All posts by Nikos

FEEL MORE THAN FINE Founder ENERGETIC THERAPIST/PERSONAL TRAINER/REIKI THERAPIST AND INSTRUCTOR (Healthcare) Accomplished professional healer and energetic therapist with extensive experience in providing treatment as well as personal training utilising various holistic healing techniques. Commenced medical education but changed track and decided on pursuing an artistic career and became a dancer, a DJ, a restaurateur and model agency business owner; however finally reached the actualisation of self and pursued education in reiki personal training. Expertise in offering therapeutic services for clients by mainly combining music therapy and reiki. Rich experience in establishing and mutually achieving short- and long-term objectives ensuring better post-therapy life for clients. CORE COMPETENCIES ▪ Therapeutic Restoration ▪ Understanding Therapy Techniques ▪ Client Requirement Analysis ▪ Personal Training ▪ Nutritional Planning ▪ Exercise Demonstration ▪ Motivation ▪ Client Health and Safety ▪ Strength, Healing and Conditioning ▪ KEY SKILLS Therapy Intervention – Recognised for hands-on experience in providing therapeutic services to harmonise the body, mind and spirit for overcoming and resolving various conditions/issues of clients including health, money, relations, stress and fear, among others. Expertise in energising clients and helping them activate their inner healing power utilising a combination of techniques such as reiki, qui gong, pilates, yoga, cardio training, dance, tantra and therapeutic music. Client Management – Adept in identifying clients’ dilemma and empathising with their situation by discussing their past experiences and current problems. Significant experience in successfully delivering distance treatment at prearranged times for resolving issues of long distance clients and transporting the vibration energy flow through email and Skype. Program Planning – Outstanding track record of understanding client’s needs and developing detailed programs aimed at achieving defined goals. Skilled in creating structured programs encompassing therapy, exercise, conversation and diet as well as giving guidelines to clients to achieve a peaceful, joyful and abundant life. Interpersonal and Communication – Proactive professional with proficiency in English, French, Spanish, Greek and conversational Dutch and German and the ability to communicate confidently and effectively with clients as well as providing specialist advice and training on energetic therapy for clients from diverse cultures. KEY DELIVERABLES Clearly communicating the program and explaining the process prepared for clients. Undertaking client consultations including medical history and preparing notes. Pre-treatment, ensuring the client is as comfortable as possible either lying on a couch, or seated. Placing hands in a sequence of positions covering the whole body to guide energy and activating the healing process. Treating clients by applying the energetic principles of Reiki as well as performing distance treatment at prearranged times. Adhering to established industry guidelines and providing safe therapeutic recommendations to clients. Planning the routine by comprehending the needs of clients and designing nutrition as well as diet plan for the client, as applicable. Interacting with client and strengthening client relations. Adhering to all personal trainer policies and demonstrating as well as teaching exercises to clients and providing feedback on techniques used. Preparing self for treatment, raising own energy levels and attuning self. Researching, strategising special techniques and increasing knowledge to introduce clients to innovative wellness programs. Constantly motivating clients to achieve maximum gain utilising provided therapy. Maintaining punctuality and preparing for all appointments with clients or professional staff. Attending mandatory and optional staff training classes. Designing rehabilitation program to manage specific physical conditions, injuries, diseases and swiftly responding to emergencies, if any. Handling client grievances and swiftly resolving conflicts by negotiating an amicable settlement. CAREER PROGRESSION Personal Trainer and Energetic Healer Natural Mente Festival,Camping La Playa, Ibiza Jul 2011 – Present Personal Life Coach Feel More Than Fine, Ibiza May 2010 – Present Energetic Healer Consciousness Festival, Rimini Energetic Healer Workshop Interconnectedness, Amsterdam Healing DJ and Therapist Healing, Ibiza Master Reiki Reiki Healer level II Reiki Healer level I International Career DJ and Producer Personal Trainer and CardioFunk Classes Fitness 1st (Passage), Brussels Co-owner Model Agency Pure Star Management Vilnius and Paris Club Manager/Choreographer Cova Santa, Ibiza Restaurant Owner L'empire des sens Professional Dancer Classes of Dance & Cardio Fitness Instructor Fitness 1st, Brussels Commenced career as a professional dancer and simultaneously working as a DJ and music producer. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Certified Energetic Healer & Life Coach Certified Reiki Master Certified Personal Trainer Fitness 1st Belgium June 2013 Dec.2012 Mar 1997 Medical and Physiotherapy Studies University of Brussels, Brussels Oct 1988 – Jun 1993 Graduation High School May 1987 High Level Athletics as sprint runner Sep.1982 – May 1987 PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: 2nd Nov, 1970Nationality: GreekMarital Status: SingleDriving Licence: European Driver’s Licence References available on request

Put on your dancing shoes and let’s get this party started.

Greetings, we are the Arcturian Collective and we are pleased to connect with each one of you today. We wish to simply expand our previous message of allowing. Perhaps some, many of you are pet owners. We do not have the concept of pets in our reality for each being is sovereign in their own right and perhaps you could begin to refer to yourselves as pet guardians rather and owners. Think of a small cat or dog that simply comes up and allows your love to flow to them. They are allowing the vehicle of your hands, your voice, your love to permeate their field and to become enriched by it.

You humans have so much support at this juncture of timelines. We wish to emphasize the extent and degree of support currently being offered to humanity from the cosmos, is staggering. Therefore, relax and allow. Just as you are so delighted when your aloof cat walks up in greeting and to be loved, so too are we, your galactic family, so delighted when you take the time to read and write and connect with these messages, for they are an extension of our love vibration to you. The energies of Gaia are in full support now of humanity’s ascension out of the dross into the light of full consciousness.

Allow and relax. Lay in the sunbeams and soak it up. No more pushing, doing, enough of scheduling your ascension advancements! You are advancing quite nicely currently in this Now as you process even more dark energies with the grace and ease of masters. Your tenacity, humanity, is staggering. We Arcturians hold you in high esteem. We encourage you to allow your success to be complete in grace and ease, and to allow our love, Gaia’s love, each other’s love, Source’s unending love, all to flow into your field and permeate it with radiant joy. You are the jewels of the universe and we salute your success. We are the Arcturian Collective and it has been our pleasure to connect with you this day.

Greetings dear children, it is Mother God. I am so grateful and so full of love for all of you this day, this evening, wherever you may be on our beautiful blue green orb, Gaia. Truly we are breathless dear ones, as we monitor and coax along your ascent. Today you may have been purging sadness. Did you feel it? For you are straddling many realities simultaneously and releasing that which does not serve you with grace and ease. Allow it to flow through you and release it. Release it! Let it go and give it to me. Allow my honey love of pure Christed light energy to coat and soothe away the burns and pain of that which has been released and is being released. Where you are headed, there is no room for sadness. Joy and prosperity await you just ahead. Claim it now as your Now, for it is yours for the grasping, for the taking. Claim it. Stake ownership in your ascension, in your victory. We have.

We are so full love love for you. The energies are most high today, from on high, quite literally, and the dark ones are spewing and sputtering. Send them your love and release them into the light. For that will serve them best and is their destiny. Transmutation can be a blessing, not a curse. Embrace this change within you and all around you. Be the change. I see the sparkles in your eyes and the big wide open heart chakras that spin with delight as you read my words of unending love, for love is all there is. And you children, are one of my greatest example of this. Love! Love rightly, fully. Be in joy.

I am your Mother God. I send you angel kisses of the Christed light frequency to surround you in a webbing of light, encased in my spiritual hug of never ending honey love. There! You’re well protected. Can you feel my embrace? It is not much longer children. We are nearly there. I can hear you from the back seat asking me “Mother, are we there yet?” And I acknowledge this has been a terribly long journey, but yet children, we are nearly there. I love you. I am your Mother God. Call on me and I will of course always answer, for I am within you. I send you my blessings and envelope you in peace. Be comforted.

Greetings, friends! It is I, your Sananda. This one just went to a funeral and is struggling a bit with the heaviness of the energies there. Friends, you are master transmuters. When you go into a situation or scene like that, know that you are being secretively called to active duty to transmute and assimilate a quick solution to the heaviness of the energies present. Send them my light. Send them the Christed light, send them joy and send them away from you to the Great Central Sun for repurposing. (She simply crossed over the veil, dear one. I know her well. She is at last free of a body that no longer functioned). I am the master healer, as are you friends. It is time to learn how to heal yourselves and to claim your divinity.

