All posts by Nikos
Let’s talk about sacred sex.
Slow down, and enjoy the ride.
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been noticing that the majority of those of you who are awakened have made plans for yourselves in this lifetime that have not come to fruition, and we have also noticed that the majority of you feel bad about not having accomplished the goal that you set out to accomplish. For some of you, it is several goals. You have incarnated in this lifetime to do so much more than accomplish things in the physical realm.
It is easy for you to measure accomplishments that are physical in nature. You can easily point to how many books you have written, how much money you have made, how many followers you have, and so on. But it is much more challenging to quantify the enormity of the shift in consciousness that you are not only experiencing, but are also consciously participating in.
And that’s where it gets tricky for most of you, because you want to participate in a bigger way. You want to do more. You want to feel more of an impact on the collective, and you are getting impatient as well. You are feeling impatient with yourselves because of the lack of third dimensional accomplishments, and you are getting impatient with the rest of the collective.
You want this shift to complete itself, the sooner the better. What you are missing out on, what is available to you, but you are not quite grasping yet, is the opportunity for all of you to feel the shift incrementally. You need to register what is happening on your own personal Richter Scales. You need to feel for the energies that are coming to you and play with them like you would play with new toys, new technology, and look less for outside confirmation of what we are saying right now.
Look less frequently at what governments are doing, banks and corporations, and others who hold positions of power, and instead look within. Feel for the changes that are afoot. You are the ones who came to experience this shift consciously. Slow down, and enjoy the ride.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
A new you in a new world indeed.
Dear Ones,
Perhaps you feel your creative well is dry.
Of course, such is not true for a variety of reasons, most important of which is your need to create anew.
You are not you of yesteryear or even yesterday. So it is you are evolving so rapidly you cannot decide what you need, much less want. Forcing you to ask, “Does it matter what I create because I’ll change my mind tomorrow?” A thought containing more truth than you realize.
Even though some of you have created a sense of stability, that creation is merely your starting point. Perhaps you created a new home or job – the results of which will be far different from what you now realize.
Such a creation might be a step toward the presidency of that company. A new home might be the beginning of your perfect home and community.
You are just beginning your 5D creation activities. So for most, the first step is to create a semblance of 3D comfort and ease.
We informed you a few days ago that you would create a comfort zone – not because you have to, but because such allows you to reduce fears about your future. For you are starting your new creation life at the same time you are internalizing the energies that have pushed your personal boundaries for some weeks now.
For some, those energy results are exhaustion or irritability because you do not yet understand when or how those internal changes will end. So it is you have a bit of an edge worrying about your future at the same time you lovingly accept that future.
You do not need to be concerned about your future. But because eons of fear and pain were stuffed deep within you, your go-to mode for any change including one of this size and gravity is fear and angst.
Such is why you created your comfort piece that is the beginning of your creations instead of your end goal as would have been true in 3D.
In 3D, you proclaimed your inventiveness with one or maybe two large creations assuming that you had been amply rewarded and that was all there was. That you could not wish for a great deal more and if such happened it was because you were lucky.
What is happening now is that your initial comfort creation is merely an ability test run. It is not an ending nor something you need to marvel at. But instead, a knowing that your creative skills are alive and well and that this is the beginning of something greater than you can now imagine.
For even though your recent or soon-to-be creations are perhaps wondrous, they are merely the first building blocks of your heaven on earth.
In 3D, you accepted what was allowed within your self-made parameters of fitting in and being a good citizen. Those boundaries no longer exist.
Many wonder how valid your creations are given that you are not certain your creations are something you want today for they were yesterday’s wants or needs.
Yesterday’s creation was merely to test your creation powers in a new world with new segments. This or these creations that will not be your end result, but instead a comfort creation with memories of 3D wishes.
Many of you pined for a certain lifestyle while of 3D earth that was never completely formulated for you were more concerned with what fears would likely overtake you than you were with the creation. In truth, at least two-thirds of your creation powers were devoted to maintaining a distance between you and potential fearful outcomes.
Now that you are of 5D, those fears are no longer part of your repertoire even though memories of those fears encouraged you to create your most recent comfort zone.
So it is your creation thoughts are something like, “If this new me is my reality, I would like a new home, but even if it isn’t, I would like a new home that is more comfortable than what I have now.” You could replace the word home with financial freedom, work, children, relationships and thousands of other wants that would make you more comfortable whether you were of 3D or 5D.
You did so because, as is true of the first explorers, you do yet not fully believe you will find new lands (creations) or be able to return to your home (your 3D comfort zone) until you completed that task.
Many of the explorers – as will be true for you – decided they preferred their new discoveries to their past earth lives, but until the new land was discovered all they could envision was their original life.
You are discovering new lands and deciding whether you wish to return home or continue with your discoveries.
But then, your 3D home is no longer a soft or available landing. In truth, you are more like humans who cannot return home because their home has been destroyed by fire, bombing, or some other means.
Your choice is whether you will accept your new world with open arms or continue to miss an old life that no longer exists. That inner discussion, that angst is what you are processing as you create the piece perfect for 3D you but not YET quite right for 5D you.
So it is you will create more and more of your 5D joy needs within the framework of this initial comfort zone once you realize that new you is your new reality and you are not limited to one or two creations.
You have no limits other than those you impose upon yourself. Which you are likely doing now as you adjust to new you without the fears and limitations of 3D. A new you in a new world indeed. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:
Dealing With Intense Ascension Energies,Meditations Can Be More Fun!
The Sensitivity of the Awakened ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
It takes a certain amount of sensitivity to awaken. You cannot just awaken in your mind. You must also awaken with your senses, your feelings, and sensitivity is a big part of the awakening process. If you do not know how you feel, how would you know when something is resonating with you? How would you be able to access the emotion of love? Your sensitivity is a strength, and it comes with a side effect. That side effect is that you also can feel more pain.
We are living in a dualistic universe where there are certain polarities, and you are beings that have been operating within a great deal of polarity. What that means is that you can go very far in either direction on a spectrum. The more pain you can feel, the more love. The more love you can feel, the more fear. And so, if you are afraid of feeling anything, then you are dumbing down your sensitivity to feel everything, and that simply is not going to work for those of you who are awakened.
That’s why you chose to be the sensitive ones before you incarnated. You chose to have deep feelings and big feelings, and some of you chose to ignore them for most of your lives, others chose to drown to alcohol, or numb them with drugs, but eventually, you came to this place where you are now. You are at a place where you can not only feel your emotions, but you also understand the strength and the power that you have access to because of them.
By accessing your emotions, you become better at offering vibrations, and when you become better at offering vibrations, you become better creators. And when you can sit with all feelings inside of you, and be at peace, at one with everything and everyone, then you will know that you have in fact become your higher self. And you will know in those moments that you have set foot in the fifth dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
The Act of Calling Forth from the Inner Planes
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 31st August 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings, I am Lord Melchizedek, the overseer and Logos of the Universal Level. It is my purpose as an Ascended Master, a source of the Melchizedek consciousness and as a Christed Being to bring forth a sacred message to you at this most powerful time of your ascension. The energies anchoring at this time support openness, connection, empowerment, love and accessing your genuine self. This means that your ability to communicate with the Inner Planes is heightened and your ability to receive from the Inner Planes is empowered. Thus, a great wealth of wisdom, understanding, support, love, healing and guidance is available to you now, and you are being supported in receiving from the Inner Planes.
The Inner Planes are the spiritual planes of the Universe of the Creator, there are 352 levels of energy and existence which embodies all that is the Creator, allowing the full experience of the Creator. As spiritual beings existing on the Earth, many can be blind to the presence of the Inner Planes which exists both within them and around them, believing that only the Earth exists. They have yet to acknowledge that the wealth of wisdom, energy and creation that gave birth to the Earth is drawn from the Inner Planes. When human beings begin to remember this, they will recognise the synthesis between the Earth and the Inner Planes, realising that all they require can be drawn from the Inner Planes, within and around them, into manifestation. This requires a change in mindset and perspective, recognising that there is no need to lack in anything, that lack is only a pattern of thought manifested into existence by you. Once this realisation truly is embodied then you begin to access your Inner power of manifestation. With the perspective of all that you require in existence upon the Inner Planes while acknowledging the synthesis of the Earth and Inner Planes, you begin to remember your ability of, ‘Calling forth from the Inner Planes.’
Calling Forth from the Inner Planes
Often many human beings feel a disconnection with the Inner Planes, even if they are aware of the Inner Planes, they see their earthly reality as completely separate. ‘Calling forth from the Inner Planes,’ is a process that not only allows you to re-recognise the bond and synthesis between the Earth and the Inner Planes, realising their oneness, it also allows you to step into your power, releasing all forms of lack. ‘Calling forth from the Inner Planes,’ is a simple process of calling the energies of the Inner places into manifestation within your physical reality. It is the perception that all you require is within the Inner Planes and simply requires to be anchored by you into your reality, which is most needed. With this perception and believe embodied, meaning that it is unquestionably true for you, then the act of calling forth from the Inner Planes becomes a powerful and magical tool of creating your reality the way you wish to live it on the Earth.
The Inner Planes Creates the Earth
I, Lord Melchizedek, wish to guide you in a meditation to promote your understanding and experience of the abundance that you wish to experience on the Earth being present upon the Inner Planes.
- Please allow yourself to breathe deeply and enter an alert and peaceful state of being.
- Imagine, visualise or acknowledge your presence upon the Earth, where you are right now, what is around you and the reality you experience. Feel yourself grounded into the Earth.
- Imagine, visualise or acknowledge that all around you and within you in multicoloured light, this represents the Inner Planes, the Creator’s energy and dimensions are present within and around you. Recognise that abundance, prosperity, health, healing, material objects, experiences, in truth everything that is possible to experience on the Earth is present in energy and source form on the Inner Planes. It is from the Inner Planes that the energy of anything and everything you wish to experience and have previously experienced is drawn from and anchored into your reality. Allow yourself to realise that anything and everything is available to you. Breathe the abundant and fulfilling energy of the Inner Planes into your being and reality. Recognise that the Inner Planes are ready to serve you.
The Act of Calling Forth from the Inner Planes
First, there is a need to understand and recognise where in your life or reality you are experiencing lack. What is this lack like and what would create the fulfilment instead? Thus, dissolving the lack currently being experienced.
When observing the lack, allow yourself to explore the experience of lack, how it makes you feel, how it impacts your reality and self-esteem as well as the source of the lack. The source of the lack can be an emotion, past experience or something you call yourself. When you allow yourself to fully explore the lack for what it is, then you can clearly understand what you are missing in your life. An example, maybe you lack money, rather than simply deciding you need money, first engage with the experience of lack of money and discover what it is like to live your life with lack of money. In doing so you will discover what you are missing which could be self-worth, confidence, a feeling of being abundant, self-trust or something else. This helps you to acknowledge all levels of your experience of lack of money, from the physical experience to the impact it has on your being. With this understanding, you can formulate in your mind that which will create fulfilment, which in fact may be a few things, such as money, self-trust and a belief in your ability to create, it will be different for each person.
Once you have formulated an idea of that which will create fulfilment and dissolve the lack, then allow yourself to feel the resonance of the energy of the idea within your being. Feel as if you are embodying the energy of the formulated idea, vibrating as it.
Then repeat the below statement filling the gaps for your own needs:
‘I fully acknowledge and embody the understanding that the Inner Planes of the Creator’s Universe, from which everything is created, exists within and around me now. I call forth from the Inner Planes……………..…(What you would like to embody and experience)……………………….. as a full and appropriate manifestation to ground and anchor into my entire being and reality now. I embody the energy gifted to me and understand that it is through me receiving and embodying the energy that I will manifest the fulfilment I have called forth from the Inner Planes. It is through my actions, thoughts and Inner guidance that I will fully experience all I have called forth into manifestation. Thank you.’
Take some time to experience this energetically, breathing the energy awoken and gifted to you from the Inner Planes into your being and reality, recognising how it impacts your being.
Continue to use the invocation each day to call forth from the Inner Planes that which you wish to experience. This means that it is advisable to focus upon the grounding of no more than three areas of fulfilment from the Inner Planes each day, as otherwise, you will not be available and present to recognise when the energies of the Inner Planes materialise. Through this process and invocation, you are grounding the energies needed from the Inner Planes, then there is a need to allow for the materialisation process to take place which is the transformation of energy into physical matter or experience. In some cases, this could be instant or in may take some time. Patience and your continued focus upon the Inner Planes as a source of abundance of all forms, and your powerful tool of grounding the Inner Planes into manifestation upon the Earth will assist the manifestation process.
I, Lord Melchizedek, will be present to assist you,
Lord Melchizedek
Fortunately you have started to awaken in recent times and are beginning to remember who you really are.
The dark Ones have spent many, many years establishing a set up in high places that gave them a solid grip on events that enabled them to dictate the course of humankind’s progress for their own purposes. It may be difficult for people to accept that they were behind both World Wars, inasmuch that they perpetuated the violence and carnage for their own ambitions. Through them they had a target to drastically reduce the human population, and disrupt any attempts to bring an end to wars. They have been successful except that in recent times their dominance has been broken, and they no longer have the power to dictate how events progress that are now providing the means to bring peace to the world. A massive cleansing is taking place and many key Illuminati members have been removed from power, and that has broken their hold on it and the Light is becoming the dominant force.
To say that you have been kept in the dark is not an overstatement by any means, and for many years you have lived a life where many people have been in constant need of the basic things, that ensure a reasonable standard of living. Lack of food and medical attention has resulted in thousands upon thousands of premature deaths, in spite of worldwide help from groups that specialise in helping such people. Slowly but surely the position is changing but as soon as one problem is overcome another takes its place. It paints a dreadful picture of wanton hunger and lack that is not helped by constant problems that arise from insufficient funds to fight them. It is time to address the problems so that the wealth of the world is not wasted, and directed to those most in need. As wars cease the monies that would have been spent for perpetuating them can then be directed to those most in need, and ultimately raise the standard of life. It is a daunting task but you have the means to win the battle providing you set about it the right way.
The gloom and doom is not a pretty subject to discuss so let us change the subject to one that will gladden the hearts of people. St. Germain waits for the appropriate time to use the enormous funds he has accumulated whilst in his charge, and kept for the upliftment and advancement of Mankind. So the future is very bright and there will be unlimited funds to ensure that it is, so to say “money is no object”. Man however has first to show his intent to turn to the Light and that means permanently putting away all weapons of war. The first unsteady steps are being taken now, and beneficial changes are occurring much to peoples delight and astonishment. Know that you can build upon it because Humanity senses it is time for change to peaceful ways and cooperation with each other. The dark Ones who will not or cannot give up their evil ways are now contributing to their demise, and their time will soon be up. The parting of the ways has already commenced with the inevitable outcome as the vibrations continue to rise up.
Much has been planned for your upliftment and you have a lot of ground to make up because of the large degree to which you have been kept behind. You are still using technologies that are now outdated, although some advancements have been passed on such as fibre optics and micro-engineering. They are only the tip of the iceberg, and you must make good the loss of opportunity and time lost to accommodate changes that will give you a great leap forward.
To ensure that your progress into the Light was the result of your own ability, those who would have gladly helped you have been held back. There is no gain for you if others even with good intentions interfere with you evolution, and particularly if you were fed too much information without sufficient time to absorb it. Evolution as the Human Race must progress according to your ability to digest that which is new to you, and incorporate it into your history. However, help can be given once you start to awaken to the greater truths so that they can be spread amongst you. Never lose sight of the fact that you are all One, and you affect each other to a greater or lesser degree according to your ability to spread the new information.
There is a plan that allows for help to be given when you become “stuck” so that you can move on. Even so it is you who have to do the work connected with it, as you will not learn if everything is handed to you on a plate. Evolution consists of experiencing that which is new to you so that it becomes embedded in your memory. In this way you in turn can help others to evolve, and clearly it becomes easier for all concerned. It is possible to speed up matters and such steps are taken so as to ensure you evolve as intended. There are markers along the way and mankind is both expected and helped to reach certain key points on time. In fact much attention is given to ensuring progress is made according to the plan for your evolution.
You could be forgiven for thinking that the chaos on Earth does not lend itself to thoughts of organised progress, but in spite of the outer impression given it is happening. It has to be so otherwise Humanity as a whole would remain in chaotic conditions for much longer. It is not helped by the last desperate attempts of the dark Ones to hold things up, and they can momentarily delay matters. However, their cause is all but lost but they will not admit defeat and fight to the last. In fact, the Light is becoming more powerful than ever as Mother Earth travels deeper into the new energies. The path for your future has already been written and total success is to be yours.
Lightworkers can help others through this period by calming their fears, and giving assurances that the underlying positives are destined to see Mankind rise again. It will be a return to that exalted position that was held before dropping down into the lower vibrations. Bear in mind that when you did so, you were effectively cut off from your Higher Self, setting you adrift without the knowledge and understanding you previously had. Fortunately you have started to awaken in recent times and are beginning to remember who you really are. Your potential is so big that you could hardly imagine what a great soul you were prior to dropping your vibrations to take your place in the lower dimension.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
Adamu: An Open Letter to the Illuminati Bloodline Families

Arn Allingham (Zingdad), channel for Adamu
Adamu: An Open Letter to the Illuminati Bloodline Families
Greetings, my friends.
I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation brought to you through Zingdad.
Today I will be addressing the living members of the ancient bloodline families. Those ones who are sometimes called by other names such as the Illuminati, The Powers That Be, the Ruling Elite, the Cabal and a few other, less charitable, terms that I shan’t mention.
To be clear: I am not now addressing the rich and powerful who regularly appear in the press. Political leaders, religious leaders and the heads of multinational corporations are not the ones who truly run planetary affairs. These are people who come and go with time. And, when required, they always bow to the far greater power wielded by the ones I now speak of.
But be that as it may. The bloodline family members know who they are. And it is they whom I address today, though I do suspect that this open letter will be of great interest to many others besides. It is intended, especially, that Starseeds and Lightbringers take note of this communiqué.
So here it begins… an open letter to the members of the ancient bloodline families:
My dear friends,
I must begin by saying that you are seen, known, understood and loved. Just as you are, right here and right now, you are loved. Perhaps it will surprise you to hear me say this?
There is so much judgement of you wherever one goes, is there not? You are labelled as “dark” and “evil” and all your actions are automatically assumed to be “vile” and “despicable” by those who know almost nothing of you or the long and winding tale of how things came to be as they are and you came to be who you are.
So allow me to begin by assuring you that I am not here to damn you or even decry you. I am here to offer you a perspective and a choice. But to do so from a place of loving understanding. (2)
Before I might get to this, allow me to say that I know that your only real “sin” is to be born as you were into the family you were. Between the intense expectations that were placed upon you right from birth, the very specialised training you were subjected to and the derision that was heaped upon those of your line who did not “make the grade,” you were programmed right from the very beginning to be what you have become: a wielder of power over others.
There are ancillary issues too. Such as the fact of your familial bloodlines. A pure ancestry that can be traced back through the ages, via all manner of illustrious forebears, right the way to the high-priests that served the ancient gods themselves back when gods still roamed the Earth.
Perhaps you, yourself, now think on the stories of those ancient times of gods, heroes, magic and monsters as myth or superstition. Perhaps you understand it to be the literal truth and know that those ancient gods were actually visitors from other planets in the galaxy bearing highly-advanced technologies. Or perhaps you even take the more religious view of matters and hold those deities to be as supernatural as your distant forebears did.
It doesn’t really matter how you interpret these things. What matters is the incontrovertible evidence of the powerful ancient truths that were given to your forebears and that have been passed down through the generations, which have allowed you to rule over the rest of humanity.
Not all of humanity, mind. There have always been groups, peoples and nations that have been beyond your grasp. But you have been told that it is your birthright, your responsibility and your privilege to rule over the whole planet and all upon it. And you have believed that. And it has certainly seemed to be true.
The ancient teachings that have been placed in your hands have served you and those like you very well indeed. As has your cunning. Those amongst you who rise to the top are nothing if not brilliantly canny. You have used the advantages placed in your hands very, very astutely. Firstly for your own benefit, it is true. Then for the benefit of your family and to ensure the continued ascendency of your familial line. Then in service of your family’s contractual agreements with other bloodline families. And finally in consideration of the custodial role you have played over the rest of humanity.
As matters stand, humanity today is largely blithely unaware of the role you have played or indeed of your existence. And this is the way you like it. No mob can arrive at the castle gates bearing pitchforks if they don’t even know that you exist!
So you play your games of power and control from the deep shadows. You cunningly obfuscate your activities. And you slowly expand your reach into every sphere of power and control over all of humanity. And when the “sheep” stray, you use guile and skill to reclaim the power of direction over them. Perhaps a little war here or there. Or even a very big one. Perhaps a revolution.
Perhaps a crash in the stock market. Perhaps even an outbreak of disease. Or a terrorist attack. Or a tsunami of immigrants to give the populace something to fear. Or, of course, there are always the ever popular bread-and-circuses [Roman diversions of the masses].
You have certainly made sure that your control of the entertainment industry is ironclad. And there are all manner of complex social nets that you use to make the populace docile and dependant on their government… and therefore upon you. And all such activities are each just a part of your play book that you use to maintain and increase the control you wield over humanity.
You have learned, of course, to offer the sheep the pretence of control over their own destiny. But you know that the REAL power lies always in your hands. Since no matter how they vote, how they revolt, how they machinate, you and your ilk always get what you want in the end.
You have managed a number of glorious victories over the years. Perhaps your crowning achievement is to own the planetary money supply. A nifty trick, I must say. And right now you so, so almost own it all. And he who owns the money of the world, owns the world. Is it not so?
And you have also crafted it so that all the elected officials that the human flock believe to have the power must dance when you pull upon their strings. They have become as puppets to your will. Almost all of them.
And those that will not willingly dance for you are removed. Or they are shown a film reel of a brave and proud president. A man of integrity and principal who dared to stand up to you. And how, in full view of his adoring public, he was assassinated. All this, just before he could begin to undo your power over the money supply.
In the end, all political leaders do your bidding or they are simply swept away. And the illusion that you grant the sheep that they control their destiny through democracy is just that. An illusion. Another nifty trick.
And the intelligence agencies! What a truly brilliant move. To elevate spy craft to statecraft. To have the real power behind the politicians vest in the intelligence agencies. To remove political oversight from those agencies. And then to control them directly yourselves. Why, you can almost step right out of the shadows and still remain invisible now!
The only wrinkle in all of this, as far as I can ascertain, is the Internet. Somehow, unexpectedly, a silly little electronic gimmick of mere academic interest has suddenly blossomed overnight into something quite powerful and problematic, has it not?
It is due to this very technology that the sheep are suddenly behaving in quite an un-sheep-like fashion. Suddenly they are aware of you. Talking about you. Certainly they are seeing and remarking upon the curtain that you have drawn around yourselves… if not actually peeking behind the curtain!
How irritating this must be! You are on the very cusp of total triumph and now, at the very last moment, there is this awareness dawning. Your actual names are beginning to be spoken in public forums! People are beginning to see your hands move on the reins of power!
Yes, assuredly, it is still just a fringe that is aware of you and speaks of you. And yes, you have managed to continue to paint this fringe as lunatics and crack-pots. And, no, this does not threaten your plans and activities.
But you have noticed. You have found the Internet to be the greatest threat to your power and security because, though fragmented and confused, the truth about you certainly is “out there.”
It can be discerned by any who would care to look and weigh the evidence. And suddenly there are sheep that are elevating themselves from the flock. Transmuting themselves into something you have never seen before. Certainly not in such numbers as there are now. And certainly not diffused, as they are, across the whole planet.
Previously you could isolate communities of dissidents. Like the Cathari. Remember them? They knew the truth. Or at least they held a version of the truth that was antithetical to your aims. And their teachings were attractive to others. Their message was finding traction.
So you used your most powerful pawn at the time, the church, to kill them all. It was a genocide of the most brutal type. Wiping out not only a population but the very idea that brought them together in unity. Burning all of their books so that all that is remembered of them now is what was told by their enemies.
And today it is barely even remembered that one of the crusades, perhaps the most brutal and bloody of all the crusades, was not even fought in the “holy lands” against enemy soldiers, but in France against good Christian folk. Farmers and peasants. Put to the sword and burned to death in their churches. All because you could isolate them, round them up and murder them all.
You’ll forgive me if I don’t applaud. Successful tactics don’t always win my approval.
And there have been many, many, many such victories that you, the ancient families, have scored over the rest of humanity. They continue today. You wrestle for power and total control over the Middle East. Which is why things are as they are in that region.
Whatever else one thinks about the Islamic religion, it is true that they are fundamentally opposed to usury. Which means Muslims will not accept the banking system that you are using to gain worldwide dominance. And so Islam has become a powerful block to your plans.
And so you enact your plans. You work to impoverish, torment and radicalise the Moslem world. You set them up to be the enemy of the western world. The great terrorists. You control their teachers and ensure that the message is promulgated that the west is the Great Satan… and you teach the west that all Muslims are abysmal hate-ridden murderers. And so the wheels are set in motion.
And right now a wave of chaos sweeps through Europe and, to one extent or another, the rest of the globe. And this is all a part of your plan. You wish to grind down and pulverize all of those that stand against your plans. And Muslims are very far from the only ones.
And another of your neat tricks is to set one enemy against another.
America was founded upon a principle which was actually nothing other than open rebellion against your power. America the free. Free from what? From your yoke of control, of course!
America’s founding principles were and are directly contrary to your interests. The American constitution is a truly beautiful document. A document that promises liberty and freedom for all. But you have whittled and chaffed and manoeuvred until you have gained control of the American government to such an extent that the most powerful military and technological force in the world is yours to wield.
But as much as your control extends to the American government… the American people are another story altogether. Strong individualists who continue to believe in their own rights and liberties, they stand against you at every turn without even knowing it is you who they resist.
So you wage a war of attrition upon them. You seek to ensure that their food and water is toxified to weaken them. You use a barrage of techniques of every sort to manipulate them and control them. To weaken them and cow them. And, in a master-stroke of pure genius, you now pit America against Islam. Another truly nifty trick. How very… clever of you.
I see it. I see it all.
And, though I must admit I don’t like it, I do understand it.
When I look behind your collective activities, choices and decisions of the types outlined above, I actually see beings for whom I have a great deal of compassion and love. I know, as a clear and sure fact, that it is so that you are actually no different than I. The difference is the journey you have walked.
Since all is truly One, you are the part of that one great eternal spirit that has walked your path, just as I am another part of that same great being that has walked my path. My path leads to where I am, unified within the heart of the Pleiadian Monad; your path leads you to be incarnated as a human being bearing the mantle and the burden of being a member of one of the ancient families upon the Earth. And those amongst humanity who are aware of you and judge you most harshly do so purely out of a lack of self-knowledge. Place them in your situation and they too would do as you have done. Or worse.
And I know too that “what you do to another, you do to yourself also.” So I don’t envy you the results of your choices!
But your story is not over. You are not done with your journey. In due course you too will arise spiritually and begin to return to oneness with your own spiritual entity. Because there is nowhere else for you to go, really.
And this is beginning to happen for some of your family members. Perhaps you have noticed those members who don’t seem to be quite so committed to the old cause. Those who seem to be getting “soft.” Those who seem to be talking crazy talk about abdicating their power. About telling the sheep the truth. Indeed, those who actually have been finding ways to communicate these truths to humanity using that very despised technology, the Internet.
Is it strange that those amongst you who are proposing this new course of openness and transparency… this course of abdication of power… are also those amongst you who are most interested in matters metaphysical and spiritual?
