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It is a deep knowing of love that assists you here.
It is a deep acceptance of self that initiates this love.
by Sophia Love, June 28, 2022, via email
It is the One.
Thank you.
Today let us speak of the things held deep in your hearts. These are unspoken yet they manifest as ripples in what could be a blissful existence.
These are your fears.
We have addressed these at other moments and within other conversations. On this day what will be discussed is the mechanism of fear.
You have heard of the Law of Attraction. I tell you it works with equal force whether what you feel is spoken or unspoken. This law responds to energy, in all of its forms.
The teachings of “making your desires active through verbalization” were instilled into the conversation to increase awareness of conscious creation.
This has been accomplished.
The Law of Attraction is unbreakable. It will not be stopped or thwarted. It is the primary weapon used to enslave the race. You are each familiar with its many nuances.
It will help you immensely to appreciate this law in your days, your conversations, your activities, your desires.
It utilizes energy.
Therefore, with the energy of polarization you will think, write and speak things into life. Things like labels for people, people whose actions oppose your beliefs. Things like judgment, ridicule and calls for violence.
It is a challenge to express the powerful potential you hold without including its misuse. For this is the weapon of your capture and it has entrained you well.
You expect to engage fearful people and fearful actions. Therefore, these things are noticed by you and helped to be perpetuated by your fear of them.
It is not that these fearful things should be ignored with the action of putting your heads in sand. It is that these fearful actions and ideas need not be dwelled on. Instead, a focus on either an opposite action or a remedy or peace.
Love is a powerful antidote to the mechanism of fear and reduces its impact on your life once engaged.
Your society does not need a soft and frilly attitude to destructive ideas and/or actions. It needs a commitment to love in all of its forms.
Love does not often appear with pink hearts and butterflies. This is a negation of love’s force, a camouflage for its power. You have been fooled into thinking of it as a weakness, when in truth it is your strength. With this brilliant tactic your controllers have succeeded in hiding from you your most powerful and effective weapon.
Let us look at what love does:
- It erases differences.
- It mends hearts.
- It rescues the downtrodden, the weary, the injured, the lost.
- It fortifies souls.
- It instills remarkable strength.
- It saves the broken ones.
- It inspires the crestfallen ones.
- It expands all that it surrounds.
- It sees truth.
- It is eternal.
- It fuels inspiration.
- It heals.
- It seeds creation.
- It is a simple, yet challenging thing to conjure love in a world seemingly encased in fear.
Yet this is why you are here.
The frequency of love eradicates fear. It does so consistently and eternally, eventually.
It is a deep knowing of love that assists you here.
It is a deep acceptance of self that initiates this love.
As you ponder these things, start with self. For all of creation begins there.
You have come to eradicate fear and are at the stage of self-acceptance. For in that pure act of love, fear dissipates. As it does so, you will see your “enemy” with clarity.
The fear weapon, now dissolved, no longer attracts more fear. In this way, love is made manifest.
Think on these things, my dear, dear human.
That is all.
Thank you.
Do This to Receive All You Want & Need ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are quite certain that you are being offered everything that you need in this moment, and we know this because we are one of the groups who is offering you what you need. We also know that not everyone is open to receiving what they need, and most people are not open to receiving what they want. One of the best things you can do for your fellow humans is open to up and receive what you have coming to you, because not only are you setting the example for others and creating the template that others can also use, but when someone comes up to you and says, ‘How come your life is so great?’ you can tell them that you receive consciously from the nonphysical all that is being given to you.
And then they will ask you how you do it, and you can explain it to them. You can explain that you realized that there is a certain amount of futility in forced action and in struggle, and you can let them know that you made a decision to surrender, to let go, to relax and to open up, and that when you made that decision, everything changed for the better. If you want to be healed, open up to the healing energies that are already flowing to you. If you want more abundance, open up to the flow of abundance that is always coming to you. If you want more peace, open up to the peace that is all around you and inside of you when you look for it. Open up to the love of Source, and let the love of Source flow to you and through you, and see how your world is transformed by these simple non-actions.
It does take some letting go, however, and that’s the one caveat. You have to let go of tension, doubt, disbelief, angst, resistance, resentment, and all the rest. You have to let it go; you have to realize it doesn’t serve you. You might also benefit from observing a master; don’t just think about what the master is doing and saying. But also feel into what the master is emanating. Feel into their vibration. Notice there’s no tension in their shoulders, in their neck, in their jaw, in their brow. They have freed themselves from all of that because they know they are eternal, infinite beings of light and that this is just one stop on a magical mystery tour.
You are on that tour as well, and you must let go of the idea that you are there to prove yourself to others and to God. All you have to do is embrace who you really are, and then the doing comes from an inspired place. It comes from a deep desire that exists within you to explore something. It comes from interest; it comes from enthusiasm. It doesn’t come from wanting to make up for a feeling of lack within the self. You are not trying to fill a hole by taking the actions that you take. Your actions can come from an overflow of energy that you opened yourself up to when you gave up the struggle, the tension, and so on, and you let yourself feel the flow that is coming to you at all times.
That is what channeling is. Channeling is possible when the person has opened up to the energies that are all around them. When a person wants to be in the flow and to feel something different, they eventually will. And you can too. We know you can receive all that is coming to you, and we know that you do so best when you are more relaxed or when you are asleep. Sleep is so beneficial for you in so many ways. You let go enough of the doing and the thinking to allow sleep to happen, and you allow in so much at night while you are asleep.
You also never stop having experiences and exploring consciousness, and many of you are aware that you are doing so in the astral plane. Set your intentions for what you want to receive while you are asleep, and then let yourself be amazed at what has come to you in the middle of the night. You can wake up to a brand new life and a brand new you, and all you have to do is let go.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
The Realm Shift and Ascension: Sandra Walter Keynote May 2022
Financial Freedom/ BUI / GESARA NESARA/Prosperity for All Humanity.
How to get high in Electronic Dance Music parties naturally.
We, of the Universes, return you to the most basic message of your new world. What does your heart tell you to do? Do you wish to protest, vote, plead, become angry, leave, shout, allow, accept, or ignore? That is your answer and activity. An answer or activity that might change minute by minute.
Dear Ones,
Even though you are likely frightened or angry by recent global events, those events are starting points for your emotional health.
In your outer-directed past, you expected someone to make your life better – the government, your company, friends, or relatives. And if you were among those without similar support systems you often elected to believe that God/the Universes would perform those functions. Relief was expected from someone outside yourself.
That last statement is not to deny those who have tenaciously moved through personal trauma, but instead to point out that such outer-directed beings were in the minority. In the outer-directed world, the concept of being dependent on your own resources seemed impossible.
Now that those of you reading this message are new inner-directed beings, you sometimes find it difficult to understand you are responsible for your earth life. Even though others may save you for various reasons, that will not help you adjust to your new inner-directed world. You are alone – and thankfully so.
When you depended on others, you needed to perform certain activities to assure their support. Those activities might have been as benign as friendship, as unpleasant as a job you despised, or as seemingly neutral as supporting a political party that performed some of your desired actions but never all.
Your outer-directed world was one of bargaining for what you needed. Giving something to receive something. Now that bargaining no longer exists because most beings are inner-directed, you are at a loss. Can you function in this new world?
We, of the Universes, return you to the most basic message of your new world. What does your heart tell you to do? Do you wish to protest, vote, plead, become angry, leave, shout, allow, accept, or ignore? That is your answer and activity. An answer or activity that might change minute by minute.
You are no longer bound to anyone or anything. What makes you feel complete, satisfied, or happy? Those are your answers. Anger, fear, or angst might be a starting point because you could feel helpless now that those you once depended upon to “make it all better” are no longer effective in providing the right actions for you. But after your outer-directed fear and anger subside, what does your new inner-directed message encourage you to do? That is new you.
Your outer-directed dependency on others is who you were.
Allow yourself to calmly listen to your inner voice. A voice that might be difficult to hear at first, for you are not used to following yourself instead of others. Initially, your outer-directed voice of reason will likely drown out your inner voice. But that will create a sense of loss, distrust, and fear because the old ways no longer work. Allow that to be for as you do; your inner voice will become louder.
Your inner voice has always been with you; you merely stopped listening. Why do you suppose you liked wearing certain colors? Or you attended events that gave you great joy even though you surprised yourself with your participation? And so it was throughout each of your earth lives. Tiny elements of your inner voice directing you to a more joyful life whenever you allowed yourself to listen. Your inner voice was not necessarily reasonable or logical, but more like fairy dust scattering bits of joy here and there.
You are the only being who can make your life better or best. Stop waiting for someone of the earth or the Universes to tell you what to do or to do it for you. You are an independent being functioning as is best for you.
Despite your fears when reading that last line, you will not live your life selfishly. For your inner voice is the voice of love. An outer-directed voice bargains and barters, hoping those you bargain with will do as you wish, but never with a guarantee that they care as much for an action, activity, or philosophy as you.
Your inner voice is a trustworthy ally of love. Logic is a bargaining philosophy that may or may not include love, but most definitely includes others. Logic is a + b = c. Your inner voice is love as well as your role in this new world. A role that is not necessarily logical, but a role that only you can complete.
This is where you jump off the cliff into the unknown. Not in fear – even though that is what you will likely feel initially, but in the joy that you can fly. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and the source website link:
Abraham gives New 6st step for mastering allowing
The purpose of our existence is joy. What is the plan, the purpose, our job?
Archangel Michael via Sharon Stewart
Week 62 Message
Angelic Warrior Group
I am Archangel Michael and I have another task for the Angelic Warrior Group this week.
As you may know, important developments within the history of humanity are being overturned by the Supreme Courts. In the landmark case of R versus W, passed in the 1970’s, abortion was legalized. Now it is overturned in many States, and considerations made in others.
As there are people of two mindsets on earth right now, we ask you to help those who do not understand to realize the truth: the truth is there is never a need to terminate the life of another being, at whatever stage.
Yes, with your limited knowledge there are many of you that are reacting to this statement. You believe it is the right for the woman to determine whether she is pregnant or not, and this is absolutely correct! It is her right.
However it is not her right to terminate a life once it is at any stage of progression, unless the soul decides to terminate itself. It is always up to the soul, never the physical manifestation, to determine the life’s course.
However many do not know this yet. Many of you still think you are in charge. On the other hand, many of you give your entire lives over to God and wait for direction. These are two extremes of the same continuum: misuse of Universal Law. The Law of Surrender asks you to surrender to God when you do not understand, not when you understand what the next steps should be. God will not communicate with you through a burning bush or in sending you angels to converse with, these were biblical acts and the biblical times were times when man was losing his potency as a divine being. The last public example of this mastery was Yeshua or the one you call Jesus. Only in again beginning to walk the path of truth can you live as Yeshua did.
You are not in charge of your lives, however you must live them. You must make choices and learn from those choices which it is that God wants for you. He always wants your happiness, your peace and your love. He wants the opportunity to show you His love for you because love must always be given away, so He wants your happiness.
In fact, at this point in time, you know little of what God wants for you, because it is not realized upon the earth and you do not live as He would have you live.
On that note, we now look at the large major cities across the earth and realize they will become the stage for many acts of unhappy protest by those who feel the right to determine the life of another is at their hands. This is the other extreme: the ones who think they are in charge of others’ lives as well as their own. At one point, the definition of what constitutes life fell into question and was conveniently routed to allow for abortion.
Yes, three lives are at play, here. Would it not be obvious to you that the subject of abortion holds the seed for much growth and development of humanity, if in fact you would allow that growth? Now you will go through this as a collective and many other life questions will arise from the restructuring of law and society for you in days to come.
Today I ask you to focus on the capitol city of your choice: be it Denver, Portland, Mumbai or Paris. Make a choice and meditate, pray or send wishes of love to this capitol that it may sustain any damage by those forces rebelling against the overturn of this court decision. Send your love so that the people living in these cities will suffer little or nothing at all of the turmoil that will ensue as a result of this decision.
I am Archangel Michael. I bring you Truth, I bring you love, we are Legion.
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Raising the Collective Consciousness is the key for your transformation.
Submitted to Voyages of Light on June 25, 2022
Dear Humans,
We are children from the planet Kabiru, and we are here to introduce ourselves to humankind. Only children can live here, we study, play and develop skills in area, we desire. We live in 8 dimensional reality, and we enjoy every second of it.
We have been studying the hidden history about Earth, and we are very surprised about the facts that each time your civilization reached the high dimensional reality, you got reversed into a low vibrational one. Your existence is very sad. We can’t understand that you allow being killed, manipulated and being abused. It’s very hard for us to comprehend this type of behavior especially where your children are sacrificed by cults or get abused. We wish for you to evolve again and become a happy planet.
Kabiru is a paradise for kids, who want to interact with each other as children, learn about the Cosmos and eventually become great adults, who can help others to live in peace and balance. This is only possible in high dimensions, where the civilizations are evolved and serve for the good of others.
Our planet welcomes different ages of children from everywhere, who reached 6 and up dimensions and interested to explore, learn, play and then choose, what kind of service, we want to provide for others, after we become adults. Kabiru has two suns, so the night never arrives here. Everyday you can experience same pleasant temperature. The adults, who supervise us, create a balanced schedule for us, so we have enough time for all activities including playtime.
The planet is full of special rooms specifically designed for our unique needs. Most of us are very bright and quick learners, that is very common in our reality. We get guided by our own consciousness, which is limitless. We can learn and do anything, what we have a desire without any limits. Nobody controls us or tells us, how to behave, as we naturally know how. We follow unique recommendations from our advisers, who give the best plan for each child. We learn from early age to be independent.
Your reality is very challenging and hard, and everyone forgot to follow your heart. We realize that, It will takes some time to reverse 3D to a higher dimensional society. You have some many things wrong on Earth like weather manipulation, control issues from authorities, archaic technologies and etc. We are just children, and we know, that you need to find your paradise. Raising the Collective Consciousness is the key for your transformation. We are sending our Hugs and Love. Thank you Universal Channel
Don’t give up on your planet
Children from the planet Kabiru
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Galactic Wisdom : Star Navigation 101 and the Lions Gate
As we enter Cancer Season and head towards the Lions Gate, there is so much happening on the Galactic levels. The Royal Star Lions have become much more active and are teaching us the “skills” of Galactic Navigation that we will need for the Lions Gate, where we will make a massive “leap” forward.
Star Navigation is an ancient skill where the Shaman, or Priestess/Priest would hold a specific consciousness to guide the Earth’s path in a certain direction. At the Lions Gate we are called to hold our Consciousness at a high frequency so that we can guide the Earth into a higher frequency at her next cycle. Together we are creating a Grid of Light that will lift Consciousness on the Earth through the Gate and into the next cycle of Creation and Manifestation.
To do this we need to keep our focus in the Heart and on Love, Compassion and Peace. We cannot be distracted by any of the issues of the descending old earth which are creating anger and fear. We are needed to hold steady and help to create the big leap forward!
As we prepare for this transit, we are also experiencing the physical effects of this alignment into our role as Star Navigators. There is what Archangel Michael calls a “triangulation” going on between the Galactic Center and the Pineal and Pituitary Glands, and between the Pituitary and Pineal and the Thymus Gland (High Heart). This creates an etheric octahedron which functions in the navigation process.
This powerful process has created physical symptoms of clearing and expansion in the Head/Sinus and Ears. Especially the ears, since as you may know the “Galactic Antenna” are in the Inner Ears in a bone structure that looks like the Galactic spiral. You may be experiencing blocked ears or intense ringing in the ears, or blocked sinuses as these parts of the body are cleared and aligned.
There may also be Heart Center issues with intense feelings flooding the heart as the High Heart is activated. You may feel “all over the place” as you align as a Navigator. BUT…the idea is to be able to hold your center and hold your pattern of Peace and Love, knowing that you are holding for the Earth.
The Sirian Star Teachers taught that the Earth was like a boat, which they called the “Boat of Millions of Years” that traversed the Cosmos. The Gods/Neters were the Navigators. Now, in the New Earth, we have become the Navigators as we assume responsibility for our course!
So, this is a time to be awake and aware and to focus on holding balance so that the “boat” can move smoothly on the flow and not pitching up and down and making us dizzy!
The 3rd image here shows a triangular Tachyon pendent in deep Indigo that I was guided to wear to assist this process. It has both triangular shapes and helps to move the energy to zero point and then into the octahedron.
Have a good week everyone!
the path of least resistance…Stop telling the story of the boulder stopping you and start telling the story about how love is trying to help.
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 06/25/2022 • Flowing around the boulders
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
So many times you ask us, “When will life stop being such a struggle?” Our answer, with great love, is always, “when you stop struggling with life.”
Consider a stream. Unobstructed it flows smoothly, gracefully, swiftly, and powerfully. When it encounters an obstacle, such as a boulder that it cannot move, temporarily some of the currents in the stream push against the boulder. Their flow becomes chaotic, slower, and less powerful. Sometimes the water that runs into the boulder even bounces back upstream, temporarily…. until it surrenders to the greater current, joins the path of least resistance, and flows smoothly around the boulder.
