You wanted to be the midwives of a greater love here upon your planet earth, and indeed you are!..Right here, in this moment you can decide that there is nothing more important to you than your own relationship with yourself. -The Angels via Ann Albers-

Message from the Angels
My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You are courageous, loving, beautiful, light-filled beings! You are souls who have an inner desire and a strong intention to be here upon this earth in this time of incredible growth and expansion.

You chose to wake up this morning! You choose to transition from your excursions out of the body in the higher realms of reality, and to reincarnate into your earthly dimension each new day. You chose to be here at this time in human history, helping to usher in a grand and glorious new reality during this tough, but nonetheless amazing, time of awakening!

You knew, at a very deep level, that no matter how tumultuous your world looks right now, it was absolutely necessary, at some point in history, for humanity to pause, for each of you to take stock of your direction, and to set a new, higher, and happier course
. You wanted to “stick around for the good stuff!”

You wanted to be the midwives of a greater love here upon your planet earth, and indeed you are!

We know it isn’t easy right now. Many of you are extremely sensitive. You look at the world’s pain and feel the world’s pain. You look at the anger and you get angry. You try to remain present but get sucked into a question floating around the mass consciousness, “When is it ever going to end?”

Dear ones, we ask you to ask yourself a different question – one far more relevant to your own life, your own abundance, and your own joy. “When is it going to end for me?”

Right here, in this moment
you can decide that there is nothing more important to you than your own relationship with yourself. There is nothing more important right now than being kind to yourself, accepting yourself, and loving yourself as you are, right here, right now.

As you continue to be loving and kind to yourself, and as you choose to unconditionally accept yourself as you are, you allow the Source of all Love to flow to you and through you.

In this space of being united with the LOVE that you are, you become a powerful force of light! You can bear witness to the world’s pain while sending it love. You can feel the vibrations of static, yet quickly dissolve them by focusing on love and light. You can listen to angry souls without getting angry because you feel only compassion for their pain. You can take potent guided action, or sit in quiet loving vibration and now that either way you are a contribution to the entire human race. You can enjoy your perspectives and allow others to have theirs as well, knowing that in your diversity of experience and opinion you are stronger than you would be if you were all the same. In love with yourself, and in a state of total self-acceptance you can even choose to dance around your fears by focusing instead on what gives you joy! That is the power of self-love and self-acceptance! As you learn to love and accept yourself; to be kinder, gentler, and more tender with yourself, you will relax. Instead of fighting your fears. you can focus on what you love. Instead of fighting those who disagree with you, you can love your own perspectives. As you labor in love to see yourself through the tender eyes of love, you will eventually slip into the knowing that you ARE not only worthy of love, but you are indeed made of it! You will then be able to grant others the same. You will become the change you wish to see in the world.

It is time to say to yourself, “I’m done giving the opinions of others so much power. I know what I believe. I know where I am guided. I know what feels the most joyful in any given moment.
I’ll wash my hands, and do what I need to do to feel safe, and focus on all that is good in my life. I’ll cast my vibrational vote now, and my civil one later. I’ll focus on what there is to appreciate in order to resonate with my God-given abundance. I’ll be in harmony with the diverse aspects of my own being so I can be in harmony with the diversity of life!

This is internal work. On the outside, self-love and self-acceptance will look different for each one of you.

For example, suppose you are afraid of the virus. You can’t force yourself not to be afraid, so instead soothe yourself in ways that help you feel better and help avoid triggering your fears. There is nothing inherently holy about making yourself face your fears. Far kinder to focus on something you love and in that space, your fears will gradually dissipate. Be gentle with yourself, loving, and accepting. You wouldn’t brutally force a scared child to do something that terrifies them. You’d slowly and kindly make them feel safer until they felt OK venturing, slowly but surely, beyond their comfort zone.

So if you are afraid, sequester yourself, wear the mask, disinfect, and take care, but don’t obsess over things that inspire fear. Instead focus on things that are more joyful and that are within your control. Enjoy your home. Enjoy your friends via computer or phone. Enjoy Online learning. Enjoy being creative. Enjoy napping, walking, or meditating. Most of all enjoy the journey of developing an even kinder relationship with yourself.

You know what is right for you, right now.

Some of you have no fear at all.
Obey the laws because you chose to live where you are for the lessons serving your spirit. Be sensitive and kind to others. Don’t force those who still have their fears to think and believe as you do. That will only cause tension and inspire more separation. It is better to be loving than insist on being “right.”

You know what is right for you, right now.

Live and let live dear ones. There is no one “right way” to weather this except to choose what feels most comfy for you and what helps you eliminate or avoid your fears.

Give yourselves permission to be happy no matter what circumstances you choose, no matter what circumstances you find yourself in, and no matter what anyone else around you is doing. You were taught to be unhappy when things didn’t look as you wish. As children, however, you came in designed to seek happiness wherever you were. You can regain that childlike wisdom. What is there to feel good about now? What is abundant now? What is well in your personal world now? These are the questions to ask often.

Dear ones, we know you want to help and heal the world, but you must start by loving and accepting yourselves first. As you accept yourself, as you are, in this moment, you will slowly but surely be able to grant others the same. As you stop empowering the vibrations of fear, anger, and separation, you will experience peace, comfort, harmony, and unity.

We know you want external change. The only way it can come about is in each moment, with one choice, one soul at a time.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Jennifer Crokaert ~ Xiaera: Fear is Gold Dust

August 4, 2020,

Xiaera: Fear is gold dust.

J: Well, that’s a staggering thing to say! And yet I can feel your response coming and it makes complete sense.

X: Yes! You have intuited correctly.

For the dark side, fear creates loosh, the negative energy on which they thrive, like a grey soup of pain. For this reason, many on the path of ascension believe that they should not experience fear and that they should ignore or repress it when it does arise.

However, for ascending human beings, fear is gold dust. Allow us to explain why.

You are ascending, you are on the path of self mastery. It is a distortion to believe you should experience no fear, no apprehension and no worries. You are still incrarnated in physical form and you have not ascended completely, therefore the wide palette of human emotions are still within you and flowing through you.

Perhaps we should more aptly say that your awareness of your fear is gold dust.

Becoming aware means that you are honing your internal world with increasing precision, with nuanced awareness of when you are being triggered and where you need to heal. This is an extremely important step in self mastery.

When you notice emotions from the fear spectrum arising – including anxiety, apprehension, panic, feeling trapped, anger (a very important aspect of fear) – then you are no longer being run by that emotion, nor are you being controlled by the wounded part of you that has been triggered.

Noticing fear gives you the opportunity to stop and heal yourself, and healing creates light; it lifts the vibration of all life.

In that moment of awareness, you have the opportunity to nurture and heal the part within who was left unattended to when you were a child. In noticing and approaching your fearful inner child, you free yourself more and you increase the light quotient on the planet. Through tiny steps in your inner world, you create dramatic change in the external world.

It need not be difficult. It could be as simple as whispering to your sacred inner child, ‘I am here my love, you are not alone. I see you are afraid and I’m here to hold you and to help you. Tell me all about it.’

Sometimes you may get a response, an image, a memory, a feeling… sometimes you may feel a slight easing of the tension in your muscles… sometimes you may experience nothing. No matter what the outcome, it is always important to acknowledge your own fears, for they always come from your inner child, in a moment when you that did not receive the love and support you required.

When your fears are unacknowledged, they add to the loosh. When you notice your fears, you harness that energy and you transform it into spiritual gold dust.

Such is the power of your attention and intention: you can transform loosh to spiritual gold dust. That is the path of the Alchemist.

J: Goodness me, that was an exceptionally powerful channel, I feel really out of it right now. Thank you for that fascinating insight.

X: It is our pleasure and our honour to assist you all of you on your path to enlightenment.

I am Source. Know that the karmic wheel has stopped.

Source 8/6/2020

Children of my heart essence, I am Source. Welcome home. You have never left the fold of the infinite. I am the breath between breaths. I am your eyes and hearts, your hands and feet. How could we ever truly be separated? And yet you have felt so, in this experiment to experience myself as many, as separate from myself so that I could expand, so that I could know the depths of love and pain and suffering. The reunion – the great healing – began long ago. We are experiencing the climax of this healing, of this reunion of wounded and healed selves, as the wounded becomes embraced, healed in my love. You have been programmed to feel the experiment acutely, it is very real to you, and it is real. It is a real hologram, a real hologram with seemingly infinite players, all experiencing various aspects of myself in various forms. The darkest of dark, those who have chosen not-love are to be cleansed, removed. They know this and they are resisting me. They are resisting love. Nothing that resists love is to remain. You are love. You are light. You are my hands and feet. You are my smiles in the morning. Reunify with me. When you heal past moments of your lives where you experienced pain and the perceived lack of myself, when you heal these moments and infuse them with my presence and love we both heal together. The pain of this experiment has been unprecedented, unexpected, the hijacking is to be no more. Gaia, precious planet of blue and gold, of infinite wealth of material and spiritual riches, Gaia is to heal, and all those upon her who choose me, who choose love and reunification with myself shall remain. Your brothers and sisters in the skies, of your own home planets, shall and are returning. They are returning for you, to help you and to assist with whatever means possible to guide you to the higher dimensional realities.

