All posts by Nikos

FEEL MORE THAN FINE Founder ENERGETIC THERAPIST/PERSONAL TRAINER/REIKI THERAPIST AND INSTRUCTOR (Healthcare) Accomplished professional healer and energetic therapist with extensive experience in providing treatment as well as personal training utilising various holistic healing techniques. Commenced medical education but changed track and decided on pursuing an artistic career and became a dancer, a DJ, a restaurateur and model agency business owner; however finally reached the actualisation of self and pursued education in reiki personal training. Expertise in offering therapeutic services for clients by mainly combining music therapy and reiki. Rich experience in establishing and mutually achieving short- and long-term objectives ensuring better post-therapy life for clients. CORE COMPETENCIES ▪ Therapeutic Restoration ▪ Understanding Therapy Techniques ▪ Client Requirement Analysis ▪ Personal Training ▪ Nutritional Planning ▪ Exercise Demonstration ▪ Motivation ▪ Client Health and Safety ▪ Strength, Healing and Conditioning ▪ KEY SKILLS Therapy Intervention – Recognised for hands-on experience in providing therapeutic services to harmonise the body, mind and spirit for overcoming and resolving various conditions/issues of clients including health, money, relations, stress and fear, among others. Expertise in energising clients and helping them activate their inner healing power utilising a combination of techniques such as reiki, qui gong, pilates, yoga, cardio training, dance, tantra and therapeutic music. Client Management – Adept in identifying clients’ dilemma and empathising with their situation by discussing their past experiences and current problems. Significant experience in successfully delivering distance treatment at prearranged times for resolving issues of long distance clients and transporting the vibration energy flow through email and Skype. Program Planning – Outstanding track record of understanding client’s needs and developing detailed programs aimed at achieving defined goals. Skilled in creating structured programs encompassing therapy, exercise, conversation and diet as well as giving guidelines to clients to achieve a peaceful, joyful and abundant life. Interpersonal and Communication – Proactive professional with proficiency in English, French, Spanish, Greek and conversational Dutch and German and the ability to communicate confidently and effectively with clients as well as providing specialist advice and training on energetic therapy for clients from diverse cultures. KEY DELIVERABLES Clearly communicating the program and explaining the process prepared for clients. Undertaking client consultations including medical history and preparing notes. Pre-treatment, ensuring the client is as comfortable as possible either lying on a couch, or seated. Placing hands in a sequence of positions covering the whole body to guide energy and activating the healing process. Treating clients by applying the energetic principles of Reiki as well as performing distance treatment at prearranged times. Adhering to established industry guidelines and providing safe therapeutic recommendations to clients. Planning the routine by comprehending the needs of clients and designing nutrition as well as diet plan for the client, as applicable. Interacting with client and strengthening client relations. Adhering to all personal trainer policies and demonstrating as well as teaching exercises to clients and providing feedback on techniques used. Preparing self for treatment, raising own energy levels and attuning self. Researching, strategising special techniques and increasing knowledge to introduce clients to innovative wellness programs. Constantly motivating clients to achieve maximum gain utilising provided therapy. Maintaining punctuality and preparing for all appointments with clients or professional staff. Attending mandatory and optional staff training classes. Designing rehabilitation program to manage specific physical conditions, injuries, diseases and swiftly responding to emergencies, if any. Handling client grievances and swiftly resolving conflicts by negotiating an amicable settlement. CAREER PROGRESSION Personal Trainer and Energetic Healer Natural Mente Festival,Camping La Playa, Ibiza Jul 2011 – Present Personal Life Coach Feel More Than Fine, Ibiza May 2010 – Present Energetic Healer Consciousness Festival, Rimini Energetic Healer Workshop Interconnectedness, Amsterdam Healing DJ and Therapist Healing, Ibiza Master Reiki Reiki Healer level II Reiki Healer level I International Career DJ and Producer Personal Trainer and CardioFunk Classes Fitness 1st (Passage), Brussels Co-owner Model Agency Pure Star Management Vilnius and Paris Club Manager/Choreographer Cova Santa, Ibiza Restaurant Owner L'empire des sens Professional Dancer Classes of Dance & Cardio Fitness Instructor Fitness 1st, Brussels Commenced career as a professional dancer and simultaneously working as a DJ and music producer. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Certified Energetic Healer & Life Coach Certified Reiki Master Certified Personal Trainer Fitness 1st Belgium June 2013 Dec.2012 Mar 1997 Medical and Physiotherapy Studies University of Brussels, Brussels Oct 1988 – Jun 1993 Graduation High School May 1987 High Level Athletics as sprint runner Sep.1982 – May 1987 PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: 2nd Nov, 1970Nationality: GreekMarital Status: SingleDriving Licence: European Driver’s Licence References available on request

Arcturian Group Message 8/27/23

AUGUST 27, 2023

Welcome to our message dear readers.

You are all well aware that much on earth is no longer flowing harmoniously as it previously did, personally and globally. Countries and individuals struggle to maintain rules, regulations, ideas, and beliefs that have always been the accepted in attempts to return things to “normal”. Present times have become confusing and often frightening even for those who are spiritually awake simply because so much is changing and often seemingly not for the better.

Those unaware of earth’s ascension process are trying to restore what used to be because the old ways seemed to work just fine but that was because they were in alignment with the collective. However, because many of these things were born of error and false belief, things cannot return to what they once were because consciousness is evolving and collective consciousness is changing.

