’s parents.

Your personal world has evolved in a 3D sense from child to parent to grandparent.

Often grandparents receive loving help or concern from others, which is natural because they cared for so many throughout their earth years. So it is for you now. Accept the loving care of others and stop feeling the 3D need to caretake. It is time for those following you to step into their roles. Something they will not or cannot do if you continue your 3D caretaking – despite exhaustion when doing so.


Before you do anything other than that which feels comfortable, joyful, or self-loving, ask your inner being if you really wish to do it or is it a habit? Granted, many grandparents are the sole caretakers of their grandchildren. Even though some grandparents do so with great love and joy, the majority rue their inability to enjoy their senior years without child-rearing encumbrances.

So it is for you now. Even though you love others, you wish to enjoy your caretaking retirement. Allow that to be appropriate. Allow yourself to shift from world caretaker to self-caretaker. Likely a difficult phase to complete after eons of feeling the weight of the world in so many ways. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

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Again, this week, we have another task to help our brethren upon the planet. This time I ask you to send your loving energies to Joe Biden, the one some call Brandon. -AA Michael via Sharon-

Week 57

May 22, 2022

I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.

Today we are a bit later in getting produced. Sharon’s Ivo had told her to forget about the calendar, forget about what day it is, these things do not matter when you live outside of the system. Ivo had told her that when it is Sunday, I will remind her to do her channeling with me. So this morning she worked on two video’s and went out to do a bit of shopping, forgetting that she still had the commitment to us to fulfill.

As she went to pick up her dinner at the take-out, she had a choice of going one of two ways: through the main roads or through the side streets, the path of which she was less familiar with. She chose the side streets.

One of the roads she was to traverse was named, “Rue St Michel.” Yes, I steered her to take this course, knowing she would see the signpost and remember it is Sunday. And again, here she is for us.

You are being guided by your angels. Let us take the steering wheel and point you in the direction you need to go in. You, too, will see the signposts along the way.

Again, this week, we have another task to help our brethren upon the planet. This time I ask you to send your loving energies to Joe Biden, the one some call Brandon. This might be difficult for you as America is having a tough time right now, however it is important as sending this figurehead energies will weaken the groups he aligns with. This will lessen the evil and improve the circumstances for all upon the planet but also specifically for the American people.

I am Archangel Michael. I lead you, you fulfill me, we are Legion.



You’re going to see things moving more quickly now. So brace yourself, get ready and enjoy the ride!

 Steve Rother and The Group

Greetings, dear ones. I am Observer.

I join you this day with great pride, for there are things moving on your Earth that you may not be familiar with. Yes, there’s quite a lot taking place right now. It’s an exciting time to be on planet Earth and your space has been reserved. You’re going to see things moving more quickly now.

So brace yourself, get ready and enjoy the ride! Above all, know that this is a beautiful game. The game is now a little bit different and you’re playing a part, which can have more effect than you could possibly know.

You’re on to something, you know. It’s a magical time on planet Earth to do all of it. The Scientist will explain some of the science and physics of the Esayoto. He will explain how things are considerably different in the higher ranges. Re-member, you’re not alone. And yes, there is quite a lot of chaos on planet Earth right now. In some ways, dear ones, you should consider that to simply be a distraction. Keep your eye on the ball, keep your eye on your heart. Together, we’ll work with the magnetic energies of planet Earth.

Healing Circle

Let’s connect, dear ones. Take a breath and if there’s someone in the room take their hands in yours. Feel the energy moving between you. We are placing this Healing Circle in a time bubble, so that others may join in at a later time and still be connected. Now take the energy in through your left side and out through the right, big circle throughout the globe, going through your body and crossing your heart as it does. Every time it crosses your heart, feel the magnetism increase. Feel your flavor being infused into that energy, as it now flows out through your right hand. Breathe deeply. Connect to every part of that energy and know that you’re on the right track. Excellent. Now take three deep breaths in and out. Well done, dear ones.

