Patricia Cota-Robles

March 5, 2021
 2021 is a critically important year in Earth’s Ascension process and all of us are being inspired to listen to our Heart and to pay attention to the intuitive Inner Guidance from our newly integrated I AM Presence. This aspect of our own Divinity is revealing to us the next phase of our individual and collective Divine Plans. No matter how aware or how unaware we may be of why we volunteered to be on Earth during this momentous  time or what we have agreed to do to assist in Earth’s Ascension process, our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven want us to know…OUR TIME IS AT HAND. Since the Birth of this New Decade, unparalleled shifts of energy, vibration and consciousness have taken place within each of us individually and Humanity en masse collectively. This has cleared the way for all of us to take the next major step in the fulfillment of our Divine Missions. Mother Earth and the Collective I AM Presence of Humanity are Calling us to action. The unique gifts, skills, talents and abilities we have acquired over myriad Lifetimes are tangibly available to us for this Mission in ways we have not previously experienced. The Sacred Knowledge pulsating within our Heart Flame which we have all been preparing to release on behalf of our Sisters and Brothers in the Family of Humanity is needed NOW.
 During this Cosmic Moment in Earth’s evolution, each unique Golden Thread of Life is essential to the facet of the Divine Plan unfolding in 2021. We alone are responsible for weaving our individual Golden Thread of Life into the Tapestry of the New Earth that we are being Called to Cocreate this year. If we listen to our intuitive Inner Guidance and pay attention, we will see that day by day we are being presented with various opportunities to add to the Light of the World by weaving our Golden Thread of Life into the Mission at hand. We at Era of Peace have been carefully observing the situation unfolding with the Covid-19 “forced timeout” to determine how we would orchestrate the 35th Annual World Congress on Illumination in 2021. Since the decision has to be made now, we needed to determine whether the event would be a physical gathering or a Virtual event like we had last year. In collaboration with the Company of Heaven, we decided that for the safety of everyone it would be best to have a Virtual event for the 35th WCI. The 35th Annual World Congress on Illumination will be a Live 2-hour Virtual Event held every day from August 14-19, 2021. Once again we are going to offer this Global Activity of Light for FREE to everyone who is interested in participating. Each day will be recorded and made available immediately afterward for Replay. If you are not able to join us live, this will allow you to weave your magnificent Light into this critical phase of the Divine Plan whenever it is convenient for you to do so. You must register for the 35th WCI in order to receive an email each day with the Online Link to participate. This link changes every day. When the registration information is up on our website I will send you an email so that you can register. In the meantime, please read the following information revealing the Divine Mission for the 35th Annual World Congress on Illumination. This information will help you know how your unique Creative Light will assist in preparing You, Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth for this powerful opportunity.   
 We are ALL being Called to action and deep within the recesses of our Heart Flame we know exactly what to do and what Heart-based actions we can take that will add to the Light of the World during this critical phase of Mother Earth’s Divine Plan. The Company of Heaven wants you to know that even if you think that you are not a Lightworker because you are just living your life doing ordinary things to survive and to keep yourself and your family functioning and safe, that is not true. You are a Lightworker because you are a Son or Daughter of God and with every Holy Breath you take you receive the Light of God through the Prana and Life Force that keeps you alive. You utilize the Light of God with every thought, feeling, word and action you express whether you consciously pay attention to that or not. Every time you express your Love for another person or revel in the wonders of Nature or help another person in any way or demonstrate compassion and caring for another part of Life, you are adding to the Light of the World. Just think of the various times every day that in one way or another you open your Heart and feel the Gratitude of just being alive.   Now that the Inner Guidance from every person’s newly integrated AM Presence is being more easily perceived on a conscious level, people everywhere are beginning to remember what being a Lightworker means and how very easy it is to fulfill that role in their daily life. Activating our full Divine Potential as a Lightworker does not mean having to change our life in monumental ways which nobody feels they have the time or even the inclination to do. Activating our full Divine Potential as a Lightworker involves just a slight adjustment in our awareness and our focused Divine Intentions. Now that our I AM Presence has fully integrated into our Earthly Bodies and the “Veil of Illusion” has been lifted from our conscious mind, the slight adjustment in our awareness that we need to make in order to activate our full Divine Potential as a Lightworker is tangibly available to each and every one of us in ways we have not previously experienced. In order to empower our full Divine Potential as the Lightworker we are being Called to be in this moment, we need to be CONSCIOUSLY PRESENT and MINDFUL in every waking moment of our life. This may seem overwhelming at first, but I promise you with practice it is not. Our I AM Presence is eagerly awaiting the opportunity to take full dominion of our thoughts, feelings, words and actions. All we have to do is ask. If in every CONSCIOUS and MINDFUL moment of our day, we take a deep Holy Breath and ask our I AM Presence to take command of our thoughts, feelings, words and actions before responding to our various responsibilities and the situations that arise, we will be intuitively guided in ways that will add to the Light of the World instead of the shadows. If we will consciously act from that Heart-based space no matter what we are doing or how menial or challenging the situation before us may be, we will be adding to the Light of the World. The Company of Heaven said that by making this simple adjustment in our awareness and behavior patterns, we will take a major step toward fulfilling our Divine Mission as a Lightworker in 2021, thus expanding the Light on Mother Earth in exponential ways. The Divine Mission for the 35th Annual World Congress on Illumination will be Cocreated through the unified efforts of our Father-Mother God, the entire Company of Heaven and Awakening Humanity. This Mission involves Cocreating an unprecedented Quantum Field of Comprehensive Divine Love that will result in an Evolutionary Shift of Consciousness that will permanently sustain the Presence of Unity Consciousness for Humanity and ALL Life evolving on Mother Earth.   According to the Company of Heaven, in order for Humanity to withstand this NEW much Higher Frequency of Light it will be necessary for our I AM Presence to recalibrate our nervous system and the cellular structures of our Earthly Bodies to withstand Higher Frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light. This will be a gentle process that our I AM Presence and the Beings of Light will guide us through step by step throughout 2021. This will be an individual as well as a collective process. Each of our I AM Presences will guide us intuitively day by day for our individual preparation so ask and pay attention. In addition, the Company of Heaven will guide us Collectively through various Activities of Light leading up to the 35th WCI. Happily, we at Era of Peace will share this information through our Weekly Vlogs and our Monthly Newsletters. If you have not already done so, you can sign up to receive these Celestial sharings FREE of charge on our website
 Our first Global Activity of Light will occur during the March Equinox which will take place March 20-21, 2021. Astrologers are referring to this Equinox as an extraordinary opportunity for Humanity to shift in a new Heart-based direction. This is in perfect alignment with the Divine Mission we are all being Called to Cocreate during the 35th Annual World Congress on Illumination.
 For the past few months, Earth has been bathed in an influx of Light from powerful Celestial events including solar and geomagnetic storms. This purging Light is accelerating the dismantling of the obsolete patterns of separation and duality and clearing the way for the initial impulse of the Cocreation of the Quantum Field of Comprehensive Divine Love that will permanently sustain the Presence of Unity Consciousness for Humanity and Mother Earth. The Company of Heaven has revealed that the Crystalline Light that will flood the Earth from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God during the March Equinox is pulsating with new color spectrums, fragrances, cosmic tones, geometric patterns and harmonic pulsations beyond anything Humanity en masse has ever been able to receive or even comprehend.   This unfathomable influx of Light will open the door for every person to receive on a far more conscious level new insights, viable solutions, positive thoughtforms and ideas that are raising the Collective Consciousness of ALL Humanity. During the March Equinox, the Light of God will flow through Humanity’s Collective I AM Presence and quicken the life, body, mind and consciousness of every Son and Daughter of God. This Gift from On High is destined to assist every person to intuitively comprehend the infinite possibilities of profound positive change that are being presented to each and every one of us right here and right now. Precious Heart, during this time leading up to the March Equinox pay attention to what your Earthly Bodies are revealing to you. Are you being guided to clean up your diet, detox, rest more, drink more water, be in nature, listen to music, meditate, get more sleep or any other inner prompting that is designed to help you prepare for the influx of Light we will be blessed with on the Equinox?  If so, it will behoove all of us to respond to that Inner Guidance. 
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909,
Fax: 520-347-5440
 This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. 
Era of Peace is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
 ©2021 Patricia Cota-Robles

JFK: We Are Almost There!