Let go dear ones. Let go of exhausting attempts to keep everything as you have always known it–family traditions, rules, practices, even the food you think you must eat. The struggle to keep things as they have always been is a manifestation of separation, separation from your good. It is the fear that if you deviate from traditions and practices that have always worked well for you something bad may happen.

It is tempting to try and “fix” things that no longer seem to be working in your life because you are living in, experiencing, and are accustomed to the workings and solutions of a three dimensional world. Remind yourselves that the material world you are experiencing on earth is an illusory concept created from energies that are now dissolving as individuals awaken. Earth is ascending into frequencies that more closely resemble her true Divine nature in spite of appearances and efforts by those who seek to maintain the status quo.

A major source of all discord is the collective consciousness of two powers. Mankind through an ignorance of truth has given power to just about everything–to foods, climate, vitamins, employment, animals, money, relationships, people etc. Know this–There is only one power–God/Divine consciousness which is not a power over anything but is simply the only power that exists because it is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient.

The truth of ONE has been revealed by many spiritual masters–Buddha, Jesus, and others attempted to tell followers that God was all that existed and was therefore their own real nature but the majority interpreted the idea of “I AM” as being personal to the teacher and rather than accepting it as the truth of their own ONEness began to and still today worship the messenger rather than the message. You are ready to leave this idolatry behind. No man, teacher, preacher, priest, “saint” or holy person is more God than another including those considered to be criminals or bad people.

The third dimensional belief system has given power to and attributed much of the “bad” that happens on earth as being in and of Satan, evil, or the devil. Know this; there is no devil or Satan unless you believe there is and then being a creator, create one for yourself and maintain it through fear or love. Where could a devil possibly come from if God is omnipresent, all that is?

Many beliefs regarding Satan come from past lives where these beliefs were taught and perpetuated as general knowledge. Many still carry this energy in their energy field where it lies dormant but alive and well ready to activate when a person watches certain movies, reads certain books or articles, talks to other believers, or attends a church that teaches that the devil is real and must be resisted. Consciously state your intention to clear once and for all, any remaining energies based in the belief of an entity outside of yourself who can harm, destroy, kill, or affect you.

There are some who believe so strongly in the power of evil and Satan that they create ceremonies of worship in the belief that their connection to the “devil” will give them power and allow them to experience whatever they desire like revenge or material things. What these ceremonies actually do is attract low resonating un-evolved entities from the other side who are more than happy to participate in anything that will feed them energy and because even devil worshipers are also creative, things happen that they attribute it to the Devil. There is no unexpressed consciousness.

The three dimensional belief system endows bad appearances (disease, drugs, alcoholism, etc.) and good appearances (money, fame, relationships, material things) with power in the belief that these things can control or effect their lives. Endowing anything other than God with power simply feeds it energy. Every war declared on some disease or issue serves to grow it rather than eliminate it.

Nothing is power over you unless you endow it with power. You are the boss of you. God (your real Selfhood) is the only power, law, reality, and cause and effect governing you. There is only ONE power, one omnipresent omnipotent, omniscient reality and the belief in two powers has resulted mankind’s sense of separation from God and others while manifesting as duality–good and evil, sick and well, rich and poor.

All must at some point in their evolutionary journey cease giving power to anything outside of self/SELF in the realization that everything is an expression of God life, God intelligence, God wholeness and completeness–the fullness of Divine consciousness being misinterpreted through minds conditioned with beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers. Every person is free to fill their God individualized consciousness with whatever beliefs they choose but should not then blame others for the manifestations.

We are not telling you to go out in a hurricane, walk down dark and dangerous alleys, or eat all the junk and processed food you want and nothing will happen to your bodies while declaring to the world that “God is all”. The consciousness of one power must be known, acknowledged, accepted, and then practiced until it becomes your state of consciousness. Jesus stilled the storm. How? His consciousness held no beliefs of power outside of God and thus he knew that the storm had no power of its own. Practice these principles with every thing you do and gradually they will become your state of consciousness. This is how it works with all truth.

Do what you feel you need to do with regard to your health and home, but do it in awareness of truth, that in reality nothing is power over you for good or bad. There really are no victims, only those still asleep to the truth of their Divine nature. Know that the fullness and completeness of Divine Consciousness has never left nor could ever leave anyone for it is who you are. The human condition is like a person living in poverty totally unaware that they have a bank account full of money.

Help self and others as you are guided. Help is available at all levels of awareness but always act with awareness of the innate Divine nature of yourself and others whatever the circumstances.

In spite of any and all appearances know that God alone is.

We are the Arcturian Group 8/27/23

Donations are welcomed

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 08/26/2023 • Slower is Faster

Messages from the Angels
My dear friends, we love you so very much,

In this time upon your earth when it seems that so much is moving quickly, consider that perhaps, in many cases, slower is faster.

When you take a breath and slow your thoughts, you can think more clearly.

When you slow down and move deliberately, you avoid injury and act with precision.

When you perform your tasks slowly and deliberately, you are fully present enough to accomplish them correctly the first time.

When you eat more slowly, chewing your food, you give your body the time it needs to digest properly and tell you when it is full.

When you talk more slowly, you are present to your own words and communicate more effectively.

Of course, there are many times to move quickly upon your earth, and there is certainly nothing wrong with this, but the point of slowing down is to help train yourselves to become more fully present in the moment. You are more likely to be in the here and now at a slower pace rather than rushing to some finish line.