I am your brother Sananda. Soon the healing machines will come, and you will have new exciting advancements from all angles, from all sides and at last your news on the stations will be good news without angles or hidden agendas. New Earth is rising out of the ashes of this previous pain of 3d experiences. New Earth is existing simultaneously now, linked currently to this ever changing and evolving matrix that is breaking down. Soon there will be nothing of it left and the cross over will be complete. You are taking the final steps.

Open your hearts to love, to my love. Every time you choose love, you choose me, you choose your higher self, and you choose the prime directive of the mother’s master plan of love, always love in every situation, for love is all there is. All else is illusion. You have been enmeshed within this illusion within this holographic matrix for so long that it has played games with your head and with your heart. It is time to heal from the illusion of lack and of separation and to claim our place rightfully beside me and besides each other, New Earth builders, master transmuters and friends.

I love you. I am your Sananda. Be not saddened by those who have passed, for they are being healed, they are whole, complete and living a new chapter of their eternal purpose, just as you are my friends. Soon all will be revealed. Your mentors are eager to make their initial visits. Be sure to open the doors to them, they are a bit nervous and excited or “nervocited” as this one likes to say. Ah. Such times! Such change is a foot! Aha! And it is your feet that are doing the changing friends! Can you feel it? Put on your dancing shoes and let’s get this party started.

I am your Sananda.

~ galaxygirl

Here’s What Happens If You Drink Just Water for 30 Days

Here’s What Happens If You Drink Just Water for 30 Days



The body relies on water to remain in a functioning condition. We all know that if you don’t drink water for 3-5 days you’ll die, but what happens when you only drink water as your primary beverage? Outstanding things happen, that’s what! Undertaking a special water regimen isn’t easily achievable for some, but it’s worth giving it a shot. Here’s what can happen when you drink only water for 30 days, without needing to change your exercise routine or diet.

Your Mental Creativity and Performance Will be Boosted

When you drink only water for 30 days, your brain will start to react faster. Since the brain needs tons of oxygen to operate efficiently, and water is a great source of oxygen, your brainpower will be boosted, helping you think and focus better. Furthermore, it also makes you keen, quick, and clever. Ingesting 8-10 cups of water each day can improve your cognitive performance by as much as 30%.

Drinking water helps to decelerate the aging process by keeping your skin adequately hydrated. It moisturizes your skin, keeping it soft, plump, glowing, and wrinkle-free. It also helps to maintain muscle tone. To get these benefits, you must consume pure water.

In an article published by the Daily Mail, a 42-year-old woman managed to make herself appear ten years younger in just 30 days by drinking just water. She started by drinking three liters of water a day to overcome her long-standing headaches and poor digestion dilemma. After only a month, she was absolutely stunned by the results. Both of her problems were resolved, and she fully recovered from the effects of chronic dehydration.

She said that “I genuinely can’t believe the difference in my face. I look like a different woman. The dark shadows around my eyes have all but disappeared and the blotches have gone. My skin is almost as dewy as it was when I was a child. The transformation is nothing short of remarkable. I’m feeling leaner and fitter, too, which is amazing, since the only thing I’ve changed is the amount of water I drink.”


Your Immunity Will be Strengthened

A Slovakian proverb says “pure water is the world’s first and foremost medicine” and this is no exaggeration. Water acts as a catalyst for the renewal of optimal body functions. Drinking adequate amount of water supports the performance of your kidneys and liver. These organs help to eliminate toxic substances from your body.

You’ll Have a Stronger Heart

Water decreases the threat of a heart attack by preventing your blood from thickening and by lowering your blood pressure.

One glass of water an hour before bed is said to prevent a heart attack or stroke. It makes it easier for the heart to send freshly oxygenated blood to your vital organs. The American Journal of Epidemiology published a six-year study that found that people who consumed more than five glasses of water a day were 41% less likely to die from a heart attack than those who drank fewer than two glasses a day.

Your Bones will be Strengthened

Water helps to rebuild shock absorber cartilage, so your joints can move smoothly, curtailing joint damage triggered by tension. Testimonies give evidence that joint flexibility improves with adequate water consumption.

You’ll Lose Fat

When you drink only water for 30 days, your body removes irritable and harmful waste products from your vital organs. This makes your body cleaner and helps to trim body fat.

In the beginning, an increase in weight could become a concern as your body might retain water before adjusting to the higher intake consumption. Water acts as an appetite suppressant, so drinking one or two glasses of water before a meal will mean that you eat less. Consuming water at regular intervals throughout the day will assist with your weight management.

Your Metabolism Will be Enhanced

Studies suggest that consistently drinking water every day stimulates a more dynamic metabolism, regardless of your diet. Consuming two cups of water just after you wake up increases your metabolism by 24% according to the Health Fitness Revolution.

Now is the time to kick back and enjoy the ride.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been looking at the various timelines that are most probable the human collective, and we are very encouraged by what we see. We understand how hard it has been for most of you, and we want you to know that no matter how things might look in your life, or in the world, you are moving in the right direction.

We want to assure you that you cannot make a mistake. You cannot screw things up for yourself or for anyone else, and we want you to relax more. It is through relaxation that you open yourselves up to receive. You will find yourself on the timeline that best suits you, not by working on getting there, but on allowing yourself to flow.

Now, people use that expression often, and you might not fully understand what they mean by it. To us, ‘going with the flow’ means letting the energy take you on a journey and trusting that you are in fact moving in the right direction. It means you don’t have to fight against anyone or anything to get to where you are ultimately going.

In our last transmission, we told you that love united humanity, and now we also want to point out that love is the way to release that resentment, that anger, that angst that you sometimes hold. It is through finding the love within you and shining it more brightly that you not only enjoy your life but that you also solve any and all of the problems that come up for you.

Love yourselves enough to grant yourselves freedom from doing things the hard way. Love yourselves enough to receive the help that is coming to you from other humans and from non-physical beings. Love yourselves enough to acknowledge that you are enough, that you are doing enough, and that you have already done enough to be on that timeline that brings you to the ascension experience with ease and joy.

Now is not the time to look for busy work to keep justifying the fact that you are ascending. Now is the time to kick back and enjoy the ride, but don’t take us at our word. Trust in the universal plan that has been underway for eons and eons of your time.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


It’s an acronym for Global Economic Security And Reformation Act , and has been written and refined by great minds of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in order to reset planet earth and humanity on a sustainable governance foundation.

The following 3 items must be accomplished straight away:

1) The global and public proclamation of a global jubilee or debt forgiveness, and universal reset of planetary earth/humanity back to a universal system of common governance in transparent good standing with other member beings of the Galactic Federation.

2) Implementation of GESARA as a universal constitutional framework for global governance in all 209 sovereign nations per the signed 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, starting with the restored Republic of the United States.

3) Mass human disclosure of both non-humanoid (extra-terrestrial) life in existence on the surface of this planet and throughout our shared galaxy.

Why is GESARA even necessary?

The existing “cabal” governing authority has intentionally and methodically hid humanity’s historical truth (including alien occupation and genetic tampering) for over thirteen millennia; and thus why GESARA implementation is necessary now, as the galactic community has been tasked to stop and reverse the momentum of such a rebellious and blatant action against the Creator Source, and human species.  Together with humanity, all love warriors of the white light will now put an end to cabal deceit as well as re-institute universal truth and justice without further delay or negotiation.

What might GESARA manifest?

Below are 25 specific items, but expect dozens more.

1.  Restore Constitutional Law in Republic of the United Sates of America.

2.  Remove USA, Inc. administration officials and all members of the US Congress from their positions due to their continuous unconstitutional actions.

3. Forces the USA, Inc.’s President, the Vice-President, Cabinet members, and all members of Congress to leave office.

4) Suspends all elections everywhere in the world, at all sovereign levels of government.

5) Allows new Republic of the United States appointees to temporarily govern the country’s affairs until fair and legal elections can be held.

6) Allows Republic military law enforcement to physically remove or eliminate any obstacle impeding GESARA law.

7) Allows the Republic Congress to implement the natural Constitutional Line of Succession.

8) Eliminates all “states of emergency” thus declaring peace for every land abiding by GESARA and it’s alliance.

9) Forces the US military to immediately remove troops from all sovereign nations who no longer willingly accept them to reside on their soil.  That includes Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and the Philippines.

10) Zeroing out of credit card balances and bank debt relief worldwide.

READ MORE: Exclusive: Do you know about NESARA? I bet you DON’T, but it’s about time you DO!

11) Activates the Republic’s Treasury Bank and Republic Treasury, along with a gold backed USN currency printed and overseen by the Republic of the United States and not the Federal Reserve which will now be marginalized until eliminated.

