All posts by Nikos
What a powerful full moon it was!
Many of you don’t believe you can manifest a large amount of money for yourselves-AA Gabriel via Shelley Young-
So many of you don’t know what you want. That is because you have exhausted the potentials that you are aware of and are ready to move beyond the known into the unknown. This is a positive thing!
As you move into the energies of the new, we urge you to resist the urge to micromanage any new manifestations and become much more open to discovery. This doesn’t mean that you don’t have a hand in your co-creations. Far from it! The key is to switch over into working with broad intention and let your highest self and the universe fill in the rest.
Let us give you an example. Many of you wish to manifest a large amount of money. It isn’t really the money you want but rather what having the money will offer you. Money is always an energetic middle man, if you will.
So why do you really want a lot of money? For most people, it is because they want freedom. They want more enjoyment in life. So we urge you to surrender into the experience of more freedom and enjoyment in life.
Why this works is because most of you don’t really believe you can manifest a large amount of money for yourselves. That will make it very difficult for you to align with the experience. But you do believe you can create more freedom and more enjoyment, even if it is a little bit at a time. That feels within the realm of possibility for you.
What we want you to understand is that when you surrender into the essence of what you would like to experience, you can start to align with it, incrementally, almost immediately. This allows you to have more comfort as you go through the discovery process of what the universe is wishing you to discover that is your highest outcome.
It starts to make your desires part of your experience, even if it is the smallest way, as you follow the unfoldment until your intention becomes a predominant part of your life. It is planting a seed and watching it grow.
While both are equally possible, it is far easier for most of you to step into a dream bit by bit rather than all at once. In fast moving energies such as you are in right now, a small amount can grow into a big amount very quickly, because doing it a bit at a time will keep you out of doubt and resistance.
So connect with the essence of your desires and why you want them, and enter into the flow towards the discovery of what your truest version of that dream can be. You can make big progress in ways that will continue to surprise and delight you, every step of the way.
The unfoldment will take you there if you are willing to move out of the known into the energies of divine discovery.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ The Realm of Divine Discovery
The realm of potentiality is the energetic space just beyond what you can see that holds the solutions and matches that you’ve been seeking. If you feel into this, it will make sense to you. If the solutions were within the space of what you already are aware of, you would have selected them by now.
So how do you get there? Surrender. Flow. Ask your guides to lead you. Get curious. Be willing to explore and discover beyond the edges of what is known to you.
Your dreams are trying to beckon you forward. Understand that the meeting point will be somewhere between where you are and where they are, because your surrendered movement activates a divine intersection.
- Be willing to move and take inspired action when the right energetic wave comes.
- Release micromanagement and be willing to be surprised.
- Stay in a space of faith and trust and receiving.
- Let go of the old and be willing to embrace the new.
There is so much more available to you than you realize, Dear Ones, and that is exactly what your team of helpers, along with the assistance of your highest self, are trying to reveal to you. The unfoldment will take you there if you are willing to move out of the known into the energies of divine discovery.
The Earth Through Pamela Kribbe
Dear people,
I greet you heartily. I am your mother, the Earth, and I celebrate your presence here with me.
I encompass you all. Feel my presence as a consciousness that permeates all that lives on Earth. That consciousness is in you and in all that is around you: the minerals, the plants, the animals. I am in everything that lives. All that has taken material form is quickened and enlivened by consciousness from within, and I live in that consciousness and support it.
I am that constant, grounding presence which underlies all things and which allows the soul consciousness in each mineral, plant, animal, and human to develop. I am the mother who gives life to each and every form of consciousness. In the end, everything, each material particle or form, is kept alive by consciousness. And in my essence, I am also that consciousness. What can be perceived is matter, the material form, but it is the consciousness that underlies matter which is the essence of all forms.
About this consciousness which I am, I want to tell you something more. I am a female consciousness. I am fluid and flowing, and I know no limitations. And since I am the soul behind all life on Earth, there is a stream of unity that runs through everything – and I am it. Opposite to that unity is every unique individual soul. And because you are a unique individual, there is a dance between us, as between all individuals and the one current that I am. But that dance only works, is only creative and productive, if individual souls are aware of their connection with me. It is as with a great river: you can only relax and flow with it if you know you are part of that river, if you can feel that current and trust it.
But most people in your society are at odds with the flow of life that I am. They do not trust this current: they resist it, try to climb out of it, hang on to the river banks, because they feel that this current is turbulent and uncontrollable. This current is, in fact, the flow of your earthly nature: your feelings, your instincts, your passion, and people have not been taught to trust their nature. There is a great mistrust arising in people of their earthly nature, as well as a suspicion of the flowing life current of the Earth, in general.
The result of this mistrust is that the fundamental layer that I am, and that I might become for humanity, is not explored, or is not sufficiently explored. It is as if I am waiting to enter into a dance with you, but humans, in general, have turned away from me by trying to create their life independent of me. Above all, they want to be the master of life by using the mental energy of their head instead of moving along with that current of life which is natural and easy and fluid – if you do not resist it.
But because people collectively, and on a large scale, have turned their backs on the living flow that permeates everything, things are not going well on Earth. A gap has developed between humans and nature that has caused the destruction of large parts of nature in the plant and animal kingdoms. In addition, there is the devastation to the inner world of people themselves: they become depressed and unsettled if they can no longer find their own connection to the power of the Earth.
So why do I say this to you? Because you who are here are aware of the importance of the relationship with the Earth, and you also understand that I have consciousness, that I am not just dead matter. Only when people get in touch with me, and their own energy begins to flow from within – their creativity, their self-confidence, their surrender to life – can I then fulfill my task. Only then can I nourish and support you so that the dance between humans and Earth can finally take place and take form: a creative dance from which all life benefits, myself included.
You are essentially channels that help shape a new energy, a new unity between humans and Earth, a new consciousness. I want you to be aware of your own qualities as they relate to this process. But sometimes you doubt yourself very much, and that partially blocks the channel even if you are actually already quite advanced in this process. However, you are not required to be perfect. You are not required to have all your problems solved in order to get in touch with me and to contribute something to the greater picture at a universal level, and not only at the level of the individual.
I ask you to now connect consciously to my heart. Imagine that under your feet you have roots that penetrate deep into my core, into my heart. Feel how you are supported by me and how I encourage you to surrender to this life and to trust me. Life in the human world, in society with all its rules and standards, and with the many fears that have been imprinted upon you as a child, that societal life has aroused fear in you and made a certain gap between your head and life itself. It is difficult for you to surrender to your heart, your feelings, your intuition. But it is possible, and as soon as you consciously connect with me, can I then help you; can you then feel how my energy flows through your legs from the roots under your feet.
Imagine that you are floating on your back on a big wide river and that you allow yourself to drift and you feel calm. It is safe, although you do not see where you are going. Imagine this in a very real way. You are adrift on that great river, and you look at the sky and feel and hear the sounds of nature around you. Feel how I carry you, and simply let go of the thoughts in your head.
Descend into your abdomen. In your gut lives an instinctual sense of what is true. It is from your gut that you can instantly know or feel something even before you have given it thought. That is the level you are looking for and it is that which makes you free: feeling without thinking. Connect silently with that place in your abdomen. Breathe into it and feel how the channel that you are, opens.
With purity, with stillness and silence, feel what your contribution is on Earth, what you have to give to humanity and to nature. Feel the energy of your unique gifts and trust that energy, and trust the feeling that comes with it. You came here to bring a flow that connects your unique soul with that of the Earth, with me, and it is in that still connecting point where our destinies meet and where we work together. I will receive your soulfulness and inspiration, and you in turn will receive my support and nourishment and my grounding in strength and security. This is what I want to be for you.
Thank you so much for your presence here and now.
As you move into the energies of the new, you are very much pioneers. When you pioneer, you are exploring.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Unexplored Territory
As you move into the energies of the new, you are very much pioneers. When you pioneer, you are exploring. You move beyond the ideas of good or bad, right or wrong, success or failure, into the acceptance that all your experiences have value.
Let us suppose that you are a pioneer in a new land looking for water. You decide to go to your left. As you explore that direction you realize that there is a cliff there and no water source at all. That is valuable information! You will remember in the future that going to the left cannot provide you what you seek.
This will allow you a more direct route to water when you discover where it is. It will also help others know that is not the direction to take if you are looking for water. You are getting used to navigating without a map because you are the creators of the maps!
This is a beautiful example of how your curiosity and explorations serve not only you but also the whole. You are entering previously unexplored energies on your planet right now. Be curious!
Know that all experiences have great value for you. And rest easy that as you find your way, you will make the way much easier for those who will one day want to walk in your footsteps. This is such an exciting time on your planet, where much will be discovered and those discoveries will serve many generations to come.
Your only role is to deepen your self-love. Those in the third wave need your self-love structures to rebuild themselves. Even though this explanation likely seems convoluted, you are the beginning link of a chain of events that would not have been possible without your decades, years, or months of effort.
The Next Wave Is on It
Dear Ones,
Many of you are exhausted, stressed, or concerned about minutia. Your underlying concern continues to be earth’s future. But because that concern is so well hidden you react with minor ailments and details you can do little about.
