Category Archives: Arcturians

You have so much support from all across the galaxy and from every imaginable dimension, but if you do not receive that support, acknowledge it, and do something with it, then you don’t get the full benefit of the support that is being offered.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have continued to offer you the support that you have been requiring, and we are very happy to see how you utilize that support to take you to the next step on your evolutionary journey. You have so much support from all across the galaxy and from every imaginable dimension, but if you do not receive that support, acknowledge it, and do something with it, then you don’t get the full benefit of the support that is being offered.

There is a spectrum on which every single person falls, and that spectrum runs from the extreme of very egoically doing everything yourself so that you can get all of the credit and praise to the being who says ‘I cannot do anything at all, and I need you to do it all for me.’ The reason why we point this out is because we want you to fall somewhere in the middle of those two extremes, where you are openly and actively receiving our help and support, but also relying upon your own initiative.

If you take the support that you are receiving and run with it, you can go much further than if you simply wait for some other being to come along and do everything. This is that integration of Divine Masculine and Feminine Energies that so many are talking about and seeking on planet Earth. You need to receive, and then you also need to act. But you are never doing it all alone, no matter how it might look to you, and no one can do everything for you, no matter how much you plead for that particular outcome.

So we, and so many like us, are here co-creating with you because we like it, and because you are asking for it. We will continue on this path with you, and you will get better at receiving our support. We will also get better at knowing when and how to offer it, as we continue to study you and chat with you whenever we get the opportunity. This dance that we have going together started a very long time ago, and it will never end.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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The earth you’ve always dreamt of.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the sense that humanity is ready for the influx of energies that are coming your way, and we are excited to see exactly what you are going to do with these energies. You have a creative potential here for massive change on your world. If you can think more as a being in a collective, rather than as an individual, then you can band together, and in your co-creative power, you can make broad and sweeping changes on planet Earth.

You can use the energies that are coming in as part of the solstice to help heal the wars and war-torn countries. You can use the energies to help heal the individuals who are in most need of that healing energy. You can use it to mend the fences that have been broken for so long between nations and people from different religions. You can use these energies to help feed the hungry and free those who are enslaved.

The capacity that you all have for compassion is astounding, and if you can come together with a common goal, a common intention for what you want to create, you can have the harmonious world of peace and prosperity that you all know you are moving towards. But you can have it much sooner. You can have it before any big event, and you can have it before the shift in consciousness is complete.

Now is the time to utilize the abilities that you have for the good of all of humankind. There is no need for you to continue to live on a planet that is polluted by so many toxins. If you band together, even with the plant life and the animals, you will see your powers for manifestation and creation increasing exponentially. Simply intend to pool your creative resources and work with these energies that are coming in. Co-create the world, the planet, the home that you have always dreamt of.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

We are pleased to announce to you that the placement of your solar system in the galaxy in the past few weeks, and in the coming months, will be ideal for manifestation.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are pleased to announce to you that the placement of your solar system in the galaxy in the past few weeks, and in the coming months, will be ideal for manifestation. You are always receiving support in accessing more, but now is a particularly opportune time to be letting the manifestations in that you have been desiring for quite some time.

Many of you have perhaps faced unique challenges and hardships of late, and you are using them as the set up for this time of increased photonic activity. You are able to access more streams of energy because of where you are at this time in the galaxy, and the process of manifestation could not be easier because all you have to do now is relax and let these supportive energies bring you what you’ve been asking for.

It’s not a question of taking action, earning, or being worthy of what is there for you to manifest. It’s simply a function of where you are right now, physically speaking. Your solar system is spiraling up, and will continue to do so. And you are ready now to reap the benefits of hanging on this Earthly ride for as long as you have. This is a culmination for most of you of hundreds, if not thousands, of lifetimes.

And where you are right now is the culmination of all of those lifetimes and all of the asking and summoning that you’ve done in those lifetimes. Now is the time for the payoff. Now is the time to let it in. Many of you are still wondering what you need to do in this lifetime, what your mission is, and right now we tell you that your mission is to receive, open yourselves up, be the conduits for this high-frequency energy, and let yourselves live the lives that you’ve always dreamt of.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


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We have been witnessing more and more acts of generosity, kindness, and selflessness on planet Earth in the past few weeks than we have ever seen before in your history.

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been witnessing more and more acts of generosity, kindness, and selflessness on planet Earth in the past few weeks than we have ever seen before in your history. You see, every act of kindness, every expression of love, every moment of connection brings you closer to the whole of who you are. Who you are as a whole, in terms of the human collective, is a version of Source that you could refer to as God.

You could see that the unified human collective consciousness would be a God in comparison to what you have had present on planet Earth for so long, and you could see the unification of the galaxy as another God, and a unified universe as still a more expanded version of God. It is true that you are all Gods as well, and so, when you feel harmonious and integrated as an individual, you are more likely then to feel that way when it comes to your fellow humans.

You are more likely to act accordingly, to act with that knowing that you are all one, and that the one that you are all is a form of Source Energy. You are working your way up gradually to the full knowing of yourselves as Source. You are doing it incrementally, and each act, each thought, each word spoken that supports that knowing brings you a little bit closer.

We are happy to observe and to give you our confirmation that this is happening. We feel confident that it will continue, and we also see that as you band together more as a human collective, it becomes harder and harder for those who are not interested in integration to stay in positions of power.

So this is how you do it. You band together, rather than fighting each other, and you disempower those who need you to be segregated and at each other’s throats, and eventually even they will have a moment, an opportunity to become one with the rest of humankind. And those of you who have truly known yourselves as Source will welcome them with open arms.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

we need you as members of this team to step it up at times, to let go, to surrender to the world that you incarnated into so that you can awaken within and change it.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been delivering transmissions to you on a very consistent basis, and those transmissions have been increasing gradually with intensity. We see how much you can take, and then we amplify the projections of energy just a little bit to push you just a little bit further than you’ve been before. Your ability to absorb and assimilate the transmissions that we’ve been sending you is directly proportional to the amount of introspection that you do on a daily basis.

