All posts by Nikos

FEEL MORE THAN FINE Founder ENERGETIC THERAPIST/PERSONAL TRAINER/REIKI THERAPIST AND INSTRUCTOR (Healthcare) Accomplished professional healer and energetic therapist with extensive experience in providing treatment as well as personal training utilising various holistic healing techniques. Commenced medical education but changed track and decided on pursuing an artistic career and became a dancer, a DJ, a restaurateur and model agency business owner; however finally reached the actualisation of self and pursued education in reiki personal training. Expertise in offering therapeutic services for clients by mainly combining music therapy and reiki. Rich experience in establishing and mutually achieving short- and long-term objectives ensuring better post-therapy life for clients. CORE COMPETENCIES ▪ Therapeutic Restoration ▪ Understanding Therapy Techniques ▪ Client Requirement Analysis ▪ Personal Training ▪ Nutritional Planning ▪ Exercise Demonstration ▪ Motivation ▪ Client Health and Safety ▪ Strength, Healing and Conditioning ▪ KEY SKILLS Therapy Intervention – Recognised for hands-on experience in providing therapeutic services to harmonise the body, mind and spirit for overcoming and resolving various conditions/issues of clients including health, money, relations, stress and fear, among others. Expertise in energising clients and helping them activate their inner healing power utilising a combination of techniques such as reiki, qui gong, pilates, yoga, cardio training, dance, tantra and therapeutic music. Client Management – Adept in identifying clients’ dilemma and empathising with their situation by discussing their past experiences and current problems. Significant experience in successfully delivering distance treatment at prearranged times for resolving issues of long distance clients and transporting the vibration energy flow through email and Skype. Program Planning – Outstanding track record of understanding client’s needs and developing detailed programs aimed at achieving defined goals. Skilled in creating structured programs encompassing therapy, exercise, conversation and diet as well as giving guidelines to clients to achieve a peaceful, joyful and abundant life. Interpersonal and Communication – Proactive professional with proficiency in English, French, Spanish, Greek and conversational Dutch and German and the ability to communicate confidently and effectively with clients as well as providing specialist advice and training on energetic therapy for clients from diverse cultures. KEY DELIVERABLES Clearly communicating the program and explaining the process prepared for clients. Undertaking client consultations including medical history and preparing notes. Pre-treatment, ensuring the client is as comfortable as possible either lying on a couch, or seated. Placing hands in a sequence of positions covering the whole body to guide energy and activating the healing process. Treating clients by applying the energetic principles of Reiki as well as performing distance treatment at prearranged times. Adhering to established industry guidelines and providing safe therapeutic recommendations to clients. Planning the routine by comprehending the needs of clients and designing nutrition as well as diet plan for the client, as applicable. Interacting with client and strengthening client relations. Adhering to all personal trainer policies and demonstrating as well as teaching exercises to clients and providing feedback on techniques used. Preparing self for treatment, raising own energy levels and attuning self. Researching, strategising special techniques and increasing knowledge to introduce clients to innovative wellness programs. Constantly motivating clients to achieve maximum gain utilising provided therapy. Maintaining punctuality and preparing for all appointments with clients or professional staff. Attending mandatory and optional staff training classes. Designing rehabilitation program to manage specific physical conditions, injuries, diseases and swiftly responding to emergencies, if any. Handling client grievances and swiftly resolving conflicts by negotiating an amicable settlement. CAREER PROGRESSION Personal Trainer and Energetic Healer Natural Mente Festival,Camping La Playa, Ibiza Jul 2011 – Present Personal Life Coach Feel More Than Fine, Ibiza May 2010 – Present Energetic Healer Consciousness Festival, Rimini Energetic Healer Workshop Interconnectedness, Amsterdam Healing DJ and Therapist Healing, Ibiza Master Reiki Reiki Healer level II Reiki Healer level I International Career DJ and Producer Personal Trainer and CardioFunk Classes Fitness 1st (Passage), Brussels Co-owner Model Agency Pure Star Management Vilnius and Paris Club Manager/Choreographer Cova Santa, Ibiza Restaurant Owner L'empire des sens Professional Dancer Classes of Dance & Cardio Fitness Instructor Fitness 1st, Brussels Commenced career as a professional dancer and simultaneously working as a DJ and music producer. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Certified Energetic Healer & Life Coach Certified Reiki Master Certified Personal Trainer Fitness 1st Belgium June 2013 Dec.2012 Mar 1997 Medical and Physiotherapy Studies University of Brussels, Brussels Oct 1988 – Jun 1993 Graduation High School May 1987 High Level Athletics as sprint runner Sep.1982 – May 1987 PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: 2nd Nov, 1970Nationality: GreekMarital Status: SingleDriving Licence: European Driver’s Licence References available on request

What you are experiencing is beyond 3D intuition. Almost as if you have an inner camera with voice activation.

So It Begins

Dear Ones,

Even though you ended your 3D dance, you might not yet feel beyond 3D, for some pieces continue to impact your moods and interactions. Such is to be expected. You did not shift from a 3D infant to a toddler in one day. It was a process, as it is for you now.

Past actions are no longer appropriate, and future actions are just beginning, so you feel discombobulated and a bit raw. Allow those feelings to pass through you as you adjust to your new being.

You are also likely not yet fully aware of a deepening sensation of knowing something without needing words. What you are experiencing is beyond 3D intuition. Almost as if you have an inner camera with voice activation.

You might describe these new sensations to others only to discover your information angers them. Much like 3D babies innocently exploring light sockets only to be redirected with a loud “No!”

You are feeling/sensing images, words, and pieces that others may not wish to expose. Yet, you are excited about the information because it expands your capabilities.

Some of you are so frightened by this new skill that you successfully block the information. A blocking maneuver that might work for a few days. But just as you needed to learn how to walk, you need to know how to access this information.

Perhaps you are concerned that you are sensing, feeling, or hearing information that invades the privacy of others. So you may be – at the beginning. Until others learn to pull down their inner window shade. There is no reason to know what others do not wish you to know. But by accessing the information of others, you will better understand your skills.