You are returning to outer-directed personal matters because your earth concerns seem too overwhelming to address. Throughout the past decades, years, or months, you diligently followed every road to world peace and love, In doing so, you lost friends, family, jobs, and other important 3D items. Never stopping, never letting go of the need to complete your role of moving you and the earth to peace and love.
Despite our ongoing statements that your role is complete, that both you and the earth have shifted dramatically, you beg to differ. The hatred, wars, emotional disconnect, and world fears continue, so you feel you have not done enough. And even though more and more are awakening, their efforts of shifting earth from fear to love seem so pitiful you can no longer imagine the earth becoming a physical or emotional heaven in your lifetime.
So it is you return to yesterday. You want others punished for their misdeeds, for your fears, and for the clamoring of many – you believe – for you to make it better. You are exhausted, angry, and almost beyond the point of caring about what you once believed you could change.
You adapted to your current disconnect by addressing little pieces that seem important at the moment but do not change your belief in the future.
Earth issues feel heavy and unsolvable to you because you no longer have the key to world peace and love. You have completed your role in those areas. You are now outside looking in at world issues.
Those following you will physically change the world by rebuilding it.
So it is the earth will no longer shift because you are demanding, wishing, hoping, or praying for that change. The earth will change because those following are as dedicated to their earth roles as you were to yours.
Do you remember how many questioned your odd New Earth interests before it was obvious to you why you needed to do what you did? Because you are now looking from the outside in, you can no longer determine what actions are necessary to more fully shift the earth from fear to love. Your role in that arena is complete. Those immediately following you will physically shift the earth in the direction you initiated.
Perhaps this message feels as if all you worked for is disappearing, and you cannot do anything about it.
Let us, of the Universes, help you observe the earth differently. You destroyed the structures holding up fear and angst. Those following you are rebuilding the world with processes that seem as hidden as yours were when you initiated your transition.
You want everyone to feel as you do. Yet those following you are not forerunners; they are not you. In essence, those following are of a different generation, so they do not and cannot function as you did.
Your current angst, fear, anger, or whatever unpleasant emotion you are experiencing is for naught. You have not given up or lost anything. You are instead gaining a new world. Allow those immediately following to rebuild the world you patiently destroyed.
Your only role is to deepen your self-love. Those in the third wave need your self-love structures to rebuild themselves. Even though this explanation likely seems convoluted, you are the beginning link of a chain of events that would not have been possible without your decades, years, or months of effort.
Let the second wave take over. Your role is to enhance your self-love, which is not possible if you continue to monitor the efforts of those following you. Allow those following to complete their role without your interference. They are as dedicated and experienced in their earth role as you were in yours.
Relax into yourself. That is your only role. The next generation of change artists, those following you, are diligently doing what they have been trained to do and are doing so as artfully as you did.
Those following you, the second wave, will not fail. Even so, it is likely they will approach the rebuilding of the earth much differently than you would. That is your angst. Trust the next generation of earth shifters as they once trusted you to prepare the rebuild site. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
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Our efforts are paying off.-AA Michael via Sharon-
Archangel Michael
Week 60 Message
June 12 2022
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
Our efforts are paying off. As you see the subject in question, Brandon, has initiated an alliance with the U.S. Military.
What does this mean? It is good news, not the bad news it may appear to be. He is of course attempting to utilize this military for his own purposes but this will not be carried out. They will use him for theirs. They are the power, he is not.
With this in mind, please send more energy to Brandon and his administration, his supporters and co-conspirators this week. Perhaps we will see more positive developments coming soon.
I remain your servant, your leader, you are my power. We are Legion.
Archangel Michael
4 Steps to Align and Sustain High Vibes 24/24 #feelmorethanfine
Mira from the Pleiadian High Council via Erena Velazquez | June 11, 2022
June 11, 2022
I am Mira, the Pleiadian High Council, and I am happy to connect to everyone with a new message.
Right now, your planet is experiencing instability and confusion. The Controllers losing the chess game with humankind. Their plans are failing. The expectations to keep full control of the planet and humans are crashing each day.
Ukraine, which became the center of Khazarian mafia for the past 8 years, started to backfire and creating issues for the rulers, as they didn’t expect the Light to step in and ruin the plans against peaceful population. They have been killing defenseless children, women and elderly without consequences.
Too many unspeakable things occurred to humankind on planet Earth. Dark souls don’t value life, so they harvest humans for organs, eat human flesh, drank babies blood, and do other monstrosities. Unfortunately humanity has been asleep for a very long time and didn’t have any clue, what was done to them. Different type of Indoctrinations were used on humans.