In the here and now, you have access to your guidance, your inner knowing, the signals from your body, and your own intuitive senses that came with it. In your present moment, you will notice the envelope you must mail before leaving the house. You will see the concern in someone’s eyes that you might have missed had you been rushing through the interaction. In your present moment, dear ones, you are open to the signals being sent, both from within and without. In your present moment, you are in a state of graceful flow.

You can be in the present and flow quickly. However, for most of you, slowing yourself down is the best way to practice Presence. In Presence, you will automatically accomplish all you need faster, more efficiently, and, best of all with more joy!

In the present, you can feel the Presence of love.

In the present, you can feel your own heart and what it loves.

In the present, you will notice the countless tiny pleasures available here and now.

In the present, you will feel us and sense us more clearly.

Dear ones, if you can move quickly and maintain your focus in the present moment rather than rushing to get something done, that is fantastic! You are in a beautiful state of flow. However, if you find your mind spinning and focus on the end of your task (or beyond) rather than what you are doing here and now, breathe. Slow down. Look around. Be here and now. What are you doing now? Back to the moment.

Slowing yourself down until you can genuinely remain with your own heart, your own mind, your own words, and your own actions in the moment is indeed the fastest way to accomplish all you must and the quickest way to allow the universe to guide you to what you want as well.

Slower is often faster.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

The most powerful way to manifest.

The most powerful way to manifest is by feeling more than fine in the present moment which means to tangibly experience in the now the IAM Presence in its fullness resulting in unconditional love, authentic joy, amazing inner peace and knowing from within that there is nothing i can not be, do or have. And how do we get there?

First comes the daily practice of finding alignement with Source of at least 15-20′.

Then comes the practice of feeling into the the desired outcome in a deliberate way every time i feel there is some kind of resistance within, sometimes 2 minutes is more than enough, some other times the practice gets prolonged into writing down how it feels and writing down all details from the very small to the biggest, as many as possible. Then comes the practice of imagining a scene or many scenes of all the things i wish to experience in as much as possible details. The art of creation at its best. After few days of practice it becomes a habit and it feels so good that i tend to want to go back over and over again.

So today, i am inviting you to take your time in connecting with your higher self asking the support of Source/Universe/God and all Light Beings you resonate with and then during your day deliberately feel into the desired outcome and describe with all details what is that you want.

You want a new house? describe it with all details, the smell of it, the surroundings, who is there with you, is your beautiful electric car parked in the garage? what clothes are you wearing? what time is it? what words are you exchanging with others around you? etc.

And for anything else do the same. Get into the habit of creation in this way and you ll witness an incredible progression in your manifestations.

Much Love and High Vibes

Feel More Than Fine

Nikos Akrivos

An infant must shift from Universal knowledge to 3D societal rules within months of birth. You are repeating a similar pattern in the opposite direction.

Dear Ones,

New you is so powerful you might have second thoughts about accepting the related responsibilities.

Even though that last sentence appears threatening or overwhelming, it is neither. Instead, it is a reminder you can no longer hide behind the 3D screen of “I don’t remember.” Even though you used your lack of knowing who you were for eons of earth lives, you have now opened the gates to your inner knowledge.

Most of you contend you do not know much more about yourself than was true before the last few energy bursts – that you may be interested in something new or are tired or angry, but your self-knowledge remains as it was. Such is not true. You opened your inner being in ways not always describable.

Even though you are not yet necessarily wholly new you, the one piece that is now and forever true is you can no longer claim ignorance when you do or say something.

Your former little inner voice has become a megaphone – the only voice now loud enough to declare who you are.

You know who you are even as you evolve into that being.

You may not hear the words, but you know when you are moving in the wrong direction because you feel flat, lifeless, angry, frightened, or experience physical or emotional pain. All indicators you are not where you need to be.

Words are more of a function of your ego and brain. Your inner voice is of your heart. The word heart does not necessarily mean your physical heart but your emotional being that has little to do with your ego or intellectual voice.

Until recently, you could always counter that you did not understand. Or you did something because others expected it of you. Or that voice or action was necessary because someone told you to do it. Or thousands of other 3D excuses appropriate when you blocked your inner information. “I have to or had to” was your 3D refrain. A refrain that is only appropriate for those who remain entirely of 3D.

Your inner voice is not screaming at you every moment of every day, as was true for your 3D voice as it dominated your being and actions. For the first time while of earth, your ego voice is weakening.

Your newly strengthened inner voice is isolated because you are moving forward on your unique path. And the only way to do so is to follow your now dominant inner voice.

Even though your ego voice will continue because it is part of your earthly being, it is a weak version of what was once your primary road map.

This strange new being you are becoming can be frightening. You are not wrong, just different, including having difficulties explaining why or how to anyone. Nothing seems logical, and many words and actions seem wrong because your urges feel counter to who you were and most often different than your societal dictates.

New you is who you dreamed of becoming.

You no longer have anyone to blame or even share your new being with because those you wish to share with are undergoing a similar transition. And those you want to blame no longer care.

You are shifting into new dimensions, actions, and words. None of which is part of a 3D life.

Perhaps you feel that you are on a tightrope without a net. Or you are no longer the quiet, peaceful person you once imagined yourself to be. Or you feel lonely even while surrounded by others. All indicators you recognize your new being.

If you do not acknowledge your new being, you will experience fear, panic, anger, or physical indicators that all is not right in your world.

Fighting to negate new you is no different than an infant choosing not to become a toddler. Whether that infant wishes to change physically and intellectually or not, it will happen. So it is true for you. The difference is the consequences are more notable. Not because you are that different but because you will not be accepted in either world.