12) Federal Income Taxes lies will be abolished, as will the old tax code; and new easier, simpler and global tax code will be implemented on non-essential items.  Essential items such as food and medicine, and used items, are exempt from the sales tax.

13) The IRS, FEMA, Shadow Government Lobbyists will all be jailed, arrested or worse.

14) Creates a new 17% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government.

15) Increases benefits to senior citizens and makes them permanent.

16) Establishes new Presidential and Congressional candidates within 120 days after G.E.S.A.R.A.’s announcement. An interim government will quietly be put in place as to handle the nation’s affairs until new leaders can be democratically elected.

17) International Monitors will be present to prevent illegal voter ballot stuffing or fraudulent election activities of special interest groups.

18) A new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals will be issued into public circulation.

19) Eliminates birth certificate records ato be used as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.

20) Restores financial privacy globally.

21) Resets all judges and attorneys back to Constitutional Law.

22) Ceases all aggressive, government military actions worldwide–including the Middle East.

23) Establishes peace throughout the world as monitored by the UN Security Council.

24) Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes across planet earth.

25) Enables the release of thousands of hidden patents for suppressed technologies currently held under the guise of national security–including free energy devices, anti-gravity and sonic healing machines.

Source: Ascension with Mother Earth
Via: Prepare for Change




Allow yourself to flow, just as you allow the same for your New Earth creations.

Dear Ones,

Once upon a time, you were excited to learn that all your structures would be destroyed before being rebuilt.

But now that your structures are being destroyed, you bemoan the very activity you set in place when you decided to be part of the team creating a joyous New Earth.

Of course, you initiated your transition believing all would happen without much effort, that when the majority saw the error of their ways all would be rebuilt in a flash.

Such was not meant to be for it is your role to rebuild structures of love and flexibility. The rigid 3D structures that allowed an either/or action are being destroyed. Either you do it this way, or you will be ostracized, made fun of, or otherwise, lose your place in society.

Now that options are opening, you are nervous, upset, and angry. For you wish that the either/or options would remain in place until you felt comfortable with new creations until issues were thoroughly discussed, planned, and created.

Such is not to be for obvious reasons. First, you are learning to create something you did not believe possible in 3D. Secondly, you, as is true for all humans, need a buffer between old and new. So it is that such is happening. And as it does, you clarify that which is important to you, discovering your creation niche or niches. For that which most disturbs you as it crumbles, will be that which you focus on as you create anew.

Some of you are upset for you believe you should not focus or worry about the crumbling of your current structures. Even so, many of you peek at the news to determine what terrible event is currently happening.

Meaning you are part of the team creating new actions and activities. Some of you following the media believe you are doing so out of curiosity, anger, or any sensation or belief of which you are trying to rid yourself. But try as you might, those thoughts or anger never completely leave your being.

You do not wish to discuss your anger, fear, or seemingly misguided actions with others for in 5D you are SUPPOSED to let all 3D actions go. Such cannot be true as you have discovered over many weeks of trying.

You are dishonest with yourself.

If something in 3D is bothering you, allow yourself to dream of better or different solutions. Such a concept does not mean you need to create the solutions, but instead that you are sharing energies with those who will. In truth, you are as creative playing in your garden as the entities with solutions. For you are giving energy to the groups, who wish to bring love into their creations.

Three-D solutions have not worked as can be demonstrated by the anger of one group against another particularly when one group does not look or function like the other – issues seemingly addressed decades ago with the peace and love movements of the 60s and 70s. Yet, some of the same individuals involved in those movements either physically or emotionally seem to have made a 180 degree turn into only recognizing like entities.

The truth is that those building barriers instead of bridges are terrified. For the structures, they created after their peace and love thoughts, protected them in ways you perhaps cannot understand. For many of those involved in peace and love, decided accumulating a fortune or power was more important than loving one another.

Now they are acting upon what they believe is required to maintain those fortunes and power. That is not to say that financial fortunes are not expected or accepted, but instead that those clinging to 3D to protect their fortunes and power have the belief that “Someone wants to take my money and power away.”

Those without fortunes or power are also afraid as they cannot comprehend how new structures will allow them to live the life they dream of. For in 3D there is no equality equation.

Those who staunchly remain 3D are doing so out of fear. “If I move into love and joy – a New Age pipe dream – I will lose what I hold dear.” Their vision is not broad enough to know that earth beings are unique so no one will claim resources that do not give them joy.

Each of you – including those doubling down in 3D – have needs and dreams based on your role, karma (karma no longer exists for those of 5D and beyond) that will produce love and joy if followed.

Please observe those trying to cling to fortunes, power, or a lifestyle not quite right for them. They are frightened, frazzled, and need to blame others for their lack of joy. For if they were content with their life, they would welcome new entities, concepts, and energies – knowing within their personal safety that only they can change their life.

So it is those of 3D are maintaining a need for control – within their personal lives and country, community, and family relationships. Something quite obvious across the financial and power spectrum. And as more of you refuse to pander to their fears, their fears are becoming more strident.

But then, your needs are also becoming confused with 3D fear. You are afraid of the structural destruction even though the rebuild will be based in love and joy instead of the fear now rampant in your world.

The obvious question is, “What should you do?” The answer, as always, is finding your joy. If that means sending energy to those creating new open-ended, flowing structures, do so. And if that means creating those open-ended, flowing structures, do that.

There are no shoulds, other than pretending you remain of 3D fear is a roadblock in your new life.

Allow yourself to flow, just as you allow the same for your New Earth creations.

Allow yourself and others to be, and you will be living in joy. Put parameters around yourself and others, and you will feed the energies of those who wish to remain in 3D. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

We know that almost each and every one of you have been through excruciatingly painful circumstances.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Open your hearts to receiving the love that is all around you Breathe. Imagine your heart opening as a flower opens to the sun. It is in a state of open heartednes that you can receive all the gifts and guidance life has to offer.

Your world may be in a state of unrest, but always there is love. Your relationships may be kind or contentious but always there is love. Your bank account may be plentiful or sparse but always there is love. Your job is simply to keep your hearts open and look for love. “Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door will be opened.”

Think of all the wonderful ways Life is loving you right this very moment! You have the the sun shining upon you. You have food upon your table. You have inspiring books to read and programs to watch. You have birds to serenade you with their love songs each morning and night. Love abounds!

Look for love and you will see it shining forth through every natural phenomena and through every open heart.Nature herself is pure love. Your animals and babies are pure love. The open hearted upon your planet earth are allowing Divine love to pour through them. When you open your heart, and choose to love yourself, you allow a steady river of love to pour into your own life.

Can you go look into the mirror in the next few minutes and say to yourself, “I am lovable. I am loved. I AM LOVE.” You are nothing less.

We know that almost each and every one of you have been through excruciatingly painful circumstances.You have suffered loss, rejection, unkindness, and even abuse. You have been disillusioned, threatened and betrayed. However, you have also been LOVED, deeply, gloriously loved, if not by humans, by angels, by God, and by life itself.

When life is unkind make a determination to breathe through it and keep your heart open. Choose to love yourself. Pray to see the innocence of the others involved, for all souls, no matter how unevolved are simply trying to find love.The “un-evolv-ed” are those who continue to feel “un-love-d.”The ones that hurt you are hurting inside. Don’t join them.

People can inspire great pain in you when they cut themselves off from the source of love. But you have to ask yourself the courageous questions,“Where was I not loving myself? Where was I not being honest with myself? When did I ignore my guidance, stop communicating deeply, or refuse to walk away?” How did I break my own heart? How did I betray myself? How did I allow this to occur?”

Although it may be hard to see, in every painful situation, at some point prior, you received guidance, intuition, red flags, or signs that communication or a course-correction was in order. We in the heavens are always trying to steer you towards joy and away from pain. Rather than blaming yourself for missing the signs, take heart! You have learned.

Whether you feel joyous or heartbroken, love is here. Whether you feel rich or poor, love is here! Whether your world is stable or shaky love is here! Love is the eternal reality beneath the ephemeral circumstances of your life!

Dear ones, open your hearts right here and now. Sit. Breathe. Receive our love.Your earth is a tough school indeed, but if you are willing to remain open to Love, it is there for you in every single breath.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Message from the Angels via Ann Albers, June 23d, 2018

Now, we are discovering that the human collective wants more assistance with the everyday experiences that you have, rather than the metaphysical experiences that you want to have. You are asking for help in rising above that which you are living so that you can live better lives in the here and now.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are making a tremendous amount of progress in receiving that which you are offering to us and translating it into something that we can use to help all of you. We are channeling you just as much as some of you are channeling us, because what is channeling if not receiving a transmission and translating it into something useful.