What you are now likely experiencing is similar to a 3D toddler saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. For you will offend some beings without meaning to.

Perhaps you wonder why you are accessing information that might offend others. Such is so because you do not yet trust your personal information. Maybe you sense that you want to do something, that a being is not suitable for you, or that you must travel to a particular place. All concerns that could be addressed if you trusted your inner voice. But in this beginning stage, you ponder your inner wisdom. So the only way to test if your messages are accurate is if others acknowledge that they are.

This phase of invading the privacy of others to confirm the accuracy of your inner messages seems like a convoluted, perhaps even mean, exercise. But then, others will be reading/seeing you as diligently as you do them.

The information you gather will not necessarily be life-altering but more of an insight into their preferences at a particular moment.

Most of you reading this message are horrified because in 3D, you were not encouraged to know much about your internal thoughts, much less the thoughts of others. This is a primary exercise in expelling that 3D attribute.

Do not fear. You will not harm others with the information you gather and likely relay. It is more about practicing a skill you have always had but did not dare acknowledge in 3D. Eventually, words will not be a necessary earthly communication tool. This is lesson one in that essential skill.

You will relay information others may not wish you to know because they are determined to hide that piece from themselves. At the same time, others will read you. As you practice acknowledging these often ignored sensations, feelings, and inner workings of others – a skill you have honed through eons of interactions in places other than 3D earth – you will acknowledge the reality of your inner voice.

Languages, slang, and accents have created earth barriers for eons.

Now that you have become one with yourself, you are beginning to acknowledge the same with others. Living in different parts of the world no longer means you cannot communicate with one another.

Your new world does not have the same communication barriers as was true in 3D. But, like a 3D toddler, you might express something someone does not want to acknowledge. That information will not destroy their life, nor yours. It is information that will encourage others to look within – the object of this skill – and to pull the curtains when privacy is important.

You will not access information that could not be shared any more than is true for a 3D toddler. You will merely make observations that others may not wish to address – but they will likely do so once you have shocked them with that piece. For example, a toddler might ask someone why they have big teeth, or their arm is missing. Information that is fully available to all but never or seldom reviewed by adults or older children because “It isn’t nice to do so.”

So it will be for the information you access about others – and they about you. “Why do you live here if you dislike it so much?” “Why aren’t you looking for a job that better suits your being?” Not necessarily intimate details but pieces others are afraid to address within themselves.

In this phase, you will take the first steps to communicate without the spoken word. Skill one in your new bag of tricks that is now part of your new world. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Self Acceptance and Resurrection

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 04/08/2023

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You are in a season of renewal upon your earth. You are collectively and individually re-creating yourselves. As a result of the tremendous upheaval these past few years, you are discovering your hearts in whole new ways. You want to live more authentic lives, worry less about pleasing others, and be more concerned with pleasing the Divine within. This is why so many of you are exhausted. You can no longer push yourself in directions that do not appeal. You can no longer pretend you want to do things you do not. You can no longer spend your energy trying to change anyone else – for better or worse – without feeling frustrated if they do not want to change. You will find, however, that when you pursue your passions – anything that calls to you, interests you, or makes your spirit sing – you will find incredible resources of time, energy, money, and support flowing into your reality for in your truth, in your love, you tap into the fast-moving currents of love that are flowing upon your planet. We say this often, but it bears repeating. If you are tired, rest. Stop fighting yourselves. Self-Acceptance is the easiest way to allow your spirit to take charge and fix nearly any situation in your mind, heart, body, or life. Your body knows what it needs. Your soul knows what it needs. Your mind knows what it needs. In your times of rest, you are incubating new life. In allowing yourself to feel your feelings, you allow love to wash in after their release. In allowing yourself to pursue a passion, you are allowing love to carry you in its flow. In allowing yourself to dream, you are allowing spirit to share ideas. In watching movies, you give your overactive mind a rest. In spending time alone, you learn to relate more intimately with yourself. In spending time with others, you see yourself in the mirror. Whatever it is you feel drawn to in a given moment, accept it. As you accept yourself as you are in this moment, no matter whether you would traditionally judge the situation or not, you are shining the unconditional love of the Divine upon yourself. As you accept yourself as you are, at this moment, you are saying to the universe, I am worthy of love as I am. “I am who I am,” dear ones, is the name God gave to Moses when asked. “I am who I am.” repeat that often, or better, “I accept myself as I am… even as I expand into more.” As you accept your heart in a given moment, you open to new guidance in the next. As you accept your so-called negative feelings, they will be granted release, then settle. As you accept your joyous feelings, they will guide you on the path of passion. As you accept your boredom, you stop fighting yourself and allow creativity to arise. As you accept your desire to get in motion, you allow yourself to ride the waves of inspiration. As you accept your desire to overeat, you will learn that you’d rather be more comfortable. As you accept yourself without judgment or criticism, your inner teenager will no longer have to rebel, throw tantrums, or stubbornly insist on its right to “be.” As you accept yourself without judgment or criticism, your inner child will no longer have to justify, explain, or defend their desires. As you accept yourself without judgment you are admitting a glorious truth, “You ARE perfect as you are, even as you expand into more.” An acorn wants to expand into an oak. An oak wants to make acorns. The green acorns sit in the dirt until their little shells crack open in perfection, and they once again reach and stretch to become oaks. You, too, have many cycles upon your earth and in your personal lives. Honor them. You are in a cycle of recreation so it is particularly important to honor your own personal cycles. In this fashion, the very force of life itself that lives and breathes within you will be allowed to rise up, guide you in grace, and inspire you to the life of your dreams.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

You have prepared well for the times you are in, so trust in your capability, and know that you are doing a truly remarkable job.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Moving with the Waves

Dear Ones, the best way to soothe yourself during times of energetic intensity is to allow yourself to move with the waves. Trust the rhythm of the universe and the purpose of each part of the process.

