All posts by Nikos
I AM that I AM, I AM that I AM, I AM that I AM. Can you feel this vibration? Can you feel it within your heart? It is empowering. We ask you to use it to call in your soul essence, to call in what you need for health and vitality, confidence and courage, financial abundance and resources. And I repeat, feel it, embody it, embrace it, call it forth.
Mary Magdalene via Lea Chapin, June 11th, 2017
Greetings Dear Ones, yes it is I, Mary Magdalene. Today, I wish to share about what we call the soul essence, or perhaps what you may understand as the oversoul. Today, as each of you stand in your light, I would like for you to consider and to ponder upon your soul essence: the aspect of you that radiates and shines your light so brilliantly, so powerfully, so potently, that your soul essence will never be extinguished. Understand, Dearest Children, that in your incarnation, as your personalities, you are being influenced more strongly, more directly, by your soul essence, by your oversoul, than you can imagine. And so I ask each of you upon this day to take a deep breath, and breathe in the energy of your soul essence, calling in this powerful frequency of all that you’ve ever been, all that you ever shall be, all that you are. Remember, Dear Ones, this is the essence of the energy of one, the energy of oneness, the collective energy of the essence of your powerful, creative, life force energy. This is the essence of you. Your beautiful soul essence. So please take a deep breath and begin to honor your soul, begin to honor all aspects of all that you are, all that you have ever been, all that you shall become. It is only in your linear time that you see or feel your past, your present, or your future. For everything is in the now, in the moment, existing simultaneously. And so, Dear One, all the aspects of what you understand as previous incarnations are happening now. All the remembrances, of all of your lifetimes, of all of your experiences are still happening now.
And so, Dearest Ones, you can access any gifts from any lifetime and call it forward. You can also access any attributes you wish to call forward, any energy that you wish to call forward. For example, if you were a writer in another lifetime, you can call forward that essence, and call in that energy, of your soul essence, and it is with you now. You will be able to access that energy, this is what is happening with the new child prodigies that are coming to this planet. The beautiful children who are musicians, singers, dancers, scientists, entrepreneurs, geniuses. They are coming in with their full awareness of their soul essence. Have you ever wondered how can this young person be so talented? How can they be so intelligent? Just like the young girl who was 5 years old who was a spelling bee champion. Five years old, can you imagine? How does she know how to spell all of those words? How does she know what they mean? She and all the other child prodigies are tapping into their soul essence. Tapping into their remembrance of all they have ever been. And you can do the same. And so if you wish to draw from what we call your soul bank, or we call it a repository, where you are able to access everything you have ever been, everything that you are – if you wish to call forward a certain gift, a talent – call it forward. A certain aspect that you wish to bring forward once again, so a level of compassion, or a greater frequency of Divine Love, perhaps you’ve held poverty consciousness within your conscious state, and you can access a lifetime where you held great riches. We are bringing this to your attention today so that you can understand this is very real, and you can call it forward into your now, so that you can change your life and create the life that you want. This may sound preposterous, but it is of truth, and it is for you to understand, for this is very real. Don’t be frightened, call it in, access it, believe in it.
We wish for you to also call in the vibrant health that is yours. The radiance of the energy of the vibrancy, to bring this energy into your physicality. It is necessary for all of you to call in this vibrancy, to call in this vitality, to call in the strength within your physical body, and within every cell, every fiber, every pore of your being. Calling in this powerful frequency of healing perfection, literally seeing all cells in your body glowing with the liquid, pure white light of love. Calling forth this energy into your body with the pure liquid white light of God. Calling it in, and breathing in this frequency, and breathing in this essence of peace, tranquility, and love within your heart. Know that today, as you call this frequency into the now, you begin to shift the vibration of any limitation that you may be holding, clearing away the frequencies that no longer serve you. And so breathe in the energy of love, breathe in the energy of peace, breathe in the possibility that you are able to create and manifest and call forth your beautiful soul essence into the now. Can you imagine the vitality and the energy that will be running through your body? The excitement and the exhilaration of knowing that you have unlimited access to energy, unlimited access to your full potential. That you are calling forth your Divine potential. This is what it means, calling forth your Divine potential, and so Dear Ones, imagine this energy coming in through your crown chakra at this very moment, as you call in the lifetime that you wish to draw from. A lifetime where you lived in perfect health, had great riches. Call forth your special talent, perhaps as a musician, a powerful oracle, a powerful healer, a grand businessman. And so, Dearest Children, it is of great significance that you understand that it is of great value and great importance that you call in the soul essence of that which you wish to receive.
You see, Dearest Ones, you are multi-faceted, you are multi-dimensional. You are able to call in these strands of your soul, just as today you are hearing my voice, I am here, there, and everywhere. My energy is being used in so many strands, just as your energy is being used in so many dimensional frequencies. This is hard to comprehend when you are in the physical body, and you feel that this is all that you are. And so, Dearest One, understand that you are multi-dimensional. That you hold great power and you have unlimited abilities. You are certainly not limited only in your mind. I bring this to your attention today because it is very important that each of you receive and understand this, so that you can move forward into your life with greater ease, greater comfort, and with a greater understanding. I know how difficult it is to be in the third dimensional limited body, as they say. For as we’ve said many times before, it was difficult for Jeshua and I and the Mother to stand in our truth and understand our full divine potential. And we ask that you call forth the power of the unlimited God source, the great creator energy, the great spirit, into your lives daily, and feeling the strength and the commitment that this day, you will make the choice to live from your unlimited potential, your true soul essence. We ask you, Dearest Children, to call this forth, for it is needed, every soul on your planet is in need of living in their full potential. This is how the healing will occur upon your planet. This is how peace will prevail, when individuals feel the power inside of themselves. It is unfortunate that your current civilization in many ways feels powerless, and many live trapped in their own minds, in their own lives, feeling unable to escape their limited life as they feel it is. And so today call forth the energy and the vitality of your powerful soul essence. Perhaps you’ve never thought about this before, but I’m asking you to think about it today. It is why we, the Holy Family, continue to come to you, to help you, week after week, guiding you and helping you to move forward into the truth of who you are. What a beautiful soul each of you are. We see the beauty of your soul, the power of your unlimited potential, we ask you to see that within yourself. Do not limit yourself, do not degrade yourself, do not criticize yourself, and certainly do not allow any others to criticize you or to hold you back.
Call in your soul essence, ask for your support team, the essence of you. When you feel alone, when you feel that you cannot do this or that because of what you think are certain limitations, call in your soul essence. You see, Dearest One, this is your strength, you are not alone. Once again, if you could see what we see, if you could see your full potential, you would never feel alone again. And so, Dearest Ones, know the importance of who you are. Know the power of who you are. Feel the energy running through your very veins. Today, as you hold this powerful frequency of love, first for yourself, and then for another, you are able to help others to step into their full potential, the magnificent you, the magnificent beauty of your powerful soul essence. When you hold vigil for yourself, it is very important to turn within and love yourself, love yourself enough that you are holding vigil for yourself. Remember that when Jeshua and I would go into the Cave of Creation, we would sit in silence and allow ourselves to feel the energy and the essence of our spirit. I’m asking you to call this is in today, to hold vigil for yourself, call in the essence of your soul, the magnificence of your being. And to repeat to yourself, I AM that I AM, I AM that I AM, I AM that I AM. Can you feel the power of this energy as you call forth the great I AM? I AM that I AM, I AM that I AM, I AM that I AM. Can you feel this vibration? Can you feel it within your heart? It is empowering. We ask you to use it to call in your soul essence, to call in what you need for health and vitality, confidence and courage, financial abundance and resources. And I repeat, feel it, embody it, embrace it, call it forth.
