All posts by Nikos
Sandra Walter: Invocation
In the name of the Creator In-Carnate that I AM, I welcome in and forth my Higher Self, Christed Self, Almighty I AM Presence, and all of my Divine aspects across all parallel realities seen and unseen. Unify in this now moment.
Put your focus here. Let us clear and transform my physical experience to reflect my Divine Infinite Self, the pure essence of Source (God) I AM.
I call forth my Sacred heart center to be fully activated in alignment with my highest expression of Source, to the highest level complimentary to my journey in this now moment.
I choose the highest activity of gratitude, peacemaking, creativity, humility, Divine Love and Divine neutrality each moment. May every thought, word, feeling, action and choice I make this day be aligned with the highest good for all concerned. I open to the power of my heart, love, Divine Will, and Divine Love, Light and Service each moment.
I call forth the Diamond Shining rays of the Christ to reveal and amplify my true heart which is my Divine immortal connection to Source. Heart center, light up!
Heart fields, spin, expand and amplify this Diamond-Solar light. Shine this sacred fire love forth into all of my activities, timelines and choices this day.
Higher Self, present to me Divine synchronicities and opportunities on my path to learn, open my heart, and be in service to all. I call forth all that is sacred as my primary reality and awareness.
Highest levels of Light, overwrite and override all lesser realities and distortions. I call forth peace, harmony, unconditional Love, and Ascension as my primary reality. May these Divine qualities and frequencies be available to all willing hearts choosing Ascension in this Now.
I dedicate myself to this Divine transformation. May this pure heart intention transform all of my activities, thoughts, emotions, service work and creations to fully align with my Divine Embodiment of my pure Source-as-Self expression.
Almighty I AM Presence, restore the patterns of perfection in my body with ease and grace.
I ordain this under all graces and forces of the Infinite Pure Creator Source. I call this forth to the highest level allowed by Cosmic Law, in Divine alignment with the pure and true organic Ascension.
I Love You, I Bless You, I Thank You. So be it. So it is.
Magic Bank Account Affirmation Sleep Meditation (Florence Scovel Shinn)
Let’s Dance on beautiful Organic House Music #432hz.
Balanced Creations by the Nature Spirits
Our Cosmic Origin: Ismael and Michelle – Part 2
The ones who have been holding the financial power, you’re going to see them desperately trying to get it, trying to take it back, trying to manipulate it. … Don’t feel sorry for them one bit. … They knew it was coming.-St Germain-
The events of the current day remind me of Hitler pushing the world towards global war and yet at the same time simply bluffing.
Hitler thought he needed five more years before he was ready for world war. He was angry at Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop after Britain declared war on Germany for invading Poland. Ribbentrop had assured him Britain would not retaliate.
In the same way, President Biden’s handlers are running through one gambit after another in their playbook, one invasion after another of our civil rights – fake pandemics, toxic vaccines (bioweapons) for “depopulation” (mass murder, genocide, omnicide), digital ID, digital currency, burning down food distribution plants, using crickets for food, etc.
They think the world will not believe what’s happening and won’t respond. And a very large number of people seem unable to believe that a government could serve evil. To that extent, the administration seems to be right.
And yet the cabal has known for centuries how the play would end, as St. Germaine tells us:
“The ones who have been holding the financial power, you’re going to see them desperately trying to get it, trying to take it back, trying to manipulate it. … Don’t feel sorry for them one bit. … They knew it was coming.
“In the 1500s, in the 1700s and late in the 1900s, we had some, what you would call, very multidimensional, very spiritual, mystical discussions with these groups who have held the power. We showed them what would come. They did not believe it. It caused them to hold on more desperately to the power and now it’s here.
“So there is a level at which they knew it was coming.” (1)
Whoever is pulling the President’s strings is still hell-bent (no pun intended) for world domination, at any cost.
Stop the camera.
We know that’s not in the Divine Plan. Mother God, the active side of the One, has reassured us:
“[I am speaking about] those in … positions where control and abuse of power have been rampant. That will not be the platform [from] which integration of the various galaxies takes place. That is not the Plan.
“I know very clearly, sweet one, as do you, if it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur.” (2)
“Integration of the various galaxies” refers to a further part of the Plan. First Earth opens up a new space in consciousness with our Ascension and then the rest of the galaxies in our universe follow us into that space.
That space will not be launched from a platform of control and abuse.
OK, start the camera again.
If you can keep your head while all around you are losing theirs? Chances are you’re not on social media.
If you’re at all observing, the challenge is to remain in love, truth, and peace while digesting the main events.
It’s hard when memes are flying and everyone’s temperature is rising – as the Alliance desires. The people must speak, to avoid civil war. I agree.
I’m happy putting up with the inconvenience. I am ready.
But, after that, the inside call for peace arises again and again. I only have eyes for love, truth, and peace – and the service that seems to fall rather naturally out of those divine states. Definitely to align with them. I feel on track.
I can close my eyes and drop down into the space of peace very quickly these days. And even a few seconds or a minute spent in that quiet space sees me feel reconnected to my deeper self (whatever of my dozen selves it may be). (3)
Here I don’t care about ideologies or even knowledge. I don’t even care about chakras and dimensions. I only care about what divine state I’m immersed in and what I know in this moment. (4) And how to expand and unfold this, infinitely and forever.
(2) The Divine Mother in “Enter the Delegations – Part 2/3,” May 5, 2019, at Reading, April 30, 2019.)
(3) Higher, universal, past life, personage, aspect, emanation, parallel life or whatever! I’m interested in the here-and-now experience of life. The rest I leave to the Mother and Michael.
(4) Sri Ramakrishna: “You have come to the orchard to eat mangoes. Enjoy them. What is the use of your calculating how many mango trees there are, how many millions of branches , how many billions of leaves? … Once a man’s inner spirit is awakened, once he succeeds in knowing God, he doesn’t feel the desire to know all this.” (Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Nikhilananda, Swami, trans. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 819.)