The most discomfort comes from resisting any phase you are currently in. You are not getting it wrong. You cannot get it wrong! You can simply make the process more taxing and uncomfortable than it needs to be by falling into fear, doubt, resistance, or denying yourself what would make it easier to move with the waves.

We understand it is easier to embrace periods that feel calmer but just like a washing machine some energetic agitation can help dispel density and ultimately leave things cleansed and clearer. Just because the waters are choppy doesn’t mean you aren’t making progress.

So be the expert on you. Trust. Move with what is being supported at any given time and know that every single wave has purpose. Remember it is designed to be an overall system of balance, so no phase will last one second longer than it needs to, and it is all designed to serve both you and the planet. You have prepared well for the times you are in, so trust in your capability, and know that you are doing a truly remarkable job.

Dynamic Meditation Practice

High vibes everyone, my new album is out and i am inviting you today to get into dynamic meditation for the highest good for all and for you creating an atmosphere around you of all things needed always available to you wherever you go whatever you do with who ever you.

We call upon AA Michael for protection and we set the intention for highest good for all activated through our movement.

All you need to do is press play and move to the rhythm of

Lightworker 432hz .

Stellar 432hz – New Album out now.

Yaaay my new album STELLAR is ready. All music attuned on 432hz.

Going From Deep House to Techno with a very special one that can be used as Dynamic Meditation in a slower BPM.

It is coming out on April 13th 2023 and you can pre-order here where you get one track as a gift.

Click on the cover to listen.

There are no more presets, no more to-do lists. You navigate your way forward by simply following your heart and honouring whatever way you would like to express yourself. Giving yourself the freedom to do this is an essential aspect of the new energies.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Consciously Pioneering Into the New

young woman in warm sweater looking outside
Photo by Tim Samuel on

The biggest challenge many of you are facing is learning how to navigate your life moving forward based on what you would like to do vs what you have to do. The first chapter of your incarnation had many ‘presets’ if you will ~ things on your soul’s to-do list that you wanted to experience.

These might include soul contracts to connect and interact with others, a desire to balance karma, service contracts to assist in certain ways, and themes you wished to expand on while you were in the body in your desire to heal them once and for all. For many of you it was all about having a 3D experience.

But you have now wrapped up that phase and are in the process of stepping fully into the new. There are no more presets, no more to-do lists. You navigate your way forward by simply following your heart and honouring whatever way you would like to express yourself. Giving yourself the freedom to do this is an essential aspect of the new energies.

It can feel odd to live your life through preference and self expression. It is not selfish, it is exactly the phase you have worked hard to evolve into. All of your choices will be conscious, because you are a conscious being. It is through your preferences that you will pioneer into the new; creating possibilities and pathways for others to follow whenever the time is right for them.

Because this phase is rather unquantifiable, it is common to fear that you are not doing enough. If you hear one thing from us, hear this: your presence is more than enough. Your beingness is more than enough, because you are anchoring higher vibrational energies on the planet.

Your growth and expansion is your service, and is what has been driving the shift on your planet. There has never been a time, since you have been in a body, when you haven’t been in service through your energetics. So rest easy in that truth, and know that anything that you choose to do on top of that is, as they say, gravy.

You are in a time that is ripe for manifestation, for expansion, new discoveries, and taking quantum leaps.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ What You’ve Been Waiting for All Along

buildings surrounded by trees
Photo by Reynaldo #brigworkz Brigantty on

Dear Ones, you are in a time of rebirth. You are leaving the old chapter behind and in the process of stepping fully into the new. Be patient with yourselves! It takes time to get used to completely new energies and the ways that work best for you to navigate them.

You are in a time that is ripe for manifestation, for expansion, new discoveries, and taking quantum leaps. If you have been putting off things you know you need to do for your own comfort and wellness, now is the time to do them. It’s time to get clear and honest with yourself.

What are you ready to let go of? What old habit is a priority for you to evolve beyond? Now is the ideal time to tackle it, because you are in a period that is incredibly supportive of doing that work. Once you are done, what are you ready to receive that will have room to appear in your life due to releasing what was no longer working or honouring you?

When we speak of getting clear about what you would like to manifest, we urge you not to constrain it through the old habits of micro-managing, fear or doubt. This is about next level manifestation, which is done as a co-creative process. Identify with the core elements that mean the most to you and feel good energetically when you think of them. These might be freedom, satisfaction, purpose, wonder, connection, or any other core element that your soul is craving and beckoning you towards.

By focusing on those elements, you demonstrate your willingness to be led with complete faith and trust from a universe that adores you, knows your highest potentials, and can’t wait to lead you down the path of discovery of what truly exists for you that you could never imagine from where you are now.

After all, if you are in unprecedented energies, it also means unprecedented possibilities, opportunities, and experiences to replace the old. This is what you’ve been waiting for all along ~ to play in the magic and wonder of the previously undiscovered as an embodied soul on an ascending planet!

The massive shifts of the past week changed your approach to earth life. Even though you experienced many lives in other locations, you are of the earth now. Your focus shifted the past few days from spiritual – out there somewhere – interactions to your earthly life.

Your Personal Dawn

Dear Ones,

In past messages, we of the Universes adjusted our information to compliment your new being and your former self – a no longer required dance. So we are eliminating some of the pieces we inserted to reassure your former being that you were not odd or losing your mind.

The massive shifts of the past week changed your approach to earth life. Even though you experienced many lives in other locations, you are of the earth now. Your focus shifted the past few days from spiritual – out there somewhere – interactions to your earthly life.

While you were of 3D and throughout your now completed transition, you needed reassurance that you were not alone, that your family in various ethers, if you will, supported and cared for you.

Even though your families of the ethers continue to care for you, you have left that Universal security nest to create new security while of the earth in this lifetime. No longer will you need to travel to other Universal locations for pep talks or love because you are now creating that while of the earth.

This is a new dawn with a new action plan.

You are strong enough to create a new life without the expertise or hand-holding once required as you transitioned from 3D to the strong, capable, loving being you have become.

