All posts by Nikos
No one gets to define you except you. No one except you gets to decide what is right for you.
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Relax. Breathe. You are not being judged. You are not being evaluated. No one in the heavens is keeping score as to whether or not you have more loving or unpleasant days. No one in the heavens thinks less of you no matter what you do or don’t do, say or don’t say, think or don’t think.
We love you without condition. It is our nature to love, and we will always remain true to our nature. Anything less would not feel good to us. We love for the sake of loving and for the sake of feeling faithful to our essential being.
We understand that others have given you plenty of criteria that you use to judge yourselves. You have been taught what behaviors and beliefs “make” you lovable and which ones do not. Many of you were bullied, manipulated, and coerced into being something other than what you genuinely wanted to be. However, you can always reclaim your essential self. You can always choose to accept yourself as you are. It is, after all, natural to love and accept yourself as you are. Look at the innocent children who don’t make any apology for being true to themselves. Even if you were trained out of your truth and out of your natural sense of self-acceptance, you can, with a little practice, choose to accept yourself as you are. There is the reason God gave the name “I am who I am” to Moses. You are who you are, and that is enough. If heaven does not judge you, there is no reason to judge yourselves. It is just an old, useless habit.
It is time upon your earth to make the opinions of those who do not love you as you are irrelevant. We are not saying these souls are irrelevant. They have catalyzed your growth. You may love them very much. However, we are saying that their opinions of you are irrelevant to your choices and your earthly journey.
No one gets to define you except you. No one except you gets to decide what is right for you. No one except you gets to choose the experiences you get to create and the path you walk to reach them. You are in charge of your life, and it is time to stop trying to please others and to please the Divine within.
You will discover that as you stop trying to please others who want you to please them, you’ll attract those you naturally resonate with and those you naturally, please. You may lose a few people along the way. Some may no longer understand you or want to be with you because you no longer serve them at your own expense. Let them go.
There is a natural order to life if you allow for it. If you let yourself be you, then you will naturally be guided toward those who love you as you are. You were never meant to please everyone else. You were never meant to make everyone happy. In truth, it is not your job to make anyone feel anything.
Grant yourself the freedom to be you! In this reality, you will find happiness because nothing is more satisfying than remaining true to your own spirit without the need to justify, convince, or defend your right to be. As you give up the need to please and have others please you, suddenly, you will discover you are pleased more often. In this space, you will inevitably attract those with whom you have a mutual and natural dance of harmony here on Earth.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
It’s the first time a Third-Dimensional civilization has ascended retaining the physical body.
The First Domino and the Greatest Show in the Multiverse: Towards a Collective Intention
April 21, 2023 by Steve Beckow
Keep your eye on the prize, it’s said.
Ah, but what is the prize?
The Ascension of Gaia and all her inhabitants, an Ascension so unique it has never been seen before in the multiverse.
That’s a prize worth getting behind. The deep state has done its worst and is rapidly being arrested. No nuclear war is possible so their dire threats are meaningless. (1)
Time for us to rouse ourselves and get moving.
We want and need a collective intention that can unite and motivate the world.
Before going there, let me establish one matter. The Mother and Michael have said to us that everyone here at this time is from the angelic kingdom.
Divine Mother: Let me be clear. There is not one being – human, starseed, hybrid or earthkeeper – that is not one of my Angelic Beings. And it matters not whether you belong to the Legion of Michael or the Tribe of Uriel, the Praisers of Metatron or the Truth Speakers of Gabrielle. It does not matter your colour, your hue. You are my Angels, birthed from my being – birthed not only from my womb, but from my heart. (2)
Michael put it this way:
Archangel Michael: To use your phraseology, there are no day laborers on Earth at this time. None. Now, do you realize what I am saying to you? That the mother who sits by the brazier burner in India or walks the Kalahari in Africa or dances in the street in Rio all have chosen to congregate on this magnificent planet, Gaia, at this time? …
So, yes. You have gathered from far and wide, seraphs, archangels, those from the Outer Forces, the Inner Forces. It is a gathering the magnitude of which you are just glimpsing. (3)
I also like how Gabrielle phrased it:
Gabrielle: You are angels in form dancing upon a planet which is an archangel. (4)
So keep that in the back of your mind. Now, what was the original intention behind Earth’s creation? Jesus summarized it:
“Often we have talked to you, and particularly my beloved Mother has talked to you, about the creation of this wonderful planet of Gaia and how it was created as a planet of Love and a planet of peace, my friends. …
“In the very creation and the essence of this mighty being called Gaia was the formation of a place, a physical experience of such diversity and incredible beauty that the angels would come and play here and know what it was [like] to have a physical experience of Love.” (4) [My emphasis.]
