All posts by Nikos

FEEL MORE THAN FINE Founder ENERGETIC THERAPIST/PERSONAL TRAINER/REIKI THERAPIST AND INSTRUCTOR (Healthcare) Accomplished professional healer and energetic therapist with extensive experience in providing treatment as well as personal training utilising various holistic healing techniques. Commenced medical education but changed track and decided on pursuing an artistic career and became a dancer, a DJ, a restaurateur and model agency business owner; however finally reached the actualisation of self and pursued education in reiki personal training. Expertise in offering therapeutic services for clients by mainly combining music therapy and reiki. Rich experience in establishing and mutually achieving short- and long-term objectives ensuring better post-therapy life for clients. CORE COMPETENCIES ▪ Therapeutic Restoration ▪ Understanding Therapy Techniques ▪ Client Requirement Analysis ▪ Personal Training ▪ Nutritional Planning ▪ Exercise Demonstration ▪ Motivation ▪ Client Health and Safety ▪ Strength, Healing and Conditioning ▪ KEY SKILLS Therapy Intervention – Recognised for hands-on experience in providing therapeutic services to harmonise the body, mind and spirit for overcoming and resolving various conditions/issues of clients including health, money, relations, stress and fear, among others. Expertise in energising clients and helping them activate their inner healing power utilising a combination of techniques such as reiki, qui gong, pilates, yoga, cardio training, dance, tantra and therapeutic music. Client Management – Adept in identifying clients’ dilemma and empathising with their situation by discussing their past experiences and current problems. Significant experience in successfully delivering distance treatment at prearranged times for resolving issues of long distance clients and transporting the vibration energy flow through email and Skype. Program Planning – Outstanding track record of understanding client’s needs and developing detailed programs aimed at achieving defined goals. Skilled in creating structured programs encompassing therapy, exercise, conversation and diet as well as giving guidelines to clients to achieve a peaceful, joyful and abundant life. Interpersonal and Communication – Proactive professional with proficiency in English, French, Spanish, Greek and conversational Dutch and German and the ability to communicate confidently and effectively with clients as well as providing specialist advice and training on energetic therapy for clients from diverse cultures. KEY DELIVERABLES Clearly communicating the program and explaining the process prepared for clients. Undertaking client consultations including medical history and preparing notes. Pre-treatment, ensuring the client is as comfortable as possible either lying on a couch, or seated. Placing hands in a sequence of positions covering the whole body to guide energy and activating the healing process. Treating clients by applying the energetic principles of Reiki as well as performing distance treatment at prearranged times. Adhering to established industry guidelines and providing safe therapeutic recommendations to clients. Planning the routine by comprehending the needs of clients and designing nutrition as well as diet plan for the client, as applicable. Interacting with client and strengthening client relations. Adhering to all personal trainer policies and demonstrating as well as teaching exercises to clients and providing feedback on techniques used. Preparing self for treatment, raising own energy levels and attuning self. Researching, strategising special techniques and increasing knowledge to introduce clients to innovative wellness programs. Constantly motivating clients to achieve maximum gain utilising provided therapy. Maintaining punctuality and preparing for all appointments with clients or professional staff. Attending mandatory and optional staff training classes. Designing rehabilitation program to manage specific physical conditions, injuries, diseases and swiftly responding to emergencies, if any. Handling client grievances and swiftly resolving conflicts by negotiating an amicable settlement. CAREER PROGRESSION Personal Trainer and Energetic Healer Natural Mente Festival,Camping La Playa, Ibiza Jul 2011 – Present Personal Life Coach Feel More Than Fine, Ibiza May 2010 – Present Energetic Healer Consciousness Festival, Rimini Energetic Healer Workshop Interconnectedness, Amsterdam Healing DJ and Therapist Healing, Ibiza Master Reiki Reiki Healer level II Reiki Healer level I International Career DJ and Producer Personal Trainer and CardioFunk Classes Fitness 1st (Passage), Brussels Co-owner Model Agency Pure Star Management Vilnius and Paris Club Manager/Choreographer Cova Santa, Ibiza Restaurant Owner L'empire des sens Professional Dancer Classes of Dance & Cardio Fitness Instructor Fitness 1st, Brussels Commenced career as a professional dancer and simultaneously working as a DJ and music producer. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Certified Energetic Healer & Life Coach Certified Reiki Master Certified Personal Trainer Fitness 1st Belgium June 2013 Dec.2012 Mar 1997 Medical and Physiotherapy Studies University of Brussels, Brussels Oct 1988 – Jun 1993 Graduation High School May 1987 High Level Athletics as sprint runner Sep.1982 – May 1987 PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: 2nd Nov, 1970Nationality: GreekMarital Status: SingleDriving Licence: European Driver’s Licence References available on request

Christopher Columbus Was A Greek,his name : Prince Nikolaos Ypsilantis.

The Secret Destiny of America

by Manly Palmer Hall

cipher signature of Columbus


Many scholars were fully aware of the global form of the Earth
in the time of Columbus, who, according to early historians, State documents,
and his own son, was not an Italian of humble station and uneducated
but was a Greek Prince with an excellent classical education….
It was from a Greek port that he sailed on the celebrated voyage of discovery.
He was accompanied by a mysterious stranger, which has suggested
that Columbus was an agent of the society of unknown philosophers….
The pattern of the democratic ideal was beginning to assert itself over the tyranny of decadent aristocracy.
A new world was necessary for a new idea. … When it was necessary, it was discovered.

NOTE: The University of Barcelona has pronounced genuine a document discovered by an Italian archeologist in 1929. It records that the treasurer of Spain counseled Colon
to represent himself as Christophorens in demanding aid from the King of Spain, and states emphatically that Admiral Colon was not the same man as Christophoro Colombo,
son of Dominico and Susana Fontanarossa who lived in Genoa.

