All posts by Nikos

FEEL MORE THAN FINE Founder ENERGETIC THERAPIST/PERSONAL TRAINER/REIKI THERAPIST AND INSTRUCTOR (Healthcare) Accomplished professional healer and energetic therapist with extensive experience in providing treatment as well as personal training utilising various holistic healing techniques. Commenced medical education but changed track and decided on pursuing an artistic career and became a dancer, a DJ, a restaurateur and model agency business owner; however finally reached the actualisation of self and pursued education in reiki personal training. Expertise in offering therapeutic services for clients by mainly combining music therapy and reiki. Rich experience in establishing and mutually achieving short- and long-term objectives ensuring better post-therapy life for clients. CORE COMPETENCIES ▪ Therapeutic Restoration ▪ Understanding Therapy Techniques ▪ Client Requirement Analysis ▪ Personal Training ▪ Nutritional Planning ▪ Exercise Demonstration ▪ Motivation ▪ Client Health and Safety ▪ Strength, Healing and Conditioning ▪ KEY SKILLS Therapy Intervention – Recognised for hands-on experience in providing therapeutic services to harmonise the body, mind and spirit for overcoming and resolving various conditions/issues of clients including health, money, relations, stress and fear, among others. Expertise in energising clients and helping them activate their inner healing power utilising a combination of techniques such as reiki, qui gong, pilates, yoga, cardio training, dance, tantra and therapeutic music. Client Management – Adept in identifying clients’ dilemma and empathising with their situation by discussing their past experiences and current problems. Significant experience in successfully delivering distance treatment at prearranged times for resolving issues of long distance clients and transporting the vibration energy flow through email and Skype. Program Planning – Outstanding track record of understanding client’s needs and developing detailed programs aimed at achieving defined goals. Skilled in creating structured programs encompassing therapy, exercise, conversation and diet as well as giving guidelines to clients to achieve a peaceful, joyful and abundant life. Interpersonal and Communication – Proactive professional with proficiency in English, French, Spanish, Greek and conversational Dutch and German and the ability to communicate confidently and effectively with clients as well as providing specialist advice and training on energetic therapy for clients from diverse cultures. KEY DELIVERABLES Clearly communicating the program and explaining the process prepared for clients. Undertaking client consultations including medical history and preparing notes. Pre-treatment, ensuring the client is as comfortable as possible either lying on a couch, or seated. Placing hands in a sequence of positions covering the whole body to guide energy and activating the healing process. Treating clients by applying the energetic principles of Reiki as well as performing distance treatment at prearranged times. Adhering to established industry guidelines and providing safe therapeutic recommendations to clients. Planning the routine by comprehending the needs of clients and designing nutrition as well as diet plan for the client, as applicable. Interacting with client and strengthening client relations. Adhering to all personal trainer policies and demonstrating as well as teaching exercises to clients and providing feedback on techniques used. Preparing self for treatment, raising own energy levels and attuning self. Researching, strategising special techniques and increasing knowledge to introduce clients to innovative wellness programs. Constantly motivating clients to achieve maximum gain utilising provided therapy. Maintaining punctuality and preparing for all appointments with clients or professional staff. Attending mandatory and optional staff training classes. Designing rehabilitation program to manage specific physical conditions, injuries, diseases and swiftly responding to emergencies, if any. Handling client grievances and swiftly resolving conflicts by negotiating an amicable settlement. CAREER PROGRESSION Personal Trainer and Energetic Healer Natural Mente Festival,Camping La Playa, Ibiza Jul 2011 – Present Personal Life Coach Feel More Than Fine, Ibiza May 2010 – Present Energetic Healer Consciousness Festival, Rimini Energetic Healer Workshop Interconnectedness, Amsterdam Healing DJ and Therapist Healing, Ibiza Master Reiki Reiki Healer level II Reiki Healer level I International Career DJ and Producer Personal Trainer and CardioFunk Classes Fitness 1st (Passage), Brussels Co-owner Model Agency Pure Star Management Vilnius and Paris Club Manager/Choreographer Cova Santa, Ibiza Restaurant Owner L'empire des sens Professional Dancer Classes of Dance & Cardio Fitness Instructor Fitness 1st, Brussels Commenced career as a professional dancer and simultaneously working as a DJ and music producer. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Certified Energetic Healer & Life Coach Certified Reiki Master Certified Personal Trainer Fitness 1st Belgium June 2013 Dec.2012 Mar 1997 Medical and Physiotherapy Studies University of Brussels, Brussels Oct 1988 – Jun 1993 Graduation High School May 1987 High Level Athletics as sprint runner Sep.1982 – May 1987 PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: 2nd Nov, 1970Nationality: GreekMarital Status: SingleDriving Licence: European Driver’s Licence References available on request

And so begins your trek to your new life…You are a unique individual with an inner need to find your joy – and, by doing so, create your life tapestry thread…The dominos are falling.

woman in brown long sleeve shirt blowing dominoes
Photo by cottonbro studio on

Dear Ones,

And so begins your trek to your new life.

Some of you feel stagnated. Others are moving rapidly through activities that draw you closer to your new center. It does not matter because all of you reading this and similar messages have transitioned beyond your former life. You are on a new path that no longer contains shame or blame.

In your former world, your activities were most often limited to those acceptable to others, even though you sometimes felt uncomfortable or wrong moving in those directions.

