Looking for new ways to inspire and inform people in a manner that feels less preachy.

Looking for new ways to inspire and inform people in a manner that feels less preachy, i came up with various dance tracks attuned on 432 HZ that sound like this:

About Being Vegan and supporting Animal Life :

Angels Message for all of us :


About Ascension :

Co-Creating New Earth Reality

Your Higher Christ Self

About New Financial System :NESARA

and many more!

Your awakened self is the beginning of the world reopening from its hibernation…Remember that you are an electromagnetic being emitting a frequency.

Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ Everything is Entangled

April 16, 2021, via email

We are here sending you our love and gratitude for the incredible service that you are doing for this reality. Remember that everything is entangled. Your awakened self is the beginning of the world reopening from its hibernation.

There is an incredible surge of collective awakening for the first time in the history of humankind.

You are an important part of the surge. You are a multidimensional being awakening to your mission. This global hibernation has offered you and others the invitation to raise your vibrations. It has reminded you that it is time to step up in your personal spiritual evolution.

Since the planet has been closed down to most normal activities, everyone has been pushed against the very edge of their comfort. It has been most difficult for many, being alone and away from all their normal distractions and busyness. It has forced individuals to face and encounter their many fears and insecurities. This long time lock down has given those the opportunity to begin to heal what has usually been avoided.

You have had to sit with and face your inner demons, negative patterns and memories. We are pleased to acknowledge that you have truly transformed these energies. You are part of the awakened consciousness that is coming forth at this time.

Remember that you are an electromagnetic being emitting a frequency. You will call forth only those things and experiences that are on the same frequency that you are offering. Begin to pay attention to every single person, event or circumstance in your day because it is telling you what frequency you are vibrating. Everything is entangled.

As your physical world begins to reopen, be aware that there is an infusion of fresh new energies that need to be anchored. It is time to be the midwife and birth a new reality. You are witnessing the conflict between the old paradigm and what wants to be birthed. It is time for you to re-set, re-start and re-focus as many times as you need to. Step out of your old patterns, your old routines.

We invite you to realize that you cannot go back to the way it was before the global lockdown because the way it was does not exist anymore. So you have the awesome privilege to witness as well as create something that is entirely new and fresh. Step aside, make room and welcome into your life this unexpected newness that is coming forth.

There is a field of all possibilities, step into that field, play in that field. Choose to believe in sudden miracles and unexpected blessings.

Allow your small limited mind to gently expand into the vastness of what is possible. Realize that you will constantly have to choose between the old and the new, what is safe or unexpected. Know that you are being guided and trust your inner guidance that is coming to you in many forms and in many ways.

Be kind to yourself and to others. Be sure that you stay hydrated, rest often, meditate and move gently, do your best to eat organic foods and to consciously transform your negative reactions and emotions.

Allow yourself to use the superpower of your imagination. Spend a few minutes each day with your eyes closed and allow yourself to envision something brand new, invent the space, play with the idea of shape shifting. Imagine as clearly as possible, what it might be like to be a bird in flight, feel the wind against your wings, see the landscape below. Make this experience so real that when you are finished you feel refreshed, renewed. Allow yourself the possibilities of shape shifting into any creature.

In your imagination allow yourself to travel to many of the beautiful places on earth, perhaps to one of the sacred sites you have visited or have longed to visit. In your mind’s eye see yourself there, feel the energy that is offered by that sacred place. Now offer your energy to that sacred site as a gift. Imagine that your gift activates this site to a new level as well.

Imagine and allow yourself to travel to any place in the universe, to any star system or galaxy. You are a multidimensional being of light, you are a starseed being. All of this is possible.

Now imagine a new world. What would you create if anything was possible? Allow yourself to see it and feel it, to sense it in every conceivable idea. Allow yourself to imagine an entirely new medical paradigm where there is an awareness that humans can heal themselves. Imagine a new financial paradigm where the financial well being of all humans is considered. Imagine new ways to clean and clear pollution in your water and your air. Imagine awesome solutions coming forth that support humans to thrive and expand into their incredible awesome star self.

Don’t give up. Keep envisioning the good. Keep showing up. Keep loving. Keep giving back. Keep being kind. Keep being brave. Keep caring. Keep trying new things. Keep showing grace. Keep on. Your energy, your intention and your imagination truly makes a difference. You are luminous. You are powerful and you are here at this time to seed this new opening, this collective awakening with these wonderful possibilities.

Remember to include us in your work and intentions. Invite us and other divine beings to support and assist you as you seed your future with new patterns and achievable goals. We bow to you in gratitude for your work and service. the ‘team’

©2021 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available

Learning how to love others and learning how to love yourself, regardless of circumstances suffered, is the goal.-Sanat Kumara via Ivo and Sharon-

The Reason You Have Needs

Ivo: Your world holds the assumption that the parents form one’s personality. They do not. The soul creates the lower mind, the personality and the parents’ responsibility is to bring out that which is inherent within the mind of the child and to help to utilize it within the context of the child’s earthly environment.

The reason you have the perception of having unmet needs is because caregivers have abused their power over the child. That can mean teachers, babysitters, other siblings, clergy members, as well as parents, and more. That there are the “Dark Mother” and “Tyrant” mind control programs directed at your lower minds, in a patriarchal world, is the reason that one goes from lifetime to lifetime feeling inadequate and feeling as if their needs have not been met.

The only emotional need you have is to embody your soul upon earth. You have physical needs, and this includes feeding and being held, accepted by other earthlings, but what you have upon earth now is many people who have fractured soul connections, so the feeling of “being whole” continues to evade them. So you seek. You look in externals for that which you are. They are not there. You must overturn one rock after the next in order to understand that nothing under that rock will tell you who you are. Only you can do that.

It is up to the caregiver not to sever the child’s attachment to soul. Unfortunately this is being done on a large scale now, particularly because you do not understand the nature of life and parenting. These are not really unmet needs that you have suffered as much as soul wounds.

Yes, there is the expectation that you will live in a loving family circle, this is what comes from your life as Pleaidians, Vegans, or even higher dimensionals. When this does not occur, one is left with only the true teacher: the soul. When the soul continues to suffer atrocities and abuse at the hands of the caregivers, then it fractures. Many of you have fractured souls and are seeking to retrieve the pieces. The way to do so is to heal the original wound. This is done by continuing to incur the same type of abuse from others, and in learning to react to the abuse differently, more lovingly to yourself and to the one who is your abuser, you heal the wound.

When you continue to put down those who have abused you, you have only done half the work. Obviously you still fear that person or type of person. Forgiveness is essential for soul re-connection to occur. This is because you must raise your frequency to soul level in order to retrieve the fractured pieces and to reconnect soul to your lower frequencies again. Only love can heal. Hate destroys.