I propose this is not in the least bit strange. It takes an interest in metaphysics and spirituality to discern that a new age is now already dawning, that the time of your watching over humanity is at an end. Indeed, that it is ending without the return of your master, your dark god-king. And that there is no longer any real hope that he ever will return. You are on your own. Your secret prophecies have come to naught.
And it takes an interest in metaphysics and spirituality to see that there is a changing of the guard happening, that there is a new spiritual order beginning. That those who govern this reality from the very highest levels, from the angelic realms down, are busy changing hands. That is what the new dawning age is all about. And that is why you stand at a fork in the road. It is why you must now choose.
But before I tell you, at last, about the choice you face, I will tell you one final thing: something you most certainly will have noticed. Because it takes no special awareness or training in either spirituality or metaphysics to see that your “magic” is beginning to fail you.
Irrespective of what you believe the real source of your power to be, you will have noticed that it is waning fast. It becomes more and more difficult by the day for you to wield your power. Plug a little leak here and the dam wall springs a gushing fissure over there.
The game that seemed elegant and nearly effortless for generations past is causing you, and those like you, to raise a real sweat. It is a constant struggle to maintain control. You are feeling the stress of this night and day. And it feels as if you are losing your grip. Just as you near victory, so things become ever more impossibly challenging. The magic becomes unstable.
You certainly will have noticed this.
Just look at the process of taking ownership of the world money supply. It was almost effortless to enact the stroke of genius that floated money free from the gold-standard.
And since then it has been a minor effort to bring the nations of the world, one by one, into this fiat banking system. Which is really money by decree. YOUR decree.
Money is now mere numbers that mean whatever you say they mean. But the magic trick is not complete until every nation is a part of it. And so you have used the leverage you had to expand your control until almost every last nation has fallen under your sway.
The very last few hold-outs exist. You have them isolated and [have them] on the ropes. They are almost ready to be taken and controlled. But… right here at the very last… you find yourselves losing grip here there and everywhere. You find your attention being constantly diverted by all manner of seemingly trivial, but irritating, diversions.
And in concert, your energy and attention is so diverted that you can never quite act to gain total power. And this global money supply beast that belongs to you seems to have a malevolent life of its own in that the larger it becomes, the more difficult it is to control.
My friends. What you must understand is that planet Earth does not exist in a vacuum. We have kept it quarantined so that humanity, as a whole, can decide its own fate. But it has been in a state of physicalquarantine. We have kept other galactic civilisations from interfering physically.
But there has been no spiritualquarantine! And so a small but powerful contingent of Starseeds and Lightbringers have been born amongst the planet’s populace. And they have utterly altered the consciousness upon the planet. They have, by the simple fact of their presence upon the Earth, brought a new awareness to the Earth.
And they come in now with higher and higher levels of consciousness. They accelerate and amplify these changes upon the planet. You can neither stop, nor slow, nor alter the course of these changes.
Humanity will awaken. Humanity will come to self-awareness. Humanity will make a choice, collectively, about its own nature. This is divinely ordained. It is the dawning of the new age. And it is very soon to happen. The window of opportunity reached its midpoint in 2012. It is beginning to close. And before it does, humanity will have decided.
You, my dear friends, are the watchers over the old order. To you fell the task of shepherding humanity through the long dark age of forgetting. Humanity needed a guiding hand that would work constantly to make order out of the chaos as they slowly let go of the old gods… as they slowly healed themselves of the traumas of being playthings to the darker of the old gods and abject supplicants to the more kindly of the old gods.
You have played a crucial role. You have provided order and structure. You have provided leadership and direction. You have done all of this without actually being anything other than the same human beings of the same Earth as those over whom you ruled.
Yes, it is true, that you have your familial bloodlines. But, in truth, that is nothing more than a very exclusive club to which you belong. You are, genetically, no more special than the rest of humanity… which some of you like to call “mongrel” humans. You are not in any meaningful way biologically superior to them. A pure-bred dog might have many excellent and desirable attributes… but a mutt is more robust and less prone to specific health issues. And so it is for you and the rest of humanity.
And you are certainly not spiritually superior either.
What you do have is ancient knowledge, specialised training and a vast network of control.
And now you also have a choice. On the one hand you can choose to fight the divinely-ordained order. You can resist the changing of the ages. And you can be ground under in pain and self-destruction as you fight the absolute inevitable. Or you can embrace the change and, in so doing, be a part of something beautiful, new and glorious.
Indeed, such are the times right now that you could, if you so choose, step right out of the shadows and into the Light. You could emerge as a bright beacon of the Light. You could move from semi-reviled obscurity into loved and revered glory. You could! It is up to you.
Or you could remain attached to that which is passing away. You could fight tooth and nail to the bitter end and know only bitter defeat. You could find yourself in a physical, emotional and spiritual dead-end with your life over and nowhere to reincarnate to that would accept both you and your choices. You could find yourself in the depths of the void, wracked in spiritual torment.
It is all up to you.
I offer you this choice now, not because I need you to decide any particular way. Neither I, nor my Starseed family, nor the greater humanity of which I am so fond will be overly affected by your choice.
The difference between your choosing this way or that will, in the greater scheme of things, be small. All of humanity will weather the storm that comes and will come to the awakening moment and will make their choice, irrespective of what you do or don’t do. That is utterly foreordained. The new age will begin, irrespective of your choices and actions. What you choose matters little enough for them. But it matters greatly for you.
I point you towards this choice out of compassion for you. I do so only because, were I in your shoes, I would wish to be alerted to this choice at this crucial juncture.
So, in practical terms, what are the choices I am advocating and what might the outcome of those choices be for you?
My dear friends, I am suggesting to you that you begin by learning to listen to your hearts. I don’t mean your physical heart or your emotional heart. I mean your spiritual heart. This is where you connect with the same great oneness to which we all belong.
If you listen to your spiritual heart you will find that there is guidance and wisdom there. Your heart can lead you in making the best possible choices that serve the greatest good of the all.
If you are not able to hear your heart, you can choose to find someone who can teach you how. Zingdad is one of many upon the Earth right now teaching exactly this skill. Or you can do the right things that will lead you on the right path that will result in your spiritual heart opening. (3) In specific, in your circumstance, you can ask yourself:
- What can I do right now that will open the doors for the rest of humanity to greater awareness and understanding of their situation?
- What can I do right now to create fewer secrets and more transparency?
- What can I do right now to give humanity greater choice and self-empowerment?
- What can I do right now to foster greater peace, harmony, compassion and understanding?
- What can I do right now to smooth the transition to the new dawning age?
- How can I increase the quotient of love in the world?
- How can I decrease the quotient of suffering in the world?
These are the kinds of questions that you should be answering for yourself if you wish to participate in the changes that are afoot. Engaging yourself with this process will cause you to find your energetic heart. It will allow you to know the sweet taste of being loved for who you are, as much as for what you do. You will feel the hand of divine guidance in your heart.
And as you do this, so you will also find yourself beginning to be able to forgive yourself for all that you have done in the past. You will find, eventually, that you are able to forgive your whole line of forebears for all that they have done through the ages. And you will be surprised by the capacity others will have to forgive you and your line.
Comprehension and compassion will dawn. And, for as long as you are motivated by love, the hand of divine protection will be over you as this process unfolds. Engage with this process, heart and soul, and there need be no negative repercussion at all. You can pay the price of the burden of your choices in love, rather than in suffering and pain. (4) But you must choose to do so!
And if you do, you will find yourself transitioning to the New Earth with the rest of humanity that has also chosen this. If you wish it, your skills at administration and management might be put to magnificent purpose.
You might find yourself in great demand in a position of revered leadership. Or, indeed, you might choose for that quiet, peaceful, gentle life in that beautiful corner of the world that you have always secretly hankered after but never believed you could settle down to.
It is all up to you.
The point, really, is that you will find yourself blessed with an abundance of very attractive options if you should choose to be guided by love. And this contrasts sharply with the option-less, self-destructive dead-end that lies at the end of the road if you should continue to choose from a place of closed-hearted fear.
And this is what I needed to share with you at this point. I know that all of you who are ready for this message will receive it, as we have ways to ensure this. And I also wanted to share this letter to you in the most open fashion possible since part of the healing that is being made available to humanity will come from their understanding that you are not as “other” as they would have thought.
Until they can see themselves in your position, you will struggle to break down the boundaries. And in this letter, by the way I address you, they can see that you are not some kind of demonic enemy, that you are humans as they are. That you are lost and hurt as they are. That you have made the same kinds of choices out of your fear and pain as they have. That you can come to heal yourself, forgive yourself and love yourself as they might. And that greater good flowers for you when you do so, just as it does for them.
And finally, I wish humanity to see that you actually did as was required of you. You held the helm in the vacuum left when the old gods departed. You did so for the whole age of forgetting. And that, ultimately, was what you contracted for.
With love and compassion I leave you now to your choices.
I am Adamu of the monadic entity of the Pleiadian civilisation brought to you through Zingdad.
(1) See “Our Transformational Toolbox: Committed Speaking – Part 1/2,” August 29, 2018, at “Our Transformational Toolbox: Committed Speaking – Part 2/2,” August 30, 2018, at
(2) “Loving understanding” – what an excellent choice of terms. Of course he’s talking about the higher than Fourth-Dimensional state that he/they occupy/ies. But that is what we can unerringly aim for: Loving understanding. It cannot but carry us forward in the work that lies ahead. Because in our generation, the Illuminati structure is being deconstructed. It’s happening on our watch.
(3) “Your spiritual heart opening” could be a description of Fourth-Chakra enlightenment. But it could also be a description of Sahaja Samadhi, the culminating event of Ascension, which is a full and permanent heart opening. Both involve heart openings.
(4) Until now the karmic burden has had to be experienced. But at the end of a dark age and the dawn of a Golden Age, karma that has not been relieved by the time of Ascension is forgiven.
“You may be leaving behind some unfinished business, but that no longer matters as 2012 saw the completion of the cycle of duality. Karmically speaking you will have dealt with your important issues already, and since the Law of Grace operates at such times, all is as you might say ‘forgiven.’ You have learnt your lessons that have lifted you up and made further experiences in duality unnecessary.” (SaLuSa, Jan. 4, 2013, at
baptism by fire
Michael’s Message |
MESSAGES FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * LM-9-2018 RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE YOUR CONNECTION TO YOUR HOLY MENTAL SELF Beloved masters, as you move forward on the path of en-Lighten-ment, and you come to a better understanding of cosmic law and the workings of the universe, we welcome the opportunity to occasionally give you a better understanding of some of the concepts of Creation and the complexity of the physical vessel. Therefore, we would like to give you an in-depth explanation of the composition of the Etheric Body and its importance in the process of ascension. The Etheric Body or Etheric Web, which is much finer in substance than the earthly body, refers to the invisible counterpart of the physical body. The Etheric Body is composed of the physical aura, which conveys your physical state of health via various colors and the distortions – or lack thereof – within the Etheric Web pattern. The emotions of pain, suffering and resentment are thought forms which are keeping you from embracing and becoming the Bearer of Light you were meant to be. The auric field is the invisible electromagnetic force field that surrounds the physical body, and it magnetizes energy to you and radiates vibrational frequency patterns from you. The aura of the mental body within the Etheric Webis almost non-existent in those who are trapped in the restrictions of the Third and lower-Fourth Dimensions because they see the world and events through a filter of illusion created by their past beliefs, thoughts and actions. When existing in a Third- / Fourth-Dimensional environment, the dominating force within the emotional body is the astral plane. Therefore, a vast majority of people are under the influence of their base personality and the ego desire body, which is composed of unfulfilled yearnings from the past, as well as emotional imbalances and feelings of being unworthy and / or unloved. One of the most dramatic phases of the ascension process is moving through the distortions of the emotional mass-consciousness belief system into the stability, freshness and harmony of the higher Dimensions. Never forget, fear takes away your power. The general mass-consciousness belief system is powered by negative, hostile thinking, and a resistance to new concepts and change. The majority of the masses are frozen in a reality of pain and suffering, but are unwilling to entertain new expansive ideas, which would relieve them from their self-imposed prison of illusion and limitation. It is vitally important that you stay firmly grounded and balanced within the accepted range of duality while functioning within the reality of the Third Dimension. You must also strive to establish emotional harmony and serenity within the illusionary world of the Fourth Dimension as you seek wisdom and endeavor to become acclimated to the mental reality of the lower Fifth Dimension. You must be ever alert for the whispers of your Soul and Higher Self. It is also important that you understand that you do not have just one Higher Self, but many Facets or Sparks of your Higher Self scattered throughout this Sub-universe. The ascension process entails the gradual integration and assimilation of the next higher-Dimensional frequency Facet of your Higher Self. You are in the process of expanding your Light and your consciousness. Your transformation into Self-mastery, as well as the ascension process, will be greatly accelerated once you have expanded your personal lifeline of Light – an etheric tube of Light – which is your core connection to your Divine I AM Presence. You are also in the process of reestablishing your connection to the River of Life via your personal Antakarana (Rainbow Bridge of Light), which contains the Creator Essence called Adamantine Particles. Over the many past ages, humanity has diminished the connection to the River of Life/Light so that, in most people, it has become only a small trickle of Life Force energy. Each of you has a sphere of radiance that is produced by the vibrational patterns of your auric field and your Soul Song. Ascension means bringing the entire bodily chakra system into balance, which will facilitate the clearing, refining and balancing of the Etheric Body and Auric Field. Your goal is to return these vital components of yourself back into its perfected Divine Blueprint, which is the human blueprint for your original bodily form called the Adam/Eve Kadmon Light Body. We observe you via the bands of color within your multiple body system, physical, mental, emotional and etheric, which have been created by your thoughts, actions and deeds throughout your many lifetimes down through the Ages. Your energetic signature is composed of the vibrational frequency patterns you emit day-by-day via your thoughts, actions and deeds. Your energetic signature can vary greatly when you are functioning within a Third- / Fourth-Dimensional environment. However, as you progress along the path of en-Lighten-ment, your energetic signature gradually becomes more harmonious and melodious, and it eventually becomes a part of your permanent Soul Song. Your Soul advancement is monitored by the frequencies of your Soul Song and not by your daily actions. Your Soul Song is composed of mid-Fourth and higher-Dimensional vibrational patterns of unconditional love, wisdom, balance and harmony. As a Self-master, your energetic signature and your Soul Song will merge into a Celestial Mandala of sound and color, by which you will be identified in the higher Realms. You are recognized by the brilliance of your inner Light. The more Light Essence you incorporate into your physical vessel, the more brilliantly your aura will glow. The Holy Spirit – the Love/Wisdom of our Divine Mother God – or your Higher Mental Self is the discerning higher intelligence which monitors and regulates the Light infusions, and the gifts of Spirit that are allotted to you according to your level of spiritual awareness and your present needs. Special dispensations are also monitored and dispersed by your Holy Mental Self, which is the intermediary between you and your Sacred Triad, and your God Self. Meditation helps to discipline the lower mind and the ego so that you may attune consciously to the musings of your higher mind. It takes patience and discipline to stop the mind chatter that is the norm for those closed off from their higher consciousness. We encourage you to practice active and passive meditation. A decree or affirmation is a prayer with power. It should be a concise, positive affirmation expressed with confidence, and the assurance that it will be manifested in the proper form at the appropriate time. If the affirmation is sent forth with loving intent for the greatest good, you are aligning your will with that of your Higher Self, and universal law will assure that your cocreator thoughts and aspirations will be combined with those by others of like mind. Thus, they will be increased in strength and power. Silent meditation is listening for an answer from your Higher Self, your guardian angel or the Holy Spirit. Remember, one person who is centered within their Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind can convey cosmic truths and inspired thoughts to millions of people while the loving vibrations of their auric field blesses everyone with whom they come in contact. Serenity and joy are qualities of the Soul. Intelligent love results when the Soul becomes the dominating force within, and the ego personality has been brought under control. When you successfully dissolve the membranes of Light guarding the entrance to your Sacred Mind, you gain access to your personal storehouse of Divine Wisdom. Allow us to give you a recap of a few of the many symptoms of ascension, which you, the initiates on the Path, may be experiencing at this time. ^^ You find yourself withdrawing from social activities and events that were pleasurable in the past. Loud noises, crowds and boisterous activities disturb you, and you yearn for seclusion, and perhaps the serenity of nature. As your vibrational frequencies lift and become more harmonious, you will disengage from interaction with people, events and places that emit lower discordant frequencies. Also, gradually, you will have less and less in common with certain friends and relatives, especially those who are negative, judgmental and unkind to others. ^^ You may have intense bursts of energy whereby you can hardly stay still, and sometimes you may feel so light inside that you barely feel your bodily form. At other times, you may feel so weighed down that you are almost sinking into the ground, and you may experience extreme fatigue. Your bodily form is going through an intense metamorphosis at an etheric and cellular level, and some of the transformational symptoms are not pleasant – especially for those who exist in an older or somewhat debilitated bodily form. ^^ As the Kundalini (Sacred Fire) begins to rise up your spinal column (the etheric tube of Light), you may experience times of intense inner heat, while your exterior body feels cold and even clammy. That is the reason why, initially, it is best to strive for a gradual release of the Kundalini Fire stored within the Root chakra at the base of the spine so that you may slowly integrate the higher frequencies of God Light. Faster and more are not necessarily better when you are in the midst of the transformational process of ascension. ^^ For those in the early stages of the process, the experience of integrating refined Light frequencies will not be overly dramatic. However, for those StarSeed who are well on their way within the ascension process, and who have agreed to be World Servers, clearing the path for others can be a formidable and an ongoing process as they integrate higher and higher frequencies of Light to share with others. ^^ You may feel as though you are on an emotional roller coaster as you experience many emotional ups and downs. You are tapping into and releasing much impacted energy and discordant frequency patterns from a deep cellular level. It is important to allow these feelings to come to the surface so they can be transmuted into more refined Light substance. It is important that you learn to become an observer of what is occurring, as you objectively view, process and rectify with loving patience and understanding that which is being revealed to you. ^^ Your eating habits may change drastically. Whatever you choose to eat, follow your inner guidance, and monitor how your body feels after you have ingested anything. Your Body Elemental or inner body intelligence is awakening, and if you will pay attention, it will direct you to the proper food and diet. Always remember, moderation in all things is the key. ^^ You may have many strange aches and pains for which there is no definitive diagnosis. There are many minor chakra and meridian points within the physical body. As the higher frequencies of Light try to flow throughout the body, they can meet resistance at these critical junctures, which can cause discomfort. One of the most common areas of distress is in the area of the spinal column of the upper back, between the shoulder blades. ^^ You may feel as though you are losing your mind or at least your memory. There are multi-Dimensional levels within the brain, so as you lift your frequency patterns, the lower levels of the brain will gradually be refined. Therefore, you will no longer need or be able to access much of your negative past history, as well as much of the trivia you have stored there. You will be gaining access to the higher levels of the brain where your Sacred Mind dwells. The unification between the Sacred Mind and the Sacred Heart is an integral part of the ascension process. My brave ones, you must admit, it is an exhilarating time to be in the physical vessel, and yet your physical vessel is struggling to keep up with the ever-increasing frequencies that you are integrating moment-by-moment and day-by-day. Many of you who have not suffered colds, the flu or intestinal disturbances for many years are now experiencing these debilitating symptoms, and some of you ask, “What am I doing wrong?” You are not doing anything wrong, dear hearts; it is what you are doing right that is causing some of these uncomfortable bouts of bodily distress. We acknowledge the fact that these occurrences are not pleasant to experience. However, we wish to give you another facet of truth to ponder on. Again, many of you who are deeply submersed in the transformational ascension process are experiencing these uncomfortable symptoms as a way to quickly transmute the old negative energies within your physical vessel. You could call it a transmutation or baptism by fire, a burning and releasing of old frequency patterns to allow the higher, more refined crystalline cells of consciousness to infiltrate and take dominion within. Not all viruses are bad, nor are all the uncomfortable symptoms you are experiencing. See them as a means to an end and serving a higher purpose. These things, too, will pass, dear ones. We ask you to nurture yourselves and to pay attention as never before to your physical vessels and the signals or messages your wise Body Elemental projects to you. How will you enjoy the beautiful world of love, joy and abundance you are creating if your precious physical vessel is not vibrant and healthy? Join us in your Pyramid of Light, beloveds, and allow us assist you to move through the process with ease, grace and great joy. May the radiance of our Father/Mother God pour down upon you and fill you with the Light of Life everlasting. Know that we are ever near to guide and protect you. I AM Archangel Michael. Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from: |
Disclosure Announcement for World Leaders
Disclosure Announcement for World Leaders Source: Sirius DisclosureThe following DRAFT speech was written by Dr. Greer when requested by two separate points of contact to President Trump and President Putin. The two contacts do not know each other but both requests were made over a few weeks in the Spring of 2018.Dr. Greer wrote this speech as a DRAFT template that could be adapted by any world leader to announce that we are not alone in the Universe and have had contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.You may forward this speech to leaders in your own country, and resend and request that President Trump and President Putin collaborate on such an announcement in coordination with the UN and other world leaders in China, the EU and elsewhere.Thank you!Feel free to download a PDF version of this speech HERE. |
My fellow Americans/ My fellow Russians/ And all the citizens of earth:It has come to our attention that Extraterrestrial civilizations of great technological advancement have been visiting the earth for some time.While their presence likely dates from very ancient times, the modern era since WW II has seen a large increase in sightings and interactions with these advanced life forms and their spacecraft.It must be emphasized that they appear to pose no threat to humanity or earth, but instead are quite concerned about our own unchecked war ~ making capabilities and violence, combined with our early attempts at the exploration of space.Since the dawn of the nuclear era, these extraterrestrial civilizations have made concerted efforts to do reconnaissance at all known space and nuclear facilities. In some cases these facilities have been penetrated by ET craft and our nuclear missiles rendered inoperable. Such incursions appear designed to warn us not to use these world-destroying nuclear weapons and are not acts of hostility.They also appear concerned with the rapid decay of our biosphere and environment and the extinction of many species on earth.Since World War II there have been extremely secretive programs studying the energy , communication and propulsion systems of these ET spacecraft.It is time for us to disclose these momentous scientific findings to you.These technologies have the potential, if used only for peaceful purposes, to give us a new and sustainable civilization on earth, free of poverty and pollution within a generation.However, if used for destructive and violent purposes these same technologies could end our civilization.For this and other reasons the strictest secrecy has surrounded the study of these extraterrestrial technologies. |
But the time has arrived for the truth to be known: we are not alone in the universe. And it is time for humanity to become a mature, peaceful civilization and take its place in the cosmos with other advanced peoples from other star systems.To this end, I call on the world community, other world leaders and all the people of earth to come together and begin this new era on earth.We must make open, peaceful contact and initiate diplomatic ties to these other worlds. We must do this as children of earth and not just one nation. All nations and people of earth must be represented and empowered in this process.We must commit to keeping all weapons out of space and going only into space for peaceful purposes that benefit all of humanity.We must bring forth these advanced energy and propulsion technologies so that the world’s environment and people benefit. We must all agree to never allow these new technologies to be used as weapons of war.And we must commit amongst ourselves that if any nation or group attempts to use these technologies for violent or destructive purposes, every nation and people on earth will rise up to immediately stop it.We face a choice: If we do nothing, our environment and civilization will degrade and we may face extinction. If we use this new knowledge and science for war and destruction we will also surely perish.But if we establish a world of peace, humanity can now advance as a civilization that is sustainable, just and worthy of exploring the universe.This is the singular and great challenge of our generation: to establish world peace, and to create a new sustainable civilization. Once we have achieved this foundation of peace and justice, we have learned that these other worlds will welcome us in the cosmos with open arms and hearts.So, my fellow citizens of earth, let us work together to achieve the destiny of humanity: An enlightened, peaceful world that joins her place among the other people of the cosmos.For this is the only possible good future for humanity. It is time for us to unite as a people and create that good future – NOW. |
When you are feeling better, vibrationally, you are going to gravitate towards that which feels better physically.
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have begun to examine the effects of your pollution on your consciousness and your ability to raise your vibration, and our preliminary findings suggest that it does affect you more than you often think it does. You have a capacity to heal your bodies that goes underutilized by most of you. Most of you accept that your air, food, and water are polluted, and then when you get sick, you go to the doctor, and the doctor usually prescribes you more toxins.
The consciousness of the human being can of course rise above pollutants and toxins, but you make it much easier on yourselves to evolve and expand when you put yourselves in a place where the air is cleaner, the food is organic, and the water comes from a spring. Now, we understand that after hearing this, or reading this message, you are not all just going to pack up and move to another part of the world where there is less of this pollution.
But here is what you can do. You can pay more attention to what you put in your bodies. You can get away from the cities as often as you can, and do some conscious, deep breathing in the forest, or in the mountains, or by the beach. You can take the approach to your health and well-being that is more natural. You can see yourselves as being capable of healing from anything if you simply remove that which is toxic to you, and we include your toxic thoughts and emotions in that.
When you are feeling better, vibrationally, you are going to gravitate towards that which feels better physically. You are going to gravitate towards the foods, and the activities, and the places that best serve you and the expansion of your consciousness. Again, you can evolve and expand even under the conditions of a highly polluted city, with chemical-laden food and water, but why not make it easier on yourselves?
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
And the Truth shall come in many different ways from many different sources. One of those sources being your media.
I AM Sanada.
As always it is such a pleasure to be with you, to be able to share, and open up consciousness within you and all around you or to assist in doing that. For that is what this is all about–is raising consciousness wherever you can, whenever you can.
Make it your daily activity, your daily purpose, you might say–to raise your consciousness whenever the opportunity arises, whatever it might be. Feel the Love coursing through your body and as that Love moves through your body, send it out. Send it out to whomever would have a need for it. Let the Love express outward. For know that you AREthat Love, that expressed Love of the Father-Mother God. Let it always express outward. Do not hold it in. Let it out. Express the Love, the Consciousness, the Light.
As you know, many things are continuing to change. Many shifts are happening. And the same old-same old is no longer holding true. Some would still hold on to that, would want the status quo. But that is all changing–for the status quo, the same old-same old–will not be allowed too much longer. And for those that want to stay in that space and want to continue to know the familiar in their lives, that want to stay within that comfort zone that they have always known, that will be available to them; but for those of you that are ready to move on into a Higher Level of Consciousness, Higher Vibration, to actually experience in a full waking state those dreams, those experiences you have been speaking of, to actually have that on an every-moment basis, this is what is ahead for you.
And I tell you now, as Sananda, it is time now to remain calm as the Storm approaches. We have spoken of this Storm before. You hear it in many different ways, and it ISapproaching. And with it, a great many changes are coming.
You only need to continue to hold patience for just a little bit longer. For the many things that have been happening in the background are now beginning to come forward and are going to begin to become revealed. And there is nothing that can stop it. For it is destined. It is destined for the Truth to be revealed to all of mankind.
And the Truth shall come in many different ways from many different sources. One of those sources being your media. For even that which you call the mass media is beginning to turn. Because those that are in control or have been in control are going to lose that control, or are going to turn it over, and the Truth will be revealed from many different directions.
And it will be overwhelming to a great many who will begin to see some of these things, hear some of these things that you have been experiencing now for a while. They will hear it now for the first time. And just as it was quite shocking to you at times–some of the things that you have heard, think about what it will be like for them when it all comes forward–almost all at once. They will be shocked.
And you, those of you that have been preparing and acclimating to these energies will be there to assist, to share, to open up those things which you have known for a while and it will be time for them to now know.