We are those angels. We’re intended to have a physical experience of the same love that permeates the rest of creation, just not the Third/Fourth Dimension until now.
“Love” here is not meant as sex or lust. The film Cocoon suggested what love-making in the higher realms we’re headed for might look and feel like – a blending of auras.
Apparently we angels here are among the Creator Race who first inhabited Earth and began to fashion terrestrial habitations.
Thus I suggest that our collective intention, once we’re funded by the Reval and G/NESARA and assisted by our star family, start with restoring the Earth, the vessel of Archangel Gaia, to its original state, as a planet of love where the angels can come and have a physical experience of love.
We can be doing that prior to Ascension and we can be doing that by simply sending Gaia love.
I also invite us to give equal attention to the fact that this form of Ascension for the inhabitants of all Third/Fourth-dimensional star systems in the multiverse is absolutely new. The second part of our intention is to contribute in any way we can to that novel and important Ascension.
The story of it will likely be told and retold and our personal testimony will probably be valued and sought.
What’s new about this Ascension?
It’s the first time a Third-Dimensional civilization has ascended retaining the physical body.
It’s the first time that a total population has had the potential to ascend together in that physical body. Previously Ascension has been individual and/or the body has been shed.
Other civilizations like Tralana and Halion have ascended together but not retaining the physical body.
It’s the first to see the ascending Third-Dimensional civilization become interdimensional.
Fifth-Dimensional (some say Seventh-Dimensional) humans, who’ve been prevented from travelling higher in the past, are about to receive the ability to travel throughout the dimensions. This is a huge development.
It’s the first into a new region of space shaped by this novel interdimensionality.
And it’s to be followed by further Ascensions throughout the multiverse, into this new region, with Earth’s being the first domino and the original model.
The Mother is creating something totally new. So our Ascension is largely unprecedented. And we’ve had a couple of failed ascensions to look back upon and improve on! (Many of us, apparently, were present then and want to get it right this time.)
The human mind and body probably could not take a sudden Ascension, without preparation, so our Ascension has to be gradual as well as sudden. It has to allow for preparation. and then experience (enlightenment) and then assimilation and preparation…, etc.
I personally am surrendered to the Mother and see whatever comes my way as her Will. So it really doesn’t matter to me what comes next on a cosmic level. On a personal level I’m not so detached; I’m working on it.
So much to look forward to.
Meanwhile, let’s individually get behind the intention of a successful and fulfilling Ascension for Gaia, an event unique in the multiverse and watched everywhere with great interest. We’ve paid for our ringside seats. Some of us are even performers in the greatest show in the multiverse.
Channeling Prime Creator in Sedona, Part 167, April Forecast
You and your planet are being offered energy that will move through all limitations of your life and this planet.
Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ Times of Great Change

We are here to support you as once again you are being offered the opportunity for transformation and expansion. You and your planet are being offered energy that will move through all limitations of your life and this planet. These are extremely strong vibrations and energies to assist and support you moving to a higher dimension and a new reality.
One of the most important masteries and skills you bring to this moment in time is your awareness while embodied is to be fully conscious you are in each NOW. It does not matter what you are doing or with whom you are doing it, the key is to be in the moment, fully filled with your joy gratitude and appreciation. It is not what you do but how you do each moment. There is a place within that everyone longs to discover. It is that place of the gentle flow of events and activities especially when your planet is being gifted with the energy of transformation.
When human beings experience struggle and stress this only adds to the disharmony of the activity and the seeming chaos. Once the energy and dynamics of struggle and stress are engaged it takes conscious skill to change and transform the pattern. Frequently it is the pattern of stress and struggle that they bring to all activities.
It is a pattern that is strong in mass consciousness, the belief that everything is a struggle, a challenge, a strain. This is an illusion. This is a learned pattern. Now is the time to release this for yourself.
There is a mental state of mind and an emotional state of being in which we invite you to maintain. When you bring your awareness into the present moment of NOW and you are holding an energetic stance of high vibration no matter what you are doing, no matter who you are doing it with, there will be a flow, a grace and an ease, even when things feel intense.
The illusions of struggle, stress and strain are low frequencies, and these states of mind vibrate/radiate in the third dimension. They are a part of the matrix of lock-down. You now have the opportunity to break out of this lock-down and move to a higher dimension of consciousness.
Many humans are becoming aware that they are multidimensional beings playing in a hologame here on planet earth. This hologame board offers the illusion of limitations. The illusion of limitation is strong, it is well maintained, it is encouraged and it is reinforced by the media, the leaders and the old third dimensional paradigms.
