All posts by Nikos

FEEL MORE THAN FINE Founder ENERGETIC THERAPIST/PERSONAL TRAINER/REIKI THERAPIST AND INSTRUCTOR (Healthcare) Accomplished professional healer and energetic therapist with extensive experience in providing treatment as well as personal training utilising various holistic healing techniques. Commenced medical education but changed track and decided on pursuing an artistic career and became a dancer, a DJ, a restaurateur and model agency business owner; however finally reached the actualisation of self and pursued education in reiki personal training. Expertise in offering therapeutic services for clients by mainly combining music therapy and reiki. Rich experience in establishing and mutually achieving short- and long-term objectives ensuring better post-therapy life for clients. CORE COMPETENCIES ▪ Therapeutic Restoration ▪ Understanding Therapy Techniques ▪ Client Requirement Analysis ▪ Personal Training ▪ Nutritional Planning ▪ Exercise Demonstration ▪ Motivation ▪ Client Health and Safety ▪ Strength, Healing and Conditioning ▪ KEY SKILLS Therapy Intervention – Recognised for hands-on experience in providing therapeutic services to harmonise the body, mind and spirit for overcoming and resolving various conditions/issues of clients including health, money, relations, stress and fear, among others. Expertise in energising clients and helping them activate their inner healing power utilising a combination of techniques such as reiki, qui gong, pilates, yoga, cardio training, dance, tantra and therapeutic music. Client Management – Adept in identifying clients’ dilemma and empathising with their situation by discussing their past experiences and current problems. Significant experience in successfully delivering distance treatment at prearranged times for resolving issues of long distance clients and transporting the vibration energy flow through email and Skype. Program Planning – Outstanding track record of understanding client’s needs and developing detailed programs aimed at achieving defined goals. Skilled in creating structured programs encompassing therapy, exercise, conversation and diet as well as giving guidelines to clients to achieve a peaceful, joyful and abundant life. Interpersonal and Communication – Proactive professional with proficiency in English, French, Spanish, Greek and conversational Dutch and German and the ability to communicate confidently and effectively with clients as well as providing specialist advice and training on energetic therapy for clients from diverse cultures. KEY DELIVERABLES Clearly communicating the program and explaining the process prepared for clients. Undertaking client consultations including medical history and preparing notes. Pre-treatment, ensuring the client is as comfortable as possible either lying on a couch, or seated. Placing hands in a sequence of positions covering the whole body to guide energy and activating the healing process. Treating clients by applying the energetic principles of Reiki as well as performing distance treatment at prearranged times. Adhering to established industry guidelines and providing safe therapeutic recommendations to clients. Planning the routine by comprehending the needs of clients and designing nutrition as well as diet plan for the client, as applicable. Interacting with client and strengthening client relations. Adhering to all personal trainer policies and demonstrating as well as teaching exercises to clients and providing feedback on techniques used. Preparing self for treatment, raising own energy levels and attuning self. Researching, strategising special techniques and increasing knowledge to introduce clients to innovative wellness programs. Constantly motivating clients to achieve maximum gain utilising provided therapy. Maintaining punctuality and preparing for all appointments with clients or professional staff. Attending mandatory and optional staff training classes. Designing rehabilitation program to manage specific physical conditions, injuries, diseases and swiftly responding to emergencies, if any. Handling client grievances and swiftly resolving conflicts by negotiating an amicable settlement. CAREER PROGRESSION Personal Trainer and Energetic Healer Natural Mente Festival,Camping La Playa, Ibiza Jul 2011 – Present Personal Life Coach Feel More Than Fine, Ibiza May 2010 – Present Energetic Healer Consciousness Festival, Rimini Energetic Healer Workshop Interconnectedness, Amsterdam Healing DJ and Therapist Healing, Ibiza Master Reiki Reiki Healer level II Reiki Healer level I International Career DJ and Producer Personal Trainer and CardioFunk Classes Fitness 1st (Passage), Brussels Co-owner Model Agency Pure Star Management Vilnius and Paris Club Manager/Choreographer Cova Santa, Ibiza Restaurant Owner L'empire des sens Professional Dancer Classes of Dance & Cardio Fitness Instructor Fitness 1st, Brussels Commenced career as a professional dancer and simultaneously working as a DJ and music producer. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Certified Energetic Healer & Life Coach Certified Reiki Master Certified Personal Trainer Fitness 1st Belgium June 2013 Dec.2012 Mar 1997 Medical and Physiotherapy Studies University of Brussels, Brussels Oct 1988 – Jun 1993 Graduation High School May 1987 High Level Athletics as sprint runner Sep.1982 – May 1987 PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: 2nd Nov, 1970Nationality: GreekMarital Status: SingleDriving Licence: European Driver’s Licence References available on request

With practice, you can find heaven, dear ones, right here, right now. Take a moment to look around and be present. Appreciate one thing. Love one thing.

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 01/28/2023 • Finding your Heavens

scenic view of sky during sunset
Photo by Rahul Pandit on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Imagine heaven. It isn’t a place on a faraway cloud or a dream that exists after the brain dies. Not at all. Dear ones, Heaven is a state where you are totally and entirely open to the love that sources you and gives you life. It is a vibrational dimension in which you are intensely present, elevated, and experiencing love.

It is an existence of peace, joy, kindness, consideration, creative expression, courtesy, and all you associate with love. It is wisdom, understanding, harmony, and a sense of everything making sense. It is the ordinary imbued by a sense of the extraordinary. Colors are vibrant and glow from within. Sounds feel alive. Your senses are heightened to feel very deeply. Most of you only “live in” heaven after death, but many of you have glimpses of this vibration at moments while you are upon your earth.

Heaven can be felt in the first bite of an exquisite meal. You lose yourself in sensory delight, appreciation for the food, the chef, and the moment. Heaven might be that moment in high school when your first crush looked at you and smiled, and you felt magnificent, worthy, and loved. Heaven might have occurred for you when you first looked into the eyes of a newborn child or when you looked into the eyes of a parent for the last time upon this earth.

Heaven occurs every day. You might feel it in a contented slow sip of coffee, the crisp air in your lungs, and the blood pumping through your veins on a beautiful walk. You might feel it as you hug your best friend, laugh at your dog, or see a funny video. Heaven might be the moment you start to feel relief from pain or the sweetness of climbing into a comfortable bed at night.

These moments of heaven have a few things in common. You are intensely present with the experience in the moment. You are overwhelmed by a sense of appreciation. You feel loved, loving, or experience love. There is a sense of perfection in that moment. Dear ones, if you have these qualities, heaven can be found anywhere, anytime, and even in any circumstance.

Challenges yourself to look back at your life and remember those moments of heaven. See if you can recall several of them. Make a list of the qualities that made each of those moments heaven. How can you include more of those qualities in your daily life? Can you pick one moment to savor each day? Can you take time out for some unabashed appreciation? Can you find reasons to love yourself or others, or love even if you find no reason?

Dear ones, we would love for each and every one of you to experience heaven on earth. While it is not reasonable to expect you’d do so all the time because the contrast does inspire expansion, we know that if you strive to be present, strive to appreciate what you can, and strive to love what you can, then, more often than not, heaven will be accessible to you. You will feel it as a frequency, an experience, or a state of being. In this space, you’ll easily perceive your guidance and pick up on your “deceased” loved ones. You’ll know joy in the present, even as you move towards more later. You’ll live your life with a sense of adventure.

With practice, you can find heaven, dear ones, right here, right now. Take a moment to look around and be present. Appreciate one thing. Love one thing. The less you resist this exercise, and the more you surrender to love, the more you’ll feel heaven. In this space, you’ll feel us too, loving you as an exquisite and beautiful being within this beautiful creation.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

cute short fur black kitten with blue eyes
Photo by Lad Fury on

How you choose to use time to earn your living or to enjoy yourselves is always your own individual option or preference.  Yes, others do make demands upon you, but it is always your choice, your decision, and only yours as to how you will respond.

Saul Through John: Time is Unreal and Makes no Demands!

As your collective awakening unfolds before your very eyes – CELEBRATE!

Yes, it is unfolding right now, in the only moment there is, the eternal moment of now.  You do of course know this, because when you allow yourselves to be aware you are aware that everything you think, say, or do is happening now, the only ‘time’ in which it could happen.

It’s just that NOW keeps on continuously renewing itself without ever a break, that is what now is – NOW!  Within the illusory state of material form, of which time is a major component, it flows constantly, whereas in Reality it is eternally stationary.  That is a concept that is very difficult for you to imagine or to accept, and yet modern physics at the highest levels of research has found that this actually is the case.

It is quite shocking to realize this because it is totally at odds with your human experience of life in form.

In fact your human lives are very much time directed, as your calendars and daily planners make very clear, and you are constantly checking to see if you are “on time,” and to make sure that tomorrow’s time schedule is clearly defined.

And yes, living as humans you do need a schedule so that you can be present with those you love for as much time as possible.  However, many become obsessed with time and its ‘demands’ upon them.  But time is unreal and makes no demands!

The demands that people experience are always self-imposed, even though they might think that it’s their boss, or their job, or their spouse that makes the demands, in essence each individual responds to time in their own individual manner, and it is their own choice whether or not to be governed by their job schedule, and their bosses or their spouse’s bidding.

How you choose to use time to earn your living or to enjoy yourselves is always your own individual option or preference.  Yes, others do make demands upon you, but it is always your choice, your decision, and only yours as tohow you will respond.

As your awareness of the unreality of time increases you will find yourselves far less driven, far more at peace.

You were created as eternal beings at One with Source, NOW, and that has never changed, it is unchangeable.  You effectively always have all the time you need, but because of the way in which you choose to engage with it, it frequently seems to be ‘in short supply.’

Time can serve you very well if you can relax and allow it to flow, instead of attempting to ‘beat the clock,’ which is, of course, impossible.

You have all heard of professional sportsmen and women talking about ‘being in the zone,’ when every move that they make is perfect in that moment, and they achieve what seem to be the most amazing results.  Well everyone of you can be in the zone in a similar fashion that is just right for you.

You do it by relaxing into whatever it is you are doing, and letting go of thinking about what you are going to do in the next moment.  When you watch small children playing you will notice that they are often so totally wrapped up in what they are doing, undistracted by anything outside such as parents calling them in for dinner, they just don’t hear the call because they are so absorbed in just being there in that moment.

It’s really about mindfulness, being constantly aware of what you are thinking, saying, or doing in each moment.

When you get up from the table to take the dishes to the sink, be aware of how you are picking each one up, and then of each step you take to reach the sink.  Initially it can be quite difficult, because it’s an activity that you could do in your sleep, and so you normally do not pay attention because your mind is off somewhere else – I have to go and meet the school bus, I had better go the store as I’m right out of bread, etc.  And when you do succeed you get an uplifting sense of achievement, and without all the roof-brain-chatter which so many of you have come to accept as normal, you find yourselves far quieter and more peaceful within yourselves.

It is rather like being in a continuous meditative state, and as you become more aware, more mindful, when you do sit to meditate, to just be present you will find yourselves settling in much more quickly and easily into that state.  AND, as I have often been reminding you of late, your main purpose during your present incarnation is to just be!

Just being allows the Love that you are to flow freely out to join with the flow from millions of others, most powerfully – far more powerfully than you can appreciate – assisting in humanity’s collective awakening.

When you allow yourselves to become consciously aware, by being mindful of the Reality of your true nature – Love – your individual energy fields expand and intensify. This strengthens your own sense of peace, and envelops and embraces everyone with whom you interact – physically, the cashier in the supermarket, for instance – all your electronic interactions, and also, of course, the loved ones of whom you find yourselves thinking at odd moments throughout the day.

Make a point of Just Being as frequently as you can during the day – waiting in line, waiting at the traffic lights, traveling on the train or subway – any moment, even if it’s only very brief, when you do not have to focus attentively, any free and unoccupied moment.  Truly doing this IS extremely powerful, and it IS a very important and intrinsic constituent of the life paths you planned for yourselves before incarnating.

You are incarnate now to greatly assist in humanity’s collective awakening, which is ongoing right now as you read or listen to this loving message.  Your purpose, apart from awakening yourselves, is to gently assist others with whom you interact – no interaction is ever a ‘chance’ occurrence, it is always one to which all involved have been lightly lead – in the direction of their and your own awakening.

You do not do it by proselytization or persuasion, you do it just by allowing yourselves to be the loving presences that each and every one of you are.

Love is your nature, in every moment.  Therefore release yourselves from the costumes and masks you might normally present as yourselves to the outside world, and allow the love that you all are to flow freely and spontaneously to greet all with whom you interact throughout the day.

When you do you will very frequently find yourselves most lovingly received and accepted by those with whom you ‘chance’ to interact.  It will make your day!

With so very much love,


How to be you in the 5D | Divine Mother via Jennifer Crokaert

To my beloved self in myriad forms,

Each one of you the ocean in a drop; you are the Divine that you worship. Why do you treat yourselves so harshly? Why are you so hard on yourself when you are kindness embodied to those around you?

My beloveds, it is time to move beyond this distorted matrix programming. The 5D is about service to others, but those of you reading this are already at the 5D level. The distortion is not balancing service to others with service to self.

When you have service to others without service to yourself, you are creating a distortion. When you have them both, you are in alignment with Divine perfection. It is a process, and learning to love yourself can be as hard a challenge as awakening. Every level, every dimension has its challenges; to allow you to grow, to expand into greater consciousness and to experience the enrichment that comes from going ever deeper into the experience of your innate Divinity.

I would like to make it clear, when I speak of service to your self, I am talking about coming from your heart, from the space of loving kindness. Pushing yourself, powering through and being disciplined are favourite distortions of the mind, the idea of control or ‘power over’ ~ even if it is only power over yourself ~ in the old matrix. ‘New year’s resolutions’ are frequently short-lived, because they are based on reigning yourself in and on changing yourself by force rather than through love and through the wisdom of the heart, through expansion rather than contraction.

This distorted matrix has fallen now. Its shadow is there, and you can attach to it if you chose, but why chose the illusion? Why not choose the new path of manifesting your truth with grace and ease?

You are creating the coding for the 5D and beyond, each one of you. You are creating the Ascension templates. How do you want it to look? You’re creating it now by how you are, how you think, how you act. The Universe is intelligent, awake and aware. It is responding to you in every moment. You are now more free than you have been for millennia of your time to create the world as you want it to be.

It has never been more important than it is now to find your joy, to express your pleasure and your delight, to do small things that uplift you ~ however modest they may be. Choosing anything that is in alignment with your love and your joy is a clear demonstration of balanced 5D energy, and it contributes to the well-being of all.

Now, that doesn’t mean that others won’t be annoyed by your choices: they may well be. They will be annoyed to the degree that they are embedded in their ego, in distortions of service, and in the old matrix. You can choose to respectfully decline to conform to their wishes.

Be YOU. Be free of the chains of fear and the shackles of doubt. Allow yourself to step into the version of You that is bubbling inside you.

One step at a time, one decision at a time… align yourself with love, and you are aligned with the highest good. This isn’t always what makes the people around you happiest, and that’s ok…

You have my blessing to be You.

Copyright © 2023 Jennifer Crokaert YouTube

Allow yourself to go within. Forget the outer world as you create the first, or perhaps only, thread you wish to work with as you help the earth and its beings quickly evolve from fear to love.

man meditating in the middle of pathway
Photo by Ruslan Alekso on

Dear Ones,

You likely feel as if the earth will always be chaotic, as if everyone is angry enough to harm others or themselves despite your best attempts to find joy in your world.

Such is so because those few remaining in 3D fear are fighting to retain it. Until the past few weeks, fear dominated the world. Those of 3D gathered power believing they would never reach an end-point, that they could control the world.

The 3D power mongers thought they were winning until very recently when the chinks in their armor began to appear. They loved the accolades and financial resources that seemed to occur without much effort – as if they were the earth’s golden children. And they would have been in any other previous 3D earth life. But this life is different.

Those fully enmeshed in 3D are discovering they are no longer rewarded with money or accolades. That financial worth or the nastiest put-down or harm of others – no matter the cost, is not rewarded as it once was. Those who define themselves with 3D lenses are discovering that their accolade days are numbered and that others no longer worship them but instead are beginning to question their actions and motives.

Perhaps you doubt those last comments because those who cheated and told untruths on their climb to the top seem to be doing just fine. We of the Universes wish you to know that the underpinnings of leaders devoid of love are crumbling daily.

You have entered new times. What was is no more. Those who achieved glory in fear and deceit are quickly discovering they no longer maintain the power that was once a given.

The majority of humans are now hybrids of heaven and earth. A hybrid with little interest or time for the fear-mongering that has been an earth staple for eons.

You will begin if you have not already, noting one 3D power monger after another fall from grace. And as they do, you will wonder what made you think they were worthy of your jealousy or longing.

Perhaps you believe the amount of money or power they collected in that 3D fear environment is enviable because you can barely pay your bills, or no one thinks you are powerful.

Such is so for a reason. You are building a new life with new formats. Nothing is limited in your new you truth; everything is within your creative powers. Even though that has always been your truth, it was not enhanced or allowed when fear reigned.

Fear no longer dominates the world despite what you might feel, as fear seems to permeate almost every part of your outer world. This is the last gasp of fear demanding everyone review the issue before it melts away.

This in-between stage makes you question your faith and dedication with thoughts of “Is this all there is? Did I struggle for eons for this?” Just as many feel after observing the destruction of war.

The difference is that you are a creator of love, as are most earth beings. So instead of the return of known 3D structures with some creative updates, this rapid rebuild will not be what was but instead new love-based structures.

With all beings honoring their unique life tapestry threads/skills, the new solutions can not be the same as was true in 3D fear. So even though rebuilding ideas may be presented quickly, you will likely feel as if chaos is continuing for a while.

It is time to let go of the 3D expectations of what you and the new world should be. There are no givens or structures. There are no right ways of doing anything.

ThreeD structures were easier to create. All anyone had to do was formulate a way to be the biggest or the best in whatever they attempted, from gathering financial resources, outer-directed power, flamboyant mass murders, stardom, or any other activity noteworthy in the 3D world. The biggest and the best controlled the 3D world.

Your new earth is peaceful and gentle. It is not about the control of power but power sharing. A power that is available to all in whatever format they wish. Rebuilding this new world will be about consensus and joy instead of collecting outer-directed power.

Initially, many of you will flail about attempting to recreate what was until you realize what was is no longer appropriate for the new earth – or you.

What you will create is not yet formalized, and what was is no longer appropriate. So allow yourself to relax into you as you discover new interests and routes to the creation of your new world.

The so-called control of the earth is a new format of creation and consensus that has not yet been discovered. You are in the self-discovery stage – a phase required before creating en masse with the new multi-colored threads you now ponder.

Allow yourself to go within. Forget the outer world as you create the first, or perhaps only, thread you wish to work with as you help the earth and its beings quickly evolve from fear to love.

Your current role is discovering yourself as the world seemingly falls apart in fear. Once the fear structures have been removed, you and millions of others will quickly move in with triage creations that will morph into the healed earth you long for. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

having a conscious awareness of the future reality you choose to create is very potent

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Photo by Thirdman on

Your job is to have no attachment to the appearance of disharmony but to hold to the Love within all things.

Dear One,

Deep within you and all around you is Divine Love. When you are free from distracting thoughts about the surface appearance of the world, it is easier to remember this truth. Even if you are in a situation that appears to be upsetting, know deeply in your heart that God’s Love exists within all things. When you remember this higher wisdom, the outer world of appearances has no choice but to fall in line with your focus of attention.

It has become a scientific truth in the study of quantum physics that the particles of atomic fields arrange themselves into form when the focus of the scientist’s attention is there. Before this focus of attention, the particles were waves of energy with unlimited potential. Many books have been written which describe this process in detail. This field of unlimited potential, waiting for your focus of attention, is why your thoughts are so powerful. This is why you can create your new reality by holding a vision of what you want to see happen.


The universe will be creating your reality according to your thoughts, whether you are paying attention or not, so having a conscious awareness of the future reality you choose to create is very potent. Imagine a world of Love in your thoughts, focus your attention on this as truth, and you shall have it. Know that with God all things are possible. This means it is possible for the world to live in Peace and Harmony, for all people to have enough food to be healthy, and that all can live in joy-filled Abundance. Despite appearances to the contrary, this is Divine Will for all human beings.

Your deepest beliefs will affect this process. It is good to be aware of the subconscious thoughts that run contrary to your future visions. Your thoughts are the vehicle to create a world of Love and Peace for yourself and all others in alignment with this idea. Know that one of the greatest truths in the universe is that God exists in all circumstances and Divine Love is within all things. Hold your mind on the power of God’s Love, ask for a miracle if you need it, and allow this Universal Presence of Love to show you a reality where Harmony and Beauty are all that exist.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

Your job is to have no attachment to the appearance of disharmony but to hold to the Love within all things.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel

We invite you to continue to maintain a strong energy field of love, joy and appreciation. When you vibrate these high coherent frequencies, you will not be affected by the bombardment of the planetary electronic grid. You create a cohesion field.

Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ One Energetic Vibrational Field

We are here wanting to join with your field of energy. Our focus of sharing at this time is to remind you that you are living in an energy soup, including all the different aspects of energy, vibrations, frequencies, electronics and cosmic offerings. We are inviting you to be more aware of how you respond and interact with these different fields.

Being in human form is only one aspect of who you are. As a physical being focused in and focused on this third dimension, it seems like that is all that is. It feels real, looks real, yet it is only one perception of the multi-dimensional aspects of whom and what a human actually is.

Each dimension is available to you at all times. They are resonating at a different frequency. As more and more beings become conscious, these other realities/dimensions will begin to appear.

For example, the news of discovering new planets beyond your known solar system shows that humans have raised their vibration of consciousness enough to allow these new planets to be visible.

You have your dense physical form, the shape, height and weight of your body, and how it looks in the reflection of a mirror. This is only the outer appearance.

Within the human form are entire galaxies, entire systems and entire energy fields. Each of these systems operates and functions automatically below your conscious awareness, much like the multidimensional realities outside your body. You are affecting both the inner dimensions within your physical body and the outer dimensions of your reality. Everything is a reflection, as within so without, as above so below. This is a statement by your Einstein.

The nucleus of the atom spins within the cell; it is quantum physics in action. Your thoughts and emotions affect the spin. Just as the thoughts and emotions of mass consciousness affect the spin of your planet and even the stars, the spin of the planet and the stars affect the spin of the atoms within your cells. This is all one energetic vibrational field.

Within this field of vibrations are uncountable variations and combinations. Hold this perspective; you are always operating at the multi-dimensional level, within your human form and outside your human form. Others are becoming aware of this. Consciousness is expanding and awakening. Allow yourself to become aware of these realities, these dimensions.

We will give you this example, earth is in a sea of vibrations and frequencies. Mankind has been skilled in creating and inventing many devices in which there is an energy frequency. There is a vibration. These waves of energy are at all times moving through you. Even as you sit at the computer there are frequencies that are interacting with your personal energy field.

Imagine for a moment all the devices in just your home alone; every electrical device, every light and lamp, the phone systems, all the kitchen appliances. The television is one of the major contributors of discordant frequencies. Each device gives off a certain frequency. Most people are not aware of these frequencies. They have tuned them out; their energy field has adjusted and learned to just live with them.

It is important for you to be aware of these discordant frequencies and the matrix that they create. It is important for you and others to stay anchored, stable and firm in your own personal energy field and matrix. You will be less affected by discordant frequencies.

This planet is woven with electronic frequencies. If you had the vision to see the stands of energy connecting all the power lines, electrical devices, cell phones, televisions and microwaves you would be amazed at how tightly woven this energetic matrix truly is. It surrounds your planet in an energetic grid of frequencies, vibrations and energy.

Most of humanity does not consider any of this information. There is an attitude of “What you don’t see, what you don’t know, won’t affect you.” This is much like the ostrich bird, who buries its head in the sand, unaware of the storm blowing around.

These matrices of electronic frequencies are always affecting the physical body and the mental state of mind. They are a part of the hypnotizing that takes place in this hologame. These electronic frequencies are addicted [attached?] to your personal energy field. These man-made electronic frequencies hold a certain mindset in place.

There are major energy shifts happening to and on your planet. The solar flares and the galactic bursts of energy are surging through this shield of hypnotizing electronic frequencies. The cosmic energy thrusts are activating certain aspects of the DNA codes. Notice how this is taking place within your own body. State your intentions which will allow you to welcome these bursts of star energy with grace and ease.

These cosmic energy thrusts are offering a wake-up call to humanity. The earth’s magnetic field holds the higher integrity of the hologame in place. This is being over-ridden by those who would control the electronic fields. This planet is receiving the highest support from the consciousness of the cosmos. There are celestial beings whose energy field is bathing your beloved planet at all times. Open to this awareness and allow yourself to feel and anchor these incoming gifts of conscious energy and the frequencies being offered.

Humanity as a whole has been unaware of their divine star connection and their multidimensional aspects. They are hypnotized in the hologame at this time, held in the dysfunction, and unaware of their power to create. This is shifting, and part of the shift is manifesting as the wave of humanity waking up to their magnificence, and to the truth of who they truly are.

We invite you to continue to maintain a strong energy field of love, joy and appreciation. When you vibrate these high coherent frequencies, you will not be affected by the bombardment of the planetary electronic grid. You create a cohesion field.

Remember, all is well. Be in your joy; and swim, flow and stream with the energy from the stars. We are offering you our loving energy at all times. Be at peace.

~ the ‘team’

©2023 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages availabl

The challenges and contrasts of the last few years have inspired your desires to grow at an extremely rapid rate – Messages from Ann & the Angels-

-01/21/2023 • Focus, Feeling, and Happiness

God wants every loving thing for you that you want.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You are here on earth during one of the most incredibly rapid times of expansion humanity has ever experienced. The challenges and contrasts of the last few years have inspired your desires to grow at an extremely rapid rate.

Your feelings are coming to the surface as never before. For some of you, this is incredibly exciting. You are reconnecting with dreams long buried as well as brand-new desires. For some, this is very frustrating because you feel your heart’s desires strongly but don’t yet trust the universe to bring what you desire to you. For others, it is a scary time because you fear that if you make the changes you want, you may upset your life or those around you.

Regardless of where you find yourself in this deep dive, the fact that your feelings are arising within is good. Your feelings point you to what you want to create and are indications of your guidance on the path.

If a thought excites and inspires you or makes you smile with joy, then you can safely assume that you are moving toward that which you are focusing upon. If you are crying over what you don’t yet have, the sad feeling is a strong indicator that you want something you don’t believe you can have. If you are angry, this means that a powerful force is compelling you to change either attitude or action, for anger is a force that propels one to expand in much the same way a force propels a sprout to spring out of the seed and grow towards the light. Anger indicates that you are strongly thinking thoughts or doing things in opposition to your desires and that something must change.

You can blame the outside world for your feelings, or you can look at their deeper value, which is to help you understand where you stand in the relationship with your greater self – the Divine within you. God wants every loving thing for you that you want. Are your thoughts in alignment with what you desire? Then you’ll feel good. Are your thoughts running contrary to what you want? Then you’ll feel less than lovely.

Suppose someone cuts you off in traffic. You feel bad. You think they made you feel bad. What makes you feel bad is, however, your own thoughts running contrary to what you want. You want to feel safe. You want to feel respected. You want to dance with courteous drivers. In God’s love, you are safe. You can choose to respect yourself. There are hundreds of courteous drivers on the road you can focus on, despite this one that is not paying attention. Your focus is your choice. Focus on what you want, and you’ll feel good. Focus on what you don’t, and you’ll feel bad. You might argue, “But this driver is not courteous! They are not respectful!” You may be 100% correct in your assessment of the reality in front of you, but your focus is your choice, and your focus dictates what you attract. This is simply how your world works.

Consider your economy right now. For many of you, simply focusing on the price of groceries is enough to inspire upset. However, think a little deeper, and you’ll see that the prices are not the cause of your upset. The cause originates within. Perhaps you think you must experience lack because of these prices. Maybe you resent those getting richer for reasons that have nothing to do with the actual value. Perhaps you feel frustrated with your own financial state. You are not in agreement with the Divine within. The Divine within can guide you to abundance. The Divine within would never waste time focusing on someone else’s lack of integrity. The Divine within would reassure you and guide you to new ways to experience prosperity.

Every time you feel bad, you feel this way because you are looking at life in a way that is different than the perspective of the Divine within. We would never argue that many external events and conditions make it quite challenging to see life through the eyes of God. Still, your true power is available when you align your vision with the power that creates universes.

Dear God, bless this angry, impatient, unconscious soul who cut me off in traffic, but I give thanks for the many kind ones. I give thanks for resting safely in your love. I give thanks for knowing that I cannot leave before my time, and if I focus on my joy, the beautiful day, and the beautiful drive, I will be steered around harm.

Dear God, I see these high prices for my food. I don’t like this at all, but thank you for helping me find and feel the abundance of your love, the abundance of your grace. Give us this day our daily bread, berries, beans, and meat! Give us this day our daily coffee and cream, our tea, our cake, and whatever else we desire. In you, I trust, not in man’s economy. I ask that I be guided to live in a Divine economy.

What if you are grieving dear ones? You are human. No one in heaven would tell you to feel otherwise. Nonetheless, as you begin to see through the eyes of the divine and your loved ones in heaven, you start to see your eternal nature and the bliss of your loved ones, and you begin to feel a love that was previously beyond your wildest dreams. It may take time, but this is available to you.

It is always your relationship with yourself, your soul, your Divine spark, that defines how you feel, no matter whether the outside works make it easy or difficult.

It is inner work to reach for the thoughts of your soul and the Divine within. It is often easier to let life and others sway your feelings and toss them around as if you are a ship on a stormy sea that you cannot control. The vessel cannot control the sea, but with a steady rudder and a firm grip on the wheel, it can hold its own course and navigate the storms. So too, you can remain rooted in your relationship with the Divine, with beauty, goodness, eternal truths, and love. In that reality, you will navigate your own course no matter what is going on in the world around you.

You don’t have to hate the haters “make” you hate.” You don’t have to let the warmongers inspire you to “warring” thoughts. You don’t have to let the economy convince you that you must experience lack. You don’t have to don’t let the storms of nature mean that your life or emotions are flooded with fear.

While the haters hate, you can focus on prayer, compassion, and love.

While the warmongers make war, you can choose love, peace, compassion, and kindness.

While your economies are strained, you can focus on God’s abundance and experience the very same.

When you face the storms, you can pray and ask them to be kind, or you can use them as an opportunity for a fresh start.

Love is always there for the tuning! Abundance is there for the asking. Safety is there for those who rest in God’s love. Place your focus there, dear ones, and you will find yourself feeling well, no matter what your outer world is doing.

You have permission to feel good. You have permission to be happy even when circumstances or people make it more challenging. We encourage your good feelings and have compassion for you when you can’t find them.

Be kind to yourselves. Honor your hearts. Then, when the world tempts you to feel badly, remind yourself, “I get to choose. I get to focus on what I choose and therefore choose how I feel. I get to decide if someone else will control my mind or if I will take charge of it.”

Happiness is easier than you think. You don’t have to wait for the world to change. You just have to reach to see life and yourself the way the Divine within you see all – evolving, emerging, and growing into greater love.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Living in 5D. (in PS: Powerful New Moon Practice for today)

silhouette of trees on an afterglow
Photo by Lisa Fotios on

When i go back in time and watch my life in 3D, it seems from outer appearances that i had more fun than i am having right now. Simply because i was not aware of what i am aware of now. I thought this journey will go from good to better in all ways.
And yet, back then i never felt so good as i feel now no matter the circumstances. Knowing who I AM more and more that is. And from that space the thoughts that are stemming forth are for my and the highest good for all. Conscious Creation.
Did this happen overnight? Can someone else define what is good for me from outer appearances? No. And No.
Back then i wanted something? i go and get it guided by my impulses. A student job? Done. Work from something i really love? as Dancer?as DJ? as Restaurant owner? as Club owner? as Reiki Therapist? as Life Coach? Have multiple lovers and partners in Life? Travel and live a nomad life? Be on the Ascension wave as soon as i heard the call? Choose to be on a holiday for 10 years and only live out of my passion?
Done.Done. Done. Done. Done. Done. All Done.
Now and since the covid times of March 2020 that kind of forced me to remain in one area, while appreciating all the comforts of home and deep rest much needed for my ascending body i am also finding myself often into a place of boredom…because the things i want to see manifest are moving so slowly. I know all about the path of least resistance and allowing the river to take me downtream without pedaling upstream and i apply every moment being in constact state of appreciation for the gift of Life. So many things i took for granted back in my 3D life are now getting my full attention. You see what changed is the way i am guided from within to follow in every now. Back then it was too as joy has always been my guidance but back then i was not in the multidimensional awareness i am now and at the same time not knowing at all what next steps shall i take?
You see, if i try to do things the old way, body will say no.
And so the only choice i have is to be satisfied in the present moment of where i am unconditionally.
Is that it? is this Ascension? is this being a creator of my own reality? are there things that i wish to see manifest? Global Peace and Prosperity for all? Love and Kindness? Travels? Fun? Friends? More Clarity? New Home? Surrounded by like hearted ones that innerstand me telepathically even. How long will it take to get there? what can i do while on the journey to get there? Well my friends, the answer is once again : feel good no matter what is the key (or just the very repeated Feel More Than Fine lol)
Am i feeling tired? have a nap or 2 or more. Rest as much as i can be.
Do the thoughts in my mind speed towards something i don’t want? Go within and observe.
What is the thing that has positively changed in my life these last years that i don’t see? I can go to bed at night and wake up in the morning peacefully without shoulds or have tos. All is Well and I know it.
Is that it? where is my ability to create my own reality to live it in my own terms? where is the tangible manifestation of what i wish to see manifest? Well, i see signs here and there and there every time i focus on a particular subject but not getting to the final result.
Am i blocking my own energy? No, i don’t because i remain aligned on a daily basis for very long time. Yes thoughts may take over at times but i am aware of them.
Am i in a place of resistance without knowing? maybe at times and that’s why i must always focus on feeling good and not beat up on myself for not doing so at times. Incoming energies are disrupting and more sensitivity is a powerful tool to have when more Light comes to Earth (See spikes in Schumann Frequencies)…and so that’s the way it goes from here…can get boring, ears buzzing, sleepiness, procrastination in all its glory because not possible to do anything else, not getting immediately what i desire and being ok to be in the uknown and keep on keeping on : IAM the Love, Light and Truth day in and day out. Thank You God, thank you, thank you. Thank You Higher Self = Me, One with God, One with all creation. I Love You, I Love Me, I AM Magnificent, I AM Healthy, I AM Wealthy, I Am Abundant and I intend to Feel More Than Fine unconditionally at all times.
That’s what changed.
Because before it was the conditions that made me happy. And the need to satisfy other, to entertain others, to serve others ignoring myself completely.
Now it is the happiness before that brings me what i desire after.
3D to Multidimensional.
Celebrating now, brings what i desire.
Self Love. Yes! More please!!!
How easy this is!
And yes at times it can be boring but boredom has also its place in the creative process and expansion. Procrastination too.
This is not the discourse of those who proclaim no pain no gain, this is the discourse More Joy More Gain = More Expansion.
Drop the micro.
Going back to bed for 2nd phase of sleep. Loving it. Ludic dreaming.
Happy Lucid Dreams to all you dreamers too.
Day or night.

Feel More Than Fine


PS.Morning times gratitude journal.

Thank You God and entire company of Heaven, Mother Earth and Elementals for:
-My gift of Life.
-Peace in me and all around me
-Abundance in all forms: Air i breath. Pure Water to drink and take a shower/bath. Pure Organic Food on my table. Power to bliss my foods. Roof over my head. Freedom to feel good. And monies that allow me more freedom to travel, buy things i desire and projects to invest in for the highest good for all coming to me easily and effotlessly.
-Excellente Health.
-Like Hearted Healthy Friends. Fun. Clarity. And to be more precise 🙂 100% sober parties in abundance and DJ Gigs too in such environments.
-Inspiring me , guiding me and supporting me all along the way with ideas that are in tune with my core desires wherever i go, whatever i do with whoever i am.
-Ease Grace and Flow in all things, all my intentions
-Making me genius fine tuned instrument of Love, Peace, Compassion, Forgiveness and All Divine Qualites at all times.
Thank You God, Thank You Universe in through and around me.
I Love You. I Love me.

Now i play this beat and dance in gratitude and celebrate!!!

and this beat too 🙂

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Not Knowing is a Sign of Success

a neon sign in a dark room
Photo by Adib Own on

A lot of people think that if they’ve ended up in a space of not knowing, they’ve done something wrong. Let us reassure you, it is quite the opposite! It is a sign of success!

Not knowing means that you’ve done such a good job of exploring the energies you’ve been in that you’ve exhausted the possibilities, and you are ready to move on to the next level or stage. It also means that you are ready to move beyond 3D creation, which involves creating within the known, to 5D creation, which involves allowing yourself to be led into the realm of potentiality to the possibilities you aren’t aware of yet.

This is cause for both excitement and celebration. In fact, many of you are feeling that excitement now.

When you don’t know, you are ready to change your operating system to that of surrender, faith, flow, and trust. You are ready to reconnect with your curiosity, a trait which many of you haven’t used since you were children which allows you to experience wonder and magic. You are ready to allow your soul and your heart to lead the way; a wonderful place to find yourself.

Not knowing is a sign of growth, a sign of being ready to up-level, and a sign you are honing a new navigation system that will take you to so much more than you’ve ever experienced before. So allow the unfoldment, and know this is not a punishment, but rather an opening and opportunity. Enjoy having arrived in this new space and be willing to flow into the new, enjoying the just rewards that are the fruits of your labour.

So get brave, Dear Ones. Be curious. Don’t give up before the flow has a chance to show you where it is trying to take you.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Get Brave, Be Curious

unrecognizable child in red cloth walking inside evergreen maze
Photo by Ksenia Chernaya on

When you make the broad intention that you would like to experience more of a certain energy, the universe immediately begins to cooperate with you in having that experience. You participate by being willing to be guided in that direction by following the signs and synchronicities and the path that opens up in front of you, even if you are not sure exactly where it is taking you.

Your faith, trust, and curiosity, along with your willingness to move, explore, and receive, are vital aspects to the unfoldment of your highest life expression. It might help to think of it this way. If you just sit on a bicycle but don’t pedal, you tip over and don’t get anywhere. You have to get into movement in order to find your balance, learn new skills, and make new discoveries. You can’t guide something that isn’t willing to move!

Many of you have been conditioned to wait to take action until you have assurances, but that system rarely works for two reasons. First, it is trying to create from a space of fear, doubt, and control, which are all constrictive energies. Second, it doesn’t work because it is trying to create solely from your mind, and your greatest creations come from the guidance of your heart and the beckoning of your soul. Those are the parts of you that know your fullest potentials, and have an entire team of helpers to assure your success!

So get brave, Dear Ones. Be curious. Don’t give up before the flow has a chance to show you where it is trying to take you. Dream big and beautifully and open-heartedly. Be willing to be led to the discovery of what exists as true potentials for you beyond what you already know, and get ready for your life to expand and bloom in the most marvelous ways

You are in a corridor of energy, a birth canal, if you will, that started with the December solstice and will last until the Spring Equinox.

Greetings, Dear Ones! How pleased we are to be connecting with you during these extraordinary times. We honour you for your courage, your tenacity, your kind and loving hearts, and your commitment to both your own evolution and the shift of consciousness that is occurring on the planet.

There are many key aspects we would like to cover that are going to be themes in the energies of 2023.

It usually takes several months for you to get a good feel for the energy of a new year. That is especially true for the energy of 2023. You are in a corridor of energy, a birth canal, if you will, that started with the December solstice and will last until the Spring Equinox. This will be one of the most important passages you will ever go through. It will mark both endings and beginnings, and from there, the new will be truly birthed.

Many of you feel the winds of change blowing, but you are not sure what is happening. On a soul level, you are feeling the importance of this period of time you are in. There is anticipation, there is excitement, there is discomfort, there is wonder – all hallmarks of a birth!

Some of you may step into service for the first time. Some of you may experience a shifting of your service. Your surroundings may change; either your physical location, the people around you, or both. Some of you may move suddenly to places you had never considered before, or you may change careers. Expansion of all sorts will be occurring.

If you have been in what has felt like a long waiting period, tangible external expansion may finally be upon you. If you have been acting as an energetic space holder, you may find yourself finally released from that duty. It is all divinely orchestrated to unfold seamlessly when others are ready to step up and fill your position so that you can move on. It is designed to serve the highest good of all.

You might think of it this way: if you feel you are someone that has been holding space, we invite you to imagine a train station. You are standing there, clipboard in hand, guiding people to their trains and marking their names off your list as they board. You have been waiting there patiently for as many to show up as are on your list. But now you look out at the platform and you realize it is empty. Everyone who is going to show up has, and it is time for you to also board the train.

You don’t have to worry if there were people on your passenger list who didn’t show up to catch the train! You had a list of potential passengers. Each person uses their free will to decide when they’d like to board the train. There will be other space holders with their clipboards to take your place to assist them. And there will be many, many more trains available for them to take whenever they are ready. You did not fail them in any way. Your success came from honouring your service contract to the best of your ability.

Now, the people who are on the train still don’t know exactly where they are going! They know where they want to get off because they feel the energetic match of where their next adventure begins. But they don’t know exactly what it will look like, who they will meet, or what wonderful things they will experience. But they do know they have done the work, and they are ready to receive the fruits of their labour.

assorted sliced fruits in white ceramic bowl
Photo by Jane Doan on

When you get off the train, you will be navigating your path through the compass of your heart, which will lead you to your true north. Many of you will still be in a space of not knowing. The difference is, the past several years for many of you had you in a stationary not knowing. For many of you this year, you will still be not knowing, but you will be in movement, making your highest choice one now moment at a time, and allowing the unfoldment of your highest life expression.

As you move forward into the energies of 2023, we urge you to settle into the gift of not knowing. When you don’t know where you are going, you become more present. You get curious. You don’t have an attachment to anything looking a certain way, so you naturally open to many more potentials.

Not knowing helps you become a pioneer, an expander of your own path and the possible pathways for humanity. Not knowing is an essential aspect of moving into the new energies, because you simply cannot create the new with only the energies of the old.

There will continue to be pockets of energetic intensity, but you are becoming very adept at moving with the energies, and giving yourself what you need instinctively. You might think of it like a video game. At the end of a level, you might have a very intense task to accomplish that takes all of your concentration and focus.

Once you complete that task, an entirely new level will open to you, with new areas to explore and new tools to discover and use. Your evolutionary journey is like that. It involves playing in certain energetic levels until they have nothing left to offer you. You finally burst out of that cycle into a new level that has become available to you due to your consistent efforts and skill set.

Another interesting aspect of 2023 is that you will see many more people begin to awaken and start to move away from conspiracy theories. Becoming interested in conspiracy theories often marks the beginnings of a person’s spiritual journey. It all starts with questioning, and when you question, answers are sure to come.

Many people will begin to move away from conspiracy theories because enough time has gone by where many of the promised events have not come to pass. This is a very common occurrence in your awakening process – having believed information that later turns out to be false. This may have come from those who were spreading disinformation, to psychics, healers, or spiritual teachers who weren’t working from a space of integrity.

While this can be a disheartening experience, ultimately it helps hone the skill of discernment, and leads people to connect to their own truth and inner wisdom. Shifting away from misinformation into heart truths will ultimately begin to heal the division that has been prevalent on your planet.

Many of you with very strong service contracts have been out of balance, only willing to give and not willing to receive. If that is the case for you, 2023 is the year to prioritize your own self love practice. You simply cannot move into unity consciousness and leave yourself out. You cannot proceed in your own embodiment process if you are busy denying yourself at the same time, either.

You will be called to finally include yourself in your unconditional love and tender care, which for many of you is the final frontier. You will move out of perpetual self neglect into self care, self acceptance, self presence, and self respect. This is the whole model of a self love practice, and one that is long overdue for many of you to move into.

If you have been feeling like there has been a major piece missing that you couldn’t identify, it is highly likely it is your own love that you are seeking. Once that is in place, you will be of even greater service in a way that honours everyone, and that is exactly what we wish for each and every one of you.

By stepping into being your own loving guide, parent, and shepherd, as well as working with the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, you will have all the elements in place that will allow you to make deep, true, abiding progress, because you will finally be out of resistance and working with all the energies that have always been there to guide and assist you.

Many of you will move out of the habit of being in perpetual troubleshooting mode with yourself and start to trust yourself and your divine competency. That is what we mean by into the true. You will finally trust yourself to navigate to your true north, not the north everyone says you should aim towards.

As you step into the energies of the next phase of your incarnation, there will be a changing of the guard, so to speak, with some of your guides having completed their mission with you, and new guides coming in to assist you in this new phase. It is a time of great celebration when you are ready to bring in new guides!

You might find yourself suddenly needing to sing, hum, tone, or make repetitive noises. If you speak soul or light language, you might find yourself speaking a new dialect that you haven’t spoken before. All of these are wonderful occurrences because they are means of shifting into vibrational alignment with your new guides.

Many of you will bring on new gifts. These gifts aren’t really new, per se, they are more a remembrance of what you have done in other incarnations very well. Many of you will be picking up from where you left off in what you consider to be your most successful incarnation, and dusting those gifts off to take them to the next level in the new energies.

So many of you will be finding your way into unique ways of being of service. You may step into tangible service for the first time, or you may be expanding the services you already offer, or changing them completely. There is no one-size-fits-all service path. That is by design. You all add to the mosaic of the whole through your authenticity. By having many people offering different kinds of help, you efficiently serve the whole.

How do you know you are doing the right one? By following the compass of your heart to your true north. We urge you to honour the service paths of all, for you are all integral to the needs of the planet.

Many of you are dissatisfied with the way the world is. You can’t create the New Earth with expired energies. You must be willing to move beyond what you can see into the realm of potentiality, where the solutions exist and are awaiting your discovery. You become a stabilizing force on your planet by being willing to be the change, both by holding the energies you wish to see more of and also by honouring your own embodiment process.

Moving forward isn’t just about identifying what you would like. It is taking the time to honour what your soul craves. Your most authentic self is your greatest gift to the world, for it is through your authenticity that you contribute the purest essence of you, which is exactly what you came onto the planet to do.

You are ready. You have done the work. Your soul has prepared you well for these exact times, to both assist and create. You find your truest matches and your truest purpose by allowing your heart to lead you into the exploration of what exists beyond what you can see, where the truest riches and your highest lines of potential are waiting to be found.

Of course, many of you will still be at differing stages of your journey. Some of you were meant to go first and pioneer a way forward, while others will be content to awaken once the path is cleared. All is divinely perfect for each of your individual soul intentions, and each method comes with its own unique benefits and challenges.

What we do want you to know is that all of you chose to be on the planet at this time to participate in this grand awakening, and your souls could not wait to experience the times you are in right now.

Last, we wish to remind you that it is difficult to truly gauge your progress from your own vantage point. That is why certain themes loop back around to you, over and again, so you can see them and handle them based on your latest level of attainment. You are always being offered opportunities to learn, to expand, and to finally embody your highest expression of self.

If you could only see yourselves as we see you! You would be amazed at your beauty and how much you have accomplished. Stay the course, get back to the basics of presence, gratitude, and the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust when you don’t know where you are going, and allow your true north to magnetize you to the new vistas that await you.

Please know we are with you every step of the way, because you are an honoured and beloved member of the ground crew. Your beingness is always more than enough, and your growth and presence is your service. We simply cannot wait to see what you will create and where your expansion will lead you because you never cease to amaze us. This is what we wished to share with you today. It has been our great pleasure.

~ Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

From this day forth, you determine what is fun or right for you…The channel or guru who once provided you with a sense of rightness or safety no longer shines that brightly. For you are a new independent being in a new world.

New Multi-dimensional Threads

five assorted balloons
Photo by Padli Pradana on

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you are concerned you are not adjusting to your new being rapidly enough or correctly. That just being feels counter-intuitive. That you have to do something or be something to continue transitioning.

The truth is you have transitioned. And an element of that transition is peace. The ability to start and end your day without agendas, have-to, or shoulds.

Many of you believe you must meditate, pray, journal, or do this or that because others claim they can help you continue your journey as long as you follow the actions appropriate for them.

You no longer require teachers, gurus, exercises, or the right thoughts or actions. You have arrived.

From this day forth, you determine what is fun or right for you.

Some of you are concerned that you do not have indicators allowing you to know what to do. Or it’s easier and faster to follow dictates from those who claim to have answers for you.

No one other than you has the answers or techniques that are correct for you. You have transitioned from student to instructor.

That last statement does not necessarily mean you know all the answers for yourself – and most definitely not for others. But instead, you are a new instructor graduate peacefully pausing as you determine what actions seem interesting.

Perhaps our statements seem odd given that with a few words, we of the Universes indicate you are an instructor. So who are your students? Those following you – and you. You are a student of yourself.

As you evolve into that role of self-instructor, your statements, actions, and reactions will be the classroom for those who follow.

You are no longer of 3D, including the eons of roles you took for granted. Many 3D instructors amazed themselves by discovering they learned as much as their students preparing or presenting certain materials. So it is for you now, only in a different format.

The 3D format of instructor teaching concepts to a classroom of students is no longer necessary. Your instruction will be your life actions. The student/teacher division has disappeared.

Granted, the student/teacher format will continue for some time in the 3D world. But those who have transitioned beyond 4D will not find those interactions interesting. Instead, learning will be life lessons acknowledged as that life is displayed.

Instruction will be more observing and incorporating those observations into your being without formalizing the action with, “If you say or do this, you will be successful.”

What is suitable for others is no longer right for you. Not because they are trying to cheat or harm you, but because you are no longer part of 3D group think. You are a unique individual with unique needs and actions.

Many who base their teachings on their rightness of action will discover that fewer are interested in following their path. Their followers will expect broad parameters of interest – with limited or no shoulds.

There is no longer a diet, meditation, action, belief, or interaction applicable to all. The only directive appropriate for you now and forever is what interests you as generated from within.

The channel or guru who once provided you with a sense of rightness or safety no longer shines that brightly. For you are a new independent being in a new world.

In the past, everyone was a green thread in the earth’s life tapestry. So those who successfully mastered the green thread life had an expertise valuable to all who wanted their green thread to shine.

Now that the earth’s tapestry of life has become a vibrant tapestry of millions of colored threads, no one person or activity is an expert in the new earth’s totality.

While it is true that those who are the gold, green, or blue threads might find one another and share experiences, each thread may also decide to change color or create a new color. Everything of the earth is in flux and will continue so forevermore.

Your new world is about exploring new earth colors, actions, and places, as well as exploring the same in other locations. There are no longer any givens. As a result, there are no longer valid instructors for the masses. ThreeD teaching can only occur when the end product is a given.

Allow yourself to flow into this and that thread of interest. You are doing so to explore as much as you like in your new hybrid being of heaven and earth while residing solidly of the new earth in its new multi-colored format.

New is your direction. Expected formats no longer apply to you or any being transitioning beyond 3D. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Why Feel More Than Fine? Nikos Akrivos

How we feel is everything as how we feel is what we vibrate as how feel is what we attract. So basically how we feel is who we are each moment. When we feel good it means we are aligned with who we really are and hence whatever we desire comes to us effortlessly, less active work to do 🙂 when we don’t feel good it means 2 things: or we are expanding and hence we must find alignement or our environment (social media, some news, people etc.) took us out of our center 🙂either way to take action to feel good brings more results in few minutes (15-20 meditation/visualisation or 68 seconds of positive thinking followed by appreciation all along the rest of the time) than what would take years to accomplish with action. The true action is to deliberately choose to find alignement within which looks like non action but basically is the best of all actions since who we truly are is one with Source/Universe/God. Then from that place inspired action will follow and that inspired action will bring one closer to what they desire almost instanly than active work in struggle for many years.

The New Human 2.0 is here. Sounds Magic and Godly and It Is So.

Nikos Akrivos


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