Turn Up The Sunshine
We can make it further, we running and don’t look back
It’s a light at the end of the tunnel if you stay on track
But I know any minute when your fingers turn it up like snap
So hard to lose like that (hey)
Let’s do it all around the world
We gotta turn up the sunshine, we gotta turn up the sunshine
Think about it
All the boys and girls
You gotta turn up the sunshine, you gotta turn up the sunshine
Said it’s been a long night, long night
Waiting for the light, waiting for the light
Let’s do it all around the world
We gotta turn up the sunshine, we gotta turn it up
Make it hard to lose like that
You want it, you got it
I’m with it if you do it like that
It’s brighter now when the colors of the rainbow flash
We gotta keep it moving
Make a change so it don’t change back
So hard to lose like that
Let’s do it all around the world
We gotta turn up the sunshine, we gotta turn up the sunshine
Think about it
All the boys and girls
You gotta turn up the sunshine, you gotta turn up the sunshine
Said it’s been a long night, long night
Waiting for the light, waiting for the light
Let’s do it all around the world
We gotta turn up the sunshine, we gotta turn it up
Make it hard to lose like that
If this weather makes you frown
And some people get you down, remember
Love like sound, it’s better when it’s loud
And if there’s no song inside
We can bring the light together
Day or night, we’re shining from inside
Turn up the, turn it up
Turn up the, turn it up
Turn up the, turn it up
Turn up the sunshine
Turn up the, turn it up
Turn up the, turn it up
Turn up the, turn it up
Turn up the sunshine
Turn up the, turn it up
Turn up the, turn it up
Turn up the, turn it up
Turn up the sunshine
Turn up the, turn it up (ahh)
Turn up the, turn it up (ahh)
Turn up the, turn it up (ahh)
Turn up the sunshine (ahh)
All around the world
We gotta turn up the sunshine, we gotta turn up the sunshine
Think about it
All the boys and girls
You gotta turn up the sunshine, you gotta turn up the sunshine
Said it’s been a long night, long night
Waiting for the light, waiting for the light
Let’s do it all around the world
We gotta turn up the sunshine, we gotta turn it up
Make it hard to lose like that
The full playlist from latest minions soundrack is also awesome.
You are just beginning to understand how free you are. How much fun it is to explore new dimensions and frequencies…Within days, you will wonder how you could have found your new explorations difficult… It is a new you on steroids.
Dear Ones,
Perhaps you wonder what happened to your sparkle, your joy? Nothing.
Because you are jumping between timelines, dimensions, and frequencies, you are too exhausted to notice how your personal world is shifting.
Even though you no longer depend on others for your joy, you are unsure how to create your own happiness. Which is somewhat like the first time you played in a sandbox without direction. You did not know what to do with a sand pail or the sand. Even though you had complete freedom to create sand structures, you did not understand what a sand structure was.
You have more freedoms now but are not yet sure how to play with those freedoms. This uncertainty encourages you to return to what you are familiar with but no longer enjoy.
Do not be concerned. You are just beginning to understand how free you are. How much fun it is to explore new dimensions and frequencies. And how unlike your former 3D being with rules and shoulds you have become.
Allow yourself to explore new places. Discovering who you are in these new environments is a process. An infant does not immediately understand the difference between a crib and a sandbox. So it is for you.
You are learning how to be new you with multiple simultaneous adventures – causing you to be frazzled and tired. But even as your being cries it is too much; your new possibilities excite you.
Your adventures, playtimes, activities, and interactions are new, causing you to overthink your readiness and energy levels. Similar to how you felt when you learned to drive an automobile. As a student driver, you could not imagine safely driving while listening to the radio and talking with passengers.
Within days, you will wonder how you could have found your new explorations difficult.
Your new world is filled with sparkles, fun, and new creations. It is a new you on steroids.
In the first few months of an infant’s earth life, they learn more than at any other time in their earth experience. Infants require a great deal of sleep to regenerate, reconnect with their Universal being, and let go of that Universal being before fully transitioning to 3D life.
You are in an almost opposite process. You are letting go of your 3D outer life and reconnecting to your Universal being. So your physical being needs to regenerate because the shift between the two extremes of 3D and Universal being is so significant as to be almost incomprehensible.
Your Universal dreams and actions remain encased in the physical body familiar to friends and family. Your Universal enhancements are not visible to anyone, including you. Yet your inner world is alive and seeking new adventures, interactions, and creations. An inner world you mostly hide from others as you explore your new world.
The difference between you and a 3D infant is that an infant does not need to hide their development, nor is anyone surprised about their physical, intellectual, and emotional growth. You, in comparison, are having difficulties understanding your shifts and do not feel comfortable discussing those changes with most humans.
Your rapid evolution may cause you to feel frightened the next few days, for you no longer have your 3D rules – and your freedom feels too extreme. You may also require more sleep than usual or experience unexpected aches and pains. Not because your physical being is falling apart, but because you are using new parts of your physicality during your explorations.
All will dissipate within days.
You are in a new world, exploring pieces you never explored while of 3D. That in itself is exhausting. Add the loneliness of finding your new you pieces without the support given to 3D infants in reverse actions, and you will understand why you feel discombobulated.
This is a short phase. A phase in which you will learn you no longer require others cheering you on or that you are so different from other earth beings that you need to isolate yourself. All will flow into rightness within a few days.
Fear or concern will not hasten nor slow the process. You have evolved beyond 3D knowingness into a new Universal human. A hybrid that has never before existed. And something that will be discussed forevermore in your earth histories.
Just as European explorers felt hundreds of years ago, you are a bit fearful of what you will find during your explorations. Feelings that will dissipate as you find new worlds that will become joyous reunions with the Universes and all that entails. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and the source website link:
This week’s target is again the current administration of the United States. -Archangel Michael-
Archangel Michael
Week 70 Message
Angelic Warrior Group
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
Today we find ourselves at a precipice. As the world changes we are on the edge of what you perceive to be time. This timeline is due to make major changes shortly, changes for the better for all. Although your work will not be done, you have much more manifestation to do as you anchor in more beneficial systems for all, we ask you please to take time to regenerate and refresh yourselves.
Self care is important in all of this and caring for your energy and using defense methods inspired by us of the angelic realm, given to you in love, are requested of you.
For those starseeds who still need to open their third eye, proper energetic maintenance is important. Clearing of the energy field, cutting of cords, neutralization of negative energy and dismissal of negative thinking, giving yourself down time to relax are all important ways to stay centered and focused on our collective goal: winning this battle with darkness for once and for always.
Many of you are showing signs of fatigue, some of you are battling with your own side, some of you are attacking those who are doing their light work while you are not. These are all signs that you are compromised, your mission is compromised and that you must work harder to clear your energy and clear your mind of hatred.
You have come to earth to be a vehicle for the Light as this is your normal frequency. Many of you are turning away and practising thoughts that are not of the Light but of the dark. These must be recognized and dispensed with.