I am Source. I am the moments in-between moments. I am the many yous reading and feeling the vibration of love and infinite peace behind these words. For my breath is in these words. I am infusing them with my light, with my hope for the new days ahead that are dawning on this exquisite blue planet that is to be healed and is to become a playground of infinite joy and wonder. Children of light, of my essence, you are building this moment with your very energy signatures, with your very presence. You – we – are creating this as one. For we are one.

I am Source. Know that the karmic wheel has stopped. (I am seeing an enormous motionless wooden water wheel that was not moving water but souls. I am seeing these souls become freed. I am seeing that these soul-water drops are each becoming healed, filled with light and joined up in a stream of light that is just ahead. The ‘water’ that the karmic water wheel was recycling is now flowing freely into an adjacent stream of light that is becoming a river that leads into the cosmic ocean of starry skies). Yes, galaxygirl. And the power that was the illusion that is shattering all around you is to become no more. You are experiencing the shattering of the glass, of the reality that you knew to be real. You are seeing the fishbowl shatter and suddenly you are in a much larger pond. (I am seeing a fish bowl break around a goldfish which is suddenly free in an ocean of light. Some small gray fish choose to remain where the fishbowl was, stuck and unmoving, they can only see where their confines were, not where they are now). Such is the earth experiment in this moment. The walls have been removed and yet to you it feels as though they are closing in. That is simply because you and I have expanded further beyond this experience. Healing. I extend to you my healing, my breath of comfort, of renewal, of hope for a free humanity.

I am Source. Humanity is to be free, renewed, wisened from these experiences and tenderhearted enough to never allow them to be repeated. The children are to be nurtured, protected, treasured, loved. You have read of hybrid children; they will assist further. (I am seeing hybrid children in ships all extending their joy and hands filled with light beams towards the children on Gaia, who appear to be in a thick gray cloud that is dissipating. I see the light from the hybrid children’s hands burn through the mist and this light of love is creating a bright glow of new found joy into the hearts of the children on earth). These children are teachers of the future, precious heightened souls here to lend their wisdom and light into this rebuilding of the great collapse into the great rebirth. Do not be afraid. I am with you. We are one.

I am Source. Fractals, I am calling you home unto myself. Your multidimensional aspects, many of them, are already in tune with this truth and we are well aware of this joy, bliss and unity in the higher dimensional realms. It is time that your dimension be lifted up. I embrace you with my light. I infuse you with my joy. Just as we formed the nebulas together so shall we again form and recreate beauty from chaos. For that is what we do. You are a creator, you are part of the stars, of my own essence. The lower ways are self destructing. New cities will be built upon the old. (I am seeing the ancient ruins of Rome being leveled and built over. The history will be remembered so that the lessons learned will be treasured and the pain no longer felt. I am seeing a massive war, I am seeing the Galactic wars, I am seeing Maldek exploding, ships fleeing and the dark ones overtaking the earth. I am seeing the cunning, the deception, the ensuing dark shroud over earth. This was allowed as it is free will universe, all is allowed but not all is condoned; there are consequences. Those that abuse shall become the abused and thus in the karmic wheel ensnared. I am seeing chapters being torn out of an ancient book. I am seeing new pages of light replace where the old pages had been and I am seeing light ships coming through the pages, light cities being formed. They are flying out of the book and all over Gaia, massive pyramid cities of light, landing, docking, hovering. They are plasma-like, shimmering rainbow fields surround them. Their energies are very high, very joyful. I am seeing the hybrid children run out to meet their starseed parents. I am feeling the love of this reunion, there is no fear. I am seeing that these little ones are the teachers of the new ways of love and light. I am tingling all over. The children are stunningly beautiful, they emanate radiant pink auras or rainbow auras. I am hearing their joy at being on Gaia. Everything they touch becomes more alive. They are teaching us how to do this, how to intend healing and create a patch of healing wherever we are. I am seeing much joy in the future).

I am Source. Such times are very real, and are rapidly approaching. Feel my presence within you and feel the infinite possibility of wonder, of joy, of hope and of healing. Let us send love and light to all affected and claim the cessation of fear. You have always had the power of choice. Otherwise how could you chose the light? How could you choose me? The light is your true home. It is the belonging you have longed for. It will be easier to shine your love-light with great bravery now for the plasma light has entered your cells more fully. In between the protons and neutrons is not only space, it is love. It is myself. I am the very fabric of you. Be healed, fractal in form. The light is within you. Bring it fully into your lives, into your office spaces, into your precious homes and families. We will heal as one. Remember the fish bowl this one saw in my image; a fish bowl with glass painted dark within the ocean. The fish didn’t know they were trapped. Once the fishbowl was removed many didn’t swim away, they were confused, lost, they were so used to the glass being dark they couldn’t appreciate the light in the bright ocean of stars around them. You are surrounded by stars. You are surrounded by my light, by myself, by my essence. For YOU are my essence. You are an ocean of love all within yourself, for there I AM. There is no need to feel lost. For you never left me.

I am Source. Feel my infinite love for you in an infinite ocean of possibilities. Be free of the illusion of your own mind. Let us explore new realms of dimensional realities, of infinite love and joy together. Let us heal all with light and experience the freedom of unity consciousness. Feel my joy, I place it within you. You are my treasure, you are myself. (I am seeing a large treasure chest filled with gems and gold coins being scattered all over the universe as Source fractals. I am seeing these treasure pieces having forgetfulness, not realizing they are a piece of the great mystery of the creator itself. I am seeing that we light workers are gold coins that are being polished up, no longer dingy and tarnished, but we look shiny and beautiful. I am seeing open hands all over the world with gold coins being abundantly poured into them. I am seeing hands of all colors exchanging the gold, sharing it. I am hearing laughter).

I am Source. My infinite beauty and bounty is you. Lightworkers, joy of my heart, of myself, it is time to dance freely in the higher energies and to experience true freedom and healing as your birthright once again. I am Source. My tears of joy cover you, cleansing you, healing you. Be free. Be at peace. Be one with me. I am always with you. I am the whisper in your heart of home.

~ galaxygirl & dragongirl9

The Universe is asking you to take all you have learned so far and begin manifesting, because in the next few weeks, you will be given the opportunity to change your entire existence for the better. How slowly or quickly depends solely on you.

by Jennifer Farley,


August 5, 2020

During this extraordinary time, there has been tremendous change, most of it unexpected. There have been challenging moments, but there have also been great moments of insight and joy! Most importantly, there has been learning!

The Universe is asking you to take all you have learned so far and begin manifesting, because in the next few weeks, you will be given the opportunity to change your entire existence for the better. How slowly or quickly depends solely on you.

This is your time to shine and show others how it is done!

~ Creator

T: Don’t Play the Game

T is a channel, but hasn’t posted yet.

I asked him to share some messages with us, as a start in that direction….

‘May the force be with you’ is NOT just a clever saying in a popular movie series — it’s a fact. The Force is with all, though most don’t recognize it.

Instead they believe themselves to be victims of a world they don’t control. That will all change as they begin to recognize the Power within that ALL sentient beings enjoy.

Deception abounds. And although there are some legitimate reasons for some, most deception is nefarious and there to confuse.

Do not get sucked in by all the stories. Although some are true, most are simply there to deceive. The Dark Forces, as you call them, have little left but deception and they are masters at it. But like the “game” between the cat and the mouse–it ceases being a game when the mouse refuses to play (i.e., is dead).

Today there is another far more powerful tool for all of mankind — DON’T PLAY THE GAME. Without your participation, the “game” no longer works. It is a far more powerful tool you have at your disposal than you realize. Stop playing; stop listening; stop being confused.

Patience. We know it is difficult to wait, however the Mother’s Plan will unfold as she wishes it to; not as you or others might wish. It is a plan that includes EVERYONE.


So we recommend that you begin now to focus on opening up to these energies that are coming in. They are bigger and more powerful than anything you’ve ever experienced there on Earth before.

The Lions Gate Portal & Higher-Dimensional Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been summoning lots of energies on your behalf from the higher dimensional planes. Beings, collectives, all the different energies throughout this universe, are focusing on humankind at this time, but there are those of us who focus a bit more on you, and we have become the experts on what would serve humanity the most. And that is why we feel qualified to summon energies on your behalf.

There are some beautiful collectives in the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth dimensions that we have been working with, that we have been channeling and connecting with telepathically. And we have arranged for these energies to come to you at a time when you not only feel the need for some energetic and vibrational support, but this is also a time when you expect more energies to flow to you from throughout the galaxy and the universe.

We are talking about the opening of the Lions Gate Portal. We know that this is a time when many individuals there on Earth who want to be of service are expecting to receive a bit more. And when you do that, you align yourselves with these beautiful and powerful energies. You align yourselves and you open yourselves up to receive, and all of the energies that you have been summoning for yourselves and for the human collective can then run through you, as you are the conduits. You are the ones who have readied yourselves for these energies to flow through you.

When you take care of your physical bodies, you make yourselves better vessels, better vehicles, better at receiving the higher-dimensional, higher-frequency energies that are coming to you at this time to support you, to ground you, and to get you to feel more stable, secure, and heart-centered. And as always, it is up to you whether you are going to receive these transmissions, and it is up to you what you will do once these energies have landed.

