All posts by Nikos

FEEL MORE THAN FINE Founder ENERGETIC THERAPIST/PERSONAL TRAINER/REIKI THERAPIST AND INSTRUCTOR (Healthcare) Accomplished professional healer and energetic therapist with extensive experience in providing treatment as well as personal training utilising various holistic healing techniques. Commenced medical education but changed track and decided on pursuing an artistic career and became a dancer, a DJ, a restaurateur and model agency business owner; however finally reached the actualisation of self and pursued education in reiki personal training. Expertise in offering therapeutic services for clients by mainly combining music therapy and reiki. Rich experience in establishing and mutually achieving short- and long-term objectives ensuring better post-therapy life for clients. CORE COMPETENCIES ▪ Therapeutic Restoration ▪ Understanding Therapy Techniques ▪ Client Requirement Analysis ▪ Personal Training ▪ Nutritional Planning ▪ Exercise Demonstration ▪ Motivation ▪ Client Health and Safety ▪ Strength, Healing and Conditioning ▪ KEY SKILLS Therapy Intervention – Recognised for hands-on experience in providing therapeutic services to harmonise the body, mind and spirit for overcoming and resolving various conditions/issues of clients including health, money, relations, stress and fear, among others. Expertise in energising clients and helping them activate their inner healing power utilising a combination of techniques such as reiki, qui gong, pilates, yoga, cardio training, dance, tantra and therapeutic music. Client Management – Adept in identifying clients’ dilemma and empathising with their situation by discussing their past experiences and current problems. Significant experience in successfully delivering distance treatment at prearranged times for resolving issues of long distance clients and transporting the vibration energy flow through email and Skype. Program Planning – Outstanding track record of understanding client’s needs and developing detailed programs aimed at achieving defined goals. Skilled in creating structured programs encompassing therapy, exercise, conversation and diet as well as giving guidelines to clients to achieve a peaceful, joyful and abundant life. Interpersonal and Communication – Proactive professional with proficiency in English, French, Spanish, Greek and conversational Dutch and German and the ability to communicate confidently and effectively with clients as well as providing specialist advice and training on energetic therapy for clients from diverse cultures. KEY DELIVERABLES Clearly communicating the program and explaining the process prepared for clients. Undertaking client consultations including medical history and preparing notes. Pre-treatment, ensuring the client is as comfortable as possible either lying on a couch, or seated. Placing hands in a sequence of positions covering the whole body to guide energy and activating the healing process. Treating clients by applying the energetic principles of Reiki as well as performing distance treatment at prearranged times. Adhering to established industry guidelines and providing safe therapeutic recommendations to clients. Planning the routine by comprehending the needs of clients and designing nutrition as well as diet plan for the client, as applicable. Interacting with client and strengthening client relations. Adhering to all personal trainer policies and demonstrating as well as teaching exercises to clients and providing feedback on techniques used. Preparing self for treatment, raising own energy levels and attuning self. Researching, strategising special techniques and increasing knowledge to introduce clients to innovative wellness programs. Constantly motivating clients to achieve maximum gain utilising provided therapy. Maintaining punctuality and preparing for all appointments with clients or professional staff. Attending mandatory and optional staff training classes. Designing rehabilitation program to manage specific physical conditions, injuries, diseases and swiftly responding to emergencies, if any. Handling client grievances and swiftly resolving conflicts by negotiating an amicable settlement. CAREER PROGRESSION Personal Trainer and Energetic Healer Natural Mente Festival,Camping La Playa, Ibiza Jul 2011 – Present Personal Life Coach Feel More Than Fine, Ibiza May 2010 – Present Energetic Healer Consciousness Festival, Rimini Energetic Healer Workshop Interconnectedness, Amsterdam Healing DJ and Therapist Healing, Ibiza Master Reiki Reiki Healer level II Reiki Healer level I International Career DJ and Producer Personal Trainer and CardioFunk Classes Fitness 1st (Passage), Brussels Co-owner Model Agency Pure Star Management Vilnius and Paris Club Manager/Choreographer Cova Santa, Ibiza Restaurant Owner L'empire des sens Professional Dancer Classes of Dance & Cardio Fitness Instructor Fitness 1st, Brussels Commenced career as a professional dancer and simultaneously working as a DJ and music producer. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Certified Energetic Healer & Life Coach Certified Reiki Master Certified Personal Trainer Fitness 1st Belgium June 2013 Dec.2012 Mar 1997 Medical and Physiotherapy Studies University of Brussels, Brussels Oct 1988 – Jun 1993 Graduation High School May 1987 High Level Athletics as sprint runner Sep.1982 – May 1987 PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: 2nd Nov, 1970Nationality: GreekMarital Status: SingleDriving Licence: European Driver’s Licence References available on request

You are witnessing the rise of the Divine Feminine because mankind is finally evolved enough to do the work along with the fact that powerful ascension energies are exposing the need for it.

Dear readers, the time has arrived when both the awake and the unawake are discovering that a great deal of change is beginning to take place within the status quo you are so used to.  When change comes to firmly held belief systems, it causes a great deal of anxiety and fear  because there is comfort and security in knowing what is going to happen, when, and how.
 Wanting to plan and know the when and how of everything is a facet of the third dimensional mind set, one that sees itself separate from others and from God and thus must plan for every contingency in order to be safe and survive.
 You are well aware at this point in your spiritual evolution that  you are not separate and must begin living  these truths and trusting that there is a bigger picture going on behind the scenes  separate from what you are seeing and hearing on the news.
 Dense creations of the three dimensional  belief system  are being exposed so that they can be recognized for what they are and changed.  Each day more and more awaken to realize that a large number of commonly accepted laws, beliefs, teachings, and promotions are simply not true and do not serve the highest good of mankind.
 Enlightened ways of seeing and doing are replacing many false beliefs in spite of the fact that there remain some willing to go to any length in order to maintain the status quo.
 A huge component of the evolutionary journey throughout the ages has been the ongoing imbalance of masculine and feminine energies, each of which is actually fully present within every person.  Attaining this balance is a necessity for anyone seriously seeking to spiritually evolve because the low resonating energy of separation cannot be brought into the higher energies of Oneness.
 This is the reason so much cellular clearing is taking place at this time–accumulated false and lower resonating energies are simply unable align with higher frequencies–you can’t bring them with you.
 You are witnessing the rise of the Divine Feminine  because mankind is finally evolved enough to do the work along with the fact that powerful  ascension energies are exposing the need for it. The Divine Feminine is the original energy of earth, located in the heart center of every person.  Over time those seeking “power over” blocked, intentionally  ignored, and closed their heart centers allowing only their analytical masculine side devoid of input from their feminine  (love and equality) to dominate.
 The “masculine”  is the active, be-er, do-er, intellectual aspect of God . It’s energetic color is blue. The “feminine” is the love, intuition, receptivity aspect of God.  Its color is pink. When perfectly balanced the resulting color is purple, the color of royalty and high status.
 As with all reality, the feminine and masculine aspects of the Divine find expression on earth as physical form, emotions, and mental thinking.   The masculine and feminine are the two halves of ONE whole.  An individual’s spiritual evolution cannot proceed until this is realized, accepted, and becomes his attained state of consciousness.  This is what is called the Mystical Marriage, reflected in the third dimension as ordinary marriage.
 Because humans are consciousness and not bodies, it does not matter if the three dimensional  sense of marriage takes place between two men, two women, or a man and woman. The Mystical marriage takes place within every person individually when they are ready and has nothing to do with concepts of marriage. The mystical marriage often leaves a person no longer desirous of human marriage or partnership, because they no longer feel the need to look to another to provide their missing half.
 Your masculine is that part of you that acts to protect, plan, do, and analyze.  Your feminine is that part of you that brings intuition, compassion,  and love to the decisions and actions of the masculine.   You all know people who are well balanced; the man who brings love and intuition into his actions and the woman who lovingly gets things done.