The programs of limitation are given to each human being upon arrival by their parents and by society. Many humans never question or discover that they are truly powerful creators. They exist and live their lives with a poverty of consciousness.
There is an evolution, a transmutation that is happening in the hearts and minds of scores of humans upon earth at this time. This evolution of consciousness expands into the truth of the unlimited self, the awareness and aspect of each human becoming aware of their lives in multi realities.
The awareness of staying in a high vibration of joy, gratitude and appreciation allows you to stay in the fifth dimension where synchronicities, miracles and divine connections allow for a graceful flow of events and activities to take place. It offers a shift in your belief about time.
We share with you the example of a rapid moving strong current river. If you struggle against the movement you will drown. Yet if you surrender, your body is buoyant enough to float and will therefore move with the strong current. Again, if you cling to the shore, unable to surrender and unable to climb out or even swim, you will tire and drown.
During these times of great change on your planet, there is a rapid moving strong current river of energy. This dynamic and powerful energy current that is washing over your planet is moving through all aspects of life, it is bathing every cell and atom of the body with a frequency of transformation and evolution. When you as a being surrender to this rapid flowing current you move with it, you become a part of it, like a small twig that floats upon the surface.
Yet if you cling to the shores of old patterns, old familiar behaviors you will be battered, you will tire and you will drown or if you fight the energy current or doubt it’s power you will be overwhelmed.
The best and most conscious manner to deal with this incredible energy that is being gifted to humanity at this time is to bravely trust the flow and allow yourself to embrace the movements and changes that are taking place. Surrender into trust, drop into a place within your being that offers you the flexibility of all that is transpiring.
You as a change agent, a being of light and others like yourself are most effective when you surrender into the flow. It is your flexibility, trust and guidance that allows the energy current to carry you safely.
At this time there are many millions of beings like yourself who are aware of the bigger picture that is unfolding, awakening and understanding the divine manifestation. As a guardian of light you are most powerful and effective when you maintain a high frequency vibration of joy, gratitude and appreciation. These emotions allow you to float on the energy current that is coming with more intensity each day; dense emotions like fear, anger, frustration and sadness are like weights upon your feet, they will pull you down and you drown.
Again we say to you practice maintaining high frequency vibrations and emotions. You are most effective as a change agent. You are more fully connected with divine source and therefore guided to the places and people that are ready and willing to shift. You will offer a vibration which will trigger awareness in another, a vibration which will anchor a new expanded consciousness. You will offer a life raft to those who are willing to trust their divine nature and surrender to who they are, magnificent beings of divine light.
We are available to support you as you integrate these powerful energies and allow yourself to move with ease and grace into your new reality and new hologram. the ‘team’
©2023 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available
Gaia just released a brand new energy for Ascension
Received through email:
Blessings Beloveds ~
Last night during our Eclipse meditation, Gaia requested our support as she birthed yet another level of her Crystalline realms.
Stargates are open and weaving support for the resurrection of the Solar aspects of Gaia’s trajectory as a Spiritual SUN. Many are feeling that ‘moment before a major shift’ sensation.
Gold-Coral-Rose rays were released by Gaia’s core Stargates, through the Master Crystals. Towers of Light emerged and bathed all of us in this New unified alchemy.
It was glorious to witness; thank you to all who held space in peace and unified Devotion to this cosmic project of Ascension. This new light will overwhelm the lower realities with its pure vibration. Even though it appears as division and dismantling, that is the linear interpretation of a very cosmic, very Sacred removal of the dense illusion.
Alchemy is activated in aligned Hearts for a unified experience of the new realms.
Connect with Gaia’s ascended realms to feel, receive, and support her Solar resurrection in this Now. Get outside, barefoot with an open heart, and receive.
Less thought, more surrender to the unknown.
The Infinite Kryst Heart is a conduit of these energies, and all the new sensations, cosmic perspective, and surreal experiences that come with organic heart-stargate-based alchemical change.
Have you noticed Source emanations growing stronger within – and through – your heart?
Cosmic Mother is providing a lifting of the personal veils.
The siSTARhoods and Brotherhoods of Light have been sharing details and perspective on these new states evolving in our Mastery process. The why, how, and purpose of these new activations will be a large part of our May 6th PRESENCE event.
Eclipse Gateway: brief and beautiful
Use this opportunity to amplify the realm-shifting energies. Yes, it still feels like division and dissolving. Honestly, it has been weeks of these departure and resurrection sensations – and it is not stepping down.
