All posts by Nikos

FEEL MORE THAN FINE Founder ENERGETIC THERAPIST/PERSONAL TRAINER/REIKI THERAPIST AND INSTRUCTOR (Healthcare) Accomplished professional healer and energetic therapist with extensive experience in providing treatment as well as personal training utilising various holistic healing techniques. Commenced medical education but changed track and decided on pursuing an artistic career and became a dancer, a DJ, a restaurateur and model agency business owner; however finally reached the actualisation of self and pursued education in reiki personal training. Expertise in offering therapeutic services for clients by mainly combining music therapy and reiki. Rich experience in establishing and mutually achieving short- and long-term objectives ensuring better post-therapy life for clients. CORE COMPETENCIES ▪ Therapeutic Restoration ▪ Understanding Therapy Techniques ▪ Client Requirement Analysis ▪ Personal Training ▪ Nutritional Planning ▪ Exercise Demonstration ▪ Motivation ▪ Client Health and Safety ▪ Strength, Healing and Conditioning ▪ KEY SKILLS Therapy Intervention – Recognised for hands-on experience in providing therapeutic services to harmonise the body, mind and spirit for overcoming and resolving various conditions/issues of clients including health, money, relations, stress and fear, among others. Expertise in energising clients and helping them activate their inner healing power utilising a combination of techniques such as reiki, qui gong, pilates, yoga, cardio training, dance, tantra and therapeutic music. Client Management – Adept in identifying clients’ dilemma and empathising with their situation by discussing their past experiences and current problems. Significant experience in successfully delivering distance treatment at prearranged times for resolving issues of long distance clients and transporting the vibration energy flow through email and Skype. Program Planning – Outstanding track record of understanding client’s needs and developing detailed programs aimed at achieving defined goals. Skilled in creating structured programs encompassing therapy, exercise, conversation and diet as well as giving guidelines to clients to achieve a peaceful, joyful and abundant life. Interpersonal and Communication – Proactive professional with proficiency in English, French, Spanish, Greek and conversational Dutch and German and the ability to communicate confidently and effectively with clients as well as providing specialist advice and training on energetic therapy for clients from diverse cultures. KEY DELIVERABLES Clearly communicating the program and explaining the process prepared for clients. Undertaking client consultations including medical history and preparing notes. Pre-treatment, ensuring the client is as comfortable as possible either lying on a couch, or seated. Placing hands in a sequence of positions covering the whole body to guide energy and activating the healing process. Treating clients by applying the energetic principles of Reiki as well as performing distance treatment at prearranged times. Adhering to established industry guidelines and providing safe therapeutic recommendations to clients. Planning the routine by comprehending the needs of clients and designing nutrition as well as diet plan for the client, as applicable. Interacting with client and strengthening client relations. Adhering to all personal trainer policies and demonstrating as well as teaching exercises to clients and providing feedback on techniques used. Preparing self for treatment, raising own energy levels and attuning self. Researching, strategising special techniques and increasing knowledge to introduce clients to innovative wellness programs. Constantly motivating clients to achieve maximum gain utilising provided therapy. Maintaining punctuality and preparing for all appointments with clients or professional staff. Attending mandatory and optional staff training classes. Designing rehabilitation program to manage specific physical conditions, injuries, diseases and swiftly responding to emergencies, if any. Handling client grievances and swiftly resolving conflicts by negotiating an amicable settlement. CAREER PROGRESSION Personal Trainer and Energetic Healer Natural Mente Festival,Camping La Playa, Ibiza Jul 2011 – Present Personal Life Coach Feel More Than Fine, Ibiza May 2010 – Present Energetic Healer Consciousness Festival, Rimini Energetic Healer Workshop Interconnectedness, Amsterdam Healing DJ and Therapist Healing, Ibiza Master Reiki Reiki Healer level II Reiki Healer level I International Career DJ and Producer Personal Trainer and CardioFunk Classes Fitness 1st (Passage), Brussels Co-owner Model Agency Pure Star Management Vilnius and Paris Club Manager/Choreographer Cova Santa, Ibiza Restaurant Owner L'empire des sens Professional Dancer Classes of Dance & Cardio Fitness Instructor Fitness 1st, Brussels Commenced career as a professional dancer and simultaneously working as a DJ and music producer. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Certified Energetic Healer & Life Coach Certified Reiki Master Certified Personal Trainer Fitness 1st Belgium June 2013 Dec.2012 Mar 1997 Medical and Physiotherapy Studies University of Brussels, Brussels Oct 1988 – Jun 1993 Graduation High School May 1987 High Level Athletics as sprint runner Sep.1982 – May 1987 PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: 2nd Nov, 1970Nationality: GreekMarital Status: SingleDriving Licence: European Driver’s Licence References available on request

