Daily Archives: April 17, 2021
JFK through Losha, April 17, 2021
April 17, 2021
John F. Kennedy “Live” Message – Transcribed
Welcome, welcome, welcome to all my beloved Patriots! This is JFK here, or Jack as many like to call me…and I am here to provide you a new message through my muse, Losha.
I would like to speak about the many different beliefs which are out there, right now. We’ve got the cabal with their beliefs which as we know are very evil and do no good at all…and then we’ve got the Christian side of things and then we’ve got people who are lightworkers but not necessarily Christians and then we’ve got a whole other plethora of beliefs that are out there, right now. However, what I would like to speak of is the commonality amongst most of these beliefs…other than the cabal’s.
Since I have been away from Earth life for more than 50 years now, I have been able to see the common areas in all these religious beliefs that are touted on earth. My muse likes to call a lot of the rules and regulations of the religions, “window dressing”. I understand that, and that is because a lot of the rules and regulations of different “religions”, are just that…they are trying to give you rules to live your lives by and these rules, for the most part, are not good for you. They are leading you astray, so to speak, because these rules, which are in every religion that is on Earth right now, have been made up by man.
There is Truth to the word of Jesus..there is truth to the personality of who Jesus was…however, much of the story of Jesus is false…and many of you probably already know this…but there are many that may not, and I am not trying to burst your bubble, or cause you grief or angst about these revelations that I am giving at this moment, but there are many untruths in the story of Jesus. (1)
The biggest untruth is that Jesus died on the cross…this is not true. Even though the media can come up with all these “tv specials” that say there is a shroud of Turin and they found the cross that Jesus died on…it is not true.
Jesus went on to live a full life but he did provide the “Beatitudes” that people talk about from the Bible…that is true…and that is what I would like people to focus on. The Beatitudes are examples of Love…and, as what I have learned, Love is the biggest commonality for all religions.
Everything comes back to Love…so, all those things that Jesus did where he was loving others…loving those who were “misfits”…loving those who were “unfit”…others who “didn’t deserve to be loved”…Jesus loved every one of them. That is what I would like everyone to remember about Jesus.
The rest…Jesus dying on the cross is a complete fabrication…and I would just like to state that none of you need to be forgiven of any “sin”…that is completely false. No one on Earth…no soul, anywhere, is a sinner. Yes, you may do something that is not for “the Benefit of All” once in a while…we all have, as we have been living our lives…however, this does not mean you are a sinner, at all.
So, I would just like people who are Christians and who really believe Jesus died for their sins…it is not needed by anybody…to be forgiven for your sins, because there is no sin. Yes, there is right and wrong, but there is no sin.
Jesus did not need to die for your sins…this was all made up by the cabal to cause you to feel “unworthy”…and it worked…in my opinion, it has worked for many, many years.
Unworthiness, has been the single biggest emotional issue for every soul on Earth…every emotion that you feel, or every button that gets triggered within you when you react irrationally about something…it all comes back to the basic tenet of not feeling worthy of receiving Love.
My Losha is experiencing this at this time…she is working on this…it is a big challenge for every person who works on this. However, it can change your life once you realize how much you deserve Love!
Each one of you, my beloved Lightworkers and Patriots, deserves to be Loved, by yourself first, and by others, second. It is the biggest challenge that each of you have here on Earth, right now…and believe it or not, your daily challenges, your daily life, is “colored” by this very basic, emotional issue.
My Losha has just realized recently that she uses her illness and her brain injury, as a way of “sabotaging” herself. She uses it in a way so that she won’t have to do things that make her successful, because she doesn’t believe that she deserves to be successful. So, she thought that she just had a fear of success…
She was brought up to not enjoy the “accolades” for doing something well. However, she is realizing that it goes much deeper than that…it goes to not feeling worthy of being Loved. She is not able to Love herself enough to believe she deserves success.
I am just trying to point out that there are “layers” to our emotional issues…and we think we uncover one layer, such as her fear of success, but it actually goes much deeper that that. () So I just encourage all of you, as you are living your lives, to just be aware of when your “buttons are being pushed” as they say, or to go even deeper, and try to find out “why” your buttons are being pushed.
It is difficult work, I understand…however, there are “healers” out there who can help you with that, and Losha is trying to provide you with “options” on her website as to who can help you with those situations.
I just wanted to bring these items up today…kind of a strange assortment of topics, however I feel they are very important topics…and I am going to be speaking more and more about the “individual” and how the individual is so important to the “collective”.
The collective is the one that will allow our positive future to come forward, so we all need to each do our own individual work on ourselves in order to help our very positive future come to fruition.
I know it is challenging but you’ve got spirit guides who are always here to help you in any moment of your life. They will give you “signs” and guidance in your mind, and even visually you will see signs that they are here to help you, and guide you.