An infant must shift from Universal knowledge to 3D societal rules within months of birth. You are repeating a similar pattern in the opposite direction. With some additions, you are returning to the being you were when you first entered earth. As an infant, it was not easy to learn what words and actions meant, and now it is not easy learning what inner feelings mean.

Just as is true for infants, you need to claim your life.

You can no longer change the world, nor will you want to. Once you fully claim your being, the world will seem like a distant memory. Your new being is too exciting to continue any feelings you once had about caretaking the world. The earth can take care of itself, as is true for all new beings.

You are a new being with Universal thoughts and actions that have little to do with society or who you should be. Allow yourself to be who you have wanted to be for eons.

You are not a terrible, ungrateful, or mean person. You are merely filling yourself with self-love and then acting upon it, as is true for the millions of beings transitioning with you.

Follow your inner voice into joy – or subvert any inner voice actions or words by following the guidelines established for others.

You are no longer part of a group. You are evolving rapidly into the powerful and loving being you have dreamed of – and acting upon that power and love as your inner being directs. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

in Awe of the magic occurring in my life

white lantern lot
Photo by Evgeny Tchebotarev on

Synchronicities are happening in such magical ways and so frequently that it is impossible to share all in detail. Just 10 days ago, my higher self voice told me to come to Belgium and even though this was not at all logic i trusted my heart’s call and booked a flight to Belgium only to discover a beautiful new world every step along the way. My intention to feel more than fine works the miracle in these uncertain Ascension times. I have many objectives that i desire to see manifest and now i am enjoying this journey so much that more than ever i don’t care when and how those will happen. The only thing i am doing is following the thread of choosing all things that feel good, which of course includes getting out of my ‘comfort’ zone more often than ever before as i keep the daily habit of going within, putting the puzzle of my desires together in as much detail i can while leaving space for the Universe to surprise me cause that’s where the magic truly is and that’s how i am getting to recognize with elation and eagerness more and more as days go by. It feels i am reaching rapidly a crescendo in my life and an exaltation never experienced before. There are simply no words to express the intensity of how i perceive reality around me, more presence in all things, more beauty, more love, more peace, more kidness, more amazing people surrounding me, more bliss, more appreciation, more manifestations confirming my connection to the Divine. For example just today when i visited an amazing Spa and Sauna Resort in Maasmechelen, Belgium a friend guided me to a room that i knew i was intended to be at and truly recognize it…since March i have been doing an amazing practice with the support of AA Metatron and entire Company of Heaven to bring more abundance in my life and on a planetary level for all and today, one of the rooms the swimming pool was enveloped by a metatronic cube which represents also our Merkaba and i was like wow, AA Metatron is really showing me physical signs that we work together, where attention goes energy flows…i knew right away where to stand and what to do to activate even further the opulence infusion for the highest good for all. It is just is. Magic. Showing me i am on the right path. The path of least resistance. The path of Abundance and flow of all good things in life during the uncertain times of Ascension. I hope this serves you in your journey.

Nikos Akrivos

You think you are the only one who couldn’t fall asleep last night?

These are the most amazing times we go through. This is the first time humanity goes through this. This has never happened before and not even Universe knows how it plays out. It is all up in our hands as a collective to do the work. Or you are into resistance of why you can’t sleep or you become friends with what is. Become a friend with incoming Light by accepting what is and absorb light through the breath and meditation, it s the best way to deal with this. The old system is collapsing. Accept this and stay aligned with the new at all times. Here is a diagram of the latest hours of incoming Light. This is a fact as you can see. #feelmorethanfine#ascension

May be an image of text

full post with comments on my fb page

Entering the New Zone…Your role and only role today and every day is to discover your correct radio station and volume.

Dear Ones,

Throughout the past week, your inner being discarded, accepted, and implemented skills that initiated new Universal interactions.

Even though you have interacted with the Universes before this week, you are now fine-tuning those interactions. Similar to having access to hundreds of radio stations but clarifying which station to listen to by determining which content best fits your mood or activity.

There are no right or wrong radio stations or interactions.

Perhaps you did not experience a significant skillset change this past week. Your days seem much as before the past week’s energies pummeled your being. Such is to be expected. Once you enter the Universal skill realms, you are capable of selecting your correct radio/skill station plus the volume and clarity of that station. Some of you want your skillset blaring, and others have opted for a more subtle encounter.

As is true for almost every new point along your transition path, there are no right or wrong answers. Perhaps someone or something has exited your life. Maybe you accepted someone or something that you questioned before last week. Perhaps not much happened in your outer world, but you needed more rest than usual, had odd dreams, or awoke much earlier than you wished.

Whatever the scenario, you are different than was true just days ago. Maybe there were little tweaks for those at the front of the forerunners – or major shifts for those who used the past few days to catch up. It does not matter. All that matters to you and everyone transitioning is you completed what you needed to complete.

Even though last week was a burst of change energy, that change will continue and expand minute-by-minute forevermore. You have entered a zone of the new.

You will discover interests in new arenas and lose interest in what was. Or where you are is where you need to be. Or find new beings entering your life. Your inner being directs you to the right place at the right time.

There is no longer one school or program right for everyone or even two beings. This individualized transition spreads beams of light because those beams, activities, and interactions are no longer focused in one direction.

