All posts by Nikos
The Event & Ascension in simple words.
Ecstatic Dance
One of the best ways to raise your vibration is by loose yourself into dancing beats attuned on 432 Hz.
Eat raw plant based organic foods,drink organic juices,ground yourself and sun gaze!
This is an invitation to find a quite place where you are not going to be disturbed,put some headphones or your volume up and listen to my latest set ,all music produced by me.
Promise yourself that from this moment onward you will only do that which excites you and brings a sense of satisfaction, for therein lies your mission and how you can best serve.
Michael’s Message |
MESSAGES FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * LM-4-2018 TRANSMITTED THROUGH RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE ARE YOU READY? Beloved masters, it has been some time since we discussed the Cities of Light in the higher realms and the wondrous gift that has been made available to humanity. We have observed that many of you, as part of your earthly mission, are actively involved in anchoring the Creator Light (Adamantine Particles) within yourselves, into the crystalline grid of the Earth, and then radiating the remainder out into the world at large. However, even though discontent, fear and anger abound, the human majority is still not ready to accept the fact that great changes in every area of life on Earth are in the making and that time is of the essence. The masses are still in denial and resistant to change, and most are incapable of absorbing what they feel are far-fetched, radical teachings of the coming age of en-Lighten-ment. We have told you over and over again that you are the transducers, the receptacles, the human vessels into and through which the rarified frequencies of the future must flow in order to be anchored on Earth and made available to all earthly creations. That is why it is so important for you to balance and harmonize your personal frequency patterns and to “return to center,” in order to accommodate the greatest amount of the crystalline Creator Fire of Life/Love. If you will remember, some time ago, we explained how, as the Earth was formed and made ready for human inhabitation, there were gigantic crystalline spires of Living Light implanted deep within the Earth that also extended high into the skies above ground. These sentient spires, which surrounded the world, were the receivers and senders of the sacred geometric codes of Light from the Great Central Sun, and the energetic codes/frequencies of the Earth were then radiated back into the higher realms so that the great Beings of Light could monitor the progress of Earth and humanity. These magnificent pillars of Light were also used to modify and refine the Divine blueprint and the frequencies of Light which were being sent forth onto the Earth and throughout the grid system. When the Earth fell into the density of the Third/Fourth Dimensions, there was a dramatic increase of cataclysmic events whereby most of these great spires were broken, shattered and buried deep within the Earth. Only a few of these magnificent sentinels remained; however, they are disguised by a cover of plant material or layers of soil and rock. Most all of the wondrous crystals that are returning to you during this miraculous age of transformation are fragments of those great spires. Is it any wonder that they have become so precious to you as they help you retrieve some of the wondrous memories of your ancient past and create visions of your home among the stars? Many of you have diligently anchored the ascension stones as we instructed you to do in conjunction with information about how to visit the City of Light nearest you, and how to tap into the vibrational frequencies of the Fifth and Sixth Dimensions in order to begin the flow of Adamantine Particles into your etheric vessel in your Fifth-Dimensional Pyramid and down into your earthly physical vessel. We have explained how you may also tithe a portion of the Adamantine Particles of Light that you download and integrate to the World Pyramid in the higher Dimensions for the greatest good of all. You may also dedicate a portion to any other Pyramids that you have created or helped to create. A full explanation and procedure of how to do this have been given in the past. It is time to give you a more detailed explanation regarding the ascension anchoring stones and why they are so important. The two clear crystal stones represent the crystalline Fire Light of the Creator, or the Adamantine Particles as we have named them for this coming era. Since it is not feasible to replace the great sentient crystal spires around the Earth, these stones will perform the same function as receivers and senders in conjunction with each of you as refined, conscious Light receptacles. The two small amethyst stones will draw forth the Violet Flame of transformation from the Seventh Ray, and will radiate it down into the many levels of the Earth, thereby activating the great amethyst clusters, and the etherically encapsulated Violet Flame chambers that were strategically placed around the Earth awaiting the appropriate time to burst into life and begin the uplifting, transformational process from within the Earth’s structure. This will also speed up the process of activating the crystalline grid system that surrounds the Earth which, in turn, will further accelerate the ascension process for the Earth and humanity. Envision, if you will, a focused shaft of Light beaming down from the City of Light in your area directly into your personal ascension stone, diamond-pattern formation, and then down into the core of the Earth. This will also accelerate the process of anchoring the crystalline grid in your personal surroundings. This, in turn, will eventually result in creating a sacred space of beauty and harmony where peace and serenity prevail. There will come a time, after you have activated your own ascension column of Light, via your personal Pyramid in the Fifth Dimension, when the power of your magnetic resonance will draw forth and anchor an ascension column of Light to the crystalline grid system through your buried ascension stone diamond-pattern. In doing so, you will begin the process of radiating more and more of this transforming Light down into the Earth and out into your surrounding area. To refresh your memory and to remind you of the extreme importance of become a bearer of Creator Light, we will repeat a brief excerpt from a past message: The portals are now open, but you must rise up and enter, for this great gift of radiant Light is only accessible to those who are firmly on the path of ascension and are capable of being baptized in the Living Light of new Creation. The key to each Higher-Dimensional inner sanctum is vibrational, each one more refined and exquisite than the last. If you have been reading our messages over the past years, and have made an effort to integrate even a small portion of our teachings, you are ready to be a part of this grand mission and to enter a City of Light. If you still have doubts, go into your Pyramid of Light and lie on the crystal table therein. Ask your angelic friends to assist you in harmonizing your frequency patterns both within and without, and then while in a meditative state, with pure intention, envision the double helix spiral of Light. See yourself being lifted up the spiral on the right and allow your Higher Self to orchestrate your journey into the Light City. Do not place any conditions on your journey or expect a certain outcome. Allow Spirit to be your guide and you will not be led astray. You will be infused with the appropriate amount of Creator Light, as much as you can integrate, process and project out into the world. No more, no less. Gradually you, the ascending StarSeed of new Creation, will move further and further into the inner sanctum of Light as you bring more and more of the rarified Fire Light of the Creator, and the Divine Schematic of the future back to Earth with you. Remember, beloveds, in many ways, you are planting the seeds of ascension for humanity and the Earth. As has been said, “As you are lifted up, so are the Earth and all of its inhabitants.” Dear ones, we are aware that these are times of great stress and momentous change. It is more important than ever that you do not let yourselves be dragged downward onto the spiral of fear and negativity that is building within the collective consciousness of humanity. You must be diligent in your determination to stay centered and focused on your personal vision for the future. Do not allow others to deter you from your path out of a false sense of duty, and old ties that bind you to the illusion of the Third/Fourth Dimensions. Promise yourself that from this moment onward you will only do that which excites you and brings a sense of satisfaction, for therein lies your mission and how you can best serve. As you bring more joy into your life, others will notice and begin to follow your example, and as you activate this inner power source more and more, it will trigger what is needed for others to open their heart center and begin the awakening process. You can be the catalyst that will help those within your sphere of influence to move more quickly through the process of healing emotional wounds, and through your words of wisdom you can inspire them to turn inward and begin to listen to the nudgings of Spirit. Be aware that there will be people who come into your life who may try to discourage you from your path as you move further along the spiral of ascension, and there may be some that you will leave behind as you delve deeper into the complexities of enlightenment. As you learn the lessons that are presented to you, and you are ready to advance toward the Light, many of those around you will stay stuck in the illusion of the inharmonious lower dimensions. Do not judge. Bless them and allow them to follow their own path, but do not let them deter you from yours. Those like you are in the vanguard, the ones brave enough to step out and away from popular beliefs and the limited mass consciousness of the Third- and lower Fourth-Dimensional environment. Allow those visions that sometimes fill your consciousness to come forth, and allow yourself to speak the words of wisdom that often float through your mind. You are in the process of accessing more and more of your Sacred Mind – your own cosmic library where a great wealth of information, knowledge and ancient memories are stored. You must remember that for these many past ages, almost every Soul born on the physical plane has been caught up in the mass consciousness belief system of the Third/Fourth Dimensions. As a result, the core issues from the past and the imperfections within the ancestral DNA have caused many symptoms to manifest whenever anyone allowed themselves to feel unloved or unworthy, or felt guilt, shame or resentments in any form. During these momentous times of transformation, the Light of Eternal Life will not be denied. It is delving into the deepest pockets of negativity within your multiple bodily systems. As these misqualified thought forms rise to the surface, they can create great discomfort in various ways, for they have been a part of your physical makeup for a very long time. They may not relinquish their hold easily, beloveds, but you must prevail. When the opposing forces of Light and shadow meet, the Light is always ultimately victorious. So do not become discouraged, for as you move deeper and deeper into your inner core, you are being given an opportunity to, once and for all, release to the Light all frequencies of a discordant nature which do not serve your greatest good. The process of transformation is speeding up exponentially; however, it will become much easier for those of you who are actively taking part in your own ascension process. Remember, always ask for ease and grace. My faithful warriors, are you ready to step forward and accept the final phase of your earthly mission? For in these critical times you are needed as transducers and transmitters of this refined energy to help move humanity and the Earth through this important time of transition. That is why I have called my legions together once more, and why I am making my presence known to those of you who have agreed to play an important role in the great drama that is now unfolding on Earth. As you fill yourself to overflowing with the elixir of Love/Light from the Creator, your circle of influence will widen. First, you will be transformed, and gradually, those in your immediate environment – then it will radiate out further and further into the world. As you allow your Higher Self to guide you and to become more fully integrated within, more and more inspired thought will come to you. There are many ways to allow Spirit to manifest through you; just allow it to happen naturally, dear ones. Our Mother/Father God and the full company of the higher realms are here to support, encourage and love you unconditionally. I AM Archangel Michael. Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from:
The timing is right at this moment for all of you to know that you have been a part of a massive experiment.
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have the opportunity to share something with you now that we have been waiting to share with you. The opportunity has presented itself because of what you have just received energetically. You have just opened yourselves up to the equinox energies in a way that allows you to receive information now that you could not have previously accepted.
The timing is right at this moment for all of you to know that you have been a part of a massive experiment. Now just take that in, and let yourselves get comfortable with that whole idea. You have been told that you were either created by God or that you have mutated from lower forms of life into what you are now. And both are true, but the missing link here is not some yet-to-be discovered bunch of bones. It is the genetic scientists that visited planet Earth a very long time ago and got the experiment started.
Now most people will not like hearing this, so we will soften it a bit by letting you know that you have benefitted greatly from being a part of this experiment, and you knew before you incarnated in every lifetime on planet Earth what you were getting yourselves into. Everything happens by agreement.
Now the interesting part of where you are now is that you are becoming aware of your extra-terrestrial friends and what you are made of. Now is the time to take it even further and to see that all of the beings that have been helping you along in your physical, mental, and spiritual evolution, are different aspects of you. Usually it will be another part of your oversoul that comes down on a ship and tinkers with your DNA and genetics.
You are going to discover that this galaxy is one gigantic family, and we mean that quite literally. You are also going to find that once you become the full and conscious creators of your own evolutionary process, you will be quite amazed by what these extra-terrestrial brothers and sisters of yours have been able to accomplish.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
A Smooth Ascension with Ease and Grace.
Follow these simple guidelines in Vlog 8.
The past few hours you have shifted dramatically culminating in a more 5D adult you
“Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
It is with much joy we proclaim that you are on your way. Even though that statement likely feels anticlimactic after enduring the shifts from 3D to 5D, we wish to mark this way-point as much more dramatic than you realize.
For you are now fully of the Universes as you dreamed of before this recent energy surge. Even though the Equinox will solidify your capabilities, you are new you.
An apt analogy is your first job after college graduation. You have the interest and skills required for the position, you merely need to realize you do as you immerse yourself in your new responsibilities. The first day, you feel tenuous with thoughts of, “Can I do this? Will I meet my employer’s expectations?” All of which are answered within days as you transition from college student to young professional.
So it is for you now. You are having difficulties believing you are different from last week much less last year and yet that which once seemed difficult or impossible you are taking in stride.
Granted, you are adjusting to your new status as does a young professional from living in a college dormitory to working and living on your own with all that entails.
The past few hours you have shifted dramatically culminating in a more 5D adult you. As a result, you are honing your interests and skills in ways not imaginable when you followed the dictates of 3D society.
You are now a radical which can be defined in numerous ways including you are new you in a new body. You are no longer 3D normal, but instead, 5D radical. For you are now creating and/or finding your path with intent and assurance. Assurance that will be further displayed after the Equinox. For each burst of energy has strengthened your being and drive.
You are no longer a 3D follower. You are a 5D leader – not of others, but of yourself. Which might seem wrong. Are you not meant to be a light beacon, a leader? Yes, but as is true for so many parts of your new life in New Earth, the definition of a leader is altered.
Unlike 3D, 5D leaders will not attempt to gather as many as possible to meet their needs and desires. Instead, 5D leaders will prove to others that manipulation is not necessary. A convoluted concept for you, the first generation of 5D leaders, but easy for future generations to comprehend and fulfill.
You are not meant to be a follower in 5D for your assignment before entry to earth in this lifetime was to break the leader/follower or better stated, master/slave physical, mental, and spiritual entrapment.
So it is you are a renegade negating the shoulds and have tos of 3D society – even your 5D expectations. For until you lived and thrived in 5D as you are now starting to do, you could only model what you expected within your 3D framework.
Perhaps this renegade status is not what you dreamed of even though it is your new reality. For if everyone is to create a unique path, there can be no leaders other than leaders in the knowledge that all are unique and consequently will create the path right for them.
You are likely limiting your activities as you feel your way in this totally new arena. For you have experienced similar activities in other places and dimensions but never before while of 3D earth.
You are no longer the you that you were before these recent energy bursts. You have become radicalized to you. Of course, the word radicalized may feel frightening but is really little different from the changes you made from a teen to young adult.
Perhaps as a teen, you wanted to be in favor with someone, so you tried to replicate their clothing, popularity, or party habits. But when you moved to a different community or work environment, you no longer cared about what that person thought of you.
So it is now. The difference is there are no role models. Which will likely feel frightening at first, but glorious once you accept your new freedom.
There is no one to follow for they are not you and never will be.
Granted, you will likely continue to receive information to enhance your individuality for it will spark pieces within you. But those sparks are not the fire. You are the fire. The wind of change. For no one can live your life or create what you are now free to create. Nor can anyone direct you to be new you.
You are a unique individual who no longer requires coddling, babysitting, or even direction. Such will seem a frightening at first just as was true your first night away from home whether it be for a new job, college, marriage or any adjustment that required you to think and act for yourself without input from friends and relatives.
You are free. And you will adjust rapidly for that freedom is the essence you dreamed of before entering earth in this lifetime.
Some of you will proclaim that you have always been antisocial or a renegade. We beg to differ for whatever you achieved as a 3D renegade, you did so within the confines of 3D society. You were proud of your renegade status as a comeuppance to 3D society – being so to irritate or ignore that society.
What we are speaking of is a complete break with 3D expectations. It does not matter what is or is not 3D society for you are no longer of that society. And 5D society will never exist except in the need not to follow or be like anyone.
That thought is uncomfortable for many given that you have been trained for eons to be like someone in your society – whether positive or negative in 3D terms. Your new role is to be you without expectations of anyone following in your footsteps other than a willingness to claim their freedom.
Does this mean political or personal anarchy? Of course not, for you are not fighting against a system or society, you are merely finding your true being. By doing so, you will join the harmony created by millions of different songs just as is true for birds and other parts of nature that cannot be tamed by humanity no matter how diligent the effort. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.
The Event
Stay Centered In The Light My Beloved Children.
Welcome to Nova Gaia ~ Father God, 15 March 2018.
Your relationships and home environments are a wonderful testing ground and have the potential to help you move forward rapidly in your spiritual growth. Your loved ones are mirroring to you that which you need to address and resolve – your own fears and inadequacies.
The future will be unbelievable complete with Cards for our own Personal Credit, Replicators (suppressed) that can make everything and ‘a new awareness’ of the ‘power of our minds’ to ‘manifest’ our needs.
INTEL Update (Real News) via email – “CURRENT SITUATION UPDATE” 3/14/18
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 14-Mar-2018 20:13:41
Ascension in Simple Words.
Ascension in simple words
This blog is not intended to fill you with too much information,there are tones of information out there depending on how far you like to dig in the rabbit hole and what talks to you more.
I always thought :why write since what is given today as truth is changing tomorrow when seen by a higher perspective?
This blog,is more an invitation to read and meditate in a very simple way.
Humanity’s history is much different than what most historians and education would like us to believe.
Humanity is coming out of a 13,000 year cycle of deep sleep and enslavement(mainly for Gold)
to a an alien race called Annunaki ,life after life incarnating into Karmic cycles.
2018 is the 6th year of Our New Earth realities,which has begun on December 21st 2012 according to the Mayan Calendar.
Jesus Christ and Maria Magdalena came on planet Earth more than 2,000 years ago to anchor the codes for the Liberation of Humanity through activation of our DNA codes.
This was the 1st coming:They have achieved their Resurrection from Death and their Ascension into their Human bodies.
There are 7 main masters of Ascension:Lord El Morya,Lord Lando,Paul The Venetian,Serapis Bey,Hilarion,Lady Nada and Saint Germain who is also the Hierarche of the Golden age of Aquarius of Abundance and Prosperity.(For more information about Ascended Masters,please go here:
Saint Germain offers Humanity the gift of his powerful ray of Violet Fire to release all traumas and memories from this or past life times.
Violet Fire and Unconditional Love are our main tools to achieve Ascension.
To Master Ascension,we need to ask the support to the rest of Ascended Masters family.
The 2nd coming is happening right now in our bodies,it is the transformation of our carbon based bodies to crystalline base bodies,allowing those that have chosen this path before they came to this life to ‘Ascend’ within their bodies and live longer lives (up to 1000 years) without having to go through the cycle of dying and being born again.There are those that are very aware of this fact called The 1st Wave of Ascension,that i am part of.
Our agreement into this life is through our presence and example as Deliberate Creators in Joy to wake up those that are asleep still and have chosen to walk the path of Ascension within their bodies which is also is the 2nd coming of the presence of Crystal/Christ energy in our bodies.
There are also those that will Ascend by leaving their bodies.
We all have agreed to play our roles as in each life and Ascension is what defines this lifetime.
And of course Free Will is always available as one can choose which path they desire till eventually allowing and trusting their Higher Self, Soul ,I Am Presence show the way.
All beings are children of God,no matter which roles they agreed to play,all are equally loved and all realise their Ascension with or without their human bodies.(if you want to know more please go here:
Ascension is also the end of Carmic cycles,Total Forgiveness in Unconditional Love stops the wheel of Karma.
This is an amazing period in the history of creation as our young specie called Humanity goes through the process of becoming Luminous Beings within our physical bodies.
It is an experiment that is proving that Light and Love is always victorious.Another specie has been through the process about 200,000 years ago ,our star family,galactic brothers and sisters:
The Pleiadians.
In fact the entire Cosmos is right now observing what is happening and for those of us that ask for help to be supported in our Ascension,help is only a thought away as our teams of Galactic Families:Arcturians,Pleiadians,Syrians,Andromedans and many more,Angels and Archangels,Ascended Masters,our Mother Father God and Mother Earth are all with us instantly to support us.
All we need to do is Ask and it is Given.
Our Meditations and everything in our lives become easier when we ask for support.
Ease and Grace is what defines our timeline.
Ascension is also called the transition from Human to Galactic, going from a 3Dimensional reality to a 5th Dimensional reality and beyond.
5th Dimensional Reality is not a place,it is a feeling and the more one feels into it,the easier things manifest in our lives till we will reach a state where we instantly manifest whatever we desire after extensive work in controlling our thoughts and feelings as what we feel and think we manifest.
There is nothing we can not be,do or have.
The more we feel ourselves into our desire,this manifests faster in our reality.
This is to learn to become a deliberate creator of Joy as this is the main purpose of our existence on the planet.
If this is completely new to you i invite you to relax and do a 15’ meditation in silence to allow yourself to adjust to this information,your soul knows already.
If this is not new to you,i invite you to go below and make the invocation on a daily basis for the activation of your 24 strand DNA given by Saint Germain.
Highly recommended to implement on a daily basis :
I call upon Mother Earth and Archangel Uriel, the Fire of God the Light of God, the Archangel of Divine Wisdom in the North, and the Ruler of Elements of Earth. I project gratitude, light and love, I project my being, my energies, my thoughts deep into the magma of Mother Earth, yellow, purple, orange in color, asking for the assistance in bringing the energy of the creative magma up through my feet, up to my root chakra or coccygeal Plexus, into my second sexual and sacral chakra, the Plexus of Creation. I call on Divine Creative Source and Archangel Jophiel the Beauty of God, the Archangel of Creative Power and Illumination, The Guardian of the Tree of Knowledge with Archangel Uriel. I reach and project gratitude, light and love, high into the heavens, calling forth the golden-white light from Source Energy, bringing down the golden-white light through my cerebral chakras, down through my heart chakra adding love from my heart, and down to my sacral Plexus or creative center just above the pelvic bone. I call forth Archangel Zaphkiel, Keeper of the Orange Flame of Creation, the Angel of Ecstasy and Compassion to bring the creative energy of the orange flame into my sacral Plexus, with the intent of creating 24 strands of perfected DNA. For the Celebration of our Existence I call in the Star Children, Keepers of the perfected 24 strands of perfected human DNA, with the intent to manifest the 24 strands of DNA in my Sacral plexus, the second sexual creative chakra and in every cell in my body. As I place the 24 strands of DNA into every cell in my body, I intend to perfect my body, bones, blood, lymphatic system, nerves, organs, hormones, glands, proteins, telomeres, organelles, carbohydrates, arteries, veins, immune system, adipose tissues, cell membranes, mitochondria and every other cell in my body at a quantum level, manifesting the perfection of the original humans. I reform the 24 strands into 12 double-helix, connecting 2 strands each, into rotated, connected, perfected, spiral, double-stranded DNA, with perfected telomeres at the ends acting as little antennae, transmitting perfection from the quantum field and Source Energy, into each and every cell of my body to rejuvenate and revitalize my body to a perfected, eternal state of health and fitness. I braid these 12 double helixes into 24-stranded rope DNA in every cell in my body, making me strong, invincible, indestructible and impenetrable to all the toxins, petrochemicals, nanobots and radiation and all forms of low vibrational energy. My 12 double helixes connect me to the quantum energies of all other celestial realms. I am now connected and integrated to all my Divine Interdimensional Beings in the Multiverse. I AM now an enlightened Being of Light and Love!
So BE IT! So It IS! I AM!
I also vividly invite you to join our :
**To Send Love and Light To Mother Earth and
all Beings Upon Her!
EVERYDAY @ 3 PM Eastern
Call: 1-641-715-0857 Code: 30347#
Replay: 1-641-715-3579
Blessings & Feel More Than Fine Always!
Nikos Akrivos
In Infinite Gratitude and Love
For :
Abraham Hicks,
David Wilcock,
Wayne Dyer
Lee Carol (Kryon)
Sisters and Brothers Light Workers-Channellers,
Sananda,Mary Magdalene,Saint Germain,AA Michael,Ascended Masters,
Mother Father God,Company of Heaven and all of Creation.
Family,friends and people in my life supporting my work even though not understanding everything,thank you for making my life easier in this 3dimensional physical world.
Credit for the Hologram of Joy to:
Crossing The Bridge
Become a match to those vibrations using any excuse you can find in your reality and you become a match to your dreams.
“How To Elevate Your Vibration”
Today we would like to focus upon the topic of deliberately changing your vibration. Certainly we are not denying that your reality is incredibly captivating. The duality that you exist within offers you a constant barrage of varying experiences in which to focus upon. What we would like to focus your attention upon is how you can more deliberately take a hold of your focus and shift it as you desire.
We are not denying that when good things happen, it is easy to feel good and adversely, when bad things happen it is more difficult to remain positive. However the more deliberate you become in consciously choosing the thoughts that you allow to expand within your mind, the more you become a vibrational match to similar experiences.
We have noticed that many humans often feel trapped by their circumstances. The physical experiences that you have at any given time are a direct reflection of the most dominant vibration you are holding at any given time. Many of you had a wide range in which you vibrate on any given day; ranging from very high to particularly low and everything in between.
What we want to briefly address is just how powerful you truly are in altering your state of vibration at any given time. The circumstances that happen around you are always going to contain a positive and negative aspect, as you are living within duality. However, there are triggers for all of you. Some thoughts trigger more positive, blissful feelings, while other triggers remind you of challenges or struggles that seem to be unsolvable.
The key to changing the most dominant vibration in your life, is to change your habitual thoughts. For all of you, there are areas of your life that have always worked well, they have been easy for you to manifest, while other areas have always felt challenging. Quite simply put, your habitual thoughts around the areas of your life that seem to always work out well for you are in alignment with the ease around that topic. You likely spend little time worrying over those areas of your life, and just expect them to work well. They always have, so why wouldn’t they continue? However the areas of your life that have felt like a constant struggle is no doubt different for all of you. But, one thing is likely the same in those areas of difficulty, there is more worry and concern around those topics. There is more awareness on the absence of what you desire and the presence of challenges. Remember what you focus upon will always expand, regardless of why you are focused upon it. Think of every thought as if it were an instruction to the Universe to “bring me more of this”.
Now, in regards to shifting your focus upon the areas of life that are working well, finding things that you can appreciate, or that just being a sense of inner peace are well worth your time to identify. You see, it doesn’t matter why you feel good, all that matters is that you do. You do not need to be focused upon your dreams in order to become a vibrational match to them. As you become more focused upon the thoughts that feel blissful, peaceful and joyful to you, you alter your vibration. The Universe is always reflecting back to you what you hold inside. You are a constant beacon of vibration, summoning more experiences, people and circumstances that hold a similar frequency. You are truly the creator of the reality you experience. Your dreams are held in the high vibrations of love, joy, optimism, excitement and peace. Become a match to those vibrations using any excuse you can find in your reality and you become a match to your dreams.
We hope that we have in some way served you.
In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides
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when you sign up for more Angelic Guides messages!
Much Love,
Dr. Taryn Crimi
Copyright © 2018 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy, share and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
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My darling, it is OK to express your disappointment of what was to be, just make sure it is properly released.
Embrace Anticipation.
During this time of change, you may have things you were counting on suddenly dissipate into the ether. The direction in which you were planning to move is now gone and another pathway has appeared. The door is open, but you cannot quite see what is there…yet. (Smiling) My darling, it is OK to express your disappointment of what was to be, just make sure it is properly released. It is OK to feel a bit of trepidation for what is come…that is perfectly right and human, just make sure this does not develop into a fear. That will stop your growth. Instead, embrace anticipation! The Universe has some amazing and wonderful gifts in store for you!
~ Creator
Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, TheraHealing Instructor/Practitioner at The Creator Writings
Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
The more we feel ourselves into The Event the faster we magnetise it to our reality
The more we feel ourselves into The Event the faster we magnetise it to our reality.Here are the first signs of our collective work in prayer and meditation on a daily basis to help you feel more into these energies
In this blog i share with you 3 messages from different sources,talking about The Event.
1.Here is Sananda channeled by Adele Arini:
The Great Event is Coming ~ Sananda, 12 March 2018.
2.Here is Blossom Goodchild
3.Here is Ivan Teller :AA Michael comes in at 34’44”.
Blessings in Love and Light as we keep feeling into these energies.
You are such higher dimensional beings that you are present only to a small extent in your physical form.
Mira from the Pleiadian High Council channeling through Valerie Donner March 7, 2018
On the Earth Council we observe all that is going on with your planet, around your planet and within your planet. We are determined to see you and the earth through your Ascension. There is much at stake and we want to reassure you that you are doing an excellent job. If you could only see the extent of the beautiful work that you are doing you would be astounded. Much of your work is done in the dream state as well as throughout the day even if you are unaware of it. You are such higher dimensional beings that you are present only to a small extent in your physical form. This is perfectly acceptable and necessary for this is a big project to rearrange everything on the earth.
Your lives are valuable beyond measure. Your hearts are prepared and open for new whole way of life. Your souls are finely tuned to what is most necessary for you to do every single day. For many of you your primary focus is on the Ascension. You are primed to want to know as much as you can about the progress that is being made. Unfortunately, you cannot receive this information from your mainstream media. We have already discussed this. It is often important to simply allow your own knowingness to show you where to go for up to the date important truthful information. Most of you are pretty good at this by using your intuition. More information is forthcoming from those divine communicators who receive excellent input from the higher realms.
Right now, it is important for you to take excellent care of yourselves and to love your selves. What you think and do matters. You are at the apex of the final decline of the dark forces. Their demise is accelerating like a snowball rolling down a mountain. The dragon’s tail of karma is whipping around wherever necessary and there is no stopping it. In other words, there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide for these evil ones. Their time is complete. You will begin to recognize how much lighter the planet is feeling as the percentage of light grows stronger.
More of humanity are beginning to awaken. For some this awareness is earth shattering for it means that their lives have been lived in fantasy, some of which has been more like a nightmare. They are beginning to see through the deceit of the mainstream media. They are questioning everything and are looking deeper for truth. Little by little all will be revealed until it becomes an explosion of truth and light. From there it will only be forward movement. The light beings left on the planet will have important big bold new assignments.
For most of you the third dimension has lost its luster. It can be challenging having to be going through your third dimensional paces acting as if everything is normal, like the way it used to be. You already know this is not true. Some of you are anxious to begin living your fifth dimensional lives. You are ready for love and unity, peace, abundance and joy. Please be a reassured that you are being directed in your appropriate spiritual path.
This is an exciting time of chaos and change. It precedes evolution. It is about beautiful new creation. You are microcosms of the macrocosm so in your lives know that as you transcend whatever challenge that is set before you, you are doing it for everyone. You must be strong and courageous. Stand up to the challenges whether it is dark attacks, old patterns within that need to cleared, health issues, lack, or fear. Change is the norm now. Go with the flow and you will be quickly stepping up the Ascension ladder.
I love and respect all of you. I am Mira.
Received by email by:
Mira from the Pleiadian High Council: Ready for Love and Unity
Channel :
Don’t Let Negative Circumstances Dictate Your Focus
“Don’t Let Negative Circumstances Dictate Your Focus”
Today we would like to focus your attention upon the tremendous control that each of you have when it comes to how you choose to respond to the negative circumstances in your life. You are living in a world of polar opposites, there are contrasting experiences in every single aspect of your reality. This can of course be seen as a blessing or a curse dependent upon your perspective. Allow us to further explain.
You see, each of you will and do undoubtedly come into contact with negative experiences, there are times when things appear to be falling apart, you may become frustrated and even feel as though you have no control. However, we often say, you are either the creator of your reality or you are not; and we can assure you that you are indeed powerful eternal creators having a temporary physical experience.
When you understand that everything in your reality is a result of your most dominant vibration, and therefore you can only experience what you resonate with, you begin to understand how very much control you actually have even over circumstances that appear to be ‘out of your control’. When negative circumstances arise, you have one of two options, you can choose to remain in the vibration which attracted the problem to begin with, or you may choose to shift your attention and perspective elsewhere, preferably onto something that makes you feel much better. Why is this so important you ask.
You see, what you focus upon will always expand regardless of why you are choosing to focus upon it. This may seem contradictory to what many of you have been taught, but you simply cannot solve a problem from the same perspective that attracted it in the first place. Many of the challenges that you face, have not actually manifested yet, rather they are imaginings in your mind of what may happen and often times it is of the very worst case scenario you can conjure.
As we have said before, your imagination can be the greatest tool you have at your disposal, or the greatest enemy you can create. You always have a choice as to what you are choosing to focus upon. Now we are in no way declaring that shifting your thoughts onto something positive when everything feels as though it is falling apart is easy, but it is necessary if you wish to create something different going forward. Otherwise the very attention you give to the problems only gain more speed, more momentum and create larger problems from the power that you have given them.
May we suggest that when you are feeling particularly at peace or in a state of optimism, that you make a list of all of the things you can think of that you find to be peaceful, enjoyable, and inspiring thoughts. It could be different sounds, your favorite song, a walk in nature, going for a run. The activity or thought makes no difference as long as it is something that makes you feel better. The reason we suggest this activity when you are feeling at peace is so that you access to the thoughts that resonate with the vibrational ‘channel’ you are choosing to focus upon. This summons more thoughts to you that also perpetuate the current feeling you have at any moment. You literally are changing the channel of your life and therefore you become a new vibrational match to entirely different circumstances. Many of you know this to be The Law of Attraction and it is always at play every waking moment of your life.
Our intention for this message is to offer those of you who are feeling particularly discouraged, frustrated and in a state of worry to relax into the process of allowing the Universe to do the only thing it can do, reflect back to you what you are in resonance with. A shift into a new state of mind will make all the difference in the world for you. As always we are always eager to assist you in everyway that we can, all you must do is ask and allow.
We hope that we have served you in some way.
In love and light we are your Angelic Guides
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Much Love,
Dr. Taryn Crimi
You are ALL captains, commanders, Galactics, higher guides, and Angelic or other beautiful higher beings disguised as humans for a time.
The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, dear ones!
We are very pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you again.
We were sent a question recently, regarding what some call the “reincarnation trap,” and so we would like to answer that question now.
QUESTION: Is there a reincarnation trap or soul net that recycles our souls after death, to keep us trapped in the Matrix?
The idea being that upon death, our soul or consciousness separates from the body and then undergoes a process where its memory is wiped clean. It is then recycled—reincarnated—into another body, where the same process is repeated.
So that the Earth becomes a literal prison planet from which it is very difficult to escape.
A soul net works as an artificial energetic grid (this is not the natural energetic grid of ley lines on the Earth), to prevent souls from leaving the Earth, making Earth a closed system where people are born for the purpose of powering the economy and generating (negative) emotions for the archons to feed off of.
Humans then have no conscious memory of Who they are or what their real situation is.
As the archons expertly trigger our emotions through the media, war, and other methods of fear and deception, they then energetically feed of off the low vibrations of our emotions.
Does this system exist, and are we trapped in it?
THE COLLECTIVE: This is an excellent question, and one that has been discussed and considered for many thousands—actually, millions of years.
You are not the first generation, nor even the third or fourth, to have realized that archons exist, that the planet was invaded eons ago by a number of invaders and usurpers, and that your DNA was intentionally reduced by numerous strands.
This was to lower your consciousness to a level by which most people never spotted the “matrix” consciously, or if they did realize its existence, could do little or nothing about it.
Yet understand that you are no one’s minion, and no one’s slave.
Most assuredly, human beings lived on the Earth for many thousands of years in those exact roles, outwardly appearing to be at the mercy of the “powers-that-were” as many now correctly call them.
And yet, you are not at their mercy, and you do not have to slave eternally for anyone to reap energy from.
Nor are you recycling endlessly from one Earth life to the next, never quite remembering what came before, or your true soul essence and the powers it possesses.
There is something to that theory, but it is not the whole story. And that time is now over.
Recall from deep within that you were a part of the soul collective that, eons ago in Earth time, asked for this experiment you have called third dimensional Earth, though the density of that life became far heavier than you would ever have envisioned.
You have journeyed long and arduously, and it may seem many days that much is out of your control—the wars and other violence, the hunger and homelessness, the debts, illnesses, and depression.
Certainly things have looked and been bleak upon the Earth.
But the “system” you refer to has been dissolving for decades—in fact, more than 100 years—and no longer applies to Earth life to the extent that the information you have received would like you to believe.
Be aware that there are various forms of disinformation now being disseminated online that would have you believe that far from moving forward, humankind is as “stuck” as ever, when nothing could be further from the Truth.
Or you will read an article that says that yes, perhaps some now on Earth will evolve and Ascend—but “you don’t seem to be one of those people.”
The British used to exclaim, “Poppycock!” when they heard such complete nonsense, and that would apply well to the deliberate disinformation being handed to you now on a steady basis.
Be aware that what you see online or on the news channels—even that which is considered “alternative news” is often still held in lock step with what the old order prefer you to hear.
This includes the “alternative” information sources you read on the internet, which are not so alternative at all, dear ones.
The dark hats, in losing their grip on human consciousness, are pulling out all the stops to distract your attention, and to try (uselessly) to dilute the intensity of the Light data flowing to you now at increasing levels.
This is to turn you from your own growing independence of thought and realization to remaining entrained to certain forms of “education” that are simply lighter modes of mind control.
Of course, they cannot win.
You—all of you, who are Divine Love expressing in human form—you are and have won your own liberty of not only thought and belief, but of feeling-sense, in terms of how you perceive life and its many Lights, shadings, and colorings of meaning and experience.
If you do not wish to consider yourself a form of energetic food for some lower entity, why would you spend your powerful co-Creative gifts on entertaining that “this might be true”?
That is similar to deciding that just because you have X number of dollars or any currency in the bank, it means that you are “poor” or that you are “wealthy.”
How could the same amount of money be considered either poverty or wealth? you ask.
That is easy: It is entirely up to you.
Your perception—your Naming of a thing—that Naming/Creating ability that all Creators hold—decides for you.
And so, if you desire to be free—are you calling yourself that?
Or are you waiting to receive an email or phone call, or to read the headline finally proclaiming that you are free?
Proclaiming that NESARA has been fully enacted, that Full Disclosure is on the way, and that humankind are once again free to run their own planet, without all the density of third dimensional life?
We wait for You to tell Us that you are free, Light Beings!
You are the only ones to proclaim such, and to “make it so,” as one starship captain used to say.
That is a co-Creative phrase, and came to the writers of the second Star Trek series Not At All by accident.
You are ALL captains, commanders, Galactics, higher guides, and Angelic or other beautiful higher beings disguised as humans for a time.
You are None of you anyone’s “food.”
Your vibration is so high, that those you have in the past feared as your overlords would choke on and spit out the purity of the Love that you now resonate with, were they to take it in.
And so we would say, if you do not wish for a particular reality, do not entertain it as a viable explanation of your existence.
So many have been told, “That mountain can’t be climbed,” or “There is no cure for your illness,” or “You will never have children,” or “You will never be a great artist.”
Yet history has recorded how time and time again, those who levied those cautions were made to look like fools, as those they “warned” broke all the rules and fulfilled the high vision they continually sustained in their heart.
And so—with your very presence on the Earth now, you prove wrong those who tell you you are only food to be recycled from one meaningless existence to another.
Did You create that reality? No?
Then leave it. It is not yours. It never was.
Your soul is far more powerful than words of most Earth languages could ever convey.
All of the Wisdom, the Great Learning and Higher Understanding and pure Experience you came here to gain–all of that is coming forward now, and proving their “useless recycling” theory very, very wrong.
Affirm your Light, your co-Creative power, and your Divine Mission, dear ones!
Before you incarnated this one last time to a third dimensional life, you charged us with reminding you often of Who you are.
And yet—you shine so brightly now, that we think soon, you shall be the ones encouraging all of Us.
We send you more Love than you can yet imagine—
Namaste, dear ones!
You are never alone.
Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan
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