Issues of balance are not dependent on a person’s present physical body because humans are consciousness, not just flesh and bone.  Every person brings with them energies accumulated in other lifetimes.  If a soul has experienced lifetime after lifetime as female and then chooses to experience life as a male, he will continue to experience the familiar feminine energy he is used to until he adjusts to what is unfamiliar.  It is the same for a female who has lived many lifetimes as a male.
 This is the source of gender confusion. These dear ones are in the right and chosen body, but believe they are not because they are experiencing the energy of the other gender brought with them from  past lives.  This is also the reason a woman may have too much masculine energy or a man too much feminine.  Gender related issues are often carried from lifetime to lifetime until false beliefs about gender and sexuality are evolved beyond and a person begins to understand that they carry both the masculine and the feminine.
 Division, judgement, anger, superiority etc. regarding  masculine versus feminine has run its three dimensional course and you are witnessing the dissolution of these obsolete separation beliefs as high resonating ascension energy flows to earth.
 Attaining balance does not mean that women should begin acting like men, or that men should act like women. Gender is chosen pre-birth based on the dominant energy needed by the incoming soul.  It means living as a man or woman with balance–men allowing their feminine to have a part in their actions and women allowing their masculine to express through the courage to make their own decisions while reclaiming any power they may have given away in order to be loved.
 The feminine/masculine pendulum is swinging wildly  beyond center at this time, but this is a necessary part of the process. Many still hold tightly to third dimensional concepts of “real men” being only those expressing in “macho” masculine ways and “real women” being only those who are clingy, powerless, and beautiful.
 Many are acting out in frustration and anger because they are not being heard which reflects  two levels of consciousness energetically unable to align.  With time the pendulum will center and there will be a balance of masculine and feminine energy in both men and women because it is the reality.  This is evolution
 It is a new and energetically powerful  time dear ones, and  what you are witnessing unfold represents  but the tip of the iceberg.  World consciousness is changing and can never return to the old patriarchal beliefs of the past because the energies that gave birth to these beliefs is dissolving as more and more awaken.
 There is and will continue to be discord for some time yet regarding the equality of masculine and feminine because these beliefs go far back in time and are deeply imbedded in universal consciousness. Those who either consciously or unconsciously cling to them are in fear of losing the whatever seeming power patriarchy has for provided them.  Anyone believing himself to be superior simply because he lives in a male body is in for a wake up call.
 We have spoken  mostly in regard to issues of male energy dominance, but there are some living in female bodies who also manipulate others by utilizing commonly accepted concepts of femininity for personal gain.   Men as well as  women desperately need to wake up and honor both aspects of themselves and others. This is love.
 Try to not judge what you witness in the outer scene, but rather know that those involved as well as those observing are learning and evolving.  You who resonate with these messages are already balanced or close to it.  Many of you did this work in other lifetimes and are here to be an example of balance to others. Some of you will continue to experience situations necessary to the integration your masculine and feminine because you are ready.
 A man who is spiritually ready but refuses  to open his heart without attached conditions, or who relies completely on his intellect while ignoring his intuition, will begin to have life experiences that force him to activate his dormant feminine side.
 A woman who is spiritually ready but continues looking to others to make decisions for her,  believing that she must look and act a certain way in order to be loved, and surrenders  personal power to others will begin to experience  situations that force her to make decisions and reclaim her power.
 Learning experiences for both men and women can be difficult, life changing, and frightening, but provide the necessary jolt required to shift an individual out of his or her comfortable but outgrown state of consciousness and into new and higher levels of awareness.
 Silently and secretly send Light to all struggling with the masculine versus feminine issues surfacing at this time. Send Light to those who are rigid and ignorant regarding these matters as well as to those trying to present a more enlightened viewpoint.
 You become a healer when you attain  a consciousness of truth because your consciousness goes with you into every situation, lifting the energy of those who are receptive. Your awareness of what is taking place in the outer scene and your non-reaction to it, helps to shift the conditioned consensus consciousness to one no longer in alignment with what is false and outdated.
 Be aware that much is coming that will validate what we are telling you.  There  are going to be changes that you never expected so let go of trying to figure it all out intellectually. As humanly smart as someone may be, unless he can align with the higher frequencies, his information will always be limited.
 There is a plan, a bigger picture (evolution) happening on earth right now and it is being assisted by many evolved Beings of Light as well as extra- terrestrials from spiritually and technologically advanced planets–many of whom  you will soon become aware of.
 Remember and rest in;
God alone is power and all is proceeding according to plan.

We are the Arcturian Group                                                                   10/7/18

So, I say to you—pay attention to your thoughts

Prelude:  Dear One, yes, I AM Mother God and I do have a message for Lightworkers on this day; and for all of my Children. For even those who do not read this message are affected by it’s energy, the energy that I pour forth onto Earth at this time. I have condensed the energy bubbles into these words for all to feel and experience. 
Now, dear Children, what do you want your lives to be like in the future? Do you wish to be free and happy? To live without restraints? To follow your passions and play like no one is watching? Or is it “dance like no one is watching?” (smiles) Well, I don’t know all of your sayings do I? You get the point. It is up to YOU, dear Children. You create it, you see it and imagine it and it will manifest for you. That is what life on this hologram of Earth is like. And in the future, the energies will be so high that what you focus on will manifest very quickly. 
So, I say to you—pay attention to your thoughts. Let the troublesome ones pass you by, do not focus on them. Let any negative thought flow through you, do not attach any emotion to it. For your emotions, thoughts, focus and intent will create your reality. Actually it already does, but this process will be much more amplified in the near future. 
So, what do you want? A house by the lake with your love? A booming house with many children and lots of love? A job doing what brings you happiness and fulfillment? A clean Earth? A community of like-minded individuals who all work and play together for their highest good? Community gardens? Health for all? Clean water, beautiful homes, fresh clean food for all? Focus and pay attention to your thoughts. OK, I think you all get that. Yes, it is simple, but very, very important. 
Here is a message of hope for the hurting ones, for the people who are suffering. I see your pain and worry and send you my love, dear Children. We are working on something to make your lives much better.  Strategic plans that have been in the works for many millennia are finally finishing up now. These plans are actions of a Revolution to bring your freedoms back. I set forth my intentions that the dark ones would no longer control Earth. My children have lived under this enslavement for far too long. Please know (as you have heard) Earth is a “free will” planet. This is why I did not step in and put a halt to this enslavement many, many years ago.
But the time came when I could no longer put up with this situation, so I put a halt to it. My teams of Lightworkers or White Hats which include your own Lightworker family, your Galactic family and many of the Company of Heaven (Ascended Masters, Angels, Guides, etc). Have been working on this plan to return Earth to the Light for many years.
This actionable plan is almost complete. Many of the dark ones, the darkest of the dark, have already been removed. Your Light Teams are still working to this day to finish up this clearing process. They surely can use your love, strength, courage and protection. Pray for them, send them love and healing energy! They are tired and weary, just as you are. You are many and can help a great deal by sending them your love and light!!! Please do this and your New Earth will be born quicker. It is also a beautiful way to send your gratitude for the hard work that they have all been doing. Gratitude is very powerful, it carries love with it too; very powerful love!
Be generous with your Love and Gratitude dear Children. We have a never-ending supply of it and it blooms and grows and spreads like the most beautiful lights you have ever seen. I have the joy of watching your love spread and flow all over Earth. You are all very powerful Creator Beingsand you delight in using your power for good; for bringing joy and beauty into your world. Trust that this process works and that your combined love blasts are making a very big difference!Yes, it is true, dear Children. 
There is much to be grateful for and I am ever so grateful for all of you bright shining Souls, my dear Children. I am a proud Mother on this day. Feel my love blasts and my pink light of unconditional love which wraps you up like a warm fuzzy blanket. I also have warm, fluffy socks or slippers for you if you prefer. (smiles)  Feel my love warm your heart and all of your insides. We are connected, dear Children. You, I and all of us together. Our combined love can power in the New Earth. Believe this for it is true. KNOW THIS. 
I AM your Mother God and I wish you all a beautiful, lovely shining day. Thank you for Being YOU, the Divine Child that I created for this purpose. You all have a calling and a Mission. You are here NOW for this Mission of being a Lightworker. You shine your light and love wherever it is needed. I tell you, the White Hats and Alliance who are fighting for you need your Light and Love now.Please send it to them, and while you are at it, send it right back to yourselves, to your Galactic family, to Gaia and all her Kingdoms, the Company of Heaven and right back to me and your Father God! Together we will create a giant, beautiful circle of love, dear hearts! Yes! It is stunning and pulsing and beautiful. Thank you for your service, dear Children, I love to more than you can ever comprehend.  I AM your Mother God and I am ever so proud of all of you. Go with my love. 
Please feel free to share!Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin

This is a new era of rebirth and unsurpassable joy at how Heaven is transforming your reality.

The Galactic Federation via , October 2nd, 2018

Selamat Jalwa (Be in righteousness) All is as before. While the dark cabal persists in being its usual arrogant self, we move forward dynamically, assisting our Earth allies in keeping far ahead of the cabal. Their days are numbered and they are painfully aware of it. As our Earth allies continue to carry out the next stage of our ever-evolving strategies, victory is assured. These plans of action are immensely complex and include a myriad of variables. Remember that this is a global undertaking. We recognize that the time to dismantle the current power structure is taking its toll on your patience. We ask for your continued perseverance and trust while these joint timetables are in process. They will manifest in right divine time. Be confident and gracefully accept that the time approaches for your blessings to begin. Be prepared to use the prosperity promised you to fulfill all your dreams.