Over prolong time, they lost a sense of identity and forgot their multidimensional identity. Your mission here is very simple to save your planet from the controllers, whose continuously trying to destroy it. They were expecting no resistance from the Light.
Mother Earth survived many tragic and catastrophic events. She is waiting for humans to take a power into their hands. The time of peaceful confrontations with Evil ended, so your militants need to overturn the corrupted governments. This is a big moment for humakind to decide the outcome of the war between Light and Evil, which has been lasting for millions of years.
The time of peaceful negotiations ended awhile ago. Time for military trained individuals clean up Earth. Daily more truth is surfacing about your world, they can’t hide it anymore. The high vibrations, which send from the Cosmos, exposing lies, crimes and deceptions by Evil.
Humanity needs to unify and stop being judgmental, entertain ego, anger and other low vibrations emotions. Be always in the Now. Billions of beings meditate to help with the transition to higher dimensions and leave behind this 3D illusion. My arrival is scheduled to your new reality. Thank you Universal Channel.
Sending my Love
Connect to your inner strength
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
You are me: you have my power, my creativity, my abilities, you have simply been trained to forget.
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Divine Mother: Come into the Flow
My beloved children, flames of my heart, embodiments of my spirit. You are me: you have my power, my creativity, my abilities, you have simply been trained to forget.
You are powerful creators and manifestors. You. Yes, my beloved heart, you reading these words. You are magnificent; unspeakably magnificent.
I see You.
I see your fears, I see your regrets, I see your challenges. I see and I bless each and every one. There is nothing to hide from me. I see the perfection in every fear; every regret and challenge is perfect to me. I honour each and every one. There is never ever any judgement of you. You judge you. I never do.
Invite me in to dissolve your fears and uncertainties. Invite me in to wash away all your doubts. I will always do so, washing away as much as you can integrate in each turn. I will never take more than you can easily release.
You are powerful.
Play with the idea. Play with the thought of creating what you wish, what brings you pleasure and joy.
Play with blessing humanity with your love. Send prayers to the people you see around you, to strangers and loved ones, send them gifts of blessings. It can be as simple as ‘I send you love,’ ‘I bless you with freedom,’ ‘I honour the kindness in you.’ Whisper it in your head; I hear you, their soul hears you.
This simple act brings you into the flow of your divine creator self. This small blessing brings you into your true authentic power.
What you send out is what you receive back. You are always blessed with your own gifts, they always return to you, it is the harmonic of balance.
You are not servants, or slaves, or beholden to any one or any system. You are free.
You Are Freedom.
Allow this freedom to wash through you, to bathe you in its peace, its sovereignty, its power (not force).
My beloveds, the creative divine power flows constantly. The only question is timing, and that’s your choice. Choose to come into my flow, to share my creative Divine power, because it is every bit yours as it is mine.
You are me, and I am you: the only difference is…I know it.
(c) Jennifer Crokaert 2022 Youtube
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 06/11/2020 • Who can you trust
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
In your world today, so many of you have been shaken, upset, and saddened by the seemingly random acts of violence that have erupted in the hearts of the hurting hurtful.
How do you make sense of what seems like a senseless loss of life? How do you feel safe in an uncertain world? How can you trust that you’ll be safe, or your children will be safe? We hear your cries, dear ones. Much more importantly we see you striving not to fall into hate, hurt, and worse the desire to hurt back. We see you striving to love, striving to trust, and striving to live your lives in joy in spite of some of the really tough things you witness going on in your world.
So how do you trust you will be safe? Trust, dear ones, is not blind faith in the external world, nor a blind faith in another soul. Trust is, instead, a by-product of your own connection with the Divine.
In connection with this Love, you can trust your guidance. In a vibration of love, you can trust your feelings, for in the higher vibrations your feelings are your guidance. In a vibration of Love, you can rest assured that you are loved, protected, and guided in harmony and joy.
In a higher vibe, you can trust yourself.
We are not saying you should blindly trust or ruthlessly mistrust the external world. Conditions and individuals vary from moment to moment. Rather we are saying that if you choose to exist in a loving vibration, you can trust yourself. You will know, in any given moment, what and who is right for you and who and what are not.
In a loving vibration you can trust that when a path, an idea, or a person is loving it will feel right to you – inspired, good, or attractive… in that moment. In a high vibration, when you get a not-so-pleasant feeling you can trust your soul is steering you in other directions.
So, dear friends, when you feel the frustrations, the anger, the helplessness, and the sadness that so many are feeling right now, remind yourself, “I am in charge of my vibration and in a high vibration, I need not fear. I need not feel helpless. I need not stay stuck in anger. I am powerful and can intend, imagine, and be guided to live in harmony, grace, ease, and joy. I can become part of the change I wish to see.