We are conduits of the new realms, and are actively co-creating them in this Now. Take action on creative expression, and balance with deep meditation and Presence. Let the I AM awareness direct your path right now.
Next eclipse: Lunar Eclipse: Friday, May 5th at 10:22 AM PDT
SUNday Unity Meditations
Our 7-year practice welcomes a new layer of unified Crystalline Grid and Gatekeeping to our synchronized SUNday Unity Meditations.
We hold the unified field of Peace, co-creating the etheric Crystalline fields and temples of Peace and Ascension. Even a few moments of focus on amplifying the New Light is appreciated.
See you in the Unified Field of Crystalline Hearts, offline in your own meditation style, for the SUNday Unity Meditations at 5AM, 8AM and 11AM PDT.
Convergence website launches on SUNday!
I AM excited for this year’s gathering of luminaries in service! The annual Crystalline Convergence is September 22 – 24, in Sedona during the Equinox Gateway. Details and registration will open this SUNday. Links will be announced via email and social media.
I AM sending everyone Infinite LoveLight as we embody these new levels of LoveLight consciousness in this Now.
Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
In Love and Light and Service,
Sandra Walter
As I said, “I and my Father are one.” And how could I be one with my Father and you not be one with yours, with your Higher God Self?

by James McConnell
I am Yeshua. I am here to be with you at this time, in this momentous time, in this time of great reunion, of great renewal, where everything now is beginning to come together, beginning to coalesce together.
For these are those times, those times that you have been waiting for, longing for. This is a special time. A special time of your Spring where life begins to renew itself once again.
That is what this is all about: renewal of life. For there is no death. There never has been. That is all just part of the illusion, part of the programming. Death is nonexistent. Because life never ends.
That is what I came here to show those 2000+ years ago, that life is never-ending, even though your various religions, your various ones that taught the programming of death. There is no death. Even I did not die on that cross. I lived. I lived to show the world that there is life everlasting.
It was those that would hold control and power that changed the message. The message that I died on the cross in agony.
That is so far from the truth. For the truth is love and light. And how could I have had that suffering and that pain and sorrow all around me when there was nothing but love, the Christ within me at that time.
Think about that. And think about in all of your years of life here on this planet that there will never truly be a death. Even those that do pass on, pass on to a new life, a new existence, a changeover, if you will.
For life, indeed, is everlasting. And I AM, the I AM Presence is the way, the truth, and the life, or the light. Trust in that. Trust in that I AM Presence within you. Trust in the Father God Source within you, your Higher God Self, the connection that you have to your Higher God Self, to your Father. As I said, “I and my Father are one.” And how could I be one with my Father and you not be one with yours, with your Higher God Self?
For we are all truly one together. And as one together, we are showing the way. Showing the way to all of those that need to find their way yet. The light is lit in front of them, as you are that light. You are those Way-showers, just as I was a Way-shower. And yes, I was a System Buster as well. For I came to bust that system wide open and, in many ways, I did. Just as you, in these times now moving ahead, are doing the same.
You are showing the way. The way forward is light. The way forward is love. The way forward is higher vibrational frequency and yes, ascension. Not death and resurrection, but indeed ascension. Ascension into the higher realms of consciousness that you all came here to show. And show it, you are.
As always, my friends, trust in yourselves to move through this continued illusionary process, and move through to the end of it to see it falling down everywhere. The house of cards crashing. For indeed it is crashing. Just as the waves crash upon the shore. The house of the cabal, or the dark forces, is crashing down.
I am Yeshua, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness.
But know that I am always with you. I, as the Christ Consciousness.
And the Christ Consciousness is within all of you, if you would but allow it to show itself.
Dynamic meditation.

High vibes every one, let us take few breaths in and out as we invite Mother Father God, AA Michael for protection and safety and entire company of Heaven connecting our hearts with Mother Earth and Source of All Creation.
Now we are inviting you to play this track , listen and move your body along.
Your Days Feel Repetitive ? You feel like nothing changed? You are going to be very surprised soon!
The Gift of Resting | The Creator via Jennifer Farley

During this time of resting, it is very important to release any judgement you may have about yourself and/or others. You may be saying to yourself,“I should be doing ____” or “I have to do _____!” Actually, you do not! One of the most challenging things for you to do is allow time for self-care. In your world of doing, just being is judged as lazy. Give yourself the gift of resting and know that it is fully supported and encouraged by The Universe. You are worthy and deserving of it. ~ Creator
Transcribed by Jennifer Farley
Freeing Your Soul

Breathe deeply. The inactivity around you is signaling a deep shift coming. You can hear it…like a train’s whistle in the night. You sit and contemplate how far away it is, when it will arrive and what it will bring. Now, in the quiet, it is time to think upon what you choose to release, manifest, change or discard from your existence. Please do not view this task as daunting…see it as a freeing of your soul for the new and brilliant things on their way to you. ~ Creator
Transcribed by Jennifer Farley
Should or can someone tell you what to do? “NO!”
