Daily Archives: February 6, 2023
Constantly evolving, continually maturing, and most definitely always daring. For new and adventuresome are now synonymous with your being and will be forevermore.

Dear Ones,
You likely want to know what will happen tomorrow, next month, next year, and the remainder of your earth life. Perhaps you think you need to know it all so you can make any necessary changes. In truth, you want to control your life and the earth’s existence. For you believe your new world will be entirely controlled by your rightness.
You have forgotten that everyone is or is becoming a powerful, unique individual. So just as you can no longer control others, you cannot control yourself. Believing you can control your life is no different than a toddler assuming they know what is best for themselves now and forever.
You will evolve continuously throughout your current earth life. And as you do, your future, interests, and needs will evolve. So that which was important to you or anyone yesterday might no longer be so tomorrow.
That last statement presents a quandary, for if you cannot determine your future, what is the purpose of your insight and new skills? Why would you have extrasensory perceptions if you are not certain of a move before you take it?
Perhaps you imagined that your ongoing life will be filled with the knowingness of immediately selecting your direction and why you chose it. Instead, you will be offered more options – all of which will be right for you, but all will shift you in different directions. In essence, your life will be more confusing because your interests will shift with the day and the times.
There is no longer a straight line of rightness. Nor is there a fear of selecting the wrong path. Even so, initially, that openness of being and selection will be frightening and confusing. It will seem as if you have a never-ending buffet of choices – all of which seem right for that day or time. And as you select one buffet item, you will hunger for the items you did not choose. As if you placed everything you dreamed of in one location, and you cannot decide which one you should select.
That initial fear is merely a replay of some of your 3D experiences. Your buffet will change constantly as you shift your interests and knowingness. But instead of needing to select one buffet item, thinking you can never return for the other items, you will soon understand that your ever-changing buffet is always available.
An apt 3D analogy of what you expect in your new world is selecting your life career as a young adult via your college degree. Encouraging or sometimes forcing you to maintain a profession despite discovering a disinterest in that profession soon after graduating.
In your new world, you have no parameters encouraging you to think or be in one direction – and never will again.
After your initial concern that you must select and be content with one buffet item, you will understand that you can return to the buffet whenever you wish – and that the buffet items will shift as you evolve or mature.
So neither you nor we of the Universes can ever completely foresee your future, no matter how many new skills you access. For just as love has many dimensions and descriptors, so too will your new life in your new world.
Constantly evolving, continually maturing, and most definitely always daring. For new and adventuresome are now synonymous with your being and will be forevermore. So be it. Amen
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I am Source. Please enjoy my presence as I so enjoy yours.
Source via Galaxygirl | February 5, 2023
Source 2/5/2023
I am Source. I am the out-breath and the in-breath and the in-between. I breathe atoms and universes into existence. I am that I am. I breathed you into existence. You are my beloved children, creators in your own right, and I am very proud of your achievements. (I am seeing parents with happy tears in the stands as they watch their children graduate on the field). It is much like that. Gaia has graduated and those upon her made it possible. You are experiencing the great changes and your light is needed to anchor this change deeply into the hearts of men and women whose eyes have yet to see. There is much that has been veiled from humanity, there has been tremendous deception and darkness. There is also tremendous truth and light. The light that I am, that we are, is making a profound difference and has won the war. It is not yet time to celebrate on your realm as you are still in the midst of the changeover but know that whatever is happening I celebrate you, and I support you.
I am Source. You are my children, my flames of light that are carrying the torch for freedom. I am filling you with freedom codes so that you may ignite them with your very presence. You will be protected in the earth changes. Remember those that choose to pass on have soul contracts to do so. And who are you to deny them that? When a soul is on a journey, it is their destiny to succeed but do not pretend to know the intimate thoughts and inner-workings of a multidimensional soul. They may not even be aware of their own need or choice, and in fact they most likely will not. But that does not invalidate it. And so you hold space for them in their choice point. You hold love and light literally for the planet and those upon her. This one has been picturing sending light deep within the planet so that it radiates out and fills all of the planet with calming light and peace. You may try this. Whatever works for you is fine, but visualizing light, visualizing peace, visualize calming of the waters and it will assist Gaia.
There are more than two earths. There are many earths, there are many yous, there are multitudes of realities and dimensions and universes. Just as there are more than one mitochondria in an organism, just as they are too numerous to count, the failsafes for this divine orchestration are too numerous to count. I have personally set my seal of light upon this project. I set my seal of light upon you. Success is the only option. There will be great upheaval but great opportunity for miracles and tremendous faith to blossom. All is well.
