Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ The Moment is Now

The 40 days after the equinox, which will bring you to the end of April, is a very potent period for manifestation and creation.
What dreams have been waiting patiently for you to give yourself permission to recognize and grow, not just for you but for the highest good of all? What have you always wanted, deep in your heart, but never had the courage to see if it could become a reality for you?
Not only is it time to connect with your truest desires, which represent the full and authentic expression of who you really are, it is time to anchor so deeply into your faith and trust that you give them everything they need to open up for the next incredible chapter of your life. All the work that you have been doing has been for the period that you are in right now, Dear Ones.
The moment is now.
We urge you to remember and apply what you know, settle into being your truest you, and allow the unfoldment to lead you from there. It will serve you, and your planet, beautifully.