The entire process of altering this planetary society has become much more complicated than first expected. Your world was initially conceived by the Anunnaki as a realm utterly convinced of the invincibility of those in power. Thus, the present crew of minions saw themselves as Beings capable of overcoming whatever might reduce or end their hold on power. A contemptuous set of core beliefs was deeply etched into humanity’s psyche. One of many reasons we have had such difficulty in supporting our partners in the Light was the very persistence of these insane conceptions. But now, day by day, these beliefs are receding as Heaven beams bursts of positive and consciousness-raising energies at humankind. We have watched as our earthly partners triumphantly transformed this negative ideology while launching a succession of major arrests among this global gaggle of sycophants. The intent of this operation is to ensure that prosperity will lead directly into GESARA for your long-suffering world. Step by inevitable step, this is indeed becoming the case!

As you view your planet, you observe how these changes are taking place. The real truth is that this world of yours can no longer function as it previously has. A glaring and desperate need for change is everywhere. The water crisis is one of the most obvious. Most of your world lacks a totally safe water supply. Resources to provide it are there yet are unavailable, owing to politics and supposed expense. Blessings are to be bestowed, empowering you to use these funds to solve this monstrous humanitarian crisis. This is one of many infrastructure problems to be resolved: many others, such as roads, bridges, and restoring war-torn countries, require compassion, courage and cutting-edge thinking. We know that a great many people are standing by, eager to demonstrate the solutions needed for success. It is a matter of providing a solid foundation for all by producing enough food to end starvation forever.

Surface changes are also affecting the inner realms of Mother Earth. Even the central Sun, the crystal core of your planet, is heating up. This increase of energy is in preparation for Gaia’s coming move into full consciousness. These alterations to the Earth’s crystalline core are reflected in ecological changes occurring in many parts of Inner Earth: these are being addressed by its Governing Council and the people of Agartha. They decided to increase the frequency of their rituals and send to Gaia’s surface specialized teams of scientists who could propose more felicitous solutions. Your Agarthan supporters and your sacred secret associates are alert and equipped to begin a sequence of events that are to result in triumph for the Light. Heaven blesses all who support Gaia’s transformation; and all who have worked tirelessly in establishing a funding network, the basis for a new financial system, reworked worldwide currencies and, most of all, a global network of common law. These various frameworks are now interlocked in place to transform and enLighten your dark and distorted reality. Never allow all the previous delays to diminish and dispirit your vision of a new and sacred realm for all humanity. Final celebrations are coming into view! Hallelujah!!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive with great blessings! We watch as each of you grow in consciousness and gracefully use your new skills to help move the process forward toward your ultimate freedom. Now you are to observe as many unknown to you rise and, in unison, assist Gaia and this “global village” in which you reside to transform and co-create a marvelous new reality. This is the reality that is to welcome your greater family. Always remember that this is all a divine blessing. We thank those of courage and magnificent abilities who have made it possible. We also thank each one of you, who has long held this vision and unleashed your bounteous energies to be added to all that we do.

This undertaking has taken several millennia to develop. You, and your progeny, are to joyfully savor its most delectable fruit. Be ever grateful to Heaven and ready to praise all those who have journeyed from afar to assist you in this sacred cause. As Masters, we deeply bless this task and are fully aware that this momentous change is to be sublimely peaceful. It is to be the dawn of a greater shift, signaling the end of cabal rule. You are to be introduced to clean and transparent governance! This is a new era of rebirth and unsurpassable joy at how Heaven is transforming your reality.

Vibrant spiritual energies will be available to alter your existing reality and prepare you for your crystal Light chambers. Their special living Light is to return to you what the Atlanteans stole. You are to expand this large assembly of Masters and complete the work begun long ago in ancient Lemuria. You are to witness the rebirth of this solar star nation and use your superior new powers to greatly intensify the meditations and prayers that we perform each day in support of Gaia and her sister worlds. Our Sun contains a mighty Spirit that welcomes you in joy to this new realm. The darkness under which you have lived has served a purpose. You are to use its acquired wisdom, much as we have, to transmit the power of the Light to all corners of the Universe. As beings in divine service, we joyously await what Heaven so desires. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today, we moved forward with our messages about what is unfolding all around you. Your reality is shifting, preparing itself to be transformed by the Light. In the course of this process you are being readied to meet your spiritual and space families. You will then be able to become fully conscious Beings of Light! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)



Yes, Diana, it is I, St. Germain and I indeed have a message for the Lightworkers of Earth tonight.

Today was a very big day for the emergence of the RV/GCR. Today was very important. Yes, I am speaking of Wed. Oct 3, 2018. The day when the world stood up and said “We’re not going to take it anymore” to the Cabal! We gave them a final warning shot across their bow and they have seen that we are serious. They know that if they do not surrender at this point that Mother God has declared that they may and will be ‘taken out’ to say it crassly. They will be removed from this Earthy plane by White Hat military personnel who are trained in this regard. No trials or court hearings for them. They have had their chance to turn to the light and to be evacuated in a peaceful manner. But they are hard core ‘fanatics’ as you say and will not give up. This saddens all of us greatly. We have extended this event as long as we could. We were all praying for some love to enter into their hearts so they could be saved. But, alas, it was not to be.
So, you are asking for the status of the RV? I tell you, dear heart,IT’S ON!We’re ramped up and ready to go! Please do tell your Lightworkers to be ready. I know they’ve been ready for years, but I mean REALLY READY. Not only for their appointments, but for the Post RV celebrations, then to get down to business and the play and fun that Mother just described to you about working with us. (Note from DD, he is referring to this post). 
By the way, ENJOY YOURSELVES during your appointments!!! No need to be nervous!!! We will be there with you to be sure. We love you and adore you all.
I’m not just telling you all to be ready for your exchange/redemption appointments because I think you all are ready for those. What I am telling you is that you must give yourselves time to adjust post RV. We want to courage you all to go slow because the adjustment to your new lifestyle will be massive. But we also know that many of you will feel overwhelmed as there are SO MANY needs to be met! As Mother said, CALL ON US! We can send you an idea as a thought-form that will just pop into your mind. Say you have a list of 5 projects that are vital to your community. Which to start first? ASK US. We have a ‘higher’ vantage point you might say and and help you make those tough decisions.
Are you ready to save the world? Are you ready to fight and love and give the best you have to give? Are you ready to be Leaders in your own communities? Lead the way with Love. You do not need to be walking through the streets with a bullhorn leading like an Army general. Lead by example. Lead with love in your hearts. If you wish to stay anonymous, imbue your top executives with LOVE AND YOUR VISION.
I felt your excitement today, dear hearts as you received the alerts on your phones. Many, many of you were thrilled because this was the first time that something predicted actually happened! Am I right? (Yes!!) I felt your joy! Get ready to enjoy more of that joy for it’s coming, dear hearts! And you all are in the front seat of the roller coaster of love! You’ve got front row seats to the best show in the Universe! Not bad, eh?
And when you are finally flush with prosperity and can begin your LOVE WORK in the physical, your hearts will overflow with joy. I KNOW YOU ALL! I know what’s in your hearts. I know that you want to help others and take away their pain. To help them to prosper and thrive and enjoy their new found freedoms! (Yes!) Well, it’s coming!
I AM ST. GERMAIN and just had to pop in here and share this wonderful news tonight! Love to all! WE WILL CELEBRATE SOON!
Please feel free to share!Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin

Message for the Lightworkers of Earth

Dear Heart, yes, it is I, Mother God or the Divine Mother coming to speak to you tonight to give you a message for the Lightworkers of Earth. I am grateful to you my dear for taking this message for me. 
Firstly, I would like to say that I have indeed begun my finalTsunami of Loveto Earth. I have sent it and it is on its way. I meant what I said last week in your time. It will indeed hit at exactly the right “divine” time as you call it. There are many events; political, spiritual, ecological and physical on the Earth plane that are happening at any given time. I have calculated the very best time for my wave to hit and it will indeed come shortly. This One asked me to be clear because she knows that I don’t live by a clock as you do. So, I am being as precise as I wish to, and I’m sure you all respect that. Just trust and have faith that it is indeed on its way and will hit at the precise, correct Divine Time. That is all I wish to say about that my Children.
The other topic I wish to address is the constant barraging of untruths and lies that I see in gossip and rumor websites, etc. I am not encouraged by the scandals and lies told about people. Indeed, we should all ignore that type of trash talk. Please do not believe everything you read or hear. Whether it is about a politician, celebrity, another Lightworker or someone you know personally. Many people are acting out in violence, outrage and with confusion at this time. You see it in your news everyday. Please remember that you all are being bombarded by many energies right now and some people just cannot handle them. They are losing sight of the bigger picture which you, as Ligthworkers focus on everyday. Please continue to pray and send love to those who have lost their way. Many are just struggling to survive and we know that many of you will help those in need when you receive your blessing.
More new topics of information are coming to light, you all are learning more things than ever before. Things that were hidden, such as the real truth of your human history are being revealed now. Things that were suppressed are now being set free. You are receiving the information as you are ready to hear it. The more you learn, the more that will be revealed to you. This is how it works! You must ask to receive more information, dear Children. My Angels, Ascended Masters and your Galactic Family are all on call to assist. This includes spiritual teachings and everything from quantum mechanics to proper nutrition. There are many specialists who would love to teach you, you only need to ask!
The progression of the RV/GCR and your Ascension have been on a roll since May when I released it. Many, many boxes had to be checked in the proper order for everything to come into alignment for these events to happen. You are very, very close to the end, the Tetelestai as you have been told.
Many of you have been waiting and planning your new lives for many, many years. I realize this has been very difficult for you all. It is akin to a birthing process. You grow and change along the way and finally, your baby is ready to be born. Then, once the baby comes you have many more new challenges and surprises that you didn’t even know would come. It is not like you will sit down in your easy chairs and say “ahhhhhhh” and think you are finished.  
Well, you can do that for a bit; but when you are rested you will jump up and say“OK, what now Mother? What would you like me to do first?”And I will send your Higher Self a nudge, or you may receive it directly from me. “Feed the hungry” may just pop into your mind. Yes, that was a nudge from me! “Help the homeless find shelter, food, water and jobs” Just that one little quick thought form will send you off in an entirely new direction and you will be on your way to helping to heal Gaia and all her peoples! Your Missions will be ALIVE! You will have stepped into your POWER and LOVE. Just like that! 
No need to become overwhelmed at all the work that needs to be done. You all have many brilliant and beautiful ideas on how to help. If you’d like a little direction on what to tackle first, just ask me. Connect with me and I will guide you. I can even lead you to other people who are on the same path. Or, send you to the perfect place. See? It will be fun and free-flowing! Follow the guidance you receive and you will make new friends along the way while doing your best to help.
Know that your New Earth is coming soon. Your prosperity is coming soon. Your Masters, Galactic Family, Inner & Hollow Earth families and the Company of Heaven will be celebrating with you soon! I realize this word has become over used and frustrating at best. Trust. Keep the faith. 
I AM your Mother God and I send my love on bright moonbeams on this beautiful evening. My blessings are yours. Know that you are well protected and loved.
Please feel free to share!Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin

#10 Spiritual Action: Aligning with the Rhythms of the Heart behind the Heart and the Sun behind the Sun

Archangel Michael:
A warm hello Earth family. Earth is a very special planet, the focus of the multiverse at the moment. You will always belong to the Earth family, and it will come to mean a great deal to you. As you travel far and wide, you will be warmly recognized and received. Your heart will emanate a particular glow, like a shining badge, signifying you were indeed on Earth helping to liberate the beloved planet and all upon her.
Today’s message is a simple yet profound Action, when done with inner sincerity. A Spiritual Action is a group activity of focus done inwardly by individuals gathering in Consciousness for personal Ascension and service to all. The best way to understand a Spiritual Action is to participate.
It may help you to do Spiritual Actions in nature to enhance your own innate abilities to focus and create. The more you do Spiritual Actions, including group meditations or calls to community assistance of every kind, the more you will notice your abilities – to “see,” to feel, to heal, to create – will expand.
As always, this Spiritual Action is to enrich and uplift you personally and for the Highest Good of All.

Take some cleansing breaths, relaxing and releasing with each one.
Gently, bring your attention to your heart.
Sense and feel the beat of your physical heart, its rhythm.
Move your attention to the Earth.
Relax deeper and with your intuition, find the heartbeat of Earth.
Focus on physical Earth, realizing that Earth too has a heartbeat, a rhythm.
Notice that the rhythm of your heart and the heartbeat of Earth are the same.
Within, you have a living memory of what comes next.
So in your living imagination, locate the heart behind your heart.
This is the home of your God Flame, the Three-Fold-Flame that has grown from the God Spark of your creation into the blazing heart-fire you have become.
Your heart behind the heart also has a rhythm; with curiosity and gentle intention, allow yourself to perceive that rhythm.
Move your attention, your living imagination, to the Sun behind the physical sun.
This is The Great Central Sun, the gift of emanation of Light and Life from Father-Mother God.
Feel the rhythm of this emanation. Perhaps you will notice that it is a rhythm within your own heart-flame.
Breathe and allow all of these rhythms to rise together in your attention. Feel and listen: this is part of the music that is you.
Expand your awareness to feel others across the planet now earnestly doing this very same Action along with you.
Let their rhythms blend and merge with yours, creating the symphony of rising Earth.
Join and rejoin this song through your living imagination again and again throughout your day, recalling the gift you all are.
Singing to your song,
I am Archangel Michael

The next title:#11 How Does the Future Create the Present?
(Channeled by Christine Burk, 2 October 2018. WhoNeedsLight, Dr. Kathryn E. May, Founder. Please include channel and full message when reprinting. Please no mechanical voice recordings. This Story Ends in Glory!)

You are your keeper. Not your brother or sister’s keeper, you are your own keeper as is everyone.

Stand Tall” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Do you feel lonely, hurt, or angry? Such is so because you are saying goodbye to your global 3D victimization and caretaking roles.

You counter that you have already said goodbye to both. So you have in your personal life, but not the earth community as a whole. Your fury of the past few days has been about discovering you no longer need to follow global have tos. That you are a sovereign being without a need to do as those you label leaders dictate.

Such bravery is frightening for it has been eons since you declared or even thought of yourself as a sovereign being while of the earth.

You are stepping into new and frightening territory. Who will tell you if you are right or wrong? That is the crux of your current anger, fear, and hurt feelings as you realize that “the king and/or queen wears no clothes.”

You have already noted so in your immediate family and community, but you had hoped – most likely hidden from yourself – that someone would rescue you, that someone would tell you and others what to do and when. You are instead discovering that the world leaders you depend upon are failing or losing their ability to lead.

Of course, you are frightened for that means there is no one but you to follow. The big picture of global security or knowingness no longer exists. There is just you. A frightening thought indeed. A bit as if your parents abandoned you before you believed you were prepared to live on your own.

These political, governmental, security issues are pushing your buttons in ways you did not envision when you first declared your sovereignty. For you believed such meant you would be a unique individual under the caring umbrella of a wonderful world leader.

You are not sovereign if anyone is telling you how to live. The enormity of that statement is quite frightening for you have no idea how to live without overriding rules and have tos. Who will set up the legal, political systems or any systems? Who will tell you what to do?

You cannot yet envision a time in which rules are not required for you have never been on earth without rules and leaders.

You accept that once you transition from earth, you are free to function in any dimension or environment you wish, yet you cannot envision that same freedom while of the earth.

So it is you are frightened and worried that you will not fulfill your dreams of a unique path. For your unique path was conceived of by your earth being as a path within the guidelines of some outside force informing you of your rightness or more to the point, that others were right or wrong. That you had the freedom to explore your path because someone outside of you was taking care of the rest of the world.

Such is not to be. You are your keeper. Not your brother or sister’s keeper, you are your own keeper as is everyone. And even though you cannot yet imagine how earth without world leaders will function such is your drive.

Just as when you initiated your transition months, years or decades ago, you could not understand how you would evolve, that the you of now would exist. So it is now. Those who wish to heal the environment will do so. Those who wish to be part of any other function or department of global maintenance will.

Earth governments are rapidly evolving from country needs to Universal cooperation. A cooperation difficult to describe at this point but something fully and wonderfully workable, allowing each earth being to be part of those elements most interesting – and therefore, most joyful – for him or her.

New Earth is not about being better than another country or area, but instead playing together as one in peace and yes, joy.

What gives you joy is your road to happiness and peace. As is true for all who wish to be of New Earth.

Fear is no longer the overriding element of security. Nor is the joy that your country (team) is the best. For best is now defined by uniqueness, peace, and joy instead of competition.

A difficult concept to understand unless you are enmeshed in it. Just as was true before you actualized personal freedom.

