A physical and technical Ascension. NESARA/GESARA . Quantum Stellar Financial System.

We are living in amazing times where we begin to see tangibly many changes taking place as more and more we come from a place of knowing fully that White Hats are in control and everything playing out is a movie to awaken those not yet aware of their authentic connection with God within. And i have been posting quite a few vlogs and presentations about Stellar and how this ties to our Ascension being not just physical but also technical. We hear often speak about the term going organic. And the term organic does not only apply to our physical ascension but also to our technical ascension. As the change happens within towards higher vibration more in one oneness with our highest self, with our soul, we experience all around us more of the beauty manifesting. And if one wishes to witness as much as possible of the beauty showing one can easily do some research and look and look at what Stellar represents. We are being shown how blockchain through Stellar brings Divine Governance , Divine Finances, Divine Health Systems and everything that is being used as Bridges towards New Earth. If you never got interested in Stellar, now more than ever is the time to start making your own research about it and find all the information that will help you have a better inner-standing of what takes place which is by the same token will help you to be aware of that the doors of Heaven are wide open for all to go through. There is a moment for inner introspection and contemplation to find alignement with Source and there is a moment where inspired action guides us to do what we need to do and expand. So my invitation once again is to go check Quantum Stellar Initiative vlogs and presentations as to get confirmation after confirmation about the existence of NESARA/GESARA and The Quantum Stellar Financial System and facts about The White Hats being in control.


And if you have any questions about Stellar and how it works and how one can be involved i am happy to share with you free of charge as this website has been all these years and because this is where we go : Abundance for All Humanity:)

Nikos Akrivos

Create your new world, one exciting adventure after another.Β  Stop playing it safe.Β  Stop pretending you are not an earth angel…Enjoy, explore, and do so, confident that you have many more skills than you now imagine.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you have noted some personal sparkles of joy.  Perhaps not.  It does not matter because you can no longer delay your joy and contentment.

Many of you beg to differ, for your life is not much different from last month or last year.  This is because you are addressing your life as a glass half empty.  Of course, such a statement angers you, for you have been promised so much, and you believe you are experiencing so little. 

There is nothing you need to do or say to change your luck, as you call it.  Luck, laughter, and joy are now yours without the hesitancy of maybe tomorrow, next year, or when you are a more loving person or thousands of other excuses you created in your 3D world to maintain your smallness in that world.

Your role now, in truth, your need, is to expand, explore, discover, and create.  None of these are possible if you maintain your tiny 3D being.  The obvious question is how you transfer from 3D thoughts and actions to those far beyond 3D.  It is as simple, and yet, for many, as complicated as believing you are no longer of 3D with the limitations you created to be small.

It is over.  Yet, many of you expect a flash of light or a guru informing you that you no longer have to limit yourself or your activities.  Neither will happen, just as you did not have a flash of light telling your infant self that you could walk.  New you just is.  What interests you?  What excites you?  What calls you?  That is your new world.  All generated from within instead of dictated from without. 

Perhaps you continue playing your 3D role because it is easier or seemingly more rewarding if you are limited in your activities, so you can perform the β€œpoor me” role of many 3D actions.  You will discover that no one cares.  If caretaking is no longer a dominant theme and society does not dictate your direction, the β€œpoor me” role is no longer attractive.  Nor is the dominant role of telling others what to do and when.  This new earth freedom is the freedom to be.  Something you are not yet at all comfortable with.  So many of you tiptoe into your new life and quickly return to what used to be safe.

You attempt to ride the fence between 3D and new you, only to discover the fence has ended.  So you feel discombobulated and at a directional loss, fully expecting someone or something to tell you what to do.  This is that piece.  Forget who you once were and acknowledge who you are becoming.  That’s it.  There is no more.  

Becoming wholly new you is not rocket science or even a mathematical equation; it merely is just as was true learning to walk or talk.  Of course, neither of those activities was possible until you achieved physical and intellectual growth.  The same is true now.  There was a time when a few advanced souls created pieces you found awe-inspiring, confident that those skills were beyond your wildest dreams.  But most of you reading this material will discover that what once seemed impossible is now a daily routine.  What was is no more.

So please do not wait for someone or something to lead the way to new you.  You have arrived.  Your only need now is to explore what interests you despite not understanding why.  Do infants believe they can maneuver their bodies if they strengthen their legs?  Or are infants surprised, as they most often appear, when they take their first steps?

You are no longer a new you infant.  You have matured beyond even the toddler stage.  So allow yourself to be as you explore your new inner and outer worlds – not because someone tells you you should, but because doing so seems interesting or exciting.

Create your new world, one exciting adventure after another.  Stop playing it safe.  Stop pretending you are not an earth angel.  Stop limiting your world and the world surrounding you by continuing your Clark Kent role.  You do not need a telephone booth to change into your Superman costume; you merely have to say β€œYes” to yourself and joyfully explore what happens afterward.

We of the Universes joyfully welcome you to your new world.  Observing you explore your possibilities is as exciting to us as your first steps were to your earth parents.  Enjoy, explore, and do so, confident that you have many more skills than you now imagine.  Welcome to the new you.  So be it.  Amen. 

Subscribe to or access Brenda’s Blog. To receive the free weekly β€œBrenda’s Blog,” subscribe via WordPress.com. Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry Creations.com. 

Copyright 2009-2025, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

Start enjoying the fruits of your almost overwhelming activity throughout the past months, years, or decades of this lifetime required to complete that promise.

Dear Ones,
Many pieces are floating about your being now – some appear enlightening, while others seem bothersome. Even though not everything floating about you is joyous, the fears of the past few weeks have been significantly reduced, as if you ingested a calm pill. If you question that last comment, note how previously fearful issues are no longer that fearful.
You have moved through your fear curtain. This does not mean you will never be fearful again, but instead, your fears will be minimal, and any long-standing fears will have solutions that seemed impossible just days ago. You are not meant to carry your 3D fears into this new world. Hence, the easy solutions to seemingly complex problems.
Such is not to say you will never fear anything or anyone again, but instead that your fears will be short-lived as you discover new solutions. You do not have time or energy to devote to fear because fear automatically detracts, reduces, and eliminates joy.
But you might attempt to create fear initially because you have become so comfortable with fear for the eons you have been of 3D Earth. If you question that last statement, note how every step forward for you – even in this life – has been initiated or coordinated with fear. β€œWhat if I can’t pay my bills?” β€œWhat if I don’t get this job?” β€œWhat if my unborn baby is not healthy?” β€œWhat if the person I love doesn’t love me?” β€œWhat if I say or do the wrong thing?” etc. All statements of activities and interactions enhanced throughout your previous 3D Earth lives.
Even though those self-examination questions are no longer appropriate given your need for independence, you will initially generate fear questions just because you believe you should – until the day or hour when you realize you are an independent being who requires no affirmation from others of your rightness and that you can create whatever you need to be comfortable and therefore, joyous.
As you do so, you will find that others wish to be around you even though you no longer care if they find you intriguing or fun. Because you are busy creating the life you dreamed of for eons, you will not care what others think of you.
The next few days will be very activeβ€”not in terms of fear or angst, but in creating the paths necessary to achieve the comfortable joy you are ready to develop.
So ignore the naysayers, including your inner naysayer, and rejoice in your new freedom to beβ€”something you have always been capable of but ignored or denied so you would fit as well as possible in a square hole despite your inner roundness.
You are free. As is anyone and everyone who wishes to be. The recent astrological events pushed you beyond the need, interest, and skill set required to remain in 3D in thought or action. Now allow true you to shine or, better yet, to be. As you maneuver through the next few days, you will surprise yourself with your creative thoughts and actions that have little to do with who you were or others think you should be.
Your 3D life is finally over. You completed trillions of tiny steps to ensure you would fit within the 3D mold you accepted when you entered Earth, promising you would shift the Earth and yourself beyond 3D. You have, so you are finally free.
Start enjoying the fruits of your almost overwhelming activity throughout the past months, years, or decades of this lifetime required to complete that promise.
Celebrate and then start discovering who you truly are in your physical bodyβ€”a physical body that can be in several locations simultaneously with multiple objectives. Acknowledge your strong, powerful being, now entirely of the heavens and Earth. So be it. Amen.
Subscribe to or access Brenda’s Blog.Β To receive the free weekly β€œBrenda’s Blog,” subscribe via WordPress.com. Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry Creations.com.Β 
Copyright 2009-2026, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.