As stated earlier, there can be little doubt that the Greeks were aware of the existence of the American continent long before the beginning of the Christian era. If information is not general on that point, it is equally surprising how little is known about the man Christopher Columbus who is accredited with the discovery of the new world. The date of his birth is unrecorded, and twenty cities claim Columbus as a native. So many legends have sprung up about this strange man that it is difficult to distinguish fact from fancy.
In 1937 a little book was published, entitled, Christopher Columbus Was A Greek. According to its author, Spyros Cateras, the real name of Columbus was Prince Nikolaos Ypsilantis, and he came from the Greek Island of Chios. The statement is backed by quotations from numerous early historians and State documents.
The author of this little book has documented his opinions in a manner to bring joy to the critical reader. He mentions the following Greeks who navigated the Atlantic ocean in ancient times: Hercules, Odyssus, Colaeus, Pytheus, and Eratosthenes. He points out that the language of the ancient Mayas of the American continent contains many words of pure Greek belonging to the Homeric period, and, to quote the book: “Years ago, in the republic of Uruguay, South America, were discovered traces of the army of Alexander the Great, swords and thoras with the inscription ‘PTOLEMEOS ALEXANDROY’!”.
All modern research on the life of Columbus tends to prove that he was not a man of humble station, poor or uneducated, and the story of Queen Isabella and her jewels is rapidly becoming recognizable as fiction. Columbus is emerging as a man of impressive personality with marked abilities as a leader and organizer and an excellent classical education.
Like most Greeks of his time he admired the writings of Plato and the other classical philosophers; he had the Greek birthright of legend and tradition, and was mentally well suited for interpretation of classical lore. There is much to indicate that Columbus was inspired for his voyages by Plato’s account of the lost Atlantis and the records of early navigation to the West. Furthermore, Europe was not without some knowledge of geography and in his day there were many scholars aware of the spherical form of the Earth.
A great trade with Asia had long passed over the caravan routes of the Near East, as the Arabs for the most part were a friendly people; but with the rise of the Turkish Empire to power most of these routes were closed to the infidel. When even the Crusades failed to keep clear the roads of commerce, it became ever more desirable to discover a western passage to the Orient. It was for this purpose that Columbus sailed, and not from an Italian or Spanish port, but from the Greek port of Mahon.
It is astonishing how difficult it is to ascertain the facts about the celebrated voyage of discovery and the life of one so prominent in history as Christopher Columbus; it appears that history entered into a conspiracy to conceal the truth. Possibly an elaborate misrepresentation was intentional, for certainly the confusion began before the death of Columbus. His own son refers to his father as a Greek. It has been suggested that Columbus changed his name because of religious or political pressure, but this is in the field of conjecture.
Then too, in browsing about among old records I have run across a dim figure involved in the life of Columbus, a strange man who seems to have served the explorer in die capacity of counselor. Nothing very tangible has as yet come to light, but it is hinted that this mysterious person accompanied Columbus on his first voyage. He was not included in the list of the mariners. He did not return, but remained in the West Indies; beyond this, no further mention is made of him.
This mysterious stranger is reminiscent of the black-robed man who guided the destiny of Mohammed. Were these obscure figures ambassadors of the “Secret Government”? – Columbus being one of the agents through which the society of unknown philosophers accomplished its purposes?
It is my opinion that he was such an agent. The signature of Columbus, composed of letters curiously arranged and combined with cabalistic designs, certainly conveys far more than is inherent in the signature of a private citizen.
The importance of Columbus in the larger scheme of things is to be estimated from his relationship to the pattern of his own time. Europe, passing from the obscuration of the medieval period, was coming into the light of the modern way of life; the motion of the Renaissance had spread like ever widening ripples over the surface of a stagnant pool. Printing had been discovered; the mental emancipation of man from the tyranny of ignorance, superstition, and fear was gradually being accomplished. The democratic ideal was beginning to assert itself over the tyranny of decadent aristocracy.
As the mental horizon broadened, the physical horizon extended also. The Crusades had broken up the structure of feudalism. Principalities were forming themselves into nations, and the tribal consciousness was disappearing from the theater of European politics. This progress was opposed at each step by vested interests. But the human mind was becoming aware of its own powers, in a motion of continuing irresistible force. A new world was necessary for a new idea. When it was necessary it was discovered. That which is needed is always near if man has the wit to find it.
Today we are again seeking for a new world. No longer do there remain undiscovered continents to serve us as laboratories for social experiments, so we are turning our attention to other kinds of worlds – worlds of thought, inner spheres which must yet be explored by daring navigators. Science in the last fifty years has discovered a new universe – the universe of the mind. The infant psychology has but to come of age for us to fully discover a new sphere for new exploration in the science of living.
The voyages of Columbus were followed by two centuries of enlarging our geographic knowledge of the Earth. Explorers who sailed the seven seas seeking wealth, brought home knowledge; it released human thought from its Mediterranean fixation and accomplished the still greater end of breaking the power of a Mediterranean theology and a Mediterranean way of life. Men began to think world thoughts, began to realize that while the whole Earth was one land divided into continents and oceans it still was a gigantic unity. Out of the global wanderings of stout sea captains in little wooden ships was developed our so-called global thinking of today.
The concept of a global world, at least in terms of geography, is now our common inheritance. After four hundred and fifty years we accept it without question, but mainly to toy with the belief that we will accomplish something in terms of ultimates if we can industrialize the entire planet. Our world is still too large for us to know how to use it. We have discovered much, but the greatest voyage still lies before us.
Our venture will be into that greater ocean that lies beyond the boundaries of the known. The new voyages will be made in laboratories, and the contrary currents will be the cosmic rays that move through the seas of universal ether.
This will require of each man that he make a long journey of discovery within himself, searching out the hidden places of his mind and heart. As Socrates so wisely observed, all mankind lives along the shore of an unknown land. This unexplored world abounds in wonders and is filled with riches beyond the wildest dreams of old Spanish conquistadores. In this land beyond the sea of doubt the wise men dwell together in shaded groves, and here, according to the old tradition, the scholar, the musician, the artist, and the poet – who makes the discoveries that science and philosophy must later prove – have already found the better way of life. Christopher Columbus sailed his little ships for a land which by the writings of ancient philosophers he knew existed. And each of us in the fulness of time will make our own voyage in search of a philosophically-charted better world – to follow the advice of Homer, to prepare our ships, unfurl our sails, and facing the unknown go forth upon the sea to find our own far distant native land.


For the rest of the story, read the special edition 2-in-1 book combining Manly P. Hall’s
1944 classic The Secret Destiny of America with his 1951 America’s Assignment with Destiny:


Nice People Dancing To Good Music

‘Nice People Dancing to Good Music’

You are kindly invited to join us for the ADE 2017 Special on the conscious community art ship in the heart of Amsterdam. Here we keep all our events drug and alcohol free.

Early Bird Tickets Now:

Nice People Dancing To Good Music
Early Bird Tickets

Odessa with international holistic host FEEL MORE THAN FINE offers

– Day time Playground with colorful energetic music and a collaboration with a showcase from circle. Ibiza
– Night time Showcase with electronic dance gathering on behalf of
Hontas Records – 10th Anniversary and Mild ‘N Minty‘s – 3rd Anniversary.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

✿ DAY TIME | circle. Ibiza & Feel More Than Fine PLAYGROUND

In our 5th dimensional New Earth realities we don’t have to work, we are free to pursue what makes us happy. Art, music, carpentry, writing, travel, sports, games, gardening and anything else creative and enjoyable is what we do. We are able to explore every part of Gaia, without fear of being hurt. We are able to visit sacred sites, learn our true world history and enjoy all the natural beauty this planet has gifted to us. In other words, we live on Gaia in the way we are meant to live. Every day is sheer joy and ecstasy just to be alive.


♪ Upper deck:
17:00 – 18:00 Greeting – Meeting
18:00 – 19:00 Meditation Facilitated by Adele Ferreira.
19:00 – 20:00 Vegan Dinner & Ascension Workshop.

♪ Lower deck:
Join the circle. Pete Bidwell + Guest circle. Ibiza on tour, NL
(ade Showcase)
18:00 – 19:30 Pete Bidwell
19:30 – 20:15 himeee live!
20:15 – 21:15 Punk Buddha Clown

The spa deck will be open.
Enjoy a dip into the hottub and sweat it out in the sauna. Later you can have a dive into the river too!