You are not alone…I hope you all know this by now. You are never alone…there are so many beings and your spirit family who have crossed over…they are always with you, too.
So please know that you are Loved, and you are watched over, by myself and by many others who Love you. At this time, I am going to sign off and say that I hope this message was helpful to you, and I Love each and every one of you, so very deeply.
Your ever-devoted, Jack.
Channeled live by Losha.
(1) Jesus through Suzy Ward agrees with JFK. See Jesus in Matthew’s Message, May 15, 2019, at
We don’t give you a 5-year plan or even a 5-day plan. Rather, we guide you in each breath towards the kindest and most loving path to all you have asked for.-The Angels via Ann-
My dear friends, we love you so very much, The energies upon your planet are intense at this time, perhaps more so than ever before in human history. You have collectively prayed for a new reality. You have collectively asked the heavens for support in re-creating your lives as individuals, nations, and a global community. Each one of you has angels guiding you to experience these changes in the healthiest, happiest, and most harmonious way for your own unique and beautiful soul. Moment by moment, day by day, we guide you with loving impulses and inspirations. We don’t give you a 5-year plan or even a 5-day plan. Rather, we guide you in each breath towards the kindest and most loving path to all you have asked for. The easiest path is the one that brings you joy in the here and now. We guide you step-by-step, constantly adjusting to the ever-changing and shifting conditions upon your earth. In every breath more than 7 billion people make different choices and emit different vibrations. In every breath your energy shifts and changes too. We try to steer you, like flowing water, to move or go around any obstacles in your path. Consider this example. If you wanted directions to a remote destination, you would likely pull out your phone, consider the maps offered by your GPS, and decide upon the quickest, easiest, or most scenic route depending upon your objective. Now suppose you are in the car, on your chosen path, but your phone suddenly detects an accident or a road closure up ahead. If you are listening to your phone’s guidance, you will be re-routed along the new best path.Your angels are very much like the GPS on your phone and, as some of you like to joke, we are indeed your “God Positioning System!” We are always trying to guide you on a path that will assist you in elevating your vibration, and allowing what you want to flow into your reality. In a high vibration you more easily perceive your higher guidance. In a lower vibration you will also perceive input and impulses that come from similar-vibration human beings who, like you are emitting energy and sharing opinions. As well you may feel your own fears, doubts, and conditioning in the mix of the energies you receive. Think of it this way: in a high vibe you perceive a clear signal. In a lower vibe, there is static on the line, and you must pay attention more closely to hear the signals of your higher guidance. How do you know when you are receiving higher guidance?It is actually quite easy. Impulses and inspirations from your angels and guides feel wonderful, uplifting, fun, interesting, or inspiring. Feelings, impulses, and “inspirations” from others who might not have your best interest at heart feel like things you must do to get what you want, things that don’t necessarily feel joyful to you in the moment. For example, suppose you want a job or a relationship. Your well-meaning relatives and friends might suggest you spend hours, looking online. They might try to set you up with people you’re not interested in. They might recommend jobs that don’t inspire you. They may even get upset and judgmental if you don’t listen. “You’re never going to get what you want just sitting there!” Your own conditioned inner voice might give you similar, well-meaning, but pushy lower vibrational guidance. You know it is lower vibrational because it just doesn’t resonate with your heart. It feels exhausting, uninspiring, demoralizing, or upsetting. Suppose you truly do enjoy looking online. You may look forward to it as much as some people enjoy a treasure hunt or doing online research. If so, your angels and guides will try to give you impulses at the best possible times to “catch” the moments of opportunity. If however, looking online feels burdensome, your angels and guides will amplify your own natural inspirations to play, explore your interests, rest, travel, daydream, or cocoon or any one of a multitude of activities that you truly feel like doing. These activities will be ones that feel easy, good, and uplifting to you, even if they seem to have no logical relationship to your goal of the new job or the new relationship.Nonetheless, as you do these things that feel good, you raise your vibration. You are being guided to elevate yourself into a space of joy and receptivity so you are ready when the job or relationship arrives. Perhaps you will meet someone during your playtime who will point you along the next step on your path. Perhaps you’ll surrender to your heart and at long last be open to the guidance you’ve really been waiting for. In a high vibe and space of joy, you’ll interview better, come across better on your first date, or notice the opportunities when they’re presented. in every moment, given the state of the world and the state of your own energy, your angels and guides are guiding you along the path of joy. When you listen to your heart you’ll either perceive their guidance, or be guided – one better feeling thought or action at a time – into a higher vibration where you can more easily perceive our guidance. Life, and your angels, never give up on trying to steer you back to joy. For example suppose you are disappointed and sad and you’re just trying to “tough it out.” Your angels are guiding you to thoughts and things that will uplift you. You may have a fleeting moment of feeling like taking a walk, but given your state of being, you think, “That’s too much trouble.” You may receive a feeling from us to call a friend but you think, “I don’t want to bother them.” Nonetheless, you still have guidance. You may be inspired by your own feelings to watch a sad movie that is a vibrational match. The movie triggers your tears and after a good cry you are able to release disappointment and sadness and focus on the better feeling thought of hope. Now thinking about that walk feels better, and you take it. Now we impulse you and help you feel like calling your friend again and this time you don’t think it sounds so silly. Likewise, say you are in a difficult relationship, be it with a co-worker, spouse or other individual. You are trying to be loving and kind but deep down you’re angry. Your feelings are your own guidance system, telling you that you need to change yourself or the situation. As always, depending on your deeper desires, your guides are always trying to inspire you to the path of greatest ease, flow, and joy. Perhaps you have thoughts of a kinder and more loving job or relationship. We are showing you that you can dream of this and manifest better – either in this relationship or another. Perhaps you feel an impulse towards self-love and the desire to speak up and share your heart, but then you think, “They don’t care.” Maybe that’s right but we see that sharing your heart, would be the next better feeling step. Perhaps you are feeling more and more like leaving this situation but instead of listening to your guidance and manifesting a way out, you think, That’s just not practical.” Perhaps it isn’t practical, but we are inspiring you to point your mind towards feeling of freedom so we can help guide you along the path to its manifestation. If you keep ignoring your higher guidance, it might take the other person matching your angry vibe with “a straw that breaks the camel’s back” to trigger your anger more strongly so you, at long last, start to manifest a kinder situation for yourself. Sometimes the most joyful path means you have to let go of beliefs, people, or situations that don’t work to make room for those that do. You can’t always get from a deep dark mood to a glorious one without taking intermediate, better-feeling steps. In these denser moods, there are denser souls and situations that will match your vibration and without knowing, steer you back to better feeling thoughts. Like the canyon walls direct a river on its most natural and joyful path by blocking its flow, life and similar vibrational souls will bump into you until you choose kinder, easier thoughts and more self-loving actions. As you become more practiced at keeping your vibration higher – one better-feeling thought at a time – it will be much easier for you to perceive and act upon higher, loving guidance. In the meanwhile you can sort out higher guidance by paying close attention to what feels best in your heart, in a given moment. We want for you, what you want for you. We want to help you find better feeling thoughts, so you can act from inspiration rather than desperation. We want to help you when you seek comfort, so you can feel our love even when you don’t see love. We want to help you embrace your natural abundance so you can trust in life’s flow even when it is not yet made manifest. We guide you because we love you and we want to assist you in making all your dearest dreams come true. God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels |
Prof. Dolores Cahill – How do you travel without complying to corrupt Government policies
A step back, one step inward, is most often preparing for something new that is to come. -Jeshua through Pamela Kribbbe
by Pamela Kribbbe
I am Yeshua, a brother and like-minded person.
Feel my presence with you; I’m not a stranger. We are deeply connected to each other. The fact that you inhabit an earthly body and I do not, does not create a great distance between us. Feel it in your heart. The distance that arises between people stems much more from fear and distrust than from whether or not to be physically present together. Feel the inner connection you have with the Christ consciousness, the consciousness of love and connectedness to each other.
A step back, one step inward, is most often preparing for something new that is to come. This is now playing out on a global level. It is a necessity that also plays out in your individual lives when a step is taken inward, whether or not it is enforced by a crisis, a situation that seems to come from the outside. That situation fills a function, is not a hindrance, but a door that opens to the inside world.
Just feel your own inner world for a moment. Go inside. Imagine that inside you is a living, transparent space. It runs throughout your body; it is much larger than your body. It’s your energy field. It’s like a large house that you live in, only it is in continuous movement. There are flowing currents, moods, vibrations, that surround you. This is your house, your energetic home. Your body is included in it. In fact, the state of your energy is the foundation, the basis of it. The body responds to this, flows and moves with it. It is in a way secondary in that it follows the laws of energy. Matter follows energy.
Descend with your consciousness into your own energy field. Go inside. Close yourself off for a moment from the many outside stimuli. Take your attention to your spine, but start a little higher, at the back of your head and something even higher, where there is a kind of channel that connects you to a higher sphere, the sphere of your soul. It connects you to your inner knowledge, which extends beyond time and space, beyond the physical. You simply become aware of that place there, just outside your body, but intimately connected to it. Then slowly travel down your body with your attention. Feel the energy behind your neck, and between your shoulder blades. Draw your attention down your spine as it were. Feel the area behind your stomach, also called the solar plexus, and behind your lower back, to your tailbone. Feel this channel, this energy field, all the way to Earth.
