Hi everyone, to all of you that are coming to visit this website, i just want to say that i have purposefully stopped reposting blogs from other websites because i have witnessed that one way or another there is always some kind of information that needs to be updated and be adapted to the new changing times we are living as we progress into our evolution and ascension journey.
You must have noticed also that i have been posting some content from Quantum Stellar Initiative in an attempt to guide you all towards a tangible path that will bring you to prosperity and the ability to help your loved ones and all those around you. If you are willing to do the work and make your own research about what Stellar Blockchain represents and how it touches every aspect of our lives and how it will evolve in the future, you will be amazed to witness what a brilliant plan it is, a plan that the entire Q team and White Hats have been preparing for very long time under guidance by Jesus, Archangel Michael, Archangel Seraphim, Archangel Gabriel , Saint Germain and Stellar that represents the Source of All.
Maybe the words i am using sound a little strange or difficult to inner-stand . I am inviting you instead to listen your intuition between these lines and do your best to inform yourselves and look and see how much is happening out there. And i will give you a simple example: XLM is a digital currency that works on the stellar network. Just 3 weeks ago it was at 0.09$ and now it is at around 0.5$ meaning that if you bought let’s say for 30$ it would be 270 XLM and now the value of 270 XLM is 135$. The price of XLM will rise by end 2025 to 0.8 and by 2027 to 10$. I have a post during my b’day to let you know this before it happened, you can check on my youtube channel. And then it happened earlier! So i am inviting you to set aside some of your money supply and start creating your financial prosperity. I am not winning anything when i do this, i am only doing this because i want to see you all have it easy with financial means in the months and years that are coming. Do your own research and you will find out that XLM is the currency of We The People. And it still stays low in price to allow more amongst you to join and in-joy this journey of prosperity and peace and the highest good for all.
And if you happen to be interested to dig deeper, i invite you to check QSI material and website here : https://qsiresources.com/
Remember to keep on doing your inner work in prayer and meditation. Remember to breath and laugh. It all starts from that space and Stellar knowledge will complement your journey in amazing ways that you can not yet imagine.
It is a Soul discovery journey. I promise you that.
With very much Love,
Feel More Than Fine
Nikos Akrivos