I am Sananda. I leave you now in Peace and Love and truly stay calm, for the Storm does approach.
We have been preparing a great celebration for a long time now.
One Who Serves
Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om. Om. Greetings to you!
One Who Serves here with you to continue on, to continue to bring these messages forward to you in all different ways and to assist in all the different ways that we can and have been doing. But as we have said many, many times, as we are assisting you, you are assisting us. You are assisting us in preparing those that are ready for these revealings as Sananda is saying and as many others are also saying that you are assisting to be there when it is time for those that are in need, or those that will be open and become aware and awakened. It will be time for them to hear some of these things which you already know. And that time does approach.
Do you have questions now for One Who Serves?
Q & A
Q: [Emailed question] My question is for three to four days, Vice President Pence visited Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. During his speech, he announced to set foot on the moon permanently. We know we already have Manhattan-like buildings on the dark side of the moon by the Secret Space Program. He also made reference of the Space Force. It seems like they are moving very fast and want to have something done by 2020. We know that our Galactic Family gave them the ultimatum of disclosure regardless of what they do. Has there been a new negotiation between our Galactic Family and President Trump?
OWS: Not so much “new”negotiations, but “ongoing”negotiations have been in the works. That between the Galactics, as you are saying, and also those of the Light Forces, the Alliance, which of course, the President Trump is a part of, and these negotiations, these secret meetings in many cases, have been ongoing and continue to occur. And there is much that is being discussed at those levels that is beyond the knowing of not only the Americanpublic, but the World public here as well. But it is coming to a head, you might say, where the disclosure as is being said here is coming forward. It starts with the Secret Space Program, moves now to the Space Force, as it is being called–the new Space force; but this new Space Force is just simply a part of the Space Program, the old Space Program. It is just bringing it out now to the public so that they can save face, you might say. They do not have to say “We have known this all along, we have been holding this back from you.” They are doing everything they can so that that does not happen. But that the information still comes forward and the Truth is still revealed. Okay?
Q: [Emailed question] The second question is, about ten days ago, the Mayor of the City of Chicago proposed a universal income for the citizens. Fox News said that it came from the Democratic Party as another tactic to keep liberals on the hook. What relation does it have with the distribution of wealth from Saint Germain?
OWS: As we find it, no relationship whatsoever at this point. It is simply a use of monies that are available to be used in this purpose.
The Saint Germain Trust and many of the other Trusts and Global Accounts and all of this is all still in process and is moving to a realization, you might say, that is coming. But much more on that we cannot give at this point.
Q: [Emailed question] I recently asked my wife, Nan, who is a spirit, about materializing wealth, and she said that if I truly believed I had it, I would have bought an Audi, not a Suzuki. You also said the other Sunday that you don’t have to create it because it is already there. Does that mean, if I only had one thousand Lira in my bank account and I bought a car for 200,000 Lira, that the money would appear because I believed I had it. Please, can you explain? As many people like myself are confused.
OWS: What we can tell you is, this is all about consciousness, all about raising vibrations. As you raise your consciousness and raise your vibrations, you move into a different understanding of how the Law of Attraction works. And the Law of Attraction is just that. You attractwhat you want. Or you attract what you are asking for, whether it is something negative or something positive. It is deep within your consciousness, and your consciousness comes out regardless and the Universe will listen to that level of consciousness that you are at in that point.
So if you believe, sincerely believe, fully believe and KNOWbeyond any doubt that you can have what you want in your life, then you can have it. But, the question is, is there a bit of a doubt there? And if there is a bit of a doubt there, then you succumb to the three-dimensional illusion and the Laws within that illusion that keep you having what is called that “buffer zone.” And that “buffer zone” will continue to work with your lower chakra centers and all of the memories and programming that is associated with that, and thatwill hold you back from this. So if you wish for something, say a car or some automobile of some type, and you believeyou can have it, you canhave it. But there needs to be that total belief systemwithin you. That is how you can, and many of you will demonstrate this to those that are not yet awakened or that are not yet believers, you will be able to do those things which the Yeshua did. Those so-called Miracles. But as we have been saying to you, it is not Miracles, it is Science. It is just a Metaphysical Science or a Higher Consciousness Science. And you will be able to put your hand out and say that something can appear in your hand and it will be there. Not saying that an automobile will appear into your hand, but it can appear in front of you.
But the difference here is the ego center as well. And if your ego is requiring these things, then they are not going to come in that sense. They will not come based on the ego. They will come based on need of those that you are working with. Do you see the difference here?
Are there other questions here now from those in what you call the Phone Land?
Q: I saw during the meditation a vision that everyone was hugging each other, crying from happiness, and looking into the sky and it was full of ships. It was the disclosure! The disclosure is what the people saw, and they were hugging and being happy because they were seeing the ships. It was a bright day and people cried from happiness. So my question is, is this in the near future?
OWS: What you are experiencing is exactly what you were creating in your future. You were creating this to be a part of the expression that is coming and if more and more of you created this same expression, it would come to fruition much quicker.
If all of the 144,000 and even more than that now, as we find it, would come together and meditate all at once, this is the idea of the mass meditation and the ones that have called for these mass meditations. If you would reach the crescendo, as Sananda gives here, if you would reach that, then you would also bring about the Event much quicker here. And all of these revealings and all of this that is coming.
But regardless, these revealings are coming anyway. They are coming a little bit slower maybe than you would have wanted, but they are coming. The Storm is approaching, as Sananda gave here. And you are a part of the Storm. You AREthe Storm, you might say. Just as the President Trump said, “I am the Storm!”
That is what you are. You are the Storm. You are the ones that are bringing this all about. And if you want to bring it about faster, then simply create it being faster. Just as you did in your meditation here. Okay?
Q: I’m glad you brought that up about the tipping point, if you will, because it was on my mind. I participate with Jared Rand on his calls or mass meditations, and I did the Cobra mass meditation on that particular date, and Jared had said that there was something like 166,000 on that call, because he had also participated in it, but he was told that a tipping point had not been reached, and I was under the impression that 144,000 were needed. So I’m confused about that. Can you elaborate on that?
OWS: Yes! We can say that is why we said 144,000 plus. It has shifted. It has changed based on the number of the population of the planet, so that you need to come to that point, as you are saying, the tipping point, where you reached that percentage of the consciousness of the planet. And that has been reached at previous times, but in this past time, it was not fully reached here as we are finding it.
Q: Do we know what the number is?
OWS: We cannot give that number directly because it is a shifting number. It changes based on man’s consciousness and based on those that are coming into the awakening state. We can tell you percentage-wise, you came to approximately 80% to 86%.
Q: My question has to do with children. All my life, I have been on a spiritual path, and the children always touched my heart so huge, it was almost overwhelming and to see anybody get hurt or fighting, I would have to jump in and stop. “Please don’t hurt each other.”
As time went by and the children were all getting kidnapped back in the early 1990s, I came up with an invention just to try to help stop this kidnapping, so that is how deep it runs for my protection over children.
Now here is my question. As time goes on, in these last few years with all the Ascension and everything happening, and doing all the Spiritual Work, I have noticed that my emotions and feelings towards the children isn’t intense any longer and even almost dormant. I wonder why? What happened here? Because I could not handle hearing that children were getting hurt. And with all this disclosure, it is going to come out and I am aware of it. I’ve even tried to listen to some of the videos that they were talking about where they are saving these children already from the child trafficking, and it was very difficult for me to listen, but when I did, I was okay. So my question to you: Have I gotten through this or have I closed myself off?
OWS: This is what we were speaking about earlier in terms of how you are acclimating to the energies. You are becoming aware of those things which are going on in the background, and you are not becoming immune to it, but more and more you are becoming used to it. You are beginning more and more to understand the Oneness of all things. And that there is not a need to have the separation here. Because when you become aware for the first time of these atrocities that are going on in the world, it creates a separation process between you and everyone else. And you are coming into a unification within yourself. More and more you are coming to be unified with your multidimensional selves and your integration to your Higher Self, which is the Ascension process. So as you are going through this Ascension process, you are becoming less and less shocked, you might say, and less and less holding concern over those things. Okay?
Q: So it does look like [President] Trump is having some issues with the Mueller investigation and that that is all going to come out and be revealed about his misdealings. Can you talk about that a little bit and with National Inquirer being part of the media that is being exposed and all that?
OWS: All we can tell you is that this is all part of the whole as far as these revealings that are coming forward. The Truths are coming forward, and they are coming again from many different sources, many different directions, and all of this has been in the works for quite a while, you might say. In terms of not only years here, but decades this has been working in the background.
And those of what you call the White Hats, and the Alliance, have been working toward bringing the Light to the planet in many different ways and they are working together with the Galactics. And those of the Galactics and the Agarthans and the Alliance, which are all a part of ONEhere, they have been working together to defeat or to subdue is a better word here, to subdue those of the dark forces that are left. And we can tell you that there are relatively few of those that are left that can have any kind of control over the situation of the planet. Otherwise, you would have many, many more catastrophes, many, many more atrocities attributed to the cabal, to those dark forces across the planet. But they have been curtailed greatly in what they can do. They do what would be considered more skirmishes here and there, rather than full out war of any type.
Q: About the resistance movement, Athena said to me that without you [“us Light Warriors”] anchoring in this Light, and then spreading this Light, they couldn’t do as much of a good job of what they are doing. They are like in the trenches but we are like the anchors of this conduit of this Light coming through this spectrum and without us, they would not be able to do as much good. We are the conduit. We are here for that particular reason to anchor in the Light and to spread the Light. So we are doing our part, and this is enabling them to do a better job to get this on track faster. Is that right?
OWS: Yes! Certainly. You are the Wayshowers. You are the ones that are bringing the Light, anchoring the Light, spreading the Light. Without you, you are correct, there would be even a much slower process that would be happening here.
In fact, without those of you, it would not be happening at all. This is why those of you have come to this planet to be a part of this evolution. To be here now in these moments when the Light is coming into the planet and you are able to share the Light further and further out, and help more and more and more awaken. Even beyond those of the under 144,000, to awaken. And this is the process that is happening now and Youare the Storm, as was given earlier. You are ALLthe Storm that approaches here.
Q: That’s right. That is exactly the way she explained it to me, but I was struggling to break it down. But without us, they cannot do their job. If there is no conduit, then the Light is cut off. So we are very, very important, and this is why they say this. We are very, very important for this whole process.
This thing with John McCain. Is he definitely passed on now or is he locked up somewhere?
OWS: What we can tell you is simply that he is no longer!
Q: May I refer back to the question about what is happening with the children? Is that what you were discussing many, many months ago? You talked about the need to reach the state of neutrality. So is that the position that she has reached at this point?
OWS: Not completely certainly, because if she was in complete neutrality, then that would be the full Ascension. But there is a movement toward more neutrality in your lives. All of you now as we speak here. You are all moving toward this which is the connection. The more full connection with your Higher God Self. And your Higher God Self is neutral. And as you connect more and more with your Higher God Self, you come more and more into that neutrality as well–knowing everything is working exactly as it needs to, exactly in the moment that it is in.
We are needing to release channel now.
As you continue on everyone, brothers and sisters, people–continue to hold the Light. Continue to anchor it, hold it, share it wherever you can, to continue to be the Light. As you continue to be the Light in every opportunity that you find, then you will find that the Storm that we are speaking of will become more and more withyou, with you as the planet, with you as the people of the planet, the Collective Consciousness.
Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.
Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.
“Believing is seeing!”
Light Warriors–You Are Bringing the Light to the World!
One Who Serves as channeled by James McConnell.
These messages were given during ourThursday nightsession
during the August Advance in Christopher Creek, AZ on August 9, 2018. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)
One Who Serves
My dear friends, it is wonderful to be with you. To be able to have and continue to have these experiences where we can connect. Where we can communicate with you. We so long for those times where we can sit across from you and, yes, as we have said many times, break bread or other things, it does not have to be bread. Why is it always bread? Why is it always bread, and we can break bread. What if we don’t want to break bread? What if we want to have a meal of some type? What if we want to have a little wine? What’s wrong with that? Right?
Can you have some wine with us? Yes! There are many of us that do that, you know.
We like to party. We like to party a lot!
Can you imagine what it would be like to be able to party whenever you want to and not have to worry about the hangover the next day! Can you imagine? You can drink if you want, but you don’t have to worry about that. No more sickness!
It’s been so long, we can’t even remember what that was like back then. But there were times, of course, when we had those experiences. We drank a little bit too much. But we survived it!
We are here, and you are here. And you have survived it. You have survived the energies. The energies that continue to come into the planet. Many of you, you are not only surviving it, but you are thriving with those energies. Do you understand the difference here? You are thriving with the energies. The energies are changing you. They are changing your DNA. They are changing your pineal gland. They are opening up your heart center. They are raising your consciousness to levels that you have not seen or experienced in, many of you, thousands of years!
But you have arrived. You have arrived at these moments, these times. And these are the times that you all have been waiting for.
We bring you together like this in these group sessions both here in person, what James likes to call “live and in person.”
And those of you that are on the phone which is almost the same as being here, if you allow it to be. Because if you allow it, there is no difference here. There is no time and space. You can be here just as those that are here are here, if you believe it. And as always, if you believe it, you will see it.
And if you believe it, people, and this is not only for these here that are here directly, but for those of you on the phone, if you believe it — for the end of this weekend, we cannot tell you exactly when or how — but if you believe it, YOU WILL SEE IT!
You will see something which you would consider miraculous. Some of you have already seen some things on the way here, as we are finding it. You see those ships that you have taken pictures of and some wonder, “Well is this real? Or is this not real?”
Yes! It is real! You are seeing those things, but did you see anyone else looking out the window and seeing them in your planes? Did anyone else say, “Look! Look at that! A ship!”
No! Only you did! You who took the pictures. You who saw it. Because you have the eyes to see! But NOW?