Now, we are discovering that the human collective wants more assistance with the everyday experiences that you have, rather than the metaphysical experiences that you want to have. You are asking for help in rising above that which you are living so that you can live better lives in the here and now.

And we can understand that and relate to what you are going through with the day-to-day struggles that you experience, but we also want you to know that there is so much more for you and we can help to get you to the higher frequency experiences. We can help you bring in more of your fifth dimensional abilities. We can help you usher in the shift in precisely the way that you want to experience it.

The struggles of day-to-day living on planet Earth are what you can help each other with, and we recommend that you look to other humans for help, because we also see that there are more and more of you every day who want to be of service. If we could match you up with the ones who are asking for help, we would, but those who are asking for help need to ask those of you who are wanting to be of service. That’s part of their journey.

We can and will do whatever is in our power to bring the helpers together with those who want to be helped, and we will also continue to be available to any of you who wants more of a metaphysical boost. We are helping you expand your consciousness. We are helping you upgrade your physical bodies. We are doing what we can to assist you in accessing those fifth dimensional abilities.

And right here, right now, we are hoping that this message facilitates more of you reaching out to one another for help with your physical lives and physical needs and concerns. When you get those met, you can reach for something more.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


Greetings my brothers and sisters,
Today Adele is at last ready in every way to channel my rather-long, third message in the ‘Truth will set you free’ higher dimensional teaching series we all have planned to create together, in this exact NOW moment. Most of the time, something needs to first ‘happen’ in Adele’s personal/work life to then trigger the next channeled message.
Prior to writing all of her messages, she needs to first experience/do something/meet some people, for the contents of our next message to then flow through her, authentically. The writing process can never be forced for it all needs to happen at the perfect Divine Timing when both she andthe world are finally ready for it. So thank you all for your infinite patience and support.
Everything that we have advised you to do in our messages, or, every single higher dimensional guidance we have given you throughout our older messages, Adele had: chosen to do, gone through and personally experienced them herself. She needs to be able to write these channeled messages from the perspective of someone who writes from experiential knowledge. She had gone through so much in life for her relatively young age, all of which were planned pre-birth, so that she can now serve the Light as a channel of higher wisdom. Authentic wisdom that needs to feel, or ‘ring’ true to you all.
All of you and Adele and I are truly ONE.That means if you happen to be reading/listening to any one of the channeled messages Adele had been writing on our behalf, you or more accurately, your Higher Self, had definitely contributed to the writing process. And that is the reason why you were attracted to these messages.
Your Higher Selves had invited all of you to come here to this website and read your ownchanneled messages, as a reminder, or a wake-up call, so that you can begin the process of remembering everything that you had voluntarily chosen to forget, when you first entered physicality on 3-D Earth.
In other words, these channeled messages were all written by you and for you, so that you can come here & read them, at the perfect Divine Timing that you have decided for yourself.
And as promised at the end of my last message, today I will be sharing with you all the higher dimensional wisdom behind ‘healing’, or, ‘curing’ your bodies of all illnesses, diseases, ailments and/or any physical/mental/emotional/spiritual disability that you, or your loved ones, may have.
Today’s channeled message is perhaps one of the most important messages the Human Collective needs to know right now, so if you happen to know someone in your life who can truly benefit from reading this ‘timely reminder’, please do not hesitate to share this message with them.
The content of my message today is very intricately and inextricably intertwined with Father God’s most recent message through Adele, titled ‘The Art of Healing Your Life‘. So if you haven’t read that channeled message, please stop reading here, and move on to that message first.
Each older message we had written actually paved the way to greater spiritual/higher understanding on any particular issue being discussed, so if you are new to our messages here, it is highly recommended that you read everything in order; ideally from the very beginning.
It is truly time, my beloved friends, for ALL OF YOU to enjoy perfectly healthy bodies that you truly deserve to have, no matter your age. Anything is possible. There are no limits to what you can create and manifest in your physical reality right now, except for the limits that YOU have set for yourself.
German writer and philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said, “Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can make anything happen”.
In other words, you and ONLY you alone, have the power to change your own health. If you are currently experiencing major health challenges, the time is now for you to realize that a perfect healthy body can be yours to have, ONLY IFyou are willing to do the work to make it happen!
You also have the power to change the way your bodies look. You/your Higher Self are the MASTER of your physical bodies, and NOT the other way around. You can choose to have immortal bodies. No matter your current age, you truly have the freedom to look however old, or however young you want to look. You can feel and truly look younger again.
In other words, say if your definition of an ideal physical appearance is that of a 30-yr old, someone who is not too young and not too old, then you have it within you to: stop and reverse your internal/external ageing process. You canreturn to how you used to feel/look like as a 30-yr old.
Some of you here had perhaps seen photos of men and women who look a lot younger than their true ages. I am quite sure when you first saw them, you would be wondering if those images were photoshopped, or, if they knew highly-skilled plastic surgeons and had gone under their knives, to be able to have the youthful, wrinkle-free visage they are currently enjoying. Alternatively, they may actually be lying about their true age.
Usually, 99% of the time, you would be correct in making those assumptions. However, there is currently a growing minority of men and women living out there right now, who are truly defying the convention. They truly believe that their physical bodies are sacred vessels of their Spirit, and thus have looked after it with much tender loving care. They intuitively follow the inner guidance their bodies are telling them to do, in order to stay in peak condition. These people are: constantly ‘listening’ to physical signals coming from their bodies, and, 100% committed to follow the guidance their bodies are continuously giving them in every moment.
This can be as simple as, say if someone is feeling slightly dehydrated. A wise person will take steps to immediately rectify this minor imbalance before it becomes an issue, or, before it affects them to a greater degree. A more complex example will be, say if you have recently undergone trauma/hardship of any kind in your personal/work life.
You need to do whatever it takes, to bring your life back to perfect equilibrium again, by not running away from the feelings/emotions associated with this trauma. You need to deal with it immediately, (instead of wallowing in fear/anger/sadness/self-pity), so that this trauma will hold no power to keep: you chained, or, the plane that is your life from continuously flying in ‘the lower altitudes’ (see my previous message: Part 2, to understand what this means).
All chronic illnesses, ailments or diseases are usually the result of prolonged negativity/internal stress/mindsets that need to be addressed and permanently released, before they become a problem/before they manifest into your physical reality.
The only exceptions to the above, are health challenges/physical disabilities that your Higher Selves have specifically chosen to experience in this lifetime, for the purpose of your and your loved ones’ Soul Growth. Sometimes your health challenges can also be caused by past lives’ traumas that may still be deeply embedded in your physical body’s cell memories; awaiting the perfect timing for them to be be raised to the surface to then be permanently cleared from your energetic body.
Below are a couple of examples used to illustrate how powerful beliefs, coming from past conditioning, observations and/or life experience, can take you down the path in life where (presumably) you do not wish to go:
1) The women in your family (grandmother, mother, aunt, etc.) had suffered from breast cancer. And since their genes have been passed down to you, you then (subconsciously) believed that breast cancer may be hereditary, and that one day there is a high probability that you will experience the same health challenges. If you continue to hold on to these beliefs, then lo and behold, you will attract and manifest it into your physical reality sometime in the future.
2) Adele had agreed to share her personal story with all of you. In the past ten years, she had been struggling to lose weight. She had tried many different diet systems (popular in Australia) without permanent success. Short-term success occasionally occurred, but in no time, she would re-gain the weight she had lost. Back then, watching Adele struggle with her: weight and eroding self-esteem was not easy, for all of us here in the higher dimensions who love her deeply.
Her weight/health challenges came down to one root cause. She didn’t love herself. She didn’t love her life. She didn’t love life. For her, back then, being physically incarnate on, what used to be 3-D Earth, was extremely challenging for her spiritually-awakening-Self to cope. As an empath, she is able to sense or feel the world/people around her in a way that someone who is still in a deep, spiritual sleep, can never be able to do.
She is able to feel/sense people’s thoughts, feelings and moods easily, if she were to ‘tune in’ to their energy fields. A traumatizing event that happened halfway across the world, she will be able to feel its reverberating effects as easily as if this event had occurred in her own backyard. The sufferings of many living inhabitants of Planet Earth, especially of those in the animal kingdom so very dear to her heart, often caused her to fall into a state of lower vibrations. In the past, there came a point in her life where she stopped caring about life/her body/her health/how she looked, and instead focused upon instant gratification.