When you see the seemingly senseless loss of life, remember that those who expanded beyond their physical forms are not feeling sad at all. These little angels that left your planet recently are celebrating their success. They are celebrating the fruition of their pre-birth plans to be part of a grand awakening, calling the human race to pay more attention to those who are hurting, to love the lost a little more, and to remember, that all, ultimately are innocent – birthed from the heart of God and striving always to return to that love.
Pray for their families dear ones because they are the ones that need your love. Their little angels in heaven are very much aware of both their pain and their paths. These families need your compassion now and your love. Even if you never meet a single one of them personally, your loving vibrations will touch their hearts. They too are part of an awakening.
Then, dear ones, resolve not to hate the lost, the lonely, and the hurting hurtful in this world. Rather pray that their souls be raised up into a greater love. If you see someone crying out for help through their behavior, ask God, “What do you need me to do?” You may get “nothing.” You may be guided to give them a smile. You may be guided to do more, but in every case, with love in your heart, you will be guided.
With love in your heart, you are not only safe dear friends, but you are part of a team of brilliant, light-filled souls on this planet, waking up the world through your light, your loving kindness, and your prayers. You are part of a massive group of souls realizing the need for all souls to be loved and cared for. It is time to stop the cycles of hating the hateful, hurting the hurtful, and instead time to empower and usher in a new era of love.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
There is so much fun and wonder to be had in the discovery of the new matches and solutions that exist for you
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Exploring Potentiality
Dear Ones, you can’t be controlling and guided at the same time. You can’t decide you are going to do it all yourself and be open to receive at the same time.
You are going through profound change, both individually and as a collective. You are being made aware of what is not working for you so you can let go of the old, and find new solutions and ways of being.
If you are perpetually exhausted by your life, it is a sign that you have outgrown where you are and you are ready for expansion and new discoveries. It is an indicator that you are ready to up-level into something that is a much better match for you and your soul’s agenda. Your soul is beckoning you forward into the new.
So allow yourself to be led. When you don’t know what to do next, get curious. Ask to be shown what is possible that you aren’t aware of. Give the reins to your team, who have the vantage point of being on the other side of the veil, and allow them to show you the way.
There is so much fun and wonder to be had in the discovery of the new matches and solutions that exist for you; that are patiently waiting for you. All you must do is be willing to explore in the realm of potentiality that exists just beyond what you can see, and that is exactly what your spirit team is in place to help you to do.
And if you hesitate because you think you might be disturbing us by asking for help, please know it brings us just as much joy to guide you into those discoveries as you have in making the discovery itself. It is great fun for us to get creative with our signs and synchronicities. We wait with bated breath and celebrate when you find your way to your next right time/right place scenario.
It’s all very simple, you see. We can’t know the joy of service if you don’t allow us to serve you. By asking for our help you honour us in our purpose, as we honour you in yours.
This is the time to allow the process, but to also be the anchor of love and reassurance that others are seeking.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Catalyst for a New Dawn
You have heard of the dark night of the soul. Many of you have experienced it. It is the time when you hit an energetic rock bottom, and you realize that you simply cannot continue on the way that you have been. It is the moment when you drop resistance and embrace change. The low acts as a catalyst to detach from an old timeline and shift into something far more conscious and expansive.
What you may not realize is that the dark night of the soul can also happen for a collective, and that is exactly what is happening on your earth at this time. And what is so remarkable is that you chose to come to the planet as a source of unconditional love, and a stabilizing support, as the old bottoms out in preparation for shifting fully onto a new time line.
Dark nights of the soul are difficult. They are messy and distressing, but they always signal a huge leap in growth and the opening of new potentials and possibilities. They happen because the individual, or the collective, is ready for more; they always mark the end of one phase and the dawn of a new day.
The dark night is a transformative process designed to birth the new. You might liken it to hard labour. You do not think that you can possibly survive, but you do survive, and much good comes of it. It might help to consider yourselves birthing coaches for the new. You cannot take on the labour for another, but you can certainly stay calm, offer support and encouragement, and share in the wonder of the birth that is sure to come.
This is the time to allow the process, but to also be the anchor of love and reassurance that others are seeking. Your beingness is your gift, Dear Ones, that shines a light forward for others to follow; and that is glorious service, indeed.
You were told last night that youtube censorship was overridden by the QFS and it was. We watch all of this.-Ashtar via Sharon-
In Canada, protestor denied the RIGHT TO VOTE because he took part in the freedom convoy in January!!