March 7, 2021

Message from John F. Kennedy

My beloved Patriots…we are almost there! I ask you to hold the line for just a bit longer!

I know the wait seems interminably long, however those of you who have studied the long and sordid history of our United States (and the world), know “why” it is taking this long…there is so very much to sort out!

I am so very proud of all you Patriots, Light Workers, Truth Seekers, and all others, who have almost literally “sacrificed” your families and friends in order to follow the Truth. I know it hurts so very much right now, however all souls who have it in their path to continue to evolve here on Mother Earth, will see a much brighter future together…and in very good time, I might add!

This is a very critical time period, right now…so, I ask all you beautiful souls who know the Truth, to pray earnestly for the protection of all our brave Warriors of Truth who are on the front lines, and are encountering the most horrific sights that one can ever see…and yet they continue to do their job, for themselves, for the children, and for US!  I ask that you say a quick prayer for these courageous souls as often as you can, throughout your days…most especially over the next two weeks.

I repeat…this is a very critical time…when Good must triumph over Evil…and it will require every prayer to God, and every dispensation of the Truth, and every soul’s Armour of Truth!…because this is a fight to the “end”…and even though we already know that it will be God winning in the “end”…it is not going to be as “glorious” at ground level quite yet, until every last bit of Evil is “washed” away…then the celebrations can begin!

As I seem to do in most of my messages through this muse, I would also like to spend a moment to gently remind each one of you, as to how very important your individual contributions are, and your very life! is, toward helping President Trump (yes, he is still President!) and his stalwart colleagues to strategize the last few “take downs” of Evil, that are still running rampant.

Please continue to live your lives with passion…passion for our Freedom, our Sovereignty, and our Love for Life! Every thought you think, and every action you take, is contributing in a positive or negative way, toward “creating” that very real, Freedom, for all of us. So, please continue to pray for our President Trump and all who are helping us fight for our Right!…our Right to Be Free!

Our President Trump has effected a masterful plan to rid us of our oppressors…and to return our right to be Sovereign, back to us…what a glorious thing that will be! I want to personally thank our President right now, for all the courage, determination, persistence and love he has shown us all, as he has been so methodically ridding us of these evil doers.

President Trump had to be prepared to sacrifice his very own “right to life” as he took on this immense and solemn effort, along with his own family’s right to live, also…in order to allow all of us to be Free, once again! All Love and Honor to our President!

As for what is upcoming in the next short weeks…well, it is not much, I say…only a “last stand” for humanity’s sovereignty! That is not much at all, is it, dear ones! I am just trying to lighten the mood, now…there is truly a last stand about to take place.

Isn’t it so very nice to realize that all of the angst we have been through for the last several years (and even longer for many!), is almost over! Praise God! All blessings be given to God! We are One with God!

Now that the righteous “end” is almost upon us, I encourage each of you to begin thinking about what you would like your new life of freedom to “look like.” Since we have had our lives “slowed down” because of treacherous means, I suggest that this is a perfect opportunity to reflect on where you are in your life, and if there are any positive changes you would like to make, in order to continue to evolve with all the others of humanity, who are now learning to be creative with their lives and their “livelihoods” (jobs)…and are creating new ways of generating income by doing that which they are truly passionate about!

That is the type of reflection I am speaking of…viewing your lives as if through a panoramic lens…and decide whether or not you like, and feel good about, what you see. If you do not, then this is the perfect opportunity to make the exciting changes that you truly “see” yourself doing, from deep within your soul!

My muse here has made many exciting, and also scary changes recently, and even though it was very uncomfortable for her to do, she knew inside that it was the right change for her to make.Whenever one makes big, uncomfortable changes in their lives, all you need to do is to take that first, small step…whatever it may be…then, as you show your “commitment” to the change in your life, all of your guides and angels will step in and help you along your way, by giving you “signs” that you are on the right track! Always look for signs, dear ones! They are exciting to see, and they help to keep you moving forward, toward a new and enlightening life…for you!

When I go into this kind of detail regarding an individual’s life path such as I have, it is with the understanding that each of us is here, at this very important moment in our history, to help others to continue to evolve…both in the physical world here on Earth, and also spiritually, as we strive to keep our vibration high, and to help shine our Light brightly so that others may see it, and begin shining their own Light, for others to see…and so on, and so on!

This is how it becomes so important for each of us to walk our true path, and how that commitment to do so, helps all of humanity to move forward, out of the old morass of evil, and into the Light of Good! Yes, one could even say the Light of God! Do you see how very close they are when spoken, or spelled out? So very wondrous!

Well, I think I have said what I wanted to say at this time…to try and inspire and uplift all of my beloved Patriots, Light Workers, Truth Seekers, and more! YOU all inspire ME! I thank you for that…deeply!

I am always close by, watching over you, and helping you where I can…while also helping out in other, more strategic ways…we are so very close to being able to move forward into our beautiful life of Freedom… Keep holding the line, my beloved ones!

Your ever-devoted, Jack.

Channeled by Losha

Each one is living in the reality they believe in.

Messages from the Angels
My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Imagine two people are standing next to each other. A new person comes to stand between them. Suppose we asked the original two, “On which side is the new person standing?” One would answer truthfully, “They’re on my left.” The other would answer truthfully, “They’re on my right.” It is easy to see in this example that each person – answering from their individual position, perspective and point of view is telling their truth.Likewise, suppose we placed a piece of chocolate in front of two people, and asked them, “Is this good for you?” The person who doesn’t eat sugar would reply vehemently, “Absolutely not!” The person who takes delight in sweets would answer, “Absolutely yes!” Again, who is right? We would suggest that, from their unique position, perspective, and point of view, they both are. Each is sharing their truth.“What if,” the one who loves chocolate argues, “no one enjoys chocolate anymore. The chocolate shops in the world will disappear. I will no longer have the freedom to buy and eat chocolate unless I grow and grind my own beans. It’s not fair! You should like chocolate too!” The other says, “My goodness, if everyone eats like you do, they’ll be sick! My health insurance costs will go up and I’ll end up paying for people who aren’t responsible for their health. I’m not supporting that!” Who is right? Again, each one is sharing their truth. Each one is living in the reality they believe in.It would be far more useful if the one who doesn’t like chocolate said, “How wonderful you are choosing what delights you! I am so happy you have found what resonates. I think I’ll go ahead and give you my chocolate.” The other answers, “Thank you! I hope you find other ways to enjoy sweetness in your life that resonate with you. Perhaps you’ll find my love and acceptance sweet!” They hug and go their way in peace – one to the chocolate shop and another to enjoy a garden-fresh meal.

So you see, the question is not whether or not you are right. You are always right in your own mind and reality. A better question than “Am I right,” might be, “Is my position, perspective, and point of view useful? Does it make me happy? If not, can I find a more positive and powerful point of view? “Project this idea into the questions so many disagree about upon your earth, “Who is the right leader for a country?” “Are vaccines good for you?” “Are masks effective?” “Explain why?”If you ask a million people to answer these questions – through their unique position, perspective, and point of view – they would give you a million slightly different answers! We ask you to consider this. Who is right? Who is wrong?There are still many people upon your earth who believe the world is flat. They’ve done their math, come up with their arguments and in their reality the world is flat. It would take someone brave enough to set prior conceptions and explore beyond the limits they perceive, in order to experience the world as round. “Ah ha!” you say! “They’re crazy! The world IS round,” and we would say to those of you who insist on this truth, that according to your position, perspective, science, and point of view, it is round. Again, it would take a person brave enough to set aside prior conceptions of physicality and explore beyond the 3D to experience to see your “round world” as simply a symphony of energetic vibrations in relationship to other energetic vibrations! In this more expanded view reality, it is neither flat, round, or even solid, but rather a dance of frequencies!

So who is right? Who is wrong? We would answer again, all of you. Each one of you, given your paradigm, position, perspectives, and points of view has your own truth. Your truth is right for you. What gives you the greatest joy; what feels like the most love – for you – is right for you.

This is a radical 5D concept in a 3D world. So many of you are dead-certain you must know “the truth” about any given thing upon your planet earth. And yet, we ask you to question, “Why?” In some cases, there is good reason. In some situations you want to know what is true so you can take appropriate action.

However, in many cases, there is no positive purpose in trying to dig up, justify, or demand agreement for “the truth” when in reality you can more joyfully focus simply on living “your truth.” For example, someone tells you “this is good for you” and “that is bad.” “You should eat greens.” “You shouldn’t drink coffee.” “You should get a vaccine.” “You shouldn’t get a vaccine?” What to do in a world of so many varying truths that are often at-odds?

Dear ones, there is one truth that will never fail you, and that is the truth of God’s love and God’s guidance… for you, personally, as you live your life day by day. Tune into that when you are confused and you’ll get answers that are right… for you.

“Dear God, is this resonant with me? Is this supporting my intentions?” Whether it be a food, a supplement, a treatment protocol, or a pair of shorts you will get a feeling of yes or no. You will get “your truth” straight to your body and mind’s “energetic in-box” via feeling or knowing, words, or imagery. If you’re not certain turn back to God and your angels, “I think you said this, but I’m not certain. Please try other ways to get the message to me.”

There is a “truth” for you on any given topic, in any given moment, that guides you along a path of least resistance to love. There is a “truth” that leads you closer to the Love of the Divine, which is ultimate truth.

So how do you make this practical? Suppose you like one political leader and your friend likes another. Each of you has your own truth, and you don’t agree. If you are both emotionally mature, you can agree to disagree, dig deeper, and share the ideals you espouse rather than insisting one leader or another is better. You can agree to avoid the topic and have more uplifting dialogues on things that interest you both. If one insists on demanding agreement, the other is likely to walk away and find those with whom he or she resonates with more easily.

Is there an absolute “right” or “wrong” here? Certainly not about which leader is best. Certainly not about what course of action is best, for ultimately the two souls involved must decide for themselves. We have no judgments whatsoever in the heavens! However, we do know that allowing others to have their own truths, while allowing yourself to have your own, frees up tremendous energy for you live the happiest life possible. If you live according to your own inner compass, you are always steered towards people, situations, and opportunities that resonate more easily with you. You allow others to do the same.

Next time you feel a need to insist on being more “right” than another, ask yourself, “Can I simply be OK being right for myself?” “Do I really need others to agree with me, or am I just afraid they’ll force their views on me if I don’t defend my own?” “Does my need to be right come from fear, a need for love, a need to be seen as more intelligent, to feel more competent or more helpful than another?” “Does my need to be right come from a fear that another I care about can’t find their way?” Can you simply accept your truth, knowing what you resonate with? Really dig deep. Why is it so important to be “right” for anyone but yourself?

Next time someone else insists they are more right than you, listen with love and simply be content knowing your own truth. You don’t have to agree with them and you don’t need their agreement.If you are right within yourself, right within your own soul, living your personal truths, and listening to the Divine within, you will know the absolute truth of the Love that lives within you. You will feel happy, free, settled in yourself, and joyful.

When you are in agreement with yourself in your inner world, you will not require agreement from the outer world.

You need not fear the decisions and truths of others. You need not feel victimized by external circumstances because you will realize that living your truth, living in alignment with the Divine within, you can create any experience of reality that you wish to enjoy!There are as many “truths” on a given topic as there are human beings upon your earth. There will be agreement on many things, but never on everything. It doesn’t matter, dear ones. Go within. Find your deeper truths and live according to them.

You are guided – each one of you – individually, by the Divine, each one along the path of least resistance to love; each one of you being gently steered ever closer to the deepest Truth of all. You are sourced from Love. It is Love that breathes the very breath of life into you. It is Love that makes your heart beat and keeps galaxies turning. It is, and always has been, Divine Love leading each of you on unique and beautiful pathways, like a multitude of rivers running their individual course, all returning to the vast Ocean of Love.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Queen An-Ra via Erena Velazquez | March 6, 2021

March 6, 2021


I am Queen An-Ra and I am pleased to be here today. It has been awhile since my appearance through this channel. Your world is being constantly challenged by the Dark Entities, who don’t want to give up their power and control over you and Earth.

Well, as I mentioned in my previous message, I have been cleaning up Alliance and removing all of the corrupted members, and I am only leaving behind reliable and pure ones, who are going to finish the battle on the ground and help with the tasks to establish a new free world in your reality.

I have been very busy with trying to ease up your transition to 5th dimension. The time has arrived for humanity to take their power and freedom back into their own hands and start living their own lives, without being told by the governments, who keep imposing their will into your daily lives.

Millions of rules, which were forced on everyone are going to fade away. Visible signs of change coming is going to be the removal of mandatory rule of wearing masks, which is a threat to your health because your lungs are not being properly oxygenated. Many more things are happening behind closed doors, which were not yet disclosed to you. Soon, all of the truth is going to come out everywhere. Please, be prepared for it.

I am happy to see that humankind is starting to have a more understanding, what was done to them and why they never felt like free beings. They are finally seeing that the life here has been an illusion created for them with intention to keep them here as prisoners.

Human beings have been thinking for centuries that they are completely alone in the Universe, and the truth is that millions of civilizations exist. This is going to be a quite shock for the masses.

As a Grand Council, I have been spending a lot of time with preparation to finish our operation on planet Earth. Also, my Egyptian Fleet is getting ready to land on Mother Gaia as soon as the Nesara Gesara is established and disclosure happens.