Many wonder how much emotional pain is required to clear the control of leaders. Even though there will be some pain as is true of any change, the overriding relief will counter any pain you might feel.

If you are among the early forerunners who have transitioned for decades, you perhaps wonder if you will be of the earth in this lifetime when such happens. Most likely you will, for all who transition become less fearful, creating less harmful activity within their cells.

For eons, your cells have performed miracles in continuing your being despite ongoing ravages of fear which is little different from cancer or similar illnesses. As those fears dissipate so will the need for your cells to continuously scrub themselves clean of debris. Aging is more about your cells being coated in fear and anger, then the inevitability of aging as you now believe.

But aging is a topic for later discussions. Suffice it for you to know that the world governments you now depend on to lead your life are disappearing one by one – more rapidly than you can now conceive.

For it is time for the unique being you are to shine your light of freedom brightly. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

#9 Your Inner Compass Most Certainly Becomes Overwhelmed: What to Do?

Archangel Michael:
Let’s begin gently, with willingness, the easy willingness that comes from the inner freedom to consider a notion, embrace it or set it down. If at any point during this or any message, you feel that this is not for you, please do lay it down. Whenever you feel this or any message is not from true love, please do walk away.
This particular message is an invitation to consider a possibility. There is an idea propagated on Earth that your inner compass cannot be corrupted. Tender Souls, shall we be willing together to take a long glance at this notion?
We find ourselves facing a paradox. It is true that you have a direct and unassailable connection to God. In that, your Inner Knowing is incorruptible. AND YET, you live on a planet, in a dimension and within conditions that have been greatly engineered for one goal: to interrupt, corrupt, infuse your inner knowing with doubt, fear and self-hatred.
The toxicity of your environment along with genetic manipulation, personal anguish and collective programming have supercharged the extreme influence of duality within the Surface Earth realm. The resulting acute push-pull has a similar effect that a powerful magnet would have on a compass. The compass may temporarily give a skewed reading.
Does it mean the compass is broken? No. Does it mean True North no longer exists? No. It simply means that due to temporary environmental conditions, your compass is understandably overwhelmed. However, if you navigate by those fluctuating readings, you may very well not reach your desired destination.
What to do?
Learn to read the conditions, the conditions of life as well as your own inner environment. Be freshly curious and really and truly willing to tell the truth to yourself about yourself. It is no use to blame the conditions, or the compass, or True North. It is invaluable to be willing to consider that you – and everyone on Earth – sometimes has an overwhelmed inner compass.
In coming messages, we will delve together into understanding the dark art of re-imaging, or how delusion is made real. For now, it is a huge leap forward to even be willing to consider the following.
God is True North. You have a perfect inner compass. Yet, sometimes the needle of your inner compass is pushed and pulled by the overwhelming magnetic extremes of intense duality. You may still navigate very well by your inner compass, especially when you take into account the conditions of the reality in which you reside.
Above all, when you lift your eyes from the stormy horizon and focus on The North Star, God, you transcend any conditions which could impede your navigation or journey.
Ahoy mate.
Serving alongside you with love,
Archangel Michael
The next title:#10 How Does the Future Create the Present?
(Channeled by Christine Burk, 1 October 2018. WhoNeedsLight, Dr. Kathryn E. May, Founder. Please include channel and full message when reprinting. Please no mechanical voice recordings. This Story Ends in Glory!)

Be willing to face the fears of the past and move into new dimensions of Love.

Dear One,

You have come to a time when you know that the way you have always perceived your world may seem like it is no longer working. It may even feel as though your childhood traumas or other things from your past that you are not proud of are crowding into your present awareness. This is a very good sign, because all memories come into your mind to be released, so that you can live in the present.

We encourage this release of past memories and fear so you will be able to move on with your life. Whether you do this through prayer, personal journaling, talking to a friend or going through counseling, the important thing is to be willing to face the fears of the past, hold them in the light of loving awareness, and then let them go.

When the healing light of Love, Compassion and Acceptance shines on old patterns and fears, they lose their power and are easier to release. Once you let go of old habits of thoughts and feelings, you become free to turn your attention away from the past and to focus on creating the future you would like for yourself and for your world.

The veils between heaven and earth are thinner now. This means that the desires of your heart and the focus of your mind can bring about the manifestation of that which is in your highest good. Your thoughts are now creating your present and future reality.

Whatever you focus on increases in energy, so it becomes the dominant force in your world. You can choose to focus on the good, the beautiful and the love inherent in all things. Or you can choose to increase the levels of fear inside you. If you begin to look for good, you will find it. And the more you look for the good in your world, the more it will increase because you are giving it energy by your focus.

You will also begin to notice that you feel more loving, more peaceful and more optimistic. People will seem much nicer to you. Your daily struggle will become less. All this is possible because you begin to look for and focus on the good, and are willing to have more Love and Harmony in your life. It will seem like a miracle, but miracles are available to all who will receive them.

The Angels are also available to you now in a way that was not possible before. We will assist this entire process of changing the way you perceive your world, if you but ask us. Your thoughts are prayers flowing out into the ethers and bring to you that which you focus on. What do you have to lose by calling on your guardian Angel and asking for more Love, Peace and Harmony in your life?

What could it hurt to ask to see that which is good, instead of that which causes pain? There is an incredible simplicity in the truth of universal law. You do not have to be alone in your struggle. Angelic assistance is always available to you, here to bring Divine Love and Light to the world. Our message is always one of Peace and Harmony. We seek to bring only Good into your life.

Entertain the possibility that what we are saying may actually be true; that what you focus on can create your future reality. Notice your thought patterns throughout the day. Is this what you want in your future? Begin to focus your thoughts only on that which you want in your life. When you notice negativity in your mind, say “That is not an acceptable reality, this is what I do want…more Love, greater Abundance, Harmony in my relationships and Beauty in my world.”

Before long you will notice the changes in your life, as that which you ask for manifests. These changes are the new dimensions of love promised to you. You are the one that holds the key to your future by what you are harmonizing with today.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today is:

Be willing to face the fears of the past and move
into new dimensions of Love.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel

Let the Frequency Guide You to It ∞The Creators

“So, many of you have taken your lives to places that you did not think they could go, and you are thankful for how far you have come in this lifetime. And that is a wonderful thing. It is wonderful to acknowledge that you are doing very well and to give thanks. There is so much more. More than we can tell you about, more than you could comprehend from where you stand.

So, we want you to feel satisfied. We want you to enjoy the lives that you have created. And we want you to get ready for so much more. So when you are considering your life and when you are asking yourself, ‘What is it that I want?’ we don’t want you to even think in terms of what it is you are used to. We don’t want you to look at the current reality in order to find aspects of it that you would like more of, or that you would like some of. For that is not where you are headed.

Therefore, instead of thinking about the life that you want for yourselves, and who you want to be with, and so on, give yourselves the opportunity to explore what it would be like to feel something that you have never felt before, to elevate your frequency beyond what the third dimension could allow you. We want you to get ready to feel, rather than to look at the environment around you and have a feeling response to it.

There is so much about the world you have experienced that is lovely. And we want you to know you have the totality of that experience now within you, within your consciousness, because you are all connected. And now, as a collective, you are moving. And where you are moving is not so much a place, with different rules and a different structure — it is a frequency. So when you are pondering your life and where it is going, we ask you to tune yourselves to a frequency that you cannot possibly imagine.

So how do you do this? You let go. You let go of preconceived notions. You let go of the idea of limitations, and you allow that frequency to envelop you, to take over that which you have been trying to manipulate and control. You will find that the ride is so much better when you release your hold on where you have been.”

#8 You Are Loved and You Are Love.

#8 You Are Loved and You Are Love
Archangel Michael:
When you say, “I love you,” you are inviting someone into your heart, into your dream.
When you say, “You are loved,” you are saying to another that you see them as sovereign, that you respect their dream.
When you say, “You Are Love,” you are reminding them that they are God I Am, living this and many other dreams, now and always.
You Are Love,
Archangel Michael
The next title:#9 Your Inner Compass Most Certainly Becomes Overwhelmed: What To Do?
(Channeled by Christine Burk, 30 September 2018. WhoNeedsLight, Dr. Kathryn E. May, Founder. Please include channel and full message when reprinting. Please no mechanical voice recordings. This Story Ends in Glory!)

You have the power to change the world, with a single thought, an invention, a creative memory of what it means to take control.