Most likely, you cannot yet sense what we are speaking of, for you seem much as you did yesterday or last week. Yet you do not feel at all as you did last month. Slowly, in your mind and rapidly in ours, you have shifted from requiring Universal assistance to becoming part of that Universal assistance.

Perhaps some of you feel the Universes have deserted you. You no longer require our hand-holding or reassurances that you are moving in the correct direction for you have arrived. Our future messages will be about your strengthening capabilities instead of how you can cope with loss, fear, and anger.

It is over. Your old life is gone.

You are busily creating a new life with new strengths and capabilities.

Perhaps you are horrified that we are deserting you. You have become part of the Universal team instead of requiring help from your Universal team. In a 3D sense, you left your home of origin to create a new home with complete control of your life and interests.

Some of you will bemoan or fear that independence. Such is to be expected until you realize your skill set is much deeper than you believe. You can manifest, love, and direct your life without our assistance.

In the future, you will be an important part of the Universes. What you achieved on the earth in this life will be emulated repeatedly as other Universal beings transition their locations in ways that best suit their beings.

Earth shifted from fear to love. Other locations wish to change in different ways. Your shifting expertise in a short amount of time will be emulated repeatedly – with your assistance.

You will seldom require our assistance. And if or when you do, that assistance will be provided as a friendly suggestion instead of parental oversite. You have left the nest only to return as a capable Universal adult if or when you feel like doing so.

Your life is now your own. No longer do you need to be concerned about what the Universes expect. Or providing energy throughout the earth. Or the caretaking/victim positions you were comfortable with as a 3D being.

You are new, strong, and capable. And so is the earth. Allow yourself to believe and know that with every fiber of your being. And then allow yourself to live the personal life you prepared for eons.

You had three streams of expansion throughout the eons. One was to help shift the earth from fear to love – which you completed. The second was to become a beacon of change for those now of the earth – which you have been for years. And last, and now most important, for you to experience the life you longed for throughout your shifts and traumas.

Your personal rewards have come to fruition. You will finally reap the loving benefits of your eons of sacrifice and fear. Enjoy the life you have been creating for yourself for eons. A life of joy, peace, and fun while of earth in this lifetime. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Light vs dark progress; lightworkers as mentors; ET spacecraft landings when safety is assured; sending love light; false information; densities; some evolved civilizations. -Matthew Ward through Suzy-

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. During this final act of the ages-old battle between the light forces and the dark forces, Earth is aglow with the light of volunteers, off-planet civilizations, and growing numbers of awakened and awakening souls.

It is due to ever-intensifying light that you are seeing more and more citizenries revolting against their governments’ dark policies; a crack in the banking system; and some individuals publicly connecting the economic dots of covid-19 lockdown, tests, vaccines and falsified statistics.

However, most of the finale still is playing out behind the scenes. The Illuminati are losing global economic control as governments are refusing to do their bidding. Countries they want to be enemies are instead allied in ridding the world of dark ones and their heinous activities. Arrests and trials of individuals for crimes against humanity or treason continue.

In this last phase of Earth’s transition from darkness into light, a short period of chaos seems inevitable and a brief lockdown seems certain. The latter is both protective and a pivotal happening that will hasten the awakening of still slumbering souls. Some bumpy patches will likely follow, but none would be long-lasting, and there will be no mini-ice age, abrupt geophysical shift or any other predicted catastrophic event.

When irrefutable evidence of truthful information starts coming forth, you who have waited so patiently will greet it with rejoicing, but—as many of you are anticipating—most others will be shocked, confused, outraged and fearful. As encouraging mentors, calmly and confidently explain to all receptive souls that everything going on is ending long ages of darkness on Earth.

It can be helpful to recommend books and websites that support what you tell them about this profound turnaround, how civilizations have been helping Earth, and wondrous changes ahead. The unconscionable disparity between the few “haves” and the billions of “have-nots” will end and everyone will share in the planet’s abundance. The global economic system based on precious metals that will replace the current corrupt system will protect honestly-earned savings and investments.

Scientific and technological developments the dark ones have been using malevolently will be taken out of their control and used beneficially. The planet’s damaged environment will be restored. There will be what you call free energy and grand innovations in healthcare, education, transportation, communication, agriculture and construction.

The peoples need to know the powerful energy of positive thoughts and feelings about those changes will manifest them and lead to Earth’s Golden Age, where love is the foundation of life. They need to know that in the timeless continuum, where the past, current and future are happening simultaneously, that glorious Age already IS.

Dear ones, do not feel uneasy about taking on that task of enlightenment. When the moment arrives that your knowledge is needed, your previous experience in helping other civilizations “see the light” will come to the fore and you will feel automatically guided.

Now we shall address some of your other interests and concerns. “Do souls at Matthew’s station know yet when ET crews will land?”  No, we don’t. What we do know is that there can be no landings until it is safe for the crews and the people who want to greet them. God relieved fleet commanders of determining when safety can be assured for everyone—when it is, He will tell them “Go.” It will be safe then, too, for souls in the extraterrestrial special forces who live among you to introduce themselves.

The dark ones’ time is growing shorter, so there is reason to think that “sooner rather than later” you will meet these universal family members who are eager to thank volunteers for their invaluable service to Earth and to mingle with Earth’s peoples. Souls living in Inner Earth’s marvelous cities want you to become acquainted with them, too. All will offer help to restore health to the ravaged environment, and that can be accomplished with speed that will astound you.

Speaking of speed, because of the light radiated by you volunteers and beamed by far distant civilizations, the transformation of life on Earth is happening with speed that is unprecedented in this universe. Third density civilizations that declined offers of that assistance took as long as 50,000 years to evolve to fifth density spiritually and consciously.

“Please ask Matthew how we can send love-light.” With joy we tell you this is as easy as your desire to do so! If you wish to “formalize” this in a prayer or meditation or visualization, that is fine, of course, but your feelings and intention are enough. And, no “address” is needed. Simply your thought of the person, group or Earth herself directs your love-light energy where you want it to go.