Somebody named Uri in the Ukraine is saying that “aliens will block any attempts to use nukes.” It was posted up on a meme video as being laughable, but it’s actually true. They have stopped us from using them ever since WWII’s bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and they will continue to do so. Why? Because this is not an earthly issue – it’s a universal issue. The universe is made up of the collective consciousnesses of all who live in it so a nuke has an effect on universal space analogous to having your brains blown out, or maybe blowing your mind but not as nice as that.
Hello Ashtar.
Ashtar: Do they really think that those in power now are so strong of mind that they would stop themselves or others from blowing up this world? Do you really give them that kind of credit? If you do, you are deluding yourself.
These are not benevolent people with a benevolent agenda. They have developed nuclear weapons with the intention of using them upon other planets!
Their agenda is sick, and we are fed up of their threat, their evil. It must be dealt with and this is their last stand. This is where we have them. They will not get off planet earth and planet earth will benefit from their evil agenda as it rises in consciousness. You will see the truth, and you will take matters into your own hands. You will overcome them! The People will.
Me: Speaking of which, Ashtar, some pundits are saying they don’t see an American election this November.
Ashtar: Elections are fraudulent and only being used to forward the globalist agenda. You saw this in the last two Canadian elections. Nothing is being done to stop them. In fact an entirely new system will be put into place. It is said that 38% of the people of Ontario voted because obviously people are aware the system is rigged, so now we must put into place a voting system that is untouchable. This will be done through Starlink.
Me: In time for November’s election?
Ashtar: No. After November’s election. What will happen first is arrests.
Me: I think using the legal system is constitutional but frankly I feel it’s ineffective to deal with the DS right now.
Ashtar: I agree. When the system is rigged to favor their side, absolutely. So you institute a new system.
Me: People are going to wonder what that means, Ashtar. Can you be more specific?
Ashtar: A new system. One the people can use that is not corruptible will be put into place. In fact it already is. Why do you think they’re panicking? The new system will become more visible within the next few months. You’ll start to see a new system developing.
Me: So watch Elon Musk?
Ashtar: Among others. You see you have Truth Social.
Me: I can’t even get on it!
Ashtar: Nonetheless censorship free social media is there. You use rumble, you use your website and now the QFS has reinstated your youtube account. Yes, you realize this. You were told last night that youtube censorship was overridden by the QFS and it was. We watch all of this.
Me: I figure complaining to you was the right thing to do. LOL
Ashtar: You’re being watched, Sharon. On many levels. The Alliance is aware of you and they watch. If you have a message to get to them, you can just post it.
Me: I talk to “J” as well, who’s Alliance.
Ashtar: Yes, you have insider contacts. Your activities are being tracked, so don’t worry.
Me: Thank you. What everyone wants to see is the Biden administration being taken out. That means there won’t be a government anymore.
Ashtar: Yes. That will happen this year. Keep focused on it. Archangel Michael is asking you to send energies to the Biden administration and this is to disempower them. The June solstice is coming up so this will be a good day to do so. You are feeling the effects of the energies in your personal life now as everything is being quickened. You’re doing good work, Sharon, keep it up.
Me: Thank you. It’s hard.
Ashtar: Changing a world is hard.
Me: What kind of new governmental system will they put in for the States?
Ashtar: One where the people have control over their vote. It will be based upon issues, not voting for specific people. Why? Because people are corruptible. And there will continue to be corruption. And we will continue to arrest them.
Me: Got it, thanks Ashtar.
Ashtar: Adonai.
Find Sharon, Ivo and Ashtar on Rumble: /
All books except Ashtar Sheran on the Storm available at
Being a Powerful Magnet of Attraction (Mini Workshop) #feelmorethanfine
As the energies continue to speed things up there on Earth, of course it will take less and less time to get the results that you want for yourselves and that everyone wants for themselves as they awaken
How Long it Will Take for the Unawakened to Wake Up ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very happy with the progress that humanity has already made in the month of June, and we are so looking forward to seeing what you will do as you move forward from this very important time period in your history. We know that everyone there is doing the best they can under the circumstances, and we also know that it hasn’t been easy for some to break free from the conditioning and programming that they have experienced, which comes in addition to the issues faced by their genetic line. Now, we point out that there is a lot to overcome there because we want you to understand that it can look like things are not going so well there on Earth, while at the same time you can be growing exponentially.
It’s not a one or the other type of situation. You have both happening simultaneously, because everyone is at a different stage of their evolution. And those of you who have been doing this for a while know that a lot of the really important work that you do takes a tremendous amount of time. As the energies continue to speed things up there on Earth, of course it will take less and less time to get the results that you want for yourselves and that everyone wants for themselves as they awaken. And so, you can look forward to that.