It takes great courage to come to this Earth plane, and I know we have mentioned this many, many times before. We applaud you, and we thank you, and we indeed honor you. And so, Dear Ones, you are never alone, you are never alone, you are never alone. You have so many beings looking after you and watching over you that it is hard to comprehend, but it is truth. You are never alone. We’ve asked you before, to what we call remain self-contained. To keep your energies contained at this time. And this is a part of why we are asking you to call in your soul essence. You are building up your life force energy and your merkabic field and your force field, because each of you are being asked to become brilliant oracles and messengers. And you are emitting your frequency out onto the world. Just like the stars in the sky that you see at night, you are the brilliant star on this Earth plane, and your energy is emitting powerful frequencies of love and peace, courage, commitment, and devotion. And so as you call forth your soul essence, you are calling all the aspects that you’ve ever been. All that you have created, all that you have accomplished. Remember, Dearest Children, when you came as pure spirits, and went through the cycles of incarnations, and with each lifetime there was a lesson, many lessons perhaps. And you developed and mastered the attributes of the fruits of God’s holy grace. Meaning that with each lifetime you’ve chosen to return back to Oneness. Perhaps by suffering, perhaps through patience, perhaps through love, perhaps through devotion, patience, passion, peace, determination. What I’m trying to say, is that with every lifetime, your soul has stepped forward into full mastery, closer to God. And today we are calling forth this repository of energy. Again, it is at your disposal. Everything is at your disposal. It is energy. It has always been there for you. Call it in. Call in the lifetime of what you desire. Believe and so shall you receive, but call it forth. Step into your true self-mastery, your full potential. Live your life in the richness it was meant to be lived, in the fullness it was meant to be lived.
And so, Dearest Ones, hold this energy and hold this power and hold this frequency of Divine Mother Love. The Holy Mother, the Blessed Mother, is here holding this energy upon this day, so call it forth for yourself. Do not live another day of your life without accessing your full potential, your Divine potential. You have so much that is being gifted to you, so much that is being offered to you, and over all of these years that I have been working with you, remember the importance of commitment, patience, perseverance. We have been patiently waiting for all of you to step into your full Divine potential. Call it forth today. Call it forth today. Live in your magnificence, live in your grandness. Accept this beautiful gift that we offer to you upon this day. As we have said many times before, be in the world, live in the world, but be not of it. Hold your light so brilliantly that you are changing the frequencies that are being emitted upon this Earth plane. As you well know, much of the dark energies are escalating upon this planet, but the light will prevail, and this is why we’ve asked you to step into your full potential, so that you will be able to hold your full potential, you’ll be able to access your full potential, you’ll be able to receive your full potential. With each person who steps into their full potential, their Divine soul essence, it clears away the darkness, the negativity, just like a bright light, you are shining your light onto the darkness so that others may see the way. With each person that steps forward and says yes, you are helping the collective energy, so that peace may prevail upon this planet.
Love will prevail, and balance will return to this planet, just like in the days of Lemuria and Atlantis, when each soul during the highest of the civilization lived in a state of pure love and grace. There was so much love and tranquility, that it was difficult to comprehend how things could fall from grace. And those beautiful civilizations fell to their knees, simply vanished overnight into the ocean. You are at a tipping point, as they say, with your current civilization, and yet, Dearest Children, you are strongly holding the light, bridging two worlds, heaven and earth. You have been committed, you shall remain committed, and it is of great importance that you understand why you have come to this Earth plane, you are needed. You are loved, and you truly are a gift onto the world. Today, as you stand in the brilliance of who you are, know that you are love, and you are light, and that your magnificent soul essence will continue to guide you. Can you feel your strength in this moment? Can you tap into the essence of the truth of who you really are? Can you feel the brilliance of your beautiful light? Can you feel the magnificence of your soul? If it is difficult, we ask you to continue to call in your soul essence, so that you feel your power, and know the truth of who you are. Just like the young children that we talked about, the young child prodigies, that come in with their full knowingness, we ask that you have this same ability, you had just forgotten and had lost your way. And so we ask you to reclaim it, to reclaim your magnificence, to reclaim your brilliance, and to love who you are.
Can you truly learn to love yourself? Love your magnificent self. Can you truly begin to turn the other cheek, as they say, and allow your soul essence, instead of your personality, to guide you? Turn the other cheek, meaning allowing yourself to let the essence of your pureness, the pure love that you are, to guide you. It is indeed sad that so many people have fallen bitter, and fallen into anger, not understanding their magnificent self. We don’t want you to fall into this trap, and to feel unworthy, unloved, unappreciated. And so, Dearest Ones, when you honor and respect yourself, it is there that you will receive the honor and respect when you love yourself, that you will receive the love that you so desire. And so, Dear One, your soul is calling you to listen. We spoke about this at your last gathering, about listening to your soul, but now we are asking you to access it, to embody it, to embrace it, to truly feel it. And to live in the remembrance of who you truly are. It is indeed important for the healing of this planet, and for you to return to balance within your own soul. Before each of you decide to leave this planet and transition back into your spirit, know that it is of great importance to balance your energy. To balance your soul, to the greatest of ease, to the best of your ability, to, shall I say, return to love. I shall return to Oneness. I shall return to peace. Let this be your guiding light, as you return to peace. Return to love, return to oneness. It is why you are here, it is why you came to this planet. It is the reason that you stepped forward as the beautiful spirit that day at the Great Conclave, and said yes, I will come and serve Mother Gaea. I will come and serve Mother Gaea.
It is in the essence of your energy to be the perfected, beautiful light that you came to be. And so, Dear Ones, as you step into this power, as you step into this frequency, know that the pureness and the richness of your beautiful soul thanks you for welcoming it today. Perhaps you’ve never thought much about your soul or your soul essence, but honor it and thank it, and call forth vigil today, living from the true essence of who you are. Know the truth of the magnificent self, and call forth the peace into your life. Today, as you step forward, know that you are held in Divine Grace. The love of God surrounds you, the power of God protects you, the presence of God watches over you. Wherever you are, God is, and all is well. And you, Dearest Children, are the chosen ones. You’ve chosen to reawaken, you’ve chosen to live in peace, and you’ve chosen to live in the grandness of your true spirit essence. Take this day and allow it to be the first day of the beginning of the rest of your life, and go forward and understand the joy of living in your full brilliance. Go now, my children, and hold the light and be the light of the world. Go now, my children, be the light, and hold the brilliance of who you are, and be the light of the world.
Channel: Reverend Lea Chapin
We look forward to the day when we can meet each other on the street to openly and obviously shake hands. Think of that world where you can perceive a Galactic walking down the street and you go up and say, “Hello, my name is _________, I know that I am a Galactic in my higher expression, but right now I am also wearing this earth vessel.”
Meeting Your SELF–Your Galactic Family–Through Sue Lie
Meeting Your SELF
From your Galactic Family Through Sue Lie
Our dearest Grounded Ones,
We commend you for hearing our message and for sharing them with others. We speak to you within this NOW to share with you that it is the Now for you to prepare. For we, your Galactic family, are now approaching earth.
Please realize that inter-galactic Earth has always existed in the fifth dimension and beyond. Therefore, fifth dimensional Gaia is already alive and well. In the same manner, your fifth dimensional expressions of SELF are alive and well in the fifth dimension and beyond.
The challenge is not to become fifth dimensional, as you always have had a higher dimensional, expression of your fifth dimensional self as a component of your Multidimensional SELF.
More and more of you are remembering, and regaining, your fifth dimensional awareness of SELF. This remembering is an important component of your ascension process.
The higher and higher frequencies of your Multidimensional SELF that are NOW serving, and have always been serving as the planetary ascension team, are calling for their third dimensional representatives to remember who they are, so that they can join them in their Multidimensional Mission.
It is a great honor to be a member of Earth’s “Planetary Ascension Team.” And, all of you who resonate to this message are indeed members of this team. We say, “team” because a team is when many work as One, and that is what we ask of you.
We ask that all of YOU, who remember your own higher dimensional, fifth dimensional selves to serve to assist others to remember their higher dimensional, Multidimensional self.
As you expand your consciousness to encompass your fifth dimensional SELF, you will simultaneously expand your consciousness to encompass your fifth dimensional perception. Your fifth dimensional perception are very important, as it through your fifth dimensional perception that you will perceive the fifth dimension as a real place.
As you increasingly focus on how to activate your fifth dimensional perceptions in daily life, you will begin to consciously perceive our communications with you. We say, “perceive our communication,” as there are many ways to perceive the fifth dimensional reality, and each of you will find YOUR way.
We are communicating with you now because we want all of you to have some time to think, meditate, and dream about the impending reality that you are moving into/creating. Yes, “moving into” is the same state of consciousness as “creating.”
As you remember to call this higher dimensional reality into your daily life, by remembering to expand your consciousness, you will begin to consciously perceive your fifth dimensional reality.
We will assist you by asking you a few questions that you can ponder. We, the Arcturians and your Galactic Family are giving you “time” to ponder your answer, for it will be the answer that you, as a Multidimensional Leader will give to those whom you are teaching.
Therefore, go into your life and write your story, for you will be telling your story again and again to those whom you will teach. When you tell your story, you make others feel safe.
You make it seem possible that they, too, can expand into and return to their true Multidimensional SELF. Also, when you know your story, which is the precursor to your sharing, you will always be prepared to share with anyone whom you recognize as wanting to know more.
Then you will be fully prepared when the Ships begin showing themselves for all to see. Therefore, we ask you to ponder, when the landing begin, How will you proceed? What will you share?
Take a long moment within this NOW to imagine that you are in this unknown future situation. In this unknown future situation, the Ships are identifying themselves to humanity in one of many different ways.
Some of the ways they will identify themselves you may have thought of, but some of the ways you may not have thought of. Therefore, you may be as surprised as the others that are around you.
However, within your heart and within your mind, you will feel the Unconditional Love beaming from these beings, as well as from our Ships.
Yes, you may be one of those who recognize a Pleiadian walking down the street. Pleiadians will be amongst our first landing team, for they look very human. They look like tall blond handsome, lovely human beings.
However, they have a very strong resonance around them that even the most asleep person will suddenly turn their neck and think, “What was that? Who was that? Why does that person seem so different?”
Fortunately, they won’t be frightened because the Pleiadians will radiate a feeling of Unconditional Love. Also, the Pleiadians have taken many incarnations on earth so that they can understand how difficult it is to live on a planet that goes from war to war, inflation to depression, anger to sorrow, birth to death.
We are so amazed that you, the representatives for your Earth have done so well, and that you have maintained love, held your dignity, and sought to heal and assist others. Also, many of you have gathered into groups, so that we, your Galactic Family, can speak to all of you as ONE.
We want to have you practice the situation in which all of you will be getting the same message, but each of you will run that same message through your “individual filter.”
Each of you has your “specific filter” because of the “separation consciousness” of your third-dimensional reality. Also, are all of the experiences that you have had in this life, as well as all of your lives, and all of the emotions that you have ever had in any of your incarnations, all of the thoughts that you have had in any of your incarnations.
So, at first when a Pleiadian – as that will be the most likely be a ‘tall human that you will see.’ You will be called on to look in to that person’s eyes. And when you look into their eyes that is the beginning of communication via Light Language. Communication via Light Language doesn’t need a vocabulary, doesn’t even need words. Communication via Light Language is a ‘feel’. It is an energy package that you share.
So perhaps they might send you an energy package. You will feel that energy package, you will react to that energy package, and it will naturally go back to the Pleiadians who will receive the energy package, act on the energy package, and send it back to you. Then, it will continue in this fashion.
So you could be standing on a major busy street, talking to this very handsome tall blond person, but it looks like you are just looking at each other. Maybe the Pleiadian will put up a glimmer to make you believe that you are old friends. Which is true in that you are friends on the fifth dimension.
Now, what we mean when we say “put a glimmer around it,” which is an old ancient, magic term, but it still stands for today. The Pleiadians still have to put a fourth dimensional energy field around their communication with you. This fourth dimensional energy package will send back to the receiver what it is they want to see.
In this manner you, and your Galactic Self with whom you are speaking, will seem to be having a daily conversation. Also, we say your “Galactic Self” rather than using the dimension to which that being resonates because we wish for you to remember how to “read the energy field” of the one to whom you are speaking.
On the Ship, we do not differentiate between one’s between a person’s galactic self and human expression on Earth, or that person’s mother or father. On our Ship, everyone is related to everyone. Everyone is everyone’s parent, and everyone is bonded and merged as members of the ONE galactic family that they all share with.
We are all here to share our galactic family with you. We want you all to know that you are ready and, therefore, if anything occurs that a part of you might be a little shocked or perhaps a little surprised, please remember that You Are Ready.
When you fully realize you are ready, you will be able to see through that glimmer. Then, instead of seeing what other people might want to see, you will see what ‘is.’
And ‘what is’ is that we are coming. We are coming because you have called us, and we are coming because we want to personally meet you. We want to take you to a visit to our Starship home, so that you can meet our/your family, just as we want to meet your/our family.
At first, the meeting on the Ship will appear to be different than the meetings on Earth, but as you become accustomed to these meetings, the “when and where” will transmute into “NOW.” Blessings, we will send more messages to you in this fashion.
We look forward to the day when we can meet each other on the street to openly and obviously shake hands. Think of that world where you can perceive a Galactic walking down the street and you go up and say,
“Hello, my name is _________, I know that I am a Galactic in my higher expression, but right now I am also wearing this earth vessel.”
Then, we Galactics will say, “Yes we perceive you as a member of our Family. We thank all of you have been doing to prepare humanity for our Multidimensional Assistance and Unconditional love!
Blessings to you and yours, and we will see you again soon.
Your Galactic Family
Imagine this: you are standing in the middle of a street, or a sidewalk, and take the time to really put yourself there. In the middle of all this concrete of the city, you are aware of Mother Earth, for she is there as well. As a result of her presence, you become aware of the hearts of all the people who are walking here. Among all the superficial emotions – the confusion, haste, impatience – there lives in every human a heart. Stay unattached to all those muddled energies that surge about you; instead, concentrate on those hearts.
Alignment is physical wellbeing. Alignment is the way to financial abundance. Alignment is authenticity. It’s you being purely you, following the expanded-ness that is you as you’re guided in your embodied experience, so alignment is it!
Council of Radiant Light via Ailia Mira, May 25th, 2017
Ailia Mira:
Let’s take a minute and optimize our energy. Everything is energy. Everything is vibration, so focusing on how you feel is a way of knowing what your vibration is, and everything that you’re experiencing in life is happening through resonance. Everythingyou experience comes to you as resonant with an aspect of your active energy. This is what people talk about when they say you experience life as “organized by the law of attraction,” or based on your momentum energetically. It’s real and energetic resonance, regardless of what name you give it, is how energy organizes and unfolds as experience. So taking a moment to optimize your vibration and therefore your momentum is really good.
It’s beneficial, too, before receiving a channelled transmission because the better your energy state when you receive the transmission, the more you’re available, through resonance, to the upper frequencies and the transmission. Transmissions from Archangel Michael and the Council of Radiant Light are full spectrum transmissions of energy. There’s a broad spectrums of energies available in the transmission, and each of you receive in relationship to your present energy state.
You understand this kind of experience in life, if you think about it. Sometimes you encounter something and it has a particular effect on you. Then you revisit it again later and it has a different effect on you, potentially a richer effect on you. This is because of your dynamically evolving energy state. It may even have a diminished effect. This is all about your energy state because everything is harmonics, everything is vibration, and we perceive and connect with what’s resonant with us. In all realms of focus.