Feel the light and the love. If you wish to receive this healing yourself, step into the circle now. If you wish to put someone you care about in the healing circle, please do so. You know, it has much more effectiveness if they are aware you’re doing it and have given permission. But if not, you’re placing them in there for yourself because you have a need for their healing. Either way, it is perfectly fine. So take a breath, dear ones, and know that you’re in the right place at the right time.

And with that we leave you for a short time. Yes, it’s a magical time on Earth and you are right on time. Welcome Home, dear ones. It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect, nurture one another at every opportunity and play well together as you create this beautiful new game.

I am Observer… and I like to watch.


Greetings, dear ones, I am the Scientist of the Heart.

The Good Old Days

We’d like to share with you one aspect that is taking place almost everywhere on planet Earth. You see, you have a concept about the past. Yes, you remember “the good old days.” Do you remember those times when you didn’t have to worry about all the things that you worry about now? Oh yes, you say things like, “Well, back in the day…” Unfortunately, you never recognize that it was a good day until it’s over and you have something to compare it to. Hmm, that’s very interesting. Well, we’d like you to enjoy that good old day right now. As difficult as it may seem sometimes, and as separated as many people appear to be, the reality is these are actually excellent times on planet Earth. There are now opportunities that you can start working together. That’s right, in this moment you can appreciate the beauty around you.

You’ve come to the planet at a very unique time. You were aware there would be many challenges on Earth, yet you wanted to be there to hold the light. Just to hold the light of Home, to hold that love, not necessarily to prevent something from happening or to make anything easier. Yes, that supersedes everything and it’s why you’re here.

You can do it out of love, or you can do it out fear. But let’s talk about that fear for a moment. Currently, there is quite a bit happening out of fear, which you can see playing out every day on your planet. It used to emerge only once in a great while, but for no apparent reason now you’re seeing people act out every day simply because they’ve reached their limit. Can you blame it on mental illness? Yes, but we tell you almost everybody has some form of mental illness they’re dealing with. So, let’s wrap all that into one. Basically, humans get angry and then several things can happen. And unless they have an outlet for it, that anger continues to build and that’s typically when you see people acting out.

Seeds of Light—Seeds of Smiles

So, what can you do during this time to help alleviate some of that? There are actually several things. One that we suggest is planting seeds of light, which we’ve talked about many times before. But what about if you were to plant smiles? Let’s say that you plant a smile somewhere when you’re just walking by. You recognize another person playing the game, the same way you are, and then you smile at them for just a moment. Not by smirking or making a face to get their attention, but simply by connecting. “Oh, look, there’s another spirit playing the game and they’re in a different body suit. They’re working differently than I am, but we probably know each other from Home.” That is powerful, dear ones.

vintage wooden door with scratches of old building
Photo by Skylar Kang on

And that’s one of the things that almost everybody can do at this point, plant those seeds of smiles. Plant that positive energy in places where people go. When you’re walking down a path, be aware that others will step in your footprints and then consciously leave that energy for them. Every time you reach out and touch a doorknob, leave light on that doorknob so that everybody who touches it can feel that same light for a moment. Will your little trail of light change the world one heart at a time? It will, absolutely. And if many of you start doing these simple techniques, the effect can be huge.

photo of woman sitting on stairs
Photo by luizclas on

Another aspect that we wish to bring up this day is about the Earth herself. You’re part of the Earth and she’s a part of you. The whole idea of ashes to ashes, dust to dust, is actually real. Your physical bodies are of the Earth essence, but your spirit isn’t. Your spirit’s straight from Home. It’s the perfect blend for the level of the game you have been playing in.