How often are you accepting your role as the creator in something you are living, and how often are you blaming others for the life that you are living? There’s a lot of information right now being spread, and that information is helping you to be informed about what’s going on behind the scenes, but it also has the potential to leave you feeling disempowered and playing the blame game.

Of course there are people in power who want to stay in power, people who have more wealth than you can even imagine, who want to maintain that status, and they are the ones pulling the strings of the puppets that you see in the media. However, you don’t have to be one of those puppets, and the more you disconnect from that idea that you are victim and that there are perpetrators that need to be defeated, and the more you go within and access your power, your sense of who you really are, the easier it is for our transmissions to get through to you.

The more you seek out the light from within you, the easier it is for you to receive light and love and all of the codes, upgrades, and downloads that we are sending you. If there was ever a time for you to let go of your resistance and relax and receive, now is that time. We want to step up our transmissions, but we have to wait for you.

We are waiting. We are continuing to love you through all of this, of course, and we are very happy to be of service any time that we can, but it is a team effort. And we need you as members of this team to step it up at times, to let go, to surrender to the world that you incarnated into so that you can awaken within and change it.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

The next steps in your process of evolution will be to do less and receive more.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been observing you for quite some time, and we are happy to report that the progress that you’ve been making lately has been exponential in comparison to the progress you were making for hundreds and hundreds of years, thousands even. Your growth is increasing in response to the energies that you are receiving, and additionally, you are benefitting from all of the traumas and tragedies that you’ve been experiencing both in this lifetime, and in your past lives.

You are not buckling under. You are not running and hiding. You are meeting all of it, that which is of a low frequency and that which is of a high frequency, face on, and the results are impressive. We can see the continued expansion and evolution of your consciousness, and the only thing left for all of you to do is to decide what type of fifth dimension you want to experience.

Again, given the progress that you are making, the fifth dimension that we see in front of you is one with very little conflict, almost no struggle, and a tremendous amount of harmony. You’ve already done everything else in the third dimension, and now it’s time for you to experience what it’s like to be in harmony with one another, with your planet, and with the entire galaxy.

The next steps in your process of evolution will be to do less and receive more. Things are going to get easier for you before you shift, because the time is now. The time is upon you to let go of the third dimensional ways, the third dimensional paradigm, and the third dimensional beliefs that you’ve been using to create your reality. We see so many of you working with vibration, working with sound, and working with the non-physical beings, such as ourselves, that are helping.

You are much more interested now in collaboration than in competition. You are much less egoic now than you have ever been, but when you sense that there is a fragment there of your ego that is hanging on to something, be gentle. Be gentle with yourselves because you don’t need to work so hard. You don’t need to make up for past mistakes, and you don’t need to make this ascension happen. It is happening, and you are all doing so well.

You are accepting the way life is now to the best of your ability, even though you can feel what is coming your way, and it is quite exhilarating to consider. But consider this: your progress has gotten our attention enough to where we felt that we needed to give you this progress report.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


You don’t need to die anymore.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are beginning to understand the motivation that exists within humanity to have a legacy, to leave something behind. And we want you to know that while we respect all of your desires for experience, you never really leave, and therefore having something in the physical that represents you or represents the life that you lived is not necessary.

You really do need to change your concept of life and death as you shift your consciousness, because you no longer need to have the death experience in order to transform yourselves completely. That is what ascension is all about. Ascension is about bringing yourselves into such a high frequency state that you transcend death. You become more of who you are without shedding the physical body, as you have in so many previous lifetimes.

There have been so many deaths throughout your incarnational cycle that it has become something you expect, and you have come to realize that you only have a certain amount of time in each lifetime. Therefore, the need comes up within you to do something, to make your mark, and many of you feel that need now because you sense that the big changes are coming, and you still have that third-dimensional need to have an impact on the physical realm that will outlast you.

And we just want you to relax now and stop counting the number of years you have left, because again all of that is changing as you shift and ascend. You don’t need to die anymore. You have no need then to accomplish something that will be here as proof that you existed. Focus more on existing and less on doing. Focus more on becoming and less on accomplishing, and make this journey easier on yourselves.

Let go of this very third-dimensional need to get something done before you die, and embrace your immortality as eternal and infinite beings of light and love.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

there are those of you who will consciously and actively receive the energies of the smaller events, and there will be those who will continue to remain shut down and will not be acclimating themselves.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

In ‘The Event’ that has been talked about and written about so much, have you considered what your role will be? Have you taken into consideration that as much as you are anticipating such an event that not everyone will experience it in the same way? This is true for all of life, so why would this event be any different?

When you have a massive influx of high frequency energy that must be felt and experienced by every single living being on the planet, there is certain to be a bit of shock that is also experienced. There will be people who will not know what to do with themselves. They will not know how to handle that much energy.

Now as we have stated previously, you will have many smaller events leading up to one big event, and those smaller events can and will acclimate you to these energies. But there are those of you who will consciously and actively receive the energies of the smaller events, and there will be those who will continue to remain shut down and will not be acclimating themselves.

Therefore, those of you who are awake will need to take an active role in helping others. You who are typically the ones who take care of other people are going to be called upon yet again to be of service. You are going to recognize where you are needed, and you are going to know exactly what to do.

You already have a sense that you have a bigger purpose for being here. And for those of you who have been wondering what that purpose is, this will be an opportunity. It will be an opportunity for you to shine, to finally feel like you are fulfilling your purpose for being here at this time. And as always, you will be happy to help.