Get that again, now, but NOW! You are going to see so much more, if you allow it. If you believe it! The skies are going to open up to you. Not only with ships, but with Light! Many different kinds of Light you are going to begin to see.
It may start in your dream state. It may move into your, what you call, daydreaming state. Your visions. But one of these days, not far off, you will look up into the skies, and the clouds will part, and you will see Light coming from the Galactic Central Sun. Light that others may not see. Others may look directly up there and see much of nothing. But you will see what is really there. The reality! Because you are moving into a new reality.
Or you can even look at it as an old reality for yourselves. Because when you were in Lemuria, when you were in Atlantis, and when we say “you,” we are talking to everybody here. Everybody that is in this room, everybody that is on the phone, there is not a one of you that has not had these experiences from long ago. Otherwise you would not be here! You would not be a part of this group–a part of Ancient Awakenings–because you have been called.
We heard this earlier when you were speaking here. About you were being guided here. You were being called. Yes! You were! We were calling you! Your guides were calling you. The Archangels were calling you.
You were called a long time ago. You answered the call. You volunteered to be a part of this expression.
Of course, not knowing what you are getting into then–but you did anyway. And you came. And you experienced. And you raised the consciousness of a planet. Do you realize what you have done? Do you realize that you are raising the consciousness of a planet?
When we are saying you, we are not just talking now about the “Collective YOU.” We are talking about the “Collective YOU” of this group! Please understand that. Understand your POWER now. This is not an ego statement. We are not trying to relate to your egos. Far from it that we would want to do that.
But we are relating to your remembrances. Remember the POWER that you once had. We said earlier that one was a star, and remembered that that one was a star. What power does a star have? Think about that for a moment.
The Power of a star? And here you are as a human being here on this planet. And you think you have no Power? You have the Power of a STAR within you!
Each of you do.
That Power Center within each of you, is the Power of a Star. Think about that. An atom that is in your bodies, all of you, the Power Center that created your body–that Power Center can power an entire city, an entire country, an entire planet. Can you imagine if those here on the planet would understand this? And they could utilize that Power Center within even just one individual–there would be enough power to power the planet for centuries.
The Matrixwas not that far off. You see. The movie? He even said to Neo, “We are power cells. We are batteries.”
If you could utilize that Power Center, but forget about that. Think about the Power that is within you and how you can utilize that Power. You wondered earlier, how those who could build the pyramids, raise those rocks, they knew the Power within them. You see? They utilized that Power. They did it with their minds. And you also can do that, when you have created the “Heart-Mind Connection.”
And this is what the Lion’s Gate, the energies are all about now–connecting the Heart and Mind. The High Heart with the Third Eye, and opening that center again, which you have now done.
But it will only stay open if you keep it open, and you must do that yourselves. You must keep that center open. Keep utilizing it. Keep visualizing. And those of you that have trouble visualizing, just think–think and know–think and know–and it is so.
You feel the Power coming through here? Do you feel this?
This is the energies that are here at this time. Here with all of you here in this room, as well as all of you on the phones. You are creating tremendous energies.
And tomorrow, and tomorrow evening, and moving on and through the weekend, there are going to be many here with you. Many of us. Sananda, Ashtar will be here, the Archangels will be here, Aramda will be here, etcetera, Saint Germain certainly.
Saint Germain is always where the party is!
He is a partier, that one!
We may even get a command performance from you-know-who here. He has not been with you for a little while here. He has been saving it up, He says!
So He waits for the right time, and who knows? He may come in and go for it with you a little bit.
But we always have to caution him, as you know, most of you know, he tends to say things that he is not supposed to say yet. So we always have to bring him back from it. Pull him back sometimes!
He does not want to give up too easily. He likes the stage.
Very good. We are finished here.
We can take questions if there are any questions–but as we understand it, with your system here, it may be difficult to ask your questions here in the room.
So we can try it, if you want. And if it works, great! If not, we can take questions from those on the phone. Or we can just forget it for tonight, as many of you are tired.
I don’t know why you would be tired though, the energies are so strong here! You should be flying by now! You should be lifting up off of your chairs!
Anyone out there lifting up off of their chairs?
Audience: I am!
Yes? Good! Somebody said, “I am.”
Yes, you are!
How about out there in the phone area? Phone land. Anybody lifting up off of their chairs?
Hello, anyone out there? Oh, oh. Oh, oh. Have we been talking to nobody out there? Are you muted? Anyone out here.
Phoneland: We’re here!
Yes, we’re here!
Hello, can you hear us?
OWS: Anyone lifting up off of their chairs out there?
Phoneland: Oh yeah!
We cannot feel our body right now!
OWS: Good! Good!
Can you imagine what it would be like when you don’t have to feel your body anymore? You can have your body, but you don’t have to feel it. It means you don’t have to feel the aches and pains that come along with it. You see? It will be like floating. Some of you will float.
Phoneland: Looking forward to that!
I’m floating right now!
Believing is seeing.
I actually feel my body is much lighter ever since I joined the group!
OWS: There you go!
Phoneland: I’ve been floating all my life!
OWS: Well, we have to ask you then, what were you on?
You’ve been on something! Or are you just floating on life? Life energy.
Life energy, people, is wonderful! The feeling of being alive. Think about it. There are souls upon souls upon souls that would give anything to be here in your bodies at this time to witness, to experience, that which is going to be here. You have a front row seat!
And not only a front row seat…you’re the participants in this! You are the players on the field!
The fans are in the ships. The fans are in the ships up there watching this spectacle below them.
Phoneland: And you’re our cheerleaders.
That’s why we all volunteered to be here now.
OWS: And boy do we laugh a lot!
Phoneland: Of course, they do.
You’re our cheerleaders.
OWS: Yes, we AREyour cheerleaders. We are your cheerleaders, and in some ways, we are your coaches as well. But you are the players!
You are the ones that are carrying the ball. You are the ones that must make the touchdown or the field goal or whatever you want to call it. We are taking these images from the James here. He likes sports, so we can use this.
And you are the ones that either make it or break it. But you are the ones that are carrying the Light! You are not only anchoring the Light now, you are now carrying the Light! You are not only the Lightworkers now, you are the Light Carriers! The Light Warriors, as we like to say.
You are the Warriors of Light! And you are bringing the Light to the world. You, this group, and many other groups that are out there.
And this meditation, this mass meditation that is coming on the Saturday here, the one that has been called for, you are going to participate in that meditation. It will be the evening session here and we will be conducting it and bringing you to the space where you can feel the energies coming from the Galactic Central Sun.
Now please understand, we are not saying see them, or visualize them, we are saying “feel the energy.” That is a difference here. That is what is hoped for Saturday night as part of what is going to be expressed here.
Get ready! Because the energies are coming. The STORMis approaching. And we are preparing a great celebration! We have been preparing a great celebration for a long time now. And just waiting for those of you, all of the invitees to accept your invitation to the party.
Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.
Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.
“Believing is seeing!”
You have to find parks and patches of grass to make that connection, which is crucial now to being in a high vibrational state.
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are putting an emphasis at this time on your connecting with and to Mother Nature and planet Earth. We know that you live in a fast-paced world, high-tech, industrialized, and that you spend most of your time fairly separated from that which is natural, that which is pristine, and that which comes directly from the Earth. So now it takes a bit of effort to connect. You don’t need to connect with nature in the way that you used to in order to survive.
In fact, it usually follows that the more successful a person is, the less connected to nature they are. Sometimes, some of you reach a point where you realize this truth, and you go back to nature. It can, and often does, take a lot of time and money to get back to nature. So some of you have to be creative, especially those of you who live in big cities. You have to find parks and patches of grass to make that connection, which is crucial now to being in a high vibrational state.
You must look for your opportunities to connect with Mother Nature and with mother Earth, as they are both guiding you with the high vibrations that they give off. You have reached a point in your evolution where the higher your vibration gets, the more you need nature to feel balanced and to feel connected. And the truth is that the Earth doesn’t need you to connect with her, but she does appreciate it when you do. And a joyous Earth is an Earth that gives off even more of that high frequency vibration.
Earth will never reject you, no matter what you do. She will always be the embodiment of unconditional love in the physical realm. But you have to go looking, at times, for the opportunities to connect with her, and that is what we are encouraging you to do. That is going to bring you closer to the fifth dimensional experience you are looking for in your lives.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Our focus with the Unity Meditations on SUNday was distribution of the Crystalline rainbow bridge codes, and we have full support from the higher realms with this solar-planetary influx.

This Newsletter is light-encoded to assist your journey. |
Blessings Beloveds ~ You cannot fake a Gateway opening, the evidence always presents. SUNspots appeared *out of nowhere.* Then a strong geomagnetic storm on Saturday and SUNday linking the SUN and Gaia’s fields for a powerful plasma influx. A direct connection with 80 billion watts of power surging the grids through the aurora oval (the opening in Gaia’s magnetosphere, a direct hit.) We are still in it as those energies disperse through the grid systems, and our hearts. Our focus with the Unity Meditations on SUNday was distribution of the Crystalline rainbow bridge codes, and we have full support from the higher realms with this solar-planetary influx. This is a tremendous amount of trackable plasma influx. In our mulitdimensional perspective, this shows us that the stargates are linked and receiving the waves of light predicted for this Infinity Gate week. Gatekeepers always link the stargates for influxes, and this one appears to be quite powerful. (Those surges come from beyond our solar system.) Kindwhile, focus on the new light changes, and do not judge the dismantling of the old. Call in your Master, Angelic and Galactic levels – remember this is embodiment time; awareness and reunification of ALL that we are. For some, this includes the Solar Light Beingness. Turn on those crystalline codes and rainbow bridges in the DNA. Light up all that is with the positive, pure photonic light of Source. We intend to let this Infinity Gateway unfold with as much ease and grace as possible, and allow all willing hearts to cross the crystalline bridges to full embodiment of the Divine Self. Don’t dim it or control it out of fear, let it do the good work. Blessings and gratitude to the Gatekeepers and Gridworkers who assisted, and to all who are holding this open with the highest intent this week. Our trigger day is Wednesday, August 29, however the opening late Friday indicates this will be a transformative week. Notice how the energy feels lighter, more refined. After the density-purging of the eclipses, we are open for next-level embodiment. Let the light change you. Let us open the crystalline bridges within and without. RECEIVE THE FULL ARTICLE HERE In Love, Light and Service, Sandra |
Blessings Beloveds ~You cannot fake a Gateway opening, the evidence always presents. SUNspots appeared *out of nowhere.* Then a strong geomagnetic storm on Saturday and SUNday linking the SUN and Gaia’s fields for a powerful plasma influx. A direct connection with 80 billion watts of power surging the grids through the aurora oval (the opening in Gaia’s magnetosphere, a direct hit.) We are still in it as those energies disperse through the grid systems, and our hearts. Our focus with the Unity Meditations on SUNday was distribution of the Crystalline rainbow bridge codes, and we have full support from the higher realms with this solar-planetary influx.This is a tremendous amount of trackable plasma influx. In our mulitdimensional perspective, this shows us that the stargates are linked and receiving the waves of light predicted for this Infinity Gate week. Gatekeepers always link the stargates for influxes, and this one appears to be quite powerful. (Those surges come from beyond our solar system.)Kindwhile, focus on the new light changes, and do not judge the dismantling of the old. Call in your Master, Angelic and Galactic levels – remember this is embodiment time; awareness and reunification of ALL that we are. For some, this includes the Solar Light Beingness.Turn on those crystalline codes and rainbow bridges in the DNA. Light up all that is with the positive, pure photonic light of Source.We intend to let this Infinity Gateway unfold with as much ease and grace as possible, and allow all willing hearts to cross the crystalline bridges to full embodiment of the Divine Self. Don’t dim it or control it out of fear, let it do the good work.Blessings and gratitude to the Gatekeepers and Gridworkers who assisted, and to all who are holding this open with the highest intent this week. Our trigger day is Wednesday, August 29, however the opening late Friday indicates this will be a transformative week.Notice how the energy feels lighter, more refined. After the density-purging of the eclipses, we are open for next-level embodiment. Let the light change you. Let us open the crystalline bridges within and without.RECEIVE THE FULL ARTICLE HERE In Love, Light and Service, Sandra |
No one knows or even wants to know you better than you.
Dear Ones,
As the energies you are now absorbing become stronger, more truths about yourself and others will be unveiled. For you are exploring 3D earth truths with 5D senses.
It is a bit like a child playing peek-a-boo. Very young children believe you have left when they cannot see your face. An older child knows you have merely placed an object over your face.
So it is you are sensing and discovering that what was once your reality is no more. Something you might find uncomfortable because, in a sense, you hid the truth from yourself.
Do not to berate yourself for until now you were not ready to discover those truths. And as you are ever evolving the truths you uncover will continue your evolution just as was true as you aged from a 3D infant to an adult.
Because you are evolving more rapidly than you imagine, allow yourself to have different needs and feelings tomorrow than was true yesterday or today.
Many of you want an ending to this evolution, to know that you have arrived.
Such was never true in your 3D life, you just have not acknowledged that such was so. In 3D, there is a great deal of difference between a thirty-year-old adult and someone who is seventy years of age. So it is now. The difference is that in 3D others of different ages informed you or displayed what was likely to happen.
Such is no longer true. Not even we of the ethers have a manual informing us how you are evolving and why. You, the explorers and creators of the Universes, are mavericks of the new.
So it is you will evolve as you need, just more rapidly than was true in 3D.
That last thought frightens some for you fear you will evolve from infant to senior more quickly than you would like – ending your current life rapidly.
Instead, we are referring to a new you that combines past, current, and future segments of your totality allowing you to be more knowledgeable of yourself and your surroundings. In the past, you accepted the thoughts of others that someone or something was good or bad. Much as an infant must accept whatever physical care is offered believing that such is all there is.
Even though you have been an infant of the Universes for eons, you are rapidly evolving far past your Universal infancy. Yet your decisions to pause, stop, or to race ahead are entirely up to you.