So, what happens when you carry anger that builds up and up? Well, several things. First, it’s at that point you become controllable. That’s a very good reason for making people angry, it’s a motivator. Quite often that is what’s happening, for you are creator beings. And if someone touches your fear button, you’ll create something to steer away from that fear. In that way, other people can use your creations for their own. It all has to do with fear and anger, those emotions that you wrestle with so many times and can’t quite settle in your body. So, plant those seeds of light. Consciously touch the door knob, consciously place something into the world. What if everybody felt the connection of Home? What if everyone could feel a little piece of that?

Grounding the Fear

There is also the Earth connection to consider. We talk all the time about you being a part of Earth, but she’s part of you as well. That frustration and anger that you carry transfers to her. She’s the grounding in your life, which allows your spirit to play a game of pretending to be a human. Any negative energies that you carry, Earth jumps up to take. She loves to transform those energies in some way. Right now, there’s so much of it built up in different ways. People walk around carrying all this negative energy because they don’t have an outlet for it. Not being able to talk about it or thinking no one else understands, they often feel completely alone.

Convert Fear to Love

Planting the seeds will release that energy that has been building. With one heart at a time you can start changing this world very slowly. Again, not to have them conform to your ideals, but simply to have the experience and not be separated. Anger is being picked up by the Earth. There will be a time when she shows that, as her energy is gathering right now. You’re liable to see quite a bit more Earth movement, quakes and eruptions as she wrestles with grounding human anger.

You live in a field of duality, where you have positive and negative all the time. And if you lean too far to one side or the other, she has to balance your energy. If you lean too far into the negative, she takes it gladly and converts it into positive energy, sometimes even converting it into oxygen. You both deal with energy, but Humans are adapters and the Earth is a converter. How marvelous.

Yet when you have so many humans holding this much anger, the Earth is stressed. In turn that feeds back to all of humanity, which creates a self-propagating loop. But does it make any difference what people are angry at, or if it’s real or imagined? No, it doesn’t make any difference because the emotional energy is exactly the same.

Either way, the Earth jumps in and gladly takes it on. If it’s an easy conversion she does so at the top levels. Or if it is a deeper fear, she’ll bring it deep into the magma that flows through her veins. She’s a grand being, dear ones. Your connection is stronger than you may imagine. It’s a great time to experience that, if you spend even just a few moments every day nurturing Mother Nature. Admiring her beauty does more than you know. Fill yourself with that love and she will convert your fears to love. Then take that energy in your heart and unconditionally leave your trail of light for other people. Oh, yes. You’re creator beings.

We’ve given you some ideas to wrestle with and a few things to play with. One of the greatest ideas that we’ve dropped on you is that when you walk into a room for the first time, there’s no room there. The atoms jump into place just before you walk in. Once you ground the room on the timeline, it stays there. It’ll be there the next time you walk into the room. But you’re creating much more than you could possibly imagine. The best way to increase your creative ability is to take responsibility for what is in front of you in every moment, even if it’s a global problem. Or even if it’s your own anger or frustrations starting to build, take responsibility for it. Every time you take responsibility for your creations they improve, and then everything takes a step up at that point.

These are magical times to be here on the planet, dear ones. Your space has been reserved. Everyone was waiting, everything is now in motion and will be for some time. There are important connections that are now starting to unfold. Bring your highest dreams to the table, as you are about to begin. Give your fear to the Earth and let’s get started. Work consciously to release that energy and plant seeds of light in its place. You’re leaving a trail with each footstep, everything you touch something, and every time you smile at someone. Plant those seeds of smiles and enjoy this journey. Know that you are here on purpose and you made it just in time. Well done.

Much more is coming as the Earth absorbs this energy. Of course, she’s working with her own challenges at this very moment, but you’re a part of her graciousness. You’re part of the larger connections of who she really is. It could be said that you are the best of planet Earth. Take a breath, dear ones, and know that you’re never alone. The connections are here. Your light is alive and well. Do not get wrapped up in all the things happening on planet Earth. Step into the light and carry it forward with you. It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect, nurture one another and play well together. You’re all from Home and we see you!