Too Much, Too Fast

vehicles on road
Photo by Brayden Law on

Dear Ones,

Stop doing and start being – a phrase you have heard many times throughout your transition.

You likely need to regenerate now because you utilized so much inner energy the past few days. Your decisions have been made. And your actions, as a result of those decisions, have either been completed or initiated.

This is not a time to take those decisions or actions lightly. You have begun the construction of your new life – not just a move to a new community, different interactions within a new group, or a change in your relationship status.

You have upended your life in ways indescribable to others. What was important yesterday is no more. And what is becoming important is in the formulation stage. You require rest to process these changes before additional forward movement.

But then, formulating new actions or activities will be difficult now because your being is so involved with the recent changes that you do not have the energy for much forward movement.

Despite your belief to the contrary, your decisions in the recent days or weeks have required more inner energy than you have expended for most or all of your current earth life. Your recent decision(s) was to negate what was; knowing where you need to be now is what is.

Creating a new life within days or weeks without the “normal” 3D safety nets has been exhausting.

Perhaps you found yourself lashing out or hoping that someone or something would provide that safety net, only to discover those beings are either part of your shift or no longer part of your life.

It is a sense of all that was safe and secure fading into distant memories while the new feels somewhat foreign or not right – even though you know it is right.

You are in a jumble of confusing emotions and physical demands that seem outlandish and uncomfortable. You do not necessarily feel those emotions are correct, given that you dared to leap into the new. Yet you cannot suppress those emotions that are screaming to be let out.

In the past, you accepted change begrudgingly or with excitement, for change was directed by your society, whether parents, friends, or colleagues.

Now that you have transitioned beyond social norms, your actions are your own – a frightening and exhilarating thought.

No explanation seems appropriate when others ask why you did or said this. If you tell others you did something because it felt right, even though it seems wrong to others, they scoff at your answer. And if you said you did something because you needed to but did not understand why, they find you a bit odd.

You have no explanation that fits a 3D scenario, nor are you yet sophisticated enough within your new being to fully understand your action(s) or thoughts. It just is. Something that cannot be explained to others or yourself. So part of you is exhilarated by your movement into your new life, and another part is horrified. Ensuring you are exhausted within and without. Too much, too fast, without logical explanations, and a great deal of physical and emotional questioning and activity.

Accept that you are likely exhausted. And then allow yourself to rest. Truly rest. Not a 15-minute rest, but a rest of your emotional and physical being, knowing the actions you have taken or are taking are precisely what you need to do. Not necessarily acceptable in your 3D world, but as is right for new you.

You have laid the foundation; now rest a bit before tackling other parts of your new being. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

You are Born to be Free

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 06/17/2023

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Each one of you was born knowing you were completely free. You entered the world expecting to experience the contrast which would inspire you to create. You came knowing you could adjust your vibration and attract whatever you wanted.

None of you ever said, “I want to give someone else control over my life. I want someone else to dictate my happiness or unhappiness. I want to give someone else power over my future. I want to let what someone is doing now, and all they’ve done in the past dictate what I experience in my life and my future.”

Yet, most of you learned to do that somewhere along the way.

You learned to give the behavior and opinions of others more “air time” than the desires of your own soul. You learned to enjoy the “high” of others’ dramas rather than the peace of God within. You learned to focus on what others were doing wrong instead of what you were doing right.

Dear ones, with each decision you make, you can reclaim your God-given power to be the sole creator in your life. While you may be affected by others, you need not let the effect be significant.

