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Blessings Beloveds ~
Last night during our Eclipse meditation, Gaia requested our support as she birthed yet another level of her Crystalline realms.
Stargates are open and weaving support for the resurrection of the Solar aspects of Gaia’s trajectory as a Spiritual SUN. Many are feeling that ‘moment before a major shift’ sensation.
Gold-Coral-Rose rays were released by Gaia’s core Stargates, through the Master Crystals. Towers of Light emerged and bathed all of us in this New unified alchemy.
It was glorious to witness; thank you to all who held space in peace and unified Devotion to this cosmic project of Ascension. This new light will overwhelm the lower realities with its pure vibration. Even though it appears as division and dismantling, that is the linear interpretation of a very cosmic, very Sacred removal of the dense illusion.
Alchemy is activated in aligned Hearts for a unified experience of the new realms.
Connect with Gaia’s ascended realms to feel, receive, and support her Solar resurrection in this Now. Get outside, barefoot with an open heart, and receive.
Less thought, more surrender to the unknown.
The Infinite Kryst Heart is a conduit of these energies, and all the new sensations, cosmic perspective, and surreal experiences that come with organic heart-stargate-based alchemical change.
Have you noticed Source emanations growing stronger within – and through – your heart?
Cosmic Mother is providing a lifting of the personal veils.
The siSTARhoods and Brotherhoods of Light have been sharing details and perspective on these new states evolving in our Mastery process. The why, how, and purpose of these new activations will be a large part of our May 6th PRESENCE event.
Eclipse Gateway: brief and beautiful
Use this opportunity to amplify the realm-shifting energies. Yes, it still feels like division and dissolving. Honestly, it has been weeks of these departure and resurrection sensations – and it is not stepping down.
We are conduits of the new realms, and are actively co-creating them in this Now. Take action on creative expression, and balance with deep meditation and Presence. Let the I AM awareness direct your path right now.
Next eclipse: Lunar Eclipse: Friday, May 5th at 10:22 AM PDT
SUNday Unity Meditations
Our 7-year practice welcomes a new layer of unified Crystalline Grid and Gatekeeping to our synchronized SUNday Unity Meditations.
We hold the unified field of Peace, co-creating the etheric Crystalline fields and temples of Peace and Ascension. Even a few moments of focus on amplifying the New Light is appreciated.
See you in the Unified Field of Crystalline Hearts, offline in your own meditation style, for the SUNday Unity Meditations at 5AM, 8AM and 11AM PDT.
Convergence website launches on SUNday!
I AM excited for this year’s gathering of luminaries in service! The annual Crystalline Convergence is September 22 – 24, in Sedona during the Equinox Gateway. Details and registration will open this SUNday. Links will be announced via email and social media.
I AM sending everyone Infinite LoveLight as we embody these new levels of LoveLight consciousness in this Now.
Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
In Love and Light and Service,
Sandra Walter
Daily Archives: April 20, 2023
As I said, “I and my Father are one.” And how could I be one with my Father and you not be one with yours, with your Higher God Self?

by James McConnell
I am Yeshua. I am here to be with you at this time, in this momentous time, in this time of great reunion, of great renewal, where everything now is beginning to come together, beginning to coalesce together.
For these are those times, those times that you have been waiting for, longing for. This is a special time. A special time of your Spring where life begins to renew itself once again.
That is what this is all about: renewal of life. For there is no death. There never has been. That is all just part of the illusion, part of the programming. Death is nonexistent. Because life never ends.
That is what I came here to show those 2000+ years ago, that life is never-ending, even though your various religions, your various ones that taught the programming of death. There is no death. Even I did not die on that cross. I lived. I lived to show the world that there is life everlasting.
It was those that would hold control and power that changed the message. The message that I died on the cross in agony.
That is so far from the truth. For the truth is love and light. And how could I have had that suffering and that pain and sorrow all around me when there was nothing but love, the Christ within me at that time.
Think about that. And think about in all of your years of life here on this planet that there will never truly be a death. Even those that do pass on, pass on to a new life, a new existence, a changeover, if you will.
For life, indeed, is everlasting. And I AM, the I AM Presence is the way, the truth, and the life, or the light. Trust in that. Trust in that I AM Presence within you. Trust in the Father God Source within you, your Higher God Self, the connection that you have to your Higher God Self, to your Father. As I said, “I and my Father are one.” And how could I be one with my Father and you not be one with yours, with your Higher God Self?
For we are all truly one together. And as one together, we are showing the way. Showing the way to all of those that need to find their way yet. The light is lit in front of them, as you are that light. You are those Way-showers, just as I was a Way-shower. And yes, I was a System Buster as well. For I came to bust that system wide open and, in many ways, I did. Just as you, in these times now moving ahead, are doing the same.
You are showing the way. The way forward is light. The way forward is love. The way forward is higher vibrational frequency and yes, ascension. Not death and resurrection, but indeed ascension. Ascension into the higher realms of consciousness that you all came here to show. And show it, you are.
As always, my friends, trust in yourselves to move through this continued illusionary process, and move through to the end of it to see it falling down everywhere. The house of cards crashing. For indeed it is crashing. Just as the waves crash upon the shore. The house of the cabal, or the dark forces, is crashing down.
I am Yeshua, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness.
But know that I am always with you. I, as the Christ Consciousness.
And the Christ Consciousness is within all of you, if you would but allow it to show itself.
Dynamic meditation.

High vibes every one, let us take few breaths in and out as we invite Mother Father God, AA Michael for protection and safety and entire company of Heaven connecting our hearts with Mother Earth and Source of All Creation.
Now we are inviting you to play this track , listen and move your body along.