Please carry your own bathing suit and towel.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

✿ NIGHT TIME | Mild ‘N Minty & HONTAS Records SHOWCASE

Mild ‘N Minty and Hontas Records celebrate their 3rd and 10th Anniversary respectively. Their founders come together to talk through sound and three decade of passion toward electronic music on two sides of EU. Founded them self in multidimensional interest they decide to delivering positive messages about Living the life creative! They decide to merge all aspect of their New Wave existence within night event of electronic house music, visual art, dance, veganism, permaculture and other spiritual experience they live.

Living the change they would like to see round them!

♫ Lower deck:
21:15 – 22:30 Arvie
22:30 – 00:00 Niko Charidis
00:00 – 01:45 indianX

Visuals by iøsub$ystems

Powered by FUNKTION ONE & PLAYdifferently MODEL1

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About the artists:

* iøsub$ystems (Slovenia) *
(Mild ‘N Minty, Bladerunner)

* Pete Bidwell (UK) *
(circle. Ibiza, IBIZA RADIO 1)
Fan Page:

* himeee (Japan) *
Fan Page:

(Hontas Records, circle. Ibiza)
Fan Page:

* DJ Arvie (The Nedherlands) *
(Arviebeats Records, CUEBASE-FM)
Fan Page:

* Niko Charidis (Belgium) *
(Hontas Records, Professional Rockstars Inc)
Fan Page:

* IndianX (Slovenia) *
(Mild ‘N Minty, Monk Warrior)
Fan Page:

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Early Bird: 15 € (until 20 August)
Presale: 18 €
Door: 20 €

Vegan soup & bread: 5 € (at the bar)

Early Bird/Presale

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

**** Come, enjoy and dance with us, ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪ ****
*** Odessa Amsterdam, Friday 20th of October 2017 ***
** Sound System ♫ Funktion-One (Official) ♫ **
* One Love ✿ *

See you at the ship.

On Sunday 16th April 2017, the EVENT began in Asia. It was necessary to begin the process there. On Tuesday 18th, the Event extended all over the world.

This is an important message for you, my friends. The tables have turned and the cabal now finds itself in difficulties. Two sets of ETs prevented the recent missile attack. This operation will be repeated over and over, no matter who fires the missile. Control has been taken out of the hands of the cabal. They are quickly coming to realise that their game is over. They find themselves exposed for all to see. It has taken some time to achieve this, but their claws were everywhere, so we had to be thorough.

On Sunday 16th April 2017, the EVENT began in Asia. It was necessary to begin the process there. On Tuesday 18th, the Event extended all over the world. Be alert for all evidence of this, as the cabal will do all in its dwindling power to prevent you observing it. Two leaders of the Zionists will be captured. They are responsible for all the death and destruction that is happening everywhere. The head of the snake must be removed first, then all will follow as it should. Work together to salvage whatever you can from the carnage left by the cabal.

We, on this side of life, have had to work very hard to bring this about. There were only a few on Earth who could take on board what we were working towards. 2017 and 2018 will show clearly what our plans were, and continue to be for the future. Fear is being pushed on you by the cabal through their TV and newspapers. You are being lied to. Do not believe their lies.

You will not have to wait long now. My wife knows what has to be done, and when to do it. She has kept strictly to our instructions, though she was heavily criticised for doing so. Her trust in me is absolute. Many do not have the strength of character to stand by their beliefs. This is why blackmail has thrived in your world. The cabal had operations organised that would disgust you. They lured people of note into situations where they were drugged, mind controlled, and filmed with children, for the purpose of blackmailing them into obeying the cabal’s commands. You are seeing this in action right now: those whom you have trusted being manipulated to serve the cabal. Fear can be instilled in most people. This is why fear was the weapon the cabal for use against humanity. Religion also has been used. Fear is a means to exert control over the lives of many and they are experts in its use. Religion has prevented man from experiencing life on earth as it should have been experienced. It is like a cancer, spreading its poison to the four corners of the earth, thereby mind controlling humanity. The cabal insists that ALL BABIES ARE VACCINATED IMMEDIATELY AFTER BIRTH. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO PREVENT THE SOUL FROM BEING ABLE TO ENTER THE BABY. These soul-less people destroy the lives of all they come into contact with. They kill without conscience, men, women, and children. War is exciting for them. They were manufactured for the purpose of war. They proudly show you their medals as war is all to them. These are the people who manufacture bombs, bullets, and guns. They all fall into this category. Death is big business to them.

Now, my friends, it is for you to make plans for the future of your choosing. A future without war, poverty, or want of any sort, where all are respected. Many were used by the cabal to fulfil their plans for the destruction of the human Race. They were hungry and homeless, so they agreed to work on the cabal’s plans, especially for the destruction of Europe. Europe is the only place which the Cabal feared. Everywhere else was easily manipulated.

You have so much to learn about the world in which you live. When all the obstructions to life are removed, you will emerge from your prison into a world of wonder that has been hidden from you. Banks will go, as they will become a thing of the past, along with all their corruption. Banks were the cabal in action. Massive changes will have to take place in everyday living. Monsanto and its like will be destroyed and removed forever. Nature will provide all that man needs to survive.

We are almost there. Just a few more hurdles to cross. Together, we can do it. Your future, your destiny, is in your own hands, so handle it with care.

My dear, I shared your excitement yesterday when your old friend turned up to assist once more.

Your lungs need help to cope. Plans are coming to fruition.

Always, your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation


Montague Keen via Veronica Keen – April 16, 2017

Archangel Amethyst and Archangel Faith

Manifestation: Intention and Transformation 

by Archangel Amethyst and Archangel Faith

Channelled through Natalie Glasson  7th April 2017 Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Archangel Amethyst: Angelic blessings extend from the Angelic Kingdom as Archangel Faith, and I, Archangel Amethyst come forth to be your companions. We are the feminine aspects of two powerful archangels; Archangel Michael and Archangel Zadkiel. We bring forth to you the sacred feminine qualities of our divine feminine essence and our divine masculine essence twin flames.

I, Archangel Amethyst work with the 7th Ray of Light represented by a violet colour. It is my purpose to oversee the Violet Flame of Transmutation and support the qualities of the 7th Ray of Light in becoming embodied within each person upon the Earth. I promote the development, understanding and discovery process of each new age or evolution of ascension. I assist in ensuring that all develop their spiritual and psychic awareness and skills, as well as stimulating deep cleansing processes to aid a greater embodiment of light. Energetically I often appear as a violet flame of light, active, constantly moving and expanding. When you place your awareness into my energy you recognise that my energy reflects light, shimmers and glistens, very similar to an amethyst crystal. When you call upon my light, it shimmers throughout your being creating shifts and transformations, vibrating within blockages and stagnant energy to redevelop the natural flow of Creator light throughout your being. The reflective nature of my energy can offer you glimpses of your truth to inspire your ascension further, while my glistening energy magnifies and enhances the light already present within your being. My energy and support can create deep and powerful purification processes, amplification of your light and a deeper contemplation of your truth.

Archangel Faith: I, Archangel Faith am often recognised as an electric blue bolt of lightning. My energies and intentions are gentle and supportive as I encourage all to access and communicate with the energy of faith within their beings. I am present with you to aid your connection and relationship with your inner trust. I wish to aid you in feeling, sensing and acknowledging that the Creator is within you, supporting and guiding you forth while fully present all around you in every moment of your reality. It is my purpose to enhance your relationship with the Creator, this way blame, doubt, fear, anger and separation dissolve, and you are able to experience the beauty of the Creator within and around you. When you let go of all that hinders your connection with the Creator, and you feel a warm glow of faith and trust emerging and filling your entire being. Some describe it as a bolt of lightning entering into their beings because they can see, sense and acknowledge with greater clarity, they feel renewed, enlightened and are able to recognise the presence of the Creator within them.

Archangel Amethyst: My purpose is to purify your energies, support you in recognising your inner truth and aid the development of light within your being through transformation. Archangel Faith’s purpose is to enhance your relationship with the Creator and your ability to recognise the presence of the Creator within and around you. When we blend our energies, a powerful ascension energy and transformation becomes available to you, as our energies complement and support appropriate shifts within your being.

‘Archangel Faith and Archangel Amethyst, I call your angelic divine feminine energies forth to be present with me.  Archangel Faith, please lend me your energies, please send your electric blue light throughout my being. Support me in dissolving and letting go of fears, doubts, blame, separation and anger regarding my relationship with myself and the Creator. Allow me to recognise that the Creator is present eternally within and around my being.

I call upon the presence of Archangel Amethyst and invite you to lend me your energy, allowing your violet reflective, shimmering and glistening light to flow over and through my entire being. Please blend your energies with Archangel Faith and support me in releasing fears, doubts, blame, separation and anger regarding my relationship with myself and the Creator. Let your purifying energy cleanse my entire being. In your glistening light let me glimpse and process with knowingness and awareness my pure relationship with myself and the Creator. Archangel Amethyst, please assist in increasing my light vibrations to aid beautiful transformations to occur within my being that aid my greater embodiment of the Creator. Thank you.’

Imagine an electric blue light flowing throughout your entire being and then a violet flame light synthesising with your being. Let the two energies merge as you inhale the blended light into all aspects of your being. Archangel Faith and I will guide you as to where to focus your energy as you inhale our light deeply feeling it penetrating numerous levels of your being. You may notice that we draw you to certain memories, experiences, actions or habits that we feel require to be contemplated and may be the key to a deep transformational experience occurring within your being. You may also experience a deeper faith or trust emerging within you as well as a clearer connection with the Creator.

Archangel Faith: Our purpose of inspiring you to use our blended light at this time of your ascension is to assist in a greater embodiment of the Creator within your being. A greater presence of the Creator is required because aspects or areas of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, as well as your chakras, are reawaken to unite with your entire being. Areas of your being which hold greater power, more advanced spiritual skills, powerful healing abilities or enlightenment are now awakening and activating within your being. These areas and abilities have been dormant until you were ready and had reached a certain level of vibration to become aligned once more. You may perceive it as an expansion and natural progression of your spiritual evolution taking place within your being, this is true, although your entire being now has the power to activate the dormant aspects of your being and align with them, learning how to synthesise and use them in your spiritual practices and reality. Experiencing our blended energies will naturally support this transition within your being.
Archangel Amethyst: There is another reason for Archangel Faith and I, sharing our energy with you, we wish to assist you in moving beyond challenges in your reality. We wish to assist you in releasing memories, experiences, situations and challenges which are causing you to feel stuck or as if you are not moving forward in your ascension and reality at the accelerated speed you might wish to. Many of you are experiencing challenges which are hindering you in recognising and accepting golden opportunities, the supportive assistance of the Creator and powerful fulfilling creations. These challenges are old thought patterns and creations which no longer serve you and have become lodged within your being. They require to be released so you may create a completely fulfilling reality for yourself upon the Earth. Through experiencing our blended energy, we will assist you in releasing the old thought patterns and creations which are holding you back.

Our energy represents a powerful ability of your being, the ability to create an intention of what you wish for and to experience it fully within your being and reality as a physical manifestation. Let us share with you how we are able to assist you:

  • Your soul or conscious mind creates an intention of something you wish to experience or receive in your reality.
  • Archangel Faith removes all blockages between you and the Creator which are hindering you in experiencing your desired outcome.
  • I, Archangel Amethyst, assist with the purification of your being, encouraging your entire being to vibrate at a new frequency which allows a more profound flow of the Creator.
  • I, Archangel Amethyst allow you to glimpse your connection with the Creator and how your intention can manifest in your reality.
  • I, Archangel Amethyst energise your light, so it becomes more powerful and expansive, making space for the energy and presence of the Creator and the intention you wish to manifest.
  • Archangel Faith encourages you to recognise your natural faith and trust in the Creator and the Creator’s ability to provide for you.
  • With your conscious mind, you can observe the transitions occurring within your being and the actions your soul inspires you to make in your reality to further manifest your intention now. The energies within you are appropriate to further manifest your intention.

Archangel Faith: In many ways, Archangel Amethyst and I hold the divine will, intention and trust of the Creator, as well as the ability to remove all obstacles to aid you in achieving your goals and manifesting a fruitful reality for yourself upon the Earth.

With divine intention and transformation,

Archangel Faith and Archangel Amethyst

Read More from Archangel Amethyst

Read More from Archangel Faith

I recognize my own Divine Self, but I choose to connect with all of me, in all my energy fields, for I know that I am a Divine Being of Love and I know that I am here to radiate Love’s Light to all the World and beyond!