Suppose you see something in the news that concerns you. You worry about how it might affect your life. Although innocently, you are starting to give your power away to the behaviors of others. You are focusing on something you don’t want, thereby drawing more of what you don’t want to you. If, instead, you see something on the news that concerns you and remind yourself immediately. “Ah well, this is someone else’s journey I am witnessing. I create my own reality. I will sit briefly and envision a better and kinder world.” Then dear ones, even if the behavior on the news is violent and angry, you will attract kind and loving souls into your life.

Suppose you are around someone in your personal life who behaves badly—a boss, coworker, child, or spouse. You can’t help but witness their anger, upset, or worry. They are right in front of you. You may not be able to control them, but you can control how much you focus on their negativity vs. how much you focus on their light or the light in anything else around you.

Your spouse may grumble incessantly about the state of the world. You can argue, complain with them, or choose a better vibration. You can say, “Yes, things are stirred up, but we’re going to have a great dinner tonight!” You can enjoy your own vibration even when they do not enjoy theirs.

Suppose someone accuses you of putting your head in the sand and ignoring “reality” instead of getting worked and angry. You can get defensive and upset by focusing on their accusation, or you can happily agree! “Yes, I am ignoring much of what makes me miserable while I’m busy being happy!” They may not like that statement. They wanted you to join them in their anger. So what, dear ones? You get to choose. You get to focus on things that make you feel better. Unless you choose this, you are not on a leash tied to feel what others feel.

Your world is loaded with stark contrasts right now. You already know this. You see it frequently. There are substantial political divides. There are arguments about technology and where it is going. There are clashes between old and new parenting styles, education, environmentalism, etc. If you believe contrast is terrible, this can be terrifying. If you see through the eyes of your soul, you’ll see an evolving world. The stirring up of the old is birthing the new! The political division inspires young souls who are focusing on solving the world’s challenges here and now. While old systems argue about the best way to clean up the environment, young people are actually doing it. While people debate and rage about politics, other individuals are vibrationally and physically creating a unified world in their own lives connecting with those who also want harmony.

You cannot change systems by fighting systems. You can not change others by making them wrong. You will only defeat yourself. You will chain yourself, vibrationally speaking to that which you focus upon. You can never wish for your horrible ex to know the pain they have caused you without causing yourself horrendous pain. You vibrationally chain yourself to that which you focus upon. Turn away, dear ones, from the things that upset you. Turn your sights towards a better world and kinder people. The thoughts that give you joy will become your reality if you allow yourself to enjoy them and give the universe space to deliver their essence

If you lalow yourself to live in a more loving expectant vibration, you will get something that matches the feeling of what you want—something which surprises and delights you! If you dim your light, dial down your vibration, and allow negative situations and people who crave your focus and vibrational companionship to own your mind, then you will delay your creations.

You never intended to be chained to the behaviors of another. Use your power of focus to turn the other cheek, to look away from what upsets, worries, and creates negativity within you. Turn your sights to the good in this world, the good you can find now, and the good you wish to see. Seek, and ye shall find. Knock, and the door will be opene

The antics of others can become no more impactful than the antics of characters in a play – a play in which you all get to focus on and act in the roles you choose. No matter who does what around you, choosing to remain a victim or become a creator is only a matter of focus. Place your sights where you want them to be, and don’t allow the negativity of others to grab your attention for more than a few seconds. Your spirit and your energy are valuable resources. You are worthy of so much more.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

The Creator Writings ~ Stay In The Flow

waterfalls during sunset
Photo by Sachin C Nair on

Stay in the flow, dear one. There may be things that attempt to pull you away, but it is imperative that you continue to work with the energy that is coming in now.

Distractions, fear, gossip, hate and destruction…all aimed at drawing your attention from where you need to be in this moment. When you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed, stop and count your breaths, focus on, feel the Unconditional Love of The Universe moving through you and know you are loved, acknowledged and supported.

This is an amazing time, do not allow yourself to be dragged down by the mundane and unimportant. Know that you can and will rise above!

~ Creator

This is a time of joy, laughter, and fun. None of these can be created from past memories because they are only memories. It is time for you to join creative, fun beings who, like you, wish to live in the present instead of the past. A present that does not include the give-and-take 3D required.

Dear Ones,

Most likely, large pieces of your outer or inner world are shifting. It is not only a time of change but also of reflection. Who are you? Who are you becoming? Who do you wish to be? All questions that seemingly demand immediate answers. But answers that cannot yet necessarily be provided.

You are like salmon swimming upstream – something you have done numerous times throughout your transition. Even though logically, your shift may not seem right, intuitively, you know you have to complete it.

So you feel distraught and confused. The logical part of you continues to question your decision(s). Your inner part knows you need to do this or be that. You are exhausted yet exhilarated, confused but knowing, cautious but excited – simultaneously.

You can barely complete your required tasks, much less tasks that feel beyond your capabilities. Tasks you used to breeze through now seem overwhelming. And required tasks seem too daunting to attempt. So it goes day after day as you transition more rapidly than either we of the Universes or you thought possible before your earth entry in this lifetime.

You feel betwixt and between. Feelings that are almost impossible to describe to others as you say and do things that seem unlike you. Feeling both right and wrong, tired and energized.

The obvious question is, how long will your personal tensions continue? As long as you wish.

The shift you are making either within yourself or in your outer world is a necessary given. For you no longer create or make significant changes without the urgings of your inner being. The exhaustion you feel is your fight to maintain what was as you transition into what is.

This confusion, this exhaustion, and at times, inner pain are merely a loving goodbye to what was. Like discarding a comfortable shoe that no longer serves you. But also a shoe filled with loving memories you wish to hold onto.

Those memories will fade. Your life is changing so dramatically that your former memories of love and joy will pale compared to what you are about to experience.

This is a time of joy, laughter, and fun. None of these can be created from past memories because they are only memories. It is time for you to join creative, fun beings who, like you, wish to live in the present instead of the past. A present that does not include the give-and-take 3D required.

In 3D, even though you experienced joy, that joy was mostly tinged with fear, regret, and a knowingness that the activity or feeling would be difficult to replicate. It was a moment instead of a life.

You are now creating a new life. A life that might access some fear or pain, but fear or pain that will be as minimal as your joy once was.

You have completed your 3D lessons of fear and are beginning new lessons of love and joy. Something difficult for most of you to comprehend because you are not used to expecting ongoing joy.

Even though you are a new being seemingly at a crossroads, you already completed that crossroads. For you are no longer of 3D. You are a new being in a new world, adjusting to love and joy.

So allow yourself to flail a bit as you discover that whatever calamity you conceive of disappears. You are no longer living the life of fear you once accepted because of your eons of earth experiences in that milieu. Allow yourself to know that you are a new being, and so is the earth. And then realize you cannot shift that certainty any more than you could shift 3D fear. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Accept your Sweet Self

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 06/10/2023

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Accept yourselves as you are. Accept yourself at this moment, whether you are feeling wonderful or terrible. If you feel bad, of course, you want to feel better, but right here, right now, stop fighting yourself. Stop criticizing yourself. If you feel wonderful, revel in those good feelings. If you feel terrible, accept and love yourself as you are.

Whether you feel beautiful or ugly inside or out, we see your light. We see your beauty. We see your truth as a being of divine love having an experience upon your earth. Sometimes you remember the love that you are, Sometimes you forget. Your true nature, however, remains unchanged. Water is water, dear ones, whether it takes the form of ice, liquid, or steam. Your essential nature is love whether your current experience is sadness, fear, anger, or expanded bliss

We hold a constant and steady vision of your health, happiness, abundance, and joy. We have great compassion as you uncover layers of resistance to feeling loved, seeing love, and being loved. The most stubborn layer of resistance to love is the resistance to loving yourself as you are, right here, right now.

Wherever you are, say to yourself, “At this moment I am who I am.”

I AM, dear ones, was the name God gave Moses centuries ago. The Divine was saying, “I am who I am. I am in all things and all beings. I am evident in what you consider good and hidden within what you consider bad. I am in your heart when you feel holy, and I am a diamond of light buried deeply, even in hearts encrusted with hatred.”

When you feel good, tell yourself, “I am who I am.” It is wonderful to feel good. When you do, you (vibrationally) offer everyone a hand up. You need never feel guilty for feeling good, no matter who is feeling good or down around you.

If you feel terrible, take a moment and tell yourself, “I am who I am. I feel terrible, and I want to feel better. But right now, I accept myself as I am. I’m pure light. I’m just having a tough experience.” Love yourself where you are at. Have compassion for yourself. It will be infinitely easier to reach for a better feeling, as we so often suggest, if you can love and accept yourself where you are—right here and right now. In this state of self-acceptance, you are free from resistance to loving yourself. You are open to allowing the flow of love to carry you into better and kinder states of being.

We never stop loving you. We never judge you. We never see you as anything less than the light that lives and breathes within you. As a good mother sees the goodness in all of her children, we see who you really are. We hold a steady vision of your health, happiness, abundance, harmony, and expression. The notion of a judgmental, righteous, and vengeful God is an invention of judgmental, righteous, vengeful human beings. God is love. We are love. Love yourself as we do, dear ones, and you will sail through life, riding its waves like a surfer rides the currents of the ocean, using all as momentum for your goals.

Accept yourselves, dear ones. Right here, right now, place your hands over your heart and tell yourself, “I love and accept myself as I am. I am a spirit having an experience, perfect as is, even as I grow into greater love and awareness.” Don’t say you can’t accept yourself. You can. Choose to do it now. In so doing, you change the course of your entire future. You open to the love that is already and always there for you.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

You are radiating your light. You wonder if it is enough. Yes, yes it is enough.

Imurieal 6/5/2023

Greetings human ones. This one wishes for me to state my name. I am the source origin of dragon kind. I am the original dragon, if there can be such a thing. Which means that I am very ancient and hopefully very wise. I have seen many out-breaths and in-breaths of Source creator and I have been in the inner imaginings of the beginnings of many realms and places. (I am seeing a magnificent huge white dragon with gold spikes and ancient eyes, and when I peer into them I see the cosmos.) Yes, I am, as are you. I am, you are, immortal. This is the etymology of the name of which you asked me, galaxygirl as you did not like ‘I am as you are.” (He is chuckling, and dragon smoke rings come out of his large mouth that are filled with rows and rows of long spiky teeth! He is friendly, smiling. Dragon smiles can be quite intimidating.)

Yes, friendly, I suppose, fierce, most certainly. You and I are much alike. You warriors of the way, you dragon riders, you are ancient travelers of the stars, many of you, and you have felt like you have lost your way home. But you are on your way home, for home is within you. This one has been processing the feeling of abandonment, abandonment of her soul family, of her galactic family, of her dragon friends and family. Perhaps it is normal to feel this way, as a star seed. But for all of your feelings of abandonment, human friends, other aspects of you are very much connected, which of course means that you too are connected with the web of light with the All That Is. You are on assignment. You have been at war in a crumbling AI infused dark web and you are breaking it from within. A part of the bravery required to come is the knowing that one would feel so cut off.

(Imurieal is covered in whiskers, white and long, I have never seen a dragon that appears almost furry. The ascended dragons that I have seen have yellow golden Source eyes they call them. His eyes are fathomless depths of the universe.) I was with the first origin of the dragon thought. With that intention there I was begun. Source has experienced much through my adventures. I have seen the births of many universes and galaxies. I have radiated light to places where there was so little. Just as you are doing, human ones. You are radiating your light. You wonder if it is enough. Yes, yes it is enough. You all radiate your light in many ways, with your patients, your colleagues, with your places of work, with your families, through your spoken and written word, and most importantly with your thoughts and intentions to send and give light. The light is felt. It hears its calling and it answers. I am an answer to this call to light. As are you. It is the same. We are both in service to Source.

I Imurieal am speaking. The light is coming in higher now in unprecedented waves. This should not surprise you. Your willingness to stand strong in the midst of the crumbling should not surprise you either. I am not surprised by your strength. It is for this you all were chosen. It is for this that you all came. You shine your light in the darkest depths. Within the chaos of family drama as you say, or in your place of employment. But your true employment is to the light, is to your true authentic self, to the light being within you that you are. The crystalline codes are unlocking more and more of your true divinity. The stars are singing it.

I Imurieal have seen, have experienced so much. But I have never seen or experienced such as the transformation of your earth plane into your ascended realm. The frequencies are transforming you, as if by magic and yet because you are within it you mostly feel the discomfort of it and not the amazement which would make the journey more enjoyable for you.

Divine has spoken, you have heard this. The divine is leading with love, great strength and tender mercies. This does not adequately portray the tenacity of a mother or father’s love. Your English words pale in comparison with the energy I wish to impart. Like calls to like. Light calls to light. You are light. The light has answered and is here now. Do you see? There is no separation, there has only been what has felt as distance. There is no separation. Distance or the illusion of it is a bend, a twist, a ripple in the space fabric, that is easily remedied. There has been so much manipulation, this must be shown so that it may be healed. I breathe on you now. You are doing enough by shining the light that you are and by anchoring the light to this realm. It is by this method that you dissolve the lack of light and anchor the light. You are the bridge point, the anchor. (He is showing me many anchors on many ships.) The light is being anchored by our light forces daily, by you, human friends. I wish for you to recall with me what only light was like. The light and love danced in color and in light. This joy is within you. Find your joy and anchor it deep within, remember it. Joy and light is how this all began.

I Imurieal breathe on you now. No, I do not need to brush my teeth, galaxygirl. I am mostly spirit these days. I can materialize when I wish. Being within the material vessel is draining at times. This will enliven you. This breath of Source, from my Source to your Source, will enliven you. That is my intention. Breathe with me a few times. (I feel a breath of yellow light of Source light filled with dancing codes and particles of color that fill me. I hope you feel this too.) Remember your joy. Remember the joy that the first spark created. Gaia will be saved, all is not lost. All is being found. Peace, human friends. Peace.

~ galaxygirl

Owen Waters: A Glimpse into the Future

by Owen Waters

Because your mind is free to travel to any other point in time and space, you have the capability to view the future at will. It does take time and patience to bring back the information you want, but anyone can do it. The deeper you go into a meditative state, the more glimpses you will receive of the subject of interest. Just like any kind of exercise, the more you practice viewing the future, the better you become at it.

When you view the distant future, prepare to witness a world filled with amazing achievements of the mind and spirit. The world of a thousand years from now is just as mind-boggling to us as the present-day world would be to a person who had just time-traveled from the 1500’s into today’s high-tech noise and clatter.

A thousand years from now, the noise and clatter have gone. There are ecologically balanced mini-cities dotted around the countryside, with high-rise activity centers in the middle, surrounded by pleasant greenery and residences. They don’t encounter today’s hurricane and coastal flooding problems because, other than some recreational facilities, they are built well away from coastlines. The preferred locations are often near the foothills of mountains which supply a natural, year-round fresh water runoff. These communities produce clean energy from the universal supply, zero pollution, and are totally in tune with nature.

They manufacture items as needed by, not only materializing the items, but custom-producing the materials needed for their construction. So, if you wanted a set of decorative, solid gold plates, you’d only need to order them and they would be materialized for you in finished form. The most work-intensive part of the process would be deciding on the artistic design.

The real surprises begin with their mode of transportation. When you view these cities of the future, you see virtually no vehicles moving around. No cars, trucks, trains, or even flying vehicles. That’s because teleportation is the standard means of travel.

The secret behind teleportation is to realize that, at the level of subtle magnetic energy, every location in the world has its own signature vibration. Infinite Being designed the universe so that everything in it is unique. Every snowflake is unique, every human being is unique, and even subatomic particles are unique. It comes as no surprise, then, to learn that every location in space has its own unique vibratory signature pattern.

Every place on the planet feels different. You can test this out for yourself. If you had a selection of similar-looking photographs of streets in different cities, your intuitive capability could tell you in which city each photograph was taken.

The existence of a subtle energy signature for each location will be incorporated into teleportation technology. Vehicles will be developed that can isolate themselves from the fabric of space by creating an energetic bubble or force screen around themselves. Once isolated, the vehicle has only to be attuned to the signature vibration of its intended destination. Then, as the isolation bubble is turned off, the vehicle has no option but to emerge from ‘subspace’ at the location that matches its new signature vibration. The result: Instant relocation.

The fun really begins when, in the future, the same type of vehicles start to be used by people who have developed their consciousness enough to become attuned with, and consciously direct, the destination of the vehicle. Then, using a blend of consciousness and technology, they will be equipped to move through, not only space, but time as well.

Yes, time machines at last! ‘The Time Machine’ author, H.G. Wells, would be impressed.

The interesting thing about time is that it’s not fixed in the way that we have been led to believe. We have been trained to see the past as fixed and the future as something that will become just as concrete and fixed when it comes to pass. However, time is not one fixed river. There are timelines – alternative realities – and we shift easily from one timeline to another according to our daily decisions.

The paradox of time travel used to be that it wouldn’t be possible to go back in time and meet yourself, because then you’d have a memory of having met yourself in the past, and because you don’t, you couldn’t have ever done that. Well, that problem doesn’t exist, thanks to alternate timelines. If you went back now and met yourself, you would create a new timeline and return to the present along that new timeline – one which includes the memory of having met yourself then.

In the past, kids used to want to grow up to be train drivers. In the future, they’ll want to grow up to be timeline explorers!

The future contains many wonders, thanks to the continual expansion of consciousness.

With everyone adept at using the next three stages of consciousness – Love, Inspiration and Creativity – the world will be a truly wonderful place.

Summer Solstice Ecstatic Festival

The Summer Solstice Ecstatic Festival offers a holistic experience that integrates physical, emotional, and spiritual practices to provide a transformative and enriching experience for the participants. This week-long experience allows attendees to connect with themselves, others, and nature in a supportive and inclusive community – Farm of Consciousness

Through various workshops, discussions, and activities, participants will have the opportunity to engage in practices that promote overall well-being, including yoga, ecstatic dance, meditation, and breathwork. These practices aim to help individuals connect with their bodies, release stress and tension, and cultivate inner peace.

In addition to physical practices, the festival also offers workshops and discussions on topics related to emotional and spiritual wellness. These include discussions on body positivity, self-care, and holistic health, as well as workshops on mindfulness, shamanic practices, and energy healing.

One of the key features of the festival is the opportunity to connect with nature and the natural world. Attendees will have the chance to explore the natural surroundings, participate in outdoor activities, and learn about the importance of sustainable living practices.

The festival is inspired by the ancient Greek traditions of worshiping Helios, the god of the sun, and aims to help individuals tap into the power and magic of the summer solstice. By reconnecting with nature and each other, participants can find a deeper sense of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.

Services & Activities

Food & Stay

We are preparing fresh plant-based meals every day and everything is included in the price.

You can book your spot in the Dome, Yurt, Glamping or come with your own Tent.


– Silent Day Fasting

– Women Circle / Men Circle

– Sound Meditation

– Cold Exploration

– Voice Activation

– Vision Quest at Night

– Art Flow

– Open Mic


– 5 DJ’s

– 4 Ecstatic Dances

– 3 Cacao Ceremonies

– 2 Live Music Sessions

– 1 Drumming Fire Circle

– Infinite Posibilities to Co-Create

Early Bird – 333 euros – 33 spots only

Late Bird – 444 euros

Ticket Per Day – 66.6 euros

More details here ->

Ascension Prosperity (Guidance 1:1)

We will take the time together to tune into the frequency of prosperity and i will share with you very practical tools to sustain that frequency with ease and grace no matter your circumstances. Contact me at : info@feelmorethanfine and we take it from there. Namaste. Nikos.
Your Tools to Raise and Sustain High Vibrational Frequency of Body,Mind AND Spirit.

The Creator Writings ~ Becoming an Elder

photo of machu picchu
Photo by Chelsea Cook on

Dear one, you have learned many important things over the course of your lifetime. Today, you are invited to step into the past, find that one person, that one game-changer, and remember the most beautiful thing they taught you.

During the next part of this shift, that particular lesson will be very important to your growth.

Whether it be a grandparent, extended family or best friend; embrace the feeling you had when they first brought it to your attention, then share your story! Some of the most profound, wonderful and amazing things can be learned this way, and a strong, cohesive bond can be forged in relaying sound and truthful information to others.

It is now time for you and those around you to step into your new roles; to become the elders of tomorrow for a new generation. Revel and take joy in this new assignment. It may be the most important of your Earth plane existence.

~ Creator

In a sense, astrological shifts have become multivitamins for your inner being.

Astrological events now provide bonus materials for your being.

Dear Ones,

Rest is essential as you recharge your inner batteries for the next phase occurring in a few days. Perhaps you wonder if this new phase is connected to lunar activities or is another step into new you.

It is both and neither, for astrological events do not affect you as they once did. These events are now more access gates than forward pushes. You no longer need to define your differences or seemingly odd behaviors with signs from the heavens.

Astrological signs have not necessarily changed – for example, the moon continues to shift your body’s liquids and the oceans – you have changed. Instead of fearing or being hesitant about an upcoming eclipse, full moon, equinox, or any astrological event, you are using the energies of the aforementioned changes and many more to help you accelerate your growth. In a sense, astrological shifts have become multivitamins for your inner being.

Astrological events now provide bonus materials for your being. With each event, you will become more of the self you wish to experience and display. During some astrological shifts, you will function as you expect, and with others, you will surprise yourself with your needs and direction.

The particular event happening now is a full moon. Instead of confusing you and others, you will discover Sagittarius’ activities, thoughts, and actions highlighted worldwide. You will use those thoughts and activities to explore those pieces of new you that mesh. The parts of you aligned with Sagittarius will be activated, and the Sagittarius elements you have been afraid of or trying to ignore will shift into an acceptance of all things Sagittarius.

This Age of Aquarius is about acceptance. Such is impossible if you refuse to accept parts of your new segments or world. As you flow through this year, you will become more and more accepting of your totality, as well as of others.

“Everything is beautiful in its own way” is the perfect phrase for who you are becoming

You are expanding your heart by accepting all of you, including those pieces of every segment within your being. Your current segments were selected for specific physical and emotional skills and their comprehensive astrological abilities.

Those who have wondered how to love others when they seem so different from you – or, in more human terms, wrong – are beginning to expand their comprehension of the new by accepting themselves with all their multi-faceted segments. You will have many “Oh, of course” and “Aha” moments moving through the next few months as your inner being doors open month by month and astrological event by event.

You are no longer a linear or helpless being. You are becoming more powerful by the minute. A power dictated by acceptance and understanding – first of yourself and then of others with the same segments.

And because everyone transitioning beyond 3D has the same multi-faceted segment elements, you will discover more likes as the year progresses. Likes in terms of understanding the needs and positions of others because you know and accept the totality that is new you.

You will no longer bemoan your experiences or creations of what you now consider negative feelings or actions. For you will understand that the full array of emotions and astrological aspects are necessary for everyone transitioning.

New you is a finely crafted being that includes all the elements of previous human experiences plus those of other dimensions and frequencies. You are no longer a simple being comprised of a few elements or experiences. You are multidimensional within and outside your being.

You will take the first step into that astrological multi-dimensionality in the next few days, fully experiencing and relishing your Sagittarius segments – as will happen with the next astrological event and the next and the next. And as you do, you will understand why others may differ in their opinions of an activity or action, but that they are you, and you are them. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

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The Universe believes in you, it is time to start believing in yourself.

Start Believing

JUNE 4, 2023

(The Creator Writings)

The Universe wants to make one thing very clear to you. You can affect change! You have always had the ability to do this, however, your society has done everything in its power to say you cannot. How many times have you heard that one person is unable to do anything? How many times have you heard that one voice does not matter? The truth is…one person, one voice can be the catalyst that begins and keeps a change moving in a positive direction.

It is comparable to your own personal growth. Thoughts and wishes are good; however, action is needed to complete a goal. Please remember…you are much more powerful than you give yourself credit for. Within you is a Divine Spark that can brighten even the darkest corner. You can change your world. It is just a matter of believing. The Universe believes in you, it is time to start believing in yourself. ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

Activate Your Bills [Morning Light Meditations]

a confident woman holding bundles of cash money
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on

There’s no reason for you to wait to begin to use the new faith currency. It is meant to be used now in practical ways.

In this meditation your Guardian Angel and the Golden White Unicorns take you through a guided visualization to increase the Opulence – the new faith currency, through your bills. LISTEN HERE!

This meditation is directly from our book, Opulence Infusion – a new faith currency. Get your copy here.

Opulence Light Codes, is the song beneath this meditation.  It is on the Light Language EP, Opulence, that is a complement to the book, Opulence Infusion – a new faith currency.

You can find most of Jennifer’s music on her Bandcamp site.