I am the Scientist of the Heart and I love you dearly. This is the science of love. So plant the seeds of light, plant those seeds of a smile. Espavo, dear ones.

The group.

When you don’t know what to do, claim “divine order” and your mind will align with this powerful reality

May 22, 2022,

Trust in the Divine Plan, bless it and bless the Divine Order inherent in every person and every situation.

Dear One,

When you trust in the Divine Plan, you are moving into the Universal Flow of Good. You are acknowledging that there is an underlying energy within all things. This is the energy of God, and it is part of the Divine Plan for all beings to live in Harmony, Love and Abundance. You can trust this.

When you bless the Divine Order inherent in every person and every situation, it increases the spiritual energy flowing through whatever you are focused upon. Blessing brings more love through the energy of Light to the person or situation, which brings an immediate improvement.


Divine Order exists as the underlying truth within all beings and all situations. It is a powerful affirmation for life and can be used as a mantra to remind you of the greater truth within all circumstances. This means repeating the words “divine order” to settle your mind, and to bring you peace.

When you don’t know what to do, claim “divine order” and your mind will align with this powerful reality. Divine Order is being in perfect alignment with God on every level of your being. Remembering Divine Order, and proclaiming it, assists the energy around you to fall into perfect alignment.

These very simple steps of trusting, blessing and remembering can bring you peace of mind in upsetting situations. The more often you remember, the stronger you become. Your inner sense of peace will become unshakable because you have aligned yourself with the ultimate truth at all times.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

Trust in the Divine Plan, bless it and bless the Divine Order inherent in every person and every situation.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel

The spiritually evolved appear to live ordinary lives like everyone else but in seemingly simple and practical ways they bring Light into all decisions, guidance, issues at work and home life, with family and friends, and in any situations that may arise. This is true Light work.

Arcturian Group Message 5/22/22

MAY 22, 2022

Dear readers, because so many have begun to question and even lose hope as they look out on today’s world, this message is intended to bring greater understanding and encouragement with regard to earth’s ascension process. Much of this has to do with the fact that so many are continuing to hold three dimensional concepts of what the ascension process should look like and then when it doesn’t, they begin to doubt and question.

When you first learned about earth’s ascension years ago, some of you came to anticipate that it would unfold in a certain way because at that time there were many channels and books giving predictions and information about it and you came to expect that it would unfold as the predictions said it would. Predictions can and often are not reliable simply because they represent the energy that is present in that “now” moment and also because predictions flow through the state of consciousness of the channel which may or may not be of a high level.

Some continue to await the arrival of benevolent ETs who they believe will land, clean the planet, and remove those holding the world in lack and limitation through manipulations, lies, and creations based in duality, separation, and two powers. Others even now, are expecting a massive experience to change everything without their having to do anything other than watch it happen. An “event” of high resonating energy will at some point happen, but can only occur when earth’s energy through the presence of an awakened majority has risen to levels that allow it to manifest.

The ascension process is well underway but because it is not unfolding as many expected, they question and have begun to doubt that the ascension process even exists. Nothing seems to be changing or getting better and conditions the world over just seem to be getting increasingly worse.

Dear ones, this is your time to remember not to judge by appearances because you who are spiritually evolved came to earth fully aware of and prepared for these present times. It is imperative to continue trusting that what you witness in the outer scene is necessary to the unfolding of the Divine plan. Those observing and judging through three dimensional filters are unable to understand this.

It is important to understand that the people of earth, both past and present have created and continue to create a three dimensional collective consciousness that has for eons influenced everyone and everything in the world. As increasingly more individuals awaken and shift into a higher state of consciousness they are creating a new and higher collective consciousness, one that will manifest as a more evolved world. This is how the ascension process works.

There are more highly evolved beings than you can imagine on other planets and in the higher dimensions standing ready to assist with earth’s ascension process. Because it is the consciousness of the majority that forms the collective, the people of earth themselves must be the ones to bring about earth’s ascension through their awakening to a higher state of consciousness. This is why you who are evolved were and are needed to be on earth at this time.