She began to eat/drink anything she felt necessary to immediately make herself feel better, without considering the long-term consequences. This is the very definition of emotional eating. She wanted to simply escape the ‘hell’ she was going through, primarily caused by the further awakening of her spiritual abilities and the deeply-entrenched childhood/emotional trauma she had yet to clear back then. If she had continued like that and not changed her ways, she would have probably manifested a sick/imbalanced physical body by now.
With our loving support however, in the past few years, things had begun to change dramatically. Adele had fallen in love with life. She had begun to feel genuinely happy for being alive; for being able to assist many light-workers in a way that suits her passion and innate gifts/talents. Her consciousness is now often vibrating at the frequency of joy, peace, gratitude, health, and abundance, and her outer, physical reality is now beginning to positively change in all aspects; to mirror/reflect this inner shift of her consciousness.
Nowadays, she has totally adapted and been able to manage her energy sensitivity, in a way that is congruent with her goals. She is now naturally attracted to, and often craves healthy foods/drinks, and finds it easier to stay committed to her weight loss goals. In the past few years Adele had: done a lot of clearings and let go of all ’emotional baggage’ that no longer served her.
She is now entering the final ‘healing/clearing’ phase, where she must face & release all unhealed traumas/scars coming from her past lives on Earth. After that’s done, she will be able to enjoy having a healthy, lighter physical and energetic bodiesas the 3-D consciousness that used to be her normal operating system will have been raised in vibrations (will have been upgraded) to that of a higher, fifth-dimensional frequency. And when that happens, Adele will then truly become Master of her life; Master over her own physical body, and not the other way around.
Adele’s journey demonstrates that the process of true, super-deep, lasting healing that goes all the way to the core of a person may take several years to be completed, depending on each person’s motivational/readiness levels to change, and how much ‘baggage’ they have to clear.
The healing process can truly be likened to the process of peeling an onion. For permanent healing to take place, you need to be ready to face, heal, and then let go of everything (all the layers of the onion) that is blocking you from reaching your goals.
Please remember that your goal of having a perfectly healthy body (along with any other important goal you may have) lies deep within, at the onion’s core. The many layers of the onion you need to peel, to get to its core, symbolizes the many, deeply entrenched and deeply embedded 3-D beliefs/habits/mindsets that you need to release.
No matter how tough and emotionally exhausting this cleansing process may be, you need to always stay: resolute & committedin your goals to: get to your core/goal/powerful Inner Self, andrelease everything that is still holding you back. You need to have the unshaken inner belief that what you want has already been given to you, right here, right now, and actually start livingfrom that Consciousness, from this Higher Truth.
LAYERED PERSONALITY – Peeling the layers of the onion often uncovers tears of relief.
You need to ‘broadcast/emit’ the vibrations of health, to get perfect health. Or, you need to vibrate at the frequency of abundance to get more abundance. You cannot be vibrating in the frequency of scarcity/lack, if your goal is its polar opposite. And this is especially true for those of you who have waited long, to manifest any important goal you may have. You cannot keep your focus on the problem, to then expect the solutions to appear. You need to focus on your desires, in order for the ways, the solutions, the people you need to meet who can help you, the books, the websites, to then ‘magically’ appear in your life, to assist with the manifestation process of these desires.
Like Adele (and so many others who have come before her) had often said, please persevere and‘fake it until you make it’. Start living NOW from the end result. Before long, depending on where you are in your spiritual awakening phase, the time lag between: when you initially expressed your goals/wishes and when you actually manifested them into your physical reality, will get smaller and smaller, until one day, there is no time lag. Everything that you wish for/would like to create, is manifested instantly.
When this happens, you will realize that you have permanently left behind your old, 3-D Self to once again be your naturally powerful higher dimensional Self. The Higher Self who is completely unlimited in every way.
The following is a real life story of an actor that truly demonstrated our powers of Creation and Manifestation. This actor was recently in a TV drama series, playing the part of someone who was battling a terminal disease. In the drama, this man displayed his acting prowess by deeply moving the audience’s hearts. He truly embodied that role and became one with the fictitious, scripted character. In every single episode of that highly-emotional drama, he was living the life of someone who had cancer.
This means, throughout the many months it took for the actor to complete the filming of this drama, his entire Self was constantly emitting the frequency of someone who was battling a serious disease. His words, the emotions portrayed, his actions (in the drama), and even his eyes showed genuine portrayal of someone who was a cancer patient. For his eyes to show ‘genuine emotion’ meant even his thoughts were consistent to that of someone who was seriously sick.
What happened next was not at all a surprise. This actor got cancer in his real life, a few short months after filming was wrapped up. The Universe saw that this actor was thinking, talking, feeling and behaving in a way that was consistent with that of a patient battling a terminal disease. And consequentially gave this actor, what he had been ’emitting’ most of the time: that of an unhealthy body.
The Universe does NOT differentiate between what is ‘real’ and what is ‘fake’.
The Universe is acting just like an impartial genie; it will always grant you your wishes that you have given out to the Universe (coming from your consistentenergetic vibrations/signals). Provided what you want does NOT infringe on another person’s Free Will.
This is why you all have to be very careful about what you focus upon. What you focus upon always expands. You need to have perfect clarity about your goals/intentions. And you need to do whatever you can, to align everything that you are thinking/saying/being/doing, with what you want to happen, and not its polar opposite.
It is high time for all of you to deeply realize and understand that the physical Universe that Father/Mother God have created is all about vibrations. Everything is energy. All is one. The Universe is simply the Manager of all vibrations.
You are currently living in physicality, to experience, practice and demonstrate your Divine Creation and Manifestation powers. Everything that you are constantly focused upon, both wanted or not wanted, will always be given to you 100% of the time. (As long as it does not infringe on someone else’s Free Will, and, as long as your vibrations and the vibrations of your desires are a perfect match.)
Your powerful emotions (positive and/ornegative emotions) will speed up the manifestation process of your desires. This is also called the Law of Attraction.
During my famous physical incarnation as Jesus of Nazareth, I had come across a lot of sick/disabled people and been able to seemingly heal many people who had come to see me. The reason why I just said ‘seemingly’ is quite simple. Sick people who had traveled to see me back then, were the ones who already possessed strong belief systems within themselves, that once they met me, I would be able to give them ‘the final push/the necessary boost’ into perfect health.
These people wholeheartedly believed that it was time for them to return to perfect health. They once again felt they deserved to have perfect health and were ready to welcome it back into their lives. At a Higher level, they had decided that they had learnt everything they could, and had experienced everything they had wanted to experience, from living inside a sick, or disabled, physical body.
This is the reason why, so often after someone had ‘transformed’ back to their perfectly healthy Self, I would alwayssay the following phrases to them, over and over again:
“Your faith has healed you. Go andstay in peace and be freed from your suffering”
These two statements that seem simple enough to understand actually have a profound, much deeper meaning to them:
1) “Your faith has healed you”.
Quite simply, this means that, I (Jesus) did not heal you. It was definitely nota case of me acting humble. I was simply stating facts; stating the ultimate, authentic Truth. It was my way of saying to them: ‘You had chosen to heal yourself; you were the one who had healed your physical body of these ailments. I was only there to facilitate and help you manifest: your crystal-clear, powerful, existing inner beliefs/intentions, into your physical reality faster.’
2) “Go and stayin peace and be freed from your suffering”
This second statement was my crucial piece of advice for them: to always remain in the vibrations of perfect health, peace, abundance, love and harmony, so they can continuously enjoy a healthy physical body and consequently, normal healthy lives.
In other words, if after being ‘healed’ those people returned to their old lives and then started behaving in the way they used to be (that created/manifested the experience of having a sick physical body in the first place), then, there was a high probability that they would once again, manifest into their future reality, the same sick body, they just ‘healed’ themselves from.
It is important that you now realize that ONLY YOU can heal your life. Only you can heal your physical body. No one but you, can heal your body and your life.You are the Supreme Authority of your own life, in every way. You are completely responsible and must stay in charge of your health in every way.
Before the start of my ministry, I was already the physical embodiment of my Higher Self. I was walking around truly as a living embodiment of the Christ Consciousness; God’s pure, Unconditional Love and Unity consciousness. I had transcended all 3-D limitations, and become an Unlimited Being in every way. I had achieved ONENESS with my God-Self. Oneness with my Inner Self.
This means as Jesus, I was walking around with an Awareness, or with a Consciousness of someone completely functioning from a Higher-Dimensional Perspective (a Higher-Dimensional Operating System) that states: All is well. All is perfection.
Mind is consciousness which has put on limitations. You are originally unlimited and perfect. Later you take on limitations and become the mind.
You are awareness. Awareness is another name for you. Since you are awareness there is no need to attain or cultivate it. All that you have to do is to give up being aware of other things, that is of the not-Self. If one gives up being aware of them then pure awareness alone remains, and that is the Self.
– Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi (30 December 1879 – 14 April 1950) –
At some point in your past, you had all experienced how other people’s way of being, their vibrations/consciousness could easily affect your moods/feelings. Hanging around some people you knew, could either: lift you up, or, bring you down. All is energy. All is vibrations. In much the same way, your vibrations are constantly affecting the people in your vicinity (to a greater degree) and everyone/thing else on Planet Earth (to a smaller degree).
In other words, your very presence; your Consciousness (i.e. your vibrations) affects ALL on this planet, collectively.
And in much the same way, when you are spending enough time in the presence of someone who is living from a heart-based, higher dimensional perspective – someone who has almost, or, already become an embodiment of their Higher/Inner Selves – your own vibrations will automatically be raised higher, to match the vibrations of this person.
And this is what happened to those sick people whom I had seemingly ‘healed’. The aspect of my Self who played the role of Jesus, had attained the consciousnessof someone who completely believed that everyone was unlimited, perfect, and whole in every way. Healing was actually NEVER required, because all the people Jesus came across during our physical incarnation were already perfect just as they were.
These people’s Higher Selves were all powerful, Divine Aspects of Father/Mother God, and therefore, they did NOT need to be healed.
When these sick people came close to my physical location, my energy field; to my attained, Higher-Dimensional Consciousness, their entire Being began to vibrate/accelerate at a Higher level. All four aspects of a person’s Self (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) were automatically cleansed of all negativity/3-D beliefs, and their combined frequency was then raised to match the frequency of their Higher Selves.
And the after-effects of this energetic synergy, coming from the blend of my higher-dimensional energy field and the sick person’s energy field, was that of a complete physical transformation.
This was often labeled as a miracle healing, by those who had limited understanding/3-D consciousness of the entire process.
(Please note, that the word ‘healing’ that Father God and I had often used in our channeled messages, or, that Adele had been using a lot for her ‘energy healing’ services, is simply a label, or a symbol, used to best describe the after effects of such a journey/such a practice. The word ‘healing’ should be more accurately replaced by the word ‘realignment’ instead.
The practice of energy healing is the practice of realigning ALL with their perfectly healthy, Higher-Frequency Selves.)
Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you. (Lao Tzu – 604 BC to 531 BC)
As mentioned previously, I had given out specific advice afterall those sick people had transformed back into their physically-healthy Selves again. I specifically told them to be careful not to drop their vibrations; not to return and live with a Lower consciousness that first created the physical diseases/ailments in the first place.
I could not constantly spend time with every single one of these people, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I was never responsible for their consciousness, for their day-to-day vibrations. In other words, I could not live their lives for them. Each of them was responsible for their own lives, and it was up to them to either: remain in the Higher-Vibrations where I had assisted them in moving into, or, to drop in frequency, back to where they used to be (prior to their ‘miraculous healing’).
Some of you here had previously experienced an energy healing session from either a Reiki practitioner, or a practitioner of any other energy healing modalities. Immediately after a session, you would have noticed remarkable improvements in your health, or in how you were feeling. This was because after an energy healing session, your energy vibrations had been raised to better match the vibration/frequency of your Higher Self.
It was then up to you to either: remain ‘flying’ in the high altitudes, or, to lower ‘the plane, that is your life’ back to the low altitudes, where you had previously flown around in for so long.
No one can ever be held responsible for your own regular, habitual, or daily vibrations. Deep healing must come from within.
You need to commit to doing whatever you can, to stay high-vibrational at all times, in order to reach your destination of: complete energetic realignment with your Higher Self, i.e. complete, permanent and lasting healing.
In other words, the fastest, surest way for you to completely heal your body and life, is to 100% commit to doing whatever you can to becoming and embodying your Higher Self in every way.When you are walking around as the embodiment of a Higher Dimensional Consciousness – that of your Higher Self’s, you are at your most powerful. You become unlimited. You are free from all 3-D beliefs.
Remember to often repeat the 3 potent affirmations Father God had shared with all of you in the channeled message ‘The Art of Letting Go‘ Adele had previously written for us. The power of those 3 statements should not be underestimated.
However, if your love for yourself/for your physical body is severely lacking at the moment, please also say these 3 additional affirmations often, to help you in your journey to perfect health/oneness with your Higher Self.
Let me now summarize all the important steps you need to take, in order to heal/realign your life and physical body completely, with your already-healthy Higher Selves:
1) Be clear about what you want. Perfect inner clarity and a strong, unwavering intention to reach your goals are required for this challenging/healing journey that is not for the faint-hearted.
2) Turn on your powers of Creation and Manifestation, by regularly saying Decrees or Affirmations that are consistent with your goals of a healthier life, a healthier body.
3) Do whatever it takes, to stay constantly aligned with your goals. Focus on your goals and not on their polar opposites. Keep your vibrations as high as possible. It is important for those of you serious about having a healthy physical body, to: read/re-read my older channeled message through Adele titled ‘The Blueprint of Your New 5-D Life‘ and thoroughly learn how to stay high-vibrational.
4) Follow your inner guidance, your intuition. Talk to your body often, and once a day, send ‘loving messages/thoughts’ to it. Tell your body how much you love it, and how grateful you are for having a healthy body (talk to your body as if perfect health is already yours now, using present tense instead of using future tense). Listen to the physical ‘signals/symptoms’ that your body is constantly giving you. And give your body the TLC (tender loving care) that it needs at all times. Your body is always working hard to bring your four aspects of Self into constant equilibrium; into perfect balance.
So if/when you are craving something, always honor its needs by giving it the healthy alternativeof the substance you may be craving for. This is how you demonstrate your love for life, and your love for your body.
5) Always be open to your spirit team’s guidance on how best to heal your life/body. When we constantly send you repetitive information about something/someone, or when we give you inner ‘urging’ to do/get something, that is our way of supporting you in this endeavor/goal. The process of energetic realignment back to your Higher Self, can happen as fast, or as slow, as you allow it to be. It all depends on your commitment, motivational and readiness levels to once again be wholly healthy and wholly ONE with your powerful Higher Self again.
6) The cliché ‘You Are What You Eat’ is literally true. Make powerful intentions right now to consume only organic, high-vibrational foods/drinks that support your goal of becoming perfectly healthy again. And make strong intentions right now to permanently release everything that is blocking you from getting the results you desire/getting a healthier body. Including all self-limiting beliefs and habits you may currently have.
Please take the time to read this wonderful, free electronic book titled ‘Eating for Ascension‘ by Meg Davis (click here to download).
And please watch Dr. Anthony Lim’s YouTube video on the magnificent, life-transforming benefits of a whole food, plant-based diet:
In whatever goal you have set out for yourself, your spirit team and I, will strongly support you 100% in that endeavor. For example, if your goal is to one day become 100% vegan; eating only organic fruits & vegetables, please do not hesitate to ask for our assistance (e.g. financial assistance perhaps so that you can afford to buy organic produce). Also ask us to help strengthen your motivation in: becoming/staying a vegan, or, living a healthier lifestyle, especially in times of stress when you are then more susceptible to going back to your old, unhealthy eating/drinking habits.
Archangel Raphael, as the Healing Archangel is able to assist all of your health-oriented goals, along with all of us here in the higher dimensional realms. Please do not feel as if you may be ‘bothering’ us with your requests for assistance. We are multi-dimensional; we are able to assist all of you, all at the same time.
Now that all of you know, or more accurately, have remembered the higher-dimensional knowledge/wisdom you need to heal your body/your life, what are you going to do next?
Will you do whatever it takes to free yourself from this third-dimensional limitation of having a sick, ailing, diseased physical bodies? Or would you like to continue playing small, playing weak, as if you are entirely powerless in the face of the health challenges you are currently facing?
Are you NOW ready to take back control of your life, your health, your body? Or will you continue to be dictated by your circumstances and act as if you have never read this channeled message in the first place?
As Father God had recently stated in his last message through Adele, “If you keep doing, or being, the way you had been doing/being all these years, you will keep getting the same results/outcomes that you had been getting thus far.
Something has to first change, before your health can begin to change for the better. And that something is: YOU!
As always, your desire to change, OR not to change, will be completely supported by all of us here in the company of Heaven. For your Free Will; your freedom to live your life the way you want to live it, is very much respected at all times.
We are loving you very much beyond measure.
Your brother in Light,
Channeled by Adele Arini. Copyright 2018. If you re-post, please retain article in its entirety, and provide the link below. Much love & gratitude.