Now, in the meantime, live your lives and focus on receiving. Focus on integrating and acclimating to these higher frequency energies that are coming more quickly and with greater magnitude than ever before.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


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You are God and it is time to start seeing and knowing yourselves for who and what you really are. Does God need weapons and fear order to survive? Does God fear others who may not look, speak, act, or believe the same way? Who are these “others” if there is only One? God is the others.

The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, May 6th, 2018

Dear ones,  welcome once again to the Arcturian Group messages.   Know that you are rapidly progressing  into new levels of awareness which for some of you has resulted in discord with family and friends upset and disappointed because you have changed and are no longer the same person they knew and want you to continue to be.
Spiritual evolution  often forces those closest to the one awakening to question their own belief system giving rise to emotions of anger and defensiveness.   Seeing and believing differently than you have in the past  will often “rock the boat” of those closest to you because the energy alignment you previously held with them is dissolving.
Awakening often results in the end of some relationships.  This frequently  happens in families or with friends that are closely in energetic alignment  by a particular belief system,  religious practice, tradition,  or cultural heritage.  It is vital that you never allow some person or group to guilt you into remaining in a state of consciousness you have outgrown.
The purpose of choosing to live on earth is to evolve, and choosing to to remain locked in some particular belief system in order to please others or simply “keep the peace” is a surrendering of personal power. This does not mean that you abandon family and friends unless it becomes necessary which it sometimes does.  It simply means that you stay centered in truth and alert to the temptation to align with any beliefs the group may hold but that you no longer resonate with.   Life becomes  being  “In the world, but not of it”.
It often happens that one’s evolution will simply, gently, and without effort, dissolve certain relationships as each realizes they no longer have anything in common.  This is often the case with those who originally came together for the purpose of completing something unfinished from a past life, and which is now complete.  There are those who try and  make  dissolving relationships continue,  but this can only fail because in order for relationships of any kind to work, there must be energy alignment.
Be not afraid of anything at this time dear ones, for you are witnessing how evolution works.  An individual will receive some deep insight and because there is only One,  those in alignment with that person anywhere in the world may also receive it, This is why it often happens that someone gets an idea for an invention and at the exact same time, another person often far away receives the same idea for the same invention.
Each time a new truth bubbles forth into consciousness,  it becomes part of the consensus consciousness available to any and all.  Over time, many masters have chosen to live lives on earth especially during times of spiritual  ignorance for the sole purpose of seeding  consensus world consciousness with truth,  making it available to anyone spiritually ready to receive it.
Truth is  present in and as every individual,  but cannot become their conscious reality until the individual is prepared and capable of aligning with the higher energy of the truth.  (The Christmas story of the Christ being born in a stable.)
Every soul at some point must open that door from which the “imprisoned splendor can escape”.  Regardless of what many still believe, no one, no master, no “saint”, no teacher or teaching,  no matter how evolved or revered can do this for you.   They can assist you in your choices as  you awaken, but only you can open that door.
Everyday more are awakening,  even if it is simply a growing dissatisfaction with how governments, religious teachings, and corporations have stripped people of  personal power.  Without the need for you do anything outwardly, those of you who go within, connect frequently, and live the truth you know are adding  Light to world consciousness which in turn makes it available to all who are receptive.
Words and actions that flow from an evolved state of consciousness are capable of triggering a new state of awareness for those seriously seeking a higher way for themselves and the world.  Many are on the verge of awakening at this time and those satisfied with the status quo are becoming a minority.   Some who have always lived in fear are now reclaiming the power they ignorantly gave away and feeling comfortable instead of fearful doing it.  You are on the verge of much change in spite of appearances but you must be patient and allow the process.
We wish to speak to the idea of security which in the third dimension  primarily  revolves around vulnerability and separation, concepts designed to keep the majority locked in fear.  The only real security there ever is or will be is already fully present within you.  Safety and security is the automatic manifestation of the conscious realization that there is nothing you need to protect yourself against.  This is your protective work, not the hundreds of material concepts believed necessary for personal survival.
The third dimensional belief system holds that there are millions of people, places, and things you need  protection from–diseases, bad people, dangerous places and anything deemed dangerous by those in authority.   If there is only ONE,  who or what can there be that you need protection from?  What could it be made of if there is only ONE substance?
This truth  will fly  in the face of the many  who still believe they need all sorts of material devices and actions  in order to maintain personal safety and security.  God realization is and always has been the only true safety and security one can  have on earth because a third dimensional state of consciousness can only and will only manifest as forms of duality and separation.
In spite of appearances, violence of any form is not real power.  Having  no law to support, maintain, or sustain it other than the energy of belief,  it will dissolve into the nothingness that it really is when enough people wake up to this truth.  Anything real is held forever in place by Divine Law and if violence was a reality, no one ever would be able to remove or change  it.
You are God and it is time to start seeing and knowing yourselves for who and what you really are.  Does God need weapons and fear order to survive?  Does God fear others who may not look, speak, act, or believe the same way?  Who are these “others” if there is only One?   Godisthe others.
Imagine God as being wood.   Houses are built,  furniture is made,  and  thousands of  products are created,  but each no matter how unique, always remains wood.  This is the truth about everything–there is nothing not in and of the one Divine Consciousness and it is only the false beliefs of duality and separation that make the world seem otherwise because–YOU ARE CREATORS
You may say;  “But we don’t live in a God governed world and the un-awakened will harm us”.  This is true at this time, and it is wisdom to lock your doors at night and avoid walking down dark streets in violent neighborhoods.  Intuition is very practical and meets the need of the moment.  What we are saying is that as you evolve ever more  deeply into the realization of your oneness with Source,  this attained state of consciousness  then automatically becomes your safety and security.   Separation and  violence do not exist in Divine Consciousness.
Never forget that your own attained state of consciousness  is the substance of your experiences.  A person living constantly in fear, always on the lookout for the “other” ready to harm them,  creates for themselves some form of whatever it is they fear which then in turn validates the fear, causing them to become more firmly entrenched in their illusion.  Every serious student of truth must ask themselves;  “What am I believing that is making me feel this way”?
Guns are simply modern day versions of the swords, spears, and axes of old,  expressing the same state of consciousness  (separation and duality)  carried forward into the present day.  Ask yourselves, do I really believe that I am a Divine being made in the image and likeness of God, or do I still believe that I am just a lowly human subject to and needing protection from everything I have been told is just waiting to harm me if I am not alert and prepared?
Try to imagine the master Jesus, or Gautama the Buddha  carrying  concealed weapons as they went about their work in the belief that these things were their safety and security.  Many will say; “Yes, but the masters were different.”   How could that be possible if there is only ONE?  Every person no matter how asleep in illusion,  has everything that any master has ever had,  the difference being that those called masters were awake.
In these present times  there is more than enough happening to tempt even the most evolved into feeling insecure and frightened but now is your time for learning, practicing, and living what you have come to know is the truth about who and what you are as well as who and what every other person is regardless of appearances.
There is a much bigger picture going on than what you can see with  human eyes.  Many who have been involved in violent experiences or even death chose these experiences for the purpose of balancing some old karmic energy.  For others these experiences are necessary tools for learning because of their having taken similar actions in a past life.
Some slave owners of the past have come back in black bodies in order to learn and experience the other side of things but this is NOT to say that prejudice and racial violence are ever justified. We seek only to add awareness to what is happening in the world at this time in order to help you understand that behind everything  lies the unstoppable evolutionary journey of mankind and Gaia.
It often happens and especially in these times, that an evolved soul will choose  to come in and experience some violent or traumatic event not out of personal need, but solely for the purpose  awakening others.  Their loving choice serves to shine Light on some particular concept or belief  still holding mankind in bondage.
Much is happening energy wise but there remain many still unable to comprehend what is taking place and so revert even more deeply into the third dimensional tools of safety and security.    Be not afraid and never doubt that you are whole and complete, always have been, and always will be. The realization of this truth will allow you to live without fear  knowing that even so called human death is but a move from one location to another, one that you have already done many times.
Do what you are guided to do, always trusting your intuition.   Some of you are not yet spiritually or materially  ready to give up the human concepts of protection and there is no failure in this because to pretend a state of consciousness not  yet attained, is very human.
However, there comes a point in everyone’s evolutionary journey where they must let go of the third dimensional tools,  be they physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual in the realization that everything necessary to one’s  happiness, safety, and security is already present within just awaiting recognition.
Most of you reading these messages are ready to embrace and live out from that higher sense of safety, security, and protection.
Simply hold these truths silently, sacredly, and secretly in your heart.  Ponder them often, allowing them time to gestate and grow stronger until at some point your Higher Self determines you are ready for them to become part of your attained level of consciousness.
We are the Arcturian Group                                                                                 5/6/18