Dear Ones,
You likely need your thoughts and actions justified. But because you are shifting daily, such is not possible. The same was true during your beyond 3D transition and will continue during this initial phase of your new being.
You are eradicating 3D emotions, actions, and thoughts you once held dear. As 3D shoulds fade away, so do the corresponding actions tied to those shoulds. So you do not necessarily yet know what thoughts or actions apply to your new being.
You are similar to a 3D newborn testing your skills with an inner knowing that more is necessary. As a newborn being, you knew before you attempted to do so that you would propel yourself beyond the space allotted to you.
So it is now. You know future actions and thoughts before being completely ready to execute them. Creating the feeling that you are not doing enough, that you are a new you failure. Such is not at all true.
You will eventually claim your whole being. In the meantime, you will have inner glimpses of your future skills and interests. Allow yourself to develop those skills.
As was true during your early transition phases, you probably assume you will wake up with your entire bag of new you skills intact and ready to utilize. Instead, you now sense glimmers of who you will be eventually.
The difference between a 3D newborn and you is that your skills development is expedited. Instead of months or years to fully develop, you will do so in moments, days, or perhaps a few weeks.
You are developing at an expedited rate.
So your thoughts, needs, and emotions are in constant flux. What was essential or frightening yesterday will not be today. What seems impossible today will be forgotten or easily achieved tomorrow. And no time frames need to be adhered to, unlike 3D.
A 3D infant typically performs certain functions around the same time as other infants. Your new you shift does not have expectations, nor may ever. One being might initiate a Universal healing program, while their friend will not. Yet another will start dimension-hopping in the waking state. All activities required to fulfill personal interests developed through eons of Universal exploration.
Expectations of who might do this or that will become nonexistent. Someone who dimension hops is no more or less skilled than someone who heals others emotionally or claims skills that were seemingly beyond most, if not all, 3D humans.
ThreeD beings limited their skill set to areas that helped them live within 3D-limited parameters. Those who flitted outside those parameters were labeled odd or not in their right mind. Everyone was pushed to fit within the 3D box of rightness.
Such is no longer true. Your new being is adventuresome and all-inclusive. In a sense, like a 3D child in a candy store. What do you wish to explore? You do not even need to understand why you want to explore that arena, for that question limits your adventures.
Your new world is wide open.
It is normal, even expected, that your thoughts, beliefs, needs, and explorations will be of wide-ranging interest to you. And you will not be deterred if others do not need to explore similar areas.
In a sense, your new life is a free for all. What seems interesting? What do you want to explore? Those questions are no longer prefaced by what society labels possible or normal. There are no expectations from within or without.
Just as others cannot label you, neither can you label yourself. For one minute, you will wish to do or be that – and the next, something completely different.
You are now adjusting to this seemingly haphazard way of being. One moment you will be content, and the next, angry about your life or an experience. There are no longer personal givens, including Universal aspects you wish to explore while of the earth in this lifetime or the amount of time you will devote to those explorations.
You might feel or act flighty at first. It will seem to others and yourself that you cannot devote yourself to anything. Until you do – for ten minutes or ten years.
The 3D boxes of shoulds are gone, only to be replaced with new thoughts, actions, developments, and creations.
You are so entirely new that no rules or even thoughts apply.
This wide-open venue of being might seem frightening for a time. For you are used to formulas of rightness – none of which now apply.
Allow yourself to flow. Allow yourself to discover yourself without fear, shoulds, or angst. You are a new being in a new world who has negated personal or societal formulas of who you should be and what you should do.
An exhilarating time with touches of fear about your new personal freedom.
Should or can someone tell you what to do? “NO!”
You are not your brother’s keeper or a novice in a new world. You have prepared for this time more thoroughly than any previous earth life. Including incorporating the appropriate segments into your being, allowing you to fully explore this new world in ways, you envisioned for eons.
Allow yourself to be without parameters, shoulds, and rules of right and wrong. Those aspects were explored throughout the eons of your preparations for now.
Allow yourself to be from moment to moment and year to year. All is wonderfully, gloriously, beautifully well in your new personal world. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:
This current quiet time may be perceived as boring to you. It is, my lovely one, the exact opposite.
The Creator Writings ~ The Next Wave by Jennifer Farley, April 16, 2023
This current quiet time may be perceived as boring to you. It is, my lovely one, the exact opposite.
