Daily Archives: December 4, 2020
To refuse to accept yourselves, and then to spend inordinate amounts of time in self-criticism and negative self-judgment – or in egotistical denial – of your faults and inadequacies drains your energy.Frequently remind yourselves of your divine provenance…-Jesus via John-
December 3, 2020 by John Smallman
Today I want to talk to you about self-acceptance, not self-esteem, just self-acceptance.
There are very few among you who have not suffered psychological and emotional trauma as you grew from infancy – as soon as your consciousness began to arise in-utero – to adulthood. Those traumas are the basis of your fears and lack of self-acceptance. The traumas were the result of judgment and shaming by those who were your caregivers – parents, close relatives, siblings, school teachers – who were all, with no exceptions, doing the best that they could in each moment.
They too had been traumatized from infancy. When you are traumatized your human nature automatically builds psychological and emotional defenses, and, when you become a little bit independent – crawling, toddling – you start making your first attempts to build physical defenses to help you feel safe, through bodily physique and/or strong personality development.
The result is that most people, when interacting with others in any manner at all, are on the alert in case they experience a situation in which they feel a need to defend or assert themselves, or preemptively attack someone else. This is an extremely stressful manner in which to live your daily lives.
This has been an aspect of human life for an extremely long time, and now, with the collective awakening process approaching completion, the amount of ‘stuff’ arising into people’s awareness for acknowledgment, forgiveness, and release has become enormous.
All your triggers or buttons concerning self-acceptance are being massively activated, thus intensifying the felt need to be alert and on guard against attacks of any kind. Naturally, because you all feel – even if you are unaware of it – the energy signatures of others, this sense of threat and the need to be alert becomes intensified.
Therefore I want to remind you yet again that you are, each and every one of you without any exceptions, the beloved children of God whom She created as perfect divine beings like unto Herself. This being the absolute Truth, please accept that it is so and make a point of giving yourselves permission to accept yourselves just as you are.
Yes, as humans playing the game of separation, it appears that you do have a multitude of flaws and inadequacies, and of course you do make errors and mistakes as you live your human lives. However, instead of judging and condemning yourselves for those errors and mistakes, become aware of and understand the lessons with which they presented you when they occurred, and then you can learn from them and move forward very positively on your individual paths of spiritual evolution.
To refuse to accept yourselves, and then to spend inordinate amounts of time in self-criticism and negative self-judgment – or in egotistical denial – of your faults and inadequacies drains your energy.
Frequently remind yourselves of your divine provenance, and of the Truth that God totally accepts you just as you are – and this is most certainly the case – and, therefore, necessarily honor and respect your eternal Oneness with God, your absolutely inseparable Oneness with God.
Doing this enormously increases your energy, strengthening your field, thus ensuring that you most powerfully share and extend the Love that you are – the Love flowing unceasingly through your human form – with all those with whom you interact in any manner at all, even if only for an instant – the Holy Instant! This is why you are presently on Earth in human form, and deep within yourselves you do know this, so allow yourselves to become aware, fully aware of this divine Truth.
Yes, you may well find it difficult to be constantly self-accepting, so call on me, or on anyone on your spiritual support team with whom you usually or normally commune, to praise and encourage you in this vital personal undertaking which greatly assists all of humanity in the ongoing and accelerating awakening process.
In spite of the chaos, conflict, and confusion being reportedby most of the media, humanity’s collective awakening process is moving forward very rapidly, just as divinely planned and intended. The divine Will, God’s Will is always achieved!And each and every conscious being is an aspect of that divine Will.
Therefore it is good, very good, to be celebrating as you advance toward your collective awakening, because this increases the intensity of your awakening intention, at the same time reducing or dissolving any doubts you may have about Reality, the existence of Source, Mother/Father/God and what that means.
Each time during the day that you go within, remind yourselves of your inseparable and uninterruptible connection with your Oneness, with Source. Doing just this is all that you need to doto be the change that the world needs now.
Yes, of course some of you have tasks to carry out in the physical environment that will assist people to awaken, to be healed and freed from their ‘stuff,’ but your time spent within, holding and resetting the intent to be only loving, is an absolutely essential aspect of the awakening process. The more frequently and consciously you reset that intent the more powerfully it flows through you, healing humanity.
As humans in form you truly can have no idea of the immense power of Love that flows through you all in every moment because you are divine beings.
You are having a temporary experience in form in order to massively assist in the awakening.
You chose to be here to do this now, in this now moment as you read this message or listen to it. This is the meaning for which so many of you have been searching outside yourselves, admiring those you see as more spiritually aligned, enlightened, or advanced than you are. Cease comparing yourselves to others, it can be a major distraction from being yourself, the only One you can be, and are!
When you find yourselves making comparisons of this nature, notice what you admire in another and realize that it is but a mirror image of your own beautiful self reflected back to you.
As individuals you are each perfect but unique and different reflections of the One, of Source, and when you allow yourselves to just be, then that is what others experience as you – the calm, stable, peaceful beauty that is Source – reflected back to them to show them their true selves.
Stop underestimating the powerful loving beings that you are, allow yourselves to be seen and experienced as the Love that you truly are.
Know that this is why you are here now in this only moment, this moment that exists for all eternity, as time ceases momentarily for you and brings you into awareness of this magnificent and intensely inspiring Truth.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
10th Dimensional Cassiopeia Collective: The Dismantling of the 3D World
Greetings beloveds, of this beautiful earth, of this planet many of you call Gaia. We have another name for this splendid beautiful soul, this dearly beloved archangel of light that inhabits, the body, you call the earth. We have a wonderful message today, that we would love to bring through this one, newly connected to us, in a conscious manner… We are the Cassiopeian’s, we are a vast group, coming to you, in this message from the 10th and higher dimensional space. Of course, this does not matter so much, simply to say, that the love and light we send you is of a highly refined nature. And it is our heartfelt love to share our energy, to share our conscious perspective, our love and our light. Oh, dear ones, our hearts go out to you, you have suffered much, and you continue to endure the last vestiges, of the last hurrah, of those you call the dark ones. Dear ones, we bring you a message of cheer and joy. This will be over soon. Your frequencies are raising daily, you are so close to the threshold, and the imminent collapse of the empires of old. Please remind yourselves to go inward daily. This is so important dear ones. For as long as you hold your focus, your attention, on the outer goings on, the chaos, the games… that are being played out, the more you will fool yourself, and entrench yourself, the more you will believe in the falsity that the outer world has presented to you. Dear ones, what you see going outside of you, is nothing more than a holographic illusion, promulgated by the 3D matrix that has disappeared now. It no longer functions, but what remains are the patterns and the ingrained energies that were injected and thrusted into you. This was part of the game dear ones… We wish to explain a little more about what this 3D simulation was about. For we feel that it will help you. It will help relieve and alleviate much of the mental imbalances, the torments, you are experiencing. You see, the 3D matrix is a designed game, it was designed to super contrast against the love that you are. It was such a contrast, that it would provide a magnificent illusion. We do not say magnificent in that it was great in nature. We mean magnificent in that it provided a huge spectral contrast between what you perceive, and in fact is the illusion of darkness, and we will speak more of this in a moment, all the way through in a vast array of experiences to that which is your truth, which is real. It is the only realness if you will, that which is of love and light. |
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This game had many pitfalls. Some of you have stumbled in many ways and this was to be expected dear ones. This game was of such stark contrast, that even the very best of love and light, and that is to say those of highly experienced souls, would find themselves faltering, from time to time. Such was the nature; such was the depth of this game. And this is why you, dear star seeds, the very best of the best, in terms of the strength of your experiential love light, came here to assist. This game was to be such that you were to become enmeshed in a matrix that would, in a sense, constantly inject, illusionary concepts such as fear, doubt, anger, hatred, an array of negative emotions, including guilt and shame. And as has come in a channel previous to this one, none of these energies, none of these emotions are of you. They are not yours dear ones, do not own them in the sense that they originate from your truth, they do not, they have never… Think of it like a virtual reality headset, as this one likes to use as an analogy so much. If you put the headset on, you experience an illusionary visual game, where there are sounds, sensations and sights. And the design of this game was to inject negative tones, sounds, all sorts of what you would call horrors… These would overlay with your natural truth of love and light. And if you were not careful, you might have even identified with these injected negative tones. These were done so from the 3D matrix system. This, dear ones, is why it is so vital and important to constantly connect with your heart, your inner space, your inner truth. There, there are no injections. And although the 3D matrix system is dismantled, what it injected into you, the patterns that unfolded, that you developed as a result of these injections, these have to be purged, they have to be cleansed. And by going into your heart space, your truth, your genuine unfettered, unspoiled truth, is revealed to you, it is right there dear ones, right there for you. We Cassiopeian’s specialize in heart centeredness and the application of that love light in all creative wonders. Some might say we are fully heart centered creators, and we are. And in truth so are you, and in truth, so are all. The choice that remains before you is how much of that truth you wish to live in, how much you wish to see. We pledge our service to you, to help you recover the stillness, the truth, the love and the light that you are dear ones. You are our brothers and sisters, beautiful Gaian’s. Many of you are experiencing this the unfolding of this truth as you go inward daily, or as much as you feel guided to so. And we urge all of you, our beautiful dear brothers and sisters of love and light. Please, please, please, go in daily, connect with your heart space, connect with your truth. For there, the spectrum from what you call darkness, the illusion of darkness through to your truth, disappears and the only singular truth, that you are, reveals itself… Love dear ones, yes, you are love and light. You have never been anything different. The more you do this, the more the illusion, the construct of the illusion disappears, of duality within you, it disappears dear ones! This is what we ask of you this day and going forward… Do not concern yourself, do not worry yourself with the outer goings on. For it is just nothing more than the dying embers of the injected forms of the illusion of darkness that the matrix impinged upon you. Why continue to entertain it? Why continue to support it when it is dying, it is passing away dear ones. |
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Continue to go inwards, know only the love and light of truth that is within you, because that is what reality really is, there is nothing else, it is the everything. The vast infinite expanse of love light is everything and all there is dear ones.
Why invest yourself in that which is illusion, it does not exist, it isn’t real. It was just a game – it was always a game. Albeit seemingly very real, for most of you, much of the time. So real in fact that you were fooled into believing that the reality, or the perception of reality that you see outside of you, is all that is and all that was. This is not so dear ones.
It is falling around you, do not grasp to it, do not cling to it. Come inside, within your truth. There, the infinity expanse of love light is who you really are. This is where you are going dear ones. This is what it is to be in the 5th dimension and higher.
We say again, COME IN TO YOUR TRUTH! Your inner world, this is where it really is, this is reality dear ones. Let go of your anchors and tethers to the outer world. It is but a scripted illusion that is falling by the wayside, it holds no value. It holds no sense of reality, unless you hold it up and give it a sense of reality. The more you come into your inner world, the more it will disappear. You do not need to jostle with problems and issues outside of you.
Yes, as you transition, there are certain things that would be prudent to take care of, but do only what you need to.
For as you transition, and as you move out of the illusionary outer world and come deeply into the inner world, those things that bother you will be no more because they only exist so long as you are supporting their existence.
They are your creations dear ones, as a result of being enmeshed, and injected by, the matrix, the 3D matrix.
But as you transition out, as we have said before, this will thoroughly disappear, as will all elements, all forms, all experiences of it, all things that bother you, will disappear. And the more you practice going inside, the faster that will become a reality.
This is our message here for you today dear ones…
Please, our brothers and sisters, GO INWARDS! Again, and again, and again… It will become easier and simpler, the more you do it. Let go of your resistance to your inner world, your inner truth.
Yes, there are parts of you that will fight and resist because they are the aspects of you that have believed in the outer world, have become enmeshed with it.
Console these parts dear ones. Invite them into your inner world to be healed and cleared. To be thoroughly cleansed in the pure love and light that is the flame of your heart, the healing flame, your LOVE FLAME.
You each have one of these, you cannot but have one of these dear ones. It is the powerful flame of transmutation you each hold within you, use it, apply it dear ones, it is there for you.
There is NOTHING that can withstand the flame that is in the centre of your heart. It brings everything back into truth. Connect with your higher self, work with your higher self to apply your love flame to yourself, to this beautiful earth, to the places you feel guided to use it.
Dear ones, we leave you now in our love, our light and we invite you to connect with us and other higher dimensional love light groups that you feel drawn to.
Work with us, we would love to co-create with you, this beautiful new higher dimensional world that you are moving into, THE INNER WORLD MADE MANIFEST.
Good bye for now dear ones, we love you so very much, all of our blessing and light…
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