Do You Dare?

Dear Ones,

Many of you are experiencing fogginess, of not quite being here nor there. Such is to be expected given the tremendous number of energies pummeling you.

You truly are between here and there as you adjust to the new energies and new you.

Even though you continue your daily routines of work, grocery shopping, child care, school, etc., there seems to be a difference in your ability to connect with those common 3D activities.

You are between dimensions and frequencies. Not in the way you anticipated when you first learned that such was a possibility. But instead almost as if you are grasping anything solid. Yet that 3D solid beingness seems nebulous, odd, foggy – different somehow – as if you are living a dream.

So it is you are adapting physically to your new being in various dimensions.

Even though many of you are excited by the thought of time, dimension, and frequency hopping, you did not factor in practicing.

You likely already travel through time, frequencies, and dimensions with your heart and mind. Now your physical being is catching up.

Your physical being is always the last to complete phases for your physicality is the densest portion of your earth being. So it is you are taking your physical being for various test runs the next few days.

Some of you will time hop, others dimension or frequency hop and still others will do all three. For it is the role you created for this life that determines how your physical being will function.

Perhaps some of you feel little or nothing. Such does not mean you are not of 5D or beyond. Merely that you do not require practice because you are already fully qualified. Or your role is less about different times and places than the here and now.

Your inner-being knows where to direct you. So do not try to become something you are not. Which, of course, is the standard operating procedure in 3D.

In a sense, you are now on automatic pilot, unlike your former 3D life. No one can tell you who you are for you are learning who you are day by day. In the same vein, you cannot create interest or skills in an area not directly related to your new being role.

Some of you are concerned that such means you have no choice, that your freedom is curtailed by your inner-being. Such is not true. For you will discover that if your role does not include the need to learn certain elements, practicing those elements will be work instead of joy.

You are now programmed for joy. A program that will direct you more rapidly than any messages you read or any envy you might feel.

You are directing yourself from within. A direction that will lead you to joyful times and actions.

Some of you worry because your dreams do not seem to come true in a timely fashion or in the way you would like. Do not fret. Please remember that the next few days are about physical practice, about floating in and out of your new reality.

We venture to guess that your dreams are shifting a bit as a result. Perhaps, some parts of your dreams are coming to fruition indicating you are practicing dream retrieval. Perhaps you are discovering that your physical being requires more rest than usual in preparation for your dream retrieval. Or perhaps, you feel stuck.

Your stuckness will not last much longer for the energies pummeling you now will not allow such to be true. Your dreams may evolve a bit as you fully claim your being, but they will come to fruition for that is your self-reward for a job well done.

What you must understand is that you are in control of your life and your dreams. There is no one outside of you including us, of the ethers, who will give you what you are unwilling to give yourself.

Perhaps the thought that you are on your own regarding your ongoing earth creations makes you angry. Even though we, of the ethers, can give you tips, as we told you many months ago, you are forging new paths in new territory. We do not have the rules nor the skills to further your journey.

Your roadmap was not created by us, we were merely observers throughout your 3D struggles. Given that most of us, of the ethers, have experienced an earth life or lives, we were able to understand and nudge you in the directions you wanted to go. Here and there we saved you from harm or falling too far from your path.

But once you created New Earth and new you, you moved beyond our expertise.

We view the overall plan or tapestry knowing that you have as much expertise as do we in creating and exploring. So do not expect us to inform you of your next step or creation. You are your creator.

Not only are you as skilled as we are despite your 3D physicality, but you also have a different type of expertise than do we. We know the earth outcome is joy. But it is your unique contribution to that joy we cannot create for you, nor direct you to.

For you have been taken off automatic pilot as you fully claimed your inner skills. You are free of the earth and Universal shoulds and requirements.

What does your heart, your inner-being tell you to do? That is your unique roadmap. No one can follow or create that path. It is yours and yours alone.

You do not need us to light that path, for your beams of joy are much brighter than any we could give you. And you do not need us to tell you, “Do not move there, move here.” as we did so often in the past, for your inner GPS is much more sophisticated than any we have.

You are free and wise and fruitful. Allow that to be your message forevermore as you create your life of joy you during this phenomenal transition. You are creating a new heaven on earth, and by doing so, you are creating a new star path to and for the heavens. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:


would you wish to feel like 35 years until you are 298 years old

15th June 2018. Mike Quinsey.

Once again I have found a message from Kryon “Trump will change the World” a title that bears no relationship at all to the message. It is the best one I have read so far, as the whole content is about the changes that Humanity can expect in the near future. I have copied those sections I feel would be considered the most Important. I would recommend reading it in full for more about our DNA and the coming shift. If you would like a full copy I will Email it to you.





The biology starts to cooperate, you live longer, a lot longer up to three times longer, not only that, the elimination of disease by itself, because the body is able to fight it, where something called Innate in your body talks to you on a regular basis intuitively, a self-diagnostic that is intuitive and is about time. Can you imagine what that might do to your medical industry, it is actually going to help them, because when you show up on their doorstep you will know what you need and they will be able to help you far better, and in your country (U.S.A.) they are keeping people sick for money, and all that is going to fall over, get ready for the demise as you know it. A big Pharma – it is not going to continue, it cannot any more than tobacco did for the same reason, any more than Banks can continue doing what they did, for the reasons they did and you took care of it and it hurts, it still hurts.


Dear Ones, because the planet needs your Light, could it be any clearer all of the things given to you can be used appropriately in combination. Biology is going to change, life expectancy will become longer, and then there is a Human Being who says “I do not think I want to live that long that long – my goodness I know what it feels like at 70 years, why would anyone live to 300 years”. We would say to you how 3D of you, would you wish to feel like 35 years until you are 298 years old, and that is what is at hand. Dear Ones the body rejuvenates itself much better than it does now. Can you conceive of this where the stem cell blueprints are picked up over and over and you do not make a copy of a copy, you make the original over and over last a long time, and you last fresh and young, this is what is possible. This is where it is eventually going and the potentials. Kryon you mean that is no, an absolute no. Humanity is a free choice, you can turn it around if you want to but the steam roller is fired up and moving, it is hard to stop it. The ball of snow is rolling down the hill, it is hard then to make it smaller. 



Finally there are those who are going to say alright how about the big one, what are we going to do about religion. There are those who would sit well with the mind set of what you would call metaphysicians or New Agers who would say it is all going to have to go away, because they will realise the truth – No it will not! Why should something go away that has the seeds of love of God. For those he saw the Master in all his glory and wrote about him, did they throw that away, one of the only Human Beings on the planet known to have met with an Angel face to face in a cave and had dialogue and instructions, and became a prophet – would you throw that away “No” – let me tell you what is going to happen with that which is being developed in your DNA, which is the same thing that will keep Humans from warring, and is also going to give them a different opinion as to how they should look at various belief systems on the planet, and they will continue to have those organisations under certain names that you even know now. But there will be big differences and what I will call as “allowance of compassion”. One will look at the other and see it as a branch of the same tree, coming from the same source and they will respect one another. Just like you eat different foods for your different ways of worship, respect for the other, not anger, not war and that is not what some of you expect either, and you are going to see the seeds of it. Sometime in your generation you may even see the seeds of it, it starts to appear as a gentleness between belief systems. Do you really think you are going to have a planet where all those thousands of years of reading will simply vanish. It is not practical is it, no instead expect them to morph into something that is cooperative, that is beautiful and the differences are celebrated, instead of warring over them and it is about time, this is the practical. The Human Being will change in attitude in the conceptualness of what is correct and not correct, and what creates survival will be that which is compassionate. This is the new Human Being, this is the future, you are starting to turn the corner. I have just given you a snapshot of what can be and what we say will take place. 



There are two things you should celebrate. Some of you will have an Akashic remembrance because firstly inheritance will start to surface, and you will come into the planet absolutely knowing that you have been here before, that even the religious that do not believe that will see this, acknowledge it and see it as a part of a grand system that fits into their belief system, that gives credibility to the divine in you, that is taught by all the religions. A monotheistic God is here on the planet and that is the belief and that is the first thing and it should be part of it, and the second thing Dear Ones even for those of you who do not believe this, that the children of your children are going to see a better Earth, not a worse one. I want you to know this and that is worth celebrating. You sit in the cusp, you sit right where the seeds are being planted, not even harvested. Seed planters who may not see the harvest in their lifetime can now celebrate the harvest which will be good. 