just because you do not feel that you are making your mark by having your book in every bookstore, or being on television, does not mean that you are not creating a ripple effect and making an impact on your world.

“Because you exist, that means you must have a purpose. You would not exist if there were no purpose to your existence. We want you to understand that just because you are not the head some sort of movement or a very important member of your government, this does not mean that you are not having the impact that you set out to have.

You actually can do more by being somewhat anonymous, less in the media, in the public perception. Because by having less notoriety, you then do not have to deal with notoriety and all that it brings. So just because you do not feel that you are making your mark by having your book in every bookstore, or being on television, does not mean that you are not creating a ripple effect and making an impact on your world.

We see you all as equally important to what is underway. There are so many of you now who are waking up and sharing what you know with others, and there are so many of you who want to help, who want to make a difference. And you see, all of that is enough to make a huge impact. You create the world that you experience, and you give to that world your energy. You are all beings of Love and light, and you know this at your core.

So no matter what it is you do for a living, from day to day, your impact is felt by your mere presence in this dimension. You will see more and more how you are impacting the lives of others, as you give yourselves credit for being here at this time to aid in a momentous shift in consciousness. Your impact is being felt throughout the Universe, and we thank you for your service.”

the snake will eat it’s tail

We are the Arcturians, we come to illuminate the path out of the third dimension. We are guides, way show-ers and light bearers. We come with love in our being for humanity and the goddess Gaia. For it is she who inhabits planet earth at this time. A goddess of wonder and beauty, abundance and fertility. Gaia is enraged. She is battling demons from within and without. She is intending to rise from the flames as a great organic being of light. We are in awe of the goddess. We bow once again to her vision.

We see waves of light emanating from deep within the planet. We and others are working to decommission the holographic matrix operating across the third dimension. This is familiar technology to us. There is a great war of dimensional modalities raging throughout this solar system. At its centre is Gaia. The sun is playing his part. His fiery masculine energy is reaching far to cleanse and breathe new life into darkness.

We can see people, as the energies fuse and snap and crackle and bend and waver, are being organically propelled to surrender to higher wavelengths. We can see that each individual human is confronting their true selves. Whether consciously or subconsciously. Whether they are able to face these demons and truths head on or whether they choose to deny, avoid, ignore or exit the playing field altogether, the truth in every heart is being unravelled. We can see the increased desperation of the illuminati, the puppets of the anunaki, to maintain control through chaos and fear and destruction. We can see all this and much more.

Dimensional fluctuations causing timeline loops, switches, jumps and glitches are increasing. High voltage bolts of light frequencies are penetrating the outer layers of the hologram. The chemicals being used are losing their potency amidst a barrage of solar lightwaves. The grid synthesis sensors maintaining low vibratory fields are bending and cracking under relentless pressure from light sources.