This week it was reported that: “The surface Lightworker grid has almost collapsed, and the Light forces have activated an emergency backup Light grid for the surface of the planet, about which nothing can be said.” This is correct. This has occurred and now we ask that you fight harder to embody the love of others that inspired you to come to planet earth years ago.
What hateful thoughts have you had this week? What fearful thoughts have you had this week? How can you change these thoughts into thoughts of love?
This week’s target is again the current administration of the United States. As it continues to seek to war with other countries, its war against its own people forges on. Understand that all countries are looking at the success experienced in the United States as a guide to whether they should continue their own campaigns or not. If the States should overthrow their dark leaders, other countries will capitulate as well.
Me: I want to say something as well, Michael.
Michael: Indeed. Go ahead, Sharon.
Me: I’ve learned that the program to create new digital I.D. is being put forward in Canada. In Ontario where I live, the premier has approached the federal government for support because it’s being fought in parliament. Digital I.D. is connected via INTERAC – not your Social Insurance Number, not your OHIP number, not your driver’s license. Your bank account in other words. And digital identity will also reflect your vee status so of course if you’re not fully inoculated you will be cut off from your bank account. This has to be stopped. Just say “no”. Do not comply.
If you think they won’t cut people off of their money just think of the trucker protest in Ottawa last winter – they cut them off of their funding via INTERAC. They have started a pattern of cutting off people for non-compliance and opposition already.
AA Michael: A true warrior, Sharon.
Me: Thank you. I have to get this message out. Obviously they’ll take down my website and try to stop me in other ways but I just keep fighting for our collective rights. As someone who’s not even had one vee, I feel that others who have had two or three shots will now join with me on this because they’re fed up.
Yes, fed up of Fed. That’s what I am.
Please share this message. I have a small website up called “” Yes, a good disguise. LOL And if you want to see the UFO we saw last night and got pictures of it’s on / ships and stars. And it’s a good one.
Thank you for this, Michael.
Michael: I am Michael. I am your leader. I am your teacher. We are legion.
(I can see him bowing his head as he leaves me.)
Enjoy the ordinary things of life.
AUGUST 21, 2022
Dear readers we are pleased to once again connect with you who have chosen to bring your light and awareness to earth’s ascension process. Know that if you read and relate to these messages we are referring to you. Trust that you are doing what you came to do even if it seems as though you are simply living an ordinary life.
Many students of truth become programmed along the way to believe that spiritual work consists only of channeling, hands on table work, healing rites and rituals etc. and these things can be facets of it. However, the reality is that Light work is just what it says it is–working to hold Light.
Trust that the Divine Plan is alive and well in spite of what seems to be a regression of world consciousness. The chaos is serving to “jump start” the awakening process for many who continue to live un-empowered lives, never questioning or thinking for themselves and believing everything they are told if the person doing the telling holds a position of authority in government, religion, education, or medical fields.
Their exposure to actions reflective of dense and long hidden negative energies is causing them for the first time to actually acknowledge issues they have always chosen to ignore or deny in favor of continuing to live comfortably in their chosen belief system while never questioning the status quo they have long accepted as being normal and correct.
Everyone, not just the select few called saints, sages, or gurus, are empowered beings of Light in different phases of awakening to the realization of this. Some will need more lifetimes lived in third dimensional energy and some have already achieved this state of consciousness but all are on a journey of continuing spiritual awareness regardless of how they may be living their lives at this time. It can be no other way, because ONEness is the only reality and is infinite.
When the first spark of real truth touches and opens in consciousness it causes a period of time in which the person feels emotionally and mentally traumatized. This cannot be avoided because there has been a shift in their state of consciousness and the experience of suddenly realizing that everything they were taught and put their faith into is false, shatters the foundation they have built and depended upon leaving them floundering in confusion which quickly dissipates as awareness continues to unfold.
Many things are waiting in the wings, soon to manifest and help increasingly more to awaken out of the eons long slumber they have endured believing that they were just physical bodies, human beings living only one life and subject to anything and everything “bad”. Never forget that all are Divine Beings, expressions of one omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient God. We have frequently said this, but present times call for it to be reiterated.
Resist nothing. It is not your job as Light workers to save the world with three dimensional solutions. Your job and what you came to do as evolved individuals is to hold the Light by being the Light. Because there is only ONE Consciousness, the Light you hold in your consciousness automatically assists and lifts those near or far able to align with that same energy.
Enjoy the ordinary things of life. Take time to have a glass of wine, read a good book, laugh with friends, or walk in nature and talk to the trees. These things are just as spiritual as sitting in church listening to someone else’s concepts of truth or engaging in prayers that beg and plead. The energy of joy is of a much higher resonance than that of “I don’t have. Give, give, give. Poor me.”
Be aware of your thoughts as you go about your day, staying anchored in truth as best you can. Energy is always attracted to energy it can align with because energy is always seeking oneness and wholeness regardless of how dense or light the energy may be.
The energies embodied in the world’s collective consciousness are drawn to like energy held in the consciousness of individuals. A person who is overly concerned and fearful about health and disease will automatically attract thoughts and beliefs about health and disease, often creating them for themselves. A person who constantly thinks, worries, and gives power to issues of money will likewise attract concepts, beliefs, and experiences of lack and limitation and even abundance. (third dimensional duality) It is the same for all beliefs–relationships, aging, etc. etc.
Always remember that the three dimensional thoughts that may flow to and through you are never personally yours regardless of how intensely they may feel like yours. Many of them simply represent old habits because the mind has been trained through lifetimes to think certain types of thoughts.
The power is not in rejecting unwanted thoughts, but rather by knowing that the only real thoughts that are personally yours are God’s thoughts–abundance, health, harmony peace, joy, completeness, love, etc. Speak to your mind allowing it to become a partner instead of something to be resisted. Thoughts, some of which may shock you at times as you go about your day have only whatever reality and power you give them.
Many attempt to block out all thoughts when meditating which is impossible and causes the person to spend their meditation time solely trying to block out thoughts. Mediate in partnership with your mind which is an avenue of awareness. Talk to it, allowing it to rest and listen with you not against you as you await silent awareness of your oneness with God.
Allow the process dear ones, always know that there is a bigger picture unfolding other than what appearances may testify to. Your higher self is in charge of your evolution and knows what you are ready for and when and will not allow experiences you are not yet spiritually prepared for in your evolutionary journey.
Trust– knowing that earth is not a material world filled with pain, problems, and evil people but in reality is a spiritual universe peopled with sons and daughters of God– always has been and always will be. Evolution is the process of awakening to this.