You might feel tinges of your former shoulds as you begin your new life, but it is unlikely you will follow those shoulds now or ever again.

This is the big ‘NO’ phase. Perhaps you previously encountered this phase but did so with guilt or trepidation. Now, it is just ‘no’ without attached emotion or fear. You surprise yourself, as well as others – a new being within your physical body.

None of this information is a revelation for most of you; instead, it is an affirmation of being in the right place, as if you transitioned from a gullible youth to an adult within minutes or days.

Those who feel bored are sloughing off the shoulds and have tos of 3D. Even though this is not necessarily an easy process, it is preparation for who you are becoming.

Those of you who have completed the phases necessary to arrive on the other side of the selfhood of your new being are role models for those feeling stuck. Initially, you likely found yourself less interested in 3D interactions or activities. Then, you started saying ‘no’ or other phrases that limited your 3D interactions. Finally, you discovered new avenues of joy that may not have included those with whom you previously interacted.

You will not likely transition from questioning your current life to immediate joy. There are steps every physical being must complete because your physical body is not strong enough to go from questioning your former activities to joy in one large leap.

Your shift might seemingly be as small as limiting your physical or emotional interactions. or as large as a new life in a new environment.

You will shift according to your needs instead of what you feel should be the correct timeline or action mode. Your shift has nothing to do with your friends, relatives, or partner’s shift.

Perhaps you are concerned because others are seemingly transitioning more rapidly or better than you. That thought process is a 3D should that has nothing to do with your current or future earth lives. You are no longer part of a societal behavior process, as was true in 3D. You are a unique individual with an inner need to find your joy – and, by doing so, create your life tapestry thread.

Wishing for a more rapid transition is a waste of your time and energy. You cannot transition more rapidly. Nor can the activities of others be your indicator. You are transitioning at your pace and at the right time. Will your transition from no to joy happen within the next few months? Yes. Will your transition be like anyone else’s? No. Will your transition be within the same timeframe or like your friends or partner? No. You are unique, as is your transition.

Perhaps it will help you understand this phase from no to joy if you think of falling dominos. Your transition or domino might be at the beginning, middle, or end. It does not matter, for all the dominos must fall once the tipping point has been initiated – as has happened.

So there is no need to fret if you have not yet initiated a comfortable ‘no’ stage, you are bored, or you fear your tipping point will never occur. The dominos are falling. And you are lined up behind others in just the right place for you and your physical being. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

NESARA is coming.

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How can you quickly learn more about NESARA?
* Understand the basics of NESARA
* Learn the history and why it is so vital to occur soon for our country
* Understand what this means for your future and your finances, and for humanity
Amazing things coming soon!
A playlist of 12 SHORT VIDEOS has been created on YouTube.
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You will learn about the coming economic reset, return to the gold standard, and debt elimination for many.

you are perfect, ever-expanding, and constantly growing.

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 07/15/2023 • Perfectly Imperfect

black and orange wallpaper
Photo by Mubaz Basheer on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You are all perfect in our eyes, even as you expand into more. There are no criteria by which we judge, or the Divine judges you in heaven.
Nothing you can do, think, or say will change our view of you because we know who you are. We see your light, goodness, and the truth you seek. We don’t focus on your so-called mistakes or your so-called imperfections. These are ripples on the surface of a deep ocean. These are things that catalyze you to create. We see the love beneath, and only that.

What if you were to see yourselves this way? Could you spend an hour of your life assuming you are a perfect being of light having an experience on earth? When you get results that please you, you know you’ve been tuning according to your desires. When you get results that displease you, it’s time to recalibrate. Although this is a simple concept, the challenge is reminding yourself that this is how the universe works when you have all been trained by those who didn’t understand.

Your life can be so much easier. Is your day flowing? Celebrate, focus on your appreciation for it, and it will flow even more easily. Is your day a “comedy of errors?” Stop. Breathe. Remind yourself that all you have to do is recalibrate your energy field. What pleases you? Distract yourself for a few moments with enjoyable thoughts. Remind yourself you are doing your best. Take a moment and pause until you feel better. As a result of your recalibration, you’ll shift your whole day and enter the flow. The two to five minutes it takes to focus on a good feeling thought or something you enjoy right in front of you will pay off in hours, days, months, and even lifetimes if you get in the habit!

When you feel you’ve made a mistake, catch yourself when you start to criticize or beat yourself up. Dear ones, you are criticizing the light of God having an experience! Would you scold a child for learning? Would you criticize someone who didn’t know better? Would you tell your best friend what you are saying to yourself? Probably not. Be your best friend, dear ones. Talk sweetly to yourself. Recognize that your so-called mistakes are just opportunities, not a cause to feel that you are somehow flawed or “lesser than.”

We understand that you are unlearning old training. Many of you would argue that things can’t be so simple simply because you have learned they must be hard. And that is OK dear ones! You can vent your frustrations to the heavens, and instead of your anger, we’ll see your passion, desire, and deep, deep, intense love for what you seek to enjoy, experience, and create.

In our eyes, you are perfect, ever-expanding, and constantly growing. Try, as often as you can, to see yourself that way.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Q&A time with the Collective on the issue of child abuse, and specifically to do with child sex trafficking

A Message to Light Bringers – July 13, 2023

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, Archangels, and other Divine Beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! This week our writer has some questions she would like to ask, and which we are happy to answer. COR: Welcome, friends!