You don’t have to assume that everyone who is asleep right now is decades from getting to the place where you are, because everything is changing, and it is changing for the better. Everything is moving faster, and that’s a good thing, because you have a lot left to do there on Earth, and you are getting a lot of help. Now, humankind is also adding to its numbers. Your population is growing, and growing, and growing, and that means more help is always on the way to the physical. More souls are putting their attention on Earth than ever before, and that’s a very good thing. You have this opportunity to make tremendous strides much faster than you ever have before because of all of these factors, and you have the opportunity right now to ride the wave of the June energies and to let them carry you to the next level of your consciousness.
Remember that you are always spiraling up, and you are taking more and more people with you all the time because of your willingness to set the example, to do the work on yourselves, and to spread more love and joy around. What is so important for all of you who are awake to remember is that when someone is far behind you on your journey, they need compassion and forgiveness for their missteps. There is no room at this time for judgment and condemnation, not when you are doing so much in such a short period of time.
You also understand as awakened beings that if something doesn’t feel good, then it’s not good for you. And so, as you pay closer attention to the emotional reaction you are getting in your bodies, you can always steer yourselves to the best possible timeline, and you can let go of the old third-dimensional ways and embrace the realm of the fifth dimension. That’s what you are there to open yourselves up to now, and you can take comfort in the knowing that you have never been closer than you are right now in this moment.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Galaxygirl ~ Alahandran: Beaming the Remembrance of Home
We ancestors of humanity speak now. (I am seeing a variety of types of beings who are all glowing with love. They are standing in a group observing Gaia and observing us.) Those of lower dimension are not with us. Those who have interfered negatively for their own gain are not in this place.
I, Alahandran, speak. (I am seeing a tall, bald male being with big blue eyes who is smiling through his gaze and wearing a blue suit. I am sensing that he is trying to make his face appear more human, but it is flickering. I see that his eyes are quite big and dark, but still friendly.)
Yes, galaxygirl, there is no need for appearances here. We are those who are among many who eagerly await the turn of events, for we love humanity, and are very involved in the progression and success of this Ascension Earth project. We have lent our time, talents, and scientific mathematical skills to assist the upliftment of humanity in any way possible .
(Thank you Alahandran. He bows to me.)
You, Galaxygirl, and many others; you are holding the light, millions of you strong. It is approaching the billions. One soul can hold immeasurable light. It is the immeasurable light that is required for the success of grounding the photons from the suns. (I am seeing the bright light of suns all lined up and sending light of the purest white to the earth. It is so bright that I can’t see anything for a second, I am just simply light, within light, surrounded by light. I am home.)
Beloved ones, you are home. We are beaming you the remembrance of home. Home. Home. You are home here. For you are light, here. The light is here. It is within you. See, in this moment, you are home. In this moment you can feel us, for we are with you. We are your star family. We look the same as you look, for within our different body suits, we, too, are light. We all collectively breathe light onto you, now…our love onto you, now.
(I am seeing beings of all sizes and shapes, all wearing different uniforms, all highly intelligent, loving beings. This is much like the Star Wars movies where the characters have various appearances, but these beings are loving, determined, very strong.) We uphold the light. We are beaming our message through this one, for the time has come for the light holders to handle more light.
(I am feeling the hair on my head burn as they send light to us. I hope you can feel it through these words. I am seeing codes of light language in golden letters activating our DNA and igniting the inner fire. I am seeing our chakras light up one by one as humanity awakens, and their chakras align with the suns that are lining up.)
It is a grand cosmic event. The excitement is palpable. Beloved ones, you are the event. You are the light. We bow to you, great beings of love. We are eternally grateful for your service to the light. You came here, you volunteered to be here, to make this place that was so dark into a place that was only light, beauty, peace and prosperity.
Many of you are waiting for the great financial reset. We see the great spiritual reset as far surpassing the importance of this, for naturally, with elevated consciousness, of course monetary and financial elevation will follow.
It is like a mother holding a child’s hand as they walk side by side. The mother leads (spiritual awakening) and the child follows (financial awakening). And so all is well served, all is well grounded, and all is well underway.
I am Alahandran. I am grateful for this opportunity to speak. (He is tearing up, his great big eyes are all watery). Yes Galaxygirl, you are seeing tears of immense happiness. My great, great, great grandchildren are upon your planet, and I am watching over them. We are all heavily invested in this moment upon Gaia, for you are the delight of our hearts.
I am ever your Alahandran. (He bows, taps his fist to his heart and steps back into the light.)