The Love of God, that is why I Kryon am here, it is why the channellers are here. If you hear a message that is not like this I want you to examine it carefully, because there are more of us giving you this one than the other. The chances are that if you hear those who would warn you of the upcoming doom they have an agenda, take a look because it is not the potential that is actually there. Old energy dies hard, it may be more difficult to come because it is that way. My worker, old soul do not fear the change you have brought, there are hundreds of lives that you have lived. It is about time that this occurs. Flow with it, understand and celebrate it daily and thank God you are part of it, for it is the fruition of everything you have done, the very reason we are here, it is no wonder we wash your feet, ponder these things for they are the things you created – and so it is. Kryon the Magnetic Master. 



Back to Earth and amidst the chaos and uncertainty, progress is nevertheless slowly being made, and peace rather than war is top of the agenda. Trump and Kim are making an historic change that not long ago would have been thought impossible. There is no doubt in my mind that the new energies are bringing world peace about.


I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message has been prompted by my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God. 



In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


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For those of you who see no change, let us assure you that one or two years from now your lives will be so different that you may have a difficult time remembering what today was like.

The Council – Retuning

A great number of you are experiencing what appears to be a ceasing, or an interruption, of your communication with your guides, teachers, and high selves, what this channel has named The Council. We would speak to this now in order to remove your discomfort.

You have asked repeatedly, have you not, that your level of communication be expanded, be raised, be improved? Now, it is not that what is happening is of exactly that nature. It is more that your energy fields are being raised to a higher vibration by your efforts and your consequent influence upon each other. This is being caused, and in a major way abetted, by the increasingly higher vibrational field into which your entire star system is moving.

There is a cyclical movement that many are aware of and that has been anticipated by some. But, in addition there are certain emanations that are approaching your system that are already beginning to have a salubrious effect on everything in their path.

This means that every energy field will be changed. All consciousness will rise. And you will not truly begin to understand that until you realize that all is energy and therefore all is conscious. This is having, and will continue to have, the effect of creating changes within and around you that have historically been considered to be impossible.

Many have spoken of, written about, and ‘taught’, that the internal changes, the changes to your own consciousness would be miraculous. Please consider that a miracle is only an effect for which the cause is not known. Since the cause is being explained, we will say that this is no miracle.

Your consciousness is entering a vibrational rate that will have you becoming aware of a great deal that you have not been aware of in your known past. Many that are having this experience are in fear of it. Please do not be.

We know that almost all of you have had dreadful experiences in past lives caused by the attempted stamping out of these kinds of awareness. This will no longer be the case. There is nothing to fear. How can your own mind be something to fear?

Fear itself, however, will do its very best to keep you under its ‘control’. This is true both individually and collectively. Perhaps it will help to understand the individual through seeing it in the collective, it being so obvious there.

Let  us return to the subject of your connection with us. You are, perhaps, going through a short period of having to retune your radio. Our broadcast, our frequency, has not changed. But yours has. Understand, please, that there is really nothing that you must do to correct this other than to hold the intent that your connection remain unbroken. Of course, if you wish to do meditations, etc., to align more closely, no harm will be done. But we very much wish you to know that nothing ‘wrong’ has been done by you. We did not go away. We have never ceased our loving guidance.

Please take into account, also, the many wonderful new things that are happening in your lives. For those of you who see no change, let us assure you that one or two years from now your lives will be so different that you may have a difficult time remembering what today was like. Your own responses to the happenings in your lives will be so different as to surprise even you.

Once again returning to your alignment with us, all you need do is to hold that alignment in your hearts. Value it. Know that it is, in fact, expanding and improving. What is improving, actually, is your awareness. There can be no disconnect between two parts of a whole. We are one.

Creator’s love to you. It is your right. It is, in truth, your being.


There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

You have passed every possible milestone with so much strength and courage

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are taking yourselves to a place where you have never been before, and the experience of moving through the fourth dimension is one that you will always hold fondly in your memory. Once you will have ascended, you will look back upon yourselves during these times and you will celebrate yourselves for the strength, the courage, and the perseverance that it took to make it to the apex of your journey of consciousness.

You are doing so much in such a short period of linear time, and your ability to steer and navigate through the intensity of all that you’ve had to feel and all that you’ve had to face is a testament to the human spirit. This is a time when you could be giving up and going back to leading a third-dimensional type of life. You could easily choose to drown yourselves in all of the distractions, and all of the numbing agents that you have available to you.

But instead, you continue on, and we want to celebrate the human spirit at this time, because on this journey that seems like it’s been going on for ages, there are very few moments that we see you all taking to celebrate yourselves. We know that there’s always more for you to accomplish, and you have the sense that the journey is far from over.

So why then would you want to stop working so hard on becoming fifth dimensional? Why would you ever want to just celebrate who you are and all that you’ve become? The answer is simple. Your ascension is a guarantee, but how you will do it is entirely up to you. Nothing is set in stone. You are creating the experience of the shift. You are creating your own personal experience, and you are co-creating as a collective.

You have passed every possible milestone with so much strength and courage, and you can let go of any ideas that you have about needing to be somewhere other than where you are. Because as you accept that you have made it this far, and you celebrate yourselves for that accomplishment, you will continue to persevere, and you will allow this shift to occur in the most joyous way possible.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Your Merkaba

Visualize Yourself in a Violet Merkaba Field to filter only good vibrations to enter your aura,more often than you think friends,family and others without their awareness are bringing your vibration down.
Protect yourself and be aware at all times every where.
You can choose to allow low energies to enter your aura or not.
Up to you.

(Merkabah, also spelled Merkaba, is the divine light vehicle allegedly used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. “Mer” means Light. “Ka” means Spirit. “Ba” means Body)


Question:  I wanted to find out about the Merkaba. I have been using the Merkaba now and again before and then on the call I thought well I should use the Merkaba every day and just put it around me. And then I thought to myself a few days into that, well, why am I doing that if my purpose is to bring the light into my body and get my body into a higher and higher realm. Why would I want to put something around me that would block that out a little bit or stifle the effects of that. So then I got into the question as to how to use the Merkaba, when to use it. Maybe I don’t want to just put it on me every morning and have it on all day. So what’s the best way to use that Merkaba?

OneWho Serves:  Wonderful question. When you use the Merkaba though, you are not keeping the light out. In a sense you are actually inviting the light in more. You are bringing the light in. It’s easier here when you use this. But you are keeping out the negative vibrations. Those things around you whether it be family, friends, acquaintances, people that you meet where you walk into a room and you feel those negative energies and they bombard you and they bring you down into a lower dimensional frequency, into lower vibrations. This can block that. It can literally repel those negative vibrations, those thoughts, those negative feelings and emotions away from you. Unless you want to let them in. It’s up to you. You can let them in or you can hold them off. That is up to you. You see?

read more here :

One Who Serves via James McConnell, June 3d, 2018

and here :

Sananda via James McConnell, June 3d, 2018


You are going to be getting more of the fifth dimensional experience and grounding it into the physical realm, making it available to others.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the foresight to be able to anticipate some of what you will need in the coming days, weeks, and months ahead. We are at your service, so to speak, and always looking out for opportunities to lend some energy to the human collective, and to those of you individuals who are reaching out to us. There is nothing that you desire for yourselves that is out of your reach at this point.

You need not feel limited in your ability to create. In fact, you are becoming masterful with your creations, and you are working very well with the higher frequency energies that have been coming your way. We want you to soften the criticism that we often see you putting upon yourselves for not being further along, for not having manifested something in your reality that you want to experience, or for simply not being good enough, or offering enough service to the rest of humanity.

You are evolving at a faster rate than ever before, but you do tend to hold yourselves back in those moments where you are not only not acknowledging how far you have come, but actually getting down on yourselves for not being even further along on your journeys.

What we can see coming for all of you are opportunities to stand in your strength and in your power as individuals. We see you all giving yourselves opportunities to shine your lights even brighter, to access even more of the Source Energy that you truly are, and some of you are going to begin to know yourselves as your higher selves for longer stretches of time.

You are going to be getting more of the fifth dimensional experience and grounding it into the physical realm, making it available to others. This is how you awakened ones lead. It is not through what you accomplish, or how many books you write, or how much money you make doing what you do.

You are leading the way by granting yourselves these fifth dimensional experiences and these moments of knowing yourselves as your higher selves. And in so doing, you make it possible for the others in the collective to know themselves as fifth dimensional beings. This is no small feat. This is how you are paving the way for the rest of humanity to shift.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”