Today’s channeling is a sort of Q&A time with the Collective on the issue of child abuse, and specifically to do with child sex trafficking, which is really big in the news at the minute, partly because of this film, Sound of Freedom.

And also because it is fast becoming the biggest criminal enterprise in the world.

So what I’m going to do is ask the Collective first of all, why someone would write into their life chart that they were going to be trafficked as a child.

This to me is just unthinkable.

I myself am a survivor of several forms of sexual abuse, including having been abused as a child by my father sexually.

But to be handed off to multiple abusers a day, every day, until finally your body just gives out after a few years—this is just unthinkable to me.

[Video version of Message at:]

If you look at it as a situation of, “Well, they [the trafficked one] were trying to, as people say, burn off some karma,” this is still a very, very dark path.

And it’s just hard for me to understand.

So I’m asking the Collective that, and I’m asking as well, is it the child’s life energies that the dark power structure is after.

And the answer to that is no doubt Yes.

But how is that changing now that the Earth is taking on so much more Light?

How is it changing now that so many people are beginning to Ascend, and asking to understand Ascension, and looking for ways to raise their vibration?

It just seems to me to be the strangest sort of dichotomy, these two opposites running parallel to one another.

So I’m going to bring in the Collective, and I’m going to ask them to address both of these issues.

So just go into your heart-space, and go into your breathing for a moment, and the Collective, this beautiful group of higher beings I channel, will be who you hear next.

THE COLLECTIVE: Well greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you once again.

And so, yes, our writer has put forth a few questions, and perhaps there are a number of you who have also asked these questions.

What in the world? Who would plan this for themselves, and why?

And what does the old [power structure] crowd get out of it, exactly?

So let’s look at this first question: Who would put this into their life chart?

And this is for those who agree that this [preplanning our Earth life] is something that happens. If you feel that all of life is happenstance, that no one would ever ask on any level for such an issue, we would say, this is understandable.

Because from a human viewpoint, from where you are now on the planet, it makes less than no sense that anyone would put themselves through such torture or see any point in it.

So what we are going to do now is to take on the persona, as it were, of someone who has accepted this.

And a number of us within the Collective have, in any event, been slaves.

And a slave can be exploited on any level, as you are aware—particularly women and children are exploited badly while they are enslaved.

We don’t use the term “slave” as a sort of cultural assignation, as if that label is all that person is. But as an enslaved person, they are put in a position to be told that is all they are, from a very young age and it is so that many of them do not survive for very long when taken in as children.

First, understand that slavery has existed for many thousands of years, since the fall to the third dimension, because this is one of the ways in which the hierarchy exists in the state that it is able to exist in.

If someone people are made to feel hopeless—in fact, at least half the human race, if not the majority is meant to feel utterly without advocate.

Without real representation within the power structure. Without choices. Without money and property. Without a voice, socially or culturally or otherwise. This serves their purposes perfectly.

Now, why would anyone volunteer to experience this, particularly as it is millions of people currently on the planet who are experiencing this—at a time when the Earth is actually Ascending!

So again—let’s bring in this presence of this dear one who was herself enslaved.

Namaste, dear one!

And she speaks now, to say:

“Greetings, friends! “I took on the life of an enslaved person several times, in order to move my consciousness to a level that ran not purely in opposition to my outer environment, but well above that environment. “What human beings are taught is to fight anything that they don’t like.

“To try to shove it off the map of human experience. And I came in specifically to suffer in that way. Now, I don’t choose that any longer, and most who have come in under the third dimension have decided not to return, and this is a fact. If they are able to move forward, they will do so.

But I came in with the intent and the expectation that I would be an enslaved person, with no freedom, no voice, no choices, no life of my own except that which I was ordered into.

And know that these persons exist in the very echelons of every culture on the Earth.

Even that which is indigenous will at times play into this power structure in return for money or some other form of leveraging.

It is not really any child’s desire to be used in this way.

Once in a human body, many have said and thought to themselves, “I chose wrongly. This is too much. I will not survive this.”

And yet, in those moments in which the abuse occurs, many centuries of wrongdoing are erased, as the person themself takes on what they put upon others in any number of lives.

Or what they assented to—what they believed was all right [for others to do]. And in other instances, such as myself, they chose it to move into the higher mind, out of sheer necessity.

We do not say that anyone deserves to be punished and to suffer, because this goes against Universal Law, to willingly force another to suffer.

And we don’t force ourselves to do so.

If we choose openly, there are many reasons why. We have only given you a few today.

But understand that that which the soul desires for its own growth can appear to be very strange to the one who is looking at a situation from without.

From my position as one who has suffered in this way, I am able to go to those spirits on the Other Side whom I myself abused or tortured in other lives, and to assure them, “I have suffered as you have, and I understand now what I put you or your family or your children through. “

This was not only wrong in the moralistic sense, but created great unevenness in my vibration, and meant that I needed to experience what I had put another through in order exculpate or release or absolve that which I had committed in other lives.

And so, one might say that everyone has had a vast combination of life experiences.

Now, some only come in a few times. I have been in many times, as most of you have as well.

Many times in an Earth life, and seeking not retribution against myself or others, but to understand the depth of this duality that we willingly chose to experience for centuries.

I would not say that I choose to experience it now. I would not say that at all.

I would say that I am finished with the strange and uneven and very taxing and traumatizing world of duality.