In your life, when you encounter something that you consider to be a boulder – something you cannot change and do not want in your path – you have a few choices. You can rally against your “boulders.” You can struggle to change them. You can resist the fact that they even exist. You can resent the people, situations, and things that are unwanted in your life all you want and yet dear ones… there is an easier and quicker way around your boulders in life… and like that stream, it involves surrendering to the path of least resistance.
Suppose someone won’t cooperate with you. Your boss won’t give you time off. Your ex won’t pay child support. The slowest car in traffic won’t change lanes. You can’t get a customer service representative on the line… and the list goes on. You have encountered what you feel is a “boulder” in life – something, someone, or some situation that you perceive to be in the way of your graceful, happy flow in life.
You can sit and complain about the situation all you like but that is unlikely to change the situation. You can try to cajole, bully, or manipulate another person but that is unlikely to work as well. You can honk your horn in traffic or curse at the driver ahead of you. You can waste your precious life force trying to change the external circumstances – the “boulders” in your life – or you can surrender to your heart of hearts, surrender to love, and allow your guidance to carry you right around these perceived challenges.
This takes faith in the fact that you are loved. It takes faith in the fact that the creator of universes knows infinite resources and 7.8 billion people, many of whom could be helpful. It takes faith in the fact that the power that created your body can heal it, that the eternal source of all abundance can guide you to what you need, and the light that lives and breathes in all souls truly wants to assist you with more cooperative and harmonious relationships.
As you let go of the struggle with the things, people, and situations you don’t want, you make room for the things, people, and situations you do. You can’t push against a boulder and flow downstream at the same time. You can, however surrender to the present moment, to what is right in front of you, and in the very next moment, surrender to your heart and allow yourself to be assisted in flowing towards what you really desire – peace, happiness, abundance, kindness, harmony, health, and the things that you’d like, situations you want… perhaps coming in a way that looks a little different than you originally envisioned.
Are you willing to trust you are loved? Then, dear ones stop struggling with life. Stop talking about what shouldn’t exist, who shouldn’t be doing what, who is getting in your way, what is stopping you, or how challenged, sick, broke, angry, frustrated, jealous, or upset you are. Stop telling the story of the boulder stopping you and start telling the story about how love is trying to help.
We love you so much and we see a lot of your unnecessary struggles with life as we gently attempt to whisper in your hearts, “Let go. Let God. We want to help…”
There are many boulders in your world right now. Are you going to struggle with them, or allow yourself to flow around them? It is your choice. Next time you encounter what you perceive to be a boulder in life, stop. Breathe. Relax. Say to yourself, “It is what it is. Life is what it is. I am who I am. I know what I want… what next?” Drop into your heart and you will feel your next step.
Someone won’t cooperate? “They are who they are. I am who I am. I know what I want. What next?” Perhaps you will be impulsed to have a conversation from the heart. Perhaps you’ll be impulsed to work with someone else. Perhaps you’ll be shown a path to work around this individual. There are so many possible solutions. Your heart will tell you the next step.
As you stop resisting the boulders in your life and instead breathe, drop into your hearts and find the next step – the thing to think or do that feels kindest, easiest, most loving – then you, like the stream, will discover the path of least resistance, cease your struggling and be guided to the life you truly want once again.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
Computer Fixed.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ If You’re Yearning for an Ex…
If you find yourself yearning for a previous relationship, it is not necessarily a sign that you are meant to go back. The relationship ended for a reason, and those energies are expired. What you are really missing are the elements that did work for you in that relationship.
It is feedback for you to know what to look for in your next partner without the things that didn’t work. Simply put, your soul is giving you a “Yes” for the elements that did work, and a “No” to the ones that did not. This is to give you clarity to help you discover your next highest match. Many people misunderstand this and try to go back into the relationship, only to find out that it still does not work.
Your soul is always trying to move you forward into the perfect matches for you. Many times you get caught up in the idea that you can only find the traits you enjoyed in that relationship in one place, but the fact is your old partner was likely a near match and your soul is trying to lead you to the true match, the relationship that holds what you enjoyed without whatever issues made that previous relationship unsustainable.
Have you considered that you could find an even better relationship than the old one that contains all of the joy and none of the angst? Open your heart and your mind that you can have it all, Dear Ones, and you will make that a true possibility which will allow yourself to align with the match that is truly meant for you. From that space, if your ex is truly meant for you, they will show up in a more evolved version of themselves that makes the relationship a viable match for you again.
Weekly SUNday meditation for New Earth.
infinite blessing by AA METATRON
Living happily ever after.