So it is some of you are racing to new thoughts, beliefs, and actions. While others are savoring certain parts of their new being. Which is little different from deciding what to do as a young adult. Find a job? More schooling? Get married? Have children? Leave or stay in your home of origin? All choices that seem logical because so many have selected each of those choices throughout eons of earth lives.
You are the new kid on the new block with different thoughts, choices, and beliefs.
Just as you are questioning your direction so is everyone. There is no manual of rightness. There are no shoulds. There are no have tos. Life without those parameters is both frightening and exhilarating.
Who are you now that you have declared yourself free of 3D? This phase is a bit like the first time your parents allowed you to walk through your community without supervision. What do you want to do? A frightening thought for the first few moments of freedom UNTIL you realize you can create your idea of fun without an adult directing you.
Freedom is often frightening until you realize who you are and how you wish to use it. The difference now is there are no right or wrong answers. So 5D and beyond freedom might seem a bit frightening until you realize there are no wrong answers.
Your feelings of wrongness were most often the dictates of society. Even though you are no longer bound by social dictates, you do not have a manual for moving forward.
You are so free it is a bit frightening. Because of that, many of you will initially place parameters on your actions to feel some sense of comfort. Parameters that will not last long for the call of freedom is much stronger than the past societal calls of rightness.
You are free. And part of that freedom is learning new actions and beliefs in a new world. No one knows or even wants to know you better than you.
It is likely you might take a few missteps in terms of testing yourself, “Do I like this or that?” Which is little different from determining which school subjects are your favorites.
Your decisions are easily shifted. No longer are you held to a standard that has little to do with you.
So it is you are discovering yourself with more freedom than you had while of the 3D earth – and with few consequences other than discovering who new you truly is.
You will not be punished for your decisions. You are creator beings so as you test one path that is not quite right, you will create more appropriate paths until you discover your true comfort zone.
You are exploring you in all your 5D and beyond glory. You will not make mistakes. And you cannot be wrong for you are creator beings supreme. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:
Patricia Cota-Robles
AUGUST 27, 2018
As I assimilate the wonders that took place during the 32ndAnnual World Congress on Illumination, and strive to put into words what was cocreated through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, I AM overwhelmed, humbled and elated in ways I have not previously experienced. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world consciously joined with those of us gathered within the Portal of Light at Diamond Head in Honolulu, Hawaii from their various points of Light all over the planet. I was also clearly shown by our Father-Mother God that the I AM Presence of every single person on Earth assisted through the multidimensional aspects of their superconscious mind to cocreate the miracles that took place that week whether they were consciously aware of it or not. Please read these words from within the Flame of Illumined Truth pulsating in the Divinity of your Heart. Know that YOU were an essential part of this facet of our Father-Mother God’s unfolding Divine Plan. You God Victoriously succeeded in fulfilling a mission you have been preparing to accomplish for lifetimes. The Hawaiian Islands are mountain peaks on the huge continent of Lemuria that used to exist in the Pacific Ocean. That is where the initial impulse of our fall from Grace took place aeons ago. When it was clear that we were spiraling into an abyss of our own making, our Father-Mother God determined that the continent of Lemuria must be submerged in the healing waters of the Pacific Ocean. When that occurred, Lemuria broke apart and some of it was pushed into the Southern Hemisphere. The islands of the South Pacific, Australia and New Zealand are also part of Lemuria.
This year we were called back to Honolulu and the Portal of Light at Diamond Head for the 32ndWCI because our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven perceived that the awakening taking place within the hearts and minds of the masses of Humanity had reached the potential of reversing the adverse effects of our fall from Grace back to the initial impulse of the fall on Lemuria. They knew that if the Sons and Daughters of God embodied on Earth could accomplish that miracle, it would assure that the Millennials and the children would be able to transcend the toxic substances and the gross contaminations within their Earthly Bodies that have been preventing their I AM Presence from activating their consciousness codes. There were both Celestial and Earthly events that assisted in paving the way for this monumental endeavor. For several weeks the Earth and all her Life were bathed in powerful planetary alignments and a triple Eclipse Series that was brought to fruition during the Opening Ceremonies for the World Congress on August 11, 2018. That weekend was the peak of the annual Perseid Meteor Shower. As comets and meteors pass the Earth they shake the ethers and break down the obsolete crystallized patterns and archetypes of Humanity’s miscreations. This allows the Elohim to create a fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential upon which new patterns for the unfolding Divine Plan can be encoded by Humanity and the Company of Heaven. In addition to the assistance we received from the Cosmos, for several weeks the Elohim and the Directors of the Elements assisted in relieving the pressure building up in the body of Mother Earth through the Divine Alchemy she is experiencing in her Ascension process. This was necessary in order for her to be able to safely receive the unprecedented frequency of Light that was needed to activate the consciousness codes within the DNA of the Holy Innocents. That release of pressure was accomplished during the eruption of the Kaleo Volcano. Then, on August 8thduring the opening of the Portal of the Lion’s Gate above the Pyramid in Egypt, Hurricane Hector passed by the Hawaiian Islands clearing the atmosphere of the last vestiges of the surfacing dross prior to the activities of Light that would take place during the 32ndAnnual World Congress on Illumination.On August 11th, the Opening Ceremonies were free and open to the public allowing many Lightworkers from Honolulu and the surrounding areas to weave their magnificent Light into the Chalice of our unified Heart Flames. During that event, our Father-Mother God infused our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love with the highest frequencies of Light that Mother Earth and Humanity were capable of withstanding at an atomic and subatomic cellular level. This unfathomable frequency of Transfiguring Divine Love flooded the Earth amplifying the Divine Intentions of the Lightwork of every person on Earth one thousand fold in preparation for the miracles that were destined to be accomplished throughout the entire week.Every day during the World Congress on Illumination we had enlightened presenters, wonderful singers, musicians, music, meditations and visualizations that blessed the attendees and enhanced the ability of every one of us to stay focused on the Light and our Divine Mission. Day by day, our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven guided us through activities of Light that enabled us to accomplish the facet of the Divine Plan intended for that day. Those activities of Light were multidimensional and were God Victoriously accomplished through the unified efforts of our Father-Mother God, the Company of Heaven and the embodied Lightworkers who participated at both inner and outer levels.On August 12th, our Father-Mother God said that the greatly intensified purging process Humanity has been going through since the beginning of 2018 had pushed tons of Humanity’s miscreations, negative thoughtforms and behavior patterns to the surface to be transmuted back into Light. They said this powerful purging process caused an unintended accumulation of negativity in the Psychic Astral Realm surrounding the Earth. Our God Parents revealed that this dense and very dark energy was interfering with the influx of Light from our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love. The Psychic Astral Realm is the sea of negativity surrounding the Earth that people who have gone through a near-death experience describe when they talk about passing through a “dark tunnel” on their journey into the Light. Our Father-Mother God said that the first phase of our Divine Mission in Honolulu was for each of us to be the Open Door for an activity of Light the Company of Heaven would lead us through. This activity was designed to transmute the dense negativity in the Psychic Astral Realm, so that the Light of God necessary for the activation of the consciousness codes of the Holy Innocents would not be blocked from Earth. I will describe this awesome activity of Light step by step, so you can get a glimpse of the magnitude of this Divine Intervention. First, the Mighty Elohim who are the Builders of Form descended into the atmosphere of Earth and took their strategic positions equal distance around the equator of this planet. The Elohim were followed by Archangel Michael and his Legions of Power and Protection. Archangel Michael directed these awesome Beings of Light to traverse the Earth and to project their powerful Swords of Blue Flame into all of the vulnerable areas and the wounds in the body of Mother Earth. Archangel Michael’s Legions projected their Swords of Blue Flame into all of the tectonic plates, cracks, faults, fissures and weak areas in the body of Mother Earth. They also reinforced the areas where mining, drilling for oil, fracking and nuclear testing have taken place.Next, under the direction of Saint Germain, Legions of 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame Archangels of Infinite Transmutation took their positions throughout the Psychic Astral Realm and within the atmosphere of every country, province, state, city, town and hamlet on Planet Earth.Once this was accomplished, the Directors of the Elements took their positions at the four Cardinal Points. Thor and Aries and the Sylphs of the Air were stationed at the Cardinal Point to the North, Neptune and Lunara and the Undines of the Water were stationed at the Cardinal Point to the East, Pelleur and Virgo and the Nature Spirits of the Earth were stationed at the Cardinal Point to the South, Helios and Vesta and the Salamanders of the Fire were stationed at the Cardinal Point to the West and Aeolus and Amaryllis and the Devas and Deva Rajas of the Ether were stationed within the Sun of Even Pressure in the center of the Earth.As all of these Beings of Light stood in readiness, our Father-Mother God bathed Beloved Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her with a Healing unguent of their Divine Love and Comfort in preparation for the unprecedented cleansing process that was about to take place.To begin the cleansing process, Saint Germain sounded a Cosmic Tone signaling his Violet Flame Archangels to begin blazing the most intensified frequencies of the Violet Flame of Infinite Transmutation that Cosmic Law would allow in, through and around the Psychic Astral Plane. Instantaneously, the Violet Flame shattered every thoughtform, pattern, archetype and matrix that Humanity had either deliberately or inadvertently miscreated since our fall from Grace aeons ago. When that facet of the cleansing process was complete, Saint Germain then directed the Violet Flame Archangels standing within the atmosphere of every country, province, state, city, town and hamlet on Earth to blaze this powerful 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame of Infinite Transmutation in, through and around every remaining thought, feeling, word, action, memory and belief that the Sons and Daughters of God have ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, that were not based in Love. After this unparalleled cleansing process was victoriously accomplished, the electronic Light substance and the atomic and subatomic particles and waves of energy that were forced to outpicture those gross mutations by a fallen Humanity were taken into the embrace of our Father-Mother God and bathed with their Healing unguent of Comfort and Love.As this previously distorted and grossly mutated intelligent electronic Light substance was Loved free and transformed back into its original perfection, this Life Force began to awaken to its Divine Potential and to remember its purpose and reason for being. The Directors of the Elements witnessed this awakening and began magnetizing from the very Heart of God the first gentle frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light that these previously distorted electrons and atomic and subatomic particles and waves of Life had been able to integrate. Instantaneously, these precious Life Forms were prepared to receive, along with Humanity and all of the rest of Life evolving on Mother Earth, the next level of our Father-Mother God’s Healing process.That Gift from On High was a Baptism by Sacred Fire from the Holy Spirit, our Mother God. As the Company of Heaven watched in breathless awe, our Mother God breathed her Holy Breath through the Portal of Light at Diamond Head and Baptized the Earth and all her Life with Sacred Fire.
Once this Gift of Sacred Fire was received by every particle and wave of Life on Earth, the Mighty Elohim Inbreathed Mother Earth and all her Life further up the Spiral of Evolution into higher frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth than we have ever experienced. As this miracle took place, our Father-Mother God, the Company of Heaven and the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth watched with open hearts and Infinite Gratitude.
On August 13ththe Company of Heaven told us that through the cleansing activities of Light that were victoriously accomplished the previous day, the very dark and distorted energy in the Psychic Astral Realm had been successfully transmuted into a veil of gossamer Light. They said this very thin gossamer veil was now allowing greatly enhanced frequencies of Light to bathe the Earth through our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love. This paved the way for the next phase of the Divine Plan.We were told by the Beings of Light that important shifts of energy, vibration and consciousness had taken place within the hearts and minds of the masses of Humanity since our Father-Mother God’s new Divine Plan was initiated in January of 2018. They said these shifts allowed more Light than ever before to flow through every person’s newly balanced and recalibrated Heart Flame during the opening of the Lion’s Gate on August 8th. That influx of Light allowed the I AM Presence of every person to open their 5th-Dimensional Heart Chakra to new breadths. The Beings of Light said the increased Light that had been flowing through every person’s Heart Chakra since August 8thhad gently softened and prepared their hearts for the next phase of our Divine Mission. On August 13thour Father-Mother God reiterated to us the greatest need of the hour. In the silence of every person’s Heart Flame, our God Parents had been sounding a Cosmic Tone with the Divine Intent of awakening within each of us the KNOWING that we are ONE and that there is no separation. We were told that our Divine Mission for that day was to be the Open Door for a greatly intensified activity of Light that would exponentially expand that holy endeavor.
The Company of Heaven guided us through an activity of Light that was designed to Love ALL Life FREE and assist every person on Earth, even the most recalcitrant and asleep Sons and Daughters of God, to hear the Cosmic Tone that was now reverberating within every person’s Heart Flame. Through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, that exponentially expanded activity of Light built in momentum throughout the day and helped the I AM Presence of every person on Earth to awaken within their Heart Flame the KNOWING that “We are One.” On August 14thwe all participated in the activity of Light that was shared around the world that morning on our Weekly Vlog number 75. In order to empower that activity of Light in monumental ways, our Father-Mother God asked the Angel of Resurrection to intervene. In response to their request, the Angel of Resurrection descended into the atmosphere of Earth and expanded his luminous Presence until the Earth and all her Life were cradled within the Divinity of his Heart.
The Angel of Resurrection then breathed the most intensified frequencies of the Mother of Pearl Resurrection Flame that we were capable of receiving into the Core of Purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth. This Gift of the Resurrection Flame greatly enhanced the activity of Light we were guided through on Vlog 75. As One unified Heart, we accelerated the Divine Alchemy taking place within the Earthly Bodies of Humanity and Mother Earth to the next level of our physical preparation. After the activity of Light in the morning, the attendees at the 32ndWCI had a free day. They were guided to listen to their heart and to go wherever they were inspired to go on the island. Everywhere these dedicated Lightworkers went, they spread their Light and expanded the Portal of Light at Diamond Head in preparation for the events that would take place on August 15thand 16th.