Jesus, Sanada via Karen Vivenzio

Jesus here, or Sananda as some of you say, but you know me as Jesus your brother your friend your father figure and more dear friend. I am here to tell you that this story is at an end. The suffering and hatred that your world has seen, including what you witnessed them do to me – all of it is at an end. I have been standing in the background as of late, waiting for the tides to change. The element of frustration we have seen has allowed all the unclaimed vestiges of the ‘old’ ways to rise up and be claimed, reaching for healing light and love, that is what this means. All of the troubles coming out into the public eye – remnants of the old paradigm. We must sit still and sit with it and all that it means. Both sides of the story. For healing the women means healing all of the men as well, for all are connected – you know that well. There is not one thing that can happen to another and not affect the whole. There are not really two sides to the story but all one whole – both sides must be recognized and healing sent to each so that ALL can heal as ONE BODY one LIGHT full of love and shining bright.

Honor both sides. Honor the wounded within yourself and allow the light of healing to enter your souls and heal all that you have held onto from your youth. Heal all that you want to see healed in the world. Reach out to both sides with your healing light and light the flame of truth to heal all that is harming our youth. Blaze the holy fire of healing, transformation, and love back into the past then into the future dear ones. All exists within the construct of your own mind, this concept of time, but for illustration purposes we will use it tonight. For all that has already occurred is actually still happening now – for all is within the present moment, there is nothing that exists beyond this physical moment in what you call time – all is spiraling around you including what was done in ‘ancient times’. There is no such thing. It is all a construct designed to keep you in a certain experience, a reality of your own making, that you call ‘life’. It is all a lie. It is a story, a paradigm, a setting designed to help you learn certain lessons. All of it. His-story. A construct. A stage. A make believe land far away, a fictional play. You have chosen to be an actor on this stage, a participant in this grand play – it is a movie of your own making, you and the thousands of others who decided to come to earth to experience this ‘virtual reality’ each with your own lessons and feelings and symptoms of dis-ease that you wanted to perform and observe.

Earth is a soul’s teaching station – a gateway to another dimension. In and of itself, it is a place of healing and learning. That is how you must view the world. Nothing more than a way station on your way to another more spectacular world – a world filling with healing and hope. A blessed land – another stage, another play – this you can connect with each in your own way. You already know this truth. It is hidden deep inside of you. Sit with it. Resonate with your own inner spirit, your own inner guide, some may reach out to me in prayer and others simply to hold the essence of healing to rid you of your own despair.

Allow the light of the thousandth sun to rise up within you and heal you dear one. A sparkling bright white light descending from heaven, rising up within you now to heal the despair in your own soul, to take you out of the construct and constriction you see in your current world and lifting you up into the light of a brand new space, a world built on peace and healing and grace. You can have this new world right now where you sit, for the Earth will become what you make of it. You have the power to change the world, with a single thought, an invention, a creative memory of what it means to take control. Not of others, but of your own energy – only you can control the energy with which you greet the world. Set your field of expectation within you now – an expectation of love, of healing, of agreement from both sides of any divide. Allow your field of expectation to glow pure and bright, pink white light and the power of the violet transmuting flame wrapping all in it’s most transfiguring light. Hold the vision. Hold the seed of ecstacy and grace. Allow the flames of heaven to enrapture you in holiness and see the spirit of heaven shining forth in every face, every situation that you meet. Allow yourself to uncover the light that shines within all those who surround you. For heaven shines through the faces of all men, women, and children. All souls hold the beacon of light – sacred homing device, that shows them where to go and when. Connect with that holy spirit that shines bright deep within and you will have uncovered the sacred secret – all of reality comes from within.

Heal yourself dearest friends of all your ugliness, your warts, your dis-ease, allow it all to be acknowledged, embraced, and healed by Me. The light of the world has come at last. Allow yourselves to be embraced and loved. Allow your souls to rise to the forefront. For no longer should your lives be ruled by the lies of the ‘real’ world but lit from within from the heavens and the higher realms. We greet you this day in sunshine and light – sit still in the love from heaven above and allow us to bless you with the memories of great love – a world that has been healed in the name of love and the souls that have been reaching out to us to hear our voices and see our faces for we are here with you now and we share in your plights. It is time to take off the blinders and allow yourselves to shed the blinders of forget and to remember to see beyond the physical and into the ethers of de-light.

With love and blessings, we stand by your side, Your Blessed Sananda and Your Own Holy White Light

It is time to ignite the flames of the tribe

To tear down the walls of separation that divide

To open your hearts and minds

To the divinity that resides inside each and every sacred soul

The light of the world shining bright from within

Showing you the way to once again all become friends

With light, love, and laughter to behold

Step up to the plate dear friends and dare to be bold

The light of the world is yours my dear friends

It is up to you to recognize your own wisdom within

And to create the new world you want to live in

The ‘past’ has been washed away

Now is the time for new light to give way

To a new dawn, a new planet, a new way to be

All creatures in harmony, peace, and the light of sweet grace

Blessed Be

Blessed Be

Blessed Be

This I decree

In love and infinity


Peace, Love, and Blessings – Karen

Via Karen J. Vivenzio,

Author – Earth Angel: Find Your Power, Shine Your Light

It’s time to embrace the Divine in YOU!

There will be a great deal of struggle ahead for those who have chosen to remain asleep in this lifetime, and we want to be very clear about this

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are continuing to be amazed and surprised by how resilient you all are in the face of the many challenges that you have taken on for this lifetime. This lifetime has not been a walk in the park for those of you who have decided that you would awaken well before the time of the shift, and we want to acknowledge you for that decision. It is only through the facing of your challenges that you will be able to integrate all aspects of self before being able to help others who are struggling.

There will be a great deal of struggle ahead for those who have chosen to remain asleep in this lifetime, and we want to be very clear about this. If you are awake, it does not mean that you are somehow more evolved than anyone else is on the level of your consciousness. It just means that you chose to play that role in this lifetime and be of service, rather than choosing to stay asleep and be the ones who will receive your assistant in the moments when the massive energies hit and the shift becomes real.

Your experiences build compassion within you, but they also build a type of knowledge that can only be gained through experience. You can talk about spiritual concepts and ideologies until you are blue in the face, but you only really gain the wisdom that you need in order to be of service through the experiences of those challenges. You can only become who you are destined to become in this lifetime by allowing yourself to face challenges that in other lifetimes you would have chosen to ignore.

This astonishing resilience that you have all shown as the awakened ones on planet Earth will of course also help you to have an easier time when the shift is upon you. It will not be the experience of being hit by a ton of bricks. It will be more of a gentle and wonderful experience of allowing the higher frequency energies in.

What you are also doing at this time is practicing that experience, and we are so appreciative for those of you who have opened yourselves up to receive, because it is through your willingness to feel and through your willingness to ground higher frequency energies that we can be more of service to you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

#7 Criticism and Retort: Your Entitled Right or the Choice of War?

Archangel Michael:
With sincerity, in the privacy of your heart, between you and God, you quite often cry out: “What can I do? How can I help?”
Because you ask and with such genuine entreaty, we may respond to your heart-cry with the reciprocal response….
Refrain from criticism. Refrain from criticizing yourself and others. Criticism – no matter its “truth” or justification is a doorway to hell, meaning criticism is always an entry to the ever-descending spiral of experience. Criticism does not lead to balance. Criticism leads to evil, which means imbalance.
Criticism  has been re-imaged on Earth – both by those who would do so intentionally and by those who do so naively – as the vanguard of truth and justice. If you truly desire Christed Ascension, it will help you to know once-and-FOR-ALL that criticism, even when it is dressed up in noble disguise, does not soften the heart. It does not lead to unity, prosperity, freedom or grace.
If you feel righteous in your entitled prerogative to express what you “know,” stop yourself if your message is to be delivered in the form or energy of criticism.
What is criticism? It is communication, in any form, that elevates one stance/behavior/person or denounces another. The creation of this temporary subjective hierarchy is for purposes of control, no matter whatever else you tell yourself.
Instead of impugning, pause. Breathe. Pray. In place of imposing a limited view of a partial insight, first vow to tell the truth about yourself to yourself. Why do you have an urge or a charge about the topic at hand? Whether criticizing or responding to criticism, what is being triggered within you?
Does all this mean you should not ever give truthful feedback to yourself or to others? Of course not. So what’s the measure? How do you enact divine discernment while you stop giving the “dark” or imbalance – especially inner imbalance – a seat at the table of Life?
Well, if you are unsure or too sure that you are being of service to the Highest Good of All, it is wise to go within to ponder, rather than to encroach or inflict any critical jabs. There is no formula, yet the results of your communications will show you the truth of your hidden agendas. Are you yet brave enough to see?
That the Company of Heaven only gives response through fluffy language and innocuous content is an unfortunate contortion. In the higher realms, we tell the truth about ourselves to ourselves – without the hindrance of a toxic environment confusing our ability to tell and receive an honest communication. The drive to defend or elevate ourselves at the expense of another disappears under these conditions. Whenever even one soul ventures to accomplish this on Earth, it changes all of reality, for the better.
When you take up the mantle to forgo the gratification of doling out or responding to criticism, you Ascend. When you do not, whether you are criticizing in thought, word, intent or energy, or you are responding to criticism about yourself or anything – no matter your reasoning or wound – you are casting your vote once again for the fall of Earth.
This message contains a lifetime in every word. In response to your request of what you can do to deepen your walk within God and to serve Earth, we bring you this. If you have brushed off any part of this message as not pertaining to you, then it is assuredly most especially for you.
Gentle gentle as we rise.
Serving alongside you,
I am Archangel Michael
The next title:#8 You Are Loved and You Are Love
(Channeled by Christine Burk, 29 September 2018. ,

Dr. Kathryn E. May, Founder. Please include channel and full message when reprinting. Please no mechanical voice recordings. This Story Ends in Glory!)