They say:what are you working on? what do you hope to accomplish?
Living happily ever after.
And they say:
But what do you want to leave as a legacy?
I was a happy one.
And they say:But what are you doing?
Things that please me.
Toward what end?
And They say: but but what is the mark you want to leave?
Life is joyous.
Hard for people to wrap their head around it but that’s all what existence is about you see.
-Abraham Hicks- 😂😂😂😊😊😊🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😉😉😉
Happy solstice everyOne! Our gift to you:Abundance Activation & Mini Workshop.
My PC is being repaired, meantime we do with what we have(my android).
Solstice Abundance Meditation narrated and created by Adele Ferreira & Mini Workshop for our High Vibe Tribe : After doing the guided meditation follow these steps☺🥰🤗😍Manifestation Mini Workshop in 3 steps:
press play and do the 5′ activation.
when you are done follow steps below
- Go within for 5 minutes feeling gratitude.
- FORGIVE 3 People in your life you most strongly disagreed with then send forgiveness to all around the planet.
Repeat for 21 days.
You will soon discover the fun of creating totally anew as you begin to ignore your horror at the dramatic changes and realize the freedoms those changes create.
Dear Ones,
Now that you have essentially given up your world-shifting role, how can you be sure that the second wave will create a world you want to live in? Your concerns are the concerns of many parents as their children reach young adulthood. The next generation almost always feels wrong from the parents’ viewpoint. Not because their young adult children are wrong, but because they are different. Need we remind you that several outer-directed generations live amongst one another despite somewhat differing patterns – and so it will be now. The second wave will not create as you might, for your creation instincts are to repeat outer-directed structural designs. Will you be comfortable in this new rebuild? That is your choice for the rebuild will seem strange at first, just as anything new does. As the second wave creates new economies, governments, institutions (the only term you can understand now), relationships, etc., you will be amazed and initially horrified. Their creations will not be like anything you can imagine. But then, you arrived on the earth to destroy that which you knew. At first, this new world will seem foreign and likely, frightening. Not because it is wrong, but because it is so different. In truth, these new structures will be the difference between living in caves, as the earth’s inhabitants once did, to living in a mansion with modern conveniences. Would a cave-dwelling person know immediately that their life had changed? Of course. But would they be happy? Most likely not – especially at first. The language and operational skill sets would be so dramatically different that the cave-dwellers would not know how to cook their food or operate conveniences like automobiles or computers. The difference between your learning curve and that of cave-dwellers is you expect change. Not a minor change like your child going off to college. But a significant shift more incredible than the shift of an upper-class matriarch born in the late 1880s with a myriad of antiquated social rules trying to accept a jazz-age granddaughter with her short skirts, flapper attitude, and free love. The grandmother’s love for her granddaughter exists, but neither would necessarily understand why or how. You will be in wonderment as the second wave creates a world that makes you concerned for the future, only to accept the new as interesting and exciting. If you remember, we If you remember, we, of the Universes, highlighted your new being need to flit from activity to activity. After first being horrified by the second wave structural changes, you will discover the fun and joy of their creations. New structural creations different than anything you can imagine, for your new world creation imagination is limited to your previous 3D worlds. These second-wave ideas might seem counter-intuitive until you recognize the joy and fun in the unknown. Like the 1880s matriarch forced to maintain the right words and actions for her social position – observing her flapper granddaughter having a delightful time drinking illegal gin, smoking, and dancing the night away with a feverish pitch. As the matriarch observes the joy and freedom of her granddaughter, she might begin to question the rules she lives by. And so it will be for you. Are you expecting the new world to be a somewhat cleansed version of your current world? Or do you recognize the need for a truly new world? The second-wave creations will not be wrong, just beyond anything you can now conceive. You will soon discover the fun of creating totally anew as you begin to ignore your horror at the dramatic changes and realize the freedoms those changes create. You have repeatedly demonstrated that you no longer wish to live by social rules. That you want the freedom to be. The next wave will create that freedom in fun and joy. Which you will likely join once your initial shock has diminished and thoughts of “You can’t.” “It’s not possible.” “It’s too frightening.” shift to the fun of doing the very acts you were once frightened of. This new dawn is not colored the same as the 3D watered-down dawns you have come to expect. Join in the fun – the sooner, the better. The second wave does not particularly care if you adapt to the new world – but you will. Not because it is a should, but because it will be freedom and joy you cannot now imagine. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source