Again, most of you as well are probably well finished with the entire experience of living in a third dimensional world that has been so divided between dark and Light and good and bad, as people term them.

Over time you begin to understand, there is only experience.

There is only that energy which leads you either away from enlightenment or toward it, closer and closer each day.

For those who do not choose to live in the Light, we would say, this is your decision. But that the doors are closing, one might say, for the choice to be made to come into the Light and to be there permanently.

This is a beautiful thing, when one considers that the timing of Earth lives now coincides perfectly with the decision to either move up in vibration or to remain at a low vibration and risk sinking even further down.

This is a moment of great empowerment either way, because one’s decision determines one’s path for an indefinite period of time.

So as you look at those who are troubled and enslaved and not surviving the process, as most do not, we would say, understand that by and large, this was chosen by them.

There are people who come in without a life chart, but most of these are not of the Light.

Those who are of the Light tend to request a particular set of circumstances so that they might learn more.

So in these times of Ascension, people are moving forward very, very quickly, and they are asking to rinse their souls free of the trauma that they induced in others.

They are asking to rinse their souls free of the pain and the losses they caused not only themselves but many around them in a number of lives.

And the old way, the old paradigm was to come in and to suffer for what one had done in other lives, and of course this is ending now.

So you won’t see this any much more, beyond this generation—this tendency to suffer in order to achieve growth.

This is no longer a requirement, and this is no longer sought by those coming in now.

Yes, some are still being trafficked at drastically young ages. This can occur.

And again, this is the ending you are seeing of this sort of program, one might say, of self-correction, of learning the hard way.

Humanity has chosen to move up.

If you are on the New Earth timeline or joining it now, you will not suffer this way [in any future Earth life]. And so we return now the speaking moment to our friends in the Collective, and we thank them for this opportunity. Namaste!

You are in the midst of another Rubicon crossing…So instead of expecting the worst, it is time to expect and create better than you can imagine.

photo of man riding skateboard on pedestrian
Photo by Filipe de Azevedo on

Dear Ones,

Maybe you feel your life is not as you expected or wanted. Or you have the 3D-type life you wished for. It does not matter because your future is the sparkling joy you hoped for throughout this life and many others.

You are in the midst of another Rubicon crossing. As if you were in the dark and a light switched on.

Another Rubicon crossing likely happened earlier in your transition. The difference is this is a glorious, sparkly light instead of a single light bulb. It is light, filled with fun and laughter. Most importantly, light, filled with heart – not fear.

Through your eons of earth survival – and that is an accurate description of your 3D lives – you have become so accustomed to fear that you do not expect more than a few moments of light before the fear returns.

Such is no longer true and never will be again. Your new light is not like anything you previously experienced or even thought possible while of earth. It is waking up excited about your upcoming day and going to bed pleased with your life.

For many of you, such statements appear to be a lovely fairy tale that has little in common with your life now or ever. Your life has always been difficult, and you believe your life will continue to be so for the remainder of the time you are of earth. Perhaps your fears encompass finances, relationships, or communities. It does not matter. Because those fears are not part of your future. It is over. Your former 3D life is over, as is the ongoing karma you maintained for 3D lifetime after lifetime.

You are new, and so is your life.

Many of you respond that your family is difficult or does not love you, your finances are frightening, or your relationships are not what you wanted or expected. All valid concerns in your previous earth lives, perhaps even for most of this life. But you are no longer of 3D. What was is no more. So instead of expecting the worst, it is time to expect and create better than you can imagine.

This is a new world. And you are a new creative being ready to create a life of sparkles and joy instead of fear and trepidation.

You will likely proclaim that this message is a fairy tale pertinent to others, but certainly not you – not today or ever. That your life is doomed – even though you were drawn to this message as well as similar messages. Just as you would not be drawn to an art store if you did not feel the need to create art, you would not be drawn to this message if it were not part of your inner need to create a new life of sparkles and joy.

Each being has or will create a unique life of joy. What seems wonderful to some will not be that inviting to others.

Your sparkle will be unique because you are creating a new earth tapestry with your unique thread. No longer will you need to have a particular house, friend, or mode of transportation because others do. Your sparkle will radiate from your unique needs and not necessarily be understandable to others.

This is a new world, and you are a new being with new thoughts and interests. Fear is no more. Sparkles are your future – once you accept your ability to fully create a life of joy. You have crossed the joy Rubicon; now it is time to accept it. Do you dare? Or perhaps a better question is, what stops you from daring to do so? So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Messages from Ann & the Angels ~ Exercising Your Freedom

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Many of you on this list recently celebrated Independence Day – a day of acknowledging your freedom.

Here in the heavens, before birth, you knew you were free and would always be. You knew that no matter what family you incarnated into or what administration you lived within, you would be free. You knew you would be free to think what you wanted and that you would be free to attune yourself to any reality. You knew that in a high vibration, you would be free from even those who might try to impose their will upon you in the physical world.

In the distant future, parents will raise their children to remember and operate within the vibrational reality. However, most of you were raised by those who forgot and, in their forgetting, taught you that you were subject to the opinions, ideas, and judgments of others around you. In an attempt to please others, so many of you ignored your feelings to satisfy demands and avoid judgment. Now you are reconnecting with your inner guidance, trusting your feelings to a greater degree, and granting yourselves the freedom that has always belonged to your soul.

The concept of being subservient to the actions and choices of others comes from the third-dimensional model of reality. If someone bumps into you, you feel it. When someone aims angry words at you, your conditioning inspires a reaction. However, before these things occurred in the 3D world, the invisible world of energy was already at work.

You may say to us, quite accurately and vehemently, “I don’t enjoy angry people! I don’t want them in my life!” and, in your angry vibration, draw more of them right to you. Or you may say, quite accurately and peacefully, “I like people who behave and are kind and courteous. It is such a joy to connect with them.” You begin to attract kind people, even as you think about and attune yourself to the wonderful ones you’ve met or know today.

Sometimes you focus so much on situations you would rather not experience that you tune right into them. “I am alone. I am alone. I am alone. I want a mate. I am alone. I am alone. I am alone.” Although you are telling the truth, your focus on being alone takes up more air time than the delicious reality of having the desired partner. In this scenario, you are not attuned to the vibration of the desired partner. Instead, you have tuned yourself into the condition of being alone, thus reinforcing it further.

Shift your story just a bit, and you can change your vibration. “I am so looking forward to my perfect partner. I am so looking forward to sharing all my love. I can’t wait to enjoy the things we’ll do together. I love the feeling of love. I’m in love with love now!” Watch what starts to show up in this focus.

“I don’t know where the money is going to come from. I don’t know how I’ll get it. I hate always struggling. Gosh, it will be nice to feel better when the money comes. I guess it always does. I guess I have a pretty good life. Today is ok. God will come through. I think I’ll get lunch. Mm, lunch is good. At least I can enjoy that.” In this case, you have shifted your focus to an abundant vibration, so more will come. Lunch will bring you more money because you’ve used the topic of a delicious lunch to shift your vibration to one of abundance.

“What is the world coming to? I can’t believe how crazy people are acting. I just got cut off in traffic for the umpteenth time. Things used to be simpler.” So far, this feels true, but you can shift to something better. “There are good people in the world. I know so many who are trying to make this a better place. I’m trying to make my world a better place. I like being me. At least I’m not the one cutting people off in traffic! Laughter. Well, I’m not going to solve this all today. I don’t have to solve it all. The happier I am, the better I make my world. Wow, I’m feeling better.” Following this train of good-feeling thoughts, you create a better experience of the world by attuning to a happier vibration.

You can tune into a factual reality you enjoy and thus attract or allow good. You can tune into an imaginary reality you like and thus attract or allow good. You can tune into a factual reality you don’t care for (or one you imagine) and block your good. You are free.

Good always flows, dear ones. Love always flows— forever in a steady stream. You can freely tune your feelings into that stream of goodness or ignore it and experience something else. Regardless, you are always free.

Right here and right now, choose a thought that makes you feel good. Now breathe. Bask in the good feelings. Stay there for 20 to 30 seconds.

You have just exercised your freedom to choose. You have just set the entire universe in motion to attract what you want. You have just shifted your course to a better reality.

It really is that simple. You really are that free.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
~ The Angels

It is time to get out your building blocks in preparation of building your castles! Yes, dreams do come true!

people standing in front of stage
Photo by Harrison Haines on

Cause For Celebration!

JULY 5, 2023

(The Creator Writings)

Can you feel it? Like a revving engine sending vibrations through the air, making your chest throb with its lovely bass sound…it is coming! Do not be alarmed or frightened, dear child, it will not hurt you. The strength and power of this incoming shift within a shift is cause for celebration. Some of you may not think of these shifts as fun, but this one may prove to be very different from the last few. It is time to get out your building blocks in preparation of building your castles! Yes, dreams do come true! ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

You are now entering your acceptance phase. Your next phase will be joy.

photo of woman holding umbrella
Photo by Denner Trindade on

Dear Ones,

Even though it might feel as if your life is in turmoil, it is not. Your hard work is over. Your decisions have been made, and your options reviewed. Decisions that are not wrong or bad but counter to what you expect of yourself.

The new in your life is so new it often feels wrong. That inner struggle to determine why or how you did what you did or decided to do, has been difficult for you. A necessary action once your inner world acknowledged your need for change.

The difficulty is accepting that 3D logic was not helpful in that decision, nor even a part of it. In a sense, being at cross-purposes with your former earth self. What was is no more. And what is feels wrong and uncomfortable.

Nothing seems as it is, and nothing is as it was.

Your new life foundation may feel wobbly now but will stabilize quickly. You cannot yet see far enough in the future to know why you needed to make that decision(s) to move, join new groups, or exit activities or beings that no longer felt right.

You did not make a mistake. Your inner being is merely directing you in ways you are not used to as an earth being. So even though the decision(s) was an inner have-to, it feels iffy in your supposedly real world. “Why did I do what I did, said, or acted upon?” Something you cannot explain to yourself, much less others.

You fear you moved incorrectly. Something likely supported by those not yet in your transition stage. A doubt that only adds to your fears and discomfort. A discomfort that will fade in the next few days.

You are now entering your acceptance phase. Your next phase will be joy.

Perhaps you know the 3D psychological stages of earth death, from denial to acceptance. You are undergoing something similar as you negate your former somewhat comfortable life for the new. One that holds so many unknowns. Your inner message of “Did I make a mistake?” reigns supreme – or at least has the past few days. The next few days will be about acceptance. And finally, the joy you have been waiting for.

Others of you feel as if you have missed the gold ring, as if nothing new is happening in your life now and is not likely to happen in the future. You will soon discover a need to make those difficult decisions that are opposite of what you once believed was true or necessary.

Each of you is on a unique path with timing appropriate for your being. Some of your shifts or decisions might seem unimportant until that decision is played out in time and action. Others of you will make broad strokes that immediately impact your current life – most often quickly because of an inner need you did not know needed fulfilling.

It does not matter how you build your new foundation or what type of foundation you build. Some of you merely need to say “No” to complete this portion of your foundation. Others need a more dramatic and visual approach. The end result is the same. What was is no more.

You are in the formation or completion stage of your new foundation.

New you is a bit feisty and a leader because you are on a unique path. You cannot expect anyone to direct, push, or form your foundation/path for you.

You are a unique individual learning to fly into the unknown of all there is and all you want to explore while of your physical body in this lifetime. You are no longer tethered to 3D earth.

You are free – perhaps a frightening thought now, but an exhilarating concept to explore within days of forming your new foundation. You are ‘not in Kansas anymore’ and never will be again. So instead of fearing your new world, you can now experience all you wish to explore while of the earth in your physical body.

Freedom of your mind, body, and of your world. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

The light you radiate simply by BEing has been motivating millions upon millions to start thinking, questioning, reasoning and acting on a higher level of awareness. Dear ones, you are a grand success!

Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, July 3, 2023

July 3, 2023

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. It is our privilege and great pleasure to welcome back Arnold, the soul who shared his knowledge in two prior messages.

ARNOLD: Thank you, Matthew. For nigh onto a century my people have been helping Gaia and her residents by sending light to Earth. Other civilizations, including those who live in Inner Earth cities, have been doing the same, and many millions of volunteers have incarnated on the planet to add their light. These gifts of light, the same energy as love, enabled Earth to rise out of third density depths and embark upon a steady ascension pathway.

Her people saw turmoil growing, but they had no idea that a massive infusion of light was exposing long-hidden darkness and a battle between the light and the dark forces was well underway. To enlighten the populace, off-planet messengers telepathically transmitted information to their respective receivers, who accepted the mission to publicize it. Persons who were responsive to the light and the information began to awaken. Now their vast numbers are increasing by the day and Earth is orbiting in fourth density on her way to fifth with speed that is unprecedented in this universe.

When this eons-old plague of darkness runs out its energy course, and this is happening rapidly, the evil it has caused and will leave in its wake must be remedied so the planet and all its inhabitants can heal from cultural, racial and religious prejudice; economic polarization; political and corporate corruption; cruelty to animals; ignorance of truths and information control; cities and towns in ruins; homelessness and impoverishment; contaminated soil, air and waters.

And indeed every one of those conditions will be remedied! Some of you are thinking it could be a century or more before the ravaged environment can be restored to health and people around the world live peacefully, cooperatively and prosperously within the richness of their diversity and in harmony with Nature. Dear ones, please think instead that the light will keep intensifying and raising vibrations and souls who are spiritually and consciously advanced will be incarnating in great numbers.

My people conservatively estimate that reconciliation, cleansing and reconstruction will be completed in less than two generations, 35 to 40 of your years, and many aspects will be accomplished much sooner. Significant efforts have started in some areas, others are in planning stages, and throughout those years we and other universal family will work alongside you. Some will introduce their technology and help you implement your own, which dark ones have suppressed from beneficial use and misused themselves.

You will harness free energy; dematerialize radioactive waste; rid the oceans and rivers of pollution and debris; cleanse your soil of toxicity; rebuild war-torn areas; turn deserts into arable lands; and revolutionize economic, legal/justice, and governing systems, healthcare, farming, education, construction, communication and transportation.

As bodies’ cellular structure transforms into crystalline, Earth civilization’s ten dormant DNA strands will begin activating one by one until all are functioning. The people will understand they are multidimensional eternal souls experiencing another lifetime in a physical world, that animals and plants are souls, too, and every life is connected with all others and with the Supreme Being of this universe. Eradication of dis-ease will result in longer, healthier, happier lives, and access to innate abilities such as telepathic communication, astral travel and manifestation by focused thought will immeasurably enrich life.

The disinformation that permeates your world will have been long since replaced by truths and all information in media and textbooks will be accurate. Fear, which is so prevalent today, will have been long since replaced by contentment, curiosity, excitement and adventuresome spirit. You will enjoy what now seems to be the stuff of science fiction, such as traveling to other worlds and greeting universal family who come from other civilizations to visit you.

The population will not advance en masse, but individually in accordance with persons’ beliefs about their extensive powers, and ultimately everyone will achieve that advanced state of being. Then Earth’s destiny, her Golden Age, will flourish in the fullness of unity consciousness—indeed, heaven on Earth!

Dear hearts, many of you in elder years chose in your soul contract to leave Earth lifetime before that Age is blooming in all its gloriousness. You will be living in other magnificent worlds where love, peace and life in harmony with Nature also are cornerstones. You can view the panorama of Earth in the continuum, where all her residents are joyously thriving in the planet’s abundance and pristine beauty.

For your dedicated service that is inspiring her people to move ever onward to manifest that Age, you are honored by and have the gratitude of all lighted beings. Whatever happens anywhere affects everything else everywhere else, thus the transformation of life on Earth will benefit all other worlds in this universe.

Suzy, thank you for receiving my message. Matthew, thank you for letting me speak.

MATTHEW: We thank you, Arnold! Our readers will welcome your message! We would like to add a bit, if we may.

ARNOLD: Indeed you may.

MATTHEW: When Earth was mired in third density, Gaia asked universal family for the help she needed to rise out of those depths where darkness was keeping her. Third density worlds that did not request help or declined assistance lovingly offered have taken many thousands of years to reach fourth density, where Earth is location-wise and the status many of her peoples are attaining in personal ascension. That this has happened in only several decades lets you see the uniqueness of speed thanks to the light beamed by other civilizations and the steadfastness of volunteers.

Arnold, we are profoundly grateful for your assistance and that of all other members of the extraterrestrial special forces.

ARNOLD: As you and all other souls at your station know, Matthew, helping our Earth family is a service of love. Thank you for adding to what I said about speed. That comparison was needed so the ascension pace of Earth and her residents can be properly appreciated. And now, I bid you farewell.

[Arnold’s previous presentations are in September 16, 2019 and November 1, 2022 messages. After the first, Matthew said this about him: “His humility belies his soul evolvement station and the high position he holds in his civilization as well as his importance to your world—he is one of the specially-gifted special forces we have talked about.”]

Many of you may not know or remember what makes those forces special. Mother, please insert what we said about them some time ago.

Members of the forces number in the thousands and they’re stationed around the world wherever they are needed. In addition to the great difference in the size of this group and the other volunteers and the occasional arrival of an adult, souls in the forces also differ in other ways. All come from the most highly evolved civilizations, where they held responsible positions. They know who they are and none has ever strayed from his or her mission.

They retain their innate abilities of manifestation; dematerialization; teleportation; astral travel; telepathic communication; being present in spirit only, thus invisible to bystanders; and “reading” thoughts of others, nearby or distant. Those extraordinary abilities—that is, in persons on Earth—enable these volunteers to be especially valuable in intelligence agencies, the sciences, medical laboratories, information analysis, military forces and governments.

And, a few are prodigies, which shouldn’t be surprising, and a few are what you call illusionists. That may seem a frivolous mission, but it is purposeful—by walking through a brick wall or producing an automobile out of thin air, for instance, they are showing these are possible. Thoughts about any possibility precede developing—more accurately, activating—the ability to accomplish it, and those entertainers are stimulating their audiences to contemplate how such feats can be managed. You could say they are the wayshowers to Earth’s peoples discovering their own innate capabilities.

Let us add that it is members of the special forces who reduced the toxicity in “vaccines” and erased the programming in the chips as well as preventing detonation of missiles’ nuclear warheads and causing other weapons to malfunction. Of particular importance to us, they are our information sources on the planet about what is happening there. [March 3, 2022]

Mother, thank you. You can see why we are profoundly grateful to Arnold and all others in the special forces. As a major part of the light forces, their multi-pronged mission is different from but in conjunction with what the “White Hats” are doing to rid Earth of darkness. As a preface to telling you about one of the missions, we say that some of the forces’ members are among the many reptilians who are lighted beings.

Mother, please copy a pertinent part of your conversation with Horiss, a reptilian fleet commander whom I know.

“It is known by some of your people that certain of my civilization are fearsome creatures that have been causing all manner of evil upon your world for endless times. …. It is possible that of all who oppose their darkness, we are the most vehement because their actions reflect upon us as a total civilization. Those members are not in the majority and are not representative of the rest of us.” [Horiss’ entire illuminating presentation is in June 24, 2009 message.]

Again, thank you, Mother. The reptilians about whom Horriss spoke include older generations of European royal families, others at the peak of the Illuminati, and a group that can be rightfully thought of as evil incarnate. By emitting the lowest of vibrations, that group gleefully helps perpetuate Earth’s third density conditions even though their main interest is their own survival, unlike the dark forces’ puppets who cause all sorts of mayhem and violence, corruption, disease, disinformation and toxic pollution. One of the special forces’ missions is the eradication of that group of reptilians, a task your military forces cannot manage.

Ridding Earth of darkness is moving apace worldwide. And, in reply to numerous questions about military movement in the United States, the troops will maintain order and provide safety for the citizenry as cleansing action heats up in that country—the beneficial aftermath will be far-reaching.

Beloved brothers and sisters, we and other messengers of the light have told you that of the billions of souls who volunteered to wake up our Earth family so they can see they have the power to make their world peaceful, healthy and prosperous for all, you were chosen because you are the strongest and have successfully accomplished this in other 3D worlds.

If you feel you are falling short this time because even family and dear friends show little interest in hearing what you know and dramatic changes are not publicly evident, we assure you, you have not fallen short! The light you radiate simply by BEing has been motivating millions upon millions to start thinking, questioning, reasoning and acting on a higher level of awareness. Dear ones, you are a grand success!

All light beings in this universe honor you and support you with the unparalleled power of unconditional love.



Suzanne Ward

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Messages from Ann & the Agnels – 07/01/2023 • I am suported I am loved.

man in green and brown jacket
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Right now, if you’re willing, take a deep breath. Take in the gift that is offered freely to you in each moment. Feel the air expanding in your lungs. Can you imagine the magnificent blessing you have just received?

Imagine your lungs are like little upside-down trees. In your inhalation, you draw in air through the trunk of those trees, and as you breathe deeply, it goes down every branch, every stem, and to every little last leaf in that tree. At the end of these little branches and stems, your cells begin the miraculous process of extracting oxygen and carrying it to each cell in your body. Your cells take in this oxygen to create energy for your body. Every time you move a muscle, your breath is involved.

A single deep breath assists in many other ways. It calms you. It moves your lymph so your body can naturally clean itself out. It helps to relax tension and stagnation. Furthermore, it is one vehicle through which the spiritual energies can flow into your body.

Breathe once again, deeply and consciously. In addition to the air, you deliberately pull the spiritual energies into your body. They circulate naturally, as does oxygen, without thought. Still, when you are intentional—drawing in both air and light through the breath—you can accelerate the body’s natural healing, open to the ever-present stream of love and life, and gift yourself with the ability to relax. When you rest, surrendering any lower vibrational thoughts by focusing on your breath, you elevate your vibration enough to allow the Divine design to inform each cell. You are open to the steady stream of love and guidance.

Such a simple thing, dear ones, to breathe, with intent, with focus. Take another breath, and tell yourself the simplest thing, “I am supported. I am loved.” Breathe out. Breathe in. “I am supported. I am loved.” Exhale by simply allowing the air to leave on its own. Inhale, “I am supported. I am loved.”

Perhaps as you go through your days, you can pause here and there, take a deep breath, and tell yourself, “I am supported. I am loved.” Perhaps when something upsets or concerns you, you can pause, take a deep breath, and tell yourself, “I am loved. I am supported.”

Pause. Breathe. Remind yourself, “I am supported. I am loved.”

Think of something that concerns you or upsets you, just briefly. Notice your body. Do you tense your jaws or neck? Does your stomach tighten? Just notice your body when you think of anything concerning. Do this only for a few seconds.

Now let it go. Pause. Breathe. Remind yourself, “I am supported. I am loved.” Take that truth in. Inhale it. Inhale the energy of love and support because you do so every time you breathe.

How do you feel now? Do this a few more times and notice the changes you sense in body and mind.

There are countless ways to counteract the so-called negative emotions—fear, anger, frustration, jealousy, etc.—but breathing is the simplest way to reset your body and mind. So simple. So accessible. So affordable! Dear ones, you can begin this practice now and use it for a lifetime.

Pause. Breathe. Remind yourself, “I am supported. I am loved.” If you practice this often, you will notice a marked difference in your body, mind, and vibration. As a result, you’ll notice a difference in who and what you attract into your life as well.

Your earth is turbulent dear ones, as everyone strives to find their truth. You can be blissfully calm. Pause. Breathe. Remind yourself, “I am supported. I am loved.”

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

As each of you strips away all that no longer serves you, in terms of labels, identities, attachments, belongings, relationships, locations… you dissolve the 3D matrix within you.

June 29, 2023,

Ashian: Greetings and blessings to all who resonate with these words.We wish to bring forth a transmission of love, of freedom, of acknowledgement of your Divine power.

It’s already within you. The 5D crystalline consciousness is already within you. It starts with you. You are the seed. You are the germination. You are the fulfillment of the Mother’s plan for Gaia.

You are already there in the fulfillment of the Mother’s Divine Plan.

What you observe is a direct reflection of your inner journey.

Dear Jennifer, you have spoken of the process of death and grief with your Father’s transition; with him, a part of you died, too.

Every death that you experience on the Earth plane changes you.  It offers you the opportunity to expand beyond that part of who you were, and make new space for who you are becoming. It is a part of the cycle of the renewal of humanity, and never has this process been more rich, more ripe, more blessed than in this Now.

As each of you strips away all that no longer serves you, in terms of labels, identities, attachments, belongings, relationships, locations… you dissolve the 3D matrix within you.

As the 3D matrix within is dissolved, the 5D matrix emerges from within. Your dual torus spin intensifies within, carrying out a very subtle, delicate clearing pattern, to assist you as you emerge into your 5D self.

Caterpillars have the luxury of a cocoon in which to transform: you are transforming in real time, in real life.

You transform as you work, sleep, breathe, eat, love, commute, blow up…and calm down. It is a constant process now.

As the process deepens within you, you begin to witness the signs of it externally: the 5D becomes visible around you. First it is seen in tiny fragments, and as you increase your ability to hold the higher vibration, to hold your truth, to be in peace with all that flows around you, you will effortlessly maintain that vibration around you.

But here is the caveat! This cannot be done through effort. This is a process of deep surrender to the perfection of all that is, to your life, to your character, to the life and characters around you…to the perfection of the Divine Mother’s tapestry of life.

Acceptance of What Is opens the door to surrender, to trusting the higher plan, the higher plane. When you open into acceptance and surrender, you move into compassion which is an aspect of Divine Love. It is a finer vibration of love that embodies the 5D codes.

So welcome your life! Use the moments of joy to notice and nurture peace within; use the moments of friction to notice and nurture acceptance and compassion within. The raging storm is as perfect as the balmy breeze.

Jennifer: Goodness, you were on a roll there. I didn’t get a word in! I love it, that’s really helpful.

A: We are delighted to be of assistance to you all. You are bright, shining stars, each and EVERY one of you. We applaud you in this unprecedented time. We are with you all, call on us if we may be of comfort and support.

J: Thanks Ashian.

(C) 2023 Jennifer