That’s the essence, in a way, of the law of attraction which says: like and like are coming together, drawn together. That’s how things are organized. Everything is organized energetically based on vibrational resonance, and time and space are organized by vibration.
Okay, so we’re going to say one more thing about this because it may not be evident to all of you. Time is part of our experience so everything doesn’t happen at once, so that we have an unfolding experience, and space is part of our experience so that everything doesn’t happen to me and everything doesn’t happen to you. Some of it happens to me and some of it happens to you based on where we are in space which and what we connect with is still what we’re resonant with, and so space and time help facilitate what we experience as personal reality.
We couldn’t have a personal experience of our life if there were not space and time, so space and times are fundamentals to our experience, and our experience of space and time unfolding is what we think of as life.
The version of each moment of space and time that we experience is about our energy and what’s resonant with our energy, and what momentums we’ve had going on.
Any time you think of it, taking a moment to optimize your energy state by elevating your vibration, and you know when you feel better and you’re elevated more because you feel better, and making it a point in your life to optimize your energy state is making it a point to be in alignment more often, and alignment, as we’ve said before, is clarity.
Alignment is physical wellbeing. Alignment is the way to financial abundance. Alignment is authenticity. It’s you being purely you, following the expanded-ness that is you as you’re guided in your embodied experience, so alignment is it!
Optimizing your energy makes that possible in the most fulfilled optimized way, moment to moment.
Hello, Divine Ones,
It’s great to be with you and we’re excited that we just had this ability to prompt Ailia and explain this a little bit. It takes hearing these things multiple times often to really grasp them, and more than grasp them, hold on to them because really a lot of you understand what’s being shared here. You get it. When you hear it, you get it, and yet to live it is different.
To live it is different. For the orientation to this and the leveraging of it and the skillful making it work for you, to become your standard state of being is different. As we talked about in our last conversation, even though this approach is simple, it’s not necessarily easy. It’s not easy because it’s different than how you’ve been living. So it is lovely for us to have this chance to connect with you and share with you transmissions that support you in reclaiming who you truly are. As you remember all this you liberate expanded capacities and empower yourself to be who you truly are; to live in alignment with all you are, and be the being that you are, fully, here.
The real you is abundant and free and capable and expansive and flowing and eternal and perfect.
You can know the perfection of who you are in your embodiment and some people would say that’s far-fetched, and that’s okay because you don’t need anybody else to agree with this approach to living for it to be your approach and for you to get all the benefits of it. You are free and capable and without limitation, and you can experience yourself directly in this way.
To live this way in your embodiment is a radical notion to be sure for so many on Earth simply accept limitations. Because they accept limitations, they make limitation real in their experience. Believing in something, giving it your attention can and does make it very solid in your experience. So the sense that there are limitations and rules is quite real for most people. The stories and ideas that are out in the world, that are commonly held are often starting from a place that say there are boundaries, and these boundaries include your limitations and rules, and the equations too, of “what you must do to get what you want. Often some idea that you must do this, to get that.” A transactional relationship, a karmic relationship to embodiment.
Most people live their lives believing all these things are solid and questioning very little. In fact, there are very few rules that are part of your experience. There are the ones Ailia was just talking about, such as everything is vibration, you are eternal, that energy is organized through resonance. We would add to that that gravity keeps things in space organized. The most important of these is that you sovereignly create your energy is energy itself is organized by vibrational resonance, so it’s organized by infinite intelligence or what people call the law of attraction.
Energy is organized such that your state of being draws to you the essence of that which you are. Or another way to say that – that which is active in your vibration, in your energy can come into your experience.
You have many active vibrations and many thought-forms and beliefs that are also within your energy but inactive. You are free to dynamically alter your state of being – what’s active and what’s not – moment to moment. Your feelings indicate what your state of being is relative to the fullness of who you really are. And because you can chose how you’re focused you’re absolutely free. Beyond those fundamentals, are the implications of them such as you are free to make your experience whatever you wish, and yet so many people don’t really feel free to do that.
Some of you are still not feeling really at liberty to have the financial abundance you want, and we noticed this in the Q&A last week when there was a question which kind of expressed, “When so many people are poor, how can it be okay for me to have this immense financial abundance unless, of course, I use it to help everybody else?” So today we want to talk a little bit about these ideas of being sovereign and self-referencing, and to assist you with that.
Most human beings have some kind of idea about what it means to make yourself the priority, so we’d like you to check in with yourself right now and get a feel for your own trending belief system on this topic.
How do you feel about putting yourself first?
Just notice how you feel. Don’t feel bad about it. Don’t make yourself wrong. Just notice how do you feel about making yourself the priority and putting yourself first.
What we know is that most human beings, because there are prevailing ideas in your world, feel that putting yourself first is somehow at odds with caring about other people.
Somehow there is this idea that’s really well established in your world that when you put yourself first, that choice somehow does not benefit others. There is a pattern of thought which implies that in order to help others, you have to put them first, in order to prove that you care about others, you have to put them first, in order to demonstrate your love for another, you have to care and act like you care about how they feel, not how you feel. It makes you hesitant to do what you want and follow your spirit, in essence because you’re not sure it’s really “good” or “right” to put yourself first.
There is this way of thinking which puts at odds your choice or the choice we’re suggesting you make – to please yourself – with the idea that you might also have desires for other people to have happy, good lives, and this is a huge misunderstanding. Seeing it more clearly and dropping the misunderstanding empowers you to claim the freedom of who you really are.
Human beings have this idea in general that if you pay attention to yourself, you’re somehow going to hurt someone else. Not even that maybe it’s not so great, but that often there’s this idea that if you do so, someone else will pay for it. This is very backwards because, in fact, the more self-referencing you are, the more you have to give. We’re not suggesting you become self-referencing so that you can give to others. We’re suggesting you become self-referencing because sovereignty, It’s who you truly are.
Living in alignment is your normal state, and part of embodiment is the opportunity to reclaim that in a realm in which having access to it makes being here really fun. When you are putting yourself first and paying attention to how you feel, you’re in greater alignment. In this state, you’re easy to be around. You’re not showing up with other people asking or wanting or needing them to do something in particular so that you feel good. You’re not creating relationships in which you make someone else feel good and they do the same for you. You’ve moved beyond transactional and karmic relationships and into an unconditional confidence about creating your state. Your consciousness and you, are elevated. Imagine that and what it’s like to be around people who are unconditionally happy?
A lot of people have these kind of relationships which are about making one another happy, which are often called codependent relationships, relationships where each of them stand on their head in order to please the other and get annoyed when the other person stops acting this way.
When you are instead, pleasing you, embracing your sovereignty by being self-referencing, you show up fully resourced, aligned, happy, clear, abundant, radiant with wellbeing. It is from this state of being that you can actually really share your gifts.
The most beneficial way to share anything in life — in your personal life, in your business life, at your job, in any kind of relationship — is to share from a space of more than enough. I have more than enough. I’d love to share it! Be it money, be it ideas, be it time or energy, be it insight.
Sharing from more than enough is real sharing. It’s real sharing, but when you don’t have enough and you share? That is a mixed thing. You all know this. You all have had experiences when you were young where someone made you share something you really didn’t want to share. What was that like?
Usually in this experience there was resentment there. There was some kind of idea internalized that you were to give up what you wanted even if you didn’t want to do it. Even if that didn’t feel good to you. There was this message that it wasn’t okay to want something just for yourself. Can you see that hesitancy to do what matters to you in your life now? Of course you can – you learned this early on.
When someone you love tells you to, and then you share something with someone else that you really don’t want to give up, you resent the other person. It changes your relationship with them and it takes you out of alignment with who you really are.
It doesn’t have to be that way, but it’s often how it is, particularly when you’re young. Usually someone else is coercing you to act in such a way. Then the other part of this? When you’re young and you’re taught to share when you really don’t want to, what happens? The person who is trying to get you to share, they’re pleased with you. They tell you so. They affirm this out of alignment mode of being.
That’s the last part of this equation: you learn that you can get the love of the important person – usually an adult in your life – through doing things they think you should do, regardless of what you want. And then? Stuff in life starts to get confusing.
So at this point, now, understanding that everything is vibration and everything is organized energetically through resonance, we’re asking you to reconsider your relationship to sharing and to putting yourself first.
We want to encourage you to consider that you might have learned, as most humans do, that you can get attention from others when you please them and this has made life confusing for you. It’s made it hard for you to put yourself first and do what matters to you and feel at liberty to make your life as joyful as you crave it to be.
When you please other people and they express affection for you, they place positive attention on you, they’re kind of giving you an experience that isn’t the same as being in alignment, but it’s similar in the sense that you get more energy because attention is energy.
So when you’re taught that the way to get more energy is through pleasing others and then you internalize that pattern, then when someone comes along as we are in this conversation and encourages you to put yourself first, you’re inclined to pause.
You’re inclined to distrust that because you’ve got years upon years upon years of experience in which really nice things have happened in your life because you did what other people wanted you to do.
What we want you to try in this experiment, which we’ll remind you is how we’re asking you to play with all of this, as an experiment in which you will discern if it’s to your benefit or not. To discover not because we say it, but because you discover that you like it and therefore wish to continue with it… In this experiment we’re suggesting that you discover what it’s like to have that flow of energy from all that you are. To instead choose alignment, choose feeling good and let all that you are, the Source within you, fulfill you. And to feel what it’s like to show up fulfilled, fully resourced, clear, in well-being, elated, elevated, flowing freely, connected to the real you, your non-physical wholeness.
Discover having momentum because of the alignment with all that you are, and to discover how good it feels to be in that space and how much other people benefit from you being in that space. There is nothing more wonderful than a person who is unconditionally lined up with who they really are being in your presence.
You all have been with people like this when their energy is so good that it’s just fun and light and easy to be around them. Well, that’s who you can be when you make you the priority.
We invite you today, to consider anything which might be holding you back from feeling at liberty to make your alignment the priority. Your alignment is the direct way to facilitate an expanded experience of everything you want, and yes, it’s also possible to get things you want through using those other kinds of pathways. It’s possible to get what you want on pathways in which you do things to please people and they give you things, pathways in which you work hard and because you believe in it, it produces results. They work the same way – law of attraction makes them real, because you believe in them and act upon that belief. What you think is real and important is what is real and important to you.
So yes – those are options too, but we’re suggesting an option that allows you to really experience yourself as you truly are: free.
Free, and expansive and creative and thriving with radiant well-being and fulfilled in a sustained, steady flow of clarity and energy from within. That’s the path we’re talking about.
Today we ask you to consider thoughtfully and gently if there is some part of you that feels if you really put yourself first, you might not be a good person. You might hurt others. You might be violating some unwritten taboo in your culture and in the world. If that belief system still exists within you, we would encourage you to spend some time thinking differently about what it might mean not just for you, but for everyone you care about and for the world at large if you were in a steady state of alignment and inherently fulfilled.
We are complete.
We are the Council of Radiant Light.
You truly are the greatest Angels to abide on Planet Earth.
Brave Souls,
As you walk blindfolded on the trapeze wire of life, you are navigating fields of possibilities for eons unavailable to you.
The smorgasbord is now OPEN and the availability of choice, un-limited.
Because of all the recent energy shifts, you have changed gears and are now moving in a completely new direction, without a G.P.S.
These times are exhilarating Dear Ones. Having never been experienced before. Therefore as the Architects of this New Earth, YOU are creating each new step as you place your foot upon the Earth. It is IMPERATIVE and for your Highest Good to keep ALL THOUGHTS POSITIVE AND UPLIFTING. I reiterate: THOUGHTS truly become your reality.
Endless possibilities and opportunities await you Dear Hearts. Allow your imagination to flow forth. For many lifetimes you were suppressed from using your “imaging faculty” and now it has been cleared, it is once again available for Creating the Life you have always dreamed.
Recently, I suggested you focus your Intention through the 3rd Eye – the imaging centre – project out into form, that which you wish to ‘SEE’ in your awareness, and bring this into your being-ness.
Dear Ones, allow the Creators that you are, to have fun, play and ignite the passions you have held so tightly within your bodies, not ever allowing yourself the belief that you could actually manifest your dreams.
And here you are – beginning to live larger than you could have ever “imagined.”
You have all the tools at your disposal to allow yourself to step out of who you always have been, into your dream imaging.
What a time to be on Planet Earth Dear Ones as you witness the ABUNDANCE of all possibilities finally unleashed and returned to the rightful recipients……YOU. You are Sovereign Beings Dear Beings of Light.
As you witness the Peace return to your Planet, as set by your intentions in the field of possibilities it has been met by the energies of Allowing and now is coming into form on your Planet.
YOU Dear Ones are the Miracle Workers of your time on this New Earth Plane.
So many miracles will flow freely on your New Earth – watch, observe and give thanks and grace for all that is unfolding within and around you.
Miracle Healing Abilities are being returned to you also. Ask and it is Given, ALL your Divine Birthright Dear Hearts.
So many wonderful possibilities for ALL HUMANITY to receive and celebrate.
All Humanity desires to live a life of complete well-being, optimum health and vitality. Abundance in all areas of your being-ness and PEACE abiding on ALL of Planet Earth.
All because YOU, CHOSE to step forward at this time in the Greatest Evolution of Planet Earth and all who chose to abide on her. You walked this path, shining your Light for all to see, even when you stumbled in the darkness and were unsure yourselves. You truly are the greatest Angels to abide on Planet Earth. You have called forth so much Divine Light from Creation to once again enliven and enlighten this Planet.
What a magnificent New Earth you have toiled to bring to fruition. Some never thought they would see such great changes even though they were foretold in their lifetime – it is now unfolding before your eyes.
And here we stand with you, shoulder to shoulder expressing the JOY, witnessing the profound experience Humanity is undertaking whilst still in Human Form.
That too is changing. Rapidly. Every cell within your Being is upgrading, rejuvenating. The regeneration of YOU is well advanced, hence all those “strange symptoms” each of you have experienced.
Hold hands lovingly Dear Ones. Assist each other in all aspects of this dance. Your Star Sisters and Brothers are in awe of what is unfolding. They dance with you. We ALL dance with you.
Channel: Leslie Anne Menzies
0 0 1 0 1 1 0,The Symbol for Human Sovereignty.
Alignment Is All You Need.
More and more people are discovering and are now able to more clearly see, maybe to their own astonishment, how the powerful, unified power is leading to positive changes and how it is spreading and starting to blossom, as people meet and unite around light, positive and loving intentions and desires.
More and more people are now discovering and responding to the possibilities of creating what intuitively feels right to them. More and more of you discover that you can connect with others, reach out and make a difference, with the help of good intentions. Courage, freedom, love and joy are waking up, and still more courage, freedom, love and joy. More and more people are discovering and are now able to more clearly see, maybe to their own astonishment, how the powerful, unified power is leading to positive changes and how it is spreading and starting to blossom, as people meet and unite around light, positive and loving intentions and desires.
Maybe you are now beginning to understand, with even greater astonishment, that those you thought had a great responsibility within society, and those you thought were powerful and had the authority to make changes, are not even getting close to doing so. In addition, you have started to understand that those in power are not even holding the intention to change. They are beginning to reveal themselves. Playing with power, around which everything revolves, is getting painfully clear. The talks about peace, justice and improved living conditions are just empty words. They are trying to take hold of the leashes, by which humans have the tendency to believe they must be lead. The more people in the pack on a leash, around every power unit, the bigger end those manage to create for themselves to hold on to. Nothing else will count, last or be of any value. Truly, the masses of humans leashed by their masters, are doing the job and they are fighting other masses powered by other authorities. The bigger and more aggressive the masses, the bigger chance they have of winning the power fights and the more dangerous those fights will get. The more desperate the fight over the number of leashes, the clearer the play will get for you to discover and look through it. And the bigger chance you will have of discovering your own freedom and your own possibilities of creating a harmonious, lasting and happier world, without having to be led by other people.
This will increase your understanding that everything is no longer up to anyone else than yourselves, to create the world you desire. If you sat down waiting for someone else to create it for you, you will have to wait forever. To believe that the power lies outside of yourselves is to still be living in the illusion in which the rulers and the dark forces want you to exist. It is the prerequisite for you to continue laying your power, strength, trust and your expectations in their hands, which is their nutrition and ways of power. This is when you have put the leash on yourselves and handed it over to someone else to lead you and thus also to determine the borders of your living space. It will get colder and the cold will feel more bitter and freezing, when the ice is showing up and the ice crystals start freeing themselves and splitting apart. Nevertheless, the cold and the dark are moving upwards and away from your bodies and minds, and they are leaving the planet. During this phase, the cold can still feel tangible and real in a way that partly also makes it feel new and strange. When the ice still stays hidden, compact and quiet, the cold will be more integrated, habitual, more unconscious and well hidden in its being, both collectively and individually, and thus harder to recognize and move away from.
Where the ice is melting, new cracks in the surrounding material are beginning to form. The old patterns get challenged and they loosen up and stagnations are put into motion. The dark and negative can be experienced as growing and more frightening than before. This is not the case. Only when something is moving in front of us and is getting into our view, can we see it and start considering its existence. Movement and change are stirring up the old, and feelings of chaos and confusion are common. Unsettled beings who need stability and predictability, are sensing the discomfort, and they want everything to be calm and peaceful again.
Trust this breaking up of the ice and let the changes take place, as they are leading you towards a warmer, more harmonious and lighter world. Not to flow with the changes usually means one will choose to carry the old patterns and try to recreate that which formerly existed. In this case that means a much lower, more dysfunctional and less conscious level which you, both collectively and individually, at present are nearing a possibility to rise from. Trust that you will stand tall and safe, despite the world is changing and you along with it. Do not cling to the old, but be open to the gifts this will bring you, to have courage to take in the new, to choose light and love and to dare to grow and change.
Mother Earth is cheering the human breaking up of the ice, and the freeing now happening more rapidly on a larger scale. Finally, you humans are starting to understand that you, by holding on to the old, by settling in the narrow labyrinths of society and by trying to influence by using negative powers, energies and tones, will only stain your own mind, your own and our common world, with darkness, anger and frustration. Finally, humans are waking up and are finding the harmonious strings to play, so that the positive sound that will inspire others to take part and do more with the same loving sound, will spread out to more and more people, with the speed of light.
With this massive spreading and the deep awakening of humans, the dark can in the end no longer stay in power and keep its upper hand over humanity. That is a physiological, biological, psychological and astrological impossibility.
As the dark loses more and more of its grip and the breaking of the ice is breaking up the patterns you thought you had to live by, the fellowship around light, joy and love among people is getting deeper. The recognition and the acknowledgement of one´s own inner freedom and understanding of the enormous responsibility every individual is holding for the energies and harmonies one chooses to stay in and send out, will increase by the day. More and more are deciding to connect and are beginning to co-operate with others who have chosen to work for the light and love, the open, loving, unified embrace is growing even more enormously and the spreading of the light is becoming more explosive.
Now it is close. Trust and walk in love and light! We are with you every step on the way and we are working with and for you!
Note: Translated from Swedish by Aslög Bergman
Zorra’s raising vibration technique.
The new financial system is performing. The GCR/RV is really manifesting. The restored Republic is revealing. Benevolent alien life on earth assisting.
“Gerund” – GCR/RV Overview – Wednesday – May 17, 2017
Received via email at 11:57 AM EDT for publication. ~ Dinar Chronicles
I find it ironic that the actual word doesn’t itself end in “ing” but whatever.
False advertising?
Disingenuous promoting?
Blatant lying?
Words are fascinating.
The new financial system is performing.
The GCR/RV is really manifesting.
The restored Republic is revealing.
Benevolent alien life on earth assisting.
The fiat financial system crippling.
The hidden crime family (cabal) enslaving.
The dark nobility was master planning.
Malevolent alien life farming humanity.
Can you see the freaking circus now?
Are you believing we live in a faux reality
Have you chosen which future you’re adopting?
Will you change your heart if ascending becomes impossible?
Very high screen and super non-screen sovereign rates are updating and converting–by the hour they are trading.
Thousands of redeeming centers and tens of thousands banking employees are training, waiting and operating within a Tuesday through Thursday window–never knowing when or why–nor are they asking.
We’re coming.
This is happening.
The world is changing.
Humanity is liberating.
Our adversaries eliminating.
And Christ returning.
Do strongly consider surrendering.
We want you prospering.
And together serving God with us.
The Celebrations have begun. You are Creator Beings – through your thoughts you Create.
Dear Ones,
The Miraculous energies of May continue for you. The Celebrations have begun. You are Creator Beings – through your thoughts you Create.
May is the Month of the Mother and the energies of the Mother flow to each and every Child of the Universe. Breathe into and accept the LOVE of the Mother, feel the warmth of her embrace showering and surrounding you in LOVE. Take the LOVE of the Divine Mother, the Eternal Mother, Mother Earth and breathe that into your Be-ing. This LOVE is palpable and encompasses all life on your beautiful Planet.
May is also the month of Miracles, and once again we ask you to use your creative faculties to bring forth that which you desire. Place your Intention on that which you wish to create for you, and ALL humanity. Allow your Attention to flow out into the world of form to bring whatever you desire into manifestation. Manifestation awaits your command!
Divine Peace and Divine Abundance is created through your thoughts and attention upon it. Feel into the possibility of these “gifts” being the only way Humanity will live from this day forward. Hold that image throughout your day.
Your wish is our command.
We, in the higher realms of Illuminated TRUTH align with you and your wishes. Allow your visions of this “higher realm,” higher reality of PEACE, LOVE AND ABUNDANCE to be all you focus your attention upon.
Your thoughts and your actions will bring these miracles of Peace on Earth and Abundance to all Be-ings.
You ARE that powerful Dear Ones.
Time to Re-member WHO YOU ARE.
Great changes continue to unravel each new day and as always it is YOU Dear Creator Beings, aligning with these changes that is making a difference.
These are the days you stepped forward for – have you noticed the synchronicities exploding all over the Planet and particularly in your own awareness. Signs from above as requested. You are now Re-membering Home.
All that is unfolding will change your history forever.
As more TRUTHS unfold, as they will rapidly now – hold the hands of those just awakening for they will need your strength and resilience as they begin to understand ALL that they have ever been told is a lie.
For those of you who awakened long ago, you have had time to process information which has allowed you to integrate such over time. You are therefore requested to walk gently with those who are waking, with a jolt, from a very, very, deep slumber.
Hold their hands, wipe their tears, share the knowledge you have gained, but most of all tell them of the magical times that await them, these are the times you chose to experience.
Their initial anger and rage will dissipate more easily than yours because they have you to seek answers from and they will also FEEL what you say is TRUE. The ability to FEEL has increased the energy governing the chakras, and so much has cleared which will allow the TRUTH to resinate in the body more easily. Your ability to just KNOW AND FEEL will increase as the veil lifts for you all.
So much has changed and will change for each and every being on the Planet. The evidence of this NEW EARTH can no longer be denied.
Magical times ahead for ALL HUMANITY. Divine Peace, Prosperity, Equality all that you have asked for, prayed for is now unravelling before each of you.
The Celebrations have begun Dear Ones, as you watch all unfold before you in ways you could have only once dreamed.
As always we stand beside you in Celebration.
Magic and Miracles the new order of each new day.
And so it is.
Channel: Leslie-Anne Menzies
By raising your consciousness to that of oneness with the Creator you will bring the sacred energies of light into your life and back into the world.
Sacred geometry is a powerful weapon for good and for evil. It uses the forces of the universe to harness energy and magnify it in a way that is not otherwise possible. These images, above, are made of light and are thus even more powerful in their ability to transform energy because of the speed in which they can transmit it. The speed of light is well documented, but its vibrational frequency is of note when combined with shape.
Dimensional patterns are everywhere. Children learn about 2D and 3D shape that makes up your world, but shapes and patterns come in much more complex dimensional formations that can potentially be used to alter realities. Sacred geometry has long being used by the dark forces and those who wish to alter reality to suit their own egotistic purposes and they have succeeded, in many ways, to make the Earth a fearful place to live. However, those who work in the light also use sacred geometry to create higher dimensional realities and this practice is what is saving the Earth from extinction. Higher dimensional frequencies of consciousness are directly connected to the energy of oneness and unconditional love which is the energy of the Supreme Source, the Creator of All That Is. When light and sacred geometrical shape is harnessed by the consciousness of humans much light can be sent to the world with the speed of thought, which is faster than the speed of light and sound combined. You can see the potential of both great things and terrifying calamity in the last statement.
Take a moment, now, to consider your life and all that is wrong with it. If you focus your energy on the negative elements of your life, what reality are you potentially faced with? What colours and shapes are associated with a life of hardship, emotional trauma and grief? What potential do you think you have to change this reality and to manifest positive things in your life? Now, turn your thoughts around and focus on everything that is good in your life. What are you grateful for? What brings light into your world? As you focus on the positive aspects of your life, what colours and shapes are associated with them? How do the pictures in your mind change and what potential realities now appear to you? Do you notice a marked difference in the way you perceive your reality and the potential to manifest good things in your life?
Negative and positive frames of consciousness are situated in different dimensions of light frequency. Can you now see that thought processes have their own sacred shape and colours and thus create dimensions of reality that become true for you? To be living in the Fifth Dimension, which is that of Ascension and oneness you must first create diamonds of light around your energy fields that are free of the density of thinking that is that of the Third Dimension. You must become aware of yourself as a spiritual being of light who is one with the light. You must also free yourself of the egotistical nature that is grounded in human existence on the Earthly plane. It is not easy and it is also a process that is continuous – one may be in the Fifth Dimension in one, two or even three aspects of their lives but still grounded in fear in alignment with the Third Dimension in other aspects. It is always a work in progress, dear hearts, because to live on Earth and to be human is the harshest reality of all.
The depth of the Sacred geometry around you and in the frequency of light held by your chakras and in your aura reflects the dimension of consciousness you currently hold. To increase the depth of sacred light and shape in your spiritual body you must first work on the density in your emotional, mental and physical bodies. Work on being positive and grateful for everything you have and see the negative events in your life as lessons towards soul growth and the opportunity to change what no longer serves you. You are in the driving seat, beloveds, and only you can shun the harsh realities of the physical world and erase them from your consciousness. Do not allow fear to bring your energies back down to the Third Dimension. Change your reality and the world around you will also change. By raising your consciousness to that of oneness with the Creator you will bring the sacred energies of light into your life and back into the world.
I AM yours in service. Lord Melchizadek.
Abundant Mind
When you choose to not allow enter in your being any intel, channeling,info or news that feels less than good you know that your higher self has taken full control guiding you to your soul’s purpose,your reason of existence in this physical reality
When you choose to not allow enter in your being any intel, channeling,info or news that feels less than good you know that your higher self has taken full control guiding you to your soul’s purpose,your reason of existence in this physical reality.Of course there have been some really bad things going on,enough to make the masses believe what they see not understanding that they are also powerful creators fully responsible for the worlds they create around them.And you who read this post and understand the deep meaning of it are here to transmute all these energies,as one conscious is equal to one million of unconscious and hence your work is not to have a regular job,your job is to keep the light,to work with the light to keep it high enough in you on a day to day basis, that is why you are called a Light Worker!You also need to deal with the fact that you will not be paid for it directly and that Source Creator through The Angelic Realm & Human Beings will provide all the Abundance you need during your trip,knowing that eventually all your dreams will manifest in the most smoothest way you could ever imagine cause what you do is JUST AWESOME and Source Knows Who You Are.
You Have Always Been Good Enough!
FEEL MORE THAN FINE in Infinite Gratitude & Trust That All Is Well and Divinely Guided.
Nikos Akrivos
Be grounded, stand steady with your feet deep down in the ground, so that you can be the support pillar that Earth so much needs now
Judas Iscariot
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Channel: Ann Dahlberg
I am Judas Iscariot and now my friends it is time to open your eyes and wake up. Now the trumpets are sounding in Heaven and all the angels have taken up a song of praise. Your journey on the new Earth has now started. Everything is ready for delivery my dear children, and your work can start. The bell just tolled 12 o’clock and the start signal sounded. I hope you understand what this means for you. Yes, it means everything will come up in the light at the same time as Earth is awash with an abundance of a rarely seen magnitude.
Your Earth has started to shake her body and all negativity will fall off of her as a house of cards. New positive matrices are ready to take their positions. The same will be true for your bodies. The negative will disappear and a new hopeful positivity will replace it. Imagine what a change that is on its way dear Earthlings. Now it is best to hold on to your hat so that it does not blow off. Be grounded, stand steady with your feet deep down in the ground, so that you can be the support pillar that Earth so much needs now. Both Earth and humanity are in needed of grounded, conscious people that can start up that which they believe in and towards where their hearts tell them to go. It is now that we can realize dreams for our Earth and you have many with you now, both angels and nature beings. Let the heart dream big and feel that the time is here and that you find yourself with constant prosperity.
It is a limitless abundance meant to be for all the peoples of the world and all its nature and beings. Is this not fantastic! The hour is here, the hour when you change semblance from poor to rich whether it is in regards to possessions or love. Love is the highest of all. Love can see no barriers. Love penetrates that which comes in its way. Enjoy love now dear friends. Enjoy the Love that will wash over you. It is a time of light, which has come in order to stay and act in the time that is now.
Be still, breathe, feel the love that is spreading in your body. Take it with you on your journey and share it with all that cross your path. The more love you spread the more you will be doing. Love seeks love, as love has wings and flies wherever it may see a spark of love. The spark gets bigger and joins with other sparks until it all is a large mass of surging love from united sparks. It is then that the human collective is a collective of love from which to extract strength and energy and unlimited knowledge. This is where we are going and then we will have completed our journey into the light sphere of love.
I wish you now good luck and my heart beats hard for the children of Earth today.
Much love,
Your work to build up the new Earth has now started.
I am Judas Iscariot and I have come to today to calm you all. It might seem as if nothing is happening, but much is happening behind the scene. The world is on fire dear friends. The world is on fire with light. It is a beautiful fire that sweeps over Earth today. It is a fire that unstoppably penetrates everywhere and loosens up even the worst of blockages. There is nowhere to hide now, my dear friends. Follow the light or remain in the darkness. The choice is yours, you have your free will and it can never be taken away from you. My advice is to follow the light. All of you who are tired of the dark seek the light in your heart. You can find it there and it has always been there. It has waited and waited for you to one day open the door so that it could come out and begin to shine inside you. It is your helper and companion and leads you home – Home to the beautiful abode of light and love from where you once came. So, hurry up now dear children on Earth, the door is open, you just have to step in.
Your work to build up the new Earth has now started. The work has started. It is now that you will assume your part of the responsibility to restore Earth to an organically sustainable society with all the resources and technologies that are available. The time is now, dear children on Earth. The light will not be kept waiting. It shines extra strong now and forces changes in both the Earth and in the minds. It is a large upheaval that is on the way. It is a large change on the way and it will not be like where you have lived. Neither can it be that way, as you all have been included in a fair and above all loving way on Earth today. This is true for all that live here as you have not even included the whole of humanity you have not included other life forms on Earth either. This is what the largest change is. The whole of humanity will be included as well as all other life forms on Mother Earth.
These are fantastic and wonderful times that are here now and we are very proud and happy for this great fantastic work that you have already done. We rejoice with you dear Earthlings, as you are now moving towards the land of your dreams. You are building up your new reality with true beauty and love for all life. Today the forests hold their breath. The animals smell expectantly a new dawn in the wind. The wind comes with new messages and the air is being cleansed from all toxins it has been exposed to. Earth will again be cultivated in an organic and considerate way. This has already started in many places on our Earth. The sun shines brighter than before. It is not encumbered as before. Things happen at all levels my dears. It happens in both the macro and the micro. What happens in the macro also happens in the micro… in your bodies, yes all the bodies that now are on Earth. It is going faster and faster, but do not be afraid, the body works at its own pace and you follow behind at your own pace. You are One, you are synchronized, you will get the time you need. It is your own choice as to which path you follow.
One of our jobs on Earth can be to develop yourselves and that is quite enough, my friends, quite enough. It gives us all the light we need to move on now. Many lights, many hearts give much a great push forward with changing our reality to a lighter reality. That is how it is. The more light the faster we can change the reality we live in to one of light and love for all and everyone. You can start dear children on Earth. You are on your way and nothing can change this.
God bless you!
Much love,
Global Currency Reset
This Is A Good Day!
The Event has begun
Phoenix Rising: The Event, DNA Activations, Global Currency Reset
Greetings Souls of the New Earth! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy).
The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message.
Phoenix Rising
We are most fortunate to be here in these times of great change. Of course many may not see the opportunity that is offered to us now. For now we are able to move not two or three but ten steps forward in our evolution, not just on an individual level but as a collective.
Many choose to simply pay attention to areas where they THINK the light is absent, and remain oblivious to the fact that the light has washed all of Earth and continues to expand. Even in those places where darkness appears to be strongest, it is only the light readying to burst out.
The old has dissipated, it has been dissolved. What you see now in front of you is a mere memory. The ashes of the old world are being INFUSED WITH NEW DIVINE LIGHT. The Phoenix is rising renewed. A new intention, a new love, a new freedom, a new Earth and humanity is being born now. The Divine Plan is unfolding and humanity is at the center of the show.
Millions of years ago in the constellation of Lyra(humanity’s original home), the symbol of the Phoenix was used by the people to let the enemy know that their confederation cannot be destroyed. A symbol of reincarnation and restoration. Returning stronger, brighter, and more resilient than ever before. And this is what is occurring here on our world today. Humanity is rising with the new energies, awareness is returning, restoration has not only begun but IT IS ALL READY SUCCESSFUL.
Every human being is about to SEE the great changes unfolding with their own physical eyes. The best advice we can give you now is remain HEART CENTERED. Do not fear or worry about a thing, do not judge, do not try to hold on to anything outside of the self. Just BE and let all else flow as it should. The waiting is over, the time is now.
DNA Activations
There is zero doubt that great change is happening on all levels, in every cell, in every atom, proton, neutron, electron of your being and the FORCE that powers those elements is also changing within YOU, within ALL. An expansion of awareness, an expansion of the heart’s ability to FEEL and to GIVE more love. A powerful light permeating all of us here on Earth and beyond, and the only thing YOU need to do is CHOOSE LOVE. Think, speak, BE LOVE. Go WITHIN and you will KNOW that a new reality, a new era has begun, the era of light is NOW.
As the energies continue to increase, the more refined light entering Earth and touching all of her inhabitants to the core, your DNA in this very moment is turning on like a line of Christmas lights. The only difference is that within your DNA there are hundreds of lines connected to one another, and each of these lines has billions of light bulbs. The 97% of your so called “junk” DNA is coming online FAST.
One of the things that many do not take seriously is what they put in their body for nurturing. With your new DNA activating, only PURE FOOD/WATER are accepted by your body. Anything else will only cause harm, slow down your bodies ability to adapt to its original template, it will be like throwing a wrench in your bicycle’s front wheel.
Some of the signs of your DNA activating are; Seeking solitude; Tingling on the skull and down your spine; You now see light and geometrical shapes when you close your eyes; Change in your libido and sexual potency; Time speeds up but it also feels like its standing still; Unusual aches and pains throughout your body; Vivid dreams with messages; Short term memory loss; Impatience; Eyes changing(tired, heavy, blurred vision). These are just a few of the signs.
I will mention three of the most important things you can do to ease your process of these new activations; 1. Drink plenty of (purified)water throughout the day. 2. Eat fresh, organic, LIGHT(veggies, fruits) foods. 3. Rest as much as you can; yes, lie down and do NOTHING every time you get the chance.
The Event
The Event has begun as you may have heard from a couple of other sources. The mass arrests continue, the going after of the main people at the top continues and the light forces have been very successful in catching them. The light is increasing as if darkness never was. But in truth there is no darkness, ALL IS LIGHT in many different forms and shapes. Now even the old rulers, the “darkest” ones are beginning to see a reflection of their true inner most essence, LIGHT. They have forgotten about this light, so now they fear it, but cannot hide from it.
The arrests, resignations, revealing of advanced technologies, changes in weather patterns, revaluation of currencies, and more, these are all precursors towards the main wave of light that will be released from the Great Central Sun, which will change EVERYTHING in an instant. We are closer than ever before for the main wave to was over and through Earth and beyond.
Though most sources avoid giving dates because they have been and are ridiculed when those dates come and go and nothing happens.
Well, for one, I think predictions are fun(laughter), and two, when you predict and keep your thoughts on that one thing, on a certain date, you attract that energy, yes?
I tell you now that the Event WILL occur within our year of 2017.
Should I narrow it down a bit?
We are looking at the Summer Solstice all the way to 10/10/10(2+0+1+7) – 10/10/10 = 30 = 3 – This is the number of EMPOWERMENT, CREATIVITY and ACTION. And indeed it is now the time to find ourselves EXPRESSING all three.
The Global Currency Reset
Let us first say that the challenges you have faced and sacrifices you have made in the past have paved the way to a favorable future that is imminently to blossom into manifestation.
The turning of the key towards the open position has occurred. The Republic has been restored, it is all a matter of making the announcement public. NESARA is ready to be announced. The Global Currency Reset is ready to be released.
What you may see now in politics are just games being played by the New Powers That Be. We can say they are just “messing around” with the few remaining Cabal minions. The two know that the light has triumphed, and we have long past the point of no return.
What we have been waiting to hear about and see for all these years is to be manifest for us all within a very short period of time.
Things will never be the same again on our beloved Earth. Great joy, abundance, and good fortune shall reign and are on your way.
There is a very important celebration coming, and YOU will not miss it. So hold your light and feel the change, be ready for the much EXPECTED MIRACLES and MORE.
In every thought, word and action let love be your intention.
Know that the brightest light shines from within. From heart to heart, KejRaj.
And you will get up into the places where we will have transportation for you around Planet Earth – and beyond! “There is already that technology, and you are well aware of it And we, in the Ashtar Command, have what we will call ‘superior technology.’