Archangel Michael – 
“Excalibur Tells You 
Your Divine Truth!!!”
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference 
March 28, 2017
“Greetings, most esteemed and honored and Loved Ones here in this Gathering!  I am Archangel Michael and I came with that greeting to you – that musical greeting* to lift you up even more into the Realms of Light from whence you all came and where you are, indeed, still a presence.  And it is to give you a sense of Home where all is Love and where there is a gentle Peace – as well as an exciting Empowerment!
“Yes, these can all be yours when you bring yourselves up. You have heard about empowerment, about transformation and progressing upon your Paths.  And your ultimate goal, of course, is to come into this place which you might be calling ‘Heaven,’ but to bring your beloved bodies with you!  No matter how you are in this moment, you all have that upon your timelines of these lives you are living now – that Ascension.  And, of course, if you change that, as you know, you have the same destination, whether you bring your body or not.  But it is to master this process of transformation that you are here to do, and in so doing, you share these Love energies with the World, that others may join with you!
“And I bring you a tool which, if you are not already using it – I present Excalibur to you now, in this moment.  Take it into your Hearts that you may tell the Truth not only of Who You Are –  Divine Beings of LoveLight – but that you may wave Excalibur perpetually as you walk your walk, as you soar, as you fly into Higher and Higher dimensional levels.  It is to show others that they, too, are Divine Beings of LoveLight, and that they may soar with you!!!
“It is not necessary to have wings in the physical sense at all.  It is simply to understand your own capabilities.  You can all fly, free of the challenges and the impediments, of the heartaches and heartbreaks, as you call them, that you have experienced – perhaps in this lifetime and definitely in others.  It is for you to look into the mirror and greet the Divine Masters You Are!!!
“It is to take Excalibur into your Heart and, if you wish, take my hand.  Take Ashtar’s hand.  Take the hands of all of your Guides, including that part of you which is always permanently residing in the realms of Light or Heaven, which is your Higher Dimensional Self.  And, of course, it is connected with you, this part of you and it lives in all of you – all of your energy fields as well – so that you can literally light up this connection!  And you can do it by waving Excalibur and saying, ‘I recognize my own Divine Self, but I choose to connect with all of me, in all my energy fields, for I know that I am a Divine Being of Love and I know that I am here to radiate Love’s Light to all the World and beyond!’
“And then visualize, as Ashtar has said,** visualize yourselves living in the Higher vibrations, and how your lives will be in the Golden Age – and beyond, if you choose.  You will have an infinite amount of choices after you ascend fully.  But you have an infinite amount of choices right now within your own beings, as to how you are going to live and transform as you move along your own Ascension Paths.
“And so I offer you Excalibur, that you may always remember the Truth of Who You Really Are.  Wave it and shower yourselves with the Truth that it holds for each and every one of you!  Look yourselves in the eyes and say, ‘Greetings!’ with Love and appreciation to the one who looks back at you in the mirror.  Live your Divine Truths, and share them!!!  Teach them to others, however you choose so to do, because what one of you might choose to express may be different from the others and what they choose to express.  But it matters not so long as our expressions are of Love!
“And there is a progression as you do this.  You see, you are not only transforming your physical selves, but all of your bodies as well, all of your energy fields!!!  And as you do so, you will let go of – or release – whatever feelings, thoughts, attitudes, or even DNA genetics you have, which say that you are anything less than a Divine Master!  And along with that you will release, transform and let go of whatever thought forms or feelings, even genetic attitudes you may have about others being any less or any more Divine than you are!!!
“This is the greatest Truth for each and every one of you!  And what that Truth says to you is that you are all Divine Masters!  You came here on this third dimensional plane of experience to learn, and to teach yourselves – and all others – the Truth.  You are made of the LoveLight!  You came from the LoveLight and it is your destiny to return to that Heaven where only Love and all of Love’s creations can exist!
“And so I add my thanks to you, for we are Family.  We are here together to accomplish that which – well let’s just say, that which might not have been accomplished, were it not for your Courage and for your willingness to accept Excalibur and the Truth that it brings to you in your own Hearts and in all of your beings!
“So wave it and let the blue waves of Truth wash through you and lift you up.  Even now I feel your Love expanding even more. Stay with it, Beloved Family, as I stay with you, and together we shall celebrate your Homecomings to Love!  And so it is. Namaste!”
*  Alleluia to Pachelbel’s Canon in D: 
** Transcript of Ashtar’s Message
Transcription by Marta.
Given through Susan Leland, March 28, 2017.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2017. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Brilliance is unfolding in this Now moment.

Evolution of Realities: Opening the Cosmic Stargate

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Brilliance is unfolding in this Now moment. Phase three of the Equinox timeline shift will complete with the Full Moon on Monday (11:09pmPT).

Passages of the Cosmic Stargate were unlocked last Saturday; a truly powerful experience. Read: Seven M-class Solar flares aimed at Saturn during that passage. That is all I may share at this moment; meditate on this. We continue to work with our Higher Teams in the highest interests of Ascension.

Perhaps you noticed the stillness on Monday and Tuesday last week as three significant lower timeline trajectories collapsed. The sensation of stillness – when time stands still – is a common occurrence during Gatework. Kingdoms and elementals appear to be in complete stillness, as if the realities are on pause. When this occurs globally, much is happening on the cosmic level.

Miracles happen outside of the constraints time-space; this is why Gatekeepers train to be open conduits. In a pure state of focus during Gatework, the higher and lower realms unify to work as One. Gateways traverse the boundaries of dimensional layers and densities, so we often experience the eerie (and fun) time-has-stopped sensation. In those moments, much larger operations may do the good work.

To witness the stillness last week was to feel miracles in the making. These streams of cosmic codes flowing into the Solar system significantly influence our experience of 5D/Unity/Crystalline Consciousness. It also provides clarity on how this timeline shift/split will be experienced by the collective. Encourage your Tribes to stay calm, centered and in-the-moment as these higher frequencies reveal higher aspects of your own Solar heart center.

These Gateways open paths for higher frequency pure light to enter, and Master Gatekeepers are welcoming in very high-level blessings for anyone resonating with the vibration of purity, divinity, and the higher experience of crystalline consciousness. This ongoing split it is revealing itself in stronger ways. Vibration = vibration. Keep it simple, Beloveds. Detoxify your words, emotions, thoughts, body and actions to support the global detoxification. As with any major influx of Cosmic Mother-level divine light, your embodiment experience is amplified.

I will write next week about the experience of embodiment. For the moment, the revelation of my new skills (truthfully, ancient skills reignited) is holding my focus. Keep your heart open and your reality capable of receiving the New.

The Effect of Pure Unity Consciousness

For those who understand how unified consciousness affects the collective, we invite you to join the Unity Meditations on SUNday. We hold this space for all those who seek to amplify Peace, LoveLight and assist Gaia, Humanity, Kingdoms and Elementals in this Divine Ascension – right now. Plus, it feels wonderful and the visions can be very clear.

Join us for 30 minutes on SUNday at 8:11am Pacific Time, 11:11 am PT, and 5:11pm PTWe connect in this way not only for the amplification of Light and Ascension, but to train us how to connect telepathically as ONE consciousness, without the need for grounded technology.

I AM told this is unifying us for greater unified service work ahead. Feel the unified Heart of your Tribe, we are here for you!

In Love, Light and Service,

Thank you for a gratitude donation today; your support is welcome! 

link to Christ Light Expansion Meditation :


Your dreams are held in the high vibrations of love, joy, optimism, excitement and peace. Become a match to those vibrations using any excuse you can find in your reality and you become a match to your dreams.

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: How to Elevate your Vibration

Today we would like to focus upon the topic of deliberately changing your vibration. Certainly we are not denying that your reality is incredibly captivating. The duality that you exist within offers you a constant barrage of varying experiences in which to focus upon. What we would like to focus your attention upon is how you can more deliberately take a hold of your focus and shift it as you desire.We are not denying that when good things happen, it is easy to feel good and adversely, when bad things happen it is more difficult to remain positive. However the more deliberate you become in consciously choosing the thoughts that you allow to expand within your mind, the more you become a vibrational match to similar experiences.