Feel that you are connected to the Earth. Feel the power of the Earth. You’re here to bring something to Earth. You feel an inner urge to share something, give something, or express yourself. That urge comes from your soul, it belongs to your being. Feel equally strongly the channel that runs through you connecting Heaven and Earth. You are a bridge between the two worlds. Sense what you have to give.
To envision this, imagine being on a stage. You sit or stand on a stage and you feel calm and strong. You are not afraid. You’re in touch with that channel in you, you are connected. You are safe. Feel that security. You are in your own interior space and there you are safe and at ease. Then look at who’s in front of you. It is a space, a type of room that has people present who have come there for you. That doesn’t make you scared or nervous. No, you sense deeply that it is meaningful. You’re not there to perform or be recognized. You’re there to share something essential with them. You’re not higher or lower than them either. You’re there in your natural role or function.
Look then at what it is you are doing. What do you have in mind? What do you have to do or say there? Maybe there are people who spontaneously come to you and ask you something. What are they asking you? What do you give them? What do you share with them if you follow your inner urgings? Look especially at the feeling in it. Do you share knowledge, wisdom, gentleness, understanding or encouragement? Feel what’s naturally flowing out of you. Feel how natural this is for you, as easy as breathing.
You are all here to share something of your unique soul quality with others. This means that you stand out, that you no longer follow the beaten path, but follow the voice of your heart. This can incite fears. But at the same time, listening to that inner current brings you closest to yourself and to a sense of fulfillment and joy. The fear that you may experience here is a fear of exclusion. As soon as you start living from your soul, you start acting and thinking and feeling from a flow that is no longer based on the old collective thinking, old habits and fears. You’re introducing a new sound, so to speak.
I call on you to believe in that. There is a need for a new sound. It is a necessity, because only from the contact with the soul, the inner space, can the consciousness on Earth change and grow.
I thank you for being on Earth here and now.
You are brave. It requires courage to stand out and follow the voice of your own heart. But you’re supported in this. If not because of the collective energy, which is still stuck at certain points in ancient energy, the support comes from the field of lightness and readiness, which is now in the process of landing on Earth.
You can call it Christ consciousness or simply light, clarity, connectedness, love. This field is getting hands and feet partly because of you.
There is a new birth happening in this day and age. Don’t be fooled by the negative sounds you hear. Feel the candle flame of the new and let it burn in your own heart.
You know – all of you who read this – that this will be your most important work in the coming transition phase, right?
Sisters and Brothers! I am your Tim / Timothy in Agartha, the inner world of the earth.
In the Nordic countries, you have spring now and enjoy the progress of spring after a heavy, dizzying and eventful darker season. A lot has happened in your inner self and that is what makes a difference in your outer world.
Many of you, around the Earth, who are aware that much is hidden in the Earth’s interior – you will be mocked and laughed at by those who are still afraid, those who have not awakened.
But all of us here, who are your zealous followers and cheerleaders, we promise you that truths that make your fellow human beings tremble are on their way.
This channel has promised its loved ones not to triumph with a “What did I say?” but instead be there for those who may need answers to emerging questions or help with transformative healing.
You know – all of you who read this – that this will be your most important work in the coming transition phase, right? You are well aware that we are all equally close to the Source, that we are all in the Universe a Oneness.
The dragons have not only woken up – they have done an outstanding job through a great purge of the darkness that Gaia once possessed.
Even your knowledge of the dragons’ actual existence is something you Lightworkers / Light Warriors have been ridiculed for. Now you get the reward for your faithful work by regaining contact with your much-loved and missed friends – in their dragon form.
Realize that the Dragons are your Power that has now returned. Your DNA strands have been restored, the connection to your Mother Earth is total and you can now stand in your full Power again.
(A raven “talks” feverishly, as if to agree with Tim’s words. Thank you)
People on the surface of the earth – be so kind as to now take possession of your full Power. It is your birthright to regain power over your own life, over your own planet Gaia. Power without ego – the power in the form of Love. Love is EVERYTHING.
What you do in Love for your fellow human beings can never go wrong – just a force that grows and grows and grows…
Say to yourself, the words of your dear friend Yeshua:
“I am the Way, the Truth and the Light (Life)”
Be in your heart, be in your power / in the power of Love / in nature / in your Soul with your Beloved Mother Earth.
Enjoy the events that are now unfolding, enjoy the journey, the community, that everything goes according to God’s Plan.
See you Beloved Friends, Sisters and Brothers.
A big HUG and a LOT of Love to you all.
Agartherna by Tim / Timothy.