The earth has long been consumed with dark thoughts and fears. There was a time, just a few decades ago when the dark seemed to consume what little light was available. That was your call to initiate the earth’s transition. And so you did. Once the earth transitioned, you started populating the earth with new you beings. A population that has multiplied millions of times, spreading light to every nook and cranny of the earth.

Now that the light has magnified far beyond your expectations, it is time for you to shine your light. And you began doing so last week.

Some of your lights are less bright than others. Not because you are less skilled but because you are just stepping into your new being.

Others are once again playing the caretaker role by believing you must compensate for those whose lights are not as bright as yours. Such is not true.

You are creating your tapestry thread with your new interests. There is no need to continue caretaking the world or even your corner of the world. Let it go, and let others be. Your role and only role today and every day is to discover your correct radio station and volume.

Do not worry or think about tomorrow. Do not worry or think about others’ focus. You are a self-contained light that does not require our assistance or the assistance of any earth being. And you cannot help others determine who they are or wish to be.

Yours is a unique path that cannot be pushed, taught, encouraged, or completed by anyone other than you. The same is true for every being coming in from the dark. This unique path can only be completed by the individual who accepted that path before their entrance to the earth in this lifetime.

You cannot take the path of others, nor can you help them on their path because you do not understand their role any more than they know yours.

We of the Universes will close with a resounding cheer for those of you excited to execute your new life in this new world. And let us reassure those of you who feel stuck or uncomfortable that you, too, are shining your light, just not yet as brightly as you would like. Your new world continues to beckon you. A world that you will find or allow within days. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Dear Ones,

Throughout the past week, your inner being discarded, accepted, and implemented skills that initiated new Universal interactions.

Even though you have interacted with the Universes before this week, you are now fine-tuning those interactions. Similar to having access to hundreds of radio stations but clarifying which station to listen to by determining which content best fits your mood or activity.

There are no right or wrong radio stations or interactions.

Perhaps you did not experience a significant skillset change this past week. Your days seem much as before the past week’s energies pummeled your being. Such is to be expected. Once you enter the Universal skill realms, you are capable of selecting your correct radio/skill station plus the volume and clarity of that station. Some of you want your skillset blaring, and others have opted for a more subtle encounter.

As is true for almost every new point along your transition path, there are no right or wrong answers. Perhaps someone or something has exited your life. Maybe you accepted someone or something that you questioned before last week. Perhaps not much happened in your outer world, but you needed more rest than usual, had odd dreams, or awoke much earlier than you wished.

Whatever the scenario, you are different than was true just days ago. Maybe there were little tweaks for those at the front of the forerunners – or major shifts for those who used the past few days to catch up. It does not matter. All that matters to you and everyone transitioning is you completed what you needed to complete.

Even though last week was a burst of change energy, that change will continue and expand minute-by-minute forevermore. You have entered a zone of the new.

You will discover interests in new arenas and lose interest in what was. Or where you are is where you need to be. Or find new beings entering your life. Your inner being directs you to the right place at the right time.

There is no longer one school or program right for everyone or even two beings. This individualized transition spreads beams of light because those beams, activities, and interactions are no longer focused in one direction.

The earth has long been consumed with dark thoughts and fears. There was a time, just a few decades ago when the dark seemed to consume what little light was available. That was your call to initiate the earth’s transition. And so you did. Once the earth transitioned, you started populating the earth with new you beings. A population that has multiplied millions of times, spreading light to every nook and cranny of the earth.

Now that the light has magnified far beyond your expectations, it is time for you to shine your light. And you began doing so last week.

Some of your lights are less bright than others. Not because you are less skilled but because you are just stepping into your new being.

Others are once again playing the caretaker role by believing you must compensate for those whose lights are not as bright as yours. Such is not true.

You are creating your tapestry thread with your new interests. There is no need to continue caretaking the world or even your corner of the world. Let it go, and let others be. Your role and only role today and every day is to discover your correct radio station and volume.

Do not worry or think about tomorrow. Do not worry or think about others’ focus. You are a self-contained light that does not require our assistance or the assistance of any earth being. And you cannot help others determine who they are or wish to be.

Yours is a unique path that cannot be pushed, taught, encouraged, or completed by anyone other than you. The same is true for every being coming in from the dark. This unique path can only be completed by the individual who accepted that path before their entrance to the earth in this lifetime.

You cannot take the path of others, nor can you help them on their path because you do not understand their role any more than they know yours.

We of the Universes will close with a resounding cheer for those of you excited to execute your new life in this new world. And let us reassure those of you who feel stuck or uncomfortable that you, too, are shining your light, just not yet as brightly as you would like. Your new world continues to beckon you. A world that you will find or allow within days. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 08/12/2023 • Receive

crop faceless woman showing small gift box on palms
Photo by Liza Summer on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

The energies on your planet are swirling intensely right now. So many of you are working diligently to stay in a higher vibration. We see and celebrate every kind and loving choice you make. From the briefest moment of appreciation to the heroic act of switching your focus after someone has wronged you, each and every loving choice makes a difference. Each and every kindness—to self or another—matters. Even a simple loving thought ripples out into the One.

We know this is challenging right now, and today, we gently remind you that we are here to help. We are here to love you, soothe you, help you, heal you, and assist you in stabilizing in the vibrations that will allow what you are seeking to come to you.

We must, however, honor your free will. If you choose to receive our help and are open to it, we are ready and waiting. You don’t receive with your words, however. You don’t receive with your thoughts. If you say impatiently, “Of course, I’m open to receive! Bring me what I want,” then dear ones, we will try, but in a vibration of impatient lack of faith and upset, it is difficult for us to get through to you. We live and exist in a frequency of love. You must open to receive love to receive our help. We cannot broadcast on any other frequency.