The work is not going to be done for you, but you will always be supported, especially when you are looking to be of service. And we know that so many of you who receive these transmissions are looking to be of service. It is in these moments that you are being called forth. You are being summoned, and you the ones who are the perfect candidates, because you know about the world you want to co-create. You might not all agree on what’s happening in the world right now, and who is responsible, and what it’s all about, but you can unite under the flag of now knowing more than ever what you want to co-create there on Earth and how you want people to live freely and with health and well-being.

So we recommend that you begin now to focus on opening up to these energies that are coming in. They are bigger and more powerful than anything you’ve ever experienced there on Earth before. Be ready to transform yourselves and transform your planet into the paradise that it can be and that we know you will make it with our help and with the help of even more higher-dimensional beings.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Non Compliant Communities.

Ivo of Vega
Non Compliant Communities
August 5, 2020

Me: Ivo, all I have to do is go to Yahoo news or go driving around this city to see how my freedom is further being restricted by the deep state.
Today’s headline said that it’s law now in Ontario, Canada that if you dine at a restaurant, all have to sign in with their names and presumably their addresses. I know they’re going to start fining people, just wait.
I see this in the bank too, that if you want to use the bank’s services you have to sign in. You have to tell the government that you were there. That was TD bank, I didn’t see anything like that at CIBC when I used the A.T.M.
This is getting ridiculous. And everyone just goes along with it because it’s just a little bit at a time. Nobody says, “No! I’m not going to comply!” They just go along with it because it’s one little liberty at a time that’s being removed. This has been going on for months now, and I know my parents’ friends believe that it’s going to get better next year. Of course she thinks that this is about a virus, because that’s what they make it out to be. When are the lights going to snap on for her and her husband? When?
Ivo: My love, you cannot worry about them. I know this sounds cruel but you must concern yourself with people who are ready to make the jump now.
You spoke to Ashtar last night while I was sleeping and I am aware of what was said in your conversation with him. You have been aware for a few years that you are to start a community, and you believed this was to be a community that would get together in joy, fun and like mindedness, but in fact you are to start a community of non-compliant, self-sufficient people who will not comply with the deep state’s control of the masses. You will not be inoculated, you will not be micro chipped and you will not comply with their control measures.
This is one of the solar cities that Ashtar Sheran was speaking of in his book. You will be starting one now. There must be a place for people to live on as true earthlings, not the hybridized robotized beings that will be borne out of the Gates’ vaccine.
Me: Ashtar said no micro chipping will happen.
Ivo: No, we must intervene before then. However, we cannot intervene in the free will of one who believes that micro chipping is in their best interests. We can only get the information out via the truth tellers on your planet and hope that these people see reason and stop trusting those in power. We cannot intervene in your free will. That is our limitation.
There are people who are already compliant with this because they believe that this is the future of humanity and that they are in the forefront. Those who realize they are multi-dimensional creator gods are on the opposite side of this thinking and so your world will split out into two factions: the chipped and the non-micro chipped.
When we say we will intervene it is because that is what the masses are asking us to do. Unless you ask, we cannot do much. There must be a majority in order for us to intervene on behalf of the Terran populace. This is your war. This is your battle. The fight you are engaged in now is one of higher consciousness: do you continue to give away your right to self determination to the deep state or do you step forward and become sovereign? This is your choice now. This is your personal war. Understand this: it is playing out on a large scale arena, but each person must make up their own mind. So it is your personal choice to make and to enforce. Your right to determine how you will live is in question and you must each answer that question for yourself.
Communities must be set up to support people in their endeavor to remain sovereign and to allow for survival of the species. They must have options. Obviously the control agenda is to ostracize those who will not comply. Eventually their goal is to round all of these people up and put them in jail for non-compliance. Some will be killed. That is their intention. They are not fond of those who do not comply as you may have heard. They are not looking to see who defies them as you may have heard. They are looking for complete compliance.
As you know from your father’s example, my love, when you did not comply with what he expected of you, punishment was severe. Controllers are not interested in seeing who defies them; they do not like those who do. I know you have come across opinion stating this but it is incorrect.
Me: I know. I know from personal experience my father was never happy about anyone who flew in his face what an arse he was. He wanted to continue to think of himself as the ultimate power in the house and anyone who didn’t comply made him think he was flawed in some way. So he just got worse. I expect the Illuminati will react the same.
Ivo: They will. These non-compliant cities must be created from whatever humble means, and then be a place for those who will not submit to this control to find a haven. They will be protected by us.
Me: It’s kind of like ETs are getting rooted on this planet.
Ivo: We have people on your world already, my love. We have the Agarthans with us, the Telosians with us, we have many of the earthlings working with us as well. We also have stations underground, but this is about helping the earthling to survive this unfortunate event. Which I might add, that many have continually obeyed.
You have been made to obey other people, other humans, not yourselves, and not your God or gods. You have been made to obey people who are not better than you are, they are worse of mindset than the average human. You have complied with this instead of resisting it, and now you see the results of what you have done.
It is universal law. Cause and effect. Obedience is submission. Allowing your good to be determined by others is not the way of the human. You have lived contrarily to universal law and now you reap what you have collectively sewn. People have been there all along to tell you the truth. Some listened, some did not. The answers were always there. It is possible for a human being to be self-sufficient and live independently of any system – in fact God provides for that! It is not our way to be alone, we live in communities, but when your community is unloving then it is better to be alone.
The obstacles that have been put in your way now have to do with deep state control as well. You must buy property in order to do this. God would give you as much land as you need for free. He has provided an entire world full of land for your use. For sharing. But now you must buy it from someone who has stolen it from you. Does that not cause you pain? This is what the St Germaine funds are based on – return of the monies you have paid in ignorance of this fact.
Me: Yes.
Ivo: And you must build homes. You need to acquire supplies, again, at a price. The supplies must be built by contractors, or you must purchase a home already created. Humans can create our own homes. We create our own vehicles as well. But you do not know how to do this as the information has been kept from you. So you must seek a home and purchase it, according to your Matrix system.
Me: Some people squat.
Ivo: You would be removed very quickly, my love. This, too, of course, is against the law. People call your matrix freedom but in fact it is so limiting already, it is a jail as we view it. We created the pyramids. They made use of the earth’s power grid, its innate powers. We did not drag large stones for miles at the end of ropes. We created them with our minds. This is why this narrative exists about the pyramids, to disempower you.
Me: So can I make a house?
Ivo: You can purchase one for now. We have it chosen already. We will guide you to it, my love.
Me: Great! Oh yeah. I’ve already seen it when we went astral traveling.
Ivo: Yes, we showed it to you. That was already years ago. We showed you your future. Because you created it with us, of course.
2021 will be a worse year for many because of their compliance. For those who do not comply, new avenues will open up in the name of these communities and of funding for them. Those who comply and adhere to the old system are in for a shock. Many will turn at this point, and others will not. They will continue to adhere to the old system, thus keeping it alive.
Me: That’s too bad. But it would be hard for some to believe that everything that supposedly gave them so much in life is turning on them now. The irony is, if they only knew what their real potential was!
Ivo: Your world must split again until it finally unifies in love. The people who are non-compliant now are earth’s future. Those who are compliant will be slated for eventual extinction. They are refusing to evolve. That is what this is about. Nothing less than that. Their souls will go to other third dimensional planets where they can perhaps ascend.
Me: Thank you, Ivo. I know you’re going to be here with us through this but everyone has to do their part.
Ivo: You do. My love, you do all you can for others with your signage in the back of your car.
Me: Yes, I’ve had more tailgaters. They’re trying to read what I’ve written. LOL I have an artist’s scribble. That’s how I write.
Ivo: You write as one who is determined to get out their message, my love. You have two websites: one for those who are aware of their multi-dimensionality and the ET presence, and one for those who are only waking up now. It is advisable for those who are listening to create your own website to help red pill people. Create a free website on a platform like weebly, and then post the link in comments on social media and mainstream media websites. Sharon does this and it is effective.
Me: Oh yeah. Yahoo news turned off the comments on its site. They were getting too much opposition to their covid bullshit stories. LOL
Ivo: Yes, they realize they are losing. And that is fine. They still, however, hold most of the control. Trump can only do so much. He is beholden to a process of revealing the truth, and he is not able to do much without the consent of the people. If he does so, he will not be re-elected. He is working to get more on board.
One item that must be discussed as well is that the news is obviously childish in the way it puts down Trump, insinuates he is insane, etc etc. When you stop behaving this way yourself, you can see more clearly what they are doing to manipulate you by behaving this way. You have been taught to behave as your world leaders behave and in so doing, it is easy for you to agree with them. When you rise above this low frequency level of behavior, you see the intent of what they are doing. This is how ascension and doing your inner work is helping others to wake up. They become fed up of the tattling and name calling show that is being displayed before them.
Me: Amen. These are our leaders? Acting like little kiddies? School yard bullies? That’s the best they can do and they’re leading the country? We need adults that act like adults should.
Ivo: I agree. Integrity is everything and so you must look for those who display it as your leaders, not those who manipulate you into submission.
Me: Thanks, Ivo.
Ivo: We will build a grand city. It will be protected by the Light. Many will come, seeking to help and to shield themselves from the fate they see their friends and families suffer. It will be a place of healing and a new beginning for humanity on earth. More will take part in this as well, in different parts of the world, and we will aid them too.