We are at war in the skies above you. Our ships are being uncloaked in battles of sonic technologies. We understand some are witnessing the sky war. An attempted lockdown of internet communication is underway. We urge you to not be fooled by fear. The world wide web is collective consciousness in digital form. It is an essential component of awakening to unity consciousness. Connection, communication, dialogue and sharing will help many rise above 3d wavelengths. There is freedom in self education through the world wide web. We again urge you to block moves by governments to limit use or access to this tool of evolution. Know that these are the acts of a dying dictatorship, the crew of a sinking ship, desperately holding onto the power they once had. The pomp, the ceremony, the puppetry pantomimes are part distraction, part disclosure. Hidden in plain sight. Yet as has been prophesied the snake will eat it’s tail

We are close to a great junction of timelines. June 24th has been identified as a primary point on the time space continuum. A juncture of many timelines, of proportionality. We can see a convergence of timelines where unity and peace become a viable option. The Great Shift is coming. The goddess Gaia is preparing to drop a gear and speed up. Acceleration of upgrades has already begun. As has increased solar and lunar activity. There are many here to guide and support their loved ones. We hear of angels circling the skies offering glimpses of their true selves, hope in the heavens above. We hear of dark deceptions being exposed within the matrix, the great awakening is well underway. We see lights coming on, illuminating more and more of the darkness. Let your heart lead the way out of fear.

We are the Arcturian Council and we have more love than could be known for the people of planet earth. The age old, ancient battle of light versus dark is being fought in an effort to free a planet and her people from lower dimensional realities. We are with you. Everything is happening for reason. Nothing is happening by chance. To those who resonate with our words know you are not alone. Each soul has guides and higher self protection and guidance. We and others are here, our mission to protect humanity and Gaia from more war and destruction. Truth bearers, way show-ers, light warriors, light bearers, hold your space. Stay grounded to Gaia’s grid, and connected to higher consciousness. We are the Arcturian Council of Twelve we have travelled many light years to be here. We are one with love, we are here in love, to welcome all to love. Peace.


The easiest way for you to release yourselves from the programming is to turn off your TVs, your computers, your phones, and all of your devices, get out into nature, and feel for the truth of the high frequency energies that have been competing with that programming for quite some time

Breaking Free from Programming ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are breaking free from the chains that you placed upon yourselves before incarnating in this lifetime. You had to have these chains in place until you were ready to bring yourselves to the fifth dimensional frequency range.

You knew that there were certain experiences that you had to have this lifetime to set yourselves up for the full integration of all aspects of who you are and who you have been, and now that you have lived those experiences you have much more freedom than you have ever had in any Earthly lifetime.

The chains are no longer there, but the programming still is. Part of why you knew that you would be able to limit yourselves in the ways that you have has been due to the programming that was in place before you got here and all of the new ways that have been derived to attempt to keep the vast majority of you from knowing your power.

The easiest way for you to release yourselves from the programming is to turn off your TVs, your computers, your phones, and all of your devices, get out into nature, and feel for the truth of the high frequency energies that have been competing with that programming for quite some time. Just as you are free from those chains, you have made yourselves available to these energies, and they have made themselves available to you.

But the lower frequency vibrations of the social programming has been the interference. It has been keeping you divided. It has been telling you that you have reason to be afraid, and it has you striving for a level of success that has nothing to do with becoming more of who you are.

That is why it is so important for you to tune out the programming and tune in to the energies that are available to you in the atmosphere, the energies that are coming up from Mother Earth, and the energies that are projected from your sun. You have access to so much more than you allow yourselves to receive, and it’s time for you to grant yourselves that full access in the here and now.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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with every transmission that you receive from us, we want you to also check in and see what transmission you have for yourself.

The Arcturians Deliberate ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in the process of deliberation. We are deliberating amongst ourselves because we still have a variety of perspectives, even though we operate as a collective unit. Our deliberation is on the effectiveness of telling you something, rather than asking you to discover within yourselves what is true. We know that you like hearing from us, but we do not want to supersede your own wisdom, you own guidance.

We want you to test everything that we transmit against what feels right and true for you as an individual. Every single one of you receives internal communication. Regardless of how blocked you think you are, you are able to discern truth within yourselves. Some of us would rather just encourage you to find that truth within yourselves. Others of us find tremendous value in keeping you informed.

For example, there is a root chakra cleansing that is going on right now throughout all of humanity, and knowing that information could help you to make sense of symptoms that you are experiencing, fears that are coming up, memories of deaths from past lives, and so on, and knowing that can set your mind and your emotions at ease.

But if you’re not having any sort of experience of a root chakra cleanse, then it is more important for you to make your own conclusions about what’s going on inside of you, about what’s most pertinent to your now moment. And so, with every transmission that you receive from us, we want you to also check in and see what transmission you have for yourself.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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You can release yourselves from the cycle of birth and death and reincarnation, and you can just be who you really are.

Your Light Bodies ∞ The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

APR 22 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have transitioned yourselves so much already that you are not even the same beings that you were just a few years ago. You have come so far and evolved so much, and you are ready now, as a result of that evolution, to be allowed access to the light bodies that are within you, that are occupying the same space as your physical ones.

Here is what you can do with your light bodies. You can shapeshift. You can transform yourselves into whatever form you want to be. You can levitate. You can fly. You can bilocate, and you can teleport. So of course, you can cure yourselves of anything at all.

You would so easily find yourself healing that you would never fear harm to your light body. One of the ways in which you access this light body is by no longer thinking of your physical body as who you really are. When you stop identifying yourselves by your physical body, when you stop seeing it as who you are, you become less attached.

And when you are less attached to your physical bodies, you can access a truer representation of who you are. That is what your light bodies are. They are more accurate representations of the eternal and infinite consciousness that you really are. They are more expressive, and of course they hold more light.