August 15this celebrated around the world as Mother Mary’s Ascension Day. The exquisite Light associated with this exponent of our Mother God and the Divine Feminine began bathing the Earth the moment the Sun crossed the International Date Line which was actually August 14thin Honolulu, Hawaii. On August 14thMother Mary projected her luminous Presence into the auras of the attendees at the World Congress on Illumination as they traversed the island. In preparation for the next day, Mother Mary anchored her Light wherever these dedicated Lightworkers were called to be. On August 15th, as Mother Mary’s Healing Light continued to infuse our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love, she asked her Beloved Sister Pallas Athena to join her for an unprecedented activity of Healing. Pallas Athena is known through all Creation as the Goddess of Truth and the Keeper of the Flame of Illumined Truth. She joyfully accepted Mother Mary’s invitation.
As the luminous Presence of Mother Mary and Pallas Athena pulsated in the atmosphere of Earth, Mother Mary breathed the Madonna Blue and Crystalline White Flame of the Immaculate Concept into the Heart Flame of every person on Earth. This Sacred Fire contains within its frequencies the matrix for the Divine Potential within every Son and Daughter of God.
Once the Flame of the Immaculate Concept was secured within every Heart Flame, Pallas Athena breathed the Emerald Green and Sunshine Yellow Flame of Illumined Truth into the Heart Flame of every person. The Divine Intent of that Gift from Pallas Athena was to illuminate and to awaken within every person the profound Truth of who we are and why we are on Earth during this auspicious Cosmic Moment. When all was in readiness Mother Mary and Pallas Athena assisted the I AM Presence of every person on Earth to anchor the Immaculate Concept of our Divine Potential and the Illumined Truth of who we are and why we are here within the Core of Purity in every electron of our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. Then, those of us gathered within the Portal of Light at Diamond Head were asked to serve as surrogates on behalf of the Millennials and the children for an activation of their 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies. As we were guided through this powerful activation, we also held the sacred space for the activation of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies of both awakened and unawakened Humanity. After that activity of Light was complete, Mother Mary sent forth her Legions of 5th-Dimensional Archangels to gather from all time frames and dimensions the indigenous Grandmothers and Grandfathers who have tenaciously held the sacred space and the Divine Intention that one day Mother Earth would be restored to her original beauty and wondrous expression of Heaven on Earth.
Responding to the Clarion Call of Mother Mary’s Archangels, our precious ancestors in the Family of Humanity from all indigenous traditions descended into the atmosphere of Earth from the far reaches of the Cosmos. These selfless Ones traversed the Earth north, south, east and west and took their strategic positions within Mother Earth’s Crystal Grid System to serve as acupuncture needles along the meridians of this planet.
The Mighty Elohim and the Directors of the Elements then took their strategic positions around the Earth in order to assist with the final step of preparation for the most intensified Healing that Humanity and Mother Earth had ever received.
When all was in readiness, Mother Mary sounded a Cosmic Tone and the Mighty Elohim began Inbreathing from the Core of Creation the most intensified frequencies of the Emerald Green and Violet Flame of Healing Through the Power of Transmutation that Cosmic Law would allow. Then, on the Outbreath, these Mighty Builders of Form breathed this unfathomable Healing Flame into our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love. Once this Healing Light was infused into our Grid of Divine Love, it was anchored within the Heart Flames of the indigenous Grandmothers and Grandfathers stationed along the acupuncture meridians in Mother Earth’s Crystal Grid System.
Then, on the Holy Breath, our indigenous ancestors breathed these new frequencies of the Emerald Green and Violet Flame of Healing Through the Power of Transmutation through their Heart Chakras into the physical world of form. With the assistance of every person’s I AM Presence, this powerful Healing Light was secured within the Core of Purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth blessing this sweet Earth and all her Life with the most effective and intensified Healing we had ever received That afternoon our Father-Mother God revealed to us that the activities of Light that had been God Victoriously accomplished during the first days of the 32ndAnnual World Congress on Illumination had created a rare opportunity for the recalcitrant souls who are still resisting Earth’s Ascension in the Light to reclaim their path of Divine Love. The Company of Heaven said the possibility of that miracle was actually beyond their greatest expectations.
These recalcitrant souls are our sisters and brothers who were in danger of being left behind during the Shift of the Ages but who, through an act of Divine Grace, eventually made the decision to do what was necessary in order to transmute their karmic liabilities in time. After the New Earth was birthed in the Realms of Cause and the Shift of the Ages was victoriously accomplished on December 21-22, 2012, our wayward sisters and brothers began to tangibly experience what it meant for them to give up their power and greed in order to function from a place of Oneness and Reverence for all Life. This terrified them and caused them to revert to the old patterns of control and manipulation which they had wielded for centuries. Tragically, when that occurred our recalcitrant sisters and brothers began to renege on their commitment to transmute their karmic liabilities. Instead, they began doing whatever they could to block Humanity’s forward progress in the Light. Their actions are what caused our Father-Mother God to initiate the New Divine Plan and the Divine Mission of activating the consciousness codeswithin the DNA of the Millennials and the children.
On August 15th, in a powerful activity of Light involving their I AM Presence and their multidimensional consciousness, these fallen Sons and Daughters of God were called Home and escorted by Mother Mary and Pallas Athena into the very Heart of our Father-Mother God. In the Realms of Illumined Truth they were once again shown who they truly are as Beloved Sons and Daughters of God.
While the Lightworkers gathered in Honolulu, Hawaii and those tuning in from around the world held the sacred space, our Father-Mother God gave our sisters and brothers another chance to commit to their agreement of transmuting their karmic liabilities and of reclaiming the Path of Divine Love they will need to follow on their journey to the 5th-Dimensional New Earth.
When that activity of Light was complete, the Company of Heaven said that a critical mass of these resistant souls had made the choice to renew their commitment to transmute their karmic liabilities and to return to the Path of Divine Love. This positive decision by a critical mass of our resistant sisters and brothers created an unstoppable shift that lifted the remaining recalcitrant souls, who had refused this opportunity, into a Higher Order of Being. This will hopefully give their I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven a better chance of still reaching them.
August 16thwas the final day of the World Congress on Illumination. I will share with you step by step the miracles that took place that glorious day. Our Father-Mother God revealed to us that since July 12th, which was the New Moon Solar Eclipse that initiated the triple Eclipse Series we had just experienced, the Millennials and the children were escorted into the Temples of the Central Sun of Alpha and Omega in their finer bodies as they slept at night. Through their I AM Presence and within their multidimensional consciousness they were given refresher courses to remind them of the sacred knowledge they have encoded within their consciousness codes. This knowledge contains viable solutions to the maladies on Earth and new information that they will use to assist Humanity and all Life on Earth to cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Earth in wondrous ways. The Company of Heaven said that this sacred knowledge will surface into their conscious minds in Divine Timing once these codes are activated within their DNA. During the night time hours of August 15th-16th, within the Eternal Moment of Now, a glorious graduation ceremony took place for the Holy Innocents. This occurred within the Temples of our Great, Great Central Sun. The Solar Logos for this Sun are El and Ela. Attending the ceremony were the I AM Presences of the Sons and Daughters of God evolving on Earth who have been holding the sacred space for the awakening of the Millennials and the children. It also included the I AM Presences of our asleep and recalcitrant sisters and brothers who had just renewed their commitment to return to the Path of Divine Love. That sacred and holy night these previously resistant souls were given permission to enter the Temples of El and Ela for the very first time. The morning of August 16thbegan with a glorious procession through the Portals of the Suns in our system of worlds. First, El and Ela led the procession involving the Millennials, the children and all of us who followed them through the Portal of the Great, Great Central Sun. Next, El and Ela were joined by Elohae and Eloha the Solar Logos of our Great Central Sun as the procession passed through the Portal of their Sun. El and Ela and Elohae and Eloha were then joined by Alpha and Omega the Solar Logos from our Central Sun as the procession passed through the Portal of their Sun. And finally Helios and Vesta the Solar Logos of our physical Sun joined the procession as we all passed through the Portal of their Sun. As this glorious procession descended into the atmosphere of Earth, the Holy Innocents and the rest of the Family of Humanity embodied on Earth traversed the planet taking our places in our specific locations around the world, in preparation for the activation of the consciousness codeswithin the DNA of the Millennials and the children. When all was in readiness, the miraculous activities of Light involving the activation process began. The first activity of Light was conducted by Beloved Kwan Yin. This Feminine Being of Light represents our Mother God in the Buddhist tradition. Kwan Yin is known through all Creation as the Goddess of Divine Family Life. In a sacred initiation, Kwan Yin guided the I AM Presences of the Mothers and Fathers and the Grandmothers and Grandfathers of the Millennials and the children through an activity of Light that awakened within them the highest possible frequency of Christ Consciousness. This initiation will to help them to remember that they have been preparing for lifetimes to be the most nurturing and enlightening support system possible for the awakening Holy Innocents. At the conclusion of the initiation, Kwan Yin blessed Mother Earth and the entire Family of Humanity with her Celestial Song. Next, the Mighty Elohim took their strategic positions equal distance around the equator of the Earth. All twelve masculine and feminine Elohim brought to Earth within the Divinity of their Heart Flames powerful new frequencies of the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Aspects of Deity. It is this 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Substance that the Holy Innocents and the rest of Humanity will use to cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. The Elohim were followed by Serapis Bey and his Angelic Legions of the Ascension Flame. These Mighty Angels traversed the Earth and took their positions in, through and around every facet of Life on this planet. When they were in their designated positions, these magnificent Ascension Angels breathed the Crystalline White Ascension Flame from the Heart of God into the Core of Purity within every electron of precious Life energy on Earth. With the Ascension Flame blazing through every particle and wave of Life in the body of Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her, the activation of the conscious codes within the DNA of the Holy Innocents began. Our Father-Mother God sounded a Cosmic Tone and the Mighty Elohim began their descent into the center of the Earth carrying within their Heart Flames the highest frequencies of the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity the Earth had ever experienced. As they entered the Sun of Even Pressure in the Heart of Mother Earth, they knelt before the mighty pillar of Light that forms the axis of the Earth. Then, one by one, the Elohim breathed the specific Aspect of Deity they were responsible for into the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras aligned along the axis of Mother Earth. When the Elohim were finished Mother Earth’s Twelve Solar Chakras were pulsating with the highest frequencies of the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Aspects of Deity that this planet had ever experienced. All Twelve of the Aspects of Deity formed a Circle of the Sacred Twelvewithin each Chakra.
When that phase of the Divine Ceremony was complete, the exquisite Light anchored in Mother Earth’s Chakras began radiating through her Crystal Grid System. As it did, the Grandmothers and the Grandfathers from all indigenous traditions breathed this Light into their Heart Flames and permanently secured it in the physical, etheric, mental and emotional strata of Mother Earth. With that activity of Light complete, the frequency of Light from our Father-Mother God that would allow the I AM Presences of the Millennials and the children to activate the consciousness codewithin their DNA began flowing into our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love. As this unfathomable Light flowed through the Portal at Diamond Head, it descended into the Heart of Mother Earth and was transmitted through her Crystal Grid System into the newly balanced and recalibrated Heart Flames of awakening Humanity.
Through the dedication and the Divine Intensions of Lightworkers around the world, our Father-Mother God’s Light was amplified one thousand fold as it entered the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Strands of DNA within the Holy Innocents. As this occurred, the I AM Presence of every child and every Millennial gently activated the consciousness codesthat were placed in their DNA prior to this embodiment. Once this miraculous event was God Victoriously accomplished in perfect Divine Order our Father-Mother God revealed to us that this blessed planet was now pulsating at a frequency of Light that would allow her to Ascend up the Spiral of Evolution and, at long last, reclaim her rightful place in our Solar System. This is something that Mother Earth had not been able to accomplish since our fall from Grace aeons ago. As all Creation watched in breathless awe, our Father-Mother God Inbreathed Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her up the Spiral of Evolution where she was able to reclaim her rightful place in the Solar Systems of Helios and Vesta, Alpha and Omega, Elohae and Eloha and El and Ela. Our Father-Mother God said that with the success of this wondrous event the old Earth was absorbed into the Light of the New Earth. This means that the old Earth no longer exists. Our God Parents said that only a small amount of the negative residue from Humanity’s miscreations remain to be transmuted into the Light. Now, through our deliberate and heart-based efforts, the Holy Innocents and the rest of Humanity will be able to cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Earth in ways that we have not even dreamed about. So stay focused on the Light, listen to your heart and BE the Open Door that no one can shut. Our purpose and reason for being on Earth as Beloved Sons and Daughters of God is now beginning in earnest. Thank you and God Bless you ALL. Victory is Ours! God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
Phone: 520-885-7909, FAX: 520-751-2981,
Era of Peace, PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.
©2018 Patricia Cota-Robles
Astral Adolf Hitler Channeling-
Claircognizance Upgrade ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have the ability to sense the slightest movement forward in your evolution, and we have the knowing at this time that a shift has taken place within the human collective consciousness. It is a shift that brings you to a new point in your evolution, a point where you no longer need to experience external validation in order to know something. Your claircognizance has been amplified. It has been upgraded. You are activated now in your knowing. That is very good news for those of you who have been doubting yourselves. You have been having experiences and then doubting those experiences and looking outside of yourselves for validation or confirmation. You have been wanting to know that you are not crazy, and with this most recent upgrade, it’s going to be a lot easier for you to absolutely know without question that what you are experiencing is real and that what you know needs absolutely no validation or confirmation. Now, what you are going to face in the coming weeks and month and possibly even years is the challenge of breaking your habit. Just because you have a gift that has been activated and upgraded doesn’t mean you will necessarily use that gift. So that is where we come in. We come in to tell you that you do have this gift, that you can start utilizing it, start trusting your inner knowing more than you trust what someone else says. Your truth is true, and your senses have been heightened. Reach for that claircognizance. Reach for that inner knowing, and then ask no one for their approval. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” |