You will understand this concept if you have ever tried to speak to a person who is upset or nervous to the point that they cannot even hear your soothing words. If they were to breathe for just a moment or two, you would be able to bring your loving energy into their field. Conversely, if a person is happy and eager for advice, open and willing, and intending to receive it, they will calmly listen to your words.

We are having an energetic conversation with you all the time. We whisper frequencies of love, healing, soothing, kindness, and all you need. You need only calm yourselves a little to receive it.

It is actually quite easy. Getting yourself in the right frequency to receive is as simple as making a decision to sit, breathe, and receive. Giving yourself a few minutes a day to sit with us is an act of self-love. Conscious breathing is an act of self-love. Receiving intentionally is an act of self-love. As you sit in your chair and breathe—slowly in and more slowly out—you deliberately and scientifically relax your body, mind, and soul so you can surrender to our love. You are open and allow us to assist.

When we work with you in this fashion, we tune you as a master musician would tune a guitar. We hold a vibration that is purely aligned with all you want in life and who you want to be. In this state of relaxation, you can start to feel this love. You can begin to resonate with this love. You can start to experience the frequency of the future you want, the clarity you seek, and above all, the love you seek in all of your wishes and endeavors.

Our recommendation for any problem or challenge is a simple one. Go to God. Surrender to love. Sit and breathe intentionally, and you will receive that love. If you have concerns about the world, go to God. If you have a health challenge, breathe and receive. If you have a disagreement with a friend, family member, or coworker, breathe and receive. Go to God. Open to the incredible loving Presence that sources all of life. Don’t try to receive. Just breathe. Slow inhale. Slower exhale. Repeat. That’s it, dear ones. Do this a few minutes a day and trust. Watch your feelings and mind change first, and then your life.

You are loved whether you are open to it or not. You are loved no matter what you do or don’t do. You are loved in your glorious positive moments and in your hateful moments of bitterness and resignation. There is nothing ever that you can do or not do to disconnect yourself from this love, but you can detach yourself from the experience.

Consider the broadcast of your radio and television stations. It continues whether you tune into them or not.

Consider the depth of the ocean. It exists whether or not a wave is conscious of its roots in this depth.

Consider the bright shine of the sun. It exists whether or not you pull the shades.

Love shines constantly, whether or not you believe or receive it. It waits for you to open.

Dear ones, you are not, have never been, and cannot be alone. You are part of something so much larger. You can open to that love and have your lives flow much more easily. You can do something as simple as a few minutes of breathing a day and receive tremendous help. You can try to find your own solutions, connection, healing, and answers, or you can open to love and enjoy the assistance.

You are worthy of this help.
You are worthy of this ease.
You are worthy of this grace.
You are worthy.

In these times, many of you need nurturing, soothing, kindness, compassion, and reassurance. Our frequency of love is here, waiting for you to open to it any time you choose. Allow us to help you, simply by sitting, breathing, and receiving.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

To all who will understand, know that your success of your planetary mission is assured, and know that you are well loved from across time-space.

Lithien via Galaxygirl | August 9, 2023

Lithien 8/9/2023

Greetings, human ones. I Lithien am a fellow protector, guardian of the way, of the light. (An aqua male dragon is present in front of me.) I am one of many Ascended Dragon friends lending my light and talents, just as you are, to this Gaian project. There are many ascended dragons now here in your realm just beyond your reach. We are often in camouflage. If you see dragonflies following you on your walks we are likely they, hovering nearby, offering you our support.

We have seen the future and are back to this now, our past, which many of you are also doing. We are to alter the timelines from what may have been and what was, to what will be and should be for the greatest good of all. This must be honored. Creator has spoken. Timelines are now hijacked by the light. Oh, how it makes the dark vapors tremble. They are delicious. We dragons gobble up the dark ones as we clear out spaces of dark, of lack, of hidden prisons. Many prisons are in peoples’ minds. I see this as we dragons are quite adept with telepathy just as you will be too, human. Just as you all will be. In fact you are seeing it now come more and more online for you. And it will continue. Your other senses, 25 in fact, will all be fully online shortly, some faster than others. There are always the fastest dragons in the pack, but all dragons fly. It does not matter if your abilities birth sooner than the others. The time will come when after the adjustment period it will be commonplace, and second nature to you.

I Lithien speak. (He is breathing aqua colored smoke with glitter sparkles in it.) I enjoy breathing the vapor of galaxies yet to be born. There is infinite creation potential. Creator is limitless. What is beyond Creator? The ultimate question. Are we all within the mind of Creator? Yes. Are solid things solid? No. Such questions you will continue to ask and the answers will not be so uncanny as they may seem now. It may be abrupt, or startling some of the revelations that are to come forth.

I am a medium sized dragon. I do not need to be large to be mighty. You are even smaller than the small dragons, and see how mighty you are. We are Source in fractal form and so we are mighty. Those of us that hold the spark of light, of creative thought and infinite potential, we are infinite. We are infinite. Light is infinite. Light does not stop traveling. I know for I travel at the speed of it. I am fast. It is exhilarating to chase the comets. (He is showing me that he likes to fly around the comets like a corkscrew while other dragons fly beside them in straight lines.) We all have our own take on things. You all have your own individual spark and talents. This is why you are so fun to watch.