“I just read a channeling that ETs helping Earth have an ulterior motive. They plan to take over the planet after it’s peaceful because it will be easier then to enslave the people. Surely that isn’t what will happen!” Be assured it will not!  Years ago the light forces built a grid of such intense light around the planet that the low vibrations of malevolent individuals cannot even approach it—light is anathema to dark ones. Dear family, entire civilizations or extraterrestrial groups have long been helping Earth because they love Gaia and her residents!

In previous messages we have spoken about the importance of discernment in all sources of information, including channeled. Some receivers are not aware they are reaching base entities who give fearful-sounding false information, and other messages purportedly from messengers of the light are written by dark ones on the planet to create fear.

Here is another indication of their feelings of desperation: “I heard souls transitioning to spirit life are being tricked into going to a kind of ‘limbo’ where dark forces keep them trapped. I hope that is NOT true!”  It is not true. This is a variance of old propaganda contrived to create fear. Please ignore all ominous-sounding information! [July 27, 2017 and August 27, 2017 include readers’ descriptions of information in circulation at that time.]

“Some channelers say Earth is entering 5D. I thought life in that density is peaceful and loving. I don’t see this world even close to that.”  Life in fifth density is peaceful and loving!

Let us repeat what we have said about density. There are two kinds—personal evolutionary status and the location of a celestial body. Location-wise, Earth is about mid-way in fourth density and steadily on her ascension course to her destination in high fifth. Evolutionary-wise, many of her population still are in third density while others are in fourth and higher densities.

It is in fourth that hearts and minds open and people start advancing in spiritual and conscious awareness—this is the awakening process. Most volunteers who came from other homelands to help Earth’s civilization begin to awaken are fifth in evolvement and some are in sixth, and members of the extraterrestrial special forces come from sixth and higher density civilizations. [March 3, 2022 message includes comprehensive information about volunteers and the special forces.]

Also, we number the two densities only to indicate advancement or regression, but energy—and everything in existence is energy—isn’t compartmentalized or numbered. Energy simply flows in accordance with the measure of consciousness in its countless streamers.

However, there can be a correlation between the two kinds of densities, and you volunteers are an example. You incarnated in a third density world, but your evolutionary status is the same as it was when you were living in your homelands.

It is similar with Gaia, the soul that embodied as the planet. Billions of years ago she and her body originated in high fifth density, and her evolutionary status remained there during the eons the planet descended into deep third density and stayed there because her humankind were brutal to each other and the animals.

During the millennia that Earth’s more recent civilizations languished in third density, the lowest in which humans can live, a few individuals—visionaries, philosophers, scientists, artists, spiritual leaders—who were much higher in evolvement status incarnated there. Due to the dominance of darkness, those light bearers were ignored, debased or killed.

We have been asked what volunteers look like when they are in their homelands, and we don’t have an answer. We know most are from human civilizations and we can distinguish them from the general population by the light that radiates their higher evolutionary status, but that doesn’t indicate a specific homeland.

Now I shall speak as Matthew only. I have lived temporarily in many civilizations that requested my help in upgrading their spirit worlds to be more like Nirvana or graciously invited me to visit. Although I have no way of knowing if any volunteers are from any of those civilizations, you may be interested in knowing a bit about them and appearances they have chosen.

All advanced human populations are androgynous, the balance of feminine and masculine energies, and vibrations in their worlds are at consistently high levels. Adults’ height is between three feet and 12 feet and all bodies are slender. Skin tones range from porcelain white to chocolate brown to ebony black, a shade in your rainbows or other colors, and the skin of people in some civilizations shimmers with diffused light.

In addition to human worlds, members of the extraterrestrial special forces may be from civilizations with tall erect insect-type forms, stylized animals, magnificent plants, and iridescent translucent cylindrical torsos that float above their planet’s surface. All of those souls’ bodies are so agile and their brain power so great, you would think of them as the stuff of science fiction.

The reptilians I know in the special forces are from only one of many reptilian civilizations. These impressive defenders of the light are of average height and have pale blue-gray skin and large dark eyes.

Some of the mostly highly evolved souls have no form at all—they function as unity consciousness and send their intense light over vast areas of the universe. However, like all other advanced souls, they can manifest whatever kind of body they wish and by the speed of thought, travel to any destination where vibrations are compatible with theirs.

All of those populations are assisting Earth by beaming light or in specific ways. For instance, members of one civilization appear as cloud formations so they can cleanse your skies of pollutants’ toxicity. Some souls lower their density so they can incarnate on the planet to guide and strengthen struggling individuals in their soul clusters. Others embody instantly to save cluster souls from unchosen danger, then vanish by dematerializing so they don’t get trapped in Earth’s density.

Reproduction in advanced civilizations may be by sexual union, cloning, or focused thought by the two souls that want a child and the soul that wants to be their child. Non-physical civilizations with unity consciousness grow by welcoming all souls at the same high vibratory level.

When members of some civilizations are ready to move forward, they have a celebration party and express gratitude for growth experiences during the hundreds or thousands of years they lived in that world. Then they dematerialize their body and instantly are in the advanced world of their choice, where they manifest a body that fits in, or they join souls in a unity consciousness civilization.

Beloved brothers and sisters, although we cannot tell you from which homelands you came, we can tell you this: In the continuum, where your vital mission to help Earth’s peoples already is a monumental success, your respective civilizations hold you in highest esteem and you have the gratitude of all light beings in this universe.



Suzanne Ward

When you focus on the macrocosm, the microcosm of the what, when and where will begin to show itself to you very quickly.

Hubble Captures Stars Across Generations
Hubble Captures Stars Across Generations by NASA Goddard Photo and Video is licensed under CC-BY 2.0

Dr. Peebles channeled by Natalie Gianelli

Message from Natalie…Beautiful Souls:

It’s easy to get caught in the notion that if you resolved just that one area of your life—the perfect place to live, the perfect person to live with, the perfect balance in your bank account—then all the pieces would fall into place, your life would be picture perfect. But that’s a mind game.