Regarding prayer, prayer is communication with me, with your angles and guides, with your team. Do not be flummoxed with who to pray to in that sense. It has been confusing for those who were deep within the church after their awakening to know who to pray to, who to talk to? There has been so much confusion. If you talk with me you are covering all of your bases for I am All that is and I love you as I love myself. I am love. We are all here to help you and to guide you on your way. But sending prayers of light and protection are always a good idea. Wrap yourself in this light and space of peace. Wrap your world in light and see it forever change.
There will be many topographical and dimensional shifts. There will be a crumbling of that which you knew so that a different and better higher dimensional society can thrive and flourish. This project has continued longer than anyone would have wished. I am bringing my children home to me, or at least to the next level of their development. Those that chose to not evolve yet will be still evolving as they are in deep soul rehabilitation while others will be in Summerland to rest and relax and slowly learn the lessons of this lifetime that they were not awake enough to see and process. Others will be on New Earth and traveling back and forth to help those that are on the changing earth and help hold the bridge so that they may traverse it with ease. There will be much trauma to clear from this lifetime as this has been the cumulative lifetime, of all of your lifetimes. This has been the hardest in a away for it is the culmination of lessons learns and traumas to be cleared.
I am Source. I am with you in the pain. I am with you in the journey. I am within you, I walk along side you and I carry you. Think of the Footprints poem. Yes, I carry you but yes I also made the sand, I breathed the ocean an all within it and I am the stability of the rock beneath the sand and the vast space that surrounds the floating planet. I am all of it. I love you so completely. I love us for what we have accomplished. Thank you for helping eachother. You are all of tremendous service to the light. You will find that it will be continuously easier to communicate with me as your cells are higher up in dimension and the communication will be more effortless.
I am Source. Please enjoy my presence as I so enjoy yours. We are a team, you and I and we are unbeatable.
~ galaxygirl
I am the Green Comet.
Green Comet 2/2/2023

Greetings, lighted beings. I too am a being of light. I am many colors within as I embody rainbow light. I bring the harmony of green to this war-torn area of the solar system. I am the green comet. I approach with great abandon and speed and yet on a certain trajectory for my path is carved straight and true. I fly though the breath of Creator. As do you. You too upon your earth are flying through space at an incredible speed. As your bodies morph and change inter-dimensionally. I would argue that you are traveling as fast as I, and yet, you see stagnation for you are within body and within time constraints. I have no constraints. Your scientists say that I will approach again in another 50,000 years. That concept of time means nothing to me. I am light itself traveling within a body of solid and gas, I am light in form. You are light in human body form. We are the same. I am having fun harmonizing your energetics. I show myself as green, the color of love, of life, of new beginnings. The dragons are with me. They fly along side me and try to beat my time. I let them! (I sense teasing friendly banter between her and the dragons. The dragons are laughing which create little smoke rings, and the comet’s laugh rings like a bell.) Such camaraderie as we swish through space!
I am the Green Comet. I am feminine in nature, filled with precious things, precious energies of love, balance and harmony. I am an exclamation point of love that is being sent to your world as a fly by, as a blown kiss. I am feminine. I am balanced. I am fast. I am free. I sent to you great love, great tidings of tremendous hope. All is not lost. Humanity is finding itself again against insurmountable circumstances or so it would appear but you will realize that they are very much surmountable and you are doing it!
I am the Green Comet that you see in your sky for not much longer. Many of you are sad and disappointed that perhaps your city lights and mountains dissuaded a clear view of me. But know that I am harmonizing the heart chakras by bringing green to the skies. Your aurora borealis is much like me, your inner sun shines and emits green love light. There is much love all around. The Great Mother is love. The Great Creator is divine love and laughter. I was born with a laugh and great love. And yet all watch you. All are watching the great ones in this time of planetary metamorphosis. I bring love and the riches of balance, of grace, of harmony to this sector. Peace has come energetically through me and great excitement I bring.
I am the Green Comet. Do not be sad that you did not see me. If you did not, I saw you. I see humanity, I see those of you who work with light like I do and I see you as my comrades. You too blaze a bright trail. Your impact is vast and wide. Your reach is astounding. Your light reaches all things just by your beingness of it.
I am the Green Comet. I send my green love light to you. Peace, friends, peace.
~ galaxygirl