We dragons take great delight in our human light worker friends. Many of you fly with us in other realms, some in large and lumpy dragon forms, alive with power and might and scale. You are so critical of your own human vessels. This I do not understand. My legs are not smooth and they are quite attractive dragon legs. My scales are shiny and strong. Some have more scales than I do, but I see the individuation of me and I love my scales. I love that they are all different. No two dragon scale patterns are alike, just like your own human fingerprint patterns. Source is infinite, and so of course the creations that follow would be as well. Be kind to your bodies. They are transforming. (He is showing me dragon hatchlings coming out of the egg, covered with shell and stringy slime.) It is mucus, Galaxygirl. (He is laughing). Our beauty is enough for we know who we are. It is time for humans to know who they are, as Source fractals of the infinite pressed and compressed into the finite. The finite, your bodies, are changing, recalibrating. And so they will be puffy at times. You will be putting on weight and then losing it. It is part of the energies of fluctuation and change. Be easy on yourselves in this process. It is a beautiful one.

I Lithien speak from the future to your past, now present. Time is but a construct, after all. Gaia is saved. Her future is assured. Timelines will no longer be hacked for cruelty. (I am seeing stargates and webs of travel over the universes, much like the TV show Stargate where the characters would travel from world to world. I am seeing how the Stargate network was weaponized and controlled and used for human trafficking and other nefarious purposes.) This is being shut down. (He is grinning broadly, with large pointy teeth, that are very shiny and ivory colored.) We dragons have recently been very successful with this mission! (I am hearing dragons around me cheer, and am seeing little smoke rings come from their nostrils.)

Success is nigh, to all who hear and will listen. To all who will understand, know that your success of your planetary mission is assured, and know that you are well loved from across time-space. I Lithien bow to you, in reverence, and joy. Human ones, the time is nigh, to fly. I depart.

~ galaxygirl

Accepting This Week’s Enhancements

buildings surrounded by trees
Photo by Reynaldo #brigworkz Brigantty on

Dear Ones,

The Universal energies floating about the earth over the next few days are designed to create a new sense of self within your being.

Your entire being is shifting in ways that words cannot completely describe.

Even though you have been shifting for months, years, or decades, this shift is different because you will change within minutes or days instead of months or years. You may feel tired, anti-social, or need to be with others. It does not matter. All that matters is listening to your needs and following them.

Many of you feel no different than you did yesterday or last month, and such will remain true. As a child, you did not necessarily notice evolving from playing with building blocks to reading a paragraph book. It just happened as it seemed right to happen. So it is now.

You have new needs to fulfill. Even though who you were yesterday is no longer, no apparent indicators allow you to understand how different your unique skillset is.

You will develop a need or thought one day and create it the next. For example, you might hear words within your being before the person you are with states them. Or need to be in a particular place, even though being in that place does not seem logical.

Once you tap into Universal skills, there are no limits to what is possible. But because you are unique, you will tap into skills essential for your advancement, but not necessarily for your partner or next-door neighbor.

Each step into new you is a unique adventure that can only be fully addressed by you. Perhaps you will understand what another is thinking without hearing words. Or close your eyes, remaining fully conscious, and fly hither and yon. Or address others from your heart instead of your mind. And on and on, from one new amazing skill to another.

But you will not necessarily wake to a specific skill. You might find yourself dancing around various skills until one strikes the right note for you, like selecting a color to paint your bedroom.

It does not matter how you dabble in various skills – either the length of time or variety. What does matter is you are no longer stable in your knowingness or being, as was true in 3D. In 3D, you shifted with age and experience. Your progression was linear and expected. What you are delving into this week and forevermore is the unknown, the unexpected, the new, or whatever phrase you choose.

What was is no more, including you – as of this week. Perhaps you will awake with a new skill or wish to pursue a new skill. Maybe you will float into that skill without acknowledging it until you look back at who you once were. It does not matter. All that matters is you are adding skills necessary for your new being and doing so without reaching beyond yourself as was necessary in 3D. It will happen without needing to practice, pray, pay for services, or do anything other than just be.

But you might find yourself emotional and exhausted. Imagine how tired you would have been if your first-grade teacher insisted you understand graduate-level texts before progressing to the second grade. You would likely have had difficulties sleeping, playing, eating, or fulfilling common age-appropriate attributes. Something similar is happening now. The difference is you do not have to do anything other than ride the waves to and through your new attributes.

You will attain your new skill or skillset even if you are fearful. It just is. Just as male voices change in puberty.

Months ago, en masse, you established when this shift would happen. It is like a train slowly chugging along until it picks up speed and races through the countryside. You are now racing to fulfill this critical stage of your being.

Accept this preplanned shift without trying to slow your speed or sequence of events. Doing so will only stress your being. Allow yourself to flow, and your new skills will appear or be enhanced without effort or support from others.

Your new being is not only peeking out from your physical being; it is shouting to the world, “I’m not in Kansas anymore and never will be again.”

Allow yourself to rest when you are tired and play when you have the energy to do so. Do not be frightened by your inner thoughts, words, or need for action. You are you in all your new shining glory. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

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On the road again : Mastering Alignement to Source, Hiking in special locations in North Europe and Ibiza & Vegan Bliss.

a couple drinking tea together
Photo by cottonbro studio on

High vibes everyone, just to share that these upcoming months from tomorrow i am back into my nomadic life, travelling to Belgium, Netherlands and then back to Spain, Ibiza mid october. So if you happen to be around and you maybe wish to combine mastery alignement sharings with your travels, feel free to send me email at : to organize a meet up. I know my way around pretty good in these countries and Ibiza and we will be hosting many events and workshops on the fly as we move around organically. So maybe this an opportunity for you to be part of our communities and experience something different in your Europe Journey 🙂

So i invite you to also share this with anyone you know is traveling around in Europe that is willing to combine meditation, traveling and amazing vegan bliss along the way.