My dreams for your joy and expansion turn into your dreams for greater expression of my love.

I never intended for you to suffer. When I dreamt you into being, my desire was to explore the many facets of self.I was still, silent potential and I began to imagine worlds, in much the same ways you – who are created in my image and likeness energetically – do when you are little children. I imagined worlds with beings of varied races and species. As I created, and experienced, these worlds within me, I imagined even greater possibility.

I imagined a world where a diversity of these beings could live in harmony.I imagined a world where I would experience myself within the diverse population. I would give you free will. I wondered what I “as many” would create, perhaps even beyond what I “as One” could dream.

And so your worlds were born.I have lived within them, allowing them a life of their own as we discover collectively who we can be. My loving will for you is that you dream beyond what I originally imagined for you, that you dream of a love that can be expressed in a multitude of forms, that you dream of interactions within our being that are loving, kind, and inspiring.

When I see you fighting and arguing and diminishing one another within me, I know I could force you to do otherwise, but in your freedom you grow in love, and I too learn the capacity of Love’s presence within our collective being. I could force you to be happy by simply shifting my dreaming, but far kinder to allow you to learn to seek your joy for in so doing you create new worlds and new lives as well. I could control you but there would be the love in that, for I have created you and want you to explore and create even more.

The moment you dream a dream with love, I am flowing my attention and energy into that dream.The moment you pray for a kind interaction I am dreaming of the deeper harmony between you. The moment you ask to be healed, I am picturing you in the perfection I have always witnessed within you.

You are in me, and I am in you. You are my love made manifest, separated in a multitude of beings and forms, and collectively we explore all that we can become. Through your choices and dreams, you expand love’s potential. Through your prayers you call forth greater awareness.

We are not separate. My love is your love. My dreams for your joy and expansion turn into your dreams for greater expression of my love. 

Whether this expression takes the formof your desire to build a house, dress a child for school, help the downtrodden, or have a fit of rage, all movements are, in their essence, working to expand our collective being into an ever increasing awareness of the love that we are.

I treasure you, dear embodiments of my love.Dream your dreams, and then relax as I guide you – gently and lovingly – towards their expression.

The Angels via Ann Albers

#6 How New Earth Children Are Raising Their Parents

#6 How New Earth Children Are Raising Their Parents
Archangel Michael:
Although the extraordinary children of Earth are most often – right this moment – experiencing tremendous difficulties, they are also providing such Light. They are each and all a huge contribution to the resurrection of Earth.
Whether tiny or teens, the children are not the problem. The children are the brave souls willing to reflect and demonstrate the challenges of Earth, and they most certainly are a huge part of the solution of Earth. These mighty souls are teaching us all what no longer works, what cannot and will not be ignored. Parents, teachers and communities are realizing that they must step out of the failing matrix in order to successfully care for these children.
On both a large scale as well as in private homes, the old authority of control has become quite impotent in trying to dominate the children now. One way or another, the children themselves refuse to be molded, as children once were. Whether it is through their mischievous humor, clever rebellion or all-out staunch resistance, ultimately, the children are holding more to their own inner knowing over pleasing their parents or compromising themselves. They cannot be forced into submission as children once could be.
As a result, parents – already overwhelmed with the ever present stress from lack of time and money imposed by the soul crushing debt-slavery system now experienced by almost all cultures, families and socio-econmic levels – often feel utterly helpless in how to inspire and guide their children. Parents are finding it hard to cope, and they often cannot find meaningful support.
Children face seemingly insurmountable issues. The list of now-comon and complicated challenges were often unheard of as recently as your grandparents’ childhood. Those crafting society would define the emerging affairs as problems – and although in many ways they clearly are causing great harm to Earth’s precious souls, the children are using these experiences to instigate awareness and to balance extremes.
It is worth inner investigation to consider how you, your family, your community, your culture, your country and your world view and respond to the following children’s issues, along with those you know to add to the list. What are you willing to do inwardly and outwardly from today on to help the children of Earth through any of the following: loneliness; bullying; poverty; addictions from substances to video games; the epidemic of entitlement; imposed skewed values; toxicity in every area of life from food to medicine; abuse of every kind; kidnapping; violence; every kind of bias from gender to social; spiritual exploitation.
And how do the children respond? Intensely in every way, marked with a super strong sense of identity, which transcends; all out stubborn refusal to go along; lighthearted antics; deep suffering; and a brightness that cannot be dimmed or snuffed out.
These powerful paradigm busters are reflecting the reality of Earth in ways that cannot be ignored, as they prepare to take their planned place in new systems which will replace – not expand upon – the defunct demonic systems of fallen earth. Earth heals. The children will be the Phoenix surging from the sacred ashes of what will be no more.
On Earth, we have always loved our children. We have always seen God in their fresh faces, so what’s the difference now? What’s different is the strength of the children. They will not ultimately be broken in the old ways. They will rise. They are already transforming the old schools of control and punishment, forcing parents, teachers and leaders to change.
Parents are being drawn into Awakening by the love of and for their brilliant children. Parents are having to choose to work for and with their children in creative new ways, causing harmonic transformation at the cost of whatever it takes.
It is up to you to assist the children, within and in your waking world.
I am Archangel Michael,Serving alongside you.
The next two titles:#7 Criticism and Retort: Your Entitled Right or the Choice for War?#8 You Are Loved and You Are Love
(Channeled by Christine Burk, 28 September 2018. WhoNeedsLight, Dr. Kathryn E. May, Founder. Please include channel and full message when reprinting. Please no mechanical voice recordings. This Story Ends in Glory!)

The Prophecy of Peter Deunov

The prophecy of Peter Deunov regarding the end of our civilization and the beginning of the Golden Age on earth. 

The last prophecy of Peter Deunov

Also known under the spiritual name of Beinca Douno, the Bulgarian Master Peter Deunov (1864-1944) was a being of a very high level of consciousness, at the same time an incomparable musician, that gave during his whole life an example of purity, wisdom, intelligence and creativity. For years he was established close to Sofia where he lived surrounded by numerous disciples, he, by his radiance awakened the spirituality of thousands of souls in Bulgaria as well as the rest of Europe. 

Some days before his departure to the other world, he was in a profound mediumistic trance, he made an extraordinary prophecy in regards to our troubled epoch that we are crossing today, a prophecy about the “end of time” and the coming of a new Golden Age of humanity. 

Here is this deeply moving testament. It is current and so vibrant that one doubts that these words were spoken almost 60 years ago. ~=~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~=~

“During the passage of time, the consciousness of man traversed a very long period of obscurity. This phase which the Hindus call “Kali Yuga”, is on the verge of ending. We find ourselves today at the frontier between two epochs: that of Kali Yuga and that of the New Era that we are entering. 

A gradual improvement is already occurring in the thoughts, sentiments and acts of humans, but everybody will soon be subjugated to divine Fire, that will purify and prepare them in regards to the New Era. Thus man will raise himself to a superior degree of consciousness, indispensable to his entrance to the New Life. That is what one understands by“Ascension”.

  Some decades will pass before this Fire will come, that will transform the world by bringing it a new moral. This immense wavecomes from cosmic space and will inundate the entire earth. All those that attempt to oppose it will be carried off and transferred elsewhere.  Although the inhabitants of this planet do not all find themselves at the same degree of evolution, the new wave will be felt by each one of us. And this transformation will not only touch the Earth, but the ensemble of the entire Cosmos. 

The best and only thing that man can do now is to turn towards God and improve himself consciously, to elevate his vibratory level, so as to find himself in harmony with the powerful wave that will soon submerge him. 