We’ve come here to appreciate the whole of the human experience, the ups and downs, the joy and sadness, the easy times and the tough times. We put the pieces of our lives together, one at a time, from the abundance that exists here.

The key is to broaden our focus, to look at the big picture. We can’t fully appreciate a movie if we are watching only the love scene, the hero moments, the happily-ever-after. Life is so much more than that, and we have an abundance of goodness at our fingertips all the time. We only need to open our eyes, see the abundance of the divine in our every breath, and give thanks for the amazing experience this human incarnation offers us.

Dr. Peebles has a perspective that helps to put the concept in focus:

Dr. Peebles: We want to offer you an activity, something the mind will find boring but it is beneficial nonetheless. This is the practice of recognizing, witnessing, being aware of abundance, bounty, plethora, especially during the activity of meditation and reclusiveness.

When you are in meditation, instead of visualizing something to bring forth, can you meditate on the absolute vastness of the universe itself? Imagine the trillions of oxygen molecules in the air around you. Focus on the abundance of something you aren’t trying to get more of—the stars in the sky, the grains of sand on the beach, how many wood grains in the bannister. When you focus on abundance, on the absurdity of the vastness, everything you want will fall into place much easier.

Think about this: You are putting together a jigsaw puzzle, you get your edges and corner pieces, then you pick up a random piece and try to find where it goes. Often people will get frustrated because they are focused on one part of the puzzle, thinking, “If I could just find where this one piece goes, I would be able to figure out where all the others go.”

Instead of trying to figure out one area of your life, convinced that once you do, everything will fall into place, we suggest you focus on the absolute abundance, the absurdity of the vastness and bounty. When you focus on the macrocosm, the microcosm of the what, when and where will begin to show itself to you very quickly.

You were chosen specifically for this time and you have done well, very well.

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian high Council Through Valerie Donner March 31, 2023

black and white laptop
Photo by Prateek Katyal on

Greetings: I am Mira. I am from the Pleiadian high Council, however, I work full-time with the Earth Council for the ascension of the planet.

Ascension is the focal point on the Earth right now. There’s nothing more important and it is moving swiftly in this process. This is a transitional time for the planet. It is not time to follow the anxious path but to follow the path of light. Some of you may be having recurring dreams, or new dreams, about what you will be doing and are learning about yourself. Some of you may be very tired and need a lot more sleep. Quite a few of you are being affected by all of the solar activity, which is necessary for the activation of the wave of love, also known as the Solar Flash.

Please be assured that all is in good hands, that the Creator is with you, along with the most adept and experienced designers of light and creation. You have nothing to worry about. There are some who do not believe in The Event but they will experience it regardless. The best thing to do now is to allow your body what it needs if you experience some of the energies from the solar activity. This has sped up rapidly in the last few months.

You have a few more hurdles to go through as you make your way fully into the fifth dimension and higher. Your bodies are still adjusting and adapting to these energies. You may have new preferences for food, what you want to wear, who you want to be with, and what you are doing. Please pay attention to what you are doing and with whom you are spending time. See how it feels to be with some of these people. Do you feel uplifted and inspired, or drained? Your energy is valuable and important. It needs to be directed in the correct places. You also need to keep your frequency high and not let others lower it by their behavior or frequency. This can be challenging.

Make room in your life for all that uplifts and inspires you, and for what brings you joy and happiness. Create this in a context of beauty and sweetness. Allow magic and miracles to flow in abundance for everything that you need. Pay attention to everything that is going on around you. Listen to your body’s senses and what it is telling you under every circumstance in which you find yourself. What feels right and what doesn’t? This is all a part of the great awakening.

There is a deepening going on within humanity that touches the heart and soul in a profound way. With this deepening you will only do that which resonates with your heart. Therefore, you will be making new choices and changes that are in alignment with these feelings. The depth takes you to the truth, and, of course, the truth will set you free.

It was set up to be this way so that humanity could find its way out of the darkness. For too many incarnations on the Earth, humanity has had to muddle through life based on lies and deception. The light has touched the hearts of humanity so that this old overshadowing will no longer be able to exist. This is part of Ascension, I am happy to say.

Before you came to the Earth you made a promise to the Creator that you would see these times through. You said that you would provide your light, your love and your energy to assist in raising the consciousness of the Earth and all of life. You were chosen specifically for this time and you have done well, very well.

Thank you! We are grateful to you for all that you’ve done being the best of the very best of ascension teams. You are the chosen ones and you are deeply loved and appreciated throughout all of creation.

I am Mira loving you in every aspect of this ascension process.

You are privileged to be on the Earth at this time. I think you know that because this is a huge grand shift of monumental proportions. You came to be on the planet right now. -Apollo through Valerie Donner-

Straight from the Heart

March 31, 2023

Dear Ground Crew:

Here is the latest from Apollo: “This is what I want to say to you today. You are privileged to be on the Earth at this time. I think you know that because this is a huge grand shift of monumental proportions. You came to be on the planet right now. We want you to know that all is well from our perspective. We are at the initial phase of gathering some of you together to assist with envisioning and co-creating the New Earth. Some of you may be in shock at the “Call into Action” that was originated from the Galactic’s and called forth by Lumina. Others were ignited right away. Regardless of what you are doing now, it is important you listen to the call in your heart. Ask how you can participate in raising the consciousness of the planet to bring in more light and co-create the New Earth. Right now this is a formless form of capable beings who are being called together to make this possible. You’ve been prepared for this before you incarnated. We know you will accomplish and achieve all that you designed for your project. Please heed my words. Back them up with some action. Start somewhere. Get creative. We are with you! Thank you!”

In case some of you did not read the last message from March 17, 2023 it was entitled “A Call into Action.” Some of you were able to make the call so the process has been started. Lumina did a powerful light activation for the group. Some people said it gave them a boost of energy to do more of their work. It was profound. An email group was started along with a Signal group.