Many of you have experienced a hateful first experience of life. And in turn, you continue to hate others, out of ignorance. To continue to do so, keeps soul at a distance. Learning how to love others and learning how to love yourself, regardless of circumstances suffered, is the goal.

We realize that on earth there is much to be done in this respect, but you have suffered no more than your soul can handle. However, many of you go through your day struggling with forgiveness when to surrender it to your soul, your Christ self, your God self or God would be more helpful to you. You need not do this work all on your own. You have help. And you can tell that part of yourself that you do not know how to do this, so please let them help to heal or instruct you further.

Yes, there is a Universal Law of Surrender. It reads as follows:

To surrender does not mean putting your hands in the air and flying a white flag, it is not defeat, giving up or failing. To surrender is to be wise. It is wise to accept the flow of life’s energy rather than resist it. To surrender is to accept “What is now” unconditionally and to give up, without any reservations whatsoever, any inner resistance to “What is now”.

By making a conscious choice at this moment, and in every present moment of now, to fully accept that the present moment is as it should be, then by surrendering to this knowledge you are more powerful than you could possibly believe. By not judging the present moment of now but by accepting it and offering no resistance to what is now, you show tremendous faith in God and other Unseen Entities. This allows you to be in a state of grace, easy flow and enlightenment. Whether things are perceived “good” or “bad” is not material in this state of grace. Things are what they are and, eventually everything happens for the best. You can truly let go and let God – but make sure you row away from the rocks! By surrendering to “what is now”, in this state of graceful surrender, you can see clearly what action needs to take place and by doing one thing at a time, step by step, inch by inch, moment by moment, as illustrated in the Law of Process, you accomplish what needs to be done, in your surrendered state.

The energy released in a surrendered state is a powerful, healing energy. This energy propels your healing, growth and evolution. Surrender to discover how powerful You Really Are.

(From guidespeak.com)

Which is a good point: the Flow. Life is flowing. Life is always flowing towards healing and forgiveness. When you cannot do so, you are out of the flow. Ask for help in re-gaining the flow.

Life flows “upward” in frequency, not downward. It takes much energy, in fact, to hold a planet in a circumstance of negativity. The energy that is being taken to do so is the life energy of all upon earth. So you hold yourselves down.

In breaking that hold on your energy, you free yourself and you help to free the collective of humanity on earth.

When you choose love over hate, when you choose gratitude over complaint, when you choose wisdom over ignorance, when you choose courage over fear… you win. And you win for all upon earth as well.

We realize that life on earth takes courage. Especially now, especially when the cloth is being torn off to reveal the demons underneath. Earth is going through a collective process of facing its fears; the fears those upon it have helped to create. It will undergo this process for quite a while. New atrocities will be foisted upon those who still fear while those who do not will be freed.

Me: This isn’t Ivo. I can tell that he’s letting someone in on the channeling. He’s been doing that the last couple of days!

Who are you, sharer of this truth and knowledge?

SK: I am Sanat Kumara, Planetary Logos for earth. Lord of Wisdom, lover of all who grace this planet.

Me: Aha! Just thought I’d ask. Ivo is partnering with other people and channeling new info through me.

SK: May I continue?
Me: Of course! I just want to see what you look like. Oh. Okay. I have seen your image before.

SK: I shine every day upon you with your sun. I am the Light that floods this planet now.

Me: You should feel my heart chakra, guys. His energy is awesome. Okay, please continue.

SK: In this time of perhaps darkness before the dawn, your people will learn. Learn they must, otherwise perish. The wisdom of the old ages must come back to your hearts; it must embody within you again. You must reconnect to soul. This will be taught to you again, as earth once again, takes center stage in the universe to re-claim her place as a bright star of the universe.

Every day you are learning. Now you see that there is no information coming to you. So you are learning. Learning to trust and be patient. Learning to hold your hearts open, to trust those in power, and to be patient and wait for guidance.

This is such an important lesson. Gone are the days for so many of petulant impulsive decision making. Thinking without heart.

The heart is taking its place at the forefront of this movement now. You are being taught. You are being taught lessons you may not even realize you are learning. With every step taken, with everything revealed, with every reaction you have to any circumstance presented before you, you are learning to embody the Christ. Slowly, step by step, you remember who you truly are.

I am Sanat Kumara and I leave you now with a blessing and with the assurance from all those of the higher heart that we watch you, love you and lead you in love.

Me: Thanks Ivo. That was pretty awesome!

Ivo: You are most welcome, my love.

Me: I thought you only knew Vegans! LOL

Ivo: Not at all. We are on earth. They host us as we assist them in the liberation of this planet and the return of the Christ light to your souls.

www.sharonandivo.weebly.comYoutube: SharonandIvoofVega
Get your copy of our new book, “Ashtar Sheran: Your Future on Eden” today! Your download is available now, at: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1010871

Out Now! El Morya: Your Divine Powers, Understanding Your Life’s Purpose https://www.amazon.com/El-Morya-Divine-Understanding-Purpose-ebook/dp/B08BG3M7NV/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=sharon+stewart&qid=1592850139&sr=8-3

We want you to be reminded constantly of how powerful you are, and we want you to feel your free will, your independence, and your confidence flowing freely so that you can once and for all realize that you are creating your reality there on Earth, and no one else is.

New Solar Plexus Chakra Activations ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very enamored with all of you. We feel so much love for humanity and for each of you as individuals that to be of service to you is an absolute treat for us. We have been giving you transmissions of energy, along with these updates, since the very beginning, and we are happy to say that we see you receiving energetically what we are sending you and actually being able to acclimate to those energies very nicely.
Lately we have been slipping in some activations for your solar plexus chakras, because we can see and feel how disempowered so many humans feel there on Earth, and we want to help. We want you to be reminded constantly of how powerful you are, and we want you to feel your free will, your independence, and your confidence flowing freely so that you can once and for all realize that you are creating your reality there on Earth, and no one else is.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been more stories told about what is happening and what will happen than ever before in human history, and there have been so many people there on Earth who have felt the need to give their power away to a story, to a narrative, in order to be informed, in order to know what to avoid, whom to mistrust, and so on. It has gotten to the point where people have put more faith in what they cannot possibly verify than what is right in front of them, and now is not the time to be looking outside of yourselves for information, for speculation, and for predictions about what will happen and when.
You all need to go within and feel for the power that rests within each and every one of you, and that power will be felt with even more intensity because of the recent solar plexus chakra activations that we have supplied and that your guides have been able to implement, as they do have a lot of say over what is appropriate for you to receive. And of course your higher selves have that authority as well. What we do is we offer what we believe will help you, and then you and your team does the rest.
We just want you to know that you have the option of receiving from us and from all of the other helpers that you have throughout the universe and beyond. But it will always be up to you to relax, to let go of your tension and anxiety, and let in what is rightfully yours for the taking. We have seen more and more humans doing this, especially those of you who tune in to our transmissions, and we are very happy with the results. We know that with this newfound sense of power within you, all of you can create wonderful realities for yourselves and for all of humanity to enjoy.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

You have awakened, and now it is time to flex that power to create, and you are so much more powerful when you are united.

New Alliances, Blueprints & Templates to Come ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

New Alliances, Blueprints & Templates to Come ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are ready and willing to partner with any of the other collectives throughout this galaxy of ours for the purpose of assisting humanity there on Earth at this time. We have never felt more dedicated to the cause of assisting you in raising your vibration, and we have already partnered with so many collectives, including Pleiadians, Andromedans, Lyrans, Sirians, and Cassiopeians. We also call upon the Archangels and Ascended Masters on your behalf, as we know we can channel their energy into our collective and then act as a sort of magnifying glass to project that energy down to planet Earth.
The energies upon you right now are intense because you all have gotten very intense, and you have called upon these same collectives and higher-dimensional beings for assistance many times. We understand that partnering up makes us stronger and helps us to realize more of who we really are as Source Energy, as All-That-Is. Right now, our focus is on assisting those like you who are awake, aware, and ready for more, because you are willing to unite with your fellow humans to bring about the great changes that are coming to planet Earth. And the great changes are coming, but it is up to all of you to create that change that you want to see on your world.
Yes, you are there to open up and receive as much as you can, but you are also there to focus on what it is you want to see in society, in the global arena, and sometimes you do need to take certain actions in order to connect the dots between all of the lightworkers, gridworkers, and wayshowers across the planet. You have done so much already for humanity, but you really are just beginning to see how real change is made there on Earth, as the times you are living in have forced many to reach out and form bonds that they would not have otherwise have formed.
This is the time for those of you who are awake to follow our lead and form new alliances, just as we are seeking to form new alliances here from our lofty perch here in the ninth dimension. We will send you the templates and the blueprints, the instruction manual, if you will, on how to work together to maximize your power and strength as a unified whole, as the collective you were always meant to be.
You have awakened, and now it is time to flex that power to create, and you are so much more powerful when you are united. And that is why we always stress that forgiveness, compassion, and unconditional love are far more valuable tools for you to have at the ready right now than finger pointing, and accusing, and looking for those you can lock up. It is time to start to see the world as it truly is, a reflection of everything that is inside of you, and we know you can do this. We have a tremendous amount of faith in you as we see how you respond to our energies all the time.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Focus on Consistency

April 11, 2021, trinityesoterics.com


If you were given the most beautiful, tender creature to care for, what elements would it need in order to thrive?

You would provide it shelter (safety), sustenance, love, acceptance, encouragement, guidance, and develop trust through consistency. If you only provided those things some of the time, that being would have trouble relaxing enough to simply flow in its own unfoldment.

If you are having trouble with anxiety or embracing the unfoldment of your own evolution, we encourage you to focus on providing the elements we have mentioned above with a focus on consistency, for it is your consistency with your self care as your own loving guide and parent that allows you to settle into a greater state of peace and acceptance regardless of what is going on around you.

This creates a wonderful space for the discovery of your highest expression of self and everything that then becomes possible from that state of embodiment. Is it time you made the sacred commitment to be consistent with your self love and self care so you can thrive from a space of safe attachment?

We encourage you as the awakened collective to open yourselves up to all that humanity has been asking for, ground it into your physical bodies and down into Mother Earth, and let the wonderful energy grids beneath your feet do the rest.

awakened collective - work with the grids - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael

Awakened Collective: Work with the Grids ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are giving ourselves every possible opportunity to observe what it is that is happening there on Earth because you are in such a time of need. You need help, and we are helpers. We know that you have been making the most of a pretty bad situation there on Earth. We also know that you have summoned so much help, so much healing, so many solutions, that there is a sort of logjam of energies that have been coming your way but that not enough people are open to receive.

Imagine being there on Earth and not realizing that all your prayers were being answered. Many think that perhaps they are not worthy of receiving help from above. Still others believe that some deserve that help because they pray to the right God but others do not, as they are heathens, unworthy of assistance from the Heavens. This is once again where you step in as the healers, the leaders, the wayshowers, the ones who are there to set the example. You step in because you want everyone to receive what it is they have been asking for, and you know that everyone there on Earth with you is a being of light and love, an aspect of Source.

And so, you can hold space for all of humanity to get what they need at this time. You can offer yourselves up to the universe as conduits of all of the assistance that is coming. You can be the answer, the solution, the ones that humanity has been waiting for, and that means rising above all of the debating that goes on there on your world. That means helping those who don’t want your help or don’t think that they need it. You are not there to judge anyone because of their beliefs, their words, their thoughts or their actions. You are just there to be love incarnate and to help whenever you can.

And now is one of those times when you can absolutely help by making yourselves available to the universe, by being the conduits of light, love, and healing energy that you were born to be, and by holding space for all of your fellow humans to get what they are asking for, what they need. Some don’t even know what they need and don’t know what to ask for, but you can still help them. You can still see all others as parts of a whole that you are also a part of and that you are there to make whole, to bring together, to integrate.

As we have said, now is the time, and you are the ones, because you are not discriminating; you are not holding back your love for only those who deserve it, and this is your time to shine. We encourage you as the awakened collective to open yourselves up to all that humanity has been asking for, ground it into your physical bodies and down into Mother Earth, and let the wonderful energy grids beneath your feet do the rest.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Med beds with Jared Rand

ared Rand – Exciting Info re. Celestial Chambers (med beds), Our Future World, and More!

Losha, Live with Losha, April 6, 2021


Jared Rand answers many questions from viewers (hosted by MarkZ) about his Celestial Chambers (Jared’s version of the Med Bed); he informs us of a Consortium of Alternative Doctors (with access to very advanced technologies) who will review “cases” of people who contact them about their serious illnesses, and Jared also talks in depth about what our wonderfully exciting, future world will look like! I love listening to him!

Not only does Jared address a multitude of questions regarding his Celestial Chambers and Med Beds in general, he also talks about unheard of “hidden” technologies that will be coming, sooner rather than later. They sound wondrous! Jared is a gem and he provides a wealth of information for us!

For those of you who haven’t heard of Jared, his bio is below. I believe him to be a very trustworthy and beloved Soul!

Jared says…

“I grew up in a military family, the youngest of 5 children. We traveled the world and every 2 years, we would pack up and move. We were like gypsies. This lifestyle made you grow up quickly but I would not have had it any other way.

“I am here at this time with this planet to assist the civilization in breaking away from it’s enslavement and freeing it’s consciousness; to think for itself and lead itself, to exist in complete harmony, to be humble and in complete gratitude, to love our Selves and each other, to create value and build wealth, to expand into the universe and beyond, and most of all, to VALUE LIFE as the Highest Value in the UNIVERSE. I am here in complete humbleness and DEEP ETERNAL LOVE to serve all of you.”

Jared brings uplifting and enlightening messages in his daily guided meditations to millions globally, and has much to share with the world on disclosure intelligence information. He has amassed 120 million+ participants in just over a couple of years and it continually grows. He is one of the great master teachers spewing pearls of wisdom, inspiring many to become empowered and go within to be connected with the true Self.

Starts around 6 minutes.


Lucid Dreaming

My dreams become more and more lucid as i set the intention to remember to be aware that i am dreaming while i am dreaming. This is a practice i begun a while ago, knowing fully that when i have the ability to change outcomes in my dreams i am also changing my subconscious mind towards higher vibration reality in real life.

I also find that dreams show a future outcome and how i feel about it, shows clearly how this is going to play out.

While i am not going to share with you any personal dreams because it is part of my secret garden that i want to keep for myself, i want to share with you that last night i dreamed that it was announced on the news that fake ‘president’ of USA Jo_e B_iden is dead. (to my sense it is the military who is in control and they have chosen President Trump to do and keep on doing the work behind the scenes)

I also dreamed of being on a galactic ship of many floors high where each floor had something i love to do and i dreamed with the best version of people that i know being loving and forgiving.

This last one is because if a practice i am doing most of my days in seeing the divinity in each and everyone and especially on those that show clearly through their behaviour their resistance and hence the lack of love for themself.

Practice to see the best within all around me, brings me more and more closer to those with who we are on the same vibrational frequency and my lucid dreaming is a confirmation of that.

I hope this serves you my dear,

Much Love

Feel More Than Fine


What is interesting to you at this moment – eating, sleeping, resting, jumping, dancing, interacting, creating? Follow your yellow brick road of interests, for that, is the only way you will discover your new skills.

Dear Ones,

Your new life will be different, but not wrong as you are perhaps beginning to believe. For before your recent hibernation, whether self-imposed or not, you had a regimen of activities that mostly felt right. Now that you are exiting your hibernation site, you are discovering new interests from food selections to interactions with others.

What was is no longer.

An equivalent in nature is the caterpillar exiting its cocoon to discover it is no longer a ground creature. 

Who you were is no more. And who you are becoming is still somewhat hazy. Your cocoon stage is starting to irritate a bit. Even though you feel you need to break out of that shell, you have no idea why you wish to, for seemingly not much has changed.

Perhaps you question our reference to a butterfly, for once the butterfly exits its cocoon, it is ready for its new life. Such is not necessarily true for you.

New you is indeed a multifaceted being with new skills and interests. Yet, your physical being is adjusting minute by minute to new thoughts and actions. In a sense, you are evolving from an embryo to adulthood within days or weeks. Even though you might look the same to friends and relatives, your interior is rapidly changing.

Your transition began as a few cells calling you forward to your new being. A new being that has little in common with your original cells. This concept is likely easily understood by those who initiated their transition decades ago but not necessarily so for those who began transitioning a few months ago. 

You are a new adult in a new world. 

It is time to move to your next phase of flying from your cocoon – or in more human terms, testing your new skills. But you can only achieve such if you follow your interests.

What is interesting to you at this moment – eating, sleeping, resting, jumping, dancing, interacting, creating? Follow your yellow brick road of interests, for that, is the only way you will discover your new skills.

The skills required by you in this lifetime have been practiced in bits and pieces throughout your earth lives. It is as if you have twitched your nose numerous lifetimes for unknown reasons only to discover, similar to the US television show Bewitched, you need that skill to evolve into dimension-hopping or whatever skill pieces are yours. Bits and pieces that are finally making sense even though such was not necessarily true when you first activated them in past lives. 

Your personal puzzle pieces fit together, just as is true for the Universal puzzle pieces we described on several occasions. Nothing you experienced before this life was an accident or wrong; it was merely a building block for this time.

It is time to negate any fears, anger, shame, guilt, or angst you created throughout your prior earth lives – for none were accidents or wrong.

Even so, in 3D, you felt a need to punish yourself lifetime after lifetime. Such can be demonstrated by the time and energy required of you in this lifetime to clear those pieces that held you in emotional or physical pain for eons. Your past life slate is clear, not only because this is a new world but also because you completed each action to prepare for this life.

Without each past action, thought, and interaction, you would not be fully prepared for now. Allow yourself to process that for a bit, and then allow yourself to follow your interests minute by minute.

Who are you becoming? Only you know. Whoever that is, it is completely correct for this time. You have worked diligently for eons to be ready to exit your 3D cocoon for this new you of the new earth.

Perhaps you harmed someone in a previous life, and doing so returned them to you in this lifetime. It is no accident that the two of you have found one another. For not only did you complete that interaction during your transition clearing phases, but they have also given you something you require now to complete your Universal puzzle piece.

There are no Universal accidents, merely learning experiences that build upon one another. It is similar to having difficulties learning to read in first grade only to receive a Ph.D. in English Literature as an adult. Those first reading difficulties pushed you to not only master reading but to enjoy doing so.

There are no accidents. You have never been bad or mean, no matter what images you discovered in past life regressions.

Those of you awakened or awakening are leveling the playing field from “you are bad and so am I” to “you are my loving sibling, as I am yours.” Anything you or anyone has done before or during this life is to perfect your puzzle piece – whether that be a 3D or beyond 3D piece. 

There is no longer good nor bad, merely different. If that difference has little to do with your current interests and energies, you will have little to do with them, for you are on a focused mission.

A mission that has little to do with good or bad – and everything to do with shifting the earth to love with your actions and reactions. So be it. Amen.

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Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

Your Safe Space: means stepping back from any situation you know is not safe for you, be it physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. It also means making the sacred commitment to not be abusive towards yourself through your negative self talk or poor choices.-AA Gabriel-

April 11, 2021, trinityesoterics.com


Creating a safe space is essential for your growth and evolution. If you do not have a space of safety created for yourself, any wounded aspects of self will continue to be triggered. You must create still waters so they can settle, and from there they will find the courage to come forward and finally have their needs acknowledged and met.

This means stepping back from any situation you know is not safe for you, be it physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. It also means making the sacred commitment to not be abusive towards yourself through your negative self talk or poor choices.

It is time, Dear Ones. It is time, as your own loving parent and guide, to assume responsibility for creating the environment that will support you in becoming all you can be. This does not mean shunning others, but rather wisely withdrawing from situations that you know are not healthy or empowering, understanding that to do so supports the highest good of all because it is never loving to support another in showing up in a lesser version of themselves, either.

It means allowing your wisdom to take the lead because the foundational work you are doing now will set you up beautifully for the phase of your incarnation you have just entered.

It is time.

everything there on Earth will get easier as you let the big and beautiful events that are to come find their way to you

Big & Beautiful Events to Come on Planet Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are establishing very strong bonds, very strong connections, with those of you who have taken an interest in us while in your waking state. But even those who are unaware of our existence while in their waking state do sometimes come and visit us in the astral plane. That means we are establishing connections with billions of humans at this time, most of which are unaware that the connection has been established and that there is a strong bond between us. They are unaware when they are awake and very aware when they are asleep at night.

What this means for humankind is that you are getting closer and closer every day to being ready for full and open extra-terrestrial contact. It does take the human mind time to catch up to what is going on energetically, and these individuals who do not know about their conversations with us in the astral plane are still carrying the positive effects of their conversations in their energy fields. And in the exact perfect timing, they will receive in their waking state what they have already received while in their sleep state.

These are complex times that you are living in there on planet Earth, and those of us who are helpers, who have agreed to be that for you, have to do everything that we can. Now, those of you who receive our transmissions and connect with us while you are in your waking state also connect with other beings and other collectives while you travel the astral plane, and some of you remember those interactions, but most of you don’t. Most of you are also waiting for that moment when what’s in your energy field seeps in to your waking consciousness.

These are also very exciting times there on planet Earth, as you have all of that to look forward to and so much more. There is so much more to uncover for humanity, and everything there on Earth will get easier as you let the big and beautiful events that are to come find their way to you. In the meantime, we know that you sometimes fail to find the purpose of being there, or you struggle to be in your joy with the monotony of day-to-day life there on planet Earth. Believe us when we say that with everything that is happening while human beings are asleep, you are in for some giant leaps forward there on planet Earth, and they are coming soon.

All you have to do is live your lives, and from time to time reflect upon them, and then when you drift off to sleep, put forth the intention that you remember what occurs as you leave your physical bodies behind and go off into other star systems and dimensions. The fun that you have and the stories that you will tell someday will absolutely blow your minds.

We are

You have reached the place where you know that YOU ALREADY ARE that which you were seeking.

APRIL 11, 2021

Dear readers, we along with many from the higher dimensions, are working to assist, remind, and help the people of earth understand that something profound is taking place that far exceeds appearances and the understanding of most.

Fear and separation will always be present in the third dimension regardless of how many “wars against” something take place because third dimensional energy consists of the belief in two powers which will always express as duality and separation. Remember, consciousness is the substance of form because consciousness is all that exists.

Personally and globally, mind automatically draws from consciousness to form the material. Mind is matter. Over time the masters have taught that the world is illusion but this has been not been correctly understood by most. The world is not illusion, it is a perfect spiritual expression of Source. It is the false hypnotized sense of the spiritual universe that constitutes the illusion.

You have outgrown third dimensional living. You would not be reading or even understanding these messages if you were still fully in third dimensional consciousness. This can make being around family, friends, employers, and so called experts who are fully enmeshed in third dimensional energy, difficult. There will be times when you must “play the game” but by silently holding the truth in every situation, you bring Light to it.

Over the course of many, many lifetimes, everyone has experienced fear, loss, torture, and occasionally happiness. You have experienced both poverty and wealth, disease and health, killed and been killed. You were both peacemaker and war monger. You were taught that you were better and more valuable than others and acted accordingly but then returned to experience lives in which you were considered to be and treated as worthless.

Religions have and continue to teach that everyone is born tainted with sin until “saved” through certain three dimensional actions, words, or ceremonies.

Many and varied experiences constitute everyone’s journey to realization. Even the smallest life experiences expand awareness and become one’s state of consciousness. Everyone is at their own unique place along the journey toward realization so the negative experiences that you may lovingly want to remove from another, may very well be the very experiences the person needs and chose pre-birth for spiritual growth.

This never means ignoring suffering while shouting “It’s just illusion.”. Rather it means that you do what you are intuitively guided to do, while keeping in mind that something more than what outer appearances would indicate is taking place. Always allow your intuition to guide you in these matters because for some, the experience of total failure may be an integral part of their soul plan. Always honor the free will of others even when you can easily see a better way.

You are prepared to move beyond old three dimensional ways of learning and no longer need experiences of pain and suffering in order to learn what you are ready to learn. However, old painful experiences of the past often form pockets of dense energy that are carried with you for long periods of time. You have paid your dues, learned, evolved, and are ready to move into spiritual empowerment if you choose, but for most it includes a period of releasing and clearing remaining pockets of old energy.

Spiritual empowerment brings a sense of freedom not experienced when living as a three dimensional human. It the ability to accept or reject without fear, news facts, societal beliefs of right and wrong, religious doctrine, etc. along with the hundreds of other concepts believed to be truth that have been imposed upon mankind. It is freedom from actions that arise solely from obligation, guilt, or because others consider it your “duty”.

Freedom is letting go of concepts that assign certain jobs, characteristics, and “duties” to one gender or the other. It is knowing that it is ok choose who to love or be with in partnership and to stop warring with people simply because their beliefs may be different. It is the freedom to choose your life, beliefs, and actions through the realization that you are not a powerless human who must please some old man in the sky.

Spiritual freedom is not license to do whatever one feels like doing at the expense of another but rather allows one to take empowered actions with love.

You have done the work and are prepared to fully embrace that there is only ONE and therefore because there is nothing else, you can only be of that ONE. No more dancing around truth, by continuing with classes, rituals, and ceremonies designed to get the attention of a God separate from you.

Most of you have done these things and they were an important and necessary facets of your journey. They helped you evolve to where you are now, but you no longer need the metaphysical tools. You have reached the place where you know that YOU ALREADY ARE that which you were seeking through them and until you can truly accept this, you remain in the energy of duality and separation.

There is much yet to come, dear ones. These are the times of tremendous change that you hoped, prayed, and longed for even though it may not seem that way or be what you were expecting. The increasing presence and integration of high resonating energy is affecting the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies of all–those who understand what is going on as well as those who do not.

People are experiencing aches and pains in the physical that often come and go. For many, deep and painful emotions are surfacing seemingly from nowhere. Mentally, the whole world is beginning to examine and evaluate personal and global belief systems that no longer seem to be working.

Because the increasing presence of high frequency energy on earth is exposing dense energies that have lain hidden and dormant through lifetimes, some of those living fully in three dimensional energy are acting out with violence and negative actions. This is because as long buried, denied, or held in check energies surface, those of that state of consciousness can easily align with them. They are not always aware of the impact of their actions because the denser energies feel new and valid to them.

Most people are unable to see their guides , higher dimensional beings, or deceased friends and relatives because the higher resonating energy of the higher dimensions is invisible to most physical eyes. Some have carried the ability to see higher dimensional energy with them into this lifetime but psychic does not always mean spiritual. Be alert to what you accept as truth just because someone who has psychic gifts says it. Always trust your intuition.

You begin to align with the higher dimensional energies as your personal energy becomes higher and lighter through spiritual growth. Meditation becomes a living moving way of life rather than a separate part of your day and you may find yourself increasingly seeking out quiet and solitude rather than the noisy activities you once enjoyed.

Allow the process to unfold without personal intervention in the belief that you must personally (ego) manage and control everything in order for it to be right according to some concept of spirituality. Everyone’s journey and experiences are different. Begin to truly accept that you are a Divine Being on earth to bring in and hold the Light of transformation for a world that is mostly unaware that it is in the process of shifting to a higher dimensional energy level.

Be patient and trust that all is proceeding according to plan in the knowledge that things simply cannot change in a minute. The reality of Divine perfection is and has always been fully present, but the collective majority must attain a certain level of awareness before it can be understood or experienced. For the most part collective consciousness is still asleep, but each day more awaken and begin to understand that something is taking place other than what the news is reporting.

Most news sources believe what they are reporting because it is what they have been told to report. Become intuitively selective as to what you accept into consciousness as truth. Your ability to do this is why you were one of those chosen to be on earth at this time. Not everyone who wanted to come was allowed to come. Your strength and spiritual gifts were considerations as to who would be on earth during these times.

Present times are not about a virus, politics, or obsolete rules and traditions. These things are simply facets of the process of a three dimensional planet shifting to a higher dimensional one through the collective spiritual evolution of mankind.

Do not attempt to keep what is old and finished personally or globally alive regardless of how pleasant it may of been. Letting go of those parts of your life that are finished need not mean “taking a stand” with regard to friends and family. Rather simply allow it to be the silent secret living of your highest sense of truth as you go about the day doing seemingly ordinary things.

No one needs to know what is going on within you, this is between you and your Higher Self. Those receptive may feel your energy and be drawn to you seeking what it is you know or have. Strangers may start asking questions or seeking guidance from you and this is when spiritual discernment becomes very important.

Always serve those (strangers or friends) who come to you for advice from a level of compassion and not sympathy. Sympathy ( “Poor you, I feel your pain.”) will cause you to align with the other person’s energy whereas in compassion you remain empowered in your own energy. Alignment with energy that is denser than yours will leave you feeling drained and confused. This is especially important for those who work in fields of guidance.

Know that rather than life becoming easier, life may become more difficult after making the choice to embrace and live truth. This is because in choosing to evolve, you give permission for the opening of the inner doors you ignorantly built for yourself over lifetimes. These doors have acted as blocks to spiritual awareness and must be removed. Opening them allows the release of everything behind them–all that is old, finished, and in need of clearing.

Ordinary life for an already awake and aware person may fall completely apart physically, emotionally and mentally and spiritually. Often they come to a point at which they simply want to go back to where they had no knowledge of truth and where life seemed much simpler and easier. However, once the door blocking some facet of awareness a person is now ready to understand is opened, it does not close.

Try to remember that if struggle and failure appear seemingly out of nowhere when you thought your spiritual journey was flowing along just fine, it actually represents a graduation, a shift away from, the clearing of false beliefs now manifesting outwardly that you would not otherwise be aware of.

A person can never return to their old state of consciousness because Divine Consciousness is the reality, all that exists, and thus any small crack through which it can express will remain. The shadow cannot remake itself in the presence of Light.

Spiritual evolution is the journey of fully opening every door and window, removing every barrier, and lifting every self protecting shield ever created to stop pain but which in reality served only to hide self from SELF.

Allow the reality of who and what you are to once again shine in ITs full glory and expression.

We are the Arcturian Group 4/11/21

Donations are welcomed

What do you need, right now, to love yourself forward?-AA Gabriel-

April 10, 2021, trinityesoterics.com


What do you need, right now, to love yourself forward? Feel into it. You know. Deep inside yourself, you know. We invite you to follow that knowing today and turn it into loving action for yourself. You just might be surprised to discover that’s what you’ve been yearning for all along.

Your feelings are perfect indicators as to whether or not you are allowing or resisting the flow of Love through the universe and through yourself.

Messages from the AngelsMessages from the Angels
My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Upon your earth there is an unprecedented flow of love creating movement and change. You have, collectively called for it. In the confinement of quarantine, you longed for freedom. In months of separation, you cried for connection. Watching the horrors of racism you prayed for unity. Going within and creating better futures in your inner world, your desires were prayers that called to the heavens for support!

Unlike any time ever before in human history, love is flowing to you, through you, and when permitted, from you! Love is flowing into a world that is ready to rebirth itself into a brighter, greater, grander, more glorious, kinder, unified, creative future! You are the ones creating this change by your willingness to dream it. You are the ones allowing for it by your willingness to tune yourself to the frequency of love. You start with love and kindness for yourselves, and then you spiral outward, expressing your love for the world according to the dictates of your own Divine inspiration.

As you move forward, it is good to understand that the greater the flow of Love, the greater the magnitude of your feelings – both positive and negative.

If you watch a physical river, there is little disturbance when a gentle flow reaches a boulder in its path. However, a rushing river suddenly creates massive gurgling, bubbling, frothing waves when its powerful current runs into a boulder. So too, in a greater flow of love you notice your own boulders of resistance ever so much more strongly!

Your feelings are perfect indicators as to whether or not you are allowing or resisting the flow of Love through the universe and through yourself.

When you allow love to flow to you and through you, you feel bliss. In resistance, you feel pain. Most of you feel varying degrees in between, with occasional peaks on both ends of the spectrum.

For example, when you are immersed in the present moment, genuinely enjoying and appreciating what is in front of you, and not thinking any thoughts that would block the rushing torrent of love, you can feel a bliss that was once accessible only to those who worked diligently on their spiritual practice and meditation for decades! Many of you will find yourself seeing energy, perceiving spirit more clearly, and being bombarded by inspired thoughts that guide you to your dreams. These are the moments, dear ones, when you have no resistance whatsoever to the flow of love. These are your moments of heaven on earth!

When you experience (as so many of you are!) what we call emotional eruptions 
or sudden outbursts of intense “negative” emotion, this is simply an indicator that you have run up against a pocket of your own resistance to the flow of love.

Perhaps you’re focusing on something that bothers you, rather than something that pleases you. Perhaps you’re trying to push yourself to feel a certain way or do something that someone else says you should… but you don’t feel this way. Perhaps you need rest, food, or recreation but you’ve been ignoring your own needs. Perhaps you’re judging yourself or another or trying to impose your will on another. In any of those cases, you’re resisting the natural flow towards greater love and joy. These behaviors and thought patterns are taught, conditioned, humanly accepted, and understandable, but the bottom line is that resisting love’s flow doesn’t make you happy.

In fact, resistance to love’s flow is at the root of all human pain and suffering.

Sometimes you can begin to shift out of this resistance easily. You can take a breath and imagine you’re breathing in light, love, and goodness. You can breathe out and imagine sending love out into the world. Sometimes it is truly that simple to return to the flow of love. In this very natural rhythm of breathing, of giving and receiving, you can easily return to its flow.

If you hold your breath, however, you start to feel a craving for air. Your body tightens. The circulation of nutrients, waste removal, and nerve signals is diminished. Likewise, if you refused to exhale you would want to burst.

Similarly, if you don’t shift your focus to take in a vibration of love offered to you in each moment, you crave love in ever-increasing measure. If you don’t flow love outward in some form on a regular basis, you will feel like you want to burst.

We’re not saying you have to like everything. We’re not saying you have to receive human love from everything or everyone, or even flow love outwards to everything and everyone at all times. This would be an ideal state, and while it is a lofty goal, we’re simply reminding you that you can re-enter the flow of love, much more easily, no matter what is going on around you.

Find an easy way to take in love, even if you simply focus on a single pleasing thought. Find an easy way to flow love outward if only by praying for, or appreciating anything or anyone in your life, especially yourself.

The object of your attention matters far less than finding the feeling and flow of love. This is an extremely different paradigm from the one most of you learned, and a critical understanding to help you navigate 5D reality with joy.

We’ll say it again:

The object of your attention matters far less than finding the feeling and flow of love.

Your objects of attention simply help you tune your energy. You can focus with internal or external attention on anything that pleases you and begin to experience the flow once again.

You can allow love to flow to you, by taking in the beauty of a single wildflower, a single beautiful thought, a wonderful song, a joyful video, a delicious meal, a kind thought – anything that plugs you into feeling love and enjoying the moment. Breath that in.

You can flow love outward by appreciating a beautiful color, sharing a kindness with someone, praying for anything or anyone, simply sitting and imagining light filling you and emanating from you in silent presence. You can do good deeds, think kind thoughts, and allow yourself to be a beacon. You can flow love first and foremost by being kind to yourself. Breathe out.

Opening to a small flow leads to a larger flow if you are willing to continue in this fashion, reaching for a focus that feels more like love. As you continue to open and release areas of resistance to love, simply by shifting your focus, you will soon tune to a more blissful feeling space.

We know there are times, especially during periods of “emotional eruption” when you feel it is nearly impossible to re-enter the flow of love by finding a single pleasing thought! When someone triggers your pain; when life seems unfair; when you have focused too long on something upsetting – in these cases, it can feel as if you are possessed by the very thing you do not want to see! These intensely unpleasant emotions arise from feeling disconnected from the flow of love.

In these cases, you have become temporary, obsessively entangled with your focus on a negative object of attention, and have therefore removed your focus from the multitude of things, people, situations, and inner conditions that would assist you in finding the feeling and flow of love.

It is oh-so-human to blame the triggers of your eruptions! 
If only he/she/it would be different you’d feel better! That may be very true, but in assigning blame, rather than re-entering the flow of love, you render yourself entirely, spiritually powerless. It doesn’t matter if what upsets you is a person, a situation, a republican, democrat, a vaccine, an unvaccinated person, one masked or unmasked, a rotten piece of fruit or a rotten behavior, a traffic jam, a horribly abusive people, or any one of millions of displeasing conditions.

We speak plainly here because we want to help you reclaim your power to feel joy. We want you to know your power to focus on a kinder feeling thought and thus to disentangle yourself from vibrations that do not please you. We want to support you in your soul’s bliss, your unfolding desires, and in living, breathing, and contributing to the flow of love!

In this flow of Love you are aligned with nothing less than the Creator of worlds! You become the change for the world. You become powerful creators. You become effective communicators. You become part of the solutions instead of vibrationally reinforcing the problems.

We know this isn’t always easy. There is plenty going on in the world to upset you right now, and many practiced negative emotions that are quite socially (but no SOUL-cially) acceptable.

Many of you have been asking us in your heart – What do I do when I experience an emotional eruption and I can’t find a better feeling thought? What do I do when I feel stuck in negativity? What do I do when my ex/mother/father/brother/sister/boss/child is being so terrible I can’t focus on any of the good people in my life? What do I do when I worry night and day about the country/the economy/my health/death, etc.? What do I do when I get stuck on a focus that feels terrible?

In these cases, dear ones, you can gently begin to release your resistance to love’s flow by first, being kind to yourself. Make the choice to accept yourself where you are and love yourself through it. There’s no need to berate yourself. There’s no need to criticize yourself because you’re a spiritual person who “should” know better. There’s no need to beat yourself up because you can’t find a single positive thought in the moment. You could only calm a screaming or crying child with distraction or, that failing, by soothing them until the emotion dissipates. When in an eruptive emotional state, you must grant yourself this same accepting, allowing, kindness.

Practically speaking, love yourself enough to allow the unpleasant feelings to flow through you in the healthiest and most responsible way that you can, and they will dissipate. Say to yourself, “Well I’m angry. I’m sad. I’m jealous. That’s where I’m at, and that’s OK for now.” Then vent in private – in a journal, to God, or your angels. Wrap a cozy blanket around yourself, and cry the tears, without judgment. Immerse yourself in your jealousy and journal it until you wear it out and realize you don’t want to feel powerless. Breathe deeply. Allow the unhappy energy to move and simply observe it flowing as if you are watching debris that was deeply lodged within you float up and out.

There will often be nuggets of loving gold once the intensity of the “negative” emotion dissipates. Under your sadness, comes a desire for comfort and kindness. Under your anger comes a desire for more balance or to move away from non-resonant conditions or beliefs. Underneath your jealousy is a desire to embrace your power to create.

As soon as you are able, gently steer your mind towards better feeling thoughts. Gently release your resistance to love. “I’m proud of myself. I allowed myself to feel and it didn’t kill me. That was brilliant to just feel and observe, rather than re-act in a hurtful way! I love myself no matter what. I accept myself no matter what. Strong feelings won’t kill me. Better out than in. I love myself. I have compassion for myself. I feel better now. I am going to create more comfort, to move closer towards what resonates and away from what doesn’t. I’m going to learn to create. I’m no longer resisting love…” Hug yourself. Get yourself a glass of water and imagine filling it with love. Drink it.Then, open to love’s flow. Imagine opening your heart like a flower to the sun. Breathe slowly and deeply and with each in-breath imagine that flow of love pouring into you and through you. If you continue in this fashion, you may fall asleep. You may still have resistance and want to retreat back into upset. You may want to distract. Do your best to sit, breathe, open, breathe, and receive. You want to feel better. You want to be happy. You want to feel loved.There are no “wrong” feelings dear friends. Your feelings simply indicate whether or not you are allowing or resisting love. They tell you what vibration you are currently tuned into, so you can choose whether or not that is the magnet with which you want to attract or allow your future.

There is no judgment from the heavens in this conversation. Resisting love does not diminish who you are in any way. It simply diminishes your experience of who you truly are.

In this very intense and beautiful flow of love, be kind and gentle with yourselves. Embrace yourselves where you are. Don’t push yourselves to do or feel what you do not. Don’t run from your feelings. When you can, gently shift to better feeling thoughts. When you are in the midst of emotional eruptions just observe the “debris” flowing through you in a kind and healthy way, until the “love” inevitably follows.

You are birthing yourselves anew. Your earth is birthing herself anew. Love is being birthed in a massive rushing flow right now. Enjoy the process. You are freeing yourselves from eons worth of conditioned resistance to love. You are freeing yourselves to see, be, experience, and express the love that you are made of.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Maybe time to change your diet?try raw and vegan.

Maybe time to change your diet? did you ever try raw vegan? it keeps your energy high at all times.It keeps your PH alcaline (under 7 ) and therefore your body has a super strong immune system at all times.

My new booklet is out :High Vibrations Kitchen : 30 easy to do Raw Vegan recipes now available on lulu.


changes will come so quickly you will hardly have time to take it all in

9th April 2021. Mike Quinsey.

More than once recently the Light has been in a position to take control over the dark Ones, only to be confronted with threats of carrying out atrocities on such a scale that thousands of lives could have been lost. But in conceding to them it has not stopped the plan that is still taking shape to weaken their power base. Furthermore the arrests of Illuminati members continues at a fast pace, and there will be no let up until their web of negativity is destroyed to allow peace to descend upon Earth. The Covid19 lockdown has created an opportunity for the Forces of Light to speed up actions being taken with record results in apprehending Illuminati members. Be assured that the Light continues to be the dominant force and is winning the battle for the freedom of the people of Earth.

Dear Ones, you are on the road to success as the plans of the dark Ones to achieve their objective have failed. In consequence the trillions of dollars spent on making a virus to spread their evil intent to kill millions of people has failed. It is why the virus does not have the potency intended or the ultimate aim for total control of the world’s population. There is of course a cost to be paid but it is miniscule compared to what it might have been. Your experiences have made you strong and many are ready to take their place in the higher vibrations. It gives them the experience needed to help other souls on their journey, so that those who feel ready to advance to the higher dimensions are given every opportunity to do so. However, no one is left behind without help and those who are still awakening to the truth are being led to give them the experience they need to rise up.

All souls on Earth at this time have been selected for the benefits that the experience will give them. It will speed up their evolution and avoid the necessity for many more lives on Earth. We know how tough it is to experience the negativity that comes with duality, but it is a quick way to face the challenges that will propel you forward. It is an opportunity too good to miss and we will do our best to help you successfully get through it. Few souls realise how much outside help is given to you on Earth, meaning that you are given as much help that you need to ascend.  Those who cannot make it this time around will get another chance with the greater possibility that they will make it with our help. After all, providing you learn from your experiences there is absolutely no reason why you should not be successful.

You have successfully come through the last Solar Cycle which is why this period is one of opportunity to carry on going forwards. It is also why it has attracted so much attention as it is such a special occasion resulting in Ascension on a mass level. Clearly not every soul is ready for it and the experience at this time is bound to help you expand your level of consciousness. It is the key to your continued evolution and the opportunity to become a Galactic Being. It is your destiny and something to greatly look forward to that will leave the negative energies behind never again to interfere with your evolution such as they have done previously.

Please remember to focus upon all that is positive, so as to avoid giving power to the dark Ones by becoming involved with negative energies that they thrive upon. Can you not see that all of their actions are calculated to cause negativity that feeds their needs, so keep calm in all circumstances and do not be drawn into arguments or disputes that might cause you to lose control of your feelings.  We know it is hard if you have been used to letting lose when goaded or pressurised by being taunted and abused. You can do it and it may take practise so do not give up if at first you do not succeed..

The dark Ones gambled on Covid19 as a last major attempt to control the world population, but have failed due to Man’s progress by becoming more of Light Beings. It enabled and allowed the Higher Forces to intervene on your behalf thus reducing its effects that were intended to wipe out millions of you. They will never get another opportunity of that magnitude, and now face a humiliating defeat. The net is drawing closer to their minions who have no way of escaping justice for their crimes against Humanity. Be assured that their dreams of world control lie in tatters and there is no chance whatsoever of them being able to avoid justice. 

Many souls still have one foot in the past and we say the sooner you forget it the quicker the New Age will come about. All of the good things you have been promised are on the horizon and you have much to look forward to that will greatly lift your quality of life. At such times many highly evolved souls enter your world with the task of raising your quality of life to levels that you have yet to experience. The drudgery and demands upon you in the lower vibrations are slowly being changed so that you are prepared for greater things that will give you enormous satisfaction and joy. Realise that the Light always wins in the end and all souls are all the greater for it. It is a way of preparing you for your future by raising your vibrations. It cannot be fairer as only those who have “qualified” can lift up through their success in achieving a higher level.

After a period of apparent stagnation you will find that matters will advance very quickly and many that have been held back will be released. You have much lost time to make up and changes will come so quickly you will hardly have time to take it all in. Life will change in such a way that a whole new vista will open up before you, enabling you to expand your consciousness so that you are literally a new person. You have been but a mere shadow of your true self that took on the challenge to experience the lower vibrations, yet so many have come through that can leave the old ways behind forever. We say well done and you deserve every reward that comes your way. 

The most exciting times are coming when you shall meet souls from your background who have known you for eons of time and celebrations will be in order. Old friendships will be renewed and your Galactic family will be present. It is all coming so forget the unpleasant times and difficulties of the past and leave them there. Start thinking of how it will be in the future and it should bring you much joy and happiness. Keep your spirits high and leave those who dwell in darkness to a life of their own making.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light. 

Mike Quinsey.



You are such a treasure to others and most of all to yourself,for in being a treasure to yourself, you are that to others.