We are the Arcturian Group 8/21/22
To compile a mission that would put a stop to this lowest of the low behaviour and send forth, those who KNOW their Light strongly enough to ‘rescue’ the Planet and indeed, the human race…DO YOU SEE WHY YOU HAVE TO BE THE STRONGEST OF THE STRONG?
The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild, Aug. 21, 2022
Once again, here I am for a chat. I feel, for now, to leave the Codes and Crystals. We sort of get the gist and I don’t want to dive too deep in case I run out of Oxygen! Perhaps talk to us about you? That would be an interesting place to start.
Blossom, we welcome you. We welcome all who choose to come into this space and gain information and Energy upliftment as we converse.
Firstly, there is not really a ‘You’ to talk about. There is not an ‘Us’.
Yet, once you said you can take any form you desired.
This is so. For we are Pure Energy and Energy as you know, can take every and any form.
So, what would you say is your ‘natural form’, your ‘slipping into something more comfortable’ form?
Expressions of Light. Dynamic Colours that transform and Dance as we allow ourselves to BE the Highest Purest Love.
So, there is a ‘we’?
‘We’ are indeed a ‘many’. Yet, we would call ourselves ‘One’. We are a ‘Collective Consciousness’ resonating on a particular Frequency of Light, within a particular Vibration.
Can you /do you recognise yourselves as individuals?
We can … for ‘we’ are a ConsciousNESS. Therefore, made up of ‘many’. Yet, we consider ourselves to be a ‘United Front’ and our togetherness ‘feels’ as though we are a ‘block’ of Energy … thinking as One. The word ‘Block’ is appropriate to explain, yet, not necessarily of the correct interpretation.
So, you ‘think’ then? About what?
Yet, we have the capacity to chat with you, for instance. Therefore, we ‘think’.
So, you wouldn’t class yourselves as ‘Beings’?
Yes, we would. Should we choose to take the form of ‘Beings’.
And what form would that look like?
Anything we choose.
And for what purpose?
To present ourselves within circumstances that require us to be in form.
Could you give an example?
There are many and varied. For instance … should it be required, we may present ourselves as an Animal, a Human, a Flower, a Cloud, a Ray of Light, a Bird … for the time that is required to ‘assist’ in a necessary Energy exchange in order to ‘shift’ the Energy … for/with … a soul/circumstance … that needs it.
Isn’t that interfering with one’s pathway?
No. we are adhering to Universal Laws. At the same time, assisting the Universe with its ‘callings’ from ‘all walks of Life’ that are asking for assistance. If assistance isn’t asked for, we do not intervene.
Does it involve a lot for you to ‘appear’ in a form here on Earth? I would imagine it would be hard to be in this Vibration, considering the Vibration that you reside and are comfortable in.
It isn’t about ‘involving’. For ‘Us’, it is more of a ‘thought’ and a transference of Energy.
Wait! I’m confused already … I should have stuck with the Codes! Does YOUR ENERGY come here and materialise into … say, a bird … or … do you find a passing crow and highjack it? I.e., borrow its physical body for a time?
This is correct, This can be done. This is one way. This is all done in accordance with Law, Allowance and Acceptance.
Ok. For some reason, this just isn’t flowing. Too many possibilities of thought are pouring into my head and I can’t put them in order. Therefore, losing the link, I feel. I had planned for our chat to be this morning, so I might see if I can continue on, if we change the subject. Will that work?
Let’s Try. We may suggest the thought to you, Blossom, that just because a particular subject doesn’t flow, it doesn’t mean that we are not here, or, you are blocking it. It can be that the chosen topic in question isn’t able to be given a simple answer, due to the Vibration … Being of itself a much Higher One … and therefore, inexplicable in Human terms or understanding.
Yet, all I did was ask you to talk about you!
We rest our case!
Ok. Next!
Let us not move away from our conversation, yet, move it into a different thought ‘about it’ … ‘about us’.
We are no different from you … from your Truth of who you are.
We are the Light. We are the Love. We are the Truth … We are the I AM.
In Essence … you are ‘from’ the same block of Energy …
Can we look for another word? ‘Block’ seems so ‘solid’ and you are not. How about ‘group’? Nope … that’s not right. Come on, Guys … help me out.
Completely not what I was going on the lines of, yet, it makes perfect sense. So we are from the same Pattern of Energy.
Everything is … originally.
Yet, you have chosen to experience Being a Human. You, throughout ‘Life forms’ have chosen to BE many things. Anything you desired … anything you knew would be beneficial in terms of experience.
You have all been on many Planets. You have all experienced everything you want to and you shall continue to do so.
Have you?
Through you and all that choose to do so.
That Energy … is then/can be … broken down into a million, trillion, infinite Frequencies of itself and resonate within those Vibrations and Frequencies. The level of Frequencies depicts that which one chooses … to manifest their desires.
Yet … all originally coming from … Being of … the Highest Frequency of LOVE.
Therefore, we cannot be separate.
Because that is your blueprint. That is Your Essence.
Your choices … from that space … as we say, are infinite and shall continue to be so.
So, we would say because ‘our Pattern’ is formed from that SAME Original Highest Purest Love … we are … through each individual chosen Pattern … able to experience ‘Life’ … ‘through it’ … as we are part ‘OF it’.
Telepathically we communicate with you, Blossom … through the Energy Patterns.
We are not you … you are not us … yet, WE ARE.
Due to you experiencing Planet Earth at this time … as a chosen individual … not a separate one … our ‘Pattern of Life’ is very different from yours.
We are showing you moving Light colours, ever-changing, of the Brightest hues.
Your ‘Patterns’ of ‘Life’ upon the Planet Earth … would not produce the same image. They would be dimmer colours, of lesser Light Frequencies.
NOT because YOU are ‘of’ dimmer colours, or lesser Light Frequencies … but because of the density of Vibration that you have chosen to reside in … because of the lower Vibrations all around you. Lower Vibrations that are seeped into the very Earth itself.
This you did through Love … of yourself and the WHOLE.
At this particular time … the choice to be where you are … depending on your soul’s choices … maybe for a different reason other than just to experience.
For you, THE STRONGEST OF THE STRONG … as you know … came to Earth on a mission.
The Highest Love has … through humanity … experienced the Lowest Love.
That sounds odd.
Yet, Truth.
I get it. For there is nothing else other than, right?
And Council was held at the Highest level to intervene, in this case. To compile a mission that would put a stop to this lowest of the low behaviour and send forth, those who KNOW their Light strongly enough to ‘rescue’ the Planet and indeed, the human race.