The Universe is, again, giving you a moment to rest, regroup and reset. The next wave of change is coming, and you will need all your spiritual/physical/mental/emotional strength to move through it. The climb and plateau way of doing things definitely applies here.
Use the time wisely; rest, feed your body, mind and soul what it is craving. The next climb will be here soon enough.
~ Creator
Many of you are spiritually prepared to move into and live the mystical level which is not as a monk in a robe meditating 24/7 but rather is living an ordinary life from the consciousness of oneness -Arcturian Group Message 4/16/23-
APRIL 16, 2023
Welcome dear readers
In spite of outer appearances, a great deal of clarity continues to unfold in the minds and hearts of many. Every day “ordinary” people living “ordinary” lives are waking up to the fact that the world is much more than what they were taught and have believed.
Incoming high frequency Light energies are guiding those receptive toward honest and ego-less examinations of personal and universally accepted world beliefs. This in turn is allowing them for the first time to recognize that much of what the world has taken for granted as true and right, is not.
As increasingly more individuals awaken to a consciousness of oneness, the universal collective automatically begins to resonate at a higher level which in turn then allows those receptive to more easily access ideas of truth. Increasingly more people are beginning to recognize the error underlying rules, laws, teachings, etc. that are based in separation and have ruled world consciousness for eons. This is causing panic to those who thrive and have benefited from concepts of separation causing them to increasingly promote activities and information that cause fear.
Belief in separation from God, people, animals, plants, and all seen and unseen life is a state of hypnotism. Earth is a spiritual universe peopled with sons and daughters of God but when interpreted through minds conditioned with beliefs of duality, two powers, and separation it manifests experiences of good and evil both of which represent concepts.
Earth is the perfect expression of a Divine idea in the Mind of God just as every individual is, but when earth is interpreted through three dimensional consciousness it is seen and experienced by most through a state of universal illusion.
Often an evolved student of truth comfortable in their spirituality finds everything changing and nothing feels the same. “Tried and true” techniques for centering no longer seem to work. Guides do not seem to be responding as readily. Mediation may feel different–empty. Familiar spiritual practices are recognized as being based in separation and the clearing of old energy seems to have become one’s primary spiritual practice.
This is not failure but rather indicates graduation to a new state of consciousness, one no longer in alignment with what previously worked so well. Spiritual evolution is a journey through many lifetimes and states of consciousness that usually begin with idolatry, then atheism, then to organized religions of both East and West, then to metaphysics, and finally to mysticism–each lasting a few or many lifetimes.
Metaphysics is a facet of almost every spiritual journey but like those that came before it is based in the need to fix, heal, or change a bad picture into a good one in the belief that you are separate and must do a certain chant, carry this or that crystal, use this oil, or engage in some ceremony in order to become closer to God.
These things cannot give you what you seek because they are outside of you. They can and do assist because their energy can resonate with and awaken these same energies already present within you. Many students of truth get stuck in the metaphysical phase of awakening because the techniques often work and provide a sense of spiritual completion.
There comes a point at which all serious seekers of truth must leave behind those practices believed necessary for contacting God and actually accept the reality of oneness. Many study and understand that the real self, soul, is God Consciousness individualized, but their ego self convinces them to set this information aside in the belief that living truth was and is OK for “saints” but is impractical and unattainable for everyday folks.
Many of you are spiritually prepared to move into and live the mystical level which is not as a monk in a robe meditating 24/7 but rather is living an ordinary life from the consciousness of oneness. It can be done, many have done it, and many others are now practicing. One of the reasons you wanted to be on earth at this time is that the high frequency energies present as part of earth’s ascension process offer an opportunity for individuals to spiritually ascend while remaining in physical body.
Many of you have attained a state of consciousness prepared to move beyond ego and allow the Divine consciousness you know you are to live IT’s life in, as, and through you. It is letting go of continually attempting to fix, change, heal, clear, or remove personal or global appearances through a state of consciousness that realizes anything requiring fixing or healing is not reality/God ordained or sustained but is rather a manifestation of the belief in separation from God.
It is having the courage to surrender into what you ALREADY ARE and allowing IT to be your supplier, guide, protector, and teacher. You cannot and will never hear the ever present still small voice within you if you are plugged in to media, technology, or outer activity 24/7.
Ego (that sense of self that feels separate from God) will always be there to tell you what to do, when, and how to do it in a voice that overrides the silent voice within. This is why it is important to have quiet time/mediation each day until it becomes your state of consciousness regardless of where you are or what you are doing.