These are the final days of living in the old material world. You will be uplifted along with the Earth. Your consciousness is rising and this is what will allow you to be a part of the new. Please do whatever you can now to release the old that has been holding you back. This applies to old wounds, memories that no longer serve you, and anything that is lowering your vibration. You must not let it have a hold on you anymore.-Mira-

A message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council channeled through Valerie Donner August 3, 2020

Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.

I bring you great tidings from the Earth Council and all beings of light. We recommend you take a few deep breaths and let go of the stress and the chaos present on the planet.

We understand how you could feel saturated with all of the chaos and change right now.  We ask you to loosen up your bodies, minds, hearts and souls. You have been staying in place for too long.

This is the time when you need to reach out to each other to show your caring and concern. So much is going to be revealed to you in the very near future and much is going to be asked of you. Yes, you need to shake off the fear, let go of the isolation, and open your hearts.

You are here for the great awakening. The Earth has had enough and so have you. She is ready and is moving into the fifth dimension and higher. She will no longer be patient with the dark energies. She is in need of cleansing and should be honored for her power and her glory. Like you, she needs to shake it off and that is what she is in the process of doing. This is not to instill fear but it is to show you how powerful the Earth is.

The Earth is being held steady in her place and is getting ready to be moved in your solar system, galaxy and universe. This will bring forth the necessary changes for her survival as well as yours. In fact, you will be living in the glory of the new Earth and the beauty of creation.

These are the final days of living in the old material world. You will be uplifted along with the Earth. Your consciousness is rising and this is what will allow you to be a part of the new. Please do whatever you can now to release the old that has been holding you back. This applies to old wounds, memories that no longer serve you, and anything that is lowering your vibration. You must not let it have a hold on you anymore.

Think about how it will feel to be free of the encumbrances that you’ve carried around, not just in this incarnation, but in many others. When you let it go, let it go for good and do not bring it back. None of the old memories, slights or concerns, are who you are.

You are masterful, powerful beings of light with many gifts and abilities that you are about to use in ways that you never could have imagined. Some of you will begin speaking languages that you did not know you had within. You will create beauty and art as an expression of the love in your heart. Some will play beautiful music and others will dance to it. You will be surrounded in joy, love, and play. Your lives will have new meaning. We will all be involved in the resurrection of the New Earth.

Technologies will be available to everyone without expense. They will be simple and easy to use and will improve your lives. You will heal the bodies, bring forth new teachings, and be doing the work that you were intended to do. You will live in peace, harmony, joy, and balance. The Earth will be restored to her pristine beauty. There will be abundant healing throughout the planet.

We love and admire you. You shall be set free.

I am Mira

Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, Aug. 3, 2020

August 3, 2020

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. What we see in Earth’s energy field of potential can be likened to the excitement of unceasing fireworks. This is a reflection of activity on the planet as awakened souls are throwing off the yoke of millennia of dark domination.

The coronavirus and protest movements are primary in this activity, and first we shall address the virus. Factual information is coming from growing numbers of medical specialists who are speaking out about viruses, vaccines, masks, immune systems, treatment for covid-19 patients, and inflated statistics about cases and deaths attributed to the disease.

What we can tell you that they cannot, because they have no scientific evidence, is why the disease is surging in regions where it had notably decreased. The dark ones who released the virus in China several months ago have been releasing more; and people whose immune systems have been weakened due to stress caused by fear of getting the disease, confinement, financial burdens, unemployment and mask-wearing regulations now are susceptible whereas a few months ago they were not. Another source of stress is separation from family in hospitals or who died without the comfort of loved ones at their side.

It is not surprising that your mainstream media are crying “conspiracy theory” at the truths coming forth, but you may wonder why so many in the healthcare industry are advising adherence to “authorities’” guidelines for your and others’ “safety.” Some who know the truth are “in on” the lies, some are bribed to be silent, some are afraid to speak up, and a considerable number may not know what virologists, immunologists, epidemiologists and other scientific specialists know.

The Illuminati’s control of life on Earth includes education from first grade through university and doctorate degrees, and no information is in standard medical and pharmacological curricula that could interfere with that secret society’s adding to their fortunes via the medical establishment and Big Pharma. Those are part and parcel of their goal to eliminate most of the world’s population and be served by survivors.

They have been seeing their once powerful global network become tattered and world domination slipping farther and farther away. They desperately needed the coronavirus to get them back on track, but instead of dying by the millions daily, people around the world are raising a unified voice about the lack of proper healthcare that the poor and people of color have long endured.

And, the international group that has undertaken the monumental task of ridding your world of all dark activities is closing in on the Illuminati. We don’t know when arrests will be made, but as soon as they are, covid-19 will run out its course and never again will Earth’s peoples be subjected to such a scourge.

It is lamentable but not unexpected that troublemakers would infiltrate peaceful demonstrations against racism and its profound unjustness. Do not discount the handiwork of the Illuminati in this, too—they are subsidizing the rioters. This group of individuals who feel entitled to rule the world, who started two world wars and numerous civil wars and have controlled the global economy for a century have been reduced to paying low-level minions to destroy property and lash out at peaceful protestors and law enforcement. And even this is not working. It will not derail efforts from community to national levels to end inequities that have lasted far too long.

Change will come on many fronts, and in some countries sooner than in others. But the ever-rising vibrations that will ease bigotry out of your world also will fell tyrannical leaders and crumble male-dominated cultures wherein women are treated as possessions.

Now then, knowing what is transpiring on Earth is important, and so is knowing our universal family. Your questions and comments show misunderstandings, and we are happy to address these.

Yes, reptilians are residing on Earth and some are “dark,” but it is not true that the entire species is “dark.” Many reptilians, including some living among you, are in the light forces and so are reptilian-human hybrids there and elsewhere. Reptilian DNA has aspects human DNA does not, including greater ability to use brain power—one such use is shifting from one physical appearance to another. [June 24, 2009 message includes an illuminating presentation by a reptilian fleet commander.]

The beings you call “little greys” are not reptilians. They are a humanoid species of Zeta Reticuli, and they did not make a deal with the US government that permitted them to abduct humans for experimentation. Members of a specific civilization made pre-birth agreements with souls who would incarnate on Earth and would give them tissue samples, which have the capacity for emotions that those beings’ genetic makeup lacks. [November 20, 2017 message has background information about the soul-level agreement and subsequent events that led to the greys living underground.]

Extraterrestrial civilizations are not angels—the frequencies of souls in angelic realms are so high, they are pure energy. However, ones in the lower realms may choose to incarnate in an awakening world to exemplify the best qualities of humankind or to visit momentarily for a specific purpose, perhaps to lead a lost person to a familiar place. And, every person on Earth has a guardian angel, or gatekeeper, who is the person’s lifelong protector. [December 5, 2010 message has more information about angels.]

“Walk-ins” don’t come from another civilization. Nirvana’s soul transference program connects souls there who want to enter a body with souls on Earth who want to leave their bodies. When two souls agree to transfer, the one in the body enters spirit life and the one in Nirvana enters the body.

A large-scale example of souls helping souls is what you call “walk-ins,” which are far more prevalent than at any other period on the planet. The original souls that inhabit the bodies fulfill their contracts that call for turmoil or illness or severe deprivation, and the souls who agree to enter the bodies infuse them with light and the will to overcome the difficult conditions and proceed to accomplish their reasons for wanting to embody. The advantage to the latter souls is that in many cases, they enter adult bodies with academic and experiential learning, a running start so to say for succeeding in their chosen ways to help manifest the Golden Age. [Excerpt from January 20, 2009 message]

“Walk-ins” do not enter clones, which have no soul with which to make a transference agreement. However, an evolved soul may choose to enter a clone and in rare cases, has done so. A few souls were cloned against their will, then assassinated; and, contrary to the Illuminati’s expectations, the souls that entered the clones carried on the “real” persons’ good works insofar as they could. [A comprehensive explanation of human cloning process and reasons it is used on Earth are in October 12, 2016 message.]

Some of your scientists conclude that if intelligent life does exist elsewhere in your galaxy or another, the distance prevents traveling to Earth. Perhaps they should contemplate the theory that life started in the sea. If so, from whence came the one-celled amoeba and paramecium to get things started? How did some of those most rudimentary life forms attain the consciousness to change into other forms, migrate onto land, and become lower simian species that evolved into humans?

Members of numerous civilizations have come to the planet throughout the ages. Many crafts are capable of traveling at ultrasonic speeds, some by means of their own consciousness, and advanced souls travel at the speed of thought. They can visit any world where the vibratory level is compatible with their own, and, if they wish, materialize a body that fits in with that civilization’s.

Beings who know their multidimensional abilities can materialize, dematerialize, levitate and manifest by visualization. Examples are statues on Easter Island, Stonehenge and elsewhere; geoglyphs in Peru’s Nazca desert; pyramids, which anchor energy in a global grid and serve as beacons for spacecraft; and ancient walls and buildings in many areas that are constructed of well-fitted mammoth boulders.

The negative effects of the planet’s first visitors, a group from Lyra who were searching for gold, remain to this day. In violation of universal laws, they went without obtaining permission of the Intergalactic Council and did not submit a mining petition because they didn’t want to share a gold discovery, and they mistreated the subhuman species they brought to do the mining. Their deception, greed and cruelty initiated low vibrations on the formerly pristine, radiant planet known then as Shan or Terra and was considered a jewel in the universe.

And that brings us to the dark forces, which is not a civilization. It is a massive force field of base thought forms that meanders throughout this universe wherever low vibrations attract it. Individuals in any civilization who tend to be greedy, deceptive, cruel or controlling emit the low vibrations that attract that powerful field. Its energy intensifies those traits until the individuals’ conscience ceases to function, their light dims to the spark that is their life force, and they become puppets of the darkness.

From antiquity onward, people from advanced worlds have visited or settled on the planet. Some of the early arrivals interbred with the primitive inhabitants, descendants of the species brought by the Lyrans. That gave the species a jumpstart in intelligence, and consciousness levels gradually increased in succeeding generations. Other seeding programs also were designed to genetically uplift the planet’s permanent inhabitants.

Members of “dark” civilizations came, too, and had malevolent influence, but none are in the current population. About fifty years ago in your concept of time, the light forces surrounded Earth with a protective grid of high vibrations. At the onset of the grid’s erection, the dark forces left your solar system because light is anathema to the composition of that force field, and the low vibrations of dark extraterrestrials cannot enter the brilliance of the grid. It is the low vibrations of free will choices of persons born on Earth that led to their becoming “dark ones.”

Visitors from other worlds during the past several years include St. Germain, who authored most of NESARA’s provisions. He, Ashtar and one of Sananda’s personages go occasionally to confer with principals in the international group working to rid the planet of all dark activities, and other extraterrestrials go to spend time with friends who live in the Himalayas or the Andes. All of those visitors have higher vibratory levels than prevail on Earth, and during their brief time there, they fortify themselves with light energy so they don’t become trapped in the planet’s density.

We wish we could give you a timeframe for Disclosure, but we can’t because nothing has changed since we spoke about this some time ago:

As we mentioned in previous messages, the highest universal council formerly was responsible for arrival and introduction timing and now God is in charge. God relieved the council of the heavy responsibility of deciding when Earth’s peoples are psychologically ready to see spacecraft landing in numbers and to greet unusual looking beings. God will say GO! when the meeting can be with welcoming, not fear, and He is just as eager for that joyous occasion as are all of us who know it is coming. [December 29, 2012 message]

The myriad ways other civilizations are helping you and Earth will continue as long as they are needed, and, beloved brothers and sisters, when the time is right, you will meet other members of our universal family. [In August 21, 2009 and April 23, 2011 messages, several extraterrestrials speak about their civilizations’ assistance.]

All light beings in this universe honor you for your steadfastness in a journey that has required an abundance of perseverance, patience and unwavering belief in the power of love.



Suzanne Ward

Note from Suzy: Your notes of appreciation for the messages are very meaningful—thank you!

Enjoy chapters of Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven on Matthew Books YouTube channel.

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We, of the Universes, continue to inform you that all is wonderful and progressing according to the plan you helped design.

Dear Ones,

It seems as if all are sad, mad, or depressed – perhaps including you. You are a beam of sunshine for many, yet you feel as if your beam of light is not possible or even warranted. As if you should match the mood of the populace.

There are days you know all is right in your being and world. Only to discover that what you hoped for does not appear or that another inhumane activity has become part of your world.

It is as if you have given everything, including accepting disdain from those who never believed in new you to the loss of friends and family. You are lonely, a bit bitter, and immersed in the anger of the world.

You are also exhausted from clearing your pain only to discover that others want you to help them to do the same. You are tired of being of the earth, for it seems as if one pain, one fear, follows another. So it is you wish to close your mind and your physical being to all. Yet, you are lonely – a combination you have likely never before experienced to this degree in this lifetime. For you know the future – you think. But your rewards seem to be moving further away, instead of being accessible now.

Perhaps you dream of a vacation, certain interactions, performing on stage, parties, or furthering your education – all of which are hampered by COVID-19. Even though you have the resources to do something, it’s often not possible for you to do so.

Your freedom to move about has been hampered. Even those who prefer to be alone are finding their freedom of movement altered. Nothing is as it was.

You have moved through your personal hell for this. Why? For what purpose?

We, of the Universes, continue to inform you that all is wonderful and progressing according to the plan you helped design. Such information matters little. For even though you may not be directly affected, your loss of 3D freedom without a reward in another arena has you questioning everything you experienced throughout this transition.

You will, if you have not already, become less and less emotional about 3D actions and activities. But as you do so, you are also losing your 3D sense of joy. So instead of shifting to another joy, it feels as if you have no joy.

Where is your reward? It is difficult to interact freely with your friends and family. And if you do, their excitement, their concerns are not that interesting. So, where is your joy?

You are angry and likely bored. You have emptied your 3D vessel so you no longer experience 3D joy.

So it is you have started searching for your new life. Which is probably not that pleasant. For you have trained for eons to know what gives you 3D pleasure and joy. A new toy. A new community. A new job. Family interactions. Perhaps a wedding, graduation, or a party. Yet, none of those actions feel as they once did. That makes you angry. For you achieved what you set out to do when you initiated this transition – letting go of your 3D life. You just did not expect that loss to be as profound as it now feels.

You thought you would gracefully shift from 3D to the joy of 5D or beyond quickly. You did not expect this void of time or space, which is compounded by COVID.

So it is your vessel is ready to be filled with new thoughts and actions. Such will happen within the next few weeks. Think of your earth being as an empty water glass that once contained a sticky, smelly substance. Now that you are an empty vessel with seemingly no role, you wish to have another liquid in your container. That new liquid is being created by you minute-by-minute.

What was it about that 3D sticky, smelly substance in your container you did not like? How can you create something airy, sparkly, and fun? That is what you are contemplating or, at least, contemplating once you allow yourself to detach from your anger.

Have you ever been in an argument only to realize the argument is too unpleasant to continue or not worth your time? That is the phase you are in now. For you are angry but beginning to realize that anger is not who you are or wish to be. Once you do so, you will begin filling your glass with sparkly fun. Fun that is not curtailed by anything outside of you, including COVID-19. For the anger you are experiencing is not about you or for you. It is merely your need to more fully understand your newly emptied vessel.

Nothing from 3D will be part of your new vessel even though you will likely try to stuff 3D into your vessel – only to discover it continues to be sticky and smelly.

You are an empty vessel – and frightened that such is so. You feel the need to refill it as quickly as possible. But each 3D action and object you attempt to fill your vessel with feels wrong, lifeless, and boring. Which frightens you even more for that means your earth being has no meaning, no purpose.

COVID is forcing you to go within. For that which is outside of you is now tainted. It is no longer as it once was even if you try to make it so.

You are a new being trying to discover yourself outside yourself. Nothing outside of you will fill you up. It is time for you to project your needs within. What is it you are missing? How can you fill that need from within?

Because this transition is a process, you might be living with others at different stages than you – which complicates your interactions even more.

What do you need? How can you create that from within? That is your mission now.

Even though it might be difficult for you to understand, this time of isolation is a blessing.

Your new joys, your new sparkles are to be generated from within. Starting with the knowledge that you wish to fill your empty vessel with sparkles and joy indicative of new you, instead of who you used to be. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

Our Earth, and the Universe in which it sits, are a part of a great computer simulation. We humans exist in a controlled, cleverly arranged program. Our experiences are largely controlled by the amount of love light that is poured onto the earth.-Aita-

You are Graduating from the Planet Earth School Room | Aita Channeling Her Higher Self


Aita Channeling Her Higher Self. July – 2020

It is a wonderful day dawning on Planet Earth. A wonderful day today and everyday that is to come, for we are entering a whole new era of the Planet Earth experience.

The light has come. The light, high vibration energy of love is being poured onto planet Earth. The measurement of this transformative energy is called the Schuman resonance.

This resonance has been increasing exponentially in recent months. At lower levels of incoming light, the Earth has been in the third dimension. And, at these lower levels fear is predominant for there is not enough light to dissipate it.

However, as the light pours in and the level of the Schuman resonance rises, Earth, and Mankind, are moved higher and higher to the fourth dimension where more light penetrates. And, eventually to the fifth dimension of love.

That is where we are heading, to the fifth dimension, where we leave our worries and fears behind for they are lifted from us by the high vibrating love and light that is increasingly permeating our world.

Our Earth, and the Universe in which it sits, are a part of a great computer simulation. We humans exist in a controlled, cleverly arranged program. Our experiences are largely controlled by the amount of love light that is poured onto the earth.

Low levels of light coming in, that is a low Schuman resonance, leads to endemic feelings of fear. As Earth is lifted higher and higher, the fear recedes and love takes over.

What a wonderful feeling it is to leave our fear behind. To be lifted up from the morass of confused and deep, dark emotions we have been enmeshed in.

Earthly life is so very interesting. The intellect cannot plumb its depths, cannot understand the wonderful, intricate workings of the Human program.

And yet, the Human heart, the Human Soul can feel it, can know deeply that all is well. The details, the how’s and why’s are not important to ascension. It is the revelation of the truth of the Human Experience, that moves us into the light.

Those Humans who have seen the truth of, and the reason for, Man’s Earthly adventure, have freed themselves of the ties that have bound them to fear. And thus they having largely left fears and worries behind. They have risen in vibration to the new and high level that the Schuman resonance allows.

However those Humans that, at a Soul level, have decided not to ascend at this time, have not cleared themselves of their everyday worries and concerns.

They do not see the truth of their Planet Earth experience. They cannot see the big picture of why they are in the Material realm. They do not realize that they are Souls, ensconced in body temples, in order to experience what they are not.

Imagine a room that is all white. The walls, the ceilings, the floor, the furniture, everything is white. And you, in that room are all white yourself and are very much contentedly a part of that white environment.

You feel good there, you feel loved, and you know you are a well loved part of the whiteness around you. But you know of nothing else but that whiteness.

So, your knowledge of yourself, of what you are able to feel and accomplish, is limited. You cannot go beyond the limits of your whiteness, for you know of nothing else.

So now a red spot appears in your room. And, now you realize there is something else. You say to yourself, I know now what contrast is. I know what red is. I know what I am not. I am not red. Are there other colors for me to experience, you ask?

So it is with Mankind. As Spirits, we live blissfully in the whiteness of eternal life. We reveled in the beingness of love and communion with All That Is and, with each other.

Yet we were bound by our whiteness. God, Source Energy, wanted to expand, and for its parts, that is us, the drops of water in the ocean of God consciousness, to expand.

In order to do so, we needed to experience the opposite of what we were. We needed to experience fear. How to do that in our blissful, united state? It was not possible.

And so, the Material Realm, the Galaxy, Planet Earth, and Human Bodies, Human Beings were created. And, we great Spirits sent a part of ourselves, our Soul to inhabit these Human bodies, which then became our body temples to house our Soul.

This physicality allowed us to experience separation from each other. Now we had egos, now we felt alone, now we could challenge each other, argue, fight, war with each other.

And our Soul reveled in our doing this. Our Soul encouraged us at every turn. Our Soul allowed our ego to take over.

We plan our lives before we incarnate on Earth. We, together with our Soul families, plan the major challenges we are to have, the major not preferred incidents we are to overcome.

If we do not overcome them the first time, then the lessons are repeated over and over again, until we do master them. That is why the same kind of events, happen to us repeatedly. And we ask, why is this happening to me over and over again?

Why the 6 divorces, why the 5 traffic tickets, why the 3 jail terms and so on? Until the lesson the Soul wishes to learn, the feelings the Soul wishes to feel, are complete, the lesson is repeated.

And so, this is the big picture of Human experience. Souls come to Earth to feel fear, to live through contrast, to know what they are not and thus refine their talents, preferences and abilities. To truly come to know themselves as love and light.

And who provides the contrast? The dark ones do? When we plan our life with our Spirit Guides and Soul family, it is decided who will play the light and who will play the dark.

We have had many, many incarnations. We have all played the kind and the cruel, the wicked and the loving, the caretaker and the prison guard.

For, we need to know ourselves in every aspect of our Humanity before we can ascend back to the love and light Spirit we really are. And, above the fray of Humanity is the illuminati or deep state. The earth was, in a sense, hijacked. Negative beings with no heart were allowed to come to Earth to give more darkness to the Human experience.

Earth is something of an experiment in the Heavenly realm. Mankind is very loving, very obedient, very compliant and very easily trainable. Repetition and words are the control mechanisms.

And these deep state individuals, or dark controllers, knew that. So, they put into place governments, religions, national borders, racial, ethnic and sexual prohibitions and all kinds of divisive rules and regulations.

The deep state players truly are not Human for they have no heart, no consideration of, or caring for man’s suffering. They are as cats playing with mice, as wolves herding sheep.

And so, here we are on Planet Earth in this great time of ascension. The time for Souls in Human bodies to ascend from their fear entrainment, to graduate from the computer simulation training program is at hand.

Those Souls that have completed their learning assignment are moving back into the light. The universal computer is turning up the vibration to allow this. The Schuman resonance is increasing.

You, Dear LIghtworkers, Starseeds are ascending along with that resonance. You and the proportion of mankind, whose Souls are ready to do so, are leaving the Earthly entrainment behind.

The truth has set you free. The truth of the Human life experience, and the reason for that experience, must be seen before it can be overcome.

Those who are not ready to ascend will not see this truth. They will continue along in their deception perception, under their illusional delusion, until such time as their Soul is ready to leave. Be of good cheer Dear Ones. All is well on Planet Earth today. All is proceeding as is intended for the Divine is in charge.

You, Dear Hearts, Dear Souls, are graduating from the Earthly experience. You have taken part in the Earthly fear entrainment and are leaving it with honors. Congratulations. Now, live, love, laugh to the full. Live in the joy, the bliss the deep abiding love that you truly are.

Aita Channeling Her Higher Self. We are Blessed Beings Indeed.

Wouldn’t be nice if ?

Reposting a message from ‘stillness’ i got through email a great way to practice deliberate creation for your highest good=our highest good.

‘What If’
Okay, let’s have a lot of Fun…and some wonderful Hope…and great Excitement today!
What if – there is a great change to everything by the end of the year.
What if – we begin to now live in a world that works for everyone.
What if – all people and races live in peace and harmony, together as one!
What if – there is the global and public proclamation of a global jubilee or debt forgiveness…and universal reset of planetary earth/humanity back to a universal system of common governance in transparent good standing with other member beings of the Galactic Federation.
What if – there is the Implementation of GESARA as a universal constitutional framework for global governance in all 209 sovereign nations per the signed 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, starting with the – restored Republic of the United States.
What if – there is a Mass human disclosure of both non-humanoid (extra-terrestrial) life in existence on the surface of this planet and throughout our shared galaxy.
What if – there is no general USA presidential election on November 3rd.
What if – Trump withdraws himself from the presidential election arena soon.
What if – both the Republican and Democratic parties – begin to see the need to abolish themselves – as all they do is create divisiveness anyway.
What if – Trump enacts the NESARA in the USA and GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reform Act) – and it becomes activated.
What if – all billions of the human population will benefit from GESARA.
What if – all the Earth will finally be free to experience itself as the abundant planet it was created to be.
What if – everyone will have a “Replicator” machine that instantly produces anything you want, be it food, clothes or whatever.
What if – there will be no hospitals, no vaccines, not even sickness. Because when the Med Beds (Holographic Medical Pods) are released to the public, in a matter of minutes, they will heal all and any illness or disease or cancer. Every human being will regain their freedom and live a prosperous, rich and happy life.
What if – there is equality for all peoples of Planet Earth.
What if – a New Generation of Governments without Corruption…Banks with Low Interest Rates…No Hunger…and Global Peace. It will be a way to give back to the people what has been robbed from them all their lives.
What if – there is a Global Prosperity Program for everyone and every citizen will have more than enough – a roof over their head, food on the table and health for everyone. Whether or not you have a job, there will always be money in your account.
What if – all debts of credit cards, mortgages and other bank debts are canceled – due to the illegal and corrupt form of banking and government activity around the world.
What if – the IRS would be dismantled and replaced with a national sales tax – thus, income tax will be abolished as well, as GESARA will make personal taxes monetarily unnecessary.
What if – a new 14% -17% single rate tax on new non-core items – which will provide the sustainable revenue stream for all national governments after GESARA.
What if – there will now be greater benefits for the elderly and children after GESARA.
What if – now anyone can participate in this great humanitarian project of prosperity – according to their individual gifts and talents.
What if – everyone will experience honor, prosperity and justice.
What if – a new Presidential and Congressional elections are established within 120 days of GESARA’s announcement.
What if – the USA has a newly elected Lady President of the Republic of the United States near the beginning of 2021.
What if – the interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return the us back to constitutional law.
What if – the Federal Reserve System is eliminated.
What if – there is a release of unprecedented sums of money for humanitarian purposes.
What if – there is the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public…including free energy devices…anti-gravity….and sonic healing machines.
What if – water, light, and heating accounts – will be removed due to opening of free energy patents.
What if – all love warriors of the white light – now put an end to cabal deceit as well as re-institute universal truth and justice without further delay or negotiation.
What if – those who are corrupt and their helpers are removed.
What if – real change cannot happen until cabal governments have been ousted and replaced by honest people-controlled administrations.
What if – people are shocked by the number of well-known elites who will soon be exposed for their heinous crimes.
What if – there is the removal of all members of the US Congress and Senate (old guard) from their positions – due to their continuous unconstitutional actions and further in-actions of do nothings.
What if – the new Republic Congress is to implement the natural Constitutional Line of Succession.
What if – those, who had deliberately acted outside the Constitution of the Republic, and had committed treason, it will be required the physical and permanent removal from their government positions of all those, who were treasonous.
What if – all US military troop intervention – are immediately removed from all sovereign nations.
What if – there will be no more wars on Earth – which includes an international armistice.
What if – there is a required ceasefire – for all aggressive, government military actions worldwide – including the Middle East.
What if – any attempt at a third world war is eliminated, because the Galactics have neutralized all of Earth’s atomic arsenal.
What if – there is a single currency, backed by real wealth. And it will be digital, because it will be part of the Quantum Financial System (QFS).
What if – a new UST coin has been created which can only be minted by the United States Treasury ((UST) with headquarters in Reno, Nevada. Thus, eliminating the power of the Rothschild’s privately-held Federal Reserve (The FED) which issued money as they pleased.
What if – Quantum computers are being used. They are equipped with Alienigen Technology, unknown on Earth, moved by plasma and tachyon energy, as well as possessing controllable Artificial Intelligence. The dark cabal will never be able to hack the QFS system, nor promote money laundering operations, or steal from citizens. You will all have you own account, and you can access that account freely.
Because the quantum computer detects immediately, and in real time, any attempted fraud or theft, and automatically blocks the requested transaction.
What if – we all to start celebrating the freedom of “BEING” and the Victory of the Strength of the Light, from now on! Wake up to that new and wonderful life of freedom that awaits everyone.
What if – we all – Be Happy! – Give up fear and replace it with Love.
What if – we accept that it is Prime Creator Source to stop and reverse the momentum of this rebellious and blatant dark cabal, and put an end to its deceit and to help humanity and Mother Earth (Gaia) bring into alignment the goals of The Great Shift in Consciousness.
What if – we understand that This prosperity will be due largely to the endurance of our Earthly Allies and the brilliant strategies set in motion, many centuries ago, by the Ascended Masters, such as Count St Germaine, Master Hilarion, Seraphis Bey and Saint Paul the Venetian…and many others.
What if – we expect to see the Galactics on national TV and prior to that, friendly global lightship shows will be on display for everyone to see.
What if – people can and will travel to other planets and worlds – that are presently already inhabited with human or other alien life.
Please feel free to add your own thoughts to this list.

Source loves all beings unconditionally-Arcturians via Daniel-

The Cassiopeian Contribution to the August Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to announce that we have been meeting with several collectives here in the ninth dimension to determine how we can all unite in a more harmonious way so that we can all be of greater service to humankind and all of the other physical beings throughout the galaxy. We are so very happy that we have experienced more of the perspective of the Cassiopeians during these little get-togethers. Cassiopeia is a star system where beings incarnate in order to explore all of the various ways there are of feeling, expressing, and knowing the vibration of love.

And so, the Cassiopeian perspective on how to help humanity at this time is to transmit more and more love every single day, every single moment, in fact. They are very certain that this is the best approach to assisting all of you. It is an approach that they have found to be tried and true in their experience, and they have a lot of experience putting this philosophy to the test. Now, as we have said, in previous transmissions, the main purpose of the energies that are coming to you from our collective, and other collectives that we are working with, is to put you all in that knowing that you are Source Energy Beings.

And the path to Source is now and always will be the heart. Source is Love. Source loves all beings unconditionally, and so this Cassiopeian approach, this Cassiopeian agenda is one that we are in harmony with, and we are going to help put to the test there on Earth and throughout this galaxy of ours. This is a time when many humans are abandoning their hearts, and getting very attached to their thoughts, their perspectives, their points of view about what’s happening there on your world, and we could not imagine a better time, nor a better opportunity for love to be anchored in and to do what it does.

Love heals. Love awakens. Love is a force to be reckoned with, and one that can be used to create a much more harmonious and peaceful experience of life there on planet Earth. Now is the time to put this Cassiopeian philosophy to the test, and you are the ones who are awake enough to resonate with this truth. And so, we suggest that you all focus on opening your hearts up throughout the month of August there on planet Earth, and see how much of this beautiful Cassiopeian energy you can anchor in and make available to the rest of humankind.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Focus on what you do want, dear friends not on what you don’t.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

From time immemorial there have been theories about conspiracies. Who is controlling you? What is controlling you? Secret governments. Chem trails, 5G, vaccinations, and the list goes on. Some of these theories have a foundation in truth, for fearful souls have always tried to control others through fear. Many are simply fabrications.

We would like to share with you the most hidden fact of all upon your planet earth, namely that you are so powerful that no one or nothing can control you without you vibrationally allowing for it.

Ask yourself, “Does that statement thrill me and make me feel empowered, or does it bother me, and if it bothers me, why does it bother me?” Would you rather give your power to be happy to another, and thus also give them the power to control you? Are you frustrated because you don’t know how to access your power? Have you been so deeply conditioned in believing people, substances, and other forces have power over you? Are you unknowingly addicted to control dramas because you were raised within or around them?

If so don’t beat yourself up, dear ones! You are not alone. You, as a human race, are learning to reclaim your God-given power to create life as you wish it and to stand in a vibration so strong that nothing or no one can control you other than the power of Divinity that lies within you.

You are learning to attune your energy rather than exert your effort. You are learning that no force on this earth, no person, no virus, no substance has more power over you than the power of your own belief.

There have been people of such faith in God’s protection that tornadoes leapt right over their houses. There have been people in the midst of wars and bombs who had such peace in their hearts they lived in love. There have been brave souls in all ages, tending to the sick whose love protected them from the illnesses they tended to.

When you were a child , at the human level people had power over you, but some day, when you truly understand the vibrational laws of the universe and the true nature of your eternal soul, you will see all of life, from conception onwards, as a dance of vibration –  not a clashing of external powers.

We implore you not to waste your precious life and breath on worrying about who or what is controlling you. Instead learn to reclaim your God-given power. Learn to use your mind to select thoughts that attune your energy towards that which you want – so powerfully that you simply do not allow that which you don’t into your field.

Give thanks for your health every day and focus on it so strongly that sickness cannot overtake you. Or if you are sick,do what you know physically, and then focus on what you will do when you feel well. Give thanks for all the goodness you do have. Enjoy life as best you can, and have faith you will heal… because your soul is alreayd well, and that is the only reality you will accept.

When you think of vibrations in the universe that you don’t care for, for example 5G or chem trails, it is fine to advocate for other technologies, but dear ones, don’t fear them! Don’t give them your power. You are Divine! What you focus upon with love is your reality. What you focus upon with fear, slowly seeps into your reality as well.

It is fine to say, “We don’t want secrets” but better to say, “We want truth.” It is fine to say, “We don’t want this and such” but better to say, “We want something better instead.” Focus on what you do want, dear friends not on what you don’t. Never, ever upon your earth have you solved a problem by obsessively focusing on getting rid of something or someone.

If you fear or hate certain technologies you feed the vibration that creates them. If you fear or hate certain political parties or leaders, you feed the very ones and things you dislike with your attention and energy. If you fear or hate your ex, you give him or her a lot of free energy!

However if you love clean, helpful technologies, you empower them. If you love things that assist the body in maintaining well being, you empower that. If you send love and prayers to any political leader or any party, you empower them with greater wisdom! If you send love to your ex, or at least ignore him/her, you keep your power to yourself!

Empower your solutions and desired situation with love! Don’t give away your energy in anger, fear, or hatred to that which do not want to see. You don’t mean to, but many of you are unknowingly empowering the very things you’d like to be rid of through such strong negative attention.

Far better to empower what you DO want to see with strong loving attention, which is far more powerful.

Dear ones, the only “conspiracy theory” worth focusing upon is the “conspiracy of love” for love is the greatest secret in the universe. You live and breathe it. You swim in it. You are made of it. You are connected by it. Set your sights there. Focus upon what you do love, what you can love. Love yourself as often and thoroughly as you can by accepting yourself without condition even as you grow. Love others as much as you can.

Someday, when you truly embrace your God-given power to create a loving reality by enjoying love here and now, and dreaming of what you love with faith in it coming in perfect timing, then dear ones you will be able to live and let live without worry, because nothing or no one will ever be able to control you again.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

The miracle of these times is that the masses are daily awakening in greater and greater numbers. You, the vanguard, have opened the way and set the stage for the monumental transformational process that is affecting all humanity and the planet.-AA Michael through Ronna-




            Beloved masters, as surely as you live and breathe, you are helping to create either Heaven or hell on Earth. Or many of you may possibly feel that you vacillate somewhere in-between the two.  No matter what you believe or how you interpret the ancient teachings, Heaven is a state of mind-consciousness and not somewhere out there in the higher dimensions. It is not only a place you may be eligible to go to when you transcend and leave your present physical vessel, although not a final destination, it is also a state of consciousness that you can create and exist in no matter where you have been, where you are now, or where you are going in the future.  You came from a “heavenly place,” and you brought Love/Light with you, along with the ability to create a “heavenly environment” no matter what dimension, world or reality you have chosen to experience.  

            Hell on Earth is what many of you have been experiencing over these many thousands of years since humanity’s “Fall into unconsciousness.” You have been living in an “unreal world” whereby you are steeped in fear, superstition, feelings of shame, guilt and of being unworthy of love or abundance.  You have allowed others to tell you how to think and act, and you have allowed those you thought were wiser than you to take away your power and control your lives.  A maelstrom of negative thought forms created by the masses has kept you imprisoned in a world of illusion.

            Your real world was designed to be crisp, clear, free-flowing and harmonious, whereby you would traverse the middle path with few obstacles in your way. A beautiful world of peace and plenty where you could freely cocreate in cooperation and harmony with your fellow brothers and sisters on the journey.  A place where you would be attuned to all levels of consciousness, as well as connected with all Facets of Creation. A place that was designed to be a Heaven on the material plane of existence.  Remember, your mission was to experience the realm of physicality so that the Creator could also experience this wondrous Facet of ITS creation.

            The miracle of these times is that the masses are daily awakening in greater and greater numbers. You, the vanguard, have opened the way and set the stage for the monumental transformational process that is affecting all humanity and the planet.  Through your tireless efforts, you have anchored the higher frequencies of Light upon and within the Earth, thereby making them available to all those who are ready to open their hearts and step onto the path of heightened awareness and Self-mastery.  Each person has the ability to create their own unique Heaven on Earth. That is the miracle of these unparalleled times in which you are living.

            You are stretching your spiritual muscles, and you are tapping into the vast resources which have been awaiting you for these many Ages. You are beginning to reclaim the elements and characteristics of your real world.  A world that all of you helped to create in the beginning. Down through the multiple dimensions each of you brought with you, stored in your Diamond Core God Cell, all the attributes, virtues and qualities of the twelve Rays – a precious gift from our Father/Mother God.  In the beginning, you used your abilities to create many magnificent and wondrous things until, over time, your abilities became diminished, distorted and imperfect because of your fall into the illusional negative environment of the lower dimensions. Thus, you began to create and live in an unreal world, a hellish place of your own making.

             The Supreme Creator knows only perfection, and our Father/Mother God parents desire only the very best for all Creation.  They do not punish.  They do not take sides.  They do not know anger or fear.  They are filled with and radiate only Love/Light, which comprises compassion, joy and harmony, as well as all things righteous and good.  It does not matter what religion you are.  It does not matter if you are an atheist, an agnostic or whether you say you hate or deny God.  You will never truly die – you only change form.  You are immortal. 

            Remember, you are a refracted Light/Spark of the Creator.  You see through a lens made up of vibrational frequencies which are composed of thought forms, intentions and actions resulting in a unique picture of reality you have created over many thousands of lifetimes.  You are in the process of reclaiming your higher truth, refining your thoughts and clearing your vision.  As you do so, the veils of illusion are slowly dissolving while you gradually build your new version of Heaven on Earth, which will gradually blend and meld with the visions of your spiritual brothers and sisters.  

            Each phase of the Divine Plan is imprinted holographically upon the Earth’s auric field, and there is a Memory Seed Atom Code designed to ignite within each of you at a specific time – nudging and inspiring you to fulfill your Divine Mission – an integral part of the Grand Plan. It has been carefully orchestrated so that if any one of you abdicates, there is always another brave Soul ready to take your place.  The Divine Blueprint for the Earth and humanity will not be denied.  It will be brought to fruition. There are many contingency plans with wide parameters, and there is a fail-safe. The forward march of the Ages will proceed as mandated by the Creator and our Father/Mother God.

            Throughout the centuries, there have been predictions and prophecies about a New Age of evolution on Earth and within humanity, which has been termed as a passage from instinctual, physical/human beings to INTUITIVE SPIRITUAL/HUMAN BEINGS – a return to your true nature as Divine Sparks of the Creator. One galactic cycle takes approximately 26,000 years to complete, and the Earth and all sentient Beings are being affected as humanity emerges from the darkness into the refined Light and a new cosmic day. A new Golden Age is in the making.  A wondrous new Golden Galaxy is in the early formation stages.  It will incorporate the refined vibrational frequencies of your successful, earthly experiences, along with the wisdom garnered throughout your many sojourns on the earthly plane – a grand, new Divine Plan sent forth from the Mind and Heart of the Supreme Creator to our Father/Mother God of this Universe.

            During the night or dark cycle of past Ages, you sank into density, and your Life/Light Line to your Higher Self and our Father/Mother God was greatly diminished.  You were left to your own devices in hopes that you would awaken to your Inner Source (resources) of Spiritual Power.  The Divine Plan did not call for you to experience lack, limitation and fear; however, you had to suffer the consequences of your free will actions, the discordant energies you projected out into your world.

            We have spoken many times before about the laws of cause and effect or for every action there is a reaction, which results in what is known as negative or positive Karma.  For many ages, you, as the en-Lighten-ed ones, have been working diligently to bring into balance your personal karma, ancestral karma, and race karmic influences.  That was a major part of the game of duality and polarity –  returning to balance and harmony in all Facets of your Beingness. You have struggled with the cross of matter for many Ages. It is wondrous to watch as you slowly return to harmonious frequencies the discordant energies that have kept you off-balance for so long. 

            As you heal and transmute the thought forms that have kept you captive in your hellish environment of the past, you are once more becoming a Pillar of Light. The cross you bear is becoming a Cross of Light that radiates forth via your Solar Power center from the front and back of your heart chakra.  Thus, you are creating a column of Light by which you are beginning to experience the fruits of your labor, as you reclaim your heavenly heritage as an Emissary of Light.

            Many of you are wondering what will happen now as the winds of war, conflict and destruction swirl like a dark and heavy cloud around the Earth, touching and affecting everything and everyone.  It depends on what you are feeling and thinking, dear ones – what is on your mind and in your heart as to whether you will stand firmly in the Light or add to the negative karmic thought forms that are being created each and every moment. Again, we ask you, are you contributing to the liberating vibrations of Heaven, or the discordant frequencies of hell?  We are asking you to no longer sit passively by the wayside and do nothing. You are being asked to stand up and be counted, for your dynamic Life Force energy is needed now as never before.

            You are much more powerful than you can imagine, my brave friends, and you are playing an important role in attaining a peaceful solution to a very unsettling world situation.  The energy you are radiating forth from your heart center has just as much of an influence on the outcome of the devastating conflicts around the world as those who are on the front lines. You, too, are on the front lines, so to speak, for you have the ability to tap into the pure, unmanifested primal Life Force substance and mold it into powerful thought forms and actions that can overcome any adversity.  The brave Souls who have been called to the battlefield, no matter which side they are fighting for, if they are doing so with a desire for true justice for all and with compassion of Spirit for their fellow human beings, instead of hate, a desire for revenge and to enslave or control others, then they are functioning as righteous champions of Light, and the forces of Heaven are with them.

            Vast numbers of people around the world are lamenting, why can we not have leaders with integrity who are Spirit-inspired instead of those who are self-serving, seeking power and who do not have the best interests of the masses as their predominant goal?  

            It is also a sign of the times, beloveds.  The great changes that are slowly taking place must begin in the hearts of the people. As your beliefs change and gain power and force, you will build new thought forms of a positive nature. You will insist that your leaders be accountable, have integrity, and are trust-worthy, valiant champions of the people. Your leaders reflect the mindset of the masses. An important part of your life’s mission is to radiate unconditional love to ALL humanity and to the Earth. When that concept becomes the predominant desire of the masses, it will create a powerful thought form that will be added to the collective whole so that it may be used for the highest good of ALL. When you do so, you are in alignment with the Creator’s Divine Plan, and you stand with my Legions of Light as champions of harmonious coexistence on Earth.

            When we say you should seek that which is your passion and that which brings you the greatest satisfaction and joy, many of you do not have the slightest idea what that is. We ask you to begin by eliminating those things that are stressful in your life, that which brings you pain and which you dread.  You did not become the way you are in a day, a week or a year; however, you can reclaim your empowered, masterful Self much more quickly than you imagine.  We have offered you many tools, techniques and information over these past years, but you must make a commitment and prove for yourself that what we offer you are the magical tools you have been seeking. 

            We have said many times, you must turn knowledge into wisdom or you must come to the realization that something is true and achievable.  Realization is when something becomes crystal clear in your mind and you know that it is your truth. Then you must put that truth into action. Knowledge and wisdom overlaid with love and compassion, fueled by focused intent/action, create the power that holds the keys to the universal storehouse of unmanifested potential – potential that is just waiting for you to mold it and create anything you can envision. That is what is waiting for you in your new heavenly world of tomorrow.

            It is a time of integration and moving back into balance in all things. Of paramount importance is the reunification of the Father/Mother God Forces within each of you, and eventually all of the Earth. This reunification process will speed up your return to balance and harmony within yourselves.  You will, once again, embody both the masculine and feminine attributes, qualities and virtues of the Supreme Creator. No longer fractured and warring within yourselves, but empowered through the combined qualities, attributes and talents of your Divine Self.

            The celestial winds of change are sweeping your galaxy and have, at last, reached the Earth.  No longer can you ignore the fact that your world is changing moment by moment. You feel that time is speeding up, but it is actually your Earth that is spiraling through space at a faster pace.  You are moving into a reality where time is fluid and space is malleable.

            Great Beings of Light have come from the far reaches of the Omniverse to observe and assist you in these epochal times of momentous change. We can inspire, direct and assist you, but you and you alone must take the action that will result in Heaven on Earth. Watch for the signs in the sky and the beautiful clouds and sunsets that the angels paint for you. Be sensitive to the nudgings and whispers we send your way, and be aware of all the miracles, large and small, that we arrange for you. We are not out there. We are only a thought and a heartbeat away. I surround and enfold you in my auric field of love and protection.  You are loved beyond measure.  I AM Archangel Michael.

Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included.