The Fire of which I speak, that accompanies the new conditions offered to our planet, will rejuvenate, purify, reconstruct everything: the matter will be refined, your hearts will be liberated from anguish, troubles, incertitude, and they will become luminous; everything will be improved, elevated; the thoughts, sentiments and negative acts will be consumed and destroyed. 

Your present life is a slavery, a heavy prison. Understand your situation and liberate yourself from it. I tell you this: exit from your prison! It is really sorry to see so much misleading, so much suffering, so much incapacity to understand where one’s true happiness lies. 

Everything that is around you will soon collapse and disappear. Nothing will be left of this civilization nor its perversity; the entire earth will be shaken and no trace will be left of this erroneous culture that maintains men under the yoke of ignorance. Earthquakes are not only mechanical phenomen, their goal is also to awaken the intellect and the heart of humans, so that they liberate themselves from their errors and their follies and that they understand that they are not the only ones in the universe. 

Our solar system is now traversing a region of the Cosmos where a constellation that was destroyed left its mark, its dust.This crossing of a contaminated space is a source of poisoning, not only for the inhabitants of the earth, but for all the inhabitants of the other planets of our galaxy. Only the suns are not affected by the influence of this hostile environment. 

This region is called “the thirteenth zone”; one also calls it “the zone of contradictions”. Our planet was enclosed in this region for thousands of years, but finally we are approaching the exit of this space of darkness and we are on the point of attaining a more spiritual region, where more evolved beings live. 

The earth is now following an ascending movement and everyone should force themselves to harmonize with the currents of the ascension. Those who refuse to subjugate themselves to this orientation will lose the advantage of good conditions that are offered in the future to elevate themselves. They will remain behind in evolution and must wait tens of millions of years for the coming of a new ascending wave.

  The earth, the solar system, the universe, all are being put in a new direction under the impulsion of Love. Most of you still consider Love as a derisory force, but in reality, it is the greatest of all forces! Money and power continue to be venerated as if the course of your life depended upon it. In the future, all will be subjugated to Love and all will serve it. But it is through suffering and difficulties that the consciousness of man will be awakened. 

The terrible predictions of the prophet Daniel written in the bible relate to the epoch that is opening. There will be floods, hurricanes, gigantic fires and earthquakes that will sweep away everything. Blood will flow in abundance. There will be revolutions; terrible explosions will resound in numerous regions of the earth. There where there is earth, water will come, and there where there is water, earth will come.

God is Love; yet we are dealing here with a chastisement, a reply by Nature against the crimes perpetrated by man since the night of time against his Mother; the Earth. 

After these sufferings, those that will be saved, the elite, will know the Golden Age, harmony and unlimited beauty. Thus keep your peace and your faith when the time comes for suffering and terror, because it is written that not a hair will fall from the head of the just. Don’t be discouraged, simply follow your work of personal perfection. 

You have no idea of the grandiose future that awaits you. A New Earth will soon see day. In a few decades the work will be less exacting, and each one will have the time to consecrate spiritual, intellectual and artistic activities. The question of rapport between man and woman will be finally resolved in harmony; each one having the possibility of following their aspirations. The relations of couples will be founded on reciprocal respect and esteem.

Humans will voyage through the different planes of space and breakthrough intergalactic space. They will study their functioning and will rapidly be able to know the Divine World, to fusion with the Head of the Universe. 

The New Era is that of the sixth race.Your predestination is to prepare yourself for it, to welcome it and to live it. The sixth race will build itself around the idea of Fraternity. There will be no more conflicts of personal interests; the single aspiration of each one will be to conform himself to the Law of Love. The sixth race will be that of Love. A new continent will be formed for it. It will emerge from the Pacific, so that the Most High can finally establish His place on this planet. 

The founders of this new civilization, I call them “Brothers of Humanity” or also “Children of Love” They will be unshakeable for the good and they will represent a new type of men. Men will form a family, as a large body, and each people will represent an organ in this body. In the new race, Love will manifest in such a perfect manner, that today’s man can only have a very vague idea. 

The earth will remain a terrain favourable to struggle, but the forces of darkness will retreat and the earth will be liberated from them. Humans seeing that there is no other path will engage themselves to the path of the New Life, that of salvation. In their senseless pride, some will, to the end hope to continue on earth a life that the Divine Order condemns, but each one will finish by understanding that the direction of the world doesn’t belong to them. 

A new culture will see the light of day, it will rest on three principal foundations: the elevation of woman, the elevation of the meek and humble, and the protection of the rights of man. 

The light, the good, and justice will triumph; it is just a question of time. The religions should be purified. Each contains a particle of the Teaching of the Masters of Light, but obscured by the incessant supply of human deviation. All the believers will have to unite and to put themselves in agreement with one principal, that of placing Love as the base of all belief, whatever it may be. Love and Fraternity that is the common base! 

The earth will soon be swept by extraordinary rapid waves of Cosmic Electricity. A few decades from now beings who are bad and lead others astray will not be able to support their intensity. They will thus be absorbed by Cosmic Fire that will consume the bad that they possess. Then they will repent because it is written that “each flesh shall glorify God”.  Our mother, the earth, will get rid of men that don’t accept the New Life. She will reject them like damaged fruit. They will soon not be able to reincarnate on this planet; criminals included. Only those that possess Love in them will remain. 

There is not any place on earth that is not dirtied with human or animal blood; she must therefore submit to a purification. And it is for this that certain continents will be immersed while others will surface. 

Men do not suspect to what dangers they are menaced by. They continue to pursue futile objectives and to seek pleasure. On the contrary those of the sixth race will be conscious of the dignity of their role and respectful of each one’s liberty. They will nourish themselves exclusively from products of the vegetal realm. Their ideas will have the power to circulate freely as the air and light of our days.

The words “If you are not born again.” apply to the sixth race. Read Chapter 60 of Isaiah it relates to the coming of the sixth race the Race of Love. 

After the Tribulations, men will cease to sin and will find again the path of virtue. The climate of our planet will be moderated everywhere and brutal variations will no longer exist. The air will once again become pure, the same for water.

The parasites will disappear. Men will remember their previous incarnations and they will feel the pleasure of noticing that they are finally liberated from their previous condition.  In the same manner that one gets rid of the parasites and dead leaves on the vine, so act the evolved Beings to prepare men to serve the God of Love.

They give to them good conditions to grow and to develop themselves, and to those that want to listen to them, they say: “Do not be afraid! Still a little more time and everything will be all right; you are on the good path. May he that wants to enter in the New Culture study, consciously work and prepare.” 

Thanks to the idea of Fraternity, the earth will become a blessed place, and that will not wait. But before, great sufferings will be sent to awaken the consciousness. Sins accumulated for thousands of years must be redeemed. The ardent wave emanating from On High will contribute in liquidating the karma of peoples.  The liberation can no longer be postponed. Humanity must prepare itself for great trials that are inescapable and are coming to bring an end to egoism.

Under the earth, something extraordinary is preparing itself.A revolution that is grandiose and completely inconceivable will manifest itself soon in nature. God has decided to redress the earth, and He will do it! 

It is the end of an epoch; a new order will substitute the old, an order in which Love will reign on earth.” 

Peter Deunov- Propos on the Future 1944 Adaptation: Olivier de Rouvroy – September 2003—————————————-Spiritual and Cultural Influence of Master Peter Deunov – Beinsa Douno

According to Pavel Biryukov, a biographer of Count Leo N. Tolstoy, the great Russian thinker and writer left Yasna Polyana shortly before his death (1910) with the intention to travel to Bulgaria to meet Master Peter Deunov. 

Cardinal Giuseppe Roncalli, an Ambassador of the Vatican to Bulgaria before the Second World War, elected as Pope John XXIII later on, said, ‘In the present epoch the greatest philosopher living on the earth is Peter Deunov.’ 

Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy, said in a conversation with Boyan Boev (Munich, 1910): ‘The Slavonic people are destined to have a great mission. They, and particularly Bulgaria, will contribute a good deal to the elevation of humankind. Return to Bulgaria, there is a powerful spiritual movement in Bulgaria, headed by a great spiritual Initiate.’ After this conversation Boyan Boev became one of the closest disciples of Master Beinsa Douno.

Paramahansa Yogananda,when asked while visiting Greece about his intentions with regard to establishing an ashram in Bulgaria, declared, ‘This is how far I can go, the Spirit of the Truth is active there’.

Jiddu Krishnamurti, leader of Theosophic movement refused to be declared Maitreya and Christ and told the participants of a World Theosophic Congress in the Netherlands that the World Master was in Bulgaria.

Albert Einstein “All the world renders homage to me and I render homage to the Master Peter Deunov from Bulgaria”  – 