Spiritual evolution is a process, it is not easy to shift from the familiar guidance of ego, to listening and trusting within. You have lived as a human experiencing both good and bad through hundreds of lifetimes in which the ego was a necessary component of survival. Ego served well in earlier states of awareness and continues to serve today on earth but the three dimensional ego continually seeks to be the primary force guiding and keeping you well through solutions, ideas, spiritual practices etc. that worked well in earlier states of consciousness.
Spiritual evolution can be delayed, ignored, denied, and resisted but never stopped because reality is One God expressing ITself as infinite form and variety. Period. Nothing else is. You who have worked hard, studied, practiced, and sought God through practices, beliefs, and religions over lifetimes have evolved and are now ready to move into mysticism–the realization and acceptance of your ONEness, that you are Divine Consciousness individualized.
Begin to listen for the still small voice within rather than constantly questioning and seeking outside of yourself. Your Guides are always present to assist, but seeking their input in every situation rather than doing your own spiritual work is actually a form of looking outside of Self. You have done the work and are ready to trust, rest in, and rely on the Reality of your own Divine Consciousness, your Higher Self, the you that has never left ONEness and already embodies infinite knowledge, harmony, abundance, protection, creativity, peace, health, etc.
Because God is the only reality, nothing in the physical realm holds power in and of itself. Words spoken or actions taken do not in and of themselves just happen. An arm by itself cannot just suddenly punch or pet . Everything is governed by consciousness because Consciousness is all that is.
We are not telling you to throw out your medication, stop eating, or attempt to live absolute truth before you have attained that state of consciousness because doing so would be nothing more than an ego activity. We are saying that many of you are ready, more than ready to begin practicing and living from the level of truth you have sought and attained, while detaching from the tools you gave power to– religions, traditions, rites and rituals, laws, societal beliefs etc etc.
Living ONEness is not ignoring, resisting, or denying appearances, but rather is; “Yes, I see you, feel you, acknowledge you, and like or don’t like you, but I know that God is omnipresent therefore can only manifest ITself relegating appearances of duality, separation, and two powers as being nothing more than manifestations of collective and personal beliefs in separation.” Then go about doing what needs to be done, you have done the work and eventually this truth becomes your state of consciousness.
Begin to seriously , yes seriously believe, act, and live from your highest level of awareness because like it or not, you are and always have been Divine Consciousness individualized.
We are the Arcturian Group 4/16/23
New Earth Vision Created with A.I.
I used AI to create some representations of My New Earth vision tapestry including parts of what The Feel More Than Fine Project will include as we begin the rebuilding and restoring phase for a planet that works for all becoming part of the wider galactic society.
You can do the same by going here

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 04/15/2023 • What to trust…
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
You are living in exciting times! So many of you are concerned about the state of the world, and yet from our eternal perspective, your world offers so many beautiful possibilities right now. You can connect with one another as never before. You can share information as never before. You can interact, witness, and experience more than ever before. The world has become your family and the entire earth your home.
Part of this is due to your modern technology. Your Internet opened up the gateways of connection for your entire world. Before this technology, most individuals grew up in relatively closed systems. They were influenced by friends, family, church, community, and maybe some carefully controlled news, but not much more. Now you can access ideas, inspiration, innovation, and just about anything you desire. You can make a recipe from a country you will never visit and encourage or assist a stranger you will never meet. More than ever before in human history, you are able to experience your connection with one another.
Likewise, your emerging technologies will give you access to whole new ways to combine information and bring your creative ideas into form. We celebrate your expansion and exploration. Technology does not control you, for you are the creators. You are the ones who choose how you will use it. It is neither good nor bad. It is simply a tool that obeys vibrational law in the same fashion as the rest of the created universe.
Use your technology with love, and you will find love. Use it with fear, and you will find the fearsome. Use it in anger, and you’ll connect with the angry. Nothing is outside of the laws of vibration. This is simply how your universe works.
In truth, the world is no better or worse than it was in ancient times. You simply didn’t have social media back then! You couldn’t see what others didn’t want you to see. Now you can. Now you witness the best and the worst of humanity. Now you can see things as they occur. However, what is revealed can be healed, and although some of the things you witness are horrific, the good news is that you – collectively – are doing something about them. You have taken those you will never meet into your hearts and prayers. Some of you have sent money or resources to your human family at one time or another in your life. Some of you have adopted children, signed petitions, or quietly sat in the comfort of your own home and focused all your love upon those less fortunate. Your connection is good.
With greater exposure to the world, however, greater discernment is required. More than ever before, it is important for you to manage your vibration so you can trust your feelings. When you are in a high and loving vibration, what feels good to you is good, and what feels bad is not what you want to focus upon.
This is especially important now because you cannot always trust what you see and hear. This is not a new phenomenon. There have always been “snake oil salesmen” who would put poison (or water) in pretty packages and sell it as a tonic. There have always been those who can tell a convincing lie or paint a false picture. With your social media, the Internet, and new technologies, the capacity to falsify information is even grander than ever! Then again, so is the ability to share wonderful ideas and information, connect in new ways, and embrace the fact that you are a human family.
So dear ones, keep reaching for better thoughts and feelings because you can trust yourselves in the energy of a high vibration. Don’t worry about who is telling the truth and who is not. Tell the truth to yourselves – that you live in a loving and magnificent universe that is always guiding you toward what you wish to experience. You are not at the mercy of technology, systems, or other human beings, no matter how imposing they appear. You are only, and always, at the mercy of your own vibration.
In a loving vibration, you align with the truth of the Divine within, and this Presence will always guide you in love.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Being Informed by Our Sensitivities
As we study waves of energy and how the universe creates balance by action phases and lulls, we see this in action as the tide goes in and the tide goes out, the sun comes up, the sun goes down, and so on. We wish to take this discussion one step further into the experience of the energetically sensitive human being.
Some human beings are born with extra sensitivities, while others work hard to develop those sensitivities. A common experience, no matter how they got there, is that the sensitive human being finds themselves in receiving mode all the time. They feel powerless in the face of energies and haven’t been able to turn it off.
In reality, it isn’t a matter of being able to turn it off, per se, but rather of being able to transition into also being a giver of energy rather than just a receiver of energy.
Your energetic sensitivities are giving you information on how to proceed. If you are feeling overwhelmed, it is time to create space for yourself to simply be. But it may also be a time for you to switch from being a receiver of energy to a giver of energy. Let us give you an example.
Suppose you are drawn to go to a certain area, but when you get there it feels awful. That has given you valuable information. It is a sign that you definitely do not want to be in receiving mode while you are there, because the energy is not supportive to you.
You have a choice. You can either avoid that place completely, or you can switch to being a giver of energy rather than a catcher of energy. Which do you think someone stepping into their energetic mastery would do?
If you find yourself in such a situation, we invite you to try this ~ Remove yourself from the challenging energy for a moment. With your intention, connect with your inner light, let it expand until it extends beyond your body in all directions, and then allow it to lead the way. Let it shine brightly and gloriously, then step back into the energies that you found challenging just a moment ago. Not only will they not affect you, you will be being of service to help lift the density of that space.
Do you see? You cannot breathe in and breathe out at the same time. You either receive or you give. The choice is up to you. You are not at the mercy of your energetic sensitivities. Not at all! The key is to understand that your sensitivities serve you well, you are just learning how to have mastery over them and to use them as the tool they are meant to be.
Learning that you can easily switch from receiving to giving is a part of that, and it is the key to being far more comfortable, and of simple service, wherever you may be.
You are a manifesting machine…get those gears moving!
Dearest one, what are you waiting for? Are you waiting for a sign, word or voice from the ether to point you in the right direction? It is part of the human experience to crave news of the future or a possible life that is waiting for you. What you do not realize is that you already know but may lack the initiative to create. (Smiling) You always have and always will be in co-creation with The Universe. Rather than waiting for someone else to tell you what to do, think, feel or say, it is time to do that for yourself. You are a manifesting machine…get those gears moving! ~ Creator
Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner
When it seems like there is wave after wave of intensity, it is not a sign of trouble or failure. It is a sign of success!
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ The Power and Purpose of the Intensity

Dear Ones,
When it seems like there is wave after wave of intensity, it is not a sign of trouble or failure. It is a sign of success! It means that you have been systematically making progress over a long enough period that something new is ready to be birthed.
Intensity is a sign of big movement and breakthroughs. It is a time to keep your focus, stay committed to the job at hand, and provide whatever care you need for yourself to assure your success.
The intensity is the acceleration of waves of energy that are designed to push your next profound phase out of the gestation period and into tangible form. Great intensity is always followed by a space of tenderness, discovery, and recuperation. The purpose of the intensity is to create openings for you to complete one phase and step fully into your next highest expression of self.
Do you see? There is predictability in each phase and in their purpose which, with your wisdom, you can use to help you navigate the waves with greater understanding and much less fear and doubt.
In fact, we’d even go so far as to say that as you start to observe the workings of the universe through this new level of understanding, you will get to the point where you can truly embrace the gifts of whatever phase you are in, and start to truly enjoy the unfoldment of your journey.