These are the questions to ask yourself:

  • What will the New Earth look like?
  • What will the New Earth feel like?
  • Where would you like to place your energies and your heart’s calling?
  • Who would you like to work with and what causes do you want to put your energy into?
  • What you do you feel the priorities should be as we step in the higher consciousness?
  • Do you have a certain role that you feel you’ll be playing in the ascension process for the New Earth?
  • What are your passions for how to choose to live in new higher consciousness?
  • What are your gifts and what is your expertise? This could be something like entertainment, music, art, technology, education, research, science, medicine, working with children or animals, or library sciences and administration.

Lumina is a powerful leader of the New Earth. In this activation she lit the switch to ignite the fire on the Earth. It is all going to be new and the old world will disappear. It is already happening. The portals and floodgates of love that only heaven can design are now open. The New Earth will be a place where all will want to visit. The colors will be vivid with lots of new hues. There will be rainbows everywhere with sparkly sunlight that will fill the air. You will breathe every breath of clean and pure energy light. You will see it in everything.

Dream your dreams. Find ways to love life. Act when inspired.

dream text on green leaves
Photo by Karyme França on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

So many of you put so much pressure on yourselves to”get moving,” 
“be productive,” or “do something worthwhile” when you might otherwise want to rest, ponder, and dream. You might not yet understand that in your rest, pondering, and dreaming, you are taking time to recalibrate your vibration into a higher and happier space. You are leveraging energy vs. action. It is wise to listen to these urges when they arise.

The tendency to be harsh with yourself when you are not producing is unnatural. It is not native to the soul to judge itself for any reason. You learned to use external criteria to evaluate your worth. Your soul already knows you are worthy. You learned to “make things happen by the sweat of your brow,” whereas your soul knows all possibilities already exist in the world of energy, or the “mind of God.” Your soul sees you as a human tuner who can tune into any possibility to call it forth into your physical universe.

Do an experiment this week. Pick something you enjoy – lemons, kittens, a necklace you liked, a scent, a song, or a movie. Anything you enjoy thinking about will work. Perhaps you’ll choose a childhood pet or someone you love who is in heaven. You can choose something you want to experience, such as a tropical vacation or some extra money. Choose the first thing that pops into your mind.

Now think about this person, thing, or situation with great love. Think about it or them with appreciation. Think about interactions you’ve enjoyed in the past or ones you’d love to have. Imagine tasting that wonderful meal, wearing that necklace, petting those kittens, or feeling the presence of your loved one in heaven.

The only criterion is that your thoughts must please you! They must make you feel good. If you can’t find ideas that feel good on your subject, choose a new one. Luxuriate in your good-feeling thoughts.

Then write down the object of your loving attention and let go. Go about your work. Stay as positive as you can. See what shows up. See for yourselves how the universe begins to deliver the essence of what you desire with only a little energetic attunement and absolutely no effort on your part. See what happens. If you don’t get any evidence this week, wait and let the universe work its magic. Your first indication that you are drawing something to yourself is that you feel good thinking about it. If that is already happening, you’re done until you receive an inspiration to act.

You just spent a few moments being incredibly productive. You just saved yourself minutes to a lifetime’s worth of effort. You just set the entire universe in motion to bring you more of what you desire. If you need to act, you’ll feel inspiration. If not, relax. Enjoy your day.

Creation, as we know it, is a process of imagining new ways to experience or express love. It involves attuning your vibration to these desires by thinking of them with love and then taking only inspired and guided action.

Sometimes, the action you are inspired to take will be minimal. What you desire can sometimes appear in ways that are hard to explain. Problems often take care of themselves. Schedules will reorganize themselves as if by magic. Elegant solutions will pop into your mind.  

In other cases, you’ll have to put forth significant effort to manifest a dream or solve a challenge. However, if you act only when inspired, your work will be effective, efficient, and meaningful. Inspired action from a loving vibration will never feel like a struggle. It will be a joy. It will feel wonderful.

The most productive and worthwhile thing you can do is to spend time loving your ideas, dreaming your dreams, and enjoying the anticipation of your desires. Then and only then, act when inspired.

Time spent attuning your energy to a loving state of being is priceless, productive, leveraged time. If we were to write a book on productivity, the message would be short. “Dream your dreams. Find ways to love life. Act when inspired.” We do indeed find long-winded ways to convey this message, and we repeat it often because we are working to take you beyond your conditioned struggles into a joyful reality that has always been there but is very new to much of the human race.

You don’t need to push, bully, or criticize yourselves to be productive. Negating or judging yourself by superficial standards is not helpful. Instead, remember that you are energetic beings living in an energetic universe where actions taken from a loving energy are efficient, productive, inspired, and effective. Acting from any other space rarely works well.

You can see so many examples of these principles. Some people attract relationships easily. They live and act from their own joy. Other people are delightful souls, but they live and act from a place of feeling unworthy or trying to get others to love them. As a result, they find relationships a struggle. If you want someone to love you, love being you.

Some people attract money easily. They focus on their abundance of ideas or a loving service they wish to offer. They feel abundant and therefore attract abundance. Others can give unceasingly, but with a focus on lack, there can be no return.

Some people seem “lucky.” They count their blessings, look for the good, and see opportunity. As a result, “luck” finds them. It isn’t luck, of course. It is just vibrational law. The so-called “unlucky” tend to focus more on what doesn’t work. They have come to expect frustrations and obstacles, and as a result, their energy does not allow for the flow, ease, and grace you call luck.

We understand that external life can trigger you to focus in undesirable ways. Ultimately, you get to decide what you think, where you place your attention, and how much time you will give to any topic. You get to decide to use your mind or to allow it to use you. You, dear ones, can choose struggle or choose ease. Instead of pressuring yourselves to “get going,” try “being.” Focus your energy on feeling good and thinking thoughts that uplift you. 

The most productive, effective, efficient action will always be that which you are inspired to take when you are in a vibration of love.

Remember, dear ones, from heaven’s view, everything you do or don’t do, as long as you do or don’t do it in a vibration of love, is worthwhile.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ You Were Born Ready for This

Dear Ones, all living creatures on the planet, including you, are geared towards evolution. There is an innate wisdom within you that will guide you if you take the time to quiet your mind and listen to your inner knowing. You are in unprecedented energies, which means you are experiencing them for the first time. You would not send yourself onto a planet to experience this being unprepared!

You have everything you need to be successful. You have your own inner Wise One who is more than prepared for the times you are in, and you have an entire team of helpers ready to assist and guide you if you need extra help. It is time to trust your ability to intuitively move through the shift with the same built-in instincts that animals use to adapt to new conditions. You don’t need to hone it,  develop it or have it given to you ~ it is already part of you. You simply need to accept that it exists, and allow it to lead the way.

And while you are driving the shift through your conscious desire to evolve, the shift is also serving you by allowing you to hone even more skills. Not knowing what is next allows you to open to new possibilities, and to navigate one now moment at a time. Intense energies teach you to prioritize self care and tend to your needs.

Not knowing, along with energetic intensity, creates the perfect circumstances that allow you to get more comfortable with surrender, and flowing with faith and trust ~ the exact elements of the Divine Combination that is the operating system of the higher energies and the empowered human being.

Do you see? You are doing a magnificent job just by being you. You were born ready for this. You will not mess it up, we promise. In fact, the shift is well under way, and there is nothing that can stop the momentum it has gathered now. So rest

easy and keep doing what feels right and aligned for you. Phase one is complete, and phase two is where it really starts to get interesting.

Stellar (New Album 432hz) – Nikos Akrivos Be The first to listen here.

High vibes everyone,

i have been busy in the studio creating some tunes to uplift everyone through dynamic meditation, here is a preview of the first 3 tracks.

Lightworker is a track i created offering a dynamic meditation combined with the rhythm of your breath in a slow bpm. Follow the rhythm of the beats and my voice to expand your Light in through and around you. INjoy.

As we welcome New Earth let us gather again physically , celebrate and share our love for one another and all life in clarity and authenticity!
Keep on dancing!

Now i invite you to rap along this mantra 🙂

press play and keep on moving to the beats 🙂

We are rising rising and we keep on dancing.
No time for Drama, instead sing along this mantra:
I Am peace, I Am Love, I Am Light
on a multidimensional flight
I Am Joy, Freedom and Prosperity
I Am God Being Creator for eternity

Surrencer. Trust . Allow and Receive
What your deepest desires

The Golden Age is here
living young
in a physical body
for a 1000 year
If you like it and want to be so,
your higher self, knows so.

Lyrics : Nikos Akrivos

Your self-love awakening has created many unexpected shifts within your being – not the least of which is your need to care for yourself before others.

Dear Ones,

You do not always understand why your actions and words are now so different. You, a known caretaker, seem colder and more distant. Where is your heart?

Just as your new being is shifting, so are your heart’s actions, or in this case, caretaking actions.

You once assumed caretaking was an indication of how loving you were. But in truth, caretaking, loving others despite physical or emotional harm to yourself, was not love; it was what you thought love should be.

True love is not loving someone to the detriment of yourself – as displayed by abused spouses or parents. Such love is not from within; it is fear-based.

You once believed you would not be loved unless you dedicated yourself to the well-being of others.

Love has now shifted into a knowingness that you must care for yourself as well as others – often displayed with a more standoffish approach. A bit like expecting your child to pick up their toys no matter how long it takes.

You no longer feel the need to protect or save someone from themselves. Nor do you feel the need to listen to their latest fear or ailment once you know intuitively that neither is appropriate for the situation.

Your self-love awakening has created many unexpected shifts within your being – not the least of which is your need to care for yourself before others.

That last statement likely sounds cold to those of you who have not yet experienced this situation with your family, friends, or co-workers.

The first time you state that others can take care of themselves or complete a project without your assistance, you will feel mean and wrong. In 3D, you would have assumed both labels within your being and from the people with whom you interacted. In 3D, “no” was labeled as mean, tough love, selfish, cruel, and thousands of other words indicating you were wrong and society was correct.

Such labels no longer apply. Not because society has shifted that dramatically but because you have. What you once acted upon based on expectations of yourself and, more importantly, society, you are now saying “no” – not in a loud voice, but with a quiet self-love voice that others do not always understand. For where is their caretaker, their cleaner-upper, their emotional servant?

You have not become so cold you refuse to help others. But instead, your aid is now based on your inner feelings instead of social shoulds. So some family and friends will be horrified by your words and actions, for they seem so anti-social, so not what society indicates you should do.

This is an expected shift.

In 3D, you were never trained to experience or express self-love. Instead, your emphasis was caretaking others despite what you needed or wanted. Sacrifice was rewarded. Self-love was labeled anti-social. Those people who practiced self-love before this transition were labeled mean, ungrateful, selfish, and outside society.

The difference between self-love and self-aggrandizement is your inner voice. Your inner being helps you understand the difference between heartless actions – which will result in great inner pain – and heartful actions that will help you sparkle. You are currently learning to discern between the two.

A discernment that is confusing. Even though your inner voice is easily accessible, so are the social rules you are familiar with. And if you follow your inner voice, there will be times when society indicates you are wrong or a bad person.

Will you be strong enough to negate the former rules of your 3D life? Of course. That is, when you are ready to do so, for this is your progressive lesson plan in this new world.

You started with the basics and are graduating to self-love for yourself and others. For there will be times when you must allow others the freedom to be themselves, just as you allow the same for yourself.

But in doing so, some of you will feel you are no longer needed or important. That is until you realize that self-love does not require stepping back, stopping, or hindering your inner development because someone wants you to care for them.

This is a new world in which self-love and love are becoming the key elements in your life and the life of others. Allow yourself to flow into it without self-fear, self-anger, or self-debasement. Your time has come – as is true for all those of the earth who wish to evolve into a new loving being.

At the same time, those who wish to remain in 3D fear are not your concern. They are evolving as they want – as are you. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

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