Because of June, the Rest of 2022 Will Look Like This ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very fascinated by each and every journey that we witness. A journey of evolution is one that has so much to offer everyone, not just the one experiencing the evolution. As you witness someone evolving spiritually, you cannot help but benefit from that person’s journey and their new level of awareness. When other people awaken, whether you are aware of their awakening or not, you are affected. But certainly when you get to observe someone making progress in their lives and in their spirituality, you do more than just benefit from the beauty of their example. You also feel the shifting energies around them.
You are able to absorb what someone else is accomplishing in their spiritual journey of awakening. That is why June is such a pivotal month there on Earth. You have all these people waking up all across the planet, and whether any of them are in your family or friend circle or not, you are still benefitting. You can relax a lot more in this month of June, because of the movement forward that humanity is making, because of all of the work that is being done on your lower three chakras, and because you have the bonus of the solstice energies coming in. It is an exciting time for humanity, because from where you are, you can only be moving in the right direction. There is only up from where humanity currently sits, and you are going to see a lot in the rest of 2022.
You are going to see how these changes have impacted other people, people you wouldn’t expect to see growing spiritually. You will see people making decisions that you wouldn’t expect them to make and saying things you wouldn’t expect to hear from them. Now is the time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Now is the time to let go of that need that you have to take care of everyone else, and now is the time to be soft and quiet, to listen. It is the time to receive and then acclimate to the energies you are receiving. You are having a growth spurt right now there on Earth, and it is very exciting for all of us who have been watching you from afar for quite some time.
We will of course continue to offer our help in all the ways that we can, but it is so much easier for us to do so when you have some really good momentum going there, and you’ve got a lot more energy fields opening up to the love, light and support that we continuously offer. Look around at this time and take note of the evolution of consciousness that you can witness in your fellow humans all the time, because now is the time to let people surprise you, to hold space for them to evolve and become the fifth-dimensional versions of themselves that they are destined to become.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Abundance Chat With Adele (Part II)
Are Food Shortages, Financial Collapses and Tidal Waves Coming? | The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased with your progress there on Earth, and so are your spirit guides and higher selves. Everyone who views you from a higher-dimensional plane is looking at the positive. We are all emphasizing the steps forward that you continue to make, and we do not put our attention on any possibilities that exist for humanity that would result in cataclysms, both natural and human-related. Neither of those are on any of our radars, because we don’t see the point in putting any energy or attention on those timelines. Do those timelines exist? Absolutely. They must, because Source wants to experience everything.
But what you do as an individual, living a life on Earth is, you use your own personal experience to help you determine what you want more of. Some people do want more drama and trauma, and they focus on it, and they get it. Some people want more peace, love, and unity, and they focus on that, and they do eventually get it. Please note the word ‘eventually’ in that last statement. You must be focused in such a way that you help to release all of the drama and trauma from your current reality. Generally speaking, you don’t jump so quickly from one reality to one that is markedly different that you would notice the differences right away. So it’s a gradual journey that you are taking. It’s the slower but more satisfying path than a quantum leap, and you get to experience your growth that way.
You get to experience the joy of focusing and feeling, and then seeing what it is that you have focused on coming to fruition in your reality. It is a beautiful set up. It is one that you all agreed to and knew you were getting into when you entered this universe. There’s nothing more complicated than that going on here. Now, yes, you have certain experiences that you put in your path to challenge you and to help you to grow, and that’s why it’s not all rainbows, unicorns, and flowers on anyone’s path.
It always serves you to have that obstacle in your way, because then you discover how much more there is inside of you that helps you move beyond that obstacle. Also a very good set up, because you want to experience yourselves as Source, and if you never have to reach within and find more of Source Energy inside of you, because everything is unfolding perfectly outside of you, then you are robbing yourselves of a very important experience. It is the experience that we all wanted in coming to this universe, and it is the experience that everyone is getting in their own way and in their own timing.
We will continue to see you as the ones who are facing those challenges and seeing the opportunities for growth within them. We will continue to see you as the ones who are leading the way for humanity by doing so, and we will continue to point out to you that there are in fact more timelines available to you now where things get better and better there on Earth, rather than worse and worse. So when you see those reports of food shortages, and financial collapses, and tidal waves and all kinds of other calamities occurring there on Earth, you can ignore them. You can realize that those possibilities do exist, and that people can choose them for themselves, but that you don’t have to.
Your future is not set in stone, and no one’s is. So certainly the collective of humanity is not moving towards an inevitable future. The one thing you are all doing is ascending, because that’s happening at the universal level. You’re always expanding, growing, and becoming more of who you are. That’s your future; how you do it is up to you, but we will always remind you that you do have a choice.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Channeled by Daniel Scranton