Every living thing is formed of, is an expression of, and embodies all the qualities of omnipresent Divine Consciousness. Therefore whatever a person holds as truth in their consciousness (which in reality is the one God consciousness individualized) they automatically create because consciousness as interpreted through mind is the substance of form. In reality there are no victims, just an unawareness of truth. It is as if a person has a million dollars in an account that they know nothing about and so they continue living each day in lack and limitation.

Many spiritually evolved individuals (you) wanted be a part of these present times because you understood that the presence of evolved states of consciousness on earth would serve to lift the collective which was unable to rise above its own density. The spiritually evolved appear to live ordinary lives like everyone else but in seemingly simple and practical ways they bring Light into all decisions, guidance, issues at work and home life, with family and friends, and in any situations that may arise. This is true Light work.

The increased presence of higher resonating states of consciousness now on earth is and will continue to bring about the exposure of many long hidden and well established dark agendas. These energies must surface in order to be recognized for what they represent and no longer accepted by the majority. When no longer supported by belief, the energies that formed and has maintained them will no longer exist.

The presence of increasingly more light in collective consciousness is acting to expose long hidden self serving activities and secrets. Many of those on whom the Light is shining do not like it and are reacting ways that align with their state of consciousness. This may be violence but more often is through activities based in old energy that will soon no longer work as before because the presence of increasingly more Light energy is serving to dissolve them.

It is very important to remember who you and everyone else really is in spite of everything going on in the outer scene. Even those causing problems for others are expressions of Divine Consciousness. Never doubt that earth is a spiritual universe peopled with sons and daughters of God for God alone is and every appearance to the contrary is an illusory mind formation flowing from personal and collective states of consciousnesses conditioned with beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers.

You came to bring Light to a planet unable to lift itself out of dense energies that have continued too long. You were aware before coming that your lives would probably involve be some personal difficulties because you would be clearing remaining old energies for yourself as well as for the world.

Keep in mind that every person you become aware of both far and near, everyone you know personally or are only slightly aware of becomes a part of your consciousness–as does what you believe about them.

Free will does not give those choosing to be violent and commit crimes permission to do what they want. Those living solely from a three dimensional state of consciousness only understand, align with, and learn from that which reflects their level of consciousness. Ideally, three dimensional consequences should be administered by those who recognize the innate divinity of the one needing to experience consequences which in turn will bring the energy of love to it. This is true in any situation where consequences for actions are necessary–home, work, with family and friends.

God alone is which automatically makes everything not in alignment with Love and Light illusory. Those who are spiritually awake as well as those who are not, are experiencing the presence on earth of both high resonating and heavy dense energies. However, in spite of appearances new and better ideas for every aspect of daily living are forming in the minds of increasingly more individuals and will soon begin to manifest.

An increasing majority is rapidly recognizing they have been living under and accepting laws and leaders that reflect old beliefs and solutions based in force, prejudice, hate, violence, and separation and are now beginning to sense that all life is somehow connected. Most are not yet consciously aware of why they are thinking and feeling in these new ways but their awakening sense of connection indicates the birthing of a new and higher collective.

You must cease continuing to think of yourselves as human beings who must engage and align with the problems and solutions of the world. You incarnated in order to come out and be separate because you knew that you could not help a suffering world by aligning with that which creates the problems.

You are not a human being, you are Divine spiritual consciousness individualized who chose to enter the low resonating energies of a third dimensional planet and temporarily wear a suit of materiality in order to add Light to earth’s collective and by so doing bring about change.

You are not on earth by accident. Know yourself as Divine Consciousness.

We are the Arcturian Group 5/22/22

Donations are welcomed

Saul Through John: Without even one of you Source would be incomplete

We are, as we keep reminding you, very, very close to your collective awakening. Therefore it is essential that you maintain your daily practice of setting the intent to be only loving whatever arises during the day, and to open your hearts as channels or conduits thus allowing and inviting Mother/Father/God to direct their immense energy of Love through each and every one of you to each and every human – without any exceptions whatever – to bring your collective awakening to its most magnificent moment of fruition.

The plan has been set, the NOW moment has been chosen, so continue to do your parts extremely consciously and conscientiously, and as you do, Celebrate! Your awakening is inevitable, so celebration is utterly and completely appropriate, it intensifies the awakening energy flow and arouses joy in all who are awakening.

Yes, to awaken is a free will choice that each individual must make, and therefore everyone will. However, some may choose to delay that choice, and how long they choose to spend in delay mode is again a free will choice.

Nevertheless, the few who do choose to delay their awakening Will Not delay humanity’s collective awakening, which is a done deal that will happen at precisely the Now moment that our loving Mother/Father/God has decided upon.

All is extremely well because humanity has chosen a collective awakening, and that choice is now being put into effect.

To awaken is to know yourselves as One with Mother/Father/God. It is a totally conscious awareness of your individual creative abilities, and of your inseparability from, integration with, and completely harmonious cooperation with God in the ongoing creative undertaking that is Love eternally and most joyfully expanding and extending Itself.

You are all eternally devoted and intimate aspects or facets of Source, constantly co-creating with Her in joyful harmony the infinite rapture that is your true state of being.

Here in the non-physical realms – Reality! – we are becoming increasingly excited as your most magnificent moment of awakening approaches rapidly to usher you into your natural state of full conscious awareness from which you have never, even for one picosecond, been separated.

There is nowhere to which you could be separated because there is only Reality, the infinitely expansive Presence of Mother/Father/God, or whatever label you choose to use to refer to the Unnameable.

You are the Unnameable in so far as you are eternally One with It, you have just lost your awareness of this, your true nature.

We are now enthralled in every moment as we watch and observe your irreversible progress towards actualization of the dissolution of the dream/nightmare that has seemingly, for eons, been shrouding, camouflaging, or veiling you from You.

You, the being in physical form, being the infinitesimal egoic aspect or feature of your true self that makes it possible for you to apparently experience separation and believe it to be real.

The time has come for the nightmare of suffering, hatred, conflict, blame, and condemnation of one another to cease permanently, as all hearts open to invite Love in and, as It enters each one of them, to rejoice and to relax into Its loving embrace as you collectively awaken.

Love, as you have been reminded so many times, is ALL! Therefore each individual one of you is also All, because there is absolutely no possibility of separation from that which is All.

You, each seemingly individual human who has ever existed, exists now, or will ever exist, is an essential, intimate, conjoined and most highly cherished aspect or partner with Source.

Without even one of you Source would be incomplete, and Source is undeniably and unambiguously complete perfection, eternally embracing All that exists, You – all sentient life.

No matter how powerfully your individual or collective ego attempts to be separate – independent from Source – it will always fail, because truly the ego is powerless, it is a tiny, weak, and fearful aspect of an individual or group of individuals – sometimes billions – expressing vast amounts of bluster and bravado that instantly dissolve when confronted with Truth.

Confront your egos – gently and compassionately – with the Truth, that there is only the One from which none can ever be separated for even an instant, so that they can accept your offer to lovingly and compassionately reintegrate them with the One that You are.

There will be an enormous sense of joy when this reintegration occurs and You know Yourselves once again as you truly are . . . eternally One with Mother/Father/God.

As I said above, your oneness with Source, your eternal connection to Source has never been broken or interrupted for even the shortest instant because that is totally impossible, Source being One and containing All.

Therefore, let go of and release any remaining doubts about the authenticity and actuality of Reality, Mother/Father/God, Love, Source, to which you may still be clinging, as they are a drain on your energy fields and do not serve you in any way.

God IS, Love IS, and so are You . . . eternally.

With so very much love, Saul.