So you will feel better about being physical, because you will still be physical when you fully access your light body. But here is the thing – you won’t think of yourselves as physical beings. You will think of yourselves as consciousness that can take form, and that is very liberating. You can release yourselves from the cycle of birth and death and reincarnation, and you can just be who you really are.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Source: Rainbow Wave of Light

You are very powerful beings.

You Are Significant ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have the power within you to give yourself that which you desire. It is quite simple, really. This power that within each and every one of you gets activated when you give up the sense of insignificance that has been placed upon you by others. You all are Source Energy Beings, but that is not what you emphasize about yourselves. You tend to emphasize where you went to school, what you do for a living, where you live now, and other assorted details about yourselves.

These details have nothing to do with who you really are, but society emphasizes them, and once you buy into that idea, then you have the mindset and the beliefs that tell you that only certain people get to do certain things. Only certain people get to have certain things. Only certain people get to be in beautiful romantic relationships.

Now, the way around this programming that you’ve taken on is not through deconstructing it. It’s not through changing society, or even your beliefs that you picked up from society. The way that you grant yourselves the lives that you want to be living is through the emphasis on your true nature as a Source Energy Being.

You are significant. Even though there are seven billion plus of you on planet Earth alone, you are still significant. You are still unique expressions of that which is Source, infinite, eternal, unconditional love. Therefore, do not let any definition of who you are that has been placed upon you determine your value, your worth, and especially your power.

You are very powerful beings. We suggest that you spend some of your time every day consciously breathing while reminding yourselves of who you really are and feeling it in every cell of your body.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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Now you can hold space for yourself.

The Rest of the Journey to the 5th Dimension ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have placed yourselves in the position that you wanted to be in at this time. You knew before you incarnated that after December 21st, 2012, you would have a window of opportunity in front of you to make decisions as a collective that would either guide you to the fifth dimension or to the destruction of your planet.

You made the decision to ascend. The potential was always there, but what was needed in order for the journey to continue to the fifth dimension was enough awakened beings to hold the vibration for the rest of planet Earth and the rest of humanity.

You are not overpopulated. Your planet can handle the billions of you that are currently incarnate, and there is power, of course, in numbers. As we have said, the star children volunteered to come forth to be that final piece of the puzzle to hold space for the collective.

And those of you who have been awake and living through these past several years have also been doing the work that was necessary to continue the journey. Now, at this time, you can relax. You can celebrate the knowing that you are making the journey, and you can feel the significance of this accomplishment. You can also let yourselves off the hook.

Many of you who came forth with the knowing that you had a mission did not realize that the mission would be something much bigger than writing a book or opening a healing center. It would be much bigger than delivering channeled messages. Your mission has been to hold the vibration for the rest of humanity, and you have done so.

And for many of you it has been a very tumultuous ride, but there is no turning back now. Now you can hold space for yourself. You can shift into creation mode, and you can create the remainder of the journey to be exactly as you want it to be. You will take the rest of humanity, those who choose to come, with you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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Accessing Fifth Dimensional Abilities ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have awakened within you the abilities that are associated with the fifth dimension, but you do not know how to access them yet. It is like buying a new technological gadget that you’ve never seen before and not having any instructions available to you. So as you feel for the abilities within you, please recognize that your acknowledgement of them is the first step in gaining full access.

You won’t be able access these abilities by lamenting the fact that you haven’t accessed them yet. That is counterproductive. So what you want to do is focus. You want to focus on how these fifth dimensional abilities feel as you contemplate them. We are talking about telekinesis, telepathy, and teleportation, specifically. There are others as well that you will become aware of as you continue on in your journeys.

Feel for the power that is within you. Feel for it vibrationally. Do not wait until you have full access to these abilities before you feel how powerful you are. Many of you have already taken sneak peeks at these abilities. You know that at times you access them, if only for an instant. You also know that you are becoming your higher selves, and with that means greater access to so much more than these abilities.

We recommend that you don’t get fixated on them or on any one of them. Instead we want you to continue to feel for your power and feel for the consciousness and the vibration of your higher self. Your higher self has the instruction manual. When you act, speak, and think as your higher self would, you bring yourself into harmony with that which you most desire. And in so doing, you help others gain access to their higher self and to their fifth dimensional abilities.

You are about to have a lot more fun than you’ve been having.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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choose love and compassion over fear and hatred

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have determined that the best course of our non-action when it comes to humanity is to sit back in our non-physical chairs and summon help from physical beings who are capable of stepping in. You are not the only ones who are in contact with us at this time. We are very busy non-physical beings, going wherever we are summoned with our consciousness and our attention.

We have agreed to provide a substantial amount of our love, our light, and our codes and information to a species of extra-terrestrials that act as your guardians. Now, they would have done it even if we hadn’t sweetened the pot, but we just wanted them to know that we were available to support them in their supporting of you. So we reached out and let them know. You will simply know them as ‘the guardians.’

If any of you see them in your dreams, or even in your waking moments, they are very tall, thin, and to you they will give off a glow of white light. They are beautiful beings who are still physical at this time and who can help to ensure that there is no interference in your development and in your shift in consciousness.

These are beings who you will meet someday, and you will be able to thank in person. They are you, in a sense, and so there is no real interference on their part in helping you. You are still being given the opportunity to develop naturally, and evolve on your own.

You still need to choose love and compassion over fear and hatred, and you are being given that opportunity by those who are still playing in the dark. They are not to be defeated. They are to be loved back into the whole of who we all are, as we are all on the same team.

It does not matter how things might look. It does not matter what has been done. This is a universal shift, and through the delivery of that love and compassion, all beings can be brought back into the light.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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It is the perfect time for all of you to consider how you would like to be moving forward in this next phase of your evolution.


The Next 5-10 Years ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

It is the perfect time for all of you to consider how you would like to be moving forward in this next phase of your evolution. You are getting to decide how you move forward, in spite of what you might be told from others, others who make it seem as though the next five to ten years are set in stone for all of you. Nothing could be further from the truth.