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 08/05/2023 • Giving up Your Worries…

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There’s not a thing or a person on this earth that you need to worry about. There are, of course, people and situations that require attention, solutions, and plenty of love. There are powerful ways to assist even when you feel powerless in the 3D paradigm of reality. There are ways in which you can go beneath the worry, focus on the care in your beautiful heart, and share your light with the people and situations you so dearly wish to help.

Many of you learned to worry as a way of expressing your love. At its deepest essence, worry is born of love; however, it is a lower vibrational expression—watered down with substantial doses of fear. You love but worry about your loved one’s ability to change. You love but worry about your country, company, or companion. You love but don’t yet trust the Divine to offer solutions. So many of you witnessed others who expressed their love (and fears) in worry that it seems almost normal.

We see the deep and passionate love and care beneath your worries. We focus on empowering that love within you. We work with you to help you remember that you can take that love in your beautiful hearts and shine it on the solutions, situations, organizations, and people you care about. Fear feels bad. Love feels good. Worry feels bad by degrees based on the amount of fear mixed in with your love.

You don’t worry when you feel confident in God’s grace or know there will be a resolution to the situation you care about. You don’t worry when you know you can affect a situation or assist a person. You never worry about the things you know how to do or the schedules you know how to meet. You don’t worry when you feel confident in another person’s ability to help themselves or resolve a challenge. Worry comes instead when you don’t know what to do or don’t believe others will figure out what to do.

At a deeper level, worry is born from trying to control someone or something, even for the better. To calm your fears, focus on your own vibration, and reclaim your power, you must surrender to the fact that every being — man, woman, child, and animal—is vibrationally attracting what matches the energies they emit. You cannot change a person’s vibration for them.

However, you can be a powerful agent for positive change when you are in a high vibe. In this space, you can powerfully influence others’ vibrations for the better. You can lift, inspire, and help others shift their vibration by acting as a tuning fork. When you hold the vision and energy of what another wishes for, you help them attune to that vibration more easily and quickly. Just as two voices joined in song are more powerful than one, two souls joined in a similar vibration lift one another.

You can give your almost-grown children a million great career ideas and worry to death about their future while being of no assistance at all. Or, you can express your love and feel your confidence in their ability to figure it out, thus helping them find their confidence and hear their own hearts.

You can worry about the safety of your little ones, and they will likely become anxious, too. Or you can rest in the security of the Divine, trust in your inner guidance, and instill in your children a sense of trust in themselves. They are far more secure when they know they have inner guidance than when their anxieties keep them from trusting their feelings. You can help them find this peace and security by finding your own.

If you can find the love and care beneath the worry and find ways to express that love without fear, then dear ones, you become caring influencers and powerful uplifters. In your presence, others will develop new confidence in their abilities to change. You will inspire creative solutions. You will perceive your guidance more clearly. Your love will be received when it is pure, clear, and no longer watered-down with fear.

We never worry about you, and we never worry about your world. We stay in love and focus on your desired solutions and the world you wish to create. We have confidence in the love that lives within us all. When you don’t, sit and receive our love. We will do our utmost to bring you back to a more profound and loving truth, one in which worry dissolves into the powerful light of love.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Choose This & Change Everything Immediately ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We know that you employ many different techniques and that you have many different approaches to your spirituality, and we just want to remind you of how simple and easy it can be to grow spiritually and to get to the next level of your consciousness. In conscious breathing, you have the ability to slow everything down, including your mind. With breathwork, which is another word for conscious breathing, you tap in to potentials, you open doorways, and you allow for healing to occur in the physical body. It is very easy for you to raise your vibration simply by paying attention to your breathing, and you can do it while doing anything else that you are doing throughout the course of your day.

You can breathe more consciously while you’re eating, while you’re talking, while you’re walking and while you’re driving. You can see just how high you can get your vibration while you are sitting and watching television or a video on your computer. You don’t have to set aside time to be more conscious with your breathing. You just have to keep setting the intention to pay more attention to how shallow or how deep your breathing is in any given moment and with any given activity you are participating in throughout your day. 

You can breathe into certain places in your body by holding the intention to send the air and the energy to that place in your physical body. You can set any intention for your conscious breathing and breathe your way into the actualization of that intention or the manifestation of that desire. It is the easiest way that everyone has to be more in tune with spirit. You can download inspired ideas while you are breathing consciously. You can let go of thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve you by breathing consciously. You can literally blow them away with your exhale.

You can certainly improve your overall health and move so much energy in your body, and all you have to do is pay more attention to your breathing. It’s just that simple, and you can simplify your life by making this a regular daily practice. And by paying attention to how good you feel when you breathe consciously, you are more likely to do it again and again, and you are less likely to need reminders to do it. 

You can create connections and open portals with conscious breathing. You can illuminate something within yourself that you need to know or pay attention to, and you certainly will connect more with the present moment, your body, and your heart center just by breathing in and breathing out with more awareness than you generally give that action that is usually involuntary. Choose to breathe, and you will be choosing a path that will bring your closer to everything that you want in life and everything that you want as a spiritually evolving human.

That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”