We have noticed that many humans often feel trapped by their circumstances. The physical experiences that you have at any given time are a direct reflection of the most dominant vibration you are holding at any given time. Many of you had a wide range in which you vibrate on any given day; ranging from very high to particularly low and everything in between.

What we want to briefly address is just how powerful you truly are in altering your state of vibration at any given time. The circumstances that happen around you are always going to contain a positive and negative aspect, as you are living within duality. However, there are triggers for all of you. Some thoughts trigger more positive, blissful feelings, while other triggers remind you of challenges or struggles that seem to be unsolvable.

The key to changing the most dominant vibration in your life, is to change your habitual thoughts. For all of you, there are areas of your life that have always worked well, they have been easy for you to manifest, while other areas have always felt challenging.

Quite simply put, your habitual thoughts around the areas of your life that seem to always work out well for you are in alignment with the ease around that topic. You likely spend little time worrying over those areas of your life, and just expect them to work well.  They always have, so why wouldn’t they continue?

However the areas of your life that have felt like a constant struggle is no doubt different for all of you. But, one thing is likely the same in those areas of difficulty, there is more worry and concern around those topics. There is more awareness on the absence of what you desire and the presence of challenges.

Remember what you focus upon will always expand, regardless of why you are focused upon it. Think of every thought as if it were an instruction to the Universe to, “bring me more of this.”

Now, in regards to shifting your focus upon the areas of life that are working well, finding things that you can appreciate, or that just being a sense of inner peace are well worth your time to identify. You see, it doesn’t matter why you feel good, all that matters is that you do.

You do not need to be focused upon your dreams in order to become a vibrational match to them. As you become more focused upon the thoughts that feel blissful, peaceful and joyful to you, you alter your vibration. The Universe is always reflecting back to you what you hold inside.  You are a constant beacon of vibration, summoning more experiences, people and circumstances that hold a similar frequency.

You are truly the creator of the reality you experience. Your dreams are held in the high vibrations of love, joy, optimism, excitement and peace. Become a match to those vibrations using any excuse you can find in your reality and you become a match to your dreams.

We hope that we have in some way served you.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides
Want to learn how to talk to your own guides? Click here to start getting the answers to your most important questions!

Copyright © 2012-2017 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy, share and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

Ascension Simplified.

(if you already know please ignore this message)
Do More Of What You Love To Do All The Time.
Breath.Drink Plenty of Water with Lemon.Exercise.Stretch.
Meditate.Dance.Eat Less or Fast.
Choose Inspiring Thoughts That Make Your Heart Sing.
(If you choose fear based thoughts you go down the spiral of lower vibrations in an instant.When this is the case start from being Thankful for what you already have in your life and there is a lot I KNOW!!!You Are Love and You Are Loved and Your Guides/Angels always only a thought away and eager to help EVERY TIME YOU ASK.)
Indeed A long awaited moment for All Light Workers:
The Separation of Timelines.
As You Discover Your Goddess/God Within You Have Now 100% The Responsibility Of Your Creations.You Always Did,Only Now You Feel It and Know It.Choose To Feel Good All The Time.To Create Love and

Leader of leaders

“Let Freedom Ring” – GCR/RV Op-Ed – Tuesday – April 4, 2017
4/04/2017 09:01:00 PM Emailed, Intel, Op Ed, Thoughts
Received via email at 5:17 PM ED for publication. ~ Dinar Chronicles

The 13 Khazarian Gypsy families that comprise what was the dark nobility are squeezing death from life by the second.

They have no more oxygen anywhere in the world. No more allies. No more finances. No more weapons of mass destruction. No more government agents. No more military generals. Zip. Nada. Game over.

What remains now is their final public surrender by Donna J. Drumpf in these United States, which will bring down Netanyahu in Israel, which will bring down Poroshenko in Ukraine, which will guarantee a La Pen win in France, which will bring down Merkel in Germany, which will end the a European Union and default the Euro.

Meaning, Europe and North America will be fully converted as continents of mercy and in relative tandem, with the continent of Africa blessing the world via the ingenuity and planning of Euro-Asia.

Will the masses even notice? No.

Then again, will the masses be in position to even convert highly valuable assets (defaulted currencies and bonds) when the financial system is allowed to transition?

No way.

Righteous cream has risen well before the truth bubbles up to the surface of the subconscious mind. Thus, this post falls largely on deaf or indifferent ears.

This makes you a leader of leaders. A funding source to many funding sources. A human angel stewarding other human angels who have forgotten they have wings

Why you? Who knows.

Just like the date and time of the RV release, this journey was one of pure faith and is still largely unknown until it’s utterly obvious.

So if friends, family and associates did not already put in their spiritual and education time prior to this historic transition, then just move on. They’re not coming with you, and you have the new responsibility to rebuild the world for them–just not with them.

You lived through the invisible currency war, they did not.

You suffered the daily information and disinformation battles while they continued about their daily lives in abject ignorance.

You have reaped the unthinkable rewards of a life spent in blind service of others, and they are merely one of the blessed masses resulting from your sacrificed life.

They get less because they contributed less to humanity–mind, body and soul.

Simple as that.

So feel free to ask and receive as many zeros as your dear heart dare redeem, manage and disburse.

For as Christ gave us all this divine moment, this sacred event, this infinite miracle… accepting His sacrifice as rationale for your newly achieved social and financial status is neither greedy nor selfis,, rather its a statement of your awakened soul as it manifests lovingly with God.

Heaven is now earth, and earth heaven … so let freedom ring.

And you dear soul are the resurrected hands, feet, eyes and ears of Immanuel in what can only be understood as His Global Christ Reset, upon His Earth, with His prophesied wealth, destined for His oppressed and enslaved children.





NESARA, as you know, is more than just a freeing up of financial currencies backed by gold. It is the way into the Golden Age, to create or, I shall say, to enable your creation of whatever lifestyles you each desire for yourselves, because it’s about living those lifestyles free from whatever third dimensional programs, enslavements, entanglements, worries, fears, stresses, etc., etc. that you have been experiencing.

