Daily Archives: February 18, 2023
Strongest of The Strong.
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 02/18/2023 β’ Accepting Where You Are
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Right now, each of the 7.8 billion people on your planet is having a different and very unique experience of life. As we speak to you, we see a woman sitting by the pool behind her expansive home, juggling several charities she runs. She is concerned about the officers of one who doesn’t seem to be in alignment with her vision while simultaneously trying to coordinate dinner reservations with a group she must network with to fund her cause. Meanwhile, we see a young man who feels disempowered trying to figure out how to lie, cheat, and steal from those who care about him because he doesn’t understand yet that he is loved.
We see people waking up, walking to their market stalls before sunrise and firing up the burners beneath their woks, preparing their sauces and dishes to feed hungry customers later that day. We see brave souls rescuing wounded animals and courageous people rescuing children. We see people dressed in expensive suits going to their jobs in skyscrapers to negotiate with large companies that provide irrigation and energy systems for agriculture. We also see laborers toiling in the dirt to pick the lettuce that will feed these executives.
We see designers bent over the drawing board coming up with your future vehicles and artists passionately moving their visions from the invisible to the visible worlds. We see musicians packing and unpacking equipment to offer a few hours of blissful escape to their audience and electricians wiring outlets for their equipment. We see plumbers unclogging toilets, trash collectors and street sweepers keeping your neighborhoods clean, and cooks making food for the few or the masses.
We see mothers and fathers waking up early to take their children to school. We see children laughing in the playgrounds while other children sit huddled in dirty corners, hoping for food. We see the countless souls buried beneath the rubble of the recent earthquake, waiting for rescue or surrendering to their journey home. We see it all, dear ones, and we are with each and every one of you, all the time.
Whether you consider your experience glorious or terrible, we are with you, whispering loving encouragement to your spirit, reminding you of what you wanted to learn, how you wanted to grow, and how, even in the direst of circumstances you are seeking to give and receive love. We even see those buried beneath the rubble praying for their families as they surrender to the inevitability of their own journey to heaven.
Dear ones, you are always exactly where your vibration has placed you. We implore you not to judge yourselves or others by circumstance. You are not lucky if you sit by the pool and are not forsaken by God if you are in an earthquake. Some of those you consider fortunate feel far less love than those fighting for survival. Many souls, born and living in earthquake-shattered areas, are angels upon your earth. Some, before birth, volunteered to come, live shorter lives, and be part of a massive release of love within your planet earth. They knew their life and death would not be in vain but would further awaken the planet to your common humanity, compassion, and love. Even beyond the visible, they knew they would be part of vibrational unleashing of powerful frequencies of love. As they rode the wave of love released by your planet into the heavens, they felt the exhilaration of earth’s evolution and yours.
The majority of people in the earthquake-torn areas are generous souls, compassionate, caring, loving, and kind. Many barely have a loaf of bread for themselves, yet when they receive one, they share. Many have seen buildings crumble yet bravely return to rescue those trapped. Many have seen and felt horrors, yet their hearts remain open. These angels volunteered before birth to live in an area likely to go through such horror and pain, but from heaven, they were willing. Send them love.
If you sit in a comfortable life, do not make yourself wrong for this either. You have different lessons and different choices. You need not feel guilty for being alive, abundant, and well. If you were to give up all you had and die with those who left the planet, you would not do a bit of good. If you do what you can as you are guided, you become part of the collective awakening too β playing an easier role, to be sure, but still a part of this massive release of love.
Unleash your hearts, starting with yourselves. Choose to accept yourself, be kind to yourself, and then ask yourself quietly, “What do I feel called to do?” Maybe you are called to live your life in kindness. That is a vibration that is required right now. Trust that. You may be called to donate precisely one dollar to charity. You have answered the call of one person in need, and although you will not know them on this earth, you will someday learn about how that loaf of bread or first aid supply changed their life, gave them hope, and kept them going. You may be called to sit in spirit and ask to see who you can pray for on a given day. Trust the feeling or the image you see. Support someone in spirit. Perhaps you are called to ignore the world and play. Trust that. Lend your joy to the collective vibration because it is needed to uplift many who are in sorrow.
We are not talking about your actions in the physical world so much as the energy you emit. You would, of course, not “rub in” your well-being around those suffering, but you can quietly emanate peace, joy, love, caring, and compassion because those vibrations will touch them. You would not brag about your abundance to those in dire need. Still, you can instead emanate a vibration that says to the world, “God is generous, and out of the generosity of my soul, I am asking that all feel cared for, loved, supported, and protected.”
In the material world, do as you are guided, but in the spiritual realms, share your love, peace, joy, and compassion as vibrational contributions to humanity.
We don’t want a single one of you to feel guilty for living comfortably, nor do we want a single one of you who is suffering to feel forgotten, abandoned, or unloved. We wish for all of you equally an awareness of the love that flows unceasingly. We wish for all of you, equally, an awareness that you are all part of something so huge upon your planet in the history of humanity’s evolution that it is hard to put into words.
We are with the suffering right now. We are also with those of you who feel you “have it easy.” We are guiding all of you. We are comforting those of you in need. We are showing the way to the living so they can live their path and purpose, and we are holding the dying as they transition into the bliss of Divine love.
You are all, dear ones, despite appearance, or material condition, exactly where your soul has decided to be right here and now. You can of course, change that, but for now, don’t make yourself wrong. Don’t make others wrong. As the saying goes, you cannot judge a book by its cover. You can only know it by living the truth within.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels