Daily Archives: April 24, 2021
Antilockdown & Antivaccins protest in London.
What does it mean when a country’s military announces publicly that they have seen objects in the sky that they could not account for?
![ufo disclosure is happening - what it means - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael](https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/IrHx6Q6hxSsmWYhFSYgi_N1JwlzR8d9pIZxuWoGIvTA-JyE0qF4H5rutGMdU9XpYlDs-BfK1Xq9UXEvWA2Jy7op-oQuFAZoYGlOnQjH2YkCb8uqLYQgOeA6lu8Y0sa9_2FD42X6VX4mW5Uql1FiyU47Dp5UFc06b9lNlzbiiO6AnSN0lnUacWE0Mr2l178xAfVtVEwDtoYvQCgLq-lacvyCge12RjNkTJZv8QvdtAs4lqIgu_htXRVTU5M2LNBWaIng=s0-d-e1-ft#https://danielscranton.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/ufo-disclosure-is-happening-what-it-means-the-9th-dimensional-arcturian-council-channeled-by-daniel-scranton-400x250.jpg)
UFO Disclosure is Happening…What it Means ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are as happy as many of you are about the disclosure that is taking place at this time on the topic of UFOs. This disclosure has been happening for quite some time, and every time that something else is disclosed, you get a bit more confirmation of what you already knew to be true. So what does this then signify for humanity? What does it mean when a country’s military announces publicly that they have seen objects in the sky that they could not account for?
We want to stop those of you who are going to see this as an intentional distraction from going there, and instead, we want you to open yourselves up to the possibility that this means more humans are ready to understand that you are not alone in the universe. From where we are sitting, that is the takeaway. Now, many of you will get very excited about sharing this with members of your family and with friends who have thought your beliefs were quite bizarre for a while now, and certainly you can take some satisfaction in knowing that you were validated.
But the much bigger picture here is how these disclosure events keep getting bigger and bigger, because that indicates that something big is going to happen there on Earth. What will happen will be much bigger than people feeling validated about their beliefs. Many people have wondered when contact with e.t.s would be openly discussed by high-ranking government officials from powerful countries. You are coming into that time now, and you can rest assured that this all means that more is coming, and more and more.
And someday you will have e.t.s walking amongst you, openly. You will be able to ride on their ships and go to faraway places, and they will share their technology with everyone. This is happening, and it’s a part of the shift in consciousness. Now, you might wonder what the relationship is between UFOs, e.t.s, and your ascension. It is quite simple, really. You need to know that you are much more than just physical bodies with brains who are living out a lifespan in a single lifetime on a single planet. You need to know that there is a bigger story to who you are, where you came from, and even how you were created to be the way you are right now as a human race.
The answers to those questions will expand consciousness there on your world. People will start to think differently, and it is okay to have something happen that then causes people to think differently. It is perfectly fine that it’s not just coming because a person meditated for twelve hours a day for twelve days straight. It is reasonable that it is happening through e.t. contact, rather than through some other spiritual practice that led to someone’s enlightenment. That is one way; that is one experience, but you don’t have to earn the expansion of your consciousness. It’s very natural for it to occur, and it is occurring, and this is a reflection to you of that.
And you can all breathe a sigh of relief because this is hard evidence that more is coming and that the more that is coming is what you have wanted for a very long time. Relax, smile, and take a deep breath, because you have made a tremendous stride forward yet again there on planet Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 04/24/2021 • When you feel good, you feel God.
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
As long as you live in a human body your heart is beating as it attempts to send oxygen-rich blood to every one of the trillions of cells in your body. Likewise, your nervous system is firing, sending signals along neurons to harmonize and maintain the dynamic balance of the body. You have, within your own physical vehicle, an entire universe, with a multitude of systems sending signals, flow, nourishment, and removing toxins.
Likewise, the heart of God is always beating, and we say this metaphorically because the Divine is the energy behind all creation, and “God’s heartbeat” is really the constant expression of love from the Source, pulsing ever-outward and circulating – seen or unseen – within and between all of creation. You, like each cell in the body, receive a never-ceasing flow of love, and a never-ceasing flow of signals guiding you along your desired path.
Last week we talked about the signals that you call your guidance. This week we’ll talk about circulation. Love – like the blood in the human body – is always flowing to you from the Source. It is the very life within you. It is the power that creates and animates the human body and the power that makes your physical heartbeat and your physical lungs breathe.
The heart pumps without any judgment about any of the trillions of cells. Likewise, the Source sends waves of love pulsing within you, to you, and through you without any judgment whatsoever. You do not have to earn this love. Never are you unworthy of this love. You do not have to do a thing to receive this love. It is God’s circulation. It is unceasing. It is always there for you to either feel, experience, enjoy, and use to create your dreams… or you can pinch it off. In truth, you can’t ever pinch off God’s love, but you can pinch off your experience of it.
A simple rule of thumb is this: When you feel good, you feel God.
When you don’t feel so good, to varying degrees you have cut off only your experience of this love. The circulation of love is always there but in a higher dimension that is harder to feel when you are in a lower vibration.
How to return to the experience of love? You have heard us say this many times this year… One thought at a time, choose a better feeling thought. As you feel better, you feel God’s circulation of love. You know these moments, dear ones. When you’ve been in love with anyone or anything you are truly in an experience of this circulation of love. When you’ve admired a sunset or felt appreciation for the water in your shower you’ve felt this circulation of love. When you have a kind thought about yourself or another you’ve felt this circulation of love. Whenever you’ve felt any love, you’ve felt God’s love. When you feel good, you feel God.
Don’t beat yourselves up when you don’t feel good, and you don’t feel God. Just remind yourself, “Love is here for me now. I just have to open a little bit more to feel it.” Then think one better feeling thought at a time until you begin to feel this love. It feels like a feeling of lightness. It feels like a feeling of coziness, security, pleasure, joy, and in its most blissful, unimpeded form, ecstatic appreciation and enthusiasm for all of life, or those pure moments of unimpeded inspiration and flow.
It doesn’t make you a bad person when you aren’t in this space. We simply want you to allow, open, and know the joy of the Creator’s love for you! In this love, you cannot feel lonely. In this love, you feel secure. In this love, you can more easily “forgive thine enemy” if you have any because you realize that it simply feels better to stay in love! Truly dear ones, in the experience of the Creator’s love answers, come, insight appears, inspiration is normal, and miracles happen with great frequency.
So strive, when you are not feeling good, and not feeling God, to remind yourself. “Love is here for me now. I just have to allow it, open to it, and reach for it, one better feeling thought at a time.”
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: How to Live a 5D Life
April 23, 2021, jennifercrokaert.com
Ashian: The superimposed matrix of your planet has been fear; every institution on your planet was designed around fear ~ creating it, spreading it, perpetuating it. This is no more. Look through the veil and you will see that the veil has disappeared. You are free of the fear-programming.
J: That sounds great and my head gets it, but I’ll be honest, I still find myself doing things I know are old patterns. How do I/we get past that?
A: First notice it, then bless it. What is not of the light is dissolved by the light. Open the door into a darkened room and the light floods in, the shadow does not flood out. And be patient with yourself. This is millennia old… you are looking for immediate change.
Change will come quickly, through the use of light and light-techniques, but it can take time, as you assimilate and embody the new light codes, vibrations and grids within your physical vessels.
J: Thank you. That makes sense ~ but you can see how we are running out of patience down here.
A: Yes. And we have waited millennia for this, so perhaps there is something we may share with you about patience!
J: Hmmm (said she, abashedly!)
A: It is not to shame you, but to put your experience into perspective, to provide you with a little breathing space, because ‘much’ of humanities impatience is ego-driven, not soul-driven. The soul is beyond time and is experience-focused, therefore time does not matter, experience matters more. When you are in the experience of something, you lose all sense of time because you too are experience-focused, when you are in your divine flow.
You are soon to gain your freedom in a most unexpected way. While that will come as a harsh shock to many, those of you who have waited for this and prayed for this moment stand ready to come into service in the way that best reflects you and your unique skills. You will each become aware of what it is that you are here to do and be ~ how you have chosen to assist at a soul level.
We do not say that this will be easy, because many will resist and wish to remain asleep, others will be so panicked they risk drowning the rescuer in the panic.
You, light workers, are to learn balance. The process of righting millennia of wrongs will not be achieved overnight, but it will be achieved quickly nonetheless. In a brief decade you will be amazed at the world you have created.
But in that decade, you need to find balance. Work with love, create with joy, share with passion. But do not feel that you have to slave, that you need to martyr yourself for the cause of others, or suffer because others are suffering. NO!
You are to show the pathway, how to stand in balance and help with poise, with love, with generosity ~ respecting yourself, your creativity, your sacred divinity, your time, your energy ~ as much as you respect those you assist. You are the role models of new society.
It is not what you do, it is how you do it. The means are the ends.
If you look after the process, the outcomes will be assured and blessed. Do one act of kindness with genuine love, not ten seemingly kind acts with no care and compassion. Bring your heart to your tasks, one by one, as you encounter them through your day.
Allow your focus and compassion to be on the present moment activity or non-activity; in this way you make your life sacred and each act you undertake becomes a sacred act, an offering to the Divine from the Divine.
You are the pathway, you are the light-bearers, you are the teachers. You are the love. You are the light. You are the Divine. And when you realise that, you awaken Heaven on Earth.
Slow your day down. You do this by becoming aware of each moment, as much as you can. It is a discipline, it takes practice, but it is the method that allows you transcend time and move into the 5D, because it brings you into the eternal now moment.
When you slow down, you notice the care – or lack of care – that you bring to everything that you do. Care for yourself in your now moment beingness. If you are rushing, then move quickly, but not with stress. If you are angry, then notice the infringement on your beingness with kindness, not revenge.
These are the skills of 5D beingness. You have been practicing them all along. Now it’s time to use them ~ in your every now moment.
We are with you. We love you and we bless you for all that you are achieving in being in your now moment.
(c) Jennifer Crokaert 2021 www.jennifercrokaert.com
in 2012 i left all my belongings including my car and chose to cycle and use trains and occasionaly planes in all my travels instead as a way to become self sufficient.This is one of our starting points:CASITA VERDE a community in Ibiza.Now,in this moment,i got a bike in every country i’ve been at,where our communities are gathering.If you want change,you got to change yourself and one of my main dreams was to create eco sustainable communities that are autonomous and independent and that we can connect with one another all across Europe and now community has expanded in Africa and i must say worldwide,with all this is taking place.In my mind’s eye i had a vision of The Venus Project being finally achieved where amazing technologies are being used to create homes as we wish them to be.I studied extensively The Venus Project and if one goes within and sees the whole package ,one will realize the amazing possibilities we have,adding to it :Free Energy because if we drive electric cars it makes no sense to have it from the current infrastructure but to have truly abundant energy created from inventions as TESLA or ELECTRA that we already have in Greece and is waiting for the compliance to move on.Why did this take so long time?ask your governments , the galactics and above all our collective consicousness.Me,i want,you ,you want.But where is the collective in all this?for the time i keep living my dream and even if c-ovid came this last year,i feel stronger than ever to move into action because i love to be the boots on the ground moving,acting,connecting
What do you think the future would be?
A friend in Japan asked me:What do you think the future would be? Do you think we’ll still have free society? My answer:yes love,of course,it is going to be amazing for those who subscribe in finding their joy from within out.As you probably know,meditation,art,walking in nature all these help.First one must see it and feel it in their heart and then it manifests outside with every breath one takes.I see it,i feel it because i have been on an inner journey for pretty some time now.Taking the time to go in daily,preferably every morning first thing to calm the mind for about 15-20 and never ever stop this great habit brings all one needs in their life.Quite simple.Life is simple.