Ashtar On The Road 
NESARA Teleconference 
March 19, 2017
“Greetings, Beloved Family!  I am joyful to have this opportunity to be here, to speak with you on a topic which is so important, because it spans the levels of dimensions – and it is to come right into the third dimension of Planet Earth!  And its purpose is ultimately to assist all the World in its Ascension into Higher levels, Higher Dimensions where only Love exists.  It came, it was inspired from, and it is indeed very much in practice in the Higher levels of LoveLight!  But it needs a bit more energizing in order to make it reality in the third level – the third dimension and all of its levels.
“And so we come together to do that kind of energizing.  I cannot tell you exactly when it will be reality in all dimensions, but I can tell you that it is much closer than it has been in the past, because more and more like you are awake – and this Ashtar On The Road Family has been quite marvelous in spreading the word!
“And although there is a bit more to do, it is coming more and more into the Hearts of people who are hearing about it, because they are recognizing – not so much that it is a Divine Law – but they are recognizing that it will create a much Higher level of Lifestyle – it will truly lead the way into the Golden Age!!!  And while the Law itself seems to concern practical matters – we shall say, economic matters – the Truth of it is that it brings Divine Governance to the United States of America, and from there to the entirety of Planet Earth!!!
“Divine Governance not only tells the origin, where this Law came from, but it also defines the Principles behind this law, the Spirit of it – and, yes, the Love, because it brings everyone together on Higher levels, Higher dimensional levels.  Ultimately it is a catalyst for each individual’s own Ascension and for that of all of those who wish to ascend from Planet Earth!!!
“NESARA is more than just words on a page, or records kept somewhere.  NESARA is alivebecause it brings new Lifestyles to everyone!  NESARA is opportunity to enjoy coming together in communities where Love and all that Love expresses are the expression of the community – and the creations!  It brings FREEDOM, financial Freedom, yes, but Freedom from oppressive governments run by the few for their own benefit.  Instead, it recognizes the Divinity in every, every human, and by extension beyond to all of members of Mother Gaia’s Kingdoms.  Because when you have Love in your Hearts and you are acting from Love, and when you feel free and secure in your homes, in your communities, within the World and within your own beings, then your creations ARE High Dimensional!
“Your expressions are for everyone to enjoy, to delight in. It matters not if you are painting a picture or fixing a leaky pipe for someone – it is reach out and help each other!!!  That’s what NESARA is about!  It brings financial equality and, thus, there is no need to compete with each other for the top job, for instance, in the company.There is really no need to go to a job if it’s a J-O-B type!  And if you’re wondering how things are going to get done, well perhaps the simplification that NESARA offers will mean that there is not quite so much that has to be done, and everyone can have time and Freedom to just be and to enter into whatever activities are joyful!!!
“This will be a time of personal choices because everyone will have the Freedom to choose.  And at the same time it will be a time of personal responsibility!  The Golden Age does not mean just take care of yourself and don’t worry about anyone else.The Golden Age means you’ve brought yourself to this point.  You have been taking care of yourselves and this is critical still.  But it also means reach out, and think about, and do – if at all possible – something that you can do to help others!
“The Golden Age has both parts of my Golden Rule.  You know, the familiar part is, ‘Do unto your neighbor as you would do unto yourself.’  The Truth of it is that I have added ‘Do unto yourself as you would do unto your neighbor!’  This is Equality, this is Balance, this is Harmony – and it all comes from Hearts that open to receive NESARA Law.
“And so it is you all know what is contained in the NESARA Law. Read through it again.  Let it speak to you!!!  Create your visions of yourselves and your Lifestyles and then include family, friends, and neighbors, as you choose.  Include the whole World living free, equal, harmoniously and in Peace.  There will be no need for weapons of any kind because no one will want to use them!
“This is what lifting up into the Higher levels can do, because the inspiration is all coming from Love, and when you are inspired by Love, how could you possibly want to hurt your neighbor?  And why would you anyway, when you have everything your neighbor has?  And this will be the platform, this Golden Age, up and out of third dimension – will be the platform for you to progress into full Ascension status.  Enjoy it!  Savor it and create with it, because NESARA gives you all the Freedom to be and to live your own Divine Lifestyles!!!
“So let us begin by simply relaxing together.  Close your eyes, feel the Love energy that I and the Company with Me are sending to you.  Breathe in NESARA!  Breathe in the Freedom.  Breathe in the Harmony, the Equality, yes, the Abundance that it brings.Breathe in the Golden Age, and as you do this, visualize yourselves, each one of you precious, precious beings of LoveLight!  Visualize yourselves rejoicing, welcoming NESARA and the Golden Age and living it!!!  And then reach out and bless the World with all that you create in your visions, for this is World-wide, and this is the gift that you as Humanity have called forth, NESARA is the answer to all that you have wished for, that you have prayed for, that you have dreamt of!!!  So immerse yourselves in it, Beloved Ones, and then share it out with all the World and the Universe beyond!
“Thank you for being with us in our Communion, our coming together. Thank you for energizing and empowering NESARA’s Announcement with your loving vibrations.  Thank you for bringing yourselves into your own Divine NESARA Golden Age Lifestyles!  And so it is.  Namaste!”

Ashtar: “See Yourselves as Divine Beings and USE YOUR GIFTS!!!”

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference – March 28, 2017

“Greetings, Beloved Family! We are joined with you in such High vibrations – we ask that you simply feel it and open your Hearts even wider to let the Joy come in. For this is the time – indeed, we could say that this is the moment – that you have come here to participate in, that you have been waiting for!!!

“We know, and we want to congratulate you for being here, because we understand that you have taken on – for some of you at least – perhaps the greatest challenges you have ever faced in all of your lifetimes – or at least, you are feeling them! And you are feeling challenges from other lifetimes that have been imbedded so deep into your beings that you are just now beginning to get to those – what you would call the very innermost layers of the onion – to discover and, of course, to let go, release, clear and transform whatever there is left that is not Love, that is not Joy, and that does not raise you, or uplift you into the Higher vibrations. So we’re here to help you with that!

“Now, of course, we have a lot of different activities and projects to do in the Ashtar Command. But our purpose in being here with you in this Ashtar On The Road Family is primarily just what you heard being discussed. It is about Love; it is about Compassion; it is about Forgiveness; and it is through those that you reach a state where all you feel is Gratitude for everything that you’ve ever experienced, for everything that’s ever happened on Planet Earth and beyond, and you can be Joy-full about it all! But it’s a process. It isn’t easy.

“NESARA, as you know, is more than just a freeing up of financial currencies backed by gold. It is the way into the Golden Age, to create or, I shall say, to enable your creation of whatever lifestyles you each desire for yourselves, because it’s about living those lifestyles free from whatever third dimensional programs, enslavements, entanglements, worries, fears, stresses, etc., etc. that you have been experiencing. It is to enable you to lift up even Higher, to be in even more Joy, to go so much further upon your Ascension paths while you are assisting in rebuilding all of Planet Earth in the Higher Dimensional frequencies of Love!!!

“And whatever you choose, however you choose to do it, that is up to you individually. You all have the Freedom to do it! And you will all be free from the incessant propaganda which is coming to you from – yes, the mainstream media is still enough under the control, we shall say, of those who want to keep you down in 3D frequencies and energies. And they’re still, you know, wanting you to focus on violence, hatred, divisiveness, but you know better!

“And so whenever you are hearing or reading about something, do as the Master Reporters* say, ‘Put the Love on it!!!’ View it with Compassion. Forgive everyone involved. Forgive yourselves for whatever you might have done to be a part of these low vibe programs and get on with the Joy! Dance, sing and be Joy-full! This is what your true birthright is all about! You’re all Divine Beings – yes, in human bodies and we will say again, we do understand! We are in observance with Compassionate Love for all of you, for all the trials, tribulations, traumas and dramas, and so on, that you have experienced.