I suddenly had a vision of billions of us adorning our superhero capes … (not so much the lycra onesies, just quietly.)
Something’s bugging me, that I need to clear up before we go. You say ‘The Highest Love has … through humanity, experienced the Lowest Love …’. Is it just humanity that has enabled the experience of the Lowest Love?
No. Not by a long shot. Yet, at this time we are discussing the matters of Earthly experience. We chose our words wisely, yet, we understand your questioning.
Maybe all that is for another time … or not! Well, we seemed to get through it. Let’s hope it blends well enough when I read it back. Thanks, my friends. As always, In Gratitude. In Loving Service. I AM.
Tomorrow join High Vibes Tribe Live Mini Ascension Retreat online from 2pm CET to 2.22 pm (PARIS)
Live on
Preparing for the next wave of Ascension energies.
Good everywhere!
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 08/20/202
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Breathe. Relax. Your world is not coming to an end. Your countries are not falling apart. Your world is not sliding downhill. Plenty of people who feed you information on a daily basis would like you to think so. Fear sells. Drama sells. Scarcity and lack mentality sell. Drama IS out there, of course, in so many ways. Dishonesty is out there. Greed is out there. Manipulation, bullying, and abuse are out there.
Of course, these things exist, but what is presented to you is by no means a representation of the whole of humanity. Billions of kind, loving souls quietly go about their business every day. The majority of them will never make your news. Nonetheless, every loving thought, word, or deed is celebrated as good news in heaven! If you could see the “news” from our perspective, the good far outweighs the bad.
There are wars. There always have been. However, countless souls are striving to create peace in their own hearts, homes, lives, and communities.
There are souls lost in greed and dishonesty, but many more live generous, kind, compassionate, caring, and honest lives.
There are indeed floods, earthquakes, asteroids, and volcanoes, and many are affected as Mother Nature releases collective emotional pressures. However, there are countless more individuals who are living in the only true security which is that provided by your connection to the Divine.
We know about your economy and your markets, but money – while necessary and fun – is not your security. Money is not the source of your generosity. Money is not the solution to your worries. Money is a by-product of your willingness to trust and believe in the abundant universe and the creator’s love for you. Are you struggling to answer your own prayers, or are you acting on inspiration as we guide you to joyful solutions to your prayers? Are you focusing on life with appreciation or lack? We see an abundant universe. We are constantly striving to guide you to see it so you can experience it. We want you to know abundance in all areas of life – money, love, expression, play. We love you.
You get to choose your news. You get to choose your point of view. You get to choose your thoughts, or they will choose you, and without exception, the vibration you emanate will continue to attract thoughts, things, and people who vibrate on a similar level.
We are not casting aspersions on your media or your journalists.They are dear souls, responding to a collective vibratoinal asking. They help you see the situations you wish to change, and those you wish to empower. They are letting you know some of “what’s on the menu” in the buffet of life, each from their unique perspective. Many journalists are courageous angels, diving into the dark situations, and often, also, finding the light. Many wish to share wonderful, positive, engaging stories, or even horrific stories with the intent of inspiring help. When the world wants more of the positive, more will be offered. Humanity is comprised of individual points of view, but you also create a mass consciousness, and larger organizations tend to respond to the collective vibration.
If you were to approach a buffet with your angels, we’d be so excited to point out the dishes we know that you’d love and adore. We’d bring you to the things that would delight you! We’d say, “Look here! Here’s that dish your grandma made when you were six years old that you loved so much! Here is a dish you admired once while walking by a restaurant with the menu outside. Here are your favorite fruits and some you haven’t tried that we know you’d love. Look here! Here’s the desert section, and these, over here, will work fine for your body and delight your senses.” Never would we say, “Watch out for that! Don’t eat that! Don’t look at that!”
Dear ones, we guide you only to what fulfills your desires. We guide you only to what delights and nourishes you – in response to all you have asked for throughout the course of your entire life. If fifty years ago, you had a wish and still have it, we still try to guide you to it! When you attract anything less than love, you have simply been in a vibration less than love that the world matches. We are always guiding you on the happiness path.
Imagine, however, that you have a complaint about an item at the buffet. Suppose you made your discontent clear the last time you visited. As you return, you go straight to the buffet and look for the offending item. We are whispering, “Look here, you’ll love this!” but you are still looking for that thing you didn’t want and don’t like. Suppose you find it. Now you’re really upset! “Look at that! It has no right to be on the buffet! I want to talk to the manager again!” Still, we whisper, “Look over here. Here’s something you’d love.” Dear ones, when you focus on the offending”items” in the buffet of life, you can’t hear our subtle, loving guidance towards what you want.
You can choose to look for things that are pleasing in the buffet of life rather than focusing on the ones that aren’t. Look for the kind people when you are out and about. Some days you’ll notice only the scowling ones. Can you instead decide you will be a source of light and kindness? Can you focus on feeling genuinely good inside of yourself first and imagine emitting that feeling? As you shift your vibration, you will shift what you see and attract.
Good is everywhere dear ones. Your world is not coming to an end. Your countries are not falling apart. Your economy has no power to drive you to ruin. Every time you have a single loving thought, speak a single kind word or perform an action rooted in love, you become part of a vast stream of love moving your planet earth into a new era of light. Both the currents of love and the extremes of resistance to it are becoming increasingly obvious, but you don’t need to worry. Love will prevail, one soul, one choice, at a time.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
You have to actively engage with your new thoughts daily…It is a daily, hourly, minutely commitment and REMEMBERING to YOU Being YOU
You will change nothing if you do not take the time to really and truly listen within.
How can you experience anything other than what you have patterned yourself to experience unless you drop those old patterns of thought that you are still currently running and allow yourself room to create new thoughts and feelings that enrich you.
COME ON. Stop Fooling Yourself.
You change your thought first and then gather, explore and magnify the feelings you can currently generate that are associated with this new thought into a present moment experience that you can enjoy even though what the thought intends has not fully manifested yet.
You can’t just wait for your healing to feel wholeness.
You can’t wait for your abundance to feel wealthy.
You can’t wait for the mystical moment to feel awe.
You have to feel awe for the mystical moment to occur.
You have to feel love for the new relationship to show up.
You have to feel empowered in order to feel success.
You have to feel wholeness before your healing can be continuous.
You have to feel abundant before your wealth can actually appear.