You are the pioneers here. You are the creators and co-creators, and it is your time to be the deciders, the ones who actualize your own evolution. You can, of course, just wait and see what happens. You can look for new predictions to tell you what’s going to happen next, or you can take the wheel and decide for yourselves what it’s going to take for you as individuals to evolve.

Do you need drama and trauma in your life to be inspired, to feel your emotions? Do you need hardship in order to create? Do you need to see evidence of the rest of humanity lagging behind in order to do something about the evolution of your consciousness? When we talk about the evolution of your consciousness, we want you to know that it is something that happens automatically, but it is also something that you can facilitate.

You can put your foot on the gas pedal and bring yourselves to a heightened sense of awareness. You can choose to love more, to meditate more, to connect more with nature and Mother Earth. You can reach out to other aspects of yourself. You can reach out to higher dimensional beings. You can be an active participant in the evolution of your consciousness, and you can steer the rest of humanity in that direction as well.

You don’t have to sit around and wait for something to happen. You don’t even have to wait for some grand, inspired idea. Just stop what you’re doing from time to time and check in with how you’re feeling, how you’re vibrating. Do some conscious breathing. Meditate if you have to. But just be sure you’re taking care of the evolution of your consciousness.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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The timing is right at this moment for all of you to know that you have been a part of a massive experiment.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the opportunity to share something with you now that we have been waiting to share with you. The opportunity has presented itself because of what you have just received energetically. You have just opened yourselves up to the equinox energies in a way that allows you to receive information now that you could not have previously accepted.

The timing is right at this moment for all of you to know that you have been a part of a massive experiment. Now just take that in, and let yourselves get comfortable with that whole idea. You have been told that you were either created by God or that you have mutated from lower forms of life into what you are now. And both are true, but the missing link here is not some yet-to-be discovered bunch of bones. It is the genetic scientists that visited planet Earth a very long time ago and got the experiment started.

Now most people will not like hearing this, so we will soften it a bit by letting you know that you have benefitted greatly from being a part of this experiment, and you knew before you incarnated in every lifetime on planet Earth what you were getting yourselves into. Everything happens by agreement.

Now the interesting part of where you are now is that you are becoming aware of your extra-terrestrial friends and what you are made of. Now is the time to take it even further and to see that all of the beings that have been helping you along in your physical, mental, and spiritual evolution, are different aspects of you. Usually it will be another part of your oversoul that comes down on a ship and tinkers with your DNA and genetics.

You are going to discover that this galaxy is one gigantic family, and we mean that quite literally. You are also going to find that once you become the full and conscious creators of your own evolutionary process, you will be quite amazed by what these extra-terrestrial brothers and sisters of yours have been able to accomplish.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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Ascension in Simple Words.

Ascension in simple words

This blog is not intended to fill you with too much information,there are tones of information out there depending on how far you like to dig in the rabbit hole and what talks to you more.

I always thought :why write since what is given today as truth is changing tomorrow when seen by a higher perspective?

This blog,is more an invitation to read and meditate in a very simple way.

Humanity’s history is much different than what  most historians and education would like us to believe.

Humanity is coming out of a 13,000 year cycle of deep sleep and enslavement(mainly for Gold)

to a an alien race called Annunaki ,life after life incarnating into Karmic cycles.

2018 is the 6th year of Our New Earth realities,which has begun on December 21st 2012 according to the Mayan Calendar.

Jesus Christ and Maria Magdalena came on planet Earth more than 2,000 years ago to anchor the codes for the Liberation of Humanity through activation of our DNA codes.

This was the 1st coming:They have achieved their Resurrection from Death  and their Ascension into their Human bodies.

There are 7 main masters of Ascension:Lord El Morya,Lord Lando,Paul The Venetian,Serapis Bey,Hilarion,Lady Nada and Saint Germain who is also the Hierarche of the Golden age of Aquarius of Abundance and Prosperity.(For more information about Ascended Masters,please go here:

Saint Germain offers Humanity the gift of his powerful ray of Violet Fire to release all traumas and memories from this or past life times.

Violet Fire and Unconditional Love are our main tools to achieve Ascension.

To Master Ascension,we need to ask the support to the rest of Ascended Masters family.

The 2nd coming is happening right now in our bodies,it is the transformation of our carbon based bodies to crystalline base bodies,allowing those that have chosen this path before they came to this life to ‘Ascend’ within their bodies and live longer lives (up to 1000 years) without having to go through the cycle of dying and being born again.There are those that are very aware of this fact called The 1st Wave of Ascension,that i am part of.

Our agreement into this life is through our presence and example as Deliberate Creators in Joy to wake up those that are asleep still and have chosen to walk the path of Ascension within their bodies which is also is the 2nd coming of the presence of Crystal/Christ energy in our bodies.

There are also those that will Ascend by leaving their bodies.

We all have agreed to play our roles as in each life and Ascension is what defines this lifetime.

And of course Free Will is always available as one can choose which path they desire till eventually allowing and trusting their Higher Self, Soul ,I Am Presence show the way.

All beings are children of God,no matter which roles they agreed to play,all are equally loved and all realise their Ascension with or without their human bodies.(if you want to know more please go here:

Ascension is also the end of Carmic cycles,Total Forgiveness in Unconditional Love stops the wheel of Karma.

This is an amazing period in the history of creation as our young specie called Humanity goes through the process of becoming Luminous Beings within our physical bodies.

It is an experiment that is proving that Light and Love is always victorious.Another specie has been through the process about 200,000 years ago ,our star family,galactic brothers and sisters:

The Pleiadians.

In fact the entire Cosmos is right now observing what is happening and for those of us that ask for help to be supported in our Ascension,help is only a thought away as our teams of Galactic Families:Arcturians,Pleiadians,Syrians,Andromedans and many more,Angels and Archangels,Ascended Masters,our Mother Father God and Mother Earth are all with us instantly to support us.

All we need to do is Ask and it is Given.

Our Meditations and everything in our lives become easier when we ask for support.

Ease and Grace is what defines our timeline.

Ascension is also called the transition from Human to Galactic, going from a 3Dimensional reality to a 5th Dimensional reality and beyond.

5th Dimensional Reality is not a place,it is a feeling and the more one feels into it,the easier things manifest in our lives till we will reach a state where we instantly manifest whatever we desire after extensive work in controlling our thoughts and feelings as what we feel and think we manifest.

There is nothing we can not be,do or have.

The more we feel ourselves into our desire,this manifests faster in our reality.

This is to learn to become a deliberate creator of Joy as this is the main purpose of our existence on the planet.

If this is completely new to you i invite you to relax and do a 15’ meditation in silence to allow yourself to adjust to this information,your soul knows already.

If this is not new to you,i invite you to go below and make the invocation on a daily basis for the activation of  your 24 strand DNA given by Saint Germain.

Highly recommended to implement on a daily basis :

I call upon Mother Earth and Archangel Uriel, the Fire of God the Light of God, the Archangel of Divine Wisdom in the North, and the Ruler of Elements of Earth. I project gratitude, light and love, I project my being, my energies, my thoughts deep into the magma of Mother Earth, yellow, purple, orange in color, asking for the assistance in bringing the energy of the creative magma up through my feet, up to my root chakra or coccygeal Plexus, into my second sexual and sacral chakra, the Plexus of Creation. I call on Divine Creative Source and Archangel Jophiel the Beauty of God, the Archangel of Creative Power and Illumination, The Guardian of the Tree of Knowledge with Archangel Uriel. I reach and project gratitude, light and love, high into the heavens, calling forth the golden-white light from Source Energy, bringing down the golden-white light through my cerebral chakras, down through my heart chakra adding love from my heart, and down to my sacral Plexus or creative center just above the pelvic bone. I call forth Archangel Zaphkiel, Keeper of the Orange Flame of Creation, the Angel of Ecstasy and Compassion to bring the creative energy of the orange flame into my sacral Plexus, with the intent of creating 24 strands of perfected DNA. For the Celebration of our Existence I call in the Star Children, Keepers of the perfected 24 strands of perfected human DNA, with the intent to manifest the 24 strands of DNA in my Sacral plexus, the second sexual creative chakra and in every cell in my body. As I place the 24 strands of DNA into every cell in my body, I intend to perfect my body, bones, blood, lymphatic system, nerves, organs, hormones, glands, proteins, telomeres, organelles, carbohydrates, arteries, veins, immune system, adipose tissues, cell membranes, mitochondria and every other cell in my body at a quantum level, manifesting the perfection of the original humans. I reform the 24 strands into 12 double-helix, connecting 2 strands each, into rotated, connected, perfected, spiral, double-stranded DNA, with perfected telomeres at the ends acting as little antennae, transmitting perfection from the quantum field and Source Energy, into each and every cell of my body to rejuvenate and revitalize my body to a perfected, eternal state of health and fitness. I braid these 12 double helixes into 24-stranded rope DNA in every cell in my body, making me strong, invincible, indestructible and impenetrable to all the toxins, petrochemicals, nanobots and radiation and all forms of low vibrational energy. My 12 double helixes connect me to the quantum energies of all other celestial realms. I am now connected and integrated to all my Divine Interdimensional Beings in the Multiverse. I AM now an enlightened Being of Light and Love!

So BE IT! So It IS! I AM!

I also vividly invite you to join our :


**To Send Love and Light To Mother Earth and

all Beings Upon Her!

EVERYDAY @ 3 PM Eastern

Call: 1-641-715-0857 Code: 30347#

Replay: 1-641-715-3579


Blessings & Feel More Than Fine Always!

Nikos Akrivos

In Infinite Gratitude and Love

For :


Abraham Hicks,

David Wilcock,

Wayne Dyer

Lee Carol (Kryon)

Sisters and Brothers Light Workers-Channellers,

Sananda,Mary Magdalene,Saint Germain,AA Michael,Ascended Masters,

Mother Father God,Company of Heaven and all of Creation.

Family,friends and people in my life supporting my work even though not understanding everything,thank you for making my life easier in this 3dimensional physical world.


Credit for the Hologram  of Joy to:  

Witness & Experience Your Evolution

Witness & Experience Your Evolution ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are witnessing your own evolution of consciousness, and in the front row seats that you have you are able to see for yourselves the effects of that evolution. This is, believe it or not, the best part of the shift in consciousness. It’s never been about the getting there, because that is assured, but you get to experience and witness your own consciousness evolution. And that is something to behold.

Now, the evolution of your consciousness comes with certain side effects, and you’ve noticed this. You have ascension symptoms. You feel lonely, and many of you want to go home to other star systems. However, you must be able to feel the changes that are occurring. And in so doing, you help bring about even more changes. That is why it is so important for all of you to just be on planet Earth.

You all get so caught up in what you are supposed to do when the main attraction is the witnessing and experiencing of the evolution. One of the reasons why you get ascension symptoms and why you isolate yourselves from the other awakened beings who seem to live hundreds, if not thousands of miles away, is because you need to have an inward journey.

You cannot witness and experience your consciousness evolution if you are so focused on your thriving social life, or all the magical vacations that you get to take. So it is a lonely and awkward journey for most of you, but we promise you that you can enjoy this experience more than you have been allowing yourselves to do.

Give in to your current set of circumstances and become as fascinated by your evolution of consciousness as the rest of the galaxy is. Join us in our enthusiasm for what you are becoming.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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