We are planning to share with you our technologies and teach you how to use them as we tried to do that 10,000 years ago. My daughter, who recently received her authority from me and agreed to take on the responsibility of leading and being in charge of my fleet that is going to help humanity with their transformation.

I, Queen An-Ra, want to focus on my work as the Grand Council. Right now, I am helping the Galactic Federation of Light to get ready for the Final Engagement with the Dark Ones, which is going to remove them completely from this part of the Galaxy. I can’t wait, when this planet will be entirely free and there will be no more Negative Forces disrupting the natural flow of Divine.

In the near future Texas will have an important role in the United States. The first Center of Light is going to be open in Texas, where everyone will be welcomed. Meditations, meetings, healings and etc will be conducted there. This type of centers are going to be build around the globe in every city, town or village.

Exciting times approaching for the Human Civilization, and I am thankful to be a part of this process. Also, my daughter is going to play the role as an ambassador here on Terra Christa and she will launch some of our technologies to help with the advancement of the human race. I am grateful to able to participate in these historic moments on Mother Earth.

Stay courageous and trust the Divine Process of liberation on your planet. Freedom is within your reach, you have the power inside you to free yourself and this world, just connect to it through meditation. I am Queen An-Ra and I am glad to be able to communicate with all of you. Thank you.

Stay connected with the Universal Flow
Queen An-Ra

Channeled by Erena Velazquez

we find it more impressive to see you having a true and real emotional reaction to something and then to clear that emotion by processing it and to even bring yourself to a place of calm and peace while nothing about the circumstance has changed. That is true mastery.

This Is True Spiritual Mastery ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the ability to be everywhere, all at once, and also to be nowhere in the sense that we are non-physical. We are non-local and non-dualistic. You are living in a dualistic, polarized dimension where you often feel restricted, confined to a physical body. You even need permission to travel to another country, and are usually only allowed to stay for a certain amount of time before you are legally obligated to leave.

You are having a very different experience from the one that we are having, but you also have the ability to feel so much more relief than we will ever know again. The way that your reality is set up gives you the opportunity to experience getting hungry and then eating. You get to feel tired and then have a restful night’s sleep. You get to feel cold and then warm up. You get to know chaos and then peace.

If you can embrace the experiences that are the opposite of what you want because they are giving you the opportunity to then experience what you want, you can move through those experiences much more quickly. When you don’t get what you want right away and shake your fists at the heavens and scream, ‘Why me?!’ you delay the process a bit more. You are not, in that moment, allowing what you want to experience to flow to you naturally, but it’s all right. Even that experience has its positive aspects.

Your desire is heightened in that moment of screaming. Your appreciation for getting what you want has the tendency to be increased because you went to that pit of despair. Oftentimes you hear stories of monks or wise elders, and in those stories, the individual doesn’t react to a great deal of emotion to either good news or bad news, and the point of the story is to show that you don’t have to. The wise one in the story is meant to be an example of someone who is more evolved.

However, from where we sit, we find it more impressive to see you having a true and real emotional reaction to something and then to clear that emotion by processing it and to even bring yourself to a place of calm and peace while nothing about the circumstance has changed. That is true mastery. Those are the stories you need to be telling because you have a lot of emotions inside of you, and the purpose of life is not to transcend your feelings. It is to have your feelings and to recognize that whatever is causing you to have those feelings can also be embraced.

You can learn to feel empowered. You can know that nothing outside of you is stronger or more powerful than you are, because you take the emotional hit, bring yourself to that place of calm and peace inside of you, and you get on with your life. You get on with the process of creating what you do want to experience. When we see one of you doing that, we know we are observing a true master.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saint Germain: You are the Truth

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings beloved brothers and sisters, I am St Germain. I come forth with love, respect, and truth.

It is an honour to come forth to you and to share an activation. It is not an activation instigated by myself nor those upon the inner planes, it is more of a reminder of who you are and what you are capable of.

As I bring forth information and a remembrance, so the activation will automatically take place within your being. It may require your focus and your attention as you draw the energy and the truth from your being into your awareness, into your reality and your experience.

I, St Germain say to you, you are the truth, you are the truth in embodiment in this moment. You are the truth that exists on the 352 dimensions of the Creator’s Universe. You exist on all these multiple dimensions in different forms and expressions. With this in mind I, invite you to ask yourself:

Who am I?

 What is my truth?

You are in existence on the Earth, you are in existence on all 352 dimensions of the Creator’s Universe, and yet in each dimension and upon the Earth you have a different form.

Within your existence on the Earth there are multiple dimensions. You are not only physical, not only emotional, and only mind, thinking, thoughts, awareness, and consciousness, you are so much more.

This means your truth is constantly shifting, and who you are is constantly changing. Your truth is an expression, an expression of the Creator that flows throughout all dimensions and throughout your being on the Earth. Everything you are holds the vibration of your truth.

If you ask within your being for one word that describes your truth throughout all the dimensions and your physical existence. What would that word be?

Understanding that word allows you to grasp an understanding of your truth, your truth on all dimensions and in every existence. While this one word may be limiting in its expression of your truth, it aligns you, focusing your mind and your awareness, allowing the truth within you to activate.

Accessing this truth is like accessing a very pure aspect of your being, an aspect that is beyond the ego, even beyond thoughts, and form. This truth is beyond your soul’s contract for this existence and yet it is an integral aspect of your existence on the Earth.

You might say it is the foundation that creates everything. It is the foundation that manifests fulfillment for you on the Earth and all other dimensions. This word that you discover is like an activation, it is like a key that opens the door to your truth and who you truly are on all levels.

The other activation, I, Saint Germain, wish to share with you is a simple awareness and remembrance.

If your truth exists upon so many levels, dimensions and within your being, it is the same on all those dimensions and yet it evolves and blossoms.

This means that within every aspect of your Incarnation upon the Earth there is the vibration of truth, it is for you to explore this vibration of truth in a physical form and a physical way. A deeper understanding is that this vibration of truth exists within your cells, the cells of your physical body.

It has been there since your birth and remains within every single cell. To activate your truth into physical manifestation, physical awareness, and experience there is a need to activate the truth held within your cells.

In doing so your body and all energy bodies will transform, as if singing the vibration of your truth.

As your thoughts shift, your emotions shift, aspects of your physical body heal and transform. You will come to know yourself more fully with greater understanding, allowing your intuition to guide you further into fulfillment and expression of the Creator, therefore you gain a deeper understanding of the Creator, realizing the presence of the Creator is all around you, most prominently within you.

How does it change your perspective if you acknowledge that your cells hold the truth of your being, who you really are, the truth of the Creator, and that they are ready to be expressed and experienced?

You may notice your mind, and your thoughts begin to transform. Maybe you look at illness, death, healing, or your experiences on the Earth in a different way. Maybe you allow yourself to realize your inner power and the impact you have upon your own being, reality, and your ascension process. As you allow your thoughts and your perspective to shift and alter, the activation will take place.

I, St. Germain encourage you to take time in meditation, repeating the affirmation:

I am the truth of the Creator; I activate the truth from every cell of my being.

Imagine, sense, acknowledge, and contemplate your cells activating, releasing, holding, and emanating the vibration of truth. Imagine this for a few moments, imagine it daily, as you encourage yourself to acknowledge your truth, to activate your truth, and to experience your truth on the Earth. In doing so you will awaken all you are, and all that is the fulfillment and the Creator vibrations within your being.

Why do we need to recognize that the cells hold the truth?

Often, we are impacted by outside influences, outside suggestions, opinions judgments, scenarios, experiences, and this impact the cells of your being.

What you put into your body, food, drink, other aspects that your body absorbs impacts your cells, impact even who you are.

As you allow yourself to acknowledge that your cells hold the truth, and this truth can be radiated, this understanding will overpower any outside influences or anything that you accept into your body, whether believing it as helpful or not.

The truth will transform you on so many levels of your being especially physically, reminding you of your health, well-being, healing abilities, and power which remains with you always, and yet sometimes is not recognized.

With outside influences impacting your being in so many different ways it is time to step into your power.

When you activate your cells as carriers of truth, you physically feel the presence of your truth.

You can act and react from this truth, creating truth in your reality.

As more and more people achieve this, so the reality of truth, the reality of the Creator will dawn and manifest present for all to experience.

I, St Germain, am present to assist and support you, my love is with you eternally.

I thank you,

I am St Germain

I am the truth of the Creator.

Nothing can now interfere with your progress to Ascension, and the opportunity has been well earned through many incarnations and challenges that have been placed before you

5th March 2021. Mike Quinsey.

There is so much taking place that you are unaware of which is why when a major announcement is made about it, it will go worldwide. At the appropriate time you will be told why certain action has been taken, and the explanations will be received with both shock and surprise. Unbeknown to most people there has been a major battle taking place between the dark Ones and the Light for millennia of time. It is drawing to a conclusion and as a result many changes will take place to release you from the false position you have been placed in for so long.

Many, many people have been involved in negative activities that have threatened the very fabric of society and kept mankind captive in false circumstances. The truth of your history must now come out, and it is a feature of the New Age that all shall be revealed as soon as it is safe to do so. If you know you are of the Light you may already be aware that providing you maintain your level of vibration, you are certain to ascend. Whilst there is no urgency to reach the higher levels, the sooner the better to ensure you are safe from the interference of the dark Ones. They will go to extreme lengths to stop you from being successful.

Mankind has come a long way since the last cycle began, and has progressed in spite of the many obstacles placed on it’s path. In the circumstances it is a great achievement to have evolved since many souls have achieved it against such immense odds when it was not expected. Those of you who have succeeded deserve all the plaudits you get and you are a shining example to others who follow in your footsteps. You took on a tough challenge without knowing about your true selves and have excelled in what was often a hostile existence. We admire your tenacity and strong intent to find your way through the jungle created by the dark Ones and you have done it in excellent style by overcoming the negativity all around you.

The negativity still exists even although the main instigators have lost a lot of their power and influence. At present you are on the crest of a wave that will carry you all of the way to the finishing line, when there shall be great celebrations. It is a “once in a lifetime” achievement because you were ready to pass the marker. Now you are on the way to a level where only the Light exists although some time will elapse before you reach the final stages, you are destined to do so. These are times when you can concentrate on your own needs, and we encourage you to do so. Be assured that all souls will be looked after as their future is planned according to their needs. No soul is considered as any less than another, it is simply an acknowledgement of their present place on the ladder of evolution.

Nothing can now interfere with your progress to Ascension, and the opportunity has been well earned through many incarnations and challenges that have been placed before you. It is why you are so near to openly meeting your mentors who are equally pleased that the opportunity has a last arrived. Every life you have spent in the lower vibrations has given you a wide range of experience that will hold you in good stead for the future. You are near to becoming the Masters that you really are and assured of a return to that high level of vibration, in what you call the 5th dimension. Words can hardly describe the wonderful times ahead of you and not least of all being able to progress without interference.

We know it is difficult to find the words that describe the coming changes, but we can hardly talk about it without conveying a sense of peace and happiness. You have lived many lives of poverty and depravation, horror and shock yet you have stood firm and still recovered much to our delight. Not all souls have managed to rise up but they will succeed eventually and will be assisted all of the way, as no one is left to flounder – even the lowest of the low. It may at times seem to you that there is discrimination but know that karma is at play and some souls have brought hard lessons upon themselves that have to be cleared. There is no such thing as punishment, merely making good your mistakes by learning from them.

With the coming of Ascension we know that the question that often arises in your minds is  what happens to your possessions and without them what can you expect. You will not be surprised to know that everything you need will be provided and you will want for absolutely nothing at all. Much of what you have now will not serve any purpose in a higher vibration, after all you will be living a happy and much more relaxed life that will be so different to what you have been used to. Your power of thought will be sufficient for you to “think” things into being to provide for your needs. There will no longer be a need for factories or similar facilities and you can be assured of an all-round healthy and happy living. The need to work will virtually disappear and you have already touched upon the idea of using robotic beings for this purpose.

Have patience as the future unfolds as you commence to take new paths to the New Age. You cannot have everything at once but slowly but surely you will change over from your antiquated way of living to a modern Age. Keep all of this in mind as sweeping changes come about because in the long run it is all for your benefit. With the experience that your Space friends bring they will help you and make short work of things that could take you many years. The truth is that the dark Ones have kept advances for themselves thus denying you the chance to evolve at a much faster rate. However, you will be helped to make up for lost time and once the changes commence will go speeding ahead.

At present you are still in a turmoil over Covid19, but it has made you look seriously at how you should continue your lives once you can recommence them and return to normal. There is much resistance to change from those who have dominated your lives, but it will not prevent the inevitable as you cannot go back to how it was previously because much is unsuitable for the changes that are coming. You cannot hold back progress and no doubt very few of you will want to cling onto the old when you understand the advantages of the coming changes. They will cause hardship for some of you but in the long run all will work out very satisfactory and to your liking.

This message comes through my Higher Self, my Godself that all of you also have as Beings of Light.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


You are such a treasure to others and most of all to yourself,for in being a treasure to yourself, you are that to others.

Dealing with potential unrest in our surroundings.

Last night, as i was ready to go to bed at the usual time (22h00) and feeling really at peace after a beautiful meditation ,a family member that lives in the same house i stay for the moment, begun making noise and fighting with his girlfriend and screaming out loud. Now to my sense, every time this happens it is only because there are intense energies and each and everyone who is angry with another are only dealing with own karmic situation and inner conflict that needs to be resolved with inner work…the way one feels, is never about another but about how one deals with inner trauma. This with the arrival of intense energies of Love and Light may create a bigger resistance in someone who is not aware of the process of Ascension and it may be perceived as violence from the external. And since all this, for me it is quite easy to deal with such situation by not participating, not engaging at all costs and being a silent observer. And then again i ask myself what is this experience offering me here, what is that i can learn since this has been happening for a while now during these last 12 months that i am staying in the same house, as usually i am travelling, this is the first time i stay at one place for so long…i definetely don
t wear a mask and i definetely will not travel with a mask and will travel under my own sovereign conditions in divine time. And so after asking myself this question i was guided to read a book i have in my library :the book of living and dying by Rinpoche. And spontaneously i read a paragraph where a teacher explains to their student how one can assist someone in case of extreme pain in process of dying: The pain can be seen as the pain of all who suffer on the planet and the pain can be transmuted through compassion for all with the intention to heal all who are into pain through the feeling of pain. The pain then becomes smoother and even understood for its deeper meaning….and so i applied this to my experience…instead of trying to impose myself and through ‘common sense’ go down the stairs and say: can you stop making noise? i resolved into this practice. Myself i was not in pain ,just in need to sleep and by doing that i expressed my intention to assist all those that find themselves in same situation like me or even worst when many have to share same space or even worst between couples where situation can get easily out of control if one of the partners is not aware of what takes place within them.

Maybe something that you can try out if you find yourself in similar situation.


your focus must be – first and foremost – on the inside.

Jennifer Crokaert ~Ashian: Wake Up – Everyday!

March 4, 2021,

Wake up: Every Day! You are in a highly charged, transitional phase, embedding extremely refined vibrations that are transforming your bodies, your lives and your world, from the inside out. So your focus must be – first and foremost – on the inside.

See and surrender any thoughts that bring you down.

See and smile at any thoughts that lift you up.

As often as it is practical: Stop! Become aware of yourself, your breath, your thoughts, your love within.

When you do this, you are attracting the higher vibrations to you more strongly and you are grounding them.

Really, this energy is not new, it has always existed, but it has been beyond your experience, like a country you cannot imagine because you have not visited it. Now you are not just visiting, you are moving home!

This new energy will create more change, it will shake life dramatically, so that all that is not pure of heart will shake free. It is not pleasant, we understand this because we monitor your emotions minutely. However, we also see that the intensity of this experience is galvanising the commitment of lightworkers, of the pure of heart; it is focusing your love, your compassion, your forgiveness in unimaginable ways.

You are creating Alchemy. You are the Alchemists. You are coming home to your true home, your higher vibrational home.

Many, many miracles will occur – alongside the shaking loose of all that has decayed – and there is much to rejoice in these times.

Be strong, be weak… it matters not. Just notice the flow within.

Breathe! Smile a little smile, even if it is only to make yourself feel better – there is nothing more important.


Main points shared in this channeling confirm that:

-No civil war in USA.

-Mainstream media already aware of what is taking place and slowly introducing truth to the masses.

-Vaccines true significance of mRNA in UK and USA…work with Tesla Towers and Medbeds in near future for healing

-Taxation stops in 2021 in USA in UK and Canada in 2022.

-Ascension process

-Humanitarian Projects


Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Navigating Our New Operating System

March 3, 2021,

Shifting out of the mind and into the heart, or out of control into flow as a new operating system can feel very foreign at first. Like any other skill, it improves with practice.

Think of learning how to skate. When you first start trying to move forward it feels very awkward and out of control. You might stumble quite a bit. But with practice you will find your balance and before long you will be gliding along enjoying how much easier and fun your forward movement is.

You might still have the occasional fall but you don’t let that throw you. You simply get back up again because you trust in the skill set you have given yourself. In fact, because of your diligence and practice, it has become very natural for you to glide along gracefully and it brings you a lot of joy and satisfaction.

It is the same with your spiritual pursuits. Be kind and gentle with yourselves when you are learning how to navigate differently, secure in the fact that your continued efforts will bring wonderful results.

You do get to decide for yourselves, and we invite you to exercise that free will, because that’s the only way you are ever really going to feel as though you are living your life, rather than someone else’s.

The Rules of the Game on Planet Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been waiting for the most appropriate moment to bring you the following transmission, and it just so happens that the proper moment is now. We have been watching you as you struggle there on Earth to figure out what it is that you are supposed to do, how it is you are supposed to live, and in what you are supposed to believe. You have been looking for answers for a very long time there on Earth to these questions, and even bigger ones that you face, as human beings.

We want you all to know that part of your life’s purpose is to decide for yourselves who you want to be, what you want to do, what your truth is, and so many other aspects of life that you think are supposed to be decided for you. These things are not decided for you before you incarnate, and you are not there to find the perfect teachings that will tell you what to do, what not to do, what to eat, what not to eat, and so on. You, as Source Energy Beings, are supposed to try it all on for size and see what feels right in the moment.

You definitely don’t have to decide today what you are going to do tomorrow, and you definitely don’t have to have the same beliefs from one day to the next either. You’re not there to get anything right; you are there to experience everything and to experience yourselves as everything. And you can even decide whether you want to follow your feelings or follow your mind. You even get to decide whether you want to listen to your heart or listen to some guru who is telling you what the rules are of this game you are all playing.

The reason you cannot all agree on what the rules are is because there were never meant to be any rules, and every rule that you have made there on Earth has been broken because that is the way you decided you would be able to experience everything there on Earth. And that is how you knew you could get the most expansion, experience the most creative ideas. That is how you knew you could be All-That-Is.

Being All-That-Is is something you wanted to experience fully, rather than just knowing intellectually. You don’t have to listen to what anyone else tells you is true. You do get to decide for yourselves, and we invite you to exercise that free will, because that’s the only way you are ever really going to feel as though you are living your life, rather than someone else’s.

Your perception of reality is your reality, and since everything is changing all the time, so will your perception of it. Please do not worry about chiseling anything in stone there on Earth. Our suggestion is that you go with the flow and that you let yourselves be everything, and you grant yourselves the freedom to choose which aspect of everything you want to be from one moment to the next.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

You were designed to have fulfilled lives with joy, peace, harmony and balance. You’ll begin to see how much easier it will be to manifest everything that you need.

Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, March 1, 2021

Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am still working full-time with the Earth Council. We are quite busy, as you can well imagine.

The energies on your planet are chaotic right now. This requires intense focus for what is occurring. Nothing is happenstance. It is purposeful in this part of realigning the earth energies for ascension.

The same applies to you and your physical bodies. They are messengers of what you need to heal and release in order to rise and take in more light. Some of this clearing is karmic and is from past lives. The more problematic that it seems, could mean that you have to work a little harder and listen more closely to the body for healing. Every situation, even though it seems dire, carries with it a gift, the opportunity for renewal, miracles, and blessings.

Just like the earth, you are ascending and reassessing what you need to do to rise into the light. This involves raising your consciousness, which also assists the earth. The more you become responsible for your consciousness, your words and your actions, you increase the collective consciousness. We understand how challenging this can be when you are going through something major in your lives. Many are challenged deeply right now and are stressed.

Please be assured that this will change as you move into the light and the fifth dimension. Things will get much better and you will have new technologies that will assist you in every aspect of your life. You will all have the abundance you deserve and you will become free! Begin to claim your sovereignty and your freedom now.

You are deserving of the many gifts our Creator wants you to have. You were designed to have fulfilled lives with joy, peace, harmony and balance. You’ll begin to see how much easier it will be to manifest everything that you need. Each day will bring you magic and abundance in every way. Synchronicity will delight you. Beauty will surround you. Happiness and heart energy will lead you on your path. Love will be the spiritual energy upon which you thrive. You will be in deep gratitude because you will be free as you were intended to be.

Please let go of the past, for it is over. It will only take you back to something you can’t change regardless if it is positive or negative. Let it be complete. Letting go is in preparation for living in the now moment. Higher consciousness is a fluid state and you are beginning to see that you must adjust to being adaptable and fluid these days.

We are a part of your ascension team and you are a part of ours. We work together to achieve our goal, for it is the same. We watch over you, we bless you, and participate in your healing and your guidance. You have already taken back the planet and just have a little longer to realize that.

I am Mira and I love you. 

The dark ones are quivering with fear because they are afraid of you! Yes, they are afraid of you! You are the slippery, spiritual giants they have feared would come after them-Apollo via Valerie Donner-

“Wake up everyone! Please do not repeat the errors of the past! This is a grand day of recognition. This is the shift of the ages and it requires diligence. Every thought, word, and action matters. Replace the negative with the positive. The dark ones are quivering with fear because they are afraid of you! Yes, they are afraid of you! You are the slippery, spiritual giants they have feared would come after them. Place all of your might, force, and strength into your position of light and hook into it. Take on the spiritual consciousness that you came to the earth to be. Behold, a new day is coming! You are making it happen. Stand tall and be filled with light. We honor and uphold the work that you are doing.”



The Next Ion Medical Machine Study (NIMMS) uses CERN particle accelerator technology and expertise to build the next generation of small ion accelerators to treat cancerous tumors. 

In 1996, CERN co-founded the Proton Ion Medical Machine Study (PIMMS) to treat cancer using beams of charged protons and ions to blast tumors. Called hadron therapy, large particle accelerators create either a proton beam or an ion beam that is tight enough to target tumors deep in the body, near sensitive organs, and reduce possible damage to any surrounding tissue. The four hadron therapy centers in Europe providing hadron therapy have helped cure roughly 260,000 people since they opened.

As a result, Europe has become the leader in cancer treatment worldwide. The biggest hurdle, however, is that building a large particle accelerator is not cheap, and therapy can be a fortune without adequate medical coverage.

Two decades later, major technological breakthroughs may make access to these procedures less expensive. NIMMS will aim to create smaller, more powerful particle accelerators that are cost-effective and use artificial intelligence to treat tumors more effectively. Moreover, while proton-based treatment has been effective over the last several years, today’s carbon ion beam therapy seems to be far more precise and effective.

“NIMMS aims at a technology leap by the wide use of superconductivity and new magnet designs based on recent work for particle physics accelerators,” Dr. Maurizio Vretenar, NIMMS project lead at CERN, told The Debrief. “We are also considering alternative and more compact accelerator designs and extensive use of artificial intelligence in the design and operation of the accelerator.”

This lightweight gantry developed by GaToroid could make hadron therapy easier to access. (Image: CERN)

Traditional radiotherapy uses X-rays, photons, and, more recently, protons to kill cancer cells with powerful radiation. The problem is that surrounding healthy cells, organs, and tissue can also become damaged. Even proton beams used in hadron therapy can cause damage to surrounding cells. Modern ion radiotherapy is far more precise.

“Ion radiotherapy directly damages the DNA of cancerous cells, creating a large number of double-strand breakings that are not reparable and lead to the death of the cell,” explained Dr. Vretenar. “Ions are much more effective than other forms of radiotherapy, and on top of that, the damage can be easily concentrated on the cancerous region by adjusting the size and the energy of the ion beam, sparing the healthy tissue close to the cancer.”

Because so few facilities can offer hadron therapy, NIMMS is developing models to make the particle accelerators smaller and less expensive. By reducing the barrier to build and operate a particle accelerator, more hospitals may put them into operation. If the system can become small enough, existing medical facilities will not require much additional real estate to install them. 

“Our favoured design is a superconducting synchrotron ring only eight meters in diameter, followed by an eight-meter long “snake” made of superconducting magnets that rotates around the patient to deliver the ion beam on the required position. Including all shielding and protections, this system will occupy an area of about 40 meters by 20 meters,” Dr. Vretenar stated.

The specific CERN accelerators Dr. Vretenar refers to create carbon ions at 430 MeV (Mega electron-volt), which is enough energy to pass ions over and through a human body but are small enough that they don’t require a ton of space. 

“A new accelerator design with improved intensity and operational flexibility would also enable a wide research programme to optimise ion species and treatment modalities,” Dr. Vretenar wrote in a previous article. “This would allow the exploration of innovative paths to the treatment of cancer such as ultra-short FLASH therapy or the promising combination of ion therapy with immunotherapy, which is expected to trigger an immune response against diffused cancers and metastasis.”

Dr. Vretenar admits that cancer is a complex disease and is well aware that it cannot be fought with only one type of tool. However, PIMMS has proven that more tools in the kit can lead to victories on the battlefield. The NIMMS project strives to make those tools more affordable and allow more people to access ion-based therapy. 

“With this technology, we aim at adding a new flexible and possibly affordable element to the arsenal of cancer-fighting techniques. While conventional radiotherapy will certainly remain in use for a large number of cancers, deep cancers close to critical organs, in particular, the hypoxic type, will be more effectively and precisely cured with ion therapy,” Dr. Vretenar told The Debrief. “On top of that, by sparing radiation to nearby organs, this technique has a positive impact on the quality of life of patients after treatment.”

Dr. Vretenar believes that the future of cancer treatment will be an elegant mix of human specialists and AI algorithms “that analyze patient DNA information, their previous medical history, and huge amounts of clinical data for similar cancer cases [to] decide the treatment strategy with the highest probability of success.” 

The future of cancer treatment will be less invasive as the ability to destroy a tumor without bloodshed is already a reality. If the process can be fine-tuned enough, the next step is to ensure this procedure is available worldwide and accessible to those who need it. 

The Universe – Mike Dooley

Live your dreams to any degree that you can. With every purchase. Every decision. Every hello and goodbye. Every assignment. Every conversation. Every meal. Every morning, afternoon and evening. And never, ever, ever look back. Reframe every thought, word and deed from the perspective of the person you’ve always dreamed you’d be, as if your life was already as you’ve always dreamed it would be. Die to yesterday’s illusions and be reborn to the truth of your vision. And let’s just see if you can handle the torrent of treasures sent your way. Your greatest admirer, biggest fan, and truest friend

– The Universe

Dear brothers and sisters, your patience has been sorely tried while you have waited for irrefutable evidence of major change for the better, and during that time you have endured hardships and overcome obstacles.

Matthew’s Message, March 2, 2021

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us begin by saying that everything in your world is happening in what rightfully can be called divine order.

The plan to transform life on Earth did not originate only two decades ago with the US legislation called NESARA, or a decade before that, with the global peace movement known as Harmonic Convergence.

Indeed, those were grand milestones to celebrate, but the plan to restore the planet to its Eden self—a beauteous pristine world where all life forms live together peacefully and joyously—came into being untold millennia ago when God inspired the highest universal council to undertake that divine mission when the time was right.

After darkness arrived on the planet long before it was called Earth, it became one of the universe’s most proficient schoolhouses for souls that wanted to evolve out of third density’s limitations. Consequently, for eons the karmic merry-go-round went around and around, and the negativity that kept amassing was draining the planet’s very life.

Gaia, the soul that embodied as the planet, despaired and cried out for help. With love and caring, powerful civilizations responded by beaming life-saving light and many of their members, like you, started incarnating there to help Gaia’s peoples awaken and shake free of domination by darkness. The ages-old divine plan was unfolding.

And that brings us to what is happening in your world right now and what is on the very near horizon. International efforts to destroy the entire Illuminati network are continuing apace, and, while it may not appear that anything significant has occurred since the light forces in the United States veered from Plan A, action on many fronts has been rapidly moving forward on the course that averted a potential national disaster.

It is likely—let us say unavoidable—that a period of unrest will follow public acknowledgement that the country’s government is being reformed. As stated in our last message, that must precede implementation of G/NESARA’s other provisions, which will benevolently impact life worldwide, and the changeover in governance is the primary thrust of light forces in that country. Although the Act is a straightforward piece of legislation, its essence is spiritual, its purpose is ending the long reign of darkness on Earth.

We know how eager you are for that day to come and you would like to know when it will. If we knew, it would be our joy to tell you, but we don’t know. The success of this monumental undertaking is absolutely clear in Earth’s energy field of potential—and it is fait accompli in the continuum—but there are no absolute timelines.

The energy of billions of thoughts, feelings and actions constantly is darting into the field, a reflection of all activity on the planet, and something that seems probable in one moment may be scarcely possible the next. What we can tell you is despite the zigzagging of countless energy streamers and entangled clusters of streamers, ever-intensifying light is moving the entire cleansing process closer to its victorious outcome.

Dear brothers and sisters, your patience has been sorely tried while you have waited for irrefutable evidence of major change for the better, and during that time you have endured hardships and overcome obstacles. Your spiritual strength, resilience and soul-level knowingness that have enabled you to persevere will see you through rough patches of confusion and resistance shortly ahead. Be fearless and confident—you know the light already has won!

We have been asked why, since we have said in several messages that we are apolitical, we have talked so much about politics. Because that is where the world’s collective consciousness has been focused. A civilization is tied to its systems of governance, and Earth’s peoples have been rising up against the systems, tyrannical and dynastic rule and corrupted democracies alike.

When governments retain control by perpetuating fear, deception, warring, impoverishment and divisiveness, it is not a political matter. It is darkness vs light, wrong vs right, captivity vs freedom, evil vs godliness. It is the absence of love. Love is the only power that engenders advancement in spiritual and conscious awareness, peacefulness, joyousness, health and prosperity for all, and for long ages a loveless world was the lot of Earth’s humankind.

The light you radiate has been an invaluable contribution to transmuting the longstanding low vibrations of oppression, bloodshed, and unjustness into the high vibrations of love and enlightenment in alignment with souls’ divine sovereignty. All light beings in this universe honor your steadfastness in this vital service to family on Earth.

We also have been asked to step up and stop the severe hardships the “pandemic” is causing throughout your world. Dear ones, we cannot do that. By Creator’s law, God and all souls in this universe must honor others’ free will choices. Souls steeped in darkness scoff at that law, and regardless of how ungodly their use of free will may be, neither God nor light warriors can prohibit it.

The only exception to that cosmic law also comes from Creator—it could come from no other source—and it permits intervention to prevent the success of a free will action. Civilizations with the technology to prevent the detonation of nuclear warheads in space are authorized to do so, and they have done this for you more than a dozen times. Other than that, no soul or civilization can interfere with any individual’s or civilization’s use of free will.

None of us could stop the dark ones from releasing a laboratory-manipulated virus that was intended to cause a massive death toll, but just as Creator made an exception to Its law of noninterference, there is another side here, too—allowance to comply with Gaia’s free will choices.

She did not want billions of her human residents to be killed by that scourge or its so-called vaccination solution, and she did not want her populace to become enslaved by programmed materials in the inoculation solutions. She does want her peoples to know the truth about everything related to the “pandemic.”

Thus, scientists in extraterrestrial special forces were permitted to substantially decrease the potency of the virus and the vaccines and eliminate the programming. Other lightworkers in medical fields are warning about the dangers of vaccines and the adverse effects on body, mind and spirit by wearing masks, staying isolated, school and business closures, and negative Covid tests for permission to travel. People around the world are making free will choices to rebel against those requirements, and their numbers are growing by leaps and bounds.

Throughout this unprecedented time in this universe, many powerful civilizations have been honoring Gaia’s choices in ways her peoples cannot. First and foremost was answering her cry for help by infusing light to stabilize Earth’s axis and prevent the planet from hurtling into space and certain destruction.

The continued beaming of light and the light radiated by lightworkers is undergirding all activities and programs based in goodness. It could be said, that is interfering with what dark hearts and minds chose, and it is. However, not only has light always been more powerful than darkness, but providing it with ever-greater intensity is honoring Gaia’s choice that her body and its inhabitants become free of darkness in all its forms.

None of us may stop the dark ones from poisoning your atmosphere and waters to cause mass illness and death. Gaia didn’t want her life forms to be subjected to a deadly environment, and civilizations with the capability to reduce the pollutants’ toxicity have been doing that for decades. There can be no interference when dark ones hide truths and disseminate lies, but in accordance with Gaia’s choice, messengers from the light are sending forth truths about Earth’s history and ongoing liberation. And, in ever greater numbers, people are being led to this information.

Now then, some of you have written about the difficulty of adjusting to the energy planes Earth enters along her ascension pathway. Others write that it’s stressful trying to discern what information is true and what is not. So, let us restate what has been offered in previous messages.

Temporary reactions to new energy levels may include fatigue, weakness, cramping, dizziness, nausea, headaches and aching joints. Be mindful that those also can be symptoms of illness, and if conditions are prolonged or worsen, it is wise to consult a healthcare provider, preferably one who treats holistically.

To alleviate the aforementioned symptoms, sleep as much as you can and drink a great deal of water. Eat fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes, foods that contain the most light—the more light bodies absorb, the more easily they adjust to energy surges. If your diet is not vegetarian or vegan, eat less meat, and forego all foods fertilized or processed with chemicals—they are injurious to bodies’ chemistry.

Health in body cannot be separated from health in mind and spirit, and for the past year you have been dealing with undue mental and emotional pressures caused by the “pandemic.” Don’t resort to antidepressants or pep pills—they are chemicals that exacerbate dis-ease by interfering with bodies’ self-healing mechanisms.

And, perhaps even more than heretofore, restorative time is important. Take time for solitude so your energy isn’t affected by the energy of others, and be out with Nature as often as you can. Do yoga or other exercises, meditate, listen to soothing music, read poetry and lighthearted stories, watch amusing films or illuminating documentaries, and let the artistry in your soul be expressed in whatever form inspires you. Smiling is the simplest tonic to uplift spirits, helping those in need has the same effect, and animal companions can be your best helpers.

Especially when information is conflicting, and so much of it is, seek answers within—always truth is known at soul level. It reaches consciousness as you breathe deeply, exhale slowly, gently clear away thoughts and let images or words come that indicate whether the information in question is true or false.

Or sensations may flow into your heart space—as God said, “The heart is the seat of the soul.” If the sensation is a delicate lifting motion or unusual lightness, very likely the information is truthful. If you feel resistance, perhaps a slight tugging or a hardening feeling, very likely the information is false.

The energy of curiosity has much less strength than the energy of information important for you to know, and only the latter reaches consciousness by the ways just mentioned. And, a closed mind will accept only information that fits what is believed—we are not speaking about values or principles that are part of the soul’s guidance system, but only the means whereby truth can be distinguished from falsehood.

Beloved family, it is natural to forget a great deal of what you have read or heard throughout your years, and for quite some time you have been engulfed in information overload. But do please always keep in mind that all light beings in this universe are supporting you with the unparalleled power of unconditional love every step of your Earth journey.


Suzanne Ward