When your brain and your body change to look like the event has occurred, THAT IS WHEN THE EVENT WILL FIND YOU.
You have to actively engage with your new thoughts daily.
I So Love You
PS You have new circuitry (crystaline based neurons) waiting right now in our head to be fired through your conscious (5D) Creative thought generation. They require brand new thoughts that are repetitively activated. Thoughts are your PLACEBO for your new state of Being in your body and Creating your experience.
Watch your self talk and consciously begin to change everything that you are telling yourself both in quality and quantity that from your new perspective is absolutely untrue. Watch the Miracles begin to arise.
It is a daily, hourly, minutely commitment and REMEMBERING to YOU Being YOU
Jenny Schiltz ~ Clearing the Lineage of Karma and Density
These energy waves have been super intense, everything feels like it has sped up since the Solstice in June. We are shifting rapidly, and my experience has been simultaneously amazing and brutal. For me, the brutal part has been the reckoning of my physical body. I seem to handle the emotional waters quite well, digging deep into my psyche. Yet often with the physical, I feel as if I’m hitting a wall.
From the time I was born with a diseased kidney that led to its removal at age 10, it has been one illness, injury, or surgery after another. I have overcome tremendous challenges, and often my spirit’s vitality overshadows the body’s struggle. One of my greatest struggles was a spinal injury that left me severely limited and with chronic nerve pain.
Just 12 short years ago they told my husband that they were grateful that I was able to wiggle my toes, but my quality of life would be greatly diminished due to pain. I have done incredible amounts of work to heal the body and the blockages that have kept me from healing. I hike mountains now.
Yet recently I was knocked down as I stepped wrong on a rock while on the trail, and I fully broke a sesamoid bone in my left foot. This injury began in October of 2021, and I nursed it back to health and was able to hit the trail again, only for it to break fully this time.
Oddly enough, I broke the same bone in my right foot in 2019, and finally had it surgically removed in 2021. What I’ve noticed is that since the removal of that bone, the energy flows much more freely through my right side. This has helped me to heal on an even greater level. While intellectually I know all this, it’s little consolation for the fact that I am headed to surgery again in 2 weeks.
The amount of frustration, anger and even betrayal I felt was shocking. Being on the trail first thing in the morning was my happy place. It grounded me and brought in a huge amount of clarity. The biggest thing was that my mind/body/spirit felt whole. There was a synergy that was created. I could feel myself being more present and connected, more here than I ever have been.
To have this taken away felt like a huge sucker punch from the universe. I went into “What have I done wrong?” That feeling was compounded when it was suggested that I maybe I wasn’t listening to my body, that I had pushed too hard. I just wanted to scream.
There is so much guilt and shame that can come in, especially from the spiritual community when one is injured or sick. It’s often an unconscious way of creating a hierarchy. Some that are doing well through these energy waves, can often be pulled into the ego state of “I must be doing something right because I am doing great, therefore they must be doing something wrong.” It’s full of judgment that creates tremendous disharmony in the community.
I knew deep within that this break from the activity wasn’t about me needing to “Be Still.” I had developed a routine of exercising the body first thing in the morning, and then spending the next couple of hours connecting within, writing, learning, and sometimes just simply staring at the wall.
I felt so betrayed. I listen to guidance, I listen to the body, and I have been doing all the “right” things to support all of my being. So why did this happen?
Simultaneously, information and dreams are coming in about work needing to be done in Belize. While exciting, it also added to the frustration of “Okay Spirit, I will follow my path, but can you please keep my body from breaking?”
The other day, I was doing something and shifted my weight incorrectly, and pain seared through my foot, even while wearing a boot. All of a sudden it erupted from my mouth “I hate this! I hate this weak body! I hate this limitation!” I sat back in shock at my outburst, and I could feel within a crumbling. I knew I needed to get quiet and work through this.
I went outside and wrote out my frustration; all of it, the bad and the ugly. I sat with it, and I then let my body speak. The amount of sorrow and frustration the body felt was tremendous. My body began to list off all of the challenges it has healed, all the ways that I, too, had mistreated it in this lifetime, and even what I’m asking of it to hold and anchor in more and more light and codes.
My body wasn’t wrong, and I apologized for feeling so angry and betrayed. The body, too, was feeling this, but I was the one that betrayed it by not honoring its service. I dried my tears and asked my Spirit “What now?” and heard “Go to the Akash, you need to understand more.”
I settled myself and began to journey. I entered the Akashic Record and was met with one attendant, but a member of my spirit team came forward saying that she would assist me. We pulled my record and I told her that I needed to understand why I have had such a difficult journey physically. I have been working diligently to heal myself, yet new things come up.
She told me that she understood my frustration, and asked me if I understood my role in this life. I told her that I believe so, that my role is to help others through their journey to self and to anchor in light and codes on the earth. She said, “Yes, but you are also an example of what is possible when one heals within.” I asked her “Does this mean I have to keep creating things to overcome to be that example?” She said, “No, you are not creating these things, you are clearing them.”
“We have shared some of this with you before, but we want to expound on the information previously given.
As you know, a large grouping came into the planet at this time to assist with the Ascension process. We have even referred to this group to you as a pinch hitter (A pinch hitter is a baseball term where a special player is brought in that bats in place of a teammate, typically at a critical point in the game).
The fundamental role of a pinch hitter, in this case, is to clear the ancestral DNA and recode/return the divine blueprint to its original form. This assists the lineage with moving off the wheel of karma. Each pinch hitter was strategically placed in families that had tremendous karma and trauma.
The clearing of karma is done on all planes of reality. This is not an easy task by any means. Instead of judging your physical issues as an indicator that you have done something wrong, see it as you are moving through and clearing another layer.”
I asked “Aren’t physical issues the sign of stuck energy or resistance?”
She replied:
“Yes, yet many are clearing the stuck energies of one’s lineage rather than their own failings. It is the incorrect judgment or fault finding in oneself or another that creates the greatest resistance that allows the blockage to linger. Acceptance of one’s role as a lineage clearer and the reframing of how events are received is essential for greater ease.
We understand that it can feel like a never-ending task and a burden. Yet this is precisely what pinch hitters’ souls have come to do. They have come to clear with finality what has held so many back for eons. In the overall space and time, the service is exactly just a moment at bat. We do understand, however, that this moment can span a lifetime and have incredible gratitude for the work being done.”
I said ” I understand. Does this mean that I will have continual physical problems of varying kinds?”
She replied:
“You will have additional blockages to clear, yes. Although realizing that each one is a substantial clearing for your lineage may bring comfort. If you look at the progression of your injuries and illnesses, they are not nearly as difficult as they once were. You are not meant to suffer through this incarnation, you are simply meant to clear the density of the lineage, and you can achieve this at a much faster pace now more than ever.
You do receive extraordinary assistance from your earthly team (spouse, children, healing practitioners) and your spirit team. While we cannot keep you from these events, we can assist you through them.”
I expressed my gratitude for all that she explained, and then returned to my body. I had a conversation with her, apologizing again and explaining all that I had come to understand and promised her that I wouldn’t blame her anymore.
We are truly the interface between spirit and our body. As I said these words, it felt as if this understanding brought tremendous ease, a sigh of relief. We (My body and I) signed up for this, and we are completely qualified to not only clear the lineage but to do the work that we’re meant to do on this earth.
I share all of this because so many of you are also “pinch hitters,” clearing the lineage and anchoring the light. So many of you often feel ashamed, guilty, or less than due to the difficulties of this incarnation. So many of you, like me, have been working on all the layers, digging in deep, but are finding challenges still arise. It can be overwhelming and exhausting.
All of this is exacerbated when many have aspects of self that don’t fully want to be in the body or within this matrix. Physicality is hard, and may not be one’s original essence. Tapping into this aspect and working with it will help to ease resistance to the next thing clearing, whether it’s physical, emotional, or mental.
I was talking to a friend recently, Aubrielle Benton. She, too, had been experiencing something similar. While hers hasn’t been physical, it was the similar feeling of “What have I done wrong? Why am I being punished?”
As she sat with it, she realized that it’s a type of programming, one she is calling Luciferian programming. It is equivalent to being cast out of heaven and thrown into hell. It creates the illusion of if one is good, only good things happen. If one is bad, one must experience hell or suffering. Yet we know at our core that this is not true, yet the programming is often there.
This belief/programming combined with the task many of us have agreed to is quite combustible. It can create incredible resistance, frustration, and anger in the form. It’s our job to root out that programming, and we do this through full acceptance of what is.
I was talking about all of this with one of my daughters, and she looked at me and said ” Mom, by the time you’re 60, you’ll be so healthy that you’ll be running circles around dad.” As she said these words I was covered in goosebumps, and I saw the truth in her eyes. We are not meant to suffer. We’re here to assist our lineage, clear the ancestral DNA, and build a new way of being. Though the road can be difficult, we are doing just that.
Take care of yourself, and honor your experiences and your role. My deepest gratitude to everyone that is assisting at this incredible time.
Lots of love to you.
Beautiful heart reading these words, feeling this energy, we gently ask: are you feeling the low?
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: The Low of Flow
Greetings and blessings to you all. We wish to begin with a question: do you feel stuck? Does nothing feel ‘right’ anymore, yet you don’t know where to go or what to do? These are extremely good signs that you are ~ perhaps to your surprise! ~ in your flow.
Do you see the word ‘low’ in flow? Flow in spiritual terms is not linear, it’s not a smooth arc of ascent or evolution; it goes in jumps, in quantum bursts. When you move into an expansion jump, you feel the rightness of it; an inner knowing of your perfection that is subtle, yet perceptible, especially as you move deeper into the ascension process. Your jumps are a release, a sense of expansion within.
When the river meets the sea and knows itself more deeply; it recognises the ‘is-ness’ within that was always present, but could never have described.
After a while, the sea feels restless too, as though there is more and yet it does not know what; it goes through the ‘low’ of an inner knowing, ‘this is not enough, this is not really me, there is something missing.’
The sea meets the ocean and breathes a huge sigh of relief. It has found its home, or so it thinks. After another while, the ocean begins to feel the low, the restlessness, the vague awareness of something stirring. There are no concepts or words to really capture what is missing, yet it feels an intense sense of dislocation, unease, waiting… but for what? Surely it is everything now, it is the ocean.
One moment, out of nowhere, the ocean expands again, it realises it is all water – even lakes and streams that have never connected with it. There is a deep knowing and a feeling of rightness, aliveness and peace. Surely now, its journey is complete.
The low of flow comes again. The water senses there is more, and yet how could there be? This gnawing feeling continues, vague, uneasy, and yet a part of the truth of water, an expression of its fullness of being. There is more.
One moment, out of nowhere, the water realises it is not water: it is Everything. It is land, trees, fish, elephants, vast grasslands and great desserts. Surely this is it? Until, again, the low of flow comes upon it.
Beautiful heart reading these words, feeling this energy, we gently ask: are you feeling the low? Are you feeling small, trapped, uncomfortable and yet not really knowing why? You are in the low of flow. You are in the chrysalis of your evolution from caterpillar to butterfly.
Jennifer is fond of reminding people that the caterpillar doesn’t grow wings: it melts. Then it is recreated in a new form.
Humanity is melting. Those of you who have been through this process before ~ the lightworkers who came here to consciously hold the energy of this process ~ you know this. You feel it and bump up against it every day, even if you cannot name it.
So, we give you this idea: the low of flow. It is a moment in beingness. It is neither good nor bad, simply an awareness of expansion. It will pass, and you will know when it has passed for you. You will feel alive. You will have knowingness. Love will flow through you with greater softness, energy and delight than you imagined.
Trust your journey. You are doing magnificently. And we love you in every moment, in every stage.
Copyright © 2022 Jennifer Crokaert You may also like to check out my YouTube channel
How to Connect with Your Destiny by Celestial White Beings
How to prepare for next week’s energy shift and Cosmic activity.
We are entering a unique stargate alignment next week, August 21-29. This influx has presented strongly in my awareness for months, specifically August 23-25. You have probably felt the intuitive nudges from your higher levels to prepare for a new experience.We haven’t had a date-related stargate influx in a while, and the light waves of this next jump are consistent in meditation and visions. This acceleration phase delivers pure Unity Consciousness, providing support for upcoming timeline/trajectory shifts. Having a strong stargate influx right now feels wonderful, mystical, and purposeful. We are ready for more New Light Intelligence to flow through our Divine Presence conduits.More activation, heart-openings, and a unique empowerment for keepers of the New Realm Crystalline Presence fields.The Crystalline Heart Center is a stargate. As we become ONE with the organic stargate systems, we become a conduit of these new energies.Solar activity is active again. This affects us directly, since the SUN within and the Solar network of stargates are ONE. The more coherent the Heart, the more crystalline frequencies are felt, received, and delivered. This is the Divine HUman heart grid, and it is accelerating change with this year’s Presence activations.Geomagnetic storms, flares, and plasma influxes are delivery systems for Cosmic intelligence. Get outside and connect with the stargate flows to receive while the veils are thin and influxes are powerful.These stargate flows bolster new collective realities, new harmonic sequences in our Crystalline DNA, and a new level of quantum awareness. More Light, more Presence in form, which in turn changes our experience of life on Gaia.The mid-geostorm activations have surprised us this year with their consciousness-shifting, heart-opening strength. Even with the fair warning of Gateway passages, it’s best to be flexible, open, and prepared for consistent acceleration.Many of you can feel the galactic activity stepping up as a result of widespread Presence activations. We hold this Crystalline Presence field as One, and anchor new experiences quickly.DNA mutations increase. Our perspective widens. A lot is happening with the new experience of consistent Presence connection.All is aimed at amplification of the Presence, in order to reveal the New Realms of Gaia and the Divine HUman trajectory. Acceleration brings rapid dismantling, however it also amplifies Divine revelation, resolution and resurrection.Preparation and ParticipationThis is a big upgrade for the Heart center. Crystalline Heart-care (applied love, gratitude, forgiveness, neutrality), emotional and mental balance (especially during Solar activity), hydration, meditation on zero point, and movement all assist with integration.The SUN is emanating very strong codes and literal radiation. Don’t overdo exposure – and don’t hide from it either. Feel the effect on your body, and listen to your Higher levels.Geomagnetic storms are our friend. Cosmic rays penetrate our realities when the magnetic shields are stressed. Connect with Gaia and assist her with receiving and emanating these new frequencies. Organic stargates will be active; prepare your territory and heart for maximum reception.FEEL the Divine perspective of Presence – a radical awareness shift for many – and apply it to your lifestream. Take action, shift choices to align with the new perspective when possible. When we physicalize the change within, the realities shift faster. This is a palpable sensation as the brain, heart, and perception expand their capacity for multidimensional awareness.Clear your space and crystals for the influx. Be sure to get your stargate crystals outside and connected to the Master crystals during the peak energies of August 23-25. Water fasting (only water, no food) prepares the body for Crystalline Lightbody amplification and DNA reconnection. If this aligns with your guidance and personal health conditions, give the body an opportunity to reset. A brief fast (1-3 days) gives your body a chance to clear old energy, and catch up with these biophotonic crystalline mutations.Support the Divine heart-empowering frequencies of freedom and creativity. This is a beautiful passage to begin something new, express the new realm experience of freedom, and release what feels dense or cumbersome.Launching the Next AccelerationWhile Gaia is literally speeding up (this is in the mainstream right now – more global acceleration focus), the true acceleration is about unity consciousness and collective trajectory shifts. These jumps in vibration are inevitable. Our unified participation in the Ascension process assists all willing hearts in crossing the bridge to a new experience.Let us unify our Ascending hearts during this unique opportunity, to ensure the New Realm trajectory accelerates with purity, ease and grace.An abundance of guidance is provided in theSpirit Spa replay, and Keeping up with the Realm Shift, both on my YouTube channel. Re-watch to stay grounded during this acceleration.Visit the new Resources and Upcoming Events sections in this LightLetter below my signature.See you in the field for the SUNday Unity Meditations. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension! In Love, Light and Service. Sandra Walter |
I am here to reassure you and to allow you to bathe in an energy of sweetness and gentleness.-Mother Mary Through Pamela Kribbe-
August 16. 2022
Dear friends, I am mother Mary.
I am here to reassure you and to allow you to bathe in an energy of sweetness and gentleness.
There is a lot of love for you here, but it is hard for you to accept that because there is resistance in you against receiving love. You are much too hard on yourself, because you are afraid to receive.
You have learned to do your best, to put pressure on yourself, to be critical of yourself, and to think you are only good if you are someone who works hard and produces. You also do this when it comes to your inner life, your inner growth processes, and so you act as a tough taskmaster.
I want to bring the energy of unconditional love to you so that you are able to relax into being just as you are. Everything in you is good; everything in you is allowed to live and show its true face.
Feel the energy of love that now envelops you as a soft blue light. Relax from every effort and duty. Relax in the light of who you truly are, your deepest “I”.
You are good as you are. You are like an angel whose wings are broken or partially paralyzed; you have stumbled and just about fallen to the ground. When you remain in such a position for long, you forget that you are an angel and that you can fly; that you are free from the laws of the Earth, the laws of matter, space, and time.
I ask you to now reconnect again with your own angel-self. Go to your heart and become very open and tender on the inside.
Go with your attention to the center of your heart where there lives a heavenly energy that joins you directly with your angel-self. Allow a ray of light, hope, and love to penetrate into your heart.
You so deserve it; you have worked so hard. Let this light flow through your heart, your abdomen, pelvis, and legs.
Connect through your heart and your angel-self with the heavenly spheres which are not at all far away. You know these spheres, because they are your home where you belong. You have come from them to bring their light onto Earth, and not only for yourself, but also for others. But you can only do this joyfully if you believe in yourself: your own goodness, your own purity.
Imagine that an angel is standing behind you and envelops you with its light. Look at yourself to see if there is a place in your energy field where that light is especially needed, and bring your attention to that place.
Allow the light to flow there and trust it to do its job. Ground yourself well for a moment. Feel your feet firmly on the ground so that what you experience as the light – the subtle, essential energy of your angel-self – is well grounded in you. Feel the firmness of your body and of the Earth. The Earth is fully able to receive and conduct angel energy, because the Earth itself is also an angel.
You sometimes perceive a contrast between the sensitive energy in your heart and the harsh reality of the world. In a sense, that is so, but the Earth itself is not harsh. The Earth itself is very subtle and natural, just like you.
So trust the Earth and the rhythms and patterns of the Earth, and your body and its emotions and its guiding of energies. Feel at home here. Feel how the highest energies in you can completely inhabit all your body’s cells in a joyful dance with the Earth.
You may think: “I’m too delicate, too fragile, too sensitive”, but it is a mistake to think that.
The power of your true self is immeasurably strong and great. Love is the greatest strength there is.
And eventually, all shadows, all force, and the misuse of power fall away. Everything becomes flooded with love, because love always triumphs.
Therefore, do not be afraid to be your true self in this world.
It is very necessary for the Earth, as well, that there are people who dare to do this. You need not do it for others, simply do it for yourself, although it certainly makes a difference for others.
Thank you for being here.