Insight from 1st and 2nd Ascension Wavers.

I am first wave of Ascension and this let me be very clear makes no more superior than anybody else,just different to my task being on the planet.During the period of 2012-2019 i had to go through intense purification process creating the pathway with all first wavers to the higher dimensions for the rest of the waves and generations coming.The 2nd wavers are now in full process going through the stages of Ascension in much faster pace than the first wavers,which from one side seems cool and from another side is going to be super intense.Those ones are preparing the pathway for the 3rd wave of Ascension which is going to be even faster and so on and so on.And yesterday i was having a conversation with Lore,who is an artist from Belgium and we found out she was a 2nd waver from what she was describing.And the reason i am writting this is because what she shared with me i find mind-blowing of what is to come!!!We were speaking about New Earth education and how to assist children in learning processes and she shared with me that the star children will be attracting what they need to know through their hologram of existence.Try to rap your mind around this information here and see what is to become of our current educational systems.We the older generations even while on the Ascension awareness are just starting to comprehend how 5D world and beyond is operating.Now try to expand this thinking and apply to all other ways of living our lives,collaborating one with another and finding solutions that work for all.A few days ago,i introduced the term FEEL tankers instead of think tankers.Now,lets imagine that we gather few of the super kids and ask them to find solutions on different areas of life so they work for the highest good for all.Can you imagine with what speed we will be able to bring about solutions just with the power of our feelings?it is already happening in our individual lives for those of us who experiment with those ideas of deliberate creation,now multiply this a million fold and feel the results that will be coming out of our FEEL tankers for the highest good for all.


“Charlie Ward and Tara: There’s So Much Wealth for all of us” by Kat

Hi Dinarlandia,

This was a wonderful video chat with Charlie Ward and Tara/Xena.

A few things you don’t already know, but it is always encouraging to hear that more and more people are waking up and it’s good to be reminded of the staggering gargantuan wealth that is available for all of us.

One of my most favorite quotes is from Carl Jung:

“Our world is so exceedingly rich in delusions
that a truth is priceless…”
Carl Jung, Modern Man In Search Of A Soul, pg. 46

That is so true and we are now learning all the reasons why that is true. In a cabal / deep state / illuminati world, truth is anathema.

So in a world rich in delusions, Charlie Ward videos have been literally, for me, a beacon of light, hope and truth. You can’t ask for more from anyone in the middle of WWIII.

As of this writing, Charlie has 131k you-tube subscribers. Huge congrats Charlie! Well deserved!

Key Points:

-NESARA was written in 1962
-Governments have stolen Pension Funds
-Can vote from your phone on the blockchain system which eliminates all voting corruption, which Charlie knows from first-hand experience as he moved money around the world for elites to insure certain people were elected.
-NESARA / GESARA gets us out of Maritime Law
-The poorest countries — South Africa, Zimbabwe, South America — are actually the richest in gold, copper, coal, uranium, oil, gold, diamonds…
-Trusts are worth one quarter of a ZILLION dollars +
-Charlie has been working with a team doing an evaluation of what it takes to run the world financially. Only need 13% – 17% tax on non-essential items…
-Enough money in the world to pay everyone a Universal Basic Income…

Such a beautiful, rich and abundant world is coming for all. A pristine Divinely restored planet, Divinely restored Kingdoms, Divinely restored Humanity—all golden for a wondrous, peaceful, miraculous Golden Age.

With blessings of Peace, Health, Wealth and Happiness for all – we are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,

xo, Kat


Fake News Definition.

News created by the best professionals in their respective fields (reporters, actors,think tankers etc that are getting paid very well to do their jobs)to disorient the public from Truth.This means that indeed there is a vast population paying the price with their lives, so that the rest of the population on the planet remain in the low frequencies of fear, hate and shame.So yes, it truly happened and it has been prepared meticulously to happen but it did not happen naturally so to speak.The truth about the last known pandemic is more likely to be known by all in about 3 months.This will prepare for the next truths to be told in 2021 when humanity as a whole is ready in consciousness to receive the whole truth =full disclosure of what occurred and has been occurring for thousands of years.Much of the truth is already licking out and If you are reading this post most probably you know about most of it and if you don’t and happen to believe what i am posting my invitation to all is to continue daily in your prayers,visualizations and meditations seeing that everybody is no more afraid , everybody becoming aware of the one Truth that we are all pieces of the same one Being(GOD/UNIVERSE), and the same one Being (GOD/UNIVERSE) exists in all of the pieces.IAM the ONE.YOUARE the ONE.( Neo in Matrix short Reminder :YOUARE the ONE Neo = You each are Neo(=anagram for ONE). #FeelMoreThanFine