“And we are in honoring of you for taking on these challenges! They have been huge through the eons of time and the lives that you have lived in the most recent eras of your time, as you measure it. And we are in awe of you for coming into these bodies time after time, and blueprinting for yourselves before your entry in almost all of your lifetimes, such experiences as to cause all kinds of stress, including physical pain – but we tell you that it’s ending!!!

“And it is for you to take the High Road to bring yourselves up into the place where there is no pain, where there is no trauma, no stress, no fear – and visualize at every opportunity!!! You don’t have to do an hour-long meditation. You can simply keep a vision handy. And any time that you are starting to feel a downward motion in your energies, replace – substitute that High energy, High Dimensional vision of yourselves living, being in the High vibes!

“Get into the habit of seeing yourselves as the Divine Ones You Are. And then share THAT perspective, THAT perception with all around you!!! You don’t need to walk down the street and greet everyone with, ‘Hi, there! I’m a Divine Master! How’s your day going?’ and so on. You just can smile. You can project Love and all that Love creates, and that is a way of assisting the whole Planet – and beyond – to lift up, because it goes all around the World! Every thought, everything you say, every action that you do goes out, out into the energies everywhere!!!

“And so it is to be yourselves, each and every one of you – a Divine creator, a messenger, a messenger of Love and all that Love is and does and expresses. In other words, create Love. What happens when you do that? YOU ATTRACT LOVE! If you’re feeling a bit lonely, reach out! Reach out to a neighbor, a friend, a relative, or to someone in this Ashtar On The Road Family. Those of you who are on our Private Family List have Divine opportunities so to do. Invite your guidance to tell you whom to connect with, and do it! This is actively participating. You can also, of course, take the list and just send Love to everyone on it, and that is a wondrous thing to do!

“And by the way, I will invite you to send Love to all of those who are going to pass out our NESARA flyers – and to all of those who are going to receive them – at this event about vegetables on Sunday,** because this is another way we do a Sunday NESARA meditation anyway, so you can incorporate support for them in your meditations. Do it earlier or require that the time at which you are doing it, and joining in, is joining with the whole, entire Ashtar On The Road Family and all Lightworkers beyond – and with special emphasis and energetic support to our Family members who are going to be ‘on the ground,’ so to speak, at this event!!!

“There is so much that each one of you can do and you don’t even need to leave the comforts of your home spaces to do it! Or if you’re sitting in the traffic – what you call, the ‘jam-up’ somewhere. I’m not talking about being inside of a jar; I’m talking about being inside of your car and just sitting, or any place. If you happen to take a walk in the park and sit down on a bench, beam that LoveLight to everyone around you! Remember, like attracts like and your beams will find the Hearts of those who are open to receive Love. And they’ll beam you back. They may not even know what they’re doing. That does not matter!!! It’s adding to the Love energies for the whole World and beyond – this World and beyond, I shall say.

“And it’s assisting everyone to lift up, and that is what you came here to do!!! You have brought yourselves to the understanding of what Ascension is about. It’s about Home-Coming, and this is absolutely a most profound and wondrous opportunity for each and every one of you to do exactly what you came here to do and to find the Joy in it! It is not intended to be arduous, or difficult. It is intended to be uplifting and Joyful and entirely doable, whatever it is that you have within your own individual beings to accomplish by way of your personal Ascension missions!

“And it is when we join together that we empower, not only the group, but you as individuals as well, because you get the energies of everyone in this Family. And I assure you that we are here with you constantly. So just open to receive these loving energies and so you shall!

“Now, I will remind you of one other event that is coming up on your calendars and that is this coming Thursday.*** It is a reunion for all those who studied with Sananda the Healing Hands of LoveLight. You will have received an invitation – and if you did not get an invitation, but have done this class with Him, either through the mp3 or the other sessions that He has done, then let these women know so that we can send you the information you need to join with us.***

“This is another opportunity to empower the World with Love, even as you attend and empower yourselves, and this is how it works: When we get together, we lift up together! You lift up enough to welcome us to join with you!!! That’s how it works. We come through the levels, or you might call it the ‘veils’ – which there are very little of – but nevertheless, however you want to see it, we come together. We merge. We become One Energy of Love!!! And that, Beloved Ones, is how these transformations are energized for each and every one of you!

“So, keep these things in mind. We are not here to have these processes, this Ascension Path, be so challenging to you that you give it up or that you feel as though it’s too overwhelming. These energies coming in are all about Love and yes, sometimes you can be tired or even have some ‘Ascensionitis’ symptoms. Rest, relax, nurture yourselves, and call for the peaceful, harmonious assimilation of these energies – moving throughout your energy fields to balance, transform and lift you up that much more -because as I have said just now, and many times in our past Gatherings, You Are Divine! And as Divine Masters you are fully capable, fully enabled to call forth exactly what it is that you are feeling to call forth in every moment!!! So you can call forth more traumas and dramas, or you can call forth more Love, High vibes and Joy within your beings. Remember that!

“You all have choices, and you are all here because this is where you chose to be, living your lives in these bodies, precisely according to your own Divine plans, in company with the totality of the LoveLight You Are and, of course, your Guides! You charted your courses before you came into your bodies, and it is now for you to realize your own Divine natures, and be in the mastery of all of the gifts that you hold within yourselves! Even though you have not opened them – or have opened them part way, but not all the way – they are there! They have all been available to you and now is the time when you get to open them and celebrate and be Joy-full!!!

“So remember that we’re here with you and you may call upon I, Ashtar or any of The Mentors, or any of your own personal Guides – most especially your own Higher Dimensional Selves – and move up, up, up and out of whatever there is going around, swirling around you, in what remains of third dimensional Planet Earth! And as you do so, what remains of 3D becomes less and less and less!!! Thank you so much for being here with us, for joining with us, and for being in the Oneness of the Love We Are! And so it is. Salut!”

* Tara and Rama – Conference Call Audio Link – Transcript to follow:
Ashtar,AA Michael,Sekhmet 3-28-17 Your Divinity
** The Veggie Pride Parade in New York City (See below)
*** This conference call took place on March 30th. If you are a Healing Hands of LoveLight graduate and did not receive an invitation, or the link to the recording of the call, please let us know. Stay tuned – we will be doing another Reunion Call!
Transcription by Marta.
Given through Susan Leland, March 28, 2017.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2017. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Dreams of the Crystalline World

Since we won’t have to work, we will be free to pursue  what makes us happy. Art, music, carpentry, writing, travel, sports, games, gardening and anything else creative and enjoyable is what we will do. We will be able to explore every part of Gaia, without fear of being hurt. So we will be able to visit sacred sites, learn our true world history and enjoy all the natural beauty this planet has gifted to us. In other words, we will be able to live on Gaia in the way we are meant to live. Every day will be sheer joy and ecstasy just to be alive.

New language, animals, colors, sounds and plants would come about. Animals would no longer eat each other, as we would get most of our energy and nutrition from the sun. Eating wouldn’t be necessary, it would be optional. So everyone would be a healthy weight. And animals would have equal rights to humans. The lion would truly lie down with the lamb. Clearly we would no longer eat animals or refer to them as pets…

read more here: