When you see yourselves as influencing the totality of the human collective with the times you meditate, with the times that you connect with Mother Nature, and so on, that’s when you can recognize your worth, your value.

More Than a Financial Reset, Mass Arrests & a Solar Flash ∞9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very enthusiastic about this next phase of your evolution of consciousness, as we feel you picking up momentum and heading towards some more gigantic leaps forward in the raising of the overall vibration of humankind. You must see yourselves as existing within this human collective that you are a part of, and you must see and know how every thought you think, every perspective you take, every ounce of compassion you feel, adds to what is in the mix, what is in the giant pot of soup that is this human collective and the consciousness that you are all a part of, collectively.

When you see yourselves as influencing the totality of the human collective with the times you meditate, with the times that you connect with Mother Nature, and so on, that’s when you can recognize your worth, your value. You are not all going to see and receive that instant gratification of getting thousands of likes, millions of views, or selling hundreds of thousands of books, and yet you still have the impact that you are having, and that is why we can confidently say that we see more gigantic leaps forward coming for humankind. It is because of each individual part of the collective and what you are doing as individuals.

You do not have to wait for a global financial reset, for mass arrests, for a solar flash, or for anything else that has been promised to you as ‘the answer’ to all of humanity’s problems. And the reason why you don’t have to wait for any of those gigantic things to happen is because of the movement forward that you all make as individuals in your own lives. When you forgive someone quietly, internally, without anyone else even knowing about it, you have moved the needle. You have added something to the collective consciousness that wasn’t there before, and not only have you raised the overall vibration of your human collective, but you have also demonstrated to others what is possible.

It is possible to forgive someone who has wronged you. It is possible to have compassion for someone who doesn’t deserve it. It is possible to love someone unconditionally, even though their words and/or actions have hurt you. When you demonstrate that it’s not only possible, but that you have done it, you don’t just demonstrate that to the people who are immediately affected by it. You have demonstrated something to someone you will never meet on the other side of the planet, because you are all connected.

We are all connected, and we know that we are evolving. We know that we shift and change and become more of ourselves, and in so doing, we add something to the universal collective consciousness that we are all a part of as well. And that means you are benefitting from all the progress that is being made in the higher realms, and we also are getting better at helping you, and that is another way you are benefitting from your connection to us, but we really want you to acknowledge yourselves for collectively moving humanity forward.

Those of you who are awake are a collective within the human collective, and we have called you The Awakened Collective because we want you to feel that you are a part of something bigger than yourselves, and you are connected to people on the other side of the planet that you will never meet. And together, you are making a difference, and the next difference you make will once again be bigger than a global financial reset, mass arrests, or a solar flash, and the reason it will be bigger is because it came from inside of you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Arcturian Group Message 4/25/21

APRIL 25, 2021

Greetings, dear readers.

Confusion and sadness continue to be a large part of daily living for many but it is important to not judge by appearances. The many current situations of violence and strife represent a surfacing of old and dense energies based in separation that have long lain buried and silent both personally and collectively.

The presence of high resonating Light now streaming to earth is exposing and allowing these old pockets of dense energy to reactivate. Those with a state of consciousness in alignment with these energies then feel encouraged and empowered to act them out.

Some of the violence now taking place is a result of the manipulation of information by those intent upon keeping mankind locked into the bondage and control that has allowed them to live rich and powerful lives.

For many, problems and discord are necessary components of their awakening. Commonly accepted ideas, practices, and beliefs that result in fear and trepidation for others are beginning to be seen in a new way by increasingly more individuals. Previously closed minds are beginning to open to understand that there are better, higher ways of doing things and that many of the “old ways” are no longer acceptable. These insights represent a crack of Light in the dark that will eventually expand and become a part of the collective.

Trust that all is proceeding according to plan. Stand back and bear witness to reality in all circumstances through holding the truth of One Power and knowing that this One Power does not and cannot express as fear, anger, violence, suffering, war, etc., regardless of how scary or powerful the appearances may be. Remember always that One cannot war against ITself.

That One Power is who and what you are, not in your human hood, but in the reality, true essence, soul of you. It is the reason spiritual masters throughout time have guided seekers to look within rather than continuing to look outside of themselves for solutions on all levels.

All answers lie within not because there is some sort of magic book inside, but because your oneness with Source automatically constitutes your oneness with all that Source is–harmony, wholeness, completeness, intelligence, abundance, ad infinitum. The true essence of every person is and always has been self sustaining, self maintaining Divine Consciousness. However, most are not yet aware of or even open to the idea of Oneness with God. The master Jesus was crucified for attempting to give this very truth to the people of his time.

Once an individual has attained a consciousness of their oneness with Source, the inherit qualities of Divine Consciousness automatically begin to express simply because consciousness is the substance of form. Many know this intellectually, but choose to continue believing that living truth is an impossible goal, not practical, and “works” only for those more spiritually evolved. But… YOU ARE THEM.

For example; a consciousness of oneness with Divine harmony allows it to express as harmony in ways that are personal to each individual. Every person expresses their state of consciousnesses. Harmony for one person may mean something completely different than it does for someone else. Harmony for one may mean family issues resolving peacefully and without effort. For another, it may simply be their daily work schedule falling into place easily. Consciousness never ceases expressing ITself.

Daily living for someone who has attained conscious oneness with Source, becomes easier because the harmony, peace, abundance etc. that flows from Source far outweighs any concepts of harmony, peace, abundance etc. formed through the three dimensional mind. Three dimensional mind creations are always and can only be limited, drawing information from the collective through filters of duality and separation.​ However, it is very important to know and accept the difference between needs and wants for self as well as for others.

Everything humans seek is already fully embodied in consciousness by virtue of there being only One Consciousness–Divine Consciousness. However, most do not yet know this, as so continue seeking everything they believe they need from people, places, and conditions outside of themselves while believing that material issues and things are separate from the spiritual. Spiritual is and could never exist separate from the material because material is simply a concept, a three dimensional mind interpretation of the spiritual reality.

Even the very simplest of needs are met when one attains a consciousness of ONEness. The completeness and wholeness of Divine Consciousness will express ITself as what is needed according to the understanding of the individual. A mechanic will not find that new ideas for performing surgery flow into his consciousness and the surgeon will not receive information about how to fix an engine unless that is the need of the moment, and then he will.

Omnipresence–forms of transportation, Omniscience–getting right answers and solutions, Omnipotence–empowerment and strength to make decisions and live. An infinity of all good is the reality just waiting to be recognized.

Ceremonies, mantras, practices, or anything meant to bring some desired outcome are in reality a form of idolatry. These practices are fine for beginners new to learning about energy, but if you understand these messages you are long past that point in your journey.

Many hold themselves back by continuing to hold onto old religious teachings about what constitutes spirituality. No one person’s journey is exactly like another because everyone has had individual experiences throughout their many lifetimes which have resulted in the need for different lessons and goals. To believe that you must live or suffer exactly like some “saint” or famous “holy person” in order to be closer to God serves only to prevent you from finding your own spirituality.

Energy was studied in the mystery schools of long ago, but some at that time were not of a high state of consciousness and discovered that they could manipulate and use what they learned selfishly. This is how the “black arts” began and continue for a few. Never fear these things for lower energy can never effect the higher unless it is given power to do so through fear and a belief in its reality.

You may feel content with life, going along enjoying harmony and wholeness when suddenly you find that something very inharmonious has entered your life. This does not mean that you have somehow failed but rather that your realization of harmony as your own consciousness is automatically clearing everything not in alignment with it. Never claim a problem or difficulty as personally yours for this will make it yours. All error on all levels is and can only ever be impersonal belief.

The Higher Self of every individual directs their spiritual evolution but free will and human ego can temporarily block it. Because the human ego is rooted in beliefs of separation, it is often afraid, anxious, and unable to trust that there is order in a world that presents itself through experiences of duality and separation. Most humans feel separate from their good simply because it is what they believe, it is their state of consciousness. Remember, you are creators forming your outer from your inner.

Many of you are fully prepared to move beyond duality and separation but any remaining pockets of low vibrational energy stored from lifetimes lived in low resonating energy must first clear in order to be replaced with frequencies of Light. This ascension process if different than it has ever been, because you are doing it while still utilizing a physical body. The mind does not always know what is actually happening with the clearing and integration process and translates it as pain or error. (ascension symptoms). Trust that all is proceeding according to plan even if it doesn’t feel or look how you expected it to feel or look.

Once an individual consciously or unconsciously chooses to spiritually evolve, they cannot go back to their previous state of consciousness. Life experiences now become facets of their spiritual learning process. Making the free will choice to evolve shifts a person out of the level of “chance and accidents” that those living fully in the three dimensional belief system experience but if this choice was made on an unconscious level, the human mind will often attempt to block it, leaving the person wondering why they seem to experience so many “life lessons”.

Making the free will choice to evolve shifts a person out of the level of “chance and accidents” that those living fully in the three dimensional belief system experience. Trust that your Higher Self knows where you need to be, what you need, and how to get you there.

You have reached a spiritual point at which outgrown beliefs of the past must be allowed to fall away in order to live from a new and higher level. This facet of the journey is often difficult because you have become accustomed living life from the three dimensional principles that were taught you from childhood and have served you well. Let intuition guide you in all matters as some of the “old ways” are valid.

Televisions, phones, advertisers, books, etc. shout out 24/7 “This is how to become successful, rich, beautiful, popular, strong, smart etc.” and in ignorance at one time or another, almost everyone believes it. Even after awakening to truth, these concepts have a way of working themselves into and remaining in consciousness because they dominate collective thinking. Stay alert to what you allow into your consciousness and do not feel guilty if you occasionally slip into old programming. Evolution is a process.

You cannot fail even if it takes time for you to fully accept some truths. Simply keep yourself open and fluid. Love allows everyone to unfold at the pace that is highest and best for them. Some will grasp these principles and run with them while others may need time to ponder for a bit but the spiritual evolutionary journey of every soul toward the realization of ONEness never ceases.

Limit news watching, seek quiet when you can. Meditate often but not in the old structured and rigid ways many of you were taught as beginners. Let meditation become a silent, sacred, and secret resting in truth while walking in nature, behind your desk at work, simply doing dishes, sitting in your favorite chair, or even in the midst of chaos.

The whole reason you are on earth at this time is to remember who you are and then help others to do the same. It is a process that can be painful and scary at times but you have learned how to reinterpret appearances.

The head of a flying arrow feels the heat. You the fully awakened ones, constitute the first wave, the head of an evolutionary arrow.

You are loved.

We are the Arcturian Group 4/25/21

Donations are welcomed

Learning to be ok with not knowing is an integral skill you have been supported in developing over the past year.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ At Peace with Not Knowing

Learning to be ok with not knowing is an integral skill you have been supported in developing over the past year. This is teaching you to settle into the present moment, to focus on your beingness, to get curious about what might be possible and get clear about what your true preferences are, and to embrace the unfoldment. It opens the door for greater discoveries without constraints.

Not knowing encourages you to learn how to work with the surrender, faith, flow, trust model of the divine combination, and it is through utilizing that model that profound change will become possible, both personally and collectively. This is yet another example of how you are divinely guided, always, to develop the exact skills you need exactly when you need them, whether you are consciously aware of it or not.

What does it mean when a country’s military announces publicly that they have seen objects in the sky that they could not account for?

ufo disclosure is happening - what it means - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael

UFO Disclosure is Happening…What it Means ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are as happy as many of you are about the disclosure that is taking place at this time on the topic of UFOs. This disclosure has been happening for quite some time, and every time that something else is disclosed, you get a bit more confirmation of what you already knew to be true. So what does this then signify for humanity? What does it mean when a country’s military announces publicly that they have seen objects in the sky that they could not account for?

We want to stop those of you who are going to see this as an intentional distraction from going there, and instead, we want you to open yourselves up to the possibility that this means more humans are ready to understand that you are not alone in the universe. From where we are sitting, that is the takeaway. Now, many of you will get very excited about sharing this with members of your family and with friends who have thought your beliefs were quite bizarre for a while now, and certainly you can take some satisfaction in knowing that you were validated.

But the much bigger picture here is how these disclosure events keep getting bigger and bigger, because that indicates that something big is going to happen there on Earth. What will happen will be much bigger than people feeling validated about their beliefs. Many people have wondered when contact with e.t.s would be openly discussed by high-ranking government officials from powerful countries. You are coming into that time now, and you can rest assured that this all means that more is coming, and more and more.

And someday you will have e.t.s walking amongst you, openly. You will be able to ride on their ships and go to faraway places, and they will share their technology with everyone. This is happening, and it’s a part of the shift in consciousness. Now, you might wonder what the relationship is between UFOs, e.t.s, and your ascension. It is quite simple, really. You need to know that you are much more than just physical bodies with brains who are living out a lifespan in a single lifetime on a single planet. You need to know that there is a bigger story to who you are, where you came from, and even how you were created to be the way you are right now as a human race.

The answers to those questions will expand consciousness there on your world. People will start to think differently, and it is okay to have something happen that then causes people to think differently. It is perfectly fine that it’s not just coming because a person meditated for twelve hours a day for twelve days straight. It is reasonable that it is happening through e.t. contact, rather than through some other spiritual practice that led to someone’s enlightenment. That is one way; that is one experience, but you don’t have to earn the expansion of your consciousness. It’s very natural for it to occur, and it is occurring, and this is a reflection to you of that.

And you can all breathe a sigh of relief because this is hard evidence that more is coming and that the more that is coming is what you have wanted for a very long time. Relax, smile, and take a deep breath, because you have made a tremendous stride forward yet again there on planet Earth.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 04/24/2021 • When you feel good, you feel God.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

As long as you live in a human body your heart is beating as it attempts to send oxygen-rich blood to every one of the trillions of cells in your body. Likewise, your nervous system is firing, sending signals along neurons to harmonize and maintain the dynamic balance of the body. You have, within your own physical vehicle, an entire universe, with a multitude of systems sending signals, flow, nourishment, and removing toxins.

Likewise, the heart of God is always beating, and we say this metaphorically because the Divine is the energy behind all creation, and “God’s heartbeat” is really the constant expression of love from the Source, pulsing ever-outward and circulating – seen or unseen – within and between all of creation. You, like each cell in the body, receive a never-ceasing flow of love, and a never-ceasing flow of signals guiding you along your desired path.

Last week we talked about the signals that you call your guidance. This week we’ll talk about circulation. Love – like the blood in the human body – is always flowing to you from the Source. It is the very life within you. It is the power that creates and animates the human body and the power that makes your physical heartbeat and your physical lungs breathe.

The heart pumps without any judgment about any of the trillions of cells. Likewise, the Source sends waves of love pulsing within you, to you, and through you without any judgment whatsoever. You do not have to earn this love. Never are you unworthy of this love. You do not have to do a thing to receive this love. It is God’s circulation. It is unceasing. It is always there for you to either feel, experience, enjoy, and use to create your dreams… or you can pinch it off. In truth, you can’t ever pinch off God’s love, but you can pinch off your experience of it.

A simple rule of thumb is this: When you feel good, you feel God.

When you don’t feel so good, to varying degrees you have cut off only your experience of this love. The circulation of love is always there but in a higher dimension that is harder to feel when you are in a lower vibration.

How to return to the experience of love? You have heard us say this many times this year… One thought at a time, choose a better feeling thought. As you feel better, you feel God’s circulation of love. You know these moments, dear ones. When you’ve been in love with anyone or anything you are truly in an experience of this circulation of love. When you’ve admired a sunset or felt appreciation for the water in your shower you’ve felt this circulation of love. When you have a kind thought about yourself or another you’ve felt this circulation of love. Whenever you’ve felt any love, you’ve felt God’s love. When you feel good, you feel God.

Don’t beat yourselves up when you don’t feel good, and you don’t feel God. Just remind yourself, “Love is here for me now. I just have to open a little bit more to feel it.” Then think one better feeling thought at a time until you begin to feel this love. It feels like a feeling of lightness. It feels like a feeling of coziness, security, pleasure, joy, and in its most blissful, unimpeded form, ecstatic appreciation and enthusiasm for all of life, or those pure moments of unimpeded inspiration and flow.

It doesn’t make you a bad person when you aren’t in this space. We simply want you to allow, open, and know the joy of the Creator’s love for you! In this love, you cannot feel lonely. In this love, you feel secure. In this love, you can more easily “forgive thine enemy” if you have any because you realize that it simply feels better to stay in love! Truly dear ones, in the experience of the Creator’s love answers, come, insight appears, inspiration is normal, and miracles happen with great frequency.

So strive, when you are not feeling good, and not feeling God, to remind yourself. “Love is here for me now. I just have to allow it, open to it, and reach for it, one better feeling thought at a time.”

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: How to Live a 5D Life

April 23, 2021, jennifercrokaert.com


Ashian: The superimposed matrix of your planet has been fear; every institution on your planet was designed around fear ~ creating it, spreading it, perpetuating it. This is no more. Look through the veil and you will see that the veil has disappeared. You are free of the fear-programming.

J: That sounds great and my head gets it, but I’ll be honest, I still find myself doing things I know are old patterns. How do I/we get past that?

A: First notice it, then bless it. What is not of the light is dissolved by the light. Open the door into a darkened room and the light floods in, the shadow does not flood out. And be patient with yourself. This is millennia old… you are looking for immediate change.

Change will come quickly, through the use of light and light-techniques, but it can take time, as you assimilate and embody the new light codes, vibrations and grids within your physical vessels.

J: Thank you. That makes sense ~ but you can see how we are running out of patience down here.

A: Yes. And we have waited millennia for this, so perhaps there is something we may share with you about patience!

J: Hmmm (said she, abashedly!)

A: It is not to shame you, but to put your experience into perspective, to provide you with a little breathing space, because ‘much’ of humanities impatience is ego-driven, not soul-driven. The soul is beyond time and is experience-focused, therefore time does not matter, experience matters more. When you are in the experience of something, you lose all sense of time because you too are experience-focused, when you are in your divine flow.

You are soon to gain your freedom in a most unexpected way. While that will come as a harsh shock to many, those of you who have waited for this and prayed for this moment stand ready to come into service in the way that best reflects you and your unique skills. You will each become aware of what it is that you are here to do and be ~ how you have chosen to assist at a soul level.

We do not say that this will be easy, because many will resist and wish to remain asleep, others will be so panicked they risk drowning the rescuer in the panic.

You, light workers, are to learn balance. The process of righting millennia of wrongs will not be achieved overnight, but it will be achieved quickly nonetheless. In a brief decade you will be amazed at the world you have created.

But in that decade, you need to find balance. Work with love, create with joy, share with passion. But do not feel that you have to slave, that you need to martyr yourself for the cause of others, or suffer because others are suffering. NO!

You are to show the pathway, how to stand in balance and help with poise, with love, with generosity ~ respecting yourself, your creativity, your sacred divinity, your time, your energy ~ as much as you respect those you assist. You are the role models of new society.

It is not what you do, it is how you do it. The means are the ends.

If you look after the process, the outcomes will be assured and blessed. Do one act of kindness with genuine love, not ten seemingly kind acts with no care and compassion. Bring your heart to your tasks, one by one, as you encounter them through your day.

Allow your focus and compassion to be on the present moment activity or non-activity; in this way you make your life sacred and each act you undertake becomes a sacred act, an offering to the Divine from the Divine.

You are the pathway, you are the light-bearers, you are the teachers. You are the love. You are the light. You are the Divine. And when you realise that, you awaken Heaven on Earth.

Slow your day down. You do this by becoming aware of each moment, as much as you can. It is a discipline, it takes practice, but it is the method that allows you transcend time and move into the 5D, because it brings you into the eternal now moment.

When you slow down, you notice the care – or lack of care – that you bring to everything that you do. Care for yourself in your now moment beingness. If you are rushing, then move quickly, but not with stress. If you are angry, then notice the infringement on your beingness with kindness, not revenge.

These are the skills of 5D beingness. You have been practicing them all along. Now it’s time to use them ~ in your every now moment.

We are with you. We love you and we bless you for all that you are achieving in being in your now moment.

(c) Jennifer Crokaert 2021 www.jennifercrokaert.com


in 2012 i left all my belongings including my car and chose to cycle and use trains and occasionaly planes in all my travels instead as a way to become self sufficient.This is one of our starting points:CASITA VERDE a community in Ibiza.Now,in this moment,i got a bike in every country i’ve been at,where our communities are gathering.If you want change,you got to change yourself and one of my main dreams was to create eco sustainable communities that are autonomous and independent and that we can connect with one another all across Europe and now community has expanded in Africa and i must say worldwide,with all this is taking place.In my mind’s eye i had a vision of The Venus Project being finally achieved where amazing technologies are being used to create homes as we wish them to be.I studied extensively The Venus Project and if one goes within and sees the whole package ,one will realize the amazing possibilities we have,adding to it :Free Energy because if we drive electric cars it makes no sense to have it from the current infrastructure but to have truly abundant energy created from inventions as TESLA or ELECTRA that we already have in Greece and is waiting for the compliance to move on.Why did this take so long time?ask your governments , the galactics and above all our collective consicousness.Me,i want,you ,you want.But where is the collective in all this?for the time i keep living my dream and even if c-ovid came this last year,i feel stronger than ever to move into action because i love to be the boots on the ground moving,acting,connecting 🙂

What do you think the future would be?

A friend in Japan asked me:What do you think the future would be? Do you think we’ll still have free society? My answer:yes love,of course,it is going to be amazing for those who subscribe in finding their joy from within out.As you probably know,meditation,art,walking in nature all these help.First one must see it and feel it in their heart and then it manifests outside with every breath one takes.I see it,i feel it because i have been on an inner journey for pretty some time now.Taking the time to go in daily,preferably every morning first thing to calm the mind for about 15-20 and never ever stop this great habit brings all one needs in their life.Quite simple.Life is simple.


Continue, therefore, to set the intent to be only loving whatever may arise in your daily lives, because as more and more of you do this, the possibility of conflict of any kind arising becomes increasingly unlikely.-Saul via John-

Note from Nikos :reading these words made me laugh loud, it is so true!!!!” If you could know what an immense success you are creating in every moment as you set and maintain the intent to be only loving whatever arises, you would be absolutely amazed.  However, your higher selves – the vastness of who you truly are – are presently keeping that information or knowing hidden from you, because they are fully aware that your egos would seize on such wondrous information to enormously inflate the egotistical aspects of your humanness.”



Humanity’s awakening process continues to flow beautifully forward, exactly as divinely planned, while the MSM (main-stream-media) continues to direct your attention toward events that focus on dangers they claim are severely threatening your human existence.

Dangers that are presented in an unrealistic and threatening fashion to compound your fears so that you will believe in the authoritarian directives and instructions that your governments are issuing, and thus keep on abdicating your sovereign rights as free and divine beings, while accepting and following those directives and instructions.

If you will just do the necessary basic research you will see that those directives and instructions have no scientific basis, and that they are therefore being used solely to control, manipulate, and intimidate you.

They are not working!  More and more people worldwide are seeing through this scam that governments are using to increase their power, and, at the same time, persuading you to relinquish yours.  (Some people are becoming very sick, but this is truly not very different from what has happened in previous years’ ‘flu and colds seasons.)  However, you need to remember that you are very powerful beings, every one of you – and one of my duties is to keep on reminding you of this divine truth – you just need to claim that power by refusing to be manipulated or intimidated.

Your governments cannot force masses of unwilling citizens to conform to their dictates, because those in uniform, directed to control and intimidate you, are themselves humans with families and loved ones like you, and so will not do to you, in order to make you obey them, what they would not dream of doing to their own loved ones.

You are all One, and more and more of you are becoming aware of the absolute truth of this every day.  Continue, therefore, to set the intent to be only loving whatever may arise in your daily lives, because as more and more of you do this, the possibility of conflict of any kind arising becomes increasingly unlikely.  By changing your behaviors from those of fear-driven, authority honoring individuals, to those of Love-filled divine beings – which of course is what you all are – accepting and honoring all others, you are changing the world in which you live, and it is becoming immediately apparent that this is indeed what is happening.

If you could know what an immense success you are creating in every moment as you set and maintain the intent to be only loving whatever arises, you would be absolutely amazed.  However, your higher selves – the vastness of who you truly are – are presently keeping that information or knowing hidden from you, because they are fully aware that your egos would seize on such wondrous information to enormously inflate the egotistical aspects of your humanness.

This, obviously, would seriously distract you from the tasks that you all incarnated to do, as your egos attempted to prove to each one of you how much better you are, how much more advanced you are on your spiritual paths than all of your friends and associates, and even those to whom you had previously looked for spiritual guidance, which you can clearly understand would be an extremely distracting and totally unhelpful experience!

You are all in human form at this moment to assist in the great awakening process.  Yes, you are also leading ‘normal’ human lives as well, in so far as any human life can be adequately described as ‘normal.’  Therefore you have to deal with exigencies that arise for each of you personally – dealing with your own ‘stuff,’ as well as with the ‘stuff’ arising for your loved ones, into whose drama it is almost impossible for you to avoid being drawn – as humans on Earth in this time of enormous change.

You have all chosen a very courageous and essential task by being incarnate at this time, and you are in every moment fully and magnificently supported by your support teams in the spiritual realms.  But do try to understand that everyone else presently on Earth has also made this choice, even though it may well appear that they are not assisting but are in fact actively – even though perhaps unaware of this – attempting to disrupt humanity’s awakening process.

Truly all are assisting in this most magnificent process, because the karmic ‘stuff’ that eons playing the game of separation, living in the unreal dream world that is egoic human life, has precipitated into the game has to be seen for what it is – painful, shameful, unloving, and UNREAL – but then acknowledged, thanked (it has helped to bring awareness to the insanity of engaging in unloving thoughts, words, and actions), and lovingly released.

You are all – every expression of consciousness, every expression of the Divine, and there are NO exceptions here, or anywhere – and always have been One with Source.  There is NO separation.  The separation that you have been undergoing in human form for what appears to be an inconceivably long time is unreal, has never occurred.

However, as I and many others from the spiritual realms have explained to you on numerous occasions, when we were created God gave us ALL that She Herself Is – which, of course includes free will, because LOVE withholds nothing – and we were then free to construct, with great skill, the incredibly real seeming state of separation with which we have been fully engaged ever since.

God, knowing instantly that it would prove to be an immensely painful state, even though it did not and could not in reality exist – because there is only Love – in that instant provided the way out, the way back to the knowing and experiencing of Reality, to the knowing of ourselves as One with and utterly and completely inseparable from our Source – ALL THAT EXISTS!

The human awakening process that is now fully under way is waking people up in stages, as they begin to come to a very powerful awareness that life is not just about earning a living and surviving in an environment that is less than totally user friendly, and that there is much, much more to life than ensuring that the basic essentials for survival are available.

Awareness is growing that life lived fully can be extremely satisfying and uplifting, bringing joy and happiness to those who choose to engage with it in a manner that encourages them to be mindful of the vast numbers of ways in which they can experience the beauty of it frequently and unexpectedly during the day.  It is only necessary to be alive to one’s bodily senses that are constantly alert to life as it flows through them, instead of being focused almost exclusively on the stories that people tell themselves about the inadequacy or undesirable aspects of their lives, which distract them from actually living moment by moment.  It is the moment to moment alertness to the flow of life – and that flow is endless, unceasing – that brings into conscious awareness the joys that can be experienced when the mindless chatter of the ego is ignored for even a few moments.

Allow yourselves to enjoy life by focusing on the good aspects – and there are many constantly available flowing through you with the life flow – as they arise moment to moment, the only time that you can experience, the now moment that is your life.

The future and the past are distractions from life now, in this moment when life is happening.  As you allow the now moment to be present in your awareness more and more frequently, you will discover that there is joy in your lives, joy that perhaps you had largely been unaware of because of all the worries and anxieties on which you felt that you should focus your attention, on which you needed to focus your attention.  Life is really much simpler than you have been led to believe, and when the realization of this awakens within you, you will also realize that humanity is indeed awakening.

With so very much love,


My Perspective in the now.

The cold weather many experience is only an attempt for ‘climate change’.It is not real.They would love us to sit inside and watch tv or stay behind our laptops.I don’t buy into this.I go organic 100% not even carrying android with me when going out.Humanity is now officialy free to restore life as we all want.Those humans that wish to control,i promise you a very cold weather coming for them.It makes sense:a boomerang of what they send out coming back to them.So watch your thoughts and be kind and loving no matter what arises and witness what comes back to you.And yes,silence is the best answer most of the times.


The Dream of Truth by Saint Germain – Part 2

The Dream of Truth by Saint Germain – Part 2

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

Greetings and love I, Saint Germain extend to you now. It is an honour to be in your presence today. I bring forth the magic, the love, and the truth of the Creator to shower down upon you to support you in your current existence upon the Earth. You are embarking through a most beautiful ascension process; everything is blossoming at this time and being embodied deep within your being. It is a time to be consciously aware of everything that is taking place within your being, around you and connected to your spiritual path. We the Ascended Masters wish to assist you in achieving this. In your everyday reality, encourage yourself through your thoughts to be conscious and aware, alert to everything that is occurring within your being and around you.

I Saint Germain wish to speak with you about the energy of truth, truth is such a vast expansive word. Truth is and can describe something that is general and yet as a spiritual being walking your ascension pathway upon the Earth, truth is something that is remarkably close to your heart and soul and very meaningful to you. It is your power and a reminder of your connection with the Creator, supporting you in your expression of the Creator.

Currently in ascension truth is immensely important, it is essential to take some time to contemplate what truth is.  Many beings who have channeled before me have spoken of the energy, the vibration, and the frequency of truth, inviting you to contemplate truth. It has never been so important as it is now to contemplate truth. 

What is truth?

What does truth mean to you?

What do you expect of Truth?

As a spiritual being you are invited to let go of expectations, instead to create intentions. Rather than expecting something to happen, hold the intention that it is already created and already manifested, entering your reality. If you create intentions about truth, about understanding your truth, contemplating, what truth is and your unique expression, this will allow you to connect with the Creator on a deeper level. Your expression and understanding of truth are important, it is unique to you, therefore it is essential to really begin to understand what your truth is. What does this mean? It is not necessarily what you believe in, although it can be. It is more what you wish to feel, what you wish to experience, what you wish to create for yourself in your ascension and upon the Earth.  Rather than trying to understand the meaning of life and the truth of the Creator, or what the Creator wishes you to know becoming a wise being or Guru. Truth is about your own unique expression, and in many ways can only be expressed, if it is not expressed then it becomes something else. It is energy, it is a vibration, it is a flow. Your truth is unique, it is all about what you feel, what you think, what you experience and what you create. This is your truth.

Your truth extends from the vibration of the Creator that you are connected with or put in another way the vibration of the Creator that you hold within your being. If you allow your mind to run away with fearful thoughts, if you allow your emotions to continuously bring up old wounds without approaching them, facing them or healing them then the vibration of your being and the vibration of your connection with the Creator will be different. It may not be so inspiring or enlightening. If you are able to master your mind, to forgive yourself, to love yourself unconditionally, to heal yourself, recognise and want to heal the wounds within you and physical wounds as well, your connection to the Creator will be different. It will be more enlightening and more inspiring, more familiar and more truthful.

Your expression of truth constantly changes as you evolve and progress through your spiritual evolution. As we begin to contemplate what is truth? What does it mean to you? We also let go of expectations and instead create intentions We become conscious of the presence of truth around us, within us and assisting us in our reality, flowing through us from the source of the Creator. Then we are more able to connect to experience the truth.

We have spoken of you expressing your own truth and how this can change, alter and shift, especially as you ascend. Contemplating truth, you will begin to recognise that you wish to know the truth of the Creator, you wish to receive truth or wisdom that will guide you fourth in supporting yourself, others, and the ascension of the Earth. The truth of the Creator is the same as your truth, it flows through your being. The more you heighten your energy vibration, the more you will be an expression of high enlightening inspiring ascension truth bringing this into your reality and into the world. The title of my communication with you today is the Dream of Truth.

What does the Dream of Truth mean?

It is my understanding that within your being you have a dream, a hope, something that you wish to manifest, and it may be that it is a dream of truth. Now it may look like wishing that there was more peace in the world or wishing that you had more abundance or that there was more abundance in the world. Within you there is this dream of truth, something that you want to manifest that you wish and desire to be experienced upon the Earth at this time or in the future. This dream of truth is immensely important because it also supports you in understanding your destiny and your purpose in this ascension process. When you make steps forward to experience your dream of truth, you are experiencing that which your soul wishes you to experience. I wish to encourage you to connect with your dream of truth, to understand what it is, you may have many, it will be something that seems as if it is out of your reach. It will be something that seems as if it is immensely frightening to achieve or impossible. This will be your dream of truth and I encourage you in the coming days in meditation or quiet time to ask within your being what is my dream of truth?

What is My Dream of Truth?

You may have one, or you may have many dreams of truth, write them down so that you can see and feel them with greater ease. I encourage you in the coming days to really explore your dreams of truth. Once you have explored your dreams of truth begin to ask the Creator, your guides, anyone you wish myself, Saint Germain, any being that you wish, any vibration of light to support you. To support you in the manifestation, the expression and embodiment of your dream of truth. In doing so you will bring forth the vibrations of the Creator, the truth of the Creator, the truth of your soul, and your soul group. Everything from your soul that requires to be manifested and experienced in your reality now. You will be downloading energy into your being and into the Earth, into humanity and Mother Earth to support humanity and Mother Earth experiencing truth, as it is so important now. It is a shift in perspective and a shift in understanding that is required upon the Earth. A new connection, a heightened connection with the Creator and a heightened expression of the Creator.

I wish to come forth to you next week to continue this conversation. For now, please encourage yourself to explore your dream of truth. Think big, think expansively, beyond limits because that is the truth of the Creator.

I thank you,

Blessings be with you,

I am Saint-Germain

More Saint-Germain


You are just beginning to comprehend, understand, and utilize this expansion of your capacity of free will.

Linda Dillon: Anchor Your Expanded Free Will

Archangel Uriel says that we are just beginning to comprehend, understand, and utilize this expansion of our capacity of free will, and the fluidity, and the fortitude of when we will, like I do, to will the Will of the Divine One, the Divine All.


Greetings, I AM Uriel, I AM Uriel, I AM Uriel, I am brother, I am ally, I am friend, I AM Archangel of the Future. And yes, beloved ones, I say to you emphatically and clearly… the future is now. But more importantly, yes, of course, the children are the future, but sweet angels of light, so are you.

You have come to this planet, this planet of such extreme beauty, you have come as sister and brother to Gaia, to assist her as she daily, moment to moment, assists you in the blossoming, the anchoring, the expansion of who you truly are… brilliant angels, brilliant archangels, brilliant seraphim, brilliant cherubim, and humans all.

This channel asks me, “What does it mean to be a champion of change?” Why have the Mother and I used this terminology? Let me suggest to you, your life in this journey is not an athletic event… unless you think of weightlifting. That is not what we intend when we speak to you about being a champion of change. And I am not merely speaking of this upcoming series, I am speaking to your heart. To be a champion is to be a leader. It is to have the vision and the wisdom-vision, not only of your fourth eye but of your heart, of your being, of your life, to journey. Yes, sometimes it has been into the dark or shadowy places but that is why long ago I have given you and instilled within you my Silver Flame of Illumination. But we expand this because what is vision, what is inspiration? In its most simple form, it is dreaming with the Mother.

You have been given, and through you, through this expanded circle, you are given an expansion of your blessed capacity of free will. Now, what do you do with that? Our dream, our guidance, our recommendations is never to ignore the whispers of the dreams of your heart. But what I suggest to you, not to override, but to join… when you dream with the Mother, when you enter into her dream, and when you invite and allow Her to enter into yours, there is an expansion and fluidity that allows, through acts of will which is now increased and increasing, the ability to create what you have all been dreaming of since the moment of inception and well before.

You are just beginning to comprehend, understand, and utilize this expansion of your capacity of free will, and the fluidity, and the fortitude of when you will, like I do, to will the Will of the Divine One, the Divine All.

One of the things that I bring to you this day is the realization that you will anchor, share and spread that expansion of free will as you anchor your expanded free will within. Think of this as simply the implementation to create more freely, more clearly. Many upon the planet… yes, behind that door that the channel has talked about, and the Mother has asked you to keep ajar but not paying attention to… many still suffer in the darkness, the chaos, the shadows, the confusion. They do not need to stay there. And many of those beings are saying, “It is too hard. I wish to go home. I cannot continue this way” … not only those of the lightworker, love-holder community, but many.

When you implement and utilize your expanded free will, you come to more fully, in a very conscious manner, understand your power to align will with Will, create with Create, dream with Dream. Then the desire to leave leaves, it evaporates. And the true joy, the privilege, the honor of being, the knowing of not only volunteered but selected, chosen to be these wayshowers in this time of completion and the emergence of a new realm, yes, of existence emerges. When you begin to know this the excitement, the joy, the pleasure, the sense of accomplishment… not merely for yourselves but for the many… that joy expands and the desire to complete and leave, to head out because you are too darn tired dissipates, and disappears.

You see, you cannot have Nova Earth, you cannot be Nova Being, if you are stuck in that downward spiral of ‘I am too tired; I am fed up; I am exhausted; I feel defeated, disappointed, and betrayed.’ That does not exist. So, what does? What is the beckoning? What is the offer on the table… literally? The future, the future that you have dreamed of and that is right now… no, it does not eliminate the expansion of future decades and millennia, it begins it.

And in that, I invite you to proceed with me, to enter into the Grayelsha Dream, and from there to dream with the Mother, with the Father, with the One. We have prepared you. You know what it is to come to the13th Octave and to be in the fullness of embrace. You know what it is to be in communion, conjoining with all of us, and this is not a one-way… us with you. Never do we choose to over-extend, to over-indulge. To participate fully… yes, yes, yes, yes… but never to override. You would not turn and say to me, “Uriel, I would prefer you to do this and this, and could you do it my way?”

You are so loved and honored. We do not seek in any way to over-direct, but rather in a place of friendship, of family, of union, of sacred union, of communion, seen and unseen, above and below, within and without, in accordance with Divine Universal Law, we seek to create with you. Yes, acclimatizing is of creation. It is a conscious choice, and it is a choice of will… and will power. Do not ignore the power of will. It is that sense of declaration, not merely fortitude or determination but of declaration of your sacred divine ability to proceed… and might I add, to proceed in joy, in laughter, in sweetness, in kindness. Yes, even with Gabrielle’s bubbles of joy.

So, turn to me as I turn to you, to expand your vision, to assist you in assuming your champion position. Go with my love sweet angels of light, brothers and sisters of my soul.

Go with my love.


Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.

This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted. [Full terms of copyright at https://counciloflove.com/copyright-notice/]

Are you going through a dark, confusing, lonely time? THIS is the bright light at the end of the tunnel.


This last year has brought to the majority of humanity, what lightworkers have been experiencing since they have stepped foot on earth, loneliness, confusion, identity crisis, mental distress, or a complete feeling of being in the dark with no one to relate to or talk to.

Before falling into the trap of outsourcing your power by having someone try to tell you what’s “wrong” with you by rushing to the doctor to get a prescription for depression or anxiety medication, let’s go over the immense benefits of traveling through this uncomfortable pain, or what I refer to as “the valley of darkness”, to take your power back!

What society has never taught humans, is that 1, it is OK and completely normal to feel this way and go through this, and 2, that going through it will make you happier, stronger, and more fulfilled than covering it up. In fact, anxiety, depression, and an array of other illnesses are a bi-product of living in a world that is so far away from our natural state and not listening to our soul’s calling. For when we mask it, we often live with long-term anxiety/depression/etc, and it will just continue to erupt in a different way throughout life. This is also why many people have “mid-life crises” and mental breakdowns when they are older. (Insert the world’s mental breakdown that is happening right now!). Society makes you feel ashamed, or like there is something wrong with you for feeling these uncomfortable feelings because you don’t fit the narrative of the “societal lukewarm life”, which then fuels addictions, shamefulness, emotional eating, unhealthy attachment issues, and many other things that the structures of our world easily have a “solution” for of course. Why may you ask? Well, because the way society has been structured will not benefit from you being whole, happy, and healed, but rather keeping you down and under easy control. But those days are over. The number of people that have been forced to sit back and go within, through the valley of darkness, is higher than ever before.

Collectively we have been going through the dark night of the soul, simply put a valley of seemingly unending darkness where you feel everything you have never wanted to feel inside of you, at a very fast deep level. The more you resist it, the harder it becomes, the more you allow the feelings and truth to flow through you, the easier and actually more positive experience it becomes. In no way am I downplaying how uncomfortable it is while you are going through it, because I to have been there, however speaking from experience its worth the period of discomfort rather than numbing it, as I’ve done both.

Going through the valley of darkness is lonly because you are in the process of unbecoming and letting go of all the facads society has created of you, and reconecting with your higher self which you have only maybe met a few times through your intuitive nudges or “gut feelings” that you may have brushed off as nothing in the past. Friends can seem far away, and you may even lose some or disconnect from the majority of those who have been around you your entire life. Have no fear, this is normal and filled with much value.

What happens after you go through this valley of darkness? Your own awakening, your personal spiritual enlightenment are on the other side. You become healed, and your viewpoints change on just about everything. You no longer view the world, situations, and people through the lens of trauma which distorts everything, yet you view them from higher perspective and inevitably become a conduit of unconditional love and understanding, filled with compassion and a deep desire for truth.

Once you re-connect with your own higher self, and lead from a higher perspective, you will naturally be vibrating higher, and living in a higher frequency. This is when you will automatically link and connect with new people who are on that same frequency as you. You will have a deep sense of “family” and “belonging” as you have never experienced before.

The veils between all sources of created division, separation, this side that side. right and wrong, evaporate. As you look at life through a healed lens, you are able to think more critically, freely, and for yourself, rather than be subjected to society victim propaganda and personal agenda. You will be able to look at things objectively and come to new conclusions rather than “fighting” or battling for this or that. You understand that every human can only understand things from their level of perception and frequency. You become an enlightened soul.

If you have always felt like you never “fit in”, it’s because you were never meant to. If the structures of society never resonated with you, it’s because you are here to create new ones. If you have always felt like an outsider, it’s because you are here with a BIG purpose to fulfill. Many people spend years, or even most of their life trying to do what is “right” by society, or their parents wishes, wasting precious time resisting their soul’s calling and desires. But this past year has been divinely guided to assist humanity to stop fulfilling society shoulds, and focus not their own needs. Millions and millions of people have been going through the valley of darkness willingly, without resistance any longer because the contrast is so strong, and the result is a new world emerging from that ashes. A new world built on love and not on a fake facade. It’s happening right now. The world is going through its own dark night of the soul as a direct result of humanity doing so.

You are not alone, in feeling lonly. In fact, even those st spiritually evolved go through new periods of darkness from time to time. Each new level of spiritual evolution requires you to let go and grow more. And you begin to love it and crave the benefits that come after it. It’s like a caterpillar in a cocoon, if you resist it, you will always stay a caterpillar. but if you can withstand the short time of darkness, you come out a beautiful butterfly and can fly higher than your wildest imagination.

Ashley Ulizzi

Gaia Welcomes us Home to Nova Earth! by Linda Dillon:


This is a planet of peace and that is what is being birthed and that is what you are creating…

GAIA Welcomes us Home to Nova Earth!

Greetings, I am Gaia, I AM Gi’Anna – and welcome, beloved ones, angels and hybrids, starseeds and earthkeepers. I welcome you, the New You that is the true you, that has always infinitely and indelibly been you. I come to you as sister, as brother, as Mother, as Archangel.

The New You that emerges, that resurrects, is the truth and the power, the beauty, the determination of who you have always been as inter/multidimensional being, integrated, balanced, intentional.

When I have transformed into this planetary awareness, I have invited each of you originally and in this very moment of what you think of as the infinity of time, and I have invited you to join with me in the glory, in the beauty of Creation, in the sweetness of community.

This physicality that you have assumed in form is a very curious form, and it is quite petite compared to my planetary form, is it not! But never mind because each of you are powerhouses, each of you are generators, each of you are transmitters, each of you are anchors, all of the above, of love – and each of you are powerful creators, just as I am.

For yes, this is intended to be a planet of love but, sweet angels of light, it is also intended, and is, and will be a planet of creation, a planet of the new, a planet of the original, the unfoldment of the Plan, of the promise that we have all made, yes, to the Mother but to each other as well.

Do not think, sweet ones, that I am not cognizant of the breadth and might of who you are, yes, each and every one of you. You have declared yourselves, particularly in this incarnation, as my allies and as the allies to your Star Family, as the allies to the kingdoms that now can come out of hiding to join in community and creation once again.

This is a planet of peace and that is what is being birthed and that is what you are creating, yes, in tandem – yes, with me – but also with the galaxy, the universe, the multiverse, the omniverse. There is no separation!

Now, you have been so constricted and frozen in time and space, and now, as you embrace and open your being, not just your heart – yes, that is the on/off switch – but as you open to truly engage, not with this or that dimension, this or that timeline, this or that aspect, but with the totality, you join with me in the realm of 12 dimensions, in the realm of 144 levels, in the realm of the octaves.

You join with me not because there is any level of coercion or control, or even what you might think of as need, for security has been a very big issue for the human race. Security is not something we tend to concern ourselves with a great deal.

So what you are doing with us – and us with you – is birthing, renewing, and expanding. When I say you are returning to original promise, that is so, and it is in divine allowing, acceptance, and praise of the One. But you are also expanding upon that. You have declared your willingness, your desire, and your readiness to use the tools, the energies at hand to not be stuck, uni-dimensional, frozen, isolated, separated in the illusion that has been a construct of mankind, of humankind – and yes, mostly mankind!

It is over! It is done! Yes, there is rehabilitation, yes, there is reconstruction, and you are being helped from every corner of the Omniverse. The time of preparation, of learning, of waiting, of yearning comes to a close.

So I, as your planetary sister, I come in love to welcome you, the totality of you as Nova Gaian, as unique and beautiful individual, as the powerhouse that you are. I welcome you to Nova Earth, to freedom, to liberation, to a new realm and cycle of existence. I welcome you home! And I am helping you.


Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.

This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted. [Full terms of copyright at https://counciloflove.com/copyright-notice/]

the hostile take-over of humanity has failed. Humanity has prevailed.Congratulations, dear human. You’ve taken control of your world.

The One channeled by Sophia Love.


April 19, 2021, 4:30 AM

It is the One.

Things have happened. These things are worth mentioning now. It will help you to make sense of announcements you’ll hear and activities that occur as a result of these announcements. You will not be told the truth. You will not be told everything that has occurred.

There has been a change in command, a turnover.

This is a reference to the absolute command in/of places and parts unseen by you. This is a reference to the hidden controllers.

The dark ones, those who have been holding the controlling elements on your planet, have, for the most part, abandoned their posts.

To a very large degree, they have been driven out. In another way their numbers have been reduced to that which are too small to hold any power; also, to those individuals who hold no authority or imagination for power.

Those newly at the helm are the humans. They are not in all of the places that were previously commanded by the dark ones. Some of these (places) have been just vacated. What this means can be equated to a ship running at full power without a captain, or a plane in mid-flight without a pilot.

There have been certain automatic procedures left in place for such a scenario. They are meant as temporary, stop-gap measures to cover things for a moment until someone returned to steer.

No one is going to return in those places that are abandoned.

In those cases where there are humans, they will not last long either, having no facility or instruction for such a scenario.

To sum up what this means, let me tell you that the hostile take-over of humanity has failed. Humanity has prevailed.

Enough light and truth and love emerged from the race to overtake the darkness.

This does not mean that you’ll immediately witness flags of surrender and a change of visual power. No.

Yet rapidly now, you are about to witness the systemic failure of every extreme effort at control and the breakdown of systemic control in every aspect of your world. Things will unravel relatively quickly now in your society.

For those of you who are aware of the hidden agenda – you will witness the public announcement of those things that you know, as well as things that you didn’t.

You will see the dissolution of situations that appeared to be unstoppable. Things that include corporate control, political maneuvering, medical monopolies and government over-reaching. You’ll notice some things just stop. You’ll notice others that don’t look or sound the same.

Facts will leak out that explain some of what is happening or has happened. In many cases it will appear chaotic.

What will be very visible are the players. With the dark ones gone, who are left are the humans. Their efforts will become transparent soon. That is, you’ll see who was working for what “side.” Many, many, who actually worked for the benefit of humanity, still appeared to be against the race. They will switch either subtly, or in an obvious way. It will be very confusing.

What happens quickly now is that, with the dark ones gone, the humans left in charge will put forth one last gasp of an effort to retain their imagined control and safety.

There will undoubtedly be an event of some kind, that will be quite visible.

You’ve noticed the large number of shooters recently. They are some of those “false flag” events, instigated by those who imagined themselves to be in charge at this point.

All of the events occurring now, in any public way, are meant to keep you afraid. The goal is to keep you in fear so that you will not ask questions.

You are asking questions anyway, and almost numb to news of “shooters”, as there are so many recently.

What is true?

The real goals and reasons for events and actions are about to unravel. As no one is left at the wheel, it will appear a bit chaotic for a while.

Then the revelations begin.

Once they do, you’ll have a sense that there’s been a shift. Indeed, those wearing “white hats” will be in control at that point.

You’ll see many strange and unusual happenings, announcements and change-overs.

You’ll witness a few, final “last gasps” of breath.

You’ll notice, in a very obvious way, which humans are interested in benefitting themselves only, and which are interested in helping humanity.

These things will revolve around money and power.

They will look like extreme control efforts and manipulation. There are many humans who are so deep into this, that they see no other possibility for themselves other than “more”. These have become clone efforts of the dark ones, with an identical agenda.

None of these efforts will succeed. Yet, the drama of discovering them, and stopping them, has to play out in your 3D arena.

Primarily military and government hands will orchestrate the take-down and clean-up now.

What will be needed are cool heads and direct light.

Your efforts at energetic support and visualization are most important and necessary. It is these that will supply a sense of calm and peace to the new reality that you are building. Do not waver in your efforts there, regardless of how things “look” publicly. You will witness some things publicly. Not all.

There will be enough released to alert humanity to the truth and to the changeover. It will eventually emerge in full.

It is a fluid situation, and changes are made to the process regularly. It is adjusted so that its success is assured. You can be sure that it is.
So, patience is still necessary.

Knowing the truth, while visualizing what it is you most desire for humanity, will be extremely helpful now.

This has become a human operation.

As such, it is open to additional support from beyond the planet.
Things could get very interesting in that arena. That remains to be seen, and is another subject for another day. For today, know that the dark ones are gone. This is cause for celebration.

You will see now; things quickly play out and unravel. It is a very exciting moment and one that has never happened.

Congratulations, dear human